The Straits Times, 10 August 1941

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE STRAITS TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FlNAL**** No. 503 Sunday, August 10, 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE STRAITS TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 503 Sunday, August 10, 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 320 1 Sternest Joint VITAL DECISIONS LIKELY AT SECRET ATLANTIC PARLEYS "Hands Of Russia And Thailand" Warning To Japan Is Forecast fpHE discussions which are reported to be going on between President Roosevelt and Mr. Winston Churchill are expected to produce the sternest warning" which any combination
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  • 671 1 Shanghai. Saturday. THE warnings Thailand a tared 1 by Mr. Anthony £den, the Brit; h j p-oreixn Secretary, and b> Mr. Cordell Hull, i United States Se.ToUaiy of State, are welcomed h uinely by foiciijn and prc-C.iung-kinu Chinese new pap'rx in Shr.r-h?!,
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  • 56 1 Bangkok, Saturday. lAPAN has decided to raise her legation here to the status of embassy, and the appointment of the first Japanese ambasI sador to Thailand may be expected shortly. Hitherto. Japan's chief diplomatic representative here, like those of 'hr other powers, 1 has
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 34 1 London. Saturday. A DISPATCH today from President Roosevelt's Potomac, says: 'The ship is anchored in fcg. Prospects for fishing appear poor to-day Everything quiet on beard. No special news.' —Reuter.
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  • 35 1 'T'lfK Domei agency reports that four young lieutenants of the Thai Air Force are arriving in Tokio on Aug. 18 to study Japanese flying technique for three years.— Reuter.
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  • 175 1 Washington, Saturday. UNITED States defence officials have nearly completed arrangements to provide Russia with the latest medium bombers, authoritative sources revealed here today. These sources said the fighters were made for Britain, but Britain has agreed to delivery to ,he Soviet Union. Several hundred planes
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  • 159 1 London, Saturday. THE Minister lor Food §upply, Lord Woolton. said to-day no increase tn \.hr TrTwrt rattan- «*mld be for the dura'lon of the war. In a speech at Cheltenham. Lord Woolton ?ald mat would be distributed In those regions where it was most needed,
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  • 137 1 Zurich, Saturday. THE German press campaign against the United States has even thrust news of the Russian war into the background, says the Baser Nachrichten Berlin correspondent. The United Slates is depicted as aiming at military and political domination of South America. The Deutsche
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  • 92 1 Washington, Saturday. ■"pHE German Oove- tnent has informed 1 the United States Government that the two Americans missing since the sinking of the Zam Zam are still on board the raider Tamesls. The united States had asked Germany for Immediate and full information of the whereabouts of
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 130 1 Chungking, Saturday. JAPANESE aircraft raided Chunrkinf, China's war-time capital, five times in 24 hours after eight days' respite due to bad weather After Friday afternoon's raid during which the western suburbs of Chungking, the north bank of the Chialing river and the south bank of the Yangtze opposite
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  • 32 1 Russian communique* continually mention air attacks on German mechanized units and aerodromes. This picture shows a Soviet fighter on patrol. News from the Eastern front is In page 2.
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  • 251 1 "Thai Forces Will Fight If Necessary" Bangkok, Saturday. armed forces will fight if that is necessary to carry out Thailand's policy of strict neutrality and friendship for all, and they will maintain the traditional prestige of the Thai forces by fighting to the last, says a communique. It denies that
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  • 53 1 London, Saturcay. IT has now been authoritatively es ablshed that Japanese reinror-e--ments which have been rushed to the Manchukco border number abcut 100,000 m'n. These are additional to the 250,000 m?n which the Japanese have had in garrison on the Manchukuo birrior for soms time.— B.
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  • 203 1 Vichy, Saturday. I T is indicated here to-day that Germany may be given "port and transport facilities" in certain French colonies. These represents the maximum of French concessions which the Council of Ministers will consider when it convenes to discuss Germany's latest demands. It
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  • 144 1 London, Saturday. AUSTRALIA has taken steps to meet any emergency that might arise in the Far East over the weeK-end. 'I he Australian Prime Minister, Mr. R. U. Menzics, said in Melbourne tooay tha; no full meeiing of the Federal Cabinet had been called for Monday,
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  • 128 1 Johnnesburg, Saturday. I riEH. Smuts, Union Prime Minister. sa:d 1 today he was not sure that invasion of Europe by land forces was necessary. An Invasion— by air— had already begun in his opinion. This would continue on an increasing scalr, until the air
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 42 1 London, Saturday. BRITISH clocks will be put back one hour at 1 a.m. G.M.T. tomorrow (Sunday). Britain thus revert; to cne hour summer time instead of double summer time which has been in operation since May 4.— Reuter.
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  • 121 1 of the British Ambassador. Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, Is located, but to not known whether the residence Is damaged. It U officially stated that scores «C people were killed and wonnded la yesterday afternoon* raid when two unfinished dugouts collapsed as a result of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 TAI HEN 6 CO. 7 a t I o nt Colrman St., flft Smgapore. Phooe. 3375. Jjr
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    • 37 1 JUST RECEIVED Beautiful Selecti*a Or •GYPSY SKIRTS •HOUSE-COATS CHOTIRMALL'S There is a Spartan product tor every type of application. Ensures colourful, durable and smoothly attractive finishes. Made in Australia, KUALA LUMPUR- 1 POH^N^ 141 War-.ns I aßßam
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  • 52 2 Further Slump In Chinese Likely Shrnshai S'.<ur.lay ONE immediate effect of the slumti in thr i'h so •>■'■ ir i. an increase in the cost of living, witii all >t>ics losing no lime in marking up pries The general opinion of businessman is that the dollar is likely to slump
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  • 228 2 Tobruk Area Like Western Front Of Last War Cairo, Saturday. TO-DAY'S communique irom G H.Q. in Cairo states: "Libya: A small Italian patrol which attempted to approach our l ncs at Tcbruk was caitured. Our patroli were active in the frontier arra."— Rruier. Raids by British patrols ars mostly at
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  • 112 2 London, Saturday. IMPORTANT instructions for the "V" army throus'iout Gcrmantccur»ii«l Eurone wi'l be given by f'ol. Briton fr:>m the BR.C. radio »t -tion in I/Ordon n n xt Friday. Co!. B-i»ton announced this in a brc.-icasL in the early hours of this morning, when
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 89 2 14,000,000 RAISED BY SPITFIRE FUNDS L-ndon, Saturdiy. SINCE inception of th? Soltfire Fvnd, more than £14 000,000 has been raised. Alnr,3?t eery town in Grest B-i*.nin anr 1 ev^ry country In the British Common-vfVth is represented, wMl* most of fie KBtrigll coxintr'es outside Nazi control have also Joined In. Th»
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  • 947 2 Success Of Russian Raid On Berlin London, Saturday. rpHREE squadrons of Soviet fi ur-engined bombers which took off from Oesel on the Dagoe Islands, off the Estonian coast, pierced the German defences and were responsible for last night's raids on Berlin, according to reports from Stockholm. The Soviet bombers were
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  • 437 2 London, Saturday. A SQUADRON of British fighters escorted Blenheim bombers over northern France this morning. Inland much cloud was encountered and prevented identification of targets, but objectives at Gravelines were attacked. Eleven enemy fighters were destroyed by the R.A.F. today for the loss of
    Reuter  -  437 words
  • 269 2 How To Get In Touch With Prisoners In Italy VATICAN SERVICE Cairo, Saturday. INCREASING use is b ins made of the (aril ties afforded by the Vatiran for inter-rommunic-Htton b twern war prisoners in Italy and their r«l:\tivrs in Britain and the British Dominions. This service, wh'ch was inaugurated i
    Reuter  -  269 words
  • 149 2 Washington, Eaturaay. A HINT of the post-wrr plans of the United Statos for aid !o Europe was revealed by Assislaiu Secretary o* State Adolph B3rle .it a reception in the Luxembourg Lcsa 'en on Friday n ght. It Is plain th.s Uovenuntn:, when the first
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  • 88 2 Shanshs.l. Satur".AN Incendiary bomb exp!«»ded in Wan; Ching-wei's Central China Daily N.w* five-s'.ory boil ing to-day and envck.ped It in flames. A fleet of fire enelnes went to the flre while the polica and Japanese troops threw a cordon around the area. It wr.s noted the
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  • 85 2 London, lUtuniaj THE French Government has inslrustcd the Prendi Ambassador vi Madrid. M. Pletri, to lodge a pro.est with the BriU.-h AinbassaUor, bir Samuel rtc&re, regrrdmg the detention of Gen. Dents, former High Commis ioner In Syria, an! 33 oOcei-s of tl.e Levant army, according
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  • 55 2 Ijibon. Saturday. RUMANIA has already lost 10)J00 trwtK on the eastern front, according to liiformatlon from reliable sources. Gen Antonescu has asked for German reinfoi cements. The losses have caused cr< at deprc>slon throughout Rumania wrnre there have been manifestations against Gen. Antone&cu in most
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  • 33 2 London, Saturday FurC naval and artillery cooUngi-nU from Newfoundland arrived recently at a west coast port. An announcement to-dby -r.'.2s i: r i ta9 D. j Dcvles, NewfoundUod Tride ComßUatkner.— KeuUr.
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  • 99 2 Shanghai, Saturaay. THE United Siatea Deputy Mars al Sam Tit'.ebaum, was arrested U- j day and held for quc-fn^ in the Ward R""'J Jai'. The American-owned P«t and Mercury said Ti:lebBum was bcln? investigated la conrcftion wl'h "jruiis whl-:h persons connected with th» Ou*-rld3
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  • 122 2 London. Saturday. •THE Marquis of WlPinsdon, who Is 75 and has been sufTerin? from double pneumonia for more thin a wc^k, was stated today to be slightly better. T atiy Wininptfon toU Reuter that the doc- i tors found lord Willlnjdon slightly bctl.r i this irorrint, but the
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  • 49 2 Dvtmtt, Saturday. THE tantcer Trans ter. carrying i 15,000 barrels of gasoline to Mon- treal, exc'.oaeci In rough weatner on Lake Erie on Friday. Two persons arc missing. The police raid they woulu j 'nves lgbte the pos^ibilitv of sart^a^e and "everything ess. I—United1 United Press.
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  • 43 2 London, Saturday. QERMANY hai Issued a a?cr.e ordcrin? that ail property in the Reich holon^ln" to America, her po-sesslons or American citizens or pei:x-n« p'-manently r?sid;n-» in America mv tbe noticed to th; Finance Ministry, states the German wuclc^s.
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  • 168 2 Gestapo Men Arrive In Turkey BELIEVED TO BE ON WAY TO IRAN London, Saturday. TWO hifh officials oi tlic German Gestapo arrived by a special plane at Istanbul to-day, rubles John Walls, Kruters special correspondent in Ankara. They have been in the cii^« vt touch with the German ambassador, von
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 152 2 Ankara, Saturday. MR. Anthony Eden's statement in the House of Commons on Wednesday, reaffirming; British loyalty to the Anglu-Turkish treaty, has been greeted wi h warm approval by the Turkish press. The editor of the semi-oilioiul newspaper, Ulus. says: "Those who excel in the art of
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 101 2 Simla. Saturday. THE Faqir of Ipi, notor ous troublemaker on the Nor h Vest Frontier of India, is believed to have left Knaire. near Durand, and moved southwards übout 20 mi'es north-west of RazmaK. Discontent among his followers is said f o be
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  • 51 2 Bomb?y. Saturday. MORE than 200,000 workers in ths Bombay «ttDr» mills are receiving an increased dcarnrss allowance from .Tuly 1. The cost of this tUvnnet ti ir;dustrv during the next 12 months is computed at between on? and half crores and two crorrs of rupees.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 18 2 Germany has placed orders In Sweden for £563,000 worth of small Limber houses.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 443 2 *MY WORD, YOU ARE GETTING FAT!" Woman's Action After Friend's Remarks If you are one who hears remarks from triends about "getting fat. 1 you will naturally be interested to hear this woman s story. Fortunately, it had a happy endinp:. Here is her le.ter "I had put on weight
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    • 65 2 ■^t^^^3a»^r^^sa4!^a^B Ai ViM la^^aßa^^v^^B L^Haßß^Ef aa^aaW UI t\ T\ T |H aal'^aa^aa^La^aßi Will' AX WUvl lll»j j§c^ J^L^ IOOKEYS— PUsener is Australia's toast tf m throughout this coutitry An<l no wonder I j It's orewed to piease the oaiau and is f '^-jftf »%f T%\» A beer suited to this
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  • 528 3 Moscow, Saturday. DIFFICULTIES experienced by tlie Germans in main- taining their hold on territory occupied by Nazi forces are expressed in a letter from a German officer intended for his home and which gives a clue to the miserable isolation
    Reuter  -  528 words
  • 123 3 London, Saturday. pREAT pressure has been put on i >* Norwegian officers to Join the Nor- wegian legion and support an appeal I for aiding "Finland's war against the Bolsheviks," says the Free Norwegian Telegraph Agency. The military and naval department of the
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 126 3 U.S. Soviet Have Common Cause London, Saturday. FE recent exchange of notes between Mr. Sumner Welles, the United Str.lcs Under-Secretary of State and M. Oumansky. Soviet Ambassador in Washington, indicates a rapproche--1 nent between United States and the l Soviet, but dees not rrean that a pact of friendship has
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 71 3 Moscow, Sa urday. IT has been revealed that during a recent nisht raid Herman planes tombed Academy of Science Library. on* of Moscow's famous landmarks. A shower of Jn-enriir.»-y boms i.»t fire to the bvlldSns: hous'n? a prl^ele?3 collection of S.OOO.'MV* volumes, but 16 emnloyees,
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  • 127 3 London, Saturday. •APPALLING atrocities" stated to have been carried out by the Germans after ih;y ojcupicd the cltf of Lwow are described in a supplementary announcement to yesterday's Soviet communique. Many letters and reports, says tha announcement, have readied ths Soviet Information Bureau from citizens
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  • 29 3 Ottawa. Saturday. METROPOLITAN post offices throuphrMit Camda are to use ->n Obliterating stnmo bearing the letter "V" fol'owed by th? Morse code si~n for "V."— Reutcr.
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  • 48 3 As the vast territory ol Russia is crossed by numerous rivers, some of them of great width, the surmounting of water obstacles has been carefully considered in the Red Army training and equipment. Picture shows a pontoon bridge being laid across a river during traintng.
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  • 218 3 London. Saturday. THE Daily Mall carries the story of thr RAF. musketeers "who travelled half-way around the word from the Netherlands Indies to participate in Britain's battle in the air, and who fought together in a Spitfire squadron and shot down a number of
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  • 35 3 London, Saturday. AN Air Ministry and Ministry of Home Security communique states that in offensive operations over tiie English Channel on Thursday the R.A F. destroyed seven enemy aircraft—Router.
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  • 70 3 Shanghai. Saturday. ALL foreign armed forces in Shanghai have been mobilixed as precautionary measure in view of the approach of the anniversary of the Sino-Japanese war in Shanghai on Aug. 13, 1937. United States Marines and the Shanghai Volunteer Corps have began patrolling the streets and guarding
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  • 259 3 Moscow, Saturday. AN open revolt against Fascist occupation has started In Yugoslavia, according to reports arriving from that country, says the Soviet Information Bureau. Armed clashes between the population and German troops have occurred in many towns and villages. Guerillas attack the German garrisons, destroy communications,
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 121 3 Cairo. Saturday. LUMBERS of evacuees from Alexan- dria and the Suez Canal Zone passed h rough ca ro on Thursday and yesterday in trains bound for upper Egypt. The people here are serving 8.000 meals dally for evacuees from the raided areas. The Imperial troops are
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 93 3 Shanghai. Saturday. THE Consul -General for Switzerland states he has received a communication from U» Swiss Legation in Tokio saying that any non-essential Svfea subjects wishing to evacuate from China and return to Switzerland should communicate with the Swiss Consul In Shanghai, aflrr
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  • 45 3 Washington, Saturday. •THE Department of Commerce esti- mates that assets frozen by the United States total 5130.000.000. The Department's report says the Japanese assets are small In comparison with the $2,200,000,000 in European investments frozen on July 14.— United Press.
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  • 49 3 OTTO KCHIHNLR of Zurich. Switzerland railed to rest on Au'ust 8. 1939. A oeau'iful memory lrft behind. Of a life that was always pood kind. A life made wonderful of kindly deeds And generous thoughts of others' needs. Inserted by his sorrowing family In Singapore and Switzerland.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 On August 10. 1916. at Brempton Oratory London, by the Rev. Father Woodroffe. S J.. Angus Stanley Gardner, son of Mr. and Mm W. K. Gardner, of Moulsford. Berkshire, to Alice Marcella Flynn. daughter of the lat* Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Flynn, of Carrlgdhoun. Cork. *'O §£SE£^ftp: 4=THERE is
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    • 36 3 I I S i M H^^^^^ I I g^B f m J Bh^Mi^HBHBBBB"BHHHBHHB™I^^i^^g^*^22 BU R NS- SORES- ULCERS V» JHHWnSIijW §7/ WOUNDS-STYES AND /^TOlffifflJ A// INFECTIVE CONDITIONS iS^BffSS* f OF THE EYELIDS. Bmtt^Sfm Hit Wuring 2
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 EXCITING! As its three great stars...this surging sea-drama from the thrill-packed pen of Jack London. TO-DAY 4 HOLIDAY SHOWS 11 a.m. 3.15 II UIII I l -7.^ 6.15 9.15 IffffjP^y^ifflfc^ I lV W^rc«^OC«^-- So icrNnoHtrkw <^ 10 for9ttt S t^^^m& m T j E.MW 9^VMM^^^^^^HHiAfl ■Ml I (/aCkLOKdOK X O*^
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 128 5 WAR FUND BALL 18, NASSIM ROAD. September 6, 9.30 2 A.M. TICKETS $5— including Supper with Wine ENTIRE PROCEEDS TO THE WAR FUND. Tickets at Robinson, Whiteawiys ft Cycle ft Carriage Co.. Orchard Rd. TO- NIGHT SHAW BROS.'S BIGGEST MALAY TALKIE TINA, YEM, ROSE, HABSA, HAJI GONG IN "HANCHOR HATI"
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    • 135 5 LAST NIGHT'S CROWDS COULD NOT MOVE WITH FREEDOM BUT MOVED IN A SPIRIT OF Freedom Happiness Thanks to BRITAIN'S RESOURCE IN THIS THE EYE OF HER VICTORY TO-NIGHT Tea Dance from 7.30 pjn. Late Dance from 9.30 p.m. To-night Extension to 1 a.m. SATURDAY, AUG. 18 Benefit Night in Aid
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    • 204 5 [w^FLORAL I PERFUMES "I m LILY OF THE VALLEY SCICCI ENGLISH BLUEBELLB ROMAN HYACINTH -1 I*l WILD CYCLAMEN those which N 1 WHITE ROSE U"ol/ II y OILT alid 2j other perfumes ail of which are the true scent of personality J Prices from $3.25 PERFUMES^ Ifp^ %avnarcfe CHEMISTS SINGAPORE
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  • 380 6 BOOKS From Seattle To Sitka Three's a Crew. By Katherin* Pinkerton. Herbert Jenkins. 12s. 6d. F anyone should be thinking of making a home on a small boat and living ln hard working comfort, {Catherine Pinkerton's account of the seven years spent ln British Columbian and Alaskan waters by herself,
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  • 1198 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By -CO far as we are concerned thr war has now entered its moat Interesting period. The gloves are off and the heads of Stales are hurling insults at each other. Mr. Winston Churchill's comparatively mild rrmarjes abowf Btler ("that wicked man") and Mircsolta*
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  • 363 6 By THE FOUR ACES WE CAm in on th? taU end of a terrific argument the ether night. Hera's the hand that set off the fireworks: South, Dealer SouUi Wctt North ttutt 1C 1H Paas Pass INT Paw Pasn Dbl. Pass Pass Rdb!. Pass Paas Pass Wh n
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1225 6 s+*+S f%C NOW STOPPED tOLmr** OVERNIGHT \f^o^^ by this new Two-Way Treatment jFIRsTi^AROLE WITH T.C.P. 1 'sm THEN A SMALL DOSE OFt!c.^~ I Ita1 ta r *l>f' throat soreness and kill the I to counteract ftverishness and I Minftetinggtrms that ledge andmultiply I shivering and drive the Cold or Hlu
      1,225 words
    • 54 6 TOOTAL REGO. Crease-resisting and washable H aEaH^^aVHiaHi3aia^^HS3Pi^n9^^jS^aV^a^Byy v *> ay y> r^H^aW^O/vw^^a^a^HHSay* '^*ooßfacJS^v^</^' .^^r n r^SBBSSsBsSKKB/I^^^^Kifmk'' Mcds initials Tf wSS^Sk\wSimSM Hal JiTOlinds tincltdmo khaki i every tie n4^ coloured jjroumls B#th are T*oUI prodortt. raaraatee* by T00..', amOAD^ITSrjs-*' \T* COMPANY LIMITED MAM HK.STK*, I. FVT.T.AVn. P YRAM I D HANDKERCHIEFS
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  • 1389 7 Mainly About Malayans By The Onlooker I ONDON political experts are unanimous in predicting a brilliant political career for Capt Oliver Lyttelton, tin magnate and former chairman of the AngloOriental and General Investment Trust, Ltd., Ampat Tin Dredging Ltd., and other Malayan companies who has relinquished the Presidency of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 299 7 PROSTRATE for a whole day met C? 1 GASTRIC PAINS X ror over 20 long years, Miss B. C. Whatever your ticuble is— lndlhad suffered with a gastric gesticn. Wind, Flatulence, Biliousstomach. Her trouble was a ness, even the more serious tragedy, a handicap in work and Gastric Ulcer, remember
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    • 39 7 f\ME ALWAYS USB [Ttart osino yj^llSSfe I MtTTti. Sf, My ll l\ HI __.^^M' If JBr J r- r; y^ Bp t w v, T 1 yJ <-w 'xl s A wb mm m j« w W 1 *L^>^*^
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  • 253 8 Maharaja Lays Stone For Indian Troops' Clubhouse THO hundred men and women, represMitatiye of Singapore's many communities, looked on at Raffles reclamation ground yesterday when the Maharaja of Patiula laid the foundation stone for the new $15,000 clubhouse which is being built for Indian troops now stationed in Malaya. The
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  • 97 8 ALLEGED to have been found in possession of a bottle-opener, a large quantity of bott'ecaps and a one-cent piece for the purposes of counterfeiting a trade mark. Tiger Beer," Yam Ling Poh, a 28-year-old Hainanese. appeared in the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday. An alternative
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  • 98 8 AS a sequel to an alleged disturt- ance in a house in Killlney Road on Aug. 7. Lee Kip Jin. a 28-year-old English-speaking Hokkien, Curley Steve, a 19-year-old Indian, Ahmat bin Seman. a 20-year-old Malay. Junin bin Seman, a 21 -year-old Malay, and Lachaman, a
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  • At The Cinema
    • 41 8 THRILLS abound in "Daredevil to the Red Circle." the Republic 25-reei serial which opened with a midnight showing at the Alhambra cinema. The strong cast. Including Charles Qulgley, Herman Bra, David Sharpe and Carole Landls. gives a competent performances.
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    • 41 8 DRIGHT musical entertainment, with several song hits, is provided by "Tlie Great American Broadcast'- which was j given a midnight showing at the Cathay Cinema Three popular fctars, Alice Faye, Jack Oakle and John Payne, give an outstanding performances.
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    • 26 8 Wardens of tbe Tanjong Pagar A.R.P. Division gave a dinner at the Great World restaurant last night for Mr. H. L. Hosklng, their retiring divisional warden.
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  • 69 8 (From Oar Own Correspondent) Te_terlo_, Saturday. CPKCIAL A.R.P. water Units o( cement and bricks are being constructed throarniut the State of Pahaag for emergency purposes In the event of the water main failing to function. In the Temerloh district about one dosen of these tanks are
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  • 170 8 1 DISTIL for my own consumption," I said 56- year-old Liew Kirn when j he pleaded guilty in the Singapore I Fourth Court yesterday to a charge of having in his possession dutiable samsu without licence. Llew also faced an additional charre of having
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  • 74 8 •TEE LIM CHOK, aged 44, appeared in the Singapore Third Court yesterday on a charge that on Mar. 27 he used as genuine a forged promissory note for $200 made out in favour of one Tan Spn? Poon and nurportinc: to be signed by Chns Huan Poh, kncwlng
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  • 66 8 ARRESTED by Singapore police on Friday in connection with a murder alleged to have been committed In Duneam Road on Mar. 26 two Indians. Andasamy, 35. and Pakirasamy, 22. appeared before Mr. K. K Oon in the Fifth Court yesterday. A charge of murdering Lvi Thye Keow
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  • 75 8 rO women. Tan Ah Heng aged 45, and Ho Khoo Boh, aged 37, appeared in the Singapore Third Court yesterday on a charge that on Friday they were found in possession of "Tiger" beer labels for the purpose of denoting that beer was manufactured by the Malayan
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  • 95 8 (To Tagore) Now thou art gone. Ah! who is it shall bid us come With all the old delight Of labour done, end th? long, songfllled night? V/c call thee but in vain; The dusk is dumb And the close dark is chlorous with pain Now thou art
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  • 229 8 New Mining Bill For Federal Council (From Our Own < orrcspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE Leral Adviser. IMS v ill 1 move =t the Federal Council meeting on Au... 19 a Bill to permit raining beneath alienated lands. This Rill may be taken through all its stages. The Personal Injuries
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  • 96 8 TEA PARTY FOR A.I.F. INDIAN TROOPS <From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. MORE than 100 persons attended a tea party given by Mr. Teoh Sew Khor at his residence at Kluang in honour of members of Australian and Indian regiments Lt -Col. K Harvey Preston and several other officers
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  • 346 8 VOLUNTEER C.S.M. FINED $250 FOR SELLING RIFLE From Our Own, Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A FINE of $250 was imposed by Mr' J. S. W Reid, District Officer, Klang, on C. S. M. Berry when he I convicted him to-day at the Klang court on charges of committing breach of
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  • 126 8 WONG SONG SHING, a 35-year-old Shanghai foreman of the Malayan Wire Mesh and Fencing Co.. Ltd.. was acquitted in the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday after standing trial on three charges under the Prevention of Corruption Ordinance. Won? was all?ged to have corruotly accepted for
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  • 182 8 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. MALACCA contributions to the Malaya ITI Patriotic Fund for July amounted to $3,126.42. Subscribers were: T. A. Barnes $5: O. W. Bryant $30; N. Coulson $15: Dr. W. B. Haines $25; H. H. Fortescue $20; Mr. and Mrs. W.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 847 8 MYFRQ multi-purpose PUMPQ WTtK;> BUCKET SPRAY L™L^ ARE APPRAISED THE WORLD OVER ON THE BASIS OF EFFICIENCY. witn ellortless pumping a pressure of over 100 fif lbs., is created at the nozzle tip for a continuous, ff^ unbroken, mis-like or coarse spray or a solid f n stream discharge of
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    • 148 8 ARE YOU SURE OF YOUR EN6LISH? Do you make gr_nmaUcal mistake: wnich cause you mental discomfort and embarrassment? In company or at the office do you hesitate to spca!:, because you are unsure cf yourself? Gain a working knowledge of English; which will allow you to express yourself easily and
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  • 322 9 Precautions In Port, By Ships Ashore IMPORTANT defence measures are to be taken in Malaya 1 under the various emergency ordinances introduced upon the outbreak of war with Germany. One of these is the formation of a Special Branch in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. This will consist
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  • 256 9 George Bailey Sanaom, adviser to the Singapore branch of the; j British Ministry of Economic War- fare, was the complainant in a case in the Singapore Fifth Court yes- j terday when Stuart S. Robinson, a j young European soldier, admitted I stealing
    256 words
  • 127 9 THE Police Band will play to-day at Botan.c I Gardens at 8.30 p.m.: March, Steps oi Glory (Aubrey Winter); Overture. Romantique (Keler Bel:- selrction. Reminiscences of Scotland (arr. by Godfrey); Waltz. A. Waltz of Dream (Strauss); Sketch. Patsy (W. 11. Myddlcton); Selection, Snow White
    127 words
  • 74 9 A 56-YEAR-OLD Chinese. Low Kirn alias Lav Kam. appeared in the Singapore Third Court yesterday on a charge that on Friday he had in his possession in his hut near 9V Z miles. Bukit Tlmah Road, 2,189 counterfeit fifty-cent pieces. Low also faced a charge of having in
    74 words
  • 36 9 MR. M. \l. ABDUL, CADER expresses nis tmicerc Ui^niu lor the num. roui ci.Us. telegrams, and inters of condolence* received from friends In his bereavement over the demia? of bis beloved wife recently In Ceylon.
    36 words
  • 299 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. AFTER a hearing lasting two days. Mr. Justice W. K. Home at a special session of the Negri Sembilan Assizes yesterday found five privates of the A.I.F. guilty on a charge of housebreaking with intent to commit theft at the
    299 words
  • 89 9 (From Our Orrn Correspondent) Malacca. Saturday. CULONG BIN MAHADI. a Malay car- driver with a previous conviction for causing death by rash driving, pleaded guilty in the Police Court today on a summons for negligent driving. It was stated by the piosecution that while
    89 words
  • 82 9 THIRTY- YEAR-OLD Ng Ah Ti alias Hun Sal Ti appeared in the Singapore Third Court yesterday, when a charge that at 4.10 p.m. on June 20 he, armed with a dagger, committed an cfTence or rioting at Havelock Road was explained to him. Ng also faced two charges
    82 words
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  • 92 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. SEVEN years' rigorous Imprisonment was the sentence passed by Mr. Justice Manning at the Johore Assizes on a Tamil rubber tapper. Doraisamy whe after trial on a charge of murder was found guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to
    92 words
  • 58 9 ALLEGED to have been members of the Malayan Communist Party." an unlawful society, two youths, Kno Kian Leng and Ng Eng Slong, claimed trial on the charge in the Singapore Third Court yesterday. Bail of $500 in two sureties each was offered and the case was
    58 words
  • 186 9 Singapore Man Dies In Plane Accident OR. ATHOL FOSTER, Singapore state cricketer and outstanding Rugby player for the Singapore Cricket Cluß, who left Singapore soon after the outbreak of war and returned to New Zealand to Join the Air Force, has been killed in an air crrsh In Auckland. Mr.
    186 words
  • 368 9 Pri imunme of drills up to and far weak ending Aug. 17: Monday. August 11. 1715 hrs Headquarters S.R.A. <v> Sec Training; 1715 hrs Headquarters SSL. Bty R.A. (v) Manning and L. O. Training; 1730 hrs Mt. Rosie Road No. 1 Sec 5.8.1). Sec R.B. 'v) B.D.
    368 words
  • 91 9 UR. W. G. PORTER, the Singapore Coroner, recorded a verdict of misadventure at an inquiry yesterday into the death of an Indian boy. Thandayu Thapani, who while on his way to the latrine In his house in Market Street on Aug. 1 slipped, fell on his head
    91 words
  • 139 9 Scully— Aeria "THE wedding took place at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd last week of Miss Jeanne Mar».< A?: la. of the Statistics Dept.. Singapore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs F. C. Aeria, and Corporal Scully of the Royal Air Force, Seletar, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
    139 words
  • 92 9 Ess Boyer MR. DUDLEY ESS, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. J. Eh, of Singapore, was married to Miss Marjorie Boyer, daughter of Mr. A. Boyer of Singapore and the late Mrs. Boyer, at the Cathedral of the Oocd Shepherd yesterday. The Rev. Father N. Maury conducted the service.
    92 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 268 9 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY iTH^MP/ON \OPTKAI C 2 4. ARCADE MM. PHONE 3002 R. A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. There's no need for RATIONING of llsli Jr. this country: Alalayan waters tc:ri with millions of flakes. There's no need cither for you to deny
      268 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 730 10 Opinion A. R. P. AT the conclusion of Singapore's black-out exercises in June, we criticized, somewhat adversely but constructively, the manner in which the exercises were designed we maintained that they fell far short of tests which would arise if Singapore were attacked and we suggested that a great deal
      730 words
  • 993 10 Impressions by Geoffrey Vane, on leave in Britain from East Africa COURAGEOUS "amateurs" drawn from all ranks and every walk of life, tutored and tested in a holocaust of flames and bombs, comprise that invincible company of fire fighters known as the A.F.S. One may find their
    993 words
  • 320 10 London, Saturday. THE Daily Mail counsels the British people to keep sense of pn>p<>rtion and be neither over-elated by successes nor unduly disturbed by reverses. In a leader to-day the Daily Mail says "We do not suggest that there is any reason
    Reuter  -  320 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 748 10 THE NEW WORLD CABARET TO-DAY TIFFIN DANCE Choose the tailor who has given complete satisfaction to his clients tor over 20 years. Cheati H 4 f* have a widt lßk V] range of suit H B lengths HL**-* "Rockville" Wr*mCvh suiting) USA. |A| WAIS SWELL'S HI 'Kfl in Silk and
      748 words
    • 149 10 Mrs* Can t: "How I envy your lovely skin!" Mrs* Cans "What you should envy is my morning Eno!" Lin**, wrinkles and poor com- ENO it At pUxion «r* often th* result be C a U of a sluggish, unhealthy blood- EMo stream. TaU Eno's regularly. trattd v 7 'o.crii.
      149 words

  • 43 11 Taking full advantage of the natural cover v. liich the country provided, patriotic Abyssinians played a large part in harassing th«- Italians in the days before HritLsh and Indir.n Forces restored the country to its rightful owners.
    43 words
  • 284 11 Flier Taken Prisoner Condemned To Death Gains His Freedom THE auventure of a Free French flier captured in Abyssinia, sentenced to death by an Italian court-martial, and kept in a cell for six months until the British captured Dessie, has now been told says the News Chronicle. One of many
    284 words
  • 93 11 DRICK surface air-raid shelters in Britain, whi. h cost millions of pounds to build, are to be scrapped, according to a London message to th^ Sydney Telegraph. They will be replaced by modern reinforced concrete structures, designed hy Sir Giles Scott, architect of Liverpool Cathedral. Tests
    93 words
  • 202 11 Boy's Behaviour Characterized As "Hitlerian" -LJITIKKIAN Insanity" was used for the first time in the history of British law at the Old Bailey recently to describe the mental condition of a prisoner. Dr. A. P. Roositer Lewis, medical officer at Feltham Boys' Prison, Middlesex, thought this was the disease from
    202 words
  • 180 11 f"\ETECTrVES were rushed to an apartment house at Bank-street, South Melbourne, where Mrs. Edna Pearce, 29, was found dead, one night recently. Bhe was formerly Miss Edna Parker, of Edward-street. Sydney. With her husband. Albert Pearce. of the A.1. F.. she had
    180 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 339 11 I Bat bristle brush uas Wfe 3&M Wisdom brush with I I wrtdted after 70,000 |g^ffisJ Nytvm tmfis uas like I I scrubs on glass rods p*yffiEg| new after same fest j|» rrs name is Wisdom ITS NYLON TUFTS MAKE BRISTLES OUT-OF-DATE WHA TIS > YLO \?MA h I WLMA
      339 words
    • 261 11 A Smart idea ure g^ Brylcreem I THE PERFECT HAIRDRESSiNG \oL ■*^*S>p> Jo£m There's no denying your smartness if you us* /TSu I BRYLCREEM. A little Brylcreem on your hair every V\ I morning ensures a well-groomed appearance every +*^Sm I AmW*~ a V an(^ Brylcreem's natural oils and tonic
      261 words

  • 1143 12 The Week's Markets BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. I HAVE tried to forget about the paragraph that appeared in this column last Sunday about the 24--inch nails, but interested parties Just refuse to let me alone. On Monday came a Htth
    1,143 words
  • 136 12 London, Aug. 8. THE Stock Exchange opened steady in spite of occasional profit-taking. with gilt-edged shorts higher and others maintained Oils were steady. Japanese Bond 3 were one point down, i Industrials were mixed, with a good undertone South American rails were s';rong on good traffic returns
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 87 12 Singapore. Saturday, Amg 9. noon Hnyers Selien fric« Frier* Na. IX B.SS. (3s»t loose) 38^ 337; No. DC BLS.S. rob id rases Jaiy-Aaf. (Seller's avttoti) U% S*t» C.F.A.Q. R.S.S. Co.b. m bales Jaly-Aug. (Seller's option) JBV4 SS!i P.A.Q. Its R. f o b ta bales
    87 words
  • 284 12 SATURDAY, AUG. t. 1M1: l*~Z9 P.M. r PIIE following alterations to share, quottx Uocu published in the Stra.'ts Times were made yesterday: TINS K. Kamuntlng (3s) Us 7Hd 11s 10<4d c.d. Kramat Tin (ta> 13a 13a 6d cd. I Knchal Tin (M eta.) 1.55 I.CO Kundang Tin (£>
    284 words
  • 40 12 London, Aug. 8. It is confirmed that the Food Ministry has bought 100,000 ton* of Cuban bUgar. This purchase continues to be the general British policy since the conservation of freight became more important than the conservation of dollars. -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 31 12 London, Aug. 8. Tin opened quiet. The turnover was > tons. Business was virtually at a standstill, pending developments. After official hours there was no business and prices remained unchanged.— 1 Renter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 453 12 First thing in the morning even f^ £Jm before washing think of Inner Clean- 1 liness. For a clear skin, bright eyes and V^| BTf A that inner sparkle which is the secret of H7 M loveliness, Inner Cleanliness is far more effective than any outside treatment. And ■■f i
      453 words
    • 670 12 fONE KEY] I SO IT IS WITH PAINTS I g There it a Par Paiat far eaei reqaireamt.... P PARALtN Nigh grass Paiat ter iatenor fk and exterior woodwerk. H PAR ALUX —Quick Dryiaf syathatic 1 Enamel far geaaral dacaraC thra work. B PAIOSCO Hard Dryiag Enamel far ase M
      670 words

  • 1646 13 Some Weil-Known Landmarks Of London In Ruins MORE of the old and mellow buildings of London, it may now be stated, have been consumed by fire or blasted by high explosive in recent air raids. Charterhouse and the church of St. Mary-le-Bow, famed the world over for its bells, have
    1,646 words
  • 47 13 Men of a pioneer battalion of the Australian Imperial Forces are seen here during their rigorous and comprehensive training in the Australian bosh. "Treks" under active service conditions are part of the training of the A.I.F. Picture shows a halt by the wayside.
    47 words
  • 170 13 DUSSIAN soldiers have ceased to be puzzled by the uniforms of members of the British military mission in Moscow. They now salute British officers as they would their own. Enthusiasm for the mission is growing in Moscow. Civilians often call out greetings in the
    170 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1176 13 ■TL •iL V* 1 1 here s the r jfi ,^,l I new nurse. I M Jl* I Isn't she a I idaizlerEn?! Bil 8 D I Kather ?A V^r J and whal jfefe m I splendid I f^||r^£?tk TTave you ever used Eucbyl Tooth I Powdeh? It is the
      1,176 words

  • 639 14 Max Factor's Advice HOLLYWOOD'S beautiful Ann Sotherns, Joan Crawfords, and Sylvia Sidneys or any other of the glamorous stars whose names may come to your mmd are the world's most reasonable women when it comes to making demands upon their grooming. The film
    639 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 397 14 W\ mm V It I v V thanks to She keeps blooming In spite J5 J&t&if \> fA^?^^-* \*)Zm* of sun, dust and heat. 3hs f^^T^V^ *V IVY \J§T pins her faith In Kli..abeth \cZ''J* I^^^^**^'*^^^^, Arden's Essential Prepara- f**/t' a^ !!!>^~ f _1 AKDENA CLEANSING •^\ll u j /V*
      397 words
    • 287 14 I— l 1 T-r— l i^^K r I FLATTERING/" I Like Hollywood's famous screen stars, you, too, will j 4 "*^l A Jry»— be delighted with the <fl 'Ty »^e lovely, natural beauty im- Jm JgL^ '"^j^. parted by this life-like \jd Rouge, created by MAX MMi B^J FACTOR Hollywood.ll
      287 words

  • 289 15 By R. A. THOMPSON, D.O.Sc, (Dr. of Octlar Science) THOMPSON OPTICAL CO Syphilis in any or all of its three ■tages may affect the eye. Primary ■ores of the lids and surface of the eye may be produced If the organism liplrochaeta p&IJ da) of syphilis
    289 words
  • 1302 15  -  R.H. Naylor By AUGUST 10: Difficult to prophesy about the next few months. Life will be "different." You will have queer experiences, do things r:ut at th n oment seem impossible Friri.oships, in particular will run on unusual lines. From now until late Autumn and perhaps
    1,302 words
  • Article, Illustration
    57 15 Mr. Boh Chins Hue, rraiidson of Mr. Beh Chsc Honr. of Tronc and Mi» Yrwh Chee Kiaa. daiifhtcr of Mr. Teoh Soo Enr. were married at the Taiptac The woddinf of Inche Motid Sbjuiff bin aT«lnm and MJm Malaunanh btote AMu'!»h took at Kunpon: Jacota, winfuporc The (room
    57 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 129 15 Usefal and Decorative PEKING CARPETS RUGS IN A!S EXCLUSIVE SELECTION— QUALITY GUARANTEED— 41*o a large uock of Peicter A Copper War** Cunos. Jewellery 4 <fc The Old Capital SI. STAMrORD ROAD. SINGAPORE. \m ft I It T"WC_w<^rjhTlAT S 1 HOMAMEP aVASSIM A CO. (8.8.) When a LITTLE »caas a
      129 words
    • 285 15 waves and curls FOR LOVELY GIRLS inH 4KB bLBB To nn younrlf attractive waves and <.urlt quickly and eaaily get tome Anurm Ware Set and follow the full, nmple direction* enclosed. Amanu Wave Set n non-otly, two* Micky, and it dncs very quickly. AMAMI wave sets Obtain a* mrr»»M. Try
      285 words
    • 316 15 if^BOND STREET jff j Sag A gracious ami entrancing fragrance of supreme V 1 quality. One of the few Perfumes of real f gM distiiM-tion and outstanding beauty created ia I -jy recent tines. It is the mnci Fashionable Perfume -g§ of thi* Season and is worn on all notable
      316 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 306 15 THIS WEEK FOR YOU JANUARY (Dec. 21— Jan. 19): Centre of interest this we«k lies in home affairs, famiIly health. Working conditions change (or better towards verk-end. FEBRUARY (Jan. 30— Feb. 18): Money comes In more readily, perhaps through I lucky 'spec.' Family crisis about Friday I Headway made m
      306 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 820 16 mu»o-rmr jasss^BlifeQ r^JSfS^^ tparkling \W §'l I t o £S3b CHI YERS The nwsi \H)\>ular jellies Js\ [nr iwrt half a century 1 1 Hi* n, h tmtv ilavoun to characteristic of •Lj Cf»i' rr»* Jellic > have won for them a world i\ji. "\V a llle popularitY. What could
      820 words
    • 509 16 HOW TO PUT ON POUNDS OF FLESH IN A FEW WEEKS Take Tasteless Vitamin Tablets Men and women who are losing weight, who live under the shadow of a nameless dread, can take fresh courage. During the last two years, a wonderful new flesh-forming, weiphtincreaslng tonic has come to this
      509 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1089 16 Wireless Programmes TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL 1.133 «c/» r'tt to.) ZHPI 9.89 me/* C 50.96 am.) (ZHP2 6.474 me* »SSI m.) ZHFI Ml mt/. (»lja m.) ZBL ZHPI ZHP3 ZHPI 6.J8 a.m. Singapore calling: 8.33 a.m. Mews In French relayed from London; 8.80 a.m. News commentary !n .-rei«tii: am Recorded
      1,089 words
    • 410 16 corded Arabic music: 8. 35 p.m. News in Arabic; 8 .55 p.m. European music on gramophone records; 9.05 p.m. News In French; 9.20 p.m. News In Hindustani relayed from London; 9.45 p.m. French programme; 10.45 p.m. Close down. MIROM tUU v.v me/* (1141 mo; tut i*.is mea 1 198* m.);
      410 words
    • 820 16 EMPIRE STATION stertseti rrequene) Schedule: Kjutern Transmlstion CIS o.oa to II.M pm IiSV-nj) me/*: lt-84 Metres aiM OSF 1914 me/s: 19.81 metres. From 905 om 11.51 p.m. an*) GSD— me/*: CS.SI metrea North American Tranamssssoß OSD: GSC (31 metre o*ndi asto GUI (31.23 o» 9.8* 6.05 a.m. News: 6.20
      820 words

  • 1294 17  -  Doc. By •TWO games of cricket are being played to- day which hold more than ujual interest to cricket enthusiasts, the semi-final of th Garrison cricixt competition and the Officer; »s. Other Ranks match. The former game will be playeU at Changi when the holders J the
    1,294 words
  • 723 17 Singapore Badminton Notes <By Our Badminton Correspondent) THE trip to the Federal Capital during the 1 holidays by the Devonshire 8.P., champions of the last ooen inter-club competition, was a very successful one from all points of i view and apart from the credl'able show put up by the local
    723 words
  • 234 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Jonore Bahru, Saturday. CINGAPORE Junior singles and doubles tiue holder, Ismail bin Hajl Marjan, annexes the championship In thr Johore Bahru bac-mlntr-n tournament yesterday, beating L*tnbak In a strenuously fought game that rmi) to three sets. Effective smashes and clevct placing were the
    234 words
  • 325 17 The August B.P. table-tennis team tourea I Kuala Lumpur last week-end. Results of the' parries are (August first): Beat Selan<?ar Chinese Athletic Association 4—l. Chua Kirn Hearn beat Cho ChaK Lam B—l. Lai Ying Hon beat Leong lc Ng 3—o. Yeo Cheng Hal lost to Ho Kum Thu
    325 words
  • 199 17 At the annual general meeting of the MerrUads Musical Association the following were elected office -bearers Patron, 8. J. Chan: vice-patroi*. Chua Rock Lwee: hon. president. lim Kirn Tlan: hon. vice-presid-ents. Koli Kirn Tuan. Lee Choon Eau, Low Kway Song. Lee Pang Soo. Lee Tlan Seek, Ong
    199 words
  • 115 17 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. BY beating the Negri Sembilan Police by two goals to nil. the Port Dickson soccer I U am won the Hose Cup competition, i Port Dickson played typical cup tie soccer and their bustling tactics upset the Police defence. Particularly brilliant in
    115 words
  • 66 17 The following will represent the Red Rose B.P. against the aaayblossom B.P. 10-Uay (Sunday) on the home court. 60. Lortmg "J". Ttlok- Kurau. beginning at 3 p.m.: Byed Salim. M. A. lange (capt.), C. P. Lange i George Albert Thcr-elra, Vincent Perelra. Walter Dendroff, F. S. de
    66 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 283 17 YOU DARE NOT DESTROY THIS BOOK! The literature you get with most products is worth reading but could then be thrown away with little loss. But if you want to make the most of Milton you simply dare not destroy the Milton Directions Booklet. It is as invaluable si Milton
      283 words
    • 441 17 day. i jPllly when Big Ben It means more to you than ever before SEVEN AM.. .and ALL'S WELL O INGING out to you from the very heart of the 4 Nations mighty war effort comes this homely reminder of how modern radio plays its part in drawing ever closer
      441 words
    • 72 17 ASTHMA] Since 1869Himrod's Asthma Cure has been recognized as a Standard Asthma Remedy throughout the world andaher 70 yean ie continue* its high reputation foi providing relief to Asthmatics. Ti« muy ttlit* I f—hd gtt .1/1 bad kntun it w~ "DISRAEU. LORD BEACONSFULO" "Tba is mm txniltmt ntndjf*r tstbms. SIR
      72 words

  • 235 18 Now in the best of health •"Since I have had my little baby, I have suiTered terribly from constipation and lassitude. I felt te:ri'>ly low and depressed and everything was too murh trouble lor me. But I was recommended to Fynnon Salt and non I
    235 words
  • 375 18 According to MttMttH, t>s out ot evcr> 100 men sooner or later are started on the road to premature old age by prostate gland trouble. One of the commonest symptoms of this dangerous and mysterious lard ailment If the necessity of
    375 words
  • 1544 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penan?, Saturday. A FEATURE of the last day of the Penan? Turf Club's summer meeting to-day was the victory of Grand Prix in the mile race for crack horses. Trained by Van Breukelen and ridden by Woods, Grand Prix romped home
    1,544 words
  • 212 18 WEIGHTS FOR THE FIRST DAY OF TAIPING MEETING (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiplng, Saturday. POLLOWINO are the weighs for the first day of the Taipln* Turf Club's a Mßust professional meeting on Aug. 14Ilones. Class 3, About 5 furlongs Burraneer >.10 Stormy Night «.01 j Famlcy 8.08 The Emperor 7.11
    212 words
  • 80 18 The Sepoy Lines Golf Club women's monthly medal competition resulted In a win for Mrs. J. W. Softley. The following cards wen returned: Mn. J. W. Softley B+HV4 19\4. Mrs. A. D. Williamson 114 7', 18 1 4. Mn. D. A. B Hopkln 3 134=164, Mn. C.
    80 words
  • 485 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Secamat. Saturday. npHERE was an exciting finish to the I 1 annual cricket match for the Webb I Cup between the Jol.ore English ColI l?ge and the Segamat English School, I the Secamat schoolboys wlhnins by 11 runs. Highlights of the match were
    485 words
  • 38 18 The Singapore Table Tennis Association Is to run an Invitation Business Houses league championship. Fntrle* should te sent to the hon. secretary, Mr. Joseph Van. e'o China Insurance Company. Ltd., Medeiros Building, before Aur. 20.
    38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    89 18 The Ceylon Sporta Club, Singapore, met the Tamilian Physical Culture Association. Koala I umpur, at hockry and cricket as Kuala Lumpur dmlnr Angrnst holidays. They won the hockry but lost the cricket. A tea-party was held at the Tamilian Physiral Culture Association, "rated (left to rl»ht) MUs G. Kandlah, MUs
    89 words
  • 249 18 PLAYINQ cricket at Raffles Institution yesterday beginning at 11 a.m., the Teachers' Association won the aga nst tne Combined Schools by two runs. P. O. Segeram of Rattles Institution got his 100 th. wicket cf the season when he took five for 24. SINGAPORE TEACHERS'
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  • 222 18 BRILLIANT batting Dy R. Thoy, who scored an undrteated IDS runs j featured the cricket nuuch at the Padang yesterday in which the Com- bined Col'eges were held to a draw by the Singapore Recreation Club. COMBINED COLLEGES Abdul Aziz b Jan&en 4 B. S. Varma o Marchuil
    222 words
  • 287 18 EXTRA time sporlingly allowed by the Straits Chinese Kecroatxn Club enabled the Y. MCA. to win by four wickets in a cricket match played at Hong Lim Green yesterday. The V.M.C A. largely owed theli victory to Lail Singh, who hit freely for his
    287 words
  • 59 18 (From Our Own Corresp ndenO Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE Perak Indians beat the Selangor j Indians by three goals to nil in the semi-nnal of the soccer competition for the Parthan Shield to-day. The Perak team were easily superior They scored all three goal* In the seennd ha'f
    59 words
  • 50 18 Singapore retained the Sultan of Perak Cup when they beat the Malay States at the Singapore Polo Club yesterday by six goals to four. Manchester* beat the 8C FA by three goals to nil In a reserve division njue soccer match played at Tanglln yesterday.
    50 words
  • 753 18 Men's Open Badminton Singles A LARGE crowd turned t:n nt th« Clerical t'nion Hall yrsterday to I watch the seml-rlmi mntchrs oi the [men's open badminton sinrMes wliicti, as expected, resulted in Worts Pen? Soon, Mayflowers, and Yap Chin Tee, j Devcnchiros, qbalif ylng to meet in the Qnal. I
    753 words
  • 222 18 (From Our Own Corresponc ?nO Muar. ST. Andrew's School, Mucx, ath'c Iz sports there was- a tie in the nciivldual champioi ship, Junior division, between Khalid and Jit Poi. The senior division championship was carried by Kwang Hul SIXIOE LYI.N I •> 100 Yards: I.
    222 words
  • 30 18 rE water -polo match between the Singapore Swimming Club and the Chinee Swim* mini; Club, which was arranged to be played at the S.C.C. to-day, has been cancelled.
    30 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 274 18 Hearing Restored Stop Head Noises Deafness and Head Nolars need not bo dreaded any longer since th« discovery of an American Physician. Now it ia possible for some of the most obstinate cases of Deafness to be relieved In a day's time by the application of the proscription called Spantex.
      274 words

  • 629 19 (From Our Own Correspondent Baiu Pu. t. AT the athletic sports of the Govern.nent English School. Batu Pahat, Chu'an House easily became champion House for the aecond In succession w'th 152 points. I C. SMvadurai, who was Individual champion ■with 18 points, beongs to
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  • 41 19 Calcutta, Saturday. AFTER two drawn games, the Military eleven got the better of Mohan Bagan, fat the Indian Football Association Shield re-play, by one goal to nil. In the other game, the Aryans, holders, defeated East Bengal one-nil Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 25 19 Owing to the school holidays, the cricket match between the St. Andrew's School and the Royal Air Force (S^lctar) at Woodsville, had to br cancelled.
    25 words
  • 222 19 DEADLY bowling by J. N. Fernando and M. Uammell who took six wickets for 13 and four for 10 respectively, enabled tr*e Christian Brothers Old Boys to beat the Fiesent Boys by 72 runs in their cticket match played lor the Clarke shield on the St. Joseph's ground
    222 words
  • 242 19 *pRAIL, taking si* wickets for 28 runs. greatly heloed the S.R.C. second team to beat the S.C.C. second string by 41 runs in a cricket match played on the Padang, yesterday. S.R.C. n S. de Cruz ht. wkt. b Cox 21, S Hope c OuUand b
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  • 196 19 Police Navy Draw THE cricket match between the Sngapore Police and the Royal Navy at the Depot yesterday ended in a draw, time in ervening. Royal Navy: Farbrother c Harbajan Singh b Sullivan 7; Waites c Cbeow Bang b Wilson Ci; Haney b GulLvan 6; Sea.c., c (VMM Eang b
    196 words
  • 49 19 The August mixed foursome held at the Island dub resulted:— Mrs. C. J. Poh and Cheong Cliae lim 50— 1J^35; Mrs. Wyckoff and B. H. Chua 45 7=38: Mrs. Oei and T. Cheah 49— 10% =38^4; Mrs. C. A. R. Batcman and P. Da Costa 47—8)4=38%.
    49 words
  • 306 19 RECOVERING nicely in the last 15 minutes of the game, the Chinese Athletic team beat che Malays by two goals to one at Ansoa Road stadium yesterday, in the nrst division of the league. I; was a good game, cleanly contested and full of thrills. The
    306 words
  • Article, Illustration
    123 19 Picture taken at the eight annlrersary ee!ebraflon of the Ptayfair BP. (left to right): Front row: Sim Lye Iloat, Amy Lee, Andrew Koh, Ronn> Lee, Janet Lee, Chan Kit Mob; Seated: Dory Tan, Yong Scok Lian, Laura Lau, Lim Lian Seng, Robert Lee, Johnny Tay, Chan Swee Lee, Koh Ken*
    123 words
  • 177 19 Toronto, Friday. PR the first time since 1S»14 th-re are prospect* 01 the Canadian opan golf championship remaining at home as Robert Gray Jnr. had a par-shatter-ing 65 in the second round for a halfway aggregate of 135. Robert Gray was born In Scotland and went to
    177 words
  • 205 19 THE Loyal Regiment beat an Antl--1 Aircraft Regiment by two wickets in a crick©; match played at Changi yesterday. A. A. Kcgimeai: Sgt. Coiby c Parkinson b Tuim.- L/Bar. fc>~ul]y b Ai nrr I; Gi.r. Labrooy b Heaton 1; Lieut. Hamp b Heaton 0; Capt. Fierce
    205 words
  • 216 19 (From Our Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE TP.C.A. did vry well to get a very strong Selangor Club aide out for the modest score of 124 runs in the first innings of the Stonor Shield final to-day. SELANGOR CLUB T. M. Hart c Kama; b NalUah
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  • 45 19 Playing at Bukit Timah golf course with W. J. Gibb. A. J. Williams, a victor from Bangkok, did the seventeenth hole, a distance of 138 yards, m one. This is bis third hole In one. tee others being In Rangoon and Bagkok.
    45 words
  • 29 19 Kho Sin Kie, Davit Cup tennis player, wm p!ay friendly matchfs at the Btralts Chine.-c Recreation Club on Monday, beglnI nine at 4.30 p.m.
    29 words
  • 747 19 fProm Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. GREAT disappointment was caused in cricket circks in Negil Sembilin over the dismal lailure cf the Malay States batsmen Jn the annual M^liy State:, versus Colony match played at Penang last week. This disappointment Is not surprising I when one considers that
    747 words
  • 280 19 (From Our Own Correspondent; Joh ore Bahru. T»HK annual cricket match between the students and the teachers of the EngHsh College ended in a victory for the boys by a single run. Scores: Teachers: Ahmad Bulatman c Yunan b RaUiam 33, O. Lowe c Ratnam b
    280 words
  • 89 19 W London, Saurday. HILE English football is in th» thross of domestic trouble, Scottish soccer, after only a few weeks' rest opened a new sr-sori *o-- v. Glasgow Rangers, the only club running two teams, made a toccessiOl start, both thp teams winning, says Reuter. ResultsSOUHTHEKN LEAGUE Albion
    89 words
  • 462 19 "■«j> uivisivn P. W. L. D. P. A Pta. Cheese *S.C.F.A.) v 2 »«J v M K-A.P. 13 13 3 254 21 28 L «y»i* 19 12 5 2 13 21 n Fortress R.E. 21 11 6 4 53 34 23 Chinese Athletic 10 11 5 438 at,
    462 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 163 19 WGDPIN6 C€XGMONY "WA a c u CCSS S AFTSK ALL SK-H_l 1 ARRANGEMENTS FOR OUR SON'S WEDDINQ. Wkj ARRANGEMENTS FOR MY WEPPINO ARE HELP l__yt y *JT*^_.-^ Bm-aT^n w.^mm^'in^K'jz^k. M n and so 'i^^^r^ g^^^Bß/^BL i \uL //j f &\f "fixing the simplest >l HORLICKS r^ s^^jwS££cMLL' m»*~ WMitn i
      163 words
    • 288 19 Help Nerves AidGlandsCinemaWay in Hollywood the clnfmi are under a nervous strain night and lay In pre~ ■criMif for and treutiag famous ac-.ors and actresses, a California, physician succewnd in combining; 9 hirhly concentrated •ztracts to aid nature in steadying aad •trenrthenlng; the nerves, building rich red blood, ntimulatin? energy,
      288 words

  • 380 20 A SWASTIKA-MARKED plane circled low over a field in England and prepared to land. Covering it with their v capons puzzled R.A.F. men waited grimly as th* machine came lower and lower Meanwhile the two men in the plane kept wav- ing
    380 words
  • 105 20 Lan Macpherson, of the R.A.F., is to be married in December —to a girl to whom he has not proposed. He had a cable last week from South America: "Returning London December for wedding. Helen." He was so surprised he cabled back: "Is it me?" and
    105 words
  • 35 20 THE former Tasman liner, S.S. Wanganella, 10,000 tons, has been converted to a hospital shlp, with accommodation for 450 patients, the Army Minister, Mr. P. Spender, disclosed in Melbourne recently.
    35 words
  • 21 20 The two young Frenchmen with th<ir stolen German aircraft, shortly after their Undine in England.
    21 words
  • 101 20 A USTRALIAN nurses maimed machine-guns against Nazi dive-bombers during the evacuation of Greece. i Members of the crew of the Australian destroyer Vampire said this when they arrived In Adelaide recently by train. It was wonderful to see these girls behind Bren guns
    101 words
  • 130 20 HTHE New South Wales Minister for Education. Mr. C. R. Evatt, told the Parents and Citizens' Associations' Conference in Sydney that he had dei elded to abolish corporal punishment in public schools. Mr. Evatt said that he hoped also to abolish corporal punishment in lni
    130 words
  • 93 20 MEMBERS of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly cheered when the new Speaker, Mr. D. dyne, announced that he had had a red light installed in the Chamber which he would switch on to warn speakers three m.routes before their time limits expired. This would be
    93 words
  • 94 20 A MILLIONAIRE Industrialist who died last year left his fortune to four showgirls and nothing to his wife or son. He was William Guggenheim, a member of one of the United States' wealthiest families. Guggenheim, who was 72 when he died, left an estate valued
    94 words
  • 151 20 A MAN slipped on a piece of coal while at work and fell against some revolving machinery The machinery tore oft his left am and shoulder blade. He was bleeding heavily. But he made his way down a ladder, then down five flights of eleven stair? each
    151 words
  • 99 20 AillSS Nancy Cunard. daughter of the late Sir Bache Cunard. was denied entry into the United States recently. Miss Cunard had arrived in New York in a Spanish liner from Havana (Cuba), where the United States Consulate had refused her a visa. Miss Cunard,
    99 words
  • 76 20 Sorry, Sir, My Teeth Froze Up J*ECAUSE of a severe frost, a soldier in a New Zealand country camp turned out late for morning parade and without his teeth He had placed his false teeth in a glass of water over-night, and tn the morning they were frozen m a
    76 words
  • 207 20 Tale Of "Owd Bob, Dog Hero Of Birmingham MONTHS ago, a neglected and starving dog was picked up in the streets of Birmingham. He was taken home, fed and nursed by Mrs. W. B. Slater, who runs an Animals' Hcme in the Harborne district. She grew fond of him as
    207 words
  • 167 20 rEORGE BERNARD SHAW announced on his 85th birth- day recently that he is writing a new book on politics. Shaw said he would call It "Everybody's Political What's What." "I've discovered that nobody knows the ABC. of politics," he sairj. "My book will be
    167 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 185 20 fl HP E23k/ w^Jitiyiliy WQ FtaHCno BC. I JBBjH»^ ■B 987 *Sm* BT^|W^_ "JVvAHk^H WmW BK mm J Jtmm^Z r* *-$vrc&i li< 4ofl^H -^^^4tKbbS9^l^9w 'nflH^t' v &HL b^bb "''Cf'-'V *i GUARANTEED 21% BONUS I don't know anything about stocks my death or on retirement, and shares. Oh! yes, I remember;
      185 words
    • 280 20 BINOCULARS!!! NEW ARRIVALS "UNCLE SAMS" Continental Patent 8x EZEKIEL 6c CO. No. 3, Capitol Building, Spore Genuine Diamond sjfo I Watches (mF Vg*sf From S 90.- to $780.We have a gn><l selectioil at pre-war price MEDICAL BOOKS BRAUMON"! S MjSDICINE, Row; ie Cvless' MANUAL OF SURGERY, Prazer Si Robbins's MANUAL
      280 words