The Straits Times, 8 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 309 1 for Up-to-date TAILORING MIEN CHONG J4 Coltnun St.. S'porr Phone 4816 AvalUble— Suit Lengths "Kockville" Sulling,— t'.S.A. WAIN SIHF.LL'S In Silk and VVooJ Ala* AMKKIt'AN SHARKSKIN. In various coloars YOUR BLACKSMITH SHOP IS NOT COMPLETE jj WITHOUT THEMTho ln-ersol!-Rand The Ingersoll-Ranrf J^^ 27F Oil Furnaco R54 Sharpener W^Bf R I
      309 words
    • 179 1 FURNISHING FABRICS Nothing will so enrich the beauty of I^aM*^ !l^wKl j your rooms and them such appeal r 'f^jMmnJi *vm *MljfrAm. as attractive FURNISHING FABRICS jffjfM \fl Thanks to the enterprise of British WwJm^ «ElTjaWl Manufacturers we are able to offer you mrJiMti A« Jpfwi. IM ROBINSON'S SOFT FURNISHING
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    • 137 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Sma^t American Dresses V~^ 4fm& w 1 O make sure ot getting clear, spark- 4/ ling tnapthou you will want to keep and 'f' x > be pr.-md to show your tnenji. load your r^vMi lV camera with Kodak Verichrotne Film. j >^4 It a extremely
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    • 17 2 WESTERS.— At The Hague on Bth JuJrt 1941. Captain H. Westers, late Marine Superintendent, A.P.C, Singapore,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 509 2 CRpSS-PFENNINGER: At the Presbyterian •(Sfurch, BhwapoTe, on sth September 1941, by the R«w*4id T. Campbell Gibson, td.A, Alexander Cross, of the Immigration Department, 5.8., only son of The Reverend Alexander and Mrs. Cross, of Muthlll, Perthshire, to FJsa, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B 'PfennUiger, of Zurich, Switzerland J
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    • 555 2 WANTED^ WANTED, as a going concern, large boardIng establishment. Apply Box No. 221 B.T. WANTED. Child's pony, not over 13 I 1 hands, essential quiet and reliable. Box 217 Straits Times. WANTED Pianoforte Teacher capable of 1 teaching high classical music. Apply Box 195 r Straits Times. < WANTED one
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    • 532 2 LOST LOST Wire-hatred fox terrier puppy named "Whisky." Black, white and brown markIngs. Last seen Cairnhill Road. Reward. Telephone 3372 or 3 Cairnhill Road. TAKEN from Cathay Theatre lounge 6.10 p.m. Sat. 6th gift black Swan fount, pen Initialled gold band also spectacles In case, name Inside, kindly return Mgr's
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    • 777 2 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET TO LET. well situated office premltM I apply Box Wo. 783. Straits Tl— OFFICES 4-A Prince St. and 23 RalEes Place. Apply Koh Chew Kee. 129 Kllllney Rd EDUCATIONAL I FAR EASTERN MOSIC SCHOOL l-A Kirk Terrace. Singapore MALAYA'S PREMIER SCHOOL OF MUSIC Dm Higkeit Standard
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    • 613 2 EVE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY iTH^MP/ON XJPTICAL C 2 4. AX( ADR 81.DG.. PHONE 300-.' R A. Thatnpson. Dr of Ocular Srirner 35 veara Koropean clinical Experience LESSONS Rcpld Course In MOTOR DRIVING taught licences obtained. My car or yours. Feej reasonable Success assured within few noun Dial ***** for appointment.
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    • 710 2 BUSINESS CARDS Etc, M>K A A 111 CORE ro -_r\s° \o£~^^ Sis^^ MAIICOBE SPECIALIST MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs. HARU tfid Misa HANA. 60 WATERLOO STREET. Telephone 7467. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE. Mr. S. P. Shot am Is no longer connected rith either ■MCMS Rr.dio or H. L. Carter k
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 470 3 N. Y. K. LINE. TO JAPAN SINGAPORE TO KANMON. KOBE AND YOKOHAMA. TO INDIA Singapore and Penan* to Colombo and Bombay also Rangoon and Calcutta. Indication of any sailings available will be riven on Application. NIPPON YUSEN EAISYA (Incorporated m Japan) Meyer Chambers, 16. Haflles Place. Tel. Nos. 5841. 5842
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    • 502 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class oassenget ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 240 3 RAFFLES HOTEL to-night DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to midnight c— BUSTER MAGGIE UI.NNKB S3.IN> \O!\-(i|>r:K!» SI.M Saturday LUNCH IN THE BALLROOM GRILL SUNDAY EVENING IN THE PALM COURT MILITARY It AMD CONCERT- 8. 30 to 10.30 p.m. STtMß»o.tti. ARGYLL ft SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDERS B» Uasi msalaana af VL-CM. L MAC.
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  • 292 4 QUIET OPENING BUT PRICES STEADY By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore. Sept. 8. pHE share markets opened quietly thte morning but prices were steady m all sections, and It is likely that today will see little change. On Saturday Hong Fatt made $137; Ulu Klanktyade 98 cents: Jelebu
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  • 1179 4 SATURDAY. SEPT. S. 1941: UJ« P.M. ■M fw*m SHter» Ampat (Ss) 3s IHd Si Austral Amtl <5s) 7' 3d la M c.d Austral Malay it) 32s 33s xA Aycr Httam lit lta Ayer Weng (fl) .70 .75 Bangrm Dn ill 13* 60 14a Batu Srlaneor
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  • 399 4 Strauss* Monthly Review London, Sept. 6. r their monthly review or the. tin position. A. Struuss and Co. Ltd.. write Deliveries In August were: United 6t»U* 13.(35 tons. United Kingdom 54« tons and others 2 >96 Urn. a total vt 1C.769 tons, compared with
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  • 141 4 Continuation Of Control To Be Discussed (Prom Our Own Correspondent) London, Sept. t. THE International Tin Committee is to have an Important meeting on Sept. 16 at which the renewal of the International Tin Control Scheme, which expires m December, The fixing of new standard
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  • 79 4 Singapore, Mmxliy, SwpC boob. Bayer* Seller* Price* PrtcM No. IX K-S S (Spot loose) SB-X, i»% No. IX X.8.8. 1.0.8. IB ca*e* Seatember 3»K S9H G.F.A.Q. R.S.S I O.J a bale* September 3*Y* 3»% f.A.Q. R.S 8 1.0 b m Mlc* September *1% 38 FUTURt
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  • 27 4 rE followlnL outputs of Un-ore are reported for August: Hours Yardage Picu'.sore Kanira Tin 673 150,000 684 Tattani Tin 971 189,000 Ml Hydraulicing 21
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  • 13 4 P»ral River Valley Rubber Co. Ltd harvested 46,225 lb. of rubber m Aug.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 333 4 eiGLYFATGONI Trained Nurse loses 5^ lbs a week I. v v 1 Why pw op whb koa> Wry M««»Nonr Iw hcd down with acly tm. ol that DrtiMt •*"*< m+fnojeakm* Ud I*****— >w btihle, ma you la mi 7i y" 1^ OBfaafaMMbU dstbes, sad gM I ■,•> i.i" i mtnn
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    • 75 4 Off -Colour? Try Pinkettes To-night. If you are bilious, have a headacne. feel liverish and depressed, see what a dose of Pinkettes will do to put matters right. Taken when needed, these dainty laxative pil's dispel constipation entiv and naturally. Th»y activatp tne iiver. banL'h sick headache and bilious- ness
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    • 393 4 TENDERS P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received at the office of the Resident Engineer. Temerloh-Maran Road. Temerloh. up to 3 p.m. of the nth September. 1941, for the construction of a 140-foot timber bridge over the 8ungel Jengka at 13 miles from Temerloh on the Temerloh-Maran Road.
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    • 313 4 TE1NTDER NOTICE. TENDERS are Invited from approve contractors for Reinforced Concrete ani Timor Sheet Filing, Dock and 8ea Walls, and Foundations for Shed at Means. Thornycroft'g Shipyard Extension at Tanjon* Rhu. A deposit of $100 la re<jtiL.ed from each contractor tendering and will be refunded an receipt of a bona
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 82 4 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES To-day H. W. 12 32 noon 9 3 ft mm m L. W. 6.24 a.m. 1.9 ft: 6 26 p.m. 2.3 ft. To-morrow H. W. 00.40a.m. 8 8 ft.: 12 M noon 9.3 ft. L W. 8.46 a.m. 2 3 ft 6 54 p.m. 2.2 It. Wednesday.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 280 5 POSITIVELY LAST 3 SHOWS A A CsA A gs 'Phone (cr^SFCsssHssasw^ to-day at :{-ir>. <i-ir> «)-ir» l<% L H A MDKA P^mS a «tTV HI l\U"»*A 1 ViißlafcjjßT A aßk M||l i Do you know what happriu when too k. rkf.Ula\\j l^*- n A^^ > *»-iEmr ll i|^^Rr^^^7/larfcßm. DJtk.. J
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    • 219 5 TO-MORROW at the PAVILION 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 > /re nips a kidnapping that ,q^ caught the cops napping v^ aqCIH under, the Florida moon I %f»v a,%a\\ WbW I 1 ™^^T^l. V Jk. a^R< WARREN WILLIAM FRANCES ROBINSON BRUCE BENNETT ERIC BLORE •ok* «po. .art br la*H Jmcp* »«i
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    • 314 5 EVERY DEANNA DURBIN FILM RECORD S MASHED HER GLORIOUS VOICE OF VICTORY THRIUS SINCAROREi y^A\\. I F \k^\. b^b^bk isms^A/^^U I HH I Ir^r^bVA A^rH Hr^. I■* V I 315" 6 I S *QIS Mm Deanna Durbin ji X In her roost delightfully A Daring Story NICE GIRL? '^I^K with
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  • The Strairts Times SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPT. 8, 1941.
    • 1352 6 (736th. Day Of The War.) 'Give Us The Tools' Mr. Mackenzie King, Canada's Prime Minister, in the course of a speech delivered in London last week, made the most direct appeal yet made by any statesman that the United States should partici- pate directly in the war. A storm of
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  • 1012 6 NAZIS ADOPT "BOMB RUN" TACTICS London Letter By Cable Reconnaissance Flights As Prelude To Big Offensive? By Our Own Correspondent London, Sept. 5. ALTHOUGH up to the present there have been no large-scale operations over Britain, the darker nights have brought almost nightly flights over our coastal towns. The German
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  • 258 6 Determined To Fight To Bitter End To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— As long as Chinas resources last, so long will slie light wkh indomitable courage and unsha.keaole determination against her arch-enemy Japan. Times without number. our national leader, General Chiang Kai-shek, to whom all patriotic
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  • 112 6 M. B. C. Did Announce The Change To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Poor "Tick Tock!" What aj strange world It must have seemed to him on Mcnday morning— ten minutes In advance of everyone else without knowing It until he read the article m I
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  • 152 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Your correspondent "Tick Tock" evidently does not realize that the Municipal Commissioners and the Electrical Department are under no obligation whatever to control the frequency of the electric supply to the exact degree necessary fcr the operation
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  • Correspondence
    • 40 6, ikpt. 7. Icctruity t«d f> i »PO« m.i or 7,244 I'mt-s m Holland 10-.l newspaper A^eiacon Han-.-lsblad. m -iJJ ctueti current MM cut oil. Ther« were even more offences afs'nst the gat regulations. Rcuki.
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    • 846 6 Striking Contrast In WarTime Departments To the Editor of the Straits Times 8tr, I would Inquire whether or not the people In this Colony are satisfied that the local Government i« "practising what it preaches" in regard to wartime economy, and whether expenditure authorized by Government Is being disbursed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 I We specialise m watches and clocks of every description and offer you the biggest selection of guaranteed timekeepers at reasonable prices. Ring up 24«3 for all Photographic Reg uirem en ts Whether it Is an inexpensive baby Brownie or an expensive Cine Kodak we have stocks to meet your
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    • 7 6 JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Optician? 21. BATTERY ROAD.
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  • 832 7 Severe Red Blows At The Luftwaffe SOVIET REPORTED TO HAVE STARTED NEW OFFENSIVES Large Reinforcements For Russians Reach Front THE Russians have started very heavy counter-attacks with strong forces and large reinforcements of armoured units, including the heaviest types of tanks, according to reports
    Reuter  -  832 words
  • 539 7 Moscow, Sept. 8. j CO VIET planes are reported to be smashing: the German armies held up m their advance on Lenin- j grad, and the German losses of men and material are said to be appal- j The Germans are said
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  • 97 7 Ankara, Sept. 8. FINNISH, Hungarian and Rumanian sawmills are busy producing thousands of standardized wooden huts which have been ordered for use m Russia during the winter. The need for huts was demonstrated m a film of the war m Russia which the German
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  • 137 7 These special Straits Times pictures of the historic meeting between the British Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, and the United States President, Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt, on board HM£. Prince of Wales m the Atlantic were flown by Clipper from Britain A church service was
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  • 217 7 Istanbul, Sept. 7. DR. Carl Clcdius, Oerman trade chief, arrived here yesterday m a specially camouflaged plane at the head of a large delegation, including nine economic experts. He proceeded yesterday to Ankara, where the trade talks will be held. It Is b»Jleved t'cat the projected new
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  • 107 7 Rome, Sept. 8. AN alert was given m Rome on Saturday night, says An Italian communique Issued here. Some batteries on the outer line of defence opened a barrage of fire, It is added. The alarm came during a black-out and caught many Romans
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  • 172 7 To Offset Loss Caused By Blowing Up Of Dam Washington, Sept. 7. THE Soviet Union has requested aluminium supplies from the United States to offset the losses caused by the destruction of the Dnieprostroy Dam and the disruption of Leningrad communications which have resulted m a
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  • 77 7 T^/inn. Sept. 8. A BERLIN message says It la learned from Vatican City that the shortage of women's stockings In Italy has caused a minor revolution In Catholic traditions. Yesterday Vatican authorities permitted women to enter. St. Peter's Cathedral without stockings. The decision, which Is
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  • 21 7 The death occurred at Havana, Cuba, yesterday of Senor Mario Garcia Menocal. age 73, a former President of Cuba.— United Prats.
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  • 164 7 President Is To Make Decision Washington, Sept. 7. DEPORTS from Hyde Park (New York) that President Roosevelt is considering full convoys as a resalt of the Greer incident are re- ceived m Washington with intense interest, but no further information on this report is available. German charges
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  • 51 7 EMPIRE JEWS' "WEEK OF RENUNCIATION London. Sept. 8 •THE Chief Rabbi m London, Dr. H. J. Hertz, is issuinp a call to all Jewish communities throughout the British Empire to Join m a "Week of Renunciation." Dr. Hertz Is inaugurating the week by broadcast addresses on Sept. 21 and 22.—
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  • 312 7 Britons Watch Big R.A.F. Raid Lii'Mion, Sept. 8. CLAMES from a chain of fires red- dened the sky above Boulogne last night, and watchers on the Kent coast believe 11.A.F. bom' jrave the invasion port a 90minute bombing m bri'lhnt moonHjrht. Thousands of people from Rarosgate
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  • 90 7 Shanghai, £e:)t. 8. r[E arrival ct two American trjikers at Vlidivcstck w th oil for Rus-.a has not, so hir. been reported m any Japanese newspaper m a result of 1 action taken by Japanese cense rs. >c"riinT io foreign reports nr""hins:
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 7 7 OTHER CABLES m pages 10 and 12
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    • 66 7 C ii ijoh like something I fasti/, as I do, you f Many new and tasty dishes can Bp<***^«"#Js3sw^j be made with the suggestions given here. They will prove |Pl^^*T^'<VjsjX^^J welcome and delicious addltlons to your weekly menus 10UV^]*r<trf^JJ^ A that everyone will enjoy. LftT^Sfi^^^^^ mt B* < *Yr'Y i
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  • 187 8 Special Bureau Created Tokio, Sept. 7. MARKING an important development m the Japanese Government's recently intensified air defence campaign, the Cabinet to-day approved the creation of an Air Defence Bureau and Land Planning Bureau within the Home Ministry. The Cabinet Information Board Issued this
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  • 55 8 Hong Konp. Sept. 8. CIR Geoffry Northcot-. the rearing •J Governor of Hong Kong, left at 9.30 this morning. H-> was given a farewell at the pi«rside by local Chin- i cs n and foreign d'gnitaries His successor. Sir Mark Young, is expec.ed m
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  • 65 8 A DELEGATION of Chinese, led t>y i Mr. Tan Kan Kee. chairman ot the Federation of China Relief Fund, Committees In South-Eastern Asia, presentee a 'V flag each to the 0.0.C.. Malaya. Lieut-Gen. A. E. Percivul. and th,- A.0.C.. Far East, Air Vice Marshal
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  • 269 8 "BLOOD AND SAM)" EN COLOUR ■Blood and Sand" (With TyrtMw Pawn.<U lUriwil, Kila Hay worth' 2Mh Century Fox. At the Cathay midnight premiere on Saturday. THIS drama of the trials and tribulations <•' a Spanish boy who follows in hU father's footsteps and becomes Spain's finest
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  • 280 8 Cricket Club Heads To-day's List Of Contributions pONVRWUTIONS to The War Fund over the week-end have been few, but they have included several fairly substantial amounts and the gross total i<? advanced by more than 81,100 to .$5,780,841. -j The Singapore Cricket Club
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  • 149 8 A BRILLIANT moonlight night add- i ed greatly to the success of the War Fund Ball held at the home or j Mr J B" David m Nassim Road on Saturday night The ground floor of the house had been converted into a large ballroom,
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  • 91 8 A MESSAGE from Sumatra shows thtt. as a result of a meeting of prominent British Indians resident m Medan. under the chairmanship of the British Consul. Mr. E. T. luimbcrt. the British Indian War Purposes Fund. Sumatra, was started with the object of raising
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  • 30 8 MR George Wiseman (Malacca; has been nominated an unofficial member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements for a further period of three years.
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  • 52 8 THE Singapore Tribunal will m future sit at the Council Chambers, Colonial Secretary's office, instead of at the old Supreme Court. The next sitting will be at 10 a.m. on Friday. The office of the clerk to the Local and Appellate tribunals is at tho Old Supreme Court
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  • 49 8 UR Thomas Bodder. Grieve has been granted a commission as Sub-Lieutenant (Engineer) m the Straits Settlements R.N.V.R. The promotions of Lieut Comdr George Edward Walter Wentworth Bayly to be Commander, and Lieut -Comdr Albert Edward Ford to be Acting Commander (Special Branch), S.S. R.N.V.R., hare been gazetted
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  • 315 8 TILE Singapore St. Andrew's Society is holding a Highland gathering at Jalan Besar Stadium, on Saturday Oct. 11 the entire proceeda of the gathering are to be devoted to the War Fund, the Malaya Patriotic Fund and the British Red
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  • 38 8 Fatigiu party ot Gurkhas lined up on the wharf to assist m discharging their baggage and equipment when they arrived m a convoy bringing further reinforcements of Indian and British troop* to Malaya.
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  • 407 8 CONVALESCENT HOMES FOR TROOPS IN MALA YA Red Cross Society's Plans For Cameron Highlands TWO convalescent homes, one for officers and the other for 1 other ranks of the British and Australian forces m Malaya, are to be constructed at Cameron Highlands by Ihe Red Cross Society at a cost
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  • 70 8 RANGOON ROTARIANS NEW WORLD ORDER FORMULATED by the Rotary Club of r Rangoon, a scheme for post-war wcrld reconstruction stresses the importance of the freedom of the individual and the present and future need? of the peoples of the world. The scheme has been printed and circulated to members of
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  • 24 8 The annual reunion dinner of St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association will be held at the Adclphl Hotel, roof garden to-day at 7. 45 p.m.
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  • 108 8 TEN balky volumes containing 1 nearly 345.0*0 signatures and weiching 317 katties were sent to Rangoon yesterday by the Chinese newspaper, Nanyang Si&ng Pau. to be conveyed via the Burma Road to On. Chiang Kai-shek. Packed m a teak caae. the volanes stand three feet high.
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  • 15 8 Second LJeut. F B. Wraight has resigned his commission In the S.S. Volunteer Fore 1
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  • 645 8 Great Response Throughout Malaya Yesterday IN Singapore yesterday every place of worship was thronged 1 by large congregations who prayed for an early victory over the forces of evil, for the relief of countries deprived of their liberties and for the safety of sailors,
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  • 48 8 rE Pan-American Clipper is expected to arrive m Singapore between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to-morrow. One of the Clipper's passengers is Mr. Alfred Duff Cooper, the British Cabinet Minister, v;ho is coming U> Singapore on a special mission for the War Cabinet.
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  • 52 8 AT 6 pm to-aay vi- ummmeis and piper* n of > Gordon Hlchlanjers battalion will brat Retreat on the S.C.C. padang. The prrnrramme will be: Retreat. "Toroaar Cistle." Slow March. "Loch Rannoch;" March. "The »2nd Welcome to Edinburgh." Strathspey. "Happan Row." Rrvl. "Col. MtrLeod." March.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 78 8 AMUSEMENTS SINGAPORE RAFFLES HOTEL Dinner It Dance (Informal) 8 p.m. to Midnight. OK*. 41 WORLD Cabaret: Tea Dance from 7.30 p m. lAte Danoe B 30— 1 a.m. Globe: Zorro's Fighting Legion. Sky: Typhoon Ttea^ure lIArPT THF.ATRE (Happy WarU) Green Archer. Beartrie: Jungle Princess. NI.H K'ORLM Talkies, rneatru and Cinema*
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    • 90 8 fW^Bui ding materials uSu^BBSuV I UT^^^ it CELOTEX Insulating Board and Hardboard fjr^fci MA CFARLANES C.I. Rainwater and Soil Pipes and Fittings IB üBl CRITTALLS Steel Windows BLUE CLOCK British Cement j^J^ COLORCRETE Coloured Cement FERROCRETE Rapid Hardening Cement SNOWCRETE White Cement FXPAMET Expanded Metal JAY Fencing PAGE HERSEY Galvanized
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  • 406 9 Mr. J.P. Quinn Arrives To Join Staff Of Mr. V.G. Bowden "T CAN assure you that Malaya bulks very largely m tbe Australian mind and the appointment of an Australian representative m this country has been welcomed very warmly by the public," said Mr. J.
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  • 350 9 In Singapore On Way To China SIR Frederic Eggleston, the Arst Australian Minister to China, arrived m Singapore by air yesterday from Australia on his way to Chungking to take up his appointment. Sir Frederic expects to stay ia Singapore about a week, during which he will
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  • 138 9 A LARGE num'oer of A.IJ". men were entertained on Saturday night by the Mayfair Musical and Dramatic Association at its cluthouse. Among the guests were many officers. In a speech welcoming the truest s. Mr. Ching Kee Sun, chairman of the Association, stressed the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 HEYMAN J PURE CREAMERY BUTTER Of a rich, yet delicate creamy flavvur, Herman Batter is Meal for the table— «r rookinir lj purposes. Manufactured m j/ y^^^^^^C^N Australia, and hygienical!? packed —it Is always aa J<^--L^\ ;^KJ3!^\ fresh as when it c ame from I W• af^. rVf laT InSL
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    • 271 9 PYREX GLASS OVENWARE. The Original Transparent Ovenware No home can have too much. mmm CHICKEN CABSnOU. BOUMD DCKP ■mEAMLIKK Pint $4.73 CABSUOLE. CASSEROUT. (Eerersible, I WTfTHili! f --^^LLi v CM«.*_ r•* sMi Ckpaclty Jl4 plnta %W^ iK Pti>t ia n.m. B^~^^Bf KOt'NP COVERED OVAL COVERED c CAMEBOLt EWTmEET^ ?5" I
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 456 9 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE CHI. tXb m 111} ZHP.l MM m. 9\.i ZHP.Z 48 M M. t.lift !■<••. 7IIIV3 41 W m 1t$ n r» ZIU-. ZHP1. ZKP2 and ZHP3. IS a.m. Javanese music. 10.20 ».m. Ronggeng; 10.40 a.m. Lcru Melajru; 11 ■>.■■ Tamil music: 11.30 a.m. Hindustani music: 11.45 a.m.
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  • 1358 10 CABLE NEWS IN BRIEF rE overwhelming majority of]< Americans are willing to risk war j with Japan. In a Gallup poll Just completed the question was asked: i "Do you think the United States I should now take steps to keep
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 249 10 In THE LONDON CHAMBER O? COMMERCE (Autumn) 1940 RESULTS jutt published: 71 per cent cf Pitman TRAINED STUDENTS were awarded Passes In Certificate BOOK- M |i k k^( W■ B ISmMi KEEPING, 60 per cent, of Lf T M f frm^r^ri^Mm3 which attained DIS7 INCTTON. QPtfPfwl^lvrWHTVffll Enrol for the few
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  • 492 11 THE Combined Colleges concluded their cricket season for the year yesterday with a six-wicket victory over a team raised by Lall Singh. The match, a two-day fixture which began on Saturday, was played on the Medical College Union ground. m their second inn»r»g», xb»
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  • 74 11 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. leagae, first division. Police vs. Chinese Athletlr, Anson Road stadium; Argylls »s. S.K.C., S.K.C.; K.A.F. vs. Gordons, Seletar; second divlwod (a) Signals vs. Malay Reclment. Alexandra; Publishers vs. R.A.S.C., V.M.C.A.; R.E. (P. 8.)) vs: Moravia, Pulau Brani; RE. (Malays) vs. 5.H.8., g.H B. second division
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  • 264 11 DISMISSING the R.A. Officers for 82 runs, the Singapore Cricket Cmb bat Uieir opponents by five wickets In a cricket match played on the S.C.C. g ound yestfrtay. Continuing to bat after passing their opponents', the S.C.C. scored 140, Dr. Cameron making 34,
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  • 70 11 j rraiE American Association beat the Chinese, 1 taar to one. m a Major League baseball same playci yestrrdwy. SCORE BY INNINGS Chinese: 010 000 o=l Americans: 101 011 x-4 Batteries: Americans. Druldinj. Thompson. 'T !c -mbc. Chinese, Johnsou Wu, Blacky Tham. T^c other
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  • 95 11 Riggs Wins Men 's Singles Title Forest Kills. Sept S. JJOBRY RIGGS won the American lawn fennls men* sinr!*s championship. ketttiag Kovars S— 7. (—l, S. $—3 Kovaes went eomnlete'y to pieces at (he beginning of th- ireand set and never regained hU form la the fare of a de'.erntJned,
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  • 164 11 SADDLING nine winners and a deadheat for first place, nine seconds and 11 thirds, which broagat m $21,265 m stake money, trainer van Breukeleq was the most successful trainer at the Siriapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) in«etinc, which was concluded on Saturday. Hobbs, who was second
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  • 404 11 ONK of U» less fancied horses, Grand Prix won the Gold Cup race In a thrilling finish at Bulcit Tlmah on Saturday, the final day of the Singapore Turf Club's Auluinn (Gold Cup) meeting. A huge crowd watched a fine day's racing, and tuc
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  • 68 11 ww^T-rr, L.ndcn, Sept. 6. Rugby League season opened with Yorkshire and Lancashire I clubs m a combined competition. I The r- ult? w Bradford Nnrthern 20, Castleford 21. i Bramley 7, Dewsbury Batley 9, Leods 9. i Featherstone 17, Keighley ft. HaJifrx 18, Oldham ft,
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 34 11 TtfiE following were the results of the first race for the Jackson-Mll'?r Cup swum at Urn Singapore Swimming club yesterday;. I. L. H. Charter; 2. TO J. E. Lambert; 3. J. Leach.
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  • 304 11 Unruly Crowd At Ibrox Park London, Sept. 8. f*HE rebel London football cluhs and (heir affiliated nearby neighbours who are fi?htin; for reeo?nJtif>n lollnv.m* their expulsion, t/nm the Football Learue. had theMietter ot the exchanges In to-day's programme of six matches, arffre^atipf a total attendance of 47.000.
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 150 11 London, Sept. 6. CRICKET had a fling with sc .ne attractive matches. Interest In the game between the Army and a Lord's XI at I ord's centered around f'e ari'Karance of d>r Bill Edrich who his jc«t been awarded a D.F.C. and i* the firrt lest cricketer
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 209 11 rIE lollowing are the opening tie; m the Singapore Ci^ket Club's auturjn lawn tennis tournament: TO-DAY Waaesi's Singles Handicap: Mrs. Carr.'aw (scr.i vs. Mrs. Bourne <-f3>; Mifs N. Still +l5) vs M-s. Allanson (-4-3); Mrs. Grlffifths (scr.) vs. Hiss 8. P. Still (+15); MLs Owen 15) vs.
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  • 66 11 THE following were the scores m brief at the end ol tte first day's play at TarrUn yesterday In the Bnal of the Arrr.y Large Unit* cricket competition, m which the Fortress Signals are oppawsl to the Manchester*: Slgmls: 171 (Fgt. Twiddy S4,
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  • 333 11 Water-Polo League Results BOTH the Chln.-se Swimming Club's first acd second teams won their Singapore Amateur Swimming; Association'! water-pola le»7ur matches against the R.A A.F. at the C.S.C. pool yesterday morning. In the first division of the league the Airmen, after holding the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 183 11 THE PUBLIC RESPONDED TO OUR CALL TO bE MORE IN THE OPEN! NO PLEASURE, NO GAIN WILL NOW BE REMEMBERED BY THEM! TO-NIGHT Tea Dance, from 7.30 p.m. Late Dance, S.JO to 12 p.m. FORTHCOMING COMPETITION Novices StaY Championship 1941 1942. For entry forms and other particulars, apply to the
      183 words
    • 343 11 RUDGE BRITAIN'S BEST BICYCLE NEW SHIPMENT RECEIVED Sole Agents: KEE HUAT RADIO CO. 122-124. Orchard Road, Singapore Phone 4566. ~WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEWkbot C.U-.I As 4 Y..U J», out .1 Ui m Ik lUraiaf Fall .1 V-. TV livw should puur oul t»o r-oui.ilt of liquid Ulc into your
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  • 404 12 ENEMY TANK UNIT CUT OFF: BEING HEAVILY POUNDED Germans Claim City UnderConstanl Artillery Bombardment London, Sept. 7. THE city of Leningrad, birthplace of modern Russia and 1 home of 3,000,000 people, is, at the beginning of the twelfth week of the Eastern Front war,
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  • 501 12 Roosevelt Spends Night By Bedside: Important Speech Postponed New York, Sept. 7. FOLLOWING the death of President Roosevelt's mother, Mrs. Sara Roosevelt, at the age of 86, the President, according to the Columbia Broadcasting System, has postponed what has been described
    Reuter  -  501 words
  • 38 12 Reykjavik, Sept. 7. MEMBERS of thr crew of the rnitf-d States destroyer (ircer, Mtiich has arrived here, said it v. as "not improbible'' the German submarine was sunn when depthrharges were dropped. United Ires..
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  • 173 12 New York, Sept. 7. PRESIDENT Roosevelt will make hi; radio I addrerj from the White Koue. Ths Presidential secretary, Mr. William Haseeit, would not dt disc the subject matter of the President's rpeech but declared It would be of major slgTitflcanre and would lirt
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  • 159 12 London, Sept. 7. I«HE problem of supplies la now likely to be the only one item 1 m the agenda of the British and American missions to Moscow, according to the diplomatic correspondent of the Sunuay newspaper Observer.
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 268 12 Tokio, Sept. 7. A SENSATIONAL article predicting the defeat of Germany was published to-day m the Japan News Week, which often reflects the views of the P'oreign Office. Several hours after the periodical had appeared on the news stands the police had made
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  • 61 12 Washington, Sept. 6. THE State Department, comment1 Ing en a report liom Buenos Aires saying that the United States has asked Argentina to represent her diplomatically m ToWo m the event of war, said there was no basis for such speculation, as
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  • 55 12 Chungking, Sept. 7. A JAPANESE demand that the Thil Government should ban the Chinese film Baptism by Flames lias been rejected by the Thais, Chines; reports said here to-day. The Japanese demand was based on the ground the picture- was antl-Jap-anesc. It was produced m
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  • 73 12 Vichy, Sept. T. GEN. Henri Dentz, former Comman-mander-ln-Chlef of the Vichy forces m Syria, will be given an important post In close association with Adm. Darlan, Vichy Vice-Premier and Minister for National Defence, it is believed m well-Informed circles m Vichy, according to the
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 54 12 London. Sept. 7. T < HE submarine P33 is overdue and considered lost, It is officially announced. The P3J docs not appear m records of naval craft and so it can bassumed to be one of the new submarines put Into service during the war. This gives
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 417 12 London, S.-pt. 8. fPHROUOHOUT the week-end the 1 battle for Leningrad has continued unabated, writes a Reut-r military commentator. The Issue remains In the balance: The Soviet communique Is reticent, reporting enly that fighting continues, while even the Germans merely fall
    Reuter  -  417 words
  • 219 12 Rome, Sept. 7. DltlllSH planes Are being used m the fighting round Leningrad, stated the Rome radio last nip' t. There is no official confirmation of the foregoing story, but It has not been denied m London. Reuter column of motor vehicles 15 kilometres long
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 163 12 Moscow, Sept. 7. •THE Russians report the slaughter of Germans "by the thousands' and the destruction of hundreds of Nazi tanks m an ascault yesterday that hurled the enemy back m the Ki:»v area and on the banks of the lower
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  • 63 12 Zurich, Sept. 7. THE mechanized troops which Mus- solini reviewed yesterday morning at an unknown locality m central Italy are unders.ood to be fresii divisions destined for the eastern lronl, accord.n;? to a Rome dispatch. Mussolini Is reported to have agreed to send these troops
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 87 12 Madrid, Sept. 7. TO mark the crossing of the Kusso-Oerman x frontier by the blue division of Spanish, volunteers. HIU'T ha* telegraphed Oen. Franco expressing his confidence m their triumph and his certainty that the participation of Spanish volunteers «uuld bring them glory. Gen. Franco
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 46 12 Shanghai, Sept. 7. rOLLOWINO the Chinese occupation of all towns along the coast of Fukion Province, In South China. ttM Chinese forces are now reported to be making preparations to neapture many of the islands lying o;l tl.ji. coast.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 98 12 •ilik. BUI CLKJMBMt 7,V TOWN. MY DEAR PARIS CO. 28. I olrman Street. Phrae 6045. nielli JlJfleftnv-ifM Ifai 4mmil_jCJLMl3Ll bath A SNOWCRETE finish for the face of a swimming bath or pooJ is economical m cost and maintains an appearance o| cleanliness. The finish can be either m the form
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