The Straits Times, 14 September 1941

Total Pages: 20
1 1 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL** No. 508 Sunday, September 14, 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 508 Sunday, September 14, 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 845 1 Four German Divisions Smashed In Big Battle RETREATING ENEMY PURSUED BY SOVIET Russians Also Back At Dnieper River (l/lOHE than 1,000 German tanks were destroyed in a heavy battle in the direction of Bryansk, south of Smolensk in the centre sector, according to a Soviet
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  • 50 1 Nanking-Chungking Rapprochement Flatly Denied Chungking. Saturday. AUTHORITATIVE Quarters here to-dar emphatically denied Tokio renorts stating that a Nanking Chungking rapprochement was in negotiation. These quarters said such negotiations were 'beyond imaginat nn, esp??ially since Chungking's bitterness toward Wang Ching-wei is increasing instead of decreasinc." I'n-t-d Press. KXRTfFR STORY «*r,E 3
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  • 200 1 London. Saturday. AN air communique from the Middle Fast says that in the t- n rtl "M dKen n^an a highly su"re.ssj'ul attack on an enemy onvoy resulting hi the probable destrii ton of three men-bant ships ani severe damage to o'hers whs made
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 42 1 Well ahead with civil defence measures under her Emergency Precautions Scheme, New Zealand has enrolled many nurse volunteers for service on similar lines to thp BritLsh Civil Nursing Reserve. Picture shows volunteer nurses parading in Weliinston.
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  • 364 1 Brit a in 's Fire-Figh ting Services Reorganized For Winter Battle London, Saturday. NEW far-reaching measures to prot Mt Girnt Britain in the second winter of the battle of flames were disclosed to-day by the British Home Secretary and Minister of Home Security, Mr. Herbert Morrison. They include a re-organization
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  • 175 1 Two Nazi Bombers Shot Down In Raids On Britain London, Saturday. TWO German bombers were destroyed during Friday night's small-scale raids on Britain. One man was kuled and seven people injured by bombs dropped en a northeast district. London had its first gunfire for several weeks anci British night fighters
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 73 1 U. S. -Japan Talks Only Exploratory New York, Saturday. Cordell Hull. Secretary for 1 State, says there is nothing new to report in United States rclitions with Japan. Talks between the two countries were only .exploratory and were based on whether negotiations Tor the settlement of Pacific problems were feasible
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  • 55 1 Vichy, Saturday. UUGE fires which broke out at Turin caused considerable damage, says a Vichy news agtncy m ssage. An Important transport warehouse together with adjoining depositories were destroyed. Large quantities of goods wre burned Including 100 motor-cars. The cause of outbreak 1% unknown,
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  • 31 1 BRITISH PLANES BOMB "CANNES ELSEWHERE" Berne. Saturday. VICHY cricles are showing extreme reaervr about rumours that British planes have flown over southern France and dropped bombs at Cann?s and elsewher;. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 51 1 Berne. Saturday. ABETZ, Oenran Ambassador In Paris, has gone to Germany in order to receive fresh Instructions from Hltlor, It Is reported here from Vichy. The visit to Vichy of Admiral EMora. Resident -Gene-nl ft TunK 1a stated to b 3 "without the framework of normal
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  • 65 1 London. Saturday. ¥N accordance with a suggestion made by Mr. Oeorge Bernard Shaw, the director of th" Nnllonnl Portrait Oi»"--v li Tonr<on l»»s agreed to hang portraits of Sir Rablnd -anath Tagore. done by Sir William Rothenstein and Sir Mulrhad Bone. Sir Kenneth Cli-k. director
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 62 1 London. Saturday. I*HI leader of the Opposition In the Cana--1 dlan Parliament, Mr. Henson. has ar.ived in Britain, having flown over in an R.A.F. bomber. Mr. Henson will see Mr. Churchill, the British Prime Minister, Lord Beaverbrook I and other ministers to learn for himself
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  • 45 1 London. Saturday. FE Burgomaster of Oslo. Paul Hartmann, has accepted the invitation of King Haakon and the Norwegian Oorernment to become a member of the Norwegian Cabinet in London. The honour will be conf-rred at the next Cabinet meeting.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 44 1 Teheran. Saturday AFTER 24 hour* of list-minuU- stalling bv the German Legation, the first batch of 80 Germans left Teheran by train this mornlnp Of th«ve 72 are brini? liindcd over to the British and the remainder to the Russians. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 17 1 Hundreds mor» Canadian sol i«r» hare arrived safely In Britain after an uneventful barney acroes th; Atlantic.
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  • 48 1 6,000-Ton Supply Ship Sunk By Dutch Submarine London Saturday. A COMMUNIQUE Issued by the Royal Netherlands Navy states: "The Netherlands Admiralty announces that one of Her Majesty's submarines operating: in co-operation with the British Navy in the Mediterranean sunk a heavily-laden enemy supply ship of about 6,000 tons."
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  • 85 1 Tokio, Saturday. TWO hundred J-: ice evacuees fr m Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne and D^vao (Philippnes) arriv i at Kob? today The semi-official Domei news agency says tliey Include scne who have spent from 30 to 40 years in Australia bulldlr? ut forti'n".'. only to
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  • 330 1 London, Saturday. 'TIIE first capture of a U-boat by aircraft was described to-day by the pilot of the successful Hudson machine, Squadron Lear'er J. H. Thompson who was yesterday awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his exploit. "I do no: know what damage we
    Reuter  -  330 words
  • 77 1 •Jairo SVurday. A British Middle Ess' OHQ. c >mmuniT'e t>~;<" s'a'^s thit at Tcbrnk one of rv. pitrols m?" ?nd dM< o v e a Gfnnn p tr~l. Our artill ry flr."« camel c hrra"^ l^" fl c (n en mv poa's. raus -i cx^-osiirs
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 TAI HENG CO. 7 a i I o r$ Colemsv St., Singapore. Phone. .1375. J^
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    • 93 1 THUNDERBOLT! A-M-E-M-C-A-II LAMB -SKIN $1.50 A yd. LOVELY DESIGNS CHOTIRMALL'S NX iTff PREFERS AEFRIGERfITIOti UKANTS Pork sausages, a local proauct of unexcelled quality, are preserved t>y KELVINATOR Reingeration. carcases of pigs are stored m a large KELVIN ATOR Freezing Rcom tor proper seasoning: then, after manufacture the finished sausages are
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  • 132 2 "German Envoy Behind Plot In Argentine" Buenos Aires, Saturday. W' c nnOt PC""'* the German Ambassador to remain in the Argentine for it is revealed he has been implicated in activities menacing our democratic institutions." This statement was made by Representative Boatti at Friday's session of the Chamber of Deputies,
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  • 78 2 Rome. Saturday. LA Stampa, In a front page editorial, says, "the treatment which Italians are receiving in the United States is being carefully observed. Meanwhile, we want to remind America that for each hair touched on the head of IuUjuis in America. Italy has in its
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  • 63 2 London. Saturday. DURING eight months up to the end of August Britain has delivered to TurKey goods valued at £3.598.433. and they coniinue to be shipped at about the same rate. The largest staple Item £733,865 was 9,704 tons of locomotives, tenders and
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 71 2 Melbourne, Saturday. MORE than 1,000 aeroplanes will have ben built in Australia by the end of the present year. By next year the production of aercplanes is estimated to reach 1.000. These figures have been given by the Aircraft Production CommisSon, which revealed
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 245 2 Australia May Have Labour Government London, Saturday. A CANBERRA message says that there are persistent reports that the Labour Party is considerin? whether the time has n< t now r"m; to try to form a Labour Government. Although there arc powerful influences in the party against taking office, those in
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 108 2 New York, Saturday. TT is reported from Washington that the arming of American merchant ships is likely to be proposed by the Administration. Authoritative quarters are quoted as the source of information. The matter is reported to have been discussed on Thursday, when Pr.sident
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 101 2 Ottawa. Saturday. A IR Marshal Barrett told Cana- dians to-day that the flow of trained airmen from Canada is far in advance of the original quota. He is In Canada on a visit to units set up under the Empire training scheme. He will
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  • 86 2 INDIA ushered in the third year oi the war with a record week's subscriptions to the defence savings movement. For the week ending Sept. 6 subscriptions to the three per cent, defence loan totalled more than £2.625.000 while sales of Post Oflico savings certificates
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 111 2 Liverpool. Saturdaj. AJt* Arthur Greenwood. Minister without ivl Portfolio, averted in a speech here today that Hitler is losing the war. "R M__ ban his way to the Bast and Bri am bars his way to the Middle East and India." Mr. Grren-vood said. "The
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  • 519 2 London, Saturday. THE Times, commenting on President Roosevelt's speech announcing that the United States Navy would shoot on sight Axis warships found in America "defensive waters," says the President made the only possible reply to the piratical attacks of the German navy upon
    Reuter  -  519 words
  • 191 2 BEVIN TALKS TO INDIAN TRAINEES IN BRITAIN London, Saturday. |\/?R. Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour with Mr. John Winant, United States Ambassador to Britain, to-day inspected Indian students who have come to Britain for training IB modem methods of production. Ti >. inspection took pla^e at Letchworth Garden City. Hertfordshire.
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 54 2 Chungking, Saturday. TIE United States Ambassador to China, Mr. Clarence E. Gauss. cal-M on Dr. Quo Tai-chl, Chinese Foreign Minister, last Wednesday. The topic of their conversation has not been revealed. Hcwever, it Is believed that U.S.-Japancse talks in Washington were brought up In the
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  • 44 2 Vichy, Saturday. RUMOURS of the death of the pro-Axis French publicist. Marcel Deat. are entirely unfounded, an authorized government 'spokesman said here to-day. He likewise denied reoartd that the former com— mnUt deputy, M. Cachin, had been arrested.— United Press.
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  • 68 2 Shanglial. Sept. 13. ALAND mine laid by Chinese guerillas totally wrecked a Japanese troop train i« Suiyuan Province, according to Chinese reports received in Shanghai yesterday. Many Japanese officers are said to have been killed by guerillas who lay in ambush on both sides
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  • 117 2 "U.S. Neutrality Has Ended" Tokio View Tokio. Saturday. TfrE only newspapers commenting on Mr Roosevelt's broadcast are the Chugal Ehogyo and Hochl Shimbun. Both emphasize that the United States had thrown over her neutrality and moved to within a hairs-breadth of open war. Both agree on the principle of the
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 162 2 Manila. Saturday. THE Spanish language newspaper Vanguardia says, Mr. Roose- elt's spew .1 is a final warning by the chic of police to i robber^. If America goes to It wiU be to clear the s?_s of and to eliininae the
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 156 2 BMgh-ki Satu.uny. rE entire Tl;ai press this morning u.«es the heaviest type for a front disJ3!r.y of P/esident RoosevaU's world broaicact i there is yet no •_MOfM MBMil. N'.utral observers emphasize that the ab- of a (/:rf.-t rrfi renr* to the Par Er.steni fituatlon dees not detract
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 147 2 copy New York, Saturday. MB. Cordell Hull, Secretary for State, revealed today that a copy of President Roosevelt s speech was handed to Marshal Petain through the United States Ambassador to Vichy. Ax s countries are still abusing the snrc'h :md the President for
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 215 2 Shanghai, Saturday. /COMMENTING on numerous recent reports hinting that a Japanese-American agreement is far from unlikely the Americanowned Shanghai Evening Post says: "The hard kernel of the situation is that no agreement of any kind between Japan and the United States or between
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 87 2 Shanghai. Saturcl."" TNFORMED quarters here today heard uncoiflrmed reports th»> Germans vere puttin" very itrong pressure on o retl** i raonr->chpm?nt with ihe United S r.t s and promise 1, the Japin-sp imp^ran; concession"' In Siberia if tne Jnp-n'-s? reject United Sta'es o(Tcr.'. The O«»r— i->ns,
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  • 110 2 Atlantic Shooting In Near Future Says U. S. Admiral York, tatmtumj. SHOOTING fffl be R i n in th<* Atlin. c <n "the near future." Jtear Admiral Ac'olnhus Andrews. I'-^mmandant of the Third Naval PHMct, predicted to-day. "Every Americnn officei- should tx? rroi'd to be out thrre to tako it
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  • 68 2 'U.S. Building Army To Aid Britain' Berlin Sookesman rife-, Satur. AN authcried German anokesman read a laag prepirti s atement ti the foreign press, rl. arming- that President Roosevelt was attemntinir to build an "invasion army" to be ready nt an titie to tive Bri lain practical TWltt__W and "mike
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  • 462 2 "Oil The Blood Of Japan; Transfusion Urgently Needed" Tokio, Satur dry. AN early Japanese-American war was forecast this afternoon by Mr. Seigo Nakano. in reply to the warnings given to Janan by Mr. Churchill and President RoosevcU. H" was spiking before thousands, of people in Tokio, Hibiya Park publ o
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  • 97 2 Minilj. Satur !uy. THE Mayen vj cano. 40(i mll-'s southeaa; o' Man I*, on 'he tp of Lu«on M nd. ervptJd ta's aftemeo.n Thick columns of wrick* pourr*] fruii lh« crater of the perf<v-ttv-coned vol"aro Hundieis of rwidrnU hare Mrc-dy fled from LJboc. under the vo'^ano. but
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 479 2 Announcement BANK OF CHINA 'fThe Specially Chartered International Exchange Bantc of China) SEREMBAN SUB-AGENCY will commence business on September 15th. 1941 Addr«ss: N<>. 141, Biri'h X"ad :>u<»_e Nos: 338 Sub-Agent's Office. 339 General Office. t aphic Address: "Chunzkuo" P.O. Box No. BS. District Manager: %!r. Parlcane C. Hwang. H Agrnt,
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  • 235 3 German Soviet Moves In The Balkans Soon? London, Saturday. will be the subject or discussion between Hitler, Ribbentrop, Nazi Foreign Minister, and Franz von Papen, Nazi Ambassador to Turkey, according to Martin Agronsky, Ankara correspondent of the National Broadcasting Corporation. Gen. Rohde. German military and air attache in Ankara, has
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  • 108 3 Shanghai, Saturday. A JAPANESE n?val landing party this morning closed all bridges over Soochow Creek a.s well as bridges in Hontrkpw, and cDrdened the entire area foll~>w.n<? the wcunding, by a Chinese gunman, of a Japan, s? sailer who was supervising road construction on the outskirts of
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  • 81 3 Ca ro, Saturday. piVE ringleaders of the Iraqi rebel--1 lion who took refuge In Iran have expressed a desire to return to Iraq for trial by court-martial, according to reports from Baghdad. It is also report H from Baghdad that the former Mufti of ierusalem.
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 108 3 Bangkok. Saturday. pOUNTRY cousini of the people of Bangkok will now be granted a fre» ride In Thal- land's railway system to give them a chance to *e« the capital at least once In their lifetime. It Is stated that since a large
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 33 3 Vichy, Saturday. A TOTAL of 34.000 persons are being held in prisons and concentration ramps throughout France for various reasons, it Is officially admitted here.— United Press.
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  • 108 3 Washington, Saturday. fHE Washington Post, in an editorial commenting on the JapanA ese Emperor's assumption of control over the Japanese Army headquarters, says, evidently he intends to rule as well as reign. The purpose for these moves would seem to be
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  • 282 3 Shanghai. Saturday. INFORMED quarters here have con- firmed that negotiations have been going on between Nanking and Chungking recently and that prospects of a possible agreement are now brighter than hitherto because Japan is bringing considerable pressure to bear on Nank ng although
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  • 78 3 Melbourne, Saturday. MR. Ar*hur Menken, American newsreel earner: man who has paid two visits to Malaya, has arrived in Australia to phtograph the Australian war effoi t. He said he was so impressed with the A IF. in Malaya that he decided tj "i p
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  • 108 3 New York, Saturday. «THE Burma Road is good. Nj amount of bombing will ev;t stop transportation over it," declared both Mr. Daniel Ars.ein and Mr. Harold Davis, members of the White House C'omm ssion who have Just returned from China. •Japan will never beat China.
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  • 63 3 Rangoon, Saturday. |>RAVERS for victory of the Democracies were offered by a large congregation of Burmese Buddhist* at the historic, go!ddomed Shwedagon pagoda. One of the highest dignitaries of the Buddhist church, Aletawaya Sayadaw, preached a sermon, ?tnphaslzing the Buddhist resolve to withstand aggression. A
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 55 3 AUSTRALIAN SURPLUS FOR RUSSIA ALLIES Canberra, Saturday. AUSTRALIA has surplus stocks of wool, lead and zinc concentrates available for Russia and ether allies, said Mr. Murphy, Secretary to the Commerce Department. Russia had arranged with the United Kingdom to order surnlus stocks from the Empire through the Un;t»d Kingdom Comrnorc
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 138 3 London, Saturday. »THE Distinguished Flying Cross has been awarded to Squadron Leader H. Thompson and Flying Officer W. J. O. Coleman, pilot and navigator respectively, of the bomber aircraft in which they carried out a successful attack on an enemy submarine, which was later
    British Wireless  -  138 words
  • 113 3 Japanese Calling Up White Russians For Military Training Tsingtao, Saturday. TO facilitate what Is described as short term reservist training, registration of White Russ'nns at Tsingtao between the ages of 18 and 40 has begun by the Ts.nstio Jpranesesponsored Russian Anti-Communist Committee. Although the period of training has not been
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 98 3 AN Italian merchantshlp was sunk in spite of its destroyer escort in the lonian Sea (off the Greek coast), by RAF. bombers ot» Thursday, states an RAF. Middle East communique issued in Cairo. Fleet Air Arm planes also took part In the bombing
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  • 71 3 Bombay, Saturday. MR. M. A. Jinnah, president of trt* All-India Muslim League, has expelled from the League Sir Syed Sultan Ahmed and Shah Nawaz, who d d not resign from the Viceroy's Executive Council when called upon to do so by a resolution of the
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 63 3 Melbourne, Saturday. FIVE Royal Australian Air Force flehter squadrons equipped with the most modprn aircraft are servln abroad, stated the Australian Air Minister. Mr. J. McEwen, adding that the progressive end substantial strensctn of Malayan defences Included a Brewster Buffalo fighter squadron. These were only
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 217 3 Sole Agenti SINOAPORC COLO STORAGE CO, LTD. JpT CS. 239 A I "FIGHT FOR FREEDOM 11 I EXHIBITION VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL Sept. Uth to 17th 9 am to 6.30 p.m. OPEN ON SUNDAY Admission Free. A Panorama of the War On Land, On Sea, In the Air, and the Fighting
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 93 3 THEIR FINEST HOUR true incidents prom -tm« r'HfUl rvQrtfi AN DA N i b^^^V «^bßß^.^^s^b^B t** H^^^H^^ CfKMANS MfMNTU TMflft TO T*Ht UP TWO PUWUIt £ot I*TSmS <Sf fUI "iiP TARCtT OJirHOV.NO 17 M*M(V WilOtNriALi AT A ««M»N AIHriLLO PLANtS FOR TRIAC- UAw^T WWK «>-•»» hMAwV AKO CAOi.MC 437 tAJ*»AUTIt»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 It's the Laugh Jackpot..., It's a great Comedy! Believe us, for Sheer entertainment Nobody can top "The Great Mr. Nobody" TO-DAY 4 HOLIDAY SHOWS 11 AJVf. 3.15, A ts^qA A'kJCZGjS A 6.15 and 9.15 P.M.A L li AMDK A ttttßtf^fe^ There BtRO U* l Couldn't j jCf jui. H Be!
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    • 365 4 SEASON EXTENDED! 6th DAY Don't Miss this Grand Inspiring Adventure of the "HELL-CATS" of the U.S. Fleet Air Arm! /40^^&k K I The U.S. NAVY Mlla^^ helped M GM \to-o^ y ((A I ||irl!^ i5 -«5[ to make this L__L—^^T^SU 115^7"^ J The Greatest of N^^^S^/ all AIR EPICS!, with
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  • 467 5 Peers Angered At Slur On British Tommy By War Office Ruling DRITISH officers who surrender to the enemy are considered Not jjuilt v ■of cowardice until they are proved guilty Other ranks taken prisoner are Guilty until proved innocent. Peers in the House of Lords expressed indignation recently when told
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  • 178 5 Man Sued By "Wife" He Has Never Heard Of SERVED with a petition for divorce, a Melbourne man denied that he was married, and said he had never heard of the woman who said she was his wife. This evidence was given before the Registrar in Divorce (Mr. C. K.
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  • 127 5 IN a famous square in Central London where bombs fell amorrr ancient trees last autumn is a spring-time wonder. A small Judas tree, which had been a bower of rose-pink bloom, was cau<?h f by blast. Although its crown was shattered its trunk scarred and
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  • 89 5 MR. Hugh Walter Kingwell Wuatner. who. in 1936, undertook the lnspec- tion of 80.000 rooms for overseas visitors to the Coronation, has been appointed managing director of the I Javoy Hotel, Ltd.. following the dea* i of Sir George Reeves-Smith. Mr. Wontner, elder son
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  • 72 5 A TOTAL oi 51 people, who walked across a newly ploughed field and caused damage to growing crops, were each fined amounts ranging from ss. to 7s 6d. with ss. costs at Birmingham. Damage estimated at more than £25 was said to have been
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  • 65 5 TPHE wife of a shoemaker in the Tillage of Sanmlguel de Machded, Portugal, gave birth recently to seven children, all girls. The birth was premature and all died. The mother is thirty-nine, and the father. Verglllo Salgado. 41. They had previously had ten children,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 24 5 WANTED Sinocouple want furnished or unfurn, flat or house irnmcdiately on Oct. 1. M S. essential. State de ails H<Uph. 5? Robinson Rd. *****.
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    • 209 5 MOEE FAVOURITK ALBUMS! >// Selections from the lajSrS Decca Album Stf.T\t.s I X: St POPULAK PIANO SOLOS —WILLIAM MURDOCH. Waltz in C sharp minor i Chopin), Golliwog's Cake Walk. Moment Musical (Schubert). Paptllon Orieg > Rondo Alia Turca iMoearti, Rustle of Spring iSlndliigi. Melody In F (Rubinstein). Hark. Hark, the
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    • 164 5 ife^HDv or mar Your smile cannot be attractive if your teeth are dingy. Brush your teeth with EUTHYMOL the pleasant tasting, antiseptic tooth paste that penetrates into all crevices of the teeth, destroys dangerous germs and finally imparts to the teeth a pearly whiteness that adds to the attractiveness of
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  • 1091 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By LIKE that distinguished philosopher, Mary Pickford, we are always counting our blessings. One of these blessings is that nobody can ask us where we are spending oar holidays, and the reason is that even if we had any holidays there is no place
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  • 415 6 By The Four Aces fVNE our f» vourJt Bridge swindles was \J executed by Alfred P. Sheinwold. of New York, a few years ago: South Dealer Both sides vulnerable Mr. SbeinwoM. The bidding: Sooth West North Bast IS Dbl. Pass 2C Pass 711 3S Pass Pass 3R 36
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 590 6 am I M Sala* SaY xJ I Put pounds of flesh on scraggy bones, increase weight, fill out hollow cheeks. BE VITAL ALIVE MAGNETIC THRILLING Thousands of men and women owe their beautiful figures and thrilling vitality to Clotabs. By putting on firm healthy flesh, by enriching the impoverished bloodstream
      590 words
    • 221 6 Steady Those SHAKY NERVES End Those SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Get Back VIGOUR VITALITY Life in the tropic* places a great strain jo many people Pitiless heat or soft enervating humidity nights when hours of sleeplessness sap your strength no vroader you begin to feel worn out ss four vitality is drained
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  • 1680 7 By The Onlooker THE Singapore business community will say goodbye to one of its popular members to-morrow. Mr. L. D. Wood, of the Straits Trading Co. Ltd., is retiring after 31 years' service with the company and is going to South Africa on i retirement. •Laurie" Wood
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 492 7 '1 3f|| y^V I BSSSsaF/ 3 /J All sman men UM Anzora (or their hair. Ar.d the •marl man always gets (he best job. Anzora it the finest, most healthful dressing A for rhe hair you c«n buy And it keep* the head cool. MASTER YOUR JMZOttAI HAIR WITH cuah]
      492 words
    • 241 7 r-*^^ I^^^Pf ""O^SaaflaairaSShv '•aaSaf'^ataaaaaJLEL aaJH aa^alaaal Work mores fast ""Xa(li>^aw2^^^^aaaafet. LaaaaaaaaaaaK *ith International IP/ FULL Diesel Tro<*^^^J .^aaaaaavi aaß^^^aßai^^^^ TrecTors on the job. A^^^*Aft^aaal BKaaaaaaaaaV^ mow you aaaW^^jnT^^Pßt??**^^- tow dependaaaP^aaaaaUsaaaaaaa^aatPw^rfcV'^^^kw TracTracTors LaaPF>MoC^^ia^N£^ caH rt uct yot BBBB^BBfi»7^ S^^^BBWf operating costs. c?t£D Rugged Performance Economy No road building, earth moving or
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  • 400 8 Income Tax Increase 'Should Not Be Passed Down By Landlord To Tenant' RENT BOARD RULING IN KUALA LUMPUR (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THAT increases in income tax should not be passed on to tenants was the opinion of the Rent Restriction Board, Kuala Lumpur, when they gave
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  • 319 8 Estate Of Man Who Started Cycle Carriage QUESTION OF DOMICILE ISSUE IN K.L. CASE (From Our Orm Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. MR. Justice A'Beckett Terrell, Acting Chief Justice, F.M.S reserved judgment after a week's hear mr of the case in which Messrs Chua Cheng Hee, Chua Cheng I.iat, Chua Boon
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  • 280 8 (From Our Own Oonvsnon'i«!nt> Kuala Lumpur. Sept. IS. RESIGNED to define the legitimate bpher" of trade disputes and provide adequate protection for the community and the individual, the Trade Disputes Knactmen' i will be Introduced at the next meetmt of the I Federal Council.
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  • 181 8 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Saturday THE Klang Chinese Relief Committee in aid of the Lord Mayor's Air Raid DisUess Fund collected tile following donations: Messrs. Fung Kcong $500, Ooh Hock Huat $SCO. Kirn Chin Hoe $500. Shum Yip Leong rubber works $500, Kong
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  • 91 8 <From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. A MALAY woman. Senah, the first wife of a Malay, Abdul Malek, was committed by the Seremban magistrate, to stand her trial at the next Negri Sembiian Assizes on a charge of having caused the death of P.aah. the second
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  • 126 8 'From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Saturday. A DERAILMENT on the Klang main line took place within the area of the distance signal when two passenger coaches and the engine of the mixed train from Kuala Lumpur to Port Swettenham went off the main line at noon
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  • 143 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Saturday. rHARGED with driving an army truck in a dangerous manner on tne Port i Swettenham-Klang Road on the night of Aug. 2, H. J. Fogarty. a corporal of the A.1.F., was fined $75 or, in de- j fault,
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  • 98 8 rE M.B.C. is to relay daily except on Fridays, a news commentary by William Winter. This feature, which begins to-night, will come on at 10.15 p m., replacing the "Evening Star programme previously scheduled. Air Commodore Modln. C.8.E.. D.S.C., Air Officer. Administration. R-A.P Far Bast,
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  • 81 8 THE soprano soloist at the Musical Society Concert on Sunday. Sept. 28, will be ttw well-known Singapore vocalist, Ida Klnlcch. Her solos wtll include such favourite* ar "Hear ye, Israel" and "I know that my Redeemer liveth The second roloist. John Shaw, is a newcomer to Singapore and
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  • 85 8 i Prom Our Own Correspom i Par It Buntar. Saturday. A YOUNG Indian. Suppiah. was fmrd si by Y. M. Raja Anor Shah in the t;igan Serai police court, when he was found guilty of jumping off a mo'-inc trai c.tween Alor Pongsu and Bagan Srrai.
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  • 78 8 •■•WO Chinese, P.ih Teng Kuang and Keng, Huik, appeared in the Singapore Third Court yesterday on a charge of committing robbery of cash to the value of $30 and a gold wrist watch and chain valued at $65 belonging to one Tan Ba Chit, at River
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  • 151 8 A EUROPEAN woman, Mrs. J. Watson, was seriously injured in a collision between a motor-car and a military lorry in Napier Road in the early hours of yesterday morning:. As a result of the collision the lorry turned turtle and the motor-car was
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  • 58 8 British North Borneo has its war effort, too, and the natives are being educated by sticking propaganda posters such as the one shown above. Looking on second from left are the Information Officer, Mr. (i. Robertson, and the Asst. Treasurer Sandakan, Mr. J. Lyon.
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  • 127 8 SUICIDE VERDICT ON LHINE3E WOMAN *<THE VllMMi were unable to give me any motive for suicide but I am satisfied from the evidence that the woman took her own life,'' said the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, at an inquiry yesterday into the death of
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  • 60 8 < Prom Our Own Co.Teoponaert i Ipoh. Saturday. THE death took pluce yesterday morning of Mr. Ng Sal Khoon. the Malayan ball- room dancing champion, nfte 1 sudden heari ft'ar-k. Mr. Sal Khoon was the second son of the l^te Mr. Ng Sek Poon. a
    60 words
  • 180 8 Tne Police Band vill play on Tuc. day, at Katong Park at 5.30 p.m.: March. "The i Vanished Army" (JL J Alford): Selection. I Clas&ica (Montague Evingl; Valse. Eton Boating Song" iKarl Kaps): Cornet Solo. Oood-bye (F. P. Tostii; Melodic. SaneI tuary of the Hearts" iKetelbe?>; Sr
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 521 8 The LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1940 RESULTS, just published award SIXTY FOUR PER CENT, of PASSES in all subjects for whicN students of PITMAN'S COLLEGE entered. Of these Sixty- four per I cen:. more than half were It if' it Ifc^Hvll I BffiM DISTINCTIONS, Enrol now UUJ^lhUvß'W'^tV'^bbl ur the
      521 words
    • 353 8 Glands Made Active and Youthful Vigour Restored in 24 Hours American Doctor's Discovery Strengthens Blood, Net vcs. Body. Memory. Brain, Muscltt, and En- durance Belter Than Gland Operations. Thanks to the discovery of in American Doctor, it Is now possible for those who feel prematurely old. Run-down and Wornout, to
      353 words
    • 352 8 jdfl I^b. too nay that the Vi-Taba formula in mirvflmr for JHHnRB tho»«> who are old before their time. Run-down, and ■■K Worn-out. For instance. K 1 Dr T. A. Kills, of Canada. *S V recently wrote: "Not only v^fl Bfk does this formula enrich WK^L the blood supply of
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  • 318 9 You Must Black-out To-morrow Tuesday IUORE than 20,000 passive defence workers stationed in every important city, town, and village in Malaya, are preparing themselves for the Malaya-wide air raid precaution exercises which take place to-morrow and Tuesday. These will be the most comprehensive exercises
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  • 348 9 Perak B.R. 's Appeal To Employers (From <Hir Own Correspondent) Perak Saturday. IN connection with the defence exercfees oa Monday and Tuesday, the Ilritish Resident. Perak, requests all employers in the state to assist in the carrying out of the exercises on these two days by releasing members of their
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  • 285 9 Programme of drills up to and for week ending Bent. it. Monday, Sept. la. 1715 hrs Headquarters B.R.A. <v> Sec. Ttainliig; 1715 hrs Headquarters SSL. Bty R.A. (V) Manning and L.O. Training; 17*) hrs Mt. Ucsic Rd. No. 2 S»t S.B.D. Sec R5. (v» B.D. Training; 1715 !irs
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  • 113 9 GREAT World cabaret hostesses more tban 100 in number, are still on strike and there was no dam-ing last night. The management of tha Great World had hoped that dan. /kg would b? resumed last night, but it appeared that the hostesses are still dissatisfied.
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  • 251 9 CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY AMENDS BY-LAWS (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. *T*HE recent Government circular on the subject of the Government's attitude towards subordinate officers who suffer from serious pecuniary embarrassment raises the question of what policy cooperative societies should adopt towards those members whp
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  • 223 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.* Segamat, Saturday. HOW a labourer was alleged to have seized a tapping knife and stabbed his contractor was described before Inche Haroun bin Ahmad, the Segamat magistrate to-day, when Cheh Nam. a Chinese rubber tapper, appeared on a 1 arge of
    223 words
  • 583 9 (From A Correspondent > "X*INF.S have been sighted off th<« east coasl of Malaya." This warning, broadcast daily from BLTipWT in tlie earl;, months of I I II, had kept local vessels on the al-.-rt in Trrncganu waters, so much so that the sight of a
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  • 49 9 At The Cinema A GAY musical comedy. "Pot C Gold," a James Roosevelt production released through United Artiste, was given a midnight screening at the Cathay cinema. Academy award winner James Stewart is 1 seer in another line performance and Paulette I Ooddard gives him excellent support.
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  • 63 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. Saturday. AT the monthly meeting of the Malacca Municipal Commissioners on Wednesday the following items of business will be discussed in private session: <1> payment of a supplementary allowance in addition to the high cost of living allowance to labourers
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  • 40 9 Mrs Margaret Durdln arrived In Singapore from San Francisco yesterday by the President Oartteld. She la repreaenttnc "Time" mags tine. Her hnsstand. correspondent of the "New York Tisnes," is due In Singapore from Bangkok on Friday.
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  • 63 9 |UJK. Alfred l>«ff Cooper, Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster who is in Singapore on a special mission for the War Cabinet, is broadcasting to London from Singapore at 4.45 p-w. tomorrow. A recording win be broad- cast i» the normal transmission of the Singapore
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  • 259 9 Duff Cooper Aid For China UNDER the title "Lease-Lend and Mr. Duff Cooper," the Economist magasine urges China's claim to Lease- Lend s«p»Ues even at the expense Britain and Russia, especially for an efficient though not necessarily very large air f<vce on the flank of any Japanese move Southward Lease
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 67 9 (Preta Our O»n Csrrtsa saisat) Maar, Saturday LAST aight jiirisiy catered the office ef the SalUn Abu Uakar Girls' School aad tried U epen the safe. The fntrader took onjj a few reels of ce*t*a aad twe tins of MseuiU. A note was left saying:
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  • 134 9 400 VOLUNTEERS IN 20-HOUR EXERCISE I7OUR hundred Singapore volunr teers yesterday evening began a 20-hour overnight exercise. Dressed in full "battle regalia," the men are experiencing true wartime conditions, as near as is possible. Those taking part In the exercise comprise Europeans. Eurasians. Chinese and Indians. They will man part
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  • 193 9 Two Japanese On Sedition Charges TWO Japanese clerks, Ifatsuro Hidaka and Kyofca Kurasaho, appeared on charges under theSedition Ordinancr in the Singapore Criminal District Court yenterday. The charge aga>nsl Ha^uro Hidaka alleged that on Sept. 11, at a house in Sophia Road, he had in his possession, without lawful excuse,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 340 9 PROSTRATE for a whole day with Ca GASTRIC PAINS W\ For over 20 long years. Miss B. C. Vv.wi ier your Imwmb Is— lndlhad suffered with a gastric eesdon. Wind, Flatulence, Biliousstomach. Her trouble was a <*en the m °re serious tragedy, a handicap in work and 4*^. remember one
      340 words

  • 749 10 Another Test I^O-MORROW and on Tuesday Singapore's passive defences are to undergo another test during periods of daylight and night time. All branches of the defences are to be called upon to function in conditions which arc to be made as near as possible to those
    749 words
  • 1110 10  - Gallant Exploits Of Free French Navy Sir John Pollock By THE gallant work of the Free French Forces, under General de Gaulle, our allies against tyranny and treachery, is weU known. They have fought grandly in Libya, Abyssinia, Eritrea and Syria. Thanks to the Free French, France is still in
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  • 441 10 Preparations To Open New Front Against Nazis London, Saturday. PLLY manned and equipped, a British armoured division gave impressive evidence of the new power of Britain's army to-day when its thousands ot tanks, mobile guns, armoured fighting vehicles, motor-cyclists and transport swept past the King along 4 bread heath somewhere
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 523 10 Choose the tailor who has given complete satisfaction to his clients for over 20 years. Choose W^ w have a tcide Hi i range of suit MbV vkm lengths "RockmUe" Ml suitings— USA. RPft^l WAIN SMELL'S ,M\H in Silk and Wooi H*9 Also AMERICAN SHARKSKIN I in various colours MIEN
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    • 484 10 X.P.M. LINE REGULAR SERVICES TO THE NETHERLANDS INDIES CHINA AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AFRICA H. V. RORIRKLUKE PAKETVAART-MAATSCNAPPIJ KP M LINE (Inc. in the Netherlands Indies) Tel. 5451. Pimples and Bad Skin Fought li 0s tfs\ 24 Hours W W BEFORE AFTER Since the discovery of Nixoderm by an to work
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  • 19 11 A close-up of a Tomahawk fighter. Note the four machine guns in the wings.
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  • 354 11 How Two Airmen Won Lost Their Gamble With Death AIRMEN drew lots to dcci a particularly dangeroi Australians won, and thci seen over Brest, France, s The story of how these R.A.AF. men won and lost their gamble with death was told in the Probate Court In Sydney recently. Ide
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  • 212 11 TTHF cost of maintaining London's Metropolitan Police at war-time strength reached the high peak in 1940 of £12,400,000, fifty per cent, more than in 1935. It is estimated that the cost this year will be nearly £14,000,000. London ratepayers contributed £4,750,000
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  • 299 11 DEFORE a convoy sails, the naval officers who will escort it and the captains who will command the merchant ships meet to exchange notes and devise a plan of campaign. The conference described below is typical of those held several times a week at
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  • 181 11 AN appeal for the first 100.000 A.T.S. women. recalling Kitchener's famous appeal for men in 1914. was made recently by Lt.-Gen. Sir Ronald Adam, the newly appointed AdjutantGeneral to the Forces. He said: "We are thinking in terms of six figures for
    181 words
  • 152 11 MRS. I. Whitney, one of the most remarkable personalities in the cattle-breeding industry in Australia, died recently at the age of 96. Almost to the last Mrs. Whitney took an active part in the management and administration of the Whitney Pastoral Company's
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  • 92 11 wrEALTHY women, restricted by clothes rationing from making luxury purchases, are turning to petty theft. "The Increase in shoplifting Is tremendous." stated a London police court official recently. Stores In all parts of the country tell the same tale. The manager of a big
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  • 113 11 CHAKESPEARE. Jane Austen, Aldous Huxley, v John Steinbeck, Wlckham Steed, and Brian Pen ton are among U>e authors of more than 200 books selected by Army educational officers for use in discussion classes being formed for troops In Australia. Thi; Minister for the Army, Mr.
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  • 99 11 lADY Blarney, wife of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Blarney, Deputy Oomman-d«r-in-Cftilef tn the Middle East, who has been acting inw>fn<««fpy R,ed Cross visitor to hospital- tn the Middle Bast, has bees officially app-iuitod visitor by the council of the Red Cross Society. Other Australian
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 105 11 PERSJLIzNOW HEN r~^^^» o ki BETTER i Penii, dM woaueriui .wffM Bw^\>Ma*#^. than ever because it h; I* f overcome fcr ever the p y§ problem of xum in tli< fe't x 9sV water when you rinse. Mkf V*"— •<*■■ F Everywhere women praiSt M <» t time I this
      105 words
    • 441 11 *Lcvk tmart there/ A Brylcreem i: tfe perfect J/airVrerutuf p^^n^n jH^F*j3 Brylcreem is the perfect hair dressing for WJ r> men who can't afford to take a chance uith 1 JKfWtf J their appearance. A well-groomed head V ifIRA (I means a well-groomed ma n. Look smart Iv) \j \mgjkl\
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  • 69 12 THE following alterations to the lisi of share quotations published in the Stratta Times yesterday were made when the market close* yesterday: TINS Batu Selangor (sl> 1.44 1.47 Hong JFatt Tin ($1) 1.33 1.37 xd. Rantatj <4gl) 1.79 1.83 Suniref Jmm (sl> 1.68 1.73 Tmnjon* Tin (ss)
    69 words
  • 84 12 Slagayarp. Satarda.T. Sea*. 13, ii*»n. Bwycn Seller* rriea* rrlMf Nt IX K.S.S. (Saol loose 1 3*96 38% No IX X.vs. to.*, isj eaae» September 3*% 3»H G.F.A.Q K.9.S f o.j. tat bate* S*l>teinber »*i 3S*i r.A.Q. B.SS t.m m la bale* Septrmbrr —57*4 a nmru
    84 words
  • 173 12 Singapore, Saturday I'r.e roUowias are (be ixcnancc raiea uttt mcrning according to (be dally circular imu*x 0i the Honskona tad **^nifraj Btnlrlnt Corporation:— ■BUM London 1.1 a/4 S London demand 2/4 J/32 Switzerland (T.T. only) 202.46 New York 47.10 Montreal demand 61. 85 Hat a via demand 88.71 tSamsrang
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  • 110 12 Singapore. Sept. 13. «urer» aeiiara Oamhler t 7JW Hamburg Cube nut ■lava Cuba tis.oo Copra Ml-ed $2^5 Sun Dried $3.M Pevvet Whtte Muntok »17 50 White sn.iw) Black 8.00 Haoo Flour -n < Liner* $SJ2H $5.22U P~f W.l3^ $512H Sarawak $4.25 Taptoca Small Ptelce 50 Pair Flake
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  • 1185 12 The Week's Markets Singapore, Saturday. ASKED dur.r.g the week whether the matter appearing In this column of late and bearing en Government activities was thought nt and proper to a financial correspondent, I replied affirmatively. Since Oovernr.**nt spending in these days is the largest item
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 915 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH are few and simple /\n drews gives you complete Inner Cleanliness Andrews is far more than a laxative. It cleans WL the system through and through, makes you feel alive and alert, invigorated from top to toe. The- purifying action of Andrews liver Salt stsrts from
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    • 444 12 HIGHLY- STRUNG CHILDREN are the most gifted But you should watch out for these DANGER SIGNS of nervous overstrain VOV should be specially proud if your What is happening is that the chiMj child is the hicrhly strung, sensitive is using up her nervous energy niorw type. She is so
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  • 180 13 Walked Round The Room In Pain If you have the misfortune to suffer badly from indigestion, you will feel a fellow- sympathy for this woman in her sulTcrinp. But now sleepless nights are a thing of the past. She has conquered her indigestion She writes
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  • 253 13 School Leaving Age May Be Raised To 16 Soon In New South Wales THE raising of the school leaving age to 16 by progressive stages as soon as possible is being considered by the New South Wales State Government, it was stated by the State Minister for Education, Mr. C.
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  • 104 13 PR the second successive year, the season has opened on the Scottish moors on August 1, Instead of August 12. The London Daily Telegraph says: "The earlier opening of the season Is designed to lessen the chance of crop damage by game. "But expert
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  • 106 13 A MELBOURNE manufacturer, engaged on defence work, was fined £2 recently for paying a fitter more than the prescribed wage. It was the first case of its kind under the National Security f Employment* Regulations in Victoria. The manufacturer. William Robert Richardson, partner in
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  • 71 13 BEFORE HUMAN LIFE" wr_ESTRUCTION ol ancient and I *J beautiful buildings is even more grievous than that of human life," de- clared the Bishop of Bristol, Dr. C. S. Woodward, at a Bristol service attended, by Queen Mary. He added: "You and I may lose our lives and
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  • 103 13 WITHIN a few weeks airmen at present posted to balloon barrages Aill be replaced by members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, who have proved very competent in getting the >alloons into the air. The W A.A.F. has issued an appeal lor recruits. At present
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  • 50 13 A SURVEY in New York City reveals that 81 per cent, of the children like school and 92 per cent, go to the pictf.-es every week. Most popular books are "The Swiss Family Robinson." Treasure Island," Alice in Won^rland," and Uncle Tom's Cabin," in that order.
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  • 97 13 WEALTHY landowner. W. S. Cochran. walked into the crowded court at Conroe, Texas, where Robert White, a negro, was being charged with assaulting Mrs. Cochran. He raised a revolver and shot the negro dead, then walked over to the prosecuting attorney and. with a bow, handed
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  • 264 13 ALMOST £900,000 was paid to Australian families at the end of July as the first Instalment of child endowment. The Minister for Social Services, Sir Frederick Stewart, described this as "the first step towards the 'new order, for which Australia was not waiting until the end of
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  • 130 13 ABEKDOVEY is to have an air raid siren after all. For weeks this North Wales town has been split into two camps those who were content with the present system of whistles and those, backed by the head warden, who maintained that a siren
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  • 298 13 PERCY BAKER, an Eastbourne Corporation official, was lined £4 for letting a Masonic dinner have his family meat ration, says the Dally Herald. In a statement to an enforcement officer. Baker said he did not know this was Irregular. The chairman (Mr. R. A. Gordon.
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  • 111 13 Bishop Speaks Of Religion In Russia London. DUSSIA is a country which officially is atheistic, but contains millions of Christians; England is a country which officially is Christian, bat contains millions of virtual atheists/ wrote the Bishop of Chelmsford. Dr. H. A. Wilson in an article in his diocesan chronicle
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 373 13 Before you can Mm round her hair will be "up and she will be taking her place in the peaceful, prosperous Empire a^^^Ssssv^^wNfe of tomorrow. But today is the time for you xJ^H^J^Ei^T malce sure tnat sne shall jHMKFW^-? ■■^4b. B row graceful and strong and k flV^^^£*'£jir^ well-formed. She
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  • 767 14 Max Factor's Advice Worry And Wrinkles •THE woman who doesn't do some worrying about her own measure of beauty is so rare as to be practically non-existent. Such worrying, unless it Is carried to ridiculous extremes, is of beneficial value. The person who worries about something usually takes constructive steps
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 323 14 f+ IV X V a M H\ \<Z\ Toriet your age Be happy m ttw Knowledge that you iooc 7'onng. fr«l young. And the secret of keeping your skin young is just a matter of nking care and using a few chosen Elizabeth Arden preparations faithfully. And have you yet
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    • 579 14 U^^^HmSß^^ all over the world VwsiVM^^H HsstvUP?' Consistent high quality that \V-\*\sV-iYV v^SIBB^/^ never Tmriet and s wide ranst of wO \v&f^\ tSfP^Ts delicious flavours have cnaured iSfifjf universal feme for Chivers 1 same time, very wholesome and nourishing. Start wststg cheat Chivers'Jellies Try also Chivers' Jams, Oldt English Marmalade
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    • 185 14 j^ _^SaY I JC *<> B»W^^ K .^ssbbbbV'^ SANITARY PROTECTION IS NOW WORN INTERNALLY Tampax has ended all the old discomforts. No chafing. No irritation. No odour. Completely invisible and fully protective— and so much more hygienic TAMPAX RBOD. TKAM M\*C WORN INTERNALLY $$U Aetna v, KtMni THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY
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  • 262 15 Photophobia And Light Adaptation By R. A. THOMPSON, D.O Sc. Dr. of Ocular Science. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO In prescribing tinted lenses we should be on our guard against confusing photophobia (intolerance of l'ght) with slowness in light-adaptation or tiark-adaptaticn. We arc not photophobic in the usual sense and should not
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  • 1529 15 What The Stars Foretell By R. H. Naylor SUNDAY, SEPT. 14: In many reapeeta this k a birthday for which to be thankful. The coming year will bring happiness, adventure, marked, If somewhat spasmodic, business progress. Health should be ex- cellent, and energy abounding. Remember that enterprise counts for a
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  • 364 15 JANUARY (Dec. 21 Jan. 19) Family changes planned for next week. Meanwhile Ntter times socially amusing contacts towards weekend. Tuesday best day for most purposes. 1 KBKI AkV (Jan. 20— Keb 18): Week begins on sentimental note, ends with business clash. You should be able to
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 133 15 AM AMAMJ^£nus regular shampoo v>nh An. ami is a wonderful luxury yet to tnexpentivc. After an Arnami Shampoo CaA notice howf resh and clean your k alp fafl^ feeh how gloriously your hair ■^t% shines; how marvellously easy nis to &~r^^L sei No wonder trillion oi )ove)> pirU &r**^^L i%t
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    • 190 15 I VTEVER Id the rcmn steal your birthright of a I XN youthful skin. Nature meant your complcxioa I to be renewed acd refreshed with every day that I passed. She meant the drying outer skia imperceptibly to dissolve sad to make way for the freah new skin wliich is
      190 words
    • 513 15 «"MY DEAR. YOU LOOK TWENTY TEARS YOUNGER I" I \lt •*> I si J f V s^s> Ml M s^B mm *»VV MJ t>*» _^a^^n 1^ B mm^a*tta^mmSttmttnv»\. I^a*a*MM H w f//fIH mvjw Tp s^ Mi m H *t.-4t Tt sounds like a gros* exaggeration but it was cleansing with
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 763 16 THE FOOD OF THE FUTURE u&rZinuo e| m protection of fruit ON THE j^Hand vegetable SPRAYER I 1 crops from insects i AND FUNGUS DISEASES L JfclkkJ^,-" IS INCREASINGLY E pSf^l^ IMPORTANT IN ALL -f T W Iblß^B^B^blb^a^' jftJL&**^Sm f*- m^ MMBkI [fI^SSM^ countries. l&il^V MYERS SPRAYERS ARE ys*J lappraised
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    • 319 16 \AUDAY? The skin-pores 01 your ■aaaa""^^^ feet should be constantly eliminating acid ln.purme*. When your feet sting all day. whea they ache ard swell, it is because those pores have oecome choked, and acid Is piling up inside them. Then you f uffer foot agony. Corns .mdl callouses begin to
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 2533 16 Wir eless Programmes TPtf\_. W% JL *V 7 p.m. Announcements In Dutch. European FMPIRF STATION M \J"I#A X music on records; 7.15 p.m. News in Dutch ■MW«T«««. (VAittAtwn relayed from London: 7.90 p.m. Oramo- 1 EASTtK.N sKKVICk aINvAPOKE phone record Interlude; 7.35 p.m. News 6. 1t p.m. 11. 4* p.m
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  • 1177 17  -  "Doc" By ■THE final of the large unite cricket competl--1 tion saw the official end of the cricket season. By winning the trophy the Manchester? realised another ambition. The match was a great affair. The Signals knocked up a respectable total 174, of which Ross scored a
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  • 647 17 (By Our RadminUn Correspondent) >pHE open Inter-club tournament for the 1 much-coveted Lim Kee Check trophy. i which in former years was one of the main it tions of the season, will this year be o-ganlsed on the original knock-out system Instead of the league system as adopted
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  • 197 17 ♦From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Saturday. •T*HE Depot Police beat Batu Pahat Police by four goals to one in the final of the lnter-clrcle football Cup i competition. At the end of the match. Inspector Eusof, the captain of the winning team, was presented
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  • 113 17 The Scrangoon Lads B.P. beat thf Kangaroo B.P. by four games to twc. Results <S L B.P. first): Lee Yang Kwang vs. Beah Kirn Teck 11—15, 15—3. (abandoned owing to falling light). O. Ramanathan lost to D. V. Lange 15 13. 5 15, 12—9 (retired owing to
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  • 158 17 The Hurricane B.P. drew 4 4 with Makepeace Rovers In a badminton match at the Happy World stadium. Scores (Makepeace first): Syed Sallm lost to Wee Boon Hal 7_15, 9—15; Koh Keng Huat lost to Oat Thean Leong 11—15, 12—15; M. A. L&ngr (capt.) beat H. E. Glflord
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  • 94 17 At ft general meeting to re -organise the Makepeace B.P. the following DM elected office-bearers: Patrons, P. A. Lange, S Lazaioo, A. V. de Souza, Ambrose Perelra. Walter Dendroff and Mrs. A. V. Rufus. Pr*si<Jen». J. N. de 8o«ua; vice-presidents, David C. dc Souaa. Alan V. Cordelro; hon.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 490 17 t t FEEL JADED (CJ&tJI EARLY IN THE EVENING? 6Wpy after meals Jaded early in the evening Irritable, nervy Have headaches and occasional pains in the back and Jogs Sallow skin, dull eyes All signs of constipation. Tea are "regular" P Many who are regular have constipation without knowing it.
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    • 230 17 THAT'S DANGEROUS OLEF.DING GUMS.- that's the fir* sjgr Jiai "oui teeth aM in danger, the first (ign «um-ro pyorr.ioea ano AimOtoedint \gingi vitis) I heat arc (he diseases a-lMcf* ye often <r»un ia he nrtractior of oenectrv «oui>o. «rntr ceth But v.>i m guard againn this dangei p> using Cibbs
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  • 377 18 Gelling Up Nights Makes You Old Before Yo«r Time toHtm os out oi even 100 men sooner or later are started on tne roaa to B.imi ure mil js* ov oi.mair Rlr.nci trouble One ot the commonest symptoms ot tnu dangerou; and *nyst.rious .land ailment w the i ii 1
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  • 1875 18 HOBBS SADDLES 3 WINNERS A T IPOH (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. A FEATURE of the opening day of the Perak Turf J i lub's September meeting was the success of Trainer R.N. llobbs, who saddled three winners in Selangor 11. Lady Warrior and Silver Lace. They were ridden
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  • 293 18 AN excit'ng pitchers' battle is ex- oected in the long-awaited Japan- ese-American War Fund baseball game today at Jalan Besar, beginning at 4 n.m. Bit Se^umu Uevama, Niprx>n mound star, fa sla*«d to start s«rain*t Howie Tierzen. new American curve-ball rrtlst, and Larry Brown,
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  • 231 18 "THE Singapore Cricket Club and 'he Malay Football Association drew in a cricket match played on the padan? yesterday. S.C.C.: O. W. S. Waltes b M. Shah 16; J. B. Leckle c Ismail b Puteh 55: P. Bartram b M. Shah 17: Rev. J. C.
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  • 338 18 THREE SINGAPORE SWIMMING RECORDS BROKEN THREE Singapore records were brokci. at a swimming meeting at the V.M.C.A. swimming pool yesterday The events in wh'ch new records were established were: men's 120 yds. championshp of Singapore; 120 yds. medley relay championship, and men's 12U yds. breast stroke championship. Lady Ba ?nall
    338 words
  • 151 18 In the Singapore Badminton Association commercial Inter-team tournament Unit d Kr"ineers beat the Brinkmann Sports Club by three games to two. RciultA (United ""ngineers first Heng Swee Lee beat I J Va.M IK— U, 15 7; Heng Slak Kwee h-at Kuek C'noon Chuan 15 8, 15
    151 words
  • 77 18 Bangkok, Saturday. NEWSPAPER racing tipster* are to be encouraged In Bangkok. A Cabinet member, Major Vilat, who besides being deputy Minister of Communications, chief of the etate-Contrn'ied Maritime Navigation Company and director-general of the Information Bureau, is also president of the T.irf Club and interested
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 436 18 MX. LISTLESS —MR. LIVELY which are you We all like to think we re lively Bui how do you teel whsn you waxe up How do you teel at the end ol the. day? A lot of tiredness and depression i>ni tne "fleet ot work or ex»rcl3e— its olair •hverishness
      436 words
    • 29 18 for vMtimm^^rJMr BURNS-SORES-ULCERS MlßfflXml I WOUNDS-STYES AND J StfmS^Sft A/J INFECTIVE CONDITIONS I tt^ffXttlß OT OF THE EYELIDS. Kftul^SfO ii.. ii A I M O f 1140 Wartnt I
      29 words
    • 385 18 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES EXCLUSIVELY (THC5mp/on noptical c2 4 ARCAbfc til I»O rilUlNl 100^ R A. Fbompson Or of Ocular Science 35 rears European Clinical Experience. Faf Reducing Secret Discovered in prescribing to the famous Movie Stars ot Hollywood. California, a physician nan discovered a safe quisle method to remov* ugly
      385 words

  • 273 19 Negri Sports Notes (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremb^an. •T*HE Negri Sembilan Hockey Asso--1 elation is arranging its usual State matches against the various State teams and before long State trials will be held. Although the absence of Sheikh Mustapha will be greatly felt it is hoped to draw from Ihe
    273 words
  • 494 19 The following table shows the positions of U.e teams in the S.A.F.A. League up to date:— P. W. L. D. P. A. Pta RAF. 25 18 3 4 73 24 40 Chinese (S.C.F.A.) 25 17 2 ***** 40 Chinese Athletic 26 16 0 ***** 36 loyals 23 13
    494 words
  • 353 19 IN a very keen game that was played at a great pace throughout and often produced exciting polo, the Veterans beat the Rest by seven goals to five-and-a-half In the Singapore Polo Club's wind-up cup final at Bilestier yesterday. Four chukkers were played and the
    353 words
  • 159 19 TWO of the best soccer teams In the Rovl Air Force are to meet at Ans ,n Road s'adium today in t^c final cf the Small Units Cup competition Th» fums represent Tensah and Station H^adauarters (Seletar). Held amoiiß eleven teams, the competition har produced excellent wx-cer
    159 words
  • 207 19 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Segamnt, Saturday. *THE Police won the Segamat district soccer shield by beating the P.W.D.. their strongest rivals, by three go?Is to nil. The erme was ruined by rnln bui intnr^st was keen all the same, the mata-matns having to fight all the way for
    207 words
  • 140 19 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. JOHORE'S greatest handicap in any sport has always been the lack of opposition. but this year's hockey season should be a bright one in view of the fact that sufficient opposition will be provided in the various districts
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  • 48 19 The Haw Par swimming pool teoih anniversaiy gala swimming carnival takes place shortly and entries should be sent el.her to £ng Aun Tong. 87. Net? Rond, or the Haw Par swtmmlng pool Pastr Panjang on pt before Sept. 26. There is no entrance fee.
    48 words
  • 25 19 The second weekly sports review presented by toe Stagapoit broadcasting station will be given tonl-jht at 10.0 a o'clock by Mr. W.
    25 words
  • 183 19 A FTER holding their opponents to a goalless first half, the Police lost to the Chinese in a reserve division soccer match at the Depot yesterday by two clear goals. The game was uninteresting, particularly in the first half when both sides missed many chances
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  • 231 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) lpou Saturday. BY beating the Cheng Wai. Athletic Association to .he tune of four poals to nil the Perak Volunteers qualified for the final of the Perak Football Association senior knock-out competition for the Lim Seng Fook Cup. The Volunteers will
    231 words
  • 65 19 Brookline (Mass.), Saturday. MRS. Betty Newell, who as Betty Hicks was semi-finalist in IM9. may become th* first Califomian player to win the Airerican women's golf championship. Mrs. Newell meets Helen Sigel, of Philadelphia, in a 36 holes final. In the semi-finals. Mrs. Newell beat Mrs.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 107 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Parit Buntar. THE Kempe Youngsters of Asam Kumbang 1 beat the Old Georgians of Taiping by four goals to nil. The Youngsters were more lively and among their forwards Yusof and Dominic were outeanding, the latter scoring all four goals. The Georgians were hard-working
    107 words
  • 52 19 The Mi dlcal College beat Talbot House by nine points (three tries) to three <a try) in a game of rugby played at the College ground yestrday. Tries for the College were scored by Hera Singh. Hanif bin Yucoff and Hera Singh in
    52 words
  • 141 19 The first division S.A.F.A. league fixture to have been played at Changl yesterday between the RAF. and R.A. (A. A was postponed. The Indian Aandation beat H.M.B. Sultan by three goals to nil in a se-ond division (b> league soccer match played at the Naval Base yesterday.
    141 words
  • 56 19 The following will play cri'ket for 6.C.C acamst the R.A.AJ. to-day on the padang: H. L. Ward, A. C. Crowder. V%t. 8. T. IXmner, W. K. Jagger. Dr. J. A. P. Cameron, Capt. P. T. H. Clarke. O. W. S. Writes. J. T. Rea, R. A. Hooper.
    56 words
  • 705 19 i ßy O»ir Peiak Oons-ipjL-^... i THE proposal of the Pcrak Hockey Asj>ociatlou for holding a pan-Malayan hockey carni val at Kuala Lumpur during the Deepavai: and Hari Raya holidays in October has betr abandoned owing to the inability of the Selangor Hockey Association to participate and
    705 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 347 19 When I recovering i from 'FLU fL Jh| Wt tom c act on of /nSp 9 PHOSFEBINE Thousand* jI oun vaicaccau hmn "fla am) feverish colds get out of ted only to find that the after-effect* are worse than the attack itself. Thi* m where Phosfenne can be of great
      347 words
    • 380 19 Ti^SSj^^l^kJ Time marches on. iH^= Methods ot t f 'w^^^/ c^ an te- Alto medicines. I~i-:1 i Now we don't have to take vVO nuty-tiitmg oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives us LAXOBAC— the modem chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it is chocolate.
      380 words

  • 613 1 Studios Now Forced To Sell Each Film On Its Individual Merits "THE biggest revolution in the industry since motion pictures found a voice." That is the way some leading Hollywood producers describe the new "Consent Decree," which went into effect in the United States on Sept. 1, writes Lon Jones
    613 words
  • 47 1 Scots runners are seen in training >n their native country wh're the "banks and braes" hive certa'n disadvantages when heavy iruns have to to be f n t into position. Picture sh^ws a tracto r and six-iu^h howitzer fordin a Scottish stream.
    47 words
  • 95 1 IT is now disci sed that Australia's M first air V.C.. Ac. ing WingCommander H.I. Edwar'is. had been permitted to resume flying only a jew days before winning the coveted honour. Edwards was grounded for life just before the war when he was severely injured
    95 words
  • 74 1 PRINCESS Elizabeth and Princess Margaret have each inves.ed £375 in National Savings Certificates. This is the limit any one individual can Invest. Since the beginning of the war the Princesses have been contributing so much every week, paying the money into a Savings Group In the
    74 words
  • 259 1 SO that the convicts shall not become bored, a radio has been installed In every cell of the California Btate Prison at San Quentin. The 4,000 convicts In San Quentin Include some of America's toughest public enemies. They listened one night to the "Hour
    259 words
  • 236 1 Man Shortage Means More Old Maids DECAUSE there are not enough men to go round, spinsterhood faces every 54th woman in Victoria. New South Wales, however, has a few more men than women. Latest reveal an exre?s oi 17.933 females over m?les in Victoria and 3,135 in South Australia.
    236 words
  • 164 1 SMARTLY-DRESSED women. In last year's town suits and hats, saw a preview in London of a collection of clothes for the United States. Super-tailored slacks and wristlength coats, based on London air-raid outfits, which are universally worn in both East End shelters and Mayfalr's luxury hotels,
    164 words
  • 124 1 DRIVATE Jackie Coogan, United States military trainee "The Kid," who made £1,000,000 as a screen actor before he was 20 washed dishes and peeled potatoes at Fort Ord, California, recently. This was his punishment for having overstayed his leave by six hours to get
    124 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 161 1 C3IY BRANDS J INSECT BITES AND STINGS I |f YOU USE 1 1 M L TON PROMPTLY^ Milton takes the sting out of insect bites— and the bite out of •tings. Milton penetrates the tissues neutralises the poisons dissolves pus and scrum prevents germs from entering the punctured skin. Be
      161 words
    • 232 1 GTCRNO Staybrite stainless suel, lro~ p.cproof. unbreakab'e glass, tviih adjustable wristlet. $48.BOOKS ON REINFORCED CONCRETE. Reynold's Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook; Practical Examples of ft. C Design; Adam's Elements of R. C. Design; Gray's R. C. Water Towers, Bunkers, Silos and Gantries; R. C. Reservoirs and Tanks; Smith's Concrete Roads; WentF-m-th-
      232 words