The Straits Times, 8 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times MALAYAN LEADING NEWSH4PER-ESTAU LISHF.D 1845 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1945 .tier: *o rty>T>
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  • 291 1 Molotov's Protest Against Secrecy The strongest Soviet protest yet against any attempt to monopolise the atom bomb has been made by IYI. Molotov, Soviet Foreign Commissar. "There cannot be such secrets m these* ♦.imes which become the preserve oJ one country 01 a group
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 472 1 Soekarno 's Reply To Van Mook 's Offer [A, Nov. 7: Dr. Soekarno, president [ndonesian "Republic", has reiterated anj Dutch attompt to reimpose theiv a Indonesia by force will only result ndiess bloodshed *nd sacrifice of life." Id he was dis- 1 with the state- 1 Dr H. J. van
    Reuter  -  472 words
  • 17 1 Brigadier-General Wiljiam O'Dwyer's two opponents in tne New York mayoralty contest have conceded the election to him.
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  • 51 1 TOKYO, Nov. Ccn. M:u Arthur has directed the Japanese Government to make a detailed report on the disposition of all rubber stocks seized by them in Malaya, including the h -ation and distribution t this rubber, together with information of its shipment to Japan.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 96 1 CHUNGKING, Nov. 6.— China has become a theatre of war again. Thousands of Communist troops are poised for otTensive actim m northern Hupeh. according to reports of the official Government agency last night. Fifteen thousand are advancing southwards from south Honan and 5,000, ac'ached to three regiments under
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 83 1 Casey's Resignation An nounced LONDON. Nov 6.— The resitination of Mr. Richard Casey as Governor of Bensal was announced by the Colonial Office tonight. Mr Frederick John Bur r ows has been appointed m succession to Mr. Casey. Mr Burrows was President of the National Union of Railwaymen and a
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 228 1 President Truman has appealed to employers and workers to do all they can to end the present Industrial strike m America. The withdrawal of British and Indian troops from Indonesia is urged by th-i Revolutionary Communist Party, which is associated wi-h British Trotskyites. In a let;er to
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  • 146 1 LONDON, Nov. 7:— The programme for today's foreign policy debate m Parliament which is expected to be one iof the most important since j the new Government took j office was discussed by the British Cabinet this morr,'ing. writes Reuter's rx^i t; I correspondent The debate will centre
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 SINGH Co. .r, Rd^
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    • 103 1 1-vM on* P ACIFl C TPADEfcS Washing Soap for 9EH\ K I SATISFACTION SEACON (SOUTH EAST ASIA CONSTRUCTION CO.) Gen Manager V.W.Frampton.BSc.,A.M.I.C.E.,A.M.I.Saii.n. HEAD OFFICE: ARCADE BLDG. RAFFLES PLACE Tel. 2905 The present cost of Constructional Work is prohibitive and we s'rongly recommend our clients lo undertake only absolutely essential repair
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  • 561 2 The Straits Times S'pore, Thurs, Nov. 8, 1945. Too Much Talk uasaiisia i opU i i aye not come inemploy;i of i v comrni i -i might. The mas not have a ar understand- the reasons lor the hardships they are called m to endure but, by and 1. fe,
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  • 1050 2  -  Pte. John Messias, A British Soldier Looks Back On The Progress Of Malaya By 6th Para troop Division months a<io. 'he first ive the British forces stepped ashore on Malayan to write "Funs" to the domination ot Malaya b\ Japanese Fascism, to lh\< up and shako
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  • 715 2 Shipping Cannot the B.M-A. ak thr Navy to release th-ir storesb p ths Hcng Siang? She has bee.i lying here for about six reeks. 1 suggest that tnh th.p throw tbe rem; Inder of h. r cargo lnt J i ne of our empty podowns, and men sail
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  • 427 2 Singapore Diary There is one which the Servl pore have not them elves to p life, and thai ,of motor vehic j observance of tr tlons. i N *c doubt seeing m the stre< is the legacy ol a I conditions. Only months ago most vice drivers whom were driving
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  • 399 3 L AND CENOTAPH SERVICES inst time since the outbreak cf the Armistice Dav Will again be celebrated on Sunday, when, according to the deci King, the ceremonies) will commemorat- H Mid 1939-45 on the line* adopted ramme drawn up I re Includes two n ntes.
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  • 121 3 AIR MINISTRY LIST A* ting Wing Commander F O Altmann. D.F.C.. of :il Cquadron. RAF., has beer awarded the D.S.O.. tayt an Air Ministry announcement of awards co members of the Air Command Sci.t'-- East Asia. Other award- announced are: MB E (Military Divi sfen) to
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  • 32 3 The broadcast of the Armistice Day ceremony at Whitehall, which the Royal family will attend, will be relayed by Singapore Radio from 6.10 p.m. to 6.40 p.m.
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  • 106 3 More than 15,000 Chinese. Indiana and Malavs took part fc a rally on the padan? yesterday, organised by the S iiKapore branch of the Malayan Communist Partv, marking the 28th anniversary or the founding of the U S.S.R. After stressing that this ra''iy was the first of its
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  • 25 3 Raffles Institution r^-openr ttday at St Joseph's Institution. Applications for rpr.dr<v.s5^on from former puoils of Raffles will be received at 1 p m.
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  • 31 3 AC KNOWLEDGMENT f the lat? Mrs. V.H'.ame Chua Pecic r th ir h.*artf?lt R( V 3 T.a lodfet Church. reIs, r.r.d those til* funeral, sent letters -wo, wreaths ara lent
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  • 235 3 ESTATE SUPPLIES ARRIVING SHORTLY Following the recent shipment of 1,500 tons of rubber from Singapore for the United Kingdom, another 5,000 tons have been bought from looil Chinese traders by the Singapore Rubber and Produce Buying Unit. Rirther stocks of rubber, it
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 iT»- Commercial ArtM Chinee) with frood Layouts and Letterto P.O. Box 363.
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    • 214 3 FOR SALE. Castor Oil Seeds, aty^it 3.000 bags of 70 kattios each. Apply to Ronnie. Towiek it Co.. Honpkong Bank Chambers. NOTICE. The Australian Primary Producers havo bfen re-established since the re-oceur>ation of Sintrapcre operated by their Accountant. Mr. Soon Kay Kee during the absence of their Mnnaeer Mr. W.
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    • 53 3 NOTICE S ns:apore Hire Car Association All owners of Hire Car vho are r'^irous to become Member of the above-named Association are hereby asked to reei.=ter at 25 Beach Rond between the noun of 9 a.m.— 12 p.m. cc p.m.— 5 p.m. SINGAPORE HI^E CAR ASSN., 25 Brnrh Road Dated
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  • 373 4 Citizen's Advice Bureau Serves As Public Encyclopaedia Respottible lot answering perhaps the most varif-d question? over asked of an inquiry oHioe. the *J^P™ Vdvice Bureau, at the old Supremo C ourt. has become one of the quickest and best approaches general information for the public. BruH>. the Bureau < illy
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  • 157 4 Seventy-six Chinese. Mail s Indians and Eurasians. sentenced by Japanese trivui.als m Singapore with less than six months of their sen- ices to .serve, walked o:it t their cells tree men again on Monday, when, following m official order, the prison rales were throvn open
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  • 264 4 Four Detectives Kidnapped: Police Comment Immediately following the re-occupatton of Singapore by the Briiish. many persons, including four detectives, were kidnapped. Two oi the detectives have been killed A third has been missing now for two weeks. So far not a word lias reached the police to connect any of
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  • 31 4 Members of the Ist Coi any > Singapore Boys' Brigade are requested to turn up m full uniform at their former headquarters m Prlnsep Street to- morrow at 5.45 p.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 20 4 v The Famous EAGLE BRAND Rubber *g^ Manufactured by M IBI I K\SIM BHi:(boon Caar St. Spore J'hoi.r H
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    • 303 4 JUBILEE THEATRE (North Brirtcr Kd n<- u Bank M.) raoNi nn t SHOWS TODA1 1 3 "?0. <>."0 MNJ 9 p-w "BUCK PRIVATES" with Bud Abbott Lou < Midnight Pr«-mi< re S.U. 10 N«W. K.»\ Mill.nui 1 Dorothy I amour in JUNGLE LOV1 Technleolour MABLBOROU6H Perfect Round Reproduction Cool Comfortable.
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    • 229 4 PALACEGAY i no KM I V\ "'I I dn Technl GLOBE -Great Novcn b r 7th 3 .00 KING SOLOMON (Paul SKY -Great Wi November 7th I.OU 9.00 I WAS A PR] DFVI1. IS! Wood Sc ATLANTIC-Great WcrM iT November Mh 7 00- 9.01 OLD RII.L SON M rland Oi
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