The Straits Times, 19 October 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FlNAL**** No. 513 Sunday, October 19, 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya Sunday, October 19, IC4I Price 10 Cents No. 513
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  • 1157 1 Germans 9 New Offensive In Donetz Basin BIG NAZI LOSSES WHEN REDS STAGE COUNTER-ATTACKS tl/HILE reports from the Moscow front indicate that the (ierman thrusts towards the city have been halted, there is news of a fresh German offensive towards the Donetz Basin near the southern
    Reuter  -  1,157 words
  • 31 1 ihli lii.torle picture shows lient.-Osn. Sir Alan C>nnlnfham, K.C.B-, J> •> O, M< East African Fo.-«m. with hU rider brother. Admiral And c» C«ouin-liaa% GX.&, 0.3.0, C-ia U, Alrdltcrraasaa.
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  • 60 1 The fire French youths who arrive 1 on the south coast of Bngland by cinoe rerenty, after paddling for two days from occupied France, with th idea of joining Genii al De Ganll s F:ee Fren h Forces, were received by Mr. Churchill at Is,
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  • 792 1 'Iron Will Speedy Action' New Slogan Of Japanese Tokio, Saturday. I A IVAN will continue to con- tribute toward world peace through the execution of her basic policy, bringing about a settlement of the China incident and the creation of a coprosperity sphere in eastern Asia." said the new Japanese
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  • 55 1 "Scorched Earth" At Moscow New York, Saturday. THE Hungarian newspaper Magyarorszej reports that the Russians have decided to set lire to warehouses and dumps In Moscow as well as a portion of the city proper, to prevent their being seized by the enemy in the event the capital falls, says
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  • 191 1 Washington. Saturday. rpilE Japanese Government has communicated to the United States Its desire to continue the Washington peace talks despite Japan's political upheaval. It was learned here today. The overtures were received here with some scepticism, but the makeup of the new Tokio Government
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 Stalin' s Son Jaoab Stalin, son of M. Josef Stalin, photographed after he was taken pihwet by the German* In the earlier flghtinx on the Eastern Front.
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  • 135 1 London, Saturday. THE Germans will "almost A certainly come at Batum and Baku next Spring,*' Lord Croft. Under- Secretary lor V.'jf predicted to-day. He said the real test o. and endurance was onlv about to begin. The Iran front was vital for the
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  • 142 1 MOSCOW radio reports that niotor torpedo boats of Russian Baltic Fleet have torpedoed and sunk an enemy cruiser, torpedoed a second cruiser which came to a standstill, and sank two enemy de* trovers. London, Saturday. rIE Russian Pees* announced today Ihat the breakthrough on the Moscow front
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 112 1 Curtin Calls War Cabinet Brooke-Pcpham Flies To Canberra Meeting Canberra, Saturaay. yt il. John Curtin, Austral a's Prime M nlster. summoned the War Cabinet members before the full Cabinet to-day 1 for a discussion of the Pacific on arising from the advent of the Japanese Tojo Government Air Chief
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 114 1 1 Emperor Attends Deification Of Japan's War Dead Tokio. Saturday. EMPEROR Hirohito, dressed in military uniform, to-day attended at the Yasukum Shrine a special festival for the 4>in>atfc>n of the Japanese war dead. Before hundreds of notab and families of the war deal brought to Tokio from throughout Japan, the
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 1 TAI HENG CO. Ia i Io r t 3^ Coiesaaft St. Siiuapore Paooe. 337b. W
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    • 102 1 6000 SELECTION j OF PIARL WHITZ HAND BAGS! STRIKING SHAPES "CHOTIRMALL'SJ mM^IL Jic^^^B^k "Caterpillar" Diesel Marine Engines are isl^P^'md^^ designed and built to withstand fullB^^^^ load operation day after day. bringing j£&£^^^ new standards of performance and reliability to ooat owners. Thoy are easy m|^jw^"' 1 to oprrat* because of
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  • 1340 2 London, Saturday. "MEITHER America nor Great Britain seek to provoke Japan, but both Governments are acting in concert with Russia and an attack either in the north against Russia or in the south will be promptly and firmly dealt with to safeguard
    Reuter  -  1,340 words
  • 51 2 London, Saturday. rE German military command at Belgrade has requested Berlin to send several divisions to Yugoslavia, where guerilla activity has assumed gig an tic proportions, the Mcscow radio reports. The troops in Yugoslavia are unable to eope with the situation, accord Inr to the announcer. United
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  • 133 2 Washington, Saturday. XjEGOTIATIONS between the United States Maritime Commission and the Netherlands Indies trade commissioner in America have resulted in th? following principles for clos^ colloboration being technically adopted: Tlie N.I. Economic Depart ment will in future periodically fully Inform the Commission oi available Indies shipping space
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  • 166 2 "THE British lack sufficient manpower to maintain a big navy, a large army and a great air lorce and lit the same time obtain the maximum industrial output. They are not getting the full production of which their plants are capable. They are making up part
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 260 2 Ankara, Saturday. A SERIES of strikes has been called in reply to the brutalities of lleydrirh. the Nad "protector" of Bohemia and Moravia, according to reports received here. When employees of the great aeroplane and tank factoiy, Ceskravska Kolben Danek, struck, the
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 90 2 Sydney, Saturday. ipURTHER contingents of Aus- tralian Imperial Forces have arrived overseas, it is oHlcialiv announced here. It is revealed that they included the first group of Free Frencli forces trained and equipped in Australia. The Frenchmen were recruited in Tahiti, New Caledonia and other
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 109 2 Reykjavik, Saturday. iIfTER 14 days in an ope. boat, 29 survivors of a torpedoed British ship were picked up in an exhausted condition by the Icelandic trawler Surprise otl the west coast of Iceland. The 30th man had rii°i from exposure. The boat
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 70 2 London, Saturday. ANOTHER of Germany's periodical claims of wholesale sinkings of British ships in convoy is made today. This Un'e the number claimed In a special German High Command announcement quoted by the Berlin radio 13 ten, and their total displacement given as 60,000
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 54 2 London, Saturday. XfR. Ernest Bevln. Minister of Labour, addressing workers in a Midlands war factory today, warned that "things are really desperate" and advised them to be, ready for Hitler next spring. "At this moment," be added, "Germany is putting everything rbe ran Into production ready for use
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  • 193 2 Washington, Saturday. THE United States Navy today engaged in *i*antic air and sea hunt for the U-boat which torpedoed the I'.s. destroyer Kearney, from which was awaited a report on details of the encounter. Military secrecy surrounds the hunt and the present loca.ion
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  • 108 2 London, Saturday. DOLJTICAL and diplomatic quarters bare today Interpreted President Roosevelt's condemnation of the torpedotn,; of the US. destroyer Kearney and the recall of Pacific merchantmen at a blunt warning to the Axis that th< United States U (tripping for action and her determination to can-y out be.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 At the End of the First Day The SOOTHING WAS LIKE MAGIC TO MY OVER-TIRED NERVES I Can Thoroughly Recommend YeastVite mtio rtßurt FOk LOSS OF APPETITE, SLEEPLESSNESS, INDIGESTION, HEADACHES, AND HYSTERIA Dear t»irB, At one time I •was a constant sufferer from Hysteria, Nervos, Insomnia, *nd many other disorders.
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    • 344 2 HOWARD DUAL RADIO FOR VOLT STORAGE IATTERr OR AC CURRENT ot the bait t TUNES THREE BANDS m^ mmmm MOM SSS TO 13 METERS wl CtlSngC On* el tk* Howard International Mndrii limoai around in* world a(1 lor lonf diiiaixt rrcißtio*. Haa Band Sp-r.f-.-d on all band. L..V18 lUCBS, Identical
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  • 230 3 WorkOntLS. Pacific Air Bases Ahead Washington. Saturday. 8 if to serve no'ice that It is feeling fit for any showdown •n the Pacific, the United States Navy Department has announced that its programme of constructing air bases in the Pacific is progressing very well. Without so much as a mention
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  • 119 3 Washington, Saturday. IT Is learned authoritatively that 1 President Roosevelt has ordered the United States Army, Navy and Office of Production Management to draft and study a victory programme." Expenditure up to $50,000,000 a year is Involve! for United States defence ind aid to Britain and other
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  • 45 3 Dr. Io Wen-kan. Oxonian exMlnister for rVrelgn /flairs under the :'iUlo:jul «i;ve nment from 1932 to 1933. i n' Bh*trkwan, tp Kwuigtun^ Province. He was 53 years of age. Dr Lo stuu:ed l&* at Ox.ord and laicr \»a admitted to the Inner Temple, London. —Reuter.
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  • 113 3 nURINO her tour of the blitzed Tyneside area Miss Dorothy Thompson, the noted American journalist, was deeply touched as she spoke to an eight-year-old boy, Vincent McCrudden, of Nanson Street, Jarrow, whose right leg was amputated after an air raid. Before
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  • 184 3 London, Saturday. TOBRUK has other visitors besides dust storms and cremy rhclls. Each month an R.A.F. chaplain "calls." He ls one of three R.A.F. chaplains Church of England, Church of Scotland and Roman Catholic whose 'parish" in the V'^-tern Desert of North Africa is boui
    British Wireless  -  184 words
  • 87 3 New York, Saturday. SHIPMENT of war and other supplies from the United States to the Netherlands Indies was urged by the Netherlands Minister in Washington, M. London, in a speech at the Union League Club. He pointed out that the Netherlands Indies "form
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 128 3 Chungking, Saturdiiy. ORITAIN ls very anxious to contrl- bute In any way she can to the maintenance and development of China's economy." declared Sir Otto Nit.neyer, head of the British mission to China, in an Interview here. Mr. Merle Cochrar.e, representative of the United Statei
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  • 30 3 Tokio. Saturday. rpHE Information Board spokesman said to-day that he had no Information regavdlng the report that the liner Tatuta Maru had been ordered home.— United Press.
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  • 26 3 President Roosevelt has signed the Property Reouifitiofiln* Bill ■which th« authorities are empowered to obtain vital materials which the owners are reluctant to surrender. United Press.
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  • 94 3 Washington, Saturday. D RITAIN will ask for more United State* warships If I the north Atlantic and MediterI ranean campaigns are intensified, it Ls unofficially stated here. Meanwhile two of the newest and fastest freighters In the United States merchant marine, namey, the
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  • 234 3 London, Saturday. A SERGEANT who on foot led a rush on a column of German armoured forces during the fighting In Greece has been awarded the V.C. He is Sgt. J. D. Hlnton, of the New Zealand military for es. On the night of
    British Wireless  -  234 words
  • 51 3 Vichy, Saturday. THE committee writing the new French Constitution will recommend that France remain a Republic, it b learned here. Proposals placed before the committee for the establishment of a dictatorship or monarchy were defeated by "a vast majority." according to reliable French quarters. United
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  • 400 3 Sydney, Saturday. ALTHOUGH it is known the Australian Government views the Far Eastern situation with increasing gravity, the statement j by Mr. J. Curtin, the Prime I Minister, yesterday -stating that the situation demanded the utmost democratic cohesion and mulual support ani act'on ha** been the
    Reuter  -  400 words
  • 30 3 London. Saturday. Ceventecn Czechs were executed in iViigue on Friday by the Nazi authorities on charge* of high treason, Illegal possession of arms and sabotage TTnitpd Press.
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  • 18 3 The Nubel prises will not be awarded this year. It has been decided by the Swedish Government.— Rcuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 219 3 •TH E ROYAL'BAK ERY lAKM Fill 88(40 AND Utff« Cakes for your _s o'clock Tea Make teatime more enjoyable by serving dainty Royal Bakery Cakes. There is a large variety to choose from— different flavours, colours and shapes. All Cakes (O are made fresh daily in our Moder <"\ y)/y
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 178 4 Grand Decpavali Hari Raya Holiday Attraction! 4 SHOWS DAILY 4 J^^WREllll 3.15, V^^g^V |6 .15&9.15P.M. UNPAID RESERVATIONS MUST BE TAKEN UP BEFORE 9.1 5 P.M. OTHERWISE THEY AR E LIABLE TO BE SOLD U)oJtt < BL*KLL{S mmimm rioD*(iion S Special added Attractions UNIVERSAL NEWS. WHAT'S HAPPENING IN ARGENTINA DEFENDERS OF
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    • 114 4 P A VII I AN UST 4 SHOWS TC DAY FA V ILIV/ll 11 A.M. 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P*^^ m MORIAND GAAHAM ■yak M| A JOHN MILLS B^. bt^Hbh P» MARY CLARE mt V If R£NEE HOUSTON t&^f** B^bhß B^^^'' Kb^HtT^ lAN OAIBYMPLI EMQB^B^UaßGl^^^ B^r ••otvio f^^^BW??^^ Bf rfoiff iOMio..*
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    • 299 4 SPECIAL DEEPAVALI TAMIL ATTRACTIONS! AT THE INTERNATIONALLY -rOIM. I.AIt TUFA IKE TADTTAT TO-DAY at 10 a.m. VAIT 1 X \3tU> »ni TO-MORROW MORNING m^^^ mmmmmimm^ mm^ m^ (HolMb») at 10 o'clock 2 SPECIAL MORNING SCREENINGS: The Outstanding TAMIL Film Success Secured at Tremendous Expense "PANPURANCA" Featuring T. A. MADURAM, Star
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  • 109 5 rp PESTANA, manager of Tlan Hup A Co., operators of a private petrol pump, was fined $50, or, in default sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment, when he was convicted In the Singapore fifth court yesterday on a charge of using 283 gallons of petrol
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  • 26 5 A HOLIDAY camp for soldiers to n nearing completion at Butterworth, Province Wellesley. It is situated in open ground between the town and the residential area.
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  • 296 5 U.S. Author On New Tokio Government ALL that the new Japanese Cabinet will be responsible for will be 'a lot of military noise." That is the opinion of Mr. Vincent Sheean, well-known American author and foreign correspondent now in Singapore, In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Times yesterday. Mr.
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  • 173 5 DRITISH people in Malaya who come from Hampshire, and probably many others too, will wish to respond to an appeal which has been received from the historic and heavily blitzed town of Portsmouth. The Clerk to the Justices, Portsmouth, writes The civil population of Portsmouth have suffered
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  • 49 5 Fis believed that the remains of Wing-Commander T. J. L. Watklns. R.A.F.V.R., 38 year -old British Liatsoji Officer in the Netherlands Indies, who was killed in the recent plane crash at Batavia, will arrive here on Wednesday The date of the funeral at Bldadari has not yet been fixed.
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  • 175 5 '"PHIS is a Communist organization which is at the back of the strikes and labour troubles in this country. A tinsmith's strike has just ended." declared Inspector M. Boyle In the Singapore third police court yesterday when Koan Soat lu, 27 -year-old Hokklen tinsmith, pleaded guilty to
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  • 68 5 At The Cinema JAMES Cagney and Bette Davis are seldom so amusing as in "The Bride Came C.0.D.," which was given a midnight screening at the Alhambra cinema. A Warner Bros, production directed by William Keighley, this film provides delightful entertainment. There is never a dull moment in
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  • 101 5 TWO young brothers who were alleged 1 to have broken into the house of their grand aunt and stolen $6 from her appeared in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday. The youths were William Yfelman. 16, and Teddie Yeo. 15, who faced a charge of committing housebreaklng with
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  • 49 5 riEKPAVAU. Feast of the Lamps, to being c/:ebrated by Hindus all over Malaya to-day. The striking feature of the festival, one which has given It its name, is the decorative lighting of house fronts, for regardless of position and rank, every Hindu home wIU be elaborately lit up.
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  • 39 5 At the annual general meeting of the Talplng Seh Ong community, the following were elected offlce-bcarrrs: President, Ong Nam Leong; vicepresident. Ong Bak Sim: hon. treasurer, Ong Khong Oon; hon. auditor, Ong Leong Swee; hon. organizer. Ong Chlng Sek.
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  • 22 5 Mr. S. Murugasu, assistant stationmaster, Seremban, goes on transfer to Tapah Road as station -master. He is succeeded by Mr. V Kandiah.
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  • 190 5 Alleged Possession Of $1 ,960 In Forged $10 Notes A TRAP laid by the police which led to the arrest of a Chinese, who is i-.Ueged to have had in his possession $1,960 worth of forged Straits Settlements ten-dollar currency notes, was described in I :>e Ipoh first magistrate's court
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 377 5 STATUTORY DECLARATION 1, NONKIi SSN of 76 Orohsrd Road, Singapore-, do hereby solemnly and 6lno«r9ly declare as followii1. lam the Manager of Columbia Films or Malaya Ltd., Comr>ary incorporated In U.S.A., and haying an office in Sir.arnpore. c. ih.» said Company is the Importer ani Distributor of the Motion Picture
      377 words
    • 60 5 SO" ARE SUMMONED TO BE A WITNESS THETWAL MARYDUCAN SEE SPECIAL AMOUHCEMEMT I IN THIS ISSUE. I Wishing Our Patrons A HAPPY DEEPAVALI g* Special Doable Attraction T DAY MARLBOROUGH 2.30, 6 9.20 Pm. I SAGAR'S Daring step ahead of Hollywood THE ONLY WAY" IN HINDUSTANI Preceded by the Historical
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    • 272 5 Now added to the realm ol sport. GOLFING and SKATING Be here to-night for some exercise TO-NIGH Tea Dansant, from 7.30 pjn. Late Dance, 9.30 12 OUR NOVICES STAB COMPETITION resumes to-morrow with SLOW FOX-TROT See something out of toe ordinary DR. PAUL HOEFLER will lead yon to the thickest
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    • 226 5 THE GIFT THAT IS ALWAYS APPRECL..^} ma l ft v g n P<WT<R Amongst more than two hundred genuine Malayan Pewter articles in our showroom there is something to please everyone. If it Is inconvenient to call, please write for an attractive illustrated catalogue which will be sent on request.
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  • 66 6 vr-HERE'S all the American food we hear so much about My husband says the first people to get It will be the middlemen." Won't it be awful for a middleman when his children say to him. What did you do ln the last war, daddy Margaret's father was
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  • 1535 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By "I SEL by Uie papers," Mid The 1 swu-p. "that little old Dr. Ley torn on the boose again." "Go on?" I said "And that's after promisin little old ltler he d never touch another drop," said The Sweep. "It makes you think.
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  • 328 6 COUTH maintained he was the victim of circumstance, but Bridge sleuths may decide otherwise. West led the Jack of Spades, South winning with the Queen. Declarer went right after the clubs, laying down the Ace and then a low club. East won and began his diamonds, continuing that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 732 6 lfny LA K never gets dull thanks to You'll be ama.ed how a car retains that "show-room look" when DUCO Polish is applied regularly. It's marvellous too, how this fast-working polish protects the finish and restores the original lustre and colour re* moving all trace of dullness and traffic film.
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    • 509 6 PERSONAL FRESHNESS! nsß^LsinWVpO'f ImSt SBBBBBBB^^a^L^^SBBBF *Ki. V^ I V*^ "Xl" bbbw^^^ T vsasssßsßßr V ~~S*^ss j^f aB >^^ Jnk mkf. 'f' fSf**f~\ laV Wm W% WK**~ JP/V^ And the only way you can make sure or hard work you'll find that is if you bathe with Lifebuoy Toilet Lifebuoy Toilet
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  • 1186 7 By The Onlooker MR J. T. Trail, the former agent of Thai Steam Packet Company, Ltd., stationed at Petriew, died at the beginning of this mon'.h. He was 75 years of age and had been on pension about twelve years. Mr. Trail was a son of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 567 7 Thick, Strong Wavy New Hair |^bw B-for* mint Ko» CJ* talko. my awr wss •«inii»llin«c k g^| c*mM*sj antll th* seal* aa^r^^^^^R «a»ialmoat bar* A on tha tor. 1 had "gV 'jk mad ••▼•raj B tonic*. Than I I'sad Kotalko. W>» mi^LwT •sUP «n«nt cntlnuad. |S^HL| nd tha b^ iT
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  • 730 8 Rentals /"VNE of the war measures taken by the Colony Government which has earned the approval of the public Is the limitation placed on rents by the Rent Restriction Ordinance. Next f» control of food prices, this step to prevent profiteering has caus ed most satisfaction and one hesitates
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  • 1894 8 Russian Fighting Spirit By A Russian Correspondent Of "The Times," London O7HAT makes the Russians r nght as they do? Why, unlike other Europeans, do they destroy their own property, their own homes, burn their own forests in a desperate attempt to beat the invader? That is perhaps what puzzles
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 430 8 Choose the tailor who has given complete satisfaction to his clients for over 20 yeart. ChOC*Q Mm Lam Lwl We have a wi&e ■flL'^Lfifl range of suit SI length! MM "Rockvttf" W*JL suitings— USA. U WAIN SHMLi* i H in Silk and Wool I Alto AMERICAN SHARKSKIN I In ranous
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    • 347 8 THE NEW WORLD CABARET TO-OAY TIFFIN DANCE I.M 4.30 pa*. Admission FREE. TO-NIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT Admission 25 cti. PIANO TUNING-REPAIRS REMOVALS-HIRE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902— 50 Orchard Rd. CAMBRIDGE LJTiCRATI'RE NOTES. By London Graduate. Pride and Prejudice. Travel Pictures, ***** of Narcissus, Strife. Separate volumes. $1.60 each. Postage free.
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    • 263 8 NEW PERSIL GIVES STILL bSb9 0 F BpH? WHIIENESS 1 latweh/j |L Every woman it enthusiastic V A Mjjfe, about New Persil, and iliey jt >^^ \>7 I praise it for these three |j points which make it even P y '^^Jgl HiaW* better than Persil has always (1) NO
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  • 75 9 LEE CHOW KENG. a young Chinese Royal Army Service Corps driver, was fined $250, or, In default sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment by the Taiping magistrate. Raja Salim, when convicted on a Charge of c*u«irtg the death of an Indian .«oldW. Bal Bahadur, by a rash
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  • 75 9 CHOA Mr. Clioa Eng Wan, aged 54. panted away at 12 noon on Saturday th* lfith of October 1941 at his residence. No. 37 KUllney Road. Ho Imtci Ms wife, a son-in-law Mr. Llm Choon Tee (Charlie Llm), a daughter-in-law, widow of the late Mr. Chcs Slew Jin and
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  • 41 9 The family of the late Capt R. II Pennef athcr, M B E., wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all relatives and friends who attended the funeral, as well as those who sent wreaths, letters of condolence and telegrams
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  • 415 9 THE reason why Benghazi, bottleneck of the 1 Germans' battle for Egypt, is the most heavily bombed town in the world was given by Mr. O. D. Gallagher, British war correspondent now in Singapore, in a broadcast from the Singapore station last night. Benghazi, he
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  • 44 9 New York, Saturday. J^|R. Averill Harriman, leader of the American delegation to the tnrecpower talks at Moscow is reported to have arrived in Wartiin^ton in a bomber from London, it Is understood ae was accompanied by several army officers. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 76 9 A RECEPTION was given to Sir Evelyn and Lady Wrench by the Overseas League In Singapore at the Sea View Hotel yesterday. Sir Evelyn in his speech asked that the Overseas. League should do more collectively to promote the war effort and to provide more energetically for
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  • 22 9 The Police Band will play at Katong Park at 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday and at Farrer Park at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday.
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  • 549 9 THE funeral took place with full military honours at Bidadarl yesterday of Capt. Ronald Henry Pennefather, M.BE. Capt. Pennefather died at the General Hospital yesterday morning afier a long Ulncs. aged M, He was on*» of the many 9m i i nho raw service in the
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  • 113 9 F)UR members of the recent United States diplomatic mission to Moscow— which was unaer the leadership of Mr. Avenll Harriman arrived in Singapoie from Moscow in an Americanbuilt aircraft on the r return to America bv way of the Far East and Australia. The party
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  • 134 9 THE directors of United Engineers Ltd. propose that a donation of $50,000 be made to The War Fund and a resolution to permit this will be proposed at the annual meeting on Oct. 31. The company donated a like sum to the
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  • 193 9 Counsel On Charge Against Petrol Retailer CHARGED In the Singapore fifth court yesterday with having sold 324 gallons of petrol In August otherwise than in exchange of coupons or authorization notes, Goh Koon Hong, a retailer of petrol, was granted a discharge not amounting to an acquittal by Mr. L.
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  • 142 9 (.Prom Our Own Corie p indent > Malacca, Saturday. "THE estimated revenue of the Malacca 1 Municipality for 1942 amounts t. $755,970. This la exclusive of tne education rate (payable to the Education Board), improvement rate (Improvement Fund account). motor vehicles tux (payable
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  • 42 9 SQUADRON-LEADER Marcus Knight. who commands a New Zealand Spitfire Squadron of the Royal Air Force, has Just been awarded the D.F.C. He Is a brother of Mrs. Wright, wife of Mr. Henry Wright, of Gammon Malaya, Ltd.
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  • 86 9 AN application by the Malaya Broadcasting Corporation that A. E. Pilgrams, their announcer in Dutch and French, be exempted from continuous training and mobilization was yesterday refused by the Singapore Local Tribunal, consisting of Mr. J. C. Cobbett and Mr. R. E. Prentls. Major Hutchings was present on
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  • 100 9 TWENTY Sires port Schools, ten Eng--1 lish and ten Malay, are taking pert In the four-day "Grow More Food Exhibition" 'o be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall ur.der the patronage of the Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, commencing Oct. 24. An official of the Education Department said
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  • 26 9 rB Indian-Oyloneae Singing competition will be held to-night at the Happy World stadium from 8 p.m. Mr. B. Govlndasamy. J.P., has consented to distribute the prizes.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 543 9 WHY I USE THE NEW POUDRE TOKALON It is air-floated so marvellously fine and light. It stays on for horrs because of th Mousse of Cream it contains. End* all fear of shiny n< •>»■. l^ I fin.l its exquisite real flower perfume so Iresh and fragrant. Its fascinating shades
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    • 281 9 <^mP^aBH' A YS--Ha^^a^H i rnSti Probably you youraali kava noticed that a uuu quirk axardaa. auch aa running up •taira. will cauaa you U> brcatba quickly i and parhapa avaa r**P (or breath. Thl* la a dancer aicoai. ami If yon wtak to ra--1 itia vtgouroua naaJth and Uva a
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    • 145 9 ICREEM Iff I ffl^B^ GROOMS WITHOUT GUMMING W In every walk of life smartness counts \p^ y^*^**w> an^ there is no better aid to a smart \JC£ '•^fl^>4 appearance than Br>lcreem. Just a («pot S(J ClP"^^^ flaOC Brylcreem tames the most obstinate J\ PC Hn hair, restores natural jj' oss
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  • 96 10 London. Oct. 17. JAPANESE commercial circles in London profess they expect LieutGeneral Tojo's Government will continue to negotiate with the United States. They hope Lieut-General Tojo's experience of office under Prince Konoye has modified his former extremist views asserting that Washington could more confidently negotiate
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 80 10 Slns-ap«re, Saturday, Oct. 18. Bayers Seller* Prices Prices No. IX 8.8.5. (Spot loose) 3»% 38*4 No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. In cases October 38' M 39 G.F.A.Q. B.S.S. t.o.b. in bales October 38*4 38Vi F.A.Q. R.S.S. fo-b. In bales October 37*, 38 FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX
    80 words
  • 31 10 Singapore, Oct. 18. Buyers Sellers Gamoier S 7.50 Hamburg Cube $12.25 Java Cube $12.00 Copra Mixed $2.65 Sun Dried $2.90 Pepper White Muntok $18.50 White $18.00 Black $8.25
    31 words
  • 29 10 J^O alterations to the list of share quotations which appeared In the Straits Times yesterday were made by the Sharebrokers Association at the close of business yesterday.
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  • 31 10 'THE mine profit of Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd. for the quarter mded June 21, subject to depreciation and war tax, was £10,658, the local secretaries say.
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  • 111 10 London, Oct. 17. THE Rubber or.troller has begun buying balata, gutta percha and Para rubber from the United Kingdom Trade on public account, mostly through dealers though occasionally brokers, at around the ruling prices but th° quantities were not disclosed. Balata is mostly from«Britlsh Guiana but •wno comes from Dutch
    111 words
  • 1212 10 7he Week 's Markets BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. THOSE readers who expect to find a 1 little good advice to "Estimates, Straits Settlements, drawers -up of." to-day are doomed to disappointment. And the reason? Simply because the powers that have
    1,212 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 542 10 jSfjk U MY FATHER IS HAVING ME TRAINLD p IN SINGAPORE FOR A GOOD JOB" m"* \vsSv v )ar father has made a wise decision in sending you to f-2&§¥ Pitman's, for tl ere you can «udy for your matriculation or *&!z3 Senior Cambridge free from r-rald warnings and blackouts
      542 words
    • 74 10 ASTHMA Sine* 1 869 Himrod*s Asthma Cu*« has been recognized *j a Standard Asthma Remedy throughout the world andsfter 70 yean it continues its high reputation for providing relief to Asthmatics. Tbt *Uy rtiuj I nmtf jtf I bad tmtkr". "DISRAIU. LOBO BEACONSFIBLD" "Tbii is sb fxttOtMi nmtdjftrsstbms. KM.
      74 words
    • 468 10 GUARANTEED 2J% BONUS I don't know anything about stocks my death or on retirement. and shares. Oh! yes, I remember; a n x c T r r> j The Ureat Eastern Life Guaranteed bull tosses. So a bull is a market n r: j a 2j% bonus tnclowment /\ssurance operator
      468 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 447 11 Appetites gladly respond to the invigorating tonic properties of CHIVERS MARMALADE CMIVIUS SONS LTD.. THE OKCHARO FACTORY. HIJTOH CAMBRiOCt. tNft. Try also Chivers' Olde English Marmalade, Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Agents: V R. VICK b CO., HONG KONG BANK CHAMBERS, SINGAPORE; SANDILAND6. BUTTERY CO.. PENANG. I FRESCOLINE I SANITARY WALL
      447 words
    • 735 11 PROSTRATE fora whole day with f!J\ h GASTRIC PAINS For over 20 long years. Miss B C. Whatever your trouble Is- IndfJ had suffered with a gastric gestion. Wind. Flatulence. Bilious- 1 stomach. Her trouble was a ness, even the more serious tragedy, a handicap in work and Gastric Ulcer,
      735 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1864 11 Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE EMPIRE STATION DELHI ZHL 225 m. 1.333 k cs.; ZHPI EASTERN SERVICE on GSV— VUD3 9.59 me s (31.3 m.; VIOZ 4.56 30.R6m. 9.69m cs.; ZHP2 ttilm. 17.81 m/es.; 1644 Metres; GSF— mci (60.48 m.i e.175««.: ZHP3 41.J10L 1M JS.H »/r..; 19 81 metre,; GB D- ,pm
      1,864 words

  • 633 12  -  R.H. Naylor By SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19: This birthday is under ranting, roaring Influences. Its subjects will be bellicose, frantically energetic and Impulsive most of ttie twelve months. But they will also suddenly wake up and discover unexpected reserves of courage and enterprise In sume cases savings
    633 words
  • 436 12 JAM'ABY (Dm. 21— Jan. 19): Another eventful week for you: business fluctuations, play for safety here. Personal side of lif? should be happy, friends figure largely In artlftties. Romance If unattached. FEBRUAKT (Jan. Feb. 18): Monday and Tuesday good for business affair?, reshuffles, new undertakings: Thursday
    436 words
  • 469 12 DICTIONARIES advise us that to control means to keep within limits." The flattering processes ol feminine beautiflcation should always be under control. Used in the pertinent, to-beauty tense, -control" refers to the discretionary quality of going completely fat enough, but not even a trifle too far, in
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  • 344 12  -  R. A. Thompson, By D.O.Sc., (D*e4or of Ocular Science) This question, so frequently asked by middle-aged people, involves one of the most serious diseases of the eye. Glaucoma may come on gradually ia fact it usually does— making Itself known very gently, or not at all. to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 329 12 ACH lEVE THE V LOOK If you think twice about your looks you owe it to yourself to have regular Elizabeth Arden S Treatments to keep your skin j\ from being harmed by a tropical <P climate After your very first treatment, you'll emerge a new and prouder woman confident
      329 words
    • 198 12 iaMaaaaavl ?9 ACB aacd oo( taka Crooa fou chc glim— of a youthful tkin. Naoua did 00. aua* foar akin to becoma old aatd wiUwnd. Ska) ■kaam tha (rcafa oew akin which ia alaojo i srowia* underneath Co taka tha plact M (ha oli drkd-up aUa aatd kaa* rou orar
      198 words
    • 470 12 rouge is so mr [flattering/" I w^ |JL* Like Hollywood's famous MB scree q stars, you, too, will flHk J 4^\ mt i^r\ m be delighted with the W t 1 lovely, natural beauty im- m^k Hkk parted by this life-like S A Rouge, created by MAX Hk*k .jB FACTOR
      470 words

  • 86 13 The happy inter-service relationship between the Royal Navy and the R.A F, Coastal Comman d was recently demonstrated by an informal ceremony at which the ensign of the I'-Boat, forced to surrender by a Hudson aircraft, was handed over, together with other trophies, to the
    86 words
  • 275 13 Nuffield's "Back Room Boys Perfect Another Medical Marvel A REVOLUTIONARY invention in the Held of anaesthetics, perfected by the Back-room Boys of the Nufneld Institute of Medical Research at Oxford, to to be adopted by the Government for use in the Services. The Invention— an automaticmachine which shows an anaes-
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  • 205 13 MRS. MARY SIMPSON, third < wife of Mr. Ernest Simpson second of the Duchess of Windsor's three husbands, has just died in England. The third Mrs. Simpson was born at Baltimore (VS.). and was a girlhood friend of the Duchess I of Windsor. She married
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  • 38 13 MOTOR-CYCLE rough rkJers, racing motorists, air pilots and experts In scouting and reconnaissance are Includrd In a O.H.Q. Liaison Regiment which has baen formed to maintain direct communication between the High Command and the battlefield. >
    38 words
  • 46 13 UR. W. PRICE. Llntrldce, Ledtmry. a former stockbroker turned farmer, has in his first year's farmlm won the Sir Perclval Marling Challenge Cup and first prise for the bestmanaged farm of over 300 acre*' organized by the Gloucestershire Root. Pratt and Grain Society.
    46 words
  • 347 13 'TOUGHNESS' OF FLEET AIR ARM PILOTS nrttE •< toughness of pilots of the Fleet Air Arm was «x«mplifV in a story tolrl by nenlor n&vr officer recently. A flghter pilot one day chased a large new-type t.iirea-englned enemy bomber, which was able to keep ahead of his necersarily slow Swordftsh.
    347 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 452 13 Beautiful Grandmothers Try this simple easy way to look fresh and young \Sf SW .^aSasaf'" B t <^BBSbV~^* P- *^BBB*BB» I Iff tJ\ ■BBBBVAM^BaBBi asar aaal Bbbbbbbß CIEAM ol milk and olive oil. both pre. igested and pajtrurued are bieno>d with other valuable secret ingredients id the renowned lormula used
      452 words
    • 216 13 FOR SOFT CtQSSY h a i r f^&k FREE FROM Q,^ J$ DANDRUFF! Waafain*; or Mhampooinr the hair every few days Is not lafflctent to keeo (he hair free from dandruff. Tbft hair mar* have proper treatment —KAMINIA Lime Cream. This delightful preparation frees the head of ctaodratT and eliminates
      216 words
    • 234 13 WEMCO F<8 V^/| NOVELTIES WEMCO has alwav ft Mood for elegance and luxury—* with economy. Before all else Wemco stands wf^^^^^^W^^^L^^LJmfr In the variety of Wemco fabrics every woman will fin<i the colour and texture that harmonizes with her mood. STOCKS OtTF»n IY ICrUERS: SWSAPORE RI»LA LMHP"R IPON PERMS Days
      234 words

  • 128 14 (From Our Own Corresp nd n: Kiala Lumpur, Saturday. SELANGOR beat Perak by IS points (a penalty goal and three tries) to three points (a penalty goal" in the inter-Sta-.e rugger match played here t<v day. Perak opened the scoflng five minutes from the start
    128 words
  • Article, Illustration
    169 14 Members of the Singapore Amateur Weight Lifters' Association will be hoHin* their annual championship mi Sunday, Nov. 2, at 3 p.m. at the A»*->r'atlon's premifles 516. Joo Chiat Roa4, when several •atdtaading lifters of Malayan rrpate will be in action. MI He Lye Toh, the first woman member ot the
    169 words
  • 104 14 The following will represent the Ceylon £>ports Club at hockey a^nln.Ht the Selangor Casuals who are tourIng Singapore coring the DcepavallHart Raya holiday on the C.S.C. ground to-day V. N. PlHal (capt.i; S. OhaWah. A. yijlainmain; Navaretnum. K. Thillo:nathan. R. Vivekanand*; 8. Yoeorajah, Thu"iacartinara. S. K. Simdrar.i. S.
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  • 24 14 The Loyals beat the Argylls In a rugby game played at GUlman Barracks yesterday by 29 points (four goals and three tries) to nil.
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  • 115 14 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. THE Malacca Badminton Association toui lament ended en Tnur-day. Results: Junior Single?. Sit Chen; Guan beat sulong bin Mahmud; Junior Doubles- Abdulrahman bin Oman and Abdullah bin Molid. Kas.'im beat Sit Cheng Guan and Ttck Leong: Men'* Single?: Von*
    115 words
  • 161 14 fHti Singapore Colta yesterday be«i 1 Uie Argylls by five goals to nil in a game of hockey played at Thomson Roaa. Unlike the first half, the second wu full of thrills. aU the goals being scoreu In this period. Monty Armstrong, recdvlng a nice pass from
    161 words
  • 781 14 THE last badminton event or. the tournament programme of the Singapore Badminton Association endtd ye^tt relay when the Devonshire B.P. (holders) and the Mayflower B P met in the final of the open inter-club tournament for the much-covet cd Lim Kee Cheok trophy, an account of which will
    781 words
  • 216 14 PROVING superior in all departments, the Army convincingly beat the R. A.A.I-, in a rugby fixture at the Jalan Resar Stadium yesterday by 24 points (three goals, a try anu two penalty goals) to nil. The airmen did not lose for want of effort, and
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  • 102 14 The New Life B.P. beat the Thye Chiang B.P. by five games to nil. Two ties had to be left unfinished owing to falling light. Results (New Life first) Chan Kee Lin beat Chan Kwang IJ— l3 (o—s). 15— 15—4; Cheong Soon Tuan beat Koh Chit
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  • 36 14 THE men's and women's diving champk'nrhip* «Mch v.ere to have been held at the Singapore Swimming Club to-murrow, h*ve been postponed Th 1 children's noveltv races will be held to-morrow at 1030 em
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 132 14 Q&mo&m MC.IN OINTMENT BANISHES FACIAL BLEMISHES GERHOLENE ■*Somcl2montht«tor«t«MO niIIPVIV ed an trrilating >kui comnUim yUIUnLY on the l«cr and iftri tbrc* UCAI C monlhi Ihxi to undrrco treat nLALo otrnt Sooo aftrrward* tb» CP7CHI comnlimtuirtrd again and fo> Kw**" l monthtmrfacrwatnevrrclcß ■An I Pfl ol blrmuhra. Two »«-k«a«ol TIT_TZi bought
      132 words
    • 123 14 Sa^aamaavJß^aw^BvJaWn^BVßina^aVlV B^r 9 HaP^H Ja^KaSßLy 440 WariMi a«a^a^a«a» s^Lf^Sßf?*'^- B# a [5C nr /dm\ <*^9BasL^Bn? rraa*T*M n\ >^^bb> w^F^^9Ef^mw*^^&^^m\. ~i l^^^^tn^l^na^na^nainal t^BaHP^ a IwST' nWI f| rVn^BnvnVknaS 'Sk W i )S' v^'^w B iiH'^ /< /.nai jj^^'r^ BVnfHßlLav fl— W s— -^Sr^jaanP^ "^"^B Ok ■ar,i.'""aaJaP B »Hi V**x^ -nww** '''//i/ii\W
      123 words
    • 115 14 Relief from the Hflß^T^f^MS torment of R— <i/feC^^^ •■HnaSam^^^^^B aaß|r^*><(lflllll^ «am*d in a »*w r.d. SWi£lJ*»rr ;^alaßrlar^»nUil» r^ »»"ow and Maok b»« Ba bßlb^Dlbb^^bl vdHr v w "«>aa. The burning tormeni at pncfcl* beat it often unbearable. Doo'i put up with miserable day» and aigbts. Use Asepto, (he antiseptic toilet
      115 words
    • 598 14 HOW SANATORIUM PATIENT PUT ON POUNDS sf FLESH! -m^&im^mm Ha i^S INCREASE %M YOUR WEIGHT J A ft THIS EASY WAY I ¥s£ NiH only this sanatonum oatient, hui > j*a»«moo» hundreds ot men. *omen ino cruldrci mk XAlxtlstt nave out on weight, ov aKm? tnese unr- i %M iHral
      598 words

  • 187 15 COILD ONLY WALK' "AT A SNAIL'S PACE" Woman of 60 Hopeless About Her Rheumatism Here is a message of hope for all rutTrrers from rheumatism. No one could be in a more hopcle&s state than m this wo. nan none could be more I tul than she is now: ''or
    187 words
  • 1522 15 I From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Saturday. tVWOrixITES obliged to day the opening day of the fenang Turf Club's autumn meeting. Dancing Foam paid the highest dividend of the day, $28. Van Brcukcicn was the leading trainer with four winners Fenn and Davies saddled
    1,522 words
  • 182 15 llrom Our Own Corie&pondent) Sydney, Saturday. T3E Caulfleld Cup, run at Fleminrton today, resulted; Velocity 8.3 (J. Purcell) 1 Reading 8.12 (J. Thompson) Z Evergreen 8.0 (W. Cook) I Kurt veil 9.2 (Bartle) 4 High Caste and England's Glorj were scratched. Won ay a head, one length. Time:
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  • 119 15 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bihru, Saturday. IN a game of Australian rules footbalf played on UN International Club ground to-day a team of the R.A.A.F. beat a teaji of Uie A. I. P. by 63 points to 56. The R.A.A scored eight goals (15
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  • 92 15 'THE Permk State hockey team, on a to Singapore over the Deepavali and lUn Raya holidays, plays Its flist game today against the BrlUtb Army and Navy at TuugUn. It meets Singapore to- morrow at the S.R.O the Indian Army on Tuesday at the
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  • 196 15 (From Our Own Correspondent? Batu Pabat. IN a fast and interesting soccer game 1 a local team beat a company team of the A IF. by two goals to nil. Sweeping their opponents off then feet by their quick passing, the local side drew
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  • 174 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. A N upset was seen In the Triangular badminton trvrnornent here this nfternoon nlcn Yr.p Ghim Hoe, Perak second fin :Ic-, beat Chee Choon Keng all India champlcn. of Penang, tan ftiairiit sets 13—13 1 5 4). 15 12.
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  • 35 15 Ov'n 1 to unforeseen rlrcumstanres. the B.A.FA. rup rompetltlotj fixture b»?ween the Gordons snd the Straits Clilne?e FootMll A.r.'oci.?t:on. to har? b-en T>:n;'M at An'on Road stn<*"ini vrterdpy. has been postponed Indefinitely.
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  • 25 15 The hockey match between the Slrpapore Recreation Club "A" team and the Gordons, which to have b-wi played cn the padang yesterday, was caneelVd.
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  • 487 15 JOHORE were unlacky to lose their rugby encounter acainst the S.C.C. which took place on the padang yesterday. The Club beat them by eight points (a roal and a try) t« three (a penalty goal). After the B.C.C. had had slightly the better of the exchanges
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  • 19 15 The Y.M.CA. and the Ceylon Spurts Club dre w 3 3 at hockey oc Pritlay on the Y.M.CA. ground.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 85 15 GOLFERS! Select your requirements early to avoid disappointment. A shipment of Golf Clubs From FORGAK'S IN Victory Champion Empire Gold Medal in 3 different leng+hi are now on display also "organ's Rubber Tees. All at moderate pr.ces <SIAN SINGH fjfc 4 Battery Rd. CO«* Singapore. Ekilied attention plus up-to-dato eye-wear
      85 words
    • 235 15 Wm^^S^^^m^^mm\ Slip r pHEKEisno:hinfisorcfrvBliinU k J Jjs I*§L as a long, cooling drink of l\// Lee's **Golden Dew** Pineapple f i»'V»/^^^rrr:^ >^ Juice the natural juice of the V^it^y'P^'--^ choicest Malayan pineapples, fully yvO^o^yJ^ ripened in the field and hygienically canned under strict Government control in up-to-date factories. The delicious
      235 words

  • 236 16 BRITAIN— land of the family table, of the dinner- at -horn z tradition- -has become a nation of diners-out. Twelve million meals are served outside homes every day— a million of them by Government restaurants. Rejecting a plea lor rupplementary ni'ions for workers In heavy industry,
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  • 113 16 DI LOT OFFICER Donald C. DougaU. young Canadian fighter pJot who risked giving up hit life and gave hit freedon for a friend. DougaU and hit comrade, a sergeant pilot, were over France on offensive overat'ont when the sergeant pilot's radio broke down. At
    113 words
  • 1093 16 HERE is a story as told to the Daily Mail by eye- witnesses on the ground, of the scenes in the streets of Oslo when the R.A.F. bombed the harbour recently In Oslo our spirits were not too high. We felt cut off from the outside
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  • 123 16 CIR HUGH WALPOLE. on a Secret Service mission during the last war. met a young London policeman He took a liking to him and persuaded him to become his chaufleur and later his private secretary. Sir Hugh died on June 1. In his will he left
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  • 26 16 Arrangements have been made to disperse in various parts of the country Westminster City Council's flne art collection, prints aad bibliographical rare ties.
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  • 104 16 /COMPULSORY X-ray examinatio. 3 for everycody in Australia, b one of the first aims of the new Minister fcr Health and Social Services. Mr. Holloway. "Next to the economic fuundaiions I regard hralth and social services a-« of the greatest Importance In Aus tralia," Mr. Holloway said,
    104 words
  • 166 16 AFTER havuig fendNl on ills face for two years he "woke up" —to find his wif> had been pinching him while he was asl3e;\ George Ernest Humphreys, secretary of the Selectors AssociUton of Queensland said tnis in Brisbane Summons Court. Mr. O'Kelly P.M.. dsmisseJ
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  • 130 16 A RELAXATION of all forms of censorship was forecast by the new Australian Minister for Information, Senator Ashely. •In the past, censorship has been far too severe," be said. "Pinpricklng regulations have prevented the publication of real facts and. instead people have been given garbled versions
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  • 88 16 ARMY nurses may now marry and ix stay at their posts. The War Office has lifted the ban because Queen Alexandra's Military Nursing Service was losing so many members. Those nurses who had to resign because they married can now return if they wish. It
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  • 51 16 UENRY and Fdsel Ford recently n announced a gift of £150.000 (about U.S. $600,000) to Britain to aid the victims of future G-rman air raids. The Fords plan to build 330 trucks which will be held at key points In readiness to rush food to blitzed
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  • 281 16 CMOKING, drinking, and im- morality among young (iris, and even among older women, were a mist unfortunate axpect i of war-time 1 f<" The State President (Mrs. C. A. Evans) said this at the opening of the Women* Christian Temperance Unicn Convention in Sydney.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 829 16 10 yt&rs old \jf v| f J ||g^vv Rheumatism.Backache tGettinq Up Niqhts and Kidney Troubles/ i iv/tite uoustfeep With the World Famous Vc^AY Scientific Medicine... P°RTirE S c?lTrx Now Available for Only SUFFERERS FROM THESE HEALTH TROUBLES K. i. o«. w-k CAN NOW OBTAIN THE SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT jg^\ WHICH HIGHER
      829 words
    • 126 16 Four qualifies occulist I 18 AT YOUR SERVICE l^^^^^^ IE7 iu lfT* H i T m St a y •l im c steel tropicproof unorcckableglass, wi h adjustable wristlet. $48.JUST ARRIVED BOOKS FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS CARDS COMPENDIUM OF GAMZS SOFT TOYS CHILDREN'S GAMES STAMP ALBUMS ETC., ETC. THE ORIENT STAR
      126 words