The Straits Times, 20 November 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 32 1 The Straits Times risi'znl^sniv i»«^lu., c»«i'v»»'! 5//</</<v/<'s /v^?- <?>,^s 3l^«^p0lll:. ?nn«Biizv. «0ve»lilk:il 20. 1341. ,'NIl^ 5 cL!>i^3. c p.^(il<:B The Straits Times l'Nlc v 5 <.»!:> l>^ Lli^L^l'cutl:. ewvLmvLN 20. ion. 1« l'^«L»
    32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 7>> t^en, lne^l»«n«ll»»/>, Bmekponr p«oio 00. 27 23 »«<:» 87ltrr7 8l«l^?olte. k«^lll <!^l /«< lle?»^<U »lcct^<e l?e>., l.t<«,. «»el<"«l "«l»<si»et ttouOe." «w^^««.
      20 words
    • 166 1 l. v lx c > c o o l. ln »n«l« c!«>s ol p«»s(>< s»»!<>N!Ng, MOs« 2N<^ M<X« S»US!N«SIM»N !un<^ in OUs luncn»s «s» l»sv»^ in i^«»l lussoun^ingl. l« c»^» <x on lnantnl/ V 5 8K«S8 SNBUI-O tk»t M /^M^lx foot >;o cx^^nt .l. to li<^ltl^ arrivell »ncl are cleliskt
      166 words
    • 13 1 is noxt announcsmbnt c:8 25 o vl««ll! 5lltVll) 0« 111 l cool, rrkl^cc
      13 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 414 2 M«!l bum. llu'OsNl.t^lr, 2N<! tnree up»t»lr». m«n I>l««»nt p»lUnn. l»«n«. I»rl« »er»n<l»n«. »»!con? vlev ol rlver 12,250, 21. 11ioml« iit l»««U»l><l». ?ortl». l-ON 3^l_»!«»l!l.V^V0ll li«lrleer,tur N»one 1233. rail 84Qr a« c: »up«r i« I'vin Lpealrer «,«Uo, »pp>s 31, Bt, «l«n»el H l«, or pnune 5814. riH^l«xcl: 8>»^«— «ori!ln«. larl» <3u.
      414 words
    • 324 2 SQN l-llNl^ l«rlll«li»H^<»^ or v«<l ?»«»>« 3333. H>OQS. V>»f<?liN I«!«l:l«^mi^. 8«.vle« roll 8»I^l!. I'«u«re<: cloMen c!oe!c. 7 I»»rlc. «<>, *****. l->c)USUS r««x»8lll>n lli^ p»rU7 lurnl»ke<l lla, «o 822. Ltr^t, T1l»«. lrwt pr«s«re6 N lite lu»e«l p»r. 809. Bt7» I'lnez. LO^Nl) H Nil3lo^l>lc2^ «48» c>»^? ll»L«, coil >t«u»l8 rl,^?i.r^B. »t,a
      324 words
    • 211 2 l37^lUl»> roll ll '.>.»!: LtKinp, <2oron»Uou« U. («!llt) 8 complete «et« 835/- jlUc«/.l 7U«. UM7U). 3ett>em«.,t«> »Nl0l!Kl» >». on i>llt!»,. No, 28. 1941. »l I! 42 Sept, 30 «41, to Bn,re^l>!«:er» on tne N««lst«r on «0,, 28. 1941. p»N7 v!I! de <^l«»«<l tram 22nc! to 28ln Ue<r«»rl«,. 8w«»i:ar«, 0«, »l.
      211 words
    • 110 2 l«xl^ccx l«uincl?xl.i7v. l«l>«»«« <l«^«», <««»»4«>47 o«pt > Vl«t» ltoxl. ««1»rc». benllil! tne Nolltne KlunlslpTl 8«:ret»r?'» Olllee. <n p»7Nlen» ot Deposit ot »23. «»!»<:<:». IBtn Havemder. 1941. sXl.r llcl»I «l1»«. t>!x»rlt^.- ribbon,: upNUV, eleelrlc relr!,er»<l>r »ltn 2 l»!»c« rr«»7, ll«» 1941. l»3» c»ro«l: nocil cnvr co 1.70. x. 7. rvvxltos <c
      110 words
    • 149 2 xucnoi« s^l.e c^ie«n» lioon l»en" <t 0, l^t<l «>> »«<»«»<»7. l« I»4l. ».3« !»t 1. V»lu»bl« lr««noI6 l»«c! »n>l lxit 2, V»!u»b!e lree»»olc! !»n<l nnO l»pore. »re» 1,143! 5t <I^e«r, »l»U»I »n<l «»m»lle. 8a!»c!t«r,1. «85^51! Or 54« 800 IUK l»r<?I^8«N l^. <l»te<l i^ October. I 8« Nent lot 4. V»lu»d!e
      149 words
    • 51 2 1937, I>pl,pl«ne Nu^in ><<^ln«, 193U l^onl V 8 22 »>.p. f^«i»n 19/lN «l»n<l»i-6 12 ll.p. f<»!<»» 1939 C»,«vlnlel i^<l»n 193« V«uxl»»ll 14 l».l». 1934 >l.«. 4 «e2l«r 193 X l^orll V 22 1,.p. !><><!.,« 19.W l,^'l»-s l !>«,<>««», >^<lln I 93»! Nil!m»n 193 X l>'ni-6 N» 1938 l>«llce 4-«l«ur 1939
      51 words

  • 744 3 «3" tke I»8t veek ol 5une. 1940 >^ tne Ueimanz ng,<l ln tNell pc>^e« on llnckolkl^ez »nc! narbourz <>tr<: cNlnil lrom DellLljl in Me nortn ol Uoll»n6 to Nur6eaux in tne «outn-ve«t ol r°r»n<:e Loon alter tne l^-enen coll»p»e !t became odv!ou» tn»t tnere ol»<:e3 ne^r ine»e «noie»
    744 words
  • 177 3 Lnanenzi. Nov. 19. ck IX)IlHi:i a«euev reixilc lrom UzinlclNL «av« tnat na« prote«te6 to tne 8ovle», consul !n Narbln over l»n lnclclcnt vnlcN took place on Sunclav. ln vnlcn 2 8l«up ol Soviet zalcllerz »2icz to n»ve violated tne ?.:2nc'^ullUs> border »t 2 point 4<1 K.I^nletrez to tne
    177 words
  • 68 3 CANADA AND IF WAR COMES TO EAST Ottava. Nov. 19. s>kl^v^ vlll un^nudtecllv run^ ner«Il bv Me «lse ol tn» United K!n«som »n«l tke Unltl'Q 8t»te« ln tlie event ol i»»r ln tN»> ?»elNe. lt «ll« »utNarlt»tlvel> «t»te<I kere tacl^v, "lke »rrlv»I tl»« O»n»«jl»n tro«l» ln Nontz llonx. lt l»
    68 words
  • 0 3
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 8 V.n> to misllllllt <l ir»,» item con,»n«ne«» at 1015 p»n > 'ro u^l.l.ncxil'l 5!. 00 Nance Music k? N.^X NOPKI?^ H «'8 O«^N«BI'N.V T'lIL BM«^^o^k: Bc«^mni.l:l) v^<:c;B »IX)K VOI It »oir>. o!>Xr><Nl o/oxct "Us!^ »v Ml < 5 »zd>w «»,s U. ks,i»»i«, t« »,l! s^> »s- el»s«, V/netner >ou
      115 words
    • 132 3 Our BtronB ><oomz are your ll«»»«b«» protection. p«»»«« x»»>» It l« lmpc^ole to: an ins!- »«»>!»», c»>>»»»»«c »>>»»»»« visual to provise lor n», c«»»»!»«««r» n«,»5«»l»! values pu«e«u°'^ tne 3aletv 35""'." tt^t l, allorses by °^"ult. »nere ye nave «al« boxe» ol varluu, «l«» to, nlre at moserate rat«. «.v' IlinritB
      132 words

  • 64 4 6c>U»s tin «cl!<m lN«>« IUv«s n«l d!<l l«- »t »l 33 Mlck «IIe^, »»^W« buv«°' »t ?5 »Ut, ,«!>».>, 3<l KI8N« k»n«l« ,r »292, lAe ll,cl!»tl<»l «eUon l«ner»U7 tile prel,, <-k!»ni:«z »t «l6 rudder »t li o'clock y«s ll» Spot 38", 2«^> 23^i, 38'^ 28^ 38^ »«»r!c«
    64 words
  • 47 4 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES «ll?>bur« <.-«!» 512,00 c?ub« »!I?5 «l»eu «2« Sun NrleO U,9« pepper kluntc-lc 617.50 Vn!t« ,17.00 »l»c!c 7,75 «o I I^in«z» ,5 25 ?I»>r ,50a 8»r»»»«i ,;»0 »«>»!! ?!»!ce ,9,00 l»»!l N»ll« ,6,50 ««Oum.?«-x.! ,8,50 «in«!! p>e»l! »9 50 I»l«»«», p»!erub»l!e »I6,!X> »»i»» ,16.00 L»r«»»ll ,16 00
    47 words
  • 88 4 «v! I»«,t (Bin«»ix>r«» l^t<z, «llt« l« nu^wl,- ll«e!l 5eU «ul U»e pll<^» 6u!-ll>^ rx c«ndel t!>e zituatwn »11l be- ti,« l»ct«li«, vkicli. !t vll! be remeiull,« ix»tl>>nem<>l,t ol U« INItC. «on!<: uncerU»w!)s !i> U»« II 8 z »n «t»ntc>n Ke!«un »ucl 00 Qt!l Milt«! > llul-ln« Me p»!>t
    88 words
  • 8 4 IUIO <?I»i^er >»»u« «a »15 l».
    8 words
  • 158 4 Publication Of Tin Outputs Likely To Be Resumed ?>I Nlil<^?I0N ol lnontnlv outputs »t lnsivisual tin n,in> in^ co»np»ni« n,»v nov k« resumes. li«»ter n»e«a^e lroin I»nson savs It is autnoritatlvelv le»e,,e6 tn»t tl»«« l« no «Mel»l odjeetion to tl»e publleatlon ol psosuction Neurez b? lnsivisu»l tin n»in««. Mtnerto. Mlllle
    158 words
  • 1125 4 <l!«u«l d? I^»l2)»n 1>1,21-edrolles»' .^>,»«»ci,ti<»n, Bin?llp«se> »VlNK«8l»/»^ «<>V l». >941: 4 j lnl»t <s»> 2, 90 3, .u«tr»l <5«» 7, lk<> 7, SO <^>«U-»l >Ol», <«, 3»» 35, Ult»n> <z», l?» 6a 111, 60 >7«r Yen, «»l) .X» 65 »»nlrin Iln <l> 13, 60 14, 60 »»tu 8«l»nl0l (»l) 1.42
    1,125 words
  • 42 4 Stock Share Quotations 9t.».» <B^t 3»^ 3««» l», I»«««»b» 3»K> »9 a 9l^» »^d !n »«««>»b«^ »»>4 3»^ w »«»»b«» 37^ 37» 1.«. d. X»»«»d» »«»w»! «> ««««»»««< t«»«»« 3»»i 3»»» o«<^ 3»»i »»z 3«k 3»^ 4^..H»»« 3» 3»'l e»t»l«: Ke» l«k: U'i et».
    42 words
  • 18 4 »toe»» 45<7»« ton,: »llc>»t »<UI »1,700 52,700^ 472,702 I^sdO! »l«l 24,000 ton,. r«pecU»el?. l» Sep.
    18 words
  • 12 4 «»,U« ,t H2»<»^. eon»p»r«<l vlU> «2««^, »n6 t!2,9'» ,^l«l<^^. >N»»
    12 words
  • 221 4 kevenue 690.800 Up L5)7,700 (l'rom Our Vvn l?c»rre«pon<!ent Ix>nclon. Oct 111 H8 vour l?orr«oon<ient na« reported bv cable, an ln<'r»'»5e 01 ln total revenue at i» znevn .n tne 1340 repert ol tlie Nrl<,l«N llortN Norneo <c?N»rt«re<l> Oo. lievenue ln Nornco tc>tHl!e<l L*****S, 2N lnc.e2« ol I»n6c>n revenue v^e 2«2ln«t
    221 words
  • 147 4 London Stock Exchange c«r. z?« 105 1 l i« i l« l^»<w^ 4<^ H4^i zi io4»i« 0»» u»»«m <u»««1 1^» l>?»6»,tl»i -z" «>4 ll»7,! »>, lirelu On> 42 c»n P»«H«. <!«».,, II X I l)t»»n»^«l »»wl <«»!>, UI5. n»ull ,»l2z,.. 177 l»tl,» u^«llc> !9^c> <3«I»»»1 «l«Itl»« »<6<! o.i. 2«! 2^.
    147 words
  • 81 4 «ut>l»ei >«ocl»U<,n kew it, IH6bM »t»!o«u^ 2.*****9 lb, <941 5» t»»»»: 0«ler«<l 1, 916.407 11. <»5« t««»»: «o!<i 1.522.362 Id. < 679, 63 23k ct«, >u»»l>»<l <i»»k«l !«be«< l^. r«r l.b «t««i»«l «>u,lltv 2»k to2»>!>! (2»k ".'lut.'!, > Oil «,U»M> 25>4t02« »n«et eutUn,,! 35k to 2»>4 «t«l. »n6
    81 words
  • 13 4 l4<-« 8e!««»l, 22 760^ »s,^-<>N Nu!>dei l 2,00«: «v»!» lilln«n 156,000
    13 words
  • 0 4
    0 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 229 4 K?L^l« l.l!li. rn«>»no» x l v «^ll »»^8»li»<nrll ,KU li^lllin Br«v>c^ 7 ,1« !,c,i po«<b<e «s»ce, »s« BllXUHl'oNi: >lV^«I»»«. IV <?u ,s<,m Hlsall to l»«, IIUNL INllNN^»«^. 'f"^/l<A" 3l»l»p»re »»«l.»n, to »<» ,I^>< ,n»<>sn.»»!««> »,p«, t«: l)»l«lnl»<» »1,6 »»«l»b», »l«« >!, »>,,r» 5,6, ll»N«»<»N ««>«»«». ln6i«:»ti»n ol »M»«» »v»U»dl« »Ul
      229 words
    • 64 4 zu.lir l»ll»^ Nrlll 8«l««»». n«l»»»> !>»n»!^ »»»<!!», Ve,^U»n »l!n<». <^»»»»« »»«< «»»<!,. ««,«> «»l»», l^ N»nlen l >n!»r,!l»^ »««»>« >^«>IU, 24" l»s«»<»!, >^ IS' »»5« ««i>. 1^ ll>»««^» xo»>»»!l» i»^ nuaxzlx^ll «0,,,^»« c»»«« > «>«!««^ lu^» 1<54 W«»^«»>»p l»I I«« s1»l»« It's nicer lnli«t on uonv: 3c»verci^n Lr2n<l knvelolxz si
      64 words

  • 275 5 U.S.GOVERNMENT SEEKING MORE RUBBER llVam Our O«n darlespon^ent' I»nclon, Oct, 25 X8 vour dcirrezponllent cabled t,c> vuu to-6»v. tne azreements betveen tne International »n6 tl»e Vnlte<! 8t»te« Qover^. ment. >,/ vklcl, tl»e V 8,^, v« to be 8UppIle6 vltk 33U.00U tc>n« ol rubber 2t Nxe6 prlee«, Nave now been luMUecl
    275 words
  • 185 5 TIN CONTROL NEEDED IN POST-WAR PERIOD <l?l(,m Our Ovn ciorrezponaen', I»n6an. Oet, 25 »l' London's expeetlltlonz are K lulNIIeci. international retner Nve ?earz lrom 1. l942, vil! nave doen agreed bv tne re8trictin« Navcrnmentz belore <-k»«ln« l«- lke pool, lt l« kelll. v«U 5?^xn«tn ilTVi»ll»«» «»Ii»t 48.027 toul. or 21,
    185 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 158 5 >ill« to n»v«milll n«ur,l n,vor al tne orissln«l luNW »n»t c»nnot «poil even cr««rn rniH »r« ,till tn««. Mitnout retri^er,tion? Xilll tr»» i« «lH«>^« tr««n »n6 pure? I'nen tr/ t>lone i««v«r«v,»t«<z b«c,u,e lNirn Xlirn. l«e«p, in6ennit«lif ,n6 even ,lt«r tke XI im i, lr««n, pure milll po^> tin n« been
      158 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 75 6 77,3 on/>- bl> /au^n «nou> in touin 10-04 V 3.15. 8.15 X 9.15 mc!. lir»t l,»^ t<»lot^or s>?l^l v,«n^cn 3N05 «,,!>, ol I^.lc>rm2tion Bkc»rt 2 3c«2ln,..zj<x sl)er? Fcene ta/een in tne z^^^^D/VV at XlD!>!lc;«^ 3401 unocn o!3LMLU!2«ro pK^noe<^<!c of Q5O/?c?s 66/?/54/eo F/54lV'F rli-rlitl: ?nocck:vB 76^ ?nr ronv ro« 'lnr
      75 words
    • 152 6 OUS Ol- I^ls V^l^s l NN»«>, >NR> />os^/lsi/^^ co^c^/vL0 7^/?/?/57c 3.15. B^ls 2«l 215 fW>>D l Nli cHHL or v»r MllllssMllVMll oRlllB 111 7« e»«? l.klle?« or I»l5 s»08llK««»«i s<i^ 1»!.^56 00««r k^«I.V z«««« > 77/5 /'/?0c/^^0557>;/?7'F>17' 3.15. 6./5H 9/SF//<4/l/' ttV77/ o«» i c 8»I ?^^»0l. «l»nUn« B>«M,: ll 8»l,
      152 words
    • 86 6 or ,y<,» »»^>MMlW>M>^^»» opr«s 70 ozv 6.15 2N«« 9.15 l < l ix.lx. HW^ »>»zz«^ or c^xoo^« l son «0«.z0u1.7« i MUJi LV«o«« 50WLN ln "N^.002) H 5/^^o «X« vllu «m »,sr>« son »rnrll xuzle? »»W«»« „^,z^,, P»»«».^ »^??v I»>^L»« 700 9 ,5 l«^ltQl!8 »OVl!lt «»I> »»^»U^««^ B^l^^V^^ l« »ui»«uu^
      86 words
    • 200 6 QOOl) V/l^e LUSM" ,"»n«l ll>i» r»r« lilni >l> lsu»!>l«n<i« l»^ nkove 11,0 enlnnlun l«r« «»l «l»^ s<>!-<«n, lloe» not re<zuil-t? r<^e«»mm» l,<lin^. fl^n<zunl« j l)/^plI0l. 4 8«llR5 III »ll«N0R,. 3KIUNIIkV ,»«I BUXOKV As 11 z.««. 3.15 6.15 9.15 lor tneir pertormance, in NOV^ 7()>V>l 'lcx:r/l'Nlsli 1!^ 158 7nril,ine «^<,u^>
      200 words

  • 548 7 s»lll«^8 v»r ol re«l»tlln<:e ant! tne intern»Uon»i zituatlon nave no» entered upon ,uoremelv lmporiHnt ancl aeei»lve l>n»«e. I'ne nations oppo»ln« tne a««re»or, nave «om« to r«»U^? tn»t tn« p«««nt moment t» op vartune lor 6e»Un« Mltn «iec!ale«l <3en. c^nl2n« Xai-«nell !in nl« lnauzural
    548 words
  • 16 7 »UI «««I«l»t« U»e in«ri»«« millet. in tl« I»» lr, <l»?». »M» ntlxl, e»-
    16 words
  • 3 7
    3 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 207 7 o«»nl.rz »ovcn «ll.!Vla l»«»«ll.l,»!!o 3.1 5, 6,15 U^ 77//l^^ C/e^^?^ FT^/iF 6/l/^O F^t)/?^ F /^Vc? >"01/ 1,/X^ 7-//^. ts^^Vl//^V^ //v 7L5//N/50^0(/K. 7^)o— eil^BOll re^BO« muz«rB «VDl^>» > >^ »^l>Il)I.L3 lor I!Z»!.^.»«>!!> <V > «>^D^ I^ol6B. Iv,ll'^^NV B«^pr lor ,l« l»«elli02l»2,ll.tll. ck« you Xv 70 «'e«7 5.15 H 9.15 jl«^inr NllM
      207 words
    • 165 7 >«^0 /1»Vl.,,»l>« H,L,,O^»H. c«»uner»>»l N»»»<. n»tw»» »!ll l>« ne>«, X»»,»^« l» ieltoe X Is»' lls<«l. 1n,., n«e»»d«r l»«.»»n«««n«>»» M) 241. OltCU^ltv Ilv. ,^<. SNI(3^?OR^ 8.3. '"»^un^»!'"^«^»!!^ «rob«. > > >»»em»x, «»>, >»4l »»< r»»<in>»»«» t» »«e«»l«l „»»> 7°»^« >» better t/xu, I»e»^»>. 7««e^>«««! <7^<»«', »«,t «».brs«l«r<«» "«»^">""' v»«er»», »«>«»»,»»»» ««««-«!»>
      165 words

  • 1106 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE THURS.. NOV.20, 1941 (809TH. Day Of The War. LONDON Gossip private letter receives in Lin^apore a lev 6avs a^o ciescilbc^ an incident vnicn occurred in 2 I»n6on club »n tne mlciclle ul October. number ol men vere discusslnss tne liussian situation vNen lV5, lVlalslcv, Me soviet
    1,106 words
  • 724 8 DEFENCE OF THE CAUCASUS Uitier ?Ian «fl!il.k: tNe attention ol tn° «orl6 l« locu««cl on tke 6elence ol Xlozcov an6 tne cirama tic turn ol event, ln vnere tne nev prime Xllnlste? seems to b« rattling kls sabr^ ver? violently, otner important events <»re talcli.« place Mnlcn ma? nave considerable
    724 words
  • 78 8 POINTS FROM LETTERS Ilreas lrom Itubber 8e««l« In vlev c>t tke present Urov lilore I?oos campalzn ln Vlalava. tke lollovlnL may be ol intere«l Borne 15 year« aza, vr. l>!eave Kin^sburv, Director ol tke M«utute ol llesearck, Kuala Lumpur, analv^es some sries ru'ober sees» I sent klm ans, alter crusklnz
    78 words
  • 1083 8 ADMIRAL KEYES LEAVES THE COMMANDOS Ionian />tte/- tl'lli'ie VuBineBB Ttticienc^ NxpertB sZ? Our O»n Oorr«yon<lent) Londo. dlov, 1» 's'Nr neM»rap»:l storm l» »tl^ K blovlnz reeardlnz tne uMclai announcement tnat admiral 8^ No«er lleves nas "rei nc,ulzn«l nls appointment ol Cnlel ol tn? Commandos Ll? No«er nlmsel. declarlnz tnat ne
    1,083 words
  • 7 8 PLAIN SPEAKING FROM AMERICA sooj /?«»e«o l«
    7 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 135 8 «o<x»«sN Nlml««» 8>»»»«» by 225. l<ost», Srl<l8« NO Lposo. pl,on« L 262. 112. «iBk 2t Xusll, l_umpus. p»,on« 2054. Q 0 zc l.U>^l. »l^ IIOX Xlli— lilXiX <>Vl«»«!» ««>ll'>!l> !>.<.»!>» >»> > > >l> 11. —^l>« I.!!!!! O!^ li>r NU»I.I»— IXIU .< !> >» > > <»^ pur < lTl«:>
      135 words
    • 8 8 rnu b«»p a>« »»«»»7 »n^ U>», «s»»«<. U»»
      8 words
    • 29 8 5 l l II 8 a« /lMltel/ anl/ t/»e l/emanti /or 6i^ F«/ectl'l»n to c^oo«e 0/ a// t/>« /nose popu/as /ocai l>e^etab/e« kvniUl^. Ipuu lill>!^^l^)li^ XuHlo Lumpur, l uilxnlii
      29 words

  • 246 9 vltli'lsll an 6 Imperial troops in tke Western vo»ert kave kessun a general allvnnso into ('vrenaica. «l>oci2i Cairo communique last nixnt B»i6 lnat tne »llvance Kess2n 2t 62^vn on "pne^wx an 6 kv evenly ,»ur troops in neavx n^6 penetrated over 59 mile^ into enemx
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 11 9 Leaders Of New Libya Campaign HlN>,. >»»> »»< Vi« »u>^l,»! .5s bus r<»n
    11 words
  • 455 9 GREAT TANK BATTLES IN DESERT AWAITED Ix>n6on. Nov, 20, s»I?» sir d!au6e U c;en. Sir Wavell's i «ucce^or. nas bicico, lv« tinie ancl > IIUH 6ou^t!es« lai6 nis plans )ust^ nil carelullv as Uen. VVavell 6«l. vrites a Neuter special com-^ lnentator. Ne lias vaite6 lor tne burninL summer 6eiiert
    Reuter  -  455 words
  • 261 9 t?all2, dlov. 211. j lslli: LiitiliN uixl I:s.perial troops X »re seelllnL out ana enzazine l!ie Qermanz ln prelerence to tne Italians on Me 50u.,6 principle tlmt one I^'ail 6ei>tlo>e6 ls vortn > Null a 602?n Italians eapturecl, v,^it^3 a lieut»-l special corresponclent. I'l'.e slogan
    261 words
  • 38 9 TWO CASUALTIES IN THE ARK ROYAL 'T'UL >6mlraltv announces tnat ln lne complement ol tne air-clnlt-farlier I?c>>al. vnlcn v torpecloecl nn6 sanlc vnlle deln« tovecl to «Idraltar. one seaman was llil!e6 ancl one ratlne va» ,erlousl> lnwrea.— Keuter,
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 14 9 Brothers Lead Campaign >>.c .^6n». l»ir 4. l ul.ninel»»n> lieut. Qen. Blr 4l»n cunninl»»»nl
    14 words
  • 231 9 Second War Front calro, Kov 20. »»NI^I2U and Imperial lore« armed vltk American t»nl« and planes liave svept lnto Qlbva over a 120-mlle lront vltn a j sudden blov vnlcn opened tne lone av»lted second var sront lor indirect reUet to Nussla. I'ne neavlest blovs vere dealt at Nkllava <Nellnre>
    231 words
  • 257 9 Blows By Russians I»n6on. Kov. 2U, ?ML Xloscov r»6lo reports tn»t Lavlet lroops continue to inslct ne»v^ dlo^» on tne enemy in tn« klo«?ov direction ol >n« lront In tne Vololco .^MB>c 6lrectlon ne enemy repe»te6lv lltt»clc«l point, dut tne« »tl»cl« ver« dealen 01l vltn ne»v> lo«e« to tne enemy,
    257 words
  • 27 9 A SAILOR'S STORY OF U.S. NAVY IN ACTION V?«Hlii?»^on. l»o». l», been «?ttten by »n u°,l<j«!^lae<l z»!!or «e»rn? t<»spe<»c>«<!, t)n!te<l »l»^>,« >«»!-n?-" tne letter »ia— t?r:!t««l ?r«,.
    27 words
  • 56 9 l^U^iL^ 6l«p»tel»«« to-6»7 »6- mit nev KI»l« ol »eUvlt, »lol»e tbe enll r»«t«rn rront. Qern»»n« cl»im to l»»v« ll»nll ol Hlo»coM'» 6el«nc«» »n6 ,t!ll »6v»ncli»e Il»<llo !«o«cov tl>l« lnornlnr 6e«erib«<l ver, llerce N«ntin< »t lio«tov. ll»llnln »n6 Voloko!»m»ll. «t»n6lnr lor tnelr n«v 8torn»»lll' pl»n«^ —vkicn l« l»«t solving
    56 words
  • 76 9 Col. Know U.S. Peril w»«nln«ton. Nov. 19. I "VU^ United States never sloua ln greater perU." declare:, tne Kavv Secretary. <?»!, rranll Knox. to-d»v. Speoilln, to «»v, V»r<l »<»^n, n« »nl««nc«l lk»» u» r7lll»«l »»«t«» tne lUbmAi-'ne be IxinrneO ol «n«lul« I^l, m»se» live ne« e«nb»t «»el, to be l»uncn»^l
    76 words
  • 99 9 Preventing China Inflation Ixindon. Kov 20 »X tne llau«e >il commons ye«X terd^v. N. 8 N I'nomHH «lled. "In vlev ol tne lact tnat tn« l7nu«sslunB Government n^s spent double la«t year. vill Ikr l!den assure tni? Nouse !nat tn Nrlt »n Government, in uniunction v!tn tne United Kl»te, Ocveinment.
    99 words
    Reuter  -  7 words
  • 34 9 Key Vorlc. Kav. 19. I»I^l<8 lor tne development ol tne United States tvo-ocean navy vere carrlecl a step lurtner vltn tne autnorilatian to-d»^ lor tne zaooooaa destroyer I'llrennolt. vnlcn vlll replace tne torpedoed Ilearnv.
    34 words
  • 371 9 UnlU^ States !s buU6ln« ln Alaska «?reat mllltarv an 6 naval lortress trom > v?n!cn pnversul blovs can de 6?aN nzalnst any Z^laUe toe. > i»nll wnicn also can b« u»«6 as a surwl? drl6zenea6 to Nussla. On a montn's tour ot Alaska j an
    371 words
  • 160 9 Next Allied Blow To Be In N. Finland d? rinnlHrl repl^ to rez rezentaUnnH »b«"t concluclinz peace vitn ll uz«lll l« u^ «2tiHl»<:<.c>rv to tne Government, acc^i^inz to lne vell-'nlormecl l'orel^n correHponclenn?" I'ne opinl^.i nt lt BN>«. iH U»at tne reply v»5 merely vritten lc>r recorcl »n6 tne k^nnlHN v»r
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 151 9 Blockade Effects 1x»n6,3. l»ov. 20. I^VIDViCIT accumulating tnat tne Nritlsn olocllade is navln«i positive etlect« »n <3erman> »lt«r tvo ve»r« il unrelenUnzc > pressure Nerman zoldler, on trie Intern lront vearlnzi part voallen coat,, lndlcatln^ a vool snorta^e, (Herman sailors nave been dis silk. I'ne Verrrian »rmv nad its nsskt,
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 183 9 Pacific Tension WaHnlneKii Nov. I!». K cxoi'lo^Z lceUne c>l optim. i«m lor peacelul ><ett!«» ment ol tne erltiral lz«u« ln tn« p»cia<: l« »pp2rer>t »mon^ lnlormetl «zu«ll't«>l!, on dotn «i«!<>« ln tne convel«»Ucnz but suck op» «ltion tt,»t p»«t sllurts ln td« «»me direction n»ve not b<>^l» «ucce»lul port tnat
    183 words
  • 26 9 livez nl 2t le»^t 133 l ft" men< ln l.»n<»< n ,i»»e> menl «iv« «let»>l«« e«t>m»l»^ d, eountri«« >nrlu«Ul>« l»»l»n«! <ireer«. rn»nc« »n<l U«ll»n6 »'»i«e<l l»re».
    26 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 24 9 in p»?e« 7. IN. 13. 14 an<l 16 »uppli«6 to td« loa6illg »nippinl lu»»e r«<iUv lir«»rat« pro<su<:t al a l2<xl«rat« plies trio! oouviuo« you
      24 words

  • 204 10 SARAWAK'S REMARKABLE WAR FUND EFFORT (;ran6 "lowl 5321,299 Hi/Ill!:^ tl»e time come« to tell tl»e »to^ ol "lke l'un^ in connected lorn,, one ol tne most remarkable features ol it nill relate to tne support eiven 0? ike people ul Hara^all. Il tne response ol n»6 noen in proportion to
    204 words
  • 42 10 B. B. C. Broadcast On War Funds H ltlil'Oli^ on tl»« pl»er«»« «l >»>!! f»« in^lull«6 >n tne N^.l^. no»s>, (I !Vl/l t<»n»«»?r«t«. !>ioven»d« 20 <N o'olocll tuluent. !«ii»«<»i,o« time) tl»»t l,»ui l^nn^on >» dr»26e»Btinss in tl»e 13, 16. 19 »ns 22 lnet^e b»ns«.
    42 words
  • 20 10 Clippers May Make Stops At Labuan recently in 2 Lllcursllv dUpper to l>l»ce lor Olipperz on tne detveen BlNB2pc>le an<l
    20 words
  • 102 10 PLANTER HELPS PILOT REGAIN BEARINGS X KOl^V^K pilot v»« Nl'lNl; nvr iHianciH Lome 6l«t,2nco 2 rum 8!n82pc>le recently vken ne le»recl de N»ll lozt Nl« va?, v»v >le »2« uncertain d< >v to return to IlnL^pore. one ol Me i«I»n<iH, ke kurriscll> tlon I^> LlNL^pore?" »n<l lt ln cizkrett? tw'.
    102 words
  • 9 10 MALAYAN POLICE GIFT OF MOBILE CANTEEN ,«,> I'.U.-e zub^l-il^^ !42!
    9 words
  • 4 10 v^^,^,^ ,»<!
    4 words
  • 4 10 5.1 < ">!^' »lU>
    4 words
  • 3 10 < > >!,„ ',V^! n
    3 words
  • 16 10 FERRIED CATALINA'S FROM U.S. TO AUSTRALIA p-'e. l'.oljloliu,. .ll 2l to Bx<^i>?> U<> Nev !>,« »5 5,
    16 words
  • 14 10 W»n o D c»lUiBke>-, "»l ec>si«»' l4!»?»p<>«! «t 12,45 p.m. toinon-ov.
    14 words
  • 76 10 THE FUTURE OF INDO-CHINA 8tatemen5 L? Nanal Nov. 20. »K tn« course ot 20 intervlev. K i^r lcenUcki en vox extr2orclln»l7 an 6 ne»6 ol tne diplomatic ml«ion to In6o-c!lUn». seelnrell tluct tne pollen l»e e»rr?ln8 out on benllit ol tne pect tor zoverel^nt? ln In6o-c:nln2. ol eomliuxMie, subject to
    76 words
  • 30 10 «^l^N lt>« !>e»v^ 6«n«^l<l «v» kl«k p»lll lor bott, silLU«l »n6 flilkni^i, «vclr»ulic I^<l. t»kli»jl »t«i» to nutlnt»ln uluek 10 p«r cent, ot «a»l7 ox tNe en>pw?««
    30 words
  • 37 10 «^Ull'<: tke pr«la«i>t ol llx »ln«»' po« 3»VN»UI Voskei,' Xoocwtiun >>»« i-elu«<! to »I«n t«Nl>»»l? «i«> »t tke concw>l><>n ol »kleii l>e <l«Ui»«l t»e l 5 »»^ln« tk»t elnplc>>e« l»> >2l>oul«i^ tkev- v^ze>i lor
    37 words
  • 27 10 'I^u: l.wel c!»!l ol »!i«t<>l «»t»t« At l«in<l lle«l li> lil, k«ne lt i» »!>«««> tk»t ke M»l UU«I vlUl lli«l lr»u double d»rleU«<l «uli.
    27 words
  • 209 10 Britain's Air Power In Far East "Enormously Strengthened" "F'lik .i.'.! liix inon!,n.>« n»ve B«en »n euarniuuK stren^tnenlu?: ol lne Nrltun l^r L»«tern po«itiuu. l>n6 tne »utn»Me« «ll«. con cnul6 be r«pulB«<l.' vritez l«r. j 'NUmiln vurckn »n 6ezpl>tcb lrl»m 3 !i'"'r»> <» tt' dl^v Varll "vl course, it uul inaintHlne6
    209 words
  • 20 10 in Hlaiai/a" now ingen<o««l? «Vn«t»-uct«l it t». »n«l /»o« com/vstadle t»« men /na/ce tnem«elve, in it.
    20 words
  • 57 10 Commons Query On Singapore Case I^«n«l»n, 5i»v. 2« 'I^lL linger l8ee«t»s^ l»» tl»« Oolonie, »»ll««I in tl,^ Uo»»« »t l)onu»»n, 7«te«I»f «l»etl,ei l»« »M»i« tl»»t 8in«»l»<»r« m»«iztll»te l»»<l in UcU»l»er «n»^nc«l tvo <^nin««« »l»« n,»l>»««ln«nt »l <n« !«»>»? »l»e Ol»in«« l»«v«7: ?^i^>3>!^ »n<> 3»vi«t lolnmun!>«» l»»^5 been «l«> el»s«l ille^^I
    57 words
  • 52 10 Another Big Salvage Drive Planned nouHenoltierz «n«ulc! be^in coll«ctlnz norn lor tne «ec>c»ncl biz zalva^e «lri»e. to be eon<luet«i lor lour lla^» k'ricla^ to I^lonela>'. Ve^. 5 to 8. ment». lUvei- V»Ue? «Q«l <<^>l»»lt« Lt' >llli»mbl» c?w«u»: »ui, »«e »lul Ou lll, llaxl: Vl»lt«»«»^, I^«U»» ll»u Dec z to U«
    52 words
  • 62 10 PLIGHT OF MALAYAN COPRA INDUSTRY liu»I» I^umplii. Kov. 20. i to Qoverninellt to t»lle «on»e »etlon to Hlle»l»te tne "extremely <llMcu!t «itu»tic»n MNlek tne coconut incluztl? ln N2« luun6 it«ell consecluent upon tne Io» ol continents H?»« ln«le b> 3 N ?»Imel »t tl»l« mornln«'B ml'l'ti'"! nl tne li'Sller^l Oaunell
    62 words
  • 49 10 EX-PLANTER IS CHAPLAIN OF F.M.S. SQUADRON I»ll<lc«. 14°,, l» l<e«il 3eint>U2ii, li»u '<^7 to 125» ««< "X.».c. or 11.x.r." N««i7 exe!ol>«u» ol illl»»»»«»0l> Uw »il.u»w<l«l pubUc «a U»e i>i«»»,t U»«. »n w««r«tlne w»»or, ul Uu» nil«»i^ Uw«t»»t«l. >m^ «M »ppe»l to boUl tl»« <f»^« »0M beliul «l»«»U««l w »i»e X^
    49 words
  • 15 10 U»e p»«t llv« !»«>«»». l»ll» t«o cc^e,^"" »«r «xl »«l l>^»»» Oils t«
    15 words
  • 62 10 I»n«lon, l<ov. 20. l»> l(no«. <0on«rv»Uv«, >^»- comb«», in tt»e llou« ol <?<,mn»on« t»r> ol 3t»t« far tke Ool«nle» il t»ln numdel ol Nrit«k »0luen luicl ekU<lren k»<l ben compulsory l^ ev»cu»t«l lrom Uon^ 5tONi. 95« »rltl«», V^ien »n6 400 cbU6i^I», in»nx Lulop«»n 2ncl Xineri 2>iove<z to rem»ln: l<» u»e
    62 words
  • 296 10 MALAYAN CULTIVATION OF PADI TREBLED l'urtlier DSveiopnient I^ianneH (k'r^m >'»ci.! Oorreliponcjent.) I^LI over t«n tne committee appointed t>> t^,e U:flk -< commi»»junel- tor :k« surpolie of con»ic>«rin^ Hvn«» tde vest <ltep» to o« t»ken in or^er to en^ourzF,: ris« cultivation in uudmitte6 its report. r"3 >!t ol vnicn lne vrllin»ze
    296 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 164 10 1.1116N8 last longer— >vaBii waiter Il»e purit> ot Bulu»zbt 8o»p i» ZUllrantee ot lon^ tor your clotbe«. Bunli^bt» beinz pure »o»p, 8»ve» tbicll, to»minB «u<j« wnicb zet all tbe llirt out xentl?. cbe«p, n«l«i» 502p«, iabricz b^ve to be rubbe<i »lul «crubbecl »nll tbllt'g boiv >our linen« 8«t ruine<i You
      164 words

  • 375 11 EFFORTS TO SOLVE INDIAN POLITICAL DEADLOCK IVlr. (^an6ki'g KeBponBidilit^ Ix>n6«n, l^av. 111. s!^ connection >vitn tlie etlort» now bein? m«le w solve <.ne Inlii»n lXiMic»l 6e»<ilock Klr. (!»n6ni n»s not m?6e tnin«» e2»ier dv ?t»tinB tn»t tne rele»»e ot political prinanell vill malle no 6isserence to ni» policy. llccur^in^ to
    375 words
  • 14 11 M.B.C. ORCHESTRA ON WAY TO SINGAPORE rival w »Ie» Vorli on O?t, 21 w
    14 words
  • 10 11 VU2 !»4e»t ««l<UUou lo tke pudUc
    10 words
  • 57 11 "Equal Treatment" In Colonies "»7 k, tl»« pr««nt pollen »l ll!, !«»^«»t? Uovelnment to «l<» »Il in lt» p»»«e t« »«cnl« e«>u»l t«»tn»ent, l««»p«cUv« »l6 «l>« l^n6er 8««et»r^ lor tl»e O«lonl«», !»l^. l!«»r«e N»Il, »M»r« tl»»t Wl»«n HVe»t ln«U»n invit»tlnn »l tk« Nrttkl, l onneil. eol»»^«a j»urn»ll«t, Mtre «I»l? »!«<»
    57 words
  • 35 11 In6i»n ?r«bleml» Ix>n6on. Kov. 19. Lecr:ll^> ol Lt^te lor In<U». Kir, 1^. 8. /»mer>. zp«H>lln^ »t <-2N b« prouc! rl Lritllln', cnn^l- 18 »00?f U«n Uu>t III ol Me cv»lv«r 6l<l nct beUeve tl»t Inc>l»n
    35 words
  • 81 11 Alleged Cheating Of Brokers In Seiangor penang (l'rom Our l)«n Oorre«pon<I«>nt > Xu^Ill Lumpur, liov. 19. HI^MULV to n»ve been lnvolveci ln 2 8vin<IIe perpetrates ln 192? d> vtilck zkarez vere t»ml>c.?<i vltii llNll «uln« »mounUn8 to lI1?,N<X1 vere re»!i«e6 ttirouzk «a!e. liNoa L«> "lkxe «l<xxl trial ln tt,e Lellln,lor
    81 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 104 11 V2?l!ll03 DM <»r ml l^ z>l» »</^« B»ax r^lB WW^H '5. <^I1 rmesssencv «vesz c«s,Ne^t«c<^3^s!^puml>. llAlllll 1.111. 58. orebllll 1111.. 5 l»"« «LN^«I»»l? >^^^< zxo nv««»r^B Nti N^l llml »«> !»n r«»l>lA»«la!« o» lllMii »l^l^ i'ltlxcir^l «^n. »l)» i.l«r» slc>l»>»s, ,n«> ld«!f ,ov«!y »»b!«» V«. l»,«x «>m« o< U>« m«,/.
      104 words
    • 117 11 Xn'^l'.pe < evclet 1W l!,o« I>li»m<-< Lrnvn «I<l tn I'o7«> 1-i-lmmec! »>».^ Il^M ta I'm,.-. fitting. w «»w 8l«« 4 to 521,1« 5-2" 4 to »2l z» B'^e, 2 to ll,»« ?i«-» 2 lc' I', ,1,,2, «ll»>« 2 to 7'^ 51»,H« Li^e, 2 «o 1 »ll,« >«i l.ovrl.v 8«/,or8 o«
      117 words

  • 758 12  - Babies Young Children I^urse L!ix«l)Et^» H.v /-^Ul>H?I0KL concerning »n 11mon^now b«ck> «u»» tnl« M««>c. l^urtner colre8pun6enee Hlxiut t,tU« b»d^ !»,II be pudl!«l,e<l neit veelc. I»l 6 »"t»: »«> b»b, <l»u«lit«l l» eleven n»ontti« oil! »«> !^>oli I v«mt to ckKuze lsom patent I k»»e ««n w one c>l Iett«« U»»t
    758 words
  • 561 12 I riven l»»ve l»««n tk« ro««l Control NMc« Leel Lteik 4l c»». per lc»l»?: ?M«t Lte^ll S2i Lu-low <«^ Nump 3te»^ 4»: Mutton <^u«tr2!l»n,. »n> cut 64: < ,l>orlc. K»u »cn^»ll »»ll» eai l^»2 lu»a^ l»t (puitl cul«^ »»>l> I"N. l»» »n6 illln <»»« cbl»n »»Il>
    561 words
  • 327 12  - Winkledag Adventures ttnrdarn Vlurrav /j> »>x>n Horace »««e." ««lll, dumped »n«l zvl.^e<z MrouzN tt,e P2lm tre« to Me pl,n«««l "ke'« k»<l ratker up«ettln< r»c« t!«« r»I»«<l ?vll«s» Nope, lnl tl« »»l »U !k«t, No U,e, lle<?l«»«<z to ctiucll r»cli>« »»<> >>in t»« »lni>, U,e? vex ta!<l U»t kor»«« »cre>it »nt«l—
    327 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 41 12 v MWM z«» l z>l,n ,iv« en« ex- <I !^2lton l.2bos2losi»» VOt»DL'3 7 5 :^> »0lU« nr^l>y^^ll^r»!j /»L VN<!l »>> > > «>ll ,uu nn6 ll»»<»e6 V/VltlU'l'^ v, !>,s >,!««!?» !> X^l «,^>? »I,»re «»»< kver, r«l»><>»> kt 3 I n "V ovV L «>nn .111 „»»««,,W««,^,,,,^^»««,»!,, »,^i »<U-<»< >
      41 words
    • 13 12 »c>« »»<, >>»« »X» «l>»> ,<« tt» <»», «««»»!»< M»» «< rub >« »lM il« 6o^»^«» »«<<>»»«» u> k«l. Vdll, f»>> >»«««>«>>» »»«> .»>><
      13 words
    • 21 12 c. zi''? »>u »o« l»!> vo» kol »«»tt»«l. 6»rin« »8le»«l»l»« ,>xl l),ei»«. by ,p«ci>li»l» »«>, «lnt»>«» !>>«« b«»l llr>ci»»n»s» in 1^<»«» p«0»»c 2952
      21 words

  • 671 13 NAZI ONSLAUGHT ON SEBASTOPOL Lerlin, Kov. 19. tke entire po^ver ok tke 6erman »l-me6 "taree« in tno Oimoa ?enin«uw is deinss nurlo^ 3eain«d tne Boviet naval 3ti-onFNol6 ok Bed23wpnl w n^ effort to clear np tne !l»8t soviet position in tne kenin3ui2, vvnile tne (3ermlin korces in tne extern tip
    671 words
  • 321 13 I»u6ou. liav. 1». »X vlev, ol lne vl8orou» nev l I Qerman 2Nacl« ln zever^ «ectorB ol tne central lront lt l« sUB«e«tc<z tnar po««ldlv lke ?<H^ »re «tartwB tnelr lon«'kerHl6e<l attempt NnaUv to enclrcle ana capture klo»con. mo« valuable to tne <2erman« at tne present
    321 words
  • 223 13 I»n<lon. llov. 19. »slii: 1'?.->« 4eencv ln Koxxiv K 8tate« tnat tne Nu«lan« are u«ln« a nev lvpe ol lavl1>lne attac!l plane 6e»l«ne<l 2«aln«t tan!«, c«I. I'olHtUlov, <ie:>ci1bln8 tne ment. zpeea an<l in«mc>euvral)lutv ol our HnU-tanIc plane enadlez N U, upel»te lire«pectlve ol tne enelnv «tleneU». l".»«
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 34 13 Moscow's Position Is Improving I l»un6 no «i«n »l «»sl, »s 6«pre«i«n w lluidizkev: »n>7 p»tienle, per«ev«»nc« »n6 set«rmin»ti«»n <» Mln Ul« M« l»«tw. n«n» lt W« k«<:<»n« v«r> eolll »n«l tl»er« »p b^ ,n»M!,tonn» »»<>
    34 words
  • 166 13 Z1' l« reported lrom Vs»«nlnlt<n, tt»»t mlUt«7 ml««!on l» znortl? to le»ve we vnl<^cl 8t»te« lor to consult vitn tne Nu8«mn <3en«r»l 3t»ll on MMt»r> prodlem« ul mutu»l wter«r. »t»e N N c »»lcl l»«t nl«dt. 1°Ne ml««lon. vklcN vUl b« 2 l»i«e one. vlll include
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 54 13 I>lo«»v. Nov. i» 'U'NlRl'riH,' rinun Mne., vi»re ill ?»t^laptz t^ r«»!6 .Vlo«coH" on Klcn^a? nlxnt an 6 on I'ie«6av ln cl»vt<ln?. accorclln^l to tn.^ Soviet nev« a«enc^. 1°»o 6el«><lln3 soviet o!Hr>^>j ver^ lnot <lo»... Several Q^rmilN domb^rz r^acne<l tne cltx. >Iroppln« bomb, »r.^ cau«ln«: a »maN nuinder
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 20 13 I<e»eue. N«I6 v, NN-jb^ne v« »t»sl'.<z«! b? 6e!««»»«» lrc»n <"«l >>«««>>>» »n<l ?,^!tn. "Nic lv^eznuvn »><> U" Qove^nment lit >u,tl!'.»» vl>u!«l evell-
    20 words
  • 214 13 Defeatism In Berlin llulbl^iev. »lov. l». «U I'NII'K tkere l« a <le.'< i tone ln tnat aNicl^." declares Ixi2ovBkv> tlie 85»c>lce«man ol »^,e Soviet Inlorm2t!on lloara, > relerrln« to Dr. Noen^lz' 2l'.i<-!^ ln Da, Nelcn. ln Mnlcn tke Ka« propa^ansz Xlnl«ter kalll "It not important vnen tne var Mill cncl
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 103 13 Tokio Bills Approved I^w. Kov. 12, k vvte, c»l credit, ?»-«e6 vezter«Illv. Me llouse ol N^r-zenUit'. »nlmc»u«l> 26re«l »>P«n tke «up- joint »e«lon ol tk? t>vu cd»inl>er8 t!,-6»? pi>H3ln? bUl, lor w<-le»«e c»l t^xe«. <-un!.ruI ol rlce. control ol Me prin-wal !n<!u«trle». revision ol l,n« velence control nl <t," ro«l«tHl
    103 words
  • 17 13 »n6 U,« »»l sii>e<^H 'o d« lne 'Ul>1«-t «l l,n« ?up«» lpe««:n on c>l L^ience Ne> ,l<^r
    17 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 98 13 v^<ii^, e»«l«» 77»<M /-H^TX i.«»««l^ .^<«/'. ««<b F«tt«. M^.^s'«M»l/^< <W^? I owi «<«— 0/ ,s«^<»>»^ VvcUex lHven6er luu los m»ny y«i-« been tke de«l love 6 perlume ol tke l^kion-llile so-l^v m»7 de c»IIe6 t^e I^2Non»l l», luvely cl»n, k«k l«8l»nce i, cl«nninz ««l rekezlung »n6 i, mozt 6el^l,tlul lor
      98 words
    • 94 13 5»N> kll» l«^ /°ur d»l» !»»«r^l. «0»l lz 6e«?l> llzkt No tcxxl l« Ul>Vll «<"<l lor vour d»d? ?<"" l^ >°^ i.. > .> »M. >na to U»>le b»d> t^ vou>, .»»ln lw!i> !l!6e l« «^i« br«»»t. to elv« u»« INUc bo<i> .t, N«t no«r^ment. v, <lurw« W« i>»«M re«l
      94 words
    • 20 13 4nl»,» <«» <,«>» >»«» k^» »!>»«>» y«<» <o» '^>» v«u c«n ku, /^s,ci >< k««p» '»>« »,««6 cool. »n6 bullet psupei^t»« I c e <>««!«. ,.'-6 p?,^'^^^.,^ ,n". '«> ">"..." >
      20 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 68 13 «,00 Na!l!lwn ««n^»i»» 3?!«cU>»»^ III liuUlien: lUn«»p«»« 0»wi»«: «> ill »«U«l»'i ».«5 pool': 1 00 cnuilliell'l rra«i»liu»e: 10. ON lll.OH 1°»l5: l«.1l lrom 8«, I^uiclicc': 10,20 '«»»<»- lo««<: l0,4z cl°»« lluMN, s no 3»u«» l!«» u>« 1°»lnU <»l<c>l«ze6) z,»o »ev« w z.4« zi^mme- 45 «e«5 ln Nliulu»t»»l. ln u»l»>i la
      68 words

  • 201 14 NAZI PRESSURE ON TURKEY SPAIN Xov. 18. I reports lrom Hn!t^c< pre»«; corresp, n6ents in tne >li6llle L»»t »ujkj.o>t <^^t l!erm»nx is tr?» i«3 to >vkip up I'urke? »n6 Bp»in into line lor tne ion? »nticip»t«! 6rive on tne I^le6iterr»ne»n »n6 tne Mi66le Last. Vne objective ot »ucn tnru«t vo^I6
    201 words
  • 96 14 Weygand Said To Be Dismissed Hen ?Ul5. llov. I». PlilV^I'i: 2civlce» lrom l^u. >>x ln6lc»t« tnat <2en. We/82ncl. <?omm»n6er ol tl,e Vlct»7 lorce, ln llortl, »n oolunle». t»»» deen alHiulzzca dv tke VlcN? Government »n<l not be repl»e«6. ciue to tne «pe l»I neture ol nl« pcultlon It K lcnovn
    96 words
  • 121 14 INTERCEPTION OF VICHY SHIPS I>onson. Kov. I>. »rpl.Vll<ci to l,u««tion in iNe llou«e ol c?ommoi« to>6»v. Or. Nuzn vlllton. z<»nl«ter ol Lconomlc «2l<l tnere n« been no rel«uc»tlun ol tne Qovernment'z pollev ln le«»r<l to interception ol vlcn? «nlp». Government 6eci6e6 it l« lmpo««ldle lor blocs»6e purpose, to cli^t>nBui«N between
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 33 14 'U'lll! vulie ol vevonznlis. llnnrlSecretary ol Bt»te lor IncllH, L.NO,. tnat 2,oaoo<X) Inclian, »re «ervln« ln tne »n<l tn»t Inttl»n» provlcle one czu^rter ol tne vnole manpoMel tne mell>,l^ile marine.
    33 words
  • 170 14 Seized Axis Steamer llo». 19. s»OI.. I^ilnll Xnox. United 8t»t« LecreUll^ 5or tne K»v^. to6a> 5ue«e«t«<l U»,t tl.e American zoo<!« vnien tne 8ei«6 «klp 06en«aI6 v« c«s?1nz mizNt Hepburn «alcl l»r zklpz to tke l» lezal but »in« tt»e cxlenv»I6 N?ln8 tke >mellc»n aaz tke er.Ure matter must de 6e«cle6
    170 words
  • 57 14 liev Vor!l. liov. 19. »M^NMT circle, nave laenUlied ,even more ol tne 11 «n!p, re ported ,un>< out ol a convoy ol 52 in tne Xmtn .^tian'.le l«t vetoder. I^>ev include tn« ve«l, rivllcen, rvlta, and Ila. tne Lritwn »nip peterton. tne Nreelc ve»el l^vrn,. tne vanlck «np
    57 words
  • 56 14 H^LXI' year MIU be produclnil a bomber <l»v. »»ld tne Cammonvealtli ol production vesterda?, acc?rdln« ta tne N L t? Ne expre«ed tke vl«» tnat Xu«tralian bomber, vlll be mucn laster tnan tNe rn«ll,n ver,lon because ol tneir nlzner pover tnan tne 8nzll«n. Ne added tnat Nritain
    56 words
  • 7 14 8wcl»!r, w tke Ncxi,', ol
    7 words
  • 106 14 Mines strike Deadlock W^kinztnn. Nov. 19. IINlNIVLIsl' Noa«evelt to-li^ K H«nt letterz t« l5r. le^el, »n<i to tke pre»iclent« ol tko Unlt«6 State, Steel. Ne:t,leken» Lteel gn«l Voun^ztnvn 8t«<»I corparllt oiu. "Vsorll ln tde c«lpt!ve minez m»«t recommence," tt,» pr«6«n- 6ee!llre6. «iel». l>i«i!z». tk« tl«! !>!« l.<«u«? p!»>«« vk«n de
    106 words
  • 93 14 WILLKIE CHAMPIONS LABOUR CAUSE Hem Vor!c. Kov. 1» ss«Ni: 2lle«latlon tnat tne NooseI. velt Administration nad lalled vi announce clear and open voUcv lor labour vas made by «r. V/endell VMIKIe ln a speecn nere la«t nlznt Ne <!U!lBe,ted lna: adour znould be zlven snare ln tne responslollitx and poll^v-malcm?
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 83 14 Xl»nll». llo,. 19. !'s»nr ,»U»N3 V«««I Del ?i6w > K h,e» u? »t Me entnuice to !^2nll2 N»v tNi, mornln« alter ltrllclnz ln'.ne ln Me proti!d!»«i »re». »n.^ounce« l>l2v2l NeH<lc,u»rt««, K»v»I pHtral dc»t« re«cue<l «l» oi tke crev ol 12. Mti<^ »Il deUeve«l ta be l1!lyin<». It
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 49 14 l.r NQLSNNrNO vt,o d», ween »npolnte<l Qerman ?>vll »a mwl«ts2t<,r ln occupied f»u,z!-» t,», «l2ts«l wt«nl!,,n ot c»llvl,o Ne6 »t tke tlme ol tke NevoluUon. «»icl tt,e NN0. l»^t p.IllNt. Ne proml«»<l to l«tore tt'.f'lr private property. '.ecNn!cl2n,. 5>cU!e6 6>:ts>r». ensslneerln^ expert, are lpecwUz l2vaure6 lor repatrllltton.
    49 words
  • 292 14 TRIBUTE TO BRITAIN'S NEW ARMY LEADERS l.on<ion. Hoy. 19. 'I'Nl: plDmaUon ul t^icn. Blr i OUI to be slela-kl»l«n»l viU be recelvesl dv every zolclier ln tne Nritlzl' iim^ire vitn ere»t »tl«. l^cUon. 3»v» Uen, Blr Nubert Nou^n. Neuter', mlUt»rv corre»pon6ent, 7nere l« no otNcer vno n»» carrlecl tne I^l»r«N2l',
    292 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 23 14 »^^^x^ (^^^X^ll? i» Elective in c»«, ol <^^^^ s^ V >>>n«,l»« tool, itcn, ec«n>», >«^^^^< >^!><?V/ lln^onn »n<l olner ,kin tlouble,— it, i«:i.ilic)ii) C>^^_OL^ QK'3
      23 words
    • 5 14 f l p>n« llubber »»l^
      5 words
    • 79 14 IO DC H<2 O^ »!5 c v l I 5 NOR KNORN lo be uulbll bf «o lllllXlv »»o«> Ox-""— »!<7«^> »n<« >>I»<!<,.' >!». »m «p^" !>"»!>?)' I^"°»" sf^^en l)i/a/i^ is />«/ /o /^e /esi Vnen )^uu »r« l,«»BinninA to l«el tbr »lr»in, ln«n is tne linie lor B»vril. »oou
      79 words

  • 308 15 Ix>x«ll»' (^<)2Uleepb^ I'^es honours s.N.<^ 5: lx»)»l8 I7X(.DI<I^N?' eoall.eenin^ k^ I«»sI)Vn»l<l «v«! I tl,e I»)»l» krom kenvior l1elo»t t»,»n »»x 2ve ?<»»k w nil tnex met tne Bine»pore liecrealion (!wd in noeke^ matcn pw^«l on tne p»6»nls ve«ter<l»^ «>ui,tinu»»v te8te<l, Nl8 vl«l'»-v:5 rl»
    308 words
  • 19 15 'pun vH«luI Q«l« ».r. «m meet ll,N»I, «!m "leck, Un, 8«l>« <?!»«>». O. l^m-u^liu ««I c»n, lllln
    19 words
  • 32 15 Garrison Women's Golf Final >^n« Nn»l nl tl»« e»rrl,on Noll <7lub «»n»en'« clod elilllnyinn^nip detvecn 11. SV. lt. «illi»n,« »n6 »«rz. ll N N. re«,l<e6 in yin lor !«r». by »<« z>n6 lonr
    32 words
  • 41 15 New Featherweight Boxing Champion l«na« I»ckl« 5Vil«»n »»tpolnl«s lliel»l« »«,<», »«r 12 rounel,. ».«»»<>« »»n U»« UU« l^»t »t«. l»t »»I7 »l bl, t»n,««!,»,t w 1»3« d^ 8!ne« turning pr«le»ion»l ln 1»3» HVU«on l»« »«n tl»« n»»^ol> ltx »l 3« Nebl, b? knock'
    41 words
  • 49 15 I opon M»ll«Ul>i> I»»n t«nnl« lour-O^-n »l»<i«e3: V«« Ixx»« 0kon« b«»t «ob«rt <?»,!» 7—5: l. l»«»t N«n« llkl«m« l^«>6»« 1>»n <«cr,> b«»t S^»k ««!>« l»l«» <—!«.»>: 2. II, cl»v b»t lx>» »lia c. v. 'Nu, "Niutt »n<l c. >!. ll. Vemblnll, <— 1l» be»t Nob I^llc 0kc>M »n6
    49 words
  • 54 15 l p!»> boelli^ lor U» V.«.<^>, V, «!l»!i l?N»i, <?»>w> Nocll, It. l >Ulln«on! »li,ssk, clod Cbln «?»>,« <o»p»>: V. I» «»b»l>»Uv. lxn, »uc»i V»n«. N. ?»n», N»««ll «w«ll. 0k»l, Nc>c!c <?l,5«i uinpll,. »«l. lxx>« /^8»w,t U>e k! ll <?, on 2»e ».c,<3. V H. piN»!^ cnuu, Ckw,
    54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    544 15 vx Lett? "trilll on tne o«!»nss v«tter6»^ in Hvlucn l^ol«n« »n6 Unites pl»x«! 6n»^» tne team? «ili»rin3 <Hvo 'lne 3»me v»« tn« Lr»t ul series of trials to be pl»^o6 before tne team to represent lsinxanore in tneir 2nnu»l Kxture 2e»in«t Bel»njfor on B»tur6»x, l)ec. 6, ii» cno««n. ztronUer lorM»r<l
    544 words
  • 38 15 tke zeconck »nnu»l ««ner»l meet- we c>l tke Blnz»ix>re I>r»ctlc>u l^ozlclent, Ul. <3, «»l5!i»II- v!ce» pr«l6ent«. »11. lt. l?»in«<>n. «l. Bnk: ««t. Kan. z«c«t»r?. 1,11. »u<llt«l. »li-. 'V. Bl,«Men. »U «lerte<«. »»^<x, <re-«!ecl«l), »l,»K^v»U Fl^zk c'.ect«l>. N»^l cl»lk»n.
    38 words
  • 46 15 !i?6l«?, 5i«v. 18. lx> over »n« »n«l l,»ll mil«, «l «.l2. 'lr^noull 8U»r 8 l l. 5>ue l^lliibt 8 l«, 8nn ol z«»u» ».l. Ni«l, ll»«l ?8. X««lle 7.5. l»lim»v«l» ?5. 8»lnt 5V»l6?n 7.5. <l»5 Neve!^ 7 3. 'sl,s» t> 7 3. N»»ol:v« ?1. 8l» N.rl,»s6
    46 words
  • 9 15 pool »t z p.», on »»tunl»7. Xl. ««>v I?.
    9 words
  • 12 15 5l«^i«l»l«: Netty Von pall^ V«« VonF.' -nc »n »i> ee
    12 words
  • 3 15 <V!!<l«,
    3 words
  • 7 15 <pn« k«:k«? lNKlct, b«t»e«n u»e
    7 words
  • 26 15 To-day's Sports Events Nockex: S.l'.c. v,«. c.8.t!.. 8.l).0.: v«. Combinec, lt^.B.c. l»n«, N l H.B.c Ul<ln»nl 8 l ll open invlt». tion l»vn tennj, »«uln»ment B.c/tc.
    26 words
  • 23 15 Amateur Bocing Championships During Third Week Next Month z te,» vel,kln Mill b« Ke1<! lni n<>» lx belli UNUI Uie UUld «««k m
    23 words
  • 45 15 t»,« l r on 8»t»l«l», »t in »i< »l M»r eb»ritie,, MlU d«: N»ebel», <lt.^.r.). l.i«»t NeU U«»t. Uerr»rH <lt^.), l!n, 8»ev«» ».»«»<. r-»n,st-k«rt, <lt r..>. »n,6r. >«ir!lev«l» <ll.^.». Qleut. llens,? l^e>U.»>». Uent H»il«<»n <lt <^»l «v»»« <8!e»»l»> l^»pt. 8mitl, <^.v. ««^>. c»p». 8»>il,> lt^>«c» »et.w«»<»<l <ll^.!«c.>.
    45 words
  • 262 15 TO-DAY'S TRAINING NOTES <rr»»> U»r UMN s«»rre,p»n«l«n»> liU»I» l.!»lNpl»r. d««V. 2« 'l'li^cllvVUIlll t»>l» mornin, M» 6on« on verv l««»vv r»>n« »n^ tl»«« M«re onlv l^» »»t n,«liun» p»e« »»r!i. Dover nne c»l tde e»i!l«»l nut »n<l 6!6 kail p»eo »orlc over tt,re« luilan«« Ixx>l« plctur? nl Ntne«, r«l«2 8t^r v«
    262 words
  • 72 15 »t>-,, p. w. Holt <2l) 1° 5. Ol <3«) 41 5. 0. »«u!tl> (26) 7 «l», c. l»l>ll <l»> 2i l?, «cVltUe ,»2) i «l», 8. «<> <22> 21 Xi«. H, lit»ll«r<i ,l»» 4 v», Ul,. 1°. V?<5o<l (l»» 2: »«l», V. 1°, «nl»>«n <l» i »Q,. >.
    72 words
  • 48 15 'sNL lollnvmz vere elected uMc>.' pore c»n!l club t Me clud'z Nll>Nllit, annual <>n?r^I meeUnz »nlcn V25 neic! I»«t nl^t' pl«>8 clent, »^r N N >, O»pt»in. ii, 0lHllc' vuc c2pt2ln. vr, N^in^ rum miNl>,' »ic>i7>bel8. Nobw»on, N, N, Lturt, 8, l^N»>, vr .1 vr, IIu^n 8m!tn
    48 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 23 15 MM MM M^^l MM MM MM MM>^2 MM MM MM MM i^M^ MM M >M« > DMD M W MM l M^ ,M l«^l»»^
      23 words
    • 32 15 l^ol 8 !«UNlcl. !»i«HV Nl^ l >>>»» vl>isn vill l»,t lll<> «>n Bole >«cnts lur !<la Binr»pore. 'lel V7»iicne3 tdrouFnout z<i»!.'.)v> ?«r r«o or L«l. 760 H. Ne«l Ilsuble I) l<s lv«v puiu'ozk
      32 words

  • 448 16 I»nllon. 19. "si' i«, I trust. 2lre»6v clear to all concerned tn2t attack on tne Nurma K026 >voul6 create a ssrave situation." lleclare<l tne NritiBk rorei^n Secretary. I>lr. I<'6en. replvinss to 2 question in tne House ul Commons to-6av. 3»x» iVIr. I. I^oel Naker (1.»k.)
    Reuter  -  448 words
  • 38 16 !>»<»«,, «OV. l» I'l^llHlV «,-tlv!t7 0»« 2rlt»ll! »«»ll> »U«nt l»»t ni«kt, »c«>l<lln« lt»t«: "In Me e^l-i, p»« al !«t nl«n« ln 2«utn.2^t IU>l!»n<l, I°n«e c»u««< «>m« <I»in»,« »n«l »nI»U number o» !c»t tnell Uv»."— N«u»«l.
    38 words
  • 99 16 Japanese In N.I. Urged By Consul To Leave L^tavllt. Nov. 19. R»N. 11;k122V2. 6onHul-Qener^l liere, lH reportea to si2ve V2rn«l natlonalH to take Qczvantl^e ol Me iHlllnU ol tne ru^i !»<2iu. vklon, >« leavlnz LoerllbHVll on Nov. 2<z. tne aeplu^ture voul<l be Me I»«t lHrze-Hcale opportunity to return to Ll>,rber
    99 words
  • 143 16 Thais Would Ask For Aid Bangkok. Kov. 19. I'hal newpapers to da?. 1 wlnie bmphaslllnc Me determlnatlan ol Me Tnais to tight lor their independence ll nccessar?. discount »>> "propaganda" rumours ol the possldlilt? ol a Japanese attack on Thailand. It is generall? lelt. however. Mat concentration, ol Japanese troops
    143 words
  • 148 16 Tokio M.P.s And Geisha Girl lolu?, liov. 19. >slti: I'Hx committee ol tne llou»e ol Nepre»ent2tlve» ol U»e Met n»« 6ecl6e<l to present to tne next rezullll »e»lon ol tne vlet bUl to lncre»«e 6lrect t»x2tlon. Vurlnz tke lll«c»««ion on t»xe» Kl«nl!l»»» 6em»n6e6 tn»t lllm«l eel«n» l^rl« tx excllulea liom
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 26 16 I'olcio. «ov. 19. 'U'WNIT'V persons were killed and over 60 injured ln a train collision 1Z kilometre, north ol 7oklo Mi, mornini?,— Neater.
    26 words
  • 73 16 London, liov. is. IIMN, >verUl Uarriman. l.endI^e2s« /»dmlnl,trator. and Klr 0. N. Qord ?rlv? Seal and Nrltisn delegate to tn<? In:ernational labour conlerence ln Xcv Vor!l. arrived nere ta-6a? v^nen Me? vere welcomed n? Ix,rd Neaverbroolc. KslnlHter lor «uppl?. and lonn Wlnant. United States Ambassador ln London,
    73 words
  • 47 16 lic»me. Is. liti: It»li2n ot zzliculture announeez tn»t lrom Dec. 1 tne rationinz ol bre»<i vil: be «o resnutNecl lul to enable labourerz vna vorll nar6er ln tne "inter to receive more breas. vnile vtnerz vno,e vor!lin« nourz are lezzenecl vlll receive !?5«, -Vnit«i pre««
    47 words
  • 57 16 BeatUe. I^ov. 19. 4 LroXlHl^^K ol tne Qreat tlortnern N»l!v»^ announcec! to-cl»x tnHt tne Ii.V.X. l.lne N»<i renevecl it« agreement lor l«e ol tne Nre« f^ortnern loe^ »nll lor lacilMez loi llnotner ten >e2«. vnlcn l« interpreted lnslcaUne tn»t tne K.vic l, nopelul ol »n 2mlc»ble settlement
    57 words
  • 234 16 U.S. EXPEDITIONARY FORCE FOR CHINA? V^ a^kinllton. >ov. 19. avenue ot »>6 to l^nina. it >» lllp>6lv keinss translormell into 2 military 2n<! Btrl»te^ic ni?n«s»v lor tne l lnite6 Bt»teB, »ccor6inx to 2 report 2poe»rin? tolla> in tne >vellinsorme<i <?«reiFN dorre«pon6ence. I^ne journal »a?». vitnout quallllcation. tnat American ex» perts
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 230 16 U.S. Uraed To Deal Firmly With Japan liov. 19. »»N. 8. «uru«u, zve^l^l "> envo^ «> znou!<l un6er«t»n6 tl^t "tne time N2« come to <lr»v tNe line an«l nat »l war ln tne ?»elNe tl»« price ot re«l«tinB tne Japanese r»moa«« tnen M»r Mill nave t,< come." <le c!»re6 Senator
    230 words
  • 37 16 P.I. ENDS JAPANESE FISHING RIGHTS I'olcio. l^ov. Is. 'V'lIL /^l>Hlll Lniinbun rep^it« lrom tn»t tne pn>llp» p^ne« Government na« >He<:ic!e«l 10 cancel 3upllne»e Nznln^ rl^ntz vnlcn nave been vnllcl lnr 2V vdar« in tne DnvAO cliztrict, —Neuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 30 16 l»n<lon Kov. 19. l5«ue6 »t noon to 62? «av, "voclcz »t Nrezl «»^.'e t»mde<l ln tne cour«» r>? rec<>nn»l«»»nre »t ml^ncl <?ommunl<iue »nn«»une« tn»t tne N,^.?. N»ple, »n6
    30 words
  • 143 16 Japan Is Hit By Earthquake l«x»t^«l »t tl»« bottom otl to tl>« Vlcl»F n«»« »le»c). tl>e zkoek,, »l,lrl» violent. !»,t«l ov«l p«ri«l »l »><»»« lleut«r. temper ol tne Unites States, i» not one ol HppeaHeinent Qnl? one mornmz nev«p»per ln K«v Vorlc c»rrle» »nx comment on r e I t
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 81 16 EVACUATION PLANS IN NORTH CHINA peipinz, No.'. 19. Counsellor, l^l Nutriclc, k»s receivecl no ln» tormaUon rezllrciinL planz lor N»« no or^erz lor tt»e llepllrture s.l tl,e Dnitett 8t2te« lH2rlne« in peiplnl or Tientsin. IHeanvnUo, pe«iml«m rezilrcllnz cieveluplnentz lnten«ll> Me concealed tension »n«l leeUnz ul l«o!2tlon arnon^ tne lorelzn community.
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 140 16 ckungllinz. Nov. 19. !^ii. T. !^nine«e <F«V- ernment spokesman, told loreign correspondents Mat tke claim peace and prosperit? could easil? bo restored to Last ll onl? "the blind and helpless Oninese" would heed Japan's warning against "M2> hlnations ol sllk? Americans" and accept Japan's advlce
    140 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 77 16 8. z. kl^er^ H co. I 7 0. NIQI-l S-sN^l-^^ x««p s««r»« ol lrell' milll in tn« p»nt^y. !»l»R,«i«s«<l sul! cr«»m ttilll ke«p,. «»v« sp»<'« 5-lb tin in yous 'tor, cupd«»s<l. »»<»R,6«s«« «i!ll >, to »l! intent, »n<» purpolel pure rick fr«k rnilll. You nee>l <^^^^ !»»r^^-^»^ an!/ »6d v^ater
      77 words
    • 74 16 18 X? VNUII 2LNVII:» >^ll n k ll l 0 Kl)^ sp«ci»! Ov«ss««^o6»<i b»»«» l! «<> l»z »»l«, »l»p>e»» oc zc «»< b»»»«7 «»<»!» v»ll «»!l'i «z»c l. ll X ll il L li 7»»e» w »««>»!« pr«^<i,>«!««» k« m<-nU>n« <« l«» >«-«» «s»«!»-» eve^v mnrnii,, r>»« ,»«>,!!<» !>»-»-» lumiozn
      74 words