The Straits Times, 25 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 31 1 sm/^>> roi«. The Straits Times s«»r^«i^»l!ili «»«^«Q, ck c?«l«i'u»»! /^^O/.vc? 12 1'.X1.1-^ 25. 194 l ,'NX 5 OK>» The Straits Times ,2 l?^«l>:8 gl^ci^pvltL. 511L8I)zV. K0Vl:!«Nl:» 25, 19<l. Nic 2 ckiVl's.
    31 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 139 1 34 »1., 8p»«^ !»!>»«, 4»« „l vvunll^r lliut ske'l, siruuli ol t'.er r'uinilu^. »c !^uk^ <.^u. ,j. >i, v. n<! v, I1 >n ?li2 purcnageci it two >e» r» :^o. v^o<? Wax «ne linclz. ricn t> !,<r c!i.-l!r,<. ta!>>e» »n<! even tn? Noor» 1» ''^°^v s>ni»n tn»t 6oe» not ll
      139 words
    • 80 1 l. c l c o o l. c o so l^i ln l!i«5« 6»>5 ol pe^ol s«l>osi<ng. mcx» »n^ <n<>s» bulm«lsM«n luncn m oue n«w «,s conditioned c»l», »»!»> »nd v«s,«d >uncn«z «s» s«sv«<i m 5U>'!'QUNO'!Ng5. c«s<« oc on monlnl? con»s»ct. l^O8l^5()^ 5 co»ll)mc)l>lll) c^s»? ssrom 24tk «ay. ?o 10tk
      80 words
    • 114 1 tnan ovE'.' now. will UHHU demand vnluc and qulllit^, wnicii v^ou >vil! Knd to voui' >U»»^^^ salizlaclion m tne loveiv and /H^^M'l^^v excluislte collection ol lro<.lcs U^«^ V now uvailalile. I^lie laio^t ari-ivalz are az s<.»i'vice-al>le as extraot lrom an lltiioia! Xolliez! llestott on rice pulizningz cun«i»t c»l tne jl^rm
      114 words
    • 9 1 c«.Ble ««^v L«tt«rv No»«l Afternoon L.ven,nK l)re»»«« sel. 4772
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  • 1 2
    1 words
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    • 153 2 tne !»t« «r. Xnor Kcnss. lfr". <!<>e,t o»u«nt?r o< «r. »na I«r, 4>?p> !)!SN>I «XU^I»VX»V I^X Dr««r <^n<iu<:tor !'!':> Nc"! «72, 8tr»!l« iimeH. st»tlr>e »el!->.5in«l e«l.«nl Nou»e>m»!^ «IS<I b'tveon 1,30—4.10 l!»!!7. ci!r! > /fti»t »lUi nl »«5, ..»lt, Iline', «,^f»"s«» l» i?ur2p<H» I«l7 lor V>"l«v: Vorlcxno,) ?orem»n d? lpcountr^ »Unln«
      153 words
    • 96 2 W^i'^o l, l»«l:i»I^^r^L l^ir eollt »I»«.V4N<»» Nelrl««»tor. l>l,one 3333. »^»lX>«I «^l»O»««>l. plrteet rail BU,ie— l^evellea buUclln, »lt^ 2ox Ko, »19. »tr»!t, S!ul6ln«. l»»li8«>»al^> rviu«im»«. <unlu« l»4. c!>UUI»^»U. llo^o l-^r B»te. 9«. 0n!»t I'«rr»c«, l?l^.^»«>>«: B>UH!, 4 Il^rze v»rlrt7 »U«l!."r«i8: t,e» ««leii n»»« «n» 12-lt, /^rnK'Ule^ t!»d!« In6oubt»><U7 LrlentMc In-trumenl O>^
      96 words
    • 244 2 «r,. 8l!U »n6 o.»u«liters n»v« 24 ?u»2i' sula^ioni. «^B'r Olle, Nl««. co,! »»l! l>ui«» I>r»l« mcxl«»»t« 4390 »«<>»«» X ln.^»l^r». >» "uo,a llou«e." 2. 1H56 ll<l. Ovl, b»tnr<x»«. «o»r«! >n«»w. NOQI.?. 47 l^UUne? «<l. >rel, F^VN >515«N51»N »»O»8 per 1.12,41. nev «??l»n<». lo» »urop««m 48'rOlU^. 11. Scott, N«»6. i^tEl ro»n
      244 words
    • 334 2 IX»8?'. ro, 6 muutlu, ol«l, lincier Un6i> pnone «<>. UM2S ol *****! s^oi'ONl^cz 1.^330^8 Il»pw Oourle ln «OK»N DIUVI«<3 0l lreen«!6 »n<l lOHeliolll 8ln«»i>«« I« Ql>uU» Street on W«<>»«»<>»7 >»41. A» t^« Q»» l. V,!u»d«! lreenol^ »«»«> »n<« N«M« «0 15 1r.005 3«N« N«XI. «N«»lx»« 2, V»Iu»U« lreo»»ol<l !»»<> »»«>
      334 words
    • 158 2 «»«t n«l»l«, lcieellex r>»»>«, 77. >U«l« »«»<. 8«»»,p«»«. l^u>«<: »»i715» MBl)»Xr<cr »«»rln« Iu«»r«»e« »>xl ln»!t«, »pplie» o<3<s«. M.^>lI»I» to b«7 D»Un»U«i> lMel, Mill, p«ll«r«e /^pplx >l» »47. l»tr»lt« »l» «7l1»ll m»I« r«,»lr«<z lnr «tu<l lmln«ll»te!7 4s>st>7 «un«p»l i«t zxnovcilori coßftxilv. l.»niro. > ti«!orp<»»te«l ln tk« 3 «r»t Interim Dlvlllen<i ol
      158 words
    • 311 2 8t«p! 8»»»: N^l'l'V Ito^lii. t,^ °.li« «^t co«t n«M,> 81^0 I.^ li 8 c^!?^""^ r I LI. 065X88^5^! to let «°°u.r, or I»«5 n^l? <^p^ ,r <^ 1?^ «olt or «trnn« <lrln!l» »n<l re»! a^Us, V^^^^ Nlve u» c»U on Tour neit trip e>«7 ol eunve7»nc«. 7our ««l u»^r>« »i.
      311 words

  • 719 3 »l t»,« Nettle ol Ns>»»in. 'rkl, book »^l>, ol »d« «s!,Min» eT^i^o 2t klH l«.e5lc lr> t!,e Vomder Qnmm«ln6 llellciquarters Me (7omman6«>r'ln billet M2>ce3 i-»>!<I QpsireclaNan ol tde «ltuation lram tke reix,rt« c>l tn« previous ni^nt'z ol>!>«tloi« 2ncl l/om lnlorm»t!in vl^lrN mav b<? zuppUes to n!m verbAl'.y b^
    719 words
  • 289 3 AXIS FORCES SEEKING REFUGE IN TUNISHIA? I^onclun. 5,'uv. 24, »»7UlI>i: mo2t ol M25>> re- ports concernins tne b'raneo. Qerman n<?80t!5Non^> on lne »ub!?ct ol Nartn »re prem»»^r?, lt l« certain tnrt MUer na« pl-e««In8 l'ewli' v,?l>' dartt ancl k2« l>.2o> 2t Ie»5t I'ke 1'lmez 6!si!am!<c!<: collespon6ent, One l« tn2t tne
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 65 3 VIEWING DEFENCES IN NORTH AFRICA Z^Un k»» iui7lv«<l w Vick» twm »c°or<zll., to tke !^r>« l»aw. >^<Im. KO6 been vliltln, «olUl Xtrio». Il»t<>n. Vle»>7 ll«:«l»>7 ot l>ort» «ova, tke p»-<,vl»l<,n»l ?»pk»l ul r»6!o, «c lelt lxxne d> pl»ne >«l«l. <3«n, Leieeret, Vlckx »«««t«? ol 11,, n«M c^llUNTNllerlncklet ol Qen, »>»»
    65 words
  • 120 3 Iztandul, liov. 24. »I'^U,V is actually bullcllnF ll<?> lence, a^alnzt ncr ovn ally. German/, and <iu»rreUlnB vitn tne Kails over air and army illlocation, l» reliable neutral reports nere. Ne sald: "Italy no lonzer na« laltn ln Qerman vletorv, but sne cannot dodLe Uerman dumlnation. "Six vee!c»
    120 words
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    • 79 3 iXO N^l.l.«()()IVl N^»«l: unorn I«r «7»««»ee or I«r 81. »»llllr«'8 zoe,m. SK« »smi««ion pr»<!«««l, »ill b« 6evnt«s to tl»e knt«st»lnln«»»t ol 5c«,N!5:» Boial«r'. r, «c airmen m Bine»p»ie. LOQ»< s>lc»V WNettier 70U require IlzNt relrezkment« or an elaborate meal. tr»e /^vll^l'lil <3I!II^, l« renovne6 lor it» excellent locxl an 6
      79 words
    • 3 3 <^« be «»nU»»«6 t» »»»"»»>
      3 words
    • 45 3 z!o>-!c>ul>y s,l. «n<i z« lul! W^l^^ >^ e»l.c sc^^s >«c F..,!/!I lull-«l!lii,«e<! M 'oMol' »<,« «»»11, <((^1 »au»»<k Milt, I>e«<l>! >i»>»pl>c, >«» c»» buy zu»l>l >oul simi!> >»«,ll»x»c>u«l». »<>l l,^. s« t»ll>in« »n<l l<l«>n«! l,VB>en« 0«!»i! >» po«enu! »nll«p!,c <ld>s« >>m« mole l»»elsul l>! H > f» »X«M. »„,»!>» WOO"
      45 words
    • 66 3 k»n»l>ut«n, m November. l)nu«u»l 3«»»on m ?en»nL. Vk»t ,knu!6 be ot wcerezt U> I^'l «»I»^»N ?!-«lu«-t« c°2ni,w« c<, r.u« u» lu«clc>u« lt !«>»«, »na i, unclMLb»«<ll? U»t bew, «nt »!> over Me »ol!>l «»pr<>'»" epl«?l!»e. M^ 8 3 »n<l l»«lz»?i-«l ?>u^ cc>m. I»N7 un<!e7«»>le, !lie ln»o»w« autle,' Bicl«cv c>l lke
      66 words

  • 26 4 quIeU, «t«»67 till, nioniliv but ap»l»tol« »re eneoul»«e<z b> M« eonIn tk« 6°U»r tli, «cUon, Uoi« »I ez <Uv.: Hl»i>« Mv» »«r« blcl
    26 words
  • 138 4 REPEAL OF TIN-ORE EXPORT DUTY 'I^r r»»»«»«i»l ei«»« «»»»»lt« r«»»«««»t»u<»», tl»»t U»« pe«l»U»iti»e «»>»«« 6»t, U» ore e»p«rt«« lr»»» »«»l»x» l»e «»«lU», on»«»6« tl»« ll»1U»l> ,U»u»«> U»^«»t to X»l»?»n tin p^»<l«e«« ,i»-» vi» tl»« »>n«lt«r l«» »l»icl» non >l»I»^»n c»»n»r»«« «»?«sl^ c«n»l»«til><c to »uppl^ »ns l«»n> Wlllel, tl»« l«ult»nl Nn«»>e6
    138 words
  • 29 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. <»p^ »x 3,^ <» »l^» w »1i »9 l>«»^» L^<^ «l>»^» l^^ o««»^» «k l^l^ «,,»>»„ »,»»>! »»«>» »»i Xt OX 1»» 2,^ 4p, i»« »»«4l«4: l«»<«»: W^4»U»»
    29 words
  • 64 4 :ollo»w« «>.<l»7', ,uot»U«li» l» «»«l IVu»t,:— 6. »I1U».1 U«u«>-»l "4- 13 o«l »r!U«li l?un» not »»»ll»U« I^itwll »»»p»« l^»n. »»»U»l»l« »Nt!«N <3«u«l»I l» 3 »r!U»n <3«>«l»l ll" 13 9l^l. »NU,»i ««n««l ll 3»^l. <!«»<> l»«>6u«», ««t 20 S «<>« I»l«lu<:cr« »««»>6 ll O»I<l l»i«»u««l» ?kv^ I^7,«»»e O?ltl2c»t« ««x»6,
    64 words
  • 24 4 !»e» V»^. «o». 24. I^OV l»»«r«««« on tn« Ntacll 117 04, 2» 29, iz»7 »n<l Xl 45 un »»tulUl, lt«! I^l«»<>
    24 words
  • 11 4 v!I! lx <iellver«« »t 3 3« p. in. lo-6»>
    11 words
  • 854 4 Stock Share Quotations b> X«^l»^»n 8l>»s«kroll«s«' IU0K045. KNV l»4l: 4 X /^u«tl»! <2!-> 1' 2«l 7, «<l S»n«l!i> ?w <i) 12, 14, «<l 2»tu LelRlVOl l»I> 1.42 l.47 »«^Ul>t»l <5«) II, 26 ll, 90 Sunn, X»l»7 <l> 17, >?» 96 C»»en<lell»l>« <t) II, 12, ckw c: 1 <»»» »4 «!t»n>
    854 words
  • 134 4 London Stock Exchange 0»: z«« l°Ul><»w, 4» l»4H «»r I04H l>»», Ullloll <!>»»<«).?»» l»n«»«t!U»> "4" -i-'i l»«5»I z»» »»i> «V««. O«... >^I 0»n. l»x:Me <«»»>.. 12 ll« l>»« NH5. »»U» <»1»>... l??>4 c«un»ui«l, c»ni. !>z«<l vl,UU«, l)l<l ?4> 4« »>»«» »^n, I»3l! c»«n«M! »«llw ...,?»!»<» l^«», «>« I.. NnUe»» 2».
    134 words
  • 45 4 (?r«n O» OIN c^»i«»lx»«l«nt) l»i«l<>n, 24. 'I'lN: tin m»iket v»« llie««l»r to-<l»i »ltk »i»t clooln, »t /3257zi »n6 «ls7'<> »n6 H2so',' on ?«a»7. I»«M Vorlc. «ov. 24. sc,r Hecembel. 50.40 lor «xl 50,20 lor Nubber pllce, M«« »I«o unen»n««<l 22,25 lor IUKI «««»»—Unit«l
    45 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 s »»M8» Ml»l« V «l ««p ,«»r, «»r >ln«>ll>or»l»a >»»W^> Ml'l.Ull l.!»r. 11, lin«!»i,01 .>>. > c.L /rom l?!« Ht^utt lo l1le» li«»Nll »«>^»»»z»^, l»4Ue»U«» «l «UU»^ »«llil8« l«olk z. eo. z»^o.u«^ ««"o« v«« «,NK c.i.»»t. <I°<»rl»r.»«O m N^«l^N«^l^ 5«». 5«« ILH^ 5»«l N,n««»n ,l)»ll,t»« 8«ev»e« N k k 8«r,lc«
      137 words
    • 66 4 50 D0»I7 l^l 0N^ItI>l)8 NOVKN OUVI^ oeU^Vll.^^l) />a«47lnatlNL m it« tne»ne/ 7?ln//INL m its romance/ Vkone 340Q 4 8l,ov« ll«il> 11 3.15 6.15 9.15 l««. »ox ei^ll »«H^ o?2» Fl//vox v 30tn IVOV. Hop.m. ,<, /o.HO p 10 D.» t« W»l'ell7 <»»»<i USNI^I, popular Il«»Hio V«x:<»li»<o fN t t MA
      66 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 85 5 Iks most 23toun««zn8 288s«82tlon ok BVl««« ANlmal 3.15. L.15 2«i 9.15 M»H «^^x^ W'ffMW Ms M > VlllOl' i)//?^.c^/) 6^ >>'i^ an 6 Mkvr LV ?1.c3.»«. In« Coinpanv tnat gsavs IO Isci vciQgclnt KF Dinner vanca 8 ?.I«-9 l V 9.30 I«i6ni,nt ?nr:r^itHiic)ll3 k«r roil mr v^liciki v^nn in/^i cnniB'ri«sB.37
      85 words
    • 127 5 »c l<«t x««l,t 4t 645 9 »<> p« 8lHl^!«l:^^ «?sl<>»<» !»«,»>» >»» 45 U»»b!« r«»ln« <?l>I»«« «ni^r rnllVB^x^«r««i«' B»t»ra»7 I»l6n«il>» 8l«»»: '^Vlll^r DHNI^ <l?«npl»l« 8«^l»l) l>l7>» r«7 t» pick np >,ulck«t ,u«e» Woornll oK«el!«e 8e»uol. 54. z«?< Bl^i«a NIQQ. zmn.u'Ollk 111 ssmil> X^ou toll all ?our Uve« to oequeatn «oun6
      127 words
    • 106 5 LAO ?O?UI.^N 87KN5 -70 o^V loerinen son I«^ iiot about two look-a-likeL Mzll k^Mli MMV incr l^Qo<2^l. v«l:8 >l«. 1)^ l <:<^f:li m or l»» O»ut<»n«!>« bitnu, oni^l <sv«» «k«»» ni^lltl^ »t 7.20 »n^ 9 30, I0»U»^ lt', r»n 8»«l» tl»« «r««n !««»)<»» I^»n«li« llnbk»rH voukle ««»>, »ll >uur trouble
      106 words

  • 1123 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, TUES, NOV. 25, 1941. (814th. Day Of The War.) Speculation >^t approximate!? Me same nour tnat Lritisn lorces resumec! Me offensive in Me Western Desert. General I^laximc wal, removes lrrm nis post as Delegateconeral to I^rencn I4ortn Ulrica. It is uov quite clear Mat Vicnv 6ismis«ell
    1,123 words
  • 730 6 I'oo ktuck I'alk Ok ?«> tbe li<Ut«»r »l tl>« 8t»»it« 8lr— I reacl tne report ot tke lUzn <5omml«»loner zpeecn ln tne k'c^eral Council N^ltn zreat lnterezt. I'll? vnole a<lclre« znoulcl be carelullv l>tucllecl. lor lt contalnz number nl «uk«e»tlon» dv MNlen tne orcllnarv citl'en can render, ln tne
    730 words
  • 106 6 Now Ixirriez O,u16 New U»« llsito^ »l »»>« 8l»»it» Sir.— Xnotner «»Iv»»e i» »nnounced »n6 no llaubt oomp»r»Uvel> »m»U coUecUon vlll result, improvement, ln or8«lnl«»t!nn voulcl be M«l<:c>n»e «ma »ul«e«tlun one Mvuia tnlnlc tn»t one or more ot tncxe numerou« empt^ l^rin^ lorries »a ulten «een ro»mlnz tne «treet«
    106 words
  • 1139 6  - HOW R.A.F.BOMBING RAIDS ARE PLANNED I^. V. I^l'»8el' 77»e f^a^ H> IVee/: 8? I^on<lan. l<ov, 24 U^erOkr !onz'6!«tance bombing ral<l« are laun^necl b> tn^ N072I ror^e tne ol onemv clelencez l» earelullv calculate6 l^ncl plans are ma6e t< ma«i,er triem, I^.ere W»^ time vn«n <U« l,ance va« an Important lector
    1,139 words
  • 259 6 "0tt8»6e «ule" 8>r—^3 member of we > z^U. l n»ve 1u»t lecelvecl 2 verv ln» ter«Un8 tlrculHl contlllnln? P2r»<lrann relating to Ml ON> 5<<1e Nule," vorclell l« lol!ov3! I'-^lnUnn to «Uc»c<> Ms <^^^!<le 'lron<>r»I psweiftlr !i>«z ««n!>«r, I l^m »m^«e6 tdllt ic kiu, not been launll pl-'c'ticl'ble in
    259 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 91 6 Bteel kilins Cabinet »liri«ll1 3t««l> kl»»lrutt!»n 8»»«ll, oper«t!t», »l DrKMer, 1.,5,« siling c,p2cil> rl,i,c!lc>me sire ll«i»l!N8 llUlle^x nn»rn7B. ».711. L!ng,p^r» <> »<u»!» l.umpur. »«»!a van veinocraUc «»t Bimple 8i«»<»»» «1.1.v i. W»l.z»« 1.t11.. z >«. H»« l»^»« «!«eU«n l» lo l)««, V«««« »»!l «c^«»ic,l ciea,,,,. «Lle,cll,»B axl Dye,,,, by »p«ci»!i»t»
      91 words
    • 9 6 Optical (^o. l». cbnU, 8»>»«^ «><»»« 4435. c?«^«c»^« H?'«/t77'l.v «c»oe«^i'«
      9 words
    • 69 6 l^l^, M lW >MIA It >uu leel tncd i»»d Il<.!l:n« !lsl>! >>!' mornin^'» gnoppin,? you dennitolv n^o! jlood modern foundation, and tno very > >ou e»n buy i» 2 Nerlei, l.^r 2 lierlei tits >»v like 2 second skin it ?ent!v remsxiei-; > cm, ti«^ure eases tnl> strain dv nelninzf
      69 words

  • 321 7 n»218 (Mini «S 20 H«!S8 Ott no>v face8 its m«8t 8eriou8 crl8l« 8»nce tke a«82ult on tne cit? >t»rto6 »n6, in tke nor68 ns tne soviet newspaper I/ve8ti», lor Nitler it is «,uo8tion ul "no>v or never," report lieuter. (^ermiin Nissk (!ummancl claimed l.1i2t Oerman
    321 words
  • 88 7 Red Reinforcements Stream Westward Xu»cu». Kov. 22. VX«8l «ll»lK« tl»« conUnu»l Non ol soviet reinlorcen»enl!> to tne lront, tne Soviet «,Niri»! ne«« 2«enrv to«l»v: l»»v »n6 ni«nt, <r»in« »re ronliniiallv running «e«t ,Hr 6» lrnln tne e2«t. zoutn »n6 nurtn nl tne soviet t'nion. ?ne ,u»cne« »re ln» »l »rme6
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 79 7 New A.B.C.D. Conference XVa«ni:,3ton, Nov. 24 Null, tno Becret»r:' i 1,l Bt2te, NI»H Bummone6 tne reprezentiltiveZ ol Lritain, (7nin2 tne I»etnerllnclB 2n6 > meet !nm a' tne Stale Departm?nt 2t 4 p m local time to-<lav It va« not lli«cloiiecl vnetner > f>i!,>; nou!c« de lnllove^ by anotn^r > n^otin,;
    79 words
  • 62 7 Some U.S. Warships To Quit Yangtze XV««!Unl;Uin. Kov. 24. dl^VV U>'i'art,incnt .<;pu>cc«m2N. to!6 Unitecl ?l'.'«3 tliat Me K»vzs l» i°e6ucin8 Uie numd?l nl >?undnutH on ttie Vani:t2t' s>i»tlc>I but l!l»t <,»lclni; tNom all nil c1ul>," I°Ne «t5ll or <tie l^x^rt numbsr c>l v> «!(>!« »««!i;no<! to Me V2Nsst,«. I,,',' M?
    62 words
  • 25 7 ')ti2v.>., l^uv. 24 (,'^<!:.u »l,rvll,NH, (?n»M» e^!^l: (3l>rmun II boilt ln tne I^oltn Atlantic. tNe l^ana^illn «>,^ l^lnixter. Xlr. I^coun»l<l. u»» „.l.>«l<n> >.ll.— lieuter.
    25 words
  • 244 7 U.S. Forces In Guiana 1V»«kineU». llov. 24. 'sUH Uou«e Nile 2nn<nuie«l U,»t contlnzent ol United 8t»t«« traopz vill move w<o vutcn NulanH to protect Me v»Iu^dl« dauxlte nunez vnleN «upp>5 tne Vnlte6 8t»te« vltn l«lr«e «uppUe« lor r»v »I»m!nlum, to eulll6 tke dl»^xlte mlnez m»6e dv tNe vnicell 8tate« »n6
    244 words
  • 6 7 DISCUSSIONS ON BURMA ROAD 0k>u»?kli>«, 2«.
    6 words
  • 89 7 "Might Take Over French Guiana" 1V«»l»inet<»n. «»v. 25. IlllKll t» t»k« K ««e Nl»rtlni«,»« »ns rrenci, Uui»n» »>»» ll Viel»^ r»ntinue» 6ecl»re6 8«n»U»i 'loin O»nn»ll7. ««nH Ini»«s 8t»t« troop, U» kelp ln tl>« pr«»t«ctwn »»t Nutrl, tl»« opinion tl»»t tl»« in I>1»»«n l«»»i»n» >»»> l>« tl»« r«»»<»n lor tl»e Nuten
    89 words
  • 33 7 Aerial Battles Over Desert c»lru Nov. 25. lpNL Il.^l'. op. 8un<l»> cle«tlo>- «u,<l U»ree »t »l»!t» lor tl»« la« ot 13 Nrltlzt, pl»n«, lt i« oMcl«ll7 llnnouncecl «7,, Nve »l«««^elunltt« I0»!! »«l <»e
    33 words
  • 9 7 U.S. NAVE "SHOOTING GERMAN CRAFT" <^>»i: u»ll«<> «»>> l, n^M
    9 words
  • 83 7 Hnci 28«c)ciHt« countriez ili>«emb!ecl 2t Lollevue ?»1»ce. Lee lin, ve«torcia^ lor t,ke beeinnin^ ol 2 tvoliav eon8re«« ln ce!edl»tion ol tNe llltn anniverz^l^ ol tlie antll?omlN' lcrn ?2rt. Hitler c>xoect« tr>i« pact to de reneve6. Qt Lerlw', zllltwn b> U»e b> l»k Deputy ?o«l«ii «inj«t«l, Vl»n««l b?
    83 words
  • 78 7 No Victory Feast For Hitler l.»n6on. Nov. ?5 IF' l>»« deconle lln««n tl»^t «lele»t ot llu>»i» ,»«< initi»t« ll,e lll«t lnovement »l »l>« peace in zllxoov »n >>nv. 17. »?it« 6ent viev »t U>e t»ilure »l tl»« Nu«> 5l»n e»mpl»irn t» ,el»i«v« 6«> e»i»n. llitler l,»« in«te»s con. vene«l n,«e«NL
    78 words
  • 132 7 Grim Nazi Position »v 8llt Nlillelt^ l»>.«l<)n, l4ov. 25. »PNR «re»t 6ecl^ve battle lor K l^l»7» l« «UIl d«N8 louznt »n6 tkl« muen e»n nov be «»l6: In «plt« ol l^II tt:elr le»olute N^Ntin?, or r»tk«r. incle«<i becauze ol lt. tne Qerm»n5 «u°e nov l^clnz tkeil OWN 3«<l»n" «s "1'«,nen>
    132 words
  • 14 7 - Nerlw, l^ov 25 t»lcel> U» lnl«l»'!ve" v, »Is>rt!, l^ U« <selm»i»»,— Nn!ll>,
    14 words
  • 98 7 Key Vorll, Kov. 24. D»rlAn re»ime a« acUve nea<i ol tn« Vicnv (Hovernment l« oeln^ >nallenBe<l dv a clique ol vounk l>encn cabinet otncer3 nea<le<l b? tne Interior ltlni«ter. plel°re pucneu. accorlllNB to report« lrom I3urope. lt ,1. »!«o wvol»«» bluer cuuweU. >nt: Ii>6u«^l»l l»nxwc'u<>n klwl«t«!-, «t»i->. ?»u!
    98 words
  • 34 7 >«M Voril. «»v. 24. rr«« preucn 6«le«»tion to tl»« Iln.t«H 8»»t« velt n« »utn»r!«e^ I<«»ze'l^«r!« »i«l to <3«n. 6« Q»»Ue lore«« on tne territory controlled d> tne pree rrencn llenter
    34 words
  • 231 7 NAZI 'EXCAPE' GAP IN LIBYA CLOSING I'NL jl»p B«utk ol I'odrulv tksnuki, >vi,icl» tkc <i<rm»n forces ars Neeinj? to Uei-na, k»8 ke^n rn«o^ to tivo mile«. Ve«tesl<»). srpl>st»> l nit«i I'r«»il, tl«e Nritisk lou^kt suriou»lv to rum tlic !<<evl li»rrier ol l^erm»n t»nkl, »<so<"l tke ll»p m »n <<s«»r^ to
    231 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 232 8 WAR FOUOND ADVANCES BY NEARLY $1,200 TO-DAY Binsapore European 3enliB I^urtker Donation 0t 31,000 VlL^ltl^V ?1.200 is 26ll«l to Ike ?un6 t«6»^. c»rr^inss tke Fr»Bs wt»l to 1^6MN.229. l'ys practically tke >vkole ok tl»i» »^v»nce our tkank^l are <lue to i>lr. Lutter, ok Binjl2pore, >vl,o li»» m»6e a kurtker donation
    232 words
  • 35 8 INDIES IS "CALM BUT READY" Uatuv.a, Kov 23, VNOUNU tl»e rest, ul tne vorlc! appears to be re^ar^ine tt«e ?ur l!»«t ttlk prologue to v»7, Nc>!l2n6er8 Nere continue to talco events c»lml>— »8 tnev com?.
    35 words
  • 43 8 K!^n< 8 20—«l«inl«nt Nlobe! I'urNHbout 8!l7i Uoet I'ne 2o? N^l'l'V <«»p!,, »o,!«l, "H! >Ye I^leet «!U, Xlcrle > I'WIl! 7 2 20 p m. I^!<<!<> Albert 15 <: 9 15, Kirn Kru I'olkie 15 <l 9 30 0 m l>L^l:n« norm,—O»ncli,« n>«nu,, puone 3»b«,
    43 words
  • 122 8 «^»«l»!N8lon. Kov. 24. >>ecretl»r^ ol Bt»te. v« m to lliiv vviln 1.0r6 Nalilax. Nril>«n >m!,n zuckor, «r. llicl»2r6 C»xe> i^lralian sinister, Ur. > I, un, f>elnerl»l>«lB »ini«> vr »v Bnin, <7l>!N«e l»>l> u^or. 'lne conlere« appe»'«l ssritn alter tne conUalilax »»i6 tnere «»s nntnwe «,< »6<l to !>»tur6»>
    122 words
  • 36 8 NDIES MINISTERS FOR DUTCH CABINET »^N, v»n Xloak »n<! «i. p, I^etnell»n6« l?»dlnet «»nl«ler,, »l!I ti-2ll», «c» 2»»I»nll, lke I1nlt«<1 »2«« l»t»I 62? ol K2> 10, 1940, Inslez vklcn m Itz turn l« »b!« to «up.
    36 words
  • 18 8 AIMS "CLEAR SIMPLE" SAYS M. BARON dec»u«e tke tree people, m»rck, Nzdt »,,cl v«I »w. tt,»t !lt<?!-t? m»7
    18 words
  • 87 8 "Benefit" Film Show Realizes $10,000 'I'NL l^lncl or tne tnree services and tne neTf Bor»ice« club v<slll benellt b? llvlNU us a lesu.t ol tne 7>lem!?lv: ol tNe Nernivrcl BNav/ Nlm "Xla^or Vardara Nelcl »t ine catnav Olnoma lasi nlznt. sum ol >20,<XX» na« been receivecl up 50 lrom clonationH
    87 words
  • 4 8 ll«, 20,
    4 words
  • 2 8
    2 words
  • 2 8 !tilp up-counti?.
    2 words
  • 156 8 'H^ll! Xl2l2>an Oomm^ni«t ?artv n»8 ll^ain cnan^eci ltz pollen an 6 tne tone ol lt« propa«»n6u i 5 once more pro-Nrltl«n— to >? tnerelore not «o lvntl-Nrltlzn. tn? Btr»it« limes un6er«tHn6«. Ix>cal nutnoritles <lec!ine to be. uravn Into »ny statement as t?
    156 words
  • 54 8 COLONY BOMBER SUCCESSES >lalce8 K»i<i8 (l^om Our Ovn Oc>lr«l>c>n6ent.i Ixinclon, Kov. 25, 'I'NL 8tl^it« Settlements 8<,u»aron, bomders lor vklcn vere puickazecl vltn luncl« provlc!e6 tNrouzn U,e Colony >Vki I^n6. N2H «2lne<l lt« Nr»t clecorllm««le to kikM-Zel^t, ?<>n6!-M vkc> t»c!i. lie «!«> 2tU Ile<l M>Ine!»n^ l»l«iet I'd? 8. «,u«lr<>n ot U»
    54 words
  • 11 8 DEATH OF MR. J. W. JEFFERSON 1 314 «>- tuxl been p»i^»le»!
    11 words
  • 10 8 3,000 JAPANESE STILL IN MALAYA? 1^ »«^l.^V^? N»n«^l>!c, «ov, lb.
    10 words
  • 24 8 «»nU». llov, 24, vn!t«l St«l«« lorcez ln t!i« rdillpplneH k»« p»««6 tne !<«,<><)« loon »n<l. «ltt> troop, «n
    24 words
  • 8 8 SAWMILL WORKERS RESUME labourer, »t tke lUul Hock
    8 words
  • 41 8 LNllnzli^l, Nov. 24, tlon c?ompl^nv'8 8 8 5»n« »n6 8,8 vUI ev2c»»te Nrltlzk 3ubject8 vlztllne to «a tc» tl»o Nliti3k emb»»«? »nnouncc^ to-nlzkt. 1'ke leaver Ltillnztllu »roun6 Nl-c, 2 lor Nonz llonll. wisklne to «6 t« Xu»tr»ll». vnlte6 ?re««.
    41 words
  • 33 8 «/loloe<l particuia,- inte^e^ m tki, XX. 6e/ence po«t lekick i, mannecl entirelz, >, inhabitant, c>/ llii^aitar T'he p«,t i, «itu> atecl at tne ye?? n<«/le,t point, 7^63 /eet above ,e<» lerei.
    33 words
  • 27 8 "Closing Sales" At Japanese Stores »^l>^XL2l: eeneral «tore« w No»6 are le«Un« tne k'floct.^ ol tne »re?lin3" orcler »o severe!/ tnat tne^ nave ztartecl "c!<»iNB dar^Hln «»1e3,"
    27 words
  • 7 8 »«t,w tt,l, m«ntl, Neuter.
    Reuter  -  7 words
  • 38 8 CHINA'S FAITH IN MALAYA F»« l«^o»in« i« tne lull text ol kl»?or X C >Vu« llpeecn dro»cl<:»«t to k^»l»i» lrom (7nun?> !cln«^ 'On b««l^l ol tne cit? ol ONunF>un«, c7nln»'» v»rtime capitlll, I Bre«t ?o>^, «ck»» net l»U,"
    38 words
  • 257 8 AN "ALLIANCE IN THE PACIFIC" N.X. premier On 8»8» 0t lree^om >V»Mnzt0N <»,2>. «ov. 24. "l^O-D^V ln tne l>acMc ve <la not v»nt vl»r." «»i«z tne l^e» 7.«l^»n6 I^lme »llnl«tel. peter ?^»2ei-. at 2 «tHd> uncneon ln honour nl zsr, vull Oooper. ">Ve v»s>t t« Ilv^ peace »itl» rverv n»tlun,
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 57 8 Malay Prince Joins Royal Air Force l>lill>i<m «^dMlicl, tne 22 vealo!«l brother ol tn? Bu!>H» I'renzssanu. ono ol tne «^!l»v 3t3tr^ anc! tiu«!,»Nll ol priiic'e,^ "Nri«nt l!ve« cl2U?nter ol >,n Oxlorcl tailor, v»5 10-6av a^c^i, cci into »s<> N l' In? plilK-^ w!^ V2N^> r<l 5, f!"^»?!- '>!!>' met nl3
    57 words
  • 19 8 Vt'2»^ I>lov »< '^Nl! cuTl'MAncl r 0! Ol? OHN2<3ig!i Ll'^oni Qivi^ion Lleut «i! 'i 5 O6!um. VH.U, lieutrr
    19 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 578 9 EFFECT OF BRITISH BOMBS IN FRANCE New Voric, Kov. 23. VOV^I. force a^cis^ ilave surce6 tke (!c>iM2NB to evacuate tke eivilinn population of I^e Havre, lirest, Loulossne, (!alai3 c-nc! Dunkirk, and l:ave crippled or kilted production m Beverul d!oc8 of !iiss noitnern trance lactoi:eB n-cikinss on Ociman var orders. 17,w
    578 words
  • 30 9 Raids On Nazi Naval Bases I^unllon. Nov. 24. ckll l<1i,iHt,l? cc>mmunl«zu« l«"l'lzdlor ,D<»mmll:>«l »l«l2.'t on 2ero<i«»mo8 in northern l'rLnce. lnz lrcim ttie«e oper»lLon«. alrcratt ol t!,e c?o»i>tHl Command clay." Neuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 109 9 FUEL SHORTAG IN YUGOSLAVIA Kov. 24. eree >n Nel«r«^c!e tkre»teni^<l «ntence« ol loree<l l»l»our ln Uie ca»I mlne« lor lm^one u<-w8 luore electricity tN»n »Uove6 uniler tde recently lntrocluc^ll il^tlonlue «tieme. Xn>one intention.^ coi.trllvenlu« Me re«trictloiui vlN b« «n> teneetl to cielltt,. I'ke electric c»u-rent vUl be cut ott betv^er!
    109 words
  • 61 9 WRECKING OF NAZI STORE IN PARIS «cv Nov. 24. on 3»tur«w? morning completel^ r»«ea Qernuln doo>«t«re ln larmer e»le ln tne Bt. I»4lnell lllltrlct. »ce«r«Une to reliable reoortz nere. I'niH l« tne Nr«t dalnd lnclclent zince tne «erl«« ol lnrl6ent» «ome Ume 2«a, 8u l»r lt ls not lcnovn vnetNer
    61 words
  • 20 9 Nev Vark. linv. 24. K clualclia .^llpart W6»v ve»Mer lorecllztz to ttie pudllc, lie!? H-^it'. !n cli«?Icln»c !ds
    20 words
  • 30 9 Great Canadian Convoy Arrives 0t»»»». 24. »rn«l ln «rlt»in »l tl»« rlltl, tl>« A^e»t«t troop ««n»«? tl»»t ««i«ntl«t, »l tl>«! linit^s 8t»te, »n6 «ernit, lor U»« I»«l<ll»n ?<etl»«:rl»n6« ln«li««. It««t«r.
    30 words
  • 120 9 U.S. Labour Problems >V22Nln«tcl?, »luv, 22, to ?ret!<!ent liooievelt ln tno coal mlne z>trUce n«v cu-tail tl,e !?^lHl»tl«n but <7on8se«>2NHl llcsll^rz believe some lorni nl -ontrol MlU «van d« vntecl t^i »«ure vnbroken l.elence ,.r«!uetl>,n. P«5l6ent Nao"?velt l3 expoctocl to evnler vit!» c!c>n^r?»z!<inlll Ie»6el« to mornn? »ncl inciwa.e ko» l«
    120 words
  • 39 9 «^leodl. llov. 22. »Pl« vrltlZn are closlnz w on Uundar last Italian zlranenold ln Xb^s«!nlH. and enem? posltlonH at according to vrHterda? 5 cornnunlque. >v«>2o iH now under our arUller? lire," U« communlque brietiv stateZ vnl»ed ?rez«.
    39 words
  • 6 9 I»»i1» »«<« t<i'll»> !eix>lv«l l.,»l
    6 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 225 9 I^otliillz !!o quiclcl V Nl2,ll« 2N<l 2^03 !^i!,.^^, >!iBH>,>xal, ln t!«'il I'laoL vonr inilrnr ,-<.'llect.<! a lovel/ !l trc>udl«! d> I^liudi 3 lt< plicklv Heat, 11a.^3. app>x < uti, !il2 s>int,nent. It a!la>B ii-litatinn inztanlly and qu!ckl>- liealli. tde d^.td. duticur.l, 'lalcuni i« lleli^litlullv ccx^lin^ an 6 relrez!iinB. It)c//e F/l7^
      225 words
    • 64 9 Out w lne n»r<!. zl»ru,g »un> lignt lloe, ke «c yuul l»ce »tt «,<i 1«»1>...0s "pOH»<le5V «n»lp«>e6 ?o«><l'» l^»v«iel i» 8l»». orool" «^on't skov up ct>»!!l? bliB>'t«» >>/;nt. L!en6e<z lellect only llilt-l «>5 ol lizkt. it give, voue ,!iin tke «>lt. ye!» f.n,. 5«»o«l/,^ «o« °n cling, lot n<«s, 0o«i!
      64 words
    • 155 9 l 5 c u lIl I 5 cool.»^Q 7«ouc«7 f<?« > 0^1^ l ,le»ci> luccess »cl>>eve<i b>s Ozrermillc V m inl»nl le«!inK i« <!ue lo lne zcienlitlc care viln vnicl» lne loi-niula nas beer, F l 'lnis lormul». viln i« »<^)u«lmenl ol l»t. l N protein »n6 cnrbon^llrate anc! viln
      155 words

  • 218 10 'JAPAN TO MOVE IF U.S. TALKS FAIL' Bn2NFN2I, 24. i« sull)s prcMrell to move 80Utd v2i-6 tni-oussn I'nailllnli m tne even', ol tne ton nessotiatinnB tailing, »^corc!lnss to I'egponzidle lnrei^n Znurces arriving nere li-om .lasian. Novever, tnev «llv tn^t tne 9»p»n««e icll6cr«, lncluclln^ tn« lnore ron.^rvatlve autd.orit!o». are most nopelul
    218 words
  • 122 10 8t»t« l>ev»rtm«nt n<»» »nnounoe^ tl»»t don,!, «reelle«l tbe l'nite6 8t»te, Oin»ul»te »t 8»»L0n on 8»tul<l»>. «»v« l?nito«l l»r«!l eon, Mr. 8?ckne? Nlo^n. report, pl»c«^ nul,i6« tl»« oMe« e»me in report, <»l>lcn ,t,te6 tn»t tbe consulate v« 6en,«li«ne6 "k^ »n explo»i»n. tne <:»»,« ol wnlcn i, not
    122 words
  • 76 10 cdun«kinss, Xov. 21. lap2neB6 recei'tlv installeu antt-aireralt dat-tei-iss m aU impmwnt citis? m In^o-^kina 2n6 vi! nuli!2r> airke^F t^ei o— prep^rinss to meet an 2ir 'ffensive on tne Colony it v/ 28 learned dx llnite<l ?1688 nere to-da). Nie kllve lll«? install- <"<! nlzkt ll^inz rqulpwent ln
    76 words
  • 151 10 "No Retreat" -Gen. Tojo loklo. Nov. 24. "^Illllll: l« no retreat lor span's immutable pollcle«," ll««erte6 tne ?rlme Nen I'u^a to Ludernatorlal conlererice to>6»^. He z»!6 l« contrante^ vltl, an unoreee6ent?cl cr!«>, but 283ert«a lie wa,, conNclent eoulci 8l!rmc>^.nt all ob«t2<:'e» il trw clvllian population 2r»6 mlUtar^ :»utr!orMe« collllborateci re«olute!v,
    151 words
  • 17 10 U.S. KEEPING CHINA INFORMED b«ln« i'^lly lnlonn«l l>5 tke W!i. «t»««.m»n»z«j «k« In6<,.l?dln»11,!>!. Inv»«l<in ln tl,e !>«n«
    17 words
  • 85 10 TOKIO ENVOY SEES THAI PREMIER L»N8>colc. Nov. 24. K I'nallancl. I^r 5eM lzudak?mi. on tne i-n^l PNme on 82tur6a^. It l« >m6erHU)u^ tn»t <n<> >Iap^ne,l! «.nvo? explainell t^ne l'nrei^l'. X5lni«t«r'3 Viet zzpeecn. vnU« !t l« believed tnat pencil.i^ plobleinz between «n6 vere »l«o slH<N!«8e6 1^,e "rolllo Xlenl Klenl reporteci tnat
    85 words
  • 260 10 Xuiliitcke'/. Xov. 24. German division?, ine!u<iinF nnlk of tne «> nui«, «ull>. total >l2^i tank clivisil,n3 m liussia. 3<e now b^K.'tKlouA"" bnss»sse6 m an all-out osslnsive on tde tront »n6 Llo^vlv toi'cinss tne kuzsians d»t?l< at a „o mli« °i ««c<>^: number ok points. aeeor6in,?
    260 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 93 10 !>Vnen your ztnmacb lee!s de»vv and «»ur .tNloutzk excexzive aclclitv. talle a doze ol l^GG^ f>s 3iz«2l>l<— sl^»c!e2n Lll»n«l Llomacn powder. c^c^» It sUsp7lH»ne boy quic!l!> tliil l»mou« ///<?» '^^V/^^^^' remeil> neutralize! exce» acid— leducez and pul°"a"r, "end t°"lomac°n p»!n "o" «°."ll."°'!'"«".^"^7m«" can never de cautznt un2«2rez by zudden l>o»<«es
      93 words
    • 121 10 X To-i/cl)^, mo^e t/lan e^e^, lt ls l,n/36^at»l)e )^N^ /?^ac^/2e Ft^ict > /?ea/ can on/v be p^actlsee/ l^ V ?61l se/ect t/le sto»-e to bu> a// 5' l^!M T'el/ulVe^ientH. bb^b! t XM>s co«lk«l:«<3ll» k«VitNO^ 26t1» «ov. »V 4» l V 54"x90" > ,2.10 lt^cli^^B 54"x75" > 72' x W" «60
      121 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 35 10 .'.»,!<«»>. »6,n> e^: 2»« 4» z« L l7» 2»« 4I.l» n». tl «e»« w c»nl<,ne«e: «.<>a «»«<1»r!n illOU «e«»: IN «z «e»» illUc: lu.iz «n«! ck'i 45 Kev, w 9,l>5 0,15 IX«u»<<,n in Uokklen: IN. 20
      35 words

  • 317 11 TO-DAY'S WAR FUND HOCKEY tl ll»« »bi»«« to tl»«r« l !.l,»ul6 lx kocke, «lu«^l» on tl>« p»6»nr »be« Me lil»<,»I»«« li^lli»n» »,««t M« 7Ni,<; i« «x:«n6 time tne« te^,n« in««tln«. On Me Nl»t, t,k« ,ic!6 >iU!^ w I'kere »H wt ol re»»nn lor b«Uevln8 Ull^t !««ue vlU b« <:>»,« tu-<w>.
    317 words
  • 342 11 SURPRISE FOR KEE ONN IN TENNIS SEMI-FINAL ?<un Nee ckin n>5 >v»? I'o Viotorx ln I'liree 3et» VMI^I.1^^1 a^re8«ivene33 triumpii«l over expei ienee ami a steals 6etence 23 I^im Uee (!ti!n, ,u;inj? placer, l^eleateci (!kin Xee Onn, i-unner in tke Hl»I»v«n 8in^Ie8 cl^mpion^kip, 6, 6—2. 6 4, in tne 8emi-5nal
    342 words
  • 16 11 To-day's Sports Events »»< K»»v. Be.< I 8c.11.r. !»<»!>««<: «ued>: Xn»»»l u»»^^. »t. <?»!»«««. c«u«^ I«!^»Q: Bc^c. open lnv<>^l><»»
    16 words
  • 102 11 bx I^iN3 m tke elolinz 2.H«e» ol tne noe^ev ni»ten bet»een tne z«e<li<!»l Senior, ancl «»ve tt>e victory a> t»o k«»1« to one m tue »nnuai >K?.U. Nxture pl»7«l !^t Sepo? I^in« v< «ter<i»^. XuMlp Bw«n plH^ed »eU 2n6 netted tne «ollt»r? «o»1 lor tne
    102 words
  • 21 11 1°lie «cl,c>oltov» «ere l«xxl ln«ll> vi6u»N^. but 6i<l not !lnpre« M»« n<,t to dlH«e lor tt»e It«e»' «eore.
    21 words
  • 28 11 ROLLER SKATES ROAD RACE TRIAL lc>nl'<--7n n,l ro«l r»c? on roller «k»»« «!)«?<! ll 1« m!l« pel kc«!-, 1»,?V m!I«, but «p»«l«a »t '^ie i^.entk inUosdcne, tt,« Nl>.l^>In« i>s,lnt
    28 words
  • 47 11 l.»b«»le. »»v 22. K Qltltlirr n,»tcl» between ll>« l;«vernor'z Eleven »n^ <»,e pun^»^ l nivei^ilv in «l »l»« Vs»r sons «»!i/e6 lde 5um nl ll». ?.0<X> »n6 le,nl»e>> in a vin lar <n« l»ll«r l»> t^vo «irll«t«. l«» Q«,«n>«»r> eleven 2l«, r»^ l»»»l»l« 5?».— N«»t«l.
    47 words
  • 4 11 Hornets Defeat R.C. Firsts
    4 words
  • 346 11 GOOD GOALKEEPING ON THE PADANG »«»t club F.»lc!.^. l: l»c li. ocoltinn tMo «o»I» ln tn« 2r»^ k»ll. tne v.x c 4. n»Hln t^ln«6 tkl, le»6 tnrou«n erea^ 6l,,5>wv b> tnelr «<,»»ceeper. V l^. «U27. to <!ele« we 8,0,0. in noe^ev Mltt.n on td.e nadanz ?e»ter6a? I'ne excn»nze« vere
    346 words
  • 582 11 FLYING COLUMN, EDELWEISS BEST ON RECENT FORM Cluk'g winter I^eeUne I)Ll^L^1' winnL!-« N2VS deen taken to mainwin tdeir lorm an6 to-morraw, tlie 8eeon6 62^ ok tks Zelan^or I'urk (!Iul>'g winter meeting, snoul6 be anotker 8ueee3i,tul 62^ tor punters, Column 2n6 L6el^vei58 N2ve dsen m»6e tne best bets tor tne 2kternoon.
    582 words
  • 3 11
    3 words
  • 45 11 Curtin Proposes Test Matches H»elb«»rne. «»v >^»ll z«b»» c»^tl». tne ll»n »ini»»«r. enn,» bel»r «o»<l lor lbe n»»r»le ol nl 7e»t n«trne« ket»een tr»ll» »nd l!n,l»!»I lliould ue I>l»^e6 l>nine«ll»tel> »lt«? tne »»r »>» «<le«ll»« »,v »l not <t«lsln,e»t t« tl,e «»r ell»et, dnt p«,itlvo s«ll-»l>'
    45 words
  • 7 11 VNXIIMia U»l« «<»-nw« clone on
    7 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 31 11 l^ l,l»»Ft'» »sl. r 2 2 M M M M >^ cili^nl»2^«^>^«^ l, ,<««z MMM^MDM »M^»M U Lvznvzvx,". you >/ >I^^) MMM MMMM MM MM M 2>.rc^ 2OUd<!,l.v. wzxr /^^^^<. I »rs«c2«ro. z«o nr«U".n
      31 words
    • 40 11 5,,, l,s,n«l> «l«l i, «z,«!>le»l Xulpl>«« v,l«, z»u<>, I ll l r»zir»» M^MM/ 0 /^c lxr«3. «ovr^.i>r3 «»,e Vull?<icll?. »k,« «y«KWkll 8««l. 5. «^ssl.e3 »»l.Kcc. V»l «Hdlo 8pl»l!>!i >! ZM<>^s> de«crlp«lon )<> >r »nen your li<><!!> ,eed» »ttentlnn V <M 3NMB«z btB7
      40 words

  • 601 12 BIG TANK BATTLE IS CONTINUING (^airo. Xov. 24. I'M? Nriti»l» lorce^ from I'odrull are consolillatine tkeir 26v»nco ancl I^o^ Xe»lan6 troops pusnin? veBtwar6B trum Nnr6i2 nave c»ptur«l 6lamnut, important Bupply centre more tnan naif way alon? tne roa<l to 'I'odruk. I'o^av'^ l>li<l<lle I^ast communiuue, wnicn Fiveg tnis news, 6l8cl«8e» tkat
    Reuter  -  601 words
  • 251 12 Indians Take 8,000 Axis Prisoners U^liivinc? »nrou«n alternate ll»ln »n<l 6u»t «toriNH over 2 5<Xl 3llu»r« mllo expanse »l l^lbvlm 6e»ert, Ms Vrltlzn n»ve tolcen 15,000 prw.,ner«. lnclucllnz «.000 It»Il»n5 v^cim Me Inclllln tro^T"-, seizes »t L'cll Omar. l??^r^ lne Unltccl pls« cc>rreHDancl>?nt MlM tlie »6vnnce<l ztrlkln? lorois ol tt,e
    251 words
  • 94 12 Desert War To Affect Turkish Ally 8,«Ine). >»v 24. "^Nk l^b>»n d»ll!t »ill n»v6«cl»r«6 «en. Blr I°l>on>« N!»m«7. Deputy lomm»n<les ln c»»!el. l«i6^le r»,t. ln It »11l cert»inl7 »ll«ct kei. »l»» l» l»o» uncertali, »k»ut Ml»»» lu»»re lie, kelole >,«. it Mill »Neet tl,« p«»itiol, lnr fi^et riznt up <o
    94 words
  • 48 12 ?oillo. Kov, 24. 'U'lH: I'l'lllo Illcnl lilcnl rep^rt^ X lrom V^rll tnat tne rlcan Ix>ccm c, :<l3nulaturln» c?ompanv n» Hnnounce.i tne construction .l 20 Iteam I(>?smo> tlves to l lleliv«>re<z lor <lie VunnanLu nia Nali^a? d/ 1942 urxier tne I<e2« I^encl l^astern l^e vs.
    48 words
  • 164 12 "Egypt Is Now Safr'-Times I/)n<lon, Nov. 24. lpNi: maznlllcent proZress ot tne Imperial torcez In tne I^lbvan Desert con lnue« to monopolize tne lront pa8e« c>l Qonlion nevs- > papers vnlcn a«ree tnat Me «re2t, t,Hnlc bllNl? now ln lull blast l« Illlel? to i-cack lt« ellmax ln Me WKUe
    164 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 27 12 21. «»<;« B^.. Bl«c3^pc>n»Q p«0«r 6252. all §HGl^Wl 'i',!'^ 2'^)<^ 2"" 3?-29 «>«»» st. 3>n,«pas». »»!»!Nl!!!s>i!'l!!>W>WMllW!<<<MW «»«»>« 6» ln lour »>»»,«. n»«r 6 million MIMMDW^^WWW^W l,»vr de«n built »ncl l»!l«» l!»»
      27 words
    • 153 12 Invaluable Ionic ln Mis c.lmate «Nore t'.ie demands made upon lne bod? are mucn more extensive tnan i,. otner climes, it rHentia! tnal an> symptoms ol illness snould not bs nezlected WNen tired and rundo^n. DV«I« restores nervous enerzv nromo es appetite and '5 most invaluable ln ll'l cases nl
      153 words