The Straits Times, 23 November 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 1 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FlNAL*'** No. 518 Sunday, November 23. 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 518 Sunday, November 23, 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 1421 1 Panzers Vain Effort To Break British Ring BIG SKY BATTLES DOMINATED BY ALLIED AIRMEN AFTER the great battles in the Libyan desert, the German commander, Gen. Rommel has already lost half his tank strength, it is announced in Cairo by British military quarters. The German
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  • 301 1 Tokio, Saturday. THi; adjournment of talks 1 between United States officials and the Japanese envoy, Mr. Saburo Kurusu, have been followed today by hln-s from Japan that negotiations have broken down. The Washingun correspondent of the Nlchl Nichi cabled a story to Toklo in which
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  • 52 1 London, Saturday. rhas been announced in Washington thdt the British Ambassado., Lord Halifax, and the Australian and Dutch Ministers are conferring with Mr. Cordell Hull, "a Unled States Se—ctary of State. The purpose of the conference is not stated but it is believed to be conn-«*trd with the
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  • 59 1 Vichy, Saturday. THE Pope hac lr-sued a special dispensation •UthnMPf 'midnight Christmas Eve Masses" to be celebrated in occupied France as a wartime emersen?y mrp.-.tire jurjc th? afternoon of Wednesday Dec 24. Blackout nnd curfew laws in posed by the German occupation fo'.ces prevent churches beincr lighted cr
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  • 155 1 IJ:»njko!t, Saturday. If Mr. Yano, the Japanese chairman of the Th-1 InJo-China Krontirr Demarcation C'ommtsoion, later considers it absolutely necessary to ha\e aerial photograph* of Thailand's •oufh -eastern f rentier, then both the Thai and French government* would arrre to tl.r the facilities for snrli rlicnls. Reuter learns
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  • 34 1 Yokohama, Saturday A BIG new aerodrome, costing £75.000, was opened here to-day It belonss to the Airways Oompir.y of Japan, and includes a haipar large enough to house eight plants Reuter.
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  • 46 1 The United States has lodged a strong protest in Rome against the arrest on Tuesday and continued detention of the Rev. H. G. Woolf, Rector of Saint Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church. Press cables from Rome said he Is being held incommunicado in connection "Intelligence" activity. Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 1 MajM KaJ Kumar Shrl RajendraStnhji, of the 2nd Royal lancers. Irdian Army itrpbrw of the late Jam Sah b of Naw.tnagar ("Ranfi" of cricketing fame), who wa>s awarded the D.S.O. for gnllantry at Mekili IMb during the British retirement from Benthasl to Tobrok ><ut April.
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  • 119 1 Istanbul. Salnrday. "ITALY'S death hoar In Africa haa X *>on« 2 d, writes Deputy Yaltebln In the newspaper Yeni Shabah. "Unlike the last time, the Germans cannot save Paly boean*e they are unable to divert to Africa forces from the Eastern Front. Britain ehos* the
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 92 1 Vichy, Saturday. THE Vichy Goverrunent announces the liberation from a Purls p'ison of the 72-year-old Communist Senator. Marcel Csehin. founder and long-time head of the French Communist Party and holder of the rark of honorary colonel In the Russian Army. Jujt before the 1936 elections. Cachin handed
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  • 59 1 Chungking. Saturday. TILE Chungking daily newspaper Sao Tang Pao reports that the Centra' Bark has printed legal tender totaii.r 10.000.000 yuan in the Tibetan language, for circulation In Slkiang nn Tibe* through the Tachienlu branch the Central Bank. It Is said that t measure Is for
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  • 32 1 It is officially announced In Ankara, the Turkish capital that the Turkish ihlp Enid]* has been torpedoed en route from Burgas to Instanbul. She had no cargo.— United Press.
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  • 33 1 Horace MacCartle Eyre Price, Canor of Ely, and forn erly Archdeacon of O^aka and later Bishop of Fukien. South China, died at Ely at the age of I 78 on Nov. 21. Reu:cr.
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  • 529 1 WITH the war in Russia enterins its sixth month today there are reports of powerful German reinforcements massing in front of Moscow and the most hitter t'.zh*' t is going on arouni Trli H tne south, Volokolamsk in the west and Kalinin in the north-west.
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  • 153 1 Thailand May Soon Call Up Reserves Bangkok, Saturday. IT is learned that the Thai Supreme Command is co itemplaline quietly calling up reserves and that some reservists have already received notification to be ready to re-enter the Army at a moment's notice. It is reported that conscripts will be released
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  • 38 1 Three new sections have been created within the Japanese Embassy at Banrkok to cope with "the Increasing'v delicate situation in Thailand" r*H new sections Include political nfTalrs and economic intelligence sections— United Press and Reuler.
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  • 302 1 First Lord On Dangers In Far East London, Saturday. AT the opening of Warship Week in London thus afternoon, Mr. A. V, Alexander, First Lord oi thn Admiralty, referred to the crisis in the Far East as a danger which may loom up at any moment. "I find it difficult
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  • 44 1 London. Saturday. AN Air Ministry communique sta es: "Enemy aircraft*s>dropped a few bombs in the south-west of England and South Wales last night. Little damage was done but pt one pla*e a small number of casualties have bees reported. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 TAI HENG Co7~| f a i I or* Coiemae St., Singapore. Phone 3375. 3\
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    • 83 1 Just Unpacked. EXSLiSH LACES IN CHARMINB SHADES CHOTIRMALL'S J———^ ~^hJ "^^J^^v n ove^h^toHriß majority of Provision dealers. Hotels and Cafes throughout Malaya deL J-jlr#' Pf"* 1 UI on KELVINATOR Ref V rigeration. For o> c 27 years. IG& S*^t KELVINATO R— with its proven dependability —ha -tfti^Cv^ hcen 1C w
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  • 344 2 'Bridge Of Planes' To Russia (JANADA and tne United States arc rapidly pushing t*> completion a vast airpcrt construction programme which could be >ised as a "bridsc or planfs" to Russia over the "top of the World" via Alaska, writes a United Press correspondent who ha\ just returned to
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  • 115 2 Katavia, Saturday. THK Dcii Coutrnt learns that a| largr rortmg* of Japanese «uo-j jerts are lTavui,: ihe Wtst Coait of j Uun.atra. They \Ui travel via Java in order to relu.'n to Japan. This GTOu;) of cvacuatinr Japane.*e vlll also include a fairly largo number of
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  • 155 2 s'iar.ihai. Saturday. npIIE largest exodus of foreigners 1 from Shaighal for some years ".ill take place next week. No fewer than 1,503 Britons and Americans. aiding about TOO United States Marines, are srtv luled to sail from here on board three liners. Between 500 b-i:1 600 Britons, mostly
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 62 2 ivndon. Saturday. k VICHY Pn-nch freighter, the Ville A do Taavatave. hts arrived in New York under the British flag. A New York despatch to the V'chy news agency says the Ville de Tamatcve was reized by the British Dfl the coast of
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  • 58 2 .slir.ngiial, Saturday. InrMi ii»at ttM pal Poli'-e are takir.g ov r tiie l' of an American U-irnce ■rctor xn the central dlatrtct of the ;-rnation»l Settlement following tne .-.hdrawal of the United States 'arines. Ko announcement has yet been rad«« whether any decision has been reached regarding Japanese
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  • 139 2 Sau Qutnlm, Saturday. TiIOUGH three timc3 rcpn by the Governor --I Calii "The Duchess," otherwise Evileta Juanita, spinster, R?;ed 52 and mother cf three cnildren and considered probably the toughest ganzstress in United States history, was txecutel on Fricl la tn_' sas chamßer. The Duchess." as gangland
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 625 2 "MO bombs in the Far East would be enough to «launt the spirit of the Chinese people. Of that I have persuaded myself over the last three years. They take bombs as the British people lake bombs with unahakcable fortitude and abiding cheerfulness."
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  • 98 2 INDO-CHINA DENIES DISMISSAL OF 150 FONCTIONNAIRES Saturday. D ;»..v tc Honr; Kong's Fr-nch broadcast on Nov. 2i.. .staling that liO Indo-Cl.ina for.ct'.i>r.nairc.<! liud I been relieved o' t!ieir uuUes due to their iiuJuigliic ai»ti-. ;.inccr j>ropir.uid.i. tlu lii -Ciiir Gc today issued a 'urm»! denial of the sti-t d absolutely
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  • 70 2 Toklo, Saturday. A JAPA»:£SE Imperial ordinance js hing teued to-day, to become on Dec. 1. which will provide for ;<0 days' hinual lalour service for all males between 14 and 40 years of age and for a!l unmarried females between 14 and 25, exceptin-T members
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  • 37 2 Canada, at the request of the DrlUs'u Government has undertaken the con.' of Lancaster Bombers. The production order for M: rtln "B 265. rir.s b«n cancelled. These will in future b~ in the VnlteU States.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    204 2 CPACE is scarce In some »f the B.BX.'t wartimr office*, bat H. H. Stewart, an Australian who orrap«es a room once ased far kaU and coat* In m londo i nn<W< round theatre, m»kr r ood use of the white ;i>* lining hta walls. Bach tile represents one of the
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  • 87 2 Hitler will meet Mar.shal Petain "somewhere in occupied France this wee I',1 according to private advices fror 1 Europt^ received in New York, MJ« United Press. The advices said the Fuehrer may seek permission to send German troops to French North Africa to counteract the Briton
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  • 91 2 T^io. Sat:.rdjy Uli ICHIRO KIVOSK, a Membe of the Diet, told the Tol.ii prcis today that he most thank I'.rsidrnt RooseTTlt for coring his dUbetes He explained that since the I nn>d States oil embargo on Janm the number of Toklo'n antomobiU-s and Uxicabs had
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  • 208 2 Buenos A.res. Sa> irday. THE i'd^lamentary Committee in- vestifca'.ing anti-Argcntim a?tiTlties has completed its nfth report on i Nasi ac.ivi.ies in the Argentine. It Is being published n:xt wee':. It is I'-arned. however, that the r«-?ort con.•ists of 19 chapters and a shirt,!uction declarlmr
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  • 77 2 Karachi, Satur-r.y 'piiL' y uf a faster air service after ihe <ff between Britain and India, coverii., the distance from Heston to Ka.i M in 20 h.jurs. was envisaged by fr. W. L. Kuneiman. Director -Oenerj 1 of the BrllL-n Overseas
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  • 70 2 Sii&n^nai, S..l.urday. \ZJITII a view to cementing closer r.lation> with Chinese resldsnts overseas, Clu-.ngiiing cultural circles are orcanb'inj a mission to visit Malaya and the Netherlands Indies, according to a local Chinese press report. The mission will con.«i*t of workers and will be headeti by Mr. Hsu Shlh-ylng.
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  • 285 2 Future Of Vichy Regime In Jeopardy Washington, Saturday MARSHAL Petain's future as Chief of the French Stat I at stake in a deepening eeoooml: -risis resultins Frencii "collaboration" with Germany This picture is provlc; authentic advices reachhr: United Press to-day fr:m sources on UM European continent. AccordiiiK to this
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  • 49 2 A STATEMENT credit.d io Ihe (icrman Foreiirn Oflicr on the United States wa-ni.iK to Vichy regarding the removal of Gen. Weygand from hi* pusi ia North Africa describes Ihe American effort as "on; of Roosevelt's Impudent attempts to interfere in European internal matters."
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  • 152 2 London, natural > JAPAN'S threatening mores towards Singapore no less than the launch inf of Hitler's long contemplated jnve to the East gtve new urge) cy to the search now going to. ward for a basis of co-operation In India. MM< a Yorkshire Post editorial whlrh
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 278 2 Widening Of Warning To Japan Sought i.on.!u:i Saturd.iv. KJ[K. \VL) ,ton t iiun hUl's Man. vion House vvech in wiiirh he declared thai <ircat Britain would he in any 'apan- America war "vithin the hour" is the subject of a l?t*er in to-da s Times over six sijrnatLTCs of tn.-
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  • 209 2 VV-ishlnKt-.n. Sa wHttf. A S it Ls the p ilicy of the -.itimittee of the United M'ne Wo.-krrs to meet to reoly i» i'r« idrnl Fu pr:ps:Ls K.^nst?r Tow C'onnally has pro- that ror.gress reprsi the '•iffcy Coal Act if tbe Tresi("rn offer
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  • 115 2 Ottawa. Saturday. p'.JJADA vhith Ui faeinK an idv cnadßg fhcirtve Qf lini .lied rter 1 r. a result cf Btrfln in ttas Dottad<s i"i ranJUly r:\panding \*s roliuv capacity. It is offlci illy staLtd >niir,i..n Iron and Rtcl C.xnpany is rebuilding nn
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 57 2 London. Saturday LONDON hearc Moscow's unti-uircraft aefenecs Ru into action early tins morning, when a Nazi raid on the Ru;s an capital was oroaocast. The mic-n-cphone picked up sa'vocs cl fire from one of the anti-aircraft batteries guarding Mwetl proaches. One of the p.uncs was
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 78 2 PORTUGUESE FAI TH IN BRITAIN liixn Saturday A aiTZIKINO arti.le In the Catholic newsoaper Novidades begins by quoting the words of the ereat author and stat»?man Montalembert. M years ago: "There Is no problem to-day more Important than the future of Rn^land." The writer says. "Mantalembert knew that England with
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 "Do you recommend Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste?" I L^m^m^mVm^mhwmv «HH HmV ,"Tooth Powder Eucryl Tooth Powder. iWV^^*" '^^xJ $yi because it has 100 per cent cleansing power, Bp^; ~-*^?tfm 'and contains every ingredient that tbe %^S^ff '*<"*^=^ W Dciu.u Profession considers eu>catiaJ to the Xj **'"'-&0&&lw perfect denairice mm
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  • 257 3 Kweilin (Kwangsi), Saturday. THE situation on the IVench Indo-China-Yunnan border remains tense with the Sino-Japanese forces facing each other a ross the border. Those forcos compiise the crack fighting units of the respective armies. It i. I that f' Japanese troopu are
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 36 3 Trie sole sun-ivor o; Ik* cr m of 40 of a torpedoed ves&i, John Harruon uxi3 Tcicu;d by a Canadian destroyer after he had been in the Atlantic for over two hours.
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  • 251 3 I>RITISH prisoners who tried to accept food from riendly Belgians when the iermans did not feed them MH killed instantly. Some--imes they were tommyunned. sometimes bayoneted, nd their bodies were left on the roadway. This story was told by a Royal 'arine to 8.8.C.
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  • 30 3 Gonner A. M. Weir. Invalided from Tobruk. was served with the millionth mea. prepared at the Anzac buffet. Sydney. He received a silver drinking cun as a memento.
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  • 23 3 Mr. C. L. Badcork is returning to live n his home state, Tasmania, depriving !*uh Australian cricket of a leading bit Ism vi.
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  • 86 3 Rome, Saturday. MARIO APPELUS. political commentator in Mussolini's newspaper Popolo d'ltalla. In a -adio broadcast last right said. "The s rects of London will ring out to the treading boots ot Axis troops." II Duce and Der Fuehrer are the two greatest brains
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  • 49 3 Tokuo, Saturday. JAPAN might be forced to denounce the Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact and take firm measures In the event of Russia continuing "dilly-dallying" tactics regarding the Japanese protest concerning the sinking of the Kibl Maru. according to the ultranattonallstic Kokumin Shlmbup to-day.— United Press.
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  • 37 3 Batavia. Saturday. THE board of the Catholic Social 1 Society states that a plan Is being devised to form a general organization for the purpose of supplying food to children In the Netherlands.
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  • 36 3 THE Australian Minister for Munitions, Mr. Makin. announces that he lad approved of a recommendation for making Australia self sufficient in nitric add and methanol. which are essential In the production of military explosives.
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  • 41 3 THE battle flag of H.M S. York, sunk 1 during the evacuation of Crete, has been presented to the Petty Officers' Mess of the Brisbane Naval Depot on behalf of Warrant Officer Arthur Burton, who was In Crete.
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  • 93 3 The Kir* has approved the award of the Victoria Cross to ?nd I.lcuU t'harles Kazlett I'pham. of the New Zealand Forces. During the operation in Crete this officer performed a wrles of remarkable exploits, showing outstanding leadership, tactical skill and otter indifference to dangrr.
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  • 255 3 London, Saturday. THE German Government is clearly not going to he content with the dismissal of Gen. Weygand, Vichy Deb^ateGeneral to French North Africa, states The Times diplomatic correspondent. Gen Weyjanci's departure, the correspondent says, must be taken as a sign that the
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 130 3 Finance Food Are China's Problems Chungking, Saturday. I A SURVEY of the question: nM n the present session of the National Peoples i'oLiical Council thicv... mucr 1 light on ihe principal issues which are occupying the attention of th? general masses In China. There appears to be no dissenting voice
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  • 81 3 Chungking, Saturday. A CHINESE tribute to Mr. Wlns'on Churchill in the form of a painting of a sea eagle by the well-known Chinese painter. Professor Chang Shuchl will shortly bo sent to lAP.rl^n. The same painter prcsen'ed a painting enti'letl: "A Rwtfrcd novi to President
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 50 3 THE Premier of Tasmania, Mr. Cos- grove, has disclosed that he receives an offer by a foreign *<fernment to take up to 70.000 tons of bauxite a year from the recently found deposits at Ouse. He was negotiating for the establishment of an aluminium industry In Tasmania
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  • 36 3 Hatavia, Saturday. A RED CROSS and Prince Bcrnhard march Is being organized In Batavla. It will be over a distance of six miles. The proceeds will go to the Netherlands Indies Red Cross.
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  • 28 3 The death has occurred at Claremont. West Australia, of Mr. O. P. Stevens, aged 80, who was secretary of the West Australian Civil Service Association for 24 years.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 406 3 HUNGRY— YET AFRAID TO EAT! To dread mealtimes because of the heartburn, flatulence and other forms of digestive UUcomfort Uiat will follow Is a self-imposed ordeal through which thousands of people pass dally Be U -Imposed becu^e Irritating exces acidity, the most common cause o? Indigestion, can be neutralized instantly
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    • 147 3 -the new Vitamin Bread, contains twice as much VITAMIN Bi as ordinary wholemeal bread A dvt.. nfSintTpore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd.* CS 256 A ■V MJM m a Wm II IV Jl-i nf 1 ■V ws£F m Wtf'm tL Ft I m > I r 1 M /mr f >■
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 Follow The Crowds to the only big laugh show in town TO-DAY 11 a.m. 3.15, 6.15 9.15 ALHAMBRA Their first roaring hit together E_i.-*" mW *5» r™" f W~~*l \^^M¥ I i A NEW WARNER BROS. SUCCESS with BUM IRWIN FUGtNt PAllEnt JACK CARSON GEORGE TOBIAS HARRY DAVENPORT jTjjjg) Mm
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    • 186 4 WHI be the Venue for the SINGAPORE TABLE TENNIS ASSOCIATION'B men's singles championship of 1941. Play to commence from Not. 29. Entries wiß be received here for the first SKATING RACE from JOHORE RAIIRU to SINGAPORE during; the second week of December, watch for further announcement TEA DANSANT from 7.30
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    • 224 4 4 SHOWS TODAY A II If II I Ail 11 3.15 -8.15 -9.15 HWIIbIUH THE RAF OVER GERMANY "TARGET for TONIGHT" TOGETHER WITH fSrSb^— "WAR WALLACES MARIUS GORING GRFiTFCT THRIUIR KHELOPt OUDIEY WARD oKtAltst IHmuA HELEN NAVE it*** b y oeorge king ease f ViTrpr^r^l^i) Produc«d by SW, SMITH g^
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    • 233 4 Another CAPITAL Week-end Attraction for CAPITOL Patrons! SEASON EXTENDED The Famous Stars of 'BOYS TOWN* make screen history with yet another Gold-Awcrd winning Pcrformcnco r^APrm 4 sHows da|ly LAI Jlj ii A Mm 3156 15 acd 015 Walk Right Into Your Hearts!" M.G.M.S GREAT SEQUEL TO "BOYS TOWN Latest Mctrotone
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  • 145 5 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Klaii?. Saturday. THE question of clerks employed by Chettiar firms In the F.M.S. having a holiday on Sundays is being considered by the Chettiar Chamber or Commerce. 7. M.5., Kuala Lumpur. The spokesman of the Chettiar Chamber of Commerce (Selangon Klang, told tho
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  • 69 5 AN exhibition of paintings and drawnns by Mis. M. A. Bateman will b? held at Raffles H(-tel from Wednesday, Nov. 26. to Sa'urday. Nov. 29. AH ilu picturci- on exhibition will be for rale and the wlir>le r-f the proceeds of ueb rale? will be given to The
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  • 20 5 MR I. Rarr.anathan, manager of the Oriental Bank of Malaya Ltd.. Klan-r. is to be transferreJ to the Seremban branch.
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  • 144 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Saturday. A HAINANESE woman living in the Sakai Reserve on Carey Island, Port Swettenham, is believed to Have been murdered by Sokais at Carey Island. It is stated that this woman was living with her nephew in a
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  • 145 5 (From Our Own Can espendent > Pu-it Buntar, Saturday. A DARING burglary took place at a house in Pagar Teras, Machan? Bubok, Province WelJesley, when cash and jrwellcry, said to be valued at over $1,000, were removed from a safe. The victim. Mr Au-Yong Telk
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  • 72 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. VERDICT of misadventure was returned by Inche Haroun bin Ahmad, Segamat Coroner, following an inquest on a young Chinese girl whe was killed when she was knocked down by a military lorry at Gemas Bahru. It was stated that
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  • 22 5 Un. Sutherland Bro«n. manager. Vrulambrcsa K!.->n;;. and Un. Bu tacrlutd 1 .-ro on a fhort ha! Fnacrt HUI. have returned to Klcng.
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  • 241 5 To-day A Big Day For 50 Children "TO-DAY will be a very important day for 5« European schoolchildren, now in Singapore, when their period of "strict isolation" expires. These children were "contacts" of the five cases of infantile paralysis that broke out at the Cameron Highlands recently with fatai results
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  • 142 5 'From Our Own Cories,x>nQeni Sesamat, Saturday. HOLDING that the nature of the injury did not conform to the story of the prosecution. Inc'.'.e iHaroun bin Ahmad, the Segamat magistrate today, gave an Indian 1 labourer the benefit of the doub". in a case ot grievous assault
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  • 202 5 Batavia, Saturday t "gECAUSE of :'-s ever- increasing industrialization and dependence on American goods, there is every reason to believe that the extension of lelations be- twesn the Net ni r lands Indies and the United States will be of lasting nature" sale? Dr Slotemaker de
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  • 23 5 To prevent any possible trouble during the strike at the Singapore sawmills. Mitten and police were on duty.
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  • 52 5 At The Cinema THERE are jungle thrills in plenty in 1 Jungle Cavalcade," an R.K.O.Kudio film which had a iridnight showing at the Alhanibra cinema. "Jungle Cavalcr de, is a combination cf the highlight* of three Frank duck adventure films, "Brin<j lEm Bark Alive," "Wild Carjo," and "Farg
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  • 57 5 THE Man Who Lost HimfeU," which was (hown at midnight at the Capitcl cinema, is ta entertaining comedy theme of which is confusion caused when a wife meets her husband's double Kay PrancU and Brian Ahcme give fine pri f ornances m the ftrliar roles and are adequately
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  • 325 5 Anderson Taylor |L|R. James Anderson, of the Malaya Broadcasting Corporation, was roamed to Miss Gladys Tayor. at St. And Cathedral yesterday. The bridegroom U the son of Mr and Mrs. J. Anderson, of Glasgow, Scotland, and the bride Is the daughter of Bit. and Mrs. T. Taylor, of
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  • 64 5 1 From Our Own Correspondent) Taiplng, Saturday. THE followUig have been elected offre-bearers of the Sri Guru Sin^ii Sabha Larut (the Larut Sikhs' Society/ for the year 1941-42 at their annual general meeting held recently President. Mr. Khuahal Singh (re-e'.ected) vice-president, Mr. Budh Singh (reelected): hon. secretary. Mr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 984 5 WILSON.— To Mr. and Mrs. Gord v Wilson on 22nd November. 1941 2 Singapore Maternity Hospttal, daughter. EUpeth Mary TNE CREAM OF TNE OPERAS. COLUMBIA CONCISE EDITION Each set cot £i*L-> of Six Record;, giving all the m.ercsttng Theme* an i Airs, with the dull moments eliminate i You will
      984 words
    • 56 5 AUSTIN 8, 5.9740 BLACK TOURER Will ihe pc-ccr. who gave :n--t>ima:ion reg£>rains this c«r ple-.-.5e c<mniurlcrte *iUj 801"2 or 5088. STEAMSHIP PLANE AND RAIL TICKETS. LOCAL AND OVERSEAS \T UECI'I.AR TARIFF RATT.S NO COMMISSION OR ROOKING FEE. THE AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. INC. XI Kobinson Road TeL Ml REPRESENTING ALL I'RINCIPAL
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    • 263 5 gfe, FOR OVER ij£j^4s>tv9 life. .i^tftW 1 m. All YEARS DENTISTS HAVE jj/gm^Sk j RECOMMENDED p| V v TOOTH PASTE Clean, white teeth are essential to good health. Brush them morning, noon and night with EUTHYMOL. It's pleasant, antiseptic froth penetrates into all those tiny crevices that harbour dangerous germs
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  • 1770 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By THB Doc »nd The Cat had grown 1 so big and Tfce Man and The Woman had shrunk so small that It was The Dog ?»ho was taking The Man to the local Man show where hundreds of degs were exhibiting their favourite
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  • 485 6  -  FOUR ACES By ttCOME time ago," recalls a reader. you discussed a bidding problem .similar to the hand that I'm worried about. But. as I remember It there was a four -card roade suit in the hand you discussed. What would you do with this hand South. Dealer
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 218 6 1 itST ¥iTAUTY Wincamu is suitable alike for the robust, the invalid and the convalescent. It, braces thW whole system, imparts health and vigour, and preserves the abundant energy of youth. In all cases of debility and lowered vitality, whatever the- cause. Wincarnli will be found a most efficient restorative.
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    • 122 6 5 daey is only 2>2 to 3^ days travel from Singapore by air id 21 days of pleasant cruising by sea, while Perth is only f 1 days by sea. Modern 'planes and ships operate regular ices. a A complete change In Australia, with its stimulating climate, sport and entertainment
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    • 529 6 PUFFY, SWOLLEN Jl J ACHING \^H -ai ami inn I ***H WOT ACID!] Tbe skin-pores '•m^^mm^m^^m^M 01 '.our eet snould be constantly eliminating acid impurities When your (eel ache and »w«ll. it is rtecause those pore* have iwcome choked and acid i» piling up inside them Fhrn you suffer ImN
      529 words

  • 1644 7 By The Onlooker pREAT and welcome changes in ihe activities of the Association of British Malaya in London are likely lo follow the appointment of Mr. L. D. Gammans, M.P., former Malayan civil servant, to the secret a.ryship, vacant since the death of Mr. Oliver Marks some
    1,644 words
  • Article, Illustration
    184 7 Mr. Chan Pik Choon. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chan Ting look. of Penang, was married to Mm Chew Pck Kam, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chew Tew Tiew, at the Kuala Lumpur Registry. Mr. Samuel Rajaretnam, of Slim River. I erak. and Miss Violet ClndereSla Retnam, married
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

    • 847 8 LAST week provided considerable evidence of the increasing interest that is being taken by the Colonial Office in labour conditions in the colonies. An advisory committee has been set up in London and on Thursday night the Under-Secretary, Mr. George Hall, broadcast Jrom London a talk on "Trades
      847 words
  • 1305 8  - Sea War May Be Won In The Pacific Capt. Bernard Ackworth By UOW would a belligerent Japan affect the disposition of the American Fleet, remembering that it would be American interests, and not ours, that American statesmen would rightly consider first? Would the bulk of the American Navy operate in
    1,305 words
  • 262 8 Pittsburgn, Saturday. IT is estimated that 50,000 tons In steel production has been lost this week as a result of the closure of 11 furnaces due to the current coal mine and other sympathy .strikes. "Production I n this scale could have built
    262 words
  • 81 8 From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Saturday. D ADIO Oranje has warned Hollanders who plan to escape from the occupied country to be careful not to discuss their plans with anyone and not to approach the authorities In other occupied countries. The station added: "You are
    81 words
  • 56 8 From Our Own Correspondent i Batavla. Saturday. AT the beginning of this month the Netherlandu Navy for the first time started to enlist native personnel in Sumatra. This was preceded by an extensive propr.pnnda rampa<cn. EjDectallv In the c'l-.trirt of Sumatra' West Coast
    56 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 548 8 Til REV VOILI CA B A RET *zz zzzin^ r m* It n««n U 2.3« climt* tor over 20 yean Chose TO-NIGHT 9 30 TO M»D*HGHT AaWiniaa 28 cU. tP I A N O TUNING-REPAIRS REMOVALS-HIRE We Havt a wUk E- CHARLES. ranf &2tH? tt Phone 2902-50 Orchard Rd. Rockvillf-
      548 words
    • 588 8 YOU WONT HAVE LUMBAGO Tlirre la a einipte preaenptioo tea lumbago. Doctor* have been r*«nmn wilding It for yrart Kruacli*» Salta. A» a preventive, take a pnif& rvpry morning. This ahoukl i>~> o lumbago at bi y. But laWßtMafa w due to a blood condition. v iia* people are precJspoaed
      588 words

  • 247 9 "Will Strike Hard At Chap-jee-kee Evil" Magistrate Warns I AM going to root out this rhap-jee-kee evil. I am going to treat offences of this sort with the utmost rigour. I am going to strike and strike hard," declared Mr. H. E. Kingdon, the Singapore third magistrate, yesterday. He had
    247 words
  • 211 9 'Drivers Not Given Proper Instructions A SINGAPORE Traction Com I oanv omni^'is drn-fr j ratnam, was fined $4 In the iipore nun poiice court >vs teiday. wren he pleaded guilty U> a charge alleging that he drove an omnibus during a black-out c-frcisf with his left headlamp on, an
    211 words
  • 120 9 (Frou Our Own Correspondent* Johore Bahru. Saturday. LOBH SINGH, who tried to cash $260 at the Johore Bahru Pos* Office Savings Bank on the passbook of Sadhu Singh, was convicted by Inche Mahmood. •econd magistrate, to-day on a charge of attempted cheating and fined $50, or, in default,
    120 words
  • 91 9 SOME members ot the A.R.P. asked me to put on the light when they came in to have some coffee in my shop. alleged Ling Kar Teck when he appeared in the Singapore fifth police court yesterday on a charge under the Lighting (Restrictions) Order No. 2, 1941.
    91 words
  • 68 9 i From Our Own Correspondsnt) Johore Bahru. Saturday. PLEADING guilty to a charge of stealing a silver beer mug from the residence of Mr. A. L. Birse. Johore Financial Commissioner. Ismail bin All, a young Malay was sentenced to one week's rigorous imprisonment by Inche Mahmood. second
    68 words
  • 35 9 Stopped And How! A donrj tank is here *een "r"'"* up" during a dfmon<li (In, In Stneaporr of the »(T» k -ti.e.i^<i of land mines Unka. A «ioup of \trfanteer officer* b looking on.
    35 words
  • 117 9 Lady BrookePopham Passing Through Shortly JADY BROOK EPOPH AM. *ife O-' Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert I 'Jrooke-Popham. Commander-in-Chlef, ar East, will b? arriving In Sinsapor? hortly. The Sunday Tlm»s understands that she will not be staying here perman- J cnily because of the ban on S^rvic* v/iv;s joining their
    117 words
  • 77 9 (Prom Our Own Con cl pondent i laipiiitf, "pilE charity bazaar organised by the Women's Society of the Talplnj Chinese Church proved a surest and a good sum. It U understood. «v col-lect-d for the P*n»lc Patriotic Fund (Wool and Material Section*, the China Distress K: 4 )cf
    77 words
  • 146 9 A VERDICT of death by misadventure was returned by a Jury at an Inquiry Into the death of a lunatic. On;j Ah Klani. in Jhe Singapore coroners court yesterday. Medlral evidence was "(riven that On" died of suMural hnemorrliaite and Iteration of tho brain In the General
    146 words
  • 185 9 Death Of Mr. A. Tinker In Australia *|*HE death is reported, while on 1 leave in Australia, of Mr. Arthur Tinker, of Pcrak, aged 54. Born In Manchester, England in 1887 the late Mr. Tinker first came to this country in the latter part of 1910 as assistant, Jonj Landor
    185 words
  • 230 9 PROGRAMME of Singapore Volunteer Corps drill* up to and for th« week ending Nov. 30. Monday, Nov. 24: 1900 hrs. Headquarters. B.R.A. iv). Practice Shoof 1715 hrr Headquarter*. SB.D Sec RE. (V). Lectures; 1715 hrs. Headquarters, SSL. Bty. R A. (v>. Manning and L.O. Training; 1730 hrs. Headfuarfcr*.
    230 words
  • 65 9 Batavia A KILT A reports thai a whirlwind swept native villages In a district north of Malang. destroying 56 houses. About 400 people were rendered homeless and the civil service authoritirs are providing them wi*'-> rh«Ue.-. One person was killed and 20 others wounded, two
    65 words
  • 68 9 It was incorrectly stated In thr Sunday Times last week that Mr. H. L. Wer. son of Dr. H. T. Wee. o/ Singapore, w&s a Queen's Scholar. Mr Wee left Singapore la;t August and ha arrived safely at Queen's College. Cambridge, where he Is studying law With him on the
    68 words
  • 465 9 ALLEGED to have been arrested, as he was about to step in the "secret room" of the Malayan Communist Party, a room In which the police he.d found more than 3.000 Communist documents. youthful Ng Tonp Huat was sent- enced to six morths
    465 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 187 9 INDIGESTION? L|m W PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA V &M WrWr THESE SIGNS SAY "ALKALIZE' Up»rt Stomach Flitulence. f "^k Indlgtstion Bllloumaaa Heartburn ConnipatKw f, y Ajt L ft Tim TaWeu mint (U«««r*4. Han4y Wm mm mwH^— HH Hb .i ii«t djc v Mritog*4MM>M Many people suffer rrom sour "repeating" after
      187 words
    • 752 9 DRYLCREEM'S natural oUt keep the hair in place /l^Pdl^S B all day long, smartly and naturally without being ft.r^^(rtb^P^BE^A gummed or plastered. BrYlcreem's tonic ingreI dients penetrate right to the roots, encouraging J^r ABm fi new growth and making the hair grow healthy as V 3>^^ o^^T^ ml fS9 I
      752 words

  • 1162 10 1 Arouridi Tht> Tottn -By The Inquirer Singapore, Saturday CINCE volunteering for Financial Service, this correspondent has run the gamut of every human experience. He has been falsely accused on divers occasions of wilful Irrelevancy In choice of subjects, commended by under -dogJ.
    1,162 words
  • 518 10 Around The Market* Singapore. Saturday. THE share markets have had a very steady week and most price movements have been upward. Satisfaction at the war news from the Western Desert encouraged the London Stock Exchange which in turn created more confidence locally and the
    518 words
  • 55 10 THE following alterations were madi yesterday in the list of share quotations issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association:— TIN Austral Malay (t\ 35s 36s 6d INDUSTRIALS Maynard f|10) H.OO 8.20 Wearne <$1) 15 sc 16.10 DEBENTURES— PENANG MUNICIPAL «*i 1929 red. 15.11 *9 /6« 18.250.000 Int. May 15.
    55 words
  • 12 10 The Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association prices for rubber yesterda/ were unchanged.
    12 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 472 10 Id THE LONDOP4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Autumn) 1940 RESULTS just published: 87 per cent, or PITMAN k^^^g^^^^^^mt^m^^^mm^a^s TRAINED STUDKNTS EfIPPPVVmiHVvSITTaP'I were awarded Passes in I j|j IjTWill'k^fßß I I'IMM the Flenonts of COM- L R ffuf&itlVA^ "J W P Mlfl MERGE and 28 per cent ■HftffPlffTTVl'lfTilrrMnTTfCHßH of attained DIS-
      472 words
    • 29 10 ftfP ritnetuos HIMRODS t O |R| W^^^^ AH HM A CURB. U mmm W^ t& l*il*4. Dr Olj»mW.ckl.U llulatt 1^ la hi* book. 100 4*r> io Bwo^c" —^HiMROD'S CURE
      29 words
    • 254 10 St shi elr acc o/n all s *~riey S su le S 4i X JIS the L lnr S v K y Its *5 n iati,» S a «d 1 \IOSEPH TRAVERS E 50N5, KVjJ Where ihe Standard of Education it High E^B lifll C• W 4J outh Africa is
      254 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 717 11 sf vlasasasw *S aat k y*4t^BK^Baßßasail amr vx m S? «S7t> >^aasaw JsamV^ ■7 H^. «C/x if.\" Brush Bloodstained danger for teeth That tiny trace of blood on use Gibbs S.R. the finest your toothbrush is like a way both to help cure and red flag. It warns you that
      717 words
    • 438 11 l H '^LaaßaW J IJC I D "«-'H f O^HasasasasV asaP^**"^' -I.V "M aaasasV wTmMTvH^aaaß aaßsasT^, J? jj A aaWP^aflßsl IHj l»^aT~* aVv^aaasasi 1$ YOUt DOG i £You mat your dog to be friendly, I USTtESS hi({h-spiri ted, a lovable companion '—v- Then remember to keep him fit. The _ti^
      438 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 2119 11 Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE EMPIRE STATION NIROM ZHL mm. MS3ke*.; KHPI EASTEBN SERVICE «d GSV— 6 VDC tOMm me*.; ZHFt M.S. a*. 17J1 m«tr« GBr- liis mVT,! ml PLP 1 1 W 173 m ZIIM 41.31 m. 7.M 19.14 men.; 19.81 met/cv GSl>— 1~" ,7- p 2k, io ,f mr 7
      2,119 words

  • 652 12  -  R. H. Naylor By SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23: Probably the most promising anniversary of the week. November 23 people should have a good time for twelve or eighteen months ahead. Trouble and hindrances will disappear, they will be able to settle down to efficient, steady work whlcb
    652 words
  • 383 12 JANUARY (Dec. 21-Jan. 19': You mix business and pleasure very successfully this week. Don't hesitate to launch out. spend money Wednesday and Thursday. Today good for fun at home. Informal parties. FEBRUARY (Jan. 2«-Feb. IS): Surprises In the air: one due this very morning. Money luck
    383 words
  • 334 12  -  Max Factor By A SURPRISINGLY large number of women actually aren't well acquainted with the details of their own appearance, and particularly those of their faces. This lack of acquaintance can easily work to the detriment of feminine glamour. Naturally, the woman who is not cognizant of every
    334 words
  • 391 12  -  I. A. Thompson By D.O.Sc. (Dr of Ocular Science.) The siren on the police car whine* as a criminal suspect Is rushed to thr police station for questioning. Unperturbed, the criminal faces the on coming session with tight-lipped determination. He won't talk. In a bare whlte-walled room
    391 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 365 12 KEEP YOUR SKIN FRESH Tf AND RADIANT DESPITE L AN UNVARYING HUMID Jl Tropical humid heat makes the pores of the skin worlc overtime, dust penetrates, fills them with impurities and your skla becomes tir?d, looks sallow and unattractive. Elizabeth Arden Preparations work wonders when your skin is affected by
      365 words
    • 143 12 *>^Jfa BbawakiNs^i IPA^rn s I -BB^BBBBx (M^bbw9 a^Bßßs^Ea f jf B^BH B V -18b«*:V h fi'SssPJ Eft I A MANY tVlru havt all. round Kw^^^wß; I I wM (jk_M plean buionlr tht KONE B V^H RAY ha« i >Juit*d kn,r«-edt« plaati ill round iap«rin( of Into a wiuf-r.ttirtf. tlsnd<ritin| I
      143 words
    • 270 12 \yta J^K( rd y ft r T"H T7 crowninf touch of beauty Nsmrc srasaal 1 to be yours all your life. She you a freah new akin growUK ail the wbilt bdow Aa outer surface, sad ahe meant the old dried-op cutkle impcrcepbblr to fail awsr. Icanaa the new fxesh
      270 words
    • 620 12 WK^^^^^^^BhL Jf V uit diranis have tome irurf. 'ftp j^ttj^^EWk d rio S- sparkling ted for J^BHP \i\jr ou-t brunet't. sophisticated I Ijidr and Ea.strin beauty. \n .'4 exotic shadr lo enh&nre your '■■jlP^He^ new ensemble whatever thr ■tatfipt, colour. For soft demy lips that MfIHW invite romance... Spitfire. ...thr
      620 words

  • 1444 13 BOMBER COMMAND R.A.F. Has Big Role In Battle Of Atlantic 11THATEVER may be the amount of damage which has been inflicted on the Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen, one iread fact is patent for all to see. Not one of these three ships, vital elements as they are in the
    1,444 words
  • 446 13 THE length to which the Koinun Catholic Bishop 1 of Minister, Count von Galen, has gone in denouncing the activities of the Gestapo is disclosed by the text of a letter which he sent on July 28 to Reich Minister Hans Heinrich Lammers in
    446 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 361 13 waves and curls FOR LOVELY GIRLS I !9_fl >^___ C Sff^H ___^__fl To si- 1 IMWMM •ttncttve wavn and curlt I »nd cauly —g« urnc Amami Wjve Set and lullo* the full, simple direction! en< losrd. Amami Ware Set v r. on-oily, nocttucky, and it dnct very quickly. AMAMI wave
      361 words
    • 177 13 Believe Me I This Cream Of Milk Recipe will make the average woman of SO look like 30" m L I Use it where these 1 arrows point then all over your face and neck HE RE is a quick waytomakea wrinkled, riahty sagging skin. Ircsh. firm and yuung Mix
      177 words
    • 378 13 i— .ir-W-B-B-i m ■^^^-^^^^^^^^^^■^•jß^^^a^^^WaM^^^^Sß^^fc^^^^^^^^M^M^^B^S^BßßßCiSil^^^^^^^^^^Bßßßßßßß^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "MY DEAR. YOU LOOK TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER," Mfm dfcjl ii^J^* .^^"""^''sssk. ml Mm a/ W&&:*CSSmmmw^^^^ ff IP ■at x 4Cmmm Bk^^.^c f 1 ix* Jssssssfl IbZT' I 1 X? It sounds like groes exaggeratioo -but it was cleansing with Innoxa Complexion Milk. Use m not At
      378 words

  • 1605 14 FAVOURITES' DAY AT K. L. (From Our Own Correspondent) j Kuala Lumpur, Saiurday. GOOD weather a track which was only slightly yielding made it a favourites' day to-day, the first day of the Se-rangnr Tu.f lub winter meeting. It was a day for Jockey Farthing, who rode two winners
    1,605 words
  • 37 14 The first double tote paid $34 on each of 43 winning tickets. The second double tote paid $110 on each of 18 winning tickets. The draw on the big sweep, valu v9C.670, resulted as follows
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  • 147 14 Penang Beat Selangor At Rugby (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. PENANG beat Selangor 11 points (a penalty, a goal and a try) to nine poin'.s (three tries) in an inter-State rugby match played here to-day. Penan? deserved the victory. Sclanpor suftered through the absence cf L. C Carroll,
    147 words
  • 170 14 (Fiom Our Own Correspondent) Temerloh, Saturday. A WELL-ORGANI7ED sports meeti.^ was held here in aid of the Poppy Day Fund. The collection was $2,400. Art and craft goods were on sale find later tr.e unsold goods were auctioned At night a big dinner was given
    170 words
  • 89 14 iFrosß Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, Saturday. »T»HE V.A.T.C. Erllpoe Stakes, ran over one and a half mil at Flemlnfton to-day, resulted Lucrative 9.3 (Kartell) 1 Iligh Road 7.9 (Ralph) 2 El Golea 8.1? (Creifhtoni 3 St. Warden 7.5 (G«:morc) 4 Won by 2 1 lengths; half length. Tim*
    89 words
  • 255 14 BATU PAHAT A.I.F. TEAM DRAW (From Our Own Correspondent' Batu Pahat. IN aid of the Poppy Day Fun<l, one of the best soccer matches seen for a long time was seen when the first team of an A.I.F Batta'in met a local team and forced a 2—2 draw after beins
    255 words
  • 49 14 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL Industries R. C. team to meet Guthrie SC. at badminton at th: Clerical Union F T a!l en Nov. 28, at 7.30 p.m.; Tan Que: Ll-.i, Chua Hock Seng. Teo Bah Chee. S?ng Lye Tee, Tlang Choon. Lee Ycow Koon. Hoo Chun Pong and Chng Guan Boon.
    49 words
  • 14 14 SECOND ***** JTIIRD 97R35 Starters *****. *****, *****, *****, I7MI 218'J.3.
    14 words
  • 982 14  -  „Doc." By QNE v.ould have thought that th! year's entries for the Command boxing team chn:r.pionrhii)s. thr Had dlr.-Pt Cup. woulii hf»ve r-r of former jears. It was r.ct ss; cil7 five teams as la.-t I pete. The draw for the competition took place last week
    982 words
  • 395 14 (From Our (>*o Correspondent Ipoh, Saturday. PUT 1 ING up the attack from beginning to end a United Services team gained a hardearned rugby victory over Perak by nia\? points (two tries and a penalty irotl) to eight points (a goal and a penalty goal) here
    395 words
  • 335 14 (From Our Owr Correspondent* Segamat. Saturday. TWO hockey matches were seen in the district on the Government English School p.idang. the School flgu-ing ir, and losing, both. Meeting the Segamat Casuals, th: schoolboys gave a remarkable display to go down ftgh'.ing. the score being 5—4. The Casuals were
    335 words
  • 68 14 A ROAD race or. roller skates, the first of its kind ever organized in Malaya. wiU Uke place en Dec. 14 from Johore Buhru to Singapore at 7.30 a.m. The race Is op. .i to all above the age of 18. Intending competitors should apply for
    68 words
  • 201 14 MAKING the most of the ad verse conditions, the Loyal; and the Officer Cadot Training Unit drew three points all In s keenly contested rugger gam? Gll'man yesterday. Farh side scored their points by penalties the O.C.T U. in the first nil through Metcalfe.
    201 words
  • 17 14 The V M C A. swimming pool at Port Canning will te closed for cleaning on Tuesday.
    17 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 758 14 r«?s The danger signals are angry rcdnes and drawing pain. Don't wa for them Apply Milton immediate; to protect the place from infection If festering has already begun, le 1 Milton take care of the situation Milton penetrates the surface tissues Dissolves pus and other poisonous matter. Stimulates the tissues
      758 words
    • 278 14 Time marches on. Method* of travel change Also medicines Now we don't have to take nastylasting oils, inconvenient herbal brewj and jripmj purgatives Medical inence t""* vi LAXOBAC -th« castes just like chocolate because it it chocolate. Yet a small oblet cause your bowels to act with clock> work
      278 words

  • 168 15 HATED THE SIGHT OF MEALS Now Eats and Enjoys his Food This man suffered so seven-ly from i disordered stomach that his meals tori-.jro to him But ne has found Nt how to overcome those su'iuiir pains th^v used to follow eaih ■ral, and Ik> tells you oi his ois'ii
    168 words
  • 316 15 WO penalty coals kicked by Pau On, the only points scored in the game, enabled Raffles College to win the Galloway Rugby Cap for the fourth time, when they met the Medical College at the Sepoy I uu-s yssterdav. One of ihe most closely contested In
    316 words
  • 106 15 iKroai Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Saturday. ll.LUayan 25-mile cycling race K.-ld at Klang R. Shield, of the n Island Ramblers, was the winner, lii. time being l hr. 7 mm 15 tec He cored a narrow win over R ..1 I.a forte, also of the Singapore. LsLuu- Runblers,
    106 words
  • 975 15 AFTEK a herculean struggle the A.I.F. just managed to beat the British Army by six points (a penalty goal and a try) to three (a i penalty goal) in their return rugger match, organized by I the M.R.U. in aid of war
    975 words
  • 129 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. lIARD hitting and long passes were the features of the game when the Government English School drew I—l1 1 with Satar's team at hockey. D. Forbes was well marked, but five minutes before half-time he broke away to fl!:k in
    129 words
  • 195 15 cFrom Oui Own Correspondent) Johori' Bahru. Saturday. A N -F. team defeated Johore by ten points to nil In a game of rugger played en the Civil Smrici. Club :round today. The airmen were superior In the .cruni but Johore showed up well in
    195 words
  • 37 15 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Ci .ANGOR beat Negri Sembilan by three goals to one In an InterState hockey match played here today. Seinngor scored through IVrumal, YusofT and Danker.
    37 words
  • 157 15 npHE women's monthly medal competition of the Garrison Golf Club, resulted in a tie between Mrs. Morris and Mrs. McVittie with a return of one up. Mrs. Morris was declared winner on the score for the six hole*. Best returns: Mrs. R. E. Morris 1 up, Mrs.
    157 words
  • 172 15 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Muar. THE first inter-school hockey match of the season was played here when St. Andrew's lost to St Francis (Malacca i by six goals to nil. John Kay scored first, just fire minutes before the break for the halftime. The
    172 words
  • 55 15 The following have accepted U> play for S.C.C. v. V.M.C.A, "A" at hockey to-niorrow at SC.C. O. Boas. U P. Tomlinscn. P. H. Hanrlion; Major M. D. Price. F. E Hutchinson. R. H. aQliot; W/Comdr 8. J. Marclibank, P. B. W. Lainir.rrt, F/I.t. K B. Hudaon, P.
    55 words
  • 44 15 THE SC.C. beat the R.A.O.C. by nin; points (one try and two penalty goals) to nil In a rugby match on the Pf« n X yesterday. Scorers were CanIrcli. who kicked the penalty coals, an i Parbury who got the try.
    44 words
  • 590 15 From Our Badrrinton Correspondent) 'THE n^ny diaicui«_es wlucli h.v c arisen as the result of the outbreak of hostilities have not prevented the various contr. 'ling bodies in the country from carrying out their object so far as concerns the organisation M the various individual and inter-club tournaments which
    590 words
  • 352 15 THE "At Home" held by the t,ingaoore Badminton Association at the i Clerical Union Hall yesterday was well attended and the Married vs. Single badminton match was more Interesting than the matches of previous years. In addition to the I residents and representa' lyes of the
    352 words
  • 122 15 (Prom Our Un Correspondent i Batu Pahat. COT. dyne, captain of the seron' team of an A.I.F. battalion, scored three goals to give his side a win over the soccer team of the Government English School. The score belies the run of the game which was not
    122 words
  • 40 15 THE INDIAN YOUTiI LEAGUE volley ball team againct the descent Sports Club today 5 p.m.. Turlochan Singh, Bhagat Singh, Kathamuthu. Avyasamy. Marimuthu. Pi*xa Singh, M. Narayanaaatny, Dadar Sin^h. K R. Kamnatfc. Reserves: T. Senggol. s. Thinißuuay, afuruclaa. Uwhhman m «h
    40 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 125 15 ojs tonic for SPIV 9M >;i brftdi. Er- ?f nt)-:op <on<Jnion v f Wur •■ir rouni. iUti L X^L in til £Ji«* cf jJ/FjjP(spl (.rcrr^tosin JH-penmrv Lt4. renaag- G»i w* «a <mm Vg« n liw&. \*A LQk -^*y JKS^L lai »H»a-^TIS ■an **v J^> a^B^^^BaV x PEPSODENT Jtk W™ TOOTH
      125 words
    • 501 15 €YE EXAMINATIOMS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVaY iTH^MP/ON XJPTICAL C 2 t AKCADE BLUO., IHON. -#it. R. A. ThampMMi. Or Oc«lar Science. 35 years' Eorcpean Clinical hxpfrttnee. Appointmcßta Pieterred. I In 15 I minutes restore yoor When you ft off f .^ur food there* a* better took than PborferiDe bo better standby in
      501 words

  • 264 1 TADET DAVID HAY, 19-year-old son of Lieut.-Col. Lord Edward Hay, dived overboard as his ship went down after being shelled by a German surf ice raider dived into a sea full of sharks. He lash ed out with arms and legs,
    264 words
  • 152 1 HITLER may surprise the world soon with new battleships of radical design, says the Daily Herald. Rear-Adm. Yates Stirling, retired ex-Chief Pi tne "united States Fleet, said LhU at Atlantic City recently. He is believed to have been referring to two new battleships, cryptically referred
    152 words
  • 36 1 Only a small percentage of Norwegians are reported to have surren dered their radio sets under a Na*i confiscation order, while hind -printcc and stereotyped secret papns are circulating In greatly increased numbers.
    36 words
  • 52 1 COME housewives m Britain are using simple disguises to deceive shopkeepers into supplying them twice or three times with unrationed foodstuffs. After the first purchase they don dark glasses or remove hats and coats and rejoin the queue. The authorities ere considering the possibility oj false
    52 words
  • 84 1 T\R. Eduard Benes, President of the Free Czecho- Slovak Government in London, in a broadcast to the people of his country, said the fall of Germany was inexorable and nearer than politicians on either side imagined. "Germany may outlast this winter," he said,
    84 words
  • 101 1 AFTER Lance-Corporal Mary Davies, 24, had been reprlrran'Jed fur not saluting a senior A.TS. officer, she lost her temi per and committed suicide. Lance-Corporal Davies was found electrocuted at the foot of an electric pylon In London. The Coroner returned a verdict of suicide "while
    101 words
  • 171 1 IIfHENEVER a British merchant ship is sunk or damaged, the '■aDtain or senior survivor mattes a report, stating the facts without, heroics. The chief officer of a small master which was attackei by aircraft wrote I cannot soeak too highly of the master. He had
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  • 85 1 CEVEN elephants at Ringling Brothers' circus have died of arsenic poisonIng at Atlanta, Georgia. Attendants are dosing eight other elephants apparently stricken with the same poison. By a coincidence, two circus employees, a clown and a Press agent, died the same day from natural causes. There is
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  • 100 1 DUBBER treads so tough that they last longer than steel, and so elastic that they enormously reduce th; chances of breakage, are a feature of the new 13'i-ton American tanks in the hands of crack British armoured I units in Egypt The most serious handicap
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  • 219 1 HITLER'S divinity is claimed m tw amazing ieports lro:n Germany. One Is that, in an lnterviev with the Russian Ambassador, before the war, he cried. I am the Messiah." The other is a blasphemous Nazi creed, received from Germany, and broadcast without comment by
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  • 142 1 I lEUT. B. F. H. GRIMLEY. who Is on the extrn-resimentally employe! lUt, has won the D.S.O. for two greir feats. Advancing on Bagdad during the Iraq campaign, the leading troope-s were held up In front of a canal ten miles from the city. The
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  • 127 1 IT was disclosed recently that Flying--1 Officer B. J. O. Carbury, the double D.F.C.. who has been dismissed from the R.A.P.. was foun^ guilty, by a court-martial, of desertior of wearing badges of the rank .> flight-lieutenant to which he was no' en'itled. and of
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  • 302 1 Two German broadcasts one night recently brought home to a wondering world the full extent of German cruelty and the near-insanity of Nazi mentality. "THE ilrst was a trick broadcast to Russian soldiers from KonigAerg. Its deliberate purpose was to add to the mental
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 688 1 "KEY" BRANDY ffik PROSTRATE for a whole day with Zp GASTRIC PAINS For over 20 long years. Miss BC. Whatever your trouble Is Indl^ (had suffered with a gastric gestion. Wind. Flatulence. Biliousstomach. Her trouble was a ness. eVen the more serious tragedy, a handicap in work and Gastric Ulcer,
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