The Straits Times, 15 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 34 1 f«^^>_ roi^«. The Straits Times s«»l^«I^«!Il) «I^«QL vllli'vltV! s^^O/^vc? /VL?- F/;/^F 12 l'Xliktt si^e^ponl:. g^^i/iti)^. 15. ,941. l'Nlcls 5 <^!W5. The Straits Times l. >.L«. sl^cl^poltl:. Z^^^ltv^v. NOVL!N«r« 15. 1941. p«l< L 5 c»>:i>i»>.
    34 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 /?<»? v p to-<3ats 8<»ll l.«n^l»» li B.^ »^,f« 8»,ri.l 8 8ll» »n< »<», z>^ 8,,^«« 2o<i»/«eill lfpe <n lltt»r«<l lr>» »t»ell. H f»r stsoteetio, ol ,!l «5<1i,,17 o»lbse«k, ot l,s«. k»,<le L<>llesie» tXe,, lime s>l >^^^!^^^^sl^?^»W k»<cle t^«s« il l/pe <«s /«,«>- l»s. mr 31N5118 IldlLZ I^xe equipped
      73 words
    • 94 1 5 X c l_ u 5 l V e z^tW^^8 pastelz to 50ni6tl^intz W^Hl'^^N 2-0ma,^ic loi- dancing. V N QIC 10 «!?<(; 6 15 p/u« Hne//le/«/ enl/urance Since 1923 Qmeea V2tcn« n»v« protect tne cle!lc»t? macnmer, neicl tns vorl6'» reco^a lor ul preclzlan watcn N:»ra? prec.«>«n «c^ gie «eMn« n"«?a<l«"
      94 words
    • 35 1 c«.Bl^ vznv k.ven>nK t)re»ze« lel. 4772 5t 5 t^ffk^ i^e« no ml«ta^ln^ t/»« /< />az^ance of F. 5. lully w»«l«l u> b! l out ever, ,ci-l>p al tk»lr Mi« r«?lnr auIMVB H co., l.?ll. z°z'l"
      35 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 172 2 T>lc Smuts Tim 5 Lo» 25 cents «xlsg l l>n K^<!mb!-r 12. to «21V.-, l»^11^!ic)l4— /^t llntu «2i»n on ,r 'Itn t., I>'»ncv. vile ol V «<^>r nl Innew. «L«l6Ie«». »nci -,;e!« »i>(i !!>«> I»le «r. U 8 xnpliell «ilb«»n. 1 l^ln »c,. 11. 'O ««>»7 B»,ite. I«. 2« lj»»>>>r»
      172 words
    • 132 2 110. 787. Ltraitz I'lmcli, «'^si-l^o. »<xck!lcep«r lor ««t»t« w ltor/»l> ««Il:>^lH— N.c,ulre<l lining. »t>l>!lc,lllon«. «l»tln« »c«. <,u»!iN«ov^Q rollc« 2. N»tr nl pxv be »I 0« per «o. 770. Bt^!t, lime,. 11l Ill»» «.z?sl1Lll— »rlt!^l— «e«ll« licpUe« »o» Ko. 774. Btr»l<H lime,. <lliHl.lrlrn >»ocolix^>u«^ ««c lllc^^llV <^ultr»u,> »«e 24 5«»r,. 12
      132 words
    • 329 2 !9I!» rlBll »«»NU« ll»6lo Necelver. «24N. One n!«nt te!e«<-oplc ,l«nt to ill -col.rr" »»<illl:l,ov8« unll. «0!«rirll8: «cv bloOel, n»ve lio« »c>usli3 l-^^i-31'c) l.lH' 10 «!I. 28 lleyer N<l. lurnllkecl. 2 Br^!,lNl' »«?«:«<»«? »t n»ton, n«»r lie» Vlev liotel, I^ltner p»rUculllr, lron, 168-^ OecU !>t. or rno»>« 7422, «z>«rilon »icl»l^xnB. «°»v
      329 words
    • 239 2 xuc7!ol« sXl.r l)l 8t»lne«l »iul pol!^«I te»>c No>««' l»I»nt,. ete^ ta be nelll »t l»o, 42. No!8»»«»7. l«tl> l»4l. On vle» ?rl<z»v. I4U, Ii«t»n: ll»t»> 7. lvvxltoz co.. 1.70. »v «>«««» o? i»« «»«^»0Ql.«:» o» l»8«uc7r»:» ull>oll^B. 8»»4lI8 8ll^!^ri«I»^8 B^l.k UIKBr«U, «mc, 8r«", »n<l «Ilpl>er«, Deer Norn, etc etc,, to
      239 words
    • 124 2 »M r«»oll >» n^^^iltv leu l>o. l»«x »4. »IKN^«'0l«. ,t»t!«n Member, <!»!>» »»< j Oven N»U7: «3»4.»>!» »!>»». »i,lur<»7»: 3» t» I kl1(»^k s«r»»»«»l V»»i»l »»<l 79. 8t»»»t«»< 4«l«. 7«l«pl,«n« 7467. Vl»l70lt8 8»o»ris. I. lUH.loinr «r co. B^l,xliv^ ro«!uozis rl^^ Il^l. z«^k 7, n»»u»«l,<«t l^»< !U»«', l?r«», 87<»e,. 12Q(33 «»««:>
      124 words
    • 153 2 9.20 r. »l. lmvuiQnr »r« t»« lre,k »rriv»l«' lrum W^ >,«»^,« W^ M»U 8luu>l:l»»i« c »>»»,,»»» »»«>!» »»^»> <..^. „t»s ,t»r' ln l^l»ln» ll »»^»<x»«l <!<?> 6»n«^»n -»>!>» «»»^!l 7K« 7^«« Nollll. Klvellikll 2 5«l0Ki«l« l»lllcv«lfi!r ,«p«70» ll0l«lll.l-l««" >„l.^ <» "lltl9l" ,ll«»in« ,t tne til l»>> »M «M «!<» u».v
      153 words

  • 725 3 task c>l tne Nlltlsk damdorz nov tn»t tne battle v»« lolne6 can be summed up ln zentenco. It V 2» to clela? an 6 vealcen ln every v»? pc«Bidle tne l«lv2nce «l tne Qerman mecnllnl«ecl lorces anll, »l er tne.<;e n»6 Bcore6 tnelr lnlt!»I zucce^ez. to try
    725 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 lll^B7ksfll. ze l 2 3U,o!i 3U°M llllllllkzillkl. ellxeeln 8l»rou,l. luer lll«l«rn z o^cr <lorn,»l) 8 pn». to Nlulnlzkt vlnne, zz.Os l»un 6»«<lz l1.»« v,, B,^ u« «.ov^>. nr<3«v«r«i l)»Nce«> «oirz> l»>?<^r« «l n^x^r «^Blc n» «rl.l.»liz »^>u l» Overture 1-»« «I»NV VI VII3 0? WIKDBON Klcolal, 2» Valtl LLII/DizliiiKz Valdteulel
      158 words
    • 65 3 /i^^ocMc^v^^^ llnit Your Lit <8p««l»ll, c.»»rt«««, l»v td« X2llon»l Qoverninent »l tne ltepuklle ol Obln, w» »n lnt«rn»t!on»l s»ull» »«7U ?K»K7 BUB KBl->ev «»l!l c«mm«n«« bu»ln«»» on 163 suo >cz«n» 5 Ottic«. 162 Q«n«s,l Ollic, 1-rl.rLn^pttlc: > "cnunzkuo" vistrlct «s. >. l. l»,i«z. "«l^ """nee 0° I»U«PQSk Bta, ln, lX>
      65 words
    • 118 3 MX?ML tllven alter leecl. lt >,uotn« tne cll^b^Uve tract prevents accumulation ol <?a« »n6 avertz cllFe»tiv« cll»orcler« con.rnon ln ctul» clren. It l» ai«o i»n excellent ?merzene> r»m^7 lor convul«l«n» ln cnl^lllei, lllznl^ reeomn.l l.«e<l »n6 iire«rlde<i l.v PNvzlclan,. sczrrol.vl«(: ro^ los »!l p«spo»«» 8kll7l8rl.UllLll0« sllll«7«v coxl?K«v 3umb»«,» n<l., 3oos«.
      118 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 42 3 «.86n» 3«»>«.. l«« «5,m l7l n> f^ l» n^ ll w Ilok^len: s 3a lie"' !l> ol tl>« K»2l": 9,00 I^llv ll«u» 10 Neixllwe Kev,: 10,05 «e»^ I'NXl, 10, II 0»nc« mullet! ««v, ln z,40 "l,!,^ w»!lsui «ev!?» !n «»!,>^ IN20 «e.^l> «»n
      42 words

  • 757 4 >mp»t <««' 2, 9<l 3, I>«6 4u«tl»! Xmx! (l«1 1, 4^6 7, ?".<» «»l»7 (l) 33, 25, <^y» »lt»m <5«> »<l III, >^?fr Ven« <»l) »3 »»n^l!n 11n <l> 13, «6 14« 66 »»IU ««!»n««l <»l> I 43 1.4? Ser^unwl <5«> 1I» 3<l ll, »<l Nulin, ll) >7,
    757 words
  • 129 4 AROUND THE MARKETS lUOKL 11^ I'l^ 8U^»l)8 «k»l« »»i!ce»» l>pci>«<l »«»«lx U»I« nu>rnw« but beln« L»tul«l»> not NlucHi bu«lue« l» »nUc!l»»l««l to <l»7. >^n eiicc>Ul»«li^ le»ture tt>> »UII wtelc^tsll ill »«,uii»Q« «l 25. vkUe ic!»n« !>«,» »n6 ?ut«k k»6 ou?e« vUllnz l>, l»v on»> !»5 I^«> 111 U>« «t»Ull« s»cU<»
    129 words
    8 words
  • 2 4
    2 words
  • 25 4 ll» »«e!ll, «pc>« c>n tke riddel »«re »4,c>4« tc>n«. »n wrlc»«« at l?H«4 'Ike ni«!»l w e»i»l< »<«»>«, l, Al> r>f<>'»d!c? d>^«, »t «5
    25 words
  • 8 4 11,« pr<s« << eo!6, »ilvtl »«l pepper
    8 words
  • 14 4 «»>»>, on I»o», I v« »INH«l21«, c<uul»l«O »ltli »181,457,22« on vet. I. »192H45,120,
    14 words
  • 20 4 October wt»I»«l «.04« tun,. Sept, 3« Ot tl,e c»rt»d«l I 5,»»« ton, w pc»««»»»«n ul l»id«» bo»i<«
    20 words
  • 10 4 »»I«H l» i»lllxj l»«V. 14 U» «v»
    10 words
  • 56 4 I5«n«< l»5 tl»e I»»l»^« »«»»«br»«l«r«' >^»ei»t>«>. llii Nl»l ll»». z« «<». l« «<^ 25 !Uu>tQU 7NA, ll ..»»,.»<» K»».»1 7»^« l5«!lll, lnyz, lln»> >«,»«!«,. Oet. l»n». 1' a«». ll l»v»n« oau 1» l»o. z» «zt1i «ei^<lei« i» v>». «o». l4 >l «n». !l r««T 7NA, w».
    56 words
  • 140 4 l^!^. »ll«l e«i? loe»I »««>»<. but mi«l<z>« !,Ul>l»U<m». 8»>»l«, c>l l> o». I<»?I» l»un<«n, 4?b l»4>, M« ,5?. l<x5 >»-zi »1^<»eliU»! "i^" »k ««7»l »ll« c»n. ?»cw>.' <t«»^. 12 9.16 »X. <»1N)... l7»»4 »«c» l« ll^ l«> «<>>- >» 0muii»uiO» c>l^. 2<»<l j r»«U!Iri, c»nl ?<>»«l -Hs
    140 words
  • 50 4 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES <»«^»» 7«> N«N>«N^ <?»»» »!2<X> 0ul» »l!?l l«1«<, «2^» »Ul> llr»«« «2S» H»wt< l«Ul>»lM »>7« Vlllte »l?0« »>»e)c «7?« l^n,^. «I»^ ?»5 «<» 3«,»»k »47» »»»U w«« ?»li «»lle ««!!u»,.?«».l »lll»I! l>«^! l>»!^mb«,, »I«,«> »»nj» »«u,»»ll »l«,« «o. 1 »'2« l«^ »i«3z l,o »l,« »^>»l «lo^»» »ll.»
    50 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 65 4 o. vmiizll lllma v «c l«r u«ua! '»"l» n/ call <n o^ino, /n«l>«> LNlI»8» lillll^ 5. >l. LU. I >nl, ».»»<,!<««» 8«,»e« V > N2.N: <^»«,. «1e5.1.13ien 5 co., 1.111. z 8Ullll»Kl.l.! l87»»lkl« zi««z«l»? l^. «> > > »x r«^ 1.10 nznorix »o« l.^l, 4»1«.7 m k, »e«»«.' l!^n«"8"^z»lp '«»>
      65 words
    • 75 4 77/^ 57>i/lH 05 «^/?/F6 i.o^' ?z«z«o^vr «l«,«n ?<«^B i>^l., l>l«! <? 4 5N01V5 10 o^v I0z«0lUt0U >> 1 > 215 815 «s 3 15 QI.IVI^ v«»^VII.I^Ilv /AF<7//V>»77^Vc -ro» i^»i^ wssrllvziic>n3 ?«o»i: 2402 c^»«s!r li«l»«l l»«« »x^ l»l»r^,l«!>i «>» 's«ll« 34ui ,xl »«01l vouil zrkiz ran oro»Qr nc»«^«lv 3«^^ 3 liK^Utl^
      75 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 s/iou/li mi,, F77?>l/75 77^«R 7^////</ I>i0N0I)V NNO N^^B >1188 8l)«Mc! loo^v 3.15, 6.15 2N«« 9.15 MM «Kl.I lll8l«rV'8 painc Lkirnc H u««vr«sKl. «cWB > 05 I'ic"l'loX'B I'.^IHoUZ «^H»" (1 n HH D^, 3c:pl^^^^c) ,^3 "lkSir fir«t I,l)^vlinl» kit together! lW»i l«m» lulllxc p^^cnc ,«o <:«»« io»,« ««m o«l«?o!,s lM»»
      47 words
    • 28 5 11 4. 3.15, 6.15 «n«l 9.15 ourro, H S n«c«^»o «.z«c l^ «I« «»V ,ml Ki5 ss«e l.i5t5 8trioUv 8u8sienllell X rl«8, cl.488 VL l k<7slVL »!V>, ?.nv
      28 words
    • 125 5 i, Up M« l«^, Bpri»» lt»e« tr«« »»U« »D» Nck«B/Ufr u^ 3^6 cK«»^^,e bnttl«« »»i»l »n«, l ««ltoi. ri.?«« «< i»«ll8ll4l^ »r^l.^rr »/^l^ »l»vi«t»n« K««« All 70 SNNN?"B i» r«M »5W X «^I, »M »"w,» »«^z »l7l'l«x /^lX»H»" z Ike Ber«n'z Lol.ll 0U? MX^kN" ror Ne»l "«^cV «ntert«lnme.,t 7NIB 18
      125 words

  • 1040 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SAT., NOV. 15, 1941. (804th. Day Of The War.) Oables received a lev davs ago announcing Me sueeesLlul conclusion ot negotiations betveen <3reat Lrltain. Itussla and r«>gard1n8 tile continued residence in Me capital ol a considerable number ol subjects aroused less comment Man mignt nave been
    1,040 words
  • 34 6 /l«c>^»I» »uc°«»lul l»l6 b? ?oll»k p»tiol w mentioned ln >«»<«nl»v'« romlnunlque lluni <3 0»ln>. »klci> dc>»Ule »li- »etlvlt>, ?«>U»l» patrol. se<.tar, om- p»tlol« op«l-»l«<l lr«el/ In tl>« lrc»Uler »i«» norln»> p»t^o>
    34 words
  • 1350 6 Hitler Clan ye Bwppe6 It i, tke «eco««l 0/ tux, «lrticle« t<l/ce» /rom "Ike Nm« /Vow" d,, «erre nan /><«» en, z>udli.»ke«l i'l tke l/nile«l Htat«. Ike )lr«t article appearell m tke strait« I'ime, on /Vcw. l. 'sNL man vko peclsles postcard' 5 ln Vienna 20
    1,350 words
  • 103 6 Home cka? pe»-nap« tn« dloo<lj, /lou? z/lall come, o?»e ,k«7p pea)c 0/ <»°ial ancl 0/ te,t. N^/ren all tke me«uu^ele»» long /lou^z u?e ve me«» t Xbout in, anll t?»« u,«ani»?l<>u« «um 0/ mu«cula»' b^o«im bocliez. uitk tke /lum 0/ «u>eat^ «e^, ,/,all lie/,, l^»e pe«t 0/ banshee n^en»
    103 words
  • Letters To The Editors
    • 253 6 Ul»v I^ Bolve T'ke iVlan ?o>ver problem tbe !56it<», »l Btr»,l, 7l»«« Blr.—Wkv all tkls dlatker adou; Lurasians not joining up Volunteers? I'kere must de sors.' concrete reason, Ike sonNlon 15 an easy one donscrlpt all me?» between tke a«e, ol !9 and 35 Ikls procedure would rele^s-^ tkeni
      253 words
    • 150 6 Ot Waitinji I°<» lb« lillilu, nl lke stlU!l^, l i..,^ a nlatlorm ol empt? pla^ii!!.:<,"j wken treatlos. s>2 ls :>nd l»t?^national lavs 2le beinz vkolesalo dv 283re»zc>r 7>atil,ns. wkat lio.^d is lt to wait lor ae^ressor vno ma!lin« ollen slve preparations m :rc>nt ol skot? Lust— and
      150 words
    • 166 6 Outbreak Ol Intantile L» tke rckilol «l t»>e 8tr»,l> 5im?, 8Ir— 1°ne sta'^en^'nt !z«>«6 bv ike State Ne^i: l! ancl NeaNt. OlNcer. pan^nz, l>,n6 p.>b,l«necl ln ?our l«ue c>l >>Hter62v, l« lar lrc>m re««ul>s>F 10 parents v,UN Inlantiw p2rul>,^ i^ N2f. 2 i.e v <^5ea5e ta Xlal2>2 but
      166 words
  • 88 6 H e Does Not Die In Vain «loe« not ctte >>! lain > lVko llie, /or enz/lanc/, Vko /or tke ssiorz,. not tke z?»<n, Vow«l to tke kipk empri,e 0/ 7°rulk lrnck »1)7,0ur. <li«, //e <la«« not clie i,» rain > N^ko «li« /or knyll^ltl. l^ka«e li/e'« uitko,.? repi'oack or
    88 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 79 6 platinum Wriztlet 78. l>ll>rtn Lri^Ze Nl»«<l, Kuala I>urnpur gnll ?en«u^. 3. 8«0IM H co ««d>o sl sour<^ tngm««s! lctt«o«v 5lltVl« YU^IIV l»ll0Kr 2142 »1 25. Oboon «»»n 8»««». 8 >»«. rXl1«88I0!<« pl»cnc»! euMe to »ptne«« »n«l v». n. ll lll^^ «I co. l>5N. ««b!NH»>, ««»>.— 8ll»l»p»r» k«lll«le«i nrzl.B »«lller8ilo»« u«ill.
      79 words
    • 9 6 l»r »l 0p«<»n«t!?. Lverlinzllt Optical (^o. >9. Obull, »>«>»»« 4435.
      9 words
    • 19 6 XD^^M <l S in n cl 8 «litt>eult>SB HVI; »re still »t>l<3 t» BUppl)^ INNBt SBBSNti»l i^SlzuirSl«ent». /^c?XF /T'
      19 words

  • 455 7 O«ni!I0U8 HIOVSB 13^ Hl.B. He N^Oltl^l) attention is centred on tne opening ul tn« special BeBBion ok tke Viet to-6»v far reackinz? 6eci«ions, upon ivnicn m»^ ninzse peace or nar m tke ?ar Nast, are expeet«l to ke reacnecl. wnsion between t^e United Bt,ate3 »n6
    Reuter  -  455 words
  • 50 7 'L'^ Unites 8t»t<>5 I^2lin^L II^a6<<U2Nes!> In 8nl>nenlli Ml-. mcii-ninL oMciHN? conNrinett tkl^ ti2ve been orciore^ lo vitN' lir^.v lrom l)nln» "lne n«ce« iiiv prep2l2,tic>n8 v!U de^w tne ow.clal 2i'!!iaun(!>> leove 2N<« 20ll v,U! lllllov latcr. m? Ulll'ecl Lt2t«« 8en»t« ?ll«!l»ii n«. lko United 8t»t« 0unl,ul2te to pi-ovlse
    50 words
  • 178 7 "NIII? »66itional llppropliatoni,. bolievt>6 to amount r^> v^icn tne .lapane^? Dirt to be nsked to approv vil! bll speci^lv 6evutecl tn »tr«i6tneninL Japan's n»v«ll Armaments. 82V2 a I'olcia :/>,eszaB<! to Vicnv, I°ne nev appropr^atiol: Mil! do put lnrvarcl at an extra <»r6lnHrv se^lion ol tne Viet to lne
    178 words
  • 85 7 "l>UN«^ vM be m re»l 6anzer ol attaelc ll events »r^ favourable lor tne >xls. nccorclIn6 to a Nri^lsn PreB« Service statement, repartz Vnlte6 press "VMnout Lurma. America uns Lritaln vould nn6 it almost !mpossible to lullll tnelr oblizations to Olilna, »ays tne statement, Vstei-cIL? vl5lt«l «r,
    85 words
  • 96 7 NOV. 15. INUi: viev tl!2t Llit^ln tm« not >et «unlc enc»>iFN zklpz to prevent tde enem^ st,»lUnB 2 western ve«ert ollenzive, »I> tliol>B^ "We l!»ve most zurel^ Lleatlx <!el»ve<l it" vllH expre««e^ b> Blr liunnlnzkllln, Oominan6el'ln>ct!lel, XecllterraneaT', l^eet, »t ?re«« eonlerenee 2ba!lr6 tke NaLsklp ol tke
    96 words
  • 49 7 London Views Of Crisis I^nclou, Kov, IS. el»l:c!I1I^11Kci on tt« oudcom,? ot Uie vlet'z extr» p«Uc^ i« immutable lii tier 6«tln? to c^ellte 2 Bre2ler L^zt coplusperlt? zpdere, ta »tl»«r e»t«lp.i,««. Not ,»eee«t» tl»»t, it /»p»n c«»ls d« ,vi« U»« vnit«<l 8t»»« no conNlnuUlon «l u,ll but v »«ll<l
    49 words
  • 6 7 Kollllllc. Nov. 14.
    6 words
  • 10 7 bllelc to «!tot>e!l ?lel6 lrom tke
    10 words
  • 13 7 m QlHH^o^ l« over. m»«« ol<ie6 ta resume 6ut? Un m»> writ? vote.
    13 words
  • 124 7 War Materials In Vichy Ships I^»n6»n. 15. Xl/^ll m»terl,l3 b«ine e»rli««l m tne nol6, »l tk« »v« Vlel,^ «nlp» lrun» lnsoOl»ln» recently inte.e«pt«^ bf »n« ll»^»l «»v^ 01l tn« B<»utn co»«t. «t»»e« tne Minisroll<»«!n? tl»« intereepiion. tne V»cn> lt««li» prote«t«H tn»t tl»« «l>io, ««r« c»rr^inL onl^ l»os »ns tn,t no
    124 words
  • 74 7 Ark Royal Hit By Italians? ix>nsc».. Kov, 15. Lritizn aw:r»ltc»rrler Xrlc 1 Noval i?2^ ««nX IlXl mlles ea,^t ol QlbraltHr, 01l lVlawssll. 5273 2 message lrorn IH I^lnea. gpanisn sources at l^,a I^lnea Bay Italian naval lorces original. Iv sarnies tne lic,^»! on V^e6ne«!2^. alter v!,!ck Qerml^n submarine 6el!v«>l tne
    74 words
  • 88 7 t»r«et« ot tne ll »cc»rlUr« tc> >e?ler<z«v. ,lUck »t»t«, t«c»l«<l d.v ne»v> bomber »irrr»tt ol U:e l^>s 6ur^« tne l^«nt ot I>ue»> to Vesne«z»v I^rze lire, vere lt»rt«l ln m«l?»!>:IUn« v»nl» ««l »lon« «l>e r»U»^v line,, Ilon,l» mere »>«» i -oon to l»U on >m l»ct«?. pnver ,t»t!«n
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 159 7 JAPANESE INVASION OF YUNNAN UNLIKELY lilmznon. Nov. 15. 1^k« inlUtarv nutNorlt^el, vouM Nn6 «ui-pll«e vailing lor idem lt tke? lltt2ck«6 Vunnan l»rovince lrom Inclo-ONina, t>»lci > Or. l3, Vounz. repre«ntHtlve ot Me National NroaacaZtine tlompHN^ ol v^Ul tke »rit!«n ?ar Hn5te7n commanc!, lo N?uter, Dr. Vouu« «Ille^ U»»t U»«« »ere
    159 words
  • 129 7 R.A.F. Now Supreme I»nclon, Kov. 15. l»liI1^IH i« nc,>v tne zlronLest. not tne dlzkezt, »lr pov/er ln lne vorl<l. Iliat l« reeozniieci b> qualities observers be tne meaning ol Qnurcnlll'z announcement tnat ">Ve nave an ail lorce vnlcn l« at least equal ln »!«e an^ numbers, not to speak ol
    129 words
  • 96 7 NAVAL ENGAGEMENT REPORT DENIED »s!ll: United L^te« «»v? Depart- ment 6enie<l »nx llnovledzie ot naval en^azement involving vnltell 3tate« loree« 01l leelluul. or »n? similar en^aze- ment. lteuter s 1^l» l» sequel to nev«p»per report tn»t dl^ battle betveen Unlt«l 8t»t« M«r,nlpB lui6 Kail zurt^ce an 6 z^dmarine eralt n«l
    96 words
  • 222 7 POSITION OF SOVIET ARMY IMPROVING 'I'Nl^ position ol tke l^>iet lr<»«p^ i!< suntinlUlll^ improving," tl,e !>ln«cn>v raliio annmmceli >ester62x. "In Leverai sectors tln l^el mlln,^ now un»nls ta »6vllnce an 6 tnev lost adout 1W tanks. 25 planer !»n6 5,000 men killed 2nd v.nundecl m ve«wl,lll.v'3 lluitle«s attempts to outNank
    222 words
  • 2 7
    2 words
  • 3 7
    3 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 534 8 WAR FUND ADVANCES BY WELL OVER $9,000 Zaii L. Oavi6'B Nome Viel6B Donation Ot 56,758 s^i> September 6 several K.n6re<l people 2tten6e6 run 6 N»U Kel6 »t tke kome ok i»r. 5. V»vi6, m Ita»6, l>iin^2pore. re> pust« <»s tke luncUon 6escrike<l it »8 knllisnt i»ucceB«." It i» noiv po»»idle
    534 words
  • 10 8 lurllx'r rnntlldutinu) l^»» :z« ol V «»l »»o««,
    10 words
  • 46 8 «l^tb!il^ UOrlll. No I^»l!l, 8!cv: Voun« p«upls, Llttl^ »»t »l Ue»vel> Be»«ic!e' I^^in to «un!c!>, !^r»lne n»x 7 <t l» 1n« s«» Woll »ltn Nl»»r<l c», s iz lb H 3 15 p n>, vi-Ii«-?lie «u»>? ol !:xvuv i«»>'^ litl>>-t>l>o»»- I«. Kov !^t»^l<^« uc>i'l!^-o>»ncli>e nl«l>ti.
    46 words
  • 46 8 MALAYAN CHINESE TREAT FOR LONDON CHILDERN /'«II^>N«« zl««pw8 ill «l»«ll«-, ill we Nec«llU) Uie c!l»w» Neliel ?un<l c««l» o? t!,r veek^ 'Ml, »oi«lel v! <>on»Uc>n, !^e Ix>r6 »l«x<» ol Ixiiulol, a«!c«l »l»Ulel t«X>« coul<l b« «et prompt «pl? ,i,en. Vc !ect«><l, I'bllHe vi!l lx- lem!tt«! I»»e7,
    46 words
  • 10 8 «ilc s's »»>e »r«kli I»rw:e liln^ter, ln
    10 words
  • 17 8 ol lt »tl! Ullortl^ b« ll,tl«lu«<l luto »n ossencc lor <^eU»t to le»v« kl«
    17 words
  • 21 8 llie Vti,!t« lime, U,»t »noU>er <:«« ol m N>e l»me «1,0<,1 p«. v!ou« <H««5 >N,!, k tl« NNK c«« ln
    21 words
  • 98 8 TWO KILLED IN AIR CRASH (l'luln Our o»l, <3urre3i»n«lenl Xu»l» Lumpur, lio^. 14. UMll. ll »l vulz. c>l »»rrlx»n?. "> N»llc«r »ncl Co. I^t6, ancl In<U»n >im? olllcer, O»l»t. I^m» «lr»7, W«re klUe6 »vell llu»l2 «1 3tr»tt«n Ntllte, on tde It l» i«l»<irt«! tt»t I^lr. vniz »?llii pllotlnz tke pl»n«-
    98 words
  • 48 8 SAWMILL STRIKE CONTINUES 'I'lll! 3lNB»pore l»vmill labour- er«' ztrllle »tM continue,, tnc labourers n»vlnz relu«ea to ««re« to certain 6et211, ln r,vv azreement. r4e«!otlHtion«, noMever, Arc «UU proce«lin« In tne me»ntUl»3 tva ot tne isle »»vmlll« »re delnz op«r»teO b> tne l4»vv Hncl to e»pe«llt« lmnort^nt a>l«»ce or6^r«
    48 words
  • 39 8 MUSLIM RULER VISITS HIS TROOPS HERE to-<!2v on drlel vi»lt tu U»« I'tleze lorces m»? be cllzUn8u1«tie6 d? tdelr hrovn le« Oliiel, o,!w««. I^llllie, »l«l ln l»24 Nl> M« r> c td« ll, l»2I. !,««,<xx> ll, naoo «!,u»se mU«
    39 words
  • 12 8 >»'«Bni: i»l«« ,»tli«-w« »t ll»« >w ?o« to N»l
    12 words
  • 60 8 Nri«t»2ne. Kov. 15 H NL3Q^I^Iic»ef ur«lne tNe ranscriptian ol tke colnmonvelllttl'8 in6uztri»I wanpover »nll kere ta-llav d^ lke annual canLre«s ol tne Iieturne<< LiUIalz'. L«l6ier5' 2«a oilmen', I^e»8ue. "lke I^adaul premier ol yu^enz!I»n6 X<r ?or«»n Smltl,. »t U« opening ol tl»e <?onere«l «»l«l V^e »re m»lclne eon<l!Uc»li» kere
    60 words
  • 37 8 H 8I/?«Ll^l: vonuu«u«l lor K»tiou»I ll«lenc«. cre»t«<l d/ Ho>»l Decree, v« »nnnunce<i d^ tk« N^l'skok N»6!o >e«ter6»?. 1°ke premier ?lelcl z«2r»N»I pointed Lupreme Oommancler, Me velenee !^lwl»te!-, mvotkl vUl de O«l>ul? 8upreme OomlN2n<ler— Neuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 5 8 'r!'.- Nev II 'Nuxu^on, MM
    5 words
  • 0 8
    0 words
  • 115 8 'l'rom Our l),vn Correzponclent > I^kllacca, I>lov. 14. "liV tniH buil«iln« you sec- not mincltion ol tne IVlis«lon Hn<l ol tne Government ol tne 8tl2lt» Bettlement« to provllie better ans better eclucatlou»l lacilltie« lor tne voutn ol tne cinlonv, du> a «iBN tl,»t.
    115 words
  • 35 8 7°^« Hllttan 0/ 75e«?V«n«, »^»o l« m 5»»?<lpor« <l »/»ort vtlit, »c«» l«nvi»»V t/»« p«lra<le ??o«7i«l «»t t/»« />c»i»<:e Oepol m 7'/>o?n. /lo«»<l, n/ter ,?«pection a/ ix>l<« reer»ut« v«^e^«U^- l^it/»
    35 words
  • 139 8 NAZI INFLUENCE ON WANE Bt»rie« Ot VritonB Nero ?rom lZNllllill V2z-c^ecr^ on boar,! j tne ovHcu".ti^r> »nlu ,^«2N»2 »«»r^, vnlcn lelt »t noon to-ll»v vltn more tn»n 45<l N»ve brouznt «tor e« ol «ze«per »te lntern»l con<lltlon, »n^ <le»erlbe tne ex»Bzer»tecl 2?count^ clrc«»»tln« m ol NrltlHli treatment ol »n«l ol
    139 words
  • 42 8 DEATHS OF JOHORE MAGISTRATE 'k'lom l)ur o<m c!orre«ponclcn< > i?ukru. l4ov. 15. °F^Il: ««lon<l ni2««t.r2t«. X N»nru. I°u«tn »»>l .1a«lr dM lt»N B»Uen, 6lecl zuclclenlv «I»v lolloMw.s ne»rl »tt»e!c »t ni« re«l«lence ln Lllliru. I'ne tun?r»! toolc plllce »t 9 l» m to-clltx
    42 words
  • 29 8 "«^^n l, lni«»t«lUi>« «»l»,». VVe vno l«ure<l ln tne Sult»l.'» I«t »irtntne »Q»I»7» Un«!lu »«I>ne» p»»>I tribute to tne OlUnele lor tl»e p»rt tn«, Nlu! p^x«>
    29 words
  • 15 8 KIKI^IHIU!, ll> vocxl. ol tne en- lire Vr!t!»n N«et. bullt 'x, «c»!e.
    15 words
  • 4 8 Opt. I^, »l»clll«!!, Inct»«
    4 words
  • 39 8 Indians' "Rights In Malaya" <?rrrB protect lne l«»li. ri«>,»!, »l ln<li»n r>,Uon»l, m ft«»I»5» »n«l znpport lor tne «ll»et, »l ln«li»n ,v»r!ler« ln tl»« robder p!»»t. b? l»»»6tt Ill!n,n». ln r«»«!»U<»» »<i»>»t»«< bx tl»« l»re^6«>» tl»« sonneil ol 8»«»«..^l««««?.
    39 words
  • 101 8 JAPANESE DIET MEETS TO-DAY 'U^D n»ture ol U»e ««l,l Viet K ,e«lon opening to«l»^ l, ll«l<-<-»t«l b^ C.blnet Uecl,lc»n ?e, l^«z»? r«,ue,tlnz Ven 2.8ll0.0«), l'0N »6<l<»»on»! mNlt»rv »l»rc>,?rl,tlc»n«, >»»l«z« Ven 5,13 l»0N.<X)0 !>» 8en»»I Recount, dotk lor Me ll»m»lnine lour mantti, ol tde !7Uiient ?e»r. no» preplu'lnz lor u mi»t»r>
    101 words
  • 32 8 L^ilneF, Kov K. 'U'Ui: 3eci-eUu-> nl tt»e llun^ lloni Dv«u«« lives' zH«c!»Uun, «r«, «r. I>uil Coopei- k»<l »«>-«<: ><, m, i ol tk« !^!«t,t ol i!
    32 words
  • 2 8
    2 words
  • 6 8 r»,»>,«6 l«l<i^ «s <7 ,-,l»! c>!^l»»^,
    6 words
  • 252 8 JAPAN SEES "SHOOTING IN PACIFIC TO AID CHINA" dimes' Vie>vB On Xurusu jVliBBion I'olvio, Xov. I I.^k^KLZL politieul observer!, interpret tno pai«^e ol tno I^eutr2litx amendment m tne I^nitecl Bt2te» l« aisectin^ F»p2n, on account ot tne arming ok me'r> cn»i,t »nip» »n6 permi»3lon t»r tnt-m to enter combat 20,,06
    252 words
  • 36 8 Soviet Rejects Tokio Protest L«lil« n,e,.»ee »»>»t »l>« I»z»»n«« protect »,er tl« xinlline »t tne ztrinler liibi !«»r»>. ln bi, nnle <ke lx»int««l out td»t tuere n» tl,»t tke »»nll!n« <z»e l»r »l,e ?,urp»« ol preeipit»tl,,?
    36 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 330 9 NAZIS' LAST BID TO TAKE MOSCOW 'I'NT (3erm2N3 are rep('ite<i w be m»33Mss tor a new otfenBi've on tne Hlosco^v kront m wnat max prove to de a Knal essort to break tnrouxn to tna capital delore tne winter coici deeolneB too severe. Neav.v (German Io8?e3 m ts»e a6vanco co^ar6B
    330 words
  • 205 9 Last Crimean Bastion K»/UII.l: tne Ne<l con- tinu« to nlt d2e!c »t Me I-enin^l-ucl lrontz. tdc Ue^m^nz !»im to be namm<?rlnss »t ».ne «2te« ot Xeick— w«t l^imea^ b»«Uon belore tne c»ueH«u«. On tke f»t« ol l^^rcd <!«penll« ike <3erm»n« »Nl be nble to roll »5t »cl<»i tt»e Nvemlle »ille
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 223 9 New British Crack Units >PUL Nlst 6etall« c,l tne «plc>ils c»l NNt^in'H mvl>toi> lorce ol ,i^!cl?6 troops tns Calnm^n6o« »es» B>ven dy tn« N.Z !»«t I^e cre^Uon ol lni« lurce v»« »nn2une«l «omo «ee!l« 2^o dut lne «tur> «o«5 d»cll to I»«t Xprll. »nen Narsla »il« lec»ptul-e«z b> tn« Qerm2n«
    223 words
  • 325 9 U.S. To Convoy Ships To U.K. Vfasnlnltan, llov. 14. Nl^k^^l^ an6 rapl6 expan- »!or. ol American »eUvl»v alon^ tne sea an«i air route, to Nritaln l3 expected ln autnor ltatlve ouart^r, to lolloM tne revision ol tne I^eutrallt? 8a>« Neuter. 'Nie Gecre^Qrv ot tne Ilavv, c?ol. Knox, last nlk^t ?.trnnzlv
    325 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 109 9 5»lN!li« plzvsr'zZHllar ll<)Ul» symbolists all t1,2! i« 6epencladl« »ncl m tobaccomanufacture. In lde ci?2rett« »»0llc! it 3<2ncl« l<?r ?laver'» dlav^ l?ul 2 narns rer><lere<l ju«tl/ tamaull lor tlie excellence >^h^ <iua!irs il «Fve« ta «rno!cerL.^^^32 »l.^vlNs X^VV cvi c»6z«e»ies I03«cco V»ll»ncieB «xl»t, lc»r imme6iutc enlistment ot .Vijintic? 28 Drivers m
      109 words
    • 27 9 «llllllll0«l'8 8 I. N Fp /c n </ </ V^a /n e CQV/^ «Q!_>sk l l»»>»n«: 22,4 s elective Ws/ !>mp<« ne» ss«s<>nen< <s«» «nek o',u,«l<n<) p«in M« >H^^
      27 words
    • 169 9 l My BneetB. towels, 2U your nousenoltl linens— tliey cost 2 lot of money 2l»cl repl2ceinentB 2re expenBive. it's l2r^:ely tne ruokintz 2ncl Bcrul?oinB v»Illi cneap, liarsli 502 ps until tne tine tnre2clB 2re broken tN2t tneni out. <^ne2p BO2PB M2y 82ve 2 little money, but iBn't it cne2per m
      169 words

  • 1629 10 AN INFORMATIVE TALK BY RUBBER SCIENTIST />/a«i/«6 70/>/« Ot Lotanical DiviBion Ot KeBearck InBtituto Lx Our planting (!«rreBpl>n^ent UMN, <?. I!. I^^Klw. nead ol dne Notanlcal Division ol tne Nubder Ilesearcn Institute, ln a broadcast recently on tne vorlc vnlcn Nl» department nas done and is dolnz vas one ol
    1,629 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 97 10 <^^^^»^»^^^ >» »,ull»»«nt ot pl<,»«l ewelenc, l, «»«N' tl»l to U»e »letv ol »aul proper,. It i« voul > > /s? ?t^x «zxo »IK». ltlVlll 8/u<n. »«c "^//> n X»/18. 8«»vlilH. '^ll.?. n<>r». »8»«n //Qv/ >»»«!. »^ll.l». 81lt»:i0». l > lNl^vll "ll». 133-49. ««n»<r7 27.. 2l«ozponc. 3LLV3 t2lls>l^slo2lllvl^ Pl^l3ll3c:lll>l5 C^l_QPOQOt>l!l_ll>l
      97 words
    • 223 10 l<eep VOUN ieei» f^.^ son I^ttl w»()l.l 0P ll u^«xl ,l c, s«t >ls^>^ crop. pric» nn »,,,,lic»tian l3«Nsu. n»e»<« op »ou« »5» >,^, i «>^i^ l>^». v.« l<x»<» I < parti«:l»« ll«it c»U»<?< m c«,<H» nn6 .M l «»u» ol 11,»»» «ll« 2<M^ > /tl "^> pl«c« 6.<:<i7 »,«n^—
      223 words

  • 43 11 Week-End Sports Events lll'«NV: 8.Q.0. z.l.r. »^!f»«e. ll V.^.' «!»!>,»«, Usl«^e. H»l»n l,Ulli«V: in^l»» /»«««l,U»n l>.^^n Nener»l »«plt:^. 1./^.; 8In»». V>.nl»r !N«Un,. t!,«s6 <li>, Nuk.t 1«K!<>!<: «.».«r. «p«n lnvlt»U«» «l«»<^X^/»: VIl «»»6<,!i»l«^>^ »><«>» NMre. 1.N.. «»»»> I»^le« ll.^. <1».k1.>. «»!c»nl l?. 8.«'. !«?<.'»!lB' 8«^ »p«n ln»lt»U»»
    43 words
  • 31 11 BATTLING SIMA WINS TITLE tUIe n«<l b»^l, v»l»t«!<l dv tn<! b?!^- s>>^!d,. »i,!l i,^,l 5"! M,> „^.'i>c! »!>N li!« Ul>. l>! >,!!',, v,», 1!75,!> I> 7>>t^ Ill^lb, !li-,^>.!ce6 out 0K!» > Nn7,, «,-t,
    31 words
  • 42 11 lj >1 !>>Us«l l.v B,c,n.c!. tenni, !> crnu»7i <«-l> i»»t «»!,n»n »rl>'» l,»nal<»p: B,»N «enz 1,,2, be»l W!!!!»m >r»n <—2>. «—5. 4—«, «—4 H W, 8»!.w« < —2> l><-^' r It. Ve7?,d?od» ,s«r», 2—«, r- 2, 7—l. > >v niotcn l,I»^«l Vl<-tl>7!» 8cti?o:
    42 words
  • 730 11 Da^ Ok 3inssHporo 'lurk Club's >Vinwr I^oetins I3LI >NW i» llie lull cl^s«l nl event» »t Uukit lim»k tnmeelin,?. 'lke tole vill be an rnres »ix «n<< eiznt nn<l ll>« biss xveep will ke 6r»vn on race ei^kt. liace 0ne— 2.30 pm. 0 0
    730 words
  • 78 11 l»R en«-^ In lni!6 zpui-t ov«r t»o lllilon«!!, M<l one ol tke ln«t notable' «orl«>ut« on.Uie «ecc>n6 tr«!c »t »i,«» ««»««<-<: c-»rll« U»e top vei^dt s,l »4 w t!i« U»lr6 i»c«. »i«l «k<>ul<z run Uie lmpruvecl Leotl/ vei? clo«, U«l<l »!U prodl>b!> t»v« U,e mount on
    78 words
  • 14 11 To-day's Australian Racing l»nc«. U>l«U»« »ltl> U»« j <?<x»»l <4>: lln»l»»<l', «»«»7 <».»> 8«» t>l
    14 words
  • 49 11 GUNNERS SCORE 8-0 RUGBY VICTORY <z.z.) «.«.o. l>!»x lor U>« mojor pui-tlon ol tl» ««n«. tl,« /^llt! l>^ «I«Iit p«lnl« <» 8<>»l »nc! t>7, tc, U« t»U ton ll»>«. lelt tl>« N«!<l WIU, »n Wlu«6 lcne? 8.c.6,: I.t. »<>vl<:!c. c1.,,! >v»t- Dunwn. o»i»t »!unt. i: ston. Q»pt. »»!!e7. <?»««r<^,t. O»l»l,
    49 words
  • 31 11 Selection For To-day lor t».«,7» l» 8I»^!I8 ?>1«8 3: »e<,l<7. I««»«u5». llr«^ »»^8: li«»«»>b»r Me. r»»rU»,. 8»l»r!I«,<. ll»«« I«,5U<: ««°l^. 0»P»t. »DB^ «r^B: Bl>»>>, «»I!^m,». l: B>,»n. «7»»« c»!»«>». lll!8^ lll?18: >««!»«»,»>«
    31 words
  • 102 11 DRAWN CRICKET AT CHANGI ciiIOXITI' inktcl, d«,l»«n I»»v»I Me «»v»! »!6e n»<l tot»I!«l 97 run, lot a, V. 8. v»lt«» c b v»tt N»tt 0^ I>. I^c«: c »«^ve, b WUI, »> VUI« 0^ ?l»»<l«o!6 d Nob!n«on 2: r»^« 9: i-<<»l 112. »vo lm 2»: V!>!H »»o lor 10: Not!w«)7>
    102 words
  • 33 11 HORNETS BETS THE CRICKET CLUB l?Ull^>I»lc! »e»ll l>oc^«, U« !«l tn« llornet,' »tt»c!l, d!» n»u»! po,!- be»t«, b, Bcbe^6l'i-, »ni-ou,k I>e« l>»« n«l »ot tnlouen »l,en «lon ol ««ln« td« b»!I ,>?!> wto tl>»
    33 words
  • 110 11 ANNUAL COLLEGE HOCKEY 7<» Victory «c<»!o,l c«u«,« l: roller, l. c«!^«« l,«»ll»7 »1 8»p»7 UNO «p!en6M Nznlwz «pll>t tn»t tl!umpk«l, ol pl»? ,n<l brouznt tn« b»!I lnto U>e 1»ll<Il<"1 l»c>» »n<l l,»>^» Vl»^«a I»,»l»n, !n«K »t tl»«» <«>< ,«,,»s. »'»»>»<»,»» U>« l»ll t» 0«l>>«, «»««l l» »»< «,«> ,l»pp«< l«»^»»l<
    110 words
  • 1 11
    1 words
  • 7 11 n l:. n»?ne?. n. »ou<le»?n
    7 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 19 11 lull 1.in1(5 lor fine perfect ,c>»l,s<,«<i«>n fos«v»sl ore v»,«sn »ns«u<z>,<>u» »n« »»,elr l,»c,u»isul ll««!o«l Q«l<i »> »<i«k z«. >> o»ll» 5».
      19 words
    • 54 11 o< 7°»e c?en<r«i el«ctr<« l7<x. 0/ i,7>?.'<>»^ "<l«p»x?t »ou« .^.7!ycip<»«. «^^>^>^^^ lre«ck«n, lrnm »»it« »n^ 3> I^W^»«««3^.^^U WZ<il »re,i«»«l, eiperience<l llle >r»! ,»li»l»cli»n llellvell lrnn, lne <I> ll^ lr»er»nt. r»«I!o«. ,»«l burning >nl<>rn,<^,n»l 1»7 Bn,»k«. 565/«46 6F^/i7«4 7/6^5 !l Mz^ W» M M«M > M> »>.rr^ »»u^l>l.v. M M M^MMMMM
      54 words

  • 465 12 FEW DEAD IN LOSS OF THE ARK ROYAL I^on6on, Xov. 14. vkil^^M'B lamoug 22M'.wn aircraltcarrier .^rk lioval K2B been lost »kter t^o ?«2r3 <,k spirited action m tne »n6 elzo^nere. I'ne Bklp. "«unll" k»Il 2 602 en Ume« !n <3«ebbel«' llN2BiN2tlon. V 25 tolpe6oocl d/ 2 v bo»t »n6. vnlle
    465 words
  • 123 12 'Ark Royal Has paid Rick Dividend' l.un«lon, >iov. l< k^/llt. V. >»le«»n6«r. tn« s,^» 1,,^ »l tl»« /^6inl.. nl«nt. ,»>6: ll»?»l K»v^ l»H» l»»«l «,6 l»lo». HVe n»v« »t l»,t lo,t lbe /^rll l pl»ne, »l tne rleet 4i» lron, tl»« lto>»> brou«l»» 6o^n more lb»n 100 «nen»x j pl»n«.
    123 words
  • 31 12 COSSACK COMMANDER REPORTED MISSING I»r>.6on. l^uv. 14. s'^l'l'^lli I.yon l3«r.non. OH.C. c!omw2Nller ol tne <?o««»2!c. tne »lnk!ne ol vnl,n v»« -innc<uncell on 1« reported to>62X t.i be ml5«l!>l. presume ilillecl. Neuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 36 12 »2t»vl». llov. 14. I^OIIIII^ l, llno»n ln olNclll! !'clrele» nere »dout tn? report, 521<l to n»ve emllnatocl lrom Uatavlll. tlial tne Uerman battle»Up Von Ilrpitl N2« deen sent tc tne ?lu>>N' Q^an fleuter.
    36 words
  • 66 12 l<onclHN, r^ov. !4. "lpANV'lti: conllnz over." Tne«e balll, black ne»6llne«, ne»vv wltn memorlez ot 19l?> tolcl Nrlton» to 6«x tnat tne Vnlte6 Nt»te» bullcllnz l^notner brl6ee ol znlpz over tne nortn Atlantic, H.e ?rlme I^llnlster. tor. c?nurcnlll. l, expected to make nls comment »nortlv. I'ne V2UI k!xpre»
    66 words
  • 35 12 I^>«6?N, IIOV, 14. .'l lz otNclalix »niounce6 t!»it clvllwn »lr r»!6 cl^U2tt!ez >n tne I7s>it<>6 l?lr>"6om cj>"-!n" Qctober. lcMe6 or bellevell to n»ve been lclllecl. are 262. Injures, clelalnell ln no,plt»l. txital 3«1Neuter,
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 235 12 ,o»v> «l> oe<<»' Autumn) 1940 I!DUI^3 ju»t pul»U,n«6: ?1 pc, cent NtMHN llt^lliTV 8'lU^l?^1'8 vere k>»»rae<l W P»s«e3 m ocl-tlNc»l,e LQQK- Ul'iU^H^ > IiLIIpIXU en ocr cent, ol > v N!cn altainea 0181 l^ci'io^ > M2II2MM^U^M2M2IM! knrol tor tk« n«n tsrm UMU«IiU»MMM>»MMII«» >Vl>en loel not an 6 ja6e<l. vnen tne
      235 words
    • 64 12 kKI l^onr I.OLKI. fooo son Vlllionv v»«t»«1» ll»u sln. »^l<7«M^ K»l« ,»sl!lln» V" l»sm»»i<», MlPffH^^ »t tn« e»n, »l I»»p^»," ps». 4 U>« e»l>lblU»n. «»>e t«np,n7 n^ln! »>«iunt» t« l!,^ l»l»l "Us»» R l»s!»6e» >«»ps«, «ull»n < !»!^7. stall ol r^»l» s»!,n,^ »n<l mr «^I^V«I ?llOVlic:i3 c^IMIIIQ Co.. 1.»6. «"»^6«
      64 words