The Straits Times, 1 December 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 35 1 The Straits Times s«V^^«l^SN«I» ll«^»^, ll«l^U»1s» /^^o/.vc? /vi.^ F/I^LF »IO.XI,^V. DLcr^lNLlt l. 194! «>( 5 ciliioilx The Straits Times l^ l',Xlils«. «o>o^v. vLcL^nLlt l. 1941 PNK I 5 5 c k >"s> 12 l'^» rl^^l. ro^n.
    35 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 4n2 4 c 8 »I N n rOB^L» 8 I. V V N »r« r«oo«»K»n«n«l«^ to 48 50 Ni?l» 3». Liugaporo. I«1. 7846. LXOLI.I.LI^'I BL^l>X7l'l()l>iB l« 3ll.VLlt L.?.1>1.8. (XX)l)8. c. «i.v^ i.?v.
      32 words
    • 24 1 Xi«»< sU^soUN<i»Ngl. «N» <x on m«nt»,l> con»s»cl. Over 200 American ItatB onl> 55.00 oack. I^IVN V^VB O^ILV 3lxeKsonr p«oio co. ,7.33 »l(i« 87ltrr? zlxexsolte.
      24 words
    • 40 1 WWW n^i.i.s ol ku,tra!i<». cul6 lnc»6ll K<»r6 c»u6 yrcins courts. paclr»6 «»n6 l»»r^»ti<:«»iiv M »«»I»<i lor tli« tropic, p»«cr "77/5 944.4. «//77/ /,^/l/T^C^" ,7.75 kk« „l. SIX sic»lkV el.rVXs<?« irasin, to all /l«^». vxle, ticeUeiU <l «WWI p 0 5
      40 words
    • 2 1 lel. 4772
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 Tlu Strmts Times u« cl«ll«r»I «<»l>lt»I. 8w^»l>«-«. UN »»l>ll<l»7, 29M Hov«n>l»l-, to «r «><> «r«, l?n»w«l!!, »n. NUl'l'li— On tn<! 30U> «ov«nder, 194! »t U,« «»ter>'tv <N«ner»l) Na»p!t»l, »li>s»ix»-e, I>«ll«e. ">le ol l^. <?. d»5 3N 1941 ta I°»n ««> "l"! <n«><> Xl»«!«<e «H«K> vile ul I°»n 194! »t <»,«
      216 words
    • 255 2 V^K^»l» N^«r!«lu:«l turner, e»p» ol vollllnz lrom «k»»w«, to «w« !lm!t«. W»^e« »2,15 per <l»5 <»» '9 «»tur6»x»> p>>« °«t ol Uvw« banu«, l-ree «>u»rt<>r« prov!6«l. Ken nov ernp!o,e<l on 6«leuc« »or« »lU not b« «cep!«l, t>n!7 men c»P»dle ol p»««!nl! »tr«n«ent tr"le t«t ne«z ,PP» Vrite «l»t!n« lull 6et»!l«
      255 words
    • 442 2 SON 34l_e lllll!l>v>u»0« l»ell1«««l<>l rllone rl^^l^''^— On" 4'— 11»« otnel »m»Uer »!U> lovely tl»n^«l»— Ualne c»e»l>. /^PP'? l 8 O»!e? l^ fOll !^U^. IvloN»t Hectllc »t<n« U,lee dot pl»t«, sslM »n6 oven VlUlt oller«, «»V b« »>en »t 2° 0»!e> No»c!, roll urrilTk^ nt oan.'.uU,-^ ««-««> <° 0pUe!»l«. Il> 12.
      442 words
    • 202 2 UO7ON VN^IC^L r«» »^l«. I ««on6-n»Nl! 0n«vrol«t Inr^ 2 ton, Ho, 921, B.l'. 8^^!<l»^llN «»lo°!i 111 peilect con 6! tloi> »I 6«>, 1°», ck In», P»»6 pnone «1»» »/U^'» !«7 VnrN, lour <lo» 1942. Ne?U«» to »«x No. 9l«. S.I. W^«I«l» 8»Ioon c»r »l»ut 12 l» p mu«t d« w
      202 words
    • 291 2 1.037 In vicinity nt Lulclt I^m»n ««!l oiub «up«1«»- <3u«t Uoux. 0«ntl»I. c^llvnlent. In«»v«l«lve. lr«n l!^t lUlNl»k "^^IIN lor !mm«l!»l« occuvoUnl' V^XI'IIN to rent »<5 «>««, c>l »»»>! l^« on »»«t c«»«» «a«l Us p«ll ?»ui!.n« «el>>7. «t»»,li,« term,, to »<" «v. »22, »<«>lt» Hne m»li»r««i,e<l. lilcen«e<' ol u» U!lp
      291 words
    • 160 2 DO<33. n,nnt»« n»<l »75, 32, l)»i!-n»,m n<»^ I°en->er <N!tc»>, one xe«° <>><l. <"" I7pp«l Ler»n««>n. «zi«» xluzlc ze«»ool.. e,«»i»« ««»»>«»« >»»„>«»<»!»«« <«^p>»s»u«» <>« l«u »«»l<lw« »lul ll«7 B<-k«,l lor N» ll l>> «ev»t«l «»>nl»l'»«- ie- ?«>! <>«Ucet, l«>U»ll. »«»>,<»« cl«»t ul <ll»»»». <ll«« ln»l». »t«»l c»bw««. »»><» qulllilit^ ol lnic
      160 words
    • 38 2 I«l«pkon« 7467. sronei^Mlrs''>zll.lln i^i«»> !>«»" 1 «ontl, lrom 1/12/41. 18.3.> Co. Ul^. ll»l»« l»>»« «<>?« «l' <»» 8 2 4 > I I 129 lcmin«, No»«l >V»ter »nll Oil m Xine»ncl Ur«»» I^ulcUnzz l< urnitur^ Nnlt» »n<l Nut« «ll« Wklkl. UollllB. 8!n«»!»«»r«.
      38 words
  • 24 2 V»m lc«»? »Un« l^eiul l?n.«», iccnz «n». Ken« N<x!i ll?n« «l»tX 4 <>»»«>il«-,, 3 «1N!.!!,.!»» l <!»U,N!<'l'. 6»' <r^ IX:. I»41, lur >>l>! VK^li
    24 words

  • 1829 3 IK tt>!« lirzt pdllze ol tkc »lr Ht> t»clc on Uermkn? tl>e wol?k' 01 dllmdz 6rc)ppe«i »2« BM2I even vlion compared v!tn tt,7.t clrcppeci 6urwz tke <.econ6 pN2«e. Ui«l<x:HUon V 23 r»uBec« to i2i!v«l.' »ncl roacl cc>mml!n!>:2tlc>n«, 8:m>: «l,oc>« ol 0 I vere 6<?<;tro^e6 Lome uurna^e wnz llc>i.<:
    1,829 words
  • 47 3 I.on<iun Kov. 30 IM'XLg reports Ilom Istanbul B^,: tNere N2ve been Nerce dattlr^. In Vu30«12v!2 oetveen <2erm27> aimv unitH »n6 Lordlan euerilwz laztlne over 48 nours. I'ne LueiUlaz are u«InF "ci »nitB sncl ll»r?e l»rtll!er/ lorcez 2N<! »re cnntrolllnz almnzt <^ c-c,mml>ni''.2t!on Ilno, w Lordla
    47 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 Xk«^« 2V2 VUlUlllt 34 00 lloll6ill«« 51.50 X«^« V^V VM^rit 34 00 «on6in«» 31.00 »OXNI<3 V^V-VMllrN 34 00 31.50 Zprel^l. «rR vnn'B r« ll»,«r» H nK«er LUl^o^V -s«^ p^l.^, COUNTk»ll.«^«v »^«o co«ci:«i e2oto 1 o 30 0 m «oir>. 0»«, 52. »s», t, L,,:.5««, »s^ «tz,sz, ollmrn zrltvro o« mr
      131 words
    • 230 3 PUNl_,6 NQ1-IC63 i pe? cent. lnromo ol lN«, «^> »l«^ llett pi-oNt lor tne z^n ll?,!9«. l.^0ir« n ,n'^ l2l,?7« 11l«« to <l»tl,— «!eeole,'«— lls,tsb!e— »«»!n« ,»l t«> <,u!c!ll>— tneze ln» lll»I» »n!<-I> be«t too m»n^ men »n<» »»nen »nn live nut tneil w tn» ?loplc« Vet l» ne«l not
      230 words

  • 128 4 Stock Share Quotations b? I«a>^»n 8^r°br«ke«' 8m«»p«r«1 Lulu 8<.I»ne°7 <»l) '^2 <-.6 Sunn, ll) «uck»l 11n <« l," Q.t»l «W« <?«<!' 3 33 i^n« <z»> >^,^ I^nrul 1^> <»" '?"«<« lxlllul < »l > »«»w^l»» >rw <», !i VIU ll!»n« <»N ?3 Xemp^ l»N 2l4 2l» 5u«,«« <»" 5.33.33 3^^«^.'.V°.
    128 words
  • 236 4 AROUND THE MARKETS <», our rin»nei»l correzpollsent) 8in«apore, Dec. 1, 1«nr «nall> m?,r!let« opened or. uncertain note tnl« -nornine »n6 ope.-atar« are aoln« n°Mln« in vie^ <.l Me un«5^m^ zurrounMn^ ?ar l^tern 6ev^p inen«. It i^ ««niNeant noveve tnat tnere l« no 5len °l 5^U I^on62^. nnen m»rl«t8 u,uallv «,«>".
    236 words
  • 26 4 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES cz»inbwr »b" Nlundu,, cube »""> cube »<1»«^ »2" run r^««l »2,«> 3A l.w«^ »»/»v»lc »<»^^ r^e r»l^ ?I»5« «e<Uum l»e»rl »n»II l»e»rl "2° Helolon, A,,^
    26 words
  • 22 4 »w«»« l»»l«l« but «m l«M— tcx» l«np»l«<i l^i^ lev ll»^« ««>, I, coveies »t 2>^^ l« ,°>»«e. U sorter ,<»»«« ««ut«l.
    22 words
  • 11 4 «c« «<" 29, »^c»W 2v«ll^e« <» we »<x>l 45l,°°° °«»l^
    11 words
  • 33 4 »IN mnil« clo«« »t »«i«l»l ?<»» c>»^e »t 2 p m, to-6»v lor mil! be aeMere,, .t 1,« P,m. »t „21l p «l> to-morln, «,6 »t 1,20 W«kl «UI «!<»« «< nc>i> ln«t »>«s.
    33 words
  • 13 4 canunerce Dep^lUnent to ««l» «»l -Nlll t1°,««.V<» »bov« at tl»<: <l»l«»c« proerAn'M,,. /N't
    13 words
  • 3 4
    3 words
  • 204 4 RUBBER CO. RESULTS s^^>sl 1.11), e^rn'.il net prol «t ol ««l«« M tr>e )se»l ?nc!ec! September l»«t I'wz colnp»re« vNK ,409 070 't> tl,e prccellIn^ 7e»r. Xn interim lUvwr^.<l ol 10 pe7 cent. V 2« P216 »r.a »b«,ldecl 5120,500 »n<! tde u^ectal, mmen6 Nn»l cl»v>6en6 ol 1b uer cent, vwcd.,
    204 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 54 4 x>!» l !««<» «r«v>^l (^o, l.»a 1 d^nl/ main«li«<-<l by <^ i' <b s»«2MlN>p l^c> H. /s<«» «»>« st"lt to >r«l>. s««i nk«3? I 2 I. v CO.. I.^v ..<;. "^"^<^^^«"" ,r" «iU ««>nt»in«^ ,I,z, z««5. ,l 3«. X<.Nl, 5i,z,, ,^IN«»>. cl.l.««^» 5 »uc«l«kl.l. >z7»xl!k» si«m«lf w« i l vnnx
      54 words
    • 45 4 H^ Bardara z.»o 6»o X 's' z-« V «o^s^c.xl.Bi^n«cim« DIN6 Hr o^^c^l:^ soil 7k,».r XU««Illl«5 p«0« 2402 205 Ontu^ /-'ox F^cel a 6ran<i sto^ stunnins >N»« 6»ling. »n»»»in3. r«m»n»i<: exploit, ol «nnl.r grlll^i^ ?H» lX NY P^t"?pr> «^N^«l I,^^'^ s »>«» OU^—V- -N""^"" »^»«v»»« K»^»«»»» «»<»"'^ »x "^>
      45 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 41.1. 51WV8 ?^c«l«) oui vrzilllv^v 3 I'M, j S p.^l. j 9.13 ?.N. KKl<r> NO>VLB F»U»«.SBFA>V>«>^SU rNQlli: 6909 /^>W Nety ?c^ > 'l,e!!c>7 Z,sl «>,<, can za^ l!>e psllmizeli to musly! l»'z fun' 9.30 ?.«i. «iomc3«i 1-»,Olt. „oinjl nn vine ro« LIQ 1NN11.1.8 7.30 H 9.45 "Nl»»8 V»«t" Bl?rssniu§s Biinult<»Qsou3i^
      56 words
    • 89 5 >lri, z BlKUl.rB liable t^l,»mpi<,n«l,ip, 1941 ««U«s 8«»t«, U» el<»« on U««. I«. l,!^!»i«« o^xcr 9^30 vn, !»Ul,?<lN»? <c p.NI. i»ns 9.2« >».»»> elL»ntle <>«r>»l 25 NIU lleel, 720 7«KKill7 !»3« l« "XttlQ ol tlls vvuiik: m r««l<18» «ii«l»,»e ,»«,»!««> ,5 »«««»i»n». «Ail»l «ll«e <»«»>» s"^>» »tl>«r e»<«^, »>»^« ni»^e
      89 words
    • 45 5 3 5»0N3 70 D4V at 2.15 6.13 H 9.15 You'll It's B*«tl,e,st 0l l«usic.l! rxll^«H»r«^ „,1 l)k^^ll lto>lrllo »i«^l>l4 «ll.»lnltr >l«l.^«^ N^««Vslo«k p Ze o s>>_ r I^>»t X!«kt— «,s 3,5 P.M. »V«00l?<U8 -»o«> 80« 8I>" cl»»^. l M c»»iB^r>lxt:, st3tt IOOKV I,t. lleo«»b«s 1941
      45 words
    • 40 5 3z »our« Qk Our V«»»2l Vr»««« T^OO^V ,0.10 3 ,s— g 30 SZ6L! 8LI:: «LN: 8/LiL: WW^ > Wj «^SIUU«» «uj«i« l>»^ «ll ooleciki) cv ii-ik wl-,0 /^^oe p«c>^cll) cv i^k v/«o "v«O>,»v« ><" I»MQUS p.c»Us«s »«//«,^,> o^^, /,..„<.../„„/, t/»^<,«F/> ,/»e />^, etc. «<,«, on? 77>a»tz.
      40 words

  • 1049 6 LriUsk propaganda meMocls entirely bcvond Me underLtandins ol mortal man people vno nave spent 2 UleUme m newspapers or publ'citv vorli nave nod vet, l<x>t Meir capacity lor surprise at, sudden enanzes m Mese l^.eMod!,. 4nd Mat statement ln itsell is an admission Ma, Me authorities cm,
    1,049 words
    5 words
  • 443 6 "ON THE DOVER FRONT" <^UNB »z,UIS >i2li« are «nelllne tne I Bouw Coa»t. and partlcularIv we Dover area. vltn a new bl« Bun. probably lt l» a more up-to-date verzlon ol Me Nerwa" ot w» Qreat «Ne mu«t eertalnl? Nave p»»ed we Nr»t llu»k ol vouw I've tact l» W?«e
    443 words
  • 240 6 TURF CLUB'S FIGHTER IN ACTION IN LIBYA "Opening I>l,ase 0t (^rea^ Miiwr^ ?wn In NiBwr? /.o«iio« I<et,^ /i.v <?ai,/e Ny Our Ovn correzponaen^ Ix)n6c>n, Kov. 29 sl> l« po«lb1e tn»t we i-^Noan l N«nter pregentec, to tne lmnerial Government by tne L'n^a3°re 'ru" club l, w acUon m Udva -'nere.
    240 words
  • 20 6 MECHANIZED WARFARE /Wok Review «4 «!> v.n..!^ l><,!»u»» !n ,-ompUwz ve7? »?<xx, «"«> It l 5 w d.- :orm<-l UMOM <-,»! Key« -neuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 34 6 H9» KKVIO3 5155 »o 5245 ,2 O^^'N Nl,..?^^ ***** ,N t49. «X«^0l« 4«>l lor ,1/15. 0l«»«» Q»»» 8««»«. »»««> l l»,8» 2vail»l,le vitl» built. m l>l»inn «»»n6. l»» fI>HF p«>n»entz c»n be ,5 N<lsle, i>l»«.
      34 words
    • 37 6 *****N3 c/ea. tto^e o^.«/ 77>0 "°<,. b.« ,<,ot°s marine V°« c^<-e^«ln«« to .vo^ «u^°unl/.ne« "t "^> .matt «,t b> «..n<l H'.««n.' Fta.n. /--loor. <"«i 5-«^.tu^ can i»e e«n.,<<i swm </"i. t° l"^.>/.t an<i /oa^.n? ob>ect«. t^e impw.ement b«.NS permanent.
      37 words

  • 413 7 WoltB^^l^« Or r^l^ 6^B^ 01^1813 /V 81'^1'l: ok emerjfencv i. lleclare6 to ex'^t m ln^ t^olonv bx tlie l.overnor. Bir 3nentnn >n 2 »necial proclamation Bissno<l to-llav. < I'ne proclamation a,B« c-M« out <... ><<- tlementB Volunteer r«rcc. tne 5.5. ,in>al >.val Volunteer tteserve anil
    413 words
  • 448 7 VI!I5 American .lapan^e lalk^ on r»r mornine I'ne Hapane^ e,.v<»s, «n6 3lr 8 tiuru"u, »ro ke'ieve., to n«ve reee.v«l nen melrurUl)NB from OwerverL In >Va.l'.inl;wn.^Vs United 48 nuul-5-anc! I'nk>..> lu.s>ver to poB?idlv clecnie on nar. »^,v ««,mmone6 w 2 special meeting to6»>. lt >8
    448 words
  • 141 7 Tokio Report On Thailand Dee, »X zpite al nMcia! opUmlxm Z, ple^icUnss W»H: 2 postpone?, inent ul I'nailanll'z involvement !n var, "tne tninllin? portion nl t,ne native popul^Uon reali^ez tnllt eventual involvement i 5 in> evitadle, report« rl-.<! vamoi agency l»om Lan^kok, >^Hln <!en?w!l ln»t tronpz U»6 enters 1-n»l>2n6, 2
    141 words
  • 22 7 !,ni !>2» <->,-, oll^wcl 6iIX»!tul!! ln, '7> !>>at »cro'^n» Ileot .n -,c e"7k ro^eO °t ">« c!l°nt«' l?e« V«»i olnce .!.°ulck t!«
    22 words
  • 52 7 Xl»n!I», Dee, 1. n! bolieve Xr, liuru«u'« return to lrc,m W»«n!n?<on vIU probnblv !-wn!>l tne resi3N»tlon ol tne I'oio o»b!net. Inl»rme6 <lo not con«!<«er tne pr«enl Oabwet tn be t»rv clique unc! l»l!ure n< tne lluru«u mll.'ion molt Ilkelv vou>6 be u«6 to not into vn»t miznt decome
    52 words
  • 38 7 «»r.U», vec. l. /''QNIILIIINON Il>»n6, kmcric»'» Qlbri^lwr >n lne r»>>ne n« rllered >!n<-" N!<>»? "»B^l. It c"mpl«do7e.° „WN<I.N3 by, c»vite, ln I^v. lye llle ol tne U 3 «^V «t!>U«n, v?, v!»c!ce<l lut rrU«? °l«nt, NtUler.
    38 words
  • 305 7 NO CHANGE EVIDENT IN JAPAN'S ATTITUDE ,-r ls in«ea.i^>^ev^n't"l^m oMcial public zpeeckes 32P2N over tnp tN2i, I^l Oorcleil Null'B meB«2sse N2,« Nlouent llbout no rnnn^e m tdl? zituatian between ancl lne linitec! States c»ppin? l!^ by «en, I'uw <?rlme «i,inr7, an! Nrn, >lr I^UUN, tne rure!?n Klini.<!ter, oecl^red !<^t niznt
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 218 7 Threat To Borneo I'l is reve»le6 m reJapanese tleet. 1,e»«1e6 b> 1« deavv crui»er» l»u» L.rcraNcarriers, is believes to de ,n t"e vicinity nl tl,e southern M»i> 6»t«l l»wn6». «'t»»>n e»»> slrikwss 6i«l»nce nt No"""' un^er Wstant o"6ers to return to ,c)^. tne c-nina eo«t wto ln6ol« «""«7 au"«. >n6ioaUon«
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 73 7 Fresh Troops For Burma lt»niz<x>n, ve^ 1 »7UIi'l«l:il laiee remlarcemen!,', cc)Mpli»wB »U »linz ol tt« se' vice^lvca w l^n«oon ta-a^ b^ Me tVn,p« "^I tl-2inecl »na alreaa? m^n? ol tnem N»'« ««n s«lv>« ln °M«l "eatle, ol r.wl°r«°>ent« "°n«wt °l «me 3^>H°^r'o°n^^n« w °urn^ >^„t .Qen v 15 V<-l.«x>, »n6
    73 words
  • 81 7 British Capture Nazi General /V »t»»t «n«n» tde »"««er, oe««.r7 w «en lien«r»» 0»«r <."mm«nain, »»,e 21«» r»"«l v'""°"« eetk« M»tl> ten l«w«nt ol lore, borne >n,.ntr, m June "d.en pl»>«6 »n important w U»e l»e «»-> »,»»rSe6 tne N'»<«r lireui »<> v»« comm»n«linl l!,e 2l»t. 4rnioure6 vlvkion »l,«n l»».ure^
    81 words
  • 482 7 "ISSUE IN LIBYA IS NOW DECIDED" I»n6on. Dec. 1. MlX?l^sl b^ tne lateBt communique lrnm (!airo. tke iBBue ot battle m >'ortn Ulrica na» alreacl) keen 6eci6«l. Neuter military commentator. I'ne only uuestion >et nnBettle6 i 8 no^v man>, »n>, ol tne lorceB. ea«t ol 'labruk. >vNI ke able to
    482 words
  • 18 7 Threat To N.I. Uttered By Japanese General I'olliu. Dec. 1 tneir »i,t>.zmeric»n nentiment «inec >lr. NuU note. Neuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 498 7 Moscow. Dec. 1. talcing up tke initiative m area. I>ne vermin r«Uo ?e»to^^x reported repeated ltux-l^n a'"""' u«ulll cl2,m tn»<, tne«e »«e »Il repul«e6. -lno oMclzl neva«enc> reported a« zavwz tN»I 2 zpeclal eNort on Me p^N ol tne «u«.an«. INe? d»ve Ne^vv
    Reuter  -  498 words
    8 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 207 8 ADDITIONS TO WAR FUND MORE THAN $32,000 Contribution 0t 525,000 U4VIN6 survived zeveral very 6l8m»I 6255 at t»w enll ol November. I'ko War run 6 i» "m tt»e m«ne>" a^ain. !>,ore tnan 332.000 iz Acllnu^lellsson to carl^inx tne tot»1 ver> near to tno B,x million, on? nunllr«l tn«uB»n6 dollar mark,
    207 words
  • 131 8 "SPIRIT OF OLD ENGLAND" k^li o.'iurcnill 8? >e«t«clav bul an oMci^l »t 10. vovnin,: Ltrect, sale, tnat tne prinie clicj not !et it lnterler^ "ttn ni« normal zeven-clav veelc »<? na« received ereetin^s lrom a» part« ol tne vorlcl an 6 Bllt.< ol nev planes lrom Boutl, ancl tanlcz lrom
    131 words
  • 115 8 INDIES" TANKS FOR CHURCHILL" 2»12v12, Dec, 1, »^«I3 IleMerlHnck Inclle, celebral^l Ivsr QnurcnlU's b!rtncl»> v««ter<,2, '''M p,<>.ent« ol l»o nr»^ t2nl« lour !l«nl WNXS »nc! lour Lren BUn c»r. l-ler? i^^twss 2>tc«cMcr I'! n !»!l>!lr2m to «r 6nurclUll <v,. nuu,' tne prollminnrv re«ult« ol M>' „ik. I'or cinurcn!!! <-2mp2>«n, Nernn-u-c,
    115 words
  • 69 8 I «i,^.in3 no!,, lke lpocwl nNvc m ?ins2pore lrom H«c > 9 „ut «<«, <!„ n»i, c2^> <> «t-,cl Mr!r rillme,<> ana U6clr^e tc «r, I>, of-i-r^, o^nllo!- >!>.-,,'< s, !!<xti<,i> ,-,s,<, D!5p»52l Dei»l Nuvernmnit I»i!n«wl! c>»c<> >>" w!c»r N!,->!> n«, 9 or linnc! Mem tc> Mo xcrron
    69 words
  • 48 8 ve»r n!c< s?<-c,i!!; nlln<> c»l« !>re »n« inc-!.!^,^ ii- Mc> I>^^ c>l ven!<-l<"> <n^>> l-innn' dx- cxnni-tri! lior.i tne c>l»nv '^iMllut 2 licence smm M? Dl^ect,^ c-l Ml^ ?npi)lv I>>. lence ls!?l,^»i, ,s!^ls.d,,!lc>n .mport 1941, i« p,,!,,i>!.<-., ,n tn.^2>^ Covern. Ml-n: <'',!,!«»!!' N !dr »,;e ol
    48 words
  • 14 8 ,prc>m Our On, O»n-e!>ix>i,<zenl ,^?b,s<w"' l^B>»n<l, tn Xll» (In!,, cancluctec! tde zervlce
    14 words
  • 47 8 "-rt In? »il,lr« nil! m»kp,«»nl »s <Ir«l»sin« »,l I,u» m <llr,<«« <I!r<><-t ,lUnn m!>il,« u«<l b»«>nnine ««.sf .»f>, n,^ „«>«,«, «>> slilu^,' <«<.<-I»rf6 K<-n»l«l >li!!ns6 »i,s— .Ps«d2k!v «»s j^« not UN!<!^!v „< i> «i«n »,,<. «,s2), llsitHin, »»>s n!»<>! <«l,t««, ln!n^, Xu,t^,!H «!>«t t!>, nitea 5l««« »<I, nnl
    47 words
  • 404 8 "War-Orphaned Netherlands Indies Not At All Helpless" 'lrom our O^n <^onespondent) Lataviz Kov. 29 s"OIUIvUNi'In« on tne statement ol tne Netherlands prime Ivlinister. r>.-01. p g Nlldrandv tnat "not tne sll«hte«t possible doubt can exist tnat it a^resnon is attempted m tnat part ol tne paeill- vnere tne Netnerlands Indies
    404 words
  • 69 8 kllill vul,^..,^!, »n employee ol >»^!<<ent»l!v »not »N »e>!t!>' 2t I^lulll NuIIUN! !estel<,2v evening, "lke «»tcnm2N «^e n»me»»« «lven 25 N»^2 Lln^n .i. t<-"-°u«n Me slxlomen °n6 M«i m Me I»uncn M»t conve^n? nim to Me «enel2l Hazpital, 8ln«»p«^ In>,ulN« reve»! t!>»t Me «»tckm»n member ol Me
    69 words
  • 205 8 NAZI THREAT OF BUTCHERY liepriB»l >VsainBt Copulation »^lX)P.lvll:v c>uarters"'in Berlin say tne Qerman lorces nay? unleasne<l an attaclc aimed at tne utter annihilation ol Nustov "VVnen tne Nrin« ceases tne cltv only be a smoking pile ol debris covering untold tnousands ol dead Nuszlans." tne spolcezman said. Ue 6ecl»re6 n«^
    205 words
  • 201 8 Commons Questions On Tin Duty l_»ur c>vn <^olreHpon<ient) »«i, >,7 Ix>nc!on. Kov, 29. MAN V/, Surlce »lHd. Nurn!e>) l« to a«lc tne Uncler-Lecretar^ lor tne colonies m tne House ol commons, vnv tne I^alavan Qovernment nacl requested or or6er«i ne^zsiaperz m not to pudlizN a resolution ol tne Iln Pro6ucer«'
    201 words
  • 58 8 CHILDREN FROM AUSTRALIA 71»e Nr!>t b»tek ol lNil<lreu ol I>»r<.nl« ln 2«2l»v» retui-nin, lrom >^u«tr2li»n »«t!oo!H lor u»e okri,wu>i n»li<,^» «lnr!v«« velSe^? I^>rtv.Nve ol Mem zcnooi c««un,«, Un«l Mc aec^ r»U« nna- 8»»e tn<»e v,ko nx, come to m«« Mem entnu«l»»Uc Welcome it to come n«ne »»»ii, »i«l one vounelter,
    58 words
  • 29 8 t2lce cn»r«e ol 0nln«« e<luc». Uan nere, Ur Vu Sliln-pen, li« »rrlve<, m sin«2pore, «2^recent^ appointecl c:nw«« c?on«u! Ne l 3 l>°>s" °n «>, Oeeree lrom Oclor"
    29 words
  • 28 8 «N, 11, NINBON, nev colonl-l 8ec- ret^rv ln llonz «on? p««.<, »c °"powtment »c «t2ye6 2t «overnment Nou«e Ue lormerl.v ln tl.e oe,!on Olvll 8e".
    28 words
  • 17 8 l,°r<l,. 2e10,0. one o- t5« re«el« «>^ic^ «-c «ot«. launch, «"e«i /os patrolling 6ut<e«.
    17 words
  • 206 8 FORTRESS CONTINUES TO BE READY FOR EVENTUALITIES "Normal Precautionary Measures" HIK(^I>OIiL lurire^ continueu to be "on con»«. quent upon tne bambino ot Xunmin? it >» ko d> -^l-. N6en. Nrit«in« tt>»t any «ucn act cre«te 2 ..itu2twn m tne t?r ln lies plei»s»tl<,n, to meet p»,lb»« ll»«.ul> ln tne k>»clnc,
    206 words
  • 136 8 M. Litvinov "Well On Way" To Washington b»»»<k>l to ttx Vnlt«<, 8t»t« l, no» »el! on kl« »»7 to V«nw«tlli, »!,t««,»^ morn. p»n c?Upper, yulet Urn«" liulme lke» bllel ,t»7 I^s »«>t ,l«l,l«ew« »n<z »l,o»«l ss?e»t lnt«i-«,t w Blnz»pore »klct> tke, I^i-ou,kuut XI, «»> l^tvinov ke wt«!-vlev«<« or pli»u>. nn^tkinz
    136 words
  • 67 8 SHIPPING CONFERENCE IN HONG KONG 'sWO «»,»v»n nll>ci»lH »iv, ono lr»» »ln«»pore by tlie ckin» oilppei vezter. c>»^ U, »tdea<z ,wppln« conler^nce »c« »lr clUmonl Bnlps>ln« controller. Strict, Settlement«, «r C»lvln ol Me Llltizl, »n<, zzr. v»n I^«t ol tt,e Kelt,. ei-I»i>6« Inclle, cioveminent P»««Nsei- »ko oo»l<,«, Me 0k!n» clipper
    67 words
  • 51 8 At The Cinema "NOTHING BUT TRUTH" j !>»tl»ln, «»l ll>e Isold «»l> ««b »»pe »n<l I»»ul«»t« li«l<l«s6» »od «ope, m orcler to llouble preU> mone^. t»k« on bet »IM ncr uncle «,<, kl, bu»lnez2 ««<)cl»te« to teU noMln? but tn, IIUM lor »nole 6»v »n<l provwez inerrv mix up, m
    51 words
  • 29 8 Hl.'rnc>l/Q» Mll Nlm l« ol 2b reel,, It l-.cvn- t!»«,5 !n lntere«t lt t«l!« «toi-v ol liav lurel«n »<?ent« »r« l«. pe»te<»x loU«l m Meir »ttempt« to !»>
    29 words
  • 17 8 montw!' l«orou« lmpr!«<inment o« Mree ekllrze, ol crlmln»! bre,ck rl t>-u«t. W« «c<,»llte6 by «r,
    17 words
  • 29 8 roll, llelen >!»»», »«N7>. zeleenw? cl tkl, pwtuie ve«t>'lc!»v, c?»rroU i,^. Me <i»le.<^,!i 20^10 l/llnvlucln« pti-loiin»ne«. v«,. l»!t« lt« !en«tt> Men: j« nev«l <W!I moment, »H l« »!«»>,
    29 words
  • 429 8 U.S. 'CLOSER TO WAR' THAN AT ANY TIME BEFORE "political K4a6neBB" 0t went, a^reB3m? tne l-ei-ei^n polic/ nn B»tur>. m^nt. ««.6 tde United Bt«te« 2^ .fspan nave «!^v« »nci a will be. natural allies nut,,.«i m^.' ne«« l,s« c-^n^ American public opinion "t« point >v! "r° «re n«^ rea<>>
    429 words
  • 34 8 More Reinforcements For Burma l^l lt^ll«« l,r« leinlnrcement, »l NlitlKN 2N6 lN«ll»N »s0»I«i. e«,mp«,in^ ,1, ,lm« »l tne Xer. vie». ,ssiveQ m Nine«»i, on «»tur<!2v anil ve,t«l«,,> troop, ,lr «e,i ,n«l m»n> n»ve ,!se»«lv
    34 words
  • 153 8 EVACUATION OF SHANGHAI l_l.B. I>iatinn»lB 7"2, Ltlltez cnnzuiate cieneral N»« a«uin «en^ > cular lettei-z to American nation»w relter2tln« tke previous to evllcuate nnv becauze of lne nl Bnippin« ln tde ?uci. tl,e 2llvlc« l, »»l>!!c-!lt>!« to >n/?^A »n<l men vkcoe pn»ence not <.<:««!. <!««, e««ntl.l, t»,e u^enc cilc^,
    153 words
  • 78 8 I.SQN^ND «Qk?l^v, n»r cor. ponclent lor Kc»si,2p<'r« n»-Iul>ln« Me Ix>nclon Q»!!> 1-c!«.^?,n' «no came to 8ln?»p2ro m<> l^2r «ilul,:i!>n d >„ rel callel, to c»!ro, re- >!,> n»« lelt ZiNssHpa.e »n6 l, no» on ni, »?v l<, over tne '^bv,n c»m. s>a!en— l»mil!i.r ne«« lront ,0 nim
    78 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 4«l, 8 r »5 8 I>,!!i«>r <<i I)2!>or ,Inlurm»l, lo i»!<inlssnt nUcini^nt, Ulube? Klnx ol ii,e Nu.vll! Vluuntcli, BK> nine «l I'ne Wnite Slepn2Nt« N^,'V <n»pp, »<,s,^, I!l2» Nnc^nenss «2>«v I'nlllle nt 7 9 >z p,m, 8e»«!6<!: 'lne 1,, linme, H g,z<> >» I>»l!c «i »2N<lxume »itn > Nomero c,15
      73 words
    • 21 8 l Bke 6i6 not kno>v tnat Margarine iz a 100 lper cent f«O6 until "<> e° to lorn. „.one' k«n«^»^ »«»«,.«<!,. k 5
      21 words

  • 93 9 NAZIS FLEE AFTER ROUT AT ROSTOV I^»n«wn, Nov. ",<». I'nr' «u°Bi2NB kave recaptured »oBtov m 2 MM3M ''">: «z:,z,'.WA >«^'^'^."» >^? >, IVS w2t we aerman cammanll°"«en von liwist. 1« laMn« bacll m?le« 6ue .«t ol ll°«t«v we Nea tarces M Not pursuit »2i:u v/ouM t>e a create- pri^e
    93 words
  • 85 9 v"et 6rl" near B^lW<,B°r«i. re<3erm3N« o»er Me O «""> i-t,. Qern.^nz 2« vein,; la«e^ 'ffWMMZ !?^en p^"w we >«°^^ .n6 xlaw-Varozlvetl le^-wn«. OutN»nilMB movement <-°nUn" tl«n dv "ucc««l.l Soviet c«un der-»«2clc, !be«^n °n nl^t >^ l Mrou^nout raiment ol 88, troops Ne^ «^,vlet wnlc uint »tt»c!lea vi.<>lb!v vcu»lenlnB.
    85 words
  • 14 9 Sikorski To Rally Poles In Russia 6,,««> r<,.,"l>«n<lont >>, »>« «l.!^ »!»„»>>»'' loot P"» l!ln victor «>» b«
    14 words
  • 25 9 ver!!n. Kov 2». I'll!: 2»^^ °l ?Wl»n<l i, «o d« r»U«->e<l »i> c>3!c!»! 6«c«« i»"«l l^6»>', »c»t>. > !»M continue u°M t"e «^<« °l n«.
    25 words
  • 56 9 NAZI MORALE LOWER ON EAST FRONT >lo«'av, liav. 3<l, .'v^'ldia to tNe zwdbarn I««l5tV otters bz, tt,e Ne6 »n6 we »nem>'B tiemen6ou« we llermanL are i^pl6l^ ciecUnwe »t»t,es «l supplement Luvlet eommunlque. In uraer U, lal«c> Me «pl" we NelM»n i;ol6ler8 lt lz Bwtc<, >z compiles b^lore ever? Nome il
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 30 9 To-day's Broadcasting SINGAPORE MWMW r2,- 8,15 U»ll.»n.l>»ur vlw «rs»t XlU'w, 9.45 -11'e cwt lrnm Ll.n I-r>.!ui>c<', 10,2 c, I»»l«!0 n,Uslc I IN 45 I!!<^e 6«vn ?,u InVlw6»-''. 7,25 le«s roi.l.
    30 words
  • 17 9 Finns' Aims Are Defined Ueisinll!. Nov. 29, Me specl»l vie,. 5H?5 Un» ris>«,^le W2V »Nl< l^nlHNll pro
    17 words
  • 35 9 Naval escort For U.S. Marines BN2N',;kHI. Hoy. 20. k unljer«^o6 M»t M« e»n^ l 'oo»^ 23 veU Iwer« evueu^. !>NB Me Unlte6 »«"te« cruder «ix l.'""«^r^ Ike American 3U"bn»t» u^«" m«n6er.w"cw<.l c.l M° patrol.- I^ut^r.
    35 words
  • 81 9 IRUeclN^^l lrnm >l. receives >eBtel<wv. re^ lBuppl> IMnizter. to meetln' n. lU^Nn l»dle6: "I<et me exnr<>B3 mv «l»Utu6e lor We »en ever>Win« muck e»«ier, /^lt«l we »p?l2U«e vklck l 81-eetea we re»«,in3 °l tw« tele- Neavcidllxilc continues. Lve^ WinB ye nave plnm«e6 N«^ emdel N2« been NM k«
    81 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 25 9 N^^^^ 7/MZ7/7 5Z75!/^ mr cou«ci'. ro« cumcn or r^^o scnooi<B. i°?-cFi<lc'!t 0/ tke council, ,i unH/5 cu^^ k0« u^z. «c illent »n6 u»> l»u. 'i,^"w. >»'
      25 words
    • 55 9 G« GG 5.5- v^«l^ c^Br »l^^ Dl^ l^nell wwte. Nt^e6 LUv^r l X^ H1- -kl»p .l«>c. 2/2 »n« I s»ir r/r B'lver zlounU^ l HW^^MR^. «HlA'^ X'—' 5«." »"6 Z55«» 118 H^^r 15 Z -?^p.^ 3XIII^ H M^ve i» U8.5., j »^BBlWUl.l.'B z v >5 <l <>>, ><" > oul^
      55 words

  • 677 10 ENTIRE AXIS TANK FORCE ENGAGED Nov. 30. HN mtense tank battle 1,28 been rllxin? since noon >eBter<!2v a^ainzt (German »n6 Italian lank lnrce^i attemptmls to break tnrou^k i^ue^'"in """"unique I'ne >lilitarv Bpoke»man 6eclare<l to-llav lkat tlio v nole remaining tank gtren^tn i» no>v en?a?e<l m tne present battle. quarter, m
    677 words
  • 357 10 liHiru. Ilov. 30, 'PUI? nev tank b..itle m tne I<lbvan d«ert k«5 been ln pro«r«« since l'rldav. It is takinz place some 2c miles sautn-vest ol Qamdut. 1-ne ll«nUn« l« as neavv as any tNere nas vet been zaid tne Nritlsn militAry sporesman m (?!»irl>. I°ne >^xiz
    357 words
  • 251 10 Nazi Army In Vichy africa London, l^ov. 111. 'T'IILNI? are sizns ol !ncrea,lnz Qerman nenetrnti^li ln I-'rencn Morocco »Itnau?n Vlcnv N2,-> denied tnat I-'renc-n Ko.<n Xsrlcan ! and sea base, are being: I-.anded over to .^xls. I'ne l'ree k'rencl, radio »t Nr»22avi!le <l^rei'.cr» Lquatoria! Ulrica) declared last nl«l,t tnat brencd
    251 words
  • 95 10 Naples Is Heavily Damaged In Raid »ee!l, ol r»plt« «»fil« »«»w r»!<ie<, bx 4 l». bomber, on 1-nu«l!»7 n!«nt. tl,e /^li «!ni,t>7 ne», «svlce, »«lcl, cl»n,«« c»u«e«l to ml! t,r7 od'^'.tv, w I'ne in»ln l»lzet», ,t»t«z w tl>» ll<>7»! tolp«l>i.l»ctul7 »id oiner »»>», Bever»! obiect,,,, ln ,tol»^ llepot 6«lnoll,n«,, 1n,16«
    95 words
  • 354 10 London, llov, 29, Llad news tnat tne I'odru'.c l function «as ettected reacned Uk kere tnls evening just vnen su^n a tonic >va« most needed. lor ln tne last 24 nours tne Indians nave been neavilv en> L2Bed vitn Oerman tanks, and a lev remaining pockets
    354 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 132 10 29 l.» 8 ULI.V «7 «c». 82le sli«m!NB !X!etll0ll «^^M !> »el«l,t »n<l duUl IX l> s' Ivl s" I f-««» unse? l^» iloctc^', care f<^ < !oc"«:«, <leci«le<l to t^» it k>,« v^osllmcin!^!!, r>»^,^, 2, l!», m mf^, «e<luce<l h«,t Mc^e,. "°"lmc"""'P p«m,»- »»<,' 7 me,,,', «nu w«,^ lls«,
      132 words
    • 9 10 «X,9»<xi P»,!tlon w.11.n, l,m» c»m»» «soun^ .^<^> >^. »<>» !,l, .>>. 5,.^«,.. >""""' l"'^
      9 words
    • 153 10 l^utumn) 1940 1i1.^3 ju.l pul»li,!,ell: /l pel c-ent cl pitman lll^lX ?2.>!«« m derllNcate NlX)li D »»«i lier-PIXU 6N pel cent «^D^H»«MKMW^ knrolkos tk« n«Rs term »«MziI»U2MzMiM^KMIWIW mure (Iel!^,!lul !l,^n i-^au <^- (^lo^'ne, >V ccxilinss toucl, ol it on >oul lc>sel,e2<i. le,v cllnps on vaul I>^n6llcls^!!«f. sermz l^, revive )ou
      153 words

  • 561 11 PRESTON FOILED IN SPITE OF BRILLIANT RALLY l^verton In Zcorinx In 3^tur6«lx'» Home 3occer I^on6un, I^ov. 29. IN »pite <»s tl«:l!- knlUllnt »e«»n6.1,»1f s»ll>, m tke.v »c<»se<l »N tkeir ?o»k ajsainl't lturx. l'reBton, l»ift xe»r'l« l<e«sue (!up »n6 Xortl, campions, s«ile6 m tneir kill lor tne present I^ea^ue lea6erBnip »8
    561 words
  • 100 11 IHUQSV l^«ue ?cx>tl»2ll «zult« vere^ V^^lc»klr« Cup «3<'ml» lin2l«> Ulz<l!nrll 9. vuNer«Nel6 3: Nissan 2. Nl,lilax 2 v!nnin? on on az^leLllte ol to-cla^'s .-!Nll la«t v?e!i'« mat^ne.<;»: liram- 5, 'lrinitv III: 12. Bt, Helen', 5^ 1,1, Latle^ 4: Null 9. I^catnerztone Noverz 2' Nu! «led 23: IlelFNle^ 12:
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 7 11 O. 4— l— »eut».
    7 words
  • 47 11 Race Results In Brief t^« «»l»n««l cl»d» »<n»» <l»>6,n «.!»>>» ,l? »«l ««NN7 I: l?l l«n»r«U» »«2 »n6 »11. »!»!n, </»>»»>» »7, 4 »^»>»^»»e »>ll »«k »»< »11. »7. l!r««, »»«> <^: V»»«»«« 111. V>sl»^ »«< l>«, p»«^ »>», llln,', «»>»«» »>». lUx »>»?» »>l» >">^ <^! li«i p»l< »ll
    47 words
  • 149 11 BRITISH SOCCER XI IN TURKEY >wllar». «ov. spltlL NrlU«n «oceer tezmll I ciravn lr«n men ««rvln« ln tn« >licl6 c l^l^ «^on tnelr llrzt t^o matcl,e« m -lurke? over tne »eell-encl, I'ne tne team i« lln«v>'. beat tne »enenar Voutn l^eazue nne-nll v«Htera», an 6 tne zUM^I? Xcaclem^ Nvetvo tu-clav.
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 76 11 IX. .2: B.^.t»U 0N<»«l>li »>,<,«! «l»»v !NiU,l!»« lN tl,» ««»N6 l»»ll. »nlcl» tde^ ,e»r«<l »l! tn«ir ?»»l». »!ie s>?l«»n Bp«r<' l^luk »,<«!««>, »«,n, k«»« tb« 8t t»6 No?, b? tdr«« r«^>» t« nil »t N»!e>tier >e»ter6»7 play. «itn tne exeepUal-. ot tne >lev <lot2rnune6 ralcl« tne Olel ratner
    76 words
  • 28 11 HARLEQUINS BEAT HORNETS 2-0 a Bua! In earn n^ll, tNr UHrle«,uinz beat tne BwBapore Nornet, b> tvo «o»l« to nil ln naclre? matcn pl»^e«l on tn« 0 ?roun<l
    28 words
  • 75 11 Nc>mb!»>, llov. 22. >»^lli«L mc-re Nxtur« m U,e proR vlnci^l NHnN tropnv tou>-..^' ment nave «tarto6: I'll?? llre, Nomt>a>- Kavana>;»? at Xla6ra« ver^niz l^en-ti-?I province nn6 Lerar at Wapur: ancl I^lv8or« ver««s Nvc!elat)l!<l Btatr, »l N»n?l>lore. Bcore« vere: Xlv«cre 199 »n6 201 tor 8. N?cler»dss I«9: 11,e central
    75 words
  • 39 11 ,fi», a.B.c c«c. »»m«i l ulleee. c.8.c.: 8 ll.c. v». lt^.r. <^ene»l». 8!»c. kl,c.«. «!6N»N> n»ll: «»>»!«» H«c»ci»tl<,n v«. 11.^v0.. lin»l« ,r«un6: 8.0 0. ln6i»n Nen«r»l N»»plt»l. 8 0.0. ?enni,: 80 «l »p«n lnvit,ti»n !»vn tennl, t»nrn»n»ent. B.OHO.
    39 words
  • 208 11 'plll: He«t de»<, BcoN2n6 b^ X polnt« to ?>/^ ln ttielr lmnulll 8ln8»por« Noll ciud 7«terclH>. °lke «ec>re«. Bcotl»nH pl»>e« menUones Nr«t, vere: >0> v,. 8, lilrlckam »ncl 5l 8 (I) v», L. >«. Xau>fn»3nn <3. >^. Olemontz (ll): N, 5. 1.. Uaxv^NK r.n6 4
    208 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 179 11 < goo ?kv z«ll eooll svo». 55. Oupp»«« «<»«« s!'iU»p<»«-« duila-5 W^«. WoNs< OUI. NUi^oo^li >^M^W^MWM people into 8IN0«L. «r^I.I«V.^MWW I»HMD>^^ fUl.l. «l.00l)^l) men ancl women '.W M M^ «nw to Nestlace 7»ieBe l.nzt IVlinvl'slz m i^?p"«^.. >//,s"^". «"«">'«'". ?""">«". l7°fx.s «><!. »W^^»«^ Ms H >«!> »<> m >mp«.«>. v,.««uu.
      179 words
    • 86 11 D^^M »l»<nn«l »«»F lu6« b«ln ,^XX^. »l 6««r7> until »«<»lll«,el»« «»»»<!» V^> z -4 «,l»»«. «.< »«!!.<«»» > Vou'U de prou^ o» tde zu,ps >ou l^c it you u^e Vencbwmc.' I« lukl' ,n<l 8l«t lHlilmie l«vc mu<lc il lbe m«t populill wll bin, m lke vor!6 locisy. l<cx!^l. 'Vencnwmc' k"5»ll
      86 words

  • 535 12 ROOSEVELT SPEEDS BACK TO CAPITAL to>6a? from >Vlll-m spring. >vl»ero lie »srivo<> on l>utusll»v s«r le^v lia^ l-e»t. I'ne reus«n lor tko l'rlBi<ient's llec>Blon >8 tl»e I:lte>,t l,<utement l,^ tl,e prime I^ml^ter. lien. I'nji. American "exploitlltinn' <>s l^'a^t >vki<?k, (!en. I'njo 2l^tl«l, .^!N'!!c27i N2l!on^>!> m I'NHil^ncl l^ave been d^ ln<?
    Reuter  -  535 words
  • 250 12 Tojo attacks Britain U.S. "lolcio. Nov. 29. Ur4 2 statement on tne lirst annlversarv ol tne Lino-^apanese-declaration, tne ?rlme <3en, "loin, to-day accused Nrltain and tne United States ol attempting to zra«? nezemonv m Last "by putting tne peoples aeainst eacn otner." Ue expressed eratillcatlon at tne mutual essorts ol
    250 words
  • 60 12 Nazis Planned To Attack Tobruk OQ^tl! prisoners al "lobru^ nave made lnler»»tinz statsments. Some 2tNil>?d tnat tn?v nad been tild tnat (Herman taniiH vere ruznlnz up lrom Tripoli 10/ tnelr rellel. One ItaU^n «i«n<»il.>7 l>nraBed it "propaganda as usual Pr!«. ner", rc^.arlc canNrmed tnat tnere va, a plan to attack
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 18 12 "ralcw, I^uv, 30, I'm: K»v> k»« I ?«> ton "»»i-^ilp" w caii>li>e!i>ol,t!«.i «,enc7 «p<« ln»n l?»nt<>l,,— t7nil^^!
    18 words
  • 100 12 London, IN I)ll?0Ii?2 li-unl Europe tn»t ITillilllncl nllll been lnv«lea by troops veHto.liav cleniecl m vllnzlcolc, Lonclon Qna WaHnin^ton, «IV6 Vnltecl »rm> 2uMuntle>! «li 6 tke^ nl«l no luiovle<^o ol tne reports. UvWever. tne/ polntecl out tn»t m recent vee!l,<; tnere nave been numerous ineicient, involving Italians
    100 words
  • 230 12 AXIS PLAN FOR FLEET OF RAIDERS IN EAST Kov. 29. lI!I.03LIi alignment ket^veen »n6 (iermanv "m an effort to drive Lritis^ an 6 American interest.'' out ok <n« l'ar llapt i» loresven b> inioi-mpcl s,uarter3 nere as po^idle r«,ult ot tde critical situation. 'lnlH alternative l« regarded a« beinz more
    230 words
  • 68 12 llev Vor!:, liov, 29. l>^VXlo^'Q clapper, m nl, syndicated Lcripps-Novard column to-day. said responsible cuarte^s are a^aln empnasi^lnz tne paint tnat tne are encircling tl^e Philippines and by tnat empnailz ye are cstabl »nln^ a primary ease ol iiell-delence lor our po«ss«lons." lA!> t!ntt»<l
    68 words
  • 60 12 Japanese Gain New Concessions Sna.nznal. Kov. 30, "liv: >lunlclpal Council ol tne International Settlement announces tne appointment ol Japanese Nome KUlustr? to tne nevlv-crea^ed cMce ol veputv cnlel Commissioner ol tne klunl clnal police. tl>« Oninri! k« »t U>« »me time »p> points Lllton. c?»pt, N I« SmvU, »n6 t>«
    60 words
  • 54 12 FEW JAPANESE QUIT NEW YORK I^cv? Vorlc. I4ov. 20. "l na, been disclosed tn»t only 2> tne 2,00a Japanese natlona's m Key Vnrll nave appU tnrouen tne Japanese consulate Leneral to proceed to Consulate «polcezman «»l<i Japanese national, nave n^c been ordered nome but tno'il' leavlnzi n»ve no business reason
    54 words
  • 182 12 TOKIO'S REPLY TO U.S. ADVERSE? I'okio, I^iov. 30. l.Vl'^>l'B replx t. I^r. l^nrllell llull 8 llocument e^< pre»>ieB 6i»B2tiBs»»/ion certain unlii«cl<,^«»ll i»u< ler? important noint«. <»rcorllinss to authoritative kere. 8»>8 Unitell l'reBB. an 6 ontimi^m continue to decline znarpl^. l^r, cordel! Null and t..e Nrltlzn Ixird Nalitax. discussed tne lar
    182 words
  • 112 12 "Japan U.S. On Brink Of War" 'l'o-n^vs Ixindon licadlin ><! X proclaim "United States aixl on brink ol var "lne vallv su!;Bc,>.t^ America ml«Nt relax tne econom!c rlstrlctions and »?ree N> «>, ern^lrdndnlna ll tne vitndra» lrom soutn Indo^n.oi pledges ol non-a>;8le!!5!on ln t<>" Sautn pacllie and dlortn-east vould complete
    112 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 91 12 <: L kl L «l lt»pi«l l,ar«leninB (olorcrete m»rkete6 in— Uutl «n6 Neck. I nere >» »l»o r»nee ol more 6elicule «l,»lle» ««><> m (^olorcrele I^o7 U.^PIll«^Itl)l:XlI>lU. above include »ire«n. trenm. Nrnn^e, Nlue. etc. lt»ui6 nara'eninss "l^olorcrele" »>»!« »ll tl»« properties ot l?errocrele tl»e s»pi6»»»rl,eninB l'ortl»n6 cement. »n«l c»n be
      91 words
    • 93 12 > NUN YU^l^piUri UllllUl.lLT'l l 8 VllUll 2lIl?Vll:L sl zxxuzl. 57ocx I^m«:8 v.^v »^> v n^«B. "?rVV nr l»Lcnis >uriouB »n6 vl«t selection ot lne msleri»l re^».l' eol«ure<l »n6 vnite »,l 6i»e»unte<l 2«7° BI^lK. 8l'l)I' VXV ">^ H»>»l 13.50 8»»« l'rice 53.10 2 v«l. >>, rezrl-rinixn U»n6 Uil?» V«»»l ,5.5«
      93 words