The Straits Times, 1 November 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 30 1 The Straits Times l'^s:s.«l 8IXl3^I»0«L. g^^INDXV. I. 1,4 l l»«lcl3 H I^LIX IX. r«h<^ WI«. The Straits Times 12 l'^LB Blsi«zpoltL. B^'r^ltv^V. I^OV L^lNLlt I. 1941 PNK 6 5 ctttti'g.
    30 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 M^ »^»> 8,,1,i1> "i^^nn^i— —^7^? !> M neater tl,2n lH.t^n cklclc, V > l^^^X XiKlu^^, l^7^l^ .re m^o worn > om «II .v goo6nez«. V H 51-42 »l:^I3(W»,«!eIio««te<l)o6ct5 perld l^«««g« X/««l,n, l-l,^ s^le »»«ll n»« tl,« ««lp 10, b«,o «,nut« 6«los» ,n««p«o»,, !^Wl^ >l »»«><»' "p ci,cu»«tion »ool«n5 l,,nt mu,c!«,»
      108 words
    • 63 1 Announcement 01l I«O«I)^V. Ir6 «OV. 1941 2» 11 >6>^ 1 /ot. 3W« 1322 Olnsza Vi.tcNez t>»^e pra^ct tke lle!lc»t« Mlu-Niner, lnk^'^ X o«ea^3 enroll !n B^V. X.VZUI)X'.''X' V..' ?3jl^-^ °«11, S.°«e>. Bdee. N^^^ o?' oN3I 13?^ t»2rll«t m?t»l ever uses to «sX7>c!««3 ln St»/brlt« «te«l. > > p. Do BII^V^
      63 words
    • 2 1 lel. 4772
      2 words

    • 76 2 iHdum O,mi'»«V, labour ou'>,r»ct«r« to U,e 8 N U,, P«.«e^ »«!>v psa^luUv »t U>e 2K« ol V1 vr>^ on 215t, Uetobe^, ISO. nl; r^ci nee «<», 2« I^»2 Ltlect. I^:>v« »>,>>W6 to mou^n nli, !»»> l«o «,n<> 'Vf»u cnl^licz «<>lc VIX)« c»L^«n 8521 »n<! one «nn <vr«n cul^llv NVl!»
      76 words
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    • 141 2 lMtil^Ml!— >^t 8!n«»p<»e on 315t, lXtodrr I»4l to U»». vile ol U c-romdle, <X>!nnw! >u<l« «erv>ce. AN«?^ —^Usan, vlle ul «»^<>r >>><!! N!flli'l»n6«!l«. »t t,ne «»teln!tv «05- »«l <k I>lli, Xnoo B«>n cnee »nno>ll,« l^» lo l^l«"<l l^>n« «!6.^ «m «l «r, l^ol": l^ss 1«,«2!>,' »e"6!n« "M p!,cf >n I^n»i>B
      141 words
    • 297 2 lX>Bir. I°ela^ «»t» I!c»u <!^tric» m»Io, »Itn l-ur!? t»», Lub«Uwt!»l «2NI to Nncier. >pl,!^ »<» ll» 8tr«ll<» I°w,<«. s!l^eV7!O^2 V^C^^'s N^m In ?cn»n?, ?erm»n<nt po^twn ullerec! w sui'»d!e »ppl!c»nt Nepl? ««> eople« «l tc!.tlinonwl« to 2ox «<> mnn IncU»n c?l,w««e, v«k Uiar««l. knc>v!c<l<:e ul 81,1,x:1,2n6wr, I.W? .»»l»!7 »l>cl «omml!»l<>l». 4pl>>>
      297 words
    • 562 2 l.rl"rl! 12 5 e»u < Nelltor >»>« l«ni» len., l<» !.<!!<». »ll«U«nt e<,n6!' iion N25. »o» K». «tr»lt» 11rne« »cr« ol Urouncl «111, lrull, tree« »iSN l-X»» B^Qr, <3,r>uw« Lllver ?o» ?Ul ,r«Mll nev, l»»ell«<l !n »ltr»cl!« ,pecl»l rnoUi-prool *****»wer »200 00 »pp!v »c>x No. ««7 <3tr»!«« 11«ne«. rNll 84l«.
      562 words
    • 449 2 ptiune SN»», c:»«l, p»l<l, !n«ur»nc« P«« »2Hll« pnone «I 9» »lllQll l»« I.UXI^ 1916.1937. L«e! lent rmxNUon tnrouiinout. 1°»»«<l, In«urecl, N»» Ltr»lt! I"w>«s, V^VX»>U>l. 10 »!moz> »>^ »2.200, Bt«>6»r« »>oon 10 p"! »1,«« 1'»» <l I 2- vl>> 6l«« l,« Ml^»«^?< t> p rn?we excellent con^i^.^.,, tyre, C»«K »»«>. N«
      449 words
    • 457 2 Wn?le»» l»i,p!i«>U<>n n»« d««l m»<<<> to tne vir«<:!o>-» to l!»u« <luplicil^ QrNwc,t« lul IW «n«?» «»> I<X»«» «o !««>o»z wclu !ve ln tn° n«ne c.' L'.ov 8lon<? l^k <no» 6«e»«?<» r»n«««< I>N2!!«Nl>, upon «!rc!»l<U!',i, U, U,e «lle^t tn»t lne orl^lnn! Qcltw c»t« «a, 149 nx> been lo«t >>r m»»!»l<z «ot!ee
      457 words
    • 324 2 W «»x?r.n. one <»!ten,. Nve lo 11, m<>nl!>,' °I<l.^> Lo, Xl, «9. L»l»«» 11iuc«, Kill l^l« l'«lU'N« pupv«l. dotn p»l<!n!,i 7>" ><O^^L^v«N«. 17 Ndentwl, I'oi Ko, «70. 8, lime, ««n»p«!N i.»ck<» U-lsll^t—,,, ««:^l. l?»0«8^lllr8. w>p>»l»l>t 8t»»»»«l s»>»n» > 129. lclUwl? «««<». o, »unll», u^ 2n<z November, 194, bet»«>n t»>e knu^l
      324 words

  • 457 3 NEW NAZI THRUST CRIMEA I>»n6Vn. Oct. 31. 'I'Nli: Osin»nB I»2ve llluncke^ new «3en3ive m tke Crimea, krinssinz? up numerous t2nl<B, an 6 planez to carrx it oul, tn« Lxckansse I'elel?r2pll reports krnm Kulkizliev tft-^Lx. 8«x» I^nite6 PreB». Ike soviet Kssktin^ 8lo3»n. tke ne^zpuper »<l6B, is: "^Ve nill 6elen6 tke (^rime«
    457 words
  • 267 3 Archangel Can BE Ice-Free lx>ndon. Oct, 31. 'I'Nlllil! l« nov llrm loundatlon lor believing tnat tne liusslans can seep tneir ereat Wnlte 3ea port ol open tkrouznout tne winter, vrltes tNe vail? lteraid's naval correspondent. One eonvox ol XMed supplies nas been arriving tnere every veelc. ne adds, I'ne Ituss
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 53 3 GERMANS CUT DOWN RAIL TRAFFIC London. Oct. 31. Kl^> rail tralNc ln l3ermanv. vnlcn is already cut dovn by 25 per cent, is to be reduced b» a lurtner lN per cent lrom tomorrov. accordinz to Nerlin di,> vatcnes reaenlne Ltocknolm ITie remaining train ,ervices vlil b«! used l,nlv lor
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 338 3 Kuibkdev. Oet 3l, HlNlV little N2« »alne6 !:x > tno (3ermlln5 tnro!?N tn« canture ot Kkarkuv from tne inc!u»trl»I point of vl<»v, lt l« learnecl nere, vrit« Neuters 5peelal correspondent in l^ulliiz',ev, It« cdlel lm^ortsnce Il«H ln ttie lact td»t lt i« centre ol ?c>inmun!?z>tlan«. e»p«cl»Uv lol
    338 words
  • 27 3 Today'S Broadcasting SINGAPORE Vulci: ol tke H»il": S,<X> <),>«« t»lk! 10,15 IXulc« ii>u«ief: lU,« Dutok'^ 7.20 «w>!c»; 7,25 «e», pliil »,I5 Ke,v,« w «»I»V: L'^l!,'!,': 8,45 w »,«5
    27 words
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    • 116 3 «l^B7kffrl. l° 20pm o«lo«l«7»«. ea«or«i <,»si!>al) 8 p.m. t« .^lulnixnl voo« ?^»l^ »nz.«?^li v »^«o co«ce«i— u 30 to 10.3^ 0 m.' <lin«, oesn»z«!»n nl l^l >vl l?«.«»<:^a« lN.c H <»Mse«» I» Ovei-ture '^IQilr I?>V^I.NV 8up?« 2» vv».^ l«>^l>« 1 l«z««: i,Mi»!.«ir. 2» run^^w I°lil.r. «UliHwl. 4> selection NlNlili^ 3^!«I
      116 words
    • 253 3 our «klper!»u«ller, Nep»rtm«nt l« nov I>« Noclc I_«!l nx no »ulnnr!t7 »l»tbelulll lrom 13tn October 1941. I'ona I^K 00.1 I.?Il. I1»«e<z 29tn October 1941. xoilcr. Oller, wvlt«l lor m? purcn»«' ol Qot« «o», l<)«, IN? »n6 1U» ol Be<>. un<ler 8«!»n«or Nr»nt« lor I^»n<l l»c»», I0»«^. ***** »n<l I? 804
      253 words
    • 92 3 50 «I<3»L 12 llMl. nrnnll.!. MM Bn^oa^llcoBlr<a Ululln. M-U' Il»e 7«ll« BiooelB l,n«n! >^ BIX M 8 2N6 2 WBB l^ <ll.l« 1111/, v 2N6 »>is F^< X c/^Ba l.o«a L/,«o I l»?»?^l«8^ 5l! z»^a v»u» 8«llV«r>- il^l r Now lleliclou^ls relr^llinss is tne s>veet cool lraFrance ol 6o!<l Uecl^l
      92 words

  • 188 4 U.E.'S ANNUAL MEETING COMPANY FULLY EMPLOYED u»e report llncl »oeuun<« »t ltie iumulll ineeUn? ol vulte^ Hnein»e»« 1.t6, In Llne»pole >e«tercla^. »«r, Btr»ct,»n, Me chairman, «n!«1: You »lU »>»ve ol»«lv«<l Uu»t tk« l 5l>»!I nc»v «l» b?iells to tb« pr!nclp»l !tem« ol U>e d»!»l>« »l«et l>n6 <j«»I vNd Me l!»blllt!«
    188 words
  • 684 4 dw^erz' Xs«oe«itio» > 4u«tl»I (5») 7, 36 7, ,l«» 2, 3<> su,ti^ »««w, <l, »2, U, »»»»m 5»» 17, «o I»« «6 Men, <«I) «4 L«tu 8e!»n?e>l <»!> I 40 1.45 N«-^unt»l «5») Ik, 1«^<l IK 4^,6 Nu^m, ll 17, !7» <Hen<l«sl»i>« <l) I1» I 2« ckll, c^.
    684 words
  • 122 4 AROUND THE MARKETS »>^u: «l»«-e m»l>le<» l>p«necl <pi!«U^ <>,««,« «l»U but i»lc«, v»« lull? m»u>t»weH w »U «eU»«. In U>« tw ll"" ««rUon. N»i>«l l^« uU»A. U,« Uc»«. «ere papui" '"5 l^n«ul. U« <Uv!<!en<! b«ll« n»l«<! l^onl 2N per ceM. »o 30 p« «ever»! "l U»> c^«»per l»"°"?-^? llu»l» X»mp»l
    122 words
  • 116 4 WAR CHARITY APPEALS Legislation To Be Introduced legislation I'o ve lor <louAti. n« or ,ub«cnpUon« to M»u cti«u-l^l«« bz' Me publlcaunn lu Me Qoveminent «»2eN'? supplement >«- tescl»^ ol 7»Ne« »vn«l«i vkicd lt vM be »n oilence to or«»ni« «uen 2pl»«^l« l»nut pell»N lrom tke iQis'Sctai-Qenll-^ ol c?»lie«l U»e c)N»r»U«:«
    116 words
  • 41 4 t».a»> »t 52 «nt« tor «l«t. SIX! 5U lnr H»nu»!7 »n<l l« 20 lc>l »t 22 50 renw lnr spot ««l U«-«mtx?l <l»?. «l<»we prlc« v«« «bs^ lor »ix>t ««l t2«^> l» U>r«« m<«U»«, <»mp»r<^ mi'k l2sd><> »n<l i2s9'^
    41 words
  • 38 4 ««v v<»k. Net. »I. »^OV zO«W »v««««« on U» »oeil I«» 4 »«l ddiu!,, »0,44. eo»'i»r«<l »!U> II»l«, 28«». l«« »n6 90 54. «> U2 luxl lto^lc »»I«i »c« «4U,<XX! »k»«», cump»le<l «ltll 550,000 ?««l. <«»?,— Un!te«,
    38 words
  • 12 4 W« »I»<>lb«<l »t t»« <>«c!il»e, >l«^ c»el»: lxnu,. u»«« better <>»- l».ru«, »Wcl«!.—
    12 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 t>e,ng mi»nl<l>nr«l dd Ux i> l). U^Ol V0?t» 0/ e»U lN l7»»!7»<I, /ncklO r« »»«<»< !»»««>«»»«» c-». e»lilz»»«lllk8.ll.e«. Nooellone. 8l»»nrl»»l, I^ll.. 586 l N»nr»l<»ll 8«r,»«<! 5437. b> «r,» <>«« p»»«n»» «l>lM. XI»^« l«« <^ l», c«n»»««»^ d, l»U »»< oil 87»^II8 3ir5«8»l? CO. 1.7 V ««««l^« 8kllVlc«8 «z»srlrl.l) CO 1.7
      168 words
    • 57 4 70 l^v!^ tn6»e»U«» »l »Uiye« »v«u»»bl« Will d« «,ppo« VUB« liKlzvk z»<l. 5842 5»43 n r« >.> r «7k«0ll.5,W»«»«l..l.I0. cko^,!^. >»«« »< ?<». 737. 8«pt»»»>»l. I»4l. vl!Ui!« la U>« un^««>L'«><l. Lollcllni, lur I'll!, ?<><:!i I^l«m« »ni! c»u!i a»l« kul>, vliom ol Ui« V!» 24«N Qeluber, 1241. b? tk« U>»- 3>l>l
      57 words
    • 65 4 l//V/7rO >t/r 7757^5' (./X l li/X I ,1... 3.15-b.15-3'5 12.15 OQl_l)<2< t.».lsiruro!<B l»«l>^» e«US« ll2« sin, k» ?3« p l^^u^ll 7«>5 l»»t3O!>!«^ »»l»r< ll<»^ «»l^ «»i uncnDs'Nt^i. t» u<.^o p.m. N^NNNC 70 o«7^'B ll^xv 10^0 p.m. to !^li<lnixkt 6^o/?66 F/541^'5 6/6d6F7' an</ 6^^/ >"0«0^v.,... ....^H 2^ 9,00 >?.l^» »< «^0N«l:
      65 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 66 5 continue to «/^au>«7st»u </<?</^«»»e«. «l l» 4l m«»t tkrillins »«6 aetlon p»elce<l nl »ll tl,e pl,i,ular B^ll>ll' Berie» 11 2.15, 6.15 2n6 9.15 p.««. Xr, »»»ll 7»«l 7«!>" W^V. <^OML NOWQ Nette l>2vi« H 1«me« O«8N«> m tn««s kir«t lsugin nit t«B«tner 10 lN<3»» lXllvlNvlli IO skk ll l 5
      66 words
    • 59 5 ?.3!» PIN. 1.^^15 lj^xcr. 9.2«— 12. u^^cr. 8«r <n <>« ix? nr n«.«!?«»>ir8 lp»m 1<» >lt Ni ll^l. no^c» 8 >«?» I»re,ta«<l l»L j mx I«uvi»7lu?<l: nrivs. I^o XlliN? >,ll>!>.l<iNl l« Inks «l«7 l» <: n n i c l 7 p.». o«»r^l>< r^v^l«l< pin. 9.30 pn, l30r0«l^!^«' <l»^N «^OKQ
      59 words
    • 146 5 X X K^ l ii 4.N.— 3.15 6.15 9.15 'l»i,one liezelviltion!, 5W3l' P^IV r0« »V 9.15 81,,rp oti,er>vixe f»,<.v «ill ke 301.0. Q^l^W^V. -7»-li-:3il I'WO (31«1_3 Sl-IOW YOU Wl-l/^ «^pp»lll>ls: l?l«verlx Ulen«l«6 to BuHt2in Your Interest H»rouel»out. 11^^—3^15—6^15—9^15 v^llcma in«r >VII.I. vr r»c»« s— l2 Kl. l W »I r^»lQl^«
      146 words

  • 1122 6 The Straits Times (790th. Day of The War.) Singapore, Sat,Nov. 1, 1941. Goering's Rival We nave tuxi reveuU^ s number ot striking oxample« ol tne truizm tnat ln Uine ot n.^r rumour travels last ancl loses norniny ol its savour in tne telling, lUeiit ol Iiu6oll Ne« to LeoUaiui «tarb«l
    1,122 words
  • 461 6 >X88i8tant8 In In6u8tr^ tl»e Ltlltor «t tl»e 8tr»l»« 7W>«' 8lr.— >! »nort time a«o tn«l> ».ppeare6 m tne Straits ?>n'.<^ article expre«3ln« some concern rver tne «rlo»is sepletion ln tl,^ Volunteer,. <lue to tne exe^sivr number ol exemptions ol Lur<> peans ol miUtsrv «e. 1°n»t «ucn ll state ol
    461 words
  • 328 6 Blr.— lt lz 2 >8<x«l tninz v.c kl^ve men !i!:e you ln our ml6«t »no talce up inutterz «ucn a« tnat vitn vnicn you nuve cle^lt once «>3ain ln vou^ '.ea6er on "klan-pover" matte.!, Dl tne ere2te«t Importance b«' ?2UBO ol vital interest to tne rnouB»ncw
    328 words
  • 1270 6 lU'tt/H l, tke /!^«t 0/ two a^ticle, ta/.en /rom '^c I'ime dv piesT-e van /»aa,» «en. 7°ke l»»e«i, clcvelop, »a« ,t?e««e<i m 7loc>se> velt'« hrc»»6ca«t. a^lare«« »nen ke «<uel. "lk« can never acttleve ike" objective 0/ u»rltl ckonUnoti^n «nle«, t»ez, /lr^ obtain control v/ t/l« »c«
    1,270 words
  • 265 6 "lke One Wa^ ttaclc so I'rnzperit^ 8il.— >^n^ »nrev6 odserver ol tne International zituation at Mo present ttme cannot fail to M«cern Me «orrv pass Mat Na.>» come to. 8ne «,ant« a 8ettlemc>nr ol Me Cnlna lnciclent »n6 r," turn to normal relatlnnz vHQ^ 8t»e »>«> vanU;. I
    265 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 85 6 >Vri«tlet M 78, l^ortn Lri^zc Itog^. BinA2p«re, Kual» Lumpur «n<l penanZ. I»e «ny 7«iz««7 ln ll!«l« l^»«U»I> »l »l 75. »4 ll ln l»Un »l»ll N«lerene>» »l 8». ,n lt«n«>n«««l «»!»> ln »»«I»^!n 2» ct«. '5 eU>. 5! jD«» llooii 8»or N2, vll^ *****! No«>, I'll <238 bF 2»nx« Niion
      85 words
    • 22 6 7»»l e«l»w««! »n« ol Vl«<»n plon? e»sl«l»6 »>7 »p«el»!l!!», r < nci>,cl. l>». »l »,»<«»»«»>? Lverbnzllt Optica! do. ,9. «>»>»» BU«t. ?»>«»« «435. c»x«u«H «7'«1c77'1,v «<?^««XI'«
      22 words
    • 17 6 0n,«n1«5 R,»rc».B Bevi«r Bio«r3 NIBLB NkINN «ll«e8 z 8INll?3 8»K»pr«l»le 8'll«r8 sli.lB NUNNMB Nllll:ll8 ll»llsr 8«^lll»c^»8 eie.
      17 words

  • 356 7 (^reat Britain 1"VII'I^()Hl^^I(' quarten; m lu»ve eonNrme<l I»n6on reports ll»»t liu»»i2 K2B »Bke6 Nri> <2>n to 6«cl»re >v»r on f'inlkn^, Nun^arx »«6 lium» «i», reports Ilnitnl pres^. I^,e»e tkree countries l»»ve keen »t >var witk Itu88i» «»ee tl»e Isunckinx o5 itne German jnvLBiun.
    356 words
  • 232 7 I»nclon. Oct 3l. lure tke n»H nov ii^sdecl exacU? a montd, <j^nUn8 i5 bitt<>7 in tne delt 5kn,lin8 50 do 100 miles vezt, l>orM-v,e8t k«6 ?c»ulN-v?e8t ol Xc>«eov, lor tke las^ lour «la>8 tke CermanH l^» <? not, even relorrocl to >i in tieir communi«l«e3. lleuters military
    232 words
  • 185 7 Germans Use New Planes s< I»n6«l. Ot. 31. «>l2sr wta «Uon l^alnAt j»^ llu««w ls tn« nev Qerman Uane-ranLe bomber, vorn^er 217. D^a ot aornian^ 8 latest ngnters »-tne roclls W^ull I«? ana I»«— M« al«o being introduced. 1>nl« »a« «U«cIo«e<I by tne kloscov ra<Uo <«11-c!H>, vnen lt quoted revlev
    185 words
  • 50 7 LerliQ, Oct. 21. 5U2102 2«nUn6 continues on tne zi^Hcov tront vltb tne Russians repeatedly carrvlng out cauntel-attaclcs against <3en. von Loclc's positions, according to tnv <»»»vl>7 bu»d»rcl«<l Novwt tr!»p» con. «l»tr»t«i lor »tt»cll. >Ul ?eport». NOW. »«>r, lpe^lc ot »pp»UW, Me»tn» oon> bottonilWH niucl. vnl«ll p»e»«»» »n? U2lt«<l I^e««.
    50 words
  • 43 7 «»l>eUev«<l to be volnen. <U««l l» t»o l<u-. Levernl td«u> »elve« b? lunlplnz lnto tne street tron, tne upper Noor, ot tne uv«-«tore? f^ tde n<»plt»!. Six people <ll«l ln to n»ve bnen le»2le meindcr, ol tne «t»ll— Neuter,
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 84 7 Tokio Mediation Hint To Russia L<M<>. K»v. 1. 'U^« z»^»n auH t«», vnicb re2«et» s»p»N' e«e koreien NNie« opinion, t«> I»p»n'z »l«»ir« to Q»t«rv>«« m U>« lllUWulierlnan ln«sivnlen n»« uv»t U»« «cl»e<lule tor U»« e»t»KU«:>ln«nt ot td« ?i«v l>rs«r ln L»,t /V«ia. el»6e« tnat peace is "nut nl tk« able
    84 words
  • 167 7 Nazi Army Problems <Ny «en. N«M»?lt^ «a»s;n< <Keut«-'z zlili<»rz/ Oommenlator) »l» l, <>!<,M>V «I«terior»tln^ In tn« noi-tne.n sector tne lfaxls are deNnitelv !.lld vest and »outn-ve»t ol I^enlnsrad, I°n«7 nave tnwned out tnelr lorces to sucn an extent ln order to reintorce tnelr att« :lr« towards i^lo«. coy. tn« Done
    167 words
  • 82 7 Tenacity of Red Defence I»ndon. Oct, 21, »PIIL ability ol tne Oermans to s»rilce «vilt repeated blovs ln 6»tlerent dlrecUons de-n-.onstrated by tneir latest vi^orous attacks at Volal^alamsll and Ilila, tne latter attaclc renevl7>B tne tnreat to kloscov's llanic. »re s?rc«l to «»«c -nev lrout re. tnelr or««iil«<l clelenee l«
    82 words
  • 144 7 U.S. Sacrifice For Russia Wasnln«ton. Oct. 21. '7^12 V2ite<l States army anci n»v^ requirements are belne «acrlllced to a "minor to clivert »ll possible aerial and otner relnlorcements to Russia, "mis vas stated b? a ni«u oNciHl bere too>.v. On tn« otner nand, tt ls stated tnat Lrltain, <Inlna »n<i
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 51 7 lxuulon. Oct. «l. «?c>l7ll lnore O2eeu« lentene to 6e»tu >V ooui't n»»rUlll »t ?r»«u«, M«« executed tg-<l»? lor nl«n ti«««^» «ul «nbot»«e, »«:oi-<zln« to ine»H«e bu«»u. ITiex lncluclec! cllpwln >n been nl«n olllcl»l on tne Lonemi^n pi-nvlncl^l boai-c! lor «!ur»tlnn, «ei-e »U cn»lBk<l v!tn «2bot»ee »ncl lu-zon—
    51 words
  • 69 7 FORTIFICATION OF FORMOSA tb« wl»»H »n i»»»er»l p»rt ol «»»U»»»r«l Hrlve nolie^ M« a«»voe»t«^ b? lU>o»ni U»« li«v«n»«l U«n s««<on »t U>« «u^rL«nc^ ««,»> »n»ie in,nir> eooncU. ,t»t«s! be l«,st>N««l »n«l »n^ <M»n«lon»«6 into »n in> kn»pir«« a«l«nc«« »c »i»1 tb,t U»i, s»«l<l l»e e»»^ie6 out xn6 >t b««i,u«», n,i»«i<»n,
    69 words
  • 72 7 Armistice Day In Britain l»»7 «t»ull! not be ke!6. In v^M ol >>» »>»>c «l e«»tu»ion »U»l »l? i«l«l »>«U2«« !t »UI n<5 b« p<«ll>Ie <>, ll 'rUI, knve»«-. be nb«lve<! rvppv K»? «6 U>« I^e?ls>n m»^>?,^ t»,e u>m»! >u?»iu^mel>t« lol U» «ie ol poppl« In »U> ol l^l l»Uen
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 31 7 NEW ANGLO-U.S. PACT RECOMMENDED V«n^«ton. «ov. H»N«MQ»II' N«»e«It b»» recolnlu»«l«!l to U»« L«n»te l»Une»t»on «»te». »It»w »«i Kurtnern Ire!»n«l pravi<lln« lor ««n«»Uon lroni t«l»tlon «<l w K«M Vorlc on Oct. N«ut«r.
    31 words
  • 34 7 Oct. 21. lc» tl« v«ek-««l to w» u»n« ln «?6« I^rt. ?or!c. vnere ne vUI d« no»t to »lr. »O«^<>ll2i« irw«, c!»n». princess ol tne «etnerl»n<l3 tne veek-ens »»n tne ?re«l<lent
    34 words
  • 185 7 R.A.F.'S DAY'S Night Raids NlUI'I^Il i>I»ue« Mere 2cUve over k'rllnce »n<l ln tt,e klesl6»>«. Ht>«irclin« to N4 e>. communlquez l,«>«l ln lxm^on .^n6 N X I'. l»ir!«ll out o»«n,lv« »l>o» llamn into <»,« o<l Uie e»»t «:«> l»tro!« k»ve d«en c»i?l«l out nve? U>« c«ir«e ol tk«,e »tt«<^, »>^e m«l«
    185 words
  • 78 7 Free French Gesture Ixincwn. Oct 3l. 'sUi: vorI6.vl6e Uvemwute "«Uln<l eUII" 6einon«tr2,tlu« ot »U l^encn men »ncl vome.i v«H I«l ln Ix>n6on to-clH? »t tk? ?lee k^ettck liellclyual-telz, eonip»n:e6 d^ «lx members ol tl»e I>ee k^encli llallonal 0omnilttee. 0«n, 6e <3»uU« lelt K1« vaelc »bout tva minutez delore U»e »ppolnt«I
    78 words
  • 28 7 N»neooQ. Oct, 31. 'inn: oolNlu»^!nlel, In«u». <3«n, »li XlcnlbAlll V»vell. l» nov p»^ln« tvo-cl^ vlllt to LuliNll, lollo»in« nl, tom- ol tne iron »n<l »te:l
    28 words
  • 253 7 I^ev Vorll. Oct. 21. "H« victor? X U»e nr«t ossentlal lor tnc aoniovement ol social justice." <leclarecl Paul Lpaalc. Nel^l^n sinister tor l'orelzn a66re.^!nz tne International labour Conference nere to-6av, '"rk« «eon<l ««ent!»l w to buua »n e«>now!ll lr^nevorll lor «x:!»l pr««le»« vnlcn l, «»I^ po»,ible by
    253 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 7 <« «»n /1.4. camp «om«o>ln-e m t/»e >«st/»«»n <7omma^ i«
    9 words
  • 300 7 'HITLER ASKING FOR OPEN WARFARE' oet. 31. H ok indignation is tne Unites Bt2te» at tne tcrpe<ioinl? an 6 sinkinss ot tn« Ignited Btates destroxei lieubon ot? IceI»n6. tne cn»lrm2n ol tne k>>reign Relation, Committee, Senator I°om t!onnal!x. Nad »olemnlv lnlormeil tne Senate ol tne «lnlllnz ol tne Vniteg s
    300 words
  • 10 7 Se.IW, ««v, l. iii c!c>d»VO? l, lecs^nllell un<»el
    10 words
  • 0 7
    0 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 274 8 Valuable kart ?la^e6 L>>Voinen Ot Binsapc>re t1,21l 35.5 ft« Nl<<le<i to Vile >v»r runck to 62^. making tl,e ero»« total 1?5.959,659.90. nn<! tkere is muck more, ver? muck more to come. >^t )l«t«rci2>3 annual 8enel»I mcetln« ol United llnzlneeiz. I^t<l.. mntlon to clonate »ecancl
    274 words
  • 78 8 Arrangements For Armistice Day /»li«>ficil:^ll:^l'3 l»r zrinktice v»v^ !»I'lV. 11,, >» Bln?»p>,rr 2re tne «»me tn<«« 2<l»i,^<l lor l!»l.<! »nnl«r»»ce "l!> be n<>l6 »t lne oenotapd, l»t w a m<xl!lle<l lorn,. 11?<>re v!U otl,?r iixniveri, ol t!«! public vno »I,N »> »tton<j. vll! 32tn«r »t tne Ono> »t 7,20 »,m.
    78 words
  • 78 8 l»»!p»> I^ll»n>7 »»r^re« l^«»H»,. !»1»7 >Von, »n<l l'l.Frle^ «r»pe »>>>, l^iuind!,. 4» »>»« l»»vUl«n. !>? !,»>!IIn« tne leveller/ ol ciiln»'» «^,»»,.',v l^mille.s Ne N»« Bucce!islu!l? tnl3 llme ne IcUlecl w tne pentnou»e ol 1 Ke» V,,r!c nntel, N!« ciHuznter calk ln 13^-^. yuern to salve tne m?> nlrlure
    78 words
  • 9 8 I^» s>ir»!ce tu>6»s enterg it« tnlra
    9 words
  • 20 8 < l>l:c:isic>l« l» lc> be re^cnoa 5U02 tne (,ue«tl»n ol »I>etner »l! Vulu.ileei! > be em!xxlle<l »l tne ,me time.
    20 words
  • 13 8 w Q, »!»s,>m«re, Ue»itn c»2ic«. pnl^wiupl br««l ln »n »rtlcl<> »nl<-n
    13 words
  • 3 8
    3 words
  • 16 8 ,> 5f><«,, c!»d«ret, D»newl !,!l>1 8,<z— l> m. :i!I5^'I'Ilr- l>I»uiu: !e, Ot ?>! I Ikleveb r»!I Oil.
    16 words
  • 33 8 nu,uk«r r»n<« »l l^»l^ lx»«»l ?rl»«»». !n u>«n«? »l «l»l r«»»»«»er 7r»«l «»«llw, »r»» »lr »n< »r^ >»r»»> »»n« l» Il.^»" l»»ntl>>7, > l» 8»»ll »n« <?»«»»«>> »l l»«« r,«»»«. Ilenelxx,, »»»r l«
    33 words
  • 10 8 3i:u;a»,r? l<lun!c!l>»> cammi»ioner, »U! slt lv. lneir 25,,,u»! »roup pnota-
    10 words
  • 248 8 Shareholden Praises Policy Of Support For War Effort (>U^ItNI<)I.0l^I ln Unites 2n- 3»ncerz I,txl, unun>mo'u<llv »ncl vrltk acclamation clonaUon ot l50,!X»a to 1°ne >V»l I^un6 2t t^.e annual nieetlnz ?e3tcrcla^. I^NW l» U« cnmpanv» Niircl 6onHUon. ll0,000 an6 54«,<X)0 W, N. director, »nll "It be «l»tllxw3 to m»r>7 »!>en kelp
    248 words
  • 69 8 i.e/t to »ie?l' adore).' Hl?'. XUen ileel Oa« «p^e«ent<itwe <lnci zl e«i^e i»ettz,, tl^o memder, o/ tke l/H. Kl,««io7l to «u«ia u>sa P««e6 t^^ou^ Hingap^e, ckattlny tc» i.ieut.-Qe'i. X, F. /»e?nv2i. <3,0.(.'. w/»en t/»e ?«mf /ou»-. enylnecl /.ideratm- monoplane <aka »een above, a»icl i^)lic?»
    69 words
  • 299 8 EVACUATION OF COAST AREAS lor I'o-inorrow'z le«t X I'UNT'IIkM evacuation exer- cl.>,e vNll t»e nelcl ln tne e«l, coast an«l «e»t coa«t c»l BinBaporu tomcriov mornw.z. between 8 oclcclc 2n<l n>»n. z.N,?. »»r<l«i^ »^U r«u»ln w tnelr i^om« unlll tn:/! nel^r tne «v«>i»tlon > »nI«UeZ ln c»r». On ne»ilu« tn!»
    299 words
  • 54 8 sHVii.' n»;25 ul 8»ia»»^. »no Arrived »ne»P°r« >e^er6»7 on nl, M», to l?»meran Nlzd.lsnclH. «p«nt lnort vnlle m tne alt<-ri««n »»tcn!i,z «p«l»: sN<«rw3 ol lne ulm MNl<>n «r. I>l»nel took ol tne L»r»»»5 eenUe v,!.l remain »t Cllmeron M»n1»n<!» kn? 2 inort l-.0!1<12V, »!>«! m»is 50 on
    54 words
  • 144 8 I^ovalt^ keattirme<i >leetins X »I^lll.iVl^'Nc)« ol tue >05»lt?> member, ol tne s»r,lt<i <?nw«« »rl- »l»n >^»ocllUian ta )o»n tn« Volunteer l ?oee«, or one ol >l» v«-lou« p»«ive w tne «l<lr«« ot »«r 1°», I^u> I°ecs. Nelerrlnz ta tne »!tu»Uoll ln tne ?«i I^»t. «l. ?»> »»l<l. "()oll<lltl<x>
    144 words
  • 75 8 'sltl2!^^Lk> do Lir Qu« 8l«m« »«>« UNO Xl. 1.. I^neclou Ounm!H,lnner, >««««»»>. >ltbou«d Blr c>n« »i»ne M»» not r«loubi»ble cn»mpion ol tl»« (?onunlHl>3k!»tlve Councu, »lr. NHMi»n »»»6. Ul» 6e»tn M»« «r«»t publle Icx,. <«<» VUli»m, «r«,t to tue pro,re««»« !l>e»» »<tn m«!ie<l »bl!lt?. ln!t>»tlve »ns 6rl»«. «r, I^nz<lol>
    75 words
  • 56 8 >°>^vc» prominent 3ouU> IncU»n l«unl» > lie, »<?« unlte<l v«eter<l»7 »n»l> I°»nz» l«»ni. 11»e brille N«n»«mn? K«l»r. ol 8ln«»p«r«, »n<! l»m. ««!ur» vlltrlct. Loutn In6l» I've brl«l« »or« p»le blue »«n»r<, ot j>«»»l>«. !)n»n»m »n<l 'lne brl6« »l»«n »»»7 d 7 n«» t»tner »n<l Kr. 11, Bltk»mp»r»in
    56 words
  • 35 8 »»>« I5on». Net. 11. »«i wcUleut on w vnlcn I5e«l 'lrriltarle,. I»t!an ol tne nverelznt? ot tne !le» llon lor (7n!n«,e s»rmel »no M« znot ln tne ne««l. I«ln« nl» e^e»l«n». vn»t«<l r«!»,
    35 words
  • 30 8 ?or<»!«n Ne«ret»l7, n»«l oonvei«»t!un v!tn Blr N»rle ?»«e »t tne »lr L^le, »no >«>terll2^ »tt«n«le<l meeting ol >»,« >V»? o»blnet. l, W Ix>n<lon »t »n» r«,ue,t ol tne
    30 words
  • 706 8 WAR TAX PROPOSALS IN COLONY FOR NEXT YEAR <HkansSB In Income I'ax 3oale X VN^Ul'l' ol tne propo«<! vlli to r»i« money ll» Me c:olal»7 lor tne purpose ul cielra^nz tne expenses incurred m tne prozecutlon ol tne vltl llurlni; 1942 M 2« pudlisnes< w tne <3overnment oa2ette xeztel^a/. 1'no
    706 words
  • 97 8 BRITISH A.I.F. CASUALTIES d!a,ni,»isnB In d!rete, B>r,H l?»no«sl». l>:c. 31. 'I'ttl! total c2Bl>H!tie« ol tne 4 rr»Il»n llupeli^l l'orcez up U» ««j>t 25 M?« 13.143 men. tn« »nnounce», °lne tat»l c«u»lti« lnr Nr t»l»»^ anc! »II l!,e Oomlnlonz. ln tne^ l>!icl6!e N«t, Orete. 8xr!» »n«l 4d>s«ilUs. »ere 4.87N lclNell. 15,184
    97 words
  • 43 8 »re «»lnt cn»n«e, m t!,e U 2 c. I'ne l'«,vernor »11l r.Mk« nl- ,pe^ ,1 p^pv N'v Xr>pe»l 7 3z pn, lmm«,!,l«l7 »l»«r tne ,^i>>e,,i cnurcn I'll? recor<ll<l oicli«,t^»l on,-<-«rl »!Ii oe^.^n ten m!.,u,e» l»ter »it»» !>«<z<>n U5,»! ,t »3«. > l
    43 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 "'itlr tns otner lellow wlio ni^ to W^^ out^lo von wiiii lil^ <.li>'^v <»lip'.>ai'.lN'.'.'. c^ /^llV tiV> pla^in^ ol your t^ilorin^ olxl^ to one letter il present tailor Qils to BHtisl^ YOU m l!n^ I'^P^l, X IOI'O^V 15 m ?i^t lor you it V"" listen to reason and to 2
      91 words

  • 296 9 Nazi Call TO TOKIO TO Invade Australia B^6ne>, Oct. 31 H LNO^IX)^..?!' d^ I^uetxow tr-oni Berlin a^voeatinx tke inv2Bion ok is muck prominence m tne iacal kreks. it eon> taine6 no 6ir«et rekerenee to nevvLpllper e6itorialB interpret tne droa6eaBt »3 a turtner attemnt to persuade I'okio to xo to v
    296 words
  • 146 9 Xnercleen INH.Vs,). O:t, 31. "U (3IVI: lne l3overn- rie»t'« plecl^o ul H<lner«nce to tne eauze ol Nritaiu. ner an<i lreeciom-Io'inl; people evervvnere," «ll<l ?^r, Ourtin, tne > PNme I^inizter, ln I dro»6e»«t nie««»3e la tlle Nriti»ll people an l^i<l»v lke colie«i«n ol pacMo llemocl»ciez zlss«lin«t tl»II» 8
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 172 9 Militarist Premier Qonclon, Oct, 21. >^?^^'L nev7 prime X«ini«ter to 6ecl»re tn^t ne l« more nercelv mi!it,aii5t tnun !in> ol n Neetinz preciecezzorz. 82,v« tns v»ilv 'lele?r»pli in a le^cUnz lcrticw r>e»<Iecl l!a.''tern 8 urm <7loucl8," lor more »nc! mors azzre^ion. II. l« tne 8re»t«t kanour trills tllslc c>l eztadlizrlln^
    172 words
  • 72 9 <5»nberr», Oct. 31. 'U'ttr prune l«inl«tel. lWW^Vurl,»n. t»»« «,nc»unce<l l,k»l, »<r. >. Dull c<x>p«r. <7t»N' vko l« on 5pe«l»I ?»r L»«t mi«ic>n lor Nriti«N c»dwct. V»r c^ounell next Ne vill ranler Mitk 6elene« Xlr Dull cooper 21,6 di, p»«,,. ln?!ucl!ne I^<l? I>l«n» Dull cuaper »u6 zl»1ol I.. 8.
    72 words
  • 3 9
    3 words
  • 72 9 TROOPS TAKE OVER PLANE FACTORY V?n6ix <lie» Oct. 21. s>« t,Ne or6^r« ul l»re«l6ent No«2eve!t, lie!met«! Vnite6 Ltate, tronpz tu-tlay tuolc over Uie tian talcen decau?? tlie labour <U.<lput?B Lin^e tt»e «tri!lo s>clent ii<^ lesur^eg to «uct» 6ra«lic> 2,cttc>n In 6<?»!w^ 'Ultk iHdnur c<l!!:'u<«« nssectin? 6elence lv» >lr. llooeevelt troops
    72 words
  • 14 9 dn»nl»«r ps«»<lu?ti»n to 25,<X)N, '<><><» pluneo »n6 l>r«!t!ent
    14 words
  • 262 9 Tokio Move Is Unlikely Yet N»n«i. Oct. 3l. X^NII^ tne imnUnent «nH ol tne r»in? ««2«on, tne »rriv»> ot relnlure«ment». tne pr»e«e»l completion ol ln« »e coinmoclaUon ol l»r«« lorce li »7mtnern InHo-Onlna, »i»«l ln^ enl»rUem«nt al.ttle «»l«Unz aero lllam"!!, »II t»i<! to ln»"-»te l»o«ihle ie«r>mi>tlan ot ?»clN<: ln U«
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 47 9 Oct. 21. 'L^N icollumin Inimbun to-6av ur«e« tne rure «n I^r. 8. nut to !o«! time m opening ne«oUation« vitn ltu««i^ lor :ne «etllcment ol peri<Un« c,ue«Uon«. orner tnat tne lieutraiitv pact" snoul<! be ap- lu«tlce an«i lairn«»« «p«^»l»»« w r«^ «l»U>»», de >«lt ru
    47 words
  • 5 9 ln>»««l <« «<«!>U»ti
    5 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 57 9 B^mdoli«<» »ll M 2» >2 <iep«n<iHi,l» »nli v»c»ltl,v,l>ile m lobzcc<>> m«nul3c<ure, mH« <^?»ieN« v,or!6 >» s<3nci« lor pwver'z Kzvv name rsi«j«re<z ju«ll^ krnaus lor t!»e excsUencs anci >«<H^, luaiilv it Viv«« t«, l »T^" Bs.!in». llin^ez 8t«l Null »me«» !^!>»..s lx^k, lower »olt« U«»8 lube, snt,wer 'lools Lle promstt llelives>
      57 words
    • 21 9 0«>l7K8 rnplnc ««WKVB mr c«r/^?r37 villrc? vv/^v 70 r^3^nu <»"0 <?/^/^ NM «y.^s l/'^/?',' ?"«c)</<5" V <»0«^c« l/^^« X R^R«^»UWM MM^ 1^
      21 words

  • 365 10 Dangerous kelax 8tep8 "lo (Uneck Lree6ins Vv Our slanting Oorre5p0n6ent »H^llLlll: l« notnlnz vklltever to ,u«8e.>;t tnat Me present reduction in Me incidence ol M2wr!» ln tne country lllcelv > 0 be p2rm»nent. On tke contr?rv anv relax»tl<>n ol control. coup1?<l vitN natural metearolo^l- cal con^ltl^n,, l»vour»ble
    365 words
  • 158 10 All Killed In Passenger Plane Crush 3t. 1>nom« <Ont«^o». Oct, 3U K l<li 20 oecup»nt« ol iui e»n >Ur I^nel transport plane ,/ere iclil«l I«ult nlznt vnen tt,e I^vrenc,: Lt»Uon. about 2s nul« nortN»e«t ol ke«. Tt^e plane lelt !Hllu5l6m N«I6, Kev V«,rk. »t 6 03 p n». »n«l en
    158 words
  • 109 10 BID TO CONTROL SHANGHAI PRICES 8n»n8N»l, vet. 2l. I'iie Ln»nen»l Lvenlns ?o«t lln6 klercur> al6 lt n»? 1e»rne6 to><!»> tN»>, !^e 8tl»N8t,»l Councl! l3 talclne ku»ott,er unprececlente,! 5tep to >:ur>'. tke colnm<xl!t> pllce > tu»Uan tne»Ux. "N»e ck»1rm»n tke couneu. zzr. n. i^aseli. tNe >^meri!!»n member. Dr. ll I^c»«uIIell. are
    109 words
  • 442 10 Planting Topics reler d»c!i to I»!»nt!ne 1°c!ple, ol i. 1939. »ben l »rot« lol.o»,i— de«n tne lncr«»»<l !nc»«lel'e« o> m»I»rl». <lu« to r«pl»ntln« »n6 n»» pl»ntlne oper»tlc>«« eltner In tnelr o»n »tUell U»«7 l»»7 N»»« mlnllnuin rno»t 6lHcul« e»t»t». no»e»«7, tnc»« »l^cl> »e ln l«»U7 k^ !»nu »orll ol ever
    442 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 60 10 !,<, stu,>>» lull !l>2o ev<> <7, »et !-n»6,, »^<l w a? »e«<!l«!l t^!f c»?» »ll> IN NF.I <!!n« »i-c»>, Hff^2 ««M !»,>»!!!'» <7»! o? r>!:<>v<!^ U W >»«M> > N2 U »>M «M !>! >v! t>Ul-,,<1 »< »>m<, l or oinrn i«l:inc)v3 >vr vkiZilwci'iOn or VV^lir KN73 111 "?ouk O^X3"
      60 words
    • 117 10 W»WM^WWWWWN«> i oueNt ta 6c» »<, »l one .v W^^^^W^^^^W^^^^^W^MWWDuU^^^^KHW^^? lull Mi^c! m' <W^^^^^^^«^ /^)««^^M»^ l'rienllz lull Ul— l^iencil -MA !^^»l'^>^2««<^. 2« l.wt,nn-«t. Your Nell, >^»M »I > <,ut>«. c:omp»nv »nel»ii^ »«lilz«l »»lHv» illulin nre »l^»>» »t tne service ol lnlluztrx «sill tl,e mo»l <c»nomic«l «n6 ellicient zll^c^ponc. service. "O»terplllus"
      117 words

  • 144 11 COMMAND NOVICES BOXING FINALS AT TANGLIN Win (^namplonzjklp l»/I^XIX(3 seven out ok 13 contoBtB. tke l^m^on Hi^kllln^erg xvon tke (<mman6 novi<:6B inter-unit boxing Knals kel6 at I'lmnM last nisskt, tke^ I^oat tns d)s 20 sibinw to 17. I'lie re«ult miznt n»vo been <!r»H? n»a nut tvo ol Me dc>xer« boon
    144 words
  • 45 11 MALAYAN BOXING CHAMPIONSHIPS ck «5l.^Kc:l?.lI3I1'8 bein« m«le 11, l« tourn»me.>t «!!>. ll evei-stnll>B c>r^l nioetinll ul tne Llnenpore »lll' b? «t Me N»I>PV >Voiia I°»>« p-^Mei^t. «<,<«, -Ixi,-, <?. N. lt. I/>nl«, <i!-c!o«6 ld»t llurine tne Vl, vv»tt, «r, z, l>'l«>s'»i«! ««lr« «s «ite-ne!l. Qittle, vl»b«e!l. No>!e, Vc>
    45 words
  • 34 11 '^i .^v f^-, e>;tl,>>,^>,e^ In tde X UO^l^ zcc>re<i m M<! «e?oncl nnl! enllbwci Me 3>. to ne^t r',,' V,^s<'^. dv nne >;u2l to n!I i ll Ns>/t.e/ mat^n plavec! Un Me
    34 words
  • 26 11 >VI!k! lollop Inss vill pl»^ noclcev lor tn« l-'t, N!ll <c»v< »^.<inst Me H. Kei'^.os'nc'ri Q. Hrmiitronss, "c^'dols. l^e>vm^n: 11, s,s<><l">l-, V2n. llu6 kl,
    26 words
  • 32 11 Charity Soccer Match »>»t«I» In »l w»r »»«<! »»<l tl>« libl»» >l«u«t r»»a »11l «^r»»»» U>« Q»» 8»», ,«»»»«>««« 8«> <l)»ln««! <c»»n««« XtbleUe,. <!»»l»7,): <«.l?F^.^.>, »»e» <ln«» «>«», c r.4 »»< «»»»»< <».0.r.z.1 «>»». <7l>!» N««^ <»U e»ln««e
    32 words
  • 69 11 TO-DAY'S RUGGER Games At Jalan Besar On Hie ?»<i»n5 lll ,^,1i capt, rl-l-ce <It.^>: I.t uer- »«»)<» 'lolcei <N «lv »tev»n< 1^,e loun vl!I be ?le, »^<m, cp!, V, inter, Q»pt. «UI!ner, <3lli. «l«v tl, 8 c: <?. ll»^! to ll«kt »«l? ll»I-6 lobeot <l,e ocl/ru «kll« lke /Ui^uel, »«u,
    69 words
  • 6 11 l— S, 17. 6—2.
    6 words
  • 64 11 lHOk'OlMK veie even on Me > plxianz vnen H i«j« mrl tne .^nzla <!nlne«c Lnovuiz; detter tel.mvc)llc ln Me 1r»t kail, tde noine team scase^ tiruued Uais-n. 2nd nelll lneli .e^H uniil tiuIl-Ume, Ine «tiiNll»r<! ol pla? lmprc,ve6 on5l6ei-g,dl> on tne le«.!mptl<?n. 7ke pure wcle^zocl uncl. »li,nln
    64 words
  • 24 11 »cke<llcHl stuclcntz dellt tke vcnw: stuc!en«,« dv Nve eo,'»!s > cue ln lNl? nnnoal intrr-sacult^ >i :ev M 7 tck playocl »t Me
    24 words
  • 25 11 l^>U^1^L2 vc>U««e ellluuiceH Uieli Nile lkro^Lk ic^rim, »^6 «kcn llpt up no Von, ?on« !>. >^!,. iskeUck »u»?w, «»llln »n6 «uc^ V«>l, 8e»N <3»n
    25 words
  • 75 11 can5i5tii>8 ol lour vomen'z 5<NLle«. tkree v?mcn« tic' idlc'z «m<i tv? mlx«i «j2ul>:?8 vill be plaveci betveen tlie l'erniwle Liclmlnton ton p»lt? »t td:^ I.^tt«r« court dlrvtan. »t 2 7>m. tan'orrov. I'ke te^m Mill b« 2e!ecte«l lrom tke lc>I'av?ln?: zHlzzez l!v» »4urt!iv. LUv 1^^l>w. Nari-wt l.lm Nettzf Vcunz
    75 words
  • 117 11 <rr<m, Oui Q»n Q^ilelpuncleut > penll^l, Oct. 3!. "l^r.ti' w U« Sw«»pul« i-uil club ,<? »l« l»l!w«! m l> inducement to »t lk« Xn^»«'!re<f Ve»r meetln, 134U- 41 M<« »942,««. l» tne Bi»^n» meelli>«. rn!^ An «tr» meetln,. «1.0»0«ll I'lie pre-icleiit «l»t«l tk»t
    117 words
  • 182 11 >Vorlc Z^kit I'imak 'T'NNLK )ear nl<l e»n6i<iate I'nntella nn«. »l tl,e kc«t ss»l l«p» »t tni» morninss'B tr»in,nss »t Nukit I'im.-.1, l»rll« turnout ot l»or»e» vere ssiven l»»t york »»n ll«e «ecnn«l tr»cll «t tl»e race cour!>le. 1^ il<»infl »»2« X>«l6«n3. N««b> HN«I moves ver> well nvel mlrerz
    182 words
  • 28 11 DOES GOOD GALLOP Week-End Sports Events ».«<,'! «.!».r. ,«ele<»l, »««>«»! o»«e»« Union. »rv »l!U»!> 4l«> /»>»,»>»<>l» l «»>>>«»«< 11,^.. l! Ur, tn«rn»»,»«<. ll»^«? >>»>»<» »«««»<» Be. «<«> e»»n«<^ r«». Unl»». »»«>«»?: >U,»l» B.c ll <^. »»<»l»»«»«l.
    28 words
  • 303 11 Singapore Race Weights H»76ic<»1- lor »II «l»M l»«« »t U»« «ii« «l»y «l t»^ «w°!»i»« 1°ull »«««^-< Ni». z>x»»t l»r «>»U<: «u«ie > l>c>fa V« 13. l»^ I»»tlU» »9 Nru^e 9, Nepot 4 NonttkN MNe 1, «wu»3!l!>!sl3 1 >2 l1l»« l— N!v. l»« l »«M<>«li l>,r!l 9 n, I>u-!l l^>counU!l
    303 words
  • 199 11 TO-DAY'S S.A.F.A. CUP FINAL 'I'^'V^V >Vl^un I?«^2 5taclimn lva skainpiun z<x- er 'eIi:.!;. Mc> Nc>>l»I >8c.cl7r> nn6 Me lkezimont, in H i^alcti l!^ ?7M 6ec>s<? Me lili^n^ '!-<> Ixi:'»I« Nave «et tNrir Ncar^H >>^ men. vda linvo »c>n N'6t cUvinon league donc>ur« >c>r U e !^5t i»^ >e»r« !n .<<u<-c'ez<>l^n.
    199 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 24 11 8I»« c! I I. 11.39 /^.KI. 70 2.50 's^l^ p^«.^cc: I^«^^^»8 «i l^»s vicionv m < a l. ll l /tz> sH MM «M^^^
      24 words
    • 33 11 bt« k»,« l»««l, <in«n 0Iot»>w« 0? I«l.. 27/ V c^ 72> Ltreet. 1c.^40« »7 «^crB /2^A,^ »<»s^l» l> X IV l ».v 8»»«lUl.> ll <> > «> <»> ltli«I/>l,lt^^! ,l^, ,»s b»»l> l>2/» I»l,» r««r s^oue <>:2>!6
      33 words

  • 625 12 Oct. 31. "'s'Nl? l^nite<l states «le«ll7oxes l<eul»on H»»g torpe<loo6 »n6 »unk I»»t nixl»t Hvlule convoxin? in tke Atlantic H^est «t Iceland." announced tke I nite6 Bt»te» >»nvv Depl rtment to-<l»x. H,i» i» t»,e f,sBt llnitoll 3t»teB >vl s»kip »unk in tlus v»s. ?re«lclcnt
    625 words
  • 95 12 FINAL EFFORT TO GET MOSCOW Ix>n6on, Oct. 31. 'I'llL nev bur«t ol ollen«lv«> »cU^l>,v lv tt»e inonUl olcl K»zl ellort io vln tke cul>lt»l l»«' tore ttle «leep vlnter «et« ln lt» «u<:ee«« ine^nlnz Mllrm v.nt«r <iu»rder« lor tke next lev montN» llncl l»Uure lx»«»lbl^ involvln« dltterl> von n»Ue«. I.2c!l!ne
    95 words
  • 4 12
    4 words
  • 77 12 Tokio's Mistake About Armed Strength of U.S. c?kunzlliQ«. Oct. 30. 'I^l^'l' F»pIMH I»te«t bllmcllzkinz ot Me H^oi-a ln Otilu» «nuu:l« more ol lnUin!«t»Uon ck^n re»l cle«lre to torce 2 HkovsoMn vltk liu«Biil. Vritllln l^ns 1^ tke c>^>..^on ol tke Oendr^i Oall> liev3, 'tie oMcl»i mouMpieee. 2t«l tke Ilnltec! 2dat«>' lrrm^cl
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 268 12 I'oUa. Oct 21. /^l' cour»e v?« voulcl b« con- cernecl." tne «pl> dF tne Government »polce»m»n »ken i,ue«Uone<l »t ?re» cnnlerenee to-cI»X vnetner tne Qovernme?»t v<iul6 b« cuncernel reLlllcllne tne Ix>n6on anil >V2HN> inztan reports tn»t Nrltl«n N2v,l da«« s'^cn »H
    268 words
  • 230 12 NAZIS TOLD ABOUT NANTES SLAYERS? Vickx. Oct. 21. Hl' 2 r,«»«tin, tlii, morning tl»e Vied/ <s»oinet dearli report l'- 21. Lenoit-Hleckine. varl^n', .'ecretH,-/. ok kis conver»«tjon» vitk tke occupation »utkorltie» re^rliln? do,. t»lfe«. »n6 tke tkre»t» ot reprisal,. Hlxrslia! detain pro»i<ie«i. «"tn tne nve ininute st2nclHtlU llemc»n«tr»Uon ln k!r«u»ce c»Il«»
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 26 12 Chinese Defences At Foochow ?«>clu>». Ort, U«x »c>ul«l return ll l'lx^bo, «>ccup»Uon ,»,<>ul<l !t e»entu»t«, r»» lltU« »,!«»>« up tl,« llv,.I'll? >-»iil«- «,ct«<l w 1 35, »51,
    26 words
  • 3 12
    3 words
  • 133 12 Attack On Chungking? Ckunelclnz. Oct. 21. >^IIL <?nlne«« Xrm? c>r«»n, tne K B«x> 1'»n« p»a. to 6»> »>» l« mcre^»lnz ncr tr«>l» ln 3n»n«l, llon»n »n<l Inllo-l)kln» in unler Bimult»n«iu«l7 la »tt»ck pineerz mov«nent »«»inHt cikunzkln« «»6 ln attempt to I've nev«p»?« ur«e« Nrlt»ln »n6 lke Ur>. 2t»r« to t»!ce
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 34 12 Xide. Oct, 21. I« b»»H»6ol »i'!Hi«!« to Inclockwll. »coomp2nl«l dy kk -or ll»nol. Ile «»l«l, prior to kl« 6ep»rtu«. td»t tke purpoze ol tke ml«lan polltlc^l »ncl e:onolnlc tl» >>cN«ut«r.
    34 words
  • 31 12 8»n l^nelaco. Oct. 21 Navernment to p»tri»t« Xlnerlc»n c,U«elu> ln tke Qrlent »n<l l,0!Xl eltl«n» !n tke vnlt«<l Bt»te«. »rrive<! kere »n<l lluiupellNH 2n6 222 T'ke Un« c»rile6 n°
    31 words
  • 96 12 lx»ncl«i, Oct. 31. »t luncheon elven ln nonour ol nl» ?stn. d'.rtn6»?. a. Vsell, to-sk? «al6 l.k« «uek 52tl«r!n5 »»H pre» lx»terou». "It >ou con«l<lel tke tr»llc k2pp«nln», ln tde vnrlll. tken N l« »N«un«lul Uilnll tt»2t you «koulcl ti»ve come kere to ee!«> brute tke blrtl,c!», ol
    96 words