The Straits Times, 20 October 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times HiUti* t.i'.HNL WFSPdFtP !>tf« (841. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 233 1 M 0 OW ATTACK ON NEW PREMIER NGTON, Oct. 18.— All nations the Far East— not only the Big total of 10 or 12 nations— were on correspondence concerning the ere and the fate of Hirohito, said uman at a Pies.- conference today.
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  • 99 1 Bandoeng Being Occupied »T, :\EAYA NEXT? N, Cct. 18.— roops are occuaoeng and a Indian troops is •o be leaving F son shortly to ie naval base at lonalist klanUMl called upon ■rs to give fuU i the Allied Anvy ,n "to complete and 1-iave U* committee has no stone
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  • 119 1 LONDON. Oct. 17.—During the statement on Indonesian policy m n** House of Commons by Vlr. \ttlee. (Prime Minister. Mr. Eden, (Cons. Warrington, Leamington,) asked -Will you bear m mind that the difficulties of the Dutch m this area are very "a^cly due to their own
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  • 139 1 SAIGON, Oct. 18. -GurKhas beat off a determined attack by nat.onalu s on a bridge northwest )f Saigon. The attack was nads under cover of smoke and they used bows and arrow*. Gurkhas holding two other bridges were heavily sniywi Fires started by nationalises have gutted a
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 75 1 BERLIN, Oct. tf«. -The International Military Tribunal, which is to 'ry Goer ing. Ribbentrop, Hoss and 21 other Nazi leaders, held its first formal session nere this morning. In 50 minutes' session, the court received the Indtctmtm aga nst the Nazi leaders and adjourned to meet within
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 38 1 LONDON, Oct. IP.— Mr Aneurin Bevan, Minster of Health, announcing m the House of Commons last mgnt the Government short term re-housing policy. ernment Intends to ijdC new powers to take over land loi building.— Reuter.
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  • 153 1 PALESTINE LONDON, Oct. 18.— Pre sident Truman today i%cnfirmed that he :iad asked Pr me Minister A f t)ee to allow 100.000 Jews nto Palestine, which he is declared to have considered a "reasonable" request. Mr. Attlee did not wish to admit that number. Asked if
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  • 28 1 The Deputy Prime Minister of South Africa arrived m England on Thursday to discuss financial elations with United Kmtjdom authorities, and to attend the International Kductition- al Conference.
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  • 90 1 SYDNEY, Oct. 18General Sir Thomus A Blarney, Commander- inChief of the Aus>r;ili:iimilitary forces, today appointed Lt.-Gen. L 1 1 1 Morshead as member <>• the Army Board of Inquiry to investigate the circum stances of Lieutenant General Gordon lienne»t\ escape from Malaya utter the fall of Singapore
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  • 309 1 LONDON, Oct. 18.— Considerable interest is beins aroused m the political concessions that are being made by the British Government m aspect of the constitution of various colonies. Translation of the British policy that Burma should -apidly come to enjoy the same political rights as
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1 1 H
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    • 89 1 EVER3RIGHT JPTICAL CO. Qualified Opticians 19. Chulia St. Sum. a pore. I'houe 4435. WILLIAM JACKS CO., (mauya) LTD. During the Japanese occupation our Office at Ocean Building was occupied by the Nippon Army, and furniture, records etc. were removed. Should any member of the public learn of the whereRbouts of
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  • 489 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Oct. 20. 1945. Aftermath "In comparison with many other countries In the world, and particularly wlm those of Western Europe, we m Malaya are extraordinarily fortunate. Last year the tide of war swept over France, Belgium and Holland. Tens of thousands of the inhabitant* were
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  • 1025 2 Facts which *ere *k»s»cly guarded secrets of the Japanese hiR" '-ontnand m Singapore three months ago are revealed m this communique, issued frmn Headquarters. SohOi fiwt Asia Command, In Singapore yesterday. The British occupation of Singapore has demonstrated the completely hopeless position of the Japanese
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 109 2 The local announcement of the ban on opium smoking coincided with that great Chinese national day. the Double Tenth, but the Chinese reacted to the news In the right spirit Now, as a welfare worker among Indians, I earnestly request the B.M.A to do away with toddy shops.
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    • 97 2 Now is the time for the Government to act. For years, before the outbreak of hostilities m the East, the wage-earners of the local population have brought up the question of weekly pay for commercial employees nnd government servants alike. But nothing wrs done, nlthough public opinion
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    • 63 2 Cannot the B.M.A do something about getting good English cigarettes to the public and so put a stop to the profiteering indulged m by so many unlicensed hawkers whose prices range from eight cents to eighteen cents per piece? The stocks of Jap cigarettes like Kooa and Serrangat
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    • 72 2 England declared war m September, 1939, to stamp out the evil of war and to stand for the ideal of peace and Justice She spent £6.000,000 a day to cchleve this. Now the BMA.. by prohibiting the sale of opium, cuts out Government revenue to the tune
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    • 65 2 Hps the B.M A. forgotten to make Jap officers carry the statue of Sir Stamford Raffles back to its former place? Th? Japs, m their de?lre to remove all traces of British influence from the eyes of the public, removed the Ftatuc to the Museum. This b t
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    • 100 2 The nigat-soii racket is spreading rapidly. A private collector m Joo Chiat Road charges householders SI. but the man *no does this at Wee Nam Roao" is demanding rates ranging from $3 to $5, payment being according to the number o: the people m the hoase.
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    • 52 2 We hear so much of POWs.. internees and evacuees home. What about us civilians, who have been no better than prisoners of war? May we not hope for an early opportunity of seeing an aged father or infirm mother overseas while there is yet a chance to see
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    • 51 2 When the Nips overran Malaya the Indipns did not intentionally conscript themselves m the IN A. but were forced by the Nips to do so Otherwise the Indians had to face and many did face— the Nip Gestapo and its var ;n tv of tor* epterta nments.—R. Krishna,
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  • 361 2 Singapore Diary Evidently life tragedy lor the teers who were ers-of-war to S to have been i b.amese, so much were able to rr exile. When they were they brought th> with them, and n quite a little cole: Malays with Siai. ing m the Sime R The Siamese ia
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  • 365 3 R: nt Increases adequate* w of the recent decision of the Administration to raise wage rates head per day is that this increase c to the present cost of living, and president of the Singapore Labour represents more than 60 labour the island, told
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  • 165 3 LOCAL LADS BACK FROM JAPAN Deprived of the medical suppllea contained m their Red Cross parcels, standing out barefooted and without warm clothing m the snow during winter mornings, branded with red-hot Iron spikes 15 times on the back on every occasion they reported ill these were some cf the
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  • 274 3 St. Andrew's cathedral: Communion (plain) 7 a.m.. (choral) 8 a.m., Even c ong 530 pm. Communion at 7 am. on Monday Wednesday and FrHav and at B n m on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. FMra S'indav morning rervices m the Cathedral and th«* Methodist Thurch. Fort Cannin^ 'or
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  • 53 3 A Chri^tlnn Fellowship for members of the forces will be held m the Toe H. canteen (near m Andrew's Cathedral) at 815 p.m on Wednesdays. Anyone interested m slnelng m a church choir formed of men and WOOIW Of the foreei should meet at St. »RWTI c thednl on Thursdays
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  • 65 3 Sentence of death wai passed by Lt.-Col. A. J. Boa tock Hill, President of the 8u perior Court, on Wednesday on Hiew Meo for cha murdet of Wang Kang Heng, Mho Hiew Meo alleged, had beec responsible for getting him beaten up by the Japanese on
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  • 59 3 All coastal travel and transport is entirely order the control of the BM.A. but there is a possibility the Straits Times understand*, that persons anxious to travel to Penang on urgent business may be granted a passage. They should se« Mr. A. T. Wedgw *,d. who it manager of the
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  • 73 3 Ng Chwee Siong, the leader of a gang of terrorists who was sentenced to three years' rigorous Imprisonment by Major D. P. Rees on Thursday. was yesterday sentenced to a further four month.- r.i. wh"n he appeared before Mr. R. C Hoffman In the Fourth District Court en
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  • 162 3 Free postage m Singapore and Malaya nai now enaed as the first issue of new stamp*, which arrived here a few days ago, were pu* on sale yesterday. All the stamps bear the! over-print 8.M.A., Malaya. The initial stock consists of the one, two,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 129 3 ADVI X [SEMENTI ■»no-« o UN is the tele- I Mr. H. TOOKE Representative at !m h asT an or Military knowing the I 1940 MERCURY I i:*ed by Jap re, please comDr. Noronha, v re paid for return 7; [nsuranoa PoliciesG Lewis, and r.^ing to Sime r Ltd all
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    • 188 3 NOTICE. Will Constituents and the Public >!ease note that our telephone Nos. nave been changed and are now 5901, 5902, 5903. THE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA CHINA. SINGAPORE. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. A reward will be paid for the return of any books or reg'sters oreviously owned
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    • 221 3 LIANG BROS., CO. 9 Cbnlia St.. Singapore. We have pleasure m tnformlni the Public that we are no* Agents for KELLY A WALSH. LTD. and have a range of their cod« books etc. for sale SPOT BARBER SALOON 59 Orchard Road. (next to Spot Radio Ltd.) Permanent Wave Gents' Hair
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  • 489 4 VILLAGE IN RUINS; CHRISTIANS KILLED LONDON, Oct. 18.— All Java is now m rebellion and it is hardly an independence movement any longer but a bitter racial war fostered by the Japanese and whipped up by Soekarno, declares Noel Monks, Daily Mail correspondent m Butavia.
    Reuter  -  489 words
  • 123 4 WASXINM TO THE PUBLIC. A limited BUpp'y of grs Is exper:?i to be? available m Singapore •ho-:ly. A.l consumers have new boon 6h"t, off from the cas simp'v and a strong warning is i sued that no conrrmer should pttennt to turn on the rursp'y m his own accord
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  • 44 4 Any Information conrern ng the wh-roaborrs of the Mo:i!e Cani quipped and running for th benefit of Pm*ltb Defence ••1 M l!tirv B'rvicei no to February 24th. I^*2. VOuM b t >ted t The Bllvat'on <!iunr:ers. 30, Oxley Ron. S'n^apore.
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  • 52 4 London. Oct. 18 Report. 1 from Warsaw state that the Po'.ish Government has made an agreement with Marshal Rokossovsky, whervby R:d Army units are to be sent into Poland to deal with the petiviti^s of Nazi were-w tun and the followers of the ••Russian quulin'?," Andreyevitch
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 31 4 New York, Oct. 13 -Hilly Conn h°s agreed <o nen the contract for a flrrht wi'.n Jcr iouis n?xt Jun« for the world Heavyweight boxing C£&in pionahip. Rrmer.
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  • 24 4 Lieut -Gen. Sir Miles Demp-s-y. G.0.C.. military forces, Malaya, has issued a proHamat on making venereal i*tear»i notifiable as from Oct. 15.
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  • 93 4 MADAM OU LI MENG (wife of Dr. Ho Chee Hens;> pa^ed away peacefully at No. 38 Scotts Road m 19 Oct 1945 ipav'.r.T behind her beloved husband. one son (Ho Boon Slew) and one daughter (Doreen Ho May Lin) to mourn her loss. Funeral took place at 4.30 p.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 254 4 CAN YOU HULr: As a contribution to the unemployment problem In Singapore, and m order to help readrn who are searchin? for job*, the S'.nl's Times WU R ye free adverti i:ifr spare to rmiloyrrs wl li ng to *<l<ertise vacanciei. SITUATIONS VACANT An expcrlen-pd Ch ef Clerk fair knowledge
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    • 229 4 PALACEGAY1.00— 3.1. S 3 Spectaf,!l v routed Pi FIRE n\ (Lawrence Ol' Tor. BADMAN (Dennis Morgan Ov GLOBE Cre *)J| 3.00—7 0!! October 20th What Bappem i.^ When Half Tin As'f> MIDN (Claude: tSKY Great W p arl 7.00—9.00 October 20th 22»| The Crazy Gfui<* At rs. GASB. SIN AH
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