The Straits Times, 23 September 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 367 1 Try MIEN CHONG TAILORING It I ulrm.n SL. S'porfc Phanr 4816 AralbMrir suit Lenfthi ■BockvlllC Sultuift— U.S.A. WAIN SHIELL'S In Silk mnri Wool Alv» AMKRICAN SHARKSKIN. In various colour* generalßE^electric i c 5 1 II l*^ l^^^^ 1 I Jhr New General Electric 5-Tube ill^■U^fflPi is supplied m >nodels X-115
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    • 6 1 SINOAPOR* 140 CKCIL ST CPHONt Mil
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    • 156 1 IT IS BL rOUR TEETH W f^ X -s,^ ;|,j Ihe oai\ UM).ii,ia>ic m the workl f /JJi I I Si^ fif p! proved by the Bacteriology Dent, of /y M ••'i:!;^-?^ d 1 s University to he an effective 4^P\ 1 S; i*i*j? I'<1 '< «jjj •ntiseptic. killing and
      156 words
    • 93 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Morning A- -n Evening Dresses Tel. 4772 KUALA LUM'VR li lAVA Si. CPIIONt 1613). "Aom> •four I I two pound *mbbit IJ\ S*\7 Rabbit i. ttew for \J. V V/>/ «•!<»«** /or dinntr lour per ton* kA r~S m«*«« Q favour,* d.UciwnJ S 171 >^7 *«66,
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    • 52 2 Taihr'- of A. Pakerl of the Municipal Treasurer's Department, R. M. Athapjxn Brriival Passed away peacefully at Uie a^e 77 ht his residence on 22.9.41 The remains will be removed for cremation m the H'n-u Ccmotery at 5 p.m. on 23.9.41 from 8 Vulley Road off 6<4 Mile Upper
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    • 37 2 The famijy of the late MR. CaCIl. EMILE GALISTAN with to express their heartfelt thanks to all relatives and friends who at1 tended the funeral, as well as those who sent wreaths and letters of condolence.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 633 2 @1w Straits §Kmos SMALL ADST Minimum charge $1. f«r »4rt. not eareedlng Ito**. More than four Hn« 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIRTHS. MARRIAGES, DEATHS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS P.rC. CARDS arc charged S3 nek per insertion prr Inch. Over I lach tS cU.
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    • 749 2 SITUATIONS WANTED ENGLISH CHARTERED ACCT: (31, married/, ton years' business experience, desires full-timt position, preferably commercial with scope tor proved organising ability. Box No. 339, Btratto Tim as. STRAITS-BORN CHINESB with knowledge of Cngush and Chinese seeks employment as 3tore-keeper, Cashier or bill collector. Security furnished bond or cash ($5,000)
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    • 763 2 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET OFFICES 4- A Prince St. and M Rafm Place. AppU Koh Chew kee. 129 KllUney Rd TO LET office localities at Borsumy Building No. 41 Robinson Rd. Apply: Hooglandt b Co.. TO LET SPACIOUS BRIGHT AND AIKV OFFICES, Ist Ploor corner of Prince ana De Souxa
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    • 363 2 lost LOST. Smooth haired black dog Un-mut-lngs docked tall, ace < month. Tancli" district. Finder rewarded. Any Information appreciated. Phone 7539. DOGS MAU FOX TERRIER Pup 7 month* bouse trained, for sale. Changi F»rm Kennels. BLUB COCKER SFANIKL PIPPIES by CH FOREFEET by Whoopee of Ware ex CH. BPRINOTIME by
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    • 361 2 TENDERS GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will be received at tbe Offlee of the Director of Public Work*. 8.8. P.W.D. Singapore, up to nocr.i of the 18th September, 1941, for the following: The construction of one godown (278*0" X 80*0") at Batu Berendam, Malacca. Plans and Specification may be seen, and printed
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    • 283 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETC. FOR SALE "PENARTH" CAMERON HIGHLANDS, 31 >/2/ 2 miles entrance to Boh Road furnished well built house and grounds 18% acres. Own electric lijrht, water supply with filter up to date sanitation Garage and ample servants quarters. Price $120,000. One-third purchase money can remain on mortgage 6%.
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  • 175 3 Angara, Sept. 22. CHILDREN aM dy*ng of hunger In the Axis-orrunled Gr?»k island* of Mytelene and Chios. The Oermans have been c< mpelled to absndon attempts to open the olive oil mills many workers tainting from lack of food. Yet the sp.rit of th; Islanders remains
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 172 3 Rome. Sept. 22. TRAVELLERS leaving Italy m f, fire will no f b 2 pnrmitt-d to take their personal Jewellery with them but must declare it at tie fronH*r and leave it m char*- of the Italian crstoms office which will return it t-> the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 420 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P Q. BRITISH INDIA N. Y. K. LINE. AND APCAR LINE. JAPAN rinmww. u> En,.. B d. SLNGAPORE TO KANMON. KOBE rr.NINStt.AK AND HKIKNTAI 8. N CO MAII riSSKN<;.:R *NI» CARCO AND YOKOHAMA. SERVICR The Out possible strrteea art aeJnt mala ff) INDIA tallied o, thVp O s
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    • 421 3 cd/p 5 «c# m'iißmrsm 'iiRmrs system t Fortnightly Services to MANILA WEST INDIES HONOLULU CENTRAL SAN FRANCISCO SOUTH AMERICA ALASKA with connection* to EUROPE <Sc NEW ZEALAND MANSFIELD A CO., LTD. GENERAL AGENTS SINGAPORE PENANG TEL: 5151 (10 LINES) TEL: 1366 (2 LINES) BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m PM 8
      421 words
    • 229 3 \^BB^BBBBBBB»al«)*'»'" By reason of the organic weakness of their eyes, spectacle wearer* especially those engaged m sedentary occupations and close work— often surfer more than othen from the vicious circle of general nervous teruion especially m War-tine. Where can this 'vicious circle' most easily be broken Everyone who has tried
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 647 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL tti t> iiu c» ZHP.1 3*M m e» ZRP.t 4* M n •.111 an /HP I IIW '«.«<■<-% ZHL. ZHP1. ZHPS and ZHI J. 10 a.m. Songs by Mohamed Yatin; 10.30 a m. Lasu Melayu: 11 a.m. Tamil music: 11.10 a.m. Hindustani mate 11.45 am. Interval:
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  • 382 4 Dull Conditions Continue In All Sections By Oar Financial correspondent Singapore. Sept. 23. >PHE share markets again opened very quietly this morning and there Is every Indication thit the dull conditions experienced yesterday will be continued to-day as London cables this morning; give no encouragement. The London
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  • 70 4 Dow Jones Averages New York, Sept. 23. THE following were Dow Jones aver- ages on the New York Stock I Exchange and Commodity Exchange j to-day and Saturdiv: Sept. 24 Sept ZZ 30 Industrials 127.54 127.64 20 Rails 29.02 29 01 16 Utilities 18.70 18 56
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  • 53 4 New York, Sept. 22. r jTHE following were prices of Straits Tin m cents per pound on the New I York Commodity Exchange to-day an"! Frid»v Spot September October November December r>ci> »jf arpi. i~i 52 52 51.85 51 85 51.62>/, 51.62^.2 51.25 51.25 50 50
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  • 108 4 Singapore, Sept. 23. •uvcn i Ouubwr t 7 50 Hamburg Cube ■12.2.1 Cub* $12 00 r:r:«J W.SS bua Dried 82 80 VnOit Muntok 117 50 117.00 t 8.00 lingga »5.00 $5.00 Fair $4.M Sarawak $4 .50 Tm Small Flake (8 50 Fair PTaki" $800 Medium -Pearl $9
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  • 80 4 Sept. 22. •PHE Pepper Trade has now com- pleted the return of pepper holdings which the Pood Ministry requested on Sept. 13 and, it is understood, the Ministry Is now swaying the results. The Trade, however, does not believe the returns will reveal any substantial stocks
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 172 4 Tb« foUowing an Urn txenaace r»tw tbit morning according to ice dally dreuku tons*. dv Urn HonckoDg mAd g>*»»yt>^| B*inklnt 1 CorDorstlon: 80LWO Undon T.T 3/4 1/13 London demand 2 4 3/S3 Switzerland <T.T. only) 302.46 New York demand 47.10 Montreal demaco tI.M Baiavia demana 88 71 damarang demana
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  • 57 4 Sydney. Bept. 33. AS from to-day the fixed deposit rate* of A" banks have been reduced by a further ss. per cent, per annum making (>, P a-p carte rcducUoa 15a. per cent since the outbreak of war. [bane*a ne* rates are:—three months, 1»4 per cent.; six months, 1\ par
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 79 4 Klnrapore. Tweaaar. Sent tS. noon Buyer* seller* Prices Price; Mo. IX K.B& Spot loose) HH M%4 No IX B.S.S. I o-b. s> cases bentember J»J. U% U.r.A.Q. B.S.S r- .j, m %mSltt September UM AQ. 8.5.& f.o b ta balsa September j:* v fVTVmt QUOTATIONS
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  • 44 4 TIN opened steady. The turnover was 25 tons. Poor demand found sellara reserved, especially of forward After cmcial hDuri. there was a better tie mand and a further 40 tons were traded. OX. weekly stocks tctal 4,521 tens, a decrease of 113 t^ns. R«uter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 214 4 ■prSS^SnV SBr^SjT4< j^^^^^^T^A TPlfc. sMBB Mw^ aty^S»» &a £> >/BL|ijj^3^jjj^ HbW 1 1^ K^ -'^v!'^l'"*^ >M^u>wMfii^nV44t9ni M^n^H ■aJObBI W^f&9 K**^ 1 wthough «***>%* ;7 c T nte "l r iddc DENTIrM^t I B^lnt h e;,m.h l8 h,uiUt y The well-known metal box container for Gibbs Dentifrice was made of aluminium.
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    • 424 4 Uader the Oittiigiitfteo Patronjge it His Excelle«c» The 6«vcmor POPULAR CONCERT by the Full Chorus and Orchestra of The Singapore Musical Society Ida Kinloch John Shaw Conductor Eva Clark. L. R. A M. IN THE VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL ON SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28th at 9.15 P.M. SEATS 52.30, $1.20. 60 cuts.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 48 4 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES H.W. 11.59 a.m. 9.7 I. W. 548 a.m. 16 't; 5.58 pm. 15 It. To-morrow H.W. 00.30 a.m. 10.4 ft; 13. 51 pjn. 8 ft. L.W. 6.23 ajn. 3 ft: 6. 38 pm. 1.3 ft. September Saartaa ganscl 33 6.34 6.31 34 6.34 6. 50
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  • 392 5 Prices Fall: Little Buying Interest London, Sept. 22. rpHE Stock Exchange to-day, generally, was rather dull and values tended lower m the absence of buying interest but losses were partly recovered m the afternoon m gilt-edged, Kaffirs, oils and tobaccos. Japanese bonds turned flat losing up to
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  • 143 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Oui Own Correspondent) London, Sept. 22. rOMMODITY and Exchange market: closed as tollowf with orerlouf quotations to parenthesis:— RUBBER: Firmer. Spot 13 11 lfid 13 13'16d (13 11 lFd 13 13|16d> Nov. 13 11 I6d 13 13 16d (13 11 lSd 13 13 16d) D«c. 13 1116
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  • 1034 5 Radella ($1) .70 .75 Sandycroft ((3) .85 .90 Scpang Valley (til 1.10 1.30 Suloh (50 cU.) .45 .50 Sungei Bagan (fl) 1.524 1.62'j x.d Bungel Ramal <tl) BJ 99 Sun«ol Tukang ($1) 1.01 1.04 TimbaJak (tl) .46 .50 Tapah (tl) 1 85 1.96 T. Anson
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  • 148 5 Mails list at the Oeneral Post Office as follows TO-MOBBOW Medan air 11a.m. ABBIVAU Mails from Great Britain &c (surface) general delivery 8.15 a.m. to-day. Malls from Java and Sumatra (air) general delivery 1.40 p.m. to-day. SPECIAL F-LIGRT TO KI'CHING A special flight will be made
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  • 113 5 Prom Our Own Correspondent i London, Sept. 32. Tht* following are to-day's "bid" quotations for Fixed Trusts:— s. d. British General "A 15 Old British Empire 'B" not availabU British Empire Cumulative not available British Empire Cprehensive not available British General "A" It British General "B" 13 3
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 883 5 PUBLIC NOTICES M.B.S. LIBRARY. This library will be open from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday of each week, for Old Boys. Teachers, Patrons. Guardians of the two! schools, M.B.S. and M.A.S. The first day will be Saturday, 20th. KAMRA TIN DREDGING, LTD, Incorporated m England.)
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    • 277 5 Bsm-^HI |UX£BS LOTUS HB3JVCV for all Eye TROUBLES even CaUract. Safe, Sure, World-wide reputed and tested. At all Chemists. Literature free. Beware of imitation— insist on SELLERS. BOON PHARMACY, PSNANO IPOH. B£NRIMO OPTICAL CO. QUALIFIED OPTICIANS. 165, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. WOWT ROM DRY UNEXPECTEDLY N. fIBH Som» pens always seem
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    • 98 5 ERGENCI ES sF kty M^ whether chilU or accidents >7^^f won't wait! When you want (Wi* '■fc' brandy, you want WW >> quick t Keep a' bottle of Emu Aus4 tralian Brandy aIJ way< m the house. 100% pure! made from the pick of the rapes of South Australia'! amous
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 401 6 *iU SURPRISE Sm^ your Wr FRIENDS WITH THE JFyi.^^RT OF C^* DANCING! Prirmle lmim U bectamn far Tap and nollrocn Danclnf by "Qalck Methods"; Uchtninc mrceas gaarmaUiei at thf MODERN DANCING SCHOOL SA. ANN SIANG HIIA, SINGAPORE. (The raid is diagonally oppo*ite U The Hindu Temple at South Bridge Road)
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  • 157 7 Japanese Admit "Some Officers Were Killed" Peiping, Sept. 22. I MUTINY of the Chinese "pacification corps at Chingsuachen, in north Honan, on Sept. 12, is admitted by the Japanese semiofficial Domei agency. The admission follows a recent Chungking report of the mutiny of 30,000
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 212 7 Chungking, Sept. 22. AFTER holding the Japanese ad- vance along the south bank of the Milo river strong Chinese columns on the north bank have struck westward, attacking the Japanese flank, declared a Chinese military spokesman at to-day's Press conference in reviewing the Hunan battle. He
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 65 7 Chungking, Sept. 22. IAPANESE-iusplred reports" that ap- proaches had been made for a Sino-Japanese peace were denied here to-day by the Publicity Minister. Mr. Wang Shih-Chieh, at a Press conference. Mr. Wang pointed out that President Roosevelt's Lead-Lease support indicated a further strengthening of China's war
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  • 135 7 Sino-Buronese Talks On Chinese Immigration Rangoon, Sept. 22. AGREEMENT has been reached on a number of important points relating to Chinese immigration into Burma at the conferencs between the Chinese and Burmese delegations held to-day, says a communique issued by the Burma Governn f nt. The communique says that in
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 90 7 Shanghai, Sept. 22. AN unidentified Chinese gunman n shot and wounded a Japanese, Mr. Inosuk Shimada, head of the Nanking office of the Japanese Maritime Insurance Company, at the corner of Nanking and Shansl Roads, in the heart of the International Settlement, today. Mr.
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  • 42 7 Berlin, Sept. 22. OEVENTY-SIX were killed and nine were missing at Hamburg as a result of an R.A.F. raid on that rity on the night of Sept. ;5-i6. the Hamburger FremdenbU- said to-day.— United Press.
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  • 54 7 Tokio, Sept. 22. IN Japan it looks as if the men will have to (row beards. A shortage of steel has forced the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to prohibit the manufacture of 150 iron and steel products, including motion picture cameras
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  • 298 7 "To Carry On Struggle To The Very End" London, Sept. 22. THE King of Greece arrived at a British northern port to-day. He was race by the Duke of Gloucester on Of half of f t>e King. It seems likely that M. Varvaressos, Minister of
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 90 7 DOG CAT MEAT SOLD IN JAPAN Tokio, Sept. 22. THE Japanese police to-day arrested 50 persons out of 500 Involved m a charge of taking advantage of the meat shortage by profiteering on the sale of dog aod cat meat processed as ham arm sausages aggregating 70,000 pounds They were
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  • 84 7 Bangkok, Sept. 22. rS statement by the Thai Premier, Field-Marshal Luang Plbul SongKram. that the situation has become tense and war invohring Thailand may flare up at any moment came as a complete surprise to listeners who were totally unprepared for such a grave message,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 1161 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. TUESDAY SEP T 1941. (751st. Day Of The War.) THE LAND OF THE WRITHING SUN Japcji Is still complaining that I she is encircled. The complaints! are made with increasing bitterness.! but a dwindling amount of bombast. It is perfectly true that Japan Ls j encircled.
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 288 8 Speeding By Service Cars In Singapore To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.- The recklessness with which passenger-cars. employed by the I various Services, are driven about the i town Is becoming more and more 'noticeable and more and more objectionable. One sees them overtaking a
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    • 166 8 School-Children Need More Protection To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— That part of Queen Street, i between Middle Road ?nd Bras Barah Road deserves the attention of the authorities. Traffic at times is very i heavy, especially between the hours of 17.201 7.20 to 815 am., and
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    • 213 8 Planter On Scarcity Of Coinage T j Uie Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— With the necessity for paying out wages to estate labourers, using small change. It is amazing to me that nothing is don? regarding the shortaxe of small coins m this country. In correspondence which
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    • 88 8 War Effort By Sarawak Europeans To the Editor of the Strait. Times Sir,— With reference to your mention of Sarawak's War Tax m your Issue of Sept. 9, a point which I think should not be allowed to be forgotten is that this tax Is voluntary In its
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    • 937 8 Many Films Unsuitable For Children To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Very little thought has been given by parents to the type of films that their children should or should not be allowed to see Almost everyone U willing to assume that the films I that
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    • 82 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir. May I suggest to "ZHL2" that perhaps the M B.C. has a specific purpose for broadcasting on the 25-metre band— namely that of replying to Toklo and Saigon? As for his suggestion that tha M.B.C should broadcast m Oerman and m
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    • 626 8 Future Of Eurasian Community To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— l refer to the desire expressed In the latest issue of the Malaysia i Message that "Raffles College must offer more liberal cultural courses" [Few will deny that our hope for the I future lies m the
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    • 298 8 Should Not Be Played In Cinemas To the Editor of the Straits Tm«> Sir. There can be no doubt as to the great significance of the National Anthem when it is played on such .s as the King's Birthday, the arrival of the Governcr, Empire Day, upon saluting
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 Master Secret WH&jif I Service PADLOCKS Brass Cylinder Pin Tumbler Security Duilt Like A Bank Vault Door Genuine Laminated Steel Padlock T-."mium Rust-proofed i. warded Gold Medal The World's Greatest Combination of Protective Features SOLE AGENTS CHIN HO CO. SINGAPORE JUST RECEIVED JANES FIGHTING SHIPS LATEST EDITION f $37.50 KELLY
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    • 93 8 Don't Neglect Your Vision I V*\t Tour err* tclrntiflrall) rnmtned »nd defrrto of Vl*ton properly rarrected by qoaliftrd sp«eUU»t. C. S. CBONO. Dr. of OpUmctrj Everbright Optical Co. It. ChaUtt Street, rboae 4435. CHARGES STRICTLy MODERATE THE COMMON sHNSI". OF NUMSM. by George fteley Scott. The author brings clarity of
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  • 393 9 BRITISH U.S. MISSIONS ARRIVE IN MOSCOW To Confer On Aid For Soviet Union RED WITHDRAWAL IN SOUTH SAID TO BE CONTINUING Leningrad Approaches Strewn With Nazi Dead r PHE Moscow radio states that the British and American representatives to the three-power conference m Moscow on aid to Russia have arrived
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 1139 9 Nazis Still Retreating In Central Sector VISIT TO SOVIET FROM London, Sept. 23. THE Germans have retreated to 11 miles west of Yelnya, principal town of the larjre salient on the Smolensk front which the Russians have recaptured after slashing eight (ierman divisions m a month-long struggle which has proved
    Reuter  -  1,139 words
  • 261 9 Submarines And R.A.F. In Action Cairo, Sept. 23. WHILE in operations in fie Mediterranean last week British submarines sank two large Axis liners in convoy and probably damaged a third, British aircraft destroyed another merchantship and two schooners and also "successfully attacked" a destroyer. An announcement
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  • 64 9 London, Sept. 23. AN Italian High Command communique claims that special Italian naval craft penetrated the roadstad and Inner harlWir of Gibraltar. They are said to nave sunk a tanker of 10,000 tens, another tanker of 600 tons :cid a steamer of 6.000 tons,
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  • 165 9 Bulgarian Press Attacks Reds Appeal For "Unity To Fight Communism*' Sofia, Sept. 23. ADDRESSING the directors and leaders of the union of all Bulgarian professions yesterday, the Bulgarian Premier, Prof. Filoff. appealed for unity m the fight against Communism, says United Press. The Bulgarian press and radio simultaneously attacked Bolshevism,
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  • 151 9 Shanghai, Sept. 23. BRITISH nationals m Tokio are becoming increasingly concerned at the wave of arrests of foreigners m Japan, informed sources m Shanghai are quoted by United Press saving. The Tokio police, they say, last week arrested and are holding for questioning Mr.
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  • 54 9 Vichy, Sept. 33. pEPORTS that the Vichy Ambassador to Washington. M. Henri Haye, last week asked Mr. Cordell Hull. Secretary of State, to press for the evacuation of Japanese troops from Indo-Chlna were officially denied m Vichy yesterday. It was admitted, however, that the talks m Washington covered problems m
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  • 40 9 An enemy motor vessel Is seen low m the water and burning fiercely off the Norwegian coast during a dive-bombing attack by the R A.F. A Blenheim is seen making off after pressing home the attack.
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  • 185 9 Reported Massing Near Siberian Frontier New York, Sept. 22. AT least 1,000,000 Japanese troops have been sent to ManchuHuo and Korea m recent weeks, according to a Manila telegram quoting "usually reliable" sources. Since late m June, the telegram continues, events within Japan have printed
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  • 212 9 Significant Move In Washington Washington, Sept. 22. THE statement made to-day by 1 Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, that he had tried for some months to indicate that he believed the Neutrality Act should be changed, is seen m Washington as the first shot fired
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  • 84 9 Washington Sept. 22. THE United States Navy Department has announced that 24 British ships have entered United States ports, including four battleships. Twelve of these, which have now left are the battleships Malaya, Rodney and Resolution, the auxiliaries Canton, Southern Prince, Montclare, Bulolo and
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  84 words
  • 64 9 Honolulu. Sept. 22. LORD Louis Monnlbaltcn, commander of the British aircraft carrier Illustrious and a rousii of the Kinr. arrived in Honolulu by Clipper to-day. He intends to stay ten darn o- a fortnirht, to confer with Admiral Kimmel, Commander-in-chief of the United States Pacific Fleet,
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  • 61 9 Rome. Sept. 23. A STEFANI news ajrenry dispatch d Zone of Operations yesterday claimed that Oerman motorized columns ha\e »<lvanred SO kilometre* tJI miles) into Egypt. The report adds that Italian and O"man force* arc at present Vying to seize Tobruk and claim*
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  • 204 9 Announcement In Washington Washington, Sept. 22. •pHE cargo ship Pink Star (6.K50 tons), owned by the I n led Slates (Government and rej;is!ere:l under the Panamanian flair, was sunk last Friday m Icelandic waters, according to a State Department announcement to-diy rrIMirts I'nited Prey. The
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 121 9 \V;u>hinerton, 3cpt. 22. !UR Hamilton Fish, the Republics I olationist member of the Hous i of Representatives to-day chailengt I President Roosevelt "to do the on!; honest and honourable thing" ani present a war resolution to Congress. In? time has arrived when the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 482 10 Aircraft Production Chief's Message To Governor THE War Fund is m the news to-day. A cable of thanks for the last remittance, amounting to £20,000, has been sent to the subscribers through His Excellency the Governor by Lt.Col. J. T. C. Moore-Brabazon, Minister for Aircraft
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  • 169 10 T«HE 1st. Battalion. Stiaits Settle- ments Volunteer Poroe, hitherto open to Europeans and Eurasians only has begun a campaign for Chinese recruits. These recruits are particularly required for the Headquarters wing of the Battalion as signallers, wireless operators, transport drivers, pioneers, light machine gunners
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  • 226 10 I eta. Traatferred from I'fim. beta* 251 st instalment ot r»ntributk>iu made through the II nan* Gazette and Straits Echo 415.11 K. K. O'Connor (farther eontrlbution) |M. Mis* I). E: Allen. JCeUntan IM Men* Keow Association. Johore Bahru 50', of contributions from the undermentioned 91. Song Peck Soon
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  • 406 10 Parents Press For Removal Of Ban IT is probable that the regulation refusing permission to children over 10 years of age to enter the Colony may be relaxed in the case, of phildren at school in Australia who wish to return to Malaya for their holidays. Many
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  • 833 10 The Air War Week By Week Special Cable From Wing-Cdr. L. V. Fraaer London, Sept. 18. A4ALTA, famed for years as one of Britain's great naval bases on her Empire sea routes, has now achieved new importance as the spearhead of
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  • 145 10 SINGAPOKI KAKM.tS HOTEL Dinner Dance < Informal i 8 p.m to Midnight. Kh \T WORLD Cabaret: Tea Dance Coupon Night 8 30 to 12 p.m. Globe: World In Flames sky: Men AB»tast The Sky It Vfli THEATHr. (Happ? World: River's End. Seaside: Holy Terror NKH WORLD Talkie.", Theatre?, and
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  • 150 10 Important Aspect Of War Effort Bombay, Sept. 23. F)R. Henry Grady, President Roosevelt's special economic investigator m the Far East, who arrived m Bombay en route to Colombo, told Reuter that that part of the world represented by India, Burma, Malaya, the Netherlands Indies, Philippines, and
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  • 28 10 THE Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rer. _J. L. Wilson, will address the Rotary Club on "Glimpses of Iran" at the luncheon meeting at the Adelphi Hotel to-morrow.
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  • 31 10 Mtavia, sopt. a Trih Ama.r ued War Funds of tnr Netherlands Indies, hay remitted lurtlier £15.Mt t<> Low] n for three Srvt'ires R"tl (r.
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  • 364 10 Dutch Press Comment On Visit Of Mr. Duff Cooper To Java DEFERRING to the visit to the Netherlands Jndiea last week of Mr. Alfred Duff Cooper, the British Cabinet Minister, the Batavia newspaper Bataviaa.sch Nieuwsblad states that "it will be valuable, just as hia
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  • 57 10 Alleged to hare robbed a compatriot of 40 cents and a turban worth $3 at Bukit Paujang village, on Sunday. Kundan Singh, a 25-year-old Sikh, appeared before Mr. I. C Ooh In the Singapore I*lfth Court yesterday The charge was explained to him and bail 1 was opposed. He was
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  • 170 10 i Sq. Ldr. Milward Miss P. Huett CQUADRON-Uader RolK-rt Alfred Mil ward of tho X.A.X.. -on of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Milward. Sherlxirne, Dorset. and Miss Philippa Frames Huott, daughtiT of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Huett, formcr\\ of SinK:i]x>re. were marriod it St. Andrew"." Cathedral to-day.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 281 11 Official Action To Be Taken To Remedy Shortage [N view of the shortage of currency coins notwithstanding new issues by the Treasury, the Colony Government intends to take action, a here sufficient evidence is available, against hoarders of coins, the Straits Times understands from
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  • 237 11 Coroner's Remarks At Inquiry AN allegation that her 17-year-old granddaughter. Lee Wan Say, drank caustic soda to end her life because a clerk employed In a soap factory where she was also working had outraged her modesty, was made by a Chinese woman In the Singanore Coroner's
    237 words
  • 118 11 LOW AH YOUNG, a fitter employed by the War Department, who on June 4 absented himself from duty without permission, was convicted in the Singapore Fourth Court yesterday under the Defence Regulation* (War Department Employees Order of 1940), and sentenced to six weeks' rigarous imprisonment
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  • 109 11 TWO Malay police constables were charged In the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday. Mnhamed TUhlr bin Awang, 22, was charged with extorting 60 cents from Koo Ah Tal by putting htm In fear of accusation of an offence. Ngah bin Yusof. 23. was charged with abetting the offence allegedly
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  • 214 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Sept. 22. £NCOURAGEMENT of padi planting in Upper and Lower Perak districts has cost the Perak Gervernment just over $3,000 according to recommendations made by the 'Finance Committee. Explaining this the committee •reports that in Upper Perak a promise was made
    214 words
  • 163 11 pAUGHT in th 2 act of stealing a towel, an <l a pair cf shoes from a dressing room at the Tiger Swimming Pool. Paa.r Panjang, Wong Yap Ket, a 22-year-old Ha.nan?se, was sentenced to two weeks' rigorous imprisonment in the Singapore Fifth Court
    163 words
  • 97 11 DISMISSING an appeal by Yong Yong Peng alias Yeo Sal Kiat, who had been under sentence of six months' rigorous imprisonment for cheating the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwUne, remarked in the Singapore High Court yesterday there was no doubt the appellant had represented
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  • 84 11 MEW rates, which wUI take effect fran Oct. 1, are announced by the P.M. B. TCallways for the road portion of the through ttU-and-road bookings to the Gap and >Taser's Hill via Kuala Kubu Road Station The fare will cover a car accommodating ■our passengers.
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  • 364 11 Taxi Driver's Story In Police Court "A TAXI-DRIVER. Tay Moon Koh, described In the Singapore Third Court yesterday how three soldiers refused to pay his fare on the night of Feb. 16, this year, and how, when he demanded it, one of them hit him so
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  • 72 11 4 YOUNG woman In a ricksha was A killed Instantly yesterday afternoon when a lorry collided with the ricksha. The woman's head was crushed, H Is stated. The ricksha overturned. Two children who were In the ricksha with the woman escaped without injury, it
    72 words
  • 73 11 THE Secretary for Chinese Affairs. Malaya, Mr. A. B. Jordan, has received from the Chinese Protectorate, Malacca, a cheque for »6C SO subscribed by Chinese workers In European rubber godowns there for the Lord Mayor of London's National Air Raid Distress Fund. Mr.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 196 11 You needn't keep it under ycur hat... A n;-w retnforcenen! has arrived In Malaja from Australia. with everybody and a good mixer (try it In cocktails, gimlets, etc.), this particular reinforcement consists of Invlcta Dry Gin— a spirit of pure quality and excellent flavour, bottled under the supervision ol
      196 words
    • 270 11 is your safeguard against imitations Mfik^nML) Every genuine bottle of Woodg^^JMu^V ward's Gripe Water you buy h<-ar§ mjjjKp^f^J the famous "Baby" trade-n>ark. 50j ~^<?H Genuine Woodward's Gripe Water has been reoominended by doctors and nurse* for eighty years. So, ffjliß mother, don't be put off with inferior imitation*. Keep your
      270 words

  • 429 12 Series Of Summons Charges Mentioned In Police Court ABDUL WAHID ALJELANY, described as editor of the Arabic newspaper Al-Akhbar, appeared m the Singapore Second Court yesterday on a summons charge of publishing m his newspaper on June 10 of this year defamatory matter concerning Syed
    429 words
  • 643 12 Collections Made In Singapore />OLLECTIONS made In connection V» with the "Buy a Bomber Fund's Faith m Victory September drive have so far realized $7,311.40, which includes street sales of badges on Sept. 3. A number of clubs, hotels, etc. both m Singapore and upcountry, had
    643 words
  • 145 12 A VERDICT of "death from natural causes 'vhich was accelerated by attempted suicidj by hanging" was recorded by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G Poner, yesterday at an inquiry Into the death of 50-year-old Ho Ng Fan, a former teacher m a Chinese school n
    145 words
  • 188 12 pURTHER contributions to the Churchill Tank Fund include: Previously acknowledged $16,841.88; "E (Chinese) Co. 2nd Bn. B.S.V.F. 1185: Evar Wong $1.85; Urn Hock Chuan $1.85: Soli Koon Joo $1.85; Tan Cheng Tee $1.85; TeSwee Urn $1.85; Tay Ho Huan $1.85; TaHin Loo $1.85; Teo Choon
    188 words
  • 93 12 A NEW booklet, Issued officially, pays trl- bute to the war effort of the Eurasian community In Malaya. Entitled "Eurasia Goes to It," and with a number of illustrations. It records the response of Eurasians to the call for war service, m the regular army, In
    93 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 229 12 W^^jj^ if Selling at the lowest price m Gillette history, Thin Gillette blades are specially designed to give even the tenderest skin a close, clean, comfortable shave Golden In colour, honed to the famous Gillette edge, these Thin Glllettcs give you a new mm| 9PH high level m shaving com-
      229 words
    • 234 12 TOUR SKIM MUST "BREATHE" TO STAY BEAUTIFUL To keep your skin beautifully the merest trace wilt stop smooth, soft and clear, it is shine and keep your complexion important to use a lace powder fresh and petal smooth for that does not clor the pores, hours on end. Its perfume
      234 words

  • 282 13 London, Sept. 22. DETWEEN 600 and 800 bombers and fighters participated m IJ the R.A.F.'s virtual 40-hour non-stop offensive against Germany and Nazi-occupied territory which began on Friday night and ended at dusk yesterday the biggest and most sustained offensive of the
    282 words
  • 116 13 Lontion, Sept. 22. ShrCLLING in Libya has been slightly above normal, it was learned authoritatively in London this morning. There has also been more than normal activity at Halfaya Pass. O herwtse there does not appear to have been any tresh developments in the Western Desert,
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 144 13 Effect Of The War On Population Statistics London, Sept. 23. THE vrry large number of men with thr 1 colours, combined with kmes sustained on various fronts, cannot fail to ha*e an effect on population statistics, tay. Uie official Italian news agency. This effect has been more marked rt-sar<rtng marriages
    144 words
  • 77 13 Moscow, Sept. 22. A "VICTORY OR DEA1H" motto was adopted by Odessa's defenders at-i mass meeting yesWdTy beginning the forty-fourth day of the siege. The meeting adr'.rrsred greetings to the British Tobrok garrison as follows' "The Soviet people are firmly resolved to smash
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  • 101 13 London, Sept. 22. IT i« relial ly learnt d m London that a large number of German agents left Iran shortl) before the Anrla-Rus*ian occupation for Afghanistan, mys the National Broadcasting Corporation's correspondent m Ankara, and it n expected that the Ur.lish mad Russians
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 194 13 Teheran, Sept. 22. CKVKN new Ministers are included in »J the reconstituted Iranian Cabinet, which the Premier, All Furughl, has presented to Parliament. The remaining four members were in the makeshift Cabinet formed after the cessation of Persian military resistance. The most important new Ministers are: Foreim
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 111 13 Muslim Resentment Against The Cairo, Sept. 22. D: .ACIC-Ol'T restrictions In Cairo wlU not be relax d during the bolj month at Ramadan, which begins on Sunday night and during which Musll-n-. fast (ram dawn to sun ■el. The slender minarets of Cairo* thousand mosques an always pictureaque feature of
    111 words
  • 103 13 London, Sept 22 THE rates for Press telegram* within the British Empire »T to b» reduced from 2V,d. per word to Id. per word. The new rale wilt apply fio.n Oct. 1 and win remain In force for the duration of the war. TTie ratrs
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 316 13 London, Sept. 22. pO-OPERATING with the Royal Navy, many civilian volunteers are risking falling shrapnel and other dangers m patrolling Alexandria's large harbour watching for and spotting Nazi bombs and mines, nyi Routf's special correspondent Every night at sunset a strange flotilla, which
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 177 13 i ipE iJUr "aflßVa_ I Lj. ■.Y^HBBaTtmt usal B^""*"" <-* *T*K] "^SH^m-KLMM jll sal Am fer* 1 *3*BS»V £)9IB^M| H .r* Urn W -'-Jg— l-JXSmmWOK i Ink hHbssTb-ssssM bJ *"*lu^S t I'hi.i i... Aeraled Water Co.. 1..« i -une of the most modern aerated water factories m Malaya —depends on
      177 words
    • 726 13 Sensitive Skins js_ need this \\mnA I Comfort i V^^otkiiraTalconißmorethaiiailß^thiß Il^-^'T Fj sowrfer— it M a cooling ami refrenhinc *&^^^^\Jr treatment, becaow? of the special, mediated way m which it v prepared It immediately cool* and soothe* tho*» part* where chafing ha* occurred, it absorb* penprration. relieve* piwfcly heat and
      726 words

  • 821 14 Reverse In South Offset By Nett Gains In The Central Sector London, Sept. 22. WITH the loss of Kiev officially announced by Moscow and a German report that the capital of the Ukraine is m a state of "indescribable
    821 words
  • 278 14 London, Sept. 22. IT would be Idle to deny that the loss of Kiev Is a serious blow. The destruction and wreckage of this beautiful old town Is a loss to the civilization, but it is far from being a knock-cut blow ether to
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 379 14 London, Sept. 22. THE growing: Importance of Bulgaria on the European scene evokes comment ln several London morning newspapers to-day. The Daily Telegraph, after pointing out that pro-Russian tradition Is Inherited from the days of Bulgarian liberation by Tsarist Russia Bnd that It still had a powerful
    Reuter  -  379 words
  • 128 14 London, Sept. 22. RUSSIA to-day denied Bulgaria's accusation that Soviet saboteurs had arrived m Bulgaria by parachutes and rubber boats. The accusation was Mda by li.c cliief of the B. aiian Police and was at once put out over the Berlin radio. A Moscow broadcast to-day
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 147 14 oerne, Sept. 22. IT Is probable that after Germany's latest success In Russia there will be pause when th j Russian winter sets ln during which Germany will endeavour to make political capital out of her victories, says the leading Milan newspaper Sera. The limit of
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 80 14 Moscow, Sept. 22. r[E Supreme Soviet Issued a decree t.o-dav forbidding the return to Moscow of former residents who evacuflted the capital since the war. It wa« explfined the ban w\s temponry until further regulations rould be made. Those returning to the fitv wlihort authorization
    80 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 251 14 The Mark of the Master Ever since civilisation began, men have marked the works of their minds with their signs of signatures. The Chinese craftsman stamped his Ming vase, with an artist's satisfaction. The mediaeval armourer stamped his sword, with a craftsman's pride. It is m the same spirit that
      251 words
    • 352 14 Bewitching Flattery ov*n m Hard Light Don t let the merrilet* flan of «!ectrif li«ht* leave voui tact drab »nd lifeless' Flatter you» t'xin with Pon<f» "Glare proof* Powdff Tarefullv blended reflect only the tofter rays of lisht. Pond's Rives your skin th« romantic p'ow th»l wins Fin*. Smooth: Pond*
      352 words

  • 317 15 Solitary Goal At The Stadium R.A. (8.M.) 1; Customs 0. A COAL scored by the Royal Artillery (Blakan Mati) five minutes from time eliminated the Customs Sports Club from the S.A.F.A. Cballenjre Cup competition m an extra preliminary round game played at Anson
    317 words
  • 102 15 Los Angeles. Sept. 22. \f RS. Wills Moody Roark won the mixed doubles title m the Pacific south-west tournament here yesterday (Sunday) after an uphill battle. Partnered by Fr-d Srhroeder, she defeated Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cooke *nd Jack Kramer 13_11, 6—3. 6—2. H >hhy RigKS, who holds
    102 words
  • 578 15 "SEAGATE STABLE'S" SUCCESS (From Our Omn Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 21. WITH five winners and a djaJ-ttcat lor lira place, wliul) yielded $6,145 In stakes, "Ccagau stable" Ivaus the list of owners In the Perak Turf Club September inciting which concluded here on Saturday. Trainer K.J. tvm, who
    578 words
  • 133 15 LORD WORLINOTON ar-d School Boy have been promoted from class three to class f*6. and Maintain from class four to class three, according to the latest Ust of classifications issued yesterday by the Straits Racing A; notation The full list is HORSES Transfers are: From
    133 words
  • 191 15 I*HE following are teams for hockry trial* at the Singapore C.-lrkrt Club this week THURSDAY Cuwurv: w. P. Allen; Pay-Lt. O C Fortin. Capt. J. E. Thecphilm; Lt. C. B. W. J. Peel. j. d. Hodfklnson; O. JT. S. Waitei, F Lt. T. A.
    191 words
  • 78 15 rE R.E. (Malays! b*at the Malay Reslmont by three goals to one In scone' division (a» league soccer match player! at Changl yesterday. TOTE N.B. Corinthians beat the Stam- ford Rport« Club by fivp goals to one In a second division b> league soccer match at thr Naval
    78 words
  • 72 15 SOCCER: S.A.r.A fearnr reserve dl»l•ten. M.F.A. T«. Utyals. S.B.B.; Manchni. ten vs. PoMec, Tanrlin. Challenfe Cup, rstrs preliminary round. Air Headquarter* Marine D«partmfiit, ttadlam; Indian A.«ori»tion vs. Airport, Clerical DMm BtGBY: MftdicjJ «Ur(r ra. R.AJ. (Trnjah) M.C.V. HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. ts. Naral P.-lk-e. S.CJI.C: Khalaa AcMelatkm t*. R.A.O.C,
    72 words
  • 376 15 "TT U Just 11 year* since the establishment Ol the Slngapare Table Tennis Asaociauon, an event wolcU led to the cunuoiling of a recognized coampionslup tournanient m biiisa-po^-e,' said Mr. Joseph Van. hen. secreury of tne Association at the opening ol Singapore championships of 1841 at the
    376 words
  • 131 15 FIGHT fans will be well catered for by the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association's excellent programme of bauls which Is being run m aid of The War Funi at the Hapjry World en Friday night. Boxers frrm the various units In Singapore, whi will be participating
    131 words
  • 60 15 Dtf. M. C. PAIN estaoUslMd a record with a soie of 71 H fcr the first nine and 36 :or the ascend n*» orer ♦he extended course d:'rinp Urn quallrying round of the Roral S'nirapore ,(sclf Club's club champorrhlp «n Saturday. On Sunday morning R.
    60 words
  • 335 15 Australians Beaten By Seletar rE R.A.K. Seletar beat the R.A AJ-. by 13 points (two goals and one try) to nil In tbeir flnt meiter match of the season at Seletar yesterday. A hard working pack ably supported by capable backs fully earned Seletar's point* Seletar
    335 words
  • 191 15 A.C.S X; TJI.C.A 8 TM spite of being opposed to a supr A the Anplo-Chincse School acred a commendable victory at hockey over V M C A yeiterday. beating them by tmo goals to ni: at Prince Bdward Road. It was only the Indomitable
    191 words
  • 128 15 AN S.R.C. hockey tria! will be held on the Club ground to-morrow, '-etweon Colours and Whif.?. I The Colours team will be as folllows:— O. C. Aeria; P. F. de Souza. 18. W. Moreira: P. Ntubronner, L. S i Reutens, D. de CriiZ. R. Thoy, XI. Bar-
    128 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 24 15 mV 'A V V ssnnnfl 11 ipjß' A OLD WM ■mIX V Gua; .r. ;ur«d m the wood for not less thnn 7 years.
      24 words
    • 469 15 Unexcelled I GIAN SIKGH'S Hlill iky, NAVAL AND A I UNIFORMS MADE FROM THE Be ST Vji WITT MtTJ.RMI.B BY LXPFR"MFn BANsM GIAN SINGH 4, BATTERY UMaV End Rheumatism While You Sieeo Tf you m.Ter nliarp stn >- t»fnf? t'-'iti'. If joints are fVBJ?4 t-Vod l» 'pt.,'nne<l thi "*Slj"-l faulty
      469 words

  • 245 16 New Means Of Furthering American Assistance To Great Britain Washington. Sept. 22. MR. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, made it clear at his press conference to-day that he favoured revision of the Neutrality Act. The Secretary of State indicated that he had discussed
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 179 16 London, Sept. 22. CPEAKING to a conference of the Scottish Labour P?-rt7 the Home Secretary, Mr. Herbert Morrison, referred to after-war problems, and stated be believed that the problems of economic adjustments would be more difficult and far more serious than the problems of the
    British Wireless  -  179 words
  • 42 16 London. Sept. 22. THAT the -tanks for Russia Week* wIM show a record increase m production is indicated by reports received by the Ministry of Supply to-night from all factories making tanks and link component*. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 95 16 Chicago. Sept. 22. THE United Suites defence programme has reached a point where it Is able to meet all demands for tanks, small guns and ammunition, declared Mr. William Knuds^n, Dlreetor-Oeneral of the Office of Production Management, here to-day. Calling for a still greater
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 67 16 Washington, Sept. 22. A PANAMANIAN freighter carrying petrol and war materials has arrived m Soviet waters and is to-day nearing Archangel from a United States Atlantic port, it is officially announced here. Meanwhile, it is estimated that 500 United
    67 words
  • 404 16 London, Sept. 22. THE Russian Ambassador, M. Maiaky, visited tank factories m the Midlands to-day to receive the first tanks m the "Tanks for Russia week." A* soon as M. Malsky's train pulled into a Midlands stat.on he saw two Valentine
    Reuter  -  404 words
  • 365 16 Everything Will Be Done To Render Needed Help To Moscow Regime I/ondon, Sept. 22. THE dominant theme of political speeches of the week* end was regarding aid to Russia and to-day begin* the Tank Week for Russia, when British
    Reuter  -  365 words
  • 58 16 London. Sept. 22. rf is learned authoritatively that Mr. Churchill has invl.ed the President of the Royal College of Phvslcians, Sir Charles Wilson, to Join the British, mission to Moscow. Sir Charles Wilson will report to Mr. Churchill on the question of medical aid
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 296 16 THE PEKING CO. 81. HIGH SI. PHONE 6258 for CARPET. STRAW MATTING. IVOKV JAI>E CARVINGS LAMPHOKWOOD CHEST ETC. LARGE SELECTION INSPECTION INVITED. "PERSONAL FRESHNESS L*f&*\ means a lot 1 It means a lot to everyone. I I V^^CK That s wh y ™ny P«>Pl<: T^HE steady success ach.eved by
      296 words
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