The Straits Times, 4 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 32 1 The Straits Times l«!»?^»l^»N»I> ««^NI.» <i 0««1'Ul»v, F/,/.^F 12 pz«L« SlNC^PONL. ?l'L8vzV. NOVSINNLlt 4. l94l. l'lll^r 5 c«^l> r««z>. roi«. The Straits Times 12 l»^<i«« slne^ponL. >l^l:Bv^v. >0v«!«Nl:n 1941. P«l^ls 5 r«X^
    32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 v B»>»i., 5/iV<34/'l1.'iK, H2GLMG /> NxprSBBins L! 2?.'. 4 !<> tlie lnek lrnm 14 to I»>^ ln« V VU! <3!l»l> 25) Deptl, ol b^n<l In llun! 3l»» 4 tv tl»e lnck lrum 14 tn 15 Uv> > I3!'»pe 38, k^ml-lillll IKptk ol b»ncl »l U F 'lt,,- lr»n 14 >v
      74 words
    • 37 1 riHnozuczl.. Never be» M, G^^^xD^ bl»6ez been M< v!«^ tempered and za H^ Kever Kavc iliey zkl»vecl 50 cleanly. quickly, 80 zmootkly. I'ne llilllcne zvztem of i« tne mo« moclern »n6 eilicienl money c»n bu^. l cill
      37 words
    • 39 1 D^^p m »l Nnl»in»<>n^ ln»^in^ z»^^p»r»liun» l»r ln»l n» xl v»o»li«»n... H^n^lll^s it is <» l»»» l»v »is, »nisi. ll°»in or c»r, v»u »»>!! lin«l ll>e c»rreel «f»f»»rel »n<l ps«»s, »n«l »»5»»»l»nl5 Hvill Al»<ll^ »«ivi»e un unv f»l»slisul»s I0R« 3>«l^» 5
      39 words
    • 67 1 Z.ven,nK Dr«zze3 lel. 4772 It >au N»»e ncx lrltll ol:e ol our />^^^^^ l«unou« BOH. l'le> >uu ye mlL»e6 V s /F"^^^^^ tre»t. T'tie/ «»!!> zcrumptlouz >V b««llu«« onl? Me tcnc!ere«t mo»t, I poultry »n6 «»n»e ar« u«e<l tn 7 »?M n»^« tl^ein. 8l?S. l»l«» c»n de H m»<l« »l>F
      67 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 226 2 Nu Stn«its Times l«r »<,^ n«» «»«««»»>>« 4 Un«» »»»»«> l»»r 22 c»nts p«s l«n« Ifiv« wor<^si >«x 25 c«n»s «x»s« no««»^ll) o«c«llll«nl7l:8 lllllAi«». »4ll»lzUl:8. I»l^^«8. rpe »5 «t^ l.l>Xl 5 V/O«05 lOUNcl^l^ —l>o /^nne, «!l<! ol Vlr»e sl^U^'l'lc)lXl3 v^c^!>l^ lill^lt^rllun /t< l Ulin^/^n^ «<une«l »ux no. «83. «v« »<lvl!>«,
      226 words
    • 169 2 »n e»r«llence^ Ll>o«rool>> nrm Hno»I«<!«e ol »«lou» !lln«l» «^N^liN wimeslatel? exzierlenecxz U«x! r>rospect« lor energetic perzon, »»!»rv »n<l commlmioti U.r.O. vox 540 3in«»pore, r«!lorr4N I_^l»^ re «ulr«l lininecllztel? lur Ltore ln li»NIe« Oosinetln »r counter «or!l preler«b!e but not e^enUa!. L»!»r> up to t 1 20,00 p,m »^cor6!ne to experience,
      169 words
    • 405 2 HV^N^lil, lor Llitlxn llrm I^irope»n I^cli, contl«l«n 3ll'u>xl'ic)!^s w^^'l'lll) <Lne»«n> lullv Btr«it« lime», «U»^X 8l^I«:'l^llV. lUiortn»na> No, «72. 8tr»lt« llme«, DO!V!63I'IC 3llNV^l><l's WO^»<sVl^l>l tr»lneil «lon-.e»l:<: «l' »n^ service Xeenc?, 242 «I^lll<: N«^. W^l><l'lXo »zniiu» «m«!I o«lee ,ltl, eoo<i <»aKet»ll« to Nox No, «71. »'.r»lt, 1° HV^NIiIIN. lH<?«lo!lt« ln «o«l con6lUon,
      405 words
    • 284 2 N«lllNlillz50«l— Ne« v«<! xilsc:^l.l_^l>ll-c)l_,3 n6enll«i. zppl? "o, No. «70. lim«« »«e l'ellclirr, »:pl? Vox No, «74, 8 l. rn«I.l«». l^enel, >n<l Nermon !<>,- NtlV^ll! IVl^loNB ln «»nolorl« »-«c)U3l-:3 sl_/.1-3. 1'0 l.t^s rl1llnl8»rn rl^^. zmber «»n«ion, L 0 l^l' 1^ Nee, n Neeren luo^l. lio««l. lei 7312 <9 2? am to
      284 words
    • 346 2 vxlixn^l.l, l» »w>0«» ne» »l»z !n»ur»ne« p»>^ »2,220 l>non« «ISB «t»lHl:l^V 14 lor «>ui<^ llonn >94« «N»c««l'. 8lNll» mlle»ze, perfect cun<«Uon. »2,000. l>non- 58«7 roll B^l^. ror<l 10, ««!e! I»t« 192«, No, «92. »tr»!t« lim«, KINIUU!, "8" lourer ln perfect or6</r roll 841^. 29 4 N.P. »uplnol,!I« z. roll 84l«
      346 words
    • 239 2 1.03^ QU1127 l.oBl'. m leloi «»u» I!l»l> />l«l2 f?^l-I/X D»««l,un<l terrier, tnr«o,u«r!er^ ?io«n, l'kll'l'l! »V»SI!NX srll^lH», 7.20?H«.-9.U0 V 930 ?.!«.-^iclnic.n! i7»e Intel 8t»t« v»»c«: Compel, Uun b«t»e«n Pls> VX<; »i«l «»l?i«^l'l»lli:. «l»leb e«»»c!»6e«l on B^r^»iU4^ ».ter l ni,n»» ol keen riv»l^. re,u> t«l m »n« 8l«li^l»«ll« 1^l!^« «»»»t»ln«<l b> I
      239 words

  • 142 3 B?6ne.v. Nov. I. "sNL B>l>nov Illorninjl Nel»l6 m 2 le»6in^ article llr^ez to stren^tnen itg 6irect repro. mentation m Binj?2pure anck !>2v» tn»t nitnerto 1,2>, looked too mucn at itg ne»r nortn tnrouFN tne o>e» ok Ilritnin to nnicl, it i» tne tar Lazt. "It
    142 words
  • 74 3 No Reshuffle In Cabinet Yet I^an^n. Kov, 2. s>c»l<c!l3ll«ll<c> tne recent ,pccul,tioi' re«»r6>NB tne possibility ol cabinet enanze,. it l« un6er«too<l tn»t tne ?rln,e kllnlster. I^lr. OliurcnUl. l, oppu,«6 to maklnz »nx cnanze, at tne moment a« ne vl«ne, tnat all ellorts «noul6 be concentrates on Bettln,l tne maximum procluction
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 102 3 THE SIXTH NEWS U.S BATTLESHIP WaHllinz'on. Kov, t. «^1ll>: «lxlll batUe«Nl7> lor tne tvo<x'e»n lleet v.II »>e lauiicn- on k'eb IS, vnen tne ton «Il6e« 6o'vn tlie »a>^» at Kav^ Varcl. it l, learne<l nere. l^iur 8lm!lar znip» nav^ alreacl> been I»'»ncne<! an 6 a Nltn. tde I'Bl>. Indiana, enterz
    102 words
  • 91 3 lluv, 3. s^lTI'llOI'IVlN t^ave been placed on fiuar6 at tne d 7r><» ol tne pre»!c!ent'z voun^ezt «on, I^r, Noosevelt, vNo live, vitn niz ancl lo'MontNs-al<l bab? at Ooronaclo. calllc>rnli» I't>ls vu« announccil b> tne local nea<! ul tne l^ret purea., Ne 6ec!lne<l to an'.'vr l,ue«tiun« vn<
    91 words
  • 71 3 STRIKE THREATS IN U.S. PLANE FACTORIES Vurbunlc sci»l!lolni2>. Nov. 3. I X^/!-^Dl^?e nt tnree m»^l l,ctorll:.<i ol tne l^clcnee! N»ve »z<reec< to call ztrllce »t mlllni?nt to-m^rrov unle« tne Natlonn! Labour Nem,tion« No?ill autnorl?" ?ln election to 6«t»rmlne ba^aininz rillnt^, I^neze lastorie!! are pr^ucinz !:>er<,plnn?6 for tno '^nit? 6 s>ta»e«
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 79 3 JAPANESE STEAMER HELD UP IN U.S. 82N l^-2nci«co, Kov. 3. VilL sailing ol tt,e X Zteamer I'^l^a vNied m»? be one nl tNe lllst lor some time, met vltN unexpected 6llNcultiez »ncl t^er 6epklture wll« > lor tvo dourz vnen tne ill^ixte^ tnat LN tons ol m^n 2lrcH(j> aboarcl Hl^uulcl
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 102 3 VicN7> liov, 3. ckl^i^N^ 6iH?^l,l^ p>Ld!UN^cl ln tn« ?nri« I're'zz t<,'6ll/ re- ported tn^t tne nev ls>rl»n llov- > ernment N»z cleciec i! 2 politico' amneLtv. 2 result c>l wnl k «!81l !p>l,Bc>n»lz duve been releaxzs lr:>m >,)r!^ons! ar>^> l,«ncentr.^tinn enm^z, i I'v^ntv t!ou«»n<i tons al v»ne^t nre
    102 words
  • 62 3 U.S. FOOD SHIP FOR FRANCE W»«l,ll»«l»»l,. X<»,. 3. 'L'lll! Nrlli,!, «ill t»»i, m«nU> »N»« l!»it««l 3t»t» l 5o» »l>lp <» p»»» »>»« !,!»e!l»«>e c»s.7ln« »k»»t 5l.»««.0«« Mnrtl, nl lnilk e«ne«»»ts»t«». >ne6lc»l »,<6 cl»l!«ll«u l»»»tl,in« to nnoccuple^ r>»ne<?. it un^er«to<^l dere t»-«>»? N«,'6« Nrlt»ln. c>sm»»s »"6 rl»nee »l«» p»lU,ist»t«« m nel»ti»ti«n,
    62 words
  • 181 3 R.A.F. Havoc In Libya cairo. Hoy, 3. XX/IDl^pl^rxo navoc NHH been W ln tne wte,t N^l' »n6 Soutn 4lr r^rce ralaH ln Ho, tn zlric». communlllue lH«uea b? I< Ne»6<zu»rt«rB«»^»! >B«utn >^!r lV,r>:e bomber, l.ttaclce<i mmtar> o^ectlve, »t NenBN«l »n«l Dern» 6urln« 3»tura»v 1^« c!atne<ir»l »«ole »t Sen3d»?.l v« tne
    181 words
  • 103 3 ATTACKS ON ENEMY SHIPPING I^on6c>n. liov 3. MOON? N l' nl^nt attack ">upon l!erm»n announced ln an >ir I^llnixtrv ccimmunlque 10-6»?. vn'cn !2>3' "I^«t n«ent Nucizon ?!rcr»ft nl tn« do»«t»I <7c>mm»r>cl att^clcec! enemy znlnpln^ 01l tne Outrd. l.<!>»n6« »n6 objertivez on tne ec'l'zt ol Korvllv "In lne »tt»clcz o^ .inl^pinz,
    103 words
  • 24 3 BOY'S $100,000 FIND ON NORFOLK COAST Lclic<c>l^c>V ><^,t<?rn2> pulled w l> r.ietil box cnn^»lnw« 5l),y0ll l''^c!NW«« Nn2ncll>> e>»<-!Q>i, «da !n 1933 contl»cl«> lc>l »,oll!>,!«ia,<XX>
    24 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 73 3 i,is<»»-mnl) p.m. »n miclni^kt vinnsr 53 00 »l, tbe vlLionv ««mn. 7>ell,t, li.oa llkxer l, ol Illr LllUllLllll.!. Ikllll s»« «^« r «^<w c«»«c>»i— 3U w 10.30 o.m. «oirl. rm»«' 53 »Mtt,»«« to e»«.'«»« ts«« ol»sz, ?0 ?<zQ»? 2t ».45 p.m. 5»,2rp /,l>< lu,l' ?5« «'i// i» t/»e /all O/i/^tt?l
      73 words
    • 481 3 ltXlMXll NVVI!XUI.Ic 7«. 1.70. Inrorpor»te<l ln tne «tr»!t» LettX-ment, l»OIic» l« nereb7 «l»«n «n»t tni "rnlrt7 ?c>urtn >^nnu»! OrcUn»r7 tlen> er»! Neetlnz nl 'ne c!«np«i>7 v!» >^ >lon« »»nll NulIc«!»V!, I^»»N8, <?n N»tur<l»7. tne litn 6,7 c>l dlnvernker, 1941, Director, v»l rec«ninen<l tnit ?U>»! Ulvl6«r>6 nl N?e per "er>t m»!iln«
      481 words
    • 8 3 l>>^4» kn<l llkbums!isM »»»ll»b»» »n>7 e»» »l i«
      8 words
    • 35 3 lpon. «U2l» I lpl, lluantllN llot, !7>>.,N I,^>..!v >'. n,»>le ir,>m l>,e p>c!< >.» l^.'H-^T»^ > I»V>!> XXX« 4 «<^^s»! lonln »»>,<>, >< !>>»»!<>»>»!e >n »ll s»x»< »l return ol >>«l»n »n! e»e ,7. 8 iliiaiiure. X, Lumpur «l li»un.
      35 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 68 3 ll» l,3II!l«. <»»'> 6»rin' ne»«!eNer». 6.!i l<e»« ».-> «u!l!ii«n: 28 8!n?2pal« calling 6 20 "«e»!tl, 'i'llllc"— Ko. 2: 8 <» Lvm- m"n!,»lV in Sn,;!!.^'- 8,45 N»»»!l»n «e»l!!we ne»5- III Ub l1««« »»»c^ 6 25 6on«» lium lke »ln«lu»t»n! 3cre<,.. ,Neco6e<l>! 45 «r», w rutcll 15 in vutckt^ 7,3i «<>», canun<>nl,rv
      68 words

  • 134 4 I.ii^i.r: LDBINLBB. »7 O" rl»»n«l»! r«sre»pon«l»n» Bw«»lx>re. Nov. 4 »b«nc« ol bu>!n« >nter«t w «vmp»tl,7 V^t^rilKy Uie turnover w »!I f,ecl!nn, Illm« f^Rtt v er»! m»!nl»ln«l N»nl»u »l, »I ?1>^, oel<bu »t 8? c«n»« »»l>l «<>!»i,ilnr »t »l,<4',i liw »I7<! „'^»^> ttt 15' <'^6 «»mlx>n>: »,l? l»»^
    134 words
  • 15 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. r^«i III! k !n b»i«« !><» IX ll>> on «^l!,«^«! ««,«>,' 3»>, !»»?>>» «,»>!»
    15 words
  • 22 4 u»6 1253^> on sr!ll»v liuddl?, 8«I^ !-!!v«l »n»l pepper Vl.r!c. «c»v, 3, ,i 52 c<>n«« lor sp« il,»« >-en!« l
    22 words
  • 16 4 n>»!!, c!o« »t >!>o clrnelHl I^>l »i!ll P^l,m>,»»^^ »t !I »m, lor Ue<l»n I'll
    16 words
  • 7 4 Ll'l'lll »9,NNI>, I'xX 145,6,w, «-,<«>,
    7 words
  • 69 4 li V? >n,5« 2,m, 8,4 N: lizz pm, 9 2 51. i, w <,la «m, 2,9 tt: z.iz pm, 1,1 lt. II XV II !i »m. 9,4 ll,oe n^on n, I. v^' »,21 ll,m. 2,l l^! !> 41 PIN l l N. linil.w?. l»uv I' V, 11
    69 words
  • 16 4 7H Uws „^Nci >l l«»r> i» lm-Ux! 50 «,n« v.' ino^tlv !v >^ < «.> >'"> 111, N,WI 4,807, <lo»u
    16 words
  • 1128 4 Stock Share Quotations (l<,<,ue«l b^ zl»l»?»n 8l,»rekr«ll«r»' Binz»por«) «o>ozl. xov. l94l: 4 >^u«tl»l 4m»! ll«) 7, 20 7, «0 i^mp»t >z») 2» 90 3» 30 /^»utl»! «»!»7 <l) »2« »3« /^^ei Mum <»»> 17, »<1 I»» 60 /^y» Venil ll) «4 »2N«l!l, Tin <l) 12,50 14. Nxtu S«I»ll8<,l l»l) 140
    1,128 words
  • 21 4 «i1»1.,. II»»7 1.-v,!», l»l9^ uUUU^, 118 11, 2«22, I«5« »^.<z »^4^ on B»lurcon,p»!^«i »!M 79 2l »u6 «tnc»
    21 words
  • 197 4 London Stock Exchange l«,n<lon, Nov. l. !o««« >i> »om« l»ll». »U? Nrm, Dl»«nonll» »ko««l lame n«t >^l«enUn« l«u«« lmprc,v«l vkU<> >»?- 11,« l«I»<r»U>« 10-o,7'^ i!o»M!l ml<l6!« <^i»t»U<»»» 8ll»«, «< tl 0«l. l?', ,055 l« l->ui«Un« 4>7, l! 4'<> V« 3^^« "-'5 0»n. Union <Unl«l.7zi l»?u6,i!l»»! 22'^ N«7» /^»«e ctuu-^ltO »«u^
    197 words
  • 3 4 > 194?,
    3 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 116 4 X!< »^l, «ll!»>1^l >>',! o^,l l>l< ,n-v»c« ,»>» «-">» l> »v di >!,» «»u»» !s«I 8«l7l8«l»lll^8.!«.c0. 15.1.. 543?. «!>>«!« l«> «^«!^»> >»»1»«» »«<« !<«»» N»»r!l»>l > »">» «"< ««.>«. Oil, 5.,<«,» «»< ,,,»^«i X«»X<i s>^. ,,'n^t»n^«, pfsn.!l li»n«, ,,2z: »>2«i "»!«»«> U"'° lion,, l53,»«. /»<n»7, »5>llz». !<»!lN>, >l<>, >'. »7N
      116 words
    • 26 4 «.V.«(. l.««. Il^nllonn »n<» »!c»t»». ln«N«lil»n »l »n, ,»»Unr« »v»ll»d!« «Ul k« «lv«>n an 4pp!lc»tl»n. M?l»ll!« VU3tl« llklBVK ilncvpoladeO m l^o, 5841. 5842 »n«l i»43. ?kir«zo!l.zl»«nilz»Lo..l.7o
      26 words
    • 55 4 »«>6l««» to tl»« !«> >«.Ul—^l«^l >!<>!«> III,? l.s«>»»<«t !«>l,t«^> «"r to l»« »<>lve«l m lt !»nt tke, le i«"t U» zlov lur tl>e xleutllx "l t!>^ will, <^n^7»l f>cr^<»n«nss 2«tl, l>ntur> r»»«l !»sl»i»nt <erl,ni<«l<,l»l m>^>>»!»! »>l<l»^el»t xl>o« l2xt >l2tul> 7.23 s«» >»<»»> 920 rouil KQINSP.S !^ll« lHne <<izl«r<,) Luinnle X
      55 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 151 5 z j3. 25, S.I 2 z«n 9.13 p.l«. /z^ y^ ssi l^l V ><>^ »«x.oss,c^ <„,.,..«„,„,,, VV !^H s? U)< V v^^ l^ l^ -ll"»« 22L1.VU0 Ml. IRNKKZ MilH^o^R »^«'^«'z 7?»e Oa2,e«t m t^e /l/m suss /,^««/n<7«/ witli tlie I^2Bl C^UIVIOKI LNIIIBN I«^>VB an 6 "Qk^kk <3ll?l)i>k" >"«,,««: »***** lc^«l.Qrr
      151 words

  • 1243 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE,TUES., NOV. 4.1941. (793rd Day of The War) DO YOU BELIEVE IN VICTORY? >Vitl^ tne receipt ul a «econcj «itt ol 550.000 lrom vnitea Ln<Nnee«. 1.t11.. tne total ol tne colony >Var run 6 va« earned bevon6 tke zix-mllUoi.'czollar mlu-lc. I^ne setu»l Q^ure to-cl»v l« >5.012,44«,91. I»NHt
    1,243 words
  • 506 6 Volunteer l'orcez t»>« «ll«r »l tbe 8tr»lt» 7ln>«, Llr. Ko one wko kas kad tirstband experience ol any al tke various voluntary defence serviceZ al will disagree wltk tke suggestion contained m your leader ol Oct. 29. tkat some lorm ol unllied control lor tke allacatlon ol man-t»ower is
    506 words
  • 104 6 POINTS FROM LETTERS one tell me wb? lt l« tnat, «en> erallv «peallin«, mus c and tt»7 spoken word are at oppo«lte encl^ »o to zpeak. ln tne cinema »nd a»> tne radio? One wto a cinema anvwnere at Nome or out ncr? -and one cannot eet »w»> lrom tne
    104 words
  • 48 6 WORKERS' SPIRIT IN OCCUPIED COUNTRIES open«! »Q- 8 H V»l«t»l, tn« la pl«e««l too K»»UI7 w (leveloplul, U» I.Q.Q, b, «n»«rw« Ux> l»i into U>« Mkiel, Ail «> cloxlv «<, interI I^l>, »«u!ll k»ve t««u ln v»ln »l U»e v»l »»«nl>t»<«, -c»»l7 vlcta»> »M «l»«ure lke continuance ol tb« <»cl.vUie,
    48 words
  • 39 6 Bl,iUon«. Kov, 3 eiN Noberl Keil lield. zovern^r ot e«tlmat«B tke provlnre« contrivuUon to tne >Var I^und up to Oct. 15 at mar? tnan N« l,20«.00u. Investment, m Nelence Navlnz Oertincate, zunount«l to N». 400.00 U.
    39 words
  • 1073 6 More American Machines For The Royal Air Force 7^/le N^a^ N^e/? lVeejk <BpeclHl table l?r«m (?«lr. 1.. V. sra»er.) Ix»ndon, Oct 30. lUeNiozN-NVII.'I' cionsalldated I^lderators. it is now revealed, are ln service witli tke Ooastal command ol tke Nova I >Ur l'oree. Nelnlorelng tke over Nrit'sk convoys, tkev perlorm one
    1,073 words
  • 367 6 tl>^ ul >l.».Ui rim« Blr. I kasten t^, tkanlc you lar your lead r ol v<«terdav. I »ln eorre»pondentz once called m^ dldaclle Nut I maiiNali, lliat writers skouid alwav l> to attend to trutk ol lact and precislon ol lde.^,. Well. now. n^ldinss suck a view, you can
    367 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 105 6 pool <:Io»s6 lor dbout 2 annual ovorllaul. /)nn V /VsF/ecr Vans V^»»lon/ >>? ,p«l»l!»t. c. rnoxu kverllnzllt Optical Co. 19. 5l»»U» 8t»»«t. s!>»»« 44«. l?«X/i6l,5 H7^«i<?li.V «Ui>i,^i^7'« /?eceil)e</ X«i»enl»,e» si«» i» l?l^ teolurv by V. k. rl«lcl»i»»«». l?. 5« !O^«^«>«« "(!<xxl Oornpgninn" I'!,^ l'ortnkle l vpe^^riter !>I! tke <.s»<n till!
      105 words
    • 11 6 Ron svvr»ii3i»c3 3I5IIO»8. zppl.v I^Q «llV!0r8 1.711.. X. p. k«. C«z«!N6N3.
      11 words
    • 11 6 Setter^»n^ t/lan el>e^/ «QI« V»VI«V I.^I»lM H^»ic« ?le«:l.»l<3 IV I»r
      11 words

  • 203 7 Helsinki I'o 1)1^881^ l,» 8 olkere6 to negotiate peace >vitk I'mI«n6 on tl»e b»8i8 ok territorial compensation to tne sinnB, but tne Government n»8 not in6icatell any 6eBire to inve^tissate tne poBB>bilitv ok lorminss peace tnroussk tne»e ne^oti2tionB. T'lns ljisclnLUte W23 M26s by Nr. Oor6ell
    203 words
  • 50 7 Neutrality Act Debate Waznln^'^n, I>lov. I. > »>i:ci^«l«<3 tnat Uermanv ka« become an actual ratner tnan a patonUal enemy ol tne Unlte6 Btate«. sen«tor ckan Qurnev. Nenublican ol Loutn vallota ancl a member ol tne committee, to- 6av ur^e6 repeal ol tne entire > Xeutrnlitv >^cr. »»!<l. 8<>n»!ol s!i!V «»!ette.
    50 words
  • 85 7 SLIGHT ENEMY AIR RAIDS I_«NU0!I. KOV, I. ck L^l^ll. nurnder ol zinzie enemy air<?ralt bvmd» on a lew l»o!^te6 pointz In eu«t Lrotwn^ an 6 eaiit Hn^lla ln Uie early part ol lai>t evening, »a>B an »Hin!!jtl>' un<l try l>l Uome 30l uritv rornm^nique. Lliznt 6ain2>;e >«,!!.': .au3s<l at one
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 79 7 Finnish Anger Against Nazis >l»«»w. Aov. 2. >X8l)l.^8 »ns a«l»reck»ti«n« ol tn« liennan r»«l«t» on tl>« ril>nlzl> population nave re?il>lte6 m zrowinz »nirno«itv ol Nnnlzl, worller,. otNcialz »n<l pe»«»nl», «tate« zupplement to lne 8»vl«t c»nununi«,ue. Boni«time« lbiz, natres l« openly e»pr««»e»I. xinlli an »rn,e6 N«nt tooll place between tne Uennanz
    79 words
  • 32 7 >>MIl, cc»lll>l:i.Q l«.I^8 ltlllement lim« intervie, vIM llr, ltl«to Ny'.l, Null sl»tement support lor »v!!« st»lement. li>ri6en!»l!s, dri lle on »rltl«n <!ecl2r»tlon ol «»r on rmlan^,— Neuler,
    32 words
  • 65 7 R.A.F. Blitz On Shipping I>onclc>n, lVov, 4. UIUVBOSI dcmbers on Bun6av »X ni«nt sank lour snips ancl probadlv sank two more, malcln^ tne total lor tke week 24 zunl. an 6 clama^ecl, tne announces. I>lan> nl tl»es« attackz m wnat l»a« been cle«cri»«H tl»« nar were n»a6« lrorn I«« keiebt.
    65 words
  • 8 7 'U'Ul! Ui!!i«!ry ol labour »ii<l «»lwn»I
    8 words
  • 71 7 DESPERATE CHOICE OF BLACK SEA FLEET Rk' tne SI»2iH zuccee^ ln tnelr Ht!,^,cll on tne Orimea. tne Nu««i^n M»c!l Be^ fleet vill o^? tllcecl vltn tnree 6eBpe!-»te alterNlltivez. "lne tnree course,, tnen open to tne Nu««lan c^ommanclerln-Onlel 'vill be:— 1. knler surlli>>n v,te« »n«» submit to internment lor tne 2.
    71 words
  • 11 7 ll»p»l»»n« »l »,ll»l» »r»>7. Ibl, t»k»» t5« r«l^»
    11 words
  • 226 7 Flighting Fiercest In Kalinin Area Nogco^v, 4. trnop3 kou^nt tke enemy alonss tne entire trunt veBter6av vvitk plirticularlv iieree ti^ktin^ m tne Crimean an<l Kalinin BecwrB, states tne latest oMcial Boviet communique. T'ne nrst mention ol tl^ntlnss w tne direction ot Tula ln tne Buvlet communiciuez vesterciav lncllcatecl tnat tne
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 292 7 Japan To March? lTnunlkiNl liov. 4, l>?ll! Japanese nave eoncentratecl «O.IKX) troop, m Inclo-Onln» but lt l« not clear wnetner tne> »re planning to attack Iliailancl. Vunnan or vurma However, belne transterrecl ?c tne Lurma borcler wnere tne Nrltkn are preparing clelenccH accorclln^ to tn« cinlnese clNcla! military spolceHman. I'ne
    292 words
  • 8 7 »^n, Vio'lOlt UXL«. kr»«l ol tne
    8 words
  • 9 7 /^u?«onrr>^iv» v»n«r, »t»t« m»t »ccor<Un« to we »el«r»lle r<ullo.—
    9 words
  • 192 7 CLAIM TO HAVE SPLIT RED ARMY IN SOUTH l^ontio,!. liov, 4 «7INII^BB dloacl<a«t« lrom ztozcow ve«ter^av zaicl tnat tne situation wa« beeomlnz mc»t Berlous ancl lilntec! at tne un> 6iminizne6 lerocitv ol tne Ve^man att«c!«, bud zave no lurtner clue as to tne reaBon wnv tne lnreat nac! become »erl»vate6,
    192 words
  • 100 7 Burma Premier On Mission I»n6o»l, I,ov. 4. U not 52tl«tlecl wltn tne re8ult« l acnleve6 ln ne^otlatluns on Lurma'B constitutloual issue: tne«e are not commensurate witn tne rl«k« I nave taken ln coming to Nreat Nrltain." cleclarell U 8»w. rilme Mnister ol Nurma, m an interview wltll Neuter. Ur vkurcluU
    100 words
  • 66 7 Nazis Sustain Heavy Losses «olicow. Kov, 2. lpur Soviet, ciawl lnat tne Necl Xlr l>orce. operating ln t»ie western an 6 Boutn:rn cUrectioi^ ol tne lront. nave lnlllctecl neav> lozzez on tne Qermsnz by bomblnss. m»terl»I« »ncl -ix tlu<->« c«n!»iN!n« >lll.N<?!<l, <l«li-l>v!n« II l^lrri^lt »n<« scoie<l 611-«ct n!t« on troop
    66 words
  • 205 7 BERLIN REJECTS U.S. DEMAND Xov. 3. Btate Department nas i«Bue^ tne excnan^e ol note« det^een !Vlr. Oorlleil Null, Becretarv ot Btate. anll tne (German (narllo ll'Vlsaire^. IIan» I'n«m.«en, revealing tliat 8n far It< rlin na>: r<fu^e<l tc» accept tne H.B. k!nvernment'B for <2.!» »7.<»<»N lor 6»m2l?e« for tne Blnkino/ ,»s
    205 words
  • 20 7 Vicky, f.'ov. 2 l>«,>pll <r,re !llUe<l »n«z <Z »r«l lrelillit «r»w v, duller!!!»nen ll coiU<le<l «!ln Me «»,k»n»r.
    20 words
  • 7 7 »ItN lull »ut!ic>rll> I» I»«o
    7 words
  • 86 7 U.S. SUBMARINES FOR ALLIES /^XPI^IX llnin ul«>.. ton,. m»n6,nt ol lne l nltecl i»»i>»ulile«l lerrn,»n> »t 60« lon, «,s ll»e l!,l« pr». «ll»lnn,e nil! !»e <r n^lerrell <» »lit,in «>,«« »n >il:^, z»n !,«> l/,n«l<!lr«l ln t^e l»o!i«n Vilvv operating Iron, Nllt>!>n portz. lne, ,re lne lir?>: >iu»»ln,l>ne, lo tl»n,l^.»
    86 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 219 8 WAR FUND ADVANCES BY ANOTHER $3,000 X(;lantan (^ontinneB I 0 krovi<lo IntereBtin^ dontridutioNB H!^ j> u>uul ut tko ke^lnninl; of tke montk, contridutlonx io sko >V»r I< un 6 »re numerous to 6»x unll tl»e ssrc»!!< total i» »n'vllnce6 b^ ne^rlv H3MN to <».<»! :.l l«91. I'liore i» to bo
    219 words
  • 53 8 l >'ii>->»« <i2««le 2»6 B»l»it>> «.!>o l,I«I,»:, »V»s 1.»1t.5.v l»s Url»bel, »!1.5« X^nl,,, > l»« I» Xixlr^un !»^n!>>?> UNile «»»«l »l !>U»!<>ft »!l!HV»!> »<!>le>i I.l<l >lu!^,l>> >«,,9 »l t»>e V»i»lir SWN 'X» t X Imonlkl.v eonl., l« «s HN»« >Ir> s. N !N»rl»on»!6. Il < !<!o,»m>»« l« »>^
    53 words
  • 3 8
    3 words
  • 7 8 U»i3B>nl:?ic^!: wc>xcz, »!i> bi-n»6.
    7 words
  • 16 8 »c>r ll«»n «0 I^le.vll, .X »n<l r, l fM»S »5UO^ <7»i>t, c? 2»rtle>
    16 words
  • 3 8
    3 words
  • 107 8 NO AIR BASE FOR JAPAN IN DILLI Dilii «'Nmol>, Kov. I, 'H^lH Qovernor ol ?artu«iue3e > I'lmor. lie 6i, <?c>rvall!o, expressed surprise toclav at tde vl«se«prea6 concern „rnuse6 bi' tne Frant to ul concession to operate an airline between tne <I»p2nese manc>2te6 ls'.anci ul palau »nci Dill!, capital ol Portuguese
    107 words
  • 116 8 WAVELL'S VISIT TO MALAYA I'imeB' (Comment On "Dttect On I'okio" /^^l! ot tne principal purposes ol tlie vliilt to ol Qen Sir zrcnldalcl Vsavell. Com-mancler-w-Onlel. Insla. l 3 »tat<?l' to be tko ln«pection ola«l a« maux Indian rezimentH statlonell Nere as possible. w^niet ln B!n«2p^e l^lr cnle' «»l«n»l Blr Nobelt
    116 words
  • 36 8 'I'lll! B<?lectlon ol 2ppl.c2nt« lor I tne 1942 yueens Lcnolarzn!^ anci rellnvBnlp.«l took place at tnaN'.ce ol tne Director ol LclucH tinn, Dr I^, ve«tercl»^ N^Me^ <7"!!e«e bn6 lne collkze ol s!e<Uclne
    36 words
  • 32 8 ATMOSPHERE THAT GAVE "STRENGTH TO ARMY been, »n<l »l«»v' "Ul be, »t, lezilmentLl »i.-nozpnere, Iku« »!<l QM«. coenn'llnaiiiz, >!»!»>», »t lne <V»ii-»nl ONlcerz »n<l Berze»nts (Unnei- lne «oir! w^t nl«nt «Nen 0 c
    32 words
  • 98 8 ol tne ?er»!c I°url X oiud's vecemder meelinz. vnlcn vill be nelci at Ipal-. on l Baiur6av, vec 6 >Ve6nez6»v, Dec IN, an 6 B»tur6av. Dec, 13, vil! be :inplie6 e<,ual!v to lurnixn. ilirou?!! llie kliniztr)' of Bupp!v, airci-ali lor Owna anel t»nlcs lor Nl:>,>i.>, tne
    98 words
  • 28 8 2l !de Hole! loot B»l<ien licked «2 lc» m»n »!M »am»i> p»«nei-, or Z2 lor «!nzl« pei^m 2« /I'll? 3»i»boa'!»:^ d«nli vUI de l^> »t-
    28 words
  • 10 8 pilot c>Ml?l Bt»nle7 W»!«ei j !»t t!»' B!!>F»uore N>>3!»rlV ve,tel6»v>
    10 words
  • 47 8 Bvlinc>. K«v, 2 X In6i.,' lr.ulc> I'l^i,.!, !,a,^ nrrivecl on t!i!'>>e''.^>'>'', vi>.' !> inve^U'^^le i^>ll!tv ltt <,',»>t2d!ix!>!Nl,' central purclill?!»!i amliuritv i:> ,^I!^!ll>, It liuvl.' 6^,^"UlHi^!l,, v,i:>! IVlr tiurtni >?siine iVI, /V Nl^»>>!^V > !^i!ni!>lel ol !->u^i,!,. in>ct Development' »nt! I^l, «ur:nan klakin «^linl3tsr 10l l>lav,v -Neute:,
    47 words
  • 21 8 i. I l llt»7l^ llu,!l l>l!v,,,v> .^,»^!<le Wllcl sl .^!,><> »>,<,» c)»l»»!-et u»ncw« >>„' Hi Nul>e ul I'ne Nll. I! 11, >>»!,! l^l lllr.B
    21 words
  • 210 8 /">OVLIiSII^I^I"2 attention tion nl :»n ordinance tlxinz tne 2«e of mnwritv ol >ounss persons, Oniel m tne B!nB2pore Uink l^aurt 'estersav lleliverln" w^men" m a cr^iminai aooea „ua«men. m 2 crlmlnai appeal, 8r ?erc-v>> decision also ciealt v,itn tke extent to
    210 words
  • 35 8 General Wavell Russian Officer c?en His X^c/lidaia l^avell. co7nm«m<l«-'in.o/»ie,. /,!ck<a. now on a vi«t to Hlalai/o. »een m company u'itn a zenio^ oFlces 0/ t?»e /allouriny a con/e^enrc unen Hl^ Xrckidalck u« m /^ay recently.
    35 words
  • 129 8 THAILAND BRIAINS ARE ON BEST OF TERMS 'sll^ll.^xo and Britain are c>n tne delit ot terms »l>6 tner.: 6ecl»re6 Luane Vi6»nu»»r» Xotinati. Idai Con>,ul.l;ener2l m >l2>»> "^a returne6 to 3in?2pore »t tde v^ee!<^n6 »lter montk'z »t»)' m It,»il»n6. Ne 3»16 Mat 001. Sura K»ron«. N,a! vlzttlnz o»cer w Me Nrtti«k
    129 words
  • 53 8 port prince. NaiU, Hoy, 3. I»/<I11 i« eazerl? loollinz larv»r<! to vi6e>«pre2<l development experts m cn»rze 01 tne project 2ntlc!p2te tk»t 10 nr 1^ ye2rz Naitl vlll proiuce one »lxtn tne normal crucle rubber nee 6, or tne Unites State, lAc »»Ill,!?.^iiie7:cH!! .X«i^ul: i.'»!
    53 words
  • 54 8 »>!7l^Vlli:x «n6 l^rl6»y ol 13, 107,037 98 rwb, .'okore »l«a. «u?l<-»! »nl! vl»Qel 25, 5231,50! V V c»«nln »25^ 3»!«»p<).? Qll«!ce« 00,, I^tci »9: li' 11>',25; Kullwn »^rlr62UH I»I»mlc «onln!v S^dzcl-lbei-^ r N, 5100! «s >Vc>tnei-,p<x>n »I«^ N N «!»n z,'^ N, l. Kunn 530: 1 Nill«ii>botlc>m
    54 words
  • 35 8 tno rupl»!n, «4l!w»v, nl tne 8e» on Bept, 2, »ye »i-i-!^ecl In sU>ss»8!»t««, 8t«el Le»l»rer v« »tt««:!le<l b^ »n plane vnll'n !oo»e6 »n aerln! -li kls.s !l v!ln!7> 2« mlnutez ol U,
    35 words
  • 14 8 /^I«3 1c« 2ll»« Qnz «o» loc> V2^ L. l<. <3lUl>l,N'^on«», Ueput,
    14 words
  • 126 8 MR. DUFF COOPER GOING TO CANBERRA FOR TALKS k^lt. I)>!tl <^<x»r»ei'. (^nancelln,- of tne Ournv <>l I.:.! left, kinsapore ve.'terilav d>- nir lor !,a. vv!,,',,' !,<> will attenli a meeting c»l tlic N'ai- (ul'iin t. He i 6 accompanies ll> lH<i> Diana Dull Cooper and l^ls mllitarv zecrelarx, Xaior (3
    126 words
  • 6 8 !,ll^ ,t »l,e l'-
    6 words
  • 14 8 .'l, Vtnir li XI tne inz vlln tNe N <^,? l". 27!'»U-
    14 words
  • 68 8 "JAPAN WAITING LIKE ITALY" V^ievv^ Ok /Xinericiin (^nnf>reBBm<.n Wu.^riin^ton. tVov, I. UznOVlltVLtVI- Uouse ol Nepre. cci bz^ tde Vnl cci pros.^ to-aax, expteliseO tt»e beliel tnut tl>« tne Dniteci B»2te» is a p!i,^,' <,l tne campa lllreclecj b/ <3erm2n> to m imiliute tNe Unites Bt2te>i, iNtnouzk opinion va» clivilleli vnetlier
    68 words

  • 304 9 'IMPORTANT' TOKIO STATE FORECAST loliio, Nov. 3. I>H^<^L m tlle k'tlnfte liepen6B 8d1e1)' oil t'le ok tko I7nite<! BtHto6, tde Xokumin Lkimbun 85)^ to-6»v, lul cannot alfor6 UB6ieB^)' t,o wait on tne aetionL of tne Vniteli BtateB. "lnerelore, rNe Xrrnv nr«l^n cantinu<?2, tne Uavernment l« exsoon to M2»e 2 v,?r>
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 21 9 1,000 MORE JAPANESE LEAVE AMERICA k^anc^co. Ilov. 3. 'F^iL liner I'atutH «»ra <„l!ell lor to-s,^. !ev:«untlnss ne^rl^ I.UOO Japanese M2t>NN2l«.
    21 words
  • 230 9 AUSTRALIA READY FOR CLASH IN PACIFIC London, >luv. 3. "^VUB^li^l.l^'B prepare, NOBB lor war 13 mucl^ eil'ater tkan Ueimanv reaN^e?." <locl»re<l 3ir I<'Ir1l? sa^e. re, t-sentaUvo to tlie Lriti^k (^nvel-nrrit'nt. to-6av m re^ivinss to (German Bneor» »t .^ustralia'L war essort. B>r Lulle Micl tnat .^uztraNH !i?6 never deen stronxer Ml!iti,ri!v
    230 words
  • 158 9 New Chinese Successes t^nunlllcine. Kov 3. oixcl-: v,2 >l2p2ne«e ev27U2tlon ol Qnei,^^no«. tne u^nsinz lorce« N2v^ >,een enl.^«ecl ln zevelc l»tti«s on tlie 2out^l d^nll ol tne Velluv llivcr. lne >,ninl>^e m>'>> t^lv «po>cc«m2N I,«r<? zaicl t^><j2v vec^uze ol ztorm tn»t zection ol tne rlv»?r. .iHpHneze troopz nave keen unad!?
    158 words
  • 121 9 Nazi Plans For Russia Vicky, Hoy. 2. »»l^Qll< i« plannul,: K^ Me 26lnlnl«trLl,ivc c,7-U»nl2« Uan lil B«viet t?rritorie« ot tnc' encl ol Me pregent »»a«UI!Uez, U7 Numanlan »ource.< c>uute6 by l,r»e nevl>v2?'r, Q»liour to<i»v. I'tie <^rritorle« voulcl b» 6ivi<ll)ll into Nve «ll«trlct»^ <l» Wl,i<« Nu««l2, to include lHtvl», L«tunl2. I^ltnu»nla
    121 words
  • 47 9 »«N X I>< »<unslU ditterlx r?> IVR vle«v^cz tkc Bspllratl«t move ment ln tke country »t <^'.i Nln6w>t»n Oin«re<^ meetrnll »t I^u«ir»illl»» In6!», n« Hicl. wuulcl never «et v «t?p 7>^«,rl>r to lreeclom untll d>»,!» Mn6us »n<l IlHu»llln« re»U«>.'ll Ul2l lkev «ere »t one— lleutei
    47 words
  • 31 9 Canton Japanese Are Leaving ll veiling <ll «»»«»>), 3. »r»»»es l>«:« reports tl»»t »»«re»»»nt« l»» O»ntnn !i«,»l«l»tine U»«ie bn»in«««««. ,ns »l»» tl»»t >>»»>>« l)l»ine«« reports lurtkel el»»n» »re» »er« »»«r« ln,n l»« t»nk»
    31 words
  • 231 9 Dedfence Of Chungking QnunB>:lne, liov. 3. lsitr l)nlne»e ll«n Oummiinll i l« plep2lil>e lv meet »ny lre»n >l2p2ne«e ottenslve »ss2>nxt snunB>linB. »n6 n»« p^>stpanecl tlie plenl>rv «e»»lon ol tNe Oentr2l Executive Oummlttee ol tne liuomlnt»N3 icne«lule<l lor VVeclnescl»v, I>ne/»! ls muen spe^ulHtian to Me possible rs,,ve. but all elr<-les 2«ree
    231 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 140 9 N»l7ll!l nu« >>> 5 ?),5!1!: ve.'.ls, «!l«n c vVli^V'ver >our trouble l«— Incll^ y, 6 > 1<1.,l r^tlic VNna. k'latulence, LMousI>l lroub!? »25 2 N!!55, «>?<>n tnc more serwu^ -> I!,^l<-2N >» MNllc 2!,6 u^>tl!c Ulcer, remember one 'l^ »-ue« "l?>e" l «"l de sure to see Me zlL"»tul« "°ne^r
      140 words
    • 7 9 l.^olkH. c^^lVsZ. <s>Vlssj. 165 lllllllN BNI»L^ 1111.
      7 words
    • 11 9 <„«»» «c»!Vl I»«!t» »l l«. 1U... l» «<». lt «lo«sn't even ku^t l
      11 words
    • 304 9 tl^etz mil not /vsl<<?/?i I>»e lm«^>t lu»<i solte!>t sa. It ixnzt tx.' <>!<>« ur2 manc^ «vi bu)s cannot prevent v^l,, n !uu» v»on<l<:llul al»nrl>eut or relieve n»pp^ zorenczz propertlez tnat en«l>l<: re lo tn»t Ltinssinff. «M2ltinss lntlarn- counteract tne ill,t.»tmZ etl<ct M2tion vnicn c2uz^« badies «o ol <jampne«. muQN suNerinZ.
      304 words

  • 109 10 DOMINIONS CONSULTED ON WAR AGAINST AXIS ALLIES Ix>n6an. Kov. 3. 1'NI!: W2snlnFton report tnat tne Lovlet Union na« 5U«> "eztecl to Lritaln tnat «ne xnoulci declare var upon lans. Nunzarv an 6 Numanla i« Budstant!allv correct. lieuter's diplomatic correzponcient learns. me ba^iz ot tne zuzzesUon lL tnat c3erman>« .nree vassal
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 196 10 High Place For India After War Is Over Maurice ItaUett, 3<vernor ot tke In6ia, »kter tlie w^r, vil kave 2 li'ssl' »nci ex«lte6 place m tlie LriU«»k (^omi ionwe»KK ok Nations an 6 nmnnl? tile tree n»1 on^ ok tne >vorlcl. I'nat xviN de 6ue to tne v.^l'abie ai6 >vnicn
    196 words
  • 173 10 Kov. 3. liev 2t»te«m»n, lN an Hiucl« ne»6e6 W»r ne»rs Incli»." «U»cus«e« tne Ir.<lian pol^tic»l relation to tn? v»r /^lter remallllnz tnat tne <le» mancl ol tne Nurmese premier, v L2V. lor a plain un6erta!cin>l tnat Nurma znaU become dominion Immeciiatel: alter tne var «l-.oul<l zlartle novos?.
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 56 10 Nazis Cannot Rely On Japanese Ke» Vorll. Kov. I. ll>?rni2n aliment ta^t tne i Unitell iilate^ lirzt »ttaelle<l c^erm^nv ln tn« Atlantic k >e«cribecl tl.i« moriNnz d> tne l<e« Vorlc I'ilne- 28 a piece < t "routine N62l'!t> :n tl,? c»ern,H» !>!«« Ul« n«»»ll»l>« 110 r.)» > le»U« ik»l vM
    56 words
  • 52 10 TOLD TO RELEASE YUGOSLAV SHIP Ln^nLnai. Kov. 2. 'I'lli: N2.> l^li»> 2^i!lea tne It2>:»r>s to remove urmecl ?.l2r!ne« lrcm tne Vue««l»v mercl)sntsNip lomislav. olter tvosav inveUiL^tion. m or6er to prevent tne llurope^n »ar lrom extenal',? w tn«- k'^r l!2«t." 11,e Il»!^n« c>n ?7-:<l»7 lorolkl, t,»« <zele^l«l Vu««il»v!». I'll, «>cl ikei-eln.e,
    52 words
  • 92 10 DUTCH LAW IN BRITAIN London. Nov. 2. s>NLLL2D m bla^ c>Nli l)^.l^!e, Uutcn an<! l»v>er^ «t<?!,6 m 2 NllUsN courtroom wc!ax »nll «vare tc> de l^itnlul t .nelr yueen 2N6 l»itnlullv to a6rnin!zter vutcn wv. I°ne ceremony. vnicn va, t,ne inHuzur^t!on ol n NiBk oourt ol td.e Ketnerl^ncl, marltlme couri
    92 words
  • 66 10 «!,ockl>olm. Kov. 3. orLani^uUon lor recruiUnz c» volunteers lc>r M» l?,.^>^.. vit^ "cnmm.l^?e^" Ne»<jc,ualter« ln ls reported to riave !icen 6ivnver>c» dv t»ie siollre 0. llulea. m norM Lveclen bureaux ttirou^rin^l, Bvec!en 1ire ,,»16 to de v-n6er tne c!!reet,wn ol tns orL^nilatlon. I'dree Nvesick volunteers lnr lde
    66 words
  • 5 10 8»n «ov
    5 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 168 10 ft V T'/Z/F ?o^O^ /I^I.I.T' (71./^^ luzt a wncl, ol Icilma race I'ono'er cannot claz; t!»e porcz ?^^v6l!r l;iv<» your clieeks a ancl »tz cllarminF li^rance delicate bloom, tree irom ">ll blen6 perlectlv will, your zliine »n<l zmontli. lavourite pcrlume. m<l!l>tai»inB a lovely matt I'or peilcct luunclalion lor <!!,! >>
      168 words
    • 168 10 «>^«A» Voul 2ov, ol l6»<» HM i, 6«lwi«»Iv »tiiuu!cr!»<j v,l>«n you vm«» v«tl, «b» p»u 'dcl! c,li6», "«inc»c»//, a«-c>^" MX» 7l«l« l« td« ?cnll« Vcieuineitil: clc^u- /3 clllv/n«pl>«»»n<:<:s3»,l!'»le»!U«u!.c),ii!i- <V"^» /n'DM! licliuin tippeci poin! olln't v»cli »»cilckv,^" >>) 3 «^M Wk«2 c, mcill cii»a6« lv« Hv v,ntiu<i jod«, clicil><:»» en« U>
      168 words
    • 141 10 SVW ?>tv >our poor e/e». I'nink nt tlie extra strain »n6 >vorll tnat 3ummer brin?« tnem— gun-jllare. tenni«. b»«.nln^» micr«de-I»6en clust <an<i rs> member, microbe» bree<l latter m not we»tner> no >v0,,.1».>r tne> «^et sore an 6 re 6 »n6 tir^ll. tni» Bummer your nerve, are li^ntin? tne »6cle<i strain
      141 words

  • 148 11 LATE GOAL GIVES CLUB VICTORY ?>V.I). veelten 8«e 2: e.Hvn. Bl»l>:<7r^s:l'l.^lt e»»l netteck m tl»« l»«t minute »l »>»> en»bl««l «in«»P<»re < lieket < lub n«»«ke> te,n, t» b«»t tne public Workii l>ep»stment l»^ <l»e »^ck L«»l >n Ine B»me v»8 p!»^e<i on tne B(^6, P»6»NB on xllpperv turl, 1'!,,,',
    148 words
  • 57 11 'l'llL lollovlnzi vill represent til? X 8 c? n c? »«»in«t tne N/^.8,0 N I 8 ti, »t nocllev ul^ II«.i!l I^lm <2reen to-«i»v I^^^^ Vee, X 7> Oul, o<»c,l Onua 'lnn. c?n«>»n Kiln B«ee, on^ Bvee X«n«^ Ix>« Niicll V2N«. Ixiv llee ?uv, Bve<> I.!s'! BvanB. Vun«
    57 words
  • 42 11 ck f,<IV:^I!«U ul tno«e interested m liu^bv relereeinL vil! de n»!<z tNl> B (lt.', 2t 645 p m on I'nurz.^av, I'nere vlll be 2 ?ener»l <ll>,'!!,^iuN <>71 tl>>> lUle.i ?Il,"«»l5 «r>> 2l^o invited to take Mlt m <l o«e c!i«cuL«lo:^,
    42 words
  • 113 11 Melbourne Cup Field ,»»s»er, !n «^> V»«« 9l» <l»» »»»nr» <s—l)5 l) !»»ill»i <l«» <!I l) I.urr»Uv« 9.l ,ls> »«< «t»n <!»—») ».ll <l2> c«l«l»l<»n <33— l> lUvetle 8,1 l <ll) l^«»»«n <l5 l> ?>»l»,>>N !«t«s <ll» 8l»e»» <4« l» V«l«^!«> »7 <5» l»»^t«U <»— l> »1!,»»t <»» «»^t»«7 ,l»—
    113 words
  • 108 11 'I'M? lallovin« n»ve nceeptecl tv I nl»v ru?<ler lor tne 8l? l? verxu« N »t tne s (?,<?. «lavQt, > »«HlUn: l. c. Uoetzeo, O»pl l? Pencler-Ou^lln l» N Vur<f»»« Lt, clo«c N, putter, r. I?V2N«. >l i^cKHNNN. z«r 0 Noollln, N Btl»nnerl> O»pt I 8 <3rl»nnm
    108 words
  • 223 11 GOOD FORM REVEALED AT TO-DAY'S TRACK TRIALS Z»x Dr»3<>n, 'lout Lulcit 'NmHN vnen mc»t n oxidised were Fiven f»»t vorl »n6 tlio lfvinl? V 2« <^kiB morning's iraclc trials at k t,ne l»r?e turnout ot norBs» l. I^>e second traclc u»e6 V»IS Or2B«N. >V2Nt I'OUt llN<i vl« out vltn vruce.
    223 words
  • 214 11 WAR FUND HOCKEY Services Meet Civilians On Padang To-day lr tne veatlx'r l 5 eoocl to-a»v. j one >' tl>e lleene«t nocliev ml»tcne« s<< tn«> «ea«un znoulll re,ult on tne pa<illl»8 vnere. tnl« evening, tne Blne»pore c«vlll»n« »n<! tne c?^mb!ne6 Bervl<><»B meet! In 2 e«une ln 2^6 ol Ilie V
    214 words
  • 77 11 REVISED S.C.R.C. TENNIS TIES nc> pl»^ >el.t««I»> w U»« .'»«>'» 0«» b»«« «»»<»«,p: nun, I^2N«I «n<l x»«lnl vz lltlz kl, rl.ker llUll 0. l3ru»<lei <^r> On? »^«> iceu? »N!i »<l«»lll 1l'«, < lb>: I^. I« ?ennec2tk«l «»<l Ix>k r«« I^lp 1— 42) v,. «l,«! H,^ w v ,O» v«. Q.
    77 words
  • 54 11 To-day's Sports Events u«»«lle>: In »l«l s.l sV»s 5»n«l. 8!ne»p»l« QivlU»n« v«. o»mblne6 llerviee,. Bln«»p<»re Onlt, v,. U»ten Qlub »v»,: 8.c.1i.c. v«. Qnmblne«l ll^Bc. lll^Bo. 8<^.lll? Ituebv 8.0 l^. v». lt^> B.e.c Bt. l»N>^. v» l>»lic«. Il«r»«: kl cv. v». N«2«l«,!l»rte«. 5l O V. I^ennl,: B<l.ll<^. open i»vit» tion
    54 words
  • 333 11 YOUNG FRISCO IN AUSTRALIA 3tvp« I^itcllie 3»ncl» In l^izktk l^ouncl cl'rom Oui c>«n > ?76ar>. vet. 2«. VOUKU rltlLlN. rl Llnzapore. von az^ln ln Li«N»ne 2^16 tnl« tlme n« m»cle Mlcnie 8»ncl«. ruBB«6 »n«l »tic»nh I^ev<:»«t:e lnlcltUeveiznt. v»IK tne pllmll" ln tne el«ntn ol i>cne<zu!e<l 12roun6 d»ttle. llov tf:is lellov
    333 words
  • 86 11 VUI: loUo»ln<l »l« correctionz to re«ult« ol zoccer m»tc^e« p!»ve<l on 82tul6»>! I^e result ol tne I^««l.<!c?ne«terneI6 m»tcn V 2«: l<e«l« 2 c?kestel-nel6. 1 <«ot tvo 30»I« 2l Nlb«rni«n i)!»ve6 (not ?»tri?!l 1'kl«tle» »ixl tne resuit v»«i MderniAns. 4. nl»n«. l. patrlelc 7^,l«tle pl»^e^ Biven>, !ne r«u!t beln?
    86 words
  • 41 11 >«^Il: III:. <z«»IH73» <liev one-all vltk tl,e N^2 o. ln «m lnter-7->rnp2n? kocke? matcN pl«,v«! lnL lor tde 2n6 N»lr<i lur tke service daiiiz. 'U^il! tioclcev m»tct^ between lNe rnn«e<l to >^a»e been p!2?f<l i» N!vl?8tlol' M»» cancel! "<i
    41 words
  • 97 11 NOVEMBER BOGEY GOLF AT BUKIT TIMAH X «»v«:ii,!>« b««> e»np«UU<>u. on W U' <I«!»wn «-It!i "-o^e c,l ,7 «,1 6l»!»l», d»il l««ep. Nut nu»«. M»« «v» b> V. 11. D«7 <l?^,> Ollil »'"N« nln? b/ N. 0. »uvll (l7'/«>. 1 "2" lUvl:1<« b»Il «»««l>. Ni?» nlne. »on >» c, ncVktx
    97 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 58 11 CO. me NO^3^ """-on «<"« l 8l»zr>«V8 »<x»»«8 »«t^ lll^vz^Nlt !«»<»», «l»»« »7« <»«>« 'v/^ H X xxx> 7«l: 2VZI /o»- T^e Veins, anc/ //easi stop IHn»p»«»8 «^»n« t!2!.t>c t!s«ue »ku, «u»k>«, .v««« tn l«tul, r^i, l.> >>>« l..u!lr,>' /?ea</ )V/,at t/«<?« o^ Fa^ Fen</ /or /ntere,^lnzf Hook/et. lix lll^z^o
      58 words

  • 461 12 H KRW violent <3erm»n olkensive launcl,e6 2j?ainBt iVlo^co>» e»rlv tlns mnrnin«, »t2t«l <l,e >!«B<:n^ lallio to-<i2v, repariz, United PseB». '"I'ne Nu«s an air lorce spotted strong tank, artillery and troops reintoreemen<.« marening ln tne darknesB," tne lVloscov radio said, adding: "^t davn tne onslaugnt va« begun, but
    461 words
  • 6 12 <lll«t<» ol l^«» <3»r6«NL, l«.II lro.l,
    6 words
  • 374 12 »>lsVXl.O?Kli:l<l.>s >n tn« Crimea vere vlevecl nere today a« very grave, since complete conquest ol tne Crimea «ould likely bring ma^or cnange, ln tne course ol tne var adverse to Nus»l«», k'irztlv, N vould cipcn tn? Way to a llanlc ».taclc on tne Oauca» «v«. »itn all its
    374 words
  • 68 12 British Forces Reported Landing At Archangel Ltoclcnolm >lov. z, eQVIL^ prisoners cllpturecl by Uie kl^n« reveal tN2t 3«ver»l laize NrltlHk t^anHport «tilp« nave llrriveli at lln6 tnat tne var lluppliez tnev brou^nt »ie belnz tlllns-. ported rilp!6l> Buutnvar6. Lccorcllnz to tne NelHlnlll correspondents ol Lvedlsn nevHp»p««. Nrltlsn troops, consign? rnainlv
    68 words
  • 407 12 PROBLEMS OF WINTER CAMPAIGN IN U.S.S.R. !>>nclon. Kov. 2. 'A'^^^l: :-«in« little .luu>)t m m»- lorme6 quarter! !n I/)n6on tliat tne (Hermans »ere not prewinter campaign m Nuzzla vnlck nov «eem« lnevitab> reportz ol 111-clacl piwonprz an 6 tne lrantlc ellorts ol tne Nermanz to acquire blanlcets lro»n tne occuplec!
    407 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 32 12 lil. Ul«n 8^ l»llU«r «H» 10, l V<MV «i I/^Nr t l/^ltUl: 8«l.«Q"r>n« H^^M^!l"^>. s<xo c^s«x ox/ »V^. »n6 bottled >^ >1 V <«u«l«tv <"" 2outr> M^ ,X Ml p««>' m it» own N««lm.
      32 words
    • 52 12 «^.u^. ix v«»t«< w»t«t c«. l.t«l. ol l»>' tlon. «ucl, »»ll»e« t>«»« HV»«es lool«r!«. ei6»lr« «,»!pn>«nt l, >6^»l!y «uite«l to »!l ty»»e' »l e»»>»n«cl»l »«lrie«l»l<on. »r« Ut«»»»v »v»ll»l»l«. «l»lLN«<l »n«l n,2nul»c»us^6 l», ssl xnv^^nrn l«»<>«v?<ne< oß^uriz Odtainabl, tti», <«1.1, »IN».Ot.XHH 0/Hi>l/VHX7>'/«H ?^»/^'l/c;»l0v? «,ppll«» »l« leoue»««l v, "«nu,u I,lc»te <»«<-t »m»
      52 words