The Straits Times, 1 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 186 1 For Jp-to-dato TAILORING MIEN CHONG 34 Coleman St., Spore. Phonr 4816 AraHaala Salt Length* "Kaekvlllt" salUn**— U.S.*. WAIN SHiril.'S SHk ana Wool Aho AJMJMCAN SHARKSKIN. Is varlou, colours Duplex Design Double-Acting 1 Quiet ---No Gears Self Oiling PWft Fast Loose Pulleys mf M Capacities from j^i B 500 to 5000
      186 words
    • 6 1 SINGAPORE, 140 CKCIL ST CPHONE i4?U,
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    • 144 1 Ring up 2483 for all Photographic Reg uir em en ts Whether It Uan inexpensive baby Brownie or an expenaiTe Cine Kodak we have stocks to meet your requirements. Developing. Printing and Enlarging undertaken. GIAN SINGH and Company. Men's Tailors and Outfitters. Drapers and House Furnishers. 4 Battery Rd. i
      144 words
    • 99 1 KUALA LVMFV ?i UVA M CPHONt 3SS3I SERVICE TAILORING IB at ROBINSON'S I^^^V r En lish cutter we acquainted with W& ntC---^i "4 y^B&^V terns oi service ta'lwinft »n d we can 7j WL I 1 W Jfti'FM guarantee satisfactory completion of any uniform tailoring undertaken. tWe have fwm^J^TZ^Zfar full
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    • 9 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. ft CASH SALE NOW ON
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 561 2 ©k Straits Warns SMALL ADS? Minimum charge SI. far »d»t. not esreedlnt t •>■•»■ Mm than foor linen 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIRTHS, MARRIAGE8. DEATHS, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS P.P C. CAKDS are charred $3 each per insertion per Inch. Over I ln>h
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    • 760 2 WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE. Launch With inboard motor, about 25 ft. in good condition, price, full details aid where can be seen to Box 146, Straits Times. SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED MATERNITY and General nurse seeks position In any capacity. Apply Box No. 151, Straits Times. MALAYA SERVANTS AGENCY. 238. Orchard
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    • 803 2 EDUCATIONAL ENGLISH BAR EXAMINATION Students of the English Inns of Court who desire to take the Michaelmas Bar Examination in Singapore should apply to th* Secretary. Raffles Cortege Singapore fo? entry forms not later than 13th September. 1941. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL l-A Kirk Terrace, Singapore MALAYA'S PREMIKB SCHOOL OF
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    • 786 2 LOST LOST from Goodman Road, medium siz dog, Fox-Terrier type. White smooth hair with' brown markings on head two large blade patches on body. Finder please return to 44 Goodman Road or Phone *****. Reward offered. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE I. Neale Dunn, do change my name to Neale Leicester-Dunn, also
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    • 603 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYE6LASSES. EXCLUSIVELY iTH^MP/ON \OPTICAL C 2 4. AKCADB BLDG.. PHONE 30*2 ft. A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Science 35 yean' European Clinical Experience. DOGS CATS WANTED, well bred black cocker spanlfi nuppy-rrale Particulars to Box No. J53. Stratta Tiroes. FOR HIRE ■rnuGEKATOR— New or Used. Phone W3S BUSINESS
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    • 188 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETC* FOR A mil p. ohe _^-v«r»* go "L TO 2*_V H ■t^J^^^ SPECIALIST TIFFIN CARRIED to tova (rasa Scraatwen, I Gcylang, Katong, Ta~gll« aad Bvklt I Thnah at very ruiiM*** akargaa. I Apply to box No. 158 B.T. MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mr* maru and Mias
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. incorporateo in England* PKMNSII.AK ANU UKIKNIAL N CO MAII PASSENUKR AND CARGO SFRVICK lhc oeki poulMr «T»lrt» air oelnj maln*m<or* t>» tar r O 8- N C«. frwa ta* StralU U thcli usual porU nl call Hi China India Orlno «nd
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    • 206 3 (I. Y. K. LINE. TO JAPAN SINGAPORE TO KANMON. KOBE AND YOKOHAMA. TO INDIA Singapore and Penan* to Colombo and Bombay also Rangoon and Calcutta. Indication of any sailings available wHI be Riven on Application. I NIPPON TUSEN KAISYA (Incorporated In Japan) Meyer Chambers, 16. Raffles Place. Tel. Nos. 5841.
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    • 492 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Date* are not guaranteed, all cars* bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Frentantle (Perth) via Java by first ctaas passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 235 3 RAFFLES HOTELI to-night -DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to midnight t~— BUSTER MAGGIE uiNNCK .üm KON-tni»m> *f!L Saturday LUNCH IN THE BALLROOM GRILL BLIND BALL SPECIAL CABARET la Aid nl ST Nil <l<»l \S Himif i-OR HUKO IHILIIREN DANCE HOSTESSES EXTENSION TO 2 A.M. BOOK NOW Admission to Ballroom^JpXOO SUNDAY
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  • 352 4 STEADY OPENING: PRICES UNCHANGED (By Oar Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Sept. 1. THE share markets opened quietly but on a firm note this morning as there were no developments over the weekend to cause uneasiness. On Saturday the markets continued firm but the turnover was small and there
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  • 99 4 Stncapore, MamUf, Sept. 1, neon. Boyn-i Sefler* Prices Price* N*. IX R.B S. (Spot too**) H% U% No IX R.S.S. f«-d- W raaef Sept.-Oct. (Seller', option) UV» 39% r.t.A.i) R.S.B l».j w bale* Sept-Oct (Srllers option) 38 4 38' i F.A.Q. Rs s i n
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  • 1036 4 SATURDAY, AUG. 36, 1*41: 12.30 P.M. MOVING Buyer* Scllcn Ampat (Si) 3* 7*40 to Austral Amal (8s) 7« 7s 4",*d c.d. Austral Malay 33* to 34s <W c a Ayer Hltam Ital 17* 18« Ayer Wca* <$l) .W .75 Bnngnr Dr -It JJ» 60
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  • 737 4 HAMMERS HAVE GOOD YEAR DIVIDEND OF $1.50 A SHARE PROPOSING the adoption of the! a report and accounts at the annual meeting of W. Hammer and Co. Ltd. in Singapore on Saturday. Mr. W. McArthur, the chairman, said The profit for the year under review amounted to S162.181.01. which, wi'.n
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  • 47 4 MAIL ARRIVALS DISPATCHES Malls close at the General Past Office M follows: TO-MORROW Australia air 4 p.m. Java >« air 4 p.m. New Zealand air 4 p.m. ARRIVALS Mails from Java lain general delivery 340 p.m. to-day. Malls from Java and Sumatra (air) general delivery 1.40 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 436 4 Beauty Expert IOSI 26 lbs UGLY FAT F JK r\ I Thea* «fco d«trt to tx aa, W ft active and heaJthy nun fmt4 M^^^^'K7\ ajauiai actum te. And to aa HtTi ouoian cao (<*neu be a trrataj Hi huidioip or trat ed> thao M> Ika |H HC7V A Beauty
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    • 229 4 OPENING TO-MORROW 4 SHOWS DAILY 11 z.m. 3^5, 6.15 &Ml A New DEANNA more alluring and charming than ever in her most daring role THE GIRL WHO CAME HOME AT 5 A.M. WEARING HER lOY FRIEND'S RED PYJAMAS! NO WONDER THE LOCAL TONGUES WAGGED!! TM SICK OF BEING A NICE
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 322 5 there might not to^Bwl X be a to- .^Br m§\ ~Sl.^m J^d ram< > *>f two sjoiMr. JSJ^Kr >ont heartl Hiot f% tB beat fo tfte »er■pPJr^ rifying Itmpo of \M CT' o world aflame! 1 Bi^TTTffTnt*TT^TTf»^rTMjPNriPWiiyP^ r ™^N™"^ BB ALSO INTRODUCING "INTERNATIONAL FORUM" exclusive! world famous journalists radio commentators
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    • 282 5 LAST DAY of EXTENDED SEASON! The Most Spectacular /jA |^k Outdoor Production (Qfsl^6ls^M^flfl|l since M.G.M. mad. N^TTTrTjffl/ NORTHWEST PASSAGE' DON'T MISS IT WALLACE BEERY IN 'WYOMING' With MARJORIK MAIN (The Keno Ranch-keeper in "The Women") LATEST METROTONE NEWS Mrs. WINSTON CHURCHILL visits the U.S. EAGLE SQUADRON in London H.R.H. The
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  • 1195 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPT. 1, 1942. (729 th. Day Of The War.) "AID TO BRITAIN WEEK" To-day sees the beginning of an effort by Malayan Chinese which I calls for an expression of admiration and gratitude from Europeans living in this country. With Mr. Tan Kah Kee. chairman
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  • 43 6 THE Grand Duchess Charl-**- of Luxnn1 bourg and her husband, Prince Felix oi Bourbon-Parma, with the Luxembourg Minister of Justice. Victor Bodsoo, arrived In England on Saturday by air from America. They came by way of Newfoundland which they left on Friday.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 947 6 London Letter By Cable Need For Increased Effort In Training Production By Our Own Correspondent London, Aug. 29. IN five days' time the war wiil have lasted two years. Though we were shocked in September, 1939, when Mr. Chamberlain's Cabinet announced that the war was
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  • Correspondence
    • 235 6 Final Selection From The Replies Replies to the letter by "Handkerchief" are still coming in. We Rive below a final selection of extracts from them: "Is it true that Europeans never cough? If 'Handkerchief's' idea were adapted. in which bus would a European and his Asiatic wife travel? A
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    • 235 6 Appeal To Managers And Agency Houses To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— Many have put forth their ideas regarding the higher cost of living, and have suggested various methods to counter this. Your correspondent "Well-Wisher" suggests estate employees should rear fowls and cultivate vegetables. Another
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    • 111 6 Humidity, Mosquitoes And Disease For England To the Editor of the Straits Time* Sir,— After listening to the last homily from the Competent Authority about further Inconvenient restrictions in our private petrol supplies— apparently chiefly because people In various other parts of the world arc being similarly inconvenienced,
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    • 79 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir. Such interference with the liberty of the subject as was suggested by "Interested" in his letter on indebtedness would go a long way towards nullifying all that the libertylcving Democratic countries are fighting for. All indebtedness is not caused by small
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    • 90 6 London, Sept. 1. THERE is a decided improvement in the condition of Pierre Laval and Marcel Deat, French quislings, accordIng to a Paris message to the German news agency. Laval's temperature is falling and the bullet in his bedy is becoming encysted in a spot that s not
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    • 543 6 Lifts For Civilians In Service Lorries To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— The tightening up of petrol rationing will, as usually happens when- one's liberties are restricted, cause a considerable amount of I "grousing" locally, and perhaps the i following suggestions may help to i alleviate
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    • 58 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, It was lately rumoured that the Government had planned to make the lives of ricksha-pullers happier and less toilsome by introducing here the modern type of pedal ricksha which is in use in Kuala Lumpur. I sincerely hope that this is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 206 6 uenuine Diamond Watches &j /&k§f From $90 Uf to 72 Piease send for cur illustrated price list. TOSCANmi i me Ti.BC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA BEETHOVEN Leonora OTerture No. 2. Four Parts. Two Record*— DA 1753 BEETHOVEN— Egmon* Overture (Op. 84). Two Parts DB 5795 Conducting the 8.8.C. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA BEETHOVEN— Leonora
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    • 56 6 CONCERNING WINSTON CHURCHILL by Sir George Arthur. Here Is a portrait of the Man self-taught by amazingly varied experience, as he grew and matured Into the mighty world figure he Is to-day. Price only $4.25. Postage 25 eta. G. H. KIAT CO., LTD., 6 and 8, Robinson Road, Singapore. JOHN
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  • 535 7 Dawn To Dusk Raids Over North France "FLYING FORTRESS" IN LONE ATTACK ON BREMEN PORT Five Italian Ships Hit In Mediterranean THE Royal Air Force's daily offensive waged relentlessly throughout the summer yesterday reached its peak when fighters, sometimes escorting bombers, crossed and re-crossed
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  • 431 7 Heavy Attacks Carried Out In Mediterranean Cairo, Sept. 1. ••AIRCRAFT of the Bomber Com- mand of the R.A.F. carried out heavy raids on Tripoli during Friday and Sunday nights," said last night's communique from the Middle East. "Some 25 tons of bombs were dropped, and
    Reuter  -  431 words
  • 184 7 London, Sept. 1. GIVING one answer to the question "why have we not been invaded," Mr. Clement Attlee, Lord Privy Seal, yesterday said: "Hitler has found our air force a much tougher proposition than he had ever imagined." Mr. Attlee added that Hitler had
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 33 7 London, Sept. 1. T)R. Josef Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister, arrived at Venice yesterday, says a dispatch to the official German news agency. He Unveiled by way of Bratislava Czechoslovakia) RcuUr.
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  • 91 7 Mr. Churchill On R. A.F.'s 'Daily Deeds Of Fame' London, Sept. 1. "THE charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava is increased in renown by these almost daily deeds of fame." This glowing tribute to the squadrons of the Bomber Command, which hnvo been engaged in recent daylight attacks against
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  • 160 7 'Biggest Blow To Hitler' MOSCOW PRESS ON AMERICAN AID Moscow, Sept. 1. AS the titanic Battle of Russia enters its eleventh week, the Mobcow journal Izvestia predicts the complete collapse of Hitler's original plan when he sent his armies crashing into Poland two years ago to-day, starting the second world
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  • 156 7 London, Sept. 1. "\I7E shall fight to the end until Hitlerite Germany is utterly and completely crushed," said M. Malsky, the Soviet Ambassador, in a speech here yesterday. "My people are fighting heroically and with the greatest determination. They are building no half-way house." Declaring
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  • 188 7 Moscow, Aug. 1. QERMAN High Command communiques and dispatcher from the Eastern front report heavy fighting along the entire front and indicate that the Germans are unable to advance. Prom the Russian side It Is reported that the Red Army's assaults are stemming the
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  • 120 7 London, Sept. 1. *T"HE story of the dispersal of enemy barges which has been given out over the enemy-controlled radio should be treated with the greatest reserve, it is pointed out in authoritative quarters, who point out that it might well be a piece
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  • 288 7 Hyde Park (New York), Aug. 31. PRESIDENT Rooseveit to-day again strengthened the United States' hand in the Far East when he gave permission for a new oil supply service to the Philippines for the United States forces in the Far East,
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  • 129 7 Moscow, Sept. 1. "f^OME orer to us*," says an appeal published in the German language by Marshal Budenny, commander of the Soviet forces on the southern (Ukraine) front, addressed to German, Rumanian, Hungarian and Slovak troops and officers. The appeal refers to the first Great
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  • 440 7 Turning Point In Policy Near Shanghai, Sept. 1. THE first arrivals from Japan, indud- Ing Consular officers going on home leave and United States Army and Navy language officers, since the furore created by the charges that the Japanese were detaining Amer.cans as hostages, all agree
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  • 263 7 Chungking, Sept. 1. THE people of Chungking, China's wartime Capital, spent six hours in their air raid dugouts yesterday as successive waves of Japanese aircraft swept over the City. Only one wave of 27 planes dropped 100 bombs, which fell in the western suburbs. Others
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  • 516 7 Second Change Of Policy Is Made On Failure To Destroy Red Arinv Moscow, Sept. 1. WITH weather conditions deteriorating, especially in the north and centre fronts, the Germans are clearly deter* mined to achieve if not a decisive at any rate a
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  • 338 7 Moscow, Sept. 1. Russian newspapers say the Red Army has struck back hard in the central sector of the Eastern Front. Pravda claims that Russian troops have broken through the German fortifications and a German newspaper admits the Russian offensive. This news comes after
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 29 7 for perfect Uy*g t*d cooking use- BEEF PUPPING the most economical fat for all cooking purposes PHONE 5378 FlfE LINES 0.8. 246A. Advt. 0/ Singapore Cold Storage Co* LU
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  • 341 8 Largest Item From Lottery Held By Swimming Club ADDITIONS to The War Fund over the week-end exceed^ n lUN and carry the gross total to $5,771,374. TTie largest tingle item in the latest list of acknowledgments is a further cheque tot $644.50 from
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  • 183 8 Progress Of Relief Fund Appeal THE appeal made by the Federa1 tlon of China Relief Fund committees in South-east Asia for funds to aid the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Distress Fund is meeting with henrtening response. Al'-eady, irom the Hokkien section of thr Chinest- community alone
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  • 186 8 QPfUMQ Meeting." which was pre- nted at the Victoria Theatre on S-HiTdoy in aid of the War Fund. Is an entertaining play about Irish country life with several delightful characters and witty dialogue. M mb-rs of the "Birds of Passage" ras generally glTe very competent
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  • 13 8 Set. J. Quinn has bren appointed Company Sprjoaiii -Major Inst-uclor. VolunteCT TOiirn. Malavn
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  • 145 8 "Mat GWr" (Deanna Dnrbio. Fran. I r»o« Tone ana a big casti. New l«iversal. At the Capital at snsaiugtu s« Saturday. T\EANNA DDRBIN, gives a moat rrvdltablt •MJ performance in this film, in which she 1 iitays the intriguing part of girl who spends a night
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  • 408 8 $25,000 As Malaya's Share Of Birthday Gift To Queen MOTHERLANDS subjects in Singapoie, gathered at the Hollandsche Club on Saturday night to express their j loyalty to Queen Wilhelmina in honour of her Cist i birthday which fell yesterday, rallied to a call to share
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  • 890 8 Simla. Aug. 3!. AN official Indian Army observer's account of the operations on the southern lront of Iran during the first 24 hours of occupation says that everything went according tr> plan. The ta ittd employed were jrorthy of Gen. Sir Archibald
    Reuter  -  890 words
  • 156 8 SINrjAPOItF. *AI PUS HOTEL Uinnor and Dance i linuimai > I p m. to 1 a.m. HI sT WORLD Cabaret: Tea Dansant from 7.J0 p.m. late Dance 9.30 to 12. Glob.-: Andy Hardy Meets Debutante. Sky: Tin- Sheik Steps Out. ■tm TIIKATRK (Happy World) \sm.ira Moerni. Seaside: Beau Ciote.
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  • 87 8 fHE Governor of the Straits SttUctDh, Sir Sh niton Thomas, •ent the following cablegram U Uie Governor-General of the Netherlands Indies, Jonkbeer Tjarda Tan Slarkenborgh Stachoower, yesterday: "I offer to Your Eicellrnry on behalf of Malaya my hearty congratulation on the anniversary of the birthday
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  • 173 8 T*HX folio* inc notifiuUotu rf carding officers of Ok- Straits Settlement* Volunteer Faroe are gaaetted: Capt. L. V. Taylor has received the artlng rank of Major, while Jfejor T. U. Newcy receives the acting rani of Iicut -Coionrl Secood-Ucut. O. Taylor recrlres the acting rank of captain A
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  • 498 8 Aerodromes, Camps Depots Throughout Peninsula By A Straits Times Representative TO-DAY the defences of the Malay Peninsula are as formidable as those of the island fortress of Singapore that is one of the main impressions that I bring back from a tour of Malaya,
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  • 376 8 PLANS for a Malaya -wide black oat exercise ter the middle «f this month an being finalized, th Straits Times understands. The dates provisionally fixed for th« scheme are Sept. 15 and 16. Meanwhile. Kedah. »nr of Malaya's northern state*, is having two exercises this
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 138 8 NATURE TAKES CARE OF MAN m\\\ llLjClg Ve-etable matter, which is the daily food of big strong animals, forms the ingredients which make Klue Band so heaUhgivinK and nourishing. The best and most easily digestible vegetable fats which are found in the rich natural vegetable resources of the N.E.I. are
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  • 347 9 Further Increase In Daylight Saving Comes Into Force CROM to-day Malayans are going to bed and getting up ten minutes earlier. This is the second time clocks throughout the Peninsula have been advanced at the behest of Government. On Jan. 1, 1933, an advance of
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  • 51 9 TWO years of war will oe reviewed in a programme entitled "The Third Year Begins" to be presented by the Singapore broadcasting station from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. on Wednesday. The Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, will speak in this programme at approximately 8
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  • 79 9 AN appeal to Indians to make up their differences and be more united waa made by Mr. S C. Goho, who presided at the 18th annual general meeting of the Indian Association, Singapore, at the Clerical Union hall yesterday. Referring to rumours. Mr. Goho said that it
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  • 93 9 Sydney, Aug. 31. IWK Australian Government s* to have a representative In Singapore, will authority in political, commercial and administrative matters. He n:ll lie Mr. V. T BOMrtci, at present Common wraith T. Ide rommisMoner to China, stationed in Shi.ichai Sir Frederick Stewart, Australian Minister f
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  • 162 9 rE death occurred at the Singapore General Hospital yesterday morning of Dr Bruce Orois. Medical Officer of tbe Bedong Medical Association, Kedah, at the age of 43 years. He Is survived by his widow and son. The cremation, which took place in thaiternoon,
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  • 121 9 A NUMBER of what are officially d scribed as "Wang Chlng-wei and Communist publications" are among the list of undesirable publications tbe Importation of which Into the Straits Settlements is prohibited. Printed In Shanghai and Nanking, th-y are in tbe Chinese language and include the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 393 9 In THE LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Autumn) 1940 RESULTS just published: 87 per cent, of PITMAN TRAINED STUDENTS HVsraTfUPvSvnm were awarded Passes in Vi'svYsVsl llfs^bl the Elements of COM- IM I laifalaKW Vi I Rknkl MERGE and 28 per cent of these attained DIS- QmTjrTrQTvTVTimn TINCTION. Enrol NOW !lil»;U Hi
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    • 248 9 FASHION SWIMS IN A PERFECT FITTING Jantzen VELVA-CORD "PETTY GIRL 1 SUIT THE MOULDED FIT SWIMMING SUIT to beautiful VELVA-CORD Qm F^Jjf^*' a lovely fabric with a l\ W^M .M Renlus for figure control 4a "v Jp^w the secret of Lastex Yarn *T£* woyen Into a velvet-like C )//i |^j^|%
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 529 9 .B_r_Qqdc a s t i n q TAaDAT la n 0011 Orchestral Concert: Schubert's m B^M^ M Smypliony No. i in B F^t Major, recorded ciur APflRF by the London Philharmonic orchestra, cou«»*w**»«^v«%«a ducted by Blr Thomas Beccham. X.HU tti m. 1JJ3 «/es. 12. JO p.m. •BreakXast with the Bull/Jir.l
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  • 194 10 London, Aug. 31. CUBMARINES of the Mediterranean fleet continue to the enemy, states an official Admiralty communique issued this morning. On the afternoon of Aug. 24, it states, a squadron of three Italian six-inch gun cruisers was sighted at sea, escorted by six destroyers
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  • 21 10 London, Aug. 30. rE British trawler Thorbryn habeen sunk and the next of kin Informed, the Admiralty announced today. United Press.
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  • 603 10 Iranians Told To Keep Calm Teheran, Aug. 31. A PROCLAMATION urging the public to keep calm, have confidence in the Government, which was doing its best for the country, and disbelieve various false reports in circulation was issued by the Iranian Government late last night. The proclamation said that every
    Reuter  -  603 words
  • 244 10 IN the following article specially written for the second anniversary of the war, Gen. Sir Hubert Gough, Reuter's military commentator, reviews the development of Britain's military strength during the past two years: When Hitler started the war by his unprovoked invasion of Poland, the British Army
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 189 10 TO-NIGHT ONE SHOW NIGHTLT AT 7.15 P.M. LAST FEW SCREENINGS "THE GREEN ARCHER" A Mother's Advice. Mothers with young children will da well to read the following lines from a Canadian mother, Mrs. J Smythe, 81. Leak Avenue, Long Branch, Ontario. I have been using Baby's Own Tablets far twenty
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    • 637 10 HOW INFLUENZA PATIENT PUT ON F\RM, SOLID, FLESH Took Tasteless Vitamin Tablets If you are worried to death because i you can't put on weight, do as this lacy did She was weak and thin after a I baa attack of influenza, but after taking a course ol tiny, tasteless
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    • 99 10 GAYMER iVrifc U thefe'i onto* bt likes ten it's a osc of Giymei Dry. That', his verdict— and that* bow all good judge* feel about this fine pale dry blend of Gartner*. Cyder, with tfc» exhilarating tang of choice, cnaf) English apple*. Have you tried bottkyetr* f pill IIMMTS J^
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  • 191 11 RACE RESULT IN BRIEF RANSCOMBE and Grand Prix, both ridden by E. Donnelly, completed doubles far the current meeting at Buktt Timah on Saturday, tbe third day of the Singapore Turf dab's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting, which was attend, ed by a large crowd. The going was •■at, THE BIG
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  • 158 11 Big Game Wins Valuable Champagne Stakes Newbury. Aug. 30. tiHE King s Big Gam?, by Bahrain out of Myrob?lla, won a thrilling rac? for the valuable Champagne Stakes by a short head from Lord Derby's Watllng Street, by Fairway out Ranai, with Lord Roseberry's
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 231 11 I TNDEFEATED centuries by Filter and YogorajaW Iciuared the cricket match at Balestier yesterday in which the R.A.F. (Seletar) drew with the Ceylon Sports Club. Poster's innings included three sixes and tight toon, while Yogorajah hit eleven fours and a six. The scores were:
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  • 68 11 SOCCER: SA. FA. leagwe. ti-st *»l- ion. Argyll* vs. M.F.A Anaao Read Madiuns; PaUce vs. Manrhes'er Regteient, Dea«t; icsuie aMvtaassi. For tread R..R. rs. Chinese Athletic, F. and N.; «erond division (a). Moravia tb. PnU shers, YJM.C.A.; SUraals rs. KA. (8.M.). Alexandra; R.A.K. (Tengak) vs. Malay Reriment,
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  • 332 11 FAST warfc fanned the Wtk »f tkls I whirs trabsbsf ass the sttssi* track of Ik* n-om— n« at Bakit Ttaaah. Many tßtareattac nUlop* ««rc reearwe*. tw« at the asost bnprcssive k«tac *••>• by Mystic Masse aaa SckMl Bay. Mystic Music and Klnf's Oamblt did
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  • 292 11 SEVERAL good scores by Chinese' batsmen enabled the Strait* Chinese Recreation Club t« beat the Indian Association by 167 rani at cricket at Hong Lint Green yesterday. Evan Wong scored a .«plendld 60 and Chua Boon Unn and Ong Swee Kent contributed 47 and 44 respectively in
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  • 218 11 QBCLARLNG after scoring 217 runs for nine wickets, the Singapore Cricket Club scored an easy victory by 113 runs over the RAF i Tengah) In a cricket match played at Tftnglm yerxrday. The scores were: S.C.C. Rea c Thompson b Wright S. Milton c
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  • 147 11 London, Aug. SI. noOTBAXL overlapped cricket to- i 1 diy. but there were good attendances wh"r?ver Kins; Willow MH sway, and spectators had plenty of thrills where London Counties beat Frank Wooll-y's team Woolley'i team were all cut in 80 m.nules for 89. which total the Counties parsed
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 216 11 nrilE following are the weights for the four remaining races at ataklt Timah on Wednesday, the foarth day of the Singapore Twf Club's Gold Cup Meeting. Kentucky and Oarloca have been transferee from bor»e?. cl«n cr.e to hones, class two: An*rum and Dark Encunt-r ,r m
    216 words
  • 245 11 THE Royal Navy scored an easy victory over 1 a Singapore Cricket Club side In cricket match played on the padang yesterday when, thanks to Wsites who took seven wickets for 30 runs, ttiey skittled out their padang opponents for a meagre 66 runs
    245 words
  • 155 11 London, Aug. 31. pOOTBALL was In swing throughoat the country yesterday la spite of the fixture troubles following th«. London teams' breakaway. An acrrerate o f about 130,000 saw 32 English league matches. Nearly all the favourite players were available "somewhere in
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 477 11 TOOHEYS PILSENER the finest brew from Australia "HERE'S TO-EE" IBOaSTEAD4CO..LTD. AMI 5 Men Made Younger By Treating Gland Gelling up nights, burning sensation ot organs. ■hitt»h dtschargv. dull ache at base of spine, groin and leg pains, nervousness, weakness and toes of manly vigour are caused by a disease cf
      477 words

  • 391 12 Nine-tenths Of Entire Nazi Forces Being Used On Eastern Front Moscow, Aug. 31. DEVIEWING the past ten weeks of fighting on the Eastern Front, in which nine-tenths of the entire German forces have been employed, M. Lozovsky, deputy chief of the Soviet j Information
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 186 12 "New Means Is Proving A Success" —First Lord Durham, Aug. 30. fTHE first Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, warned today that the Battle of the Atlantic is by no means won, although he said progress was such that he had greater confidence in
    186 words
  • 31 12 rpHE n-mauling Britth and Imperial officers ■do wee vror.-fillv removed from Syria to France by the Vi-hy authorities after bdrg made prisoners cf »sr have now arrived .-safely at B?irut. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 42 12 I/>ndon, Ausr. 31. fTHE Premier of Burma, U Saw. will shortly 1 visit Britain. He will ponvey person- i ally to the Oovernment and people of Britain ■c of goodwill from the Oovernment ana people of
    42 words
  • 247 12 Comment On Parleys In Washington Tokio, Aug. 31. "MUCH too premature," was the m comment by Japanese Oovernment circles on a Berlin broadcast report that an agreement had been reached between the United States and Japan, says Reuter. It was also impossible to obtain any confirmation
    247 words
  • 68 12 New York. Aug. 3* rZ Herald-Tribune reported to. day fr«m London that "in spite of the Finnish denial, Finland is willing to c include peace n«» that Viborg has been captured. "One Finnish newspaper writes that, so far ai Finland is r»n rerned, Helsinki is
    68 words
  • 166 12 Bangkok, Aug. 31. "ABSOLUTELY devoid of truth" Is how a Thai Government communique dismisses a Japanese newspaper allegation that the British and American Ministers in Bangkok, through a high Thai Oovernment official, threatened economic pressure against Thailand unless she ceased i trade relations with
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 274 12 Hyde Park (New York),. Aug. 30. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT to-day declared that the dangers of a world war are possibly even more acute now than when the European conflict broke out, reports United Press. Mr. Roosevelt charged that the dietutors plan the con««ue3t of die entire world,
    274 words
  • 88 12 r!E story of the 10.000-mile voyage of the 1.200-ton Italian sloop Eritrea us told In an Italian official newt agency message. The Eritrea left Massawa in company with -tiier vessels w'.\2a the unit was ordered to .irocfwl to the Pacific in the face of "ovcri ..),,.iT-'ng enrrnv forces." She forced
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 497 12 Enemy Attempt To Cross River Is Repulsed With Heavy Losses London, Aug. 31. AN the Tist day of the war on the Eastern Front all the German High Command can claim is the Finnish success at Viborg (Viipuri) and Finnish advances in the Karelian isthmus. Of
    Reuter  -  497 words
  • 320 12 Moscow, Aug. 31. THE sanguinary battle of Odessa drew to the c!o*e of its second week yesterday with the Russians still firmly entrenched and well supnlierl with provisions and arms, according to dispatches to the Red Star and Tzvestia, I quoted
    Reuter  -  320 words
  • 903 12 PROMINENCE is given in tlir Soviet Press to a report from Geneva, stating that according to information received there, Italian troops are being concentrated on the Greco- Turkish and Bulgaro-Turkish rrontiers. A REPORT from Ankara intimates that the German Ambassador
    Reuter  -  903 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 130 12 l\ TOWfi MY DEAR" PARIS CO. Z». Coleman Street. Phone SMS. PHOTOGRAPH OF IRON PLATE ■^■V. \5wK '^^^■^■M 2^^ Reproduced direct from unprotected iron bBbV WjS\ plate intermittently immersed and exposed W bBbV tir 46 ('nvs (This piate lnst one-twelfth of _^^H H^ \KVrNS. v. PHOTOGRAPH OP IRON PLATS V
      130 words
    • 11 12 EZEKIEL Ei CO. OPTOMETRISTS OPTICIANS 3 capitol mnomp mi-aA^amm. •to tan
      11 words