The Straits Times, 13 November 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 33 1 s«sl/^ ro7«. The Straits Times I«SI42I^»U»v l»I^NI.» H llLKIIIN^! 5//^.4>^'F V^N^F/'/l^/?-^/l/?cs^7' F>l^F >6 l'^li«8 slne^l'ont:. ?nvitBiizv. 13. 1941. l Nl( 5 r:^i>l. The Straits Times P^KNS SIKe^pONL. IUUNBO4V. 13. 194t. PNI^L 5 cLXI^!.
    33 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 »4 l)»!«m»n Bp»s^ U 8 »^ll>, 8»l«I.!. 3 ln Xl»l ,»«l 8»z»ll. ill od a!nt>s dv <2» >' 39 Nl./Llll', «HW l^'^M WM^^32^ eMclcnt dinner >d> Unur, >^^, W»W^?^2 valve« <c> p»'^entec! 6 l.ukri< »lin« 01l cc>n. i?^' '"n'." s»°« 125 10 375 «.s. m invisible ex- >^ > !W,
      87 words
    • 119 1 l. v n c l cool. ln »n«5» <i«>s of p«»svl s»t!ON!Ng, Mos» »N^ Mo<« l>us>n»ssm«n luncn m ous n»>^ »is-con^i»!on»^ c»l», "N«s» »«s»> »n<^ v^!«<j luncn,, «s« s«sv»<i m !<^«»l sUss»UN<^!Ngs l« «<1» or on montn!/ con»r»c». KO8l»>l5OU 5 co^lxiloolko c>f^ I^kere i» no "luck" ln tl,« la»tinz properties
      119 words
    • 37 1 I'ne popularity achieved I)>s "I'KLH^'OI^O^^I^lO" rosults liirecti^ lrom t^loir 625^, zmoot^-runnlnK, ciean-cuttinA qualities. Kreater v/i6tl^ and nave 2 zurer tzround-Krip. In desitzn. M2t?i-i2i. v.urlcm2Nsnip 2nd persorlN2nce tne^ (DnallcnKs Oomparizon. 16" 527.50 525.50 for pelfeet tke ««ost eco«o«ucai
      37 words
    • 6 1 e>.Bll nznv /^lternoon l^.venlnK lel. 4772
      6 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 218 2 l)lU-^I«.— 4t «ot2 Kllkru on 10tn «<>v<!mber. tn l»!n». vile ol >». lc. «s<>er. «v»!» «n. F2>e ene»ll«ment I« »nno>mce6 belveen e!<le«t «on ol cvi, »n«l llr«. N, l?o^e!l ol Ve!;««2rt!i" Nurre^. !3N8l»!!«l, »n<l «^!cle«t ut «r5. A. N»Ben «m 6 tn« l»t^ Dr. 1., 11, ll^en. ol Devonport, N,2.
      218 words
    • 320 2 l<>»N^ .^^lc, polltlon »n ««!«t»nt rv«nrr^K »c«e<ii »e«!c,'! better pulltlnn. Lol X" 780. 8tr»lt« 'llm«. m»nvcment— «»n^ 7«»r» experience »eU recommen6«l— Onl^ pelm«,suc> con«l<!ere«l— ?re« en 6 next ItepUe, Lo^ Ho. 774. 8tr»lt« 'Nll>e», I»DX<» <> z«N»" BNOV. 2ne»ee meut, V»u!«<j, »!tk «lin« DeptH c!KU<ji-en'« l^i-tie,, Bcl,<x,l«. r»li«. Ltc, >
      320 words
    • 261 2 00(33 cnzxnl rz»I» UsXKkIH 529 n Le<>u!l—^l.'.lltllln ?UI» M2le «!25. SON B^l_^ >««.lH»" I«2N<) excellent eon8^«!V««8 «>.. k^l «»le vltti v»c»nt »<l<Utwnl>! pint ol l»nc> »«2.<>ao. Il 6eprice <-»» >^in»w un morte»«?, «?lvec! llom lsi!B><u«l Mlecl »lU> 12>ll c?»d!« Un6c>ubt«'6!, Uie «n«t pr»cUca! Lmotl'kouz, 'N'er. plu-tirullii, li-om lde 8o!« °rl>«
      261 words
    • 362 2 l» lov »4«» «> »«H. youl c« l»non« 5«8». c»»l, l»»l<l. V4uxll4l^. »lmo«t n«» t», »n<z !n,ur»nce p»ll! »2.21>0 pnone «19» 6,'4!«04lll» «»loon IN perfect con«« tlon »1,800. Hi !n». p»!6 I»non« 6198 roll 841>l!: Ulllm»n lO e»ri7 1937 mlxlel w excellent running onler. Vn»t 0ller»? llox Ko, 74«. 8tr»lt»
      362 words
    • 247 2 Nu6^voa<l. »n rx lir«t crop. l?rice» on application to tne Xanasser, ?rNMKB *****2. ll»nru. lN'l't 0N UllN^ "Boverei^n vrantl" Lnvelopez si paper Nagz. l>!s»!nc»>on sl sup»s!osi»> l_«kl<e »noB. eo.. 75 Q,<x>n Ou«n 5» s<NV«pcx« 4llc»n« »4>» 0ll«8«l?,<, ll4IX>0« Ibe 4«»<«. 8«»l»^>s». our cnln«« d»rb«» <ol ti,« l»t< lurope Note!, 7«««
      247 words
    • 206 2 /^I me mo or prll^kl^^ n/^v 1939 cnrs»ler rl^nlouln Be6»u H^ H 1938 Vauxnall 14 n.p. 8»>o»n W I»3« »illrn«n !«ln» 8»lo«n !^ZH^ 1»2« Bt»n6ars 12 n.p. 8»l«x»n < 1938 lorck V 8 22 n.p. Bes«n s^^ 1«39 en. vnlet Bes^n /^^lil^^^^^ 1939 ».8 4. Bp«rt, 'roure, W r-OZ^V ,94«
      206 words

  • 733 3 lt v»« not untu 9. *****, tn»t clermllN »nlp« ol var vere seen ln I^orvezlan nardourz, Me? n»<! 8»l!e6 tvo <lllv» earlier on l)r> 8 venmarll v»z lnv»6e<! lll'.cl overrun. I^ur 6»>« nrevlouzlv, on 4, reconn»l««2n<:e Nl^nt over tne Llde e«tu»rx <il«<:overed Nermlln naval ve««el» »n6 sc»rne
    733 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 179 3 (intnpml»l) pm »<» miclni«l,< villnsr 33.00 ,»«»«»^v »»«v «»v. Vleillllv »kl.l. z^relkl. e«»«7 b, u» Vleillllv «!ll?lN. liell,t, lino o»l«rk «ozinzez „<, »7 «l e»u»o«ll.l. su»lo 3Ul»D^v llx I°"r P4l_!v coun's <«, klns ,«rn,1,,1»n ol I/l liUl. <N f)l.lll.>U^N« INl) «< NMrer,' pz«,73 l>ldl«rn o« r«e l.z«« u>>»«, 12. »l!»«,!«
      179 words
    • 4 3 (I'o d« continues t«>«>.^«»)
      4 words
    • 174 3 .^Wlf^^ W!l.l. CQIXIX^^t l 5 c v I 5 «exo!^<: c^at>^o I^ere is a "cow" can lcee^) m lutcnen! VI IB XI<II»H, tne rno»t reliadle an 6 convenient inillc »uppl/ tne worlcl luo vet prcxlucexl. Xiirn i» notninz but tine, pure millc <i«re</. On!/ tne v»ter i, removecl to rn»lce
      174 words
    • 150 3 I>leck nn6 Lack 3 or 4 <l»^», l bnuzkt bottle ol e«!« 8ll»e«'8 4. »«77cnv no. 8 l»onc »Wr»leK»l z«l.ll8 l» p!»l» »»< pswt«< C!doic:« ot vuks ol Windsor l 3no^ooo! 3l»arll»lcin 3375 a var 6. ll»V5kll l»l«0lll.rlN «»«kllle»« zill«l««z 53.50 a pail ll^llllll.:- I« prepare lor tNe e»pre«« purpose
      150 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 184 4 Ivo^v I 5»0^5 U«.^«U Ivo^v I 3»0W5 z co»ll'4!«lr8. c»lx«8r !«iBir^l. ltrvlir /^eiL« i>l.'<!>l«« v^xcr 3 r >« »noxl<:»7 KI«U7 I>4Bl «l«ll? BvccrBB s»^x 185 847V1t1»4V. tl»« 2nl 2n6 7Q-M<z«7 s!N3^ «!2«^ l»«Ul. rI.VKK 8 n«t nuxlern »6v«nt»i« »ttee l *****41. urrLKOk' riln, llel«»«e«I l»x tv« rKI» !«z7lxrk:s 8»t. <c
      184 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 >l»^nilicent (um«l> (l'ree ?re8»), "Of Hso6ern Bcreen (!«me6ieB tni» one as tne Be»Ban«i best M. I'ribune). "/V I^au^k ltiot it i» excellent entertainment" (8. I'imes). I^Ill,N an 6 ««OV^ I«^I at tne Niotou» Exploits of "rNkl ININ »n6 l,i» lovely wife. slVNsl^. l»^«!cll.1,ck c«sllf«.N»'l«nc,»,tez.zi<«,«l«!l«l vM/ I.^I'l:8I inclu<linil "l^^cii.^^o V. 8^011.^^1)"
      160 words
    • 52 5 rrl.lx »c«^^85ll»!«'8 «PIl It kappenecl l^ XKloti^-?.!. «P2N 1^!««? N««— <H L 1^2584 Ban« ol tke Na« r»1559 I^a >uu B»eeU>«ui uno »l l>»08 »I/!V^« l»«n 9 20 v ni r^dxro nov8k:8 5i LOIN 8N0V,5 YOU? »«188 II! Ilou Q»«» O»»lr« <<i»c»v»szf st,,ili»«l> Ul Vllll Vleclc'l zb«>lpUv« «I« Uli<!Be ««»<«,
      52 words
    • 71 5 e<i^xr Bc:nrril ni3ioi!V mew r^i«c)UB o»icli«^i. i«ni)«?n: (12.,0 O'clock) X X V^, "lne B»me Kr»n6 8t»r» /lke 3»me l'rollucer i«sBil:»i.v /mo i»itii.i.i»c3 ?ic?c>ltisi. coilriltixl^iiOil or vfinBic>n dmnlcnii.l. 3 u»rc>il(^iis»i.r >voi!o3 to s feu," OO^V 7^ 5«5F /T'/ I0.»«3»I 5-50 6c „<« ll,^ ltreoitv »«^^««u I^^UQ »»uvle ol ti»»« VOVHN'B ellltl,ss
      71 words
    • 56 5 >i //<4/'/'V 7N45/ 0/^ 57^/lF I^»r»mnunt Nrlti»l, >ie>v» including »rrive«l »t Nonnlulu. 3.15, 6.15 ancl 9.15 e»K«l.c3 80V« 7?»e Year'« s/Mriir LllllllKNll "»o».ll »zell i»r llaM" Fl/^)^^ 76t^> S.FO p m. to /0.30p m. -roil i^vi.l: »r3i:ilVkiiON3 ?»oi«: 3402 o^lsZKl! li?<ur« i^ur r«»^ »KHi^ l»i«r<^l<»ei oe uu« B^L! B^L! B^L!
      56 words

  • 380 6 Ny Our l1n»nle»l l)^rre«pon6ent Sln^apore, Hoy. 13. lpm: BN2le marlcetli opened on 2 Bteaclv note tlilz mornlnz an 6 tnere va« 2N early lnqulrv lor Borne lln BN2re-». vkicn l« a eocxl «l^n, I'ne ve»llne«» ol tne Key Vorlc mlllllet l« not cnnnect«cl vltn an? Bueee«Uon tk»t
    380 words
  • 67 6 BATU LINTANG TO PAY 17½ PER CENT. »5717 Nv»»l» CO, I^7l, ezrnec! ,22 1, 320 !n tn« >«»? «i6ell l»«t, lu!e^lin s!vla»n6, t«U>Uln, l«i p«r cent, v«r« p»lc> »n>i ,d««>-d«<l lln»I <i!vlcl«n6 ol ?>^ per cent, «K!<-t» vIU «<>ull« «72,515, !nz al tke «t»t« »n<l l«n»les nt 5774 to ,utx,ll!!n»«
    67 words
  • 56 6 I Rudder ke!6 lt, l,z«4U, c»t»!<«ue<l 2,«0»,8!5 !t>, <! l«4 «3 t<,n,». c>Ne7«l 2,401, !9« Id. <l07I»« loi»>I «Ie! 1,»82.»54 Id, <8«5 20 tan,», ci<x>l »V?I^«« <,»!»!»> 2»^ to 2»>» k^ll »,ei-»«e yu,!!^ 3«>, to 37>» Oil l>u»!ll v 34 t» 3« 8t«>»>l cuttlnz, 35 to 3«>^ rubb«l,
    56 words
  • 0 6
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  • 0 6
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  • 1136 6 Stock Share Quotations <l»»u«l k? !^lll»Mn Bl»»rebrnlles»' 8me»lX»r«) <vr»!><r»NHV. KOV. ll. lXl: 4 l» so I, »0 <z,) 4>40 7, 7»i0 ,l> 22, l2» N!t»m z«» l?» 60 18, 60 s»l) ,83 »»n«rw Iln <l> 135 60 l4« s<l n»tu 8«!»i,»<,l <»l> l 42 l.47 S«^Ul>t»l <z«) ll, ll, 90
    1,136 words
    7 words
  • 16 6 SHAREHOLDERS AND 1942 WAR TAX V»X»l»c>l^>l3tB nere w U»! 7»n »nUM lner« l, !Ule!II,o«l ln»t tn«
    16 words
  • 53 6 I.T.C. NECESSARY FOR POST-WAR PERIOD <I^c>m Oui l)vn <?orre«l>on<!ent > I»n6un, Kuv. N, 'U'llL M2BA2 ne I'M «lecl»,l« tn<^ It e«enti»l ta retain tne lntern»twnl^ i°ln vonunlttee sac r»twnlnl out" ol Me vc>rl6'« Un rezuurcez vnlcn are -uMcient r»t« nl con«umptlon vnlle Il<»I»x »n 6epo«l:» »re Illiel? ta be exi^»u3t^6
    53 words
  • 56 6 I'll, lolwvw, Ure l«.cl»>, "olll' »rlU«»i Uener»! li «,6 »Nll»k Qnplle uol »v»1i»dl, »l1li»t> l^npli-, Oum uot »v»U»bl, »rlll^> tdi>pll« can na,, ,v»U»t»:, 2rlU«»! Nen«»l <?" IU 9 UoUi I»i>xlu<:es, «r«t l« U«!<i t^xiuceli «3«x>i«l l<> »«><« I»l«z,u:el, 1°lUl<» 9 0 iltXlwne OiUNc»ce 8«eo»ll 9 U «»llon<U ,l
    56 words
  • 0 6
    0 words
  • 151 6 London Stock Exchange l'UIKUn, 45b II4>5 »H<7« Il»4'i l l« 0«n Union <vull»» 7^ lla?»! z»e« I I« Ui«u »V««, O6.. «>4 0»u, p»e»<k <52»>., ll^ c!!«ui,l«l N»nl> <t«> »>, l t2i l!2 lX« «<>^ O,uN»ui<l« O<l, »<«<l 6<l U1»UUe« Ol! ?I -^«<l !>««» »»<»«> !9« a«n»»» n«uie l.. »«,i7nU»»»
    151 words
  • 34 6 WAR RISK RATES REVISED Ix»«lc>n «<!», il. »»111 Mu!el-».iltelo In»t,'ute lux »nr,x ll>7 »«tem Un!t«l llw« lne r»«^ rtlNßln, »t IU p«- c«nt, i>» »!,<! lroTi, tne 8ti»Il«. tne K«tne?. tne Ketker!»n<>« Il><««, »ml »l>rn«o to
    34 words
  • 22 6 1257>» lor »pat »n<i l2«> lor X«» Vci!c. Kvv. !2. «ut» lar »l>ot, 51 90 10l llavember »n<i lor l»re»
    22 words
  • 29 6 m»ll, cla« u>« <3enel»l I>»t 6tli»?l«l »t 1,40 p m. l«'6»7^ lwm »l 3,30 pm. 10-<l»v ln»> »t 15 n>. la-inurrov <7!lppel l, <>V«-te<l to »rr!»e on
    29 words
  • 32 6 ver, k»l-v«>t«l l»«t wanUii p«r»>i Nlver V»!Ie?. 43»«4^ >yir Ilu»!n«, 97,000 wulelc. 22 00<>! «iell»s»l!, «7,NK>I «e«««l,.', 7lU>oi vennlttavn. 4»,«00. lc.»b»n«, !13.5c»: Xl»»n. »I,<«»I BUNlei «,i>»n. I2»;!X>!^ 8u»««i IV»v. 9.,>>^»,
    32 words
  • 22 6 ?«»t <8w«»i»l«> I^t<l. vvr«t Nubber 10l Imme6l»t« <lellv«7 n»5 »tlr!but»ble to »ccmnul»lwn ot «toc!c' »i l!>» paN,. »n<l lol»»ls» n»»«
    22 words
  • 0 6
    0 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 208 6 p. «0. »l»M5» !«ll!k X V ll llllk c« »»ll l»/»88^ur» s»f !»t»»« »»sorm»t!»n »i>pl, l)»l«l»l»» »»s »«lnl>», »l»n 3«.? «.-'<"» «.< c.,°»^ ln6le»tlon ol »lUl»l» »»»^»^»»»»»»»>»»«»««^^^^«»» «v»U»dl« Mill b« «lv«n on 8llll!8» IIMK 8. 011. ll»n«»«n »n6 i^lilutt, > Inearpurlltell m ><kp»n» 00. I.ID. s»> >«, z»4l 5»4l »n6
      208 words
    • 35 6 IWINB <u-e Invlte6 l»r tn« lolloplNss. lull p»rllr«!l>r, nl »nlcn m»v b»> Üb«>«rv»,!>>n W»r«l« et«. »l Xlw< »50>— tcn<ll»« c!«lv noon 24 llov, 1941, ><i K!«l>t«al! l>llll« clurlnz 1942N > «uppl> »l 2,U1»0 2,««> Ov«! a»!vc!
      35 words
    • 94 6 QL^Q. i. c«»^«» au»v. sko«t H»»l»^f» »»n«<»»n »!l»p«) »«»»b«, c»l>»»»«« ll»«»«,n<u H«et»»r s»»n> l»»6«knt»»I, «»>«» 8»»»«»n,» c»p»»»l »».5»»«»«« vr«l>«! < ,pit»! lt^»«»»»»« r»^»»» »»l:.l»»«» <U,U«<> l»r»«,^ <t«. 7.»7.«H« »IIo»«cl, Itle, m»<«« »n<l b»nk!i bu^n«« ol «v«? 6«crlpllon «^ltXBI«N>«. i>>^nt ?ei»ei'»l'tii<: ><,<Qe»: OVINIIw MMs^^lU^ !t ,5 l»,p<,>!. »>b!e lor 4N ln«llvi^u»!
      94 words

  • 504 7 PREMIER TELLS OF HESS' DISCLOSURE Ix>n6on, >lov. 12. l^kurckill tl,e prime Vilinj^tes, Bt»te6 m tl»e Nou8« ok (!ommonB to-6»? tkat, lrom v»ri> o«8 rem»rkB m«6e k^ liu6oll U«,«, lormer I>l»xi Deputy I^uenrer, »tter l»n6inx m Nrit»in, it w»8 clear tn»t Nitler relief on Bt»rv»tion more tn»n inv»Biftn tv drinz Lritain
    Reuter  -  504 words
  • 346 7 Ix>nsun Kov. 12, lpNl) Nrlti^n <3oveinm> nt, In con- zultatlon vltn U»e >Ulle<l Uovelnmentz. ana vitn tne «ao<lvUl ol tne Government c>l tne United Bt»te«, l« con«l6erlnz tne urgent problen> vnlcn voulcl lace lt vnen tne nation, nov en» llullnz tne ti'lgLinv c>l tne c>p» pre«c>l
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 94 7 Two Cruisers Fled From Destroyers IxxidoQ l^v. 12 U? v»« ln««le ilnoMN ln Qondun X to.6»> tnat tne zre^t 2rlU»n vlctorv w tne Mediterranean »ken an enem> convoy al t«n «nip« v« aunit-.^»t«!. Mas acnleved Mltnout 2 slnzle skot lrom tne tMo Italian cruisers Mnase job lt vas ta protect
    94 words
  • 84 7 Nome. tlov. 12. 'U'Oo^V'tz It»li»n communique X «t»t«« U,»t »ritl,n pl»n«! carried out lurtker r»M« to-61»,^ on »out>>ern Ital? »n6 BlcU^ »Nll cl»lm« tk»t one «ouUnU nl»ne »2« 5QOt <I«VN K^ It»ll»N N«Nt«l« on tne envlronli ol caorl lH»t nIFNt. lt l« »ll<l«l, »l»lic»UH »»ve« ol
    84 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 231 7 °7»,.!llM!)V ft^^. knAlNl: ailment, l'«l»« »r« tl>« »<le»! '^W >"H>?>>^ »>^<ll>el»ble m««licin« ln l»l,!ei <!^^ >M^W»« !> »!^t»<>, sezen,!,!? tlie li»mou, line l^W »l>!^l> ml, will, vnur !,re»tl, »n<> W Ii!?!)^><!' <! »^e c2>^le<« lleep Inlo >l>ur lung, »>i» 1!>»!<. m <lls«c» «l»V, pep, M^^ s «!«d v!l«l inner p»rt»
      231 words
    • 18 7 <<^«. XclV2c»l6« Zuil6in<i, ?l»on« 4974 > H>^» r^ Xo"«e'o> ""'""!<« 3<?3»',^ n»?u.^«« 47 41.1. 5-!-ONi-5 psi«» 3 V e«nt» p«r tut»«
      18 words
    • 123 7 ln tne l<ttsi)s» cn^ or so^,ivil:«c:l: (^H'l'VzM) 1940 reBult» j«Bt puoli»ne«l 90 pei cent, ok riTM^iX 7N4M151) 87'U0L^7'8 were awar6e6 ?488L5 > I'VP^WNli'llXcl an 6 57 per cent, ok tnese 2. taine<! I)I8'I'I^01I0i> »^NV«UiUDFM^ VV s VW t^nrol nov, for tneMMMMMWM M» ne^V term. H^^^l^lM^H^^H^HH^H »»lw«e 5022. »iU relieve sou
      123 words
    • 55 7 M > D j« ,> l l x> 4^!. <:, < »»k?l »n6 llep»lses »l !l»t»»> »n^ »«<»» el>lek«. c»»»»« ««l Splln, Nlln<l», ?»„!> 8»u» lll»« vlll! »«<»» »n«6ln, ?«k»o«l V»n«ll«l> »lin<l, r»»,»» nu»^. «««»< ll»»»»^ s»»»«n 0»«k <i»»l!«7 VN>»«- »»»»6»^ 8i«, »>»««»> »9" »l«»<U> l<> l«»>«»l> «4" »«»<«» l»"
      55 words

  • 1558 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURS. NOV. 13. 1941. (802nd. Day Of The War.) War Tax War li^ere may be some mild criticism as to detail. I^ut prediction, made at Me time ol Me publication ol Me new V/ar lax Ordinance, was lul» Niled very promptly. lne main points ot Me
    1,558 words
  • 245 8 I'ime Remove F^o tbe «<llU»r ol tl,« Bts»il, Bir, —^u^zlnz lrom tne nev» c»l tne pa«t lev <lav«. lt laolcz tnat tne lonz^a^altecl var ln tNe parltic vlil come. Il tnat l, let lt came «<x>n, lor »le M«U reilllv to meed tke eventu»M? M2> be lllcen«! to
    245 words
  • 84 8 POINTS FROM LETTERS 8»vln« l»»pee— ln vlev ol tne znortll^e ol paper, ye venture t<i zu«6e« tdat evervdod^ st,ou!cl back. a« mucn ll« pozzidle, to tnr u« ol tne ol6l2BNlonecl «I»te »n<i ppn<>ll l)t coulse, colrezpand?nce muzt be on paper but it iz surpr.zinz vn»t econom! can be eNected ll
    84 words
  • 1007 8 NO TEARS AT SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE on«/on /ty t?a/>/e (^rinri ?a^ Lack Nitier I^or ttiB (^rimeB Ny Our Own oorre«pon6ent) l»n6on, llov. 11. »VSl' belore N o'cloclc tnls mornln> I mlnzles wltn a IltUe erow6. man? c»l wn^m More c.-ipplecl. witn mlsslni; le^z or l^rms or tnelr laces na<l been
    1,007 words
  • 166 8 I^oxv s« Eliminate /V f!!r In yol!r !>!«ue ol Kuv s M« tlie czov»>rn<>! reported to nuve i,altt t^^l > 6cdtec>n«>.« to minevlen6?ls '.> l!re»6lul 6an^el to v»elet>, I^llce 111 l sreanlu! clanger,' t<) zicletv—«ucn pl»i<u? luiil smaN» pox— tn»> one to ,'liien lll<> l!x> cellencv relerz znoulcl
    166 words
  • 154 8 l'o'.ition Ok l>enc!l»n:,n In k»r t)allt 5» ll»« Dllitor ul tlie !>tl2>»>> > >^» Bir. Xt !a«t, t!,e .N t^. countries. 2 ion? 2«altecl p!e^e ol 5 otber memder, ul tne consular ancl cliplomatic service, ol r>anc^ iln tbe l'ar k)H«t nave U>n<lel>.'il their resignation, to
    154 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 108 8 k^ollern N!m!«»» 8l»33«3 dv «z« 8M llsile^l. «llUBr 225, «ost», l3r«<«8« N6.. Lporo p»,on« 6363. 113. ttlzl, St.. »(u»l« l.ump«s. plione 3054. rxi.lB^ l!<l»l^ lo» rll?.rno«! Incil^prnllllble e>U<ie to U>« Ul«e!,! l^lee 5l?l p«t »«5« <i ro i^^». Voull like »l,«ir ztvls c»na vou^l liks tnsir lit... ana vouil lnore
      108 words
    • 7 8 lour llolantan l»»u«<i from 3!n8«por« on 3«turll«>»
      7 words
    • 104 8 /'ott^l^n, m a «>i<i« s«n^« ciot/»«« i» too <i««p t^«<ii /i^^t«»>«i^t »«itinL m tion ««tn lVnit«<»«»<,>« f»nc> <i«»i^n«, cn«i» to p«sn»t an> io»v«rin^ o^ »t«p«« «n</ cn«c««. »t«n</a^«/« «v«n m «»«s Hpo/tl^X tn« >«<««< tin»«. man «t»^o t«^«» I^«»««<i /o»^ «»o?t» co«t« a m b«ins »v«ll >«t »/,</ pl«« sou?
      104 words

  • 380 9 /^HX. (^kianL liai Bnell l»38 put lnrv»r6 prop08»l8 to tne I^nite6 8t»t«8 an l si. eat Nritain kor mili<lir> »>6 m lne event «k a Japanese attempt axainzt tne Nurma Itoa6, reliable lluarterB m >V»Bninsston l,ave revealell, 8»>8 Isnite6 ?re«B. Bao I'anF ?»o, CnineLe arm^
    380 words
  • 8 9 .^e» York, Hoy, l 2
    8 words
  • 4 9 tell ln l>,nclon la«l
    4 words
  • 190 9 Ix>nclon. kov 13. eiN NicNar^ <I^b,». vno zpolie alter tne prime Xllni«t»l ln tne House ol Oommonz ln tne sedate on tne lllnz Xssre"s ve«terclav zalll. "I am oppu«ea Xi tne pollcv vnlcn l« nov beinl: pursues by tnlz Nave'-l.ment anll I believe tnat tnere are
    190 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 9 m «m», Xone en »««>« to tke I/N!t«l
    9 words
  • 154 9 Japanese Situation Is Held To Be 'Very Serious' VV2Bnin>st«n. Xuv. 12. 'I'UL Dnite6 LtHteg (ieneral. rrancig Li66le. to<j»^ tc»l6 tne ?re»» tn»t tne »itu»tion >» "ver> Beriuu» »n6 ye »re ver? concerned" 11,e Depart, ment ot .lustice k»» prep»re6 scr tno cuntwl ol »lien« ol "»n? enemz^ country m cooperation
    154 words
  • 98 9 Ixinson. Hoy. 13. /^HSI Nuntil^er. Vlcnv War sinister. «l«ines tde armlstlce lor l^anee al Oamp!«ine ln 1940. Ma., kllles vltn seven atd« p«r<!on» ln > plane crasn yestersay. N l« oMclallv announces ln Vlcny. I^e Oeneral »^H returning lrom a 7.svv'Ml!e tour ol m i^ectlon
    98 words
  • 53 9 Reds Will Get Promised Aid I^onson Kov. 12 »UBBl^ w «<?t tne var «up pliez vnicn vlltaln rl».>! promizes ner. wnatevr tne strain on Nrllaln, Ixii s »atners tne War 'lranzpoit Xllnl>!ter. tnls assurance, speaking ln lx)nson vestersay. "Ye 5N»!l deliver tne e»«l,." n« «l ll>« »l U <«. »»>e
    53 words
  • 10 9 20 people »«re lclllell «icl 43 w>
    10 words
  • 97 9 U.S. POLITICAL CRISIS «?»«ninlt«n. Nov. 11. U^rrr<7llNf<B ln tne rank, »l to l»e« »itu lt« <lss«t «lel«»t ln a major loreizn allair, l»»u« «,»»st«l« »»v« prlvatelv «ullnilte6 tkev 6i«l nxt nave guarantee, »l en«u«n v»t«« t« pa«» tne Ben»t« «men6lnent» t» tne ?ieutr»!il, Het. lea^e.,, »l tne lmpl«e»ti<m« «t lleleat
    97 words
  • 165 9 Moscow More Confident IX)N tlle a«t Ume lor over 2 lortnlzkt l,tu> Qerman cammunlczue t»A« »^2ln releri-e6 to tt,e l«<nt. llee<ll«, to lt l» ln orciel tn l«»^nl v 5, ce«lul operilUon 8«uU» ol 1>ul». t»ut onl^ on comp»l»Uve>^ »iu«^l ,«lle. 2 lteuter niillt»i> cc>nunenl»tnr u« rl«nlll«t»l,<'«,, but tl,« Nu»»»i,»
    165 words
  • 18 9 Kerch Reached, Nazis Claim llrove,! lor U» la« ol llv« Novlet n>U« »l 6« «l»lt» °l ««ck.— United
    18 words
  • 8 9 »t Xn!uu-», «v« tk« lurkkk NaverN'
    8 words
  • 53 9 "Undeclared War," Says Tokio Kei, V»s>l. ««v. 12. 'I'Nr ln«te<l Btate, ans Nritain alreasv ln !>l»te »l unseclare<l »,r »z>«ert««l r«ll» announcement lntereepleH dv >»li«n»I «s»»^e»«tlnl c»n,> tnat lollop n»v m <ne n»i!it»l, Nels »M on!> Ke tne l«<l>s»l e«n«e,uenre »l t^.e lolmatiun »l unites kloe »«l>in>>t Hapan. lne announrer
    53 words
  • 132 9 Hull On Finnis' Refusal Hoy 12 «I? coi-sel! Null. Secretary ol State, insicate-1 at nls press co:il^rence t^say tnat ne believes tnat I^inlans, ln turning so^n tne Unites states' su^estlon to conziser a liciviet-l'lnnlsn peace, vas ol tnr real l«ue. Ilie basic? issue m tne Unites States' attituse to I^»lans
    132 words
  • 63 9 Man Charged In London Shooting l»«II^I? V»icl. r,«e<l 31. n« keen r«n»7<1«l loi- tw-ee «r«Ic« tnootln^ ln cnllvlclc, I»nc!on, on Lv«,» «!-,>! D^lllv <?,l«st 55. l!le<l to<!»V, bllNljln!! tnt tc»t»l number ot 6e»tn« to «ns«e. It l, uniler»to«! tn»t «'»r«l l« member ul tve »ov»! on »tlei- »nool!n5 nlm ne
    63 words
  • 138 9 ll»ll">5l. N3V, 12, I? lz olUciall? <mnou>.?e<l tnat t!,p encirclement ol NoncialI»zt Italian ztron^liQlcl ln 5!N!2, naz been completes vitn >de c-nplure ol «i211c!2 v«t ol tne main Qonclar (H^l-zova rc»2cl, commun!cid.e iron: <7c>mm»n<z Nc^^quHlt^lz in Lll«t tfate^^ "Qur lorcez »re allv2n<»» lnss on (3c>n6nr lrc>.-n
    138 words
  • 48 9 Ministers Resign In Turkey I^rki^n V»r X<U.««t«r. »»v 8»llel »n<l lne »llnl»ter ol N»v «crlm In)«l»vl n»ve re«l«ne<l. »ccura>n, to tne znlc»r» r»d!o. ,n6 ue» n^nl»l«r» «ll! be "Nic re«lei,»tlun» vere connectei! ol I°m-!cl«u v«s«t. w tne Uelllterr». ln t«n«lerwe lnell re«l«!!,. t!on«. «t»te«l tn»t lnl« »ou!6 l»c!Ut»te
    48 words
  • 62 9 Nome. «ov, 12 oMI-lLll It»u»n n«», »«encv pre. <llct« tn,t tne Li-ltlln »U! «nortl, urcupv vzlbout!, port ol I'renen 8om». I!!»n6. «t»tln^ !k»l tne k'rencn »re no longer »ble ta re«l«t ovlnz to «l>ortI°n »zencx cn»r^, dotn »rtt»!n anil ne Unlt«<l Bt»tei »ltn n»vln< blc>^.l><ze<l »ncl «t«rve<l I>r«ncn 8om»». en6ur»nce"
    62 words
  • 359 9 Xui!)i«liev, Xov. 13. kominsk, ketween nn<l Lurovsk vve.^ "t >loBeo>v, an 6 at Zei-pukkov, mi6^»^ between »n6 >vitli tke <^elMilNB deLperatel^ trH'inz to close tke encircling arc. 'lne NuBBi'anB are reporte6 to be launcninss pov^erkui counter attackL at Berpuknov. vlspatckez lrom tne von vasln a«ert tdat (Herman proBre»
    359 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 644 10 k'urtner (^ontri^ iltion ?roin K»/!1 ll lke »66ition nk nearly K2,3Ntt since >08- tt?r6av. tlie z:ros« totnl ns I'll,' sun 6 z» pl^cNeullv tn? vnale ol tNId nsvanee l» »ccount,ecl lor by lurtner clique lrom tne kutomodN.' ol !"»l»^ 7W amount l 8
    644 words
  • 15 10 >it 7?»e Cinema n»> UUI2N«I »n<z ci»U!iette 0o!be« enllt!e6 "?1«nw8 rever" »n<l
    15 words
  • 9 10 GOVERNOR GOES UPCOUNTRY i^ttenliecl b, tn>. <:»l2l» lelt „<« ii>l!1c»t«l.
    9 words
  • 12 10 l»r > Uomd»7 ll tne Iuxullou«!> built "l-ln- i'lcn ?r»m.
    12 words
  • 13 10 3N2NB >ll Uu >vel-cnln, llNll «n>- I^llcien N^iaent,,' /^.vciclitllll!
    13 words
  • 0 10
    0 words
  • 94 10 /^UI«I>H« vnudNli »n6 men ol IIU 23«z m z«»Iav», employed or unemplovell, are Nncllnz »n »ttractive new avenue lor serving Nrlt^in by Mnin« tne recentlycreatecl noli-rombatant Oninese I^lldour Oomp»nv at tne kl»I»M Oomm»n6. I^nce are no« less ttian 100 ln tne corpz, »n6
    94 words
  • 17 10 INFANTILE PARALYSIS Bt»tement I«Bue6 Lv Neaitk otticer 11me« tke lolwvlnz lact« reB»r<l> lnss tke outbre^lc. ol lnlantlle
    17 words
  • 67 10 P. O. Commodore's Son's Feat Son's Feat <l^om Our O»s. l)orre!<pon6ent> Ixinson. Oct 13 »«^l^V^«B vM rec»ll tne epic "X ln vnlcn tne n»v»l trailer I^6^ Bnlr!e^ recently l larre6 U-boat <a tne Burl»et.- vltn cleptn cnarzeH »nc! tnen l «2nlc lt b> zunNrr, st»n<!in« nero ol Uie N«nt Bub>
    67 words
  • 32 10 U, 8, «oo»!;ni, Xlr X Vll>!!»I, «r It »enlv «r, Vl V ?UI»!, »«r 4, V, 5 V Her, klr N vr L, >!, I^lin «nc! «r N Q N, Unv
    32 words
  • 17 10 5tl1! bewz t»pi«6, 11,, !»l« «r 0 XW6»r,!«, rudder tree, ,t l»e^!co Mil, «»^>nz,
    17 words
  • 28 10 b» odt»in«! llom tne »rltl«n vlz»i,e runo', "pltlo! r»»!ontnss, »n6 tne tnlnlc !t too I»ce, d>>t »M lorv»r6 I^uNon, »e»ulleu Nou«e, U H»?»! Nit»t«,"
    28 words
  • 5 10 Vlr. 2N6 «11,, Q»U!«i,iII n«^:
    5 words
  • 18 10 inlerios 0/ t/le IVa'' oFice /llm v«l7» «ent to tak« p,cture »e^e.
    18 words
  • 155 10 INDIES IS "BIG WAREHOUSE" "sN^ Ketnerl»ncl« Incllel, 2 > bl« v»renou»e »ltu»te6 ver? lgvour»b!v un6er tne present ellcumztancez- one mi^nt lllmost 8»v lix^l, opposite >io!lce nea6» ,u»rter« B»i6 N. 8. v»n !.)?in>t> m»n»l;er ul tne B!NB^> pure dr»nen ol tne I! ln Ullll on '"lne lietnerl2na« In6!e« »n6 tne Btr»ltH"
    155 words
  • 192 10 SINGAPORE RACE WEIGHTS «ff.icj»?« l<» u>e »t» r«n»Q>w« l»re» »t llu^lt 11in»n on B»tu>-. <l»>. tne Nn»l 6»7 ol tne 3in«»p«l« cl»» l— i M Nowteiel »«nols 12. c»ntc« »,lU. clnolUpt < I», ll»1u 2. "I»»»l»^» 7 12. Ne!e»se 7,11, I^uinpeter 7.10, l l«» 0!» l— l 4» l. «««ur«
    192 words
  • 34 10 MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES' WAR ALLOWANCES Ilmlt ol »pp!lc»tlon ol tne c«t ol Ilvlnz »n6 zuppieme »t»r> »Uo»»n«« ye to to Include «unlclp»l "rniz l» tue zeoolxl U»« tli»t tl>!» tllO, »N<l UNl!«l U OUU> It
    34 words
  • 7 10 ASAMA MARU DUE TO-NIGHT 'l'Nr 16.975-tOli ev»cu»twn
    7 words
  • 16 10 b!!l, vlll b« l»x«6 ll lt ««le «k« wcom« el»tlon ol lnaivlc!u«>l».
    16 words
  • 114 10 BATTLESHIPS FOR PACIFIC klr. vutt Cooper 0n "VeciBive Lttect" Melbourne. «ov. 13. "«//^< clou«l« »re tnre»tenln« tne ?l»clNc but. unUlle! 1929. Nrltllln l« re»6s an«! lt l» nopecl tNQt tnelr re»lline« vlll prevent M»r." «»l6 Xlr, z. Dull Cooper ln c» «p«e<:n ncr« >e«ter6»^ "lnl, «or1c! ol tn« l^clnc »M
    114 words
  • 21 10 > H«l^I>I>lIK1' la tne ice<z»l> !>>Uc» ?<»« <«Ult»i? 8«i-»l<:e> n<«uwlt>« lllclplwe «»i control ol lne lore, Mkllc »ctln« rnll««7 lorce.
    21 words
  • 247 10 "JAPAN NOW KNOWS HOW LAND LIES" IN PACIFIC ?<. I. ?ISSB On (I^nurcniii'B Bpeeck (l'rnm llur O^n ma^orilx ol tne tne jfl°e»te»t <,»ti«f»ctiun »v ?rime sinister. >lr. W'innwn F»v» pc><<« »<x» td»t tne »t»te »ble to »en 6 povertul Neet unit ?»cinc »n6 In6ilin oce»ni,. i» ju I!u»«l». <^nin2. Bin?2sx>«>
    247 words
  • 54 10 Peace "Conditions For Japan »>,»» r«»Uf n»e»nt p«»«« lor tl>« l»»elNc »n<l cke^ent tl«»tinent" lor tl,e l l,!n^>«, «»nZ»I n»t be «j«cte«l I,F ?«»»«>«»»» lto«««velt, »»»<> 8en»t»l l »nn»U>. c<,»lr »l tl,^ 8«n»t« tos^l«n l l««! »ure tke ss^xlenl pe»e^ ln tl>^ i"»rlNe !>ut lccepin« leel on l nin, rnent
    54 words
  • 28 10 spur view tN2t, propel!^ lecl lllill equlppec!, tne l)r<nez>t> zolva« explkHliecl b> V^ Nllrmnn, pl<>^ :>ttacne tv tne Nritlsn l^nd2«B> ln l^nu!!ss!lin«. !u 2N interview >estel62>.
    28 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 66 10 Miiner I>k!>l»> ,wlolin»I, <illr^< nnltin pin m!<ln!«n< Ulobe, ?oot Btcp!i !n lne D»r!l, Bkv, ?>up!e, »>r« nn«l>» Llli!' 3NOV s'lllwlet DAnell,, <z«7«r»,> «il^l.4i«! rlec!<l»' »»ilno!ome» Iwr>l«!>'k<> 7 9,20 I'M, «OXV. II^NKN l!»> 8o» Woll vlln i^lv»rli <3 It, >!)>i, >» si Ida I^iiplno «,15 1 5 «r>» ,^»< r^l^»li»>> »MF^5
      66 words
    • 82 10 H. Mt/^^,/ buc clien life K25 be^n 2 joke 2>l 2>onz, >V «N, V Cuclibe»-c. 7^2r «5 jusl clie zizn of kealck. rlie zizn of c2se. cle<mlmesz 2n6 > i wize see^inz. V,l_2clozen b2bi« 2^e usual!/ lilce rli2t. Vi l^ctozen il lk<« milk ofd«!lf,/ cowl, witk tie cliles milk inxredienu.
      82 words

  • 877 11 Premier's Cheering News On Battle Of Atlantic lxinlion, Xl»v. 12. in tne Nouse ol summon?; to ll»^ on "tne re2BBemnl>' nt I^Lrliament, (!nurenill, NritiBn I*rime sinister, 8»i<l sninpin« lo8»e» in tke lour montnz engine October tol»Ile<l 73N.000 tonB, compllre^ tno >088 ol 2.NU0.0W t«NB in tn« sour montnz en6:n^ l^eplvlnz
    877 words
  • 109 11 Wa«n NL^on. IVov, 12, Kl^V lormula lor deleatin? ln- Nation, zalll to nave orizinatea »Itn klr. Nenr? >V»lI»ce. Vice?reBi6ent. na« been »tuclle<l dy Oon8?e!>«lonal clrcl« nere. It l« reported. sne lormula l« «»lcl to require tne purrna^erz ol »rUcle«. exclu<l> ln« loocl. clotnln^ ana «nelt«r. to bu? »!Ho
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 56 11 lHelbaurne Kov. 12. 4NU relu«ee« »nc! inter- ne« zent w !n tne liner vunera Ig«t ?ear »re nov on tnelr va? to l3n«l^n6 »lter beln« releaze^ lrom internment rampz, ol tnem are s>l Qermanz vds«e lrlen<l>!n!p tne >IIle.<! n«,B de»n est^hl!.<!n«^ alter elo«e lnlzulrlez Xlo«t ot tnem N?ci
    56 words
  • 58 11 Ix<n6on, Kov. 12 'T'lHf Nreelc «es/nen vno vere re«euecl lrom v»rt ol tne I^rencn convoy lntercentec! oil tne Loutn co»«t recently n^ve «tatecl tnat tne Vlcnv »utnc>rltle« ln zlac>»s»«car Bellle6 tv?o Nreell «lijp« vnen Qerman^ »ttllcllecl Nreece ana lmprlsonec! tne crev, Utner men-.berz ol tne crevz vere «ent
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 51 11 HOI^. N^rOk!li. Nerm»n naw enlel. announcez ln tne Nerlln Kllval LaleUe tnat X^orclen. rel!x V«lr». cdlel ol tne lolt'ncationz constructlun 6ep»rl,m«nt ol tne X2V2I Nlkin Oomm,n6. v», KUI«l on Xov, I "m tne ve«t" 6urln« «c» v«^»?e on 6ut>. V»r» «?2z 2>«o KavHl Inspector ol k'ortlNcatlonz— vnltecl
    51 words
  • 33 11 I^nnclon, Kov. 12. communlque lrom tne X L»«t 8»?» ln tn« I»druk area vezt^rclllv na^tlle »rtll!erv v»8 mn^? native »<<n>n«t our e»«tern »n6 s>>^>iei-n z^ctorz. »c .»vit> llbaut normal, -Neuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 87 11 >^> 111 l il// Vlllll Ml! YOU can malce all )our pleasant cxlour. li.t >»>tk Lux lamily'z «tay ne>v it's 50 ea»y to lleep dainty «> muck lon^^r dy regular I.ux garments lresl, and zweet. vasninss. daily dip m tne because I.ux dizzalvez inztantly loamy I.ux latker removes even m
      87 words
    • 23 11 H^»VK>» U» »»»ss din»»<^» UWRNn 8«l» >>»I!«^ klOllv M 80K». I^'« sutic»r» Ointioent <c» »Q^ itcding »llin trouble l« w cle<«, l»»ltbv eonsitiou.
      23 words
    • 148 11 <^»> —^»">« WR^N l^^/^<7/c^/) 5P0N75 5»»1^3 sO« na» been samous sc>l nearly silly yean lc»l itz nealllisul qualities. Os late, nowevel. il s>a» camec! additional reputation sal llie attiactivenell and ,<y!e ol ilz pallemec! malen»ls 8o!d yet unob!lu»ive clieclll. neat sti>p«l and attractive plain coloun liave all been obtained any
      148 words

  • 576 12  - Babies Young Children Nurse Elizabeth questions cuncernlnz tke second t,all ot d»bv'» tlrst ?e»r »re ansverecl t,l^i« veelc. »llte» l»»b7 l« »t»rt, I n»ve lolln^ell to «le»t e»l»»t montn »n6 b»Il N« k»l k!» U»« 5l,op»? I Uiouzkt I Wouldn't ,t»N td<»« »ste^n<x>n uMU l>« dett«i- to »t»rt Mltd klzk
    576 words
  • 439 12 rlv«n l,»v« l»««u «up plies to tl>« Btl,it» b, tlie r»»s control NlNce »eel Bte»!c 45 ct«. per l»tt?: l°Met »ie»!c 92: Llrlow 48: ltump »t«»!c 4»: Glutton <zustr»!l»n>. »N7 cut »4: ?c>7>c: I^ean <l?n!»lc N»!l» 60: l^e»n »n6 l»t «?ulb <?l!l»Ic »»>c, 44: K»n. l»»
    439 words
  • 95 12  - Winkleday Adventures Barbara /j> "XI/U^l' are ye soln^ to 60 to- <j»v?' I a«!cecl Lunzu I^«t WlnilleclllV, I coulcl Bee ke k»6 an l6e» llbaut BQmetl^in«i becauze Ne "Yell. l tkwlc »ell kl»e t« lock 11i»l'« not l»ul l 6«» »w Ilke lliw «l» lloW Uek d»<:!l up «>ll U,ln,
    95 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 119 12 ink: roov or mr: ruru^ ovrlt roll /«^V l/^ > 5 ll r !«oltr <»^« rx^lt^ AHR smers«!icv Ivi v«s« I)2N Ne Uzea 55 fise pump. /^F U151.1N5 «l1»l>«8Tl:l>> /^^F^/^^ l^ven tne lovellesr sllln s^»-z» T^T^W^M'' el>nance6 vv Uie 6ellc»te veillnz l«^6B.^r «'U.Blt« po^ 7>ne« en^-i-Ne NrBt ana m«> l"l»'«87«>
      119 words
    • 31 12 c 57!1.1.!1'^ Io 3top 2 severigll 4^ll your iWXllONtux »U !>»«!!« «M «s I»'»»'««, >»»i?^.»»«»»»»«»/^^X «»«»^<«»> »l rw >»<« l^« wk» <»»>» «»»««>««. <»> »<«!»» «l«nl»««>>-^ »i^p,^ «< 5vl«,cl,l»« ,»«> l>7«>»«. »»7 »pec!«li»l» <»»!» n»ckll« p«0«r 2952 232. Oscli,^ lt<j. smg«pos«
      31 words
    • 37 12 now on cc»v/^ cKpl^Ql. »u!l.ol«l:. 5 pone pnon«: 2214 Kit, «!>l^lH!!Xl.z >^^x il »l<« zl»m«»s<»ul »pp«»!inz »<» <l<fs«s«nt l !^ll!» 11/:^: »i.l^. >,» Ll l«« 75« !5e »rll>»l»kl r»«»«nloc«^ en. «>«< <7»11»u,', Ne,i kmbro<<lef<«z Xc» 8l»!pn»en» «,U 8«<, «»n«lkelr!>l»tV ele.
      37 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 48 13 U wN ZIL A^ A^ MM MM M M^ »^W MF M» «Rl^. M MM. MM MM l F > M»»M MM F !l^^ Vncz^iliVL iron! DbaislL, W^^^^^»W»W»»»»^^^^ W^ ok tlivSO csoods is H^ XU^l^ i.U^?UN M clt compstitivs pri<73 W^^^ MM MM MR'W M^MM MMM MM !^W^^^M^W>^WM>WDW?WW><2D>MMW^^» !W>>>?^^^^?^^
      48 words

  • 251 14 THAI CONCERN AT JAPANESE MOVES Lan^kok, 12. V151.1.4L1.N loreissn odscrverg ?ere discount tke exassj,er2tk6 estimatftZ ok tlie numder ot .lapanese forces m Inc^o-^liina and stats tkat tne ma?t. reliadie e.^im»te3 reacninss Lansslcok put tnem lit a total ok 5O.'«)0 .lapanese troop 3 at present tnroussnout In^o-l^nina. ok >vnom about 30.000
    251 words
  • 132 14 Division Over Neutrality Act > Ix>nll2N llov. 12, »s«l: limez >Vll8k!n8lon coll«> ponclent 52>« tN»t tne Un tecl 3tate« l!<wse ol Neprezent»tive« !z 8»l<1 to be 50 6ivi6e<i an tdo queztlon c>l tke neutr»'.it> lecl?WUon p»3se<l b> tke 3en»t« to permit t^e llnnlnss ol Unlte6 Bt2t« Mlrcdan^m-n »ncl tdell u«
    132 words
  • 50 14 7oki». Nov. 12. Xl»!»t. »licdi,»dur<» .Xon>usl». «ltl» ll>e sV»«nln>;t«n lime,!>ntl,ln!i»»U«." tl,e solli, /Vz,kl «l»nrt» lr>»n >V»!>lllneU»n. /»«!»tle <!>«ue, b^t«»«n <ke l nlte«l Bt,t«, »n6 I»p»n l in> tens tn m»lle lurtker eNolt^ to Nns l^nnul» vllfse^x tl>« <<»» l,»V« !»l»l0lutel.V N» >N»»l!l!<»N of fetusnin, bom"
    50 words
  • 79 14 Hsl »<Nel»l r»<ll» eonun«nt»t»r >»,» nl«dt. »i»pe»le<l t» N»»l, to on tne »»tcn »«»ln»t liltn colun,nl«t« <!»v«r«lnent, l»« »»16. n»» not c»n»l6««6 tl»e ev2cu,»<on ol tne p»l»u.»t!»l> tne «»ntr»l^ 6«m»n6, tn»t 1^l,»l, ,t»7 MNere tl>«» »r», »n«l N«nt il 1nv,«1«6. Nome l»«l«nc« snrce l» to ln
    79 words
  • 114 14 Tokio Cabinet Meets To-day I°olc a. Kov. 12, X Lpl^lX^. meeUnz ol ttie Oablnel vlll be nel6 tn-morrov »lternoon, to tne Dome! nev« 2«enev lt vlll "tteclcle on an 6 approve" tn« lipeecnes t^ be M26e dx lne prime I^inlzter, <3en "lo^o. tne klr 8 "lozu, »n6 tne f'inanl'e Xllnlzter
    114 words
  • 70 14 Irresponsible 1-alcl.), «ov, 12. X UT^IOIUI'^T'IVIL «,u»l»«r, ln I'alllo Bt»te6 1»conle»U/ <osav tnat tbev louncl no nece<»!tv tn comment on tn« D»/ zpeecn by 00l Knox. Secretary > ol tne vnltecl Bt^le» Ilav> "ln vlev ol nl« p»«t !rr«!panHlb!e an 6 belUcoze utter»nc«H > vell-lilorm«!6 od«crver. no»ever.
    70 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 233 14 Boltl, dleanell, 185!«0NI» LNlller nll. 11l PNlV^ir INU8I«8 (!»rr^in^ out tne wisnez ot <le»6 triena'g i» otten 6i<Ncu!t. l»boriou» »n6 tn»n!c!e»B «or!l, enerullcninz »eriou!,l^ upon time neeclecl tar Xour own »ff»ir3. Your burden can be Bre»t>? e»Ze(l it Becure tne aic! ot corporation zpeciall? lormeu »n6 qualiNeci to undertake »ucn
      233 words
    • 0 14
      0 words
    • 42 14 <» Lecause zne Iceepz nerzell D^^^^l /M. immaculately xroomecl.' V^ l^/^ll!t,l^L' 5«0«l" !5 N«l cnoice os luilel prepHsHtion s«s cia^ /s^. keepz lne zlcin zmoorn ancl supple. ,^»^Mslr 6^!ic2le l>2A!-<ince a6clz cnarw </^ love!/ complexion. Ilie osi^inil/ non-zs«2s/ toilet prepzsHtlon l3<^nnc>uc:«s we«.t.c:c)^e Cc) l.c»^l>«,^
      42 words
    • 197 14 Inner c!ean!inez« «noul«i be _^I^^ '< tne llr,t rule! l?or until tne «vBt«m l« purine<l rezularlv tnere l«^^^^^^W> < can be no true pnv«ic2l Ntne,«. 8a turn to I^lver 82N »>^,»^//«l! l^» Imme6l2te!v you 6rlnlc your bub- V Rs blinB 8laH« ol zn6rev« lt clean, B»^^W^MM^>^l«V«^ tNe tongue anci moutn
      197 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 49 14 >« no Nnlckleli K»m!lu»n lelecUon,: 13 «c«, M No!i>c!en^ 30 w I.l«tenln« ?llstV 7 No ckUcl^ii', pro»l»mmel 7,20 ?!w> ltev!«»: »,«> V, Key, ?»I!c: l 0 l» Ke«^ comment,^ «cl«l>: »3N K«»» w I°»mU. 540 !«,45 w Nlnc!u«U>nli 00 ltec!t»Ul>n ol U:« lic»-»n^ li He», Xr»dlc, 9,0 l w k^nrk:
      49 words

  • 126 15 EUROPEAN WOMEN WIN ANNUAL HOCKEY MATCH ke»t ?rovi6e ?o r Oppozition Europeans 4; I'ne lie«t 0. s>I8PI^VI>I(; m»rk«l LUperiaritzs in »II departments ok tne 82me. tne Duroncan women's kucke? »»i«le »venss«l l»»t cleteat b^ belltin^ tne Ite^t ny four to nil in <ne »nnu»l I^oppx lla^ I?un6 matcn on tne
    126 words
    5 words
  • 3 15
    3 words
  • 28 15 Civilian Team For War Fund Hockey tk« 8ln«»v»r« cl,Ul»N!» ?V»e runs docker «»t«l» t« be p!»?e<l on tl>« p»«l»n« Lue»> B,,n6r»m. lt»l»l', 8k«!lllll Nu, ,«ln. O. rillot »u,l
    28 words
  • 45 15 s^lcx:n^cv »n<z n^iiv »ope, boll, by l>«!6. lmp»«»««<z »t lot ol be»Un« vltl, bl, Ilekt »ei«»»l on «!«>>, l>ra ?»ti-!2 «m 6 Ox>l Oourt »ere be «»lcl ul k'»«l«l<p. Nan» 8t»l. Bino>c« L<»^ Iooic«l ixrteMnUl? Ut, »kere w Nil, l»u« U «celv«l ln Ull»,
    45 words
  • 51 15 'sNI: l»!lQ»lnr «11l repr»«nt li »«»In« tne ««vl»n<l 2rl?«le Me lportl lUTick., << ll,« untt« »t >c. l?»^<>r: l? t>. Abbott, >^c Dull, B^7 Vl»n»rrv. 0. 8n«rp«: p/l>. <?«' n«tt I«c. «»>^mev: >c. L«t W^r>7l:>^l>, 8«t.»n. ?t, lv. H«n<^, l?p! koeke, l»t. 8«t lteerr. lve.<!.r^e» p/O
    51 words
  • 1170 15 GOOD DIVIDENDS ON SECOND DAY AT BUKIT TIMAH I^oXk! DoBire, Okkensive l!^ contraBt to 3aturcia^, >eB^elclav, l,lle Beeon6 llazl ol tke Binss2por6 I'urt (Hud's winter meetinss at Bukit I'imaii, li^d Zeveral t;dnc^s sor pu?)t,ei's, Iloval vegiie, .^ir ossenBive, a m«il^en winner. an 6 VVeBtenra provisiin^ tne liisssse^t upBet« ok tne
    1,170 words
  • 192 15 SELANGOR RACE ENTRIES «v,. 29. »0»«» <7l^BB 4 >»»«<» r»», l»»»e b««> l» s^i »«>»»«» l,^l»»^ »>^ 5K lur,. lur»: »en«<Uct 5^ lur». 8 lur,: »lue »n<l s>, lur«: »Ul 1>»« 5^4 lur,. sur». 0»rrur^ 6 lur»: <?l»»tterbo» 5>5 lur,. U l?reme <l« XenMe 9 lur«, 9 lur» Oinvov 5»4
    192 words
  • 30 15 UZN^li«»: Ber V, 8l)llc. 8l).l! l>uni,d lt«rln»«nt V,. ln<li»n I lt«b?: IN c«. v,. lt.^X< H« 0.1 i.: !,<»»»>« v«. lt.r. <sl>»ne>'. Nll!m,n. senn4,: l. »p«n ln»it». 8l1«l).
    30 words
  • 59 15 > uo^l. b» Lot^e, Me onl> oue ln leconll n»1l. en»b!e6 k>l»««l »»w Ke»ve to »ln Me D»lvev vup lor Me «c»n<l «xc«r encounter Xn«0!» N«>6 »t«l!um lul »l<l« vlUcl, wriullea t»I«»rt» llile Melr v«l«r»n luUtxu:^ c?n«>» «ln. t»«pU»l »v«l nl« lro» l»«v1er «k»nce»
    59 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 130 16 Next Move By The Fuehrer I»ndon. l>lov, 12. KMQlll! nirits and siiapz ol evld"Kence lr<<m tne Continent make lt clear tnat Hitler plans, or at any rate nnpes, to lssue a "European victor? declaration" t><?lore lnnz, vrites I'l>e limes' diplomatln correspondent. '"I'ne declaration vo'M be made to divide an oplnwn
    130 words
  • 631 16 liuibkkev. Xov. 12. I soviet reports xtate tl,2t tke Ne<l llesenllm? t»a» si^ralvxell tlie latent sic, man olsen«i>e by 2 serieg ol Bk»rp counter »tt2l li» in bitterly col<l we»tner. It i» >«t2te<l tnat 2 numl»er ol soviet Bucces3eB in narei lousslit local actions N2<? l,roussl,t
    631 words
  • 157 16 Ix>n6«n llav, 12, X BWrQISN corr^p^n^ent ln lZerlln «lye» tne lollcvlnz picture o? 'ile »t Nltlers 1,<?«16> quarter, zecorclin, to tne 6tacllnoinl correspondent ol trie v»ll? "lewilrapn, tne 6e«r!plwn is zieane^ lrom tr^ste6 lollovers vno personally vlslteH tne fX>en> rer's nesclczuarter., Nit!er° nlme is a veil
    157 words
  • 41 16 Vlcn?. l^ov, 12, OXI^^UIIM. Xl, Nlum an 6 Nen. QameUn vna are delne 6etalnecl on var eullt cnarses, removes tnl, morning lrom Vourassa.! to li'or,, i-<rtale>, m l.»« .^».ene^ vne^ »key ,s' to remaw wcnrcerates aecorcllnzi to lHarsnal petaln H orclers—Neuter.
    41 words
  • 267 16 tl>« Unites 8t»t« »pp«»l to »nn«une«m«nt lroin Ilelliinki «»>, tl»»t tke »inni»l> ««v«rn onl> l>« «topp«6 »U "llie r^nnizk reply. «um> marlie^ tram tke Bvesl«li rll6w, 8»v» tkat l^nl»n6 k liLktln, tor kel Nle »n6 cannot zlve uncler calllnz tkut tke Vnl«,e6 Bt»te«
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 123 16 »^no« v. s. z. 8. z. m«lero H 00., 70. M 2« L^Nlll:^. I»l«ll.ll»8A MWM^ HDMWM^^' BenB»tilinal new ?nilipB improvemei'^ j^ive another liel6. >l00l:i. IXO. Dlsl^ (illuBtr2te6) i 8 a 6e luxe Bupernet witn preBB button ban<iBprea6 tuning, giving new meaning to Bnortwave listening. l Bt«tion» on tne snort waveB
      123 words
    • 25 16 15 vuul» 3r«vll:l3 »i(iv«u^cl.^ vourteetlltodilv? kor zpllklmz vlule leell,, be,lli»> ssuwl, fr«k cool mauln. u»e >I,cle»nz. It quickly removez ll»inl, ,nd pol»n«z lkc enamel »n<t
      25 words