The Straits Times, 4 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 452 1 Central Govt.'s Hopes Of Averting Civil War CHUNGKING Nov. 3:— The charge that poison tras was used against Communist troops was made today in a special dispatch received here from the Communist headquarters. Entitled "Factua: Account -of Misdeeds of Yen Hsi-shan.' r the
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  • 82 1 CHUNGKING. Nor. S.— More than 220 passengers were drowned and S100. 000,000 worth of cargo was lost when two ships, the Shiang and the Cheng Hsiang, sailing from Swatow to Hong Kong, caueht fire. There were only ten su. 'vors from the
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  • 101 1 London. Nov. 3.— The Colonial Secretary, Mr. George Hal) itated in the House of Commons today that unless i his wanton resort to force" in Palestine is stopped and srppres&ed. progress in relation to Palestine would t>e impossible and further steps the British Government had
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  • 55 1 London, Nov. 3.— Lord Gon, High Commissioner for Palestine has resigned on account of his health. His resi?nation has been accepted by the British Government. This was officially announced in Parha.pent today. The Colonial Secretary who announced Lord Gort's resignation, said Mr. J. P. Shaw, Chief Secretary,
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  • 363 1 LONDON, Nov 3:— Arthur Henderson, Under-Secretarv for India and Burma, emphasised in the House of Commons today the L.-tish Government's intention to lead Burma to "full selfgovernment in the shortest possible time in an orderly democratic manner." He was speakinpr on the Government
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  • 310 1 GEN. MANSERGH TAKES OVER MALLABY'S COMMAND BATAVIA, Nov. 3 Major-General C. Mansergh, Commander of ihe Fifth Indian Division, who arrived in Batavhi from Singapore to confer with General Sir Philip Chrisuson, allied Commander, Netherlands East Indies, wrh take o*er the late Brigadier A. W. S. Mallabys
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  • 93 1 Russia, U.S. Approach Agreement THE FAR EAST Washington, Nov. 3: Russia and the United States are gradually approaching an agreement on the Far East, according to the State Dspartmer.t spokesman. rtussia would new accept :< Control Council for Japan on the model of those operating ia tb« Balkan countries but
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  • 47 1 Labour Sweeps Board LONDON. Nov. 3.-The Labour Party has swept t* victory in Britain's municipal elections the first since 1938, held H 360 towns and provincial boroughs in England and Wales— with a net gain of 745 seats in city councils up and down the country Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 Insist on: PACIFIC TRADERS Washing Soap for SERVICE A SATISFACTION
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    • 78 1 RADIOS Ktf WUAT RADIO IT2 -1 24 *****8 D OO rainum wa -JMXAXf- SMITH'S NEW RAPID INSTRUCTORS i^wtßl *^*'*> Suitable for A new rapid system for sell in Ltructicn— lllustrated and with diagrams shows you how to play your favourite musical Instruments in the modern up-to-date manner. The following can
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  • 607 2 Opinion Telling Malaya The important task of telling the Malayan public the •tory of what has happened in the world outside Malaya during the past four years Ls one that has immense possibilities. It is being undertaken by the Publicity and Printing Department of the B.M.A. The title borne by
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  • 1012 2  -  Orang Malayan By There is romance in the most ordinary jobs in Singapore today. I heard mis week of a man who had fought in the desert and in German;, and who thought when he landed in Singapore ir September that he had done with scrapin? and thrills
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  • 95 2 (To the Editor, Sunday Times.) It would be Inaccurate to base one's Impressions of conditions on board "Tegelbcrg"' entirely on the enthusiastic letter of your correspondent quoted by "Orang Malayan" in last Sunday's issue. Here are extracts from letters I have received from my brother who was on board:
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  • 300 2 "On Thinking Over This Experience By A Singapore Malay One of the reasons for the hatred felt by sensible and educated people of this city for the Japanese is their "spiritual" arrogance. I have little doubt that when the Japanese first occupied this place they imagined that they were dealing
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  • 295 2 Housing Dearth Holds Up Return Of Malayans In vk'w of the shortage of housing, supplies and transport In Malaya, no one may enter this country, or any other liberated territory in South East Asia without a permit from the Supreme Allied Commander. Such a permit can only be granted on
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  • 166 2 The change-over from military to civil administration in Malaya, which will be effected with the greatest possible speed, has been arranged so that it will take place smoothly and without any loss of that momentum gained by the present Military Administration. Major -Gen. H
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  • 455 3 Strict Control Planned In Distribution PRIORITY BASIS FOR SELLING TINNED MILK Malaya's long awaited supplies are expected to reach Singapore in increasing quantities from the second half of November onwards. "Every effort will be made to maintain an even rVw of supplies through the Supplies
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  • 19 3 Nw < from Ceylon the death of Mrs. M. A. Crlllhan. wife Of Al^ryn E. Delilkan on 13 9.45.
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  • 45 3 A. S. P. Das of Timor and brother A. T killed ir. action 29.1.42. -in?rr. of 2(> C G H to have been dimmed T Pas Wttb •^o chl butcherer:. 'ATiUst with the neri*taiice Arrr.v myy^'.f have a narrow escap* from gun flre and Poison.
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  • 28 3 The fami'v o- the late Mr*. \nnie Eli»b"th 7Vs«ensohn tendT their heari I ■■-> all relatives. M who .ittcn-ied the funeral sent letter? of condolence, wrenths and lent rars.
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  • 51 3 LONDON. Nov. 3 —Forty six-year-old Air Vice-Mar-shal J. N. in-ejkcv has been appointed Air Officer Commanding Air Headquarters in Malaya, It was announced ton. li t Air Vice-Marshal Drcal:ey who joined the R.A.F. 27 y%ars ago was posted to the Directorate of Intelligence at the Air Ministry.—
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  • 200 3 Because of the large number c" coaches and wagon* which the Japanese sent from Malaya to Siam and which cannot now be moved back on account of breaches in the Bangkok-Malaya line, overcrowding on the trains between Penan? ani Singapore may last tor some time. Several
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  • 98 3 All prisoners sentenced by Japanese tribunals in Singapore who are still in prison will be released tomorrow. An official release issued yesterday stated. "It has been decided in Singapore that as the criminal proceedings in Japanese tribunals were of such a nature that an accused person
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  • 115 3 Ther? are approximately 30,000 Malayan refugees o: all races now in Siam, and two-thirds of this number. It was stated yesterday, are Chinese. A central control to look after the 30,000 refugees has been established and the.r; movement into camps has 1 .•it ailed. The
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  • 205 3 Coincident with the recommencement oi junk tram'c between Malaya and Siam, about 3( landing craft of the British East Indies Fleet now in Eangkok will each carry 1,000 tons oi rice on their return to Singapore. Meanwhile in view of ths serious shortage
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 208 3 Sm \TIO\ WANTID By nn experi< r^l stpro-typJ«it acqv.nintpr; vttta secretarial *ork. Apply Box 11. ST. TO LET. Buncalow 33 Barker Rd. Apply 5 Handy Road. TO LET European Flatlet «ith Mod. San. Lir^.t Water. Call at 41. Stevens Road. WANTED Urgently. To rent Furnished Bungalow, 3 bed room, bath
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    • 205 3 Suitable reward Trill be offered to any person able to assist Wearne Bros. Ltd. in the recovery of their m s ::it Boots an.! Records and also s rmlar documents of their Subsidiary Companies in Singapore ard Branches at Penang, Ipoh Kua'.a Lumpur. Seremban and Malacca. Would any person knowing
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    • 250 3 I BEWARB OP IMITATION Insist on Ux'r OU The Oldest Brand Is The Merket Just a Rernir.-ler! We serre Ct'RRT Til I *V every Min-ii? ar.u Thll.-rc.a7 TA TONG RESTAURANT 18. ChulU St. Phone MM C;.:r!eron Highland Tea «fc ibles ar» available at THE GENERAL TRADING CO. 9 and 11.
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  • 376 4 Some Time Before Production Gets Back Into Swing From Our Special Correspondent Kua!a Lumpur, Nov. 3. The complete Japanese disregard for normal fc?str^ practice has devastated vast areas of beriam! in Mn)a\a. This, together with transport and other difficulties, will entail a considerable time
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  • 67 4 Scouts Hold ing Camp Fire On Padang F< ruts and members of the wanting movement wll] oe present at a camp fire celebrarion which is being orfd by the Singapore Services Rover Crew to oe b«?i«. on the esplanade on V-eekly meetings have also bcpr arranged by the Services Rover
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  • 62 4 banana" one-doliar notes, ovpr- stamped with the words "C viiian Administration' m English and Chinese are being circulated at Dar with Bnt^h Malayan currency. sp ys the official Kedah Wf»Kly Bulletin which points out that this printing is unam^orized and these notes •Vi)) be treated the
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  • 291 4 From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh. Nev. 2. At the trial of nine Chinese of the staff of the Shi Tai J ita Pao. a Communist newspaper, with Major JO. Adams pre- siding, the British Officer of the Court remarked it was i a case
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  • 376 4 There \s a growing demand I from all over the world for I detailed Information concern- ing the condition of industry in Malaya following the Japanese occupation, so that it w^s gratifying to learn tha: B.M.A. Invest:: ation Com i .ittees appointed to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 United Engineers Limited. Our technical staff is at your disposal to advise on all Engineering problems and to help you to restore your Machinery, Buildings Equipment to BRITISH STANDARDS BUILD IN STEEL
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    • 416 4 PALACEGAY Phoie 6223 I.oo— 3.15— 15— 9.13 pin. POT <y GOLD Tomorrow: BABES IN ARMS GLOBE -Great World .ark 300—700—900 p.m. November 4th to 6th HOUSE ACROSS THE BAT SKY -Great World Park 3 00—7 00—9 00 pm November 4th to 6th RANGERS OF FORTUNE SIN AH -Great World Farfc
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