The Straits Times, 26 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 32 1 s^/^l. roi«. The Straits Times lll»I^«l^»ll«D l»»>«^, cTIXI-VNVI /^>l/)/.Vc? F/i/^^F 1^ 8I^« Xl^lll-:. WLV^llso^V. NOVKM»«« 26. 1941. 5 (^VI-8. The Straits Times l^: l'>Vl BlKU^l'oltk:. Wliv^Lsli^V. NOVLINNLN 26. 1941. I'NKL 2 c^Nl^.
    32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 38 2 lNie l»rnl>, o/ tne I»te Vlr, c!>>«> ic»>,>< r^n «,ll,n to rxpre^ tneir Kent. lelt t^»nlls> to »U relative unci lriei><!« «nu »tten<i«l U,»> lunera! »ncl °rn<> >xpr<»«!v vkn <o tn»nk Uioze !'«<>. <« 8 Itc! lor tneil ex»!t»>"N«e«.
    38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 5««IV-1'» I^!!»n, vlle ol «r, V, llerni> nl «»rlne Uept.. n ll»u«nter »t N«ner»! ««plt»l tnv, mornln,. b,,m> <.!«:< !v e^tr^ I^<Ue« »»l U»i:er« «»c! I^iu-nln^t,. on!? lirzt c!<u« »orkers N >^» >» > <,u»IlN«! l!>ir,p«»n «s>!!,» teni-I^r lur NM B<-!>on!, V,it< ,»Nne <<u,UN<-»Uor>» l» Uux Ko, !X^!»<!l>t^l» orv^r<^>n6ucl«! <«N
      283 words
    • 266 2 V^c^Kcir.8 ex!«t lor NK. «v«e» c)»n6M»te« inu«t be »b!» to ,pe«^ »n<z »>-!t« Nn«!>«t> »r>6 zx»«««« current 8tr»l« 8«!U«ment« llr!vw« Ilcelice. N»t« ol i»? «35 rl^n« to »40 l>«r montk plu, «»t ol Uvln« banu, »n«l ,pecl»I »Un»«u«-«« lor Ion« kour, m6 plnvlNetl. b> letter to trie «»v»! Stare Own^r.
      266 words
    • 286 2 lX»l>^ Lcotcl, 1>rr!rr. montk, okl. ««ler !l!i«l!v pkone l»o, S0a35 or 445« f««««»l« pronounced "«e^»ll7" »N5Ur«8. VVKou U»e Ume oolne, "V!-r<ctc«<m "V! He«tle procluet) pure mM: l«xl. l»^nce6 lor r»«<l«, ?l«s«e «!l lor <de lre« vl-I^ctoien boulilet, c:»nt«>li ?nt N»«l. Swezpare c»X^»0»^«». nn>«r. v!«e<z »nll »ulUtc<! »t »nclu»l»e le«,: v<e«,
      286 words
    • 322 2 lNtlV^^ll 8lll»lt«>^«l» l«88«K!i »vi Ko. »52, 8tr»!t« lime,. ««ll«n ««»<. 8w«»p<>re— »»»>«»« «5> Ke» eveow, <!!,»«, «»n»>»«!,^ l. r 11. I»»i«> »»< r«<er»l lr«Ut»le ,l N«l B«ret»r«e«— lnt«rl»e<l»t« i»- »»«< l. N. o. 7«v«l mmcr. ol tne »t»te »!n«ine^7 ?»n»i>« <> 1>n5«15 mu«t be !^b«lle6 "c^ulp lorm to b? nnt»ll»«<l
      322 words
    • 432 2 Ml 8«cx?ollr ix>vi«czl: s^i'li. <»u to «o w »e»^< electlie Nellie?!!, tar,. alllMlt^I. «I^<?l1Ut: ol 0«> 0nli»»e l»l«l«<l r«»» cenlle ln»l^ N«1I,»I> lnxle »»u rloc^. outcl, oU p»!nUn«». llmr^ electili cnHllcleUer,, N«n««. veUinxle luI<lU>« ?w« r«>« t»bl«, potlecl i»I»nt, «t o«n«« elc e«<l»ote: ?1»e »bo,e lui-nlture «xc! ne» 3 montii,
      432 words
    • 36 2 eucllll ».is s«««.««ili,.i». 1,25 sllllll 8 zkl.oo« »V»>^>^V^>'H !^l.«X,v, ll>co5,«jUwnec! l^nci M <>cl vlM e«n»pe»>, l^<l««» «»!^<l,<«««« nev vusc, «Hlcx^» «fitl» (.NKlsXkli economical c»l5 on tne ro«l lli «^u«« sllll>k 5V88 W»ti««^z»M»z5«l,.l.l«l. WMMMMMMMM cut vour cfsczrs
      36 words

  • 506 3 BOMBER CO MMAND -XVII '»'lllB k tl»« »«vente«nt»> ek»pt«, »l 1k« konll Nrit»in. book t«ll» »l tke U 85 U2 nov talce elllnee llt tne >- station N«ell. It l, ln mo«t tne lavout lollnvz up-to ll»te s»r!l.?lple«, 11,^ dull6lne«, camouN2806 50 »5 to c»U!»e tNem to dlen6 l2l »3
    506 words
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    • 96 3 vinnvl 3300 NO lt^l /XNNIBBION c)U^««k: lilnner 835U H6mi»>on t« »»lll»»n> «l 5». ll,« »smi«!i»n pl»<e««l» >»>!! l»« 6ev»te«l to tl>« Lnt«rt»in>nent ol f»eott«l> 8ol6i»!s^. <c airmen ln 8i»l»p<»r«. «^nv »^«v c oxclLlli e3otolo 20 o m «oir>. I«r NOIKNV lll.UB of 8l«8As0Nr »«iz m 9k, ki r»l k»kl.l»«ll «irl.
      96 words
    • 22 3 8, U!« 8«< u>« >.ovz». lkr<3l««e«^ c»»6 Qlll^lLL, popular llc»6io Vocali,»« «t s'pnre'z >1»8t popular lil^>ll)l<>XVO^B LOOB fll«8. u«1.1.«7 V,»rs. l»»0Wpi zcltVler
      22 words

  • 416 4 AROUND THE MARKETS L? our l^n^nci^ Oc»lre«iion^ent Bink2pa.e Nov. 2S. »PIIl! Bk2le mHlllet^ 2?»ln opened l<uietl^ zte^^y tills morning dut It l 5 expected t«2t tke Nrmer tenciencv vM continue, private cablr^ lroni Ix»i.<ion t,t:lB morning enntail, blci« lor zterlwz tin znare.i, inclu^lil'? No»,^ Kone I'll. Suutnern Kinta »n6 panan^
    416 words
  • 43 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. l'sic,, l»^««, X» »8 8 „>jl>»« 2,'» B'j lX Il^!^8 l.»d v r z.<z. ll.B^ <» !»««»>!»»» 38'^. 38^ r >« N«r,»nl>«l Z7s< 37' i r«^lilt« <iu<»^^««^B l<,» U«« 38»i 38D< I»^ »»l 3«^ 38»i 38 28 X «,b!« l«»6<>«,: «o
    43 words
  • 22 4 vitn ,pl>t c!o«ln« «t 5256'^ »n6 1227>^ »n6 l2«l>< Nev Voi-K. «<« 25. en»«le6 »t 52 r»nt, lor «nat 51. l»
    22 words
  • 7 4 «M1N», <?e>!l>n. «!^l>t. n«»t Lrlt»w'
    7 words
  • 3 4 turtles 25 !<,!» !..«»«<>, -lioul,,:
    3 words
  • 998 4 Stock Share Quotations <I<«ue«i b^ I^lllavnn Bll»rekrokei'»' IlNllllpllse) «»i»y <t> 25, 2«« >^7« Ven« <»!> 8ll ,5 L»N3lW ?ll> <l> 13, S<> 14, N»l,u 8e!»il«c>' <«l> 1.42 1.47 Qc^uiXH! <»«) III 2<l ll» 9<l Nulm, «2l«>5 <l> 17, >7, 9<> ctienaellanz ll> II, «<l 12, c:wl, c ,»l» .2 «4
    998 words
  • 203 4 London Stock Exchange «peci»U^ «no»< «l« l>«!w« n6u»l!l»2Ul»n »n<l l»7i,tl»n »»u«» »«»ln l«x!, »nil« Il»»«ki»« »»i,!l «»lne<s point— N«ut<sl. m«l<li« q»«t»U«»«. ll O°Q 5?« I05»i l 16 l^u«1!n« 4^7. lI4H >V« »>H?, IO4Y l»ru<lenU»l 23>> lt«/»1 <«c« 85, c?»n. p»ci»^ <125»., I2>, —3 16 N« N»n!l <»!25>... jH«! 4« «!I
    203 words
  • 34 4 ««W Vol^. 25, lll»l», lIS 96: i»ll,, 2»,in/ uUI!U«, I 15 80 llnc! b->n6«, 90,43 romp»l«l »ltn 117,30.. 2825, <mutU»te6» ,»n6 90 52 Ltaclc «xl«s »ere 840.030 ll» V Nnl»<"< Psss.'
    34 words
  • 4 4 «übt>ts Nee>U»tt<>i> c!ununltle« vU»
    4 words
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    • 273 4 m l^!>i?l»n6) f l-!«,^ tng s»««mswp 8 IX cv «^>^ »»/»^««>««ll (.a. l.»cj l <«,» c^llun Br»v,o^ .<>' c,'o „c>m l>ie H'tsoil to lken l 6 P0s«1 !.»6 j c.'c,/l«», Una l/!< l/'lttell «>ne6«m r». „l^, ,nl«in»»!»n l«: z»le«?0lll z llrillkNl^illlz I,^ «<»„«, l«l! 5961 «3l !»Nl«. NNlII8» l»lll<» 8.
      273 words
    • 194 4 <«,l,k!l^»»z «9»7» X »»»««> <ux> 8»b«ell»«< M l?»^»»« 47HlH«» l>,«.»p c»p«t»! 1:.79H8« ««»«> »«»«>, »«»<. M»<«» c«l»»,d», >l»»>,<»»». »»< »v 8«»u, »<»». OHO p" ll««l«. 8l»i»P»«. l.»»,^»» »»< lp»k. 5»,««1X>,«. «U«»H l.umpus «na ?0l»«s,8 »»nk »M b« »p«>»ln, X«.vemb«r ,84, ,^n. 3» > >>HF H 8^ > > V »e»c»»
      194 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 I«e sine emrr" >^/rsat/> F/loum to 2 /ill/ /»ou«e« Oan't mi«« it t/»l'« time/ ss l 0 l^s IX I^B i:x^iiiN^'v: BenB2tion»l I'.^^lll. 30ci2l c 9.15 l inline NllV^l. kor tke Bsrcen from tke l^mnus NenB2li I^ovel. 3t2rrin^ :—^l. V. «45.4M51^. I. 8. N^^^l^l(BN^l, T'ke remold I. X. lir«tl,erB, etc.,
      140 words
    • 130 5 KlB i«ISKB 8l«c:l<l:8 r»^!« l»l0!«8Nl?. 1941. vl»?ea be^ nn 8/^lMvzV rlltB^ Bli^^l?<n »Her 8i««^!»«ill: surinzi tn« »«eon6 »«ek ol Neeember. l?or lull 6«t»il«. »ppl> to tl,e !N»n»«er. IV. I»»rk. v»n,»nt lrom 30 i».n, Hl'rrlt viff?«3lt NH^cr f! 3« l> «ll>»ilNN^ Nn«»t c»me6> vitn one »l tne most eminent c»zt« I«en^ou
      130 words
    • 30 5 7°°" «>«,,.. nr?rkl SC»rriNIIQ roil 2 V^V3 QIN.V j^l.Bo a^U^o^l Nlk«I!5» «r^s z s»^ z s'^i nm/^ l)^<^l 9.30 «III)IiI(3NI !>t»s?inl Buns»x zbo^ l»^0 l»ren,i«r« l»erlorn,»ne« »l Hn»lk«r ol t»>»«« "rOl>B
      30 words
    • 158 5 Iks m<3 >.^ucl» s«o^f >« 70NN! O^l^li'Ol. !l *****kV3.15.e.15.g.15. /t'« l«,^ 001/s^6 t/»e /4<//Nl««ion /'rice a» tse«'« 7^7<7^ >^F /^l^V u^en /c^V an«i >i//6/l/V6 C^T' into U. He Y ere 8t»ep»«Ie'» Btnr> ut I^larital IVlix up! 75e>, <7//^e-^^ </,<//, V ",^e tow t?//^e/ >,e.l»tnl,<! «e»' tl,e»^> »iln ls< X^l^V X
      158 words

  • 1134 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE WED., NOV. 26. 1941. (815th. Day Of The War.) Casualties In tnelr luriouH ellorts to nctii?"o against tne Russians some succeed more commensur ute witn tneir altva<i> procli8ious losses, tne (Hermans continue to pour men ancl macnines into tne lrav witn s-tartlinF pro^i^alitv. Xloscow's claims tnat
    1,134 words
  • 212 6 Varre6 k'rnm I^ni^n ir<> tl,e r<iiU»r ol tke 8tr»it» Sir.—^lter nianv trial, and lrlbulation«. knottier mercnant snip come« into 8ln«apore ancl tvo ol tne engineers kle avav to Nave an evenlnz out luicl <Irln!c ol «>metdlnll tkllt 6oe« not taste ol oil. ?or once tne? re»U? loolc Uke
    212 words
  • 274 6 "A Great Job" At Anzac Club l l!>e r«lit»r nl M« 8»r»lt« Blr,— lt ls wIM regret Mat I vrrlte you ln tkls strain. I Mlnlc a luilable keadln« lor 'ni« letter voulcl be: "skis Co-Oper ative >Var Spirit," reacl'n, ol my leeUnils m Mis matter. I, tklnk you vlll
    274 words
  • 217 6 Increased d!karse8 lor 8lr>— I «n<l >ou Me loUovine, nopinz U,a: lt mazs be ol some use to tne general public, an6 also perhaps 6rav tne attention ol tke poverz concerneli to «ome laets ln «82r<z to price control. XltNouek locxiztutlz are verv eMclentlv con>roUe6> tke vHllou« lest»urant«
    217 words
  • 3 6 N«ul«l.
    3 words
  • 1047 6 /.oni/o« I<el^ t?ab/e Ot Otten^ive slakes Straits 'pime, arrant > lor it» Ix»n6on Correspondent to e»dle Meekl) "letter" giving picture ol lite in Nrit»in. 1'ni» proved < popular >vitl» nur readers tl»nt six montn» »»?a »r» r»ngement« Mere m«6e »uppl.v tvo letters veelll^. 1'deir
    1,047 words
  • 253 6 glr.— I leel tnat «um, on« znoul6 tell tne vrlter > trx letter neasecl 'dolour Na> ,> <x>6»v, 8'raitz, I'imeL, lr^n!cl» tnou«n in all lr:ensline«5. tn»t l,e re»U^ d»» t^e bezt i«un«l vellare «l tlie noN'Lulopc>»n Nlltist, »ud^cct« 2t l^culV, >„ v>i> 60 better to relrain lrum l^l.>>ln«l
    253 words
  • 61 6 Pretoria. Kov 25. TKOI^'8 V2^t liupplie^ >nr^ 2n6 M»r m".der>2l« n^vr I^ai-lziv tappoc!,' «2>ci 5ir 6,.,Ua2!< />.^mell KI,a:'.. tde nov Indian Hl^^> O,n!M!^^c? to tl,c> Union (^l LoutN /^llicll. in »n inl-erviev, Ne »6<l«j l'.:2t In6iH li»6 i-..l!Uc>n men zcrvin^ «it,n tne II^peri^I »rm!t5 but dnere vere
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 <n»»< to l I» ».«».> pool, l, »l»n «u> §tainle«« zteel, undreel^cllble gl<Us, non-7na9net«c, »l^t?» acljultadle viltlet 12 OltCN^llv ItOKV. »L <^nu»c» V. s. V. »K. NOOll 8NOl» Nlt^» »^B^» IUI l»Olt« lix>Br 10 «^rnb>! 110rr1... X !»^8 H>l» xr« H>l^» c^lU»B «!,<»<»« lr«n. l!« 6, H° Yes»« t« »u!l
      78 words
    • 3 6 Optician. 21. L/^'li'^NV
      3 words

  • 416 7 proposal 1^0 VN «V NlliU representative ol tne Z»p2ne«e government n»8 orally propo«e6 tn lke I'kni Government tk»t I»l»»n 8k«ulll take over il,e entire defence ol Vnai. lnnil. »ccur6inj? to 2 verv le8N«N3,l,le source in l^on6on, reports Unitecl ?re88. l'ne «<«m' source relmrl,^ lnat tne l n»»
    416 words
  • 7 7 <>o^ !-om2!l> !n lne Xetner-
    7 words
  • 46 7 Normandie May Be Seized By U.S. vv V'X-X, Kov, 25, X 6i«p2t<N w- clay .'^ic! t!x' l'rcloril! !^2l> time l?on»mi.>ision da« c.mpletes p'.2N« lor tnr ioc>uis!tioninB ol eleven l^rrncn ve«se>B, inc.ullin? to tne I'ne l4urman6ie proUnitecl BtateB an 6 allocllte<! lnr service m 1,5e nortn tn?
    46 words
  • 45 7 VICHY BID TO EVADE NAVAL BLOCKADE 'i/Id«V >>Ncn6s to Btart 2 new i»ir line <,o link l'rrnl'N Wr»t UriUxl, d!<xk:i«ie. it is learnecl :n I^,>clc:i, Likorzlcv plan^li v^il! N> .!><> l.soo'M!le trip <rom v^kar to l'renen UilineH. >ne ivory c^'o2«t »n«l vanumle, rel,c>rt,<! M^ si nc/',
    45 words
  • 4 7 5? N^!.r.
    4 words
  • 45 7 New China Supply Route Planned 'l'Nl) «,ue«t«,n »l motor r»»ck lkrourl, tesritorv ineetine ot tl»« keople r»litic»l c!»>u»ril. It «^2« r«veales tl»»t !,u»l6ln« ol tki« route in «p»»« »l »!l 6><NcuItl«. l»eul»le»' polilil^ li! ureeck »>,« Q»v«ll»n,«n» to »utl»usitie« lor p«llni.>i. »ke 5ike<»n pl»in i'nit«l l»r««
    45 words
  • 28 7 Soviet Advance At Leningrad 5lo«-o». Kov 2« »11r^11...v2 Vsne^k» !4ovvlputl Vl«nerk». f'^nlin!? l, ln pr<«re«« ln Kelll-»-"Wnile our unit v»« Lttllc^we lnrmecl part ol lne sp»nl«n »!ue Uivi-iian/
    28 words
  • 6 7 bnmblu-clmrnt ol «erz l^ Kibir »n<l
    6 words
  • 251 7 U.S. Forces For N.I.? Kuv. 2b. »«n, c?orsell Null. Secretary ul i« Btat«. tola Me ?re« to>a«v tkat ke Xnev notkln^ ol any plans to lollov tke slspatck ol /wierlcan troops to vutck Qulana vitk slmllar movements to tne lietnerlanss Inslez. ?<"ne po!iUc»l circle, nere. no^ever. re«»rcl l^«>l6ent Noo«ev«lt', «m>
    251 words
  • 51 7 I'ne I»«ercN2nt X-line <>>lnmittee ol tne Unldea LtHtez Nou«« ol Nepre«ent2tiveB n»« unani> mou«lv approves ol le?i«!at>on l^utnori^lne tNe »«2ritline 60m ml««ion to »ell tvo «nip«, botn 22 vearz 0111, to tne Government ol Lire I'ne, »ill be u«e<l to carry loo<i lrorr. tke vni!ecl Ltate,,—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 164 7 Violent 'Quake Registered l^»n6»n, Nov. 2« Vl»l.k!«^ e»rU»,»»k« rec»r^«<l «n »n« instrument!. »t «s«t Nromvlen »t 5 0« p^n. >ezter<l»7. tremor, M«e« U» enormuu- tn»t it »»-> !>l»l«l tl»e« no l»»p« »l m»kil!«i complete «e«rs. ««n,n lue»»t. >lr. H. 8d»v. «t»t«a it tl»« l»rre«t e»lti»«,u»!le be l,»<l ever recor6e6 »n
    164 words
  • 372 7 IxiNllon, Kov, 26, 's'Nl: ol Inlormatwn'z i revelation ot 6arinsi kit !an6 run rai6 »v Nritainz tou«n. blaclc-unllorme6 c!om» M2n6u troop-,, vitn l^II members !al Mo 5M»N unit returnlnss lrom j tne «2llv on tne eoH«t ol Kar!m»nclv Ill«t Laturcl^v. coincl6ecl >vitn 2 statement dv Llr
    372 words
  • 71 7 Demand For More "Speed Urgency" l i»n6»n, Kov 2«. KIU 6oudt t»«r« vlll b« n>»en si«cu5»»on on 8i» ll»«ier ll«>e« 8t»tement in tl>« m»n6o pvlic?, H^rite, lt«ut»'» u»6ic,t«a »tterW»nl!>. it l, «»t «ubj«ct »l»itl» c»n k« s«v«>»pvl»«tl»«l il n»«»nt «Ull«»«»»e« «l opinion t»«t«een tn« pron,!llt»r? «6««. but k«>ona tl»»t n<,b«6?
    71 words
  • 170 7 Reds Accuse Nazis Of Torturing Prisoners Ixm6<m. Kov. 2s. 's'ttL cnar^e tnat tde (German, are torturing Nubian priot bv br»n6in^ idem vitn re^ kot iron», putting tneir eve» out, cutting tkeir l,»n6s, leet, e»r« »n6 no»08 oss. i» m»6e b? tke Loviet roreilsn (!ommi»5!2r, >l. »«olat«v. in note vnicn n»»
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 395 7 TROOPS FOLLOW UP BIG TANK DRIVE (!»iro. Xov. 26. I'UK m>li<Hr> l,pokesmlm »»i6 tne I.idv»n U»nk baNle >» ?r»6ua!!>' 6vin6linl? from colo«»2l encounter between tne Iron monsters ot »teel to tne ol6»t)le mlantrx combat. In c»wo lt l« »»l6 ta lx Ne e>pl»lne<! tN2t tne pace 01 tne e»r»v armourea
    395 words
  • 22 7 Xli-lc»n«, lt not p«llble to »»7 tklcultl, Loo Me b»lt!«a«I<i l>«' 8lcle b? «lcl« »IU> U«ll c«l>l»<l«.
    22 words
  • 8 7 R.A.F. DESTROY 119 AXIS AIRCRAFT c!»ln,. «o> 2H,
    8 words
  • 32 7 Within 19 Miles Of Moscow »re «>lnin 20 lrliometrez <»bout 13 ,»»>l. <i.»»! <r»n,por<— ki.^ Voln !ne rc«u!2r »t lue limit ol lN' «»ll xl^N"- t!on »«l 8ov!»l »N>» !-> "O, X»or>62V ll^nlinv
    32 words
  • 12 7 BRITISH SUCCESS IN ABYSSINIA «»ll<>bi, «o». 2S. 1>«l<l» Nlclze, ,n!<-n l, only
    12 words
  • 42 7 ter6»v tN2t «l, >V!!!l»m LuUltt. lurm»ncl I^»nce, lx to b« nl« spec!»l repre»nt»tl»« ln tne lle»r »«t, »c »M »n<l m»»ce report. »6<l«c! U»t »lr, LlMltt »>>ul<l prod»bl, v»»it tne Qidvl^n lront »Nl »!«> ol tne »Me, tne B>>» »n<l perb»p, ?»>««. Une— N«ut».
    42 words
  • 354 7 I»nllon. >ov. 26. germanB nave lo»t a»x»ut 6,Nfti).oo« men kill^, anll prixuner>; m <n<» I^nNle m Itu^'a, uccor6inl? to tne >l»8co» rz,6io. to ike soviet I tne >lo!,ca^ >°»6io annnuncer. 2.122.000 m<m. inlkxlin^ 490.0 «n6 520.000 mi»«!n?, I'll.' <i, 15.000 tanks. I?..000 plnn< >. I
    354 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 nee«ls approximately 3VO international Units ok V>I4«M« «i «lail> lt zooo' nealtl, is to ke maintameck^ M. per va^. of supplies tl,e no«l> v^itn tne requirecl amount ok V>74«M« vi
      30 words

  • 143 8 ADDITIONS TO WAR FUND APPROXIMATELY $250 -^lontn" Appearance i8 a 6i^tinet enllok tne montk appearance 1 about I^e >Var l'unll to 6»x. 0ontributlon8 are ver^ lew in number an6 onl^ one ok tnem reacnes tnree Nxure8. total i» aa'vancttl b> 3250 to 3ls»,060,479. labourers an tne I^ru, "lamoin ancl l>2NH8
    143 words
  • 72 8 NON-EMPIRE PURCHASES (^l)mmiBBinnerB I'd Ke6lBcuBB IBBue 'I'lll^ coMMil>3loN>.>!^' LMPtls prelercnce palicv vill de reviev,><i on l^i6av, vnen a lull<lreBB 6ob2te 12 >>xpecte6 to tollov 2 motion to de drou^Nt up d> N N"nnctt to rl";cin<j a resolu tion. pa«Be6 ln 1939, zivinF sn-elerenco to Nriti^N B<»^< believes to be lnat
    72 words
  • 26 8 IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN FACTOR IN WAR m til? ?l>aaie k!2«t, «»!c! m an lntei-. d'"»r<'!, tn? wear I^xt na»tUe d»«! !>' «n ssl^t 2« to precwcle »ircr»l!
    26 words
  • 12 8 N^l»l»V <N,PP7 »V«r!«» »,l «/»> l^l^»»^^ 4 '/'uniil lulilie ul ?nune «5«
    12 words
  • 118 8 Nerlin. Nov. 2«. >I^lls milit»r> BpulleBM2l, m 1 N«rlin >e«tor62? aecliue<l to predict »n victory m 1.i1,>». bu^ ne cl»ime«l ne« «ucc«zze« lor tk« l<2/> nelence tactic!,, elnpn^«>ilin« tnut e>2s> tic 6elenc« i« couples »itl» pu^erlu! luu^.tc- ilt^ck^." I'nite6 pr^B«. I>on6on. !>><»». 26. 'I'nr. Nril«n Uovernment l»2» ree»l<l!N«
    118 words
  • 79 8 Australia "Branch Of Foreign Office" In Singapore Ol^lVlQlt observers m Blntziip^ro, botli Llitisn ancl Australian, n^po tliat m nis conversations ai Canberra. iVlr Dull Cooper viU m lke tNc> Uoverumen' realise trie necL«Bitv tor tne early B<.ronB!NeninF ol Australia? lllpresentation r>ere, Bays tne Bini;a pure correz>,^n<z«nt ol <.ne B>llne> IVlorninF
    79 words
  • 7 8 Officers' Complaint About Saluting »!>»» ll pl»^»«»»7 !mp«»««b!e
    7 words
  • 47 8 Bangkok "Awake To Dangers" lsNL reaction ol lr»»l natlonlllz I re«l6ent ln to recent reports lrom Nan^lcolc. »n6 tne centralj^iiiL ol I'nllUana's ttne»» lorcez un6er 2 zupreme cnmm»n6. 18 tnat tnelr country lz 2t >2«t avllke to tde 6»neer« vnlen tnreaten ner, Cominznsei' »ns tke otlier 8ener»l«
    47 words
  • 7 8 At The Theatre FILM OF WILD LIFE
    7 words
  • 6 8 H>e >l»» «»«> Ix»» ll>n>«»l"
    6 words
  • 33 8 until Dec l, 1942, r«lu!Un«nt to tk« vrezzel^ Service ln tke Xl«llc»! ll«. p»ltin«nt vM de «u«pen6«l, »nil tt>»l be c>t temi»l»i7 n»tu«, U« en<I c>l 1942 tke «!tu»twn vlU d«
    33 words
  • 14 8 «n, zll>-«l Dull c^x>pel, <?»d!^et Ne «<>i!?<I tli»» «tt» lull 6I«".!z«lon
    14 words
  • 74 8 «/I'I'N trie tNlrcs ckli«tm25 5lnce Ms cammonrement ol lNe! present var darelv 2 mantl, ava?, 8!n82pore zkopz are all «U«pl2Vln« attractive ztocks ol z.a^onal l»re ol ovei^ 6e«cllptic,n, "Ike people ol 8In82p«re, e«p«c!»II? rxrite t!i<> rnv> ol evei^ cki!6 w !!l>ipp!n« »n<l otker l!l»e.!lt!e«, »n6 U,e
    74 words
  • 70 8 number ol tne L»«tern <3r»pI>Ic n« !t« u«u»! Vllllelv ol Ni-enler I^«t >^!z c!<>.pro»i)erit> > dy vnlcl, 5ub)e<-t ii>ce« are 6omli>»tec! I 2nc! exp!nidt<j bv 'm»«I<!i' l»ce 1,1-urtire c>l tke Olller," tl.e 5t»l5 in «u»v««><!, pnoto^llpnl l,l NzntiNF ui tne >V«5l. el» Desert, tne N,>,r, In N»5«!», >
    70 words
  • 81 8 TRAINING OF TECHNICIANS l'acilitieZ "8a61? I^ackins" In iVlala^a "'U'nziNINQ lor t!w tecnnlc^ subordinate l5 3a6I> wclcln^ ln tni« country" 8<»l6 »«l N. l'o^clcn. M2na8>n^ dircl' tor ot roz^ei!. Nrlzbane an6 do I^t«i,, vko is 5ko>-tlv retiring lrom !n un Interview vNn > 8tl2it« I'Imez reporter ve«ter6av I^u^^en tkat tne larilitiez
    81 words
  • 14 8 AWARDS IN NAVY AND FLEET AIR ARM vn »n6 tke O8,«, la pelt? omcer
    14 words
  • 55 8 k ui«lel5tocxl tl»»t ,He crev ol »»ze«. It l, Ie»rn«l tk»t >e«ter<l»7 U,e trouble tkre»tene6 to become 5erlnu.« »n<1 re,ult <,t tkl, tke c»pt,2in 2i>c! od.jet Lnzweer vent zlkore nl llbout 30 Vikl, cc>NHt»bIe« unller In«p«ctc>r >V!Ien, «ent »!c>n«««e m motor b°»t but
    55 words
  • 14 8 HLILIlSIwr to tl,e Victoria Lckoo! 5 c!l>v Victol. Lckoo! «l,, O, N
    14 words
  • 10 8 I'okio. Kov, Id InlorinLtlon »<»!-«!, «r Hok I«s»l>,
    10 words
  • 10 8 INDIA SOVIET WORKERS c»lcutt», »ov, 22. BUc»alNl'ic>« lor l«n<Un« me6>.
    10 words
  • 7 8 Victoria I«emor!n! U»ll, »n6 Mere
    7 words
  • 16 8 T'^ie ouke o/ /lent m an X»°n?z, ''econ/iaiHHn^^e ra^ 11/ien /,e ?e-
    16 words
  • 191 8 MINIATURE FORTRESSES SURROUND SINGAPORE />OVe?/tt/ <3tt,15 0,l /F/a,lck llele«ce» 60 nut enci nitn tne lfeoelunnical limit!, of tne iglanci. (!u»rl!in? tn>.- onlr.,n<-o,< w Nrituii, .>< l'ar L23tern lortreZg are numerous smaller jslan^s. eacn n miniature tortre»3, »n«j eacn nardourin^ pmvel-fu! onou^n to l)!a»t »nip 3 out ot tne nster at
    191 words
  • 29 8 NEW COMM ISSIONER L lic> t-.HH b?<>n »i,pc>u!'.ecl »l»ence on !?»vr ol «r, I°,n l!>il7> 3ec-on<l Lnttalion, N 8 V l», l, pckr!»N!l c?a l^t<l N? »«N »»>enl< > rrlc>»>
    29 words
  • 9 8 u»> «ov, b> «r k^>«b N»>
    9 words
  • 84 8 INDIAN PROBLEM DISCUSSED I^onclon, Kav, 2s. 'I'lll: limes' le^cler on >Ve<lne«<l2> Il«t. vnicn ar^uecl tn»t Me 6i«2ppc>lntment rezar^lnz tn» cl«:l<!lc>n anent Inciia,, poiiticHl pr!««nerB v»« not, luliv moiilieci c>> tne lmpiiccl promise ol "lur» lner carelui consecration,' uncl 82! cl tn«t "6ilrc-t si^rtil'ipnUon ,l» rc«lx>n.>liblllt> iz tne oni> tru« ciiver^ent
    84 words

  • 222 9 THAILAND CALLING UP RESERVISTS N2N3KOK, Xov. 27>. si' i» nssiciallv »nn«unco<^ tkat some classes ok l r«.lorviBtB kavc been c«lle«l up >» "rl,2il»n<l. 8»^8 l nitc^ pre»<B. 4t tne »»me time tNe olNcial I°ti?l! l-^6io. ll>«u!NN8 l 8 commen 2lie5l alter a lortnl«nt'» ,l!ence. «-^av varnc6 n»t>an« not to »du«e
    222 words
  • 69 9 Agreement Hopes Dim Ix>n6c>n. Kov 25. l»n<lon tn»t U,o Vs»«kw«t<,:l l»lil« on Uie> l^lr I^Httrn »ilu»tlan »re nav rl>n»»-l'«1 on tne 6i«cl'«' >>i at 2 plovi.^c>n^l 2Fleement belveen Me Un.re6 8t»te, »N2 per^>!^p2 ol llirce m?ntk«' 6ui-»tlor>, Nut Me ?k»nce« »r: conlilllere^ ta be »dout tva tn on? Aealn.'t 2<>fu?vement
    69 words
  • 7 9 Gen. Tojo On The Crisis »»l»« >»»»« I»p»»." >»»
    7 words
  • 47 9 'Pacific Defences Impregnable' VI5k Ns«t!»k 6«lenc«, in <»,« e«»il^ »ll,« to u»« tl>«m tl>«> el»«s 8l, ?»ee. «l>» i, in Nlil,in ,>»«ci2l envu>. Ne «l?ile«I to l,i« re< ent U»i»r !i» »n6 «de l»»cili<: dot "5i«v« n, l>i«tul7 ll»ve t»,o>!<' ckel«»r«» deen >«teonl«r td»n port, tl,« N ll^c
    47 words
  • 112 9 Tokio Alarm At Parleys '*****0. ««v. 25. s^0^8lOlvl»l criUcim, ol tne nve-p0M«l conference m i« cont»ln»>ll m tn? l?r<?«z t^iz mornlnz. !»»el>t t»Nl» «l I»M»» «l«««7 c»»lel«n««» m«etw« ol U»1ev«« to <U«>u» !n« l»," <u,cl «^mpn»»i», I've Kn»n«nln »>w>bun M»t! re1»llon« MUH» be lt?ul»t«! br!»e«n 1°»»Uo «ul <»nlei«rl» »Q<l ur««,
    112 words
  • 75 9 Pledge To Help The Dutch «^l"l»r><7lic>« »tln lne .'««>«« «nle,e«l w ni, l»U« In »»tna!» j e,p«»«<l b> Xr V»n «<>ae«ti»t«l tn« X I on l»l» »lN,»l ll» »»t»vl« ll»2 »«r, V»n »«>»ltl»t«> t, «pe«t«l to luc«e<l Ki. »«<»^ >^ »ick. l»»«»»»«» »l«A cl« »»l>e^l»ll«» «e«i,« w but »l»" l^»t
    75 words
  • 85 9 Tokio Journal's Reprisals Threat To Moscow I'oluo. k'ov, 25. sl' tlio Kreinlin Hul,Nc»rUle3 2i-e MHiIINL Uzkt ol span's I peaeelul »tt,itu<ie rr^Za-din^ tl^e norM »n6 <lepen6in« on Vnlt«l Bd2tcs dltcllln^ ta relume to ckAmze Uieir atUtucle. tke Lovil i in'lHt be ;irepar«l ta receive lirin punitlve blc>v." TTnuH tnreat^nH He
    85 words
  • 148 9 N»no!. Kuv. 25, 'sill: In6«'0^w2 Qovernnrat Me bamd outr^^e U8»w5t tke l?on«ul2<<: in 8»i8on, 2Ncl l,a« un6ert^lcen U, conduct tke minut«»^ lnve8^l«»llon 2ncl Nx re»p<>n«lb!I t,zs l«r tke oulra!l<?, <5«ntl»l? to tll« z»p,l»««« vumei ne«» »«ene> l«l»«ll »ll«ei»e tl>,t tl>« 8»ieo» o»l»s»le «>«>»«»»«. tbe »Mel»l bl«nrl, e«lnn>»nl«>u«
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 109 9 lne X»l^^»n r»intvork« m »re <<»n»pletel> e^uip I»«^ «itn modern plant, »n6 »>> tecnni«i»n«. liver, c 155« ol p»int iz »v»il«o!« 2nH llle l»rt«r> ix ee»res to II liien pit<n ol 5lp«e«I »n6 etNcien, > sol prompt <I«live?ies to in«liv!«lu»l "l-e 'Nation. ,r I^"8 r^ll^ >' >15»2A iT-. l „.,.l.v
      109 words
    • 52 9 Ll-lOW^n pnOOl^ dO-li-c)^ pc>pl_!^ QOl.? on lvlOi-QNiolQ lvi^c)^ >»« Si co., I>^o. p..7-» Nl.^'^ It'z 2 bri^nt iclea to u«c ()^!ll<l<c> l»ol,5l, nen br««, copper »n<l silver nee<! bri^nt laztin^ !<^<^ti W polizll— lor l)DlXK0 N"B"' tot2i>x irec lrom acitlz «n<l leavez no zmell lH or t«te on loocl uten«ll«.
      52 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 89 9 l»»,»«»>. 2»« l» »> XUli u Lumpur »»ee Ne«ult«i 7.3N 'IneU^!, L»rM": 8. Ill "<3le»t »»tUc« ol »«U»t, "8lncv5 c»l W«"! l0. lO.«5 i^Ur: in.ll 0»»e« «u«lcf: I? l».m »«>«><: t» U«« IluU»n z«»<>-'^. U»n: b,3U «e« w 1'xull: b.40 I»n«w «^v» U, Nln<lu«t»n!: Announce, menu w oulck: 7 ll
      89 words

  • 125 10 U.S. On Finnish Aid To Nazis 1V»«b!neton. K»v. 25. N. l. 8HN»80«. l)nlte6 l« 8t»te« 8«erel»r, lor n», n»»a« tne cb«r« tn»t troop, no^ d«ln« t» !>«>si tl»e «erm»n, cl«»« l»e I«nrn>»l»!ill'!»lo»c»'» »upl»>^ line, over Hvliiob out«i6e In »t»ten,ent >8«u«6 !>>n,ul> l,neou8l> «ltl» Mr. 8ttn»8on«, »»j»rlFen. I»ine!, «urn«, v«> put^
    125 words
  • 71 10 High Nazi Air Officer Killed verlin, «ov, 25 VlTl anotner nl«n olNcer ol tne K liultM»Ne n«« deen !cllle6 ln pl»ne cr»«N vltk Me c!e»tk ol Qen. V^Uber6 ol l,t»e l3erm»n »ll lorce. vklcN v»« announcecl d7 Me <3erm»n ne^»z 2«iene^ tkl« mornlnz. 1'de n«M« ol l3en, <le»tt> lc>I1ove«l clo«elx
    71 words
  • 92 10 "Big Events To Follow Anti-Red Parleys" events tnl« ve»r >I voul<l m^lle tne re»><HN lor l,ne ?»ct more cle«^r. 5»l<l von Mbbentrop. <3er> m»n lXireizn Minster. »t tr»e conclu6ln« ceremon? ol tne »ntl> <?omlntern conference ln Nerlln ve«ter6»x. Nlbben^rop clocll^rell tn»t »u present vouI6 not rest until NoI«n?vlHm v!pe<l out
    92 words
  • 29 10 President Liners Requisitioned 8»n ?e<ls» <l)»Ul»r»l»». >»,. 23. tke I0.00«'t»n linel, l»l«,ibe u«««l ki tl»e U»v«rnn>en» «»t»on line reve»l«6 »l»»t tn« lin«« I»l»»5»Nl» »n6 >lont«rc> »ent lor «ii M««ll, Ileut«l.
    29 words
  • 97 10 Labour Problems To Be Tackled Nov. 25. cu»»e<l l^dom- !c>Fi«I^'Uc)n lor li»o an6 l^ li»Il Norirz lAZt ni^kt v/ltk ten <Hm>3le8«nl''n ir>^ n^emder« ol tke Vep2l-tment ot Klc<I!olm»c!c, I?2<ier ol rne I^emorrlltli: Nepre5l.'>N2Nve«. tol^ lspc>rter« l,N»t ran5en8U5 ul opinion vnz rellekecl »nc> tk»t I.^bnui' leziHlatlcin !«douI6 do taxen u>> promp^lv
    97 words
  • 357 10 REDS ADVANCE 60 MILES IN SOUTH XulklBkev, 25. 1106 l,a« si»88ell to tl,<s counter nssen^i c on tne liostov lrnnt, to ossicial ne^v!<sz2per reports. s»>B lteuter. ltu^>:»n tro<,pB near llostnv ure 26vnncin^ at tn<> rate of nearly one mile no? nour. miloz i<^ tke ok tne soviet advance now ma6e
    357 words
  • 91 10 I«t»nl»ul, Nov. 25. '^lll: 1»^!ll3n Novernment r>l^ X lord»66e^ exit to t»,e Nl^, !c ?I »ll 1u!-kl5N ve«e!«. !n p c?»lt un6?r 150 tons, ndl"N nitnerto s>»^e tr»v«»I«l sreelv ketveen iHtu^du! Hn<l 2u! ;^l!an lZlarlc Lea ->c>st«. «>xtv I'urXi'ili zt^amerz luil? !26en 2n5 rea6? l" Drs>cce<l ro NulzarlH
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 15 10 St I»ul, («l»oull>. «uv. 15. »»Ikec! oul, lv support ul N>« maoklnlH^ -»eu!«.
    15 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 NBBllNiell min»virial.e«llB uttractivelx labelled carton liclil^tllv ulrtiglit un 6 reintorceci d^ patented metal en 6» u^ainzt cruBninj» drinj;^ )^l,u I^nsli-ik K,BcuitB at "I^clinom^ prices." uu>n7itafles l>t sirti^nt tinB witkuut tke extra cc>Bt ol tinB. rii.MB! 8 IN IN killns 16 m 11l Bilsnt kiilNL 16 l!l 111 8OUl»<i on lilins
      79 words
    • 111 10 lino u» »ll» ll»»l»«rl<«l><t» ln6i»2) I^u.c>l>e»li re«l6ent« ln lsa»lern counlrle» are. ln ln^reasink num»,"!» «n«llnz tnelr enll^ren to zplenclia boar6ln« zcnook. I'ne a6van'2«e« are l^^ obvious- lnvl«or»t nk climate ex eptl<inallv favourable excnanze. tNe llrltlzk envl^an m>'r.t lne ciulcll acre» »n<l »2let> »Vril« l»r do-lllel lealurin, 'j! ,cno»l,. an»> »l»,
      111 words

  • 290 11 ODD GOAL DECIDES WAR FUND HOCKEY GAME ?keik lVlansur'z sine ?erlorm«lNQe l<ln^2p«re rivill»n« 2; Nrltlzn ans ?i»v^ 1 eu«lX 5«^X8I1» 8 brilliant p«rt»rm»nee a« tne le»6er ot tne Oivili»n »tt»ell v»« tne niLNlizint «l runs koekex <l»me on tne p»s»nzi in Mnicn tne 8lnz»p«r« ttvlU2»»« beat tne Nrltlzn Hrn»^ »ns
    290 words
  • 3 11 To-day's Sports Events
    3 words
  • 17 11 LATE RALLY GIVES POLICE VICTORY r»u«e Nep»t ll. ».c.v. 8i»Q5. l^'Ilce ln«l!le U,l«, lelt tk« »«I<l l,ti>7<1.
    17 words
  • 18 11 CIVILIAN HOCKEY XI vs. INDIAN ARMY V. li. I'll!,?: n, »»I-U>. <3. Scott: »V, peel leapt). Q, N«uten!«
    18 words
  • 57 11 OLD BOYS WIN ANNUAL RUGGER <lr«»'» c>l6 »az« de»t tb« «««l b^ 13 stripped U>e N«t tkle«,>i»ltel, »n6 cantwuwz u» »tt»eic. U,e c»I<l 2a^» u»ere»««<l Uieir scar« «x»i U»e «l«unll. «iQu!!v l»U«l «Itk tke Iclek. Na«, «<:<>>!!? »C»lu l»UIu« to con. «5, 11, 0. N. Itenaie «lee«<l. »n6 c?kye ««l
    57 words
  • 12 11 WOMEN'S HOCKEY TRIAL <!»?. v«c, »Ul be k«ls »t l <illl«' »!><! s, NU!U.
    12 words
  • 38 11 B^»^rr» s>»rB >»«!« l: «^»l<«. 8t»» I^>«!l. Il««« !.»»!>». B>>n». ll«« 7: sl,«n« column. !»««»>!« Nell«». l«8^ Nf/l8: r«rl: «lr8» ll»«« l! l<»«^. lU»« »»< llrBl »5I8: »t»r l»«k. z»<M^. l» ronllr8l»0!<l»r«^ >««»nUlk» 8«n»»^ <: 8»>»»U»« 8«b». »^«l«l»e«»^ 7: »l»«n»w. l>l cUlllKlillM.
    38 words
  • 519 11 RACE CARD FOR TO-DAY l»lIX)Vs lz 8>ven t^e lull c»l<l ol > events 2t Xullla Lumpllr to-,< 6»v. tne zeconc! 625 «l tnc 3el»neor i>urt Cwd'8 venter me«f- in«. 1°ke double wte« vlU be on r»c» lour »n6 live »ncl «ven > 2n6 ei«nt, 2n6 tne bis «veep vll! >
    519 words
  • 39 11 i-ul-?-!- lor U»> 30l:, vei«u« c»o«tie«. H. p »ur!ey, N, V. I^« «»re: 5 <?, V?!I«l>n, N potter; N, ?,!ll^<>v. N U «s^l»l,or!. l?»pt. c». Vart, Lt 1°, lla^dui-zk. Il N, <?»ntre'>, I' c: ll»w!jn. c»pt. I. Lmltk,
    39 words
  • 11 11 JAGUAR DOUBLE MISS FANCIED 6» not «u««t »l><: l»»« tlie neee^Ul?
    11 words
  • 10 11 WIN FOR S.C.R.C. AT HOCKEY 8le». «ee »n6 ckeu« <?N^»,
    10 words
  • 79 11 H.^NI^»OV 'l'U, s— 3o) »<»> U» »uck Vl»n« <— 30> 6—2. e-^0 w tt» 3 c:,Il c. open wvltoUon l»»n tenni, lte«u!U ol 'ne otker tle«i "l, N»»l»!e» »»»«ll«»p <l»»l» »»»t B>>2di l!n« c'k'^nz »n<! V, ONS. c— 2. o—2: I^lm lc»'i>u« »n<i !>»», poo Ql? <— 30>
    79 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 li'>!l^! you ,!>sn, lonl »euu> r<»-I,» »!>6 >c?N'>u venin !,c <NIM Vnu ««> Itol >.»>!!! !»>^! 2c><« Nl ON »U«l»l!N^> l^^2 F//^/^/? /^/()t///) 1.17Nl- H 00.. l.ili. (ougllinz, zlnnzilinll LWMiI (Übe^ m 3 V., ,»..,<,.! n», lx ,<». >«««»^ v««l» <z»»5»»»»» WMWWM^' MZ »»u !«> >«« »>,<, „^>»«« X,Uu»» l«
      46 words
    • 225 11 In till- I.o^ lion l N.V^l<l<'li o?' l l)>l>ll<Ilt('L l^l^l'U^>) 1940 results ju!>!t publi»ke<l 90 per cent, ok ?I7'bl^>l itt^INLI) 87'U0I>^'I^ v/ere 2W2i-6e6 ?^BBl^3 m I'V»'?^ltll'lNs: anci 57 pei- cent, ok tkese 2l MWMWWIWVzWWWWWMW Wine 6 DlBl'l^^l<>^ UN > >^D VI«UD M k^nrnl no^v lor tke > !i'>. Iv^.lW n«n
      225 words

  • 523 12 ENTIRE NAZI ARMY IN LIBYA MENACED H "I'Il^^I'0^" Nritizll column is lnliev«l to be streakin? »cro«8 tke dl^llk llesert 250 miles «outk uk tko rlijlin^ tank kattle m tne Itexe^n nrea. m co1a83»l Nanking tnrust to^varll tne (?ulk ok Bi6r2. m or^er to cut 01l vi^tuaNv tne >vnole Ulrica l^orpz
    523 words
  • 244 12 Nazi 'Armada' At Salonica I»n<lon. llov. 25, pl^ll b, vnlcn N«rm»nv m»? endeavour tc> drlnz tre»? supplle, into I.Idv» d? v»x ol <?ret« l« <le«erlbe6 ln bullets bv I^^r.ln to tl»« I^llUanHl Lro2llcH«tlr>.8 Oc>rpor»lon tr2m l^rze numderi «l Uerman 52Ult tllNlc, »N6 MUN.U0N3 »t>7' roportecl tc> Nave been recent!? tr»n,poltecl
    244 words
  • 87 12 New Tobruk Garrison lx>n6on, liov 25. Ul' l« revealed ln Ix>n6on tnat tne X vnole ol tne l<intn VlvizOn, vnlcn lor montnz >,l»6 been noising I'odrulc. va» Mitr»lre«n United Kinzclom g,n<l p"'^n troopz. «ay» tne V 13.0. a«u propazandiHt^ vere tallclnz about t/>e inevitable late ol tne I'obrull Barrl«on. Nut
    87 words
  • 27 12 td»t I>ok!<, l« to ct>»n«« l^ n>Ult»l7 tk»t w,ulll«, »er« m»<i« recently l>? »>»ve reve»le6 tk»t tk« M,tcl,m«n c»l>? revolve,,, nune ol tliem l!cei««l >>7
    27 words
  • 87 12 U.S. Oil Ban Against Spain Vichy Africa V,'HHkinBton, Kov. 25. /^l^. iicence« tor tke exportation ol petroleum products ol lu>^ l^incl to Lpain 2«cl Ncr poHse«sion3 ti^ve been re> vullec! luici all out«t»nclinB «ener»l »nll ln6lvl<lu»I Ilcence« lor »n? exportstlonH vnatever la rrencn Morocco 2n<i 1unl« nave deen revokes. Qccur^lnz
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 17 12 "It l« U»« Ui«t time Uie 8t«, «u«l Polt»nt b»uxlte mine, lrum «klck
    17 words
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    • 184 12 »l»p °N!»lf>> >Hr,» 8e!«u»>>— l»li«^ «c «z«I voun BLll^s ll3^Bs^?l>itB. »00li8. 1.1. Bc^p 80Hl.r8.« .3 cl<oBr rmmc UDB. ol.v l.iololi c^l! 7V?^B 7UVLB. c^>>l^? »^C3. ol<o IW7ON c^k r^ll^l^. l^CB. c^B7 INON. /^um. 11^.^5 o^l^l>irmB. li^ciluc l.zz«s b^>B. 0l.l) l.^l> WM»B i° l»ct cv .^2 eic^y! ting 226 llitcnen
      184 words
    • 77 12 I^B IVIKX IH «<iii>l<in<l. H»r«icK« rx?itl:88 co., illc. /or 7Kz»«l<llKl» eovi. ?ovlt!5l or?l. eu«l.o8 i«r Bi^m 10 ofsBri «i«eur/ivolo 3lcll«l88-nlm 00M co«vli«o« Don't wait lor «ckn«« to »trike you llovu— protect vuue keailll Hvnile you nave il. l^ompountl rv^u» l»rlv every «l»v. V^aterburv'z lortiuel tne zy«l«m »llll» nelp keep /ou
      77 words