The Straits Times, 12 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times

    • 21 2 »»r!va' Ncor«e c»r»p!et <0eor!:!o p1v,.,1 a»av an 11-11-41. > 24, I-'l,!.,!!!! tak«! place at »!<l»d2li <„ i, ,<rv taclav at 4,20 P.m.
      21 words
    • 88 2 ?w l,»»i!v ol Me wte «r, «l^ne linoon »wnc« to expre«« Mcv l,e»rl.eU l!>»,!>!< i>» relatives, lrlendz »nd «t»<l ol M« ueneral pozt OlNco »I" »>t< <!<c! nlssbt v!silt» »nd Me luner-I to tko!^ »no lent c»r», ,^c:>t nllpei z. vrei M« »nd letter, ul >lence. I7i- lr.mllv ol
      88 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 224 2 p>!M2»v <!»«! Lox «v, 748. L'r»lt« I°. »t« 127, w N«, 275 mnntM?, ?Ie»l»nt »»5V 2-' „<>v vorll, 1511m,,!c5 lle« Vex H»x «u^: !!>,!> »lUi >" ik« nl <-l"!»'M!»l<' ,ulrrc' !<> Lnx li^. Btr»!t- 1lme« ,e<,ui,,cl tv Lux Ko, 727. 3l,«!t« 'llmes, I.HN^, l:x!><>7!snc« In p«, ltcs>!!e« Nox «o. 743,
      224 words
    • 200 2 c»!!we !n lcu-lla Lumpur lnr eener»l l>2ice expedience. zppllc»t!<n^ In vr^lnss vltk lull p«u-Ucul»ls to «v, B>.s»lt» lime,. uNlce experl>>n««. >l>l»l, Lni «a. ?SS Lax No. 757. Bti-»lt» I^lme,, 760, 8tl»tt« I'lmez. c:kU6len> r»lt!es, Lckol)!,. ?llw«, rtc:, rrellt treat lur Uie «!6<Ue«, Imported Bl,^»ini»n, >li'»t Ume ln ?ee December. 478,
      200 words
    • 690 2 MllL. orrierlt vno e»u«i »t Ne>u«« ?e«tercl»v re k1»U«««, ple»« c»U »«»ln »t wine U»« («.2«>. r0« l»^«, 20°. p>»?«. 0orne«ll», ar»ni»«, l«c« llietrne,. «te. «!V«!r»l unprocu^nble) 1^ >"t or <>U,L>V. /^l^o 2 Let, ol <7»N»W lcener?. »ltN bo'-lierz. One "set vrop,' oncl L'Sl'e c!o!.l,. >^!l w «x«l can6ltwn. 4?».
      690 words
    • 589 2 i»« »cki» »l»r»«l?!<z »^I.OON 1N« 8!n«»l»»r«. Europe Note!, WiM velrs ol experlen>.c at cwl» Natel». etc. can «lv« v»u Me be»t attention and every »»tl,l»ct!oi, Ne»»« p»v »"t «"> pl_,Ll_lc: cniKc l^»«: l.rr t co. lncarporated ln Me Btrait« Bett!cment« NO^ic^ Is nerebv llven mat at M«. I>>!entv.Nr«t Annual Oeneral
      589 words
    • 613 2 pul3l»lc: 7NK IXUXI.^ ltM^ ltU»B^ IH7X7«. 1.70. d»v ol Me declaration ol a dividend 4 per cent. Ie» tax payable nn 2<!tn Navember to znarenolder, un Me re -mi: »c?nnl» co,. 1.11?. Blnl«r>!re. 1011 41. »«1713N kl^oicxi. zzzocixnon (8«»»l>«r» Nl»l,l«n> >n,«r« vlll be a clinical 0« tne Bo>Mern Dlvi^an ol
      613 words
    • 334 2 X)pll(^!. V «o. «Ki^rn».<)o L^nee^. 1°«l«p»«>n« 7467. for Ointment »nc! plll Nox ««,t«<i. ccullzl. ill^lllile en. INS c«cl> 3ts««t. sinB»por«. 7^D^N3 l> s«cxsoltr .ximlcisxuTi. !i«. lull particular, c>l «nlcn m»v be obt»!:,»-d at Me zlunlclpal s (l, llrectlon ol D»n«r^encv Ol^er^atlori c»e. «'ddlelan No»pit»l, «au!m«l» lload <D«pa»l» t«nd«r« ela« noan
      334 words
    • 73 2 Wlllllllz 12>! II >uu »re looking lor 2 medium li2xl c«u^ tl? tkl« one. Id l« m Nrst cl 2»« orclcs. veil «Na<l »n^ ievl^ 6uecx>6, sllllll 8 p. 5^llU!« k ««xl «M2>l c^l. In ver? Nnt^ UN p«0«r 5082 »«!>«»« l4i» »l! roe KHiS pseles«l»lv m one lot.
      73 words

  • 85 3 CROWD SEES MOCK WAR IN BRITAIN tnou«2N<l civilian «pect»Uir«, inclullinz women and Fills, places tnem»elve8 c»n tne ecj^e ot tne "d2ttll>8launcl" mi Lallzburv ?Illln recel>U> Wncn ine »n6 N^l'. l!ombln^6 '.o tzlve tne blFssll5t an6 mc«t re^Uztle plcture ol v?,r ever «t2e«6 <n pudlie ln IllltlUn. 8pec!2»y wv!te<> by ike
    85 words
  • 198 3 Submarine Sinks Axis Ship With 3,000 Troops X NLI'oni' re:elvc6 ln I»n6on by ti e lio7^e<il2n telesrapn n^ency Llvez nevz ol rece^' «^cce«8lul b> 2 NrlUsn 3udm»rlne on tvo Nell"-' tranHportz ull Korvay, One «tup w»« torpe6oec>. vltn 3,0l»0 enemy sowiers on bo»l6. «l,!c>, »66«l tk»t only 200 ti-om
    198 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 sinsopmnl) 8 p.m. »n miclnilkkt NO N^ILIiOOKI OU^««lI Diullsi 33.00 ,»v««o^» «»v. vle7ll»v Lkl-l. 8?rel»l. ek»»»r7 11, tll, Vle7ll«v «!ll7lrz. 7iell«t, lino »087rzz« ,i^ 7«k c«u»e»!l.l. 7«! l« fUllll NMcerz, noiri. r»IV>XV B^^NV^ V 0>>»«, 12. »l1»>l,l,» t, »s»» «b«s8« i oll^Ol^N Znci o^l^c:^ IV!USIc) LV sslll.l.llN's L^o I«rnoi^nv lll.uo^^
      131 words
    • 158 3 9.30 8IlIQK?OIte 13 3N^»c3N^l IQHICNI! 2 cLl.rnni7iLB rnoivl "p^lli3 or 'mr f xn «^8! uus?rB!» l»u8^l:88 cnv ili«u i«iil rimu l.r« l.rr kn»»n t« cin«l»» l»n«' Ol»»n»plon veneer nl 8l»n«l>l»l one nl tl»« l«»6ln« ,t»« ln »na tl>« belle' »l one ol tn,» cl»in», lloll^^ixxl. rlt>, le»«lin, 6»nce n»!l». I^o
      158 words
    • 80 3 ll!,»,!,!I,»>e< >9»?» z»l!,<»i««. t»p!t»! ll^ c»p«»»i 41.31,»»<! e»!6.», l2.?»l»« s»n<l, >„>»««« »»,!>M, runa, I« «> l»4l, »l millions «»r»l» !l«»fl, «»»<> «»6s»» In response to tne le«,ue>«t ol our lncki^n lrlen^>, tne «»n!l v>» be opening br,ncn »t Penan, »n«rll> 3inB2pos» Offica 4. »lr»«», !<». «3. »23!« "e!elr»», N^lV^.^ eol.°
      80 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 60 3 «,»7l »«>».! 7!N« 4l2»Nl 7ll lrom »ull!t 11in»I,: «,oz Nokllle »r!cwen^ S 28 8IN8»p«l« cl>!I!n«i S,3ll c!!»rk <contr»Ito>. «Itk V»l»6!e 9,Il "«»tt«r, 0l ««nent": 9,»N »n6 KI, Ol<-lu»tr»fl 9 45 5 I- m 1°»mU rllin »It«: 5,10 liev» ln "r^m!!^ «,4U 1>»na» w»lctu. ««n. b? cev<on I^»<U««' Ocl,«tr»: 6 45
      60 words

  • 1132 4 StocK Share Quotations (l88ue«l bv l«»l2^»n 8ll»rebroker»' 8m«2p«le) <5») 2, 96 2, 2a 57« >^u«tl»! <5l) 4>^6 7, 7>/i6 U»!», <l» 32, 32, < zyer Nll»m <5«» l?» 86 18, «<! Ven« <»I) .82 86 »»i«r!n I'll, <l> 12, 66 14, Sc> N»tu 8el«,zc>l c»I> I 42 l.47 Le^unt»l <5«>
    1,132 words
  • 21 4 /^m m»Il« c1«« Tt Me U««l»I ?<«t on L«pt 19. 20 Ql>6 25 ,t« ll«Uvr«<! W I»Qll<» on !<<»». 6.
    21 words
  • 184 4 London Stock Exchange Nrm c»lt-«<l««<z l«u«^ »cle lull? ,te»6y, Ilnme lt»!I« k»l<le»e<l, luclu,—N«ute>-, o». »A> l<>«^ l 5>un<Un, 4^ 114^ l N« 3^<7. 104 9 1s -I I, psua?nU»! "4" 22 n«7»! »!>c <3l«« »Ve«l Ol<l.. 4«z, <:«,, l»«,lk <l»>. !2!» ck»lt<'le<> n»n» <«z» 9^ l n^. »»nk ,»I25>... «7»^
    184 words
  • 25 4 >snr t!l> tn»^et Ni-M« t»-6»y: c!c»w» price, M«» t2s«^ lor <V» «»6 lleo^, <<» <t»« lnootlu, «n,p»l> «1 '-ill, 125«^ »l»6 ***** i 7e«er6»7
    25 words
  • 17 4 5tl««k»1. «c>». 12. 'I'N^'l' uul>»Mn« !»l<»mel« «l 8t»»n«R l>op« »l>6 l«u,. ti>« i>«« Uiiouziinut U,e 6»/ y«,l»«l»>
    17 words
  • 363 4 AROUND THE MARKETS Vv Our financial Curiezpansent Lin^.pore. llev, 12, tIML znare market, opened l quietly «te^sy tnl« mornlnz ans oper»torB »le Inclines to rlllner more cllutlc»u.<! penMn^ 6evelopment« ln Uie r»l L2Bt Lome encoula^emsnl, n»«. no«ever, been receives liom Ix>n6on vnere tke Stock l^cnanee nrmer >e«ter62v
    363 words
  • 6 4 7ll<>n», UiU««l «t»t«« 8«U»x l»ke<l U,«i-
    6 words
  • 4 4 lie, Vo?5, «»v, II,
    4 words
  • 100 4 TIN EXPORTS MAY BE RESUMED I^Q^IXIVIKa lettt!- tl«n ll>et»I l ««-wm^ wt«r««t«. t»» »llU»l» UUtkarlUe, c»i«lu!I^ con«!ll»w« u< Un export Uc«i<:« lrum Ui« Ui'ltol <lec!«lon l« expected li> l«M <l»7» llon« d«> been llcei>«e<! «lnre «»7 ll revnlies, l« de!!ev««, «Mli,, to tl,« <l«»nU-«n<! ol I7nlt«c! lUn«aan, Un »tock« »t
    100 words
  • 12 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASS. ><««»!», »?<> «r^«l «^8» »»l» »»>»» >«,. »>> >«,!»»«. »»A I«^ »»7 2,', >»««»»
    12 words
  • 3 4 «xl ln««r««t.— lt«utel,
    3 words
  • 5 4 United «,i»cc» judder k»t»^, I^<l
    5 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 l». 5 o. »NlIl8!« llllllk > !»r 'Incnlpur»le6 Ks^Mn l.Il«. l^,ljl!u,6> 8 co »^ll »,»B»r.x«r» 7^>>« t»c»< p<«»idle l^lnce, u^e .<> iV. t?o. fwm t»>e «tr»« to t^ieir c>/ coll m cklmi. /nckil. 0lllll8»l«lk8.«.ll0. l« N»n,k«»Nl. 8l»»nel»»l irl.. 586 l lt»n,»an l)»leutt, 8«rvl«« N»l»l>l»ll B«rviee nuliB?rzn co.. ».«>. 'rri.. 5«?.
      215 words
    • 20 4 Co.. !.'6 pkzzl-llerll 5 ek««o zrn«,lll-z Bki»ktl, UB7 MlllN. c,.. us. 22/25. ?»>«»!» <»>»«s 8»r»»t. lu«»iV<«»e<i ll» l< 8»lU»«» »pp»«»»»l, «»el»
      20 words
    • 42 4 BlKVl^kk /'elT-a/nount's /?oa</ to Lau^/lter anci /?o?n2tttlc /n^// 3uppurto6 b^ 20tk Ontur? Movietone »n6 l^arumuunt ltl-Ui>li I^e^» inclu^in^ krom »n6 Ke« Xe2l»n6 urrivc m Honolulu »n6 are cntert»in«6 b> American lte6 1.15. b. 15 2N«I 9.15 's l^ V »°xottiee'l-l,ane3^ Wl-l»-!Nl-: (301^3
      42 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 /i^7l//i^ 66/^NVM6 t)^V^ o^l^ t)^V^^ IN-D^V 3.15. 6.15 9.15 U«OUW MUMllll ««M MUM n^,nv j^H HM> V^ >il./. /V^v^ T'^/ss// s 5. «,,</ MllllmM >»VV>V ,s^ ,1-3 ''l V ll> X> M W ,«^>.»i ilcnc:^. vl«lil>,s c;l^ liinul^ X,!>, >i, !>l>lr!«VI! I l^ov zvl^n Il»l» ll^ilt lllilllir or l.lli«,
      48 words
    • 64 5 cOM»I.L^L 8L1.1.. M W^ /Xl^^ lV>,l_l.rN M// 8«^o»2n«lcool«a Ulllvn, Il,eI»llll5I00N8 l,Mn!^ >^ 5>X«1182n6 21!jN58 l»U^ IMWI 9.15 f^verv person v^no 82V "NOV3 I'ttV^ >" >vill «2nt to >cc tki> Bucce«Bor !(sl W^WVk^ V 80V570WN llsr»_f! M t»H« cl,me«tk»v,oltll^«equelto"Lo>» nM iM 7 in x>e«i 9.30 »l»»^»n. cH«0l« l^»>i»8 »lr.><^uu 0/^V f,se«e!l
      64 words
    • 103 5 3 I.^l/c?// F//OV^F O^/1.^...H./Z— 6.76— 9.75^ n».z. Po^r>>>.'3 2N «0^»_! l Xl^ till nncl tir<>v ««V««H >.OV'5 2 psstect IV Y! "t Iti<»t<»u« l^xl»l<»it» 7?,el> L^^V/^FT- o/" <" 7«ll I«l»l WK« F/^ /'/a)'. "^Vi/T^" an</ trie- to prol>e »,S /I? s>t"nit« T'imi'' ll».N.«<). supporting Attractions vine our l liln«e ««t»»l»nl.
      103 words
    • 31 5 'l'cXZ^'l'l-l^f? W!1-«-I t)<v^ 05 77/5 o^^(777^ T'/Z^/i./.^F «FF MM M^ W W« »l«l!.0l>cMllV'MI> M.H > c<»lix<i xi l^lixcilox OID VXOI «I^l^ >^ ?l(i»^ «H o«»c^ »I« »^p?v «««Xl>« I<>.«!<3»^ 7.00 5 3. »5
      31 words

  • 1111 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, WED, NOV. 12, 1941 (801st.Day Of The War.) "WITHIN THE HOUR" 1»vo passages ln Winston Onurcnlil's zpeecn at tne I^lanslon House on »4onsa> are ul vital importance to tne people ot tnls ana nel^nbaurin^ countries. One concerns tn« se^ree al <:u-npera,-tion wnlcn will come ln!.o beine
    1,111 words
  • Letters To The Editor
    • 998 6 In War Lttort tne rckitor ol tne 8tsalt, l3Ir>— > ,udnea<llng to one ol vour recent cadled I»ndon letters read' "I^ie yueztlon ol l4anpover." Vaur Iximlon c^orre, pondent vent on' '"lne c,ue,tlon everv tnougNNu! Nrlton l« ponderwg u>: Nave we sulNclent mau-power to meet al! tnose enormou, demands?' Tne
      998 words
    • 252 6 >Vkv C!<)mplaintB lew 5» tke li6it»r »l tne tl»it» I^une, Blr.— ln your l«ue <>l Ko^. tl,e actlne l^nancial Bee etarv l« reportecl to liave liven vl«M» a« to tne rea«on« lor tne very small number ol complaints about tne lne<,U2!ltie« ol tne >V»r I'lUl. car«lln« ta nlm.
      252 words
    • 147 6 U,e «i»or ol 8t«lt, 8>r. WNen »re ve to n»ve p<>2l ple »lM «oun6 ln tNe I^NC? lH«t nl^iit Slneapoi-e cr> Out lln6 »Nen 'l en6e<l Me Ix>i«lon »nnounce5 z^lcl Mat re- cor6ln« ol tke prline zp^el'Ii 2t tlie I^ol6 X2^c,l'.<! ban- <>uet vouI6 5o!Iav in tv?o lr>!nude« »N!cN
      147 words
      5 words
    • 200 6 vrattins Municipal lo »»»e k6il«,l ol t»>« 7>m« 8lr.— 'lne report !n t^-6»v 5 8tr»lt« I^lme, concerning N Ix,v!ck'« crlllclzm ol tNe !ncre^.,e ln munlclp»I revenue lrom r2t«5. »cnleve<l b> tn« zlmple proce« ol 2<lv»nc!n!l tne H««e«8mentH ol ll^ne»occupie<l nouses. l« »n UIum!nlltln« »l<lell«nt on tne oMcial ver«u« tne
      200 words
    • 118 6 tde k«l!»«r ol Btr»itz I^.m^ Blr.— l N»ve rea«l O. l^ees v»riou» letters on buiMwii metkcxl^ vitn ereat interest, bu i »> l»r. I notice, no one n»« »ny tnin« to «a> on tne sudicct. no. n!8 !ett<rz <>!i2l!enBe« to tne t,ui!6lNB aulkoritlez ancl tne Hlcn^'ectz? Il l^ec
      118 words
  • 366 6 POINTS FROM LETTERS llelp «i»nte!l 'llicre na,<; Veen z zll^kt controver«v to U»« correct pronoieiation ul tn» voltl I^lczcoW < capital ol k!u««l2». >Voul6 yc,u Iclnclly en> li«nten u» a« to vnicii ul Wn lollovlne. >l »nv. 1., correct! I»lo8«Kove"?— N,^ Lineapl l« INuH8l»n8 tot'.^ iescuc>, p,i»^e» -l! 6. L
    366 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 29 6 Km», U»v— sp»e!»l I^UNn »»n6 m, ««>!>! 23.l 2?.- > 3b' Ike Vloion«z co. m moderate call nt 12. 0«ll»k«ll »okll. p^o^l^ 21^2 eo.. 31 /2 b, o«oo« ou^x zinced,
      29 words
    • 2 6 21.5^1'1'^^V NO^r).
      2 words
    • 51 6 1'll»i prevent!, corru^ioi,, >>» „n»flrcte^ k> >>trunll »c<6!i. -llk^lisV »r lx rrm? «.m»zpneric lN!»nz««. enemirHl lulne,,, or !i»lt kilter. »n6 R^H> bur ri»l!«^>> !>s>« >„ »«lsu> iron buillln^z. ?iN!p^' «i«le«. t»nll8, lunn»!^. 6re«lsse«. M»»> rubber l»clorie^. »ll :>»ll expo«es iron anll iteel lurez m lsnkine«rinss :l»6 V^ner plin,t!>. lroi, zir6erz»
      51 words

  • 249 7 (^ontiiet In Last 2Nl^ urgent nk tke poBBibilit^ of tke United Bt2toB bcinl; en^2sse6 Boon m 2 like i>,,6 llontl, Btruj?ssle m tne or ?2citir »<ttere6 bx le26erB tde BtateB Government n»8 l».^^u!e<l Dr. Nu Bl^ili, CnineBe m tnat un6er no c>>cumBtaneeB >vill tne
    249 words
  • 108 7 kiovlcience 'Nlicxle I3,>. l^uv, 1l. "'I'l'I^ Iiour ul clec^mn l« Nere, 1'lii'z vaz <ti? Icevnute ol 2 Knox, ll^e K»v> Lccrolai;-, In >:,!>!>!> l!>n vvnli l,ne !!ocl!l.'aiwn lit <1c»I linox cle>.l»recl ilial tNo v^llorin^i paliont" la but l.iniK'i-, vnu':6 moan idat o^' I^dkltv nnci ls>rdt>2!HN^e b?
    108 words
  • 29 7 'l'll^ < lipner ,»>-sfin« >«r. >pe,i»! envnv l!>e >V»!,!>ii>elon ne^ollilliunx. i> «^2»n 6«!»>e6 ut >lic!v,.i> !>!!» >l! u«in^ t<» n,nt»r lrnudle. l'an .^lr«^>v>, >>!i>>> lne clipper depart «<> n,urrn«, !,i»e<l
    29 words
  • 203 7 If The Kurusu Mission Fails 8I,»n«n»i. fiuv. 12, INkONKILQ circlez m 81,2n«N2< X rozlara I^lr. ,>> v»i p11>6,1? .mci I^r, Non«evelt>> «tatemen. on tnr pa»>lble l)>, .^l!,!!,!^ !rl>m ciiina couplecl «it,n tlie cnui^^ing statement on u> n^reempnt on llic! ,^<epB '>, be l^kc!, m !ne event ol a r>,>
    203 words
  • 35 7 v.lll rontii.ue ncr lile anci <i>r :ui<>t!,,r lour vc>^rx il ns<rs''rv. liiiz l'llcitle v»5 B>ven > i-i-l' v !>v Dr. V. ic I.'lN, tde c!nin!'s!» !n "s>,,s s>!-sxc>rv!»tion lie- ...< > > ,1 n.' !,«> «a a.— Neuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 76 7 Grim Prospect For Japan I-nnclan. Kov, 12. ,^^?>K lz uo, l»c«l vltb Me LltklNH. :lv? ul eiwei- «ee^1i» seasonable »reommc«I»tlc>n k« newkboui-, <» 'iimel w »n «iilul>2l tc>.<l»v on exti-em!«t«, or »keU>«- ztie «UI lleclcle to ,-etuln !o t!,e more pi-usent t«l!ltlonl 5uia«l ker policy tke »l!^ ot »i-It«w »n6
    76 words
  • 23 7 "No Compromise For America" "sU^'l^'l^lH In W2sNli>«><>n llie Most i V, mwm Nunc, r«!-u-.« cl IVUII2M Nuni «r Null l>n6 otnerz Ix «nolcne»lt«ll,
    23 words
  • 92 7 JAPANESE EXODUS 8li2N!lk2l. Nov. 12. 'U'UL e«xlu» trom tke democratic countries. parU-cullu-lv ln tke ?2cla<:. l5 zteacUIv conUnulne. Lome l,s<«> «ub^ect« lelt tke Netkerl»n<k In«ll«« on «on«i»^. 11,e »»t»vl» l»6la 8»l6 tli»t one ol tne ll»6 «lx vil«t v»t«n«» plve ve« retolnecl d? tn« 0u,tol»« »n<l »!U be «nt to
    92 words
  • 49 7 >Va«I,ln3t2n. Kov. II. s>l:K. Qeoize klannllll. cnlel ol tlie Qenerlll 8t»N. to62^ 5ummone.' ttie nation to 8u»l6 »8ain«t 2 "5u66en 2n6 vlcle«plea6 attempt b> tne t^uvelz to 8»butH8e tne United Ltatez munitions, utility an<l tranzpoltstlon in6u«tlle5. linpoNllnce ol clvl! Uelence Ve«!c. k»ve «ucce«I«l ln uplettln? lk« l»ml>
    49 words
  • 123 7 Saboteurs Djibouti "Attack" 2Lenc^' iepoll,« tnat platan. Vicnz sinister ol liolonie«, on ni« return to k^ance lrom vjiboutl 'l'rencn l3om»Ii> !I»n6» 8t»te6. "I^e Vovernor ol <lecl»r«s nlmxelt vllline to eive up tne port l^ncl r2llv?2^ ol Djibouti lor 8uppI>inF troop« lr> Xbx«in1» »nc1 tne trai^port ol relu^eez on concUtion tn»t
    123 words
  • 55 7 K^ »tn»eitl«« l« »inonL«t tne t»in. 6«el»re6 !«r. rllurcklll in tl>« Uouze ul r»m Q«n. Ol»»ll«« He vi»ull«. l>e«: Crenel, l«»«l«. in r»»!<o bru»«< cazt to tl»« people ul l>»nee »n6 revenue t»k«n. ?n« Qen er»l Kl0l»6c»zt M»< int«sce?'l««l bf tne t?nit«6 lixlenins pn«t
    55 words
  • 125 7 (^nunBlllnB, liov. 12. ltc^ll QnlneLe an 6 c-lrclez m <I!nunB>cinB are ol tne opinion tnat tne Lurma Ilo°lli l« luz important to tne anti»«^rc>s«lon lront a« tne Xortli Atlantic 80a route «tate« a Vnite6 pss^sB mez^aee. "llx- dellfl ln <!,>>»«» Nirkl r>^!^ «»>l»t «»>«n!6 a<-t»6e N
    125 words
  • 82 7 M.P. Predicts Early U.S.Entry Into War. »I^I.V «»n «b«l »«»ln,t INu««»Unl »l»6 U>e »I!i»nc« vltl, Uenn»n>. 6«I»rea !«»>»r l^i»l«ll» l>» <iu»s<l!» in «pe«el> l»«« t»>6»5, vl»«n 2N0OO 35.000 «p«ct»t«« o»»6 tribute t» tl»« 8l»rln« «l kte.n»l Lient in >l»«Ii««»n 8<lu««. ?l>« llrl i«l, ?»lli»m«nl»ri,n. 8lr l»n !>««r. »««««««<> tl»« »««n,KI»««
    82 words
  • 51 7 Ready To Destroy Oilfields l»n«I« lnsi«« rc»n«n,is !Vli» tl,k or Nutcl, ll<,ln«« to tl»e oilNe!6,. tl,« »l!l »n« »l tl>« kll«e»t llr« in m»n kl»»«Ir»«t intelrept. «6 k^ tl>« l ulunlki, llln»6e,,l ps«st»l»tlon« l>»ve k««n «»6«! l>> 'inlk «»,«> lllitwl, ,n«l Nulrl, »n6 un«ler tl,««« eilcun,xl»nee!! »tt»ck >n>.<!«i<,n mem»>es z>»i<l
    51 words
  • 211 7 NAVAL BLITZ IB ITALY CONTINUES I»nllon, Xov. 12. I)IiI^^IX8 naval olitx against tne reacn«l ne« peak >e8ter6»v »itn tne announcement ok more victim^ brineinx tne total since tne neeken6 to 19, inclucknx 16 8«pplx »nipz ol various sixes »n6 tnree Italian 6e8trover8. in »<lliition to atner ve88e>8 llamazeo'. l^ever since
    211 words
  • 97 7 Month's "Bag' of 165 Ships K ll»n5port »n<i supply zNlps anci zcliuonerz Nave be?!, sunk or zeverelx aamazell in Me zze<Melr2ne2N since /^ueu5t vken increazed convoi' ilctivitv over ker zupplv linez to l.ibv» de> «2n, I'ti^nlcz to :ke exploits ol tlie NltixN Aavy, enemas tonnaize «tlick iz con5!6er«l total !c>5z
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 44 7 U.S. SUBMARINES IN MEDITERRANEAN? liome. Kciv. 11. '^IIi: United Bt2te« d.a« increaBe<> tne number ol submarine ln tne XlelUteriane^n a« veil a« tne number ot cleztro^erz emplovecl on patrol vorlc ln lne lantic. accurclin^ to Vireinin Vavcla. mouthpiece vritlne ln tne Nloruale 6'ltalia,Uni:e<i pre««,
    44 words
  • 65 7 Bn»nen»i, llov. 12. <^»i: >I»p2l>es« n«»« ««encv reports lrom L»n«!lok tnat ne«oti»tlon« lor lne s»le ol number ol Americanbeln^ e»rr!e>z on vitn tne 17i»! Con,'^!. tleneral »t »»t»vl» b> United 8t»l«« o«ci»I« m rn»r«e »l /Xmerirnn v^r «upp!!e« In tne Xetnerlanii, In6i« It succe«slu!. tnl» be
    65 words
  • 18 7 Nev Vorlc. liov. n. U? l« reported tnat NrltiHn «nlp« nave captures tne l^nni«n lre!«nter <254» ton«).— lleuter.
    18 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 7 pun n««t m a bu^nt-out Hcmt>» 2lul«an toum on l/»« Oniepe^ t^»e mackinepunne^ dacilr.
    16 words
  • 103 7 Big R.A.F. Raids In Libya 0»ir<,. Knv, 12. X« N 4 .V:«l6e L»«t com muniyue. I««ue6 ve«ter6»7 Mat obiectivez ln Lldyll m,6 bv bomber alrcralt <lurin« 8un6a^ nlzl^t. lire, e»pIo«!anH vele «erv?6 »l»en lx>ml» vere llropp:^ »t Nen?>iH^i »ncj llrcz »cre 2lla «een 2'ter tHs«et« l>^. L«>rcl:2 ti»6 been »«mbecl
    103 words
  • 66 7 Setback For Nazi Peace Offensive Ix>n<z«n. llov 12, vur aerm^n denial, in «l VerUn K telezram to tne ltaUan KeMZ tn»t eiev Luiope (7on> 8«8z in Vienna l^ contemplated. repre««nt« Qerman retleat. »c> corcUne to 2 Ix»n> 6on commentstor, l«l»««<z. »er« III l»ct bein« inxle, »n<l i^«» move«> »re »k»t
    66 words
  • 35 7 1°ulkl55> pllinlel. ill. 8»>lUlN!. been in-»nU<z lllOQtli', I«»v« on account ul UI ke»IUi. l« e»> pecte6 to i-«5l«ii Xl, 8»l»^c«!u, Uie Neilln c»- QonllOQ »l!I de »ppuwle<l «ucee««>r to tbe ?c>i-elen »llnl«t«l. tke
    35 words
  • 35 7 7«»t«r«l», «l>7 »rit»ln b»<I not tluU be t>»<l nu,^w« to »M to k!, prevlou, ,l»tem«nt, N« pl»v!nul>!> U»t »uuia ,ot k»lt»t« to b»nb Nepl>w« t» »«>»>>«> q,,e,t!<,n «r «Unxlf^« ln «<»t«Q««r<>.— Neuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 240 7 Nazi Morale Hard Hit !,<>nuun, x>>v, 12 /^I.I.X^XX i,l!>unclB on lnc> >^ coy lront ,>>iiv mat tne pnv- ,!<»! ,onc!ilion ancl tne niur^le ul tnc Verman tloopx ix "appulilne/' xupplen»entarv Bovi<t c-ommlin.liue. I'nc <3elman.>> uni> lnrn!s are l<x> li^nt to protect tnem lrom tne colcl wl'wli n»» become severe <n
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 517 7 COUNTER-ATTACKS ON MOSCOW FRONT 'I'Nl^ IlusBi2N!» continue to l»ke counter nssl li lye 2ction 21l rounl, tne >lo»,co>v 2re:«. >vnile tnl> lllrM2N« 2,-e brin^inss up kre^n reinforcements. Xlaro-Var««!avel2 tne Uer mans nave brou«int up con«lll>s> able li»i.ll elnlorcements, "lvo t-erman attempts la lorce tn? c»la Nlver nave been Bma«n»6 In
    Reuter  -  517 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 8 7 ill p»»/e8 3. 8, 9, 10 «n6 12
      8 words
    • 38 7 lne n»v»ur everyone ll!l«l n»' ,l!u» k,^ ><>«r««l «l »n i !»,»l»^» lor »v«r tM«n»? >e»r« i i ll««p »»Il l»in«»pple ll»n, >^! <l»»k«s or K«U««» m ,»»r relri- > c^!«m«» "^»ov«. e«r»t»r »n6 l»»n6> lt l« >l«,l^ ..««>, to n»on,«ntx
      38 words

  • 175 8 I^lanv "In klemoriam" (^ittB /V I)I)III()>8 to Ike W»r run 6 are »3»in numerous to 6»x. but tl,e tot»> ok tkem i» kew^v tke »ver»l;e un6er a tkou»»nll lloiwri'. carr^inss tke ssro»^ total to 3«,022.529.10. T'nere are M2N> more ln klemorlam" LlltH, vet
    175 words
  • 10 8 uil!i>c>!,v >l Il<.»X!rl l,uui« Bl«ven«,n, tne liimuu,, Brc>ltl!!N »utn<»r, pru«r»mme
    10 words
  • 184 8 NORTH BORNEO CHAPTER »PNl: 5ixUcUi 2Nluver5»l7 at tlie ter to tke Nrttizli «oNK Sorneo cNurtorecl dumpunv >"25 celeb- 1 ralocl <n l?li»6»Ic2n on dkllrter > v^v, slovenlier 1, 6lrecwl ol tNe Nritii,!, «orUi Nc.rnea i terec! Oomp^uv. 8lr 1 travelled trom k!n!;Iau6 lor an inzpecUon lour cnl»n>»nMe5 »t reception
    184 words
  • 14 8 I^on6un, Kov, I I, ll!>cl-r «>-c»t 2tl2,n, »kilc clU:ie« M»x!»>um, sU,0UN,00,< NO7>.
    14 words
  • 35 8 .4, Cinema ,!»^v, < llurry" <l-«»n «s>! !»n<l llli! U>l» 6e!>zl!tlu! Nlm, 11« btoi? centre.; rounc! v>,.<!> man <I,eun lirra!, "Nu i,!,^, nlli a»u«ntel'» e!»,,,'Mlnt !Ui n >^u»« m»n vl^i» ,!^,^,i:l!>? !^,«t ?re,l>v <!l>>
    35 words
  • 24 8 ,.,.v lr»l>." <«!!li»n, l»»^», erl>i'iil,i.,^ii!^<' «><!> l-;i!>,,>,,^^ i!N!!,^!^,»!: I' >^ !^<! 1^' >,!^ ""'.I','''^!'!.- "I'll! Lw> will"'.!.-,-; i'l,,c o6!np.5 lor 6>v<,^e, N! !,!,>, 'I!,!.. !>> d>
    24 words
  • 9 8 <7»dni-et I^L O2N!>uiN lr»in 7,20 N»c>> I)!»»r<' 93U—m!6g,,5>
    9 words
  • 49 8 !!»>, Out l»r ltn,lnn» !«>>«7 VHile.? .^nn >li«>'s ltu^m'l' >„»>» »»<l '^»»r« !»!<>«,«',. colllmb,, L2>et> »n<j mlrtn, tne I°nie« Btuo«e, »i>pe»rw« 2t lrequent 1nlerv»l«. Xiicll.ion.'. »n6 teleview,! brollclo^i, »n6 !,ever»! otner novel l>>»tul?« »r« tnn,ic numbers »n6 v»u6evi!le »ct,^ Ine LUi'portUiz pro«r»mln« >5 »l»o »»tr»ctlv« »n6
    49 words
  • 51 8 "WE ARE READY" SAYS BURMA K^ cnillz v»lninz to H»p»n N,^I» l»,t ni«l,t. lie !i»l<l: continues n»v»! «uce«!>e« in »n« >le«Ut«r. »ne»n n»v« kloken ll,« mol»l» »l tl»e lt»Ul»n 82>!ul> »nH m»6e »ne pozzikle »r»N8ler »l >»r«e »l tl,e l»,e>Ne il n«ese«l. ltelnlurirnienlx continue l> pour into »Hl»>!» are l«s>."—
    51 words
  • 23 8 Watch-word Of The Thai People like l»Mer tNan loze zour Noiiaur. ->H>6 I'k2lwn6 premier, vken Inlervieve6 by reparter nl ll'.e N»n«!lo>! chronicle w-c>»>
    23 words
  • 36 8 AMERICANS "INVADE" MIDDLE EAST w i,.",e ?!l!6<«e I^»«t/ ?rom !,6»l-I.' l»n, »n<l tt,e c»«pl»n, along «ke Ir»>< l,I! Un?« Iron, N»»7», >c> tke 1°ul!c>«t, li-^ntlei- »n6 lc> »elrut, lrom l»»Ie!,iw»lIN Noum, w ?»»1lc>hl, «<«»- !,>^!!'.^!» .Xme can plzne,.
    36 words
  • 16 8 „I^X.^ clotninz, ptrtlcul»r!', <!>»»< 1Ao«e n«ve «ucn w^tk^Ne'v z, V, >V»r<lle, «»rlno »osltl, No»6, 8ln«»pore,
    16 words
  • 100 8 AMBULANCE CARS FOR INDIAN RED CROSS ervice »ltl'. trie Xle6!c»! Service!, ol '^c>^bekHll°ol"'lne V»r Or8»nil»l!<,n ol tne N«l Cr<»« Loclet? »»6 st, Ambulance m 1n61»,' !>»!<« kl»1,-«en, «»cr»e ,v an »66re«z, "I n»v« «re»t p!e»«ure lr> „retentl!>B B>lt t« ?ou lour »rni.ul»nce c»r« vitn tne nope tn»t lneze ,»r>> will
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 274 8 ciNk^i' d.ou«!NB xrl'.enn' lul > buurerz. c««UnB mure tkai'. SbN«,UNO i« rl»pl6>x bolNB drought, to cm»!>uul I<«H,OON, ex!l«!>,^ l.,tx>!»r!>' ciuartrr. In I'lliiionu v room, llllcnen, l.lltkroo.i! »»>« le»turc ol tr>e lil»«le men's <,u»rter« l» tne provl«lnn lor e»ck l»t>ourer ol «ep»r»te del, unaer vnicn
    274 words
  • 101 8 NEW WAR OFFICE FILM VAN IN MALAYA Mm v»n, »nlcn i« l<> pl»? »n lmport»nt port m lutur« »rltl,ti proi»«!n6» Nlm <lebu< In Singapore ta.<l»z- tne ne«- venicl« i>> little more !k»n l«lt, !on« »n<i vlelzk, over ton 2ns 2 nill, it «o equlppecl tk»t tne Nlm ere» c»n live
    101 words
  • 38 8 BRITAIN'S WONDER MACHINES ?.lrcr»lt ol »n? N«nter m tne orla, 6ec!»r« tke I>»l!v 'lele.zrlpn »«ru- »onc!er m»ct>we w to-<l»;' »lx v«»« c?»mrn m 1»24, «n6 l« 5tll! k«ln« pro6uc«l ln Hn«l»n6 m l»r«el <,u»ntltl« tr»»n »r>>,' otker N«nt«r,
    38 words
  • 98 8 pn<.lo«r»pne6 ,t tdeir Ku6<l«t meeting on r«6»?. Oct. 31. 8«t?6 lrom !«lt to "««l ,2" !»>.. 11. l rent:. >,r. H. !«.>>!., !>,r li. r. K. Nen,««. 5,r. 8. N. Ul. X. !»««n^».i >,l. 1.. Xlone. 8l»n«line ll«m lelt to lienl !»,l. >l V.
    98 words
  • 212 8 ACTION IF JAPAN MOVES AGAINST BURMA ROAD 0,l Ml^,tt«F I^on<jon> !^ov. 11. s'o>l>lr:>l'lXl! on slr. cnurcnill'B «»!-nm>? to tno Vorll3njre ?o»t to^»v 6ecl»re» tn»t it i» »ure!v time tor tne Lritisn »n6 Government!, to re»cn 6eci»ion alx»ut »n>' »tt»ck on tne Lurm» No»<i »ncl announce tneir lleciLiun m unmi^takadle terms.
    212 words
  • 86 8 "Joint Action: Plans In Pacific Area All? !levs OnroiUclez zpecial Bl»B2pare c<irr«pun6ent »n clespatcn to I_«ncion «»7» tn»t !^e l« able to 227. ur> tke ln6l«> putable »utkorit7 ol 2 nan-BrM«N lnlormant, tk^t tt^e "pwn lor zolnt action b^ Niitaw. an 6 tke I7nlU>cl Btate« ln tke lace ol au>
    86 words
  • 181 8 "LIBERTY WORTH FIGHTING FORM AT ANY PRICE" D»> In dapitaw I^un6on. ll"v. 11. 'sltl: lle»6 c»t tli2 sll-st >Vor!6 >V»I- were reiaembere6 b.v lre« nutianz to^ax w tl,e mi6»t ol tke »ecnn6 >Vnrl6 >V»r. tkou^k tdere v.»« no oMcial service »t tl,e Cennwpd in I.m,. 6c»n tnil, morning, tnou^anlli, at
    181 words
  • 1 8 wler«t
    1 words
  • 55 8 WAVELL REPORTS ON VISIT Weitare Ot Indian In lVllllav^ Key velni, Kov, l.' />c»li^l)«i'lKcl to tne coun«u ol Bt2te ;e«terti2v on ril, recent visit to tne l>ai r»st l^oniman<l. Qenerlll Blr Wavell 82ve tn« U^.u^e azzurance ol tne ol tne Inclwn troupe ne S»W. Il,n«<x>n »nere r>e r>»<l cll«-u»z!«n.>> »lll»
    55 words
  • 26 8 l!>l7!2<!<>Nl>'. vent, I'M' 8»I> l,' »d!/ Noy»> «»^7, nl »k« <3rov «nie rcxxl" 2N<I lke vl.'ll «l I7n!t«l Ltile,> Nil, »^e/ »>!l^ "I>x>,
    26 words
  • 8 8 s»r c!»!lHcN?r ln 'lie Nuu.^
    8 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 39 8 sl-liolll-Zlll-11l Illlllll.»N l.^»«>' rrll«« Urn» mucd lllldil 1>llN«»len Nl»menl !»mv ol I I.Q^V cvllltrll? cc>l«3Ul>«p?ic)»l < 80 Mattel 7 eX.c lVlsin3 vOi.'l^Qr Oprll^rv 200/250 VOl.lB 511 1-»->lIfVl !l>l OUN 3«OWNc>()^s. 12. L^'li'^NV «O^lI» ><<!< 1-5? Uenern^ c!rstr!c co., l^«l,, 0/ «nelan<« ««<«"
      39 words

  • 359 9 BELIEVE CLASH IN EAST AVOIDABLE 'I'NL PoBBibilit) ol 2 settlement liein? nut between tke Vlnite<l Bt»te» »n6 lapan ta avert >V 23 tn-^av kintell «t lix Ben«t«r I'om (^onnaNv, ckairman «k tke knreissn liewtions Committee. "I «nNsenUv believe." ne «Hlcl, "Mat our lliNrrences vltn .lapan v!I! «dort!> be «ettlo6. It
    359 words
  • 65 9 Implication Of Anglo-U.s. Alliance l^kurclllll', M»rnln« to «K H»p»n le»t»l«I in tke Hu,tr»li»n ?r«»» »n6 l« l«>«iV' 11,« 8^6ne> 8u» in »n «lit«l' l»l tl»»t tk« in,pllc,tl»n ol li^l .^n»eric»n »IIl»nr« >»»lnt»inw!i U»»t Nllt»ln l» unit, t» »l»r ln«ll»l> »n«l tr<x»p« in tl»« Xi«l<Il« 6«t »n6 !^l»l»>» »UI »»«»»»?«> »l
    65 words
  • 15 9 Japanese Proposals. >^c,'cX)liOI>Il) «< 2 >V2Hwnsst,on telees^m. U»e l»oI»Uoni5t de «U»b!«, <,Hci»I.,, «en»wl »l<l M»» l»?
    15 words
  • 73 9 War Nearer, Says Chungking ckun«kwe. nov, ii. s'N^ll'riexi' circle, lu Okul.8kinz. cummeiUin? on klr, I'nltecl 8tate«. cxpre^ tke vlev verv 5<x>u. vllk tke <lap^ne«e 8trl!lln^ »t I'NalwucI »ncl ttien vl, >Hun I'al Qtil, QkunlillinZ k', r<^l3N I^iulzter, velcomoll x«r. ln Incio l7>,ln2 I'ko lnNuentllll l>Hl!> I'H Kune rliun^e in lne
    73 words
  • 5 9 5t«mr!»»l. «ov II,
    5 words
  • 43 9 'U^^l'! vnmel llzencv «luote« report lrom tlie dommunl:2tlon» Xllnlstr? «t»Un«i lt l« le»rell tk»t tke Nrlotolco 28i tan«, ka« »unlc lllter klttlnz Nl-ntlNB l3c»vlet mine, ltic lrel^Nter k»« nut dcen keanl c>l Blnee Ie»vln8 I'kl«kln on Oct. 27, Unltc6 Pret3,
    43 words
  • 4 9 I^la^ liuv, l l
    4 words
  • 357 9 Reaction In Japan T'nlll.,. Kov. ll. R«N. Kon I«nii. tne Qovernment «poke«man. eommentln,! to-sa? on »lr c?nurcnl!l'« statement tnat Nrltain vouls seclare var on "vltnln tne nour" ll no«UIill« brolce out bctveen tne Unites States ans declares' It vnuls nave beell «ulprl«lN8 ll ne nas »ais otnervi«e l^lr, I5l,il v^«
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 26 9 NerUn. «ov. 11. v<^rl!n. com»n«nt,w^ nn I^r. "durcniU'!, «p«e?n «tl>!<e "lt w »n l»»t»>mpt to provolcc? td>«» 17>ilte<l 3t»te« into var v!Ui l.'nltec< pre«?.
    26 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 99 9 tea-time cnterinK. Your siroiilemz zirnpl' ilie^ nncl your "lpumtion lor taste enlicincecl. /w/n a// liea/e« p»cke«l m Lsautilui ?oicelclill cc, Loul!, lz^!6e« No2<« 1'»!. 2222, LommenrinL 1 5tk Kav. M l-»2sv> Neciuction tc» ne Fpec.a/ Attract/on 111 «!L«I H «lL«Il.V ,B»tura»> Oct. l>. <12 p.m> ll^l^l. «<»,»^<»it«.^r ox^llc^l, rn!.»ln> r«illtbB
      99 words
    • 19 9 «l,ily «>« c»l« Mill, «U»Is<« 1»»l limp ul «U»I!>Ik ill e,c!> 8 I. to 60 /le</uct«,n <2QV/l>! «OU5k P»,0!,»: 2214
      19 words
    • 26 9 of l(rem«nt^ sw<ls c«s« v«xn tnr«)yt<out N>« Orient l?«cc>uz« tn«/ s«tc>in »n«is beautikul llo«l««l O>l<i fmlsk nnli a«caul« tr«x c>r» ultim«»t«l/ tn« mozf economical. 5,32 2!O»««,5,
      26 words
    • 163 9 »lv« «»bl.' lllno 8<U,6»1 open VVlte ll«l<>« ,»s,<l^l osxi, tx^lc vnr^ »>«np «»l »l«i« <?ud»»i» »IIU «U»«ll<- «u>f>,t «">6l.',' tl«l. to 7 «l.I« 8l«c 2 lo 7^ > »»1 ul vlil« !l!6 on toe «,6 t»>2i!!. l^<l v«np IM6 dlue ki»« t ln dl^e 1,!,?k Sp«ll»!, t>««I, p^>»t«l klek >^t»
      163 words

  • 1190 10 5 5—5 'I'lllfi v lne loulll, el«i>ler ol tne doak Nomder l)on»> n,l»r>,' <<s,n,^tis »<olF to "rlzliter rolNln»l>6," »t»l7 ol t»,e l»»ttl« ol »,it»!N. book tell, nl tl»e ?»<»»w« pn^er ol ln« »liti,n »ll Ill atlsltlcn to Lttkelllnz tl'^ K (3ern-.»n lieet vden »n6 vNere It cou!6
    1,190 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 149 10 WWW W> WW WW nnoll. 782 W l>«c»uze ol il« n«rll«6 zuperiol'il^ ,n<l perlect leceptlon, W^3 r«mpi»r««l «iln ncr l»<li»«, tne pllileo 42 ?U2 zeven v« v« l,»tter^ »«t oper»l« ll»n> one 6 volt d»tter> «»nicn «i» »pl»li» 2 «!««ll» l^^U u<le on one el>»r««. sive l,»n«l «ple»6 r»n«« on
      149 words
    • 10 10 INL llri»i:itl.^«vB I^ol2B lino, m tl»» X«tb«rlcln6» ln6ie»> ?»l 3451.
      10 words
    • 64 10 /> x^ !< > !o'^!^ X X <^x > < nmplel O Qlven »lt?r »>»!!N lees, lt prevents »ccun>ul»Uc>n ol tiHH »ncl »vert« lllzezUve 6iHolclelz!. ln ckil6ren. lt i« lllHn l»n excellent emerzencv lem^v lor convul^kNH ln cnliliren Nlenl? recomn.l r^ecl »n6 ple,c>-lb«l ».> ?l-.vBi^l»ns Pilbslluin sMZHM n tt
      64 words

  • 182 11 KALLANG DEFEAT CLUB AT RUGBY > 11 Xe«ll«ln<!e« In roree XV ,«»l.»u»«^ ,il!»n t»l 6»»n to tbe ll,^ r. <«»!l,n«> l>)s 14 point, l» e»»l. l»» tll«» »l>6 !»»^tx »»»>» to nl! In p»<l«n, n>?d, el»l »o»l!>»!i l^,»s««nt»U»«. vt>!cli <^i?!«z pl»y i>e<!p wtn <?!ut> trril. tor,, nlce move by tl«>
    182 words
  • 23 11 Selections For To-day tor t» <»7, 8we» 85»«?8 K«n^» P»«»»>l. 8Uv«r l»<?. V585 »r^8: »lt!l7 »»»n«7. Ol6 "VIl«080» l^^N" »l!8^ nr^8 Not n««».
    23 words
  • 101 11 FINAL GALLOPS AT BUKIT TIMAH s»KI^V n»n<Uu! l>l t!i'6»>'5 runnel, >l«l<lin« ««»n<z tr«e!c »t Luklt i^ni^n, line Me e«w« «noui!l be «n«l 1'<,.a»>> c»n6M«>e« e«elcl«:<I v«« l^ince»» lrlin. llHiIequln. Lcolcii «e!cxi>, 8colt>, ?ne 8ecnn6 vevU. l.l«u«n. "Nine 'le«», 8I»p<i^n. vpnelcl, II. Nerbe ?<i!Ie, Nel««e 11,e Keec»«. »r»cU»». <5roltn<i »n<l 8cotcd
    101 words
  • 11 11 ANNUAL WOMEN'S HOCKEY TO-DAY In Me ,nnu»I poppy O»v run<l koelie^
    11 words
  • 20 11 'O-^ !»>«<?> Qt. Veil <l>^»1«,, <N>>, k<lt «^»l» ,ll«v»l 8<!M»I< «,'<>!- IVcker o»p« »n!le? <N.^U<?>, Net, I^zton <N^,, »«l
    20 words
  • 41 11 e— e-4, 45 5— z. 5—7. 6 l. de»t <Hu» l?dc>«, I«>n« »u«l II U ?»nn l— 153>. 3. z 1>m <««l,1 b«»t 1>ii l»u»? N«« <— l). e— 2. 2— e— rlll »n6 I. L. Abbott. 2. S— 3.
    41 words
  • 18 11 SATURDAY'S RUGBY ON THE PADANG 'pill! 8li^!»poi->.> orlclcet c?1ub vIII me«t I^e »r!8»6e XV »UI not be «p«»
    18 words
  • 9 11 5Iub w>« <lec!6«<z to ««t«n<l Uie
    9 words
  • 21 11 «^in: icepprl c-aU cilub'3 Hovem- ber zieclHl reLuIteli in ll vln vltk >l Oole (one 60 vu) runner-up.
    21 words
  • 3 11
    3 words
  • 26 11 l»a<ul «»<Nuin MM be U» trophy »l«s K»r6 N«lit I«t ?e»r. be»t Uie 0»>. ky 17 point, «o»I »»<l lour U1«) U> llv»
    26 words
  • 873 11 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS AT BUKIT TIMAH 3eoonci Da? O^ 3ins2pore 'lurk (Aub'g >Vinter iVloetin^ vel.0^v j» eiven tne lull e»nl of events llt Lullit tos»x, tne «econ^ 6»^ ot tne sinzfllpore I^nrt dlub'8 winter meeting. 6oubl« tote Mill be on r«e» »li »n6 ei»?nt »n^ tne bi^ G'veep vill be
    873 words
  • 70 11 /''cxiv pl»? b> «»l!ul eil»ble<l Uie Zticlt, 8«<Ufm«i<, l>oUc« b^ U»ie« «<»!« U, one in l«x:!»^ m»tcl> p!»y«<l »t tk« police Depot 7«t«6»^. i»w> «Q>»ll turf c>lt«n c»u»«<l U»« pl»^ei, v»ll«uAl!l. t«rlc« beotll^ U>« clelence Wllblll minute, U» ?ulll!« l»cluc«<z U»e U,«u«k 8uMv»n. Mt«, I»U!2l K«W«
    70 words
  • 23 11 TO-day's Sports Events »<x^«l V»»»e7 c«,. r. ».<?.c.: o»»««« 8ln»»», Unison, 8^.0.: l«»»»I I«<l«> «<»i>!»«l. «>>»w» !««>«»: «.cut.r. l»»«»u»» 8wl»>»«, Dot Ol»b^ »l». p^».
    23 words
  • 4 11 cu:i>.l>iu, Scott: V»l»». 1°t>M»w»U»»n.
    4 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 12 11 LNHBBO «> ?>»«. It', l« ln U>« Hl'l^V odtoisiHdle /?<»« Hln'^s <?»,. I.l<l. lgk,^n<l,s Flint.
      12 words
    • 18 11 4 SIXSIQ«kV el.^vxro/e lealline to /lkH7'>«t/^X>7' cater, /cn> do<^ l.zx lle»»— l>l»«>e 822««. llck bbsMs Lu>i ln» »>, l^<l
      18 words
    • 180 11 134« ltL«l1l.1^. ju»l pub!i«l,el» «v«ni BIX7V l^OllN P^N t'L^'l. ol ?z«S»LB m <,unject<, for «tu^enl> »s l'l'l^l^X i Nil enlerc^ Ol ine«e Blxt> loui pe> > cenl. more Man nail vere R>^! >i^»^«>^» >?^3 NNRf §Vs > »l»« NSR, I^«sM. l»non« 5022 M. SIOUI pine borrle ai I M^^ concainz
      180 words

  • 82 12 Allies May Land At Murmansk 8t<x:knol»n, 5iov. ii. continue, in 8»«6en »d»ut 8»»lln', recent relerenee to »econs lront. r»ten 8ue«e«^» tn»t tn« lllltl»N M^Nt »n6 Kol«e8l2N tlonpz »t »urm»n«!l 2n6 ret,»mo in orsel to 8»lee»»l<I tne I^lurm»n8ll l»ll. v»^ vitn td« nelp »l c»n»6ian r<>llent lll>88l»n »«losr»me«. ne^»p2l»«l exl»l«««e« tne
    82 words
  • 30 12 Guerillas Kill 3 Nazi Generals I^n-ion. Nov. li. Uen, vun NaI6er, «en, zan ana a tklr6 Qerm^n zenerlll vku k2« not been lclentMe<l liave deen killed d? euerNI^s ln tke
    30 words
  • 33 12 I^ozcov. Kov. 11. 13 olNcwIlv 2l»nouncecl l,N»l, K complec? unit^ ol vlev?« l»a« deen ol tke NslU^K >linl8tr^ ol Inlormation. 8lr »«onclctun. an6 tl,e ke»6 ol lne Soviet Inlolin»> twn Lureau, I>»ov«lc7 N?uter.
    33 words
  • 579 12 NAZIS DRIVEN BACK ON MOSCOW FRONT I<nn6on, >lov. 11. Germans are no^v 8»>«l to ke on tne 6ekenBivo on tne lroi't 23 »t I^eninssra^ »n6, altnoussn olkerinss strong sesistance to tne soviet »tt»ckB, tne? nave been fnrcell to ?»ve ssroun6 ut some points arounll tne outer 6ekenceB ol slosc«>v. r'ur
    579 words
  • 230 12 NEW PUSH ON ROSTOV !6^2<:av», Xov. 11, I>>LVV HxlH llttacll on Nusluv. 8e» ol seaport vnicn 3>.21<i3 tne vav lnto tne c»uc»HU3 lrom tne norltl, may be ln prenatation, tne Ilvestia'z var cor» respon6ent reports to-clav. Ne S2VB tnat lor over ll veell lnere n« been 2 lull ln tne
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 365 12 'Americans Ready To Fight' Roosevelt Nov. 11. '"^NI! people «l believe i tnat liberty l« vor^n tlekt!n« tor. »n6 ll tney are obliges to Nent tnev vill n«nt eternally to nolcl lt." 6ec!llrecl ?re«l6ent Noo«evelt, ln l> lce vav zpeeck at tke Unlcnavn 8olsler'« lomd at /^rllnLton Cemeterv toOur odservance
    Reuter  -  365 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 34 12 criN's7^s P 5 l< l l^ l»>np »>»<»« I^r,, N««l Iks Olcl cZpitgl 3l Xl,ms>>p<l ltn»6. »»>»»>»»« l ><<i,X p,uuuuuee 01.0 (^0K«l > ksop >««s complvxlon nlluring M? pnlmoll v», ,onp ma«l« x»,if», Oll v» Oil l
      34 words
    • 34 12 ?K8 IVIHX 1^ X»ln!2»<l. KUr«icß« rx?llr88 co., inc. > X^M its peall us eLciene? on!/ l»v pro- R L^^W^M viclinz »tn»nz not »p»r!^». ln«tull »erv»l». 1l>«,« improve,! 3 Obtain ab/e /ram a// 6a?aLe« an</ /)ea/e«
      34 words