The Straits Times, 12 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 The Straits Times MALAYA'S LEA bl\G St.WSl'tPLli'-ESTAti USIIED 1843 PAGI 9 SINGAPORE. MONDAY, NOVLMBER 12, 1943 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 345 1 Land, Sea And Air Attack Opened S;»uraba>a has been turned into a battleAn official announcement issued b\ Allied ('quarters m Batavia, quoted by Reuter, tea that British warships, aircraft and artiJlswmig into action on Saturday morning ana M>ps of the Fifth Indian Division fought •inst
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  • 138 1 Messages from British correspondents m Batavia state there is every reason to believe that about 20,000 armed Japanese have joined the Indonesians and will be the spearhead of any attack the Indonesians may try to launch. It is also reported that armed Indonesian nationalists •xre now
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  • 74 1 SYDNEY. Nov. 10.— Ground stall members of the Royal Australian Air Force have been asked to volunteer tor service with the Dutch air iorce m Java for six months. Volunteers were called for through the daily routine order posted on the notice Sards of the RAA.F.
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 199 1 Weciemeyer On China Situation CHUNGKING, Nov. 11.— While determined to protect United States lives an.-i pro-j perties m the Chinese v/ur area, Lieut. -Gen. Albert. Wedemeyer, Commandcr-in-Chief of the U.S. forces m China, declared: "United i States forces will not kc i beyond Chinwangtao, on the Pciping-Mukden railway." The General
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 91 1 From Our Own Correspondent London, Nov. 10. The Conservative Party has set up an Imperial Affairs Committee with Capt; L. D. Gammans, a former Malayan Cr :1 Servant., now M.P. "for the Hornsev (North London) Division, as honorary secretary. The Chairman of r .h*. Committee is
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  • 52 1 From Our Own rorre-pondent London, Nov. JO. H.MS. Malaya, the 31,000ton battleship which was riven to Britain by the people of the Federated Malay States, m 10U>. has been transferred to reserve after playing a very and distinguished par; In the War. She was several times c'r *:iu°od
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  • 12 1 ParK Nov 10.— At a sitrinc: Frenrh Con•noned the l Governing i
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  • 438 1 ATTLEE TRUMAN BEGIN TALKS British Atomic Expert In U.S. With Premier Within two hours of his arrival m Washington on Saturday, Mr. Clement Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain, began with President Truman of the. United State? at the White House what may come to rank as one of the
    Reuter  -  438 words
  • 35 1 LONDON, Nov. 10.— It h reported from Washington that the British Premier, Mr. Clement Attlee, will address a joint session of Congress next Tuesday and ♦hat his speech will be broadcast. Kcuter.
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  • 14 1 Lady Louis Mountbattcn is arriving m Singapore tomorrow morning.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 677 2 When it w.t.s ai o that 'he Fourteenth Army VM :ibout to be disbanded, and the Malaya command revived irtth headquarters at Kuala I umpur, many people n Singapore experienced ,<f relief. Tho did not arise from any antipath] toward
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  • 593 2 m response to many requests, the full text of \ro Atl.uitic Charter. This c'f-ci.ment which has since l*»n the subject of much controversy, «ras drafted beto c iMe Japanese attack on Mai ■>.!. On Autmsi 14, 1941 Mr C. R. Attlee, then Privy Beai and Depiuy Frme
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 52 2 The B.M.A. should stop the crccker nuisance. Day and nich.. arc*, even after midnight, youths can be heard piaying wilh crackers. To the Chinese, cracker firing ulebrates a festival day, Chan Goh May. On that day. plenty uf crackers are fired. On other days it should be stopped. —K.
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    • 158 2 Having b.»en a subscriber to yoi-.i paper from the time I left school m 1914. I waited anxiously for the first copies to arrive here after an absence of three and half year.-. In the int- rim t.-je only reading matter available w-as from the few bevks
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    • 111 2 I know of a boy of eight, whose father was taken away by the Japanese from the "concentration camp" at Telok Kurau m 1942 because he was a member of the local Volunteer Police Reserve. He has been asked to pay school fees, m spite of the fact
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    • 78 2 Will the authorttitt kindl? Authorise the opening of Gr >w Food to cyclists? Thi? would he I rry much appreciated The majority of men and women workers living m the Katong and biflap districts have to cycle u> I si.d from town daily due to tr P rt
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    • 15 2 Af; irial, ■Too Mu.-. <• ,ui,i not I wip d my fla eoi econd time
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    • 152 2 The majority of B.M.A pcSCZinel is composed of M.C.b. officials who were luck} enough '.>> Kt-t away curing the Japanese Invasion of this country or who were not m Malaya at the time. The pre-war Malayan Government was the target of attach from different sources for its "red
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    • 126 2 The decision to pay only members of the Local Forces not now m civilian employment is a ma: tor which calk for immediate investigation. If it is the intention of the authorities to curtail expenses m respect of the I/ocal Forces, it I can do so by
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    • 65 2 There are many scent stores and ammunition and petrol dumps that arc still. I believe, unknown to thr Military authorities Th<> Japanese dumped ammunition and petrol all over the place and camouflaged t! ions and fires will result igest that the authorities d labour sec- ;uifl request thf-rr.
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  • 305 2 Singapore Diary Whi-i. 1001 Raffles Hotel and cipality and in t] where neat clerks work in collars ai often wonder I Malaya will Ares Japanese wer< dummies, but. their due, they I where dres cerned. Comfort. opinion, meant great ciency and many inclined to th ..k selves in the
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  • 453 3 ATTENDANCE AT CATHEDRAL, CENOTAPH With the world st. ll bleeding from the ravat;e> im vciirs of war. yesterdays Armistice Day monies m Singapore, v.hich commemorated the of 11U4-18 and *****5, had a very real poipiand meaning for the thousands of men and n of
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  • 169 3 Government Willing To Give Loans To Miners Colonial Office Adviser Reveals Scheme From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, NOV. 10.— Mr. A. r> Storke, adviser on mining; affairs to the Colonial Office, London, revealed at an informal meeting with Perak miners yesterday that the government, mindful of the straitened circumstances of
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  • 132 3 MALA Y NA VY REPRESENTED Twenty rattafa of the Roy^i Malay Navy who were with Uie naval contingent at the Armistice ta> parade m Singapore yasterive up three days of their I foreign service leave to prepare ;ind take part m the ceremony Since leaving Malaya In 1942 tc carry
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  • 109 3 A gun fired twice from a ijr.ding ship denoU'd the beginning and end of the two minutes' silence for the Diany naval vessels lying at anchor m the roads. a»>d alongside the wharves yesterda.v. In accordance v.itii Adruralty instructions, services were held on board the
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  • 22 3 Cathay Cinema began screening 'The Gentle Sex' to packed houses yesterday There will be three shows daily today and tomorrow.
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  • 56 3 At the first general meeting of rr.embers of the St. Andrews Old Boys' Association, It was unanimously agreed to submit Mr. Fichard Lim Chuan Hoe as a enresentatWe of the Old Boys to the Board cf Governors cf £t Andrew's School Mr. Enn /h Koon. an old boy, agreed to
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  • 228 3 Statements On Rubber Estates, Tin Mines Eagerly Awaited Weekly Market Report Correspondence from Lon- j drr Sydney and several cities ir. India contain such con- stantlv-repeated words as "We would appreciate your informing us of the condition of rubber estates end tin mines. 11 often followed by reference to rumours
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 239 3 .iiicy occurs for an efficient m r Good salary. Appiv Co. Combined Film 275. Orchard Rd \:i Accountant and far a reputable ChiGood Salary. Pltase fences to P. o WANTED efficient ft reliable lady ;.d-typLst. Apply Mr. C O American ConHongkonß Bank Building ..txl Chinese wants position Mtarjr or accountant.
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    • 337 3 War.ted. Efficient lady Stenotypist for confidential work. Musi have good knowledge of secretarial work and filing. Apply, stating age. experience and salary required, to:— Box No. 26 c o S.T Any Chinese Cooks or stewards who have previously served uttll the Royal Nav> m ships or shore establishments and who
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    • 259 3 KcS^fex erewv/si SERVICE We regret not bring: able to aece^t other makes of watches for repair. Gammeter Co. 8 Seton Close. TanjfHn. Weekdays 2-5 p.m. BEWARE OP IMITATION Insist on Ha.' OU rfae Oldest Brand In The Market The Great Eastern Optical <v. •'TV South Bridge Road. Established rt r
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  • 165 4 Frett Our Own Corre>pondrnt I.onidon, Nov. 10. Newspapers here have recently published letters from the relatives m this country of soldiers serving m Malaya who have written home complaining of the high prices which, they say, have been charged t<» them by tradesmen m Malaya. One such letter.
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  • 285 4 Seeking Satisfaction On Labour Wage Question The Government of Ind-i i* not nreparcu to raise the ban on assisted inimigranon to Malaya until it is satisfied on the question of a basic wage for plantation labour, declared Mr. S. K. Chettur. 1.C.5..
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  • 38 4 Girls who have ro iis'erp.i or wish to regi s t c r for classes from Std. VI to senior Cambridge nre asked to report at M.G.S. School, Mr Sophia, tomorrow at 930 a.m.
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  • 268 4 Asiatic Staffs Praised From Our Own Correspondent t wflon, Nov. 10. A warm tribute to the Asiatic staff of Harrisons Barker Co.. Ltd.. the Mala y a n subsidiary of Harrisons Crosfiold Ltd. was paid by Mr. H. Eric Miller when he presided at the annual meeting m London recently
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  • 24 4 The death of Mr. Mend is rie Fonseka. father of Mr. M. G. de Fonseka, of Anson Road. Singapore, is reported from Kalutarn. C<r.lon.
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  • 239 4 According to a member of a search party now visiting the Lesser Sunda Island, a number of people from Malaya are reported well and will be repatriated soon. T'ey include:—From Singapore: Ju- Klyne; Mohamcd Taib, 2 Siong Lim Park, Lorong 40, \ylang; Raja
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 CLERICAL UNION MEETING A meeting of the committee cf the Ori-nl Un'on will br he;i on Tuesday. Nov. 13. at B pm. f O. H. Kir.t Co.. LtJ.. Robin&<r Read, ti disciJ--.< the affairs of the Union. ARAB 'AT HOME' Members of thr Arab com- i munity attended an "At
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    • 565 4 PALACEGAY Phone 6Z23 1.n0— 3.15— 6. 15— 9.15 nm November 11th 13th OfUOEN ARCHER Serial (Chaps I 7) GLOBE -Great World Park 3 00— 7 00— 9.00 nm. ESPIONAGE AGENT .Joel KcCrea Brrnda Marshal: Tomorrow ONE HUNDRED MEN A GIRL (Deanna Durbin) SKY -Great World Park 7 oon.noo p
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