The Straits Times, 8 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 31 1 The Straits Times s«»ix»i^»li«ii »»^lll<? c?»l«iv«v> 5//4^lV/,'5 /V^'^ F/,^'F 12 l'^klik i-lixcl^ponli:. g^^tino^v. i 941. l'Nl(6 5 The Straits Times 2 l'^^l:8 8II^«^l'0ltl':. B^7'^ltll^V. 8. 19 1 l l'llx k 5 <.«:>»
    31 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 /^<»^ (1 p lc> <z<2tV s>>»»» 4»l» 'lne c»r »do>vn K23 »ctu»!lx cn»ll<s6 up »>^MMMW!! MMMMMW 12.000 mi!e» > «t, i>, Il»ll.>, tnuu^n it nuxn't deen out nt tne nnowroom .v»>< >>< I)^'< i) >i<> 7 I'olisn >.>, tne »ecret. I »l '< '<) >,'». l>i-«xiul'o,^ !>ekutilu! 3!3»Hi»^» «ul-l»co
      169 words
    • 122 1 put up wild td« ssconcirclto v,k«u tli« li?»t rci s i« v,itkin your reeled W^^^^^^ MM ll>l> 601.0 i^r^k- «^«M MM «««l^»i.r «l n«7kl. kl» 0U7ll««ll7 p»«0>k« s^""^" M BIN lQ lilina „e«6 for your 3^,^<, I^°^ 16 IN IN Bilsu« rillNS !,<>« ll3t. re»l>s "A3 s^«, M 3» t^nln^s
      122 words
    • 5 1 rm^l. roi«. Uc>7'N!Nk lel. 1772
      5 words

    • 15 2 November. I«4I at nl» r««!6ence Ku tn<? »tn lnltnnt, at IN »,m, lor Luklt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 454 2 sls^/xi-lc)l>l3 v^c:^!>,i' Itlc<jl!»«ri» Btor^» llecora cierll ex,<>r!encec! l» vl«lble record,. by lullest <lrtl>U« to I°nornvcrolt <BU>e»HV^Niro "conilin uonsl!' r«. none b».« mu«t produce Doctor, certificate. «r». N. lH>,>V^!<ILU lar icuropean lamll? v!Ui V^xirn lor a Vritkk NrlN <l) »l> lne cleric, salary »4N per montn p!u, llatlon. ln ovi, nanclvrltlnz
      454 words
    • 302 2 l.«»l«<>l»l0l18 I>urnl«I>«l Nellclencne»!tnv Ioc»lltv ll mlnute, to«m. Ber> L 0 l^ll. Be«Hlc!e «un«»lo, «o 37, i»l»l« »«oorlu« »«K<ll^l.o^» s>.i mile, «ol!»ncl N6, «o<z«rn 8»nlw- > cn,»ne L«e«, ?none 74«z. ri)ltXlBNrn N0l18l: required d, pdone 7804 or Nox No, 732, Btr»!t^ I°, 64!8 r^B? c>x!«, nll«. e<«! 44.0X1.rv »v.. roon« «»1
      302 words
    • 212 2 Ill!rilic!lilt^»10«-?<ev or V««<» 3222. "Nil, I« to l'.o'.'l? we vubllll »n^ »u concerned N>2t v»«i nl U»e l>ub!lc»twn ul lkw alter vdlil, 0»t«6 Uil« 7tl, <l»v ol Huvembei', 194! a. v. on 8U.v^. z», lU^n« 8tl»et. 8o!l«ltns lc>r »I»K Din <t 8c>n«. z« llllin INtd, «m«mbel 1941, "U, m«rdle volk«
      212 words
    • 102 2 1,uc,»1. lxnl'B-r»lr8, lmstoi-inin 0lt0l«x«cr <c»xl»i« 2,2). <lu!»tlon Orillnllnce. tn« cnlel police function vitli «!«n Street »n6 >!« <4> prom 720 m, until 15 minute In conn»u«nt Drive bet«een ll? function »!ln «izl> »n>l »ltn »e»cn »o»<l UN<l Ktumlor^l Drive tn»l portion ol «e»cn »«»<l be. N«»<1 »n6 it, «ltn con»ll«r
      102 words
    • 159 2 Nl_»3»^^33 Q^Nc)3 t^Q l^ l^ooll l» r »znr»v «n l«.« l»nx !4. 8l««^p0»r. ,«»!!»>, «e>n!>er, l !»W» »«l Upen NallF: B»lur««,,i 2« l l» 79. BUu»l»r< ll»»6 4«l» Xr^ «K«l1 A!,,, «K«K > so. M»7cnl.oQ ginre'l leleplione 7487. ill^i i^ p.rlUllr v<» >^x r I.^ «r co. H«o »»>!«:
      159 words

  • 162 3 Yunnan-Indo-China Border Clash Report I^ov. Ri' lH pl"slstenU> reported kere. but vltknu^ otNclal contirmutinn. tnat a dormer B>lliinl3N ncculrecl 2t 2 point adout 60 miles ea«t nl I.»oll»^. nn tne Vunn2N>lnclo>c!n!n2 borcler. Leoles c>l 80l6lel« vcre 5a!6 to be involved on eacn zlcle. Vet»ils ol tne c1251i vere not lcnovn,
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 199 3 SURE OF BEING ABLE TO CUT BURMA ROAD Bd2n^ai, Xuv. 7. Baill to-(lav tiie .lapanese nrs consilient^ cnuld Bever tl; Lurma nissnwav. dek-pl'to 6iMrultie» ok terrain. "Kotnlnz." ne assert« 6. "I, linnossi!,lc to tne army m tne I^r l^>»t Ue saw tne far llast includes Liberia, lnziilancl, ancl I3urm»,
    199 words
  • 49 3 I^onaon Kov. crip^Nnz e!l?ct ol tne NriU^n. an 6 vutcn 'IV IN!' X,''"l<i? "N 1 '„>!, !>! vivicllv «no»n dv tn»> Fnan^nal ccrreHpon6ent ol tne verklv r°vi"v/, °N,e lne treeing palt>2u!ali> s, 7> m ll>,p I^iit-cl v,!,lre even tke d!?3est Nrm» ancl banll3 Nn«i tnemzelvex almost pa: a!>'se6,—
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 46 3 C»lro. llov. -»>I1NII«3 a raicl on tne Bue? (,'»n»l are 2 eariv tnlz morninss, lev bombz vere clropp«li, ?»UBin<l Bliznt l!»m»8e to pro>ert?." s»v» ol tne Interior communique. It a66« ltiat »ir r»l6 v^rnin«« «ere »lso !>oun6«-cl m tne Cairo »re» »n<i Neuter,
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 55 3 I'olclo, Nov. 'I'lir »ece«»itv ol mobilizing '.I^pHNl resource, »n<l perlectlnz nlzn po^er 6elenee structure m nrcler to sispos? ol tne (?nln» incident »nll to c, X bU«d tnc ii2.'t co-prcsperit^ spnere" «lcs s>n>l>n»»i-,e«l ov lne prints sinister, s»en, 'lo^o. to-6nv. aczclre««in, tne K». ti,>n»l l/ll,di!l2l»tinn Council. »<:» cor6ill«
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 62 3 I4ev Vorlc, Kov. QWNT'NLII evidence rez»r6in>l tne dro«uic»Btinl; ol lnlorm»tion lor <3erm»nv akout 2rlti«n inivpinss by secret r»6in v»« zlven vnen tne biz secret l,r>Hl VH« i-ezumecl nere to>s»?. Nil., on? ol tne l» 6?leic!«'n»>! .<lal6 tn»t ne n»<! a^reecl vitn l^-eclerlclc Bcnre«ler m Qerrnan^ m« lnl!
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 34 3 ott»v». Kov. Vlctar Ollum. "4 cummlmcilnL tke <?»lu«ll2N 3econ6 Division ln NrltKln, n»« lieen Hppolnteg <I!»N26llu» Illzn dommi«zwner to l^eeorclinz to »n announcement d? z<r W l^, Klal-kenlie ><.7»z. tne prime Neuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 31 3 'U^ii: oH»'.2ck2n revelation tk2t N<>sM3l» »udm2rin« are o?er» ntin? i >levlounc>lHN<i »»te« I«l n»vnl od^rveri, l»ere to>6a? to believe U-bo2t,'« are «t2t!^ne6 »I"n? tde on'ii-e Nrzzt t.'lrcl« route—^lnltecl ?se«
    31 words
  • 17 3 "A Military Matter," Says Spokesman Nov. p«n«iin, t» ,u««llun, l«»r<>Nurin, «»»6 by «»>«> '^l»»t i.« n»!lit»r, mater, l
    17 words
  • 124 3 >VasninBton, Kov. 'l'llk ol a credit ol > »l,lloa ooa 000 to Soviet Nu«ls b^ tne Uriiteci State, nas been ziven a m!xe<l reception i»> Ben»tor Connallv. cnairman <i< ampl> able to rep»v u» li> 6ue Ume I! i« better to extencl aici ourselves
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 32 3 c!H!idorrg. liov. lor B»!>2ntr> m»l1e to lne Imperial k'arces, inrluciin^ t»o Victoria c?ro«e« an 6 5l Xl,l,t»rv I^eclalH. nnv total 479, tnc klinlzter, «r, »<l, r'orclo. Lnnouncecl on ,kl-icl»v—Neuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 m^zikssrl.^vec.'som^^tc.^^uc.m ollLXllillkl. eolloell7 <l»nn»l) 8 p.m. t« I«»6niel,t liinnel zz.oe Olon 11.00 ozucr .'»n^/^i. I, Overuse I>i^ NO«lNlI^« clllU. »»!le VVl^.^ l^lplltOll 3!«U5, I-ii,,,,.^ 8«UV!^!<I« DL c)Nl)l'Il< l>>ts», 4> 8l'I?>!,!un »uc>w nc»'l llelN 5> Le'.ecllon X^.'ON >^lN) «Id»c>« 8nl»!!l,<>l e> lU,»«!«jie «s>Ii>VIX,I.VSI »Nxr3c>Dl« Bvenc!^en 7 ><!!''> 8c»»,l!i.!!« Z^NI'I'ILN «2DI^V 7..,»1?
      108 words
    • 108 3 7«r nrsi "i«p" 'p»o»«r 3401 z«ll »1101 l vollll zrKiz son oro»<3r »r»«^3N) s»z^'s l xi^ru M^» >X ln»rr 8«llvicl:8. z«i» lo «rW Br«VlrrB c^« n ?nr l,i8^i«avl8l«l» l?^^llo«^n« or ur. l»r «n>^n!<«lt 8l« «»I«7N« n,l>«>»B. uc^u. 24t/» /VOV. at 9 p.m. 2»l^ I^K.ll «»r »»!U^^U>«B XI «lr I^nvr>lB n?«r
      108 words
    • 178 3 ss r llc II VI3NV lev people rea!l«! »k>, importance ol supplvinil, nourishment to tne brain, boa, and nerve., m order to combat l!>effect, ol overwork and exl^slve menlal and pnvs>, l,<-»iv.!v lnis is vn? ye Nnd, m > times ol abnormal ac iv!<v, >> not !>nlovln>l pei-lect nealtd
      178 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 198 3 /«l lilies /Up, «I75»«.: ?^f,« 4!2«n> 7« l^encn 45 ?,e«5 ln l^renc-n^ I l>le», c«i>in«»l«^7 ill l^encn: 7 l5 pt,v»lr»I e»«cl»e« ll» men: 20 !<e»^ 40 OvertUl,, to 8uU!v»n', c>pel«, s I.l«!«nlnz I'»t'i 8 45 I»l»n»l!>!-te» I 9 n» Inter,,!, l»M»l: ll 4» Int«rvl.I: ll«» «lc!<!»> v»llet>f: l p,m. 8w«»pur«
      198 words

  • 57 4 KI0KL LU8II>ll:88 «!6ent No««velt >m6 <3t»Un. l»Ui bu«'l>e«» »t »l,24 «m<l »l.34'/ii Lunsel Latu »el»neor »t »l,42^. ,227,50, I'ke lol!ovln« »elt pllcez ol rudder »t li o'clock:— «ent» p«s Spot 3«'/< Xovemder 38^ IS', «ov,.ve<: I««» 38^4 Hl,l-.u»r^ I^arcN 28'/, 38^ K^rlcet I'nne- 3te2<Iv aulet, 8ine2l»»l«. ll3?2',
    57 words
  • 47 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASS. x« IX ll.8,8. ,8p»» «'.i 35»i X«. lX 8 t.»b tt, c«« u,r.^.<l ll.88^ !n .X«,«ub» «N «?<> r.^.«i U.8.8. l,.d. in !»»>«« >»v«>,K»l ,?<z 37?, !<<». IX ll !^8 »««»»««<» X»». l»^ l»». Xov 0«. 3«!h 3« < H»».»l»». 3»>, 3??', 3»'i Xe» V»k:
    47 words
  • 43 4 —^ver «o!e!i. 31.782. »Uk« 35,«21: lleinpl,,. 393,000^ »l<x>ln«, 227,850: l^nnzzu, III.I 82: «<!o<>i:« 58,834: "remei-Iol!. 24.165: U»)»t>. 24.000: 27,000 P»N2«. ?3,000: Vuklt «übu, 20,500: Menenly. 53,00?: Iledun, 12,600, lciuan?, 44,»a0: I^^»m. 245.000: roll evettendllM. 9.100: I^lWuai. I6M>O: I'^mt»!»>. I9U00: I'elllk 79.700:
    43 words
  • 3 4 I?n««,
    3 words
  • 2 4
    2 words
  • 7 4 »313,U«a, c<,mp»r«O «!U> »28?.0U0 w.
    7 words
  • 7 4 75 WQ5, n,»i-!c«t l^!» »l,6 l«lui-e!«« />.lt«>-
    7 words
  • 31 4 NQV »v?>»«c, on U« slack 118 33^ >»!!>!, uUMIe,, I« 2l ,nO l»i>0«, 90 cs, cumpl^eO »IU, ll»84. 28 51, IS 4U «»<l 91l S? >l,t«rO»>, U'k^ »!lli 80,74 i»i,o blua,»« >>Zl»rcli»v
    31 words
  • 1115 4 Stock Share Quotations rlUV45. NOV. 7. l»4l: 4 5^«. >u«tl»I >««ll <5«) 30 7, 60 <»,) 2, 90 3, 36 «»I», lli zz» 83« >7er Ult»» <5,) I?, 66 80 Ven« (»l) .«I .8« »»N8rw Iin <« 12, 60 14, 66 N»tu 8«!»l«<» <»l) l.40 1 44 «ei-junt»l <5«) ll,
    1,115 words
  • 134 4 London Stock EXCHANGE «,ntwu«l l!nn »Q6 copper, «cc>v««! >!,l>»n>«e »<ml, «p«n«<l <lnn«r U>« co^, !>7. l«^ com, I7.^c>n «Vnl«) 7>H llol^I x«c« NX, «5Nk <»!2l),.. >-?,^ Ki»UU«l5 O6 »9,»<l ?«I^l «>«K<> I»2<l Qen»«^ Llectile 7« I., Nl« viui««l 2?^. llunlop >V^t«) 2?« In», X»<^.«. 41^ «Vm, ()<»? »4 lnlp. lod
    134 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 315 4 zO. »»M8« l«lk > V >l IIIVP 8^ cv «zil l»^88r!«<rll »«U C^NQO 8l»Vl««^ IV. <?o, ,!>«»» <^c Hls»U, to t»»e<i- llNlll? INliNN^Kl^, pAo^/i-'sAAeck""' Blnr»p«re »n6 l»«Q»n« »o s»s !n»»sn>»u»n »!>pl, tn: l)ol«u>ko »N^ Z«Nlb»> »l«0 p 8 !< 0» ll^ c»ll,« «ju», I«l: »!!6I lt^neoan ,n«i l?»lcntt». lnslc»tl«n ul
      315 words
    • 68 4 «i'l»rl.v i»e roun 8»on8 m n^v ">llBB 7«c eovB eoollllvc" O8c>»lt IF!VH«^. <?o««lr »aB^ri.l>, ll^vv«^!»< «^l»l ll.v X KK/^ I l»»o«r 3400 roy» «»oiv« 4^«. H.»5, «.»5 <« »5 EG MSM-SIM »«»l »z 12.15 OcIXX^K 77/6 /»^>»V >»^VO «V F/H,5O^V o H V TV .^/o/e/eo^ sFt/"O>» V) 8.2U D
      68 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 111 l»»v ?ll»«oni»ll«» 4 5«ll«z uxr^ll) liLB2^V^l'ls)^B NllBl L 2 I^X2>l II? NNSONL 9.15 ?.^s. 01-NLIi>VIBI: T'.'-.NV si Vll^ "lO Lll BNI.N z^<»/^<'^, F^l o? l-ici'l(l^"B I .»i^ii.i.B. >W^ ?lewr« lor o -M »W I!U?! 111 me»l 9.30 1.431- scnc^ll«3s! «rx^ Hvxr 8^0llr» I« 3Oiiilt or ink: vOßveii IU l»^V
      53 words
    • 173 5 11 XlVl 9.15 HIIMM/M> »»>^M^^W^ Hzs c«K«.>.r»«:r »c».i-. oven 15 <2> nou«os M^ "2^l slLtti ««^l.^^« s/^»<s «^vc nccn »i»!^!»«: < son <^ >.o»«l 'si^r. > l Vv popu!.^ psi«.l 1f<«0«c L 222 «v "?x K^ ,3.2.1550°!,. fN,OKV.I4tI,«OV. 1941 m«(;2wc jf ,> A^ inc!u««in« > noo^'^2 k^ c nnl c
      173 words
    • 86 5 ">Vkers You llno>v tllere's a Dam skou>« 7'o-a'a> an</ To-morrow 11 3.15 «15 t>.ls BL^IB L00XkII) ?^OVI8Il)X^I^V N^'B'l' 82 r.^IV 20« 8V 9.15 p.m. otkei-xvi^e t'ne.v YOU. too will c:nOxe nitk i.^uc3ttil:K: A^ m I'm,' > 1111....i5i 2»!ce believe >M»^ MMM^ U!i<!i7.«i „,>!>>: yzve l^ll, convincing periiTnzllce' W KVll!<^...zs !l>«
      86 words

  • The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SAT, NOV.8, 1941 (797th. Day of The War )
    • 257 6 Uis Lxeellencv tne <3overnoi n.»de a generous and tlmelv^ relerence to tne progress ol "lne rund ln ni« speeck at Wecu^esdav's meeting ol tne! legislative Council, V^e are most Liktetul lor tne remarks snui we trust tnev will navo tne d.ssired ettect on tnose! nolders ol olllcial
      257 words
    • 219 6 >V correspondent nas sent to^ iis a copy ol Tke Times dated 26. 1941. wltk a covering! note drawing our attention to n, news item wkick reads i lllsie 2aran Constance Orrin,! a private teacker wko was alleged to nave said to two soldiers ln a public-kouse 'Hitler
      219 words
    • 355 6 In speeckes made on tke subject ol tne new War Tax Ordinance at Wednesday's il^lUn^ al tke legislative Oouncii, llupli^sis was laid on tke complete agreement between tke c!ulunv ancl tke I'l^lj, us to tke new rates ol! tax praposecl m tne Uill. We! da not wisn to
      355 words
    • 275 6 °lnere nave been more expressions ol amusement tnan n^novance at tne orders ul lezulatllltz tne nuurs at wnicn urinll may de consumed on^ licensed premises m tnis countr>. I^nere are sound reasons lor tne restrictions and tnere can de no mention ol narcisnip m any argument tnat may be
      275 words
  • 1622 6 Lleat Btol^ Ol War In "liie BtraitB "limSB I >V T midniznt on Leptember H, 1939 exactlv one nour 8rlt2ln vas oMclallv at war witn !<3erman> a Mennelm bomber toall ull lrom aerodrome da snadov tne (Herman Neet, Nlnce tnat moment tnere nas »lvavs been
    1,622 words
  • Letters TO THE Editor
    • 245 6 (Comment On kutnr> (^lud 8peecke8 8!r.— Xlr, > lc, Isaac, lorm-l 00 operative OMccr. 8in8apol?, in t>!,« to tne membra nl tne Notary Olub. »a>6 tnat mere lncreaze ol va8«>5, 26vuc»le^ bv zome, vauw n^>t in all ca^e; «alv<> <li? nrodlem ol lnc1edU»<ines«. Ne «2l6 not money, but ln«tr^cwn
      245 words
    • 241 6 Views On Vnluntl'cr ()UE8til)N L» tl>e l^Uilvl ut llie 8lr2>>> 3ir.— I tullv »3re>> witn vour 5U88«Uon to 6i«bnnc! Vouni^ecr,' 2nc> re izroup lne ciisb^ncietl Volunteers eitner in <n<? I^U l> »n<i passive velence 8 ttie Ne8Ul2r t'orrez, tko moment, t!^> ol VnIunNl'l^ in t,ne k' '.I !> i<
      241 words
  • 64 6 Xi»l,lli» <ilun,k!e>« ?l,l> people ol Vlalacca are wonaering »I,en tkev will kave O, current ana cheaper ckalges 10l electricirv? Wken will lke old town be lre? ol mosquitoes? Wken »i^' Malacca kave a lulltime pelro! Rationing Olncei- instead ol one wko is dusv witk c'.ber tnin^ tkat
    64 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 66 6 «<>inbc^ ,>l tde 6!ub vil! be ke!<i »t klonib,'!^' «!,s> en^oy <,!»> Dales t!«- «Ixt!i 6n> ul November. !»41, W. N. l«^W, W^ l. 2ie z t Dezitzns lV^li an 6 MM platinum. Wriztlet W2tclie«. 78. lXortli Lli^ze Noacl. Bin^2pore, K1i212 I UMsiUl 2Ntj ?eN2NA. 8. z«oi^ X oo inciu
      66 words
    • 20 6 i)on t /Vg^/l?cl Vc»l»s d> <,!>->liN«<l „«!r!!»!i,>it, l). 8 <.»Nl<N. Lverllrizkt Optical (^o. IS. cbnl!, 8»!«». rdlllX 4415. >>7«ic,'/l.^ ,vo^i,/i<»7'e
      20 words
    • 25 6 neve^ b« cc»n/u«e</ uill^ cel/lNislO^lie t»»° c«/»u^ ne«» /«s/7» manu/ao tus,«^/»s<»ce««, ,t can«,«t« n^ «c«en^«/,ca//>c«»/n /»««/,</«</ ui^lc^ </s«e» to a «»<»tt^«/»,«^ be<»l.t«Vu/ te^rtuse an«/ u>e<»s,n^ /»^«/»est«e«.
      25 words

  • 488 7 Mint V^ /^^lBl'li^^l^X tronpB mux Boon be lissktinss nlonz:«,ille tl,o NuBBi»NB on tne ('aucllsus front, tne ollili»I .^u^tralilln ne^B »?cncx quoted U»jor-(^n I^e^trell, (^ommaniler ol tne I?lr8t ViviB>on, < ommonv ealtn forces. »8 reports I.'nitell ?reB« m Canberra. Voro^liilov, :u!dreB3in^ 15u5812n troop?, m
    488 words
  • 85 7 lx»nc!on, IVov. 8. VI7UII_L tne NuBBiar>B Bta^e tnat NBNtin« i 8 rapine vitk un> abatecl violence m tne centra! communique claims tnat Qerman ancl Numania,, troops are suecesslullv continuing pursui. ol ln? enemy m lne <?rimea, vrite^ Neuter mililarv commentator. l'N? <3ermanB ac>6 tnat tne enemy ilalLuarci ,"o
    85 words
  • 125 7 U.S Opinion of Kurusu's Visit llov, 8, U7 l? 1. 1. I^ll^Qll^l^O <^dBerver., nere interpret tne lortncoming visit ol k«r, Baduro «uru«u, 8p?c»2l emi«B2lv, 2K evidence tnat Igpan 6esperatelv V2ntB accommodation vitn t!ie Uni e<l BtateB because economic pre««ule 18 be^innin,; to pincn painlullv. It is lor to cieci6e wnas
    125 words
  • 15 7 !«u«»!inl nu>!le, rrlu, l»ee k« Nic, »ltl> UlUer »«r U>e r«l«» sl»nl.
    15 words
  • 30 7 11 2,000 Poles Killed By The Germans H^^ollvlKli to tke polls!, I)eput> premier. !^l 8l»ni>!,,» >Ilknlajri>ll. N2UON l»ole>, l»»l2N«j ,n<l 3,000 l«ve 6ie6 >n inln <;erniHN>, <>»i 6. lllites prez».
    30 words
  • 54 7 i^)nci>.!!, Xov, 8, Ildlikl^^X^. carding bombs. are menticnecl m vesterclav's >Vir MniZtrv commui.ique, wnicn states, "^ircralt ol tne renter l^ommau6 tnuz alternoon carrlecl out 2 number ol ollensive patrols ancl sweeps over Korlnern trance ancl tne coasts >)l Uollanci ancl Nel^ium, tile /tti- Xlwi-'ll^ «»>« l>>2t tke
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 66 7 VV,5>!!1!31U1,, HOY, I-.2H M2se voiillerlul »6v»nce !n t!,e la.<!t 15 montnz. prr sanlrrel!,-? !n V»,»!i>lnsston ldlz »lternoon, «c nail 2«trnl!?ll tne 11.0, cleclinec! !o be <lr»vn Into mu«t n»ve tool«, »nc! tlie men to 6a »c zt^ncl'" Xl,-, re»!«l, wu^nin^lz-, '"lint l« matter lor you con<-<>rn!NB tne Nu^liLN «!,8<lelt!on,
    66 words
  • 138 7 BnanllN2i, Xov 8 >X lne event ot vnitecl Ltatez IVlarines belne witnclrav.! lrom BnanBnai, a« nintoci ov preslclent Noczevelt vesterciav. observers nere believe lt i« vlrtuallv certain tne Japanese will comp^erelv take over control of Bnansnai. I'ne .lapane^c tkuz lar nav2 not 2ttemp.ecl control ul tne Intern2tiona!
    138 words
  • 42 7 ?esnav2r. siov, 4 l>3N^l<lB'l'^^'B policy ol <lX Btrict neutl2litv V2B enclolBecl to-ciav d? tNe <3r2n6 douncil, vnlen un2nimouBlv upproves ol tne Governments loreien policy BtreBBinz tne countrv'z cleBlre to live pe2celullv on lrlon^lv terms witn all lorelzn povei B —Neuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 191 7 reports iron X i^inlana Inat NzntiNL wi! untinue is navin^ a very clani x>uin« ellect on uncial circles Mere rerm.ininl nost reservecl. says Neute H< nlormecl sources are optimistic lt tnis juncture. Ncports nav< zeen received m Wasnin^ton iNa> yen Me ni^nest l'innisn otNcia!^ lre ecnoin^ tne Wa2i
    191 words
  • 21 7 ni, tour ol poi-t !n lloltn. Ix>rcl ol tne zsmii-ult?. «r, >^. V, n>we-s»eeper vnlcn n»« lle«lro>e<l 90
    21 words
  • 14 7 sV2sliiNsl»N I^ne B«n«te p»««6 tke Sill p< s,nill»nB !I 8 mercnanl !>l,ip!.
    14 words
  • 147 7 Chiang's Faith In Red Army ONUNB>UNB. Hoy. importilnce unit> l 5 'empn»8l«6 dy tne lllct tnat detUn6 all ol U8 vno are ll^nUnz tnere «t2n63 a country un^er le26erBn!p vnicn na.<l p!e6^> eel itzell to be tne »rBen»l lor tne Democracy »n6 pleclze^ ltZell to lmmenze economic »n6 military zaci-iNce
    147 words
  • 44 7 c!nunBlclNB, Kov. s>l^^ oni2NB K»>Bnell lln6 Xi26ame oni2NB <o 627 2 te2 pllltv to loreizn correBponc!entB. tne Nrzt Blnce> 1939 llr,t "Ni-e5,!6e rn»t," »n<! I^l»l>»m« try to little better »e»tner 4n<l tde «?2U>er w l>e!pin« l, even better m kealtn »n6 I7n!t«»
    44 words
  • 73 7 s»LN!«H«V!> attempt t» eet »6e«,u2le <iupplie!! 10l ncr <<»>lsport tne«« <nlne, dv up lron, l^r»nce »n6 lde c»»»t ol «or»»7. Neuter l>2, keen ,ome.nin« m tne n»»ur« ol lN2>!z»el« »l tne«« !»<»t«itN'»»n^>n« <ne »!,lu»nn mi<«l>, »ns e,,ee6 ln«!v b»6 »e»lne. s»n6ilion^. 11.^.r ,^o«,p,
    73 words
  • 63 7 liev Vorlc I>iav, H NHIIQNzi. r2,ilv2v xtrilce l>,B been c2llecl lor Dec, 5, I'ne Lener2l sN!»irmen ol Nvc r2llw2v oper2tinss brotnernooc! t«'62v N2tlv re^ectecl tne ?'i per cent, v»Be incre»Be recommencl e6 by Presi6ent Noozevelt ,<! l'ai'l' l^in^nz? Committee. 2n6 N2V<> urze^ tne execution ol
    63 words
  • 10 7 ci^Ql.U? l>u!I UN tne eve ul 1°u.
    10 words
  • 207 7 iiin^ton. Kav. 7. olsl^'lc>li N2rll!ev, m»wr- it? Iraclcr m tne Ben2te. tovote on tne weutrlllitv /^et reviin2Bmucn 28 tne members nl limit tner «pee>'neB <c> >en minuteB alter 5 p m. I^ie propolis kelore tne Bc>n»t« are tN2t tne Keutr2litv bo revlBell 80 28 to permit tne
    207 words
  • 56 7 U.S. ARMY OFFICERS FOR FAR EAST clliQ^l> ol Un!te<l Stole, »m» II l« believecl tneze a«rer, »re p»rt I tl»e Xli<l6!e l^«t, »Ilnou«r> it l, underp»rt,, vill be elt»b!i«n«l In tne «!<l<ll? l^«t by Lrtz, Nodert Q, vko «U! vltn <3en 3ir Novell, bezonci Ike Ul»! Vlo!int2in» 2 tnllll un6er«toucl
    56 words
  • 8 7 cnr6e!l Null, l.'nit«l 8 l.ll'^ Lecre-
    8 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 259 8 BScon<l (Hontridution Ot 31, (XX) to Ike War sun 6 to 6»x amount to nearly 31,80N »n6 c.,rr) tne total to ?6.U18,907.9N. °me plinelpal Item >n tne wtezt. !lBt ol »c!lNo^le6Lment« zZ B!>cc>ncl cinnu'wr! ul 11.000 lrom I^r. H. Lootn, ol Ben»rut, vatu
    259 words
  • 71 8 ».V.'R sc>me «^»nck zcnernez lur !rnpl>.V!Nji trie P2l!« »n<l open »inc<» Lln«»pore. but I w>ve l:epl tneni to m.v»eU bec^uxe I ikinil i«..wr>« c»n come ol tneln »t tlie present «>i<l Ivl.- 1^ «»>ru»n, 2w,l>. pore «unicip2l prrziarnt, conui>cntir>B N I>,»!cl: 21 tne du<ie« «neeUn« ol tne
    71 words
  • 47 8 d!<immlBBinner s»NI-lI5I2IN» tne increase m revoni'? lrnm r^l<?Z, vlii^n «^5 p.^rU.v m»«ie puzzible owner-uc^upleci nuu»es. L, ,r>ceUn3 ul tn<? Municipal comm!li!,ic>ni'rB tnal «itn tne Nent Ilr^liil.Uun Ordln-nx'? m torce tni? zeem^cl »«l!l!n^i :ne zplrit ul trie urclinance, II klr, I.nvic'li ruulli .«no» nlin »n>
    47 words
  • 10 8 MR. C.REUBEN'S GROW MORE FOOD" PLEA k»> s»!»!v»lo«l vel>-»»d!?!> »n<l
    10 words
  • 53 8 no«- lH 53,115,7316^, I'd? !ate?l llHt ul > !^:.>lez I^tc!, 525U^ Lillll ol trie Lurve) cl^u l^a^ ?,l, V. tenner lioi l 'I^,»,c'," llN^ Or. N, Llllott l 5: > I^, I 'l»nk lia^ c, a, «si Wall, n, But!ierl»ua 55. l k>c>r NHwz Nellel- Urs, ollil-oent,'> collection
    53 words
  • 8 8 I'^tlw lletulnec! 8«I6lel« Qeazu« ot
    8 words
  • 13 8 il'litj. i'ictu^e «kau'« r^lee^z, zolclie^ !<ait:«F o?l tke yuaz/Hiele /or
    13 words
  • 111 8 CANBERRA WAR council vutt (Cooper "k>ank tZ> d!omprekenBive" Qanberra. slov. Australian prime iVlinl,t«.>l-. IVlr. purlin, announced neie to-ctuv tnzt, tne War Oouncll na«l surveve6 tne vnole question ol tne k'ar Lantern puzltlan v,itr> iVlr, Dull l^uaper, vl-.o spulle lra»,lclv »r>? comprenensivel; lram a persona! llnovlecj^e ul tl,e lact>: an«l nis
    111 words
  • 23 8 ASAMA MARU SAILS FOR SINGAPORE clovei-nment «i>ck»m»n revc»!e«! td.,t we ?,l»ru k»6 5«!!«l lrom Vn!cc>t,»Ml> ve,tn-6»5 l<» II l« o»r!»I!v l»imnui,c«l t!i»« I,««7
    23 words
  • 12 8 WAR LIVING ALLOWANCES OF MUNICIPALITY I^^pl-.e^v v.I'it' lilt «»!lU7 Uinlt «II! be,"
    12 words
  • 15 8 11, lne criminal o!,trlc« court >> »N8 I'ocll c.ii. lln?6 »25 lor l»!>.
    15 words
  • 309 8 e^timzlec! «u,pIUH ol 5122.918 lor next v<>«r, slr, 1., N3)ml>n, tne I»rel!l!ent, >>, ,»>!^! 2t tn? buclzet rnoellnz vezter^a.v. lilnteci t!i»t »nc>tlier b!z Io»i> to l>e r»l«e<l lrnm t!>e public next year lv !:>lUl>te »nutnei- «»ter «rneme «,!>!<>»i »>!! extinct tne I»«t po»?!d!lltl«
    309 words
  • 43 8 !<!>> 8>I>! Invi.,!>ile Ltiipc,. l llli^lllic <»»pp, «»»!«> ,>! ?>»! .«,'ils.!cllV «ex!c»n «<»!<>! «l 'lne Lulller vitn a«ne I'liuuci,^.!,^ Ltur)' »!U> t>u<!i <, !!> »,15, Ul2>c!u!>t»nl I'olllle »t p IN, I ,!<.,,>„>! I'uini! Millie »l c^l»l1X>l lUl^llit!— lne liome ol (.'^liUl. u^«l'b U^l^^-U,ncln, ,!,!<.X,,t^ !'>!>„>,> IU d!ov »!4!/» x',!!",,
    43 words
  • 30 8 I'/le llc»l)ernor. Hir I°/lom<«, paicl liil! to /l.Hl.^>. u?«u met dl/ t/»e l7omman«<e/. si»° l?eot7^ev anck ing to Hlaia^z clreHtecl m t^eir Hmart narai Tnu/ti.
    30 words
  • 29 8 "Oreat 8ucce88" Kev velki. «ov, /^^eien.^ 7V2veil'5 vlzit t^> kere, Oeneral ti»3 n^v nrrlvecl d^clc in d?ev v?Ilil lrom VIM to «»I»v». <3«nel»l 1V»veU
    29 words
  • 8 8 V!!>!.!nz Liltlil, c»bw« I^lw^del,
    8 words
  • 37 8 "Can Out-Crash Any Air Opposition 'snr 4meiic»n. built Uullalo l>«l>ter i, c,p»b!e »l outlikelv to meet in lk« r,r r»z». tbe l!mp».« l>cd«n>e in li». »n»«l» »nil Nlit»in. except tor »l»« 24 «>6 Lnzlixn X«,u»«lron l«,ck«l. lteulel
    37 words
  • 94 8 Mr. S.B. Tan Refers To "Chorus Of Angels" Rl/UII^ Ike v»rUme l>ro«p^7it» i ol n»cl meant more revenue lor tAe Zin^aporc Xl'^nlclpllNt^. nodvltnztancllnz tne 1n» !evlt»dle inclell«« li^ running co«t«, tne poorer cl»«e« ztil! dore tne burden ol tne v»ter meter rent ilncl tne minimum cnllrze ls>l el«tri<:lt/, Xr, 8,
    94 words
  • 221 8 MAJ.-GEN.H.G. BENNETT TO VISIT MIDDLE EAST Conker On Ot IVlodern l'l >.«, announced tn»t (ip:i. rl. (inrclun Z^nnett. l^cnopHl OMcer Comm»n6in>? :> c Imperil! ?'c>l-l:o m zlalava. vill m»!<e»r vi»it to tne to vitn (!en. Bir I'lioma^ Lwnev. Cummanliei-inl of tns tnere. »n6 zenior oss-cers n« nave li»6 »,xnvrience
    221 words
  • 6 8 >ll'X 05' N0V5
    6 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 8 !»ll «»N«<!^ I»V>
    5 words
  • 153 8 rlt.i.t. r. 8. wills 'F'iiL cll.-ltns occurrecl m Bm;a> pur? zesterclav 0! k'l.^nt. Lieut, p, 8, l-niel m Nlui-loi- 's, l!,e '»wi.,va!i V<i!,,!,t< ,r <ir l'crcl', ai«j Vlr. dl>?or>;? vav. 1.upu1.»7 sparlzinan «!:>» recenNv ioii.ecl tne >1,V,.4,1>', a, caclrl u'luei traini:,'; >:, U. > c^iovrrnmont living 1l>»!!,in!j
    153 words
  • 12 8 ckiek 8^ lerr;- >I<-l^«»!i,,' i»e,le6 t!i»t I>i« vile. l!i,,!!Z
    12 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 409 9 lokio. ?<ov. 7. I^l'^iX'B patience n»» almost reacne<l it» limit 2n6 ye cannot rel^ on tne us tne soviet Government 11,18 blunt «t»tement M2l!e by tne spokesman, 1^ ok lBnii, 2t to>6l»v'» l^e«8 conlerenae vl» 2eBtinne<l rel?ar6in3 tne B«nkinss ot tne l<iki »nrn. Ne a611e6 tNat
    Reuter  -  409 words
  • 225 9 japanese Ship Lost Off Vladivostok I'ukio, Xov. 'I'NL »<ec<»n6 Bca tr»zfe<l^ m tno lla>« involving m fur D»Btern n»ter» i» renortecl by 2 l)emei u^cnc> report trom vtllru. Nukkaillo. I'no report »<2v^ tl,l«l tke 3,00 l) ton ve^^el Ilakuno »»nll l««t ni^nt near l!2pe Kamoi, oppnzite Vla<livo«!t«l<. Xo r«a«nn lor
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 84 9 THAI BUDGET PASSES FIRST READING »^Nl: rec>ur«l nl«i, buazl?t dill K pa««el< «,»,<. Nl8t 5«»clw8 to?^e ducket totalz 260.000 N00 t>merss«?n^.v illi«?. INe latter amount v/<m!cl !^e ral^cl bv wunz ol zpeclHl levenue«, I'ke Navernment exp«:t^ revenue t<, ratal 16l, 500.000 tical,>,, «emb!^ voices concern over tNe lil?li bucl^et. w
    84 words
  • 15 9 l-> lr»m I»lli« 8. »Ul b« »»lc«l to »tl,«
    15 words
  • 117 9 !^l^, Ila. liov. KHN. «Hd>^ro Ku.-.lzu. ln Manila en 7aute 'x> to a««i3t tne m V.^ninLtun. tx>!6 lne Dnlte<i prexz ta-clav ne llne>» notNlnz at rcpnrtz tnat ne vn, carr^wz a plan ta lor JapaneseAmerican melllat'.a^l ol t!ie I^ura>ean var. "lkf, point tke United 8tHte« «ecret»rv ot 8wte.
    117 words
  • 25 9 i BIciNXIIBN between rollBk p»lrol an 6 an Italia^unlt ln 1°oblu!l 6l«eribecl ln tu-clavz communique l««uecl lrom tne Ll-ltwn Mclclle !?»5t Uea^czuartelz, —Neuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 5 9 m»n> l« mllllilL.
    5 words
  • 77 9 GEN. CHIANG TOASTS SOVIETS VICTORY Ulw/ continues t?lno- soviet lrlenll^nlp »n6 cnoperntlon. Qen. Cnlanz llui-znell «^5 itne Nr«t «u««t tu arrive at lne Lovlet l)n>bu38v>; reception ta-6»> ll commemor»tlon ,l tne Qetoder lievolution vtiere n? to»,t»6 s>t»Un'« ne«!tn »n<i flu«<lll'« vistor>. lne Lovwt >md2«Hclor. Kl, ?2nlU8N^in. tnen to»«te6 tne Uener»U««lmor
    77 words
  • 37 9 I»nclan, llov. 's'NL «c-ure ta cl»t« ul Uie N k', Hllcl»lt 6e«tro>e6 2^2ln«t tde Io« ol one Nun «»^z Me nevz service. X «ener»! ol Ui» «u«l»!: r>c>re^ el,«,u« to,- !S.<XXI luub!««, wt!in»Un«
    37 words
  • 68 9 General Chiang's SOVIETS VICTORY QllllNl^ine. > »v. s>r«. cni»n, ll»i ,nell tol«l tne p,«5« t»«l», tnat tne m!. tl»live i« ,lm«»t«!tnln t!>e lor unit? »l lnillta,? »n«l pro «l»e<ive ellnlt« «l »ll tne »ntl> »eere«!«!«n p«Mer,. lie l»u«le6 tl>« eiven cil.inH d^ »n» »?nit«6 Bt»te» mllitar, nil«»i«n «u>6 tne »eiti,l»
    68 words
  • 113 9 vv^k nztun, liov. <« cnn5lcl»>lln>l tn» '»ltti«lr»W»I c>l Unlte6 8tate« blarine, lro. i ?elpln» »n<l 'Nentzln. 5.^!<l p»-«l <lent Itc>n«eve!t »t pre.<« conlel enc« to«i»>. lle »«l<le<l U<3t Ne c>l>> be re»cliecl, «l«l«!nc «2M tt,cr< li»6 ben no «ll«' eu«wn between U»e Unlt«<l 3t»t«« »n<l »t
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 121 9 Where Britain May Strike I»n6c!N. Xov. 7, xpeecn v«ter6a, l« rei?2r<lecl a^.e vnlcn lnzpires co^Nckence ln Nu«i2« 2blUt^ .a meet 2erm2nv'« on8l»u8Nt« »ltk vleo^r an 6 cleternUnatlan untll nn»l victor, l, von. 'll'.c Zov.ct !e2<ler'? rel< 7?nce ta a «can 6 srant na^. ol cllur«e. ar«u«ell cc>nBl<lera»>!e lnl«le«t 2»»«l zpeeulatian
    121 words
  • 39 9 i, vlctoNou,. «i. e»,!2lclilll <!«> cl»i«l clurvi, »l,tt to Null ?«^l<!»> ">v« to!<z ln u>e »»I tt!»t »t«I<! lun ,I,ort ol lki, »nO tl>»».. luxl ln U»e «,«l. U>« tl>w« »c «l»niim vnlt«! I^«« «u»>l H«ul«i.
    39 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 41 9 «U^/I^^^! Pgckeci by trie U^^^^U 32tic>si m tne llmpii-e <22N2cli2n l22lilie»-5 l.imit6c! l. >M s-Vli fZme, to t/re invlKttratlNK to,lic /)ropertie« 0/ Glde Gnlllish !l>l, X' a 1,/!!!v^»' Ullle «»sm«:<:<l<', c'»n«ni ,>uit» ana Vegetable,. V. vic«l cx),. lic>«n «c>KN »^l«' c!»^u»Di«.
      41 words
    • 68 9 m u,n, Vnn, be you "clo^enp" un<z«l zlvmjl «!ect,ic lizntl. ne cliuppointell l)a« you» »lcili !aol< "p«tv" «»6 <!u!l? tnil !«t<lovl> vitll pon<i, Clare pn»f ?o«ll«. vlerxiecl to reject on!, «n» «tt«s «v» «l lignl. it give, soul «le!ic,te zlov »»,/»t m» «f>'t l«!5t! c/«>e, />ou«. l)ont«^,rf »bou» s>>!Nf na«
      68 words
    • 73 9 Wken tkc lle^t >5 lliNi,^, you're <ise<l or wurriecl, remember vaur .^t!<in^>i!'' '">!>! <le dola^ne ta caul »n<l revive )ou. lto>v rcli-^luii^ i> >?^ li.>l,^^> Vci'l! i 2 le^v dros>^ an >"iul l>2Nl!^c'i'<'!>!> l, lr <u> lolelicall, 25 >vclcame lis 2 >>x>l !>^>v^ Xn I remember. i" td" tHMs>»>; l'"U
      73 words

  • 427 10 CHEMICALS FERTILIZERS FOR RUBBER ESTATES V^kat 1.c:.1. 18 Doing War Dttort "HK/l: BN2II be obllzeci ll you inlarm u« ol your e«t matecl reciulrementz lor manurln^ M 8 1942 <a> mature areas, an<l (b» immature areas '"lnlz lnlormatlon «noul6 B>ve az muen detail az poB»ib!e re L2r6lnz tne cnemlcal compusl
    427 words
  • 94 10 Planting Topics dc»l>«l lnat 6ur»ni 1542 »l»I»v»n «»^t« <vc>u!<l ,pst«i' to l»»ve suppl, I'o tinvernment lo nrei^lc ON! l vli'ed ln Vl,!»v», I b,. I.t<> nr >o lne e«!»!e pr»ctlce »ppi-<>e!,tr<z It d« 5tl!I n^Vltnrle-v I d»ve !e-,lnt ld»t It! I lz <-on«t»r,t. !v lx>w>? r»l!<><l nn lc>l Into n'.Hllon
    94 words
  • 210 10 EMPIRE AIR PILOTS NOW IN MALAYA NIIHIZ nnu nave d»>en trainecl un6er tne Tmpilr »lr tr«lnlnz zcneme ln O»N26a ancl vrltaln are no^v tailing part ln oper2tlons over One ol tne most recent zquaclronz lormeel ln tne k^r k!aBt incluo>3 members ol tne N k' tralnecl un6er tnls licneme. Lne
    210 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 45 10 r.o I>l rxci^^xl) 1878) e»ll.c»>« !MP«UVtII c«8I ssttl. lilVlslll zcvlttl M« 5MllN»0 IMI s^e b,^ez of ou, zc^^ez be,n^ m,«je l^om tne fllik^s cftu^z^l c«ss 5iek1.9,.e M 057 MlZfncionv skllvick. Nktp irMN klltt llllictN gsle, M«klllNo lz^Zspen.nyj lsiM N^IV ll^l^n tl,eseb^ BNVMO s'Mt l> Mllsiev
      45 words
    • 120 10 l^utumn) 1940 just pul»li,ke6: /I pei cent ol l»itm2n I'N^IK. li^plXQ su per cent, ol UMM«^»Hl^R>«3^HH^^ »n!rn 2tt2ine6 lliL^mc^io^ WW^W^UUWW knrol for tk« nvßs tern. UMl»U»ll»iU«M«»»U?''' > Vn)un/I^l to, ,»«>ll>»c »»»<«»» no, «,»««»siynl !^>>^^^^^^^^^?^^^>^MW^^^'^^^D!^^^^^DU ">l!» niz^n > >>. lll.>». <>n^ «>l l>». >^ «re »l^«>» »t tne «^v>« ol ln6u«lrv
      120 words

  • 33 11 Week-End Sports Events 5« 04V «Itl). l.8.0. 8t. l»»»r!«k 8t>>»«^ ll»I.l 8t. 4n<!l»»« s» ».<», «>»»! !ll»li»ne». »»6 ll>ln» »»llel run6, tombing r.8.t.. »»>««!»«". 8t. o.N,/^^ 8.0^.^. »p«n lnvi««tl«n «»ed:: ««6!e»I l»»««e Inter t«>>!«x ««ne. Kl.c.V,
    33 words
  • 37 11 TO-MORROW'S CHARITY SOCCER MATCH «l>en> It nil! lx ««n »»>»» »><>«»> »!6f« »r» H. 8miM 'N/V,?',). Wwt »N,^.l',)! VNMe <«,,^,X,X,>/r!U«cl»!<z <?.,F:,»^ <« 16,?,) <»!! 8,l? k> z >, clivee c?ku», cnln c»«»!l <«u c>!we«e »iul in, in de !n »!,!,eu<l2nce delni-e tl»>
    37 words
  • 777 11 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS AT BUKIT TIMAH Opening Da^ O^ 3inB2pore I'urk (Hub's >Vinter IVlsetinss Nace 0ne— 2.30 p.m. N0It8L8— <!I»88 2, Division 3—6 I«'urlun^B 0 n a noi^u^K «l!X)llV 8.10 "Hevin»l!l<-t Bt2bi«" «»l!»n<z a a o 1^ K»IX)««l: 8.07 '»ol!»n6 ic<in«l!' Blelzl, 0 0 0 «188 2I?? 8,04 Xll 1°
    777 words
  • 87 11 MISS ZIPP, ANTRUM AND EELGRASS PLEASE w B!bbrltt to a»7. Outrun, onre »«»ln 6><l ml»t »lsti2l«nt »lln 1^« «««<»«,. IVltn 111, »!tNou«n »»> l>r»«i» »U1 lomi »el?nt li^M «»ol> nlm, Nliln, »«e^t ver, sp!>«l7 over npp«»l V U>e r»r«. Mnere tn»l Mli! be»r v»tcnln, ln l»^t »«re«»e 0om»» Uelck
    87 words
  • 8 11 COLLEGE SECONDS WIN FOUR-ONE tkroulll U« B,N,c!. seconc!
    8 words
  • 23 11 Necrc^lwn <7>>:b beat tl,« «»v»l ?ul c?, Hlppcl tloll c?lub'» vctode «r» >^, »»r» ,»wner>. «-^4»>4« -:«4— »9^9«: »lr,. »t»rr (NuM»r.
    23 words
  • 8 11 Selections For To-Day 8^ll^l^8 Il«I-8 »»rr »»»r88 «IXN8N«
    8 words
  • 91 11 3inMpore »lokor« vs. Lritisll i ,«U«»er, ltluld, lnl«» l»n» 5 pn, «!tli tru!> lorn-!<l»ble t»«^ U>-<l»^, N,^,^,l', ln «lrll!on to Me pl^lc ol »r« Wte77!2llon»l p^ver,. »lill« Vlnte^ »b!!lt>, <»e«n tk« >l? »n2 t»>e »rlt!»k <n,x,». ?I.t, «wnwion't <N>>,^,),, »<lr l«l« <Vl?> l»0 <11.X5.»i «Ul »»ln»Ill <X.l^>. e»pl..
    91 words
  • 7 11 I^llwi! crlell?! »c«lll ol Control,—
    7 words
  • 53 11 I»NL loUavln^ »re tne r«»ilt« ol »ncl <?d!n «c« onn lx»t Vonz I°nl2n "leclc ,n6 Q^t, I>lll l7>x»v. 2— I 3, ,^ls> be«t v»p >^l, Ul»ll 3o>. 6— H <3u»n «i>en« <«r>, 10 l— 2 ul,. c— l. il— 9, Veter»», 8l»,l«,': 8 < l» de»t I!v»r! Von,
    53 words
  • 14 11 'I'lli: loU<,»1n« vM >«i>re«ei,t tk« c. 4e>l»: N, N. N»rtn, l». <le
    14 words
  • 8 11 l!«xl lor «tie w docile. »«:<?<!.
    8 words
  • 16 11 INV lcnre6 dv VMoogkbL «»rl^ ln tt,e e^me zi,e >n So,<?. XV v!o
    16 words
  • 0 11
    0 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 69 11 s>e« u» tir»t vo o v comprel«n«lv«> runee at ver? eompetltlve special I'erinz li ),2L been c>ur ll^F Nut« »re »l>v:lV» x^r l locnsurf>s»U.;!'ac<!os'., l el^x 8l«l>» »n6 Comp»n>. 4 83tt«s, ll«l. Bi>z,si,se. »> l „«<« ltHzZ 4 S!X SIONkV ''T'^l.'/,/^?' e<it<-!-l /or do,k ?<» 'ls.^7 l^^liV >lNl»»:nx llr«ilill«>lr>r 1.2
      69 words
    • 43 11 ll««l km»lin^ 8«» plltnt. «Ie», m «in«r»ls H Vittunins, quickl, buil««s up Ofk^Ul. »m 6« rou l liep!,« ln«« lon «l«n«,l, "VIKLl^"' siv« vnu juzl tlx>« »u^l^!>?c?>«!<"—^>!ml"u>u!!'>n'"'vlXl:l.l'.'' 5,»n n,>un»»»n, >,n« »v,<im»»!> V!lcrl.l»" l 5««! !<xl«» l» <l»« >Il_!I.^« »llll»l^ <»l/»l.^V^, Q7l». 201.0 »lllv
      43 words
    • 124 11 o^^ I^NNV NO^r «l^ l)^ llcsirin^ to app^'^l' xvc.'ll attii'txi m pui)liV. or no tlio m^ln >vnuse clotnin^, nim a lli^nliio^ appoarancs ig li^ol>' io <ViM< commal^d, or 1)^ tiv^tcxl vvitn respeot W^iDr^ 1? il >'0U to tnc,' Nvnitil,? !»//l >! proviciin^. Ol)««r 10 U3. I.OONG <Vl^ sis l« «Ms»
      124 words

  • 91 12 Churschill Optimistic London, Kov. 7. "RR7I3 Nave passed tNrou^N tNc darkest and most perllnul period ol tNIs stru^kle and we are ll,>,'!ar>>d »«l. Winston CNurcNill NrltixN l'rime sinister. addres«i!^ worker, at Newcastle to day. Xlr, CNurcNlll. wNa is on a toui nl ra«t coast dockyards, added' 'I'ne NuBB>anB are Btruss«!lNB
    91 words
  • 42 12 NONB KOUF Kov, 7. »^OI.I.c>VVI>iC, tNe publication ol vesteraav's ilnancial rr«u!'»' ticms. buzine« m national do!Iar« l 5 at a standstill. Mack market clealinzs vere susp<?.ided and a meetli'.z I« be!n^ Ncld tnls alt^rnoon to consider a settlement. Neuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 119 12 Tide Turning, Says Gen. De Gaulle Qonllon, l<»v. «l« »re »t »n« p«el«e m»' menl wnen tl,- tlcle »l victor> l» on tbe point »l turnlne." »»ill tl»« tree rrencb leader. ««n. de «»ulle. to6»v. Qen. de CauUe. wl>«» w« xpeakin« »t lunoneon e«ven n> tn, l«re»8n ?re»« m I.n»aon.
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 62 12 Key York. I^o v. »«N. Narrlman. ol «> tNe American delegation to addressing tlie American lve?ion leaders, declared lNat tNe United Ltates aid to Nuzzia "m no vav compromise, our opposition to traMc and it ls beinz to tNe Russian solcllers and Nuzslan people because tNev are
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 141 12 London, Kov. 7, L W^IIINNO to Qerman people tNat tNev must expect to make Neavier BacrlNces v»« Biven b? Dr. Ooebbels. Qerman rropazanda Kllni^er. tNe <3erman newspaper Das NelcN. ln direct eontr,«t «itn vre ment« to tne ellert tbat tne v»l "Ny vinnlNB tNIs var. cloebbeli, said. "evervtNlnz
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 41 12 London. Xov. i 'l'ltl: population ol Kaples. tNanks l to tNe series ol N>,lV visits. Nave seen tNelr cltv so ravaged dv Nre tNat any nlzNt. ol ln2en» diaries ln I»ndon last vlnter l, a pale comparison, special Cable.
    41 words
  • 700 12 'Nazis Will Collapse In Few Month's-Stalin belief tk»t t!erman> coll2pz»e m anntlzer le^v monti,B, "m2> be m 2 year." vnice<l liX Bt2lin, zpezkinF m !>lo»ca^'B lie 6 Blz«2re tnig morning. III. LWIln 8ai«i: "(^omraaez. llecl 4rmv ancl Ne6 l^av? men. commanders, political lnztruc'turz. men an6 women workers, colleclive larmcrs. Intellectuals,
    700 words
  • 228 12 I^on6on. wov, aeencv message reacnin» I>,n6on «av» tnat vnlle tne <3erm»n« continue to brinz up lront tne Nubian troap.^ !ire L»vlne tnem 2 merc!!e8« batterinz. Ileport,, lrum Me kattlelront «UU tell ol important Nu5«l2N counter-2tt2c!« in zsv?!--»I sectal'!, vlilcli 2re »t i bluntins tke Qerman 8pellrke»6« 26van?e. s>ne
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 109 12 I^oiinan, tiov. 7. "IpII6 action ol l^rencn lnercnant snlps. cnallenLscl otl Boutn Ulrica, ls a lrest, example ol amblzultv. vklen man> voulcl stiBmatl?!e a« tne 6upllcltv tnat naB come to cnar^?ic.-i2e Vlcnv." say« I'ne limes It ls 6lMeult to cletect any motive benin 6 tnl» acUon. otner trian
    109 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 240 12 W^GW^^W»«>» < llere l, watcl, tn»t will keep eoinz even «>>en you loelet to win<> it. new model i, kept wound Tn« l»ct tl>»t it can l»« woun6 t>> nan^ l, e»tr«mel? u!>«lul »n«»u>d tne »,tcn not k« worn lor »«v«s»l 6>v» and m»ll« tn« r^^ mode! delinltel? ,»pe>.lor to
      240 words