The Straits Times, 6 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 s>^>. roi«. The Straits Times sr3^^nl^Bni^) «!:>«!.? z <?«»1'UI:?1 5/tL^F 12 l'^6s 8IN«4l'<)NL. 1'lllIN8I)zV. >I0VL!«lll:N 6. 19 li. l'nil l: l; l «vp^ The Straits Times 1^ l'.x,.:^ BlN«^l'oNL. 'INI«BV.VV. I^oVL^Nlllt 6. 1941. l'Nll l^ 5 c«>l>l
    36 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 60 1 W^w K1 I X 5k 5 7-e eomro o«mp2n> z»«QOV VIH^Vz Z e^er z cmc «»iBz 1»t ?loos Nol^nov «OUL2. Lllttesy Nollll. WI-lI?k: NOUS^ v noi ><r »u^^i, V/ xoi»^«> i^^ii^r^l^^^x l'b"" >>l»«st »n6 v«i>ul»r Ni!ol6« m Ill»<^ or Nr«»WN XV,.,'.., l?l»ll in»>!'^« to n>»U:l> 6r«»«7 n>e6iu»n i»«lnt«^ t««« !li»«l
      60 words
    • 36 1 >^!> >^H-? M^^ cxcluxivo collection u5 inexpensive r^li^l,!e. evxiv liesi^n lii>s Ix><.>n c.i^etullv sc>^xlc><l, to meet tne neelis ol l^o ,n Ik you are unable Lun>>,a'.ov.' or Nouse. to personniiv pleaze write or pnonu lor 51,7r>.5>1e5. /<^^>e^^?e^
      36 words
    • 70 1 UorninH /^liernodr, Dre.v^ol! 7el. 4772 >Qu can toll lz> tno flavour it ok oxcoptlonal quality ln l»ct lt l» tne ver> nne«» l>»«»« c>tz !»n»b piuclucez. Oe !N>W LXN^I llelou,!? tencler— a real p>e»3ure «»n N l r to c»r»« »n6 sellznt to t«le. d U U I. t >Vn»t
      70 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 366 2 rullorr^K r/»l7r<»l^ >»88i8^^«r »c!v»nt»!?e. N«^l^ »t»ttn« experience HV^X^lco, «urop«»n !>»<>? c!onll<l«r> SI^U/>^lc)!>l3 W^^l'l'iio l^nv 8»»lt^n^!«0 Mltn IXNI^X l NDX^^X^. tkoro»sNiv rXl>^liirx<«N eneweerwz 6r»u«l>t«. V>"rt)N. lne«l<>!lt« ln 8«xl eoucliU,,n Bt2l<> m^.? ««l l»1ce to 2ux «c,, vV^KI'rN. Voune I^llope«> I«lv ta l>) 2?tl, li>«! Lox «o. 720, 8, "rimeL «4XI> al»l
      366 words
    • 302 2 roil 8^l<« n«,v,. ».v»l,e «xlln 17. veott, Noxl. »rr»lnl»^»««. Ve«Un«nou«e, s'^ ro» 841«: 8l»l>» vtn<lo» !Uun>lll»t. !etler« 1.. N«me^l «c oa,. 24» f°<>» 8^«i: <zu»i>UUe» nl U«m V«,« N>t»te. «»«»1. r»« 8<l«. Nun«»l<>W« »t «>l?< «HV o<^<lc« e«l«F«l>1 on6er. ««nt Nlt l, nu«Ul on tl^6!« te Non«. Ne Qptwl'lnz. U!t«w!l«n6
      302 words
    • 296 2 >r I0«I »^<^ lO 8«H. foul e», pnone 50«. 0»»n V^UXUXU. »llNO«t n«» t«l «xl l««ur»l«« p»»«l <I^!«X». «»«n« SIX. tlon »!,««>, I°»x <k In,. p»l<l l>none Sl9«, r»ll B^l^l. «nrrl, 14. »»l<»n C»r »««>, l^iane 4025. I»4« »lr»«I1lli'. k!m»U >nll«»«e perlect condition. »2.00«, I^>on« 5»«7 roll 84l«. ?°r<l 10.
      296 words
    • 127 2 c2/^^3 p»rUeu!»r, to «o» «o, 7I». e«^»il, 5. 00(35. fOll 841^. l»e»l, to «cxxl nome, p!> 714, B»i»it, 11ll>e«, NtlV^^r ln I^»l»lort« IUIMS« »««>lcXl. Xssoci^7lo« M»I»5» 'lllei, be <7Unlc»l «ectw« o.' tne B.^U,ern Qivlllon ol tt»«' <«^I»,» »r»i>«ll> on e«ll»7. !4tn »H»t«rl>,tx NnlpltUl. ««ncl»n: lc«rb»:!, lt »Ul be cu«l«te<z d^
      127 words
    • 84 2 1929 r»^ V 22 l, p. 8«6»»» 1939 <7ke,,»let «e6»n 1935 «Ulm»n H«in» «»l«»n 1938 VHU»l«Il 14 l».p. »»»<»»», 1»4«» >Vil!x, «e6»n 1934 <3e»t« 1938 r-rck «,l«»«n 1» l»p 1928 v»6?e 4-6»or saloon 1928 rarll V 8 22 k.p. Be6»n 1939 >lini l,^!»<»n 1929 N.B.^. 8p«lt, Lourer 192^ «ill,n,n Mnx
      84 words
    • 36 2 l«. lll<» x?»il^. B>x^.^'»>e». »8» «»«l»t»«M», »^e»<> »«< > e»<. Ilnen l!««l, 1.,n 8e»» ll»«»>e«<>»es,. «<» »^»<» ?re«» O»^,»< m lneir n»,ne« »nll «<l> <;. s2r!< !>»«— HllvXls "Ili.^l »l!S«I l« illll" 847 k !^l > !>t 2.2» l»n, '«l0»l»80« c?.li80e" "l«vl3l«l.r zili!l»cB'
      36 words
  • The Straits Times DOMESTIC OCCURENCE

  • 102 3 U.S. Patrols "Actively Hunting" U-Boats >levy Vnrk, l^ov. 5. >v2l-Bliip3 on trie Atlantic patrol kave deen actively kuntinz? Hitl?r'« I^-doatz ever since kressi^ent I?oo3ev<?lt'3 "sknot on Zissnt" or6er noari.v t^vn montng nsso. O«p!l« tne I7nitecl 3<«t«« »I»V7', nev t7p«. >e» tn»n n»Il tne «l« ol Ilie !^e^ Vorlc 7le« t^-62^
    102 words
  • 27 3 Canadian Planes Destroy U-Boats Off Newfoundland Hey I^ov, z. U I^or-l^ici^l. reports 527 t,,2t zcvera! <3er"""i zubmarlnez Nave Veen zunlc d; l^nna^ian alr<>s2lr b2sc<i »t Lt. Kevlou.Kiwncz,
    27 words
  • 84 3 U.S. OUTPUT WILL SOON ECLIPSE NAZIS' N«l»re6 < nllwrll. «'l-^>l«"nt ul lk« Bociel> nl automobile lim« to <l»?. counts, i, t,l»>!l<>nl 5,»»« »>l<r»l'. ?i,e>n« montl»l)s. c«»lnl>»re<l «itl» »n lke X«»». >»l <.ol6«ell »»i<l. llle bor6 Xutor «7nlnp»n^ «li,i^!l»,ea it, lozrainme t» buils 400 l2Nk« montk' 2cc»i<>in« to Mr. «70!6,ve1>. «!>u
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 17 3 Comments On U.Saw's Visit mcnt lo»»l<I, tne 2ulme c ti,e vi!t «l v 8»», I»l^i>e zlliUZler ol
    17 words
  • 44 3 Allies May Need More Tankers '»'»i: United 8tHt« l»»^ b« udl!««l to «upp!^ 2rlt»ln m»n> mare t»n>c»!-, 5ll t»nke!-z oi-!«w»!!> l,»v« d«ei> returned »n<i tke projected l«> »e ,U5p?cteH U« wnlcer «lt':»llc>n I next ?e»r, m»!cjO? tne output ol 8slt2ln tke United 8t»t?5, Nu«»!»
    44 words
  • 7 3 p»s»<i«> «!>t:l<le tk« olt> N»I! ln oieve-
    7 words
  • 36 3 Firmer Stand Against Vichy '^NR interception b> tne NrNtzl, suip3. 2H one nev«p2per c»Il3 lnem. n^H i-a^ecl a ckuru« ol «le> mole v.zoruuz cliziiomalic »tti!.ucle ovHlci lne V cn> Qoveinmont. IK? O»II/ «»!l «i?z tn« bl««it
    36 words
  • 10 3 "HUMILIATING TO THE INDIANS" w tn« Onti-,1 I>>B^ll>t!ve !1351,! 1351,
    10 words
  • 87 3 To-day's Broadcasting SINGAPORE l»9«<n »«9n»«,: <i,5» >>.» ku»n Be!ec'^on«^ 8 15 liev, ln NuUilenl,!,tenln« l>o5t»: 700 <?>,llclrens pro. line Ke»«: 10 05 «c»« t»i>ci 10, ,z lie", XNI»S »<»nc!»!-wi 7 20 He»« ln l^lllNi 7,« «»!»> «Uslc: 7,45 lie«» ln «»!»>: 8 2 Itznt «u«lct: 8,30 Key, In I^elllnV KovelUel:
    87 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 infoi'mn!) 5i p.m. »n millr,il»n< »«.n «ov. Vleivllv »Kl.l. H zprlllkl. e»«llr7 b, tl>« V!070»V Vkllmrz. 7iell,t, li.oo ll»»er »llB7rzzez >> ,!«l 7« e«u»e»»l.l. 7k»!l ruxll sl_>s>lc)^v l^V^Oll^Q >s>l I^6 p^l.!^ coin's c, be»,l.s°» l^s^c«c37r« «rcll««r«7 nuici. require ll,r»' rclre?nment« or an elAt»or2t« meal, tne cilfli^l. I« reno^vea >.il lt«
      124 words
    • 33 3 i. e«l.l.vrn llu»v. z'?o«. Ul»«« 15p!./<s>!^l)t. l»»«tl,lv e,l^,s »l,ell« for 1942. .lz«e L«08. Co. 75cnoc>l,!3u2n5t,.2'p<>s« lel 7706 s«l lle^lllinz lellel Vislo»esell pr«?src7 oav "on p»» ellnnllrz o?i»«l. eo.. <<pt!il«n I. l.««. I«l. «814.
      33 words
    • 66 3 »flU»!» Bpp!n« n«l!«l »lln<l» I^«»««, 19' l»«»<U> N»!»l>, I" l^»«^b l 4 »«»«,> l» «e!»»>« >,' ps!e» «»»!»!>»<»> «»»<,. <Npp«»!«» l»>!e «ls»le^ l.«.» ?elep»«>n» !>»» I<>>4 tV«^^»«pi— l,3 1»» ml,» »U7lnz Ltit^il m«»u« l>uvln» tt.e d<»t! 87,'«IK^ c^7,l« »re ni^»u> Ll°^N»»^ cycles »^e »v»ll»l>!« ln l«U» Spurt, «u1 Bt»ncwnl I»l!7
      66 words
    • 75 3 j llllXlllkl. LKPllkl.: 5411.000.001 l lzzurv 5 pklo up ekpll/^l.: 510.*****.001 l Lt>sM2. 3outl» l2»>!N« «n<< l>««tli«s!»n«l, lnllie,. polxoc^-l-s ln psinclpsl citiez o< tn« eHNXINQ 1-N^«3^c:^!O^3 ol «ve^y un<l«st2l«:r,. ovrnBr^.c»l«cBc 8K«l(l«8 00NP. 1.111. e«l« »»ll.lll»e. «7. 5l!l«<.?2llr flllr.^ccwrl<7 z«o7o« »l)lll»»r«5 co^l?<B^7iml Non« icon, liuee, llc,^ UH. »»r In,. l?o^ lx«l.
      75 words

  • 136 4 »i_lvei^B c^l_^io^B: c,uiet!> tnl« molnwB V«tel»l»» t»lne<l ln tn« 6ull«^ Un ««-tlc>n. Non« n«l bu«lne«« »t^»l 32 »-<tn «»er« »t ml, p^ice »t tn« <-!»«: 2«tu Le^n^c'l <U »177>, »n<l Bun«r! «ere bl<l lvi- »t «I,<!2'/i »iln »Uel« »«kln« »I «4, I°n»>s« l»li »oUvltv w tne bU!ilne»«
    136 words
  • 30 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. ,5,»>l !<»»« 2»>4 2»§< >» IX »t.8.8 ln 5.« l w ><««»be? 2»<« 2»»^ >»v«n>>« ,7»5 2?>t >» lt.« ««^««»«< »«»<« >«» 2«^ 2«« x»» v«t 2»^ »5 I»ne ,7»i I«^
    30 words
  • 12 4 '^NI! >?s!ce ol tin t«.<l»> Nuner l<c» Vorlc. «c,. l
    12 words
  • 14 4 »e^U? repnt on <ke rubber 24.30k lun« <,<,m,!»s«z vltl! 1 li>
    14 words
  • 9 4 »b!<: re«>r<i lMiciuuUu, to 1!22,2<X>,!»0«. but leN senclt ol
    9 words
  • 7 4 15 tonii, l2l«. v»« »^<l tkreemontn, l2«<>
    7 words
  • 113 4 Xfltci-^,, ln tk^ l«t c>l «^c>t». n»ne^w ?u, <l. iHS c<> i<i n»lu 8«i»u»al »l :,29 142 «l>ne ?2tt lin <»!> 1, 1 I ,4 .'?I2P«^H ,e^ 21, 22, l?, lc»ll,untll>8 <z«i 11, 9 l! l^ >c»2^^ <:«, i^ 4z»<> i» ?>4a x^^2»l ?w <SH, I3«l<>'ia !4«2<l l.u^ut
    113 words
  • 44 4 l««,II« !n 1329. I^e 6>V!6eull w Snutkern 'rrcuiol, «u-i ?z 1«N.7c2 !n I'ko 6>»!«l«n6 l, «l«<l to 3» p«r rent «>u,«e! N«l «li»«» l^<l ex^nei! t9»,?2l ln 1940 c«m!>»i«l Mill, t41.«« ln 1939 I°ne 6iv«ena l» 5« I 2rc! p>:l l«>9.
    44 words
  • 38 4 l»»tl« clc>»e »t 3 p^n. ta«l»s »t, tt» Ue»«l5l p«»t cx»c« lor X<le», zlri«, «u^n»». l>,lc»i. ««,pt, <3«»t N,lt»ln. li«U». »l»uliUu!!, n»U« l^uln »uin»t« MM de 6»ll»er«<« I« p^n t»-<l»»: lr«n »t l« pin >>„6 ll«u
    38 words
  • 26 4 «c» Voric. «n». tll»i3. llS,»z: lllUl. 14: utMtl«. B^ltk I,» 87, 2» z». I« «z' »»6 »a 0», cnmi»l«l »>u> »v 19 »n<l
    26 words
  • 334 4 NEW COLONY WAR TAX BILL EXPLAINED financial 3ecretar^ ?roBentB 1942 taxation I^ropozais X MU lor 1942 at tn« I>e!«' wtlve Oouncll veltcrcla?, i,!:!' »clinB ?>i'2lv:!a> Becret»r>. kll. It e»n be l»lll, «l<z tn»t tne eallec«<,u»Utl« c< tne Wiu- 1°»» O^M»nce, »M ll«n tne 1941 Oclln^nce, 6ent w tke oo»c>N7 tl»e
    334 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 212 4 l»r > lucc>7pc>l»t«l >!X5« !>«« »f<U U«l>»>^^l «.v.«(. «.««c. Biue»por« »n6 »>«.»»« to t)«loln!»o »n6 «»n>d»» »>»« ll»ne»<»n »n<! s!»lentt». ln«llc»liOQ ol »n, »Mnr« »»»ilHkl« mill riv«n on »lsp0» VUBe»l «KlBV<, Ineorpuratea IN »«>e» >ou 5«l. 1«42 »n6 5843. LNlilsUlNlllzB.«.eo. l» l«l»s,«!<<>n»7. 8l»»nen»i. <». > ll». «»n«kol« Xelviee Ts.l.. 542?.
      212 words
    • 110 4 per«c>l>2! Nlm re?s,ll, c,n <'l^u >s^lnB dv pHramnunt lloe cor^zx<»n<zent nnv m CninH Xninir «^nll<>n > vi^t to Oki»NB l^.'.-Ll!ek« «ll«.t ne»czc,ulu-til^ U,6. «i^p« up.ln»«lin« ill kHN3<x)n. t i ninal <>l NurmH Nc'l»c! l°rom !»bu2i«l U,« UH, lui,l>s»l utuila X«ln!l^n Nlm^ .^»>6x I'Nf: BW«6 o^ V«l8^ >1V IX) vr:" COOO
      110 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 97 5 ?0 o^v 1. 15, X.15 2n6 9.15 MzMDM^M^MGM^z^MMb^^V 'lkS threat Btor^ ok l^rSNt Bt»tSBinan WM WWW oi/^/^VM^iw s»,e n«»»t l»muu!> H«lv nlu»«r m l,»l«s, li^e, into p«"! «>^ 25 nei:i.B >vii.i. »r 8»o>vll i» iiB r»?iitriv iSnz^tk t^»turS production lnc!»«l»5 »>» pletur, lor a ll»^ >«« 3^nr l»sKcr ll^ o^i^cr
      97 words
    • 61 5 «»> !»«!«»>» 71l 9l» >»««. "I0«»U> 2OKI »>>»»,: ll 8»». 8»». I^olrs. dk^ls. <3>V155!. IH«^. »«««<: »ov»« nz«»««8?. >vl^llrB^ l<»»«ov «<»!«Hl>«t r »^»i^ DDM^D^^^^^D^^ 7<» >l<;«7 l 5 <c 15 W>WMMMWMWW»WW>! c»r? (;i^Vl>il', c»tk»llne NI)?VM^, B'lLVV^K'I'. »«5 «»< l l» >,l)lll>«ll Ntlli!<lls u>!« l.ll.l^I^!< llll»8l^l. >»-« M^ 7 1.«7 m««f
      61 words
    • 60 5 VLL^ 3LT ?0 HVL »VV 2»H I.OV tl»«u> 0?«lM 10-11KV..2.15, L.15. 9.15 c4l>!I0l. 7?»o«e "^uc/^ /'n'^ate," /»a«,e yuit "t/»o a/,1/ a»^e out to «pen</ o^V^ /^V 77/F 77?^/^ //<>«,/ UNO "^^«l tz WWU i2M» WWWD^^^ M^^WWW^M/ l^»t»«t W.l.>. >»W« »f u»« ll»^ »s otk«s «p<»«6i< »«p««stmB siict»re« 8 "oa^'7' 77//F
      60 words

  • 1108 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURS. NOV. 6, 1941 (795th. Day Of The War.) Tojo's Legacy ulten rea6 tnat tnere are "moderate elements" in lapan an6 we llnow Mat tnev niust exist because Mere i« cbviauslv some lorce at, wurll do restrain Mose extremists vnu boast so Iou6lv ot ea«erness to
    1,108 words
  • 522 6 RUSSIA'S AID Allies By Chance More Than Intention l» tb« l^it»e »l t»>« 8tl»it, 8lr.— > Voice ln tke Desert > zcems beatiNe6. >^ouI6 tnat ve :aulcl aU eonlront problems as ne iloes! He iH M6actlc, Ms last letter, in Luen parts vnereol a» lie l« not protluclnz excerits lrom
    522 words
  • 253 6 Uor6e 8lr.— 'Nie Iea6ln« article in tn? 8N»it!; I'lmez ol Oct. 12 vnlcn na« lu«t reacnes me containz tvo bee to «u««ie«t, utter non«?NHs Trie 5entence« in «zue«tic>n are a^ loUo^vz:— "Qermanv once ruleci Nu83la lor !50 ve»?2 «!tn all tn2 druta'it^ vnlcn tne ?ru«8iHn« «2 notoric»u«, Since tner
    253 words
  • 1135 6 LULL IN AIR ACTIVITY CAUSES SPECULATION I<o«iio« />tte^ t7ab/e I'd Btrike k^inai Llo>v? Vv Our Ovn correspondent I»ndon. dlov. 4 »8 Nrltain economizing m aircralt an 6 air erevs— sparrine lor Ume vnlle tne NrlU,n an 6 American alrcralt lactorles are bullcllnz up an !rre«l«tlb!e tizntere«cortes bomber lorce capable ul
    1,135 words
  • 138 6 "lnreat I'o Internal 8ecuritv" L» u»e rH»to» »l ll»« 8t«it« 8ir.— >Vl«t V»H deen «2w d? repre«ent»tlve ol tne I»l»nter«' on tke 8ud> ject ol rudder 3l«»IlN8 i« wtel«tln«, due it l« ckiubtlul vNelNer tkin8« N»ve re»ilv lone to «uc^ Ien«ltN« to constitute tdreHl to wtern»I zecurltv. It
    138 words
  • 5 6 N«ul«r.
    5 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 106 6 Zpeeizl e«e«l »eeti»e ftoBtstone«l t» Bee Notice m tn,B p»per I>iov. 7tn tz Btn «o<le^n N!m!«s» L>23»»« 225. «o^»i Ni-lo'Le Ncl.. 3po!-«. i pnon« L 262. > 112. «i8l» 3».. »<u«!« !>umpus. pnans 2054. I^iztz tnat sit 3t^le« tli2t 2ppe,l Lc«t ()u2lit^ lX2teri2ls mean zlioex v«u "ell Ner:>u«v tlicv »re
      106 words
    • 2 6 13.000 NkN.
      2 words
    • 101 6 /'attO^n, m «>,«/« »n«^in^ o/ t<fu«to^i<»l 5»»ll» m n«»^ clotn«« i» too <i««p t^««il /i,nt«)«,>nt zuitin? m tion «»itn lVnit«au»a>« f«nc> «i«»,FN«, cn«,/<» to p«^»nit an> iou»«^in^ o/ ,t^,>»« an<i cn«ck«. ,t«»,<i«»^<i« «v«n m u>«»s sf»o/t F X tn« i<i««i ti»n«. 7^n« »n<»n «mo t«^«» 7^«,«»« ,po^t« coat, p«</« m
      101 words

  • 580 7 50X10 VN li^iHUN^'r l"^I1^I^ I88US8 in tne kar I?2«lt depend on tne 8ucce»8 or kailure at tne mi^«ion ok 8. Kurusu, former Japanese envo^ to Herman^ i» N^inss to >Vi»8lnnxton 28 8peci»I »6vi8er in tne t»lli8 now procee6inss between tne two (il.vernments, »n6 it i»
    580 words
  • 119 7 U.S. Congress To Stand By N»5nin«lon, X»v. 5. to »n> exten«le6 lece>,z »l »t tl,« time «Uz<l«8«a »utl,orit»tivelj to «>!». uu^ re6 up llle conjecture l»l,t ll>« ten«« «ltu»tion« in tne l!ou«e ul ltel»l^> zentutivez n,eml,el« nave t,lllr6 <>l >!«vin« !enetli> r< !<>>>, altlii tke X«utr2lit> »n^ price l^onlr,,I bi!l5
    119 words
  • 84 7 xv.:>.^.^lo:, >,iUV, 2, »«n, Laburo Kurusu, Japan's "X special envoy to viii meet vitn a cool reception unless l« ready to mo^il/ ncr aseresslve palicieH. accord to reliable czuarters ln ton. It l« unc!ei-«toocl tne United 8t»t« l« not be IntlmiclLtecl by »ny time limit »amINB
    84 words
  • 129 7 ROOSEVELT'S MOVE IN NEUTRALITY REVISION aldington. Xov, IciMt-.^ 7<>^nrl«>cl tv'<^»:', »l<l,l Nuulle l^outlalitv I^av lovi8io», «^c>u!6 enact, ine mcazuro in ln<- prezoi r loin, >H8wllcl o< 6e!avin!; it, bv »cicl!,i« nmen^nicnlz 6<»5i8neu w cui-tni! clelenre zlrik!^ "Vnte l«s rl'ix',! nnc! )ou «!>! 5<x>l! ve cl,I!ec! <o vo!^ lnl zenc« li?lo
    129 words
  • 65 7 Arming Of All U.S. Ships Sought Kuv^ 8ec«t2l?. <?<,!. rnuilc Ilnox. »»!<! »l wz l»lel« con. lcrence t«.6»v lk»t lie »i»« recommencle "INN pel rent" »linlnz c»l »ll nierrnenl, «!>lp«. 1Al« voulcl lorce tne tno «url»ce, ne «»lc>, »n<i reve»Ie<i wnrtnel- tne !»te«t develop. «n,!c I LN>n« c>n 2« belnre/'
    65 words
  • 135 7 Nazis Resume Activity In Leningrad Sector Hllvscov, l^ov. 6. 'T'NL enem^ n»» reBume<! ni» »ctivitie» on tne I^enin^la^ front but tne L^vance at me m»in torce i» bein^ nelll. to tne coii-e»pon6ent ot tne lie 6 Btni-> soviet ore»n, tne enemy wno n»« lon^ been on tne 6elen»ive n»» Bu66enlv
    135 words
  • 202 7 Joint U.S.-Canadian Defence Production Hoy. 3. Nou«« today tnat l^reldent Noozevelt and Kir W. 1., «!n«. prime Mnlzter ol Canada, kave created a joint delence production committee ol 12 members to coordinate tne capacities ol t^o countries lor production ot delence materialH, I°ke new board wz« establlzned on lne recommendation
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 160 7 Heavy Blitz On Axis Targets IX>Nll0!I. X»^ ocr liommHncl, operate! llom Lnzlancl, k<lve m tne .^Bi tnree montnz «lroppe<l over 1l>,0^) tc»n« ol bomd? on X»l« t»re^t;. cnleNv ln tt^rmanv an 6 Qermanoccuplecl terrltor>. states z avunwn correspondent It me»n« tl>»t 6«plle tl,? ,ci? b»<l U,e »e!«nt ol tne
    160 words
  • 34 7 Kov, I'lLl^ll .Vl»rxti»l »mv«. I^tme >«itei62y, <lec!Qrc<l. "^Ve »ie not >el rcllcwnz »ocl»I cnaneez ln tne vorld. it l 5 not yet complete, >Ye may ment voulll ie»ult ln «orl<l ol zerlclom
    34 words
  • 68 7 New Japanese Drives Soon? K^«ilin« 'KvanB«l>, Kov. j'l'Uk: Japanese »rmv lH pl»nnln« a launcn lre«n ollensive »BlllNst Kunming >Vunnan) OnanB«li2 <Nunan> an 6 cnun«!lllN8, tne national capital, aecor6!n« to reliable information reacNin^ Onine«e mllltaiv circle, nere. It l« «l»te<z tn»t tke lc>rc« In «ol!n Nun»n tke >1»p»n«e vM ln»!ce ?ln»Uv
    68 words
  • 101 7 N.I. Scorched Earth Policy l»e» York. «ay. 2, "ksNL destruction ol every oil veil m tne NetnerlandH Indles nas been v«II prepared," declares lVlajo. 1.. 11, van Oyeu. Commander ol tne sletnerlands Indies >lr vrltlnzi m tne MHssaxine I^lylnz and popular "We love our cities ol Latsvla. Landoenz and Lourabaya,
    101 words
  • 14 7 ti/'Ulll^X <loniln»tlon w Iwly l, 0n Ocl, 2«. nUner, ol O«tl 6«tro>e<l
    14 words
  • 44 7 Roosevelt To Make 'Important' Speech W»«nin«lon, >i»v. 5. »^ll»:«ll>l:xl «o»«evelt i!> ,n ds«!»«inl tue Internalio,'. l.abuur NlNce Oonlerence l> 8 p.m. tl.zl.l'. 3.2N ».in. bridal e'xiun and vill I»«l 2N minute «ill ke l,ro2«I,»8t on tne l^olun, /me llouse labelled »> made by tne lleutrr
    44 words
  • 138 7 Red Base Is Menaced I»n<lon. Hov. 6. »VIX3IHl3 bv >e»ters»,'« Uer- nuln communl<iue, tne mo«t zellouz N^ntlnz on Me Intern I^ront l« tallln« place ln Me crUnell. I'ke liu«l»n commuiuc>ue, tiuvever, «l>« tAat Mere lz N«l,Un« on »U li-onte. vrltez Neuter mllltarv commenwtoi-. 'lne Oermanz repeat tde cl^lm tn»t tnev
    138 words
  • 95 7 Heavy Air Radis On Sebastopol London .«^!»v. 5. /^r.lOl^X ll»i»N!« in«l«»t« ll»e Nubian s!e«t may 5»p«"ence 6iMcull> m maintaining a ka»« »t 8eo»lt«p»l "«inc« tne lierman, »ppear to be developiNL »ir ,ttarll« on neavy «»le tnere aulnoritalive «>u»rt«r« l nited pre«« «mcnul»«e »t »»lu«. «n«re U»«l« UtUe protection ,«»ln»t nuxleii,
    95 words
  • 78 7 I^i^rv Brvr> ci«rm»n pl,n«^ «ere se»tr»;e<l near >lo«co« m tne p»«t l^o 6»>» lor tne >o5« ol II soviet »in>.»lt, «t»t«« lne >l»«o» lommunUlue. sne c«»uluuni«,u« «t»te« lbat »»-«>«> tneir lore?, lou«nt b»tt!« niln enelnv «n tne «nole Nn 'luezdaf, B«vi«t »>r unil>> 6«lr»y«l! or
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 10 7 lemllt«l to c!'unzkln« 2«> N0« yu«n c»>.un«!cln« )-est«<z»y, «»y« Hnlt«l
    10 words
  • 7 7 -»ulin» le^er"— nev complaint li>
    7 words
  • 70 7 Tula Is Now In Danger Xuibisnev, lVov. 8, 'sVI^, an armaments manul2cluring to»n and one ol tne key points ln tne Nerml>> on lVloscov. sllu2t<>d ll)0 miles sou:n ol tne can tal, >^ m according to latest reix>r^,s received lrom tne zloscov lront Nut «o lar tne numerous (Herman nave
    70 words
  • 83 7 I.L.O.'S CALL TO FREE WORKERS OF WORLD liew York, wov, z NINOI.UI'ioei ur«ln« all tree neoplez to "contribute to tne uttermost Ilmlt ol tneir pov l tor tne victory ol Onlna. areut Nritain. Nu«la and tnelr Allies by supplying all tne arms tneir industry can produce." vas unai!mously adapted by
    83 words
  • 218 7 REDS ADVANCE IN DONETZ BASIN units are a6vancinx m tne Dnnetx n»»iin, Bt»te6 5l«8cow ra6io la.<t ni^nt. Nut to tbe nortn tne 6erm2N3 nave be^un 2 new drive on all «ector» m front ok >loBcow, an 6 m tne Crimea, tne liuBB>an» 8»x. tnev nave been korc«l to take up
    218 words
  • 35 7 Nazis' Trick Falls To Deceive «>N nl ltt-tlon Num»n Ilun^s^ »n<z ,I.o not »t»t«« 5»pp!emenl to tlie S^Ist <o^>. ol unlve^z,! mIK'n^y tl»lnln«, 1-lii^ »i-e nc>^ ,»u6v!n« ike N»nc>!in^ ns «,u!pste<! In I"^ !>,''»!,<« v!I!ile<«!, »t
    35 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 291 8 GIFTS TO WEAR FUND FOR MR CHURCHILL'S BIRTHDAY Beparate Account k'or Donatil)NB "lkiB Year /V?' tkix time l»8t >onr. I'lle ?un6 >v»8 rocoivin<l n l»sl?e number of eilt» m nonour ok tke lnrtllllax ns !>lr in»ton (^nurckill, nkicn t»»8 »n >nve,nlier "tt. special remittance »a« m»6e to tne Imi»<,i:»l I>e2surv
    291 words
  • 6 8 1,,,',,- cin!> ol Bln^»,»orf,
    6 words
  • 4 8 ,!,> ,l
    4 words
  • 13 8 !>,,,! Ki«!n In N!o, I'll,' I»!>il^(1ll,>!!ii» Ltxry «,Is— 5,3» pm, e^«li!.lU< «c>l!!!^-O»n<-M« n!«NIl,
    13 words
  • 78 8 duilcii!'..! zir')^lumme cleveli,'nz tliut tl'.o value ol tne york n psu!;rc>,<>B na« already tou<''.^-^l ll,e ziSMOMU marll. an 6 by tr,c> ?n 1 ol tl^,' ve>ar, >vll! »nprox!ln^'<> I2NUUOUOI> I^xl«rls llllil-In^,, tn«t tnr ul lne lne VLNssuai-c! ol tlie Lrltlzn «»vx m Vcl !n 194N, Noclzer,
    78 words
  • 206 8 WAVELL LEAVES FOR INDIA velencez InBpecte<i Lonclon. l^ov. 5. />i!l>l, Blr Way." Comm»n<zerlN'Cn» Inu'l <vno lias been li^pectli'l; Vrltlsn clelences ln ciln!;aporo, is letu-ii-lnz by pl»ne ta Indla. alter ie veallnz tn»t "tne steady 2ov" ol Imperial troopz to klinzaixire v'l! continue, <>«n. «M»t«s b, tke l>»U^ l>l»ll, e«ss«,pon6ent a,
    206 words
  • 75 8 <?Wl)I^I' a? ay dv a ztron,; current lrom St, I«l<»n6. xvnere «ne va« ,»lmmlnB ye«terciay alternoon. I^lrz, LcliarN v^ilo ol I)r, >l Scnartl, Ctilel Nealtn vtNcer, Llnzapor?. Noale6 lor more tn2n lour nourz delore belne plcllo6 up by a patrol ve«el. none tlie .vorse
    75 words
  • 14 8 5:lul<l»7, Xov, It U 2!,nc>unce<> «„!,<!»>, Kov, 10, m»>- d« dou?kl lrnm
    14 words
  • 8 8 "s»V«: c?it> r»lkcrz." c»N<»!> d>
    8 words
  • 14 8 0i:c!«VI1'8 ol tne 4tn <?»N»NB> »l»tt»I!on ol tne r «,8 Vounle«l!vec 20,
    14 words
  • 0 8
    0 words
  • 78 8 "(;ivelovotnrun6B." BavB (Governor '^KVOKII v^No «i«ne« to malic a ol money lor tne var 'an offer lt lo eltner I^e War l^u»6 or tne Malaya patrlotlc l^n6 m tne Know!e6ze tnat it »il! be put to tne best possible purpose," <ieclare6 tne (Governor, sir slientan
    78 words
  • 2 8
    2 words
  • 0 8
    0 words
  • 52 8 V, 11. «ou>«len <17l centre^, VFicilll /lepskle/itallve f/ t^ie c'Z.F. dz, t/»e llore^nos. si^ sKenlon 7'/lom<» tn t/»e /.eoi^/alive Council c^lambe^ z/ezte^ckav /»l^, Sowelen ,<,»« kupportecl bz, 6ir Qeo^oe H«n«om ,X«ldiHes to l/ie ?a? zli«»on, zlinl»t^l, 0/ Economic N^ar/ll'e) «een on t/le le/t, an«l N^iny
    52 words
  • 164 8 DEBTS COMMENT BY GOVERNOR "Dreadful Danger" To Society > *****^1'IVL councillors vno^ are Iea6in8 memoerz ol tneir communit!e« ln tne Ltraltz Settlenelp in "zettlnz ilcl ol tne <lre»6» lul llanzer wnlcn !nllebte6ne.>» n»« crelltecl ln all l»nl« ol zaciet. ln tne <?olonv. > Tlie reyl»e«t came lrom tne Governor. 8lr
    164 words
  • 7 8 cwne««, dellevec! lo de
    7 words
  • 8 8 llHNXIKa »Inl>e tke nl
    8 words
  • 5 8 «pe»!cw« ,t tn_> I^e«l«I»clv« council
    5 words
  • 69 8 CHINESE GIFT TO POPPY FUND Cnina Neliel runs com- mlttee ol BlnB«pcre nas sent a donation ol l 1,220 to tne poppy Day l'unc!. I°ne Becretary lor Cninese klr V acllno>v!»c!BlnF tnis Fllt, «ays, "I express my delimit ttiat ycu k»ve not lorFo.ten tNe Hlinuu! 2ppe»l do kelp tko«e vvdom
    69 words
  • 147 8 CANBERRA TALKS SAID "OF MAJOR IMPORTANT" "World-Wide Implications" s'oX3^^l'^l'l()X3 cil Mi»^nr imp«i-ti»n<-e »l-e !<2i<l to lie m pro^re. m I^ie exact nature nk tne cnnlVr. ence» n»» nut been <Mci»ll.v reve»lell. ultnnussn tne .^uxtril. >!»n p emier. >lr. t^urtin. rnaracterixeli tnem n»vi,,z >vorl<zwi6«.> impliclltian!,. .«,2)'» Unitecj pre.^x. Nen Blr 'lnomaH
    147 words
  • 32 8 Municipal Budget Meeting To-morrow /PNI! z<un>clp2i Nucl^et ol about »l?,noo,nao to be prezenteck »t to morrov'z meeting cl tne 3ln,;2pure Oommlssloner, provlcle., lor "a sllssnt «ur» plu,.' tnr Ftllllt, 'lime, unaer«t2N<lH it.
    32 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 140 8 It'B rubbing an 6 scruboin^ tnat wears tnin^s out. ancl it >ou buy 2 cke2p, N2rsk so2p. t^abrics k2ve to be rubbed to Fet 21l tke 6irt out. Lut tkis karsk treatment isn't neceBBarv it BunliBkt is use 6. because BunliBkt is absolutely all pure soap. Its suck are rick
      140 words

  • 680 9 FRESH ATTACKS ON MOSCOW REPULSED I'll^ ItuB«!2n<j are dealing 01l tke ne^ German offensive against 1,1. Ixixovsk?, tl»e liu»Bi»n Bp«ke»m2N, 8216 tlle tlerman tkru^t^ li»ve been cneclie^ m ev?r> zeclor ancl tliex 2re not Alivnncin^ »n^>vnere. 7'o-62v'2 Qerman con>munique mlllies no mention ot tlie coy? lront, lram Hluicov «ay 7!?ntinp
    680 words
  • 197 9 New Stage Of Nazi Campaign Ix)»6c>u. 5>uv. 4. Nl^'QIi'lL ol <3erman nroT^zz in Me Oiimea. tNe «ucee«« o! wnicn voulc! alter Me vnole lx»iNo!: in tlie Ma^lc !3l.^. are re?ar«iecl verv zerlou^I^ ln Ix>n6on. »n6 ol Me V2^ 27c 6l??^z!?c! d? Me pre^. > 2N>? Iimc,, lH>H "IN? enemv NnH
    197 words
  • 65 9 REVISION DEMAND GROWS STRONGER Ix>n6all Kov. 5. l'l^l.l.^r poll ztiuvz U:»: cut ol ever? ten «!X are m l»vc>ur c>l Hen6inzl can «I>ipB tc< Lr!U«k ports Ide Nallup Burvl^ Hlio ztiu-^L moutt,. Ike zulve^/ ziiovz lurtker an lncreaze a' nine per cent, !n tku«e vka ln l»<uur ul ?.rmlne !nen!luu»Un!:n.
    65 words
  • 29 9 Three Axis Supply Ships Sunk »nn»»ne««: "^l»r«« »«»re enemy «»pp!v «l»ip» k»v« tl»«« »«r« ol about <s«l <»n» and tne ntn,r al^»ut lH«»« t»n» ennvov e^nrted b, M»»nlV» ll«lter.
    29 words
  • 149 9 Rhineland Is Bombed I»ndun. Xov, 5. I^NcNININU tne lt^K raid, over l3ermanv last .^«nt. tne 4ir Xl>.,istr> «tate«, "^ircralt ol tne* Nomber command. N^w^ tnrouen tniek cloud attack^c! district, W tne Nunr and Uie ltnineland last ni«nt. "l»«ks ,t O«t«nd and ounklr< mere also bombed. "Coastal command air«:r»lt > searcned
    149 words
  • 187 9 Red Air Force Is Striking Back London. Ko». 4. >F^ll: leature ol tne ne»« lrm X iiuH«ia ta-da? iz tne vei?nt ol Loviet »^t^"ll» on enem> air ba»es, "In one nl tne icaUnin lrant." it i 5 stated. "one ol «ur eun battcriez zuccezzlullv knelled »n enemy »erodroine Llcven plane«
    187 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 91 9 m <»ie LONDON (^n^mnl! lj^ cozl^l^n^l: (^Ul'^!«^j 19 l 0 re«ultB juBt punliBn«! N0 per cent, ok PIIM^K 81'UI)l:^'I'8 k^nrol now for tne > WWWWW^WWiW now term. U^»M««AM«iM««<MM»IMMMW 'l'Il<»k 3<»22. I°ne b^slllQg lornxlo ol pric^v n»« l« ottci^ uubearable. Dan pu» up »it4> mner»ble H»y» «»d «uzt»l». <^»c <l» «nu»epnc
      91 words
    • 37 9 3oplilsti«t«c! Only true long liniNz per<s>it». vl perfect AioominA. Lcc,u»» l^izuici vdoeono ziv« «ucu l«tldi. ou» protection »ll ume,. v n»» been lor 2) »«»n lk« cnuice 0/ «li«iimin«!n^ vomen m »ll coun> llie». l^c^uicl Odolono nol
      37 words
    • 92 9 l>roln H »ll l^olner lll»«ll ««>»!> X»v, »n«l london .^,n. T> F l'rom 5' <, z?4<><» Noi.e !>a> ?!-om 51»,5« t^ 5,«.5« < »,l' l!e»«ber. Nl »n Nlaclc K»v> and Nr»< 2. H rrc^i tc, »22^« NroMN Mack and «ay, Liu. a^'^d^o"; l. n 519.5« to 52».»« l-'rum 5».5« to
      92 words

  • 124 10  - Babies Young Children l^urBS Diixadetk letlerz concerning to6> cllerz are answered t,ni6 veelc. tt,^ lrnudle belale, I tl,ln!i. Bke l, I «^V« ln^»»r6e<z tke slet lkeet l<» ment«, XliUl l» !t»ell lcxxi »i«I !>t«,u!<» lt. ««l k»6 lt by lore, I wul ,t»it«« > ui>6e«t»!«lu»z «vi t»cl,lul ln l,e!l>'.n« t»«
    124 words
  • 325 10 »>el« liven n»v« keen »upl»li«6 to ll,« Btl»it, Hme, b, lne roo«l conllnl UMe« S«el Lt«^ 45 ct« per lc»tt>. k>U!et 2l^ !c 92: Ll!>o>n 48: Ilumn 3te»!l 4»: l»t <l>u>t> rnl»!c »»!c» 41: l^»n. l,» c:»pc»N3 75 pel «UN-I2>in« »n6 cl^l nen« 5«: oul->« !»U
    325 words
  • 102 10  - Winkleday Adventures Zard»s» >lul-r»v 6)' l lXl'licTI' mc>«t nt vc>u peisile n»ve lealilecl ov nov tn^t il »r»xc>ne ln tne n^ppeiu to tkinll nl »n excuse lor 2 partf, tke^ »en<l cut tNe invitations ceptz !nclu<lln« qulce lo^ ol pec»> pie Mere never invitec! »t »ll! t^,e «ul«!,!i,e, »,ut »n>on?
    102 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 87 10 ><^^ Cllolll! l>»polate6 »«!Uc— tne mlllc »b> N Vltllinln 13 »6<l«! to ,»le. X L?l>ut!lull7 !!lUHtl»^<l. tnlb U> p. o. SQX 3M2^l»onc M>WM»»M»W^ x<l<if«, 5,1-. s<l basins ll >^»»«^,^^ N^ lull toucn of "!-!^icl.!s>!l sHM^ S^QW" ,n<i z de,ut,!V !><,n »cqu,!-el »6<le6^ cli»!-m. 0,, i, >M V >^F »pp!lc,lic>nl ne>p
      87 words
    • 150 10 MR >« »^u«»<,»l M <« R M Ml^ «»<k^, p!,.u.,,^<»,»<, > s^< >» WMWM M .X V !»>».'. WDDM»M /<<^^ c"7.»'".^" M^!^> "'^l'^ «re«. ,c>o^r, X >ng zollnezz c>l >l 5 z>!k> I^tticl, c»»<. s It l, zcotnmg »n<j cooling "I to dot. ..N^l.Nss Bk,n, W K>l! Xl l>l l
      150 words

  • 48 11 S.C.R.C. TENNIS RESULTS v">>, «en» »le». ll— H»«>'» !>inl>« »»»><li»p: I?l»? l-3« 2», c 2: V»^l Oitlenbulcn »«l! I. Z^brtt <— li> lx>»l r<« 8«! »n6 I'Llib bin <— 20). r.x >, b< iv» f°r»nc-l.<! l^v, «—<l,« <1, 2, !»«>i!>!« «»nsi,»p! ic, I, I^N W'li,; »n«i Q>,u» »<x»n Unn (—3).
    48 words
  • 48 11 ininutl: «»al «»ve tne ll«>2> !>»6i«»l c«lp« v>' l«r> i>v !»ie <xl«l e«»I m live uver «>e V.!>l < m no^ke, maltl, «n lne V» < z. lexlerlilv 1 >>l!s, but dotN teamB !m> p!!>vo<l on !l,«> rc«umption v!^>>^ <I) «am<? llevewpecl into 2 tnr i!- >!>!'
    48 words
  • 54 11 civilians' Hockey Eleven "^lll3 lo»n«ine lr»v« I»««n t« pl»v lioekev l«l <l»« Bins»pur« < iviliun, H«»ln,t ll,« ll 8. zloun^ to ,nn»une«!<z l»t«l on lue«6»v. ««v. 11. V X l>M»l: 11. INmnn<um»ru. l?. !>. 6« 8»«»«z <«»l>t): 8. V»l»n». 11. 5l,ill»in»t»»l,, One 8««e X«n«: l.u,v lice I'ov. Heremi,l», 8b«i»<l» »u>»cin,
    54 words
  • 35 11 RAFFLES COLLEGE BEAT AIRMEN 4-1 l^HI?II^^ brilliant n»t- trick l^ le^turcci Me kockov m»tcn 'aMe>> college de»l tnc ll,^,k' tn,' lntorv^l, tne cullezn ie^ c-ore6 tli»? col'.eze's l?urtn 8o?I >ncl l!IIi««in netteil td? :n>v l^oal.
    35 words
  • 344 11 MR. VAN TOOREN'S HORSES AGAINST THE WATCH sa3t >Vorll In ?rep2r2dion sor s^l^l'l? lor tl,e lir»t time, »Il IXr. v«ln >»or»e» vere Nll2^n»t tne vatcll »t Lukit 'liman tkili morninz Hvken tl»e majority nl i>ll<,ur6a>'» runners K26 tlieir linal ssllllopz on tne xeonnll track ok tne race course. 1l»e l?«in8
    344 words
  • 63 11 »»I?I>ic!^l. colleze deal tne N,^l', < K2N2 N3 d> ll ve eoalz t? t^ro »'e«terc.a?. 8col^7« lor tNe l^oUeze N»mM (2>, Kavuratnam. r^c Oelilerz 2n6 Hon >^'m«. XleliicHl dolleze zeccznc! team beat kltm^n (^ollexe by «lx eo»I? one m a noc^e? m^tcn »t ve^terttav. Lcarerz lor ttie doUe«e
    63 words
  • 37 11 8 0 <?. »t kc>c!c«7 »«»liut U« ?oU« ri^t, l), 11. «,ii-l« V. pee!. »l»^i- N. H?. <?I«v»!Iiel. »l. C, 2!!utt. <3, w' 8^ lollo»ln« vIU p!»^ l«xke> loi U,^ «««6«^ «eub«»>n«^, N. 8. Lull,,
    37 words
  • 37 11 Oountie,' el»»u»pi»n l,« l»r tl>« llriUzl, n>i,?al«. velzdt tltl« k^ de»tlne l»»ve I«cl.le,v«. 8«n«ken, lelt «>«. ,»««illt ellAlnpion. llnocl««l nut ll»ll^ >«illel. l»n»«» llzktl>e»v>««iellt cl»»n,pi»n. in tb« pi«l>, «»tp»ii, «<l tl>« plonluinl
    37 words
  • 44 11 To-day's Sports Events »«<KI?V V, police »c.c.: l»»xt OMce VB. 8in«» N,r!e<,uln,. I».N. V 5. 8!n<?»pop« «n«li>n 8s».»ol. <Il6n»n, »,ll: colt, «lxn«t,. <ln»un«l «lI«l!V: K«cl1. v!,. «/«rt«» «iSN»!«. I»».c.l1: lx»>,l, V,. >»v^. l!il!n,»n. ?r.?<.^l.'': B<lt.c. -pen in^l. <2li«,n !^«u l«>nniH lour lllment, «cHc.
    44 words
  • 313 11 THRILLING HOCKEY ON THE PADANG S.R.C. Beat Ceylonese x: i..» l> 1. s^Kl? ol ttie be^t »nli mnzt tnllll«e»«on v»H v.ll,ne«H«<l on tke p2cz^NU >e«ter6l>> »lien tk? LinssHpore liecre»tion Olub met tlie Ce>lon 8p«lt« c,mb »nc! von b> tne oclcl ssoal ln tnree. piUlli'z pelsc>lni2nce m tt,e <se?l«ne«e' eo^l. I!
    313 words
  • 126 11 Acceptances sor I^o Events I'o-LlH^ Bz6ne?, liov. i. '^NL NN2I llccept^ncc3. vitn d«r> rier no.<!itl^nB ancl lnr me I^nUMe"«s Ltllks^. vnl?n vUI be run ove? mlle 2t 2,<H 0 m to-morrov. >re' I'rue l'lwnt <2> 9/', Huzi, o»zte II» 9.2. Lucratlve <4» 9U. f!ver. Zre«!N <?> 90. Nurr^dil
    126 words
  • 35 11 I'^VO «io»1l> by vllliNlln BINBN In l tne Nrzt kall enabled tNs l^2v»l ?oUce to beat tne Ltare ?oU<>e b? tvo 80»1» to ni! m kocliev matcn at I>!2v»I kuUce zroun<l >e»ter<l»x.
    35 words
  • 45 11 WOMEN'S NOVEMBER BOGEY AT BUKIT TIMAH «ar« ol K^i. w vw lor l^i«. Vli«. 11, >V, It. IN 1.. ISUUN ?4^«-I3: Ul«, V, lloll>!,»n 2 ll^- 11^- III?, L ll" OIVIBIOX «l» wilier, z l-9-II: n<!«r ?^9?i «l6^: »«1,. 1.. V. Lui^'«« 3 !3'i I.
    45 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 32 11 .s^l W. I V V V „v 25 < 7l»»»« B»vic« 8l»»»»n. l-l« 8«rvl«e »l»U<», No^>«> !«»»<>s, 1.16. Vl», c». lV«» «<>»<« 8»r»i« slc lon. cl«« »»»<»». li«l»«, 1.»6. sine m t'.B.^. vill, l.,n,ite<>^llitv) <
      32 words
    • 89 11 /ou>e feeling a/i /n >>oul bocly >5 v«ry ,7>cl youl nervcz on c6ssc frc ..< long Kourz of vglclimz 2ncl wolknx, tiien i<; ldc lim? lor zoocl slronZ cup of Lovril Your vnole sv^lcm lc^ponci!. to tne ztimuluz of Lovlil— z,v« you v^rmrn anc! lrexl, vizoul »r once. 2n6 nev,
      89 words

  • 304 12 TOKIO'S "LAST" BID TO AVERT CRISIS I^lt. B^«dN(> XU«^8II. former .lapanose! to Nerlin, is ll^mss to Wasninsstnn 28 special adviser to tke Japanese tnere. Kicnisaliuro Nomura, and to speed up settlement ok tne United states Japanese negotiations, tne .lapanese Inlormation Ilnard Announced m vesterdsv. >;polceHman aclded tnat tne »p>)c»lnlment ol
    304 words
  • 68 12 I'olcio. Aov, H regular plenar? «eB.»>ion ol "tne ?rlv» c^-unrll nel6 »l tne Imperial palace tnl« morning, ivltn memderz ol tne rabine: at!t?n6in?, l3en, I'oio. <<ne prime »Hin!«ter. clarinet tne Quvcrn!mentz Nrm roz^lve to cop? ,tne current international situa» tlon, z»vB tf!e Dome! nev« nzencv. !?lmu!t^neouLlv. tn<:
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 230 12 "I'lIL si-«t unoMcial re»cti«n lo tke seven point <iem2n6s on ot tne limes »n»l i» tn«t tnev amount to declaration »l an all out ok nerves against tne states ancl c«me»« ne»r an outrixnt declaration nk var." I^ne ilenl^nclH, it l» Btre««cl, llluZtrlltez polnte6lv nov cieBpe» l»te
    230 words
  • 58 12 No N.I. Petrol For Japanese Airline «»v. 5. H.^l'H^rzk lnl»rn,»tion N«»r<l t««l«? 6«ni««l eroul>6l«»," l>»n«I«n revolt control ol »»c»o s<otnu,e l« llnovn ln l.i»l»<»n to>6»il e<etnerl»n«l, In«li«« e»> port liceniinr le«-tlirtion, n»ve l»«n e»t«n^e6 t« l><»rtu«u«»« I imor. tnu, rutllne 01l tne n«». «l2bli^n««i H»p»ne«« airline r»«olin« lor tl»« I,?o«.inile
    58 words
  • 127 12 Japanese Arrested London. Nov. 5. 11° va« !».l.rned m Qonclon ta-d»v tnat tvo Japanese «übiect« .^ave been arre«ted ln Nrltlzn terrltorv, tnev are Lusuke. arreBtecl lr^ Karacni, India, and l^lat«una33, arreBted m Nangoon, I'ne rea«ons lor tne,e arre«t« nave nnt >et reacned I»ndon. It vlll be recalled tnat. recently, tvo
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 20 12 lh'lle p»r^ («e» «o», D.'^Liorl'? n«»eve!t. kwlw, »t tbe Unlt«l 8t»t«. 10-llU^ !««u«l to "l?>vM»n Delenc« >V«5,"
    20 words
  • 92 12 Bangkok Denies Japanese Lie Bangkok, Nov.5. 'I'lil! I2test ol a «erle« ul oulr^nt 6en1»13 ol k>rc«» report, lrom /»pHne^e «o>.rces eoncernlnz 'lnzl!»ncl l« cant»!ne6 ln 11l»l <3ov> "lne>re i« no trutn m tnlz report." 82 v« tne communlque. relerrlnL t<z. 28enc> report tn»t "lnlllll^ncl^ «r»r »6vlsnrv councl! N»» been revived
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 232 12 VICHY SHIP'S REPEATED BIDS TO RUN BLOCKADE FROM EAST Qon6c»u. Kc»v. 5. H Bl^>l<lH!^>K ol tne I6wlHtr> ol l)conamle >V»rll^re reve»lecl n to-cU>> tnat «o lllr tnl« Vl<>N7 skips tatallinL 164,000 tnn«, 'itilH 18 »p^rt from tne live Vwn? znlpz recently 8el«e«l 01l tne 3outt» «x>2«t. I°nelr tonN2«e ex se6e<l
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 161 12 s'p.cxv! v. 3. />. 70, M«« 3Ls?l^r^. W c^. >> <?V»«»»I «l». tbe> k«l »l! com, >»»c!l Lu«^».» s^skll I«^!^ /^lll^Iil: i 8 one millc tnat dc»e« not opened. Witn Xlim )^ou 8«t «^e/>encl. zpoil m an/ weatnel. You can «i»/e rnillc supply plus real economy. «/^^X^ depend on it
      161 words
    • 32 12 >llun nuxl»ll?lSl> Nl:l:ul-I8^1 HWD^x^^s^M^ la vQ "Q« I 5 c u lIl I 5 1111 l IMII 111 t^llV n «l8I? Doctor, li»v« pr««:rllxxl it tt»<?»« lilt, >«»>, l»»»t, tor tl»« »Q»l?»>» MBM
      32 words