The Straits Times, 23 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 See AiIEN CHONG for SMART TAILORING 34 I oli-man SU, S'pwe. fhaoe 4816 Available— Suit LaocUu "KockvUle" Suiting*— U.S.A. WAIN BHIUX-S In silk and Wool AIM AMKKICAN SRABKSKIN. In >vlm eoJoar. SINGAPORE 140 CSCIL ST. ('PHONE i47l>, •^j^P^^ I There are aeTeral features njtt^' r.;^^ I|f attention. Like the polar
      215 words
    • 146 1 m%?2r •^Of I M LJ^^u, ROBINSONS SINGAPORE ■BvaMBMmHmvMmmaBHHBVmVmMBV 11^^" 1 1 !7T-tl-TM IB j9 I il a^H IB iJ I I mfll a "I HA In ttTfe 1 jffll Kitchens. Jupooaros, suuu. ■HaVvl'lu kfl I Draliu and Yards, where I I ■ilVil HHIA flle u>d coccroaches are apt I ftHß\*\
      146 words
    • 139 1 FINAL EDTN. ELSIE MAR) Battery Road. 4 Just arrive< American Dresses. KVALA LUMhVR li lAVA ST CPHONt J6S3). Drink Delicious OV/ILTINE and note the difference: mft M Bft AB Jh i for «w ««r KKItFK uu matn n enow-* T^^p/we^pptf ifA/iw s^™ Hwn i»l cUtln> SoJt for four k(Mn IW
      139 words

    • 28 2 Th death has taken place at Vaddukoddai c.ylun on the 21st Aug., 1941 of Dr. THILLYAMPALAM RAMASAMY late Of the Ceylon Medical Department. (P.M.B. papen please copy).
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 435 2 SUtt Straits Wmez SMALL ADsT Minimum charge $1. far »4«*. u* eiccedfaat 4 time*. Mare than faar kteea 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS r.PC. CARDS lit ekarfcd $3 each per insertion par laah. Over 1 15 eta.
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    • 475 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WA.VTKD, by European Mem, Cook boy, 830 pm. Batu PahaL Box No. 187, S.T. REQUIRED TMMEDIATELT Climese Junior Book-keeper. Apply Bos No. 109, strait.-. Times. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SELANGOR. A vacancy exist* for a Class I teacher B.Hlsh School. Applications will be received by the undersigned up to
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    • 474 2 FOR SALE PHILIP'S BADIO and H.M.V. gramoplione (automatic change) In matching cabinet with record Cupboard. Phone *****. Johore Bahru. CINE-KODAK 88, Fl 0 lens. Kodascope A with reslster, $150: Leitz valoy projector with complete darkroom equipment, 8150; 1939 zenith radio, 9 valves, 8100. Telephone Bembaum; ofllee 5066: home. 803 18.
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    • 747 2 LOST LOST HANDBAG between Union Bldg. Nederland Trading Co. Good reward Mrs. Payne. 35 Orange Rd. Tel. SO6T4. LOST from 15 Holland Road, one H<?ht coloured female Ssamei* Oat (Neuter) straight tall, vivid blue eyes. Reward offered Tel. 7591 after 5 p.m. LOST at Singapore Swimming Club change room, one
      747 words
    • 591 2 PUBLIC NOTICES t*«waf. E.W. FBght Ueairaaat. 393*3. Grieve, AT. Flykag OaVrr 7«IS1. Lyea. B.D. Sergcaat 748MJ. Btahop. G.J. •srgeant. 94WM5. wniiam«on CX. Sergasait. 5«C*l«. Larweed, E 111 Sergeant. gtIMZ. Mage«. P.J. Serejeaat. 523 1 93. Ciriffla. F. SergeaDt. 5CM37. Hodden, R.< Leao-tnf AlrcrafUmsn. *****8. Sklaaer, JJI. Aircraftman. *****8. Any person
      591 words
    • 227 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETC. JOIN THE CHEEK CIRCLE LENDING LIBRARY Ist FLOOR 11- r HUIrKV RD P.O BOX 34. SINGAPORE. Moderate terms: Special rate* OntstaUon Meaabert Chtks sad Meases Open Dairy: S.M AM. to P.M. Satardays: 8.39 A.M to 1 P.M EUGENE Pertjistit W,v«, EUGENE H«a-r MM «tia««t MAISON PERM Swropeon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 335 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. Incorporated Id England) KNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. TIM aa>! smith serrircs an kataa asasa-tT*-f* a? the r. O. 8. N. C«l, frtsa the BtraHa U thatr sraal parts at eaS la Caiaa. Intte OcTtoa
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    • 106 3 N. Y. K. LINE. TO JAPAN SINGAPORE TO KANMON, KOBE AND YOKOHAMA. TO INDIA Singapore and Penan* te Colombo and Bombay also Rangoon and Calcutta. Indication of any sailings available will be given on Application. NIPPON YUSEN KAISYA (Incorporated In Japan) Meyer Chambers, 16, Raffles Place. Tel. Nos. 5841. 5842
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    • 552 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates arc not guaranteed, ail cargo bookings subject te Conference War Clause*. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARC Regular Service* to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single far* $192 (A £28)
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  • 407 4 BANKS AND UNIONS ADVANCE SHARPLY (By Oar Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Aug. 23. "THE feature of the share markets yesterday was the Increased turnover In the industrial section and the demand for Hongkong Banks and Union Insurance. The inquiry for the two named shares was occasioned by Invxment
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  • 1391 4 FRIDAY, AUG. 1941: 4 P.M. MM Bayer* grttars Ampat (is) 2s 7%d U Austral Amal <5s) 7s 7s 3d c.d. Austral Malay (ti 33s 6d 34s 6d c.d Ayer Hltam (5s) n» IBs Ayer Weng ($1) .65 .70 Bamrnc Trn <O 12» so 14s Batu
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  • 297 4 London, Ant. 23. The following are to-day's closing middle quotations Shares are of (1 denosnlnattoc unless otaerwise stated: The abort art dealers middle prices, brokers* margins, brokerage and stamp duty are not Included.—Exchange Telegraph. Ceo Lou 9". 1M4-M... Jin? Puadmc Loan 4% iMO-K 114% t« Lou 10S
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 458 4 AUCTION NOTICES BT ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS OP W. MeLATCHIE, Dcc'd. PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE Of well-made modern design wax polished teak and other household furniture Comprising: Lounge, Dining and Bedroom Suites. Carpets, Beautiful Display cabinet, "PYE" A. C Radio, "CARRIER" Air Conditioning Dnlt, International O.E.C. Electric Refrigerator. Electric clocks.
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    • 494 4 AUCTION NOTICE Ordinance No. 61 (Pawnbrokers.) UNREDEEMED PLEDGED GOODS ASD JEWELLERY FROM THE FOLLOWING PAWNBROKERS' SHOPS. No. SI. New Bridge Road, Chin Chong Pat and chin Shee Teclc (Chop Thye Sheng). I No. 135, New Bridge Road. Lam Chin Gee i (Chop Ju Thung). No. IS9. South Bridge Road Lam
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    • 119 4 PUBLIC NOTICE THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated In Queensland.) NOTICE OF DtC'.ARATION OF SXCOND INTERIM DIVIDEND. NOTICE is hereby given that a Second Interim Dividend of three pence per share for the financial year endli^ 31st March. 1942, has been declared by the Director* of the Company
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    • 308 4 UNUSUAL, ABSORBING ENTERTAINMENT! IL^ D mi WANTED HOLDEN I WAWItIJ WAYNE MORRIS WINP^" DONLEVY <^£ Soaring to new heights in an adventure in the skies! WITH Charming *p CONSTANCE MOORE jt J-^-^gT VERONICA LAKE (Paramount. New -v» *T» <*> '?d .creon diacov.ry) TO-DAY 4 SHOWS TO-MORROW 3400 CA TW
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 185 5 "SHOULD SANK AS ONE V**39 OF THE BEST BETTE DAVIS TO-PAY 3 SHOWS P^Sff 3.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. IQOK EARLY AND AVOID THE «PSH Tops everything She's ever done... even "THE LETTER" ism i fi(j GEO. BRENT mary astor Lucitc Watson Hattie McDaniel directed by EDMUND GOULDING Dtrtnor D»fi< fiflory'
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    • 201 5 Come and Enjoy an SHOWS UPROARIOUSLY FUNNY WEEK-END TO-DAY SHOW! ii m^., AT THE CAPITQL| 6I >ad 91 Th» N«w Screen Gloom-chasers that are the Talk of Town! PUP ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO mm. THE ANDREWS SISTERS im th« FIRST BIG MUSICAL COMEDT SINCE THE WAB Latest Metroteuc News:
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  • 1238 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUG 23, 1941. (720th. Day Of The War.) Italian Tragedy To Mussolini falls the distinction of being the one figure of world prominence in the present war who is merely ridiculous. Hitler is ruthless and brutal, but clearly a man who has moments of extraordinary
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  • 1327 6 Cannon From H.M.S. Malaya Join East Coast Battery U7HEN the Straits Times Correspondent, O. R. Tonkin, was invited to watch a big gun night shoot by a coastal defence regiment in Eastern England recently, he found that by an amazing coincidence the battery
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  • Correspondence
    • 606 6 INDEBTEDNESS More Opposition To The Circulars To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Simultaneous with the introduction of a Bill in Johore, the Governments of the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States Issued a circular on Indebtedness to their subordinates. Evidently, these governments are anxious about the welfare
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    • 273 6 "Everything Up Except The 'Gaji'" To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— No one will dispute the lacl that things are much more expensive to-day than a year ago. Some firms have taken this Into account, and have Increased their employees' cost-of-llvlng allowances. Other firms however and
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    • 553 6 Defects In Malayan Chinese Schools To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— It gives me great pleasure to learn that the Singapore Chinese i Teachers' Association has collected the I views of Chinese schools on education for the Investigation of Mr. Yu ChlnI hslen. Director of the Education
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 258 6 or stLANao* C^ I Lav ji^^^BE^ W*4wllM ItrftsM In W WMH U jfr^^ms w W f1 V^S^ilfiß^^^ m m •*d Diamond! or wHh »lwmd >« OM tana. WINDOWS f t P. H. HENDRY Jeweller Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang. lMt TRUE TO-LIFE RADIO table Model 352 An AC-DC Receiver giving world
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    • 44 6 NUMONT FUL-VUE In LOXIT (ScrewleM) Contraction. Fashion's latest, feataring an entirely new principle of eyewear de*irn and pooaesatag Bwneroas advantages not fomd In other types. Everbright Optical Co QUALIFIED EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS I*. haoa Street, Phone 4«35. C. S. CHONG. Dr. of Opt— e try.
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  • 704 7 Message To Britain Being Studied NATION IS BEING USED AS CAT'S-PAW BY GERMANY Anglo-Russian Accord On Policy Noted "IRAN'S reply to Britain's memorandum on the increasing number of Germans in various Iranian services has been received in London and is now under consideration," reports
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  • 204 7 Washington, Aug. 22. "IRAN will fight any aggression even if the opposing force German, British or Russian is ten to one against ours," declared the Iranian Minister in Washington, Mohammed Chayesteh, after a conference with Mr. Cordell Hull, United States Secretary of State
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 251 7 London, Aug. 23. ALL Frenchmen under arrest in o>r»apied France "for any cause" are now considered as hostages following the killing of a Nazi suldier in Paris on Thursday. A "number corresponding to the gravity of the crime will be shot if another act cf
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  • 400 7 Finns Claim New Advance In North London, Aug. 23. THE Soviet midnight communique broadcast by Moscow radio states During all of Friday our troops waged stubborn battles along the whole front. "Accordine to precise data, on Wednesday in the course of air battles not 21 but
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  • 45 7 Chungking, Aug. 23. THE Chinese goodwill mission to Burma will leave Chungking for Rangoon at the end of August, it is officially announced. Among its members will be the director of the YunnanBurma Railway, the Vice-Minister of Overseas Affairs and representatives of women's organizations.— Reuter.
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  • 95 7 London, Aug. 23. 'TWERE are now 190 Allied ships, 1 of which nearly 50 are French, fighting side by side with the British Navy, stated the First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, broadcasting last night. "So the Allied navies are not
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  • 440 7 Hyde Park (New York), Aug. 22. UUNDREDS of tanks had already been shipped to Britain and j Egypt, while American war production was on the average up to esti- mates though It has never been completely satisfactory, President Roosevelt told his Press conference to-day.
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  • 352 7 Rainy Season In Russia Soon German Claims Indicate Huge Soviet Resources London, Aug. 23. IUEITHER the Russian nor Oerman communiques reveal any substantial modification of the front in the last 24 hours. But both agree that fighting has been goin? on uninterruptedly day and night, writes a Reuter special military
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  • 111 7 London, Aug. 22. *AI/E have a rendezvous over Ber- lin," says Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, in replying on behalf of the R-AJP. to recent greetings from Soviet airmen. Writing to the Russian Press, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles
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  • 116 7 Tofcio, Au«. 33. rE Japanese Finance Ministry announces that a further relaxation of the freezing regulation* is to be effective from to-day. Foreigners holding deposits In Japanese banks and post offices or In banks In Japan of countries not affected by the freezing order will be
    Reuter; Domei  -  116 words
  • 27 7 Marshal Timoshenko, Commander-in-chief of the Soviet army in the i central (Moscow) sector, voatching operations from a trench at the front, j 1
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  • 66 7 Washington, Aug. 22. rE Secretary of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, to-day indicated that some arrangement has been made with Japan for gradual repatriation of American citizens from Japan and of Japanese nationals from the United States. He said there would likely be movement ot smail groups
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  • 70 7 MR. Winston Churchill's broadcast on his meeting with President Roosevelt will begin at 8 p.m. Sunday O.M.T. (3.20 a.m. Monday, Malayan time). It is expected to last 25 minutes.—Reuter. Reproductions of the broadcast will be given on Monday at 5.45 O.M.T. (1.05 p.m. Malayan time), on Wavelengths gsb.
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  • 128 7 Passage For Nazi Italian Armies Stockholm, Aup. 23. "THE latest German diplomatic negotiations with Turkey Ml aimed at obtaining a definite statement on Turkey's position in the event of peace in the Near East, meaning Iran, being disturbed, says the Berlin correspondent of the Swedish
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  • 292 7 Ascendancy Over Nazis Gained London, Aug. 23. "AT least a temporary victory" was how Major Sunde. a Norwegian shipping owner, described the recent improvement in the Atlantic shipping position, in a broadcast from London last night. "Without exaggeration it is possible to say that during the lait
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  • 75 7 Hyde Park (New York), Aug. B. PRESIDENT Roosevelt has signed an order prohibiting unsupe--vised navigation in Manila Ray nnri warning violators that they would be subject to "attack by Inited Stiles armed forces." Portions of that :-rea were mined same weeks ago. This new
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 742 8 Amateur Actors Sponsoring Novel Scheme For Aid A RENEWED appeal for support for The War Fund was made in a leading article published in the Straits Tiroes yesterday. Depressing evidence of the need for such a reminder has come quickly, for to-day's additions
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  • 157 8 New Motto For The "V" Army v A FTER all, why should you sweat for the Nazis?" asked Col. Britton, in another broadcast appeal yesterday to the V Army in Europe to go slow." Working for yourself and family is good, for the country is better, but
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  • 168 8 Toklo. Aug. 22. THE status of the Thai legation In ToUo has been elevated to that of an embassy according to a communication under date of Aug. 21 reaching the Japanese Foreign Office lrom the Thai Government. This Is in accordance with the agreement
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  • 105 8 AN inquiry r>y the secretary of the Malaria Advisory Board has revealed that abcut three months' stocks of anti-malarial oil are held by many estates, and Government departments are increasing their stocks to the equivalent of six months' supply. It Is stated that the available
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  • 54 8 London. Aug. 22. •WITH few German planes operating, raids on Britain during last night continued on a very small scale. Activity was confined to the eastern side ol the country and enemy aircraft did not penetrate very far Inland. No reports have rec. lved of
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  • 29 8 Folkestone, Aug. 22. THE Royal Air Force again carried out an offensive over northern France to-day with a large force of bombers pscortcd by flghtsre participating.—United Press.
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  • 37 8 Syed Shaikh bin Abdul Rahman Alkaff. Ron of Syed Abdul Rahman Alkaff, senior partner of Alkrff and Co., Singapore arrived here by air from Srypt yjsterday with his wife and four-month-old son. He la proceeding to Java.
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  • 150 8 RAFFLES UOTFL Dinner Dance (Formal) 8 pa. to 1 a.m. GREAT WORLD Cabaret: Night Dance 8.10 to 1 a.m. Globe: The Son >f Monte Crlsto. Sky: The Westerners. HAPPY THEATRE IHappj World) Ski Patrol. Seaside: And/ Hardy Gets Spring P*ver. NEW WORLD Talkies. Theatres and Cinemas. Side Show Cabaret
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  • 86 8 rpHTRTY-one-year-old Ngun Joo Hal ■I claimed trial la the Singapore third court yesterday to a charge of committing criminal breach of trust of 281 sacks of sago valued at $1,686 between July 27 and Aug. 1 of this year. It was alleged that he was
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  • 147 8 Chinese Dies In Night Collision 'TRAPPED in a blazing car after its collision with a military lorry, S. A. Chee, of the Malayan Weighing Machine Co., was burnt to death in a motor accident which occurred in Tkong Bahru Road last night. It appears that the
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  • 122 8 Tokio, Aug. 22. THE N.Y.K., apparently under pres- 3un« from the Foreign Ornce. has accepted bookings for 26 American officials on the Tatuta Maru, which sails frcm Kobe for Shanghai on Aug. 28. it was learned here to-day. The party includes nine navy,
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  • 190 8 London, Aug. 31. A HEINKEL 111 which was trying to escape toward the Dutch coa&t this morning was chased out across the North Sea and then shot down CO miles off the English coast by two Sghter pilots of the Burma squadron. The
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  • 96 8 Saigon, Aug. 23. WITH speeches by Mr. Tan*. M. Delrns and Luang Stddhi Sayamkar. respective heads of the Japanese, Trench and Thai delegations, professing mutual goodwill and desire to co-operate, tbe joint frontier delimitation commission commenced formal sessions at the Saigon town hall yesterday. The first
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  • 58 8 Shanghai, Aug. *2MAJOR G. D. Hamilton, Intelligence Officer of the U.S. Fourth Marines, declared when contacted by telephone yesterday that "we're not moving out." drnylng a Yomiurl Shlmbi£i report that the Marine* were withdrawing from Shanghai. He denied any preparations were under way for
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  • 49 8 ToUo. Aug. 23. A PARTY of eight Britons and Americans evacuating Moscow arrived here to-day alter a gruelling all-day and all-night trip around the northern route. They Intended to continue to America but will apparently Join the other stranded Americans and Britons here.— United Presav >
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  • 220 8 Passive Defence Among Indians •THE Indian Passive Defence Committee of the Singapore Indian Association has, in recent months, organized a series of lectures on fire fighting and other subjects of an allied nature in English, Tamil and Hindustani, states the annual report of the Association. The membership
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  • 141 8 IF nations vitally concerned In the Pacific made a Joint statement ot their attitude towards Japanese acgrescloa. Japan mifht be in such fear of consequences that the would climb down, said Dr. Victor Pureell. Director General of Informatics and Publicity, Malaya, on arrival
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  • 53 8 SOT. Pilot Norman William B-Tg, formerly of the firm of Henry Waugh and Co., Ltd., Singapore, has been killed in action. Set. Pilot Berg, who was a fighter pilot, was a member of the first batch of Malayan cadeU who did so
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  • 75 8 New York, Aug. 22. npHX Finnish motorship Aupn, 2,801 tons, L which has be-n In New York since her arrival on July 36 from Curacao, caught fire eaxly this morning it her anchorage in the Hudson River Just above Manhattan. Fire boats and
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 595 8 A LLEGED to have falsely represented to the proprietor of a provision shop that she was the wife of an army captain and dishonestly Induced the proprietor to deliver her provisions worth $75.90, Mrs. Patricia Weston, 31. pleaded guilty to
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  • 784 8 Mr. Tan Kah Kee's Address At Chinese Public Meeting THE value of a powerful Malaya to China and to tf»a prosperity of the Chinee* h'vinp; in Malaya itself was stressed by Mr. Tan Kah Kee, chairman of the Federation of China Relief Fund
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  • 144 8 ANTI-MALARIAL overseers are brin? trained for the army in Malaya, following an inquiry from the array headquarters liaison officer whether there is any central authority which could undertake to train these men. Trained men are at present difficult to get and they are in demand
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  • 100 8 ADJUDICATED bankrupt in 1933. O. D. Newbronner was examined in the i High Court yesterday before Mr Justice Worley. NewUrouier explained that the examination h*d been adjourned In order to give an -»rtuntty of 'settUnc with his ciV Attrttratlng liis ir standing surety for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 76 8 WIN THE RESPECT OF YOU MEET y by bein& well and properly attired for any occasion WEAR THE FULL Jniß\ Am formal occasions vß| SB or functions held in the Ey evening, especially wlion mW flfctifcfl you expect to be in &ood company. %j I But it should be one
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  • 330 9 Official Here To Study Civil Medical Defence Schemes CPECIALLY sent here by the Burmese Cabinet to study the civil medical defence schemes and the Medical Auxiliary Services, with a view to adopting them in Burma, U Tharrawaddy Maung Maun?, Burmese Minister for Health and Public
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  • 183 9 Strenuous Defence Job Done Voluntarily HOW several hundred Malays vohinteered for a strenuous defence Job In Kelantan was described last night. Telephone pole lines required urgently for defence purposes had to be constructed In Kelantan, and part of the job proved difficult as large Quantities of
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  • 88 9 ♦•M7IIH the r,t;p of the Chinese in ''Malaya, I have been able to carry on the war for so long, and I think that the conflict will be over next year. But among the Malayan Chinese there are a few who do
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  • 81 9 MR. H C. ttendle. Oil Controller, Is to al live an Important talk on petrol rationing from the Singapore broadcasting station at 8.40 p.m. to-morrow. It was stated last we- k that changes in the petrol rationing scheme for Malaya win be announced m a
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  • 156 9 Singapore College Of Medicine THE first result* of the Au^ast proI fessional examinations which began al the College of Medicine on Monday for medical and dental students have been annour.cbd. The following medical students who sat for the second year Part I examination 'biochemistry) have passed: Abu Bafcar
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  • 133 9 CERTAIN types of motor vehicles may not be driven on specified roads leading to the Cameron Highlands, plates an announcement In the latest issue or the FVM.S. Government Gaaette. i Except with the written permission 1 of the State Engineer, Pahantf. no person may drive a vehicle
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  • 152 9 'THE death oocurred on Thursday at hk residence at Thomson Road, Singapore. of Mr F D Itarretto. proprietor of the Barre(U) etitpDtnt; and Tti'l Co., at the nr* of C 7. The funeral which took place ytstei it;. sfternnoTi at Bldadarl Cemrtery was well
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  • 75 9 A SUGGESTION to run a special Johorc Bahru-Singapcre passengot tratn se. vice to cope with the Increased public demand for transport accommodation has t#en turned 'down, the Stra'ts Ttones understand*. reason for this is that already a heavy call is made on the railways, and no
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  • 41 9 TtHE rent for the new houses at the Race Course Road has been Axed at $35 a month, announces the Sin pore Improvement Trust. Allotment 'of the houses Is to be made by ballot, j
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 66 9 K^Kalx^pCa-SC K^K^wK\* i iv^lul\V^nir^* \wK^^ I tSiVI A M >44 r t- n-lIPn -IIP WU WDi.MO.*Hll.e«i|TOl MOnQOM \yic have 1* W Paranja V\ M®^ Shoveli Wirmettxtg cv«n w Screws Viat^"^® Bolte fir Nuts retttt\re« enl r"^ lWH 1 Spring Hinges 'S^mmmmm-mmmmmJ Stetf Butt Hinges Door Ix>cks Tower Bolts Padlocks Brass
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    • 98 9 1 1- '^B I B^x^a^^^a^^l J*l K&Qy MOf/*e*WH/SKYGOK t e»e >* lffTo AMY Borne Sole Agents:— JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. it Sensational Prints Exquisite Colourings In all Sorts of Silks are the Latest Arrival At _mum_ 9 JUST UNPACKED A Shipment of THRILL FORMFIT BRASSIERES lor EVERY TYPE OF FIGURE
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 197 9 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL. tSS m. 1SS3 k/ea. ZHP.l M.M m. S.M B/ca. ZHP.Z MM 175 ro c*. ZHP.l. 41.28 m 7 2S /.HI. «HH £HPT ZBPS 10.00 a.m. Malay Variety: 11.00 a.m. Tamil and Hindustani music on gramophone records: 11.45 to 1.00 p.m. Chinese Programme (On ZHP 3 only
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    • 231 9 Part": An analysis of ocnnan propaganda London j; 50 p.m. "Calline the British Forces In the Par Bast" (London): 7.30 pn. Full Singapore Race Results; 1.25 p.m. Saturday Evening Popular Concert; 8.30 p m News and News Commentary (London); 8.15 p.m. Interlude; 8. 45 p.m. A Variety Progiamme of English
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  • 163 10 Canberra, Aug. 22. MR. R. G. Menzies, Australian Prime Minister, announced to-day that he had offered Mr. John Curtin, the Labour leader, a National Government with equal Cabinet representation, under the leadership of Mr. Curtin or anyone selected by Parliament, says United Press.
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  • 810 10 London. Aug. 23. I ORD HALIFAX. British Ambassador to tbe United state*, arrived at British airport In a bomber this morning, paying in first visit to Britain since he succeeded the Ist* Lord Lothian at the beginning of the year. Arrangements were made some time ago for him
    Reuter  -  810 words
  • 145 10 IN Berlin informed quarters, a winter campaign in Russia Is spoken of i not only as a possibility but a probability, United Press reports. One usually wen-informed German source said the Russians are known to have held back their best cavalry regiments with the apparent
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 412 10 HI VfK/ »C a -»S^»**^ Slk HAMILTON HABTT cooducilm tbe Halle Orxnestra. Khoranchtrhlna Prelude Flight of the Bumb'F Bee OSOS9 i An Irish Sympnony Scherto LondoDderry Air »30a4 Hungarlsn Rhapsody No. 1] L0X123 A Trumpet Voluntary Solemn Melody ***** Sa HAMILTON nAkIT eooductlnc tne xnaon Pbubarrr.oole Orchestra Divertimento Mo. .7
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    • 299 10 THE GREATER THE CROWDS THE GREATER THE NIGHT. BE HERE TO-NIGHT THE NIGHT of NIPHTS! The Done* of VICTORY! Vast throngs to-night Visit here to see Vaudeville Turn* and to Vie for prizes in the vspot cances Vide our space elsewhere VIVE LE ROI! ONE MAN (NOT HITLER) WHO IS
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  • 1051 11 First Day Of Singapore Turf Club's Autumn Meeting DELOW is given the full card of events at Bukit Timah to- day, the opening day of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting. The double tote will be on races six and eight and
    1,051 words
  • 135 11 TO -DAT SOCCER: BA/.A. learue; first division. S.UC. vs. S.C.C., Anson Road Stadinm; serond division (a) R.E. (P. 8.) rs. 5.H.8., Pn'.an Braal; second division (k), Airport vs. Naval Bate Corinthians, Farrer Park. CRICKET: S.C.R.C. n. M.F.A.. S.C.R.C.; S.C.C. »s. J.C.S.A.. R.CC.; YM.C.A. vs. R.A.0.C.. V.M.C.A.
    135 words
  • 29 11 THE following have been elected to hold office Jor the S.C.R.C. for the forthcoming rugger season: Cheng Weng Choon (captain), Ong Esig Khuang (vice-captain), Patrick Vee (convenor).
    29 words
  • 168 11 'ion; following are seteetions for to-day's races at Bokrt Timah: STRAITS TIMFS Race 1: Harpo, Sm^ke Dresms. Race 2; Lined L'p, Raqsccmbe. Race 3: stonechat. Time Tells. Race 4: The Needles, Ralo. Race 5: The Sirdar, Lord Tomnoddy. Ravw 6: Booklaw, Depot Race Remember Me, Counsel. Race
    168 words
  • 248 11 HAJtro (SJbbritt). wh« la rasaiac ta taw trat race to-aar, waa tW Ant stars* m( at thai asaraixe's tralalsn at Bakit Timah. and shewed a tresnendoas bwrst mi rprrd trnr twa fartonrs. The gelding looks a winner all over, but «U1 encounter itronc opposition from Smoke Dreams
    248 words
  • 47 11 I*E followtnc are the results of ether 1 league soccer matches played TestrrtW. Second division (a). Jtavr beat V.M.C.A. four-oil: Sscnala beat R.A.F. '8) atx jne Second dlvlaion (b). Kran)l beat An- Htjra. two-one; Sultan beat B.C.F.A. three-nil; Wanderers w.o. J.C.S. A.
    47 words
  • 325 11 S.C.F. A. Defeat Gunners 5 1 S.C.F.A. 5; R.A. (A.-A.) 1. LEADERS in the first division of the S.A.F.A. league, the Straits Chinese Football Association slrenjthenert their position by beating the Antl-Arrrraft Oannen at Anawti Road stadium yesterday, winning by five goals to one. In the first round the Chinese
    325 words
  • 235 11 THAT there will he Bight special Ragby 1 fastball gMsm hsMaTiar eaavttisa thai ii-—. hastaa* at 17 aa laat yaar. was annowared at the aamaal Bsighr asecttng af the KDntaawe Crtehet Clwk j*»terday. Mr. O. W. Oilmour said that the Malayan Rugby union, at
    235 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 248 11 He soon got rid ol 'FOOT ROT' i when his Chemist put Mm on to T.C.P. Troubled by Foot Rot? Then take a tip from the writer of the letter below. Try applying T.C.P. the new, penetrating antiseptic that in giving such striking results even in the most persistent cases.
      248 words
      85 words
    • 382 11 HIS STOMACHNOT HIS NERVES ABE TO BLAME Grumpy, irritable people arr all too often stomach sufferers who could be tbe soul ol good humour i( they took a littie 1 Hcsacased Magnesia alter meals. Heartburn, flatulence and other dis tressing' forms ol indigestion are caawd by excess acidity which imtates
      382 words

  • 789 12 Bulk Of Ukrainian Army Said To Be Safe Across The Dnieper MOKE than 1,000,000 Soviet troops, it is estimated, arc engaged in the defence of Leningrad, says a dispatch to the Vichy news agency from the Soviet frontier. The big battle which is
    789 words
  • 84 12 Rumours Of HitlerHigh Command Split London, Aug.. 22. RADIO Moscow to-day said: "Two captured G -rrrun solclers, Koch Schreber. and Carl ReLss, ftat?d there I are persl-tent rumours among the troops of serious dissension betwetn H.t'.er and the German Supreme C:mmi)nd Thesj rumcuro were said to have added to Hitler's
    84 words
  • 57 12 Tirpitz In Baltic Sea Trials london, Aug. 22. IT was stated in London tv-day that the new 35,000-ton battleship, Tirpiiz, sister ship of the Bismar.-k. is believed to have bren completed and is undergoing trials in the Baltic. There is no confirmation .>f reports that she has been engaged
    57 words
  • 231 12 "|>LOOD for blood, death for death" Is the title of an editorial in Pravda, organ of the Communist Party, giving details of atrocities perpetrated by Nazis on Soviet citizens. Almost unspeakable horrors carried out by the Nazis in their search for
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 233 12 U.S. Meets All Soviet Requests For Aviation Gasolene Washington, Aug. 22: THE Soviet Union has placed war orders totalling I'SSI.OM.MO.M*, 1 of which 1* per cent, will be delivered within the next few weeks, authorized sources revealed here to-day. All Russian requests for aviation gasolene have been met, it was
    233 words
  • 268 12 London, Aug. 22. JOINT Anglo-Russian military action in Iran is believed to be appreciably nearer as a result of the extremely unsatisfactory nature of Iran's preliminary oral reply to the representations from London and Moscow on the presence of German agenta in
    268 words
  • 301 12 TURKISH ENVOY CALLS ON THE FUEHRER AT HIS H. Q. Ankara, Aug. 22. THE Turkish Ambassador in Berlin recently saw Hitler at the Fuehrer's field headquarters in the Ukraine, according to reports here. This has evoked considerable interest in view of the factors in the background. These are: Firstly, the
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 51 12 Moscow, Aug. 22. SOVIET bomber., in the course of three successive sweeps routed feet trar.'po.t? carrying reinf tc»--mpnts for the Ukraine off the Rumanian coast, announces the official Soviet news agency. Ie adds that at lexst two trm-p rus 1 w^re sunk, another set en fire and I others hit.
    51 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 The Safest Way to lutve your Clothes Dry Cleaned Dyed is to send them to NEW INTERNATIONAL CO. (REAL DKY CLEANING) 36, COLEMAN STREET. SPORE. BRANCH: 695, GETLANO RD.
      29 words
    • 131 12 *s*^^^^i^^^^**i i^^^^^^^^^n?! deceptive cleanliness MAY SCREEN EXISTING DECAY ®A front of gteaming whit* j *nam«l mery hid* from J^ i\\_ you and other* a process Px\w v*\ Of *fecj|a until toothache sound* a r |"V\^T 'I note oi weaning. Tek toothbrushes r f'V^j/'^r designed by dental surgeons, fit into vCxOv*/'^^^
      131 words