The Straits Times, 28 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 32 1 The Straits Times s«sl^»l^»«»l) !»»^IU.L o^KIINt^! /^X/./<VX.!? /^>»o/^<3 12 <ikB. tjlX«^l»0lle. rnw^v. I^VVll^NLlt 2s. ls4l. l Nll L b The Straits Times 12 l'^«l-:8 8IX«^l'0N«. rnlv^v. K0VL!«Nl:lt 28. 1941. PNl(^ 5 t.L^l^>
    32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 Fee I'll,!,, 4»l» li B«iri^. 8 bees a neiv bseu» lv^«c/» be 'Vc?' /l^/it ant/ e^/li'/asatlNjl p»«e«»l'n^ t^e 5!»1eK?0f.2. «^l.^ellz. ll«l^ I.UNSUII. !?oli K« pr»H«e. i's -I.". 5?.7« to 5l!l,0<» li»l»lt l!nveloi»« 8l»»p« »»e» l« I>om 51?'" 'o «4,»« l'r<^?'., zil».5N t, 31?.5U Bm»ri l.e»»k?l v»>« l»»e» m Ur2»n Mack
      95 words
    • 16 1 t)Usm«l» m«n nox, l>n<^ ti> luncliing ous "«>" 5V c»5. p»s oi SKLBN B^l^/.wv^likll)B »»> l.««c»3. i ,l
      16 words
    • 24 1 You "ill lin6 tn,t DL«^N>VIVIB VL«X«)^l'» i, r,pitllx t-lkin^ tl,e nl«ce ol tne continental vcrmoutNH. Onl^ tne line,t qu,llty M^W^^»M» "mc, tc» tne H^^v^
      24 words
    • 2 1 sol. 4772
      2 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 197 2 »t 0o!«,!-e Nensl,! No»p!t»! noilcr. rl^e l «l. pco!^ Ix^' I»c>ti e!6e««, «<m «l k,^, !»ul »li«. t>ec!l I'eck Kwn «> Kd«! l>»» Keo «><le«t 6«>l«M<^ l>l I^r, lliia I^-5. Iltiac, llonn L!»t. «l ?1mo» c>l !!>« :9»> Nuvrmvci-, I»4I, vll' i.<,t i,. lie Mee. 11'e l>»!6 ?<c!l l«n» lVt>
      197 words
    • 367 2 100, rm>>r»!6 N!!> Ml,. »upp!^ l^rnps»l« *****. 1 «m»Uer e«»,c>mlc»l r«x>«u lor b»cl>«!« »v»ll»dl«. I>enn!« etc. «>»8, HKNI.,^. OxK-5 M« »Nl> ciuiet I^eunx n,«ler»t« I'ele 4390 Bs.^ rll«f<»— Ixx»l !e»,e»na No»ra. «»U)NB Ul«nz«. 77 «e?el ll«Ui. l»«»l 8»lnuu!l>« dud T«! »471». «m»I! me», 15!, (»«»<:« 632N I^l 2v.,3»!0v »4 Bt,
      367 words
    • 323 2 I?^I^I /^pl,!, »a, Ko 752. Ult». lt»M«» ?l»l« /Vppl, Kle?e» Nl<" liovl'l.r »r<l«l»r. luliU3N«l »»t noncr. l»»tt ye^l. 1941, lor v,t,!c!« r««l»t«e<l w «M b« odtaw»bl« Usentln, OlNtp, ttii-ou^nnut U>» 8t»t« on »n<1 nlt» December Stb, l»4I, n. »ncx>i«!, «"^r Venlcle, Dep^cnent. nou« ol l p m, on liovemder 2»U,
      323 words
    • 432 2 50UI»U« RM7^ Vlvl<!«ns on »ceo<»li» ol Me ?e« »n6> w« 2l«t «»lcll. 1»42. ot live per cent, <2<>. per »n»«» lex Income 1°»» »< »U> d« l»l6 <m l?U» December, 1941. l»»?m«i,t ll«n U»« l>r>»n« O»e« »U! de ni2<z« w MllUt« I»II»r, c»l. cul»t«l »t Uie r»te ol «et>»NB« ruun«
      432 words
    • 398 2 1,l l»»«l!!»N»!!z. lVl«!.««l5.Nll.»l!«!.» l^iun, 2321 lt», «>6 otker, »»vw, c!»w« »«^ln«l t»^ I>l»X ol U« »tx,,e <»««««», >»" l»l 11, c^p,»«« »««l, SttXlHpu^, live n«ire tkerrol w vr»l>i>» to U,« un6«1,13N«1, Lolwllol, l»l l«in 11l 0k»n« »»«> »re td« Uleeulol, wt«i>H »<» 6l«tr<dut« tN>? «>'»tc ol tke enl!'.I«l «^er«»<, k»v!ne
      398 words
    • 66 2 NU3!l^ss -25N03 ron > c v c. «)»«> v«n«ic>i». n^^i'l^v 00(35 «»>»., >l»l»»l>> l« len.,i>» cl,!»ml>:«»n>dil,. >»<!. «i» l»in« n«l >t l"n. «l»«liN^V m -»n a6^»eent to ll<? <;».<»«» «lr,t l»I»el lt»s»> X.X.^^Olll. >' >' !>. ,n>»»es l« lull «l^> «2>:x, l» lie >1u1,15"s «i, l'll! 11:^ l».»>8/X>, r lrom
      66 words

  • 273 3 l, tl,« nii»«t««ntn «l,t«r ,l»l? to 'ri«kt«r Ool»> l n«l»n6." t»l« ol tlie N»ttle ol Nl»t»!n. Lki, book t«ll« ol tl»e l alrerall are «ent oll »t> «nort intervals ol detveen i.v^ and live mlnute«. I'Ne slznal to talce oN i5 ma6e to tkem b7 tt,08e ln ck^r^e
    273 words
  • 12 3 NAZI PRISONERS BID TO ESCAPE It l, ui,aels<cx,<l tl»t U>« p!»ne tl»«v
    12 words
  • 3 3 in v»rl»l«.'— Ileulel.
    3 words
  • 10 3 >v»«nl!'Btun, «»v, 27. ln e'M.e<U°n tne c«np»l«n loi-
    10 words
  • 5 3 Vicky. !»l>v. 2«.
    5 words
  • 3 3 Uultoa l i«».
    3 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 287 3 viunsl 3300 llXllkll s«l l»»7llll»l«Ll or Ilit 57. KXllllkU z ZllLlkTV. 32 5N NO VIUQI. to Nallroom 51.50 7ke »sinl«iun pr»l-ee6, »ill o« 6«vot««l to tne knt«s»»l»n»«n» ul «l«n«ti,l, 8»!«li«!r? sailor, «i zirmen m 8lne»p<»«. «N<»ll VN^lt 7HNI.« lickstb 21.00 <«xslllp» lrom tcix> od»c»inc»dla c»» tk« ttotol c»n6 ctt tbs
      287 words
    • 78 3 'ln l»^?'^ n«2«llin« >«»^! /ooinine. !»l?in? Ns«,tll t»kln^ »«<»«« ol tl»« I n«!«7 H?«nt, to Nrbt, to t»,« »>«-»tn 2t 10.30 o'clock 111-UllllllllN »e«7 «t 12.10 70. H0 an</ 5.30 F//^/?/' odl_c)c:»< >> !V> >^ >^/^eat/> F/lowa to 2 /'acke</ /»ou«e« O^n't ml'^2 it t^l» tilne/ ri^,3 o?rn U^>»H»>?/^ ?NOl«:
      78 words
    • 36 3 ta/'/o/'et/ to o^« ///c/l^«a/ pnon« 2066 3>n9«^s». c> /Hl^^M/ <ul«»!»uf«5 lor "tn« «^«v V ,o!<ii»r il not on >»^l^^/ »r»« 'k i 5 not slit. cu»p^z^«)« »on» llu>>« l^e ln«:' c)" l^lll. st»> ln« lX> l.U>
      36 words

  • 255 4 riiI0i^8 81^^DV Llnsapore, ««v. 23. VNi: ?c>UUe»I ne»« U2« e»u»«> »«u-!cet« to «?en on l»tl>«i »n un«lt»w note lt^ii lnoriUn« but It llenM«2M tn»t pllv»»« c»olc, llam Ion<!on cont»w tke lonze,t U,t ol bu7ln« or6el« lor montk, »u6 »n enec>ul»«w« 5c»tui-« l» Ui»t Ule« b!<l« »t »ppieel»l>lv
    255 words
  • 44 4 a»mb!er 7,«> 0ube »Il 7l XUxec! »2,75 8un Qll«I »2.<« Wk!t« Uui'to^ »I",75 Vktte »I7 2» »I»c!l 7,75 «a l I^w?8, «32>r2lr «,05 L»r»v»>l »4,»7>4 8m-I! r!»!ce 25 ?l>ll r.»>ie »»<x> Pe2l! l» 75 8m»II l»e»ll »»25 p»Icmb»i>3 «««> N""^ "«,0« N5rll»e>! tl««!
    44 words
  • 31 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. ?r!«» »Xc«» <sp«t !«>«» «^i »!i lX »ee«mb«l ls a r z.<^ >^8 »»>«» vl««>,b« »»>^ z«i4 ».8 8 »««^»«r«<» te»<« >«,.»,««. >^pe. H»n« !»»«l «»bl«:— KeM »»r^: ll'i «t».
    31 words
  • 68 4 rrport on tl» rubber MAilcet. lilies 7e»ter6»y. «ut^>si« Ix>n6on price, lor rubber lirilvere6 lnto LwLLporc! e«lo»n In c»«e« u»rv/«2r<:n 10.7/»6,. »n6 1N,5/«6. I'll, lo1lo»m« »re «»!»>»!' ,t»t..'.i« lor Oc-wber <ln <on»): l»:t. «ei,t «2w>2N ltoek, «,724 79.29S ol I<X> »^re, »n6 nver 22,40S 22.220 prociuc-tlon <o,tlm»te6) "r^^ 21,212
    68 words
  • 14 4 «c« Vorlc, No,, 27. b 2 cei»^> l>,r »P°t! ll lor Nee-
    14 words
  • 30 4 'l'iK uixi!»«<l I've luinuvn »»i 175 lc>i^ Inere «»l L «<xxi 6cm»n6, VineU r« ,^>l6 l» I'l'ere v»« lwo «006 <<eml»,6 or <^!i, i«!lr!> pr«6a. !nin»Un.?, l'i-!cel clo««l b?lov be«t.
    30 words
  • 1126 4 Stock Share Quotations <>88ue«l k? >W!»)2N 5mss»pns«) IUV»8»zV. ««V l?, 1941: 4 r «1XlKN /^mp»l <!!,» 96 2« «»l», ll> 2»« 26, >^7er Ven« ,»I) «i »»n^w Hn <t) 12, «6 14, «6 N»tu 8«l2N«m <»l) l.42 »47 »«^unt»> <5»> ll, 2<l II, 96 Nllrin, U»I», ll) l?s 17, 96
    1,126 words
  • 146 4 PRICE AND WAGE CONTROL IN U.S. w»8lil»8tun. Nov. 26. l»^ «t»n<lw« vote al 218 to «2 IK Me llouH? ol Representatives ve,>«r<lH> <lele2te6 2 LUl prop«<lne overall eeMnzz lor prlce« »nl v»zes I'kuH tt,e «uu« N^« ?o> lu»««1 to «ud«tltute overall con t«<l lor tNe »!ecU»« t>-p« ol control Ie«1«lHt!on
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 9 4 /^IN m»!l.' elu»e »t tke c»«!»r»I po»t
    9 words
  • 21 4 's'NL Unlt«l 8t»t« ?re»«urx to-6»v > e»rn«! ln 1941. NoMever. tke I>rel>Hlor 'knottier mi^or Nrmnc-!,! ope^utlon" next Vnlte6 ?re«».
    21 words
  • 46 4 «c» «ov, 2?. s»QV »v<:r»«el on trie Stoclc »c<:!»n«« to><<»7 Mere:— ln<>u,trl»l« r»U,, 27,33: utlUU<s«. iz,»9 »i>6 ber^l,, «>,2z, compare,! vltl, lil 93, 27, »9, 15.74 »n<l <inutll»t«!> »0,79, eo!Ni»!-«6 vitli »0,z2, »ncl «toc!c z»l«, vere »l«,0<X» ,k»r«,, comp»re^ vltk zzllooo Vnitec! I^e«,,
    46 words
  • 64 4 l»n6on. «ov. 27 Ltoclc I!xcn»n«e n»6 «iotn«r <,ulet 6»v vitn tne occ»«l<>n»I e»rl, e»«li«» vlpe6 out loNovwe better I.!bv<u» nev,. a»te6««6 «<-urUl« ,n»6e lover, lnHu,trl»l« clo««6 ln vnlcn l?ourt«u>6« vere prominent, »i»6 ulls Nrml? ne!6. I°n« lor«!«n m»lket l«l>tur«6 «006 r!«e ol t»« polnt,, w Qnine-ze Hoier Ix>»n to «2.
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 16 4 »,.n^nc<!<l a!vi6en6 ol 5 per «.l>! l!ivl6eu6 ol 7 per oent I»«.w.'t <! p^ «l»t, 7««.— Neuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 102 4 ll llNl7l8» ttllllk > lnrnrp<,r»l«> »?!.»»»< l.!»Q. >n I2nL!»n6) >>/» l«N,« sl»2» l«l: l»«l LNlIl8»Mlllzz.ll.l!0. I^o ««l»ne!lon« 8l»»n«l,»l l^ueoan < »!«:utt, B«eviee N»n?!l«»ll Berv<e»! 543?. 3in/^l'r8 87e^»«3»l? CO. l<Il) «.l!t! ?<»>li> »«7«»l» »«<« 8»t»»»5 »»ne!l^l. r««» »»<> 4>n «l)«^« cu,«^ XOK5 >v«l, r«u!»ll, <>lte<,ll«»»u>«, p«r»l>» «i»u», llll: lll»i ll3.z». «»»«<»»
      102 words
    • 22 4 co.. >.»cj <s<x»" L»» s»e»msl,ip do., l5por«1 >.»«!.! zl»L»s0«lk «r7!««iH!!oz U«7 l«lU. so, p«r«««u!«r» s«»«s«««« o«.. 22/25. l«!«»> «tr»«». »>»lUn«, opportunity »<l«rK l»k7r«50ll.zl«o««e«..«.7o.
      22 words
    • 102 4 SFK^V^/lO 5//^^F NOl3lINl' I^ONl_lIV N«l6. »u6,c!<»uz. Mlttv. »,nm»r<,u»— I«^l«ll N^ltN^N^' l, »»«»t»i,6inl trinmpl, lor 8l»»M »n«> »»»<:»» X07«»«e BU7 7«li 7NU7«" Ft/^vo^v HOt/l s.HSp.m. to /i,.Hosi.m. liins l»erini»i«»l» ol 1.l lUi «111 l .lisNV »na ;»!li <^ ll».2« p.m U, lVitl, l.l8ri"s« I »l»lll,r «6i<, v<,.»1i,1« l.l>c»rn^B n«l.r tltN!»» 12.3»
      102 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 100 5 DVV W»^ »^,n> 35MKF 3.15 WM^I°MWU >^W listens Ili-U/zi zz^ ll ?W?W^R^^23!3D^^' U.D^R^^l^2s3^? M^^4iso latest (lau/nont l^a^ette v I c «l !>, «»^<»» 2 p«>. i X»tll>««— 8,l. 19 !,>«. 3» 7!« >».»» 3 cll-est 8t»r8 m tne ma»t 2«<«ni»i»inT X «GV ot 2 W«n»««,8 secret tl,»t tl»e scs««n n«
      100 words

  • 1487 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE FRIDAY, NOV. 28, 1941 (817th. Day of The War.) "Sincerity" to tne Oxlord l^nFlisl, Dictionary, sir.cerltv is tne quality ol beln^ tree lron» pretence or deceit bein,; genuine, nonest and lranli, Japanese politicians and propa^andists malce plav vitn tnat word, Men-, lailure to accept tne Japanese
    1,487 words
  • 1381 6 WORKING CONDITIONS ON RUBBER EDTATES Bix-va^ >Veet^ 6? ItB krodadle Dttect On VV^ar l^ttort u»« raltor »l tl»« Bt»it, n,n«s Blr,— Does "Verity," imagine tkat bis ckolce o: a pseudon?m conlers trutk and dignit? on kis statements? Doe, kis lriend tbe Onineze coolie never wo»k on rubber > estates? ll
    1,381 words
  • 216 6 ?1»nter8 rorce6 I'o Retire 50 8lr.— I<etter8 to vour paper on lde «ub)«:t ol man pover malc? polntH vltn Wklel, mo«t people must »8ree. nltnouzn tnere na^ been, pcrnapz »I>8Nt exazeel^' .'on in one or tvo ca.>v Wn»t i5 most wtrlFuine «o l^r plantei-5 are concerned l« tno Hlbltrarv
    216 words
  • 2 6
    2 words
  • 207 6 (^ivilianz ««»U»r nl l»,e 8tr»it, 5lm« Lir— Wnil«t w recentiv. ne»r6 tn»t tne «etner!anHz In6iz Government nl« or^erecl num ber ol laree capacNv »!lrl»ll, "lneze ailrrglt Wl!l. c>l coul8«. d» lc>l tne u«e c»l tne armv. dut on« o5 tl^e na^or larlorz ln lne lleclzlon tc> osclcr
    207 words
  • 121 6 In 5»inAn 5» lke >!>«> 5lri»,l> i ime, plpr8 ai<> pl2v!1rH ill tt,l> l<2c!> «l<le lol M' u-^s < t,c>zp to »Nom I^Ian^ »i»n!>^'. noNcecl tl,2t More u u^psoparNon In ttilz provision, .^I.'llmin!: »nc! vanlon V2°lo,2o ol »alcr l^lcc pwr> >n lti»' ui o lu°e», I^or ex2ini> >»k,
    121 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 76 6 c»l««Un« «l Vl»ltln« <:«-<!«— lnv!t»Uon i ll lll^l v». l.Tl»« -rni3i ve^n or Vskit !»ooil v. or W4» I«il7rvll«8 rillcl: »l 5» i»O8^^l;r rx^ll^ <^ Dullalc,!- «l <10. ro No, K<^ 2<g. l,l>n^poiu:. «l »M <^» Us < lll^ltrn zD,R^«x^»»L!»« uuoii l>«ol> n»x^ il^^^ll ill. si»onr > > >^'< i
      76 words
    • 4 6 21. N^l'l't-NV 504 D.
      4 words
    • 102 6 «r »k»«i voull Ben»s Nl^Bl'zl'eliB. »00l<8 >!^o^ll<LB. cl.l^« Bc«^r P4SK«. »oirl.^3 c>t.l^l< II«8 Vlin cl.oBr kliNl>l(; 1.108. 01.0 crzlr«i »zcB. 0l.l) >ioio« c^« B^n^lllliB «zCB. c^Bl litol<. «wl>l. "BH.VKK" s^fen. col»?5« »«^BB olmzz«rni3 lil.rci«ic l^lXl' 8Ul.»8. 01.0 l^n W^li3 m lact evelxtllinz except 6irty tins anci liilclien seiu»e. >^v or
      102 words

  • 187 7 ALLIED PLANES DEFEND MOSCOW liuikiunev. >ov. 2l^. I)ltI1'I^N «nl< .Vmericnn lissntini? planer >vent into action on tne >lo»cn^ t'roni ve^terlinv. (lemons i.',tinl? tne incre»«inx No^ «»t liriti^l, nnll > morion r»ur member, ol ll»« ll s n»v« been awarded tbe Oder ul l^nin l«7 valour and <»«!.«.>' »«»ln«t tll« enemy.
    187 words
  • 358 7 Southward Push Imminent? ,<»nl,. i 8 imminent. 2cco,6in3 to reports received d> tne states government. «t»te nutno, >t»t,ve circlez m >Vaxninjlton. rc,,ort!, Neuter. L.i ivnl c,5 wrsss l-einturcements m In6(). s'liinil nn6 at a clealUock, po^idl^ even a break. <lonn,' ut<" <I«pane^e.^meric«n
    358 words
  • 20 7 Tokio Pressure On U.S. Japanese <I inon >x>lc»rc Kuv, 30, fii!,l,c,n<» <> !-»>!>Unn.«!np Uue to lke l^mi!,,!, nil! Ilvwss w Ben»ws
    20 words
    6 words
  • 99 7 U.S. Sechme In Red Sea Area N^zkinzton 5l«v 2?. t nites 8t»te» l.e»« l«ns i X6minl>«tll»lion, it i, reporte6, in <ne proce»« ol »r> laneine lor extensive con. lilructinn ol «»«!><»«««, 6ocll8. s.n!«a; z>6in!:« »n6 »«roi»I»ne lanllinss l»rllitie« in ll«l 5e.^ are,. NMciilz «»v tu»t «,arll i« s>s un6«l tl>e
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 134 7 No Conspiracy With Russia Ix>n6o:>. Kov, 28 UHll, 2c!en. Nr!tl«N l'orelen l3ecret«>rv, »polle ln tne House ol Oommonz l»»t nlznl, "aw (3<?lm^n l'Hteil.entz on LritlLN relations vltn Nu«,l2, Neva«e va« rep!. to Nlddentrop 2 zt^tement tnat ln 1940 vrltain received ll«ur»n<-ez tn»t ftu»lQ v?c>u!6 come into tne on tn^ zlcie
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 11 7 > N l>? »ol!c nn<! to lmp»lt tr»lnw«! 20,000,— Ncutc,,
    11 words
  • 367 7 Japan-U.S Deadlock llov. >7, kpiu: Japanese envo?« to tne t»Il«. Nomura and 8. Xuruilu. todav eonlerred v:tn I»re»ldent liuoeevelt and Xlr oordel! Null, 8ecretarx nl 8i»te. lor 45 mlnutez and lelt tne Nou«e vitnout a»7 indication to vnetner d«ire8 to eontinue tne tallu. I'ne Japanese envois arrived at tne IVnlte
    Reuter  -  367 words
  • 70 7 'Firist U.S. Soldier To Die In Libya >e« Vork. Kov. 27. Colonobi, »ro»6««tin« i 8^»te»n t«>6»> ne»rs tl»e Nriti«n r»sio report tbe Nr»t livlsiel' to t»U in <»,« llekt »«»in,t Mtler kill«6 on «on6»> ni«nt »llil« sep»irinz U«l»t Hlnelie»n t»n>»« in an »6v»ne«6 pv»ll:on ne»r 8isi Nn»»l. durtner oMc«l5 »na
    70 words
  • 206 7 Mr.Eden On Nazis'" New Order" I»ndUl». llov, 28, beliel tnat tne Nerlin lunI eneon party lolloping tne extension ol tne pact was nels m order to prepare lor a peace ollensive was voiced dv Xlr. Helen m tne Nouze ol Commons "It will allect our poiicv not one jot." Klr.
    206 words
  • 127 7 Britain Would Act If Tokio Invaded U.S.S.R. Canberra, I^ov. 28. Lritizn coul6 not remain p»!>»iv« it attackel! liu»»ia m tne nortn ve»t kacifie or drou^nt re6ouk!o6 l. on tl!nin». dut nonouradle arr»nlfement» vitn Fapan mi^nt be valuable to all parties. »ai6 Dr. N. V. Lvatt >lini»ter tor External m tne
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 248 7 Fierce Bids TO Wipe Out Axis Forces c»iro, >ov. 28. 's'^VO m»in »ctinn« were m pro^r«»B >e»teni»v lin»l »n«l Nerce essort to »veep tne llerm»n» »M2> lrom tne area »outn e»«t ol I'obrull »n6 c!e»ninjf up tne ene«? mobile column on tne frontier, ltetveen tl»«,e —^nicl, »re »bout 100 miles
    248 words
  • 79 7 s»0>li>llH!1II«2 on tke function > vnlcri tke !>lev 2ell1l^n6 All v«mce6 lorcez kave M2<le vlUi elements U>lU«din«i lrom 1°odrulc. (reports Neuter cleclArec! >e«iel. <!ll^ tll»t Me b»Nle ti«l been tianlllecl extl»«r6ln2,rilv veil, lui^lnl! '"N>e Nrzt rouncj r»»« ec»n« to u« k»6 been lolwvwe «U«cU> bek!n6 U» Nrltllt,
    79 words
  • 8 7 v N dill-.' »N!it lt-.e I^n
    8 words
  • 17 7 »nl<-n ?ic!,<,7 l "In tne bnllles nl >»>>, t»nlc. <n» N"<l° lnr^n b»?il/ I> 5l z»il!
    17 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 324 8 ADDITION TO WAR FUND AMOUNT TO NEARLY $800 8ingap0le Wonian'8 "k'urtker Contribution" 0t 650 N/>.li l"un«l new» i» little liri^kter to 62^. tiun» are sli^ktlx more numerous tl»»n tkex l»»ve keen lor tke past lew 6»)8 un6 amount in all to ,,e»rl> carrvin^ tne ssso»8 total to 56.061. l70. k
    324 words
  • 178 8 WAR FUND GIFTS TO AIR FORCE Ir»XPNDBBic>N3 ol warm appre- elation lor recent gitis from tne 8tlalt« Settlement >Var l^uncl »ncl tne 5.165. >Var k'uncl lor tne provision ol al7cr-»lt lor tne It Hl'. are con-tames !n cables sent to Llr Snenton i/nomaz as Governor »ns Nign Commissioner respecUvelv by
    178 words
  • 74 8 European Woman Killed In Mishap K«^. s>tolces. wile oi Hubert ,»kes, ol tne Naval Lase. va. i,!es >ester6av m 2 motor acr^.iit near tne Naval Na«e, Ltalcez, ncr lir:sb2n6, ancl »<il« I>/l3rf'2let Stokes. del lian !i tNs vell'!inov?n local nlaver. vno vere pas,- > > tne «ame car, are zullerW7
    74 words
  • 32 8 l^l'XX eu»r»r,te«s tN2I e!>e tr<x,»,^ m Inllo-^nlna 6oe!« 'lnl»llan«l. lne 7nai premicl. r>e!6 «»?«N2> l.u»n« l'iku! ««n«'.itu.« 6»ne«r tn ple nut to be 6l5lur!,««I d> tke be «»>6. llnit«6 l'rezz.
    32 words
  • 43 8 «INL 0l I^ie Wnlte Llepn»ntl>, ll^l'l'V lllliz^ltr <«»P!>, »V»r!<, »t 7 «l »>z p m, Be»lUcle' little !!>nr> I-'nnlll, S !f> «c »,!5, :»»x virv» «u^«l. I^,e prwce Olire W»n 5 Clilneze 'lllUcle »t 7 <c 2U P w, lt^81L«« UOrlU^-O»ncln, lll«NU».
    43 words
  • 26 8 BURMA PREMIER'S VISIT TO WHITEHALL K3>VIIll!<cI <,ue5t!on« w t!'!! Uou«e tirv u5 3t»tc lor 1n6i2, «»!6 tk»t U, U, «>»v at Nr«t Knpe6 tn zet."— Neuter,
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 51 8 IUNIIKa reBt»il.tion« w Lin^H pure vlll de lmposecl 6pm on Dec. 17 until 6 am nn Dec. 19, «tates 2r» announce ment m ve«terll.^?'3 Vovlrnmen^ Qaxette, I'ne previous notlnca tlon, elvinF tne 6ate« l« Dec, 15 to Dec, !8 during, vvnieli tNe ro^rlctionz voulil be lmpozea, '3
    51 words
  • 217 8 Hitler (Cannot klii 8insle platoon I»n6on. l>Iov 2N. R/>ll Lden. tne l'orei^n "R Lecretarv. replvinz lor tn? Government ln to-cwv'H debate .n tne llou« ot Qommonz, on an »m"n6ment proposes bv tne Inc .pendent labourite, <3o ern, 52M tnat »«r, »«caoveln 6r> v 2 p2rll!Ie1 betveen
    217 words
  • 86 8 s^dik ul Iavlet I<u«Lla z mc»t ln» tereztinz nncl clvnaml2 <Up!um»t^ «iU in Kln^poce vltck I^ltvlnov v?ko 1^ on Nlz to >V»«kln8tun la H«8um? <lut!e» »H Lovlet to tn? Dnite6 8t»te8, «llccl«l bv cllt!l!.m5, I^ilvluov Qonlerence w «»is 1927, »n6 p»vli^ lion bni-n ln 1876
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 6 8 tne I»etrol N»tlon!nz OUlce.
    6 words
  • 281 8 I^onclon. Nov. 28. X«8VVLIiIK« queztionz ln tne Uun8e ot Commons 6»> 28 to vn»t action tne Nrltlzn Novernment ancl tne Viceroy »re talllnL to bring adout a more «llU«l»ctor> 8t»te ol 2»2l« tkroueNout In6i!l to improve ttie w»r ellort, tke 3ecret»rx
    281 words
  • 25 8 numl«^ 0/ tx,!!oo» ,!te, m )u>, st?ov«<l I«cc«,/ul l»!«t «M« lxl«cx>n, i^» to de /u»n<l«l <»>«- to t?»« ?«<» doiloon 1, noo, <»
    25 words
  • 141 8 VALUE OF FORTRESS FOR OFFENSIVE IN PACEFIC 0/ < I»n<jnn, I^av. 27. ei>l^^ro«L, de»rt ul tno llriti»k Lmpire." »n6 »l»l»>2 »n6 ntner Lriti»k po»»e»»ion» m td.e Last »re bein« 6elenlle^ d? troop» trnm tde Unit«l Xine^om. In6i2. (?»N262 »n6 lmill 3ir L»rli k2«e. »peci»l mir.i?,ter>2l 6elee2te. 3pe»llinB m 1.«n60n >'e3tel-cl»v.
    141 words
  • 32 8 ACCUSED SENTENCE IN "NG GIM IT"SHARES CASE e^K^lKOi: ol tnree ve»«' ltzorou, cklel Blr Herbert I°ru»te<l. on c,l be!r»« lnvolvea ln tne »l 17,0«! K!l »3,<X» «tI«N«i tn»t tne »ccu«<l took p»rt
    32 words
  • 22 8 »U. 4: l,or««, c!»« 4, 9 lull ?ox. ?<»>!», i!»» l lUv. 2, S lu»—^lle Xi,n»n, kc>i^««. e!«» 2 <«». 2. l>4
    22 words
  • 21 8 11>e 0»l r»»n»n? »l»6 tne 3l?n»I »»tU^l>n, loeOerAtes «<U»> St»te» Volunteel l»rce. v!U be c«Me<l up Nee. 12. Mltl! lm-tnei not!«.
    21 words
  • 49 8 Governor To Hand Over Ships To Navy lnter«»inz- »n6 -.iznilir »l>» ceremony Mill 1»k« p!»c« ln 8in«»o«« -n 8»t»l6»v Mb«n tne c>«v«lnor. sir ti!>en> lnn «ill l»»n«l over U» lb«c»mn,»na«r m cn««l. s^nin, 8t»t»»n. Vl«« 81l <!e«ll«» l»»t»n. v«'»«lj l>l«,«nt«l b, ll»« »!!n<l»p«>re an^ l>en»»e l«»rk<»ur N«»,6, »l»« »»5»l
    49 words
  • 15 8 NOT CONFIRMED IN LONDON report «k»t lien ref>r««nt»Uve ol len^e al 11,»U»iu: Qncl tn»t 11,»U»i,<l
    15 words
  • 185 8 COMPULSORY NATIONAL SERVICE IN BRITAIN (^oNBoription Ot >Volnen k'oresna^o^ved I^oncl^n, Kuv. 27. 'sllL tiovernment N23 come to tne conclusion tnat at tne prs»ent »t»l?e ot tne tne time tor appeal-, to tne people) to perform national service i» past anci campul«jon mu«t t>« u»e6 to secure tne maximum v,»r essort.
    185 words
  • 87 8 'MARKET BOARD' SUGGESTION (Control Over 8alo Ok I^ocal ?rc>6uce 'I'Nl! creation ol a "^lllrlcet Loarc!,' excrcl«in!l control over tne »»Ie ol veze'.adlcz. e«8» »«<> otker milllcet procluce. »ncl n»vln«l pnver !c» purcn»«e veze> t»dle« lrom tko^e prcxluccrz vnn Nncl >t ciiMcult to «et reazonadlo pr!ce«. v»z «u<li8l'«tecl bv H pr^minent
    87 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 370 9 Ixm6on, 27. s^^ tke Nubian front tke German pander sorce« are battering assain^l an 6 are slavi) 6r»vinx closer to tke lllpital, m tne wor^s ol 2 correspondent ol tn« l»r2v6a. I'ke mI8t l^llouL Mre»t !»t u»e moment. reix>rt« Me V^<^. k Vowlco!»m«Ic. llbout 30 m>Ie« nolM-ve«t ol
    370 words
  • 56 9 Heavy Nazi Losses At Sebastopol Ilull,i,l»ev. ?<»v. 2?. I'lir l»te«t report, lr»»» i »«d«t»p<»l ,t»te t»,l»t unit, »l tne ll«6 /^rm, »nH tne M»cll 8e» Neet cnnNnue to l,»! 6 »kell plxilion,. »n6 t»>»t «neni» lo,t ks»vil» tr>»n« l- br«»»l tl»«7 »»»v« tllrc»u«»> »l»e rlniean e»n»l»»l«n. m Mdlcl, !t i«
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 264 9 Nazi Fate May BE Decided At Moscow Approaches article. "Nltler n« promises nl»! delooleil »uI<Uer, tN»t tne M»r vvul<l en6 »n6 U»ex eoulH r«t n 1^il« l» oni? lle «mcl bo«l«t. 1^ l, nun««r «m<l eol<l Mnlen 6riv«» tl,e tierm^n be»«tH vltl, »II tdelr lorce«. UtterM, t»,e clllndlnz ov« U»«e
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 113 9 Vichy Flee t TO Aid Axis? W»5lUn8wn, Nov. 27. tke Untto6 Ltlltc', xlinul'i sever lllpIomllUe relatlonz vNn Vlckv dec»u»e ve mu«t »5<ume t,k»^ k^»nce l« l^n enemf." ne?!»r e6 LenatOs Korr1«. ln »n lnterv!^^ vltl, ?re«lmen kere, »w« l>«»>el» »««t >" »»< »>«!p U»« l» U»« »««<l»«n» N, V. >>«tl»l!»n
    113 words
  • 123 9 Call For Action Against Finns Canberra, llov, 27. s^N, N. V, Hv»tt. OommonvealM «in »ter lor I!xtelN2l >tt»ll5, clecwreil ln Me Nou«e ol ll^pre5ent»Uvcll to 6»> Mat lt va« ,t«n«e M»t wo llinpil'' litiN at pe»ce vUN l1n!»n6 Ilunzai-v compUce,." ln M2l azainzt Nu^ii^, Ne Ul«e6 tk^t 2 "ztroni; 6eci«l«n"
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 42 9 Xlnkt r. <l»v>> n!' N-oln tn« 1w»e!I«nt. 11«> rereplwn ,t»t« tne u»c>»l ««rln»n ne»» »««N!-^ »««,n»I, «!I<-n »n<i ««»«1lw«. U>? lHIel l<l tne Xil rorce. ti«n N«^n<,l! nek, >Ul ?<»«, c:«> x»«tn«!- !>l^ > »^l»I otn« n!«n nlllrer, p«l-!n'.«-e,t tnok pwce.- lt »A« »nnc»^nccH
    42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 30 9 l»e»N inu»t pump vivlui^. O««e<,»»»«»? 7<M> lmve V lkumpill, ne«n, «t>ill»«», d«^tl»l««»e«, V W /'ep, will e<v« >QU Relcom, »N^2v".Nl^Nl«lV^M »e!>^< s»»»«« »nli»«pllc. l,l«»ll,«. MM i l,s«»»l>!ng. l»«p, our ?»pi»«l«,i!>,«»x«,l«l«l»»»^x»»«!>lc»>p«?»
      30 words
    • 54 9 1/1^25 2lgll2ztBs.. °s>>« c»>,s>n o< »!,b»««s «»qui»,t« si<«on «.X.I tf>« n«» clif^Ent z «»—»>>«. <>«'. l» c»». !^n»>< 7^ sl,. 2^ el. »l»^,cc» nlne^ol <<p^ncv. 117. c«<:l! 2tr««t. Line-por-. M o^ sl^ t/,at llil// be o/^ /a«tln^ > 17 > V M-/ l >V"^ «econ</ to none an</ /»nce« NV/^V^^/
      54 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 129 9 l»,9«o>. »««>» "-I 2«« «.l?z TIll'I 4l.3» 1 tl zoo ciuuele c>i«r», 5 w c»!,um»^ eoo »o!c!c!en ««n!lU»n N?>>?<:U<»»!, L 15 Ke»» w Uo^lcill 6,20 »,I0 "In ?nlt 1«'<l»5-: »30 ««l clioll n«!t»l: ll "V<»ll«l z«»ls,". Wlr^kQN 8t«e<l', 30 U«bt «u»l<tt io. o« nevl, in c^ i>»llc: lo.iz ln 1"»m!^
      129 words

  • 177 10 Full Support From R.A.F. <?»iro, Kov. 27. s«X1 V^V8 ll^I'. klllls'.e L2Ht communique states! "I^urtner elective rai6« on concentrations ol enem? tanks, armoured n^ntinz venlcles »n6 motor transport ln tne battle area ol I^ld?,» verc carried out bv our bomdcr alleralt "In tne neiLndc»U!-n<x>ll ol l!l »n6 Ll6l Omllr bomd«
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 3 10 »l»ru l)ni!«! I1e».
    3 words
  • 412 10 TOBRUK MEN JOIN OUR MAIN FORCE c!»iro. Xov. 27. "r^^lllXl'Z ok tne relieving Lritisn sorceg >vere llkle to join nan6«l at 156 I)u6» tlie Nrlti«,n lorce» lrom I'obruk," states tne latest sI.N.H. communique. 1°ne lorces lrom 1'odrull captured Ld lluda >e«terdax- It l, a!,,,, zi-tt^c! tn^t l^evv XruIl'N^er.,. supported b>
    412 words
  • 36 10 Long Fight Is Still Ahead I»n6on, Kov. 27. NOl-N tne D»U^ »«cll »n<l tne Isorksliire ?<ut v,»rn eciltoN »117 tnat tne Qlb?» r»mp»lFn vll! oe lons an 6 d»r<l n,;nt. ?k« v»!l? U»U »7» tk»t «c»«!,«
    36 words
  • 236 10 Nazi Counter-Attack A Costly Failure vl!Ll'I!Ii^'rl! unBucce»«lu» tank counter- »tt»<^c vnlon tne I»uncn»>! on 8un1« j ro«t >,nen» ne»v> loz.'lel). n-corilln; to <le!»^<:6 me«!>.ee lrom Neuter's correspondent vltn a east ol 'lobrulc, llznt vnl..!^ beziln »lt«r luncn enclecl belo?? »lter tne Lritlsn, no!6lnz llre until onl? 2MI lrom tne enemy,
    236 words
  • 105 10 Tobruk Man's Escape »?al!o. Nov. 2? i^l<>iu'c»li^i< ol tn? I'oblulc earrlzon vno v»« captures vnlle patrolllnz trom 1'odrulc n»« returnecl to tNe Lil> tl«k Une« vltNln tkree kour« ol kl« capture. I've lance-corporal »n6 another man lost tkelr v»7 »nli ttie larmer c»ptuie6 b> l,ke It2ll2n«. "I v»« t»lcen to
    105 words
  • 2 10
    2 words
  • 8 10 nl,lU »ll«»« ol tk« »aind«r
    8 words
  • 12 10 sUiIH <sen«l»1 ltlllce ol B,s!>a m»ckl, «tU«I l«t nl«kt,— lieuter.
    12 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 37 10 l» »ul vul tl»e m< tl»>. It «e,^7'XV/?<«^'l' r»t<^3 !,ol^l s>»!>, »8 ,ny lno nr!^in»rv l»ru»l,e». l^uur»nlee6 tn»l n« nitz or olnor llnimal liri!,!!,^ are u»«6 m lne manulaclure ol ll,e»e dru»lie». lluv one loilsv. F0 > 81-l^O^^
      37 words
    • 174 10 ozncc, 9.20-12 Hvill entertain niB XVl_op»o«r l r>«37 «><3»7 70 .^<3»7 tne 's«r ozsmna »rnc> c>^ 101 tzD m Wiil-nor 111-<»«.' ls«^« lll,»l« ll»»,!6 s^,s, «zNs«zl.l. «Kl«s c»!3s Nll»5ll» >sl« ««r l>ou»l.r. 2 2Uf<OKV. 230 p N 21'^NNMQ ol I^»II«^N' lams li'or tne prevention ok corrosion, rot an 6 6ecax,
      174 words

  • 525 11 Club's >V!nter IVleetins /">IV«N tl,« luell nl »I»e ar»v. Ver^ u^»r »na ««en no»»r<l 8l»ouls n»»ke b«»t b«t« ol <»»e 6»v. »t llu»l» l.un,pur tomeeting. come oN be«t »n6 Blve punter 5 tkelr tkllcl conzecutlve lavo^rltez' > revlev ol pro»pe<:<H, ta«etnel vitt, zelectionH
    525 words
  • 61 11 C.S.C. WATER-POLO CHAMPIONS Wl^liMQ 5 drl!U»nt recover? ln i« tke «econ<l kail, tke t)r»lne«e Lvimmlnz Olub turne«l vk»t Beeme<l certain 6eso»t lnta vietor> b? trie oclll 802 l ln «even over tde Nnv^l >lr k^»r<'?.- alter extra time da«l deen or«lere<l— ln a repll^v ls>r tke «enwr cnamplonslilp c>l tne
    61 words
  • 8 11 />l^> »l>m«l»n« te»t t!^e ?le«elit L3^«
    8 words
  • 108 11 Scotland vs. Rest Rugby Teams 'is'llL l»ll««in« »r« tke te»n« lor tne ruezer mat»n d«t«een 8«»'lun«l »n6 me llezt »ulen «l» pl»>es un «n« 8.0.0. p»6»nr t«>ln»rr»«s, Il'clc. 01l »t sl»n>. Be«tl»n<l:— >lo<iul»bin l)»ot. lt. !»l»tI»Se«n. l»l». Xn>lu«. «>. l). lNlll. l<6s. reaizon: 2 l.t. l». l» l.«,kie. 8
    108 words
  • 54 11 To-day's Sports Events llo^kef Bt?c v^ «r <l»ll >. B.c.c !»le<l«»l c«»«,e v». 8 c lt 0. llone Qi» lipeen: 8 V.l«.c^^ «>6n»n, 8H c V, >» »«e» <v ll 81l l>»<l»nr: ln«u»n li«nes»l No«pl. t»l v». lln»>3» llued, 8t NH^. v». l»?»l«. B.c.c. ll«»l>.,»»lt«« 8.0 li BO^l.c. lnvlt»> tian
    54 words
  • 123 11 FIRST ENTRIES FOR PERAK RACES (k'roln Our Ovn C«,rle5pon6en<,> lpol,. ««v. 27. TFOlt2lN cl»« tnree llncl pc>nle» lR ci2«« tvo entrie5 lor tne ?er»!c 1°url c?Iuc>'« December meetlnz. on s»tur<i2^> Dec, 6. >Vellne«l»x. l>ec III. llncl 82tur6»>. Dec. 12. tt,e prc»a^» lroui »klct> vM be llppliecl equally to lurnlzti. tNlauzk
    123 words
  • 165 11 u»» ll w u»». »zi «»»l«bt. l»«: I««!7 2«»l« l>4 tui«l !>«> 1>»»n«l<^ 5>4 »tr»i«l>t, t»w ,tl»l«i,t. lu«: ii 5^i lull. lUl,: «w^ »«>ne7 »V^ till,: yuebee z^ «ti»!«t>t. lui«: 'lull: Scatcl, Ue!««7 5>4 it ,!«!,t. 9 lu«: L«»«l l^»<i7 l'i ,tl»l,t,t, 9 lul5: »t. !>«»» 5>i
    165 words
  • 6 11 HlTllliioit t«m »»l oppOlt-
    6 words
  • 213 11 'U'llr 8lnr»p«« oriek«t Olnb l»»6 X »I,»vn lt, r«tlt»s« »l»e men »l tne 8«rvle« bx »«l,tinl m tne bui>6inr »n6 upkeep »l tne n»M 8«rvle«, Oluk. ,»iil >^». N. HV. liilmour. nnu ln tne cl»»ll »t »nn»»I «enel»l n»«etin« »t tne
    213 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 78 11 NLB(^r6 2 kro>vn Boludle pVH^^bl?, cnnBiBtins «t nll tke enttee cnncentr2toB but vane nl tke gr<»un<i». It i 8 cottee «uper» cntlee— witk tke m«Bt !>iatlBk^in^ Navnur nn6 tko mn«,t trn^rant l»kei, »w> betveen «Ul2u>t!e ll»-««kl. e^l-Wlllkl. <> l ><<,u»^»l«l »>U> UNI.N l.^^»' s, "l!»l^I» I^4l" l, not »«in»^. l
      78 words
    • 56 11 I^LW 8VI"l8 rl)8?IVI7'ID8 Vou'l! VANt to ioolc >our be«t tlurlns tll« comlNU le«tlvlti««. order ?our nev «uit» ?rom Mnter'z. I^nere le no «laubt about lt, Vlnter'z clotnez 60 make m«u» look better tne? »i« m»«l« »trlctl^ to ln6lvl«lu5l mea«urement« empn««l«inB 8««l points conee»lln^ b»6 on«« Duality mat«nal« »n6 llne »orkin2NsNip.
      56 words
    • 165 11 l»> >^l» l^ s^. piH«7 duilllz tz^^li, /WW «tIIVOUS oeoole mto V, iH H7NU«e. »^z.7«V. x^ V>7^^ men H Riomon^l^^ locl2V «x». »«IIN nc WU «cr«. lne zecre' ot «"1«^N8 -»r M Xiincr»lz, V-lanunl «wo i^ooa Wl M j H lcxliue mtr voui i^z^eln. MH > »cere» 2t «.noulistunll voui
      165 words

  • 511 12 AGREEMENT HOPES FOR EAST FADING >V»BlnnBton. Xov. 27. I'M'^ document" nlncl, l^or6ell »tul!. American Becretarv ok Bt»te. lZ»n6«l to 8. XuruBU, special .^2p2ne«'e en vox. 2n6 X. Nomura, .Illpanese ,8 a blunt Btatement »s policy inkormcll s>u2rters Btate, n»« virtuallx en 6«! »N cnance ol assret'ment on tke I'ar I^aztern
    511 words
  • 388 12 Grave Warnings Given By P.I. Defence Chiefs llov. 27. cnoiiii^ »lter tne nev« v»3 receives ln tne rnlllpplne, ol tne blunt statement ol pollcv by tne Lecretarv ot State, Oorclell NuU. l3en. Xlac^rUlur. common-ller-ln-cinlel ot tne United Ltatez l'ar L»Bt /^rmv. »n6 llart. c:ommlln6el'ln-c!nlet ol tne Unltecl State, rieet. conlerrecl
    Reuter  -  388 words
  • 11 12 Ll,»n«l,»I. Nov. ol <?kw«« r«tu«««, »n6 «l<l' '"Nu-e«
    11 words
  • 10 12 Defence Works In Hawaii K»'7, to-5»? «»l6 tb« prop»»l U>
    10 words
  • 369 12 Thai Premier Admits Foreign Pressure Nanskoll, >'uv. 27. 'TIll! Bltu2lion i» not ««riou» ll»»t >ye c»n"nt 2vni6 lnvolvoment m v»r. »»»6 tne premier, I^ielll I^uanss Lipul Bon^r2m, m 15 minute Kloll6c2Bt to tn? nation to ni^nt. > '^Ye are deln« «ud^ecte<l to n^llltarv, economic an<i political pre««ure lrom around u«."
    369 words
  • 456 12 cinunzlclnlr. Nov. 27. ol unea, ne« «m6 nerv- ou«ne« "ere clearlv notlceable amonn Cnlnese circle, immeaiatelv delore »n6 alter tne openlnz ol tne >Va«Nln«ton talll, »r« nov 6etlnltelv v»> to ll leelln^ «l conN6ence »n<l optlmlsm. 1^« ?nlne« are becoming convincea Nr«t. tnat tno l7n»tecl States Vill
    Reuter  -  456 words
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    • 39 12 lor 42. L^nrr^. llllllllllllllllllU^^^^ 1^ 201.r svntnet!cb»se paint pos«e«mz ssieat cluiabilitv. Dne» vsitn > n»lc! suissce M >« zleatlv lesl!>t2llt to moil^re. IR» >>^ v> W smoke, acicls. clamp an 6 a>!»«l enemiez ol ,!«:s>f,pon^co s^n^iiL «rwl.r»«e»<7« In lull l»n«e ol coloun.
      39 words
    • 128 12 OX I'c)l>lc3U^ <3^l_^sXl'!rXr2 s»e V»lll leetl, mll, WlMkll's Xt ll»e 6»l luspicion ol «ouble ble«6inz or l«l»6e, gum,— guard 0»/, so^«,»'l »8,i«l 6r«6 pvorrkoe. tven zlrong M A Mnile teetn may loo«en «,d l,I! oul M <ie»,«/^,c, c»»- M ,ll»clc«l by tlii, virulcnl clize,',: > 8« you, 6enu,l »n6 loll
      128 words