The Straits Times, 24 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 32 1 r««4l_ rr>7«. The Straits Times l«»r^»!^»»»l) L o»l»'rv»»! /^O//V6 F/l/^<? 12 l'^8« INOXV^V. 24. 1941 I'NI(L 5 cu>..s The Straits times 2 I'.XUL9 8lK«Xl'0«L. »IOKII^V. KOVll^NLll 21. 1941. l'Nll l) 5 (.li>l>i.
    32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 z»»ll»!»l« li»« l«»«t!», «lotk,!!!e «u!tl»>»»— l<o o^c/l. ill. YOU >VII.I. W^l^l IO III V^ 811(3^11: InVsrsoii Itclnci W^-WVW ?lli:UIVI^II(I 1001.8 w »7p« »»6 >»e««^»l pn«>>»»Ue »>»«» e»«? ««< l» ««>«»! pf»«l»<»!»» »<» m!nin>U!N »»»>^ n,»,!i»»i» HH tool, »»>»», »>»« >»>^ sson, U»si t» »»>», V»»«' «s!n<» ««,««»>»» s»««^l«» »<»i»»«? l»
      99 words
    • 61 1 sz s> 8 5 l e5 5 !-!^s«^l ol 2,ng»po^» m«n n<»^ lin^ l>> lunching m ous n«>^ X w><4« c^»o>c« of ««c«I!»nl including «ll v^>l«l sl^ lp,s!»l. /I' /»^V3 7N 566 77/6.V// lioclne^ ?I<»use Laiter/ Koacl. I«t INi!«. ll»p»r 116.. «5. Ni,k Bt«et. ?el: 153 «l 154. 7'el: 2370
      61 words
    • 24 1 c«.B«k 11/^nv 5 ?el. 4772 48 50. Ni^l, Btieot. 3wVcipol2. 12 yv^Qliv v^l.un QQXLW^V. LXc^l.l.klVl' B^l.tX7l'li).» XVXll.Xlll.l. l>. ol«Klll 8lltVll) on INL cool. I^il^cr
      24 words

  • 24 2 !^e Nener^ IIo«plt»I. t^in«Hix,r?, c'dee «nn« ?»n, !»le »l 1941, I»^ner»l »l» t»Il« plll<-e to^!»v <^l,n>»>, »t 4 p,m, lroni ***** l!»^
    24 words
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    • 307 2 Me Strait); Times Minimum c>»»sg« li. t» ««»«<«»« < u»«> tor 3c>» s^o 25 c»n»s «»»s» !.l^e 5 V/ ***** vll^l^-'V^I'SaK —^t tne Ul»t«rn!tv llu«l<!wl. pemuH on IBtn Kov. /^Noc,, »!le l>l 11, 0. «rl^tV»t»o^ Vi! >i> on 22n<! I»>vcmber. >94l ,t «In«»i« I«»lerr>!tv Uc-?!t»I, 00QKHI?l^,,— >t !!,e I^»ternll7 ll««
      307 words
    • 281 2 «'^?<l'rl» L»Ie«m»!i. <?nwe«e, exper!ence<« m t«!!etrv. I'crm, conunlzBlon k»»ll, n« z»l»i7. llepl? »t»twB experience to Ilox 859, 8tr»lt« INmez V^XI'Nl) Experienced Q»nl! Survevoe vorlc «u«t be prep»r«l to perlnrn, llut^ »n)s»n«r« ln «»I»5». Vox «o. 841. 8tr»lt« I1»<». Ilox «o 855. 8tr»lt» 'Nme«, rllt««^?< r«a>i^rll lor r«» m»tlc I>r!l!li>^ pl»nt.
      281 words
    • 408 2 l_OB^ VirlKll^ clooc>!N»n n««l poinmerwn pl-N3O»l^l. >»li^^lM »»74« lll^vll 50li»«lt re«»r!>inli tw, e»r pl«»«e «-ommunlc»l vitn «iz2 or 5088, V^Kl'rN. Xn Oil l»»ew« 71/80 N l». monitor »t III) !b». per «,u»re wen ««nt loi— Itennl^v. Lurklll «t 0«. l^tcl, Qli»rtereci »»!l»c Olu»mber.> pen«?,«. 1)0<33 ltlro 8ILA''l1)ll !n»l« required tor
      408 words
    • 229 2 noilcr. «c»11<?» l« neredy «i!ven tl»» ««>>ert D»t«<l we 2l»t <»? ol I^vember, l»4l llubert N»n«o 8»r»<l«»Q!, xucilo« BXl.r or 15« ol D»t» I°. «DV^NI» 6 cc>, 1.5 V. 11. «^l^oo>^ 811U271' 0« Iv«»v »v. Zs^l, KN>^»»lI». l^l >»^ l» 2« X. l. rvvxllvs co.. 1.70. <?neon« I<oon Ben^ <k
      229 words
    • 221 2 ««!««>> «»»<. 8l»«»W«e«— ?w«»« «55< r«<»«l >»,»»«»«« >»«««»»t»»l»— l»t«r»»e<U»t« 0« p« »U»n »t 0»«l »U»«.e »t ll»»ll«r»^ /»»«»«,<> lff»r» I. s»» Usi«« »«uz,l: zc«olll.. >U^l^^>»B l?llk»«lr>l 8<»!<>«l or »»v»lc "rv»c» IV»» > le« <,«»« «UU v»c»i,t. lor llrrn«. I°u7 Dept^. pee »20 478 I«t 0o»«t ll«»<l 8lKl:^«»l» l.«n<:^nl r«l»n« sl>«P»»e««,:
      221 words
    • 247 2 rvrB^BB«. «c».l,Blvcl.v 4 z»04l»r »»l.o« »«>« co «»^cn».c>c> «?««7 I^«>«pnon« 74L7 Iron W»rk» rwt^ire^l«3»ko» fgs V^atc^r »nll Oil Ike sosoes structural Bteel^«rl< I»let!»l »pr»>,r»s m Xinc »n<l Nr»»» Bt«.el ««rclen LI2N d>NBN 5 I^nl^lns furniture Noltn »ncl I^iutl, slls llnittmz «l«ol. u«li« lseiKl. »lln«l5. »039. Vi« c»,u X»n« N»»<>. ?Nl.vol>l!'
      247 words

  • 732 3 I'lllS i, <l,e Nlte«ntl> e1,,p1« book tell, »l tl,e «r,»11,e pnvel »l tl»e Nr»»u>», 2>l s»o describe ever? Komb!nB atI t»rk <-»rr!e<l nut azalnzt Qerman> v?oul6 be to tranzlorm tkl« narrative in c, cat^lozue ol rai^z. Bucn mallez 6ull rea6inz, I'nls «1,(,u!cl be 50, I"ne mc>»t BUs!ecBHlul ral<l«
    732 words
  • 139 3 v«Ht«. ttu »l!tl«l, Ilnpell»l lore« n»ve l»ll«n one «»ll position »lt«l «it!>»vllv ln U»« ce»r. vrlte, claraon »ltn tne w Übv». e<j. Ul, lorce, nc>» n»ve Veen »pl»t ln'x, Nve p»lt,, ttinuzt, «om« ol tne»« live p»rt.> cloubt!««!> »tU! po««»» eon,Il!er»bl» N«ntln« po»«l. «e»n«nlie, tl« Inll »n»
    139 words
  • 67 3 !ie» Varlc. «ov. 23. >^1ll: present ol «,ke B.nncl»l6 Kir. >V. f'ailzk. oi. det,2!t ol aU tt»e oil compllnies. Kan l^'u^c! Bt2te3 zHexlcan ill aLleemcnt »H "v»Bue ancl amdizuous Ne zave no nln>, ol lutnle ll7> tl^n b/ tlie companies u,l^,lic,u?n lt l« reps>rica lnat tnn opinion !.->
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    • 141 3 owiiol 3300 IZ^LVNV^^ 29U, «0VL«I»L» l inner il3 >« z<!!N!'«!!l »n to «»»luon, z1.50. ul «i««,Nl^l> .>:,!!».!« k /Vllinen m 8lnr»l»»re. LOQX sNl<li4nv ll^no c o»cl:ni r.30 to 1 o.2l) o m. ivovr««c« 2«. I3<l lickstL 5100 (sxoiupt lionl wx) obtainabls a, tks Not«l alls »d» 6oo». «r yzxi voun
      141 words
    • 32 3 Don't Bt»rt tne Da^ m >ielvc)UB «28te— nrl.v o« nsoMmnz «/>«ik »!,sm. »>, >< ,!«m, ,s !>«l>l »!«p- > N>, Zen <7»»7n« »>l!» »l»nn ,s >«>>« »>«,»? menl. l XU »«o«» »>» 1 1 7. Cocll 3ts««t. 3lnB»p<»s«.
      32 words
    • 218 3 M I /v ll c 5 »2t,>l> c»»r. »c Me p«. psoliuco eI«2N sn6 icl.^^un ol »llt!»n m«Uc»I cn»l6> ?pccl»U»t, arc, »ie »n l<le»I spccilic lor l,e«ltK> cOMpI«X!ON. tie minor n^l<n trouble, c>l l»»! >«u,iL, I!e»l»nl »n <»<e, Ulere l, none ol tno )l m a>ew« to cn!I«ll(?n, I^t t»dlol,
      218 words

  • 358 4 AROUND THE MARKETS <8> Our rinllnel»l Oossezponllen' BlnB>»^c>re llov. 24. »NNI! l>nare marlcet« opened vel^ K c>uletl> tnil morning an 6 nei 'ler bu^erz nor Be»er» 6lBplav^ el! muck interest Indications, novever. are tnat aitnou^n on^v buzlneiz i« expected t?-6a? pricez vlll remain «tea6>. I'ne marl^.etl v^ro czulet on Natural?
    358 words
  • 36 4 NEUTRALITY WAR RISK RATES ?e««6»7 United 8»»l« linen, «cui«j in? time limit w vlevr c>l ke«n c«mi>«!. Uon. Uio.>«tl It ii>ci-««ll>«lx lavom, tl»e la ret«ln li»d!Ut> l» lon, perlcxl. On p« i«l» occ»«!c>n«»y proved c«t!> »den
    36 words
  • 56 4 NnciL^l!!^ llinez c^ 6ellv«r> ol »Ir >il>i!« l^« lo6l>>- 230 pm 11-nn, t«m«^oM 3!N pm lion, 3 31l p,m. li-om F»,» ,n6 17>e next cllplili »!«!> n»US lroul IN'lllpliinr, k ex,«><-<« 6 on Wesn«6»^. lHtL3t time ol NQ5<,W<! to connect v!lk tne lcturn Nl^nt ll 2 pm. tne
    56 words
  • 57 4 TV-?!, N V, i 3H l,!4 n m. 9 l lt. I, V. 53 ,.ln. 4,« «5 ezz l.2 lt. U/«s, 3,2l ll,m. 2.4» p.m. N. I..V, ».<9 4« 9.24 l> l.9 lt. llV. 4,3« »>», 7.9 tt: l,»9 p ,n». lt. Q.V. l«.«l ».I«. 4,« N:
    57 words
  • 107 4 Il«n«<j k? t»»e !««l»x»n iilllll-ebrollers' 5?l, IluciiKl 3«? i «w»! l^lll«iil ,55«> lw»! N»nt,u 7Vt?«> II lt»ud 36 «»»»n« von 13 Ho. 29 »»^l> 12^^ »»tu i^nt»n, ?zi^ llu»> I»»^»in I 5?» N«I 1'»p»», 7it?« !llt. ID,«, «>6««« «0v.2l «<»».« Kov. 22 «<,,.22 «>» Nov. 24
    107 words
  • 1045 4 (l««ue<l k> !^al»^»n /V»»»cl«ti«n. 3ins2pose) 847IMV4?. NOV. 1941: Il3» >u«vl>> <l) 2l« 3«« >;el «en« 80 ,»5 Nanzrln 111, <l> II, I4« «<l »2tu L«I»N3c>l <«Ii 1 42 1.47 Nci-junUll <5«) >l, 2ll III »«z Nulin» <l) I?, 9<i ct,sn6«!»n« tl» ll5 S6 I2« «<! c^w c
    1,045 words
  • 34 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. »ln»»l»se, z>«»<»s. 24. <BM>» >«»«, 28« i 285 N»«««!»» 39«> 39 l»««»»b« »9>« 3»^ l^^,, 9t.»^ l»l^ »»>» !»««»>»» 37^ 37^ ><». ».B^B «> »«^»»««< 3»« 38»i si»,.l»« 2«X 38<t 38 «>^ >»««,» e,bl« Xc» V^»A: ci»«6
    34 words
  • 10 4 U.S. EXPORTS TO BRITISH EMPIRE »npll« t«t2l!«6 »221,«X>,«X), »tx>ut 10
    10 words
  • 29 4 W>c>lfi?V nu^ilet «,n6l.l«« l»»»e lx»l> sc>mevn»t I«« cmnloN«!,l« tn!« II5».000 00a »n6 tne lull n! 20,. 0 356. zxr <-ent.. vl'lc!, »n w,-p!-n,»6« un»U«- tut»> nl Il5,«»<><)«
    29 words
  • 36 4 ««>M llov. 22 U^Q^ sone« 2vel2«e« on tk. Stock Lxck»n«e tc»'6»> vere:— ln«iu«t»la!«. 117 0<: r»U« 28 29: uMUI«« iz »n6 donclL 9a 45 1/l»e eoinmo6lt> lnclex M«^ 8l 00 1u,6 «ta«lc 3«0,0<X!
    36 words
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    • 239 4 »n I?n«l»n6i f»-!«^, kng s»»»mz!>!p 5. /v co fs^TN l^l« st>ll« to t»e<, ls'p<x«l l.»<i 1 l,« 0»u,«5 <l»», ?el: 5361 tk»l l»lll«. Nonekon,. 8l»»»«l,»i l»».. l.t«. li^neoon »n^ c^i«ntt» 32/33. I«!»!» 3ts»«t. <tun<l»«n l'»!entt» 8«rvi««. ll N< 9^! >? N»nr>l»k 8«l»le« r»» »lli> «»6 i^»6»». UOUBV^O <^ 00. l.^o.
      239 words
    • 67 4 I p. m. 5 p. m. only "»01.1l LKOX I»r llkM" 7^n//l/l^ m lt« romance/ VlOllvl »»«/Uto s«^^s «»vlr«tB. lu«or« ?nr vl8?»x«l l8«ro l x^»t<»> >li« c»<> 54.00 «5 52.50 <««23.^ 52.00 5«« ni^t:iev>v^ic>xB... ?»Onr ll«i vrrOltr YOU sl?r«v mr mi: ci»lre«^ xi 9 Oci.Ocx rO» ?^»l.k! »r8k:llV^?IO»8 ?»O»e 3402
      67 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 ?08I^IVNI.V Q.^B^ 3 BNO>VB .^.15, 6.15 »n6 9.15 5lu«l lM« lu^cxl «!.l.lNl !«!l U!»s<)»< > Ll0«ll ?0»<« o^lXWO' M^l or m«.ll i«n««.l.z rvr« 8«0W»« »n«,rrnn— 4 t!^V X«0 r^Bl^ »«VIK« >, j>!>«^ XlNtlil, H<»^K I.«8l.!li. SI.HK N^l.r. s N t »lllm5z»«» o»»er»3' lilirllrzi X ««l d? ten, > ?»>»« !»7
      46 words
    • 62 5 Bine>« Ol»»lllpi»l»»l»isi. !341. I^»v. 29. nv V 8 m» riliB^ 8l««^l>l>«r lron, ?L« plll. ol«?lkll »^K»o« !«»<», IK ?«7N < r«^l)»v rox 8 m I^rt «>I^«lX>l?lt» l.zmolin v/^ll««i.i. l»penine !«<tllllNW Vnit«H Hrtl»t« I^n KI«»^— l^^8? KINN^ »«I 3^»» IK »N6 »l»« roltriQK ««»ill:8l'UKNl:K^" z »«»<« ooii»i.r rr^^vitr WWWWWM <l »ie
      62 words
    • 69 5 >1 F5545///IV6 ttNX/ mr »«c)Bi INNSBI7KI. rii^l or ini3 vr^« l»ii»uc cluncz lt^vr n... 1.^1^31 65U»«OI»7 VNIIIBN lll:>V8 iM 7!.«s!«!e»«I9.30 l»>vil>«: LI« Oillclle, ike M bll«l b!»6« ever m»6c far /W» cl»uel, «lu<x>tll« l>l«vlN8 l»l /V?/ A«»«l clLcienc^ »n6 economy. »!^^^^/^U «s evrr^ Llue Oilletle zive m«ux nov^l. l»ri»rnl.z>wB l!«ll«r8
      69 words
    • 79 5 lor tke t»in«u» 8t»r» «t "NOVB INVVX"I'lßVVve into svervonss Qscirtg! 10l <l>»ir pellusmnnce, m NNVB I,'NX' f H 80V8 IllM' 3»« ti»» cunciliuV «:«n»« ol 311«M<2 ol Vll^nxri) »«k:itc»^«'r>«r» m tl»« <x»tlolon» Il«w« ol tl»« Dc»v) t^e«« 7^/<7^ >^F u,^en X^V X^VV m "7»r lV»^« w»0 /^sir» m««c» o^k«:c Ob
      79 words

  • 1167 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, MON., NOV. 24, 1941. (813th, Day Of The War.) "A Lovely War" klanv leading articles vnicn nave ?/^ared m tnt, Straits I^mes m tn^ pi^st tvo years nave b^en devoted to endorsement ol appeals by tne nead« ol Me Services and tke civil administrations lor an
    1,167 words
  • 643 6 HITLER'S FATAL GAMBLE 1.28t" >n? Qordon) >^lli: var l« moving svlltl? to K Me decisive crisis, Nltler', »vltcn on to liu»s!a instead ot direct attack en Vritaln l» proving to be Me latal zamble. treMe most trlm«n6ou!! ol »U. l» clear!? anpro'cnlnz lne rat l« trapped at last. Hitler ls
    643 words
  • 138 6 kl.L.O.'z New vout 0t "I^esretz" 5» tl»« Lsitul »l tl»« 8lr»it« B!r.— Veztenlav evenlne. 6a?. tne NO re«rett«l lt lmpc>B«lble to rel^v lke u«u»! Lan k^anclzco dro»«ic»Bt »t 10.15 p m 11,18 mornlnz, k'rlclllv, ttie »4 N<? 23»1n re«lette6 veins unable to rewv tNe uzual 3U lx»n6on nev» ovlne
    138 words
  • 1016 6 H> t7ab/<? pudlic >Varne6 I>lot Expect Repetition Ok 1940 Ux Our vvn Oorre»ix»naent Ixinaon. l>lov. 2l spill: preliminary Bucce«e, m l.lbva bave maae I»n<loncrs nappler tnan tbe? bave been lor man? rnontn» ana tbere nrc unlle, ol ro»v anticipation ever?, vbere. tboueb tbere note ol
    1,016 words
  • 207 6 TRUTH ABOUT RUSSIA Hook /leview i» on '»»'r>>. 1 «»«e7 »e»<. 2». ««> 'H'Ni: »u^k<>l ol lkl» »or!c »<« L«»»U? ,ourliw« up Ux' p:<x>l« vl Me buoil l«»l lt»e I>^«« »Nen U>e ne»s c«un« »!U>»M ,»i-nln«. It l»rt c>l »l. c«n<> Into »»ie l^lr<>lxi»n r»eli ott,« »1,6 tlion <l^l»l« U,<
    207 words
  • 3 6 H»ti<>n»l 8<l!v»t!»n a.
    3 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 7^6 tt'tt^iei's best b^ eve/^x vl ?bone ***** ,«e. v«k rn,<!»»P«» t» ""^ll »v»»«» »0«l8 Mill «H L, Ms r»«»c» »»<«,. >r«i. > sk,l.u«lr or m»«m»" Dulse's «l do. vr»»i zirrl. Bkr« VNt»«« «l co..
      33 words
    • 1 6 optician
      1 words
    • 43 6 psop«s»>«l >l »n 'n»s» l«Htn«s>,«!yb» g^s,u!»s s^bl!»n« m«nul«c»us«<j b> exp!o6,ng m>« »s« »»mp«s««^r«s up to 20VO s. s«iuc« !«mp«s«!us« ol bu>!<l'N9 >"««"«>" lso" 10— 15<>, ol un,l'! >! «l «ll«c!'v« «z Lol b"ck «»s 11 ol conc7«»« mzu!»»'N9 v»l^« lo^ ,nsu!«»!s>9 s«ls,ges»>os! ?!o»«z ov«ns. ußku.
      43 words

  • 346 7 (^rini Little Ot Dlil s!i>N forces, m co «rtlm»te<l I»n6 an 6 »c» b»t- ile^ 6<?Bissnell to annikiU'te forces m Ulrica nn6 perk2pB llrive It»l^ out ol tke n»r, k»ve driven tl,e onem> tank »rmv into lour pockets ok extern,,.,l,tion and <«unk or lwmasscl' «even
    346 words
  • 492 7 EYEWITNESS STORY OF GREAT DESERT BATTLE tn»B 6i^patcn or R Mr battleNelcl ol Mr el Vudin Me I^b?»n DezeTt. vnere »llti«ii tankz nave cla«nea lor tne Nrzt time m tni« c«npaien vtn Italian tlln!l8, ul kIUSzoUni« tankH vere 6«BU-07e6. tw« meaning one-tkir6 ol Me vnole ol tke <uv!Hwn z»vz 2
    492 words
  • 96 7 N2ll«5ol:. Nov. 24. IpNS mc>t»l!l»Uon ol I'v»il»n6'« r«ources on < d»«i» l, lore«n»6oWe<l dv ne^zpHper m Nlln^llolc <7nlne«e circles iv cnuntzlunz l»»tacn con«l6er2ble zisnilicanct to >I»pHnese vlollltlon ol t,ke I'N.^ lronUer. It l« veUevecl tt»e« lnciclent« lu-e seUderateh cre»te<l lor We purpose ol te^llnz l^lst!^,
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 10 7 Chungking Gas Precautions c»pll»I b>- enemy pl««! ,942 —Unites l»i«5.
    10 words
  • 23 7 Vicks. «»v 24. »ll<i DenlUQi^ »ko »1U »«kl lor been loiin«l lnlo l»o re^linent, ««l ,^II be c»UI6 <^>c "Vtn«e»' vlvwlou.
    23 words
  • 679 7 mont/l». IN kl-scov. tne Nrzt quezUon (Government oliirilll. zoicller or notel porter 28k« 2 nev arrival lrom I^c,n6on l 8 Vwv 60 not tne Lt-inxn invase trie continent." lor Nve montw. tne Soviet Qov crnment Nlli, been ple«in^ tke LliU^n to tnrov »n expe<zlt!on»r> lorce
    679 words
  • 6 7
    6 words
  • 130 7 Berlin-Vichy Stalemate? Vicnv. Nov. 24, lINOLPLtTI'L lor an imme«li»te settlement ol I^rancoOerman problems 2N6 cc>nce««ion« lor Vlcnv are 6lm it n»<> become »pp»rent tn»t lMv lnune6>»te cance««ionB to Vicn? M I^alzN^l Pet2in'« lorM conune t^lc vltN Nitler m»? merely b»: lideratlon ul prisoner, ol lrom <3erin»n e»mp« m Kortn Ulrica.
    130 words
  • 165 7 Tokio Stops Attacks I>okl°. «ov 24. IKVIO^I-IKo tn»t >l»p2ue«e du«lne« men »re nupelul tn»t ll,e >V«nin«ton converB»tlon, Mill succeed. survey ol import,nt ln6u»trl« «ucn cotton manul^ture, vnicn »a« tne n»rcle^t lilt a result ol tne emd»r«oe« l>no«e6 tn»t very lev «o l»r clo^e6 tnelr l»ctolle« <!e«ptt« ioveinment zudzickez lor lno«
    165 words
  • 299 7 RUSSIAN GAINS ON LENINGRAD FRONT I'Nl) Moscow r»6i« 2Nnoul«e^ ln2t UN tne I^enin«r2ll front tne initiative n»» n^»in «nnn<le<l n2Nlli. soviet troopB nave 6i«lo6sse6 tne l:erm2nx lrum lne lo^n ol Vi^nera, >!» mile> nurtn c«^t ol >>«>- lruro<l on tno I^enin^ru^ X s»i!^2.v. I'nl' tior> mans lo»t nere over 3W
    299 words
  • 11 7 MASS TANK FIGHTS ON MOSCOW FRONT klnt«l tk»t iucl, <i«luetlc>n >« lull?
    11 words
  • 25 7 N«v»« z«enr? «lei,le« leix>s<« N«?m»i>« w Lk^n^ko! k»»e been »»> »»ei>»« !n Xn»Nc» lev montt« ««>«l»l w L»i> »«mr»«co «c »>« pe!!«l »lM l>t»»« «»ll <-«!>«»»»,''
    25 words
  • 3 7 !<»^ Nl!t«!!, !«t n»?»,t
    3 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 408 8 BELGIAN ARTIST'S GIFTS TO THE WAR FUND <^ke<zu^ Laii "In ltonour Ok skurcln!l'B Virtk6ax" IK of tn>B ve»r, tke well kno^n Nel^ian arti«t !^l. Ie IVl»>eur 6e contributed 55,25<> t« Ike I^un6. I'kiii represented k»lf tke I»roceell« ok tlie 8»le ok painting on wnicn le 5l»?our 1,»6 been enss»^e<l lor
    408 words
  • 42 8 Litvinov To Touch At Singapore I.ulxlun. SI»V 22. Ul^ >>> Irarnetl ln»t !^l, lilv»n»v soviet U» tl>« »rro«« ln« l»»ciNr Ne lelt on Innr«6»v »>»! l >x !«rne6ule6 »t N»bk»ni ?»n »c i« ««pect«<l t« t«v«l v>» ln<li». B>ne»p»s« »n<> Ollvpe^ t« l'nite«l l>s«».
    42 words
  • 101 8 Dutch Plane Bombs Nazi Ship I^on6on. llov. 2< »^DBc>t4 uirelalt ol tne Nival Ketnerwnclz na' al »lr service operating vitn tne Qaklsta! <?omman«j ve«terclav bombed a larze enemy «upplv «nlp tne zoutnvest coast ol I4orvnv I'ne »klp nit lorvar6 il tne briclze, l^tnto^ an communlque. .«u<ll»n l>!«ntec! 2 nic ke»vl!v
    101 words
  • 23 8 —^liiiKMdt Nlob<> Qnscl ll»n,!,v Xo»,' 7 <li 9 30 p m, Wno kr<> Vounii «!t>> «>3 H 930 pm. I^S^liN^ UOlN,—D»ncln« nI«NU».
    23 words
  • 26 8 l,u>l^>,> are ».e!iev««l to b« !>ur tkeil «<»> in lroin tl»e lsonti«l. Nl»!l»^» p«««— Neuter 2N<l >><>««, I»> N, <»«?!»! >»,, n^», »e»!i>s« tlie »llll^> »»t»ik on »n
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 34 8 olNelal staterl>ent l«8uecl ln Natavia 52^5 tn^lt l,»c> Nr?«v. -,!,«>!- N^t^ter airc^alt co!U6e6 an 6 on I^i^gx l»3t. One pilot escapca b> parackute but tne s>ilc>t nt tno seccncl aircraft w»5 llillecl
    34 words
  • 15 8 m ll>e I»k!llpplnes, i»)« K12.n!15 c^ble U, Ike L:clne> «c»-ninB Uell>lcl,
    15 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 8 in.c/»ie/ 6a«t. ancl i,« 161, S^oo^e/'op/lam.— Htrait, T'imez picture.
    12 words
  • 75 8 Lady Brooke-Popham Arrives On Visit ot cklel I^»«l,2l. Blr Nubert Nrc»lcc' popklun. com mllnclerlnOdlel. l'llr L»«t, »rrl» e<! ln Bln^2l»r<: d? all lrom (?»ir^> vezter^a^ evenlnz, Bt»e v« m^t dan 6 vdom «t,e N»l1 not «e«n lu^ 2 >e»r, an 6 dl-otkee »n6 »l«ter> ln-wv, Llcut-col, r L, Nussonl^. I^<l7
    75 words
  • 30 8 >Vilr!e» I.t<l, ,t»te td»t lt Woulll lie!? ll telegram, c>l »»<: tlluideii in elu-!^, »n<l !l pc»,!bll! not !»i«? t1,,,, 0e? l, e2i-!> d»t« U, «l»ure tk»t »I! l«!e«r»n>.
    30 words
  • 18 8 U.S. WRITER'S VIEW OF NEW CAMPAIGN IN LIBYA »crr<><lit«l to tlie »«>»», lc>rc« »ll» Il«!v« enti7 luto tl>e «»r.
    18 words
  • 180 8 «^«<3»-re lor lne lour remalnin^ rl>c« »l «u»I» I^umpi^r on V^ecl- nt«cl»v, tne se>'l,r.s cl^v ol tne l-elllnz^r T'url Qlub', «lnter meeting. »re «»r«». c?l»« Nl». l— l»r» j 9 00; 5l»» «,I2^ U»imc)l<! 9^ 3Uenl l^»urt N»<i»«c» 8 7 I.vnn court 8 5noolw«! 3t»r 87 jHuoen, Bt»r
    180 words
  • 27 8 l?,l8n»tion ol Secllluz.l^eut, l r, »»u«n»n lrom tne 3tr»lt« 3r't!ement« Volunteer ?orce n« been !,2H !»><>n tr»n,l<>rre<l to tne Btr»lt., 3«tt!ements Volunteer ?orce Ne«er,e ol
    27 words
  • 16 8 I'ne 6elence ol l?ev!oi> n»« deen lne »rr!v»l ln Qo^ombo lrom lu<U» ol
    16 words
  • 86 8 CIVIL AVIATION IN FAR EAST "Important I'alkZ" In Bins»p»re Bn«rtl^ IKU'Olii'zN'l' 6!.«cu«!>ionB on 1311. UBN llivii aviation matterz in tne l'ar Last are exncctec! to tlllce place in AnFxpore earl? next montn vn.n I^l Walter I>«Ile Nuneimlln, Director Qeneral ol Vritlsn over«e2s c!olpor»tion, arrives nere, circle,', in L!n«»l>,re lllreetur zener,!
    86 words
  • 120 8 AUSTRALIA U.S. LEASE-LEND AID <^»nbeilH Kuv. 24, 'lill prime «imz:er, I^lr c^rtln >e«ter6»z- denies tne BUBLe«Uon, tnat tne cn»nge o? government in nacl been loUovecl b> nltcneH »v tne i^el«e> l>encl nezotilltionz vitn tne vnlt» «l !3t2te«. I^e Unltecl Bt2te>; d»<l not 2«llell tne ciommonveult^l to BU»r2nt«e not to expand
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 58 8 MALAYAN MISSION ENTERTAINED cnunz^ine. Kov. 24 'l'Nl! r'oreizn »»wi«ter. Or «i«v 1'»lcnl. v»« nn«t ve«ter«l»» ta tn« c»Mci»l minion lrol?'. vnlen ln(?!u<le» l^lr N^»X6, Director ol ?c,aper»tlo»>. X, 11, mclclnzon, InzpectorNeneral ol police, 8 8. ancl z<l7. B«clet»rv lo» c!Nlnese Blr Olllllc Xerr. Nrltlzn Dr. C. 1° an>< oe»i«n»te ta
    58 words
  • 16 8 to tne »»t»vl2 n?,l. »t ps«»«i,t on v»«« to Ne l.
    16 words
  • 114 8 NLl.Il!: 8?^«lt lnexii»u^tlbl« ltorv ol >merlc»'« »<lole«cei>ee provllle, »notner rpi«xle ln tne exploit ol »el!e Lt^rr," tn« "l»!t yu«n ol tile civll »2r perlcx!, 1,1»6e Into 2 Mm In tecnnlcolour dv 2«tn century I>)x, it p»c!c« tne »ctlori »i«l «tron« ro> »»n !VK» lH«l «!»«>,- ',r»>. l»i»»»«!
    114 words
  • 39 8 z^>ut/», 0/ v«l»iou« natio naiilie, are t«,«n? cKirantaae m increazln? n«mde^» 0/ t/»e oppa^tunitl,/or emploz/Tne^lt w/»ic/» tne XrTnz, z,rol?<<le« i4dove i« a yueue »een at lne Kecruttlna Oepot m r«ppa?e /loack -strait« Time, picture
    39 words
  • 44 8 CHINA-MALAYA TRADE CONTROL Market" l'roblemz «tei» k»ve de«n tlllcen to le8ul»rl«e anll cc»n:rnl tNe enUr? r,«?««u7 p»« <^ »d« control a 5 lw»ncl»I «l«»Un«, w e«n«l»I «»I»7» amount w U,e »z^««,te v, l>e«l»n, c»i^w« on Ux buiine,, ol > Qkli w «»I»7» lor llie 5U«»« ol
    44 words
  • 50 8 "Offside Rule" For Motorists 4^NN»I!» l: l,^ not deen loun,! ps»c«ic»!»le m >?^l,>» l» lmPl^Nl^nt le«i,!»t»«n t» en lor,e U,r o»l,l«le rule" 10l n,<,!»ri,»,. lke «l»<i«n »l !»»»l»5, ,»i»p»rt, <ne ?ener»l „rlnciple involve,!, lt »rl«» motorix!, »nenever pr»oic»!»!e lo ,i,e vre^e^enre «<, ve»,itl«, 2ppr«»cl,in, l,»n> «»,e n«l»t ,t uns»r!tlnUe<l ,tre«t
    50 words
  • 99 8 POPE MAY MAKE PEACE APPEAL V»Ucan l)il>. Kov, 24. kpNk: ?ope n»« cleci^e^ to make 2 r»6lo broHclcllHt at CririHtmaz over »n lntel-naUonHl koolc up ln vtilct, ke nil! 6?c!2le to tt,e vorlcl. 5Ve H« vlltctilu! lor any opportunity to nezotill^e peace ln 1942.' lt l>2'. o»>^n warned lr> >.
    99 words
  • 352 8 /Vrm^ 1,2.>e po«t cMce m Lintzapure— principal collectiNF uncl cli«pHtcwnB centre lor tne N!ttisN 2N6 Inclwn uuitB ln Ivlala^H— tne /V 7,?. pc«t NMce, an 6 cither Service post QMccz 2re de^inninL to cope vitn tne dieBe«t crap nl .^rm> cl,ri«tm2« m>>l« ever received m. or
    352 words
  • 141 8 BOMBARDMENT OF LIBYA lX3licl«!., I^ov 24 niFnt!)' continue t^> Nin,; lncl, «alvoe« into eoemv con-,! a! positions, a^corcknk t,,^ an 2^,'nc'y sorresponliens i,b>^!^ ll !^< 8, Narnam nll tne rnazt ol cxrenaica Fubmarwes '16 lizllt nav^l unitz are taking care nl tne cen» tral dHeclitei-rHne^n routr, »nile tne poverlu! k°««t?ln
    141 words
  • 108 8 SCHEME TO INCREASE BURMA ROAD TRAFFIC V^NL Qavernmont part ol ellort !o l-.25 llericiecl to impart via ttie Nurm^ lloa6 2. least, 1,5L1< tnn,, mon!!i!> «l e»«ent!2l rc>mmcxiit!?.<z lor u«e ot Mo zenesa! public, >V numdcr ol iuc!ls; liave boon 2l!cx:2to<z lo? lNi>; propozal to „en 6 zcxxivill m «.<ONB
    108 words
  • 20 8 l»»Ie«tlne vll! be ,iven b? c»p! l'illmore »t tr>!> innu»! >:rn»r»l ln tne Noom «»M« Note, it
    20 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 343 9 >Va°iNln«ll»n, Kov. Aj. *s^l^ l.leatef't l'lltixsactilm Ike HV2) tbe I nit«l b>l:,<c>< Government i. n:.nlllinl? tbe cri«i^ m tbl? pacific b:,^ been expre«^<l bx tbe otber democrat! 7 silnvo, sbi» ma6e clear by I^,r^ Halifax, Lri<i l, .^l'lliil^mlor m >Va«b/s.!>t<n,, nlter 2 conference z,m«»n^
    343 words
  • 50 9 Verlln. Kov. 22. s»r«lVlX>"/8 I<^6!N!l ilir »<-e, I^,eut,.c.'<,l, Vrrner >^^!<i^rs, !'.L« been KUI«! m an a.^'Non sorciin^ to rel°2ble «zu^lt<?r« nerc Ni.ler N2^ orciered 2 Bt»te :»^<-rH> !<,l I >„' s-'.,'o!,s -'.,'0!, 'ln? 2ir llce V 23 credited v:<n tne iinou^inz 6avn ol 11.5 pl»ne«, !ivU I.'!,',^cl
    50 words
  • 42 9 L:<NAi>ol:. flov, 22. c^Nillcl," rem«l «eel tde 1 i>?i Government zpolrez,NsN ne vllii clueri<?<l »)'out t!^e Voniiuri Lnlmbun report, ln I'ckio lnai, ?l) bomd^i-Z yore llrrl'in? ln L»N3lcnll et tlio cn6 ol tni2 2d0216 2 2.000ngH ks»tznt tram pouter.
    42 words
  • 6 9 Ilev Vt«-!c. «°v, 12.
    6 words
  • 10 9 A Munition Girl In Britain ttcm o/ a muniliOTi-mlllttNF 7N <«>/»<»»«.
    10 words
  • 450 9 Our relstion^ «-!^i 12,p21> l»ppe»r o o« urlltluz to neM l»crl«xl ol lceule tension. liriti«n ml!it« le«lel.>> !n tne l'»r L2«t I/nlt^li BtiUe.>< »z^»l llUon," tke problem ol l>e»«e I^en6 znelc!, i>'ree t)nin» nrmle« ln el7«ctlve volume l« up lar immc><l!llte conziserlltian. lo»<!er« ol mc Imperl^l
    450 words
  • 12 9 NAZIS AND "STUPID GERMAN IDEA" U>« «l»p!«l we» U,^ r,n >-t»b«»le tke
    12 words
  • 64 9 Axis Cruiser Torpedoed wteilt li.^l', roiNNl unique ».N 0,. «»>« tn»t »l, tn« een> trill on l'ri^llx ni^nt li lln<» n»v2l aircr»lt attHelcecl »n enem> eonvox e«-oltc<l dv crui^r Nve c!<>«t!l>>esB Nl',' turned scored 2 llircc^ on tne crul«er, cauLlntz 2 I»l8e »pl»zn »n<l cluuu^ »l bl»eic 5mol«, One
    64 words
  • 102 9 LONDON CHRISTMAS OUTLOOK BETTER Ixinc'o^. Kov. 23. 'I'lil! Nlltil,!, ptc.ple llre Bpen6iNL a «tr»n?er. but lv «ome vu>2 ii better. <'Nl^t,i,H« l»e»«>,n. INI-i tl^oir liel,»nt l»r><i <^kl:Bt,me; sk«pper, ma^e tl»elr »»y lliro^Lk ell ->,-< >ii>, cjedl!^. in lnterv^l« betvotn »1r r^M zlertz. ?^l» >e»r lko pericxl d«!«r« n eolillnullUou at
    102 words
  • 10 9 I'UI »«so «n«li>e output ul U»« Ul»lt«<>
    10 words
  • 96 9 NAZIS MAKE NEW DESPERATE BID Xov. 23. N^N^l' «^eemB to be tke German Uiss., (^omman.l last 6e«pes»te essurt to ackieve tke Kaxi aims <»^ lke Lastern ?ront kekore t !,e implacable loree ok a ver^ lieavx winter Bet» m lia» eau80l! a resumption ok intense Kxntinss all alon < tke
    96 words
  • 20 9 Mystery Sinking Of Turkish Ship 5nll»l». K«v. 22. »»rl»« t« l«t»nbnl l» b»!l»«t. !t,ne« „l l<»^ i, to be !i?!^.
    20 words
  • 12 9 Seizing Enemy Aerodromes Q»isu. Kuv, 12, lpeccl v 111, vwck Ui<: »^v»Qcl
    12 words
  • 44 9 "BURMA ROAD WILL NOT BE CLOSED AGAIN" V7ellln^ton lVov. 23. »>»Il. Dull c:oc:pel ?»i<l nere to- «j,^ tnere v»» net tne «!!ente«t elulnce ol tn,: Vurm» N026 belnss l»8»in ceased lor tne ,^upn>v ol var n^ter'.'.l.'! to <7rUn». vnen interviewed »t <?nrl«tcnurcn to-llav. Neuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 4 9 l«1«l»U<m »utl,«^iili><l U« «»v?
    4 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 11 9 Loan ?KV kllll eoull fnao. z«Mv nkenuliixe ofsler 55, No««l, Bir,B»P<>sll
      11 words
    • 71 9 to BSS tkS eollSetion ot L»lll8» IllVB «tccx«o BkiB. N0li««v Iltxm skiB. vll<llV 7078. 8l»l-l-l) *****. cuxx UN»»i «oiolt czns «l 7lil.clcB. MVOON c^K«l^ <^ or rv»v 01-B>ilusilofi. usrulcs. oouH— n<uBli XlXNlxi^ irx BriB cooxrilv Bris n^vilxl- oljirliB i i«icvcl.l-5 flHoli IOVB sc (HO., I.^o. l? 3 «««r 13 M^vl:
      71 words

  • 793 10 NAZI BID TO SEIZE FRENCH N. AFRICA 1.0n60n, Nov. 23. 1 1' i 3 '^ovv' made clear tkat rke cUt«miB32i ok (^en. trom tke poZt s>k Vicky velessateGeneral >vaB mereiv one »tcp m 6ermanv'B plan w ***** »encn Nortn Btatl<B tne od3o, vor'B liisilomacie coireBpon<lent to-6a.v. I'ne report. n« continue,,
    793 words
  • 25 10 Ne^lnlcl. Nov, 22, 'sim n.'!,c12l r^lnnlzN nev« azenev na« denied reports tne rinniZN-^merlcan ne^oUatlcn» ln 'VnHlllnztan cs>n?ern a l!u««o-l'inn'>«rl armlztice. Unlted Ire.<!».
    25 words
  • 40 10 Way Clear For Sweep On Gondar K»ls«kl. Nov. 23. e^IINWU lt»!i,n lol««, «n> tk« »pps»»el> to Q«n6»rln nortl, M«tern rtl,l»v»» ke»v? N«'i»l, »tt»ell. «t»t« to- «!»>', »Me,2l cnn>lnunl<>u«. It»!l»n« »t Oelr» 1,, v« k««n zurlounckes. lience tl>« «6— l^ nN«6 l»re»»
    40 words
  • 87 10 General Joins De Gaulle I»n6on. Nov. 23. <">LN. Ocllc-. ex-cwel ol lke k'ree l'renck l'oicez un6er Qen de tiaulle. accor^in" tc> an announoement d> e^ree l^enck Kell6<,u»rter« toa»>. m»<le !n V»?t,lill!U,l>, Nen Olle "N,e Q«ner»! continues- '^lter tli« >ne unwn ol Mlt to»n<>n ll i, >»!>«<! l<> <l»lin? tn»t »n!cl>
    87 words
  • 98 10 U.S. Coal Miners Back At Work I^onson. liav. 22. UOI7I >20.< XXi Uniteu dlHte« co»I mlnerz returnlnF to vorll ta-cluv ailer tlielr Ltrllce ln lt,e clozes «Nop' 6l«pute. tNe NNO, st2te6 Ide^ Nave ?r«l«lent Nou«ev«!t« pro?oi»I lor »idltr»> twn pre«iclent Noazevelt k»« »et up H oo2r<l o5 tt^ree lmcl »U
    98 words
  • 66 10 Lnanznal. Nov. 22. vaninz !»ev>.lal dai^ to manuLed to reacn tne inland areaz ot tne Vanet-e delta, e«« znippinz olllcla!« d.ere nave abandoned Nope ol resculnz any ol tne 2<X» pa««enLe« and crew adoard tne Sai Lei vNicn zanlc m tne Vanet«e. cloze lo Wonsun^. witnin 4I milez
    66 words
  • 31 10 Kov, 22, I^l^N.^l)^ lailclilro »onclo. K^ naval attacne to tne Japanese emda«v ln lx>nclc>n. na« been rellevea ol nl« po»t. lt va» oMclallv announeecl nere to-^zv United ?re«.
    31 words
  • 230 10 Lansslczk, Hoy, 22. s'eKLIiXI. mobill2»uon l>l "N^i Vl i,ncl« entiie re^ourcez on wartime b»«i« l« lore«n2«!uwe<l b> tne vveU.inlorme6 vernllcular expect Mat t!ie Government will lntlixiuoe »n emereenc^ mel^uie vltti tkl« »lm »t tke current zezzlon ol tne K2UON2I Irrespective ol tne llccurae^ ul tnl« lorec»«t veU-lnlorme6
    230 words
  • 190 10 German Plan For Europe WasNinLton. Kov. 22. «)Iil28IO^^"I lioosovelt !ias r?-elve6 eanllrmatlon ol report, tnat Qerminv plans la call a eonlerence ol European nations late in 194 l or e»rl? ln 1342 lor we purpose ol bln6lne tnem in He^ Orcler." I^r. LtepNen Lur!^. tNe l»re3lclent'« Lecreiarzs. reveale«l w-aav vlplomatlc
    190 words
  • 160 10 Heavy Axis Tank Losses I»n6on, Nov. 22. IsMS «tu«tion lor tke QeimlUlZ w j !^!b^» l« niv Ie» <»v,,ur2dle^ tk2n detore. I°ke inittliUve k»« rem»inecl v,i'.n tue U>ru^ !<^>ut l^om Me moment ol ike lnlt,l2> ztl»te«lc2l »ttac!c. tke »r«l«d llrmourecl lorcr, d»vs dien bri!!!»ntlv ti»n6le<l. anli tNc? retaw Ml« t»cUc»l
    160 words
  • 62 10 BRITISH WARSHIPS AT U.S. PORTS Nov. 22. >^!N Kavv Department :^a.i n^un^ed tNe arrival ol tnr"^ 2dditi< nal Nrll,l«N w2rz>Nli>« i» United Bt2t«>B port.;, ll,ev ."rl' .Ne cle^tl^'rrz llani!!>v and l'ulveil at Voston and a corvet c at cNailezton (LoutN Carolina. drin?inl; <o total ol IN lN< n"mdc>r ol Nritizl^
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 36 10 vetroit. »c>v 22 l»*lIL annual convenUon o: l!>7 <?on^re«ol Induztri?! Orz^iU'alion, ncr« ended last evonillz vl n trie re-el?cUon ol z<r pnlllp lor a s^<' >ncl term as pre«ldent ol tne c!,l ,o.— Neuc»r,
    36 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 251 10 I^loll'^r, n«, ?ou l)« 7 >Voo6v2rll'« Crip« Vl^nler lor your lisbies make cellain tnal tlie "N«l»v" lralle marll i» on tne bottle, 'llliz lamou, lrallemarll ensureg llial >ou »re bu^ing Fenuin« Wooli^arll's »n«i nol »n iulerior uuiUltion. l^^ep x»ur baby s», «n6 »yell, l»n6 tree from 6»Le«liv« tlu,!t»le». «ill, genuine
      251 words
    • 41 10 l»i^,» «>>»!»«, «,<-»«s»pl>7. < »n>- »»!< n«r>l «l «O 241. O«cU^NI) Nv. On l>»»» Nl f>^»>l> 6 «<l leispkous l?c>. ***** l.0ll»i VUU«II D^» W^^^^ <-<>!>'— j^t Ik,' '!>! c>nl,ai»l! ,v 7>>l!i>, M« l«»v u« c^lN!^ WlUt« cuILM nc>» N,v U,.! '"s lo,^ !>» v"^^ lnsle irilii
      41 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 108 10 1111. 225 1,213 111 2»l^l 2»,»«». I»« 48 n, «l?I >» I»« 4!.3» »,00 c»ntane« BelecUawi» i 5 4 li«», ln c:»ntul,«>«: coo »c>!^i llo^clen^ 20 ln LnzU-'NV < l»a«t': oo cTKllliren'l rl<«7»mme^ 7^ glnzllpnre «w>l>: N»U, ol> NU6» «ttl» pwna: l 5 Detective «U,l>: 30 «c» l bll «oi»ll^
      108 words

  • 15 11 To-day's Sports Events B.^Q 8«.^!. < »ml,in«6 Bel,»<>l,. B.»^.' ll»M^i »econ6B v,. «l!6»,an, „«nt. B.c n.e.
    15 words
  • 77 11 l <»n<l«n. Nov. ?2. t.nv I' I> v»d,nv <> I^s'll.'! 6. l^a^Ueso:c! l<: V,." '.l'lw!^ 5, N'^NHlel, 2 „»<ll^ :c< <.>!cl^2Nl 4, 8!, Helen's < < »v »«> 7> .lwn I)! 28. I^inaon l><, 'wnnlii n I'niwe 11. l^nclnn „< Ivn k,,i>: iz. /^rmv IN filler' I ttal
    77 words
  • 446 11 SELANGOR ALL BLUES REACH CUP RUGBY FINAL sembilan Zeaten 18-^il (l'rom Our Own (^orr^pon^ent) liuala I^umpur, I^lov. 23. once a^ain qualikl-6 tor tkf' "Llue« l^up tinal v"nen, on tde pal^anss tni« l-veninss, dne^ beat Nseri Benldiian b> 18 points (<^vo anci two dropped to nil. Ine lwme «is!e met witli
    446 words
  • 186 11 TIGERS BEAT R.A. XV 11-6 l»l>I»u »«u»i ?«l«r6»? d«tM««n t>»e I1r«« »n«l N»tt«»> »l tl»« I°Ne Tlze« vere tke llr»t to »t> t^clc, ancl vero H^^r^ed ll penalty. QUUe^akn took tl,« but U»e lnil rarriecl U,e b»U 2,<>«l» to ?ope vNo. »lt?7 zreat «tru««le. ?ro«c«l over lc» I'lmn to convert.
    186 words
  • 41 11 Perak Asiatics Beat Army XV lvoll. «»v 22. rueb> m»l«l» pl»?«! l»«« U»«l»> H«i»Uc'« lrie» »n6 kicll«I tri« ezune lr«n> ll«»t, (^llon X«»t »n6 l»«v»n. <lr«t t»» tli« «er« «e»r««l in tl>« Nr»t p«ll»<l »l tl»e pl»?. minnt«. Nrn,s»>«l ,c«rln« l»ll<»»>
    41 words
  • 74 11 pl»^e<l w u»« s.c^c:. op« 2 »n«l »e»»> X«I>« »!ev V,. Vs, s»dwe »li 6 «lMlU«. 7— 4— 7—7 1-»n I^I2V ct,«x> be»t «ene L«n« ctu»n« 2— 4, 6—3 6«,b!«i l»»«x>i«»p: lot, ?«x>n un<l I°. U. BW>. 2— (U> <>>»«» ,»«»»l.ll»»l> c:t»lu lice Qnn Urn
    74 words
  • 61 11 rU,llr l»u»»ln« »5« «>»« e««,n« l» I^ bll«l »l 8»»»-<l»7, «»»I» l^,»»p»s U»« »< I :^7««»llV »2« »n« HN»!»« »I»: l<^7 »11. l »l»l l^«k »»< »7 »«»««,>>» ll»e« l: ll»«!l»^»«!l lli »»< >«. «l»^r >«» l»l» »l« 4: »l»«»««:>l »ll »»< ll»«»»>^ l«« <l« l«»^»«M«t
    61 words
  • 167 11 GOOD GALLOP BY BOLD HEIRESS I'o 6^'» I>acll dlote, <k>rom Our 0»n Ooriesponsent) liuaia l^umpur. Kov. 2». klMouc-N a <la> lor siOM vorll. X several norses 616 interestlne 8»l!opz at tralnlnz tnl, m^rnWU. I^>o »<c»nl, Mas «olt. »uI6 Nelre^. outpaclnss Salar,iana at tne en 6 ol a 8»»op over lour
    167 words
  • 185 11 CEYLONESE DEFEAT COAST REGIMENT /'oov «l»lll b 7 tnell nalve, en»bl«6 tue 0e,l«» Bportz sl»b to «cor« t»» e»»l» m tne nr»t n«Il »«> one ln tne «c«,n«l U» beat tne lloa^ lt««in,«n« b, tnr«e l«»l, U» nU ln »»«!le7 »»»«n ,l»7"' ll»l«»tler 7«» 1-n"«unner, vere «lelwltel/ an top ln
    185 words
  • 39 11 MIXED FOURSOMES AT BUKIT TIMAH lsili: p.ovl:l 51n32? )lo Noll <7!ub'» mlx»6 loursumez coinpetltlon, vnlcn v? 25 plll>e<l »t Lulclt I^m^k >estercl»v. resuitecl ln vln lor kll«« I N. Lllnonizon »n<l >. N vonn Mltn 2 score ol 35'^ net.
    39 words
  • 562 11 SATURDAY'S HOME FOOTBALL Uore Intere»tins Incident, lx»ns«l>, >l»»v. 22. X»/z«Il»»« l«x»tb»ll «^c>< re»p«n»lble lor »»»n^ lnl«r. e»t>l»e incident, »»Ul t»^»^» pl<,r^»n»>»»<! eicevtion M»ellknr«» ll»v«r» »c« p>»?«r ,l»»rt »n6 dr»»6c»zt 8<» 8. t» B^t !>»»l»r lll«>on. «n« «t loot»»6. true to «t«»7 book l»«l»i«n. «s<»s««! Mlnnluz «»»> m tl>« Lurv !><n»plele<!
    Reuter  -  562 words
  • 42 11 AUSTRALIAN AIRMEN BEAT FILIPINOS 'U^lL lia;.'.! .^ir li^>i!'«> be»t tne 8ln8»pore lillplnos l? to ll In t»«et«Il m»l«:b l>I»?e<I »t st. veztorcla^ Lnelle? un6 pevltr ol tn« .<UI l'orce. Eot tke oulv norn? run« ol tn« »»lne. m«dy. pevltt. Lamberler: rlllplno«. I^Q>.^ux.
    42 words
  • 46 11 PHOL ANXIOUS TO MEET SIMA AGAIN PIIQI. ?l,ra ?»6»a,, tke I't,»l. recently outpolnte^ by LattUng Lima ln titular contest, l, »nxwu« lor return. ?1,0l n»» written to »»v tn»t ne l« entitled to »^litn«r enQnee on lilz «nllvlne »n6 N»« tke backing ol dunHreclH «l »upporter«.
    46 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 xrn 2 ««l-^ike-tn«t', lne k»°6 ok «nan you'U vanl to znov your i3^«-an6 k«p i«r your own album, too! Nky °ol make sure «f^nB eke cl«r«t. lifelike «lv«y« acknz lor l(o6ak "crick^m-' !i!m-6«uble^«.te6 tor n>B° «P«-<l «<i «tr> 6«t«1.
      39 words
    • 249 11 /^u ,utkarily ou tke eyes k« recently »t,«6 tQ»I 50A of »eri«u» eye troubles «c < c,u«<« by nezlect. 1°l»« trouble, can be si pV^ l( prevented is re«on,ble «ep« are taken l. ll»e rizbl lime Vbelner you «c man oi »om»n, ,n IHKi//?ll oullloor per«>ll or an ioclaol worker,
      249 words

  • 599 12 l!»iro. Xov. 23. V.VItNI^, »tron^ paint m l^l-enaica, kaNen to lorce» ol tne Nritisn l^i^ntn un6er (!en. Kir (^unninjlnam. 3 i» oNiciallv announced m tne latest kl.N.^. co?,lmunique. communique ul3o announces tne capture, dv Indian troops, ok Bidi Omar Nuovo, nine miles nortn nt
    599 words
  • 88 12 Enemy Is Short Of Petrol In Libya c»iro. X«-v 22. pets,! zupsilie, m l ibv» »re ,n»rt. lt l, l«ll»l»l, le»rne«l. Nriti,l, «upplle, petrol, on tne otner l»»n«l, »r« ><e,nvn^!e. >>i3niNr»nt ««n>ment W»» n»»6« on tl»« Nrltl«ll <>flen!«ive m I ibv» d> tke Nome «6l«» t» nirnt: lt coulcl «,n>7
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 185 12 TRAPPED FORCE IS PUT AT 40,000 MEN London, >lov. 23. l nignt'« (!2lr<i eominuniqu^ tnoussn expressed extremely measured terms, ssives us ver)s definite newg ol our vict< ries m t^vrenaica. writes (!en. Bir Nudert 6oul?n, I?luter'» military commentutor. I'nere i<, no question dut tnat tne wm-d victory i» lull^ i'lstiiied
    185 words
  • 365 12 C.-in-C.'s Bombshell For Correspondents 1Al« V 2« tne quiet statement tnat Qen. Blr >Vl»n OuniUne^am. <Dc>mm»n6er in (^nlel ol tne Dlssk!.N >rmy in tne W«tern v«. zert. ma6e lazl, Luncav evening, vrltez Neuters colle«p«n6l>nt v!tk t!ie LrltlLk lorcez aclv»nclnz into It lell lilc? 2 donidzk>?ll in tde qu'.et ol i>i«
    365 words
  • 304 12 BIG CLASHES BETWEEN TANKS AND PLANES I^oilllon, Kov. 21. l niBllt'« report tli»t K«>v tloons dad captured (!»pux2o va» amplified 51>.i3 mos-nin^ d.v Td'vard Xennec^. ?re33 t urre?pnndent. 52X3 tk? L.L.C »Hr, liennedv sa7» tnat veztersa>', action ln tnl« area »a« one >)l tne ereatest pitched air battle.'' detveen plane,
    304 words
  • 39 12 "COMMUNIST" BAND WIPED OUT »<:rlln. Kov 22 pro-^xis lorcez to da^ vwed out a "communist band' near Xotcnovo. Iliiiln? 22? and taking ?a orlsonorZ m a nltcned di>lNe, according to a Nerrnan news a?cn?v report lrom Lelssrade- Unlt«l ?re«.
    39 words
  • 110 12 Ix>n6on. Nov, 23. H l^»2l Nlzn Comm«,n6 report lrom I^b?»n ne»6ciU2rt«r« 8l^V»! "In eiortn tne C'psMHN »n6 It»U»n troops, ln 3ucce«»lul NektB vltN tke Nrltl»'.» nrco« »6vanelnB lrom tde »outk, <leBt,ro^e6 more tkan 2X) tllnll3 l^ncl 20U car«. "LtronL »Nempt« b> tke Nlltlsk Burrl«on llt
    110 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements