The Straits Times, 11 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 r««z«> w7« The Straits Times s«3-lz2l>I»»iD llrzltl.? <^ ciKI-UllVI 5/^.4 V/< '5 /V^'?- F/l^^F 12 l»^«l!». BlNe^poN«. KOVlil^llril 11. 1941. p«l( 5 s«N73. The Straits Times ,2 l»>x(.k:» 8lK«z?()NL. I^eBvz V. 11. 1941. l»tt!l c 5 <'XX l>v
    37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 s«,«>e 4»l« z/iva^/'o.'li 5 I 0 "l V T K /Vl,tl. full D>lecl!»»» los u»e O«!!on tin 3.85 i^l^^^lM 2 Si do., I.^o. We 2le nc»v lull? equippol tll Me nroclueUcin ol Nr«-eIHSS c»i,,!»»r<l»! ol sU clescrll' tlon« veU nev«>plctule»
      40 words
    • 53 1 0 U 5 l^ k5 5 l^uncil»<ll ol s<ng»pa^» M«N NOX^ l,N^ «^»<^ comlcxt «n<j s«!«x,»on l>> lunching m o«s n«x» X v,i^« c1,0,c« ol «xc»ll«n» including »l! «n^ ,p«s!<l. 5 l!o»«»ene!.^ 1 5ti« »i«v. > M »-!<:«!v> Ne6uct!on to >>« vM 3ML. «,r 41kp057 ttOlkl. 8^l<^W»l)Ii^Il)8 »»> l.l«r«l3. e»0»r
      53 words
    • 63 1 cl.Blr nl^nv lel. 4772 ?z <>»7 VV/i^. can oiter >sc>u a d22.xlinH vai-i^tx ol exciugivo 3koes. 2n6 Nats lrom tl^L Z^X-lln^-i's^izli. to t^e quiet-2n6-lovel^. m ever^ zt^ie ne>v <^<>st^lne v/ili (I^lnand. k'or tke Vuleticle. l>^ t/le oacon l T.^^^ x ?ke t»eon tNat l« mllll curecl. lull >^ .^6^/ ol
      63 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 260 2 Wlk Slm'ttss Times Minimum cn«rgn HI. lor n«» e,cee«l!Nl 4 «^e« !»»ie lban l»ur U»« 25 c«n»z p«r line <siv« *,orcjsi Zc>» !^o 25 c«n»« «xlr«. u«»l^8rlc ucc«illll3«c^!!> Nl»m8. »^l!ltl»c:r8. ll«z?N8. «o«l!«cr!»«?i^8 rrc lnvrOnn per ln«l^ Over > ln«l, ll cl^ per line. smg» »s« ps«p»v»b!« l.!ttk 5 V/Olic)s l^k.'X.'.
      260 words
    • 327 2 s!l'U4'l'lQ!>ls v^c:^l»^ »Ny »25 >,!«>, an<i liowie amak «22 lor Xlana^er.'! bune-llov Nubber H»t»te. Central H,,!-,ore, vltn relerencez. vox «o. 747. Strait, lime«. V^KIliU macnlne minser lo «lcne!e cylinser macnlne. >pply «lt>, lull partil lilar-i ol experience ans »mrv requires l^ vox Ko. 727. Strait, lime-. wzxlru «ous plain cook.
      327 words
    • 428 2 l_o2^ lX»81 Satursav nl?nt Vroocn— zm»!l crovi, let «U!, mare»,it« Nevars, 1"el. Uornlnssz 47UU. r»rr<>l «c>as. unootnnaires vnite l>no blaclc ?ox t«rri<r. >Nuee montnz ols. lcm»le. N«spoi>a« to name 8u«!« Ne»»rs. Ilione 2847. vv^l^sco V^K^l^o Oil Storage I'anll, l?l««e »ens particular, a»s price. Sox «o, 731 Strait, lime,. HVzxi'rn l1»«I3KIl.V
      428 words
    • 582 2 «l!pll»«s.ll^^<»« <^ or I.c<i l^ione 2333. »,0u362 />,c:c:c)!V!!"!c). rvllXlB»rn N0» requires b> Luropeans I»l 1942. 2/3 besroo,n,, quicl loeallty. I^arUcular, tr, vox Ho. 735. Btrait, lime,. lrom I»t. Dee. by ruropear. lully lull>l«n«s ,!ttlnB ans »lne>e bes roonl. alt. !>>tUNB-besroorll at «rounalioor, part ol zarsen. balnroam. kitcnei, area ans private
      582 words
    • 290 2 llu<!>vu<>6. nil ex llr>.t cro,'. ?r,c« on 2N,,1i».'1,ti«,» to tnv X»na»ler. 7Q l_^ »<lei: SNOPS «l o«ee» lervices by 2 llll«. Natlle, place Ueyer «r >- l.ri »rl«kt <l »ry O»ce, upsx r lioor 9 De Sou 2» 8t 7 D« Sou«> Street orricrz 4« l»rmc« s». »»<> NaMe, l>l»ce
      290 words
    • 134 2 >NNU»I Nen«l»I «eet!n« vM de «<">"' pi" °«x «e«t«<i. e«i»kl. inKllme en. »t «!ud« «ot«!». »t«, e»n r»v« yc>u tN< b«» »tt«nU«», »»<> oatklnctkm 8>N8l>p0>'«. »ub«l!i>t!c>n ,5 pel N»ce UeelMz <^ l>»rt Uieleul p«l N»c« »«««Un« or p»it Mereal. 1-rl«l»l»«>» -«««t»!?, «92«. «,l^ 1-re»«u«^, 2222. V»c2ncie» e»i»t lor imine<iiute enii»tment
      134 words

  • 145 3 llome, iXov. IN. V^VB It2li2n communique. 2nnouncine tne It2> li2n BNINB BUnk m tne I>le6iterr2ne2n convox. report tno 1088 ok t^« 6e tro^el-8, »n6 not one, 28 tne NritiBN cl»ime«l. "lne meanvklle announcez tnklt U»e liin« n«H »pprovecl tne av^lll ol Oumpanlon ol tne
    145 words
  • 87 3 Ix»n<lon, Kav. iv. HIV communl^ue «t2te«' "lt,e No»rcl ol tne n'lra't? re?ret« to announce tn»t Nlvl. <le« ro^er Co««Hclc (C»pt, r 1., Lertnon) n»« been zunlc," 2ne cX>!uu»cl, U,ou«n only tnrrr ye»r, «M. n»i l!«ure<l ln tnree nwtor'.c naval event,, namely tne re!ea« ol »r«l«n »?ven Qerman <leztroyerz
    87 words
  • 125 3 cc>^li^lui«<zi7i: l»u«i lrum <,,» ">?<lle I^,t y»t«r<,»y re»6, i llullnz tne nl«nt us 8»tui-- <l»V w 8ui«l»> one ol our Mtrol, outl llcle tl,e »e,tern zectni- nl c>ul llelence, 5Ui-i,i-lz«, »n enemy lie »cl,menl. vNlcl, lne> »tt»cll«l tl» puwt ul U,e d»x>net, 8«v«-»I c»5u»IUe, »<!«
    125 words
  • 448 3 /^ab/e /Ve«)s H^«>/ 'I'll? people bl Qon^on )>e«ter<»»7 Me blzzezt »n<l molt linpr«»ive parade ol troopz, t»nlc5 «m<z clvU <ie> lrnce »orlcer, «t2«e<l ln tne c«u!t»I lince tne »»r bezan, I'd!, lnzplrlnz p»r«l« loolc tne place ol tne trallltlon»I »no« »»ocl»t«<1 »ltli l.2l,^ I^lH^ol', v»z', ilie
    Reuter  -  448 words
  • 185 3 Manila. IVav. ll. l/07LN8 in tne num. berlnz Lpproxlm^tel^ 3.199,000. tvo-nltn« ol tnem vornen vent to tne polls to.ll»^ to elect tne Oommonve»!tn'» president vlce-pre«Iclent. 24 zenatorz-at-write, llncl 98 representatives, I^e senators'^t-laree »n6 reple«ent2tlve« vll! compose tne Nr«t <?c>n8le8« ol tne Philippine,, »nlcn vill replace tne unlcllmersl National in
    185 words
  • 77 3 I^onlion. lVov. l« /^PDN^TIOKZ by our ll«nter, nave been reztrlcte'l by d»5 ««tner" «y, communion .^,'ueo la,t evenlnlt. "Lnemy N«nter« »s. tke erounl, at an »«.-o<lrome near oalal? vere attaclcei, at c!o«e r»n«e dv one ol our llznter, w an ollenllve pxlro! an 6 ««ver»l macnlne, »ere kit
    77 words
  • 68 3 *****. 5? '5 z^rt^n tn,i ne orselec! aermun znlpz not to snoot vt,<n tke^ LHv »n!p« but onlv ta 6elen6 Uiointelvez «,t,«.n 2tt»c!ce6 «t« rlwlt «dr!lt ln tt,e l^e« tkl« /I le.,l!lnz article ln tne l^ev -llm«>5 branch a, lie »nv ztatement tl,2t Vboatz are ta
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 L»l,»,o^» »<»^ «ov. Vl07ll»v »«>.!. z»»rlll«l. «»K»r7 l», tl» Vle7«nv ««l7lrz. 7iell«t, zi.llll o^oer «llz7kBBU ,t l«k e»U»e»!!.l. 7»«!l fU«ll «oirl. Ul!»l>ilill 52.. xci^ l»l>ril^ s«re or cn^nur 51vl> (sxsnlpt lroin tax> obtainadls c»» tb« kclslpni Notsl anH <,» tl»s 6oor. 'laneri son io-l«lL»i' nr me: lt.z.r. i>«Bc«mix« rou i/nr:
      124 words
    • 199 3 Lverx perBon >vna 82^ "NOVB 1/O>VX" >vill to see tni" sss2n6 Bucce«Bos B^NIIU)^V «ie»l l »2.»0 > General Bcreenin^ XI^XI' H^ t»»r» Qc>ms,tn««sort2V««qu«l t<) "Lo>» rW »l» yi««t pi«H<»3«>l! 11»« «m« '^W y«n«l »<«» ln polyn«nt ny»» n«art» 6l«ma vou'U v,«nt lc» rememdvr loisvsll »«^V a vrcizivr vidionv roil LNII^II,.
      199 words
    • 151 3 5 /v>ookl. cc)Ws>» r»OU5r c^pi^vl. null.l>l»«2, 3 pone p^«n»: 2214 ll>» 83 «n<« r?«l«ler<><« a,, l»nv unllertaice, lne sn!!s>«,n» <lu!!ese:x«cu^on H nn lnusi-rr o, «v^IU c>, 58^1-l Ol» UL<7?^3l!o prNZc>d! IMOB7II O? Bl?^ll^^lri>l^ Ul» 0«?I^N>7IO« c»? I-NHBI ««l, OMUI rvll«3 o? rntl37'»» NU6l»<I88 coml>«»v a, I>rultee »n<l or executor coivlMliii'v
      151 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 119 3 9S9»«».: «5, e» '< l5 ?l^' ,^^"^""> v»nc« mu,le: Noklcleni 6,2« 8ln«»,,ule c»II!n»^ S ,0 w Li>ell«k^ «,45 W»i- commentL^'i «,55 8ln8»par« I.l«ten!!>« p«t^ ?,<>0 VlilMren', prc«!-»mme^ 7 30 Nlckllls 8ti-»u«fi 8,00 "»»cll«roun<z V»r": 8,10 Op«l» zg Ve«, l»nc! ne», comments ll> r»». Il«n': 8,43 8on«, ol tk« I^»«t W»r
      119 words

  • 1094 4 Stock Share Quotations ll8»nes b? !«»»»X»n Fkarebrokers' B,n»»pare) noxnz?. NOV. l». «4l: 4 a^er«« z^mpLt »5«» «> ,<^ <l, '2, «l>din /^?ei Mt°m <z»> 17, 66 I»» A Xyei- <,I) 82 »»n«rw Iln <t> I" S6 14, «6 »2tu 8el»n«oi- s»n 1 41 g 7, S^Mnt>, <5«) N5 l'^6 l1«7^6
    1,094 words
  • 72 4 cku«!llr<, llc>v 10, 'so lo»t«r clo»er rel»llc>^«. tne lote-. l rl»tion»I N-o»<lc»»t!n« Bt«ion ol ct>un?!iln!l Vli m»>c« l«xlvUI br<»6. c«t» to t. l>'.,U!ppwe<., »»v»ll. >u»tr»!l,. l>'e» 2e»l»n<l, In<ll», »urm» I^,!»>» »ns tne «etner!»ull, In<!le« once eveps t»o veelc, lnev Wcw6e ns»,, mo?l»8^ lecture, »n6 mv.'lc, L>r Vl»r!l.icerr, Ur,
    72 words
  • 54 4 «c« Vorll. «n». l« »»^li: price, ol tin tu-6»> «er« unck»i»e«l »t «2 «nt, l<» »pot. 5l »0 rrnti. lor Hovemder. !I 11l lor Decembor 51l 40 lor »n6 20 lor o^ne Nubber prlc» «ere »l»o un-<-n»>,?«l »t 22, »N cent, lor «pol »n^ Necember »i>6 22,35 l»r
    54 words
  • 73 4 8k»n«b»l, «c>?, 10. 'I^Llii: v« mwor c»U»p«« on U« 6»v on vlilcl, Me I!xck»i,«e k»« been open lor bUslne«« «ln« Me »nnnunee. mknt U»»t U,e vlU»6i-»»»l ot tn« ui,<!el coi^l6er»Uon. 8k»le quotation, cll°pp«<l 111 to p«Mt«. >Nle L^»n^!i»i Lv«!w« p°«t l»^, Ui»t U>« ,«>ei-»I re,ct!on w tne «,noun«»ent n« been
    73 words
  • 43 4 I/iiulon. Kov. 10, 'sin op?n«l lte»<>? but yulel. 11»e 7-l!e?"°^,"" m«,cl»t« ooniumer 6em»nO lor ««n but osller.' l««rve ulee!u6«l bu«ln«« <>t»l'>te nl»ner did.' Smelter, vere ««l7 U'l^. montn, »t IIM but <,<>»!<"« »tkN«! Me Uttl« wqull?. o»cl»l nnur,. lurtne^ live ton, vere trxles— Neuter,
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 25 4 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES l,2mbl«l «un Dll«l «2H» Wkl^ «unw«c »l7za m»c!l l7 8»i»»»>c <<^l "^3 N»!l« 8in»U pe»r! "^^d«>« N^» 8«m»2ll »"«> 2 »l"» «o l
    25 words
    5 words
  • 54 4 «c» Vors. «ov. 10 »^«W HO?«» »»«r»«« on Me «toc^ t.^11.1, 1,7 45; r»ll,. 27 »4: utUM». NO2 »n<> bo>,^» 90 25. c»np»r«l «lM 111, 2«, 2» 27. 15, 21 »n<l «7 on Btlur<l»>, "lne conuu^itv w<le, L 0 89 «>6 «nek e20,000 6>»r«». »<n.«««! »lM »<>«>
    54 words
  • 56 4 <sener»l ?«»t Ollwe to<l»? lor zinerlc,. cwn». rurope, «on« lion,, Nu»ill. N»»»U »na Me l»nMppwe« »n<l »t 2 p^u lur 4>»tr»ll». «,6 «c» 2e»!»n6 »nll »t 9 ».m, to-m«rro» lor H»,» »n6 Bun>»tr» <r»!emb»n«) ««> »l II m,loi»le<l»n >Ur m^ll, lroui ««l Bum»tr» »M be llellve^eO 3 2«
    56 words
  • 37 4 »pni: I>on«lon Stock r»ck»n«- lul«! <3M-e<le»><! lecuNtl« »>«!<! Ui»ll pre- or6, r«e b> l« to 75. ,<l. 1-cx- t!I«, b«»er<« »n<l tud»ccl>» Nlmer, vt^« oil, lmplnv«l, ,«»»l« «:»«»«<> W U« e»ll5 st»8« la»lN8 to l»oNtl»!cw«, »on<l« rules lr»«u!»l,— Neuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 441 4 AROUND THE MARKETS Better Tone At Opening: Higher Price Tendency <Vv Our l^NHnciH. Wn^pole «ov. NipNl! zn^re m»l!le^ »re encaurl 2«e6 U,l« mon,wB b> tne I»rlme »«lnlBtel'3 5p«.-«cn »n6 more «ctlvlt> l» expec c 6 I°ne l^onaan Stock L,cnanze lmme6i»te>v re «:te6 to «l cnurenll!', v>)ill8 »n6 2ltnoui;n tne market
    441 words
  • 88 4 l83U«ll k? t»»e «»l»x»n 8> l,»rebsol< !«?r»' Xssocwtion. 5IN liurl,^ 2°^ »n»i I^N5Ul !l>°<> Nn»l N»>un,!^ l!>dl»u!le »n»! «»UU^ "l^^ 'l I^anod »0?« Nl>»! !»>« to, lUlVUlll <3u» l 29 c!»>»nssk»t 8«r<z»n« l^> wt. «»!!>»«»!, 6?« Ml. 1-»u^i 7^^l> wt. ««v, 22 Nov. 24 Kav, Kov,
    88 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 147 4 I°»l« <>s« pollidle lervice, are deing !«»lnla!ne<l b» lke <t t> >i IV <70. from t»l« Hlroit to l/iei, uiuol uarl, call m c/lina, /n<l<<! r^lon an<l ike I/n>le«l illngllom ?o«,nsser, ore re<iu<!»t«l to ressi,t<> requirements dut un<ler sir^z^nt circumltance, lllMng, are !»>» <»l«>^ r N l^^ »NM8«ll»lllk8.«00. i^» ll»nr>l«ne.
      147 words
    • 68 4 Bin,:»p«,« »n6 »>e,.»n« to Oolomdo »n6 8»ml>K» »l«o lnsle»tl»n «»llwe» »v»Uabl« «vl» de «lven on »,ssll!» VUBr»l llklBVK <Iricolpc»r»tec! w Nle,« rl»»«d««. ?«>. «<» s»<l. 5«<2 »«>«> 5«« r« l^tl, »»<» !>««!«». 8»«Unl' »pp<>rt!»»«, ,Ns«zo».«ll»ll«8»e«..l.s» ,«lllll:»l!«k 87«N «kv»ek7lll!« ell.. 1.711. <lnearpor»l«o' Ln«l»l«l> 8v^oo!< r^»rB l«» c>»«: c»l«»»t». »I»5. l>or»« Xnnl.
      68 words
    • 40 4 l»»rz»moun^ Xe^ s" X I' l-s V Incw6in? .4>24c Airmen <«-«<«; Arrive m Nonolulu »n«l 1.15, V.15, V.Z.H liy American puo^ll 3l'«) s»r»mount'B latest 8?rc!I^I. w ziv ?ou tke time »k >uur like l I s«o^i3 3.15, 6.15 »n«l 9.15 p.m.
      40 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 37 4 nw. 3.10 e m. I.« lt: 2 z» p 'N I. vv ".2s < k lt: 9,!2 p.m. > 2.4 lt. u,w, 4.08 »,m. 7.4 tt: 2 2« p.m. Q VV 22 »,m. 4.9 lt: lO.ll P.M. 2.7 l^
      37 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 <^OM(3 OUt 0t tKat tINNQt; l'ui-!)<>^c^ <„i!>, xviNi I.IX)X -Btr«its lime. (M.n.N). 10-o^ V 3. 1 s, 6. 1 5 2N6 9^15 1^ V ID 8n V 0/" "^c/c?//7^/? 4>> > X U^»M»^ X >^> >^ K^»M^ l ""l. Huul^nr >lrK^ov. l.H«o,8. I0»K Ul»»4«o F^> X vl^'^l «U?IVI^VI^' 4x^ li
      78 words

  • 1166 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, TUES., NOV. 11, 1941. (800th. Day Of The War.) In ttie past lev davs tnere nas been 2 marlied cnan^e ill public reaction to tne var nevs. It l« not «o mucn a cnan^e In opinion as cnan^e in spirit. It can be best d«»cribcd as
    1,166 words
  • 675 6  - HEAVY ASSAULTY ON GERMANY c»lnm»n6«r l^. V. rr»«r T'/le v> <8v«el,I liable) Qondon. !4ov. <!. IBNII'^IN is nov dulldinl up Ms ere^test bornblne lorce ever la,.ncned a^alnst any nation m all nlstarv. Me air sault on Verman? nas reacned an average ol same thousands ot wnll ol bombs caen rnontn.
    675 words
  • 159 6 POINTS FROM LETTERS l»opp> v»5. I^et Hll ol U5 L2«t our minliz to tne drearv c>2V8 ol 1914- 1818 and tne dl»cultle« overcome bv tne caurazeous men vno volunteered tnelr services mlllnlv to drln^ pence »nd napplne«3 to tne tuture LeneraUun. In tnelr violent ellort «ome ol tkem vere 6l8lcble6
    159 words
  • Letters To The Editor
    • 800 6 (^all I'o Tura8ian8 I« tll« r«lit»r »l tll« 8tr»it« Lime« Sir.— Lome time na, pazzes zince tne volce ol lne l^rasian Member on tne Legisiatlve Oounell. tne llon. I^r. Clause sa 8llva. vas nears over tne rasla making call to nls community vnlcn ne lelt vo»Is meet vltn unnexltatlng
      800 words
    • 289 6 (^overnor'z Kekerence8 Appreciated <»>e lAitor al tl,« 8tl»it» Hme« read tne report ol tne Uovernor'z relerencn ln trie Council <ne otner lla? to trie various voluntarv var anii enaritv lunc>» ol tnl« country, k'or one tNinz, It »nov« >,Nat Nl» Na> noticed one z »pc>ntaneou» otter
      289 words
    • 47 6 tne llelence ol tnls. ov,r nc»m>?' '.^ncl. l 2m only 2 pr!v2tc> >,>..' icura. slan company ol tne 8V c l va« ,nrolle<l ln vc>eemoel. i» ancl l 2m pruucl ol belnz still member i" a spl^nc!ic! bu6y <l men— Vourz. etc,. 'private, No 2028', > BinB,pore. Kov, 4
      47 words
    • 273 6 one Wa^ In XVliick lo «ne ««lllur ,»l tne iitr^ll>! lin,« B!r.— Vla> I sueeest t!i:»t t!i >-« t«ncv betveen Bnme >! >>,« opinions explk.izec! !n vc^ur Ic.ilwr "Nile's Qrlmmest ,>n K«v. 5 an 6 Bub'!eacler 01l llav, 8' In Nic I»ttc>i- vnu In nurmi.l tim<>« l!i<> l'!>llnc'<>s
      273 words
  • 32 6 Xav. lv. I^ i^ ieparrc6 tnat tNe Italian tanlcer I'urcello. 333 L tans. I vas sunlc In tno Nlaelc Bea on slo' 6. oresumadlv vv a F> marine llouter
    32 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 X«lventure» i» Bu>m m l?ll> Olllury l>v V. l. Nutcllinzon. 57.50 B>^tKl><>»l: Bteel ?ilins C»binetB s^II Nri»!zl>) Blul^y (on»lruclion 5»ooll> vp«r»t!»n ol l>r,v«r« l^rze silinz («p»cit? N»»6»o»e Xpp«»s»n«« kire lle»i»lil!g 8!ng»p'»!'« s, l<u»l» l.umsius. 705U11 VoUlt «l^llUI«^«^I8 lor rnonr 21<2 co.> l>^n ll 25, rl,<x»n !^t«<<. 8 p»r«. (l«,ninz, Vlezclling
      98 words
    • 16 6 >>> «,u»!lNe^ «p«>!»!i»t. t!. 8. I,UUXQ. Lverllrizllt Optical (^o. 19. cdnll, B»>e«t. rl>o»« 4«». (7//X«ai!H H7/l/c/'/.V «c>^i,«^l-«
      16 words
    • 38 6 BKMSN /^/<l)k /^V" W Fmoot/l i»/ac« rui»i»er M^tzM^ V s «u^ace</ coat u)/l,'c/» H^^^ ,>> u>,// re«l«t t/»e /leanest M^ «lt»rm«. /^u// cur, s«n^/e breasted st>/e > u)ll^» »et m «/ee^es W^HV ant/ sic?ee7/l si«,c7/kei«. />alon s/iac/e /)c»u^/e >1 ra/nt'l'ti.
      38 words

  • 279 7 )VN emer«enc> Mllit2r> cnnlerence to lll5tll>^ measures to tl,e Lu^ma N026 k»8 just been l»elll »t < kun^kinss un6er tl;e ckairmanlzkip ok «en. cbianss liaizkek. T'lus ,8 revealed b^ 3 skanxllu, <^l,ine«e pre»8 restort. vkicll »^^8 tl,»t tke conference atten<ie<I b> all important military commanller8.
    279 words
  • 141 7 A Warning By Burma NNNFOON, IVov, 11. -^NL latest information receives lrom reliable sources inslcates tn? possibliitv ol an attack by tne Japanese on Vunnan province." says tne virec.or ol Kevz lkervices tn? Government ol Lurmn, !>, a bulletin, 11, 2665. "cnlnc«c sispatcnes tne lmpressiun tnat sucn an attack require
    141 words
  • 27 7 Standing By Britain people lke recenc »««ur»nre «l «,<« .^t be. w ,k, n«t »i» 2? V l^«> prod em- »t t!>e mnment °«5 l»ll« ul rommnn ln,crest
    27 words
  • 41 7 Hoy, IN <^> I>!,^ <«c«slnn ol <elrl.!-2llNB tne !lunc!re6ln annlvei^i-v ol tne lounilin? ol tne Nnllecl Ll/^ Marine t- oonnclent Mat tne corpg «v, ilk Knox, li«c!<>l,^ l«7 tne! lnll, .n !ni« ,7!..!,, t!,e «2sine« are! "civ to carrvon,-!
    41 words
  • 15 7 :«O,NN!, !l>bcur<-!-!; ,n Vnlte^ ovrr N.. ,',5 I<>N,OW m ,!>., cou." ol year, w Hie provinc-!,!
    15 words
  • 30 7 Britons In S. China Advised To Leave 1'!! i i>!> < n^.u!ate''«encr>: m Xm«v i> r<>n<»st<>ll to nave il<!vixr«l Ilrilixl, uullonulz In »n<l Xianexi pr.nin.s^ l» rv^<un!o immr^l,. nl<,», -„<<»r<!i!,!: >>> «n?
    30 words
  • 113 7 Peace Or War Decision I^on^Ol-., slov l! l^« to °e!ieve6 nere to be t«.c°ln"«je vttl, neannss cnolce bet^e^n var ancl to-sav tne latest Apwmatie excnan^es between V'aswn^ton ancl I»nson nave clariNes tne point ol vlev re^arcl»n>? tne tnreatenes Japanese m. vasion ol Vunnan, l,u»«er« kere »re be-^ l?!n,Une to iloudt
    113 words
  • 54 7 CHINA NEEDS MORE LEND-LEASE AID ,<l^«. > "^sNin«l«N, «<>^ IN, »m»unl« ol'-I^l'z, ,Xl o»rtlrul»>l>' In plans« »r«l bumborz z»M N! Uu Bnin, c?nlnese ln Vl,»,.,du>Bton,»v, klter ke k«« t< l^czllicnl NOo»-velt i10<,.,^c.,! 5«! c! c°nl»!n«, tne l?re!>laem >,l,ou!<, s tkcrc- l« onv c»u^e "nr-e.^Mlric,n nesso»!»!!an« «»rnln» tn»<, »rlt»in
    54 words
  • 156 7 />c'<>)lil)i.v^ t>< lopulls reacn>n^ !><>l<', >,^,^,< 5, 1-.^,^ message tn»n c;<in v^>, sli!> ,18 Bi,l>l>cn r>lol'lnlc! sl!!»nin>: imprr^ic,,! i» (!,,!,1,!,V 'I'll? l'l,n s-nts ol lne spcccll dilvc' ks><>!, can niHv <>!». ><,!,<! m,,!, il^ population but it l>!'^ ><>,>,',^,<, l!i<> u,!c>nl!»n c>! t!n>!<»n,l!!,v I'uliliral ancl I >x
    156 words
  • 216 7 > LanBkolc. Xov, 11, 'l'tti: oMcwl LanFlcoll ra6lo com mentalor wzt niekt «oun6e < 2 Br»ve varnln« to tke entire naUon repeate^lv callecl on tke I'Nalz. to de preparell tor var m tne v,l tniz vei,r n^ tl,e n«,t. l»e 6« ztlirlezt »«l»,erenr« to neutrality t»ut «c n,u«t
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 212 7 Showdown Urged Kcv Vorlc. liov. ill Me 8»me cliance ol «uc<:e«« 2H cllcl ll»e late I^ll. Seville appeasement vltk Nltler" clecliu-ecl ><im, Nari^ V»lneII. lormer comman6er-!n. cklel ol ttie Unltecl 8ta:e« 8qu.i6ron. tdl« evening. va« broH6ca8tin« aver tNe dolumdla Lro^castin'l «V5tem in H nev 5«i-Ie.« clMe<! '8pc>tl!8t^t on pre«entecl In
    212 words
  • 51 7 Nov. !0 "SZUN lVavv l» carrvln? on an unlleclarecl var ln tne >tlantlc." «al<j tne I«olation!8t lea«j. er, 8ei:a:ol- Lurtun K. !ln tne Senate ta-ciav, »c nacl lust quotes lrom a letter lrom 2 seaman xervin^ m tne Neuben zavln^ tnat tne se«trover na<i «unlc tvo submarines
    51 words
  • 39 7 Lan I^rancisco, Hoy. 111, >^>11. Baburo Kuru«u, special Japanese envo? vno i^ on an urgent mission to tne United States, vno Is travelllne b> tne cnlna Clipper, ls nelng 6ela?es on Island as tne macnine !ia>> engine trouble Neuler,
    39 words
  • 75 7 's«r ,ime<i 6«cu«e« I^,r > l^nulcnill r«le«nee« in kio »l»N!»iun llou«« 8p«ecl» >««t«5. 6»> t» tke Nritizl, ,ouper»ll<>n »l tl,e Hn,«rie»5. tlie ?fln,e !«ini«t«l c«ul<l not l,»ve promi,e^ ll,»t lleet ul »llti«k >>l,»l>!« snul«i l,»ve been xent tn «untlul »>,« «itu»tion in l!,e Inllian »n<l !»»«<«» Nle»»>>
    75 words
  • 257 7 "«/L nov nave 2N r'oice »t Ie«t equal ln «i« »l>6 number, not to zpealc ol <,u»lltv.. to tne verman alr lorce," 6ec!»r. «l >Vln«ton cnurcnill ln W« zpeecn 2t tke »«Hn«lun »<,«« 7«. tercla>, can «tretcn out tne !on« arm ol drotnerNocxl »n6 motnernoocl to tn? ancl
    257 words
  • 56 7 Many Thousands Of Axis Troops Are Wiped OUt l.nll«l p««» ,iBtenm« pn^t to«,2> ke»l-«l tl>e l.«n««on N2ll>« nuolin« 6iBp2tclie» ln»m »t2lin» t^t lke «unll m t».e .H,«,itcrr«n«n e»rl> <»n «ur. irou «elM2n »n6 l«2,i»n ln me^ee eun?r2lul«tinll ll>« an lne zinkiue »t one »«<i nine »l,in» m tbe <«« timed
    56 words
  • 160 7 I^onsoil. Kov, 11 »H r. anci naval »i«l»lt car''iecl out succezslul attar!l,<! nu objective, m Ita'v on ?r^av ni«nt, comnmniczue f.-m tnc ?,:lclMe l^st 0. Y. reports tl^at > bomber alrcralt ol tne N0721 >Ur rorce scorecl <Ure-t wts nn tlie cant l?acto»-v, marsliaNlne 721<i5 ancl rallvav
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 96 7 «e«? Neln!, ««v, n e»l!-eml«t le»<!el, «no «»««ppe»!-e<« e»r!lel tn!« ve»r. »>« tt« »ul>^ect ol comment ln tbe council c>l 8t»te >e«> Neplzlne to <,u»tiun <u to tl>« Iiereadoulz ul 8ut>k»« cti»u6l» 2u»e Ul. Qam-lM Zmitt,. tl,« Lecret-i-^ ol tde »<«iie Oep««ment, «»l<l. "It w>5 de»)N common
    96 words
  • 125 7 X I^SS^QI:! In I^nsan lrcm Vlcnv says tnat tne Victim colonial Otlice «polle«man seclares ONdouti must fall sooner or later because ol tne bloclcase to vklcli it >ias been subjectes. It asckl tnat tko V^cnv colonial ,Becret.,rv. platan, nas an important announcement to make >.cc<x-6in« to tne
    125 words
  • 12 7 -^»D Ln»ni,n IX,le!ln «wl-t«r, 8»nor "ill It^l^ Me «WI«l«!- ol
    12 words
  • 86 7 Ship From Singapore A Month Overdue »v Vorll. w»v. l». 'slll: ».»t lnsic,ti«»n tb,t »n l,i«lef. »s s»l6«r?«. mienl k« »pel»lin« m tl>« I»aei. Ne ,inee tl,e ,in!lln^ »t tde liutcl, liner ll»t» >«,«,, z« >uru.<>l cunt2in««l m r«> l»art lron, n»»rln« circle, !,«r« 'lbe «p«lt ,t,le« »b»t »»>« ><,r«e«,»n
    86 words
  • 124 7 Ull»!-»Itl>I-, Nuv, II N»V«> d^,, clliven tkrouzn tne Noclc ol «lvl2l z?>»» ,2 mondnz, 1-n« uncielzrounll cv.v <>!«:t!-!«»U^ Ut »n«, «»n to t» el,uipp<>c! vitn electric ne»t!n«! «mli ccx>lcln« lium un^erzrolincl sub'«t2Uo7>^ lrnn!>! courc«, «un smp!»cement« «ul delov, »n6 lunbu!»nce, >li-!'^ 7«3fit Into tne 1-ock »n!cl» n», «rcu».
    124 words
  • 581 7 NEW BIG PUSH ON MOSCOW IS LIKELY l .^t>l 1^1(^11^^ Buviet communique nssain report, particularly lierce LlMm? m tke rimea ku< me,,. t,ons lor tke NrBt time a !<»<> mile^ „5 >lo5co». 1-K.B ma> mean ln-,t tke «ermi»n-< arc mnkmss n ne^ essort w encircle >lo^n^ an 6 to take
    581 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 684 8 WAR FUND ADVANCES BY NEARLY $2,000 TO-DAY I^lan^ klore (^itt8 In 0t l^s^^V more contributions in memory ok rl. I^t. VVilllj »n6 Nearxe I>av, l> 8ub8t2nti»I in ustprocillUon of treatment received »t tne 8me»porl^ (ienerul No8nit»I. more llonatiuns trom local bug companies, kurtner »t»ss contributions »n6 a ?»ft from t!»e
    684 words
  • 90 8 X, l! l> l!0^r!^ p,n, <v nilcliU^iu, lV! «N«l» cHd^rl-t^ I'll I>^! !>' 8,20 >),m, t,> !«!>>' I'll! 11,,!>>»,^0» cr!!.^, Il'^ ,!ll^^«s llipp, I»;»!«,»c1 l-',,»>ttes >^ l^>^ Snov, c»b»ret D»ncll'r culolr 1.!»n615 7 H.- »DU !> <>x^ ll^nxl; «,!^>—9,l2, ,l 8 !>!>,, !^^> l^Illll^!, c^pli'l.'^ Nli^i'ltL—'lne Nome c»p!l»! >?i.>erl,inment
    90 words
  • 55 8 ARMOURED CARS PATROL SHANGHAI STREETS 85»nzn,I, «<»', 11, e»r, patrolled <ne «treet« ns Bn,n«n»l vnUe volunt?ll>»>- ».< ll>e Uunlclpll'. OouncU'H ne» wlu effect Nelwdle lc»c»I repo«» k«Nveen 15a,<»0,N0« »n<l l?0,N00,«<»« e« tt»^ c^nuncl! !ill« «»7ne6 tke population not to be <-!<«« dovn, rl2w,!n? tn»t tne cHUnci! «Wle I»lze znis»ment« »re
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 8 8 «k!le ll true tk»t «u«pen,l<)n ol
    8 words
  • 10 8 w rel»!l<>n tc> tde more wten«!ve rub-
    10 words
  • 8 8 i>i vw!l!n« V2l:c>»> w turn, Nl>v.
    8 words
  • 216 8 WREATHS LAID AT CENOTAPH Bolemn Wli6 v»r »nnlvels2rv ol belure lt« zranlte CenotapN "60 kanour to tke memol^ nl o'^s 11,e> semembei«l tkase »!'<' k»6 l»IIen ln tlie <3«»t W»r— »na ll>c«e vkn li« 6 be»n k!ile<l ln tlie p«> !>»6 l»v» 6!«< lor »be l«pll«. ol l»II vNn n»v«
    216 words
  • 133 8 »mei>6ment to tl^e ll»l!»»? kn»ctment no« »Ilov« »n lnaiv!<lu»l p«i.eli«e!- <e n>»«^e «ln«'e <t»o bertn, c»bw > n« »ir con6ltloi>e6», vken »ccommlxl»Uc>n »v»ll»ble, »t ctu>,«e ol »l e»c!> w »66ltwn to Me Li <iuill«» «ve»I tk»t U>l» »n,en6mer.'. 8»<» le«»! be»rln« to pr»ct!c« w
    133 words
  • 102 8 TIMES' COMMENT ON A "GROWING URGENCY" I^on6ori s>'ov I! zu!t»t!on! lnvolvln« sl> Dull coop?r c»blnet «wiH<er c-»-n 6il >rcn!b»la W»vell colnmllricie^!,,. cnlel, In6i»>, 8!r Nuberl Lroolce-pop-n»m <comm»naer.w-cniel, ?»r i^«'. «,s <3en Blr I°nom»!> »i»mev <oon-m^nlier-w-Qnlel ol ,n, >!?, w t!'<> r«t > «>-mptom» ol tne «ro»w, ur«encv «n6 complexity tl»
    102 words
  • 38 8 l^^^HML matter- boalc^. ol^l m2B»^u«. etc.— ls r«>ulre6 lor tne troopz I°ne c!emHN<l l« zrent 3nc> tne «uppl>, 80 lar. nezUzlble Xlr, I^cKelll^. ol Me V,51,c,4,. or<-n2r6 N026, vUI welcome »n^ aBsist2N<?e ln tnw connection.
    38 words
  • 32 8 'U'ill: cuurcnll! I'll!!!: ?un<l Iwj nl rontrldullonz lor !»«t veei: l«i l!«tnte nl'<3n>, Bc>n pln, Xl2wcc», 5135: «»121-ca. «92 50: rnev Xenz 1°on« ,?ni-lc Lute ncr, .^««cx:ll>llon>, »I 8,5«,
    32 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 8
    0 words
  • 219 8 AN IMPORTANT DECLARATION »/>». ckuicklll', Hfteeck 1,2<! HN tNe mo«t lmpnltalN 6eclalatlon on Me r»i- lHztern zltu^Unn l«r ment ti m»!ce l«!»x c n Ur, ckul-cl»UI> cninmcnl tk»t n°" tee! oullelve, «tron, en»u«k to pravlcle pnverlu) n»v»l lorce ol l,e»V7 »kli», "Itk i^ nec<>z»»i;' »»xM»i7 v««!«, lor «ei-v!e« ll >
    219 words
  • 52 8 ,c>»3 lor llXX) 8li>«»ix>l« >outk» «m<l «N«r, ln lt« r»U lor l«-rulU lor «ke Depot !««llc»I>, tk« N«/>I nl 3ln«»lx»e r!iel-be»7»n>, »mkul»nce »»«<,n c>r6er. I'll, cklne« labour o»-p» v»nt, S«U men Xiu>«>«!«« c>l r««llzt, w rut «!>«l,t!»I Ike? «t»lt cm l»l»lv cl a»v »NI^ ttie l^nk ol
    52 words
  • 34 8 N»n^<»n. Hoy, IN, I>1?.'»I^81ic l»l«e',c»Ie <lelenc« exer. n<>l6 lrom l»av, 18 to 20, »n6 tne movemeniz »nci otner emerzenc? pretnev «>U b,- llroppe6 on cert»ln pols!^ by "nostlle" »lrcr?lt bu>, expwln, ld?
    34 words
  • 215 8 'I'Nk: I^l»I»>»n Qovernments »r? K 8Uppl^lN« 1'N»N2N6 VltN 0U lor pu^ment >n Straltz currencv conce»wn ol tne «le»te«t importance" to 1°n»ll2n6— «t»t?« tne to tne 1^»l Xllnlstr? nl «n»nce. I^lr, >V. X. DoN. ln report on ttte country 5 dua> zet »n6 zenera. Nn2nce«. 0ne ol tke
    215 words
  • 24 8 senna v>f< Qt^t ix>l^i-', l«t,ne l<>:tnellHnc!« Inc»ez Oep2«. mentol k-onomlc na« been >^plx>lnte6 tra6e cammlH«loner ol tne «etNorl2n6« In6i« ln Nr!t!«n In6I»
    24 words
  • 193 8 5> <>!>«'>. >«»V, I.. I »»tonisd,e6 »t tne complucen^v ot »nme ot tne people nere lieowrkli lieutenant lienera! Bir I'd.nm^^ ll unu >v. tne Commanller nt tlie l^i-ce^, >„ 2 lii-n^ca^t »s». pea! kor i-ecruit>, lnr tne 4u3ts»li»n ImperiAl t'orce ve^tercinv. -r^ex 60 not seem ta un6er> «t»n6
    193 words
  • 25 8 New Zealanders For Middle East l »iro. I^ov Is. lne «li»p»<ld ol e« /e,!l»s,«l »»,t. «<e<li<re«l <l«e X«« /e212»<l H. inter, lr«eck <!u«Ur>, >»!>»,» »,nk, Neuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 99 8 Australia Warned Of Dangers tlav 111. ">^B tnin^H tniz veek l^<: clllnzer? ye lace <>»I. lor tn« maximum ol p2triotl3M expre^>ec> ln tne service ol zacrlNce," 2»!<l tne prime Klin'Hter, >lunl» Ourtln, zi^akln? tor tne vi^? loun "lle2!l.<?m >>elmi'> little rnoice U> m tniz var, n? nclae6 "»I ol u>>
    99 words
  • 92 8 APPRECIATION OF PACIFIC SITUATION Wellinztan, lio,, lv j ?le» 2e»l»n6 ?ln»nce «r. 5l»»n, or »rrlv!n>l ln .^uclcwnn «ls tn»t lle» 2e»l»n6 un6er->l»ncl« N <lill!ru!t!«« vnlcn m»y l»ce ncr m tl,^ ?»clnc »6llw« tn»t «ne t»!^n, »>. «tep, vnlcn c»n be zeen »t pre«ent 'o 6eten<l der intereit, »n6 tno«« ul
    92 words
  • 64 8 »sXDI» ne» or6er ln tne colony lor tne control ol publication,, no per«,n m»y lmpori. publl?n, oller lor »l«. «>!!, <ll«tilbute or reproduce »n, i'r»-. crlbec! publ!c»t!on It l, »!»o llle«l>l w n»ve pu»e»»on ol eltner «ucn public,, tion o» repnxluctlon or e»tr»<,t ol it 7-ne or>ler pr
    64 words
  • 231 8 c,l M^ Nlitizli Lmp!re" l» clozri-lbe^ dv I^lr r, 1'l!!m»n vurclll, ln a mox^uu? lrom BINB2pare put,UB>>i>6 !n I'll? New Vnrll I'lme», lu«t montN, vurclln r!>>i!> terrttnrw,< ol tne Nrltkn N,!' eennoloic »«<i pu»U<-»! »cl!vi<-, >l »n«> »»> lrnni 2e»l»n<! to IncU», »ll! be cunlru!l!,'6 »!>c!
    231 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 436 9 SOVIET CONTINUING COUNTER-ATTACKS l^toekliolm, Nov. 10. keavv slssi^in? ligl< been proeeecUnZ ea^t>varci ok I.eninssr26 m r^ssin^ Bnovvswrm» lluiin^ tne past Kve 6avB an 6, gecorciinss to reports, tne Kermanl, nave oecunie<i 15 miles ot tne eoa?t ok Lake iHdossa. T'ne liu3«ianB ai-e resisting vei-v Btuddornlv, a6<i3 tke 6iBp2ten, Btrivinss at
    436 words
  • 64 9 U.S. Ship Damaged Off Vladivostok? l ork, l'ov. spNl! l^olulnki, br»»6c»«tln» tb»t 5t»t« »I,lp >»«>«» Witl, »»r «»opl>«« lo^ ltu«i» bit <><»»tin!l mine »<l Vl»siv»^t«l. »n6 »t»t« tl»,t tl,e v««el K«»vil5 «I»in»Les but l«»el>e«l port vitl, tl,« »l6 »l t»e». lnci«lent. kept ««cret, M« tl«e re««n lor ztoppln^ clellveriez to
    64 words
  • 110 9 I'nklo. Nov. 1U. kPUl! l'lnHnc: Oll.narl X2"a. lnlormln^ d^nkerz kl>r<> to-6»> tkat Me Novtrlct <lepc>«lt« or vitNarawalz ><> luture, vk»>.»!ver tt»e 8ltul>,^l<>n. 2«8orteci w»t Nrltaw, td« Unltec! in le«nrt«6 to 'n? orcler^ 38 a metkocl ol larcln? tlie e«e to ckHn^e tkelr naUouuI policle«. Novever, tki«
    110 words
  • 24 9 WANT WITHDRAWAL BY JAPANESE t/nite^ BtQt«, ol 8, ll,ui^Hll. kno»n. tt»e pl>,»» «iiou!<l r« «re U>« ltHlu, b, »!tA. el»»!l»«. U>^ l»n» U»^e»« »X«
    24 words
  • 3 9
    3 words
  • 16 9 Vlck^. «nv. 10. I^lU3i: nmndei- ol n«» Soviet «ener»l, «,e« »pi»lnte«l >e»t«lll»v d>
    16 words
  • 315 9 I^.on6on, Nov. 10. vailv Nail's coi-i-esponljeTlt «tateB tnat m tlie NuiM3N?l< area blinclinx dlixxal-ll" are immooili^inF botn BideB at I^eninFra^ tkere are neavv Bno^Btoims anll bekore I^oBcnw «novvdrikw are tilling tne German trenene?. wnile m tne DlViaine tne temperature i 8 »n6 stream.-, are k, eexinss m
    315 words
  • 150 9 Kansas ON?, lio. 10. Nk^N Vale.'; Ltlrlin, <re> tlre<l>. United ?«8« navgl c»c>rre8pon6ent. ln 2 ;p?ecn nere !to»6a^ <iec!lu-«<j tn,t .^meri?."N8 become outra?ecl bv >I»Mn', doetUe »ttltu6e »t Ume »!ien America v»« lul'v oeeuplea vltk «lUer in U,e no« «tlc:kin3 knlle In Me Vnlte6 8t»te«' d»c!c." ne «H»c<
    150 words
  • 88 9 8l,«<j lc>r Qreat Lrltllln tdelr dloocl v^en bl<x>«i l» n>'eclec!. «ve»t vken tesiz are needed." odzervecl »6<lle««lN8 u>eetln«i ol tke Ktl»i«2 velenee al lucllil I>e»^uo. "I'd var l, vlrtuallv upprnHct,. lnz In<ll2« ver> lluurz »ncl lt u lor Me 8lkk5 to v»«1 ott enem^ »tt»rll3. dotli lrom tke
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 10 9 Vlzkt. 11«7 »i^ d«U«v«l to be Me
    10 words
  • 28 9 turtner n»v«^ »n6 llrtlllerv contingent lrom dlev»loun6lan<l n« l^rrlves al LrlU«n port »ncl vere veleomecl b> nlzn Nrl> ti«n N2v»l oMeerz »nil tns >iev louncllHnH liHcl« t)a2sml2sloner. li«uter.
    28 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 185 9 Tl^ken be !oa!vs >c,ul s^^c u»» zlilterinz evening llKNt«^ «loc» voul Akin look solt »n6 »»> fealinA or N»t »ncl "cr>»l!cy f <^iv« voul slcin solt, loman» tic "ltl, pond's "<5I»l«> plaof" povlier. tl»lelully d!"Nlic« to reflect on!, tl,e »olt« «vl ol lignt. poncl's len6, en. cl>?ntmci,l to youl coloulinz!
      185 words
    • 216 9 I^ooll at >our Bkin. Is it cil^ narzn ancl roufH» —is >uur complexion muclciv spoilt b^ blackneaciz? 'snat means your present clcanzmss M»^ metnoll- are maclequate. Vuu are <ieps>vinss vonr MM' kicin ot tne cluilv «,«/»s»»«^ >t n«><<l!^ <^ive your slcin a tnoroussn antizcptis :le.>n>iin^ ancl purincalion >v,ln l^uticula lioap
      216 words

  • 1898 10 0» 6Srlnai» l'lest orserz lor tne »tt»cll« an tne l-erman l^<:«!t on 3ept. 4. 1939. vere explicit. "1°ne ereat-<-zt care is to de t»ken not to injure tne civilian population "lne intention l« to «le5trav tn<> Qerman l^eet. Inere i« no alter native target." In tl>« ,d5«nr« nl
    1,898 words
  • 122 10 K1»121i2 victim, oeneNt enormou«!7 lrom tne lntrncluctlun ot NorUcllH wtc, trielr 6iet. 6octor« zp«»X vitn entduzl^m cl tn» excellent re»ult!> c,bt»lne6 Ide explanation lz tnat Nor!iel« «a>. ye» one at trie mo-,t cllMcult prodlems cl lever cases— tkat ol Ke<?plnB up tne zren^tl, vnen U,e stomacn l
    122 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 189 10 /m»,«lnlXM »^^°''>''^>^ *****3223 ><wc^«'^ M>H °"«^o «r>.,tf elV!»«e I»»l.rl /«««^v^^^ A M^Ms^ «ll.pz «^7UNt 8»Vl8 87NKM «>«<» ,xk >>, .iill^an, ,^>», <>»>» tn^ao, !>«»« >>» l«ck«! tx no <>«<, «>»,<«« »>«< ««> x» cono,^,.^ «»,n>n« I 3!! «!»57«3 »8I««» 3V»«»»70N3 /<N<2^«°^3M l!<»,n«> .m! '!>^>.,ck <,»,", f X. «MMM, M, for
      189 words
    • 59 10 5.'." innumerable <:^mpl,in« ,n«« trom irnpuritie, > m tne 1,10<x1.,n6 ,<,!<,"« «tne»lnpu«ne,r^ MM ln,in. pern»!»nent «kel c,nnc»t de obt,ln«l. WW Clarke, Ulc,«l Vlixtule. b> cl«n»in« tn. ,lF»lw< l,lo«6. i, »nv,lu,ble ln tl,« tre,tluenl c>t 1 rneun»,tic c«n,p!»lnt». 1un,b,81,. p»lntu> HG7^ joint,, neuritk. «1,n6u1,r «^«UinB». »«r«. M^«, ulcer,. ec«n«. boil, ,n«l
      59 words
    • 46 10 80!^, dlegnecl. Nepairecl. o?nc^^ co. »nn« llon, l^llf ln« vu,, l^a. l»naen»» /^»>lr,nc^ <?« l.l». »rrt»>r <"" LU7«nll H co., 1.10. <lN"»'i^l»!s>' M 33 > «41l ll^iir^z 00.. ««c. for ev«v pl^lipQ^k M»»»»>M>MM»»M>>W^ MM s« »k».UI V W U N/MloB l LN«Il8» H bl»5l nor »00« I.LO«Q V«>: 3K21.
      46 words

  • 48 11 To-day's Sports Events u<x XLV: 8lnr»l»n« rivill»n« v«. 8.8. police. lt«p»t: !,.t).lt.l1. v«. lilneapore Coltz. r»«t nnlc« v«. 8ln«» l»»l« Nurnet,. ?»«t aNiee lnllee« V8. ».H.n.c. <H:-»>. Hlexan^r,: !>„>»! lleeiment v«. »»2ncl,e<!t«r ll«^ln>«nt, <iillm,n, 8t N.».^. v«. l)»I!eee. Nuklt V«nni«: 8l?.It.c. »o«>n invit, tin,» l,wn t«nill, tnulnllmenl. 80lt«.
    48 words
  • 113 11 INVITATION TENNIS TOURNAMENT V^Lll3ill^VB tle« ln tne S,cil,<?, X open lnvlt^llon l»vn tennl, tourUpen «!nf!«: <?nln Ilee Onn beet I^« Uuclc V»NlI. «—O.« 0. «—O.« 0. Npeu «!»ub!»!«: Nucll "Nioe 2N<! ll" a»u!>i» I,»n<lie»l>: cnlne ll»l 8I^!u »n<l ie, I°, <3»n l«cr) be»t <3»r»i <— iz>. c— l. < double,
    113 words
  • 14 11 I^n ttuck II 1° Oil. He» »<X)N I?nn »H(l ?»n 6UHN l^l2t.
    14 words
  • 680 11 DARK ENCOUNTER AND ECHO TO-MORROW'S BEST Orller Ol I^unnin^, Acceptors 3election3 s^^ltli Lncuunler «u,6 Lcl»o »pp«lu' l« be tl»e best bet» lur <»>inorru^v'» r»re» »t Lukit in tl»e »eenn6 <l»^ ol lke 8in«2pnre 'lurl t^lub'« winter meeting. ket« are others ivka »re Uke:^ to zo out veil liuioies 2n<l mln.
    680 words
  • 45 11 'F^ll: lollcivlnz n»ve «l«epte« to pla? luezer lor tNe 8Ot? N, Il2l^Iev: >^. 71. tenner, p. Nuli;c«8: i^t. f:. orerar. N. p. Nilson; N. klaxey. r, rv2n«. l)ll?t. 13. l». X. N!.l-!c,v, Or. 0. l". N0p11!.,, X. 11. onn> tle», Vl,^r I. 8. Nl»t,2m.
    45 words
  • 8 11 4 N»Nlt« clnlleile »t k<>c!«v »«»l2Ht
    8 words
  • 41 11 'I'nr l«»ll<,«!Nl >»»»« >>««» sel. «ct«6 to l»l»^ l>»cli»!, lnr tl»« Btr»it« «iettl«,n«nt, !>«»><«! »l»in«t tl>« rl^l'»un» »t tl»« l»»Iiee N«p<»t t«xl»,: Nuzzrin: H»n,in«ler 8!n<ll». 6e««n, l!ll!» liln, li»«« Bill>6r»n>, Bu!!lv,n, O»v,ll>«». eept lo^ l<««ml»snr<len, ill tbe pnr«. mpi«: Nul6l»l Binel>.
    41 words
  • 70 11 TO-DAY'S TRAINING AT BUKIT TIMAH In r««t >Vork s»^ »»^k l»r>»»«». «»»b one «e u« one occ»«l»n ln !l»!i^n,, »ns> »ppe»s, to »>« ek»n<:e In tke s«an<l Qrr«n »o»«ll<l «!.<! l7»iN)l'!I!» mnvul ll«!> lu p»c« Work lrnm U,« »nc» on ssoln,? «lU t«I» lot ol de»tln» ln «plt« xl del
    70 words
  • 58 11 ANNUAL SEA AND LAND SPORTS Bw«»pnre <?rlc!let Nub <Xt, 31. »Un «r, N«l«er, ln !ne cn»li, cn»lrm»n, N N«l«ei«^ I^ru<8poon« >!l V!re-«»«l,»I l? V,'. 11, ?ullur<l, »«r. L, X, <?. H?«><w««n, teuton -I^v!n<l«tc>ne, «c«r, N. ««>,- monll. r V,' 8!l!^t. c, arlionl. r, 8 «:!»an, c»pt, n, ««»<«>. «u!<i»n<-« ol
    58 words
  • 42 11 INDIAN ASSOCIATION BEAT HORNETS tkNUiN!! nnc^«> u^tci, pl»>«l »t lev mwut« !»ler Uu't^l, c>lpp«l U»« T'kc zecuiicl k»Il npenea »l'.^ «l»« «!tk lke be5t 5t^ot ol tde ine, »H>ilt»l» »lt«l k« t>»ll wl«<l ««li1«u«5 nut ol w» on!> «c>»l lor lt,« llc^netl.
    42 words
  • 18 11 nc,r!ie> m»tck l>^t«,,.>en li»Mel calleTe »n6 tne ?un^b liei.!ment, »dlcn to n»ve been pl»>e<l Lukil 11i!,21> >e«ter6»v. c«leel!ecl.
    18 words
  • 119 11 British Army And Navy Beat S.R.C. In Thrilling Hockey Match llrlti,!, K»»^ 1: 8.».r. »ritl»k >Uin> «i 6 H»»? b«t Me !>. luie »n<l »«U.<le««.ve<l vlcto Uie w evei? «lep«u'M>«nt nl U« z» t«lm lke 8«rvlc«« v« mu«> UnMlnz lke ball c»ll»«l vlU> 1°li« club W«« »W»r6e<l conwl but Uibb
    119 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 41 11 „mi!,r <<^!,l> Lo!« /^^^ll!^ rzzirnx MOM I !^3 S!X SIQ«kV /urniture —2 4 «i:i><7nient!!, ,l.i'V<<l'«« i<>a<l>ne to li!l'/Ioor^ c'^»X««7' on roc>/.?ar<len pro. /ii,s?'/!l//?X^I' cater, /or dotk 1.3.» H»!»» »«>»r— »>»»»«! «3!««. ll IMXSS /"''M,^ 2NV 6eB<,'r!vUon Ir vlien your Nuc!!< nee^» llttentlon /<^
      41 words
    • 19 11 r4v« xi«ur »nn>ves»«r> niekt to eive 8rcaxo opening 1l> >Ili»1' «^«X«N ll»l>8. iii. ll0lll«ll!« elluzor" <?.»« 8.3U> »li88>^« 8urrn 8uk<ltle!i.
      19 words
    • 68 11 Qplre. dr,n>i) l>c M^ «ork pl»p«!v ,zil»n. NoniiH! 1 «««k I«l5 ?kSI DH l»uU <lo«ll your ev«li>l. "N.? W be»ltb> ««ln colour, I! i!»> »n«ner v«" «c« or «ll> I l,^ MM »«vi»«: l Llue (3iUen« ll»e H<M >U llneil bl,clcz cv« m,6« lor «M cle»u«, lmoolker ln,vm^ for l««er
      68 words

  • 1323 12 Britain Pledged To Take Part In Event Of Japan U.S. Conflict I^^V^I. 50I5ON N^8^ «7l) 60 not knon essortg ok tke Umte6 8t»to3 to preserve peace in tne raeikc »e 5ucce8«tul, but ik it taik I o«28wn to »n6 it j» mv 6utx to 53V lt— tk»t. 8kou>6 tke I
    1,323 words
  • 39 12 «cv Vorlc. Hoy. 10. VIIINIVLKI' IKXBevelt vlll t>lo«sc:2«t ll »,m, >N,« I»i-««!<i<!nt l« expected to «pe»ll lor n»ll »n n»ur or more llom ton <?em«t«lv, V-zlUn^ton, 6urin« tne I>!sslun »t tne !o»w ol tne Hnllno»n Solcller lieutel
    39 words
  • 97 12 Tribute To Chinese Resistance I>rrr«lil«u to cnlna m nl, "> ,p««cn at "<^. Nouse. slr. cnur^nill «»d: "««M «»n we «""'l «.1...,.l emotion tne delcn^e ol tnelr native soil, tneir lr^«d»m and tkelr indep»nden,e k« keen mamta.ned zinrle-nanded lor Ny« >e.n t» tde 1»e..0!e ui^der Me leadel'inl,, "l tnat viatic
    97 words
  • 289 12 If Burma Road Were Attacked By Japan I»n6on. dlav. iv. /'OHVIKcro tnat nexl move ln Me r^r lH«t vlll de »n »t «lc on Me Nurmz l!o»6, we cnlne«e 2uM°rltl« m^. ln« »ll prep^ratlonH ta meet me cnl. Onunzlclnz ln »n wtervlev vitn >lNe -limes correHpon6ent ln CnunLlllnz. Or Qua
    289 words
  • 240 12 POWERS TO ACT IF JAPAN MOVES (.'kunxllinx. Nov. IN. I'Nl: (kunsskinss Government Bpako^mun reve»le<l to- <»v tk»t tne ci» powers (Unites Lritain. cnina »n6 In6ie») »3«-ee6 on tne nature »n6 Bl^nilic2nce ok next move 2n6 »l»o tnat eacn nation 60 lt-^ iull to meet tni» move. /Vzlled v.^etner We Un'tecl
    240 words
  • 28 12 10.000 WAGONS FOR SOVIET RAILWAYS compwt«l tnelr IN,NOUtn ssox<, »»zon lor c»rr>>!,« luppUez to n l». »cro»» l»er»!». ln p«»c«tlme tw iot, «ou!6 n»v« t»ken !2 lnontn« Ne^ler.
    28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 64 12 7»e pr»(«l«L co. «l. lll«u B^. l»»u>r 5.25« lor < 'llolivvnttu c»rB^ X t,< loud „rr^rvatlun ln 25 »«ars tne rrleidalr, < o!l< «.l!l lt«lri«erator. ll«!,ulpassed lor eon >!,<« l!l» ir vitHUlius. lresnness. ll^vuur and colour <.»:<»> l>»:w »l nlevements, inside and out. eon llll,ul« lv >uur Nome Uelenee <»>
      64 words
    • 88 12 "I'm kresli ali6 lull ot Nliersy!" eke reason is-I^ikebuoy I'oilet kresn too; lull ok energy and better 8oap! It guarantees personal kreskness. able to carry on witk tne daily round, protects you against all possible risks You'll meet new problems witk new ok lending. 4 batn witn I^ikebuoy confidence wnen
      88 words