The Straits Times, 16 November 1941

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA frlNAL*** No. 517 Sunday, November 16. 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 517 Sunday, November 16, 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 995 1 Invaders Are Caught In Below Zero Temperature SOVIET POSITION IS IMPROVING Germans On Defensive In Moscow Sector London, Saturday. ANOTHER day has passed with the Germans able to make practically no progress despite persistent fierce attacks anywhere on the long Eastern Front. The Germans are
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  • 122 1 London, Saturday. "TURKEY is becoming an in- reasingly popular spot for those great world-travellers, the Germans" said Martin Agronsky, broadcasting from Ankara for the National Broadrasting Corporation of New York. •The numirer of Germans tb Istanbul has increased by about 300 for th^ past few weeks,
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 105 1 Washington, Saturday. PRESIDENT Roosevelt's cor ference. which was called to avert the threatened strike of 53.000 miners met again at Whi c House to-day. The President secured a promise that the mines would continue to operate while lugotia'Jons were going on. Mine-owners are to
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 55 1 Lciiuon, Saturday. CIXTY-IWO British ainne.i wire taken prisoner aft:r the big R.A.F offdUtva during the night of Nov. 7/8, according to the German radio to-day Tills was the night when, owing tc conditions. 37 planes failed to return after raiding Berlin, Cologne.
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 45 1 Reyjavlk, Saturday. INFORMED quarters In this Icelandic base state that they have heard nothing to confirm report* published In the United States to the effect that American warships have been In action Ji-;alnst German surface vessels near this coast.— United Press
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  • 135 1 Position Better Than Week Ago" ITU the exception of the Crimea. *here the position I* one of > some gravity, the sltiu'ion on the RaiMan front is conOd-rably better than a week ace, states j Renter* military corre. nondent. Darin* this period the German* have been unable to claim any
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  • 110 1 London Saturday. MORE than 10,000 German* have been killed and 60.000 woune'ei by Soviet arti lery x the Kalinin sretor during th* past month, according to the Moscow radio. "Our troops have consolidates themselves In new defensive portions and ar* holding their 1 nes carrying
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  • 29 1 Kinj Michael of Rumania, pressed by Hitler Into sending troops against the Soviet, fat seen, hatless, with Rumanian officers at the Eastern Front.
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  • 42 1 While fine *a-i soMter battcf* a /Lor. his c mpanton stands ready loith a machtntgun outside a house in a Russian town. This is what Nazis mean by a house-to-house search. Note the taped up window panes.
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  • 101 1 Los Angeles, Saturday. THE del. v. i> of warplanes aid aeronautical equipment for Britain for the first eight months of 1941 totalled 5( U.5.) 330.000,000, acior i to the Ame-ican Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce. Only $6,000 000 came und_T the Leas3-Lend Act as most com panics
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 56 1 Madrid, Saturday. THE lira batch of uorkcrs to be n-nt from Barcelona u> Geraif.ny will leave by train in about a week's tlmr This Is the first train -load and will take 600 workers, and n ill be ."cllowcd by further train-loads *t weekly
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 34 1 Washington. Saturday. THE United States Navy has awarded a contract to the Goodyear Company for the construction of 21 more non-rigid long-range ships for j strengthening the aerial >>atrol of the seas. United Press.
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  • 89 1 MALAYANS ARE STRANDED IN AUSTRALIA Sydney, Saturday. IT v learnt that more than 1M peoIple1 ple on holiday from Malaya, chiefly (.j,.-.. ■ent :t. .ai.t.-i. are B.randrd in Australia, many with little prospect of getting home for Christmas. I navoidnble In wartime, it Is Impossible to obtain bookings by air
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 63 1 i. ffniiiintiT THE authorities in Shanghai refuse to confirm or deny reuauie report Uiat the river police have seize J 3,000.000 yuan worth of gold bars which were being smuggled into Shanghai. It Is alleged that they were conf"-'--< in t*- "-"lo room of
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  • 46 1 TJclo. Soturrtav. THE Government has decided that there will be no ?te»m h°«tin<» o* government ifflcw until Jan. 2. inrttad of Dec. 10, rs last year. It 1* understood that private business establishments r•" t'lil'dlr?- nnd U»lff'"< houses will follow suit— United Pres'.
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  • 335 1 London. Saturday. GEN. de Gaulle, leader of the Free French forc-s. sal' today at the Albert Hall, "Ojr ranks are swelling ev.ry day Once we were a handful of men. Now the Free French are an unshakable blook. Out of 'he terrific
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  • 291 1 Death Knell To Hitler's Hopes Of Winning In The Atlantic London, Saturday. A MKKIC.VS decision to revise the Neutrality Act sounds the death knell to Hitler's already waning hopes of winning the Battle of the Atlantic," said Mr. Arthur Greenwood. Minister without Portfolio, speaking to-day in London. "Hitler now knows
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 358 1 Philippines Co-operation Pledged By President Manila, Saturday. DRESIDENT Manuel Quezon. making his first speech on winning the general election and speaking at ths sixth anniver ary of tbe founding of the Commonwealth. pledged tl:e full co-operation of the Commonwealth with the I'nit <I States in the gigantic effort to save
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 TAI HENG CO. Jailor* v§* CoUmrfi. >t.. lS^ Sine a pore. Phone ISTfc, jfy
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    • 76 1 Newly Arrived? FRENCH DROCADE GOLD SILVER in Lovely Stripes Designs CHOTIRMALL'S \ISH on V Earth movirg. mining, logging Jungle clearing, rubber clearing, agricultural work, haulage road making and •nalntenance whatever your power problem, Caterpillar Diesel equipment is the most economical and efllcient method of doing the lob Caterpillar Diesel means
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  • 845 2 A lATE nuttif from Gibraltar continues the >4or>'. t«:d la p>|t 2, of thr sirklnt of the Ark Royal i began 10 -nxke down from t^e Wight deck and corked rails were phisluc! into thr Tl»en we saw the destrvycr pwttng in alongside. An omcer
    Reuter  -  845 words
  • 22 2 Within 30 minutes of the opening of ♦he Liverpool Wa»-sh!n Week yesterday half of the tnre-t of £10.000,000 had been raised.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 439 2 London, Saturday. Mr. A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, announced today that the loss of life in the Ark Royal was one man. It had been announced previously that 18 ratings were missing. Mr. Alexander revealed that in (apt. Agnew's operations
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  • 28 2 Air Attack On Enemy Vessel This picture shows the concentrated fire which the Hurricane II brings to bear, during a machine-gun and cannon attack on German e*x>rt msjcL
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  • 65 2 A picture taken at a conference held in the offices of the Office of Production Management (U.S. equivalent nf the British Ministry of Supply) In Washington. Left to right: John Lard O'Brien. General Counsel, O.P.M; Edward R. StetUnins. Director of Priorities. 0.P.M. Lard Beaverbroofe., British
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  • 108 2 WHEN Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, British Ambassador at Chungking, stayed .eccntly in Singapore, he stressed the desirability of the Colony Government acquainting itself with the development of the modern China which has arisen out of the war with Japan in various aspects of its administration. The
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  • 449 2 Personal Message To Be Read By Emperor To-day Tokio, Saturday. BOTH Houses of the Japanese Diet convened today for the extraordinary five-day session, which the Tokio newspapers describe as the most important session in the nations history, convened "in order to break through an unprecedented
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  • 141 2 AMERICAN WOMEN TO VISIT BRITAIN London. SaturcUy. DIfPRXSENTAIWES of 14 American women's organizations mill shortly arrive In Britain to :ee every aspect of the war work of British wumen. stated Miss Thelma Cazalet. I liairman of the represen ativa committee of British women, spoiisorea by the Committee of Woman Power,
    British Wireless  -  141 words
  • 192 2 London. Saturday. THE discloou by Mr. A. V. Alexander. First Lord < the Admiralty, in the House of Con 1 moii 1 debate on Thursday that Mr. E. Shinwell. who had been the most critical speaker In the debate on the King's Speech, had been
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 63 2 New k>orc, Saturday. IT is reported that the British freighter Nottingham has been torpedoed and sunk en route to America. The Nottint.iiam was on her maiden voyage, according to marine circles here, carrying a load of Scottish whisky to the United States. She was
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 53 2 London, Saturday. ALTHOUGH official quarter* claim they have no information, naval sources he.*e have reported that British and American naval patrols have destroyed many U-boats in the Atlantic. The Gevman U-boat offensive has met with highly sneccssfal action by British and American patrols, these sources
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  • 155 2 London Saturday. THE growth of salwtaße ana the dimoUties of admln'stra tion are evidenced in the la-es: Information reaching London from the territories occupied b 7 the German armies While lack of overset: ray .materla, is th-> main caus« jf hindrance to Oerman-controiiCMi European production, mis in creasing
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  • 296 2 Washington, Saturday. THE ordering of the United A States Marines from China, latest strategem in the intensified war of nerves with Japan, coincides with the arrival of Japan's special envoy to Washington, as mountinp evidence that the United States and Great Bntain are preparing
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  • 297 2 CHUNGKING ON KURUSU objectives Chungking. Saturuay. MR. Saburo Kurusu is nothing but spy-operating on behalf of the Nazis and putting up a smoke-screen to give the Japan- <" mi uarv ample rime to complete their preparatons for northward and southward move*, i d the influential Ta Kunß Pao in is
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  • 39 2 Nairobi. Sa THE eap'ure of Kamant Hi. 13 mil>s n.rUi-fast of G<> Abyssinia. alter a biiarp on Wednesday. Is rtp-jrted in a joint Army and R A.l*, communique. This cllmiMf I Lallan outposts In the Volalch area.
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  • 188 2 these TiiUccpreaa "bUck eiJps." says the newrpaptr, Ls -chaos in the distnbut*o»» of food>tuffsi. In Ihltv n- bay* h->en a-rested for selling C'pp-T ulphate ebove the controlled |< Evasion and opposition to restrictions natuially leach the greatest intensity In .he occupied countries. There is direct re'lstanre in
    British Wireless  -  188 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 RUN-DOWN TO THE VERY DEPTHS K Mother of Seven Children Tells of Great Benefit YeaitVifrJ RAPID le 3£i>yite dlciiitc I feel 1 must tell you after a week's <, I ■rour t?blet3. I was juat run-down to <, v ««t vitn iim of mnr*« in th»> u^tt'Si'iß'^^tr^i.ntSo to magnify Itself.
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  • 558 3 Gibraltar, Saturday. THERE are nearly 1,600 officers and men at Gibral- tar to-day who still cannot realize fully that their ship the aircraft-carrier Ark Royal is at the bottom of the Mediterranean, writes a Reuter correspondent in the Western Mediterranean who was on
    Reuter  -  558 words
  • 134 3 MOVEMENTS OF ALIENS IN U.S. RESTRICTED Washiru'Am, Saturday. PRESIDENT Roose»eli has issued a proclamation tightening regulations froverning the movement of alien citizens entering and leaving the Otiiteci States. No alien wCI oe permitted to depart if the iUac Department believes the departat*- would prejudice United Stat-s interests. Aliens must have
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  • 116 3 Ilsimcing. Sat'-ir-icy. 1 problem are not ji such a nature as ran be solved by iiplorcaiic measures." declared the Director of the Msnchukuo department v.hie discussing Manchukuo's pjsitlcn via-a-vis the Pacific tension at a press conference. He said there was slight hope .ha: an amicable
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 65 3 New York, Saturday. THE NaUoaai Broadcasting Corporation intercepted the Australian radio quoting the Governor of Dilli, Timor, as stating that Infiltration Ol J.i;!i\n^.-.e .c-h--iiicians is creating anxiety. The N.B.C. also intercepted a Saigon radio report U:at two more crack Japanese regiments have landed on Hainan
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  • 86 3 Shanghai, Saturday •THE Japanese Embassy spokesman told foreign co. respondents at a press conference here to-day that the Japanese were co-operating fully with the Shanghai Municipal Council in 1U fight against profiteering. Meanwhile, the Council is report~d to have completed a list of the maximum ptlces
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 53 3 London. Saturday. T>ECENT official inspections of prisoner of war camps In O^rmany dLxlosed a shortage of blankets. Only one blanket is Issued to each man. The British War Office Is lnvesti?rting The shor age Is believed to be due to the demands of Germany's
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 65 3 Bangkok. Saturday. tkTjrE have never double-cros. Ed Japan." said the official Bangkok radio commentator last night, supporting the Thai Premier's Interview on Tuesday, when the Premier flatly denied Toklo press allegations tha r Thailand was ungrateful to Japan ;.n i was turning r.ntl-Japanese and proBritish. The commentator
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 60 3 Berlin, Saturday. THE National Broadcasting Corporation, Columbia Broadcasting System and Mutual Broadcasting System have been banned from broadcasting from Germany, it was officially announced last night. The ban was imposed because the American radio companies' representatives are said to have transmitted to New
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  • 64 3 I snali of Iran, former Crown Prince Muhammed Riza Pahlevi. ttho 3iicre-i dto the throne on the abdication of hit father alter the o; Er.tish and Soviet forcrt into Iran, it neen tigting th* Oat'i Obedience to the conttitvtion in the Majl'.u t Parliament)
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  • 20 3 Homt Guard* engaged in rounding up "parachute troop*" during exerdtet in the Western Command area f» Britain.
    UP  -  20 words
  • 197 3 Chungking, Saturday, i WHILE the main interest of the Chinese people centres at present on the outcome of the American-Japanese discussions and on the TipiTlOM military movements near the Indo-China-Yunnan border, interest In domestic affairs centres on two im- portant forthcoming conferences, one being
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 94 3 Shanghai, Sa.urday. A GLOOMY future for Shanghai 13 seen by the Ch.nese American weekly China Weekly Review if the United States Marines leave Shanghai. The newspaper says that if the Marines leave, Shanghai may resign itself to the prospect ol being occupied by the Japanese army
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 76 3 Washington, Saturday. THE American liner George Washing--1 ton. which carried President Woodrow Wilson to the Peace Conference after the last war, has been transferred to Britain. The Navy De partment reports that the transfer occurred on Sept. 26. The George Washington (23.788 tons) IH
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 60 3 Washington. Saturday. THE House of Represents, ives to-day unanimously approved and sent to the Benate the resolution br R<?oresentatlve Downey providing $25,030 for a S?ven Man Committee to conduc. a "full and complex s'u 'v and lawill gatlon of national defence matters '.Deluding the deve'.onment of rlom*-^
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  • 84 3 Bangkok. Saturday. "IT does not necessarily imply that there has been any grave development in Thailand's foreign relations during the last few hours." said a Thai cabinet member when interviewed by Reuter regarding the creation of a Thai Supreme Command. "But it does
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 189 3 Bangkok, Saturday. EMPHASIZING the need for total preparedness for national defence, a Bangkok radio com mentator last night appealed to the whole nation to assist active ly the defence programme and to guard against the activities of certain foreigners who might b*' working as
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 43 3 rProni Our Own Correspondent) Batavia. Nov. 13. ECONOMIC measures taken by the Nethei land.-. Incites against Japan have resulted In the Java-China-Japan Line suspending its services to Japan. The J.C.J.L. now calls only at Chinese and Philippines ports
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  • 27 3 Batav'a. Nov. 13. UEINEKEN& Netherlands Indies brewerr and the flnr of Oco Webref have set ip I'iglas, Netherlands Indies Glass Ka'.torlDs, Ltd., with a cajrl'al of F12.500.C00.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 260 3 EAT MORE LOCAL FOOD FOR VICTORY I Z ItB!99||HHBH|^^|HHHHBHHIHH^| <^ he accompanying pirtare is a .<sj*i ']A ■> ttrikinn photograph of the stall of ■>/ h& ".^J^Bf'nHQK^ the Malayan" I'roduiU < anninc ■iAVyI Hi^HkwSl Company, Ltd., Prnanu. at tae 1 w§' nWf' *~l^mSi>& recent "Grow More Food" show at •''l
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    • 467 3 •THE ROYAL BAKERY BAKES FINE B H E A D AND CAKES* tap*iimf epl^ 9 l^nT ON ROYAL BAKERY J V/FAM/JV BREAD bakery Vitamin Bread ihe daily 'liet It Is i II I >n n e valuable Vitam; fU<IHI* f lA I 'B so necesfary t< MsvAlLliu In < I
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 28 3 I mitt MM*I HOUR Tr iV^Mw^ ™nf*MM »h^h»» --^wassase agsfsßßesES 1 Bluey And Curley ■m &c"t^ wO^s vtQOHia *~^^m iMO CO"W*to HIM I^^^ "jutftf OOU9Lt MO DoußCt |B <
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 279 4 BE HERE FOR THIS MORNING'S INVASION' by a little army of 'Howlers' A CHINESE BABY SNOW, f ponsored by the NANTANG CHINESE STUDENTS SOCIETY, IS To Be Held at 9 a.m. I TO-NIGHT Tea Dansant from 7-3© pjn. AFTER-DINNER DANCE !t.3« pjn. MIDNIGHT TO-NIGHT— FIRST NIGHT VNIVERSAL'S Brilliant Comedy "HIRED
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    • 282 4 Easily FIRST in the year's BIG "LAUGH STAKES" EVENTI SEASON EXTENDED! YOU MUST SEE IT! r A PTTHI I 4SHOWSTODAY LAr 1 1 UL 11a 3 15| 6.15,9.15 Your favourite Love-birds are CUCKOOS Now .Come and LAUGH with the Crowd at Bill Powell as the Husband who went "NITS" over
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  • 110 5 LJI'GE solid granite rocks have been hewn oat with picks and shovels to accommodate the intricate and valuable tele-communication equipment ot Chungking, making it immune from future air attacks, newspapermen learned when they visited the automatic telephone exchange and telegraph radio and transmitting station. Some
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  • 149 5 ftESPITE the vigilance of German censors, some l> -<>ple in Germany are still able to get news to their friends in America. One family wrote to a relation In Washington "It Is beautiful at sunset when the river reflects the rosy glow all the way down to
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  • 107 5 MfOSCOW radio broadcast L the following recently Winter has started In the Soviet Union. Snow is falling and the nights are frosty. The Germans needs iurs and warm clothing. "As II«rr Laag. ft German soldier, explained In ft letter to ft coUtftgue named
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  • 92 5 THE Dean of Westminster, addra-sing 1 the Historical and Literary Circle of the Devonshire Club, said that, though the Abbey had suffered fairly extensively from air raids, .none of the damage was irreparable. The most serious loss was the roof of the lantern. If he
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  • 142 5 NELLIE GETS NEW HANDS NEW LIFE LAMBERT has re I ceived new hands. She ent to Queen Mary's Hospital. Putney, and there was fitted with a pair of artificial dress hands, made to look like her own. But these hands are more ornamental than useful So they also gave her
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  • 73 5 A GROUP of Chinese women in Chungking has addressed a Joint message to Soviet women expressing sympathy and admiration for the part they are playing in the fight against Nazi aggression. The mesaage states that Chinese and Soviet women will henceforth fight side by side
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  • 171 5 DUSSIA'S extremity has; produced a modern Joan of Arc like her French counterpart, a humble peasant girl who chose death before vassalage. Her name was Varvara Kozyolova. Overnight she took her place In the lists of Red heroines. Varvara was chosen by the German
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  • 281 5 School Is Keeping Itself THE children at a school in the south of England have made local farmers open their eyes in astonishment. Lingfleld Central School, on the holders of Sussex and Kent, has ten acres five for games and five for the war effort. For the last two years
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  • 84 5 MR. Lindsay Sands, Johannesburg lawyer, owes his freedom to the fact that Vichy authorities valued him at three cases of petrol. Mr. Sands was travelling by a Dutch ship which was torpedoed off the West African coast. After eight days In a lifeboat he and his
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  • 34 5 Miss Dorothy Thompson, noted American journalist, paid a visit to a Ciecho-Slovak Brigade during her visit to Britain, when she talked to the men and had tea with the officers.
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  • 379 5 JHE inadequacy of British propaganda is exposed by captured German propaganda films which were screened in Cairo recently before senior Allied officers. piles. Within a few minutes of landing they were advancing to the attack with rifles, grenades, and m&rhine-guns. One saw them attacking slenderly-held
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 285 5 ANNOUNCEMENT BANK OF CHINA <lnc China by Special Charter) BATU PAHAT SUB-AGENCY will commence business on November 17th 1941 ADDRESS: No. 98-1, JaUn Rabmat. TELEPHONE NOS: 163 -Sub -Agents Off tee 162-Ceneral Office. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: "Chungkuo" T-* District Manager: Mr. Parkeane C. Hwang. Sub- Agent: Mr. 0. C. Hsiiag TO-DAY
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    • 252 5 MALAYAN LOOK FOR THIS MARK H7/fi/V B U YING PEWTER WA RF. p^TER IT'S YOUR GUARANTEE OF PURCHASING GENUINE m ft l o v p n P<UJT<R Jb__S__^3w^_____l_b E y/mft «g£ <&&*% HI Xv vr** j Oenuine Malayan Fcwtrrware _> only obtainable from Maynards and the stores ILj d below.
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  • 1789 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By THE oparrew's wife was standing :r front of the little mirror in her Nest trying on a new hat she had made out of dr- grass and rose petals. She turned her head on one side and then the other, hopping round to
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  • 471 6 BOOKS Woolworth Five and Ten. (The 1 abulous Life of F. W. Weolwerth). By John K. Winkler. Robert Hale. 12s. Cd ALTHOUGH not a particularly well written biography, this story of an extraordinary man's rise from poverty to fabulous wealth is dramatic in the extreme. Prr\nk Woolworth was the son
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 ,*The LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1940 RESULTS, just published award SIXTY FOUR PER CENT, ri PASSES in all subjects for which students of PITMAN'S COLLBGB entered. Of thest Sixty-four per H£f^^VWv^[(|vWAl B ¥|^flj cent, more than half were I iftHM DISTINCTIONS. HrWRTrTI l"l j I ISTTff^tfTff^T^H Enrol now for
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    • 379 6 They told him he jT 1 FACEO OPERATION jlyF Stomach Ulcer Eaft^ When Mr i H. J developed stomach _s^/(K^v| paias he rushed to hospital for an X-ray examination and was told to rest and live Thousa.-vJ* and inouMcifi:- ol otlicr suflmrs have Ui -Ji:n»' on milk. But business was
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 444 6 CONTRACT BRIDGE By The Four Aces THERt are ways of insulting your x partner at the bridge table, even though you keep your voioe low. your expression good-humoured, and your conversation pleasant and (outwardly) harmless. The easiest way to drive your bidding that you consider him a nrize nitwit. For
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  • 892 7 By The Onlooker CABLE news has been received by Mr. W. H. T. Abraham, Sanitary Inspector. Klang, of the death of Mr. M. Buell, at his residence at Araly. Jaffna, Ceylon, on Nor. 9, 194 i; a long and respected resident of Araly, and Klang. at the
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  • Article, Illustration
    169 7 Mr. Chia Chin Slang, second son ol Mr. and Mrs. Chia Keng Tye, and his bride, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mra, Tan Soon Keng. The bridesmaids are the daughters of Mr. and Mra. Urn Cheat Pang. Mr. Yeo Chiang Leek waa the best man. The wedding took place in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 626 7 THE FOOD OF THE FUTURE DEPENDS r ONi TH P a >t PROT ECTION oifn ittrrc ?#O f>F FRUIT AND SPRA YE I %o^S^!^6^ VEG E T ABLE ROPS FROM ■Wwm'-- 'NSEcrs and &k. ißaUal l^a^^S'^ia^ IMPORTANT IN ■■d B^LHa^Ba^BBBU uStMkB a^L^ "^\i~ I KIKS Ira*' VKKS ARE k -f^Si<
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    • 81 7 ASTHMA Since 1869 Himrod'j Asthma Cur* has been rccoeoired as a Standard Asthma Remedy throughout the world and after 70 year* it continues its high reputation for providing relief to Asthmatics. Tar mij nluf 1 amid get If l bad kmturn it tstlttr". DISH ABU, LORD BIACONSFULD" This it am
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    • 156 7 Hftly I A li never gets dull-thanks to %Y^ POLISH You'll be amazed how a car retains that "show-room look" when DUCO Polish is applied regularly. It's marvellous too, how this fast-working polish protects th« finish and restores the original lustre and colour removing all trace of dullness and traffic
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  • 174 8 European Missing From Mail Train Found Dead By Line (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. WHEN the Singapore mail train arrived in Kuala Lumpur this morning a European who had been occupying one of the cabins was found missing. Information received later stated that the body of the European
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 8 A "regimental poliremnn" H the newly-formed Chinese Labour Corp*.
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  • 211 8 Sarawak To Buy In Australia A MAN with power to spend at least 3.000 ,0t0 a year In \ustralia has arrived in Sydney. He is Mr. C. Pitt Hardacre, an ngllshman representing the -overnment of Sarawak, in North-West Borneo A circular has been sent out by the 1 rnment of
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  • 125 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. pONVICTED on his own plea on a charge of posresEicn of non-Govem-nent chandu. Goh Seng Kee. a 35--year-old Chinese, was sentenced by Mr. W. i Thurogood in the criminal district coi rt yesteraay to six months' rigorous imprisonment and
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  • 37 8 GREETINGS FROM CLARK KERR A MESSAGE cf greeting from the n British Ambassador to China. Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, will be re-broad-cast by the Singapore rtation from Chungking at 10 05 pm. today provided reception Is sattfartory.
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  • 140 8 Health Specialist From U.S. Here On Way To Burma r\R- William Jeilison and Mr Henry A. Johnson, two members of the Medical Commission appointee by the United States Public Htaitn Department at the request of the Chinese Government, arrived in Singapore yesterday by Clipper from America on their way to
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  • 260 8 PLANE THOUGHT TO HAVE HIT TREE (From Our Own Correspondent) Koala Lumpur. Saturday. rIE fatal plane crash yes'.er day. in which Mr. H. M. Dofer, of Harrisons. Barker Co. Ltd and Capt. 11. G. Landray. an Indian Army officer, were killed is believed to have been
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  • 280 8 PROGRAMME of Singapore Volunteer Corps drills up to and for the week ending Nov. 23: Monday. Nov. 17: 1715 hrs. Headquarters, B.R.A. (v). Sec. Training; 1715 hrs. Headquarters, S.S.L. Bty. R.A. (v). Manning and L.G. Training; 1720 hrs. Headquarters. S.B.D. Sec. R.E. (v>. Lectures Messages and First Aid:
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 8 A tronp photograph ef~ air raid warden, and ■WHUffl af Bate r*h*U takes at Ueir he44ao*rtc*«.
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  • 43 8 Malaya's three Qaeen Scholars (left to right): Mrssrv W. Boswril H. L. Wee (17). and O. Phipps. who left Singapore on Aug. 15 last, arrived safely in England on Nov. 7. They are all to study law at Cambridge.
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  • 239 8 High-Ranking U.S. Army Officers In Singapore On Way To Middle East TWO high-.anking United States Army officers arrived in Singapore yesterday from Manila on their way to take up appointments as military attaches to Gen. Auchinleck and Gen. Wavell in the Middle East. They are Brgadier-General Robert L. Maxwell and
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  • 191 8 'From Our Own Correspondent' Taiping, Saturday. r\ORAISAMY SUPPIAH, of Tai- ping, who set out on an in tended world tour on a bicycle or. Nov. 29, 1932 and had to abandoi the trip owing to the war, is now back in Taiping.
    191 words
  • 77 8 (.From Our Own Correspondent Seremban, Saturday. A CHINESE, Hon Hin. was sentenced to six months' rigorous Imprisonment by the Seremban magistrate on a charge of theft of $214. the property of the Metropole Theatre. Seremban. I Accused was alleged to have snatched the money and made away when
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  • 52 8 THE new regulation defining A times when it is lawful to drink hard liquor has already been amended in the State of Johore. A Government Gaxette states that in the case of a dab extensions "up to 1 a.m. or exceptionally up to 2 a-m." may
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  • 204 8 At The Theatre PINE acting by a talented cart makes "Lot's Wife"—presented by the "Birds of Passage" at the Victoria Theatre last nightone of the most enjoyable comedies to be seen on a Singapore s_age for many months. A three-act play by FeUr BlackMore. "Lot's Wife is spiced
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  • 59 8 At The Cinema "JJEN of Boys Town," which waa given a midnight showing at Urn Capitol cinema, is M.G.M.'s gripping sequel to "Boys Town." that great picture ihich brought to the scrren the life of a unique settlement In America. Spencer Tracy and Mickey Kooney are again in
    59 words
  • 44 8 "UOLD Back The Dawn," given a midnight screening at the Cathay cinema. Is an intriguing love story made more appealing by the fine a..i In? of Charles Beyer. The other t>kle.« of the usual triangle are OilvU de Havlland and Pau!ette Goddard
    44 words
  • 117 8 ALL Singapore should see Target for To-nlitht." the stirring film of the RAP. at war. when it has JU opening at the Pavilion cinema en Tuesday. Those who went to the midnight showing considered 1t one of the greatest documentary films yet turned out In Britain. It Is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 350 8 "PERSONAL FRESHNESS J&&\ means a lot ■fe^A t° me" V^K*^^ l means a lot t0 everyone. Y^V^^f That's why so many people <V^l* m V Afer; strenuous exercise or a Lifebuoy Toilet Soap contains an unique antiseptic health element which helps to soothe and protect the skin. j.^ LfcVER bAOTHCTS,
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  • 39 9 Be ire the Huso Maru left Singapore recently with JapMMM evacuees, the Customs, examining a wicker basket belonging to one of the evacuees, found a quantity of yen notes cleverly hidden in the struts.
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  • 135 9 To Confer On Mechanized Warfare MAJOR-GEN. H Gordon Ben nett. General Officer Commanding the A.I F Malaya, will be leaving for the Middle East very soon to confer with high officers who have had experience of modern mechanized .warfare He will be accompanied by ola Ai di'-Camp, Lieut Gordon IWMker.
    135 words
  • 119 9 .a in Bemb i ly, in whi.-h two persons wore killed, had a vquel j In the Singapore traili-.: court yesterday when a motoi -lorry j On| Tons Ha', an. Ir C. H. Whitton on wo 01 causing tecta by rtt driving and two charges
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  • 51 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent i TBatavla. Nov. 13. HE Medun Plying Club has bought two new Tiger Moths. One is to be .shipped from Java before the end of the month, and the other is ex- pected before the end of next month, i *mys the Dell
    51 words
  • 249 9 TTHL Director of DitUnot Mr. J. E. Jeans, Dr. R. B Maegregor and other leaders of the passive defence servicr.s vn>re present when the Tanjong Pagar division of A.R.P. wardens, an impressive parade and display of passive defence work on the occasion of the
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  • 179 9 TMK Muslims of Malaya, in common with their co-religioni.-st.s in India and the Middle East, are highly incensed by the unwarrantable aL- raids on Egypt, culminating in the bombing on Wednesday night last of the Fayoum area, near Cairo. In this outrage G4 persons were
    179 words
  • 96 9 TWO members of the R.A.P 1 (Tengah), R. W. Daykin and Saekville Bryant, appeared in the Singapore fourth court yesterday on a charge of armed robbery. Dayton and Bryant were alleged to have held up Tan Hai Sin at the 8\ 2 mile. Tampines Road,
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  • 60 9 IT is notified that the scheme which has been in operation for some time to enable persons to communicate with relatives and friends in enemy-occupied countries through the medium of Messrs. Thomas Cook and Bon. has been xtended to Include Finland. Pull particulars can be obtained
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  • 461 9 PEISHA girls mingled with fishermen, barbers, iron and tin miners, planters, and business men and waved Sayonara to Singapore yesterday as they left aboard the official Japanese evacuation liner, Asama Maru, r There were 450 Japanese men women and children aboard but left behind
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  • 133 9 <Frotn Our Own Conespondent) Batavla. Nov. 13. A VIOLENT earthquake, which lasted over 20 seconds, was felt at Koeta Raja, in North Sumatra, on Wednesday at 1 25 p.m. The tremor was preceded by rumblings which seemed to come from th-> earth's rrusi and which frightened the people.
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  • 31 9 A meeting of the Lower Chamber of the Negrl Sembllan State Council will be held at Seremban on Dec. 2 and a meeting of the Upper Chamber on the following day.
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  • 180 9 Cromarty Hern MR. Alexander Cromari.y, chartered accountant, Henr> Waugh and Co., Ltd. was married to Miss La-Vira Edna Hern, at the Presbyterian Church yesterday. The Rev. J. R Thorns jn officiated. The bridegroom s the on of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Crcmarty, of Edinburgh, and the bride is the
    180 words
  • 144 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Saturday 1 1* HE Bishop of Singapore con- ducted the service when, at St. Mary's Church this morning, the popular rugby player and Police officer Mr. John Hedlev Hlndmarsh. married Miss Joj Berry, only daughter of Mr and Mrs W Berry, of Kuala
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  • 178 9 Gifts Of Fire- Arms THE Government wishes to express its gratitude to a number of residents of Malaya who have made gifts of their fire-arms to assist in the arming of locally raised defence forces. In some cases the gifts were offered before any call-in of fire-arms had been announced.
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  • 104 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Saturday. THE Dr. Muttu Memorial Pavilion. an annexe to the Negrl Sembllan Club, in Seremban, was declared open when Mrs. T. V. Cowglll, wife of the British Resident. "Negrt Sembllan, cut a ribbon across thr entrance to the pavilion. 'Hie memorial
    104 words
  • 58 9 (From Our Owii Correspondent Malacca. Saturday. A CHAKOE of munier was explained to Kang Chin Mm. a 54-year-old HokJclen, In the Police Court to-day. Kang Chin Llm was alleged to have caused the death, with a knlfs. of a compatriot, Tan Seng, at Buona Vista Road on Nov.
    58 words
  • 36 9 UO ChUu% Ntfoh, alias Chu Uat Hi:. 11 appeared before Mr. H. E. Kingdoo, Singapore Un:d magistrate, yesterday, on a tentative charge of murdering Tan Ka Su. The cose was postponed to Nov. 22 for mention.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 178 9 ►v mm STOPS PAIN c HEADACHES IN 5 MINUTES T>AIN is common to all, and it is an everyday occurrence in households for<someone*to*bejthe*victim of a sudden seizure of pain. Harmful drugs narcotics or opiates —do more harm than good but ASPRO has brought harmless relief to countless millions of all
      178 words

  • 626 10 Opinion Planters And War Effort CORRESPONDENTS writing to the Straits Times last week drew attention to what they considered to be employment of fit Europeans on unessential work and the apparent lack of any rationalization scheme on rubber estates. One of the correspondents resides in Kuala Lumpur, the centre of
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  • 4649 10 Lord Gort's Dispatches From The Calm To The Clash THE dispatches by General Lord Gort, V.C., on the 1940 campaign of the British Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders were published last month together with a vivid story of the campaign compiled from ihe dispatches by lan Hay. Here thtsc
    4,649 words
  • 74 10 Disastrous Opening Of The Gap Confusion In High Places r\ANGER loomed larger and nearer on May 15. when the Dutch Army capitulated. I.ord Oort says that he "anticipated that this would come as a shock to the Belgian Army" which was already sustaining terrible shocks. Moreover the adventure of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 528 10 THE NEW WORLD CABARET TO-DAY TIFFIN DANCE 11.36 a-m. to J. 30 pun. Admlnion I l;l TO-NICHT 9 30 TO MIDNIGHT \dmitnon 25 Ctt. PIANO TUNING-REPAIRS REMOVALS-HIRE CHARLES. Phone 2902—50 Orchard Rd. CAMBRIDGE LITEKATUKE NOTES. By London Graduate. Pride and Prejudice. Travel Pictures, ***** of Narcissus, Strife Separate volumes. 11.80
      528 words
    • 46 10 |0 Hldl*** 1 i a a|i hnftntwi I rtflV IOOK m•& 1 J 4J 1 is^mr Mflßf*^*" Ifl^B|'*' K jfßr Hlk:. B^ < '*4^3fl^B 2?§f*3* Jail RM^^ K^» lift WF k W B <^B 19^W I w Q(jtZoTS m**' mnrninft I first in*" s «^v> ltHl'U m
      46 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 754 11 ON May 23. the day on which Calais was isolated, ths French First Army pushed out. from Doual towards Cam bra), and both In London and in Paris the situation seemed to be misconceived. Ix>rd Gort thought »o and telegraphed to the C.I.G.S. (Sir John
    754 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 265 11 P~"\that gjiklu *£fiQ V RUINS YOUR LUNGS! Ia cough NOW means more serious trouble later unless you take care I How can you face tha winter with your chest and lungs already weak■ll^^^^iM f ned by that constant cough, cough, cough. Stop PVJ that COUGHING AT ONCE by taking »E»O'S
      265 words
    • 524 11 Hk <-% A Sk -mJi m m ¥m 1 ■6b :ft*T^%i |L 51 Eft 1 fl^|^^^^^^H^S|Hfi -4. EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENT He'll always be able to lau&h, for the Educations] Endowment for his father has fixed his will brin& in extra income just future. when it is most needed, and In fact
      524 words

  • 809 12 The Week's Markets Singapore, Saturday. MONDAY was but a pup when It became apparent that my paragraph last week regarding fishy Imports had been read by at least one person. The passage had come to the notice of a merchant who was apprehensive of
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  • 971 12 TIN CONTROL AND THE SMELTING INDUSTRY Divergent Views On Proposal To Remove Ore Export Duty London, Nov. 13. WITH the approaching completion of the Texas City smelter, the United States will resume tin refining after an interval of 17 years, says the Manchester Guardian. A second smelter may be erected
    Reuter  -  971 words
  • 84 12 CHAMBER OF COMMERCF. RUBBER ASSN. HUvapwra. SatvnUy. N«w. IS BajTwi* 8 Ultra rIcCS rnfM No IX B.S.S. (Sp-t loMt) SSH Mf4 Nc LX R.S.S l^b la «mm NoTUtber MV. 39 G.F.A.Q R.S S. t.o.b. la btln rmber M^i MH F.A.Q R.S.B f o-b. In bale* November 3794 37H FCTL'CE QUOTATIONS
    84 words
  • 486 12 THE following alterations were nade yesterday in the list of share quotations issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' AASociation TIN Pungah 19s 3d 19s 9:1 RUBBER Perak R. Valley ($1) 1.30 1.35 INDUSTRIAL Gammon ($1) 2.634 2.67% stimulants. No doubt some of them needed alcoholic sympathy, but although my
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 871 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH y[ Vl B t T flf SH IsaP waaaaaaaak ,t\ '3s^ask 4'? unless t&e bloodstream is purified ot all poisons 81 which collect through modern conditions ot living I if^^H you cannot expect to look or feel well. Andrews I^^^^H^l JLiver Salt purifies tnc blood. 3,
      871 words
    • 627 12 _^tt& |Mr NECK'S SO If~ rr 1 Ml STIFF I CAN'T C I wk^ K< TURN MY r*^J UP l-l W aP&iP HEAD" [SLOAN'S t^ Jm^^T~ [will nx mf ■j-»-«-^^^^^^^^^ roujt either wait until Nature L^i VAT M wK^M NATURE m fl_cA\^AlJ tkJri work Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Minutes
      627 words

  • 397 13 NO atroj.l.uie produced in recent years has been the .Miiicct of so much discussion, controversy, and ill-informed criticism and over assessment aa the American-made Bell Airacohra fighter, which is now in operational service with the R.A.F. Fighter Command, writes The Tuius
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  • 68 13 TURKEY, one of the few countries in Europe where food ration!ng Is unknown, recent'\ banned the dispatch of parco-s to Germany, says United Press The Turks have no objection a new arrivals from Axis counties stuffing down everything from lobster to souffles mide with real eggs.
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  • 59 13 TWO landing grounds estimated to cost £49,500 actually cos "703,000. states a report of the •ommittee of Public Accounts, issued in Britain recently. While considering that expenditure on Militia camps in 1939 and 1940 was not exceptional as the •ase was urgent, the Committee sneaks of "unfortunate
    59 words
  • 183 13 AFTEK 50,000 copies of a new arithmetic textbook had been printed, officers of the Victoria (Australia) Education Department discovered a mistake. Under a drawing of a polling booth showing a results boari giving details oi voting for three candidates, a series of questions in set out
    183 words
  • 150 13 SWEDISH papers recently published an order issued by Terboven, Nazi Governor of Norway, according to which aI: church bells in Norway must be dismantled and handed over to the German authorities, states the Daly Telegraph. Many bells have already been taken down and sent to Germany
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  • 190 13 A MAN WHO COULD NOT END HIS LIFE BECAUSE he ould nut pay a fine of £10 for having been drunk in charge of a car. Gordon Forbes Davidson, a New Silks vorth (Durham) fish-monger, began to gamble. He got Into such a desperate financial condition that he decided to
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  • 312 13 PICTURE FOR TROOPS BY AIR IN FUTURE THE British Government Is trying to arrange an airgraph picture service to tvoops in the Middle East. Men who have become fathers since they left Britain for abroad will be able to see their son or daughter for the first time. Fiances will
    312 words
  • 103 13 EXCUSE me, sir, may I fall oat? I've just lost two fingers." This was now a gunner in Scottish anti-aircraft division reported to his sc-tion commander after his hand had been caught in the gun mechan'sm. For continuing in action during a mid after this injury
    103 words
  • 57 13 ONE of the latest recruits to the RAP. Is Frederick Luke, V.C., a pre-1914 regular soldier, states the London Times Aeronautical correspondent. He has Joined as a ground t.unncr. Ho won the Victoria Cross at L*Cateau, during the retreat from Mons, for saving British suns, under
    57 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 352 13 IYE EXAMINATIONS". EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY iTH^MP/ON NQPTICAL C 2 t k us* HI nit., nm.Nt |M| R V Thompson. Dr o. Ocular Ruence 35 fears' Earopeac CUnical fcaprrtrnre. Appolntmcnts preferred. *M WIN OMTteSM* BANISHED BABY'S ECZEMA 6fi.»aa. skin hralinft magic tcorca another triumph I Irtuating Eczema, toroicntrd this baby Soothing Caraaataaa
      352 words
    • 600 13 NEW STRENGTH WITH WATERBURY'S When the vigour and vitality of youth begins to fade, take Waterbury's Compound. For V mJ years this fine old tonic has proven its value in stimulating the appetite renewing fail- ASy- v^n. ing strength building stamina and glow- s^ s v ing health. PTTN V
      600 words

  • 798 14  -  R. H. Naylor By SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16: Thl". year's game of life Is a see-saw, with love at the one end, with war at the other, and luck balancing midway between the two. In November. 1942, you will at least be able to say, "I have
    798 words
  • 418 14 JANI'ARY (Dec. 21— Jan. 19): You feel optimistic, in good health the whole week. Hence you cope with financial and domestic difficulties Monday and Wednesday with little effort Saturday best day of week for most purposes FEBKUAZY (Jam. SO -Feb. 18): Domestic upheavals somehow affect your
    418 words
  • 543 14  -  Max Factor By ONE beauty maxim wnich remains steadfastly true is that a beautiful head of hair is woman's crowning glory." We may all readily note bow thow women who command the greatest degree of appearance glamour Invariably have healthy, lustrous hair. This Is a tmism wh^h applies
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  • 454 14 By R. A. Thompson, D.O.Sc. (Dr. ot Ocular Science.) No man but what has acceded to some feminine request because of tears. He may pander afterwards on the wondrous ability of women to cry when it will do them the most good; but he never arrives
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 242 14 DEDICATED TO I?* ffSy jfr~ J Kli.-.uo.Ui Araen, founder ol /~7^vV S the Elisabeth Arden Salons I /^-x^ „^S throughout the world haj /7/^V^ devoted her Hie to helping Cvv 1^ women achieve the primary and normal ambition of making the most of their beauty The Klnasbeth Arden Preparations you
      242 words
    • 336 14 AGB oeed not taka {ran you taa (auaoss? of a youthful akin. Nstura did not masa four skin to becoma old aad withered. Ska) meant the fresh new akin which ia slams ITowint underneath to take thl place of Ins ola drird-up >kia and keep roo trtr rounf tali beautiful
      336 words
    • 673 14 Your I Best Friend BBBsL' f^Sßsi PFH i^P^jZC^-J DTIT Pure and delicately medicateflj Xsssf' •Tv^lassssss! Cuticura Talcum cools and comIPST 1 I asssl A WF forts baby's tender skun and ...I l^^V I M kf *I» sw <x* and wbotesonm AND I^^. Jfl COR Shaken on the skin after the
      673 words

  • 1526 15 Vital Part in Epic Of Dunkirk (CONTINUED FSOM YKSTERI) \V S STRAITS TIMES) AN important part was playeJ by our bombers, especially the Wellingtons, between May 2., and June 4, while "Ovrptirr. Dynamo," the code name given to the -evacuation of Dun kirk, was proceeding iTif 1 laboured
    1,526 words
  • 390 15 "{"•ROS3 exaggeration," gnun-Dublin-born Dr. Bernard Doyle, who has practised in London for 25 years, when he read in the London Gazette the story of the bravery that had won him the George Medal. "Sure, I did nothing at all." he Insisted. "Go and see
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 502 15 To be fair and younger js the clearest wish of every woman over thirty. They won't look younger by a year it they try to hide their wrinkles with make-up but they will certainly be younger by ten if they begin a simple home beauty treatment with EVELYN ASTROVA FACE
      502 words
    • 146 15 OvetyW&man Wanii j<M>h 1 Law 1 aaaß B rJ^ wwm CHART aaiw everywhere J have /ett asi urgent neerf lor I •nail-round pleated tklrt which II JBk tii not broaden the hip line. Here It it the KONERAT. W^*"^H With gr»juated knife ed|< H Q pleau all round tapering of
      146 words
    • 352 15 LHVEN It i II The quiet beauty of K«w— s^P* I aWjCfcT^^^^aW I the clean wistful fragrance k>T^W^ A of the Yardley Lavender I I gives an appealing air of youthful freshness and charm the ideal Perfume for Daytime Daintiness. One of those little refincni-nw so dear to your man
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 243 16 mj^ saves money on the fc W#% FAMILY WASH C lay < lodsM of the rot which this causes keep >v fam i kjii-> them free from all unpleasant when it costs so odour, too. Remember, Lux is buy new ones. There- very easy to use dissolves make your newt
      243 words
    • 625 16 I L«a/ r Tsssfc V 4ffM J2 Here's coffee flavor to thrill >^ <40*—**tm*. you with its pungent "wake- It »i w i"* l^' l^*^ up" tang! Packed at the peak -^j! I >» >w S of its flavor in modern vacuum Smmmmf^TW^t^^f^i cans! Drink it it's VyV¥V*^^]> ROASTER-FRESH coffee
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 2003 16 Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE /.HI JZSm. 1.132k cs.; i-HIM 31.96 m. Lltrn'o.; ZHPB 48.58 m 6.175 m cs.: ZHP3 4138 m. 7.25 net ZHL, ZHPI ZHPI. 6.40 a.m. Opening announcements in French; 6.45 News In French*; 7.00 News commentary in French; 7.1k Singapore calling, Prtmo Scala's Accordeon Band); 7.30 News; 7.40
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  • 42 17 British patrols at Tobrvk have captured many German omt Italian troops <n th -ir nightly raids on the enemy's forw.rd positions. Picture shows a Britirh military police corporal lighting a German prisoner's cigarette before attending to His own.
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  • 1055 17 A BRITISH soldier to whom a weeping Italian general handed his sword belt on surrendering after a tank battle on< side Benghazi has armed in England with his trophy. Tlie soldier, 21-year-old LanceBombardler William Malloy, Is one vl cipht men on sick or compassionate
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  • 129 17 BECAUSE Mr. Quentin Reynolds called Hitler by his real name of SchicJcelgruber (Mr. S. lor short) in a broadcast recently Dr. Goebbrls went on the air to all Nazi stations and asked Germans: "Don't you blush wiih shame when you hear your Fuehrer abused?" He went on:
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  • 56 17 (From Our Own Correspondents Batavia. Nov. IS. I*JIE Board for Local Defence Volun- teers and Home Guards has Just completed plans for establishing a youth organization of the so-called Juvenile Guards. Boys from the sffondary schools will be eligible for this preiarakTV military training, ro th*» <•*
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  • 29 17 The flagihip of the Iranian Navy, the Babr. which vmt sunk at KhQrrarr.siaJv during the opening stag's of the British and fMM occupation 0/ Iran,
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  • 856 17 Writes QUENTIN REYNOLDS act American newsman, in this letter from London to America's leading isolationist. JJT£ Dear Colonel, I know you dislike newspapermen, but forgive my presumption in addressing you. After all, were both Americans, and then, too, we are practically neighbours. 1 spend
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  • 228 17 Melbourne. Saturday. GEN. Sir Thomas Blarney, Com-mander-in-Chief of the Australian forces Li the Mi-idle East, now back in Australia on a short visit, emphasized here tnat the use of Australian troops at single, undivided strength was now the "determined policy" of the Army. However, that
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 927 17 ROYAL ARMY SERVICE CORPS VACANCIES FOR DRIVERS Vacancies exist for immediate enlistment of Asiatics as Drivers in the R.A.S.C. Pay will be $25. per month and clothing, accommodation, medical attendance and food will all be supplied free. Good opportunities exist for all kinds of sport and there is plenty of
      927 words

  • 1801 18 Last Day Of Singapore Winter Race Meeting MODERATE dividends were the order of the day at Rukit Timah yesterday, the final day of the Singapore Turf Club winter meeting. A feature of the day's sport was whr-n Depot re-lived some of her old glory when she won the main racr.
    1,801 words
  • 55 18 The double tote on races six ana eight paid $111 on each of 86 -inning ticket*. THE BIG SWEEP (1) SAMORY 184*4 (2) RELEASE '<>■»' (3) DISTINGUISHED ***** Starters Roisterer. 47C60 Canton. *****; Kalo. 28«26; Thanks. *****; Trumpri -i, *****. Total Pool: $218,890; First ($71,139); Second I
    55 words
  • 193 18 Indians I.G.H. Share Six Goals THE Indian Association and the Indian General Hospital scored three goals each in a hockey match played at Balcstiar yesterday. Thj 1.0. H. attacked constantly tn the first half but met with no success. The I A. netted five minutes alter tbe start through Dass.
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  • 95 18 FERE was great excitement and fun during a medley football match at Pulau Branl yesterday when the Pulau Branl Tigers met the A.I F. (Engineers* in a foe-a ll game, the first part of which was played to rugby union rules and the <econd to Australian code football.
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  • 117 18 A. I. F. To Meet British Army In Return Game THE A.I.F. and the British Army will meet, for the second time this season, in a Malayan Rugby Union war charities match at Jalan Besar stadium next Saturday. The A.I.F. put themselves o^ the local rugby football map when they
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  • 159 18 rpHE following are the results of Saturdays ties in the S.C.R.C. open invitation lawn tennis tournament: Open Singles: Chin Kee Onn beat V P Wee. 6—2, 3—l (retired). Open Doubles: Low Kee Pow and C. K. Pang beat Jimmy Kam and S. R Wong. 6—2, 6—2. Veteran Singles
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  • 282 18 Chiengmai Cup Won By Hanson's Crew THE race for the Chiengmai Cup for senior fours, the t?4«jt race competed for at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club, was held on the breakwater yesterday. Conditions were fair with a slight cro&s wind and with very little tide. The crews were: Chaytor's: bow
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  • 83 18 POLICE BEAT ARMY NAVY TEAM AT HOCKEY THE Police beat an Army and Navy eleven 2 l at hockey at the police depot in Thomson Road yesterday. Half-time score was I—l. with ths Army end Navy having opened the scoring through Twiddy. N. Sullivan notched both goals for the police.
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  • 63 18 A WIN r to unavoidable circumstances v th; Malayan weight-lifting championships have been postponed to the next Easter holidays. The open Singapore Junior weightlifting championships will be held Instead by the Singapore Amateur WeightLifting Federation during January. The closln. date of ent-y will be Dec. 31 1941 Intending competitors
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  • 123 18 MERRY TNION 8.P., reserves beat Ihe Kangaroo B P. "B" by seven gam»s to one. Re«ults (Merry Urlon firsts Andrew Chia beat Ch'ia Ah Bah 15—3, 15 8: On? Boon So»^ beat Ch'ia G"«n Seng 15—8, 15—8: Tan Boon Tiom Irat Lim En? chran B—ls. 3—o: 15—12: B. C. Man
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  • 473 18 S. C. C. Beat An A.I.F. Rugby Team DISPLAYING marked superiority over their opponents the S.CC. convincingly beat an A.I.F. fifteen in a rugby game on the padang yesterday by 24 points (three goals, two tries and a penalty goal) to six (a try and a penalty goal). The game
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  • 256 18 R.A.F's Narrow Win Over Graham's Team A PENALTY try awarded them in the closing stages of the game enabled the R.A.F. lo heat Major Grahams rugby fifteen by nine points (two tries and a penalty try) to six (a try and a penalty goal) at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. Exchanges
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  • 99 18 (From Onr Own Correspondent) Sydney, Saturday. HpHE WUiiamstcwr. Cup run tod o x resulted Throttle 6.11 (I nkovichi (2) 1 El Golea 8.7 (Creighton) (11) t Tranquil Star 86 (Bea*>y) (7) 3 Time. mln. 34', sec.; won by a neck, th rer quarters of a length, one
    99 words
  • 37 18 New Yoik, Raturdav. EREDDIB Cochrane. of the United States N»vy. will defen'l k welterweight ben ing title against th* yountr Negro. Ray Robinson, over 15 rounds at Madisct Square Garden early m February Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 171 18 your teeth today? Of course we did For sparkling white teeth, healthy gums, a fresh cool mouth, use Macleans. It quickly removes stains, whitens and polishes the enamel and it is economical ia use. "British to the > 44 Teeth" •zzfs (tfsQ fK^*"" 2 M 12 Now Try this Amazing
      171 words
    • 192 18 Pefiefir) 30 Seconds from Iflisery ot CATARRH New Medical Compound Act* Like Marto No need to wait day longet to rel'cv* the imscry ol catarrh ChcmiMi oovt h>vc KARSOD'RINE newmeJicnl compound that ».ts like magic Simply initl KAKSODKIS'B r»'kt up each no>ml through (h<; hn*4| ro-ket rube and in 30
      192 words

  • 170 19 Began in Knee, Spread to Arm, Neck and Back The insidious thing about rteumatbm is that like age it creopb on unnoticed until one day you find yourself in the cruel grip of the uric arid fiend. That is what happened to this woman: "I first
    170 words
  • 111 19 > rom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE Seiangor S:ate side gave one of their best hockey displays this evening when they met the local military and won by the odd goal in seven. In the Army side were Ghulam Nabi, Arokiasamy and
    111 words
  • 33 19 New York, Saturday. piGHTING at Madison Square Gaidcn last night. Gus Lesnevich. 173 lb outpointed Taml Maurielle, 173 4 lb. over 15 rounds, and retained the world's light-heavyweight championship. Reutsr.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 19 Chinese sports Association track and I eld team, winners at the recent Singapore (ltinrcr sports meeting. Front (left to right) Tham C«ng Choon, Cbeong Khal Seng. Cbow Hhai. Lo« Chung Chee (captain), Won; Hocng Hin, Tai Cheong Cbon*. Kwan Yhif Mont; (president), Ng Liang Chiang, Chrah llouc Kong, cbow
    71 words
  • 1203 19 Garrison Sports Notes By "Doc." •pHE boxing season is now In full swing. The various novices competitions have been completed and many of the boxers who took part in these competitions will be seen in the senior events. The first of the senior competitions are the Battalion (-pen competitions the
    1,203 words
  • 706 19 Qt§ Our Perak Correspondent) DERAK rugger history was made last week when nine Asiatic players represented the State in a friendly game against Negri Sembilan at Seremban. The side, after giving rurprlslngly good display, won by 6 points (two tries) to 3 points (a try), and this
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  • 763 19 (From Our Badminton Correspondent) THE annual Married vs. Singles match for the Tan 800 Teck trophy, comprising two men's singles and one men s doubles games, the distribution of prizes won in the various tournaments helJ during the year, and an "At Home," which will all take place at
    763 words
  • 204 19 Johore Beaten At Rugby By An Army Team (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. IN a Rugby match played for the greater part in heavy ra-n, an Army team defeated Johore by six points (two tries > to nil on the Civil Service Club ground to-day. The Army kept
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  • 540 19 (From Our Own Corresponded deremban. Ilflß R. H. V. Rintoul, who ha^, played a prominent part ir. Negrl Sembilan sport is going or. leave. Since Mr Rintou. arrived in Negri Sembilan re nas takci a great interest in \anous formof sport both as official anl as
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 302 19 7 A PP^^aS^wW "i n -S^wy fl LVttHnßn^HsQo V<S^ 4>^Hl H beer §©v JJbL 4Vte,iA b^bLb^blbDbl KPB V fOOHKY.S Pilsener— is Australia* fflH toast throughout this country. And IbßJ^^V fJK> wonder! It's brewed to please P**""" SS2BBI •%<*ftv X^ alate and is a beer suited to |Tgov tVijfijlLlyk lyTi Available
      302 words
    • 426 19 An effective Way TO RELIEVE PILES Simple new freddnen: that endi distressing p and irritation. Before adopting drancic mcaiurn to era*. ate. Piles, try thia umple oew treatment, approved by Doaor* Simply bathe tft« Pile*, night and morning, •nb a tnluiKm ot T rp in 5 or 6 pjrtt of
      426 words

  • 444 20 "Super Planes Will Outlaw War"— Wright ARVILLE WRIGHT, American plane inventor and the first man to fly, celebrated his seventieth birthday recently. His message to the world is Planes eventually will be revered as the instrument that outlawed war, not waged it. At the moment they are in their infancy."
    444 words
  • 79 20 KAHRS nt'DDE, woman Nazi controller, was put in charge of the Norwegian Nurses' Association. She dismissed Norwegian chairwoman Bertha Helvestad, who had served the association many years. Ihe executive left at once In a body. Of 3.700 members, 2,200 resigned in a week. Kahrs voted
    79 words
  • 199 20 THIS is the story of Sheila, 1 girl worker in an aircraft factory, whose love and kisses saved the lives of a R.A.F. bomber crew of four and of the pilot who claimed her kisses. The bomber had to fly through A.A. fire over
    199 words
  • 137 20 Duce Booed In Italy T\ESPME the efforts of the Italian censor, news has filtered through of aston shins incidents during a (jur Mussolini made of Northern Italy. At Forli he was met with violent abuse from the crowds and left the town hurriedly. At Bologna he drove through packed but
    137 words
  • 55 20 DECAUSE he ate at the same table bis Polish prisoner labourers a German farmer has been sent to a concentration camp and his land confiscated. Reporting this, a German newspaper comments: "The Polish race is of a brutish lowest-animal standard, an I therefore the
    55 words
  • 90 20 MRS. Winifred Joy Duveen. Malthouse Farm, West End, Chobham, Surrey, was granted a decree nisi with costs against her husband, Pilot Offr. L. L. Duvcen, in the Divorce Court In London. Mr. Justice Langton referred to the husband's evidence that when he visited Mrs. Markie with whom
    90 words
  • 29 20 MRS. Sophie Bathlott, 73. of Chicago. has divorced her husband, Herman, 88. whom she married a year ago. .she said he told her he was only 80.
    29 words
  • 272 20 VV F: are not th husbands oar v.ives used to know we are grumpy and sjg drink more than is good for us." said Mr. S. Simpson, metallurgist, of Hong Kong, to the Sunday Telegraph when he arrived in Sydney on his way to Melbourne to
    272 words
  • 96 20 RELIEVED by racing experts to be the first woman to hold such a position in Great Britlan. Miss F. M Gregory, of Broughton, has been appointed the new secretary of Manchester racecourse, succeeding t!ie late capt H. L. Busby, whose secretary sh? wps for a
    96 words
  • 107 20 A SWISS watch— price 235. lid. to the public— was bought by the Importer for 45., and sold by him to another man for 16s 6d This man resold the watch for 18s. 3d and the next buyer added a strap and charged 235. lid. to
    107 words
  • 50 20 JACKIE COOGAN has married at Mlnden, Nevada, Flower Parry, 19-year-old Hollywood bionde. Jackie, adult star now and ence Charlie Chaplin's stooge hi The Kid." is serving in the U.S. Army. His first marriage, to Betty Grable, in 1937, when he was 21, was dissolved :ast year.
    50 words
  • 53 20 British Red Troops Fraternize Soviet soldiers shoved great interest in the arms and equipment of British and Indian troops who visited the Russian lines <n Irmn recently. Top picture shows a Red soldier getting the '•feel" of a British rifle, while above a Russian soldier txamines the khukri (knife) of
    53 words
  • 302 20 T>RITISII troops are acting a, guerilla In Crete. They have joined forces with the islanders, a J from hill fastnesses are raiding the Nails in coast towns. They are making their own ammunition and using weapons captured from the Nazis. The mountains arc very
    302 words
  • 174 20 RICHARD WHITNEY, former president of the New York Stock Exchange, has left Sine-Sin; Prison after .serving a three years and four months' sentence for grand larceny, following the C 2.750.000 failure of his Wall Street brokerage firm. As a prisoner on parole he Is not allowed
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  • 127 20 IN a codicil to a will made many years ago Baron Rudolf Bruno Schroder, the London merchant banker, who on his death last December left €50?,502, with net personalty nil, cancelled bequests to the German branch of his family. He revoked legacies to any
    127 words
  • 99 20 Women Cannot Clean Windows BECAUSE of their fear of heights. women In Britain have fallen down on one branch of war work window cleaning. A firm of cleaners, who tried training women for the job, has abandoned the experiment after finding that they 1 ould not look at anything but
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  • 38 20 WHEN John Welsbrocker. 27. wa? examined for military serrice at Bau Claire (Wisconsin) the doctor said "You're in fine shape. Oo home and await your call to service." Welsbrocker Immediately dropped dead of a heart attack.
    38 words
  • 46 20 MARSHAL Petain. once the defender of Verdun and now the figure-head of Vichy France, has reserved spac. for his grave in the military cemetery at Douaumont, one of the great fortresses near Verdun, the battles for which cost hundreds of thousands of casualties.
    46 words
  • 24 20 A GERMAN officer taken prison? declared, according to Moscow radio. There won"t be any Germans left alive to celebrate the victories
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 79 20 "m BRANDS 1 hrffwmk I*- jpyj-^ IBHfif jv ife sfja**. 1 w B^E JCr* jQ insure ivitk the Your life your property against fire and other risks— your goods against burglary —your motor car— yourself against accidents. \\JJ £50,000,000 t V I subscribed to Government War Loans since the Outbreak
      79 words
    • 244 20 SEX CLASSICS Van de Velde's IDEAL MARRIAGE. FERTILITY STERILITY IN MARRIAGE. SEX HOSTILITY IN MARRIAGE. IDEAL BrRTH Edwin W. Hlrschs THE POWER TO LOVE. Meyer's SEXUAL LIFE IN ANCIENT INDIA. THE ORIENT STAR NEWS CO. 10S, North Bridge Boad, (Adelphl Hotel Building), Singapore. Take 10 drops^^ M t is* X*
      244 words