The Straits Times, 7 September 1941

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FlNAL**** No. 507 Sunday, September 7, 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya Ko. 507 Sunday, September 7. 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 645 1 British Planes From Iceland Help Search Nazi Statement On "Justifiable Self -Defence" London, Saturday. I TNITED States cruisers and naval war planes arc still searching the Atlantic for the submarine v/hich attacked the U.S. deatroyer, Greer. If they find the vessel they have President Roosevelt's authority
    Reuter  -  645 words
  • 43 1 New York. Saturday. A NEW United States light cruiser launched -m New Jersey on Pridav Is as fast as the fastest destroyer in the American navy. She is the Atlanta, pnri her speed will be at least 43 knots —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 129 1 JAPANESE HURT THAI FEELINGS Newcomers' "Words And Actions" Bangkok, Saturday. II7HILE welcoming the new vv Japanese Ambassador's a^s j--ante. of Japanese friendship for the Thais the popular daily newspaper, Thai Mai draws his argent at ention to the behaviour of some new arrivals from Japan, and says that through th-
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  • 142 1 Germans Shoot Three French Hostages TTHREE French hostages have been shot by the German authorities as a reprisal for the recent attempted assassinations. says the Paris correspondent of the Vichy news agency. According to this agency. Paris newspapers yesterday morning published the following communication by General von Stuaipnagei, the military
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  • 33 1 London. Saturday, j J)URINO a high altitude night yesterday morning. Flying Portresses of the Coastal Command attacked enemy shipping in Oslo harbour. None of our aircraft Is missing. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 163 1 Saigon, Saturday. REFERRING to publication abroad of the estimates of Japanese effectives in Indo-China. allegations that French forces were disarmed and grouped in camps under Japanese jurisdiction and assertions that the Governor* General of Indo-China had been deprived of all power, a member of
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  • 123 1 Canberra, Saturday. SIR Earle Page, Commonwealth Minister for Commerce, has been chosen to proceed to London to represent the Australian Cabinet in the discussion of specific matters with the BntL h Cabinet, it is understood in •rr*. The visit will be of shrrt ■duA on.
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  • 64 1 London. Saturday. ALL Dutchmen were warned by the Oer-man-controlled Dutch radio yesterday that any participation In activities connected with the Soviet or communist* would expose them to the death sentence. In maktv.sf this announcement, the radio speaker declared that all who Joined in any form of such
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 596 1 Russians Hold Nazis In Attacks On Leningrad, Kiev And Odessa London, Saturday. IN the trim un< easing battle for Leningrad, th* Russians a. c still foiling I enemy eflfcr-s to smash their way through the city's southern <l« fences. The Nazi panzer corps, however, have continued to exert tremendous
    Reuter  -  596 words
  • 260 1 London, Saturday. iT»HE Manchester Guardian, de- scribing some of tne difficulties the Germans have met, and will continue to meet, in the Battle of Leningrad, says The roads are neither many nor good In this region, and the Germans have been complaining about
    British Wireless  -  260 words
  • 334 1 Times On Importance Of British Mission London, Saturday. HpHE course of the campaign in < Russia bears witness to the; organizing ability which has builtj up the Russian mechanized armies and Russian air force and to the superb military skill with which they have
    Reuter  -  334 words
  • 27 1 NAZIS ADVERTISE FOR FUNERAL PREACHERS THE following advertisement appeared in a recent issue of a German newspaper: "Wanted: Funeral preachers for permanent employment; pensioned clergymen, teachers suitable."
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  • 186 1 Saved Lives Of Crew Of Crashed Plane A NOTTINGHAMSHIRE farmer. Harry Broadberry. and his wife, Amelia, both receive the British Empire Medal in the latest civil awards. When an aircraft manned by a Polish crew crashed and caught nre. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Broadberry
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  • 78 1 Washington. Saturday. THE Maritime Commissidn today announced that it had not yet received confirmation of the arrival of the second American tanker i at Vladivostok, but said tha Tid water Oil Company's announcement that the second v sscl had arrived was probably correct, since Fba
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  • 271 1 THE Royal Navy and the Royal 1 Air Force between them are upsetting Axis plans for keepinjr open a ferry service be.ween Italy and North Africa. Admiralty communiques issued yes-» terday say that one British submarine i has sunk the 11,393-ton
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  • 108 1 London, Saturday. DURING August. British workers produced twice as many heavy 1 tanks as they produced in March. Wm was revealed in a message sent by Lord Beuverbrook to all factor os where tanks and tank parrs are mad*. The mes?ajre read: "To all tho--e
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 TAI HENG CO. J a I t o r» Coleman St.. gy Singapore, n Pkoot. MM,
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    • 82 1 For Quality! Service Economy !l I VISIT: CHOTIRMALL'S LADIES' DRESS MAKERS jHg Hi 9HHI Lv^^K Lr\ Earth moving, naming, togging. Jungle clearing, rubber clearing, agricultural work, haulage, road making and maintenance whatever your power problem, Caterpillar Diesel equipment is the most economical and efficient method of dcing the job. Caterpillar
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  • 406 2 Cabinet Ministers On Importance Of Help For Russia "TWO Cabinet ministers, Mr. Her- bert Morrison, the Home Secretary, and Sir Kingsley Wood, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, yesterday dealt with the importance of help for Russia. Mr. Morrison declared that ther* would be no wnter campaign more important than the
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 336 2 Late Sport London, Saturday. A RECORD crowd, Including hundreds of Lancashire war work is snatch u z brief res-i. c from (heir labours saw Sun Castle, owned by Lord Port. I, who has an important Job at the Minis 17 •f Supply, w'.n the St. Leger,
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 78 2 Toko Saturday. T*HE Japanese Cabinet has aoproved the traffic mobilization pl-vi f?r tue purpose of plaoin^ ail tr nspo rtation and communica' ion sys'ems on a total war footing, says a Japanese report Private use of th* transportation and comrm
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 67 2 Washington, Saturday. KJjpi- Robert Patterson, Under-Secretary for War, announces the maximum age limits for all officers serving with field troops as follows Major-generals 62 years; briga-dier-generals 80 years; colonels 55 years-Ueutenant-colonels 52 years; majors 47 years; ceptalns 42 years; first lieutenants 35 yearscecond lieutenants 30
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  • 65 2 V»c:iy, Batuiday. QERMAN authorities to-day notified all non-Axis consulates <utd their offices, except in Paris, to withdraw from the occupied sone immediately. The order affects the Swiss and Bouth American consulates, which remained open alter the earlier shutting of the United States ana Many
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  • 59 2 Karachi. Saturday. iftE are now rapidly approaching the day when we should be able to do more than check the a&gressor and find ourselves in a position to turn the tabes," observed Oen Sir Archibald Wavell Commander- In-Chief. India, m a message wishing success
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 61 2 Manila. Saturday. J)R. Huga GUdney Grant. ret:rlns United M!ni-t«r to ThifUnd. arrived here today en route to the United States. Dr Grant said the political situation In Thailand was "too uncertain" to predic* wttal »?.s Roincr to happen in that r.rea He declined to cil^russ h'^ resignation
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  • 23 2 Foit Turkth newspapers have br?n closed down for attack* on FrltHa "n p Itne started a lew days ago by the German radio.
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  • 196 2 Appalling Record Of Nazi Cruelty In Poland London, Sa urday. THE underground movement in Poland representing 2,000 organized groups of peasan s and other workers has succeeded in smuggling through to London a manifesto written six months a2O It is an appalling record of facts illustrated with many photographs of
    British Wireless  -  196 words
  • 99 2 Budapest, Saturday riK Hun*:ar*an Army chief of staff, General Henry Werth. has resigned because of ill health and has been replaced by Genera 1 Francis St niba--1 tte'yi, It was officially announced here today. General Werth was chief of staff for three j lysis. He was
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  • 111 2 Wu.slow UalssV), Saturday AN Army Douglas transport plane crashed a moment after taking oft today, plunging into a residential district and fa ally injuring a woman as she sat in her home. On? of the ptane's four occupants was injured slightly. One wing hit
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  • 56 2 New York, Saturday. <^IXTEEN German Ufa films which rec.&Uy arrived here have been impounded by Custom agents on order of the State Department. According to the New York Dally News this action was taken to prevent the showing in America of further films
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 48 2 MARSHAL Petain presided yesterday mom--1 tog at two ministerial council meetings called in Vichy" to re-examine the whole question of tbe suppressing sgltatlon In occupkd France. Immediately after the second meeting, the Minister for the Interior made a darh for Part*.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 59 2 Berlin, Saturday. "THE Chief of the Secret Police. Rclnt ird Heydrtch. today ordered all Jews over six yean of age henceforth to wear a lanti yellow David's Cinss on their eoate wlih a blark In rripttrn Jew." He has alao prohibit* d Jew* ftcn leaving the area in
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  • 32 2 London. Saturday. CQUADRON- LEADER W. J Bdxteb, ttae famous English eiicketer, ha* been awarded U.i DUttnguUhed Flylnc Cuss. He is the first Tea cricketer to receive tots wui.— R«t«ter.
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  • 359 2 A. A. Gunners At Tobruk Shoot Down 77 Planes I London, Saturday. ANTI-AIRCRAFT gunners at Tobruk have shot down 77 enemy planes and probably destroyed at least 70 more from the time the perimeter was closed until Aug. 26, cables Renter's special correspondent at Tobruk. During the same period 2,889
    Reuter  -  359 words
  • 111 2 Sciitie, Friday. A MEMBER of the Russian technical misA sion which arrived here yesterday disclosed today the two Soviet bombers followed a new route to the United BUt*s_ from Moscow to Archangel, then across one side of the North Pole to Horn*.
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  • 38 2 London Saturday. T»;iE 20,000-ton Vi hv supp y ship Az.c has ben caytur.d by a British destroyer off lb« French coast while en r:utc for Casablan^ from Bordeaux, according to unofficial reports—Reuter.
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  • 85 2 London, Saturday. NONE oft he Germans who found themselves in Iran on *he entry of the British and Soviet troops has succeeded in leaving the country, it is reliably learned in London. It is believed that instructions sent by tne British Government to the British Mlntter at
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 39 2 London, Saturday. *7ICHY Premier Marshal Petain has agreed to lease Bizfrta, in Tunis, to the Axis frr a naval base. th» Daily Express aaid today it had 1-arned "fr-m a neutral Embassy In Rome."— United Press
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  • 60 2 London, Saturday. pAFT. PrtU Wledemann, Hitler's former side de camp and until recently German Consul -General in San Francisco, arrived in Rio ds Janeiro yesterday by air from Europe Weidemann was among the Axis consular officials expelled by the United States. Bis appointment as
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  • 59 2 New York, Saturday. rpHS Japanese consulate general announces 1 that the New York offices of the Japanese Board of Tourist Industry, the Japan Tourist Burena and the Jspar.ese Government Railway Bureau are betng <\osed "temporarily" due to 'steadily decreasing burlne's The offldal spokesman said the closure
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  • 55 2 Malta, Saturday. 4Ui man-power between the ag s of It and SO yean is subject to compulsoiy service in Malta. Rules for registration which have just beri Issued it the first step In the calIng up for Ute national labour service aO men la essential trades such as
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 77 2 Chungking, Saturday. THE US. Secretary of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, has assured Dr. Ha Shih. the Chinese Ambassador in Washington, that "China need feel no anxiety over the AmericanJapanese exploratory discussions,** according to a Chinese semi-offici-al despatch. Following his interview with Mr. Hull, the Chinese Ambassador
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  • 152 2 AMERICAN PILOTS DROWNED ON WAY TO BRITAIN Glasgow, Saturday. POUR United States pilots en route to Britain to join tiie Koyal Air Force were drowned when U»e shin in which they were travelling w?4 tcmedoei in the middle of the Atlantic, it was learned here today. Seveh others were rescued
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  • 112 2 Nanking, Saturday. 'THE For chow area is now comnit t?ly cleared of Japanese troops fo'lowing the Chinrs? (.vcipation ot Mamol on the sea coast, according to Chinese fleli dJsp-'.tch?s reaching here frcm the Pukion fron entering Foochow on Wednsday mornins. the Chinesp
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 113 2 Lndon, Saturday. KING Peter of Yugoslavia who was 18 year* old yps'erday wa? present a* a thTlrs'Mvin'' mass at London's Grrrk ©rtho^ox Church in celebration of his coming of ape Represents ti~'s of t-"r? mtfsm of the Yugoslav cfTmup'W in London, hr-nidir." Mlnifters of the
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 131 2 Tokio Paper Sees Allied Victory Tokio, Saturday. T^HE Tokio periodical, Newsweek, which often reflects the opinion •f the Japanese Government, makes a remarkable anti-Axis statement that the finish of what it calls the horrible carnage should be within the grasp of the Alliea at the end of tbe third year
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 113 2 British "Gun Girls" Go Into Action THE Hrst mixed anti-aircraft 1 battery of men o» the Koyul Artillery and women of the Auxiliary Territorial Stn c is now in action at a tun site somewhere near London. The "gun girls" have completed their full training, first through theore.ical stases and
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 113 2 Axis Wants World As Two Warring Camps Rome. Saturday. AN editorial in the Cremona newspaper Regime pastMa appear lor the aboli.ion of sjsutrality end cai;.s up.-n all nati ins ol th* world to take a clear ftand on one sHe or the other in the current war. The newspaper assorts
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  • 63 2 Balavia. Saturday. THE firs; of a grour> of Catalina fly ng boats for the Netherlands Indies raval air arm nrrive^' at Sourabaya on Friday from San Diejo, Cali f orn.a, with a crew of five. They broueht the «ood wishes of American friends who l"ad in-rrib?d
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 17 2 Admiral Lenny United States Ambassador I to Vichy, lrft ltoalessg yesterday morning on his way to Barcelona.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 741 2 9 YEARS' SUFFERING EASED IN A DAY A New Woman at 6V —THANKS TO YeastVite TottlO fiIUH Dear Sirs, Heading your advt. one day when In great pain witb Gastric Ulcers, I sent my huaband to get a bottlo of YeastVit*6 to try* When I tell you I bad juut
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    • 391 2 4fifc IMV NECK'S SO 1 t- crn £tKk 9 STIFF I CAN'T CHEI jR WJ'Tliril MY JJ UP/ M W HFAD" [SLOAN'S l^ §L jg L WIL| F|X |T| f H blood to help rela* U>e v. plic t ions and J Vl^Q W^W ti tf^flv MATURE V tr Jl
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  • 127 3 Japanese Arms Cache Reported To Have Been Uncovered In Bangkok ACCORDING to travellers arriving in Singapore from Bangkok, a sensation has been caused in that city by the arreft of the manager of the Japanese-owned Thailand Hotel by the Thai authorities. In the course of investigations by the Bangkok police,
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  • 140 3 N.I.'s Non-Dutch Subjects To Be Called Up Soon (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Saturday. IT la oiliC ally s .ued in Balavia that preparaiions for the introduction of compulsory military service for non-Dutch suujecu n the Netherlands Indies has progre.-^-ed so rapidly that the calling up of the first draft
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  • 97 3 Cur Own C rrcspoiiL 1 Batavia, Saturday. ACCOTIDING 'o the Balaviaascli i:cnt of'l will i" regulations con- of school children i n v .'1 bfl rvade between pupils! c Ifl—18 jrera an I the oli'er r -hol-irs. j V< ngor children will
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  • 58 3 LONE CHINESE GUNMAN SHOOTS JAPANESE Shanghai. Saturday. THE Japanese milHa-y authoriti s cordoned off a Mettn of Ho"^:»w at 8.30 a.m. to-day following an a'tempt to murder two: J.-v- ri"-v c-nsular police. OtatnMS punmnn fired fiv- shots at I Mlyanaka nnd constable Iroda. ore c" th" b' 1 ts s'T'-.l'^g
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  • 172 3 THAI PREMIER'S INTEREST IN DRESS REFORMS Bangkok, Saturday. AMIDST his preoccupations with important affairs of state in these critical days, the Thai Prime Miniser, Field-Marshal Luang Pibul Songgram is said to be finding time also to pay surprise visits to various Government offices, especially In the mornings, to see for
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  • 55 3 Cairo, Saturday. LJIGH explosive and Incendiary bombs wf>re dropped in a raid on the Suez Canal area on Thursday nijrht. I Tl-pre were five casualties, two fatal, r.nd some df.mrge was done to propert^, according to an official communique. Alarms were also sounded in
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 34 3 Visiting a factory which formerly manufactured perambulators, babychptn and cots, the King saw girl workers producing munitions for the Ministry of Supply. His Majesty is seen examining a "lifesaving torch."
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  • 87 3 Stockholm, Saturday. IN a speech at Oslo, Quisling, the Nazi puppet, warned his opposition that "terror will be broken with terror." He asser.ed that his movement is strong enough to do this and expressed regret that the Quisling Party must right their fellow coun.rymen. But it
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  • 126 3 Washington. Saturday. PUR big American drug companies must break their contracts with a German drug trust under a decree Issued by the United States Department of Justice. The D'p^rtment states tha' these contracts prevented United States Arms from trading with South America. Commenting
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 173 3 London. Saturday. •THE pilot of the British Fleet Air Arm plane which torpedoed the Italian destroyer off Tripoli on Wednesday night described how it was done, says the Air Ministry news service. "I was looking for a tanker," he said. "Although the moonlight
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 69 3 Shanghai. Saturday. A DEMAND for a vigorous protest by the American authorities against Japanese admitted seizures of Am rican publications is made by the American-owned China Weekly Review. This demand follows a repo-t that th~ Chinese postal authorities here had revealed that Japanese censors had for som
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 78 3 New York, Saturday. MRS. Pauline Mayer, 24. was ar- rested yesterday on susni- ion of *-spiona*e for Germany. She is brinf held in U.S. $*****. Her arrest raises (he number held for allegedly participating In a spy rii>? to six. Mrs. Mayer's husbaml, Walter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 FESTERING CUTS AND WOUNDS ft HEAL SAFELY- if you do this... djL Milton may be u<ed on any wound up to full r tdn«« nd S P^^^' I sirrngth. The addition of water, however, tcceler- f «i«n»i» w S (lr U»on. Apply II aics the action of the Milton, and
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    • 207 3 pardon us for Mowing our own Trumpet hut SI S SAUSAGES are good r is none to make S C.3. Sausages y^-, the finest. tastiest. most tempting Sausages C^^Rs^^^^^^^M you can buy Only V delicious tendpr meat is W% used expertly blended with rare spices CT laVi.^^ and they
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 48 3 Bl UFA AND CURLEY (kirn oounCi^N f 1* w* A CuP cor^n at The x uul. domt &o g£TT.»w; wio ms fi6»(ts W O^.-rxJ HJT A KtLK SHAICE AT Tj* CANTON > w f M AiL Mft T LIKKER OW BOAQO/ 7 J pL^li?/ K Wl RL^°^ S T
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 FINAL SCREENING A AMD D A TO-DAY AT 10.30 A.M. IILIIAmDIIII -TT B A BRIGHT GAY FrCTURE* Says MAUYA TRIBUNE T °1 D A V 3 JL I5 > 6 1 5 9 1 5 rALWAWSKA ™7 1 Who Could Ask For Anything More! I j^Q A MIUlQfr X Bfl
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    • 231 4 PAVILION -4 SHOWS TO-DAY 11 a.m. 3.15, 6.15 9.15 4BaBV-i A aßß^^riES w WBT..^W* > **S^* 4kH B^BmT *Jr I _^mk^Bj Q^ %^i^B'»^t" imF AwJ^ BB^"^ V^H «M^ i^^S^SKL^^b^^^^ a A: Bfl hk^^' XHJkW^ stJ bVblbSkP'^^'^S L ~^Hl B^^^ J3M^^* t• > b^9 Vfmr «L 3 Hfe BH HBHBli^^> -jf^jAWa
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    • 238 4 DEANNA'S GLORIOUS VOICE OF VICTORY THRILLS SINCAPORE Be assured of a grand Week-End Show s*c?reyo<TTieMs eaply! SPECIAL MORNING SHOW J& jk TO-DAY AT 11 O'CLOCK M Deanna Durhin jL A In her most delightfully .^j^j Daring Story NICE GIRL?' 1 with FRANCHOT TONE ROBERT BENCHLEY ROBERT STACK "SPECIAL First Film
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  • 400 5 July Record Month For Births Since 1912 In Sydney liilORE babies were born in Sydney during July than in any other month for the past 29 years. Last year's war-time rush to the altar, setting a new marriage record for Sydney, is the reason. When officers at the Government Statistician's
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  • 91 5 THE Syracuse Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution has decided that the British Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, is eligible for membership because two of his American ancestors fought against Britain. Mr. Churchill's mother the late Lady Randolph Churchill, was an
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  • 132 5 A "LONELY soMier"— with a wife and six children appealed for girls to write to him and blgamously married a girl who did. The girl, Miss Edith Grimes, a London Civil Servant, had answered his appeal, and the two wrote to each othen. regularly. The
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  • 130 5 LOOKING through a spy-hole, a nurse at St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, saw Mrs. Mary Oeraldlne Mozley, 64, wife of Canon John Kenneth Mozley, of St. Paul's Cathedral, climb out of a second- floor ward window and fall to her death. The nurse said at
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  • 93 5 BY an order recently, the Acting Commonwealth Prices Commissioner, Mr. M. E. McCarthy, fixed the prices of all goods sold by a Melbourne company at 5 per cent, below those ruiinp on Aug. 22. These prices must not be altered without the Commissioner's approval
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  • 148 5 I OAR-OWNERS In Britain are warned, says the Dally Herald, that they cannot get more than £25 for a car. even if it is a total loss, under the £300 free war damage insurance scheme. The same applies to any other single
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 703 5 ov» 30 EXQUISITE FLORAL PERFUMES fry 0000^ Wear Floral Perfumes— X" ™If U* oo^^ select those which beat «r 1 suit the occasion and your 1 r H V/ I* H personality. EA t n I 'LILY OF THE VALLEY. 'ENGLISH BLUEBELLS. I pjjßPO st 'ROMAN HYACINTH. K Y\D 'MAUVE
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  • 1719 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By QNCE more we bave Joined battle with our old enemy the wasp. A young, vigorous wasp, fresh from sleep mad eager for mischief, flew in through our open window. His steady bun had th? high tone of a tuned-up Spitfire. His speed, as
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  • 379 6 According to statistics. 65 jui every 100 men sooner or later are started on the road to premature old *e^ ov nr tfand trouble. 1 One of the commonest symptoms ot this dangerous and mysterious "land ailment is the necessity of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 913 6 Rb '^■1 m srtff R\r \^K^m^p a^M dM iifi t 2^R^v < u s&A» f JRT JnM/^& x\\\^ 1 I^rw^rl mrlrm i R^Rk vo L^B^R^R^RVR^R^R^r^Vt «^bbbbbb^^v> s*^v s* i m R^Rflk. .^bb^bb^ I TOOHET'S—Pilseoer— is Australia's toast W tttf I through<Hit thl6 country And no wonder! "£<]!•«' f<» It's breved
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 367 6 CONTRACT BRIDGE By The Four Aces fjO-DAY'S crime doesn't require the services of a detective but ts submitted in the spirit of good clean fun. South, Dealer North-South vulnerable S K Q J 10 8 6 H Q 10 5 D C 8 4 89 8 r^m 8A 5 HAK9S4
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  • 1361 7 The Onlooker By a MAN held in high esteem among rubber planters and members of the rubber industry in general, in Europe. Asia and America, was Mr. V. A. Tayler, whose death in England following an operation, was cabled by our London correspondent. Mr. Taylor will be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 457 8 Special Services To Be Held By Many Races TyiTH the war entering its third year, the National Day of Prayer for which this Sunday has been chosen will be held throughout the Empire and many other countries untouched by Hitler and his scourge.
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  • 101 8 rr connection with the day of prayer a correspondent sends The Sunday Times the following verses This day the King commands To make a day of prayer, Hearts uplift in thankfulness For heavenly aid and care, In earnest supplication plead War's pains and horrors cease, Give
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  • 260 8 'PRIBUTES to the consideration and patience shown by him while ne was officiating as Singapore Third Magistrate were paid to Mr. W. D. Carew by Chief Inspector Poulain and Mr. G. E. Devonshire,! Assistant Superintendent of Police, in the police courts yesterday. Mr. Carew
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  • 538 8 Grist Essery INHERE was a naval wedding at 1 Johore Bahru yesterday, when Pay- master-Lieutenant Jack Grist was j married to Miss Philippa Essery at the Ca.holic Church. h Miss Essery is the only daughter o* Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Essery of the Naval i Base, Singapore,
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  • 130 8 MAN KILLED ,AT FISHING STAKE KHOO NEO SENG, aged 22 years, was standing on the pagar of a kelong (fishing stake) with one arm round a stake and bending over the water in an attempt to retrieve a slice of pork which had dropped, when the stake he was holding
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  • 228 8 QCOKING opens this week for the next Singapore Musical Society Concert on Sept. 28, when the full chorus and orchestra will combine to present selections from Oratorio. It is some considerable time since a full orch>> txal and choral concert was given, and this production should be a
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  • 56 8 /"•HONG Chui Li, aged 20 years, pleaded guilty in the Singapore Third Court yesterday to a charge that between Aug. 30 and yesterday, while he was employed ai the Auxiliary Depot < Medical) at Tanglin by an agreement dated May 27, he absented himself from work. Chong
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  • 141 8 AN cpsn verdict was recorded by tbe Singapore Coroner. Mr. W G. Porter, yesterday at an inquiry into the death of 37-year-old Oh C^.wee San. who was knocked down by a lorry whil» riding a bxycle along Thomson Road on the evening o." July 30.
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  • 72 8 In loving memory of our darling Mother, Mrs. M. S. Vanderput, who died on 68 39 "Dearest, far too well thy Saviour lovet thee To allow thy life to be One long calm, unbroken summer. One unruffled, storm less sea. He would have thee fondly nestling Closer to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 PHILIPS has in fa llible W*** STABILITY 1 £TJ|mQ *i '9HHHA\ fe Sensational new Philips* improvements tfive another """*<**« interpretation to the word "stability" in the Radio f^^^^^n^ V< field MODI:L No KISIA (illustrated) is a 6 valve -p'M «feS;- superhet with press button bandspread tuning, giving a new meaning
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  • 829 9 R.A.F. Salute Ceremony At Flagstaff House FORMATIONS of R.A.F. bombers and fighters swept over Flagstaff House, home of the General Officer Commanding:, Malaya, Lieut.-Gen. A. E. Perciva', yesterday in tribute to a significant and symbolic Victory ceremony which was enacted on the
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  • 136 9 SIR SHENTON'S TRIBUTE TO PERAK CHINESE (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Saturday. unPHE war against aggression can be won only by the united efforts of n.ll classes working together and allowing nothing to stand in the way of our advance to victory together." writes the High Commissioner. Sir Shenton Thomas.
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  • Article, Illustration
    80 9 The -V" for Victory dim nymboHsed the ceremony of the piesentation of VkUry pennant* at Flagstaff Homse yesterday. Tlw Chiresc delegation were formed up la the shape a "V." This photograph was taken Immediately aft«r the presentation the pennant*. The G.0.C.. Malaya, Lieut -Gen. A. E. Perclval, and the A.0.C.,
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  • 47 9 THE Police Band will play to-day at Botanic Gardens at 8.30 p.m.: March. "Cavalry of the Clouds" (Alford); Selection. "Sweethearts of Yesterday" (Hall); Pantaria Overture. "Three Days" (Letter); Musical Sketch. "The Swanky Drum Ma)or" <Myddleton>; Selection. "The Getaha" (Jenes), March. "The King's Guard" (Keith).
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  • 38 9 The Rochore Malay Girls' School. In Talembang Road, the school for selected girls from the Malay vernacular schools, held an exhibition and sale of handwork, rakes and sweets yesterday. Che' Sa'od&h bintl Haji Mohamed Shah presented the priz<*-
    38 words
  • 411 9 THEiIE will be an evacuation exercise for part of the west coast evacuation area cf Singapore this morning. The area concerned is all the area lying to the south-west of the line drawn along the West Coast Road from the bridge ov,?r the Sunstei
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  • 195 9 Manager's Vain Fight To Save Bungalow (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. ONLY a few pillars remain standing of the bungalow of Mr. D. M. Atwell. manager of Segambut Estate near Sentul, wnich caught fire shortly after dusk yesterday. It is considered possible that tlia building, which had an
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  • 177 9 SECTION 2 (1) of the Control of Paper (No. 2) Order, now operative in the Straits Settlements, says "No person in the Colony shall after Sept. 30, print or order any form, billhead, voucher or other similar partly printed document (other than note paper) Intended
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  • 26 9 Mr. M. TJ. Wynn*. Dc-n'i'y InspectorGeneral of Police (Crime and Politics) Is acting for the Chief Police Officer, Slr.%porc, Mr. L. A. Thomas, during his absence
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  • 368 9 Singapore Air Hero In Iran Operations How F. O. Woolley Won The D.F.C. ACTING Flying Officer Frank Geoffrey Woolley, D.F.C, son of t.ioup Captain F. Woollry, D.F.C, of the Royal Air Force in Singapore, was wounded by a bullet in the l*c is the result of air operations m Iran
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  • 172 9 At The Cinema THE ALHAMBRA QKNS Autry. the singing cowboy who has made a million dollars from the screen, makes another hit In "Old Monterey/' a Republic film which was given a midnight showing at the Alhambra cinema. He sings as he wages a war again:*', a crime syndicate that
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  • 15 9 Sergeant W. S. Alnger has been appointed a Second-Lieutenant in tbo Local Defence Corps, Malacca.
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  • 46 9 A further remittance of $10,000 tn Straits currency brings the total amount of nvjiey sent from Negri Sembilan to the China Relief Fund to $980,000 and an additional sum of $700,000 (Chinese currency) sent in the early days of hostilities la China, states our Seremban correspondent.
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  • 20 9 Mr. George Wiseman has been re-appointed an unofficial member cf the Legislative Council for a further period of three years
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  • 351 9 Programme of drills up to and fcr the week ending Sept. 14: Monday. Sept. 8. 1715 hrs Headquarter* S.R.A. (v) section Training; Mil hrs Headquarters S.S.L. Dty r.a. (v) Manning and L.O. Training; 1720 hrs Mt. Rosle Rd. No. 2 Sec S.B.D. Sec R.E. (v B.D. Training; 1730
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  • 103 9 From Our Ow.i Correspondent) Muar. Saturday. IN the course of a lengthy judgment deli /ere d at the Assizes at Muar, [Mr. Justice Manning allowed the i claim of Kuan Loon? Heng. a Pubiir Works Department contractor, agalnat the State of Johore for $756 for certain
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  • 114 9 (Prom Our Own Corrp rvu'Uent) Malacca. Saturday. INTENDED to form a channel of communication between the public and the Settlement Supply Officer with a view to the prevention of proflteerliifj In foodstuff rind the punishment of those attemptui; to vidimize members of the public. Uu? AntiProflteering
    114 words
  • 52 9 There will be a special pjjah and offering of prayers to Shrl Oane<h Peruman at 6.30 p.m. to-day at> the Sini Shenpage Vcnayagar temple. 19, Ceylon Road. Katong, In commemoration of the s<conrl am.. of the outbreak of war. This service will be followed by a lor'jure by Mr. A.
    52 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 218 9 *wH»KSs£)*. MmmmmAa«L W*±S .r; NU VO' iLa Vlu™'* 1 fry **^^^^^**5; I """U wJirnsdSSl 0 When you're half-awake ■fcSi-St'f] mW^m and "lazy," try taogy, zippy 9jk£ JlEX*^*^ ROASTER-FRESH Chase Sanbom Coffee. See if its BfcEE P^^i fresher, richer flavor doesn't wake you up, pep you up and «j I.'« c
      218 words

  • 840 10 THE second anniversary of the outbreak of war is an appropriate time to take a look at what Malaya has contributed to the war effort, and to consider in what manner this can be increased during the third year of hostilities. We do not refer to what
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  • 1339 10 Millions Of Dollars Saved By Singapore's Postal Censorship THE Postal Censorship Department of Singapore criticised by many of the lotter writers and business men of Malaya as a source of delay and possibly waste has already saved millions of dollars from leaving this country illegally. Thus, apart from playing a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1004 10 Let Mien Chong look after your clothes. You can have full confidence in the correctness of the cut, the quality of the materials and the value for money. We have a wide range Suit Lengths. "RockTiUe" Buttings— l'. S. A. WAIN SHIEL'S In Silk and Wool. Abo AMERICAN SHARKSKIN. In
      1,004 words
    • 53 10 THE NEW WORLD CABARET TO-DAY TIFFIN OANCE 130 to 4.30 p.m. Admission FREE. TO-NIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT Admission 25 cts. PIANO TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS- HIRE E. CHARLES. Hume 2902 —50 Orchard Rd. SMf*^ iasssM PHONE 4310 f*y\ f Amber Mansion, j ft^^A No. 7 Orchard Rd. OPTICAL HOUSE MANUFACTURING DISPENSING
      53 words
      13 words
    • 195 10 EWLCREEM W§^^B Jl, OROOMS WITHOUT GUMMING ,^^T W at^fc^ZlfcaVy I* 1 every walk of life smartness counts V\ w .^^sv/'jWIP^P and there is no better aid to a smart \iGj '■^9^4 r^^*^Bs^9iLflr^^^K%^ appearance than Brylcreem. Just a spot vil ?t-^^^^ MstV Brylcreem tames the most obstinate T\ itr^ hair, restores
      195 words

  • 54 11 "Day Of Prayer" On British Battleship In Atlantic Divine service on board 11. M.5. King George V in mid-Atlantic. Today being the Day of Prayer observed universally in the Empire, British warships on the high seas will also observe the occasion, while not relaxing for a moment their courageous vigil
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  • 217 11 OEViiUAL hours after she had felt a sharp blow on the back of her bead Mrs. Margaret Clark, of Hawthorn, found that she had been shot, says an Adelaide message to the Sydney Telegraph. Mrs. Clark was working in her backrard
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  • 134 11 A CONTRAST In official and private death notices of German soldiers Is noted by Mr. Wickham Steed, former editor of The Times. I In official Nazi party newspapers, notices Inserted by relatives read the same: "In memory 0f.... Kor the Fuehrer and the Reich
    134 words
  • 106 11 Melbourne Trams Now Served By Dapper Uniformed Girls I/lELBOURNE'S new girl tram conductors have now started work. On Aug. 23 they were issued with nstructions on "What every tram girl hould know." l bes'> cover: How to keep equilllinum in a lurching tram; how to ask lassengers politely to move
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  • 762 11 Waterhen's Crew Tells Stirring Story Of Stuka Dive Attack OFFICERS and men of the Australian destroyer Waterhen, who have just returned home on leave after almost two years' continuous service in the Mediterranean, tell dramatic stories of their ordeals and adventures, says the Sydney Morning Herald. H.M.A.S. Waterhen was sunk
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  • 127 11 MOST people know bow the rumour of Russians passing through the country la the last war spread alter a troop train had stopped at an important Junction, and tea was given to the men. who, speaking Gaelic, said they came from "Ross-shire": It was misheard
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 48 11 FRESCO LINE SANITARY WALL DISTEMPER An oil-bound distemper with a veivet-like finish that won't rub off. Obtainable in 50 different delightful shades. Why not re-decorate the Home in the Colour and shade you like best. We will gladly, and without obligation, furnish estimates and suggestions. Ut Wartns 9
      48 words
    • 412 11 TO OTA L Grace the party with §L ROBI 4 fl^Sfy/ Sheer lovely Robia With its jr semi-transparent texture il is jRWjC TV^^ us c thing for party frocks. ¥H* 1 1^V r V (4 c em^ ro^ ere^» open-mesh, M»v\v\>v Vjj^N/ chequered effects, and sV*£^s^T^\ floral prints, are both
      412 words

  • 1418 12 SOME COMMENT ON TAXES SPENDING The Week 's Markets BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. jLJEADS cf Singapore's peacetime and wartime departments were given a breathing space this week when the news was broadcast that the PanAmerican Clipper would not arrive until this week, and they promptly made
    1,418 words
  • 40 12 rrlIE following* alterations to the lL,t of share quotations published In the Straits i Times yesterday were made when the market closed yesterday: TINS Kramat Pulal (ss) 7s rd Z& c.d. RUBBEBS NO CHANGE INDUSTRIALS NO CHANGE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 316 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH UNLESS the bloodstream is purified of all poisons which collea through modern conditions of living I W*SeKl^^F you cannot expect to look or feel well. Andrews i^^Biß^M Liver Salt purifies the blood. K I Andrews gives you through and through Inner I Cleanliness. It defeats headaches,
      316 words
    • 1065 12 Piles Cause 15 Dangerous Waa MsM V4tIM m I headache I/- jympioi is mmßHmimflHmmviaV^ |w€^n eye^P^ < New Di covcry Stops _^/|o^ Pain in 15 Minutes ami l^rr^K,^ Avoids Dangerous r tlM^ I Operations V WPl^n^ Sine* the diaeoverr of Chlnarold by aa 1 \f AJ I* IHfc H American
      1,065 words

  • 315 13 Main Factors For Flying Are Confidence And Determination THE psychological make-up of the candidate is probably the most important factor in suitability for flying, says a doctor. Flying under war conditions calls for cool Judgment, courage, and determination, he declares In the Medical Journal in telling of problems of re-cruit-enlistment.
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  • 396 13 Gets Telephone Number, Jumps 7,000 Feet THE prospect of parachuting from 10,000 feet through fog worried an R.A.F. pupil pilot so little that, just before he jumped, he returned to his instructor to ask for the telephone number of his station. telephone number of his station. He Jotted it down
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  • 134 13 Enthusiastic Youths Learn Flying In R.A.F. Schools A VISIT to an RAF. Service Fl>lng Training School provides interesting evidence of the number of countries which are contributing to Britain's air strength. Pour courses are continuously undergoing various stages of their 8.F.T.8. tuition simultaneously, and, in one school, two of the
    134 words
  • 63 13 P CREASED rates of pay for Army and Air Force nurses have been extended to the Naval Nursing Service. New rates are; Nursing sisters, £95 a year; reserve nursing sisters, £105 a rear. For listers with approved nursing experience of three yean or more
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  • 52 13 A.I F men who have returned from abroad and are now in the AMJF. will be distinguished by a half-sized colour patch of the last A.I.F. unit in which they served, announced the Minister for the Army. Mr P. C. Spender No special badges or chevrons will
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 564 13 JNKRVOUS EXHAUSTION made her an INVALID FOR YEARS Too often the sufferers from exhaustion get little or no sympathy. Weighed down by a burcten of fatigue they drag their way through the heat and fever of the day, half-dead with lassitude. Yet, there is a way out a diet rich
      564 words
    • 1462 13 •sXs^Es^E -t I £y YOUR TEETH! BEE.', jttt, lactic cid produced by mouth bacteria working gjgnT.. f fc fib on food particlei between th« t*«th that attaclu the tooth fafiSL JITO •namtl and causes decay. M«r« cleaning and polishing .^MttfctoaaacK re not anough to protect th« tact* against thli condiHjgfeV
      1,462 words

  • 730 14 Max Factor's Advice ADVISING women to observe the rules of colour harmony when creating their make-up U nowhere near as generally necessary today as it was ten, or even five, years ago. A large majority of the women of 1941 are well aware that one of
    730 words
  • Article, Illustration
    110 14  -  Mr. D. N. Sebastian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doralsamy Naicker, and Misa Sarojene Joseph ineamal, second daughter of Mr. and Bin. S. Anthony Naldu. of Taipitf, married at the St. Loais Chnreh. Taipinr Mr. Joseph Tjont Giap I Jem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uetn SAt Hlaog. of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 424 14 SPECIAL NOTICE 1 Messrs. Maynard Co., Ltd. be& to announce that owin& to the &reat demand for Elizabeth Arden Treatments, appointments not kept will be charged for, unless twenty four hours notice of cancellation is £iven. APB 42 MUSCULAR PAINS QUICK RELIEF with famous D. T. Lim's Liniment. Just a
      424 words
    • 286 14 PROTECT YOUR LUNGS! Serious Warning to COUGH -WRACKED SUFFERERS The clangers of a cough cannot be over You must get a bottle of VEMTS emphasized. A neglected cough can be Ligh'ning CMMN CURE because this the forerunner of Chest Weakness and wonderful remedy gives you the lightChronic Bronchial and other
      286 words
    • 391 14 Vy/HATEVER vm.r feature*, nothing counu ta much for lookt as a clear complexion and aa erer-youthful akin. And Nature mennl rour completion to potaeu an 1 prnerve the glamour and allure of an ever-youthful akin. Sntcath the outer layer of worn-out cutxie lica a l«Tfi. «kin. Narvre intended the outer
      391 words

  • 1668 15 R.H. Naylor By SUNDAY. SEPT. 7: In the year that is coming you will have little time to sit and wonder about the future. Life will be made up of a succession of small events: you will be constantly busy, though what you do may not
    1,668 words
  • 391 15  -  R. A. THOMPSON, D.O.Sc. By <Doetor of Ocvlar Scieaee) THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. Scientific experiments prove that ocular fatigue and nervous fatigue are neater under conditions of improper Illumination. Although It seems like a platitude to say that adequate illumtnution Is necessary for comfortable tjyi work, it is more
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 409 15 Heart Trouble Caused by High Blood Pressure If you have palna around tho heart, palpitation, dizziness. he*dsch«s at top and oack of head and tbovt ey«a. •hortnsaa of torvalh. f*«l nervy, or suffer from poor •l««p. loss of memory and snerry, Indices itton. worry and fear, your trouble la prob-
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    • 2 15 1 M
      2 words
    • 308 15 Lavender w5% fi the clean wistful fragrance A of the Yardley Lavender Bj M. gives an appealing air of youthful J^r freshness and charm the ideal Perfume for Daytime Daintiness. One of those little refinements so dear to your man on leave. Yardley 's Engltsh Lavender —t* crystal bottles and,
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 385 15 THIS WEEK FOR YOU JANUARY. (Dec. 21— Jan. 19): Week at (justness changes, rooet of them to your advantage. Watch health, your own and that of family towards and of week. Relatives temperamental Tuesday and Wednesday. FEBRUARY. I Jan. 20— Feb. 18): Week's events centre round family, new friend or
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 730 16 uuiiiiiiiiiin five your family and guests thu Qlgh quality jam. INSIST ON CHI VERS JAMS CHIVIRS a SONS LTD.. THI ORCHARD PACT O at. HIS TON. CAMIAiDC. iNO. Try also diners' Old* English Marmalade, Canned Fruits and VegetabUt,' i Agents V. R. VICK CO., HONG KONG BANK CHAMBERS, I t
      730 words
    • 370 16 EYE EXAMINATIONS, EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY iTH^MP/ON \OPTICAI C 9 4. AX( \l>r Itl.ix. PHONE 3MS R. A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Srienc* 35 years' European Clinical Experience. Indigestion? iff you're a victim of aiter-mral misery-^ drowsnesf, uncomfortable fullness, or acute stomach pain your one sure standby tat .'Btsurated' Magnesia. Immediately ii
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1051 16 Wireless Programmes TO-DAT SINGAPORE ZHL. t2S as. 1333 ayes. ZHP.I J8.96 m. 9.69 m/ea, ZHP.2 48.58 m. 6.175 m/cs. ZHP.J. 41.38 OS 7 25 m/rs. ZHL. ZIIPI, ZHP2 and ZHPS. 6.40 a.m. Opening announcements In French; 6.4* a.m. News In French relayed from London; 7 a.m. News commentary In French:
      1,051 words
    • 389 16 stanl; 7 p.m. Announcements in Dutch. European music on records; 7.15 p.m. News in Dutch relayed from London; 7.30 p.m. Gramophone Record Interlude; 7.35 p.m. News Commentary In Thai; 7.45 p.m. Malay Weekly Newsletter relayed from London: 8 p.m. Malay Extra; 8.15 p.m. Warning to mariners. News In Malay; 8.20
      389 words
    • 790 16 EMPIRE STATION EASTERN SERVICE 6.1* pm. II.M pm oa GBV 11.81 oa/cs; 1b.84 metres. GSF 15.14 m/cs; 1941 metres. GSO 1175 m/tm: metres. NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE GSD (25 metre band) and GRT (31.25 metre*: 9 m/est 6.15 a.m. News; 6 30 a.m. Listening Past An Analysis of German propaganda;
      790 words

  • 1551 17  -  "Doc" By AT a meeting of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association held recently, it was decided to hold The War Fund show at the Happy World stadium on Sept. 26. Subject to the approval of the boxing officers, the programme was provisionally drawn up and it is
    1,551 words
  • 1078 17 (By Our Badminton Correspondent) rE Commercial inter-team badminton tournament for the Capstan Cup for toe '•urrcnt year promises to be a much more Interesting competition than the previous year. Altogether ten entries have been re- reived as against eight entries last year, and I the names of the
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 485 17 ONLY HALF ALIVE? Do.-s the heat make you lUtless' Doe; the day seem long and work •onotimes too much to bear? No need to get worried about it— whe old D^me Nature provided a re.nedy for your state of body long ago! All ycur tiredness and 'fed-up' feeling can be
      485 words
    • 82 17 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? mm^Smmm^mmmmm mmm^^mmw^ -Jl^^^^^m J9 "Yes, it's dolly good" "British to the teeth" < s yf ■fc^ffc«^«^k*-ivAWyfti \a\ SH€ COULD HAI/W SUNK y^ THROUGH Tti€ FCOOf^^^^^^ CONVALESCENCE OR f JF 0 ***>>?****. I WHEN YOU FEEL 4 *O^ BLS9 Mf^il79^l TIMED OR LISTLESS MM^^t^U W
      82 words

  • 231 18 (From Our Own Curr, ;pondenO Segamat, Saturday. IN the most exciting game of tho jear 1 seen locally, the Kluang F A retained the Black Cud when they boat th- Segamat FA. in the annua inier- distric soccer fixture on the Scgamnt English School padnng by
    231 words
  • 222 18 Girls' Sports L. Fernandez Wins Championship Fifth Year In Succession MISS L. Fernandez won the individual I«* championship for the fifth year in succession yesterday at the OlrJs* Sports Club slxtl. anrual athletic meeting. House No. 4 (Mrs. A. Pennefather) was the crs-mplon house of the meeting. The prizes were
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  • 238 18 Lall Singh's Team Meet Combined Colleges I ALL Singh's team maue a poor start in their two-day cricket flxLure against a Combined Colleges eleven on ihe Medical College ground yesterday. Batting first Lall Singh's side were all out for 90 and at one stage had lost nine wickets for 51
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  • 191 18 Foreot Hills. Friday. LIEI-EN JACOBS reached the semi-final of the women's singles in the American lawn tennis championships here to-day (Friday) by beating Miss D. Bundy 6 3, 11—9. I The Swedish player. Carl Schroeder, b»at the diminutive American "Bitsy" Orant 6 B, 6 l. 6 2, 6
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 2712 18 Leads All The Way To Pay Upset Dividend j St. Leger Result.... Page 2 LEADING nearly aU the way and ridden ii masterly style by Farthing Mr. Eddie's Grand Prix won the Singapore Gold Cup at Bukit Timah yesterday, final day of the Singapore Turf
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 388 18 They told him he PHR^^B FACED OPERATION Stomach Ulcer When Mr. J. H. J. developed stomach -===^^^U'l/[ pains he rushed to hospital for an X-ray examination and was told to rest and live on milk. But business was bad. and Mr. J story to u'l of immediate relief, could not
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  • 495 19 Sports Notes From Negri (From Our Own Correspondent' Seremban, Saturday. *I*HE decuion ol ihe Ncgn Sem D.lan HoL-key Association to rejact the proposal of the Seiangcj Hockey Association, not to include Services p.ayers in the Slate side aDpea -s to have met with general approval in the S^ate It will
    495 words
  • 124 19 Had Hose B. P. "A" trr.m to m«rt tr>« ■om B.P. M A" t'vun part s U!« bxrne ccirt. 60 T '.r-- lT r'.o 1 K«wi b<"»nn < "<» at 2 p.m. wMI be .'clo-'ed from: S-p1 Snlim M. A. 1.-.pge "-apt >. Walter rrndrrT, C. P.
    124 words
  • 69 19 Louis Meets Nova On Sept. 29 New York. Friday. JOE Louis and Lou Nova have signed contracts for a 15--rounds heavyweight title fight at the Polo Grounds on Sept. 29. The physical examination pronounced b ;ih tn?n in good condition, lt is bcli ved Louis will rece ye the champion's
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  • 486 19 The following table shews tbe petitions of the teams tn the SAP A. League up to date:— URST DIVISION P. W. L. D. P. A. Pta Chinese iS.C.F.A.) 24 16 2 «78 25 ,i 8 RAJ 1 23 16 3 463 22 36 Chinese Athletic 21 14 6
    486 words
  • 260 19 ir.-om Our Own Corrcrpondentl Malacca, Saturday. FHO HON KONE by Just manuring to bent Nfs Alk Jtn wUI now meet Charlie S> ">w in the final of the men's tinsles In the -ra Badminton Asso-latlon toumaIn the men's doubles Cho Kin Hawke and Char'ie Scow, who r early
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  • 28 19 The R.A.M.C. had an easy victory over the S.H.B. In a second division <a) soccer r-ime at the Hir'orur Brcrd ground yestexc.ay. winning by ten goals to one.
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  • 532 19 HOME FOOTBALL TROUBLES STILL NOT OVER London, Friday. PEOPLE who thought fixture troubles and the London Clubs' breakaway Irom the Football League would be forgotten with last week's successful open ng on the English season were surprised by an issue by the management committee of a 1000-wordj s aterrmt on
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  • 214 19 PASSING their opponents' score with five wickets In hand, the Singapore Cricket Club acrred an easy Tlctory over a Chringl team in a eric':et match played at the Padang yesterday. Fcatvre of the match was a hat trick by Ward. Waites took hU 100
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  • 248 19 The draw for Singapore men's singles open championship is: Top Section, first qu«rter, Chua Kirn Hern (bye. vs. winner of Leonß Ton Sung Tan Miarg Siam Kob Kwai Sung vs. Khoo 800 Guan, Low Huck Yang (bye) ts. winner of Cr an Kara Seng and Chan Kwok,
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  • 176 19 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday. rE annual Johore badminton champ.onshlps will be held at the Kli'Ang Oofemment En?lL* School on Sept. 17, 18 md 19. The draw is as follows: Senior Singles: bye, Cheng Swee; Ng Ngoh Tee vs. 6a tar, Koh Eng Chin vs. Ismail
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  • 25 19 The Royal Nary beat the Royal Englnevn (Pulau Branl) in a Division 2A soccer match played at Pulau Eranl jesicrdaj bj Uuee goaii to oo«.
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  • 228 19 THOUGH they were beaten by the only goal of the match, the Manchtsters gave the RA.F. a very hard l.pht v«lien the teams met at Van? In yesterday in the flist division of the SAJA. ieegue. Holders ol the tropuy, the Airmen are running
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  • 279 19 IN a fast reserve division soccer match nlaycd at the J.C.S.A. grouni yesterday, the R.A. P. beat the Chinese Athletic by three goals to one. The R.A F. scored a.l their goals in the first half, the Chinese successfully holding their forwards at bay in
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 582 19 PERAK TURF CLUB m mr r:FTt i»ii hieting rATTJUDAY. 13th SK^TBMBER. 1041 WEDNESDAY. 17Ml SEPTEMBER. 1941 BATT'RDAY, 20th 6KPTEMBER, 1941 Subscriptions for Vbitlug Me .!;crs Uiall l>c:MEN $S LAUIES $2 for the Meetlnif or any day thereof. iRTTINa MEM3ERS must be Introduced b\ Member? and .MUST APPLY NOT LATER THAN
      582 words
    • 445 19 In the LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1940 results just published 90 per cent, of PITMAN TRAINED STUDENTS were awarded PASSES in TYPEWRITING and 57 per cent, of these at- M m^M m mW mm^t mmmmm MMMk tamed DISTINCTION. fvjfg Tlt \Sfut 1 RB? Enrol now for the \Mm. 'Ml
      445 words

  • 169 20 Soviet Keep Secrets: Foreign Journalists May Not Go To Front r\NE of the difficulties of knowing what is happening on the Russo-German battlefront is that neither foreign military observers nor journalists are allowed rear the fighting line, cables the Sydney Sun's London correspondent. As in the last war, the Russians
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  • 51 20 A CONVOY of 44 ships is needed to transport 560 of the powerful new Chrysler 32-ton tanks, the columnists Pearson and Allen reveal. Chrysler's will soon be pn>du< inj 450 of these giants each month. They occupy almost double the sh space of light
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  • 130 20 EIGHTY different varieties of glass] substitute to be used In blasted or bombed windows are on view at the Building Centre, New Bond Street, London. They range from rubberized or oiled linen at 2s. a square yard to cellulose acetate and oiled silk at 10s. Wired
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  • 212 20 Fixed With Rheumatism A woman correspondent writes:—"I was crippled with pains stabbing m; like a dagger in the lower part of my back. From there they would go from Joint to Joint, almost fixing my shoulders so that I could not move my arms
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  • 108 20 rE London Daily Mirror recently pubished a picture of a man walkIng in the street wearing nothing more than hi.-, hat, golf stockings and shoes. The report accompanying the picture said: "This is a Dutchman and how he walkf d out In the streets
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  • 158 20 JLAISS Pauline Gower, commanding officer of the women's section of the Air Transport Auxiliary, told a literary hmcheon how Amy Johnson met her death. "It fell to my lot to check up on her flight," said Miss Gower. "We have absolutely no doubt how she
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  • 253 20 A LIEUTENANT In the Royal Army Pay Corps, stated to "make a habit of getting married," Ls to spend the next three years out of the way of temptation. He calls himself Gerald Franc's Mauduit St. Claire. His real name is Alfred Edward Francis and
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  • 98 20 THE war has taken two inches off the waistline of the average British civilian, British tailors report. Reasons advanced are: Wartime diet. Home Guard exercises A.R.P. duties, digging for victory, less time for lounging A survey by the Leeds (Yorkshire) tailoring
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  • 122 20 DILL NEWMAN veteran Dover trawler hand, who has survived all the hazards of war in the Channel, slipped on a moss-covered ladder when going ashore from his ship, at Dover. He fell into the harbour. Nobody saw him go except his whippet called Dover. She raced
    122 words
  • 132 20 •PHE Daily Te'egrapn says: "Qovern--1 ment maxlllo- facial centres are using and developing a remarkable new method of treating Jaw fractures, enabling the patient to move the part freely and painlessly within 24 hours of the fracture being set. "The method Involves the use of
    132 words
  • 72 20 IiiIOSCOW radio recently broadcas: "Rule Britannia" and the hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers." This is the first time these songs have been broadcast -.n Soviet Russia The songs were In the sound track of the newsreei of the Churchill-Roose-velt meeting. Part of the sound
    72 words
  • 47 20 Robert Montgomery Now In U.S. Navy ROBERT MONTGOMERY, the film actor, has Joined the United States Navy. He Is now a lieutenant In the Department of Operations in Washington. Montgomery was in France during the Invasion last year, and drove an ambulance attached to the French Army.
    47 words
  • 92 20 AFTER undergoing a remarkable operation performed for the first time In Britain on a child so young. Peter, the son of Mr. Ernest Raymond, the author, and Mrs. Raymond, is "progressing satisfactorily." When Peer was 72 hours old doctors of the Middlesex Hospital operated on the
    92 words
  • 117 20 JAPAN has built two large concen- tration camps in Occupied China for British and Americans, according to private advices from Tientsin to the New York World Telegram. American manufacturers and exporters trading in Japanese-controlled China have been Intimidated by Japanese Army officials, who told
    117 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 212 20 u\dsli pKAniit, lOy&rs old v-f VI JJ CROSS-PPTTNNTNGER: At the Prwoytrlan Church. Slngapnr-. on sth September IMI, by the Reverf nd T. Cnmpbell Gibson. MA., AlexandPr Cross, of the Immigration nepartirent. 53., only ?on of The R?"rri»Ti A'ernrder fid Mrs. Crvs. of Muthl'l. j Perthshire, to Fl«*. votin<rer daughter of;
      212 words
    • 327 20 Cli»NIO iDJUITID IPAIBSO EZEKIEL CO. orroMETmsTs m, opticiane > CAPITOL ■UItOIWO imaA^OM STO mi We specialise in watches and dorks of every description and offer you the biggest selection of guaranteed timekeepers at reasonable prices. BOOKS ON REINFORCED CONCRETE. Reynold's Rcln/orrrd ConrrcU Designer's Handbook; m Practical Examples of K. C.
      327 words