The Straits Times, 14 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 41 1 s««zz. coin. The Straits Times s«^r^2lu3iliv e»«^ili., L on -run?! 5//^ 4 V/, '5 /^>l/)/.Vc5 /V^T^ F/t^F 12 l'><:5«. SlNN^l'dNL. ?nlvzv. Kovs^nrn 14. 1941. l'NIl 5 5 l KXV5. The Straits Times 12 l'/X(.U« ZIKL^I'ONL. rnin^v. 14. 1941. l'Nll L z
    41 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 He«»bon» 4»l« 22!!^ pn^srnvc NNP^Z 7»r »r3I 2j Ids r^ciN. irl.rp»o«r 2157 V/e »»e nl>» >ullv equlpn?cl >r ttie oruclucticn ol nr^t elazz ec'mmcx,^! «v^>r<l ol all »z yell ne«3.,?lcturel>
      30 words
    • 43 1 X v»l!»»/ ol »xc»!l»l,» loo<^s »n<^ c^o,c« ol l>»v«s»g«s «W»«ts con^ltionvli »^,soug^ou», v,!fi, »xps«ss !'i» s»sV!c«, !^00!Nl0N l !5 to6»> sl,g«pose !«2<iing lo>^n Il«N^«lV0U5. c> Kill cc»>!l)»ilc>^lo 05l 3liocl(psoos, nonmclgsietic, ztclinless /<3^.^M»M zteel, special v/ate^ tsstec! to v/it^stc>ncl SKLBN B^l<^VVVl)^^l^d; b> X. «.««c»8.
      43 words
    • 86 1 mood m M«!^ oni' I>l<?w Oown Dopt: kroni 3poi-t3 Dl'ezzez m Cool P2st(?iB t0 80NI6tI^i7^^ solt, feminine and i-omantic lor dancing. B»i:i.i. »l«^0» 011. H»e«'» nmnin^ b«l«ve«n >ouss c« engine ,n<l j^^^^ /^D, pten>2tl»« «ve«l bul lliin klm of vi! niicln- »copic2ll^ tkin. iilm os oil mv« not only be
      86 words
    • 3 1 Drezzes lel. 4772
      3 words

  • 42 2 »><i,>!, p^ter Will,, »ncl «r. «n6 «r«. are <!>?»>!)!> e>'»t<'lu! lor tne M!«v exnre'.^v.'! ol »vn»p2<,nv extsna«i t,> t!>u!n In tQelr «u6^«n l«:re»v?' mcM, Iliss llunllv ol Ui<? 6ece^l>e<i ?rlv»^ tc t!x»u!c N><? c.,mm»n<lln<! OMcer «c OMceri! ntner N«ml« ol
    42 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 303 2 V m ruropein l^6v learner, tor primal? cl>«« »«x lio. 748, 8tl»lt, l. MX»)«nr'rl<'. 0»p»l,le 8»!>'« z«!«dl>i, 7t», Btr»lt,>! I'Wiez. V?zx«'N l>r«»!!er. <3v»6e 11. tor l?,',t»le ln l^'t I^NQN,?, D»pt?7ience w zi>U'M»!»r!»! W<«-ll r«-lent!l>l, 8»I»r> <««7,,!N Nrp!ie»to Sox !10, 742. 8, 1° «V»>'lrl, m»rkln<> mln6er to' «i«ne!e cv!ln«ier m»cl>w<». vttl'
      303 words
    • 279 2 >^«U>r»l< lt«»»r« «:««<zi «<!>!, better polltloli. «v ?«U. Ltralt, Ivne,. Nl^llNllt li^^x^rll— »rlti»l»— Leelc, m»n««em>'Nt— ««>> 7«»r« experienc, rec )7uu>el,6«l— OnlF pernumcncv «ep!!e« l>n» «o. 774. 8tr»lt« "Nmel. ««I^ltV <zu,,tr»u», »c« 34 >e»r». 13 ?e»r, l»r^e or?»n!«ltion BwB»P«re. rxecutlve »n<! XlllN2eeri»l. »t pre«ent 11. c!e«lre, Mn »notl>«r orz»!-.I-o»Uoli licepUonlll experience,
      279 words
    • 382 2 iU«al<l/». 8 Oile, n»« c<x" »ri.i rvn^r iz Lcntt, n<»a l>noi« 42?4 !»r8»! »lr7 room, prlV2t« »«rl«ll>«« »l1^««. I >2r?<: lurnl«n«^ I^onel^ler 1>! »794 or «8»a, llro Bl^lll<U lU»0»l celllnz l»n mlcal room, Vre»kl»,t H dinner. l^>i lsirupe»n 2« cnle? llo»6 8l!/»-»'»0l»?'— Ix»! le»»e»n<» No»r<>lie, Uoub!« ««> Sln«!« room, mill,
      382 words
    • 280 2 In «o«l eonellUon, »nx 778. 8. 11n,»,< ll.rci«lc co.. 1.10. »n<l <Iok<»« L»klU I'elcpkone l)ll«cl«rv to tke el!«ct tti»t pret»N«i «m<l t»>»t »N N"n -«»«>»!»! n»»l. t» be l!el«t«l. telephone numb«-, <l c» ,<lllre»«» «> ,tNc»««l. Hvl>»« p«««lb!». to M>»>« Un» »»!7 »u6 llxnilci d«« no ler«n« to «ucd U,Unl>>
      280 words
    • 422 2 0l Lwwecl «i 6 pc>u^»«l t«ll>l u^> !I!'!n» t»dle »n«l en»ll,. lli,p!>, cHbillst!,. m»ttrc«. ,U»er »n6 cut ci-7»t»l «»re !»«n cement loUer »Nll mcn/er,, pot pl»nl«. etc to be n«l«l »t lie 43. ::<>!- I»n6 Nu»<>. l«t»> K»' »9<l. 0n vle» ?r16»7. Ktn ln«t«mt <?»t». lc^vie, >««ieO. X. I. lvvxltos
      422 words
    • 120 2 4 »^,»<i. »«»«ne«. v cu»i«!»» >»Mp«»»»t»»e>,«« p«l«rre<. «l0llllllll«l'8 8 I. to 50^ /?««/uctl<»n -5 QQV/l^ «QU5k »v«»»: 22, 4>6 M I 3 N^pll) X Product »«««»> cn«m!o,! 7«» «<»«»!<»« «< 8U» or kllKilll«87rl»" »11l «»o »«l! on "Vll^e»«>««n Vlien n»tur« l»U« »n<l recour« mu«t il be nxl lo prep»r«<l lcxxl.
      120 words
    • 33 2»cr«elll«»llle e,..l.u. Ointment 2n<l pill Lax «e«t«<i. 1SS. c«cil 3ts«et. 8i»»8»po«'«. 3322. »f, »>,,,«. «>«»« l»N 4». Iw« u I«««^^e 3«« r»»^»»«« 3I^^lV« plpll Will k l)«V 8!^l.L c0l>lftic:il0^lin3' U«ites. 3l«Q^P<)Nl?. „««< —>^. V 3^ k« il
      33 words

  • 143 3 s>N IH»7 10. 1940. ttie oerm»n3 2lt»c!le6 Null»n6. Lelzlum 2nci k^«lNl!« »lmult»neou«l>. ?oi tke 8>»!cl ol clarlt? tNelr operatlon, »«ulnst tNe vutct, mu«t Nr«t be brleNv ouUlnecl, »ye »U lke »!<l lt cou!6 w U,e K»r6- «»>' 11, »n<l «»> I! »n6 14, tl« »l^» llle. ike 6elen,!ve,
    143 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 (lns<»pm»l) 8 zH. m tn miclnlslZ< I^o N>VI.^IiOOIVI *****^ c-U^«(;is viulle, 52.00 b, tl» Vle?o»v Vklllilkl sl°ll«t, lion llklllll «llz7kBz« ,i< s«k e»lllle«l!.l. s«»ll sllllll tll, 02N^ °l tlie l^ov^l. »rcl«««r«i <»Mce«> p/v«l^2 omnen c>»» r«e 1./<«« V'^Olilss gsici o^l»c>2 !V!Uslc 6V ssill.l.^'3 L^»l0 «ol^z. NOOS Qkpl0?»I l-ll!ll»v. «0«»««» 2L!l>.
      159 words
    • 180 3 ls»ul»l»» Liv««!»s!»u»»»«»!!i« x»<l>«l» <lw^^^ l>»eom» <«„ «n6 bsltt!, p»^m!n« N«o»mm«n<i»<l b> !«»<!!«< 2«,u<> rxpOsl,. u»«<i d» »«m»u, film »t»s«, I°!il>u«!,<i» of <»»>,«!,<»« u»»s, Wsil» In p!-»i»» <„.. e«sio« >^,llll«illll>rz l.i«l MUWU^^ i 3<ne»!»<»^». Rumpus «n^ W^M>^,<>^ I > !010 t^e/</ l>»r «<x« rod «cc sl>« l0l)0«:« s^ui»il»ll2 «o close u>
      180 words
    • 78 3 <8p««:i»ll, cin«tefe6 l», ll»» X»ti»N!»l Qnvernmenl ol tn» ltepuklic ol (din, ,n lnt«rn»tl«nl»l l!»sb»n<l« «!»»!»> commence bu»ln«»» on s«l»veml,«s 17tn 194< 163 sul, Xgenl's Oss>«, 162c«n«s«l Qllic«, "l^liunL><ul>" »s. s,sll«,»« c. sub Us. L. l»,i»z. brown Bl>luble p«H^«l«e, c»nBlBtins uk sll tne cnllee cnncentrateB but none ol ti»e zrnun<lB. It
      78 words

  • 868 4 l»l7»»NH^. «OV. 13. 1941: 4 ?F» Xll>l»t (5,1 2, 90 3, I'/iO /^u«t!-»l l5«> 4^0 7>«0 Z Xu»K-»! <t) 32, 35, 5>«l U!t»i, »> 1?« 60 !8» SO Wei>e c»l, .82 V»nssr!n I'll, <i) 138 SO 14, SO »»tu L«l»nenl <»!> 1.43 14? Nc^linw! <5«) II« 36 III
    868 words
  • 262 4 AROUND THE MARKETS 81^DV (^0^1)1^10^8: 27 Our linancial Correspondent glnzapore Hoy. 14. »»ItL kn^re lN2llcet» opened ciuleU^ «te»<!!x tnlz morning »n<l ln6l<HUonB are tnat tne «te26lnes« vIU continue to>6»> aNnousn no kl»!»t turnover l» expected °Nn «d«ll« cununueil ln l^oo^ llemanc! >e»ter<l»^ »n<l lv Me clolllli »ecUon Mere l»lrl> lar^e
    262 words
  • 24 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. x« ».5.» l^» l»» w l»»»«»b« l^8 8. on «,ri«««< »«»<«» «si K»,..»««. »»i H»>^ »»i «pr I»»« ,77H i
    24 words
  • 2 4
    2 words
  • 19 4 150 ton,. 17,e in»l!c«t ,UU kc>p^» lor r«,mnpj clan »l elpnrt, 6»p!«« u»el»l le«r«l»c« l>Mel»l s.»il^ Me m«!l«t con-
    19 words
  • 180 4 London Stock Exchange «»»l« cll»«i b!«li« »lt«l >m WNl»I »l«U!»i> »n«l Ovl!e»n met ploNt.t»kw«. Nnlxllln, «>l«ktl^ e»«!n-. <len»iiw»U<», ui»le«» «tl>ei-»l»« «»«<: n»n. ioz?ii» l1ii«Ui>« 4<7, 114^ »»l 3H<7. !»4^ l^ut!<>nU»i 22^ «O7»! »Il» QrelU »V«« O5«.. 40 zi cAll. l>»eu^ <l2b».. 12^ NI^. »«>ll <»!«»... «?»>ch 0uuN»ul<l» Ol<l. 24!« -^»6
    180 words
  • 50 4 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES 0»wl>l» ?H0 N»mdul« n»be »I2,0« cutx »ll?5 «lxeo »2«5 8un 0H«l »2.9U V^l« »I7,«> 7?l «<, l un«» »z«>4 ««a 8^»»»!l »47l »m»l! n»t« «0« ?»ll »««<l!uu>I^«.1 «9«» «ln»U l»e»ll »9» l>»l«nt>«i, »Is« »«!j» 8»r»»»!l «o. I »«<» l»« »I»H« Iln U»4» «l»m Nrc^eu l»o. l »ll.5«
    50 words
  • 9 4 >m<l <?0., l^<l. vrltei— e«5 ton, «>l^.
    9 words
  • 18 4 s>c>^ »ve.»««i on u>« Ntoclc 5 tll»I«. ll».»7: r»U«. 27,24: uMIUe,. »»Ui <mutU.'<«>>, (u>utU»t«<l>. 15,i2
    18 words
  • 2 4 >
    2 words
  • 6 4 tlnn». ulk«lv!« u>« m«!twl MM b«
    6 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 150 4 oc« p<usidle ,esr,ce, lsc»<," S»««M^,P (x», l< en, ,som t^e «t^»« to t»«^7 <b p«,s«! U<l i «n,7,z» molk z. Co. "77?. «»n«»«n »»6 i^>»»tt« 32,35. r«l,!» S»s«»t. c:n. ».sn. irl.. 582 l lt»ne«an/l)»l<:ntt» B«rvi« ll T^ l^ N»n«»la!l Bervlc« r»» l^lll, »»< »>«»<»«. llo«87L^o s. 00.. skirlllllll. eo.. 1.7».
      150 words
    • 108 4 7?/^ 57^/l5 05 «>i/l/F^ >l^ H«N »»Hll«!»l0^«r »ltl^l!<n >r.«B ix l l 1,155. U7Il» W0l«l!le »»7lllrr IN »«0lll«ll« ,t 11 ,'el««!l -roil I^»l.r llr3rltV^llO»s ?NOllk: 3402 l.l)«cur«X8 0^».« NUI» ll 2« ?5l I^u 22» l> ccl8l«r lmonl rrllK »^^i^ vlltro^lUK o^n <e>»>»n«tn>t« »w»« I»z o^xr« »3« ,M. »x?l»v IIIIeXINL I^o
      108 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 37 4 SlNCzpONL HDL Vz»l.L8 ll «,»s 74 lt: «20 p.m. 7.2 tt. I.W. ll.lz lcoll 4.» lt. V, 41 ».m. tt: 7.4S p.». 7.« N. l..v oo,4c ».m. z.c l.44 p.m. 4., 14 «I« «»l 15 «.l» «2l
      37 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 Don't let keep trom »eeins tke picture ever>b«^^'» t»lkins »d«utl O^/I.^F./5, S.IS H9./5 Hl^l^«l^ sc 8801.1^1 likr "lNl: «^^»'^li^B >VN >V^^(^U' «H^ VOII VV11.1.: MM «zi.7 0l8»«rV'8 ?^i«c e^cnc z umvcnB/^l. «eR,B ?iciML NOKIN B^MO lUillt H^U Winnrrkill M llli^XI) VLK3INX WH^ > 0r 3 li l. I' siuz>" l«»>!«
      55 words
    • 160 5 II^UV 8Ul»«V. ><p»n!loieH d^ »l»e <^nine,e Btu6«nt, 8»cl«t^. «11l be l>«»6 ncr« «n BV«»^^ n,»rnin«. 5kH V^«B^KL lrom 7 3N v »n 9.3» p m— »nl6nlel>t 0»ncln«. 730 n,i6nl«k» ,n«I lt <l»e 3rck sn»ml»«rne >iel»t ln IK 7«r ll^»« »ren6« !«»«li»N so« »»vi«t»n« !«^l>rrB 'ln m<^ll»W »n6 8un«l»x :.3« v.m.
      160 words
    • 23 5 10-o^V 3.15, 6.15 2N6 9.15 >^^? >^«<«i», »<»> »»«b. pi^xxixc x>l) o^i' or s^iuno^v 13t>, I^^ii s.^ 51^0!»: 5I0l»!! 8?0>»!!! ci^^^l> M prices »^vr neri^
      23 words
    • 101 5 Your favourite I»ve-liir6B are Cl( l(s)08 Xo^ l^ome anll '^^.N 'vitn tne Cro^6 «t Nil! po«ell 28 tne Nu3wn6 vno vent X^l's" nver nis »n^ na6 to prove l»e va^n t lie«N> l^li^^V IiKXI l 'H» low c>«^^ fruit l!2lle 2n«l »n<! NI-:^l Ii« ol <^/l^lX<i IX Ine >VIXXk:I« us
      101 words

  • 1123 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOV, 14, 1941. (803rd. Day Of The War.) Trends In Spain I'nere va« a tirne. not so verv c Ivnz a^o. vnen a erov6 ot i about tnuusanci nooU^ans c streamed dovn one ot tne main tnurou^nlares ol vitn l l,ne object ot rusninz tne
    1,123 words
  • 36 6 "ALL-IN" AUSTRALIAN WAR EFFORT URGED ">Ve lee! lk»t tke recent clianee ln tke ?caer»I clavernment oi»n« up nev p<««!t>Utt!e« lor tde unlt> ol Me Xu«. liiUlllu people »na lor tke maximum unll> u»6 ln«s«»«<l «cl!vll>,"— Neuter,
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • Letters To The Editor
    • 727 6 kaizins Nutritional 8tan6ar6 t»»« ra>t»r ol tl»« 8t,H't» 8lr.— >^t tne openln-l nl tn? Urav I^lore l>x>d Lxnlbition 2 8peeen bv tne Director al »6edi cal 3ervlce3 va« broadcazl, l)ert2ln po!nt8 In tn2t 8peecn 3eem to call lor comment. lll8tlv, tnere va8 tne 8tatement t poll8^ed rlce vas
      727 words
    • 237 6 control 8kou16 ve Sir.— Ve«ter6»y I entered znop ln z«2ll»ccll to buy tnree y2r6» ol cotton material. I'Nlz material cost »U cent, yar<i belare tne War, mantn, alter v»r va, «leclarecl !t co»t »<l cent? <vnicn l« un6e«t«,ll»ble» It nov co8t« »2 25. I oo not believe tnl« ll,
      237 words
    • 248 6 I'kankz In (^riticizm lo tbe r«lit«,r ul »l>« Bts»lt, slr— l^lav I a«ll 01«ll!u«loned to excu»e me lrom tne obU^ation ol anzverlnz niz ver? candid ol m> letter!? lrom perzonal reasonz. I Nave leurned lrom experience tnat ver> lev. ll any. are ever caivlnce6 ol tke trutk one 5«5
      248 words
    • 171 6 line Lan 6 7^o t»,e rsltor »l »»»e Btr»it« ?lines Blr.— ll tne autboritles w^ni real, eoocl. live propaganda lor tnls cuunlr?. tne^ n»ve it riznt »t tnelr lront door. I>et ttir I^al»V liezlmental N»n6. ,«nic!i I bad tne pleasure ol nearin^ »nc! «eeln« on klondav evening on tNe
      171 words
    • 333 6 Lurazianz I, tne lUitor »l 8tl»,»« 8lr, p.eplvin^ tc> >our corre« pon6ent Lionel 6e Noilallo regariilng tne »IIe«ecl unrcapor. 5lvene« ol l!ura»ian >outn^ lor Volunteering, mav I, "Ol<I "llmer' lev vorcl»? tne leellngz prev»llin« ln tne r.^nlc ancl NIe ol '13' Coin panv, tne t»o I'atrlolic gentle men
      333 words
  • 59 6 VNl: Laston NIode «t»te» tn»t > llorotn? 'Niampzon, tde ric^n 1ouln»Il5t, kll« N1e6 «ull 5or divorce u^^lnzt tier Ku«dlln6. Sinclair I^»l«. tde »utkor, on tne zrounll^ ol vlllul 6e5ertiun, me«z»«e lrom >Voocl3tac!c, Vrrmnnt, 51V5 >' >' »N >;u!', vnlcn n»« been nle6 t»-.ere. c>2«' tnat 6e!>eltecl ner
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 16 6 One ni^n lc«>t l,l» Ul«. 11,«le no sui-vlvol« llom tl»« clev ol Uie vol-nlel.
    16 words
  • 353 6 POINTS FROM LETTERS ln«,ul!«lti<»n?— tne l^ mark b 7 tno rcUne k'inanc-!,! ?e<'s<'talx at tne last 1^8>«!at!v« councU tne ellect ttiat tNe lear« ol mqilxitwn and dl«closure ol commercial «ecret«, d» reason ol tne wDlkine ol tN? >Vai I°»x Ordinance were unlounclld, pernaps your reacler, would be ln> terezted m
    353 words
  • 21 6 »>N, I.IU 6NM-N3^X, clilec.or ot tne llurovean department ot ts>!» f'oreliln OMce. nas Veen appoiiNed Nrst c^tiineze >IwiBter ro Canada —Neuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 l^e cats? /<»»' t/^e Iks rorcs. Ilis llclvv Qn6 Ids Military llel»l»«!«»» 4. r. «uil «5,»« ».^.r. "«»«u!»t!»n" «5.»« b»»t N>«» ll.5» s!,«v«> ?!^ol^^ 2142 Binzlis««l.o»»rxlse. eo.. 31,25. c«oon eu^x 3i°nrci-. psie«v?.s«°»s r«» sl«. <: ««k!Nsl»n «»,a^B>n^»p<»le, o^"r l»«87 or bF «««»n ,2.'l uun »U8ll»«8 nounz MM F» »«7
      115 words
    • 3 6 21. L^1"l-^NV slO^D.
      3 words
    • 38 6 7^o o^/73 7>i^O/^(I /s »l X, '<W^U^ b/cic/l rubber V RW>» «ur^a<7el/ c«,<7t l^/llc/, >^ '«"><!» 101//»'ezl«rl/le/leal)le«l «t<,rm«. c-l-'t, M^M W3 ««n^/e breaHtec/ «t>/e W^WW^ U^ u)l'l^l «etin z/eelez lt t W' /^au»n «/>««/« /)oubi^ 3rea«le</ ZtH'/e He/l. >i sine ra,ncoa«
      38 words

  • 339 7 Dramatic I'lea sun's 60 >V^lt XO^NB /^l' l'l'lli UN eleventh kour intervention k^ president linn«evelt, tne House of liepreBent»tiveB veBter» ll»> llrllm»tic»ll> x»ve Co,,^re»Bion2l approval by »n It, vote majority t« tne legislation Bcrappin3 tne >eutr»litv Vet >vkicn ban^ a^ainzt tne arming ok American merchantmen un
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 342 7 nMIII neutrality revision vote de^an imme^intely alter I^lr, Lam Nnvburn Na6 re»6 Ncosevelt'« letter lo con^re^, reportz United pre-^, klr, Nu;> durn «>Bl>e6 tne MI! immediately, but t>ic Lenate i^ m reces«. anci tnerelore Vicel're^ident. Nenrv Bi«^ on Klan6av. vNen tne prcZi6ent is 2150 expecte,6 to «i«;n,
    342 words
  • 31 7 Ke» Vorll by lNlpper 7«ter. 6»v on kll v»v to >V«klNBtun vkere Ixu-ll »»,il»x. tke Nrltlik >md»«^l«!c>r lie 5»16 k- Kopr6 to meet present <!l»n Nnv^nmrnt olNc!»>» ln ott»v» I7nlt«! ?re».
    31 words
  • 48 7 vr»zn»netun. x<»v. 12. s>r>. «e«re« M»r«b»ll. rklel »l <l-e l nile 6 Bt»te« (ieneral 8t»ll, m l<,rm»l statement today s»is. Tbere iz no lounsation «n»tf»«vel lur lke »!>er»tlun or rumour tkat «c »re prei»»/<nss troops or »ny critical are» out>>ide tliiz nemizpkere.' —Neuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 253 7 "Ensuring Victory" >Va«kinet<»u. Nov. 12, "1'UL action ol tne llou«e l)l lie. prezentatlve, lu p»««lnL t^ne amendments to tne lleutr»lit> enzures In m> ludement tn«t tne var etlort« ol tne Uriti«n s!ommunve»Itn. Onina 2nd llu««la nold out 2 ln» creased promise ol ultimate vlo tol^." Ool. rl»nll icnox. Lecretar^ ol
    253 words
    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 67 7 Nazi Battleship Sent To Aid Japan Fleet? Xcv Vorll. I^ov. 13. 's'lil? <3erm»n b»ttle»nip Von I'irpit? n»3 been »ent to tne r»r L»»t to »icl tne Neet m tne event nt »n emer^enc^, »ccor6in? to report trom Latsvia <iuote6 bx tne ll!alumbi» Lro»<ic»»tin^ Orporation. vutcn n»v»l »utnoritieB, it i» Bt»tc.6.
    67 words
  • 152 7 More Threats Of Strikes »lllHIVl:xi' Noo«evelt l,a« anK nounce6 d.2 l» prepares to zelle tlie Captive cn»l mlne» ll tl,e I^esiaUon Naai-6 > conlerence to-marrov <Ioe8 not acMeve zettlement ot Me «U«pute detveen emplo^erz »n6 vc>r!cel5. I'ke O»ptlve mlnez are operates bv 8teel companlez, caulc! ll^lke w «lelenr« >n6u»lrl« but
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 42 7 Air Attacks In Middle East m 1>ld)» were bombed on 11i«56»v nllkt »n<l Nre, »«r« «en lrom «re2t lt »t»lel! "Vomber, ol tke N r, clurwl tke nlzkt ol I°u««!,7 to Wecltk<> r»l<i», port lu>6 «l, <-i »t c»»2»!», loutk ot j
    42 words
  • 218 7 Powers China War l»ndon. Hoy. 14. !l< tne Uouse ol commons yesterday. klr. >V. Kunn. labour Member, malntalned tnat ll possldie tNe Nrltl,n clovernment «nou!d make 2 deNnite declaration tn»t any lurtner ae^re^ion vouid mean ln«tan: »ttaclc— ln vnlen ca«e. ne contended, tl^ere vould be no lurtner a^ssreszlon Luen 2
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 124 7 !.u»l« n V>v l». V^l8cl>8»« tke oozzikilitv ul R/ l»tt,s!l i»z»>N!»l tke vurma No»6. tk, >lan> enezter «u»rlll»n m leader f»y«. i» a>Hs»yz p»!i«lkle. Bul»p!>e^ e»rrie6 over tbe road l,»ve recently keen ,te»6l!> m l nin> nee6»— no nienrn»6, »ke Nu««i»N!! «i lleeply lnv»»Ivell.
    124 words
  • 167 7 Ix>ndon. Hoy. 14, 'Z^Nl: I^irst lx)lll ol tne I^lr V Alexander, replylnll m tne Nouze ol Commons yezterda? to tne debate on tne v»r zltuation. contended tnat tne general trend ol > tne speecnez nad snavn tnat tne House continued to place v very lar^e measure ol
    167 words
  • 232 7 l»ntlon. >«v. il. I^>I>liL!)8 ok Uurrican'^ are no^ keinss ax^emnle,! lor service on various par<s of tne liu^inn front. Bt«teB tne Uinilttrv ne^x service. 'lne perBonnel ok tke li. V.s'. injl xtationell n, liuB»ia are n«>v enLsa^e<l m in^ructinf" <kc lill^oi:,,, pilots. I'ne armament and
    232 words
  • 162 7 I»ndon. Kav. 14. is corroborative evidence > lrom botn Qerman and Nusslan sources tnat N^nt N? n^s a^ain Nared up Nercely ln tne centra! 'kloscov, sector, ticularly at boll. en<ls ol tne ar? lrom Kalinin to I^uia. vri Neuter military commentator. kll!<l »t I>u^. It »oul<l «eem lnrv
    162 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 304 8 ADDITIONS TO WAR FUND A LITTLE OVER &1,100 l'urtker BudBtantial Amounts H I^l'lT'l.i: over 51.100 k »66e<l to Ike VV»r lun6 to-<l»v. taking tke total to K6,027,.99 1.37. I'lns advance is 6ue l»r^el> to t>vo further contrikutionB trom stasss. kutk Rn>lilo?ee5 ol 8lnL2pore Ltoraze da,, I.t6,> tNrciuenout »«2l»V2 2n6 coI6
    304 words
  • 206 8 ASAMA MARU IN SINGAPORE Evacuee Bkip H pllo^lllillK'l member oi tke Nrili.'.l, unci Huztlulian members ol tkc> an 6 I.eL»tlon. rr,>p<>'tiv!>l.v, m »,re on bc>nr6 !>ie evaculltinn skip arrlvea «»!«>» "M dn«c! ner 10-6»v. »n6 tn« moinin^ lor >,l»ni>» to plrll up rnor' »lr, kl, lci»!c!t«uk» «no, 2<-<-056!!,^ > U>e
    206 words
  • 97 8 POPPY DAY REPORT IN PERAK Ipon, «ov, 13 11l till' ?oppv DllV In Ipon »t2l^! »mounte<! l<i 52,34k, 21 »I,lc!i mor? tn»n 6nuble tl^t ol I»«l ve»r I°n^ l» ln »6<M!>'N to »e!I o'er lI0,0<X) »Ire^<l>- collectec! m Inol, cwtrict l^7 !n!^> >e«r z»r», I. "2« respo^!t>lc lor t>,e .Hll>
    97 words
  • 94 8 REGISTRATION OF NON EUROPEANS IN COLONY <^>»R B'.ral<2 Bett!ernen« <BiNBapore> rlucle 2riiill> »uklertz ol all race« recent rneetinz, tne non-Nirupean member!, ul tne »ere un!,i>!m<»»!> w lavour ol lk!^ l-i.ul'ie «!>en lt «i!> put to Mem .^'lliement lrom tke colonial L^r>Ir 8, V, oonez, to t!>e ellect 'Ilinl l!>l^ xv»«
    94 words
  • 95 8 Qu!>»!ol "lea valiant lron> 7 30 p m, alter Dinner Dane? 930 tn ml6ni!«llt l'lobe, ?oul Btep!! m Ilie Dark L!:,v Vounp ,1 I V V?lt^ <«»pl" «orl<l, 6 I!!»<> Mt ul Ne»ve!> Bealic'< l1I«s>< I°ra!n to s!unicn !>>^« XVNNII, I'll!!!!,' 1!,,^!,,^ 2»a cinemas !-i!',,«, c»bl>rot, Danrlnli 1-»,» Lru»n
    95 words
  • 36 8 FORCED LABOUR IN MANCHUKUO U1 i» rellablv re>x)rte.z lrc»7. klinctil!- ni«t,t, t!i»< tke puppet Unvei-nment k»« »n6 ck!l<zr<>n lor vorlc w Me co»! mmez trom r!Un»'l>»H been l»!Iui-e »n6 It l!> »!«ll reported tk»t ttie «lui>
    36 words
  • 87 8 "MOST TERRIFIC BARRAGE" Visitor Describes vetences b2lr»Be m tne vc>r!6 cielend» klo-icuw." 5»16 »Hr. Dennls »«cLvov, ccrrezponaent ul tne Limc^, on arr^vlll m BwB^p?re lllter «pen6inz ttireman^n> In tn? IiU2«!2!l c^pltlll 8ln«2p<)l b> »U> >e«l»i-6»y It l, p«»»w!e tk»t «l, O»l-ral! ll tlie onlx lr. "I k,ve celt»>nl,v k»<l trip."
    87 words
  • 74 8 Hong Kong Women's Allegations U^ODN Nun6l-e>t and Nlt>- Nor K^ K0!8 VoMLN. 2«OM?2NIt ll by :nan7 cnl!6ren, neld 2 »n»!H meettnz c>l protest ta-62> »n.', c!eman6e6 tNe rl<ld.t ul vketker to remain ln or to return to lion? «nn« I'd? mr«tln« »!«> 6ec»6«l to r»!?!e U> tke clovei-nor °l Nc»n«
    74 words
  • 84 8 SULTAN OF TRENGGANU VISITS POLICE DEPOT Lu!e!m»n I^,l,iul Lk»k, tlie ?k<>M6c>n llu»<l police 1"r»lnln« Depot tl»!« mc>n>ln« :e, In<-ke <3k»nl »»6 vu«lv N!^l>y» Bur», »l>6 on k!» »il!v»I met dv c«nn>»n<z»nt, «l »>l U, c> rei!n«<,n-gm!il, m»r«»>eO p«< t^« Zult'.n, »ltt> tlie ?<,!!« »»n<! w »l> :>lr, c>cx>nnel! »»5 c<,lnm>«zwllr?
    84 words
  • 44 8 RURAL BOARD DECISION ABOUT BUILDING PLANS QTciLI«5l to W6lc»te oonlllttan, un6el »nlcn llie »c»r<l voulcl p»« pwnH lor bu!l6w«, v,wck »ere con»t lke 2li,z»pai-e Nul»l »<>2l6 meettnz m Me cc>ur«e ol lke 615cu«510n d Neubn »!>>c«l tn»t vkenever pozzldle »lipNcl,n!« pwns vere not p»««e<l
    44 words
  • 51 8 SIR ARCHIBALD CLARK KERR TO BROADCAST I 8!r c!»l!c lcei-r, nil! »t »,zz p.m,. »l»!»)»n time, »c vlli be Me Nl«t l>P«»!cel ln »er!e« ol 6<xxwU! prc«l»mme« N« »ll! be !n> trcxlure6 by Hr. c, Wu. tke Xl»><,: <,l c!klu», I^i, 3p«cl»I pro. I^nplre, It 15 l,npe<> to «>»v lt
    51 words
  • 36 8 zlliiai,an jungle an<l t^»e bottom pictuT-e «/»o!c« men mewing along m eUony a /»-<nye 0/ y^a«l<l7!ll «otk pictu>-e« znou, Tnen 0/ tke 1,01,<il ilegiment. le?»o ?lave become ,ce'l<iccu«lo,ne«l to zl«l<ll/«ln juny.e teri-ain.
    36 words
  • 211 8 QUESTION IN COMMONS In6uBtrial slants In 'l'rim Our o^n Oolre«p<>n6ent > I^on6c>n, Oct lN «7Nl^ 1., 0, 02MM2N5 c>on«,. llaln^ly'. larmei I^2l»>2n civl! zervanl. azlleci tne Un6er-Becret2lv ol 8l»te tor tne <^olonle« ln tne llou»e v! commons tni« veek vNetNer »ny Ilcences lcr tl,e expert ol rubber, tln »n6 lron-ore
    211 words
  • 63 8 TEMPORARY BUILDING BY EVACUEES IIQDOU 6'»lt ol tenparlu-; dullsperson, »Nect«! by <k« cn«t»l ev»iu»>.>l tke 3ll«a!X>l« Nur»! Nc>»l6 .It di« 15 tnlcl ol tk? No«l6, "VUI, tNe best vll! ln tke v!l6 lde by -!»>», «»lll<l not be re»6s lor snolker lev mcmtk^" I°kell main pl^poze v».<! to z»le«u»nl l»ct
    63 words
  • 61 8 Many Questions For Japan To Ponder «tl»le«l tkere ««e >n»NF «««<»n» tl»« «s»v« li>i!l involve'! i» turtker «»llili« ,sventu« «»«> limitel! t»»« s«>i«« »l tl>« «c!l !«<>! »6voe»t« »l «»p»n,ion Bir I»l,n l««»l6e«l >l not irnl>»«lk!e tl,2t v»«r counsel, «nu!6 >itill p«v»il. 'lkere l, re»l »mnunl ol r«x>6»i!l to»»r6» .^u«»l2li»,
    61 words
  • 23 8 N c »!II dro»<lc»Ht l»Uc on 'ir position ot l^llon »n«l «»!»v« m tne Isnpire »t 7 30 p m «^l»l»i'2N
    23 words
  • 37 8 »>IIUX7II.V, »c kive <l»n»le6 over »2I,<X« to tt>« ellolt »n«l li> uaalllan." l»« »ent on, l e5U> tlenl I^ke cleollon »l otker oMc«. zecretalf, «l, N Xllller, committee. V, «»n«>n. r 1., VM!»M«, I°»n
    37 words
  • 9 8 lor U» re!!e: ol Nr!il»l, »lr «!<! vlctlm.
    9 words
  • 165 8 LION'S TAIL CANNOT BE TWISTED IN FAR EAST "Ver^ Naxar6()UB K2NBOON. Kov. 14. I^lI3c!liI8I^c! BinL»p«re tne Bre»te»t tni-tre»» »n<j coin. bi«-6 »ir »n6 naval b»»e m tne «oi-Icl." >l^nr Iticnmnnll. militllr^ li»!>,on otNcsr. m bro»6ca»t trom lianznon liaclio > e»ter62.v. 6ecl»>-e6 I »n»!I teel extremely ,^nrrv tor »n/» nne no
    165 words
  • 11 8 Sawmill Strike May End To-night ei-5' «trllc? vklcN entll-^ lt» morrov
    11 words
  • 13 8 At the Cinema "RAMPARTS WE WATCH" »l Tilne lull !en«l>, ,^l»se Nlm n»»
    13 words
  • 0 8
    0 words
  • 328 8 »c«,l>lre6 ple^emeal b)' various meMoclx, Expansion K25 bee>'. NrZt, alonz tke I«IkM6 crilllnvkwt, unite Ncr to tne malnlllno ol »n6 tl.en into tne con Unental terrltorv oppozile nec Bnor<>B. p2lt!rul2rlv lnto Xoren an 6 Ivlancnurill 2n6 tne Xortn 0? Onlna. I'ne next pnaze >>eemB m die an l'xpllnl-lon
    328 words

  • 241 9 INDO-CHINA BASES WILL BE BOMBED (.'lZunsskinss, >ov. 13. I^tkl dllunjfkin^ militnrv Bpnk«lman 82>6 t«-^»x tkllt tke F»p2ne»e l»a<i completed ar^an^ementg to llttgck Vunn»n province »t any moment. »»v» l^re«B. Ike c!kine«e air force, tl,e Bpoke3m»n a6«le^, W2B quite prepared to komb Japanese p»Bi<jonB m Inllu<!nin2. T'ne zzx^ennLn »»l<l ne va«
    241 words
  • 77 9 Big Troop Moves In Canton Uonr ll»««. Xov. 12. le»rn« ll«n, l^»nton tl»»t tl»« H»p»n«»e mllit»s? »utl,»ll t«n,iv« »s«x»p movement, It l»» been «c«t»ln«6 l»«»N7 tl»»t tl»« I»l»ne»« ll«l l»o,t 8l>ir,l»>>» !»»n>, »l»iel» l» »el»«lnle^ to «lll ll»l» l!»l»« ll»»»l to < »nt«n to n»«»r«»M. l»»» !>»tus«l2>. »»,!>« 5»»c»» sep»lt«
    77 words
  • 112 9 I^ban. Nov. 13. 'F'NL >mm«^U!lld!« v^iue ol »lr e»eort to Ll-!'!,»> znlppinz il!uztl»t«l vnen l»r«e eonv^ ol more tn^»i 20 8t«lmer« reackes Iilsbun »»lel? 6e«plte tae l»ct tkat tliex vei-e prodlldlv «pottecl b? t»o en^mx pl»ne«. Nut Me e«> cortin? 2lrcr»lt on en» al^ci «kut clovn
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 123 9 Tokio Cabinet Holds Meeting H fl elU-2urclln»r> Cabinet meet- ine ne!6 at tke o»ela! re^cien .'<> o^ t'le l^^miri0«n 'low. tnl, »5t«sN«>!i to examine tke t«»t« o! Me polls? «?««!tie« Hr tiled vlll be m»<le »t U»« «pecw! Nlet 20»l«,n <!«»» »«ln'«tes. tken pnx:o«^e6 to tde Imperlal vM, at N>'um»
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 58 9 Canada And Conscription oLli^ION Xltnui- 5lei«k»n n^-> announces nlZ acceptance r>: tne le»6«l3nli> ol tne Cou«ervH at tke »2l," In lorm»I »tat«ment Lenstoi eleclllre6 Nlm»ell to d^ !n l»vc»ur nl Uie lorm»Uon ol il non-pHrt? <)avernment. lie 6<? el»re<l tkat tke continuance ol p2lt^ control caul6 nu», d« 1u»U2«l II
    58 words
  • 80 9 JAPANESE TO PAY COMPENSATION none l!on«. llov. 13. »tl replv to tne prote«t bv lne Non<l lc«N8 Qnvernment U,? k»ve »8re«l ln principle ta p»^ ?omp«n»»U<>n lor tke l»t«H «nootln8 ul Onlne«o lurmer bv »<?ntr> on Qct, 29 «m<l to llve tne Nonz ll<?nz Oovernm«nt 2 eulll»ntee li«»ln«t llinll^r <?ccurrencl>«.
    80 words
  • 170 9 Nomura Not Resigning? V?2«lUn8k>n. Nov. 12, 'sUH report tn»t /.clm. llmnul2 nc«e ln >V»«n. ln«ton. n»<i ten6ere6 nl« re«l«na tlon to nl» llovernment b«llu<e ol lt« attitucle to tne Vnlte6 State,. <?»« «lenl«l b^ tlle ««lor« »«:retHl7 to «ill^. In Honolulu to-cl»> 8»bur<> lluru«u. 5pec!^! en^<« to tde vnlt«l Lt»t«».
    170 words
  • 89 9 "All Thailanders must Resist" L2N«!lok. Kov, 12. "s^UN i»l«t»nce to »«««,«'an mu«» be »a «tubbnri» tn»t not »n lnct, l tenitorv be ?lel6e<z to tl>e cnem^ »n<l ke «l>»ll onl? vallc ln over our corp»«.- ««ll«l sk« "Null l»<Uo «.0!uin«nt2tor !«t nlsdt tollo»inz up I^lcn<l»x nlzlit', talk an<j <:I»bol-»Un8 on
    89 words
  • 40 9 NEW WERNING TO CHINA BRITONS 8n2n«I,»l. Kav. 13, IIMT l?rlt!«n Oon«ulHte<3enera! ln 8n»n8N»l n»« l»»e<l a remlncler to LrlU«n «übleet« «t»Unz tt»t rezl»tr»t,lon lor evaculltlcm »UnU»r opportunlt? lor Nrltan, to ev»e»»ts ln Lrit!«n «nlr>nln«l 1« lUlelv to occur— United prezz
    40 words
  • 35 9 »et,aoll«> ln lrnnt at ll In tlie enrtoon. Xlr <7kur<:KUI l' ll lor Llitaln. c lor c^NW^. ll .'or Outek Inttlez." »«r. OdurckUI ankkes. ".4n<l none ol u.^ vUI 2t^i«l lor »nv nal^zenHe."
    35 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 61 9 MMlWWtz^ I» M MIMMV^XM" .^M^^^W M Wl Nere m tne I^rxcst cellar :i tde vorl<l XkV Nr»i.c!> i 5 maturec! »itn lnnnite care to produce Me sMtstaneNnL czu^litv vnien 12 n vorlcl lamou^, <>^^^ "<3u«ranteecl IN vearz o!<1 l^ exclusive to lll!V 5 star, l« nov «u!cl ever^^Nere tl»rc>uBNout «tt»t!>!nat,!«
      61 words
    • 122 9 All lnlosm«tlon sso« ?!»<»»» 2066 Bii»V«»pc>r« I lie da 6 al^va^B retu§e<l to eat^larsai-ine....tken l I>lever belore l»,« vpinion, b«» l^«n»» to cb»n<e «.olllilm, »n»l il contain, v>«»in,n« »«l v »o completely. One »»le ul lllue L«» 6 «li,»el«>lke c»e»tl»l lne N»« M2!n«enl>nc»: ««xxl l>e»lll». lix««l prHu<Ue« «l v««. »»6
      122 words

  • 199 10 BERLIN TALK OF INVASION PLAN I^»n6on, Xo 13. IX connection >vitn tne ItuBB,»n 6e»6lock »n6 tne neakeninx ol German k»itn m ollicial promises ok carl^ »n6 6eciBiv? zuecesseZ, tne people ol Nerlin are talking 2^2in about tne Btop Bnoul6 lollop tne liuBBian campaign 2 renewed on»l»uzlnt on Lritain. inclu6in? invasion,
    199 words
  • 51 10 president na« av> polntell Qen Nl^a ical and r'anri knssin to Nil r>e vacant post« ol I'urlcizn izter ol >^:»r and kllnlster ol Ilanspart reHpectlvelv, Qen, l« on tne retires !l«t, >^dm Lnzln l« also on tne r.tired list out i« a Depulv ln tne Qrancl Katlonal
    51 words
  • 43 10 c»lr». l?. rulill p««»n, <v«re lllll«l »n6 95 injured ln r»!d l»,t nizkt on tne ravoun, »re», mile, zoutn ol < »is,» te« bomb, »ere dropped, vitnout e»U!>»ne »n> ll»i»»«e e,r>> to d»x nortn ol tne llelt, Neuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 237 10 Industry In Russia London, liov. 12. l^co^o^lic »xpert« in I^ON^'N are talclnz l> muck more nope» lul vlev c»5 tne Nubian >nclu«» trial «ltu»tlon accar^lnz to ine I^ev« Onronlcle'z diplomatic correzpondent. 1?ne «ue?e8« ol tne l!>»»«!a»^ ln c-arrvlnz «ut v?lI'pI«lnnc>H ev»» cuatlon ol plllnt. m»cN!nel7 vorlcerz 2n6 e«iul?mel!t ol lce?
    237 words
  • 135 10 Libya Battle Intensifying cialro. Nov. 13. «^KlH«V patral« ln tne >Ve«lern »>< Desert are azaln uslnz tan!c» dut vltnout «ucces», necorlllnz to ta>6»>'« La«^ communlque lrom Lrltlsn Uenerlll N^uciqulil'lNe communlque 8tate«: "V«»» tercl»^ enem> lll.lllel^ N« »«l»ln normal 2«2lnHt nur «,utkern »n6 el>«t«ln »ector« but tne zllelllnz on our ve»tern
    135 words
  • 79 10 BETTER POSITION IN MIDDLE EAST "/'k^. W^Vl^l.'3 »o called ml,' c2lculatlon ln tke I^lb^an c^n'.^llljln ml",nt 'n ''NX'^ »n»l nl. Intelligence 8:all va« not «> ?ood a, ke tnou^nt," declared General 3lr 7°noma, Mamev zu,trallan oeput> Commander-ln-cniel ln tne Klladle k!a«t. ln an interview nere to-day. "lne po«l:lon ln tne
    79 words
  • 38 10 CANADA'S OUTPUT OF PLANES ott2va. «ov. 13 /'X^XV^'L vv»>-t'n.« product'on ol plane, amount, to 2.228. announced klr 0 llove Xln> l«ter 0? Munition,, ln tne Nou,? ol common,. In adMtlon, 2.242 v!l»ne« nave deen azzemb^d ln Qt!a»»— Neuter,
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 77 10 PREMIER ON CUT IN EXPORT TRADE I^an«lon. I4ov. 12. »«N kii^ton l)kurct,lU. NNtl«n "> prime klinlzter. n«« repUec! ta tke question c>l clr»«tlc <.ut« m»cie ln NrNlzn exportz to tne Dam!nlon« »n6 elZevnere <jue to NrltHln'z Incle2BlnL preoccupatlon vitn »ur meHHurez "^nere l« no question ol clelerence to tne Unites
    77 words
  • 27 10 ARCHBISHOP REDS Vallc, «ov. 13, "5»«»c»UN» were «I,oul<i d« no t»Unn w »»imln« our «>l!<i»lit7 b« lcmll'k, veil »lon« to !znol«. l^ii tlie ol York vl I>m-
    27 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 50 10 POPOUS ?Ol.l5« R^U>! > 11^ 3lic>v/ voui o^vn I^rlram'^ liqueur llranclv. ln« .^^^l line^t «l iix kind. n»l» keen a«? 6 »< !n >v««»l< m lne iiuiet. rnu! cellur,^ ,'s l«!«l, < <>n>l:,nl!!i. It !5 UN- livlllll?«z m <zu>Ulv »n6 lnese- >M^W^^W lore tne invariilkle cnuice ul /M-^W^^H i^i T^':
      50 words
    • 32 10 ci.c)it«:3 tl,« clotn»». V«»^but lt k not m«r«l> tl»» cutting »n«< m«kinz ot «t>ll»n elotninz lt l» eombinstion ok Wl^^Nout »ult lu»t tl,«t »ttl« «xt« mnll«« m»n 1001 l »n«< s«»l siz»»t.
      32 words
    • 218 10 increaze >M 45 r«utance, HUHt^in >o«r vitai /orce, anti increcue t/u? is<n<r 0/ >ou, bloocl, talce pl»>llo«an takleU re«ularl^ I'b.e »klllz of n»o «?bvUo«n' üblet, r<s«^/>. twee time, 6»y before m«I,. Htienztnen, your r»i,uoce to m»l»ri«l »n,ck »n6 »1,0 ll^p, you to tdn>M oss m etlecn. lt ,u,uun» your vit»l
      218 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 105 10 «««»>. «.«9»»«.: lll« «l7»» r^: «38n» 1« zoo <?t>li«e c>p«ll> b^ «n« 3l»l> z,45 Kev, ln c!»nu>neze, oo »n!clll<.'> Hn«»«k'i «,4z V»I- o«mment»l?' «zz I^l«»«nln«l ?o«t'. 7,<X' Ol,U6«n', Ii-o-8l»mme: 7 lN V»rletv: »,«> "In port 1'o-6»5". 8 30 Kev, »n6 Kevs <?omment»i?»^ 8 4l I»«eet tk« <3!rl«'!: 9,ll !«,0« ««»llUn«
      105 words

  • 242 11 S.C.C. BEAT CHINESE AT HOCKEY .l 3: 8< .lt.s!. tnree L0^!« ln tke Nl," kall. tne Blnss»pore Cricket Olud ea«l!v 6eleate'l tke Btrllit« c?I»il><>«l! Necre^tlnn club ln an lntelestlnss koekev matck played on tke P26»NB ve«teici»v. I^ke l,'klne«e p!»><!6 vltk ten men tnrouzkout. vklle tke 80,<5. lc»t man mlllvav tkrau?k
    242 words
  • 23 11 ll«al« vere «k»re6 ln 2 vatorpl>lo m»lx!k plavecl 2t Onan^l ve«teicl2> ln vklrn 2, t)OH«t Natter? team met »n ll,^,t' I'cnean) «l«le.
    23 words
  • 10 11 HK «c!, 17. XV be»ten by I«
    10 words
  • 8 11 »,m, UN 8ul«l»> »t v,« «!i^»iX!'e
    8 words
  • 27 11 >I^>, »rl«»<le XV »t tke »,<?,?. to- StrubeU: P/Otlr N, p Nurze,,', 0. V!l'^u«nb7. l>t. rotters lt «»«>7. U lc. n, <?»nUe!l 0, N«lUsli, ll!
    27 words
  • 68 11 To-day's Sports Events lllx xrx: 8.0 0. v«. 8ln,»pore Nornet,, B.^ t! Interrnlleee ll»«ll«>. »cv v,. Bt. l«zli<llli«n, «»6n»n, ll»ll: .4 0.8. ,«c«na« Bt. H«««i»l»» Inititutlun 8»l».: ! v,. c»lnbin«6 Urotnerz' Ben<x»l». 8ltv P.N. lt>».r. <8«l«t»r>, r.0.: «»v»> l»»lie« vl, 5e N.11.8.11./i.. ?«»lle« lr»un»1. ltlinnt: «.c.c! v^ z^. 8l1.<? Bt,
    68 words
  • 103 11 M.C.U. HOCKEY XI vs. R.C. TO-DAY 'U'lli^ lollovlnz kave been selectX e<l to repre«ent tke I^eMcal college ln tke eleventk annual lntercoUeze kocke> «ame »klck l« to b« pla^ecl at tke college at 5 p.m. to-6a>: 0. 11. I!V<xxlkuU! 8, Klana6e van. One Bvee IH^I V. <3. N. Xrmztrone. Uarckara.^
    103 words
  • 18 11 Ll'lXTUl^lioli l« rlle to HllU be «lecl»5«l Blne»pare', ne» !l»nt. e»ttlw« LiM«^-«« pkol b»tll« »t tue
    18 words
  • 55 11 l>n>c>^'. ic»lo. I>lu» st»l. I<v»l»to »n<l com-Mn, ple»^<l mon »t v« mornin, tr«k trl»!» »t Mli^h Tln»»n. None ol tn«n »«»ln»t tue «»tcn. to »xl«l, vl^lle ll»I<» »r..l L<ln» Bt»^ n»r<l nel<> b^ >u<l»« »Nl! ?I»nuer> LcoM^n NMe. I^ler«H«, Xntrui». »Il looked Nt w »Io» »ork. Nere «c
    55 words
  • 49 11 »t tbe No?»I 8lnl»pc>!-e V»cnl cilud. tnere «M be tl»e u»u»> »t 9.50 ».in "X" cl«« vIU »<M tu> Oun. ,t»rUn« »t 11l »m cl»« »M »U tt>« tklnl lor olub «>«, «t»rtli>ll »t l 0 IN »Hl,: ?1»e 14 ol tne >«»r. tnl, trovn> »M be clecl<l«i
    49 words
  • 13 11 Lrl«»c>« t«»i^ to »««t tl,« to-morrov w: vlclc; «m»ll, Bt»r!lrv
    13 words
  • 11 11 N L. «?k»n«l). to Nave deen pw^e6 QUIman
    11 words
  • 649 11 COUTING AND BALLYMUN TO SCORE DOUBLES Orcler Ok I^unninzs, Xon Acceptors s»QUIiI'IX(3 2nci L2il>lnun Nave been «elecde<l to complete aoubleH n,t, Lu^it liniati ta-morivv. tke Nn2l 6»^ ol tt,e 8ln8»poi-e I'url Club'« «slnt«r meeting, vklle tke ela«8 one UzlltivelzktH. kiemember l^le »n<i DemocrlUlx, look to de tke cl2>'« best bet«.
    649 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 124 11 3ilvikrin »,!«Il!«r V'ken vnu u«e 8II.VI«llI« NttIQI^I^KI'IKL:, vau keen ?our llillr nlcelv "Bet" ancl brlnz out tNe natural beaucv ol >our kair: lt becomes 8lo5«v an 6 8lorlou«Iv alive." In aclsltion, tk? nure Bilvillrin u«e6 ln ln lt« com- BV<, p>»!,iU<,n eu> 2 »n<l preven WD <la>!clrull b<. Lillez keeping;
      124 words
    • 53 11 »»»W>^>M»»»^^ We >Ulci»!i»<» i» ln^ lvl«^ 'lr»cinzl paper >!>:»« i»»5 „«i^r^ «nl<n :<r.' I'rilcinjl <lotl» l»vl^. >V»> curry l»l'»f<> «wcl<z <n»t »r<> .^Uirell m an air-c-'n,. vet»il l'»per <!itione<l room m orxier »c I>l-»^rxe re«!l.e»cv »»(l t« r«rr« «»l!ic l'«per rerru l'ru»«i2l« l'»per Xl":»'> l,u> >»l.^ v-« s^l-ro C»llic Clotk
      53 words

  • 611 12 I»n6on, Kov. 13. s'o^f'lliHl^'l'l()>l of tl,e l,e»v^ l«38«8 BUBt»ine<l l»x tlie (German forces m liuszia nu^ keen re ceivecl m »utnurit»tive ljU»rter» m I^on6«n. It was rex'skllecl kere tn-tlav ttiat tkere i» reason to believe t.kat out of tke 19 Oerm^n 2i-mnuie6 ciivi«il)NB kave Busss;re6 appreciodle c2Bnaities. In
    611 words
  • 93 12 dlev Vorlc. l^ov, 13. 51,N1: vnlt«6 States »ncl Srlwln X M2> renev tdelr essorts to en 6 tke Lovlet-rinnlsl, kllztilMe«. »c. eor6lnz la diplomatic Bource« ln I'Ne plan vtilcti tke? are expecte6 tn »6opt I 5 to evolve «ome gtizluctolv BU2r»ntee lor kinan6'z securltv azalnst luture llttacllll I'N?
    93 words
  • 204 12 Anti-Soviet Ministers? I»ndon. l^av. 13. stzUNIliN M. continuation al M debate ln tne Nou ol Common« on Me Kind's t<,. day. Me lcevnote ol tde demands vas lncres»ed aid t? Nu,zl» a»d removal ol imber, al Me Oov eminent alleged to be nostlle to Nussla. I'ne demand va« voiced cNleNv
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 111 12 Litvinov Plane Still Missing I»n<!on. Nov. 12, 'Iiirni: l« some »n»let? concern- ln« tne continued »d»ence ol ne», ol tne Lavlet plane vnlcn lelt »uldl«nev »n6 w overdue »t I'^neran. I'ne p»»enzer, include Kl l. tvlnov. tne nevlv Hppo nte6 zMb2««»<wr to tne unlt«l 3t»t«. l>«r. iHui-ence 8tewk»r6t. tne llnltec!
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 43 12 Ke« Varll. I^ov, 13, '^lll! Qreelc consul-zeneral nere na» announced tnat llinz Neorze ol Nreece ls expected m tne vnitsd States lale tnl, montn lor a several «l,'^lls visit, durinz vnlcn ne is expected to conlei vltn president Noosevelt Neuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 116 12 Skirts Buit» Bpeei»lit^ 42. 21^Nrc^. 8«e tkem ml!. sllll«M8 li nave itrit2te6 oe bleeclinz «l»v1 lt n,2v be tne L«l «gn as pvur> O»/)! ldoea— lN»l dread dizeaze tl«l olten i>s<»»<i «,«F»»</ «u«:z actual /o« 0/ /ee<s. Bee x««r U <ie»<«^»« cc»». «lenuzt, and s,ill,fu!lv lollop I ,d- > >»!«.
      116 words
    • 36 12 I»lllNlll!^«.7«l«zkUN Originators ol tns wor!661 36Ud5 «--».»,«.<, Odtain<2ble lroin all lirst class provision clsalsrs. l. l IVI r 0 M Outlet! 2N^ tWv (!u«r2lltee6 tliat >» brutle, zre uze«l i» manufacture ul tlieze liru»l,e». >2^ "°k tn «I»7.
      36 words