The Straits Times, 8 August 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 158 1 Try MIEN CHONG TAILORING 14 CrinniD St. awn. IU AnitaUt- SaM Lcacta* "BaefcrMlc" UmiUu,*C.S.A WAIN SHfBXI S la Mk (Stf W«rl Abw AMBBICAN NUIKSKIN la tartoai ertiati SINGAPORE, 140 CKCIL ST. ('PHONE 5471) H^r t'L^ -^ZHB Hi ROPES QCIENTIFICALLY constructed for long life, safe loads and satisfactory service. There
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    • 122 1 KUALA LUMPUR 25 JAVA ST. (PHONE 3tt3). -■Cl^Jf- ajk isflOliifl i WORLD FAMOUS Travelling Rugs Sixe 56" X 70- FRINGED ENDS Pure Wool in their latest pwcc $27.50 E CM designs and colours with Plain Sixe 58" X 70" FRINGED ENDS Colour Reverse Side in Blue, mmcc $35.00 tACM Brown,
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    • 11 1 FINAL EDTN. ELSIE MARY Batter* Road. Mominft Afternoon Lvpn tnft Dre<«es.
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    • 69 2 Ill v.s has been received by emble of the passing away in Ceylon of Mrs. AbJul Cider beloved ulfc of Mr. M. M. Abdul Cader, Diamond Merchant Jeweller of 64 Bencookn Street. Singapore. Deeply regretted. Thlo Gim Leonp. teloved son of Mr. Mrs. Thlo Ock Choo, passrd away at
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    • 43 2 A requiem iritis will be suns at the Church ol St. Joseph at 6 30 am. en Saturday, the 9th Instant, for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. Therera EUaibeth Richards. Piaycrs of relatives and friends ar<rarncstly solicited.
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    • 50 2 OTTO SCHIFFNEK of Zurich. Switzerland called to rest on August 8, 1039. A beautiful memory left behind. Of a life that was always good It kind. A life made wonderful of kindly deeds And generous thoughts of others' needs. Inserted by his sorrowing family m Singapore ami Switzerland.
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    • 36 2 The family of the late Mrs. Maria LouLra Rodyk wMI to express their heartfelt thanks to all relatives and friends who attended Uic funeral, as well as those who sent wreaths and letters of condolence
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 493 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED JAVANESE COOK, BOY for Singapore household. Write Box No. 934, Btralts Tlmes^ ~A VACANCY EXISTS for an Asiatic Chargeman of drivers at the M/T Garage. H.M. Naval Base. Applicants must be able to speak English and Malay, have a thorough knowledge of routine servlcelng of cars and
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    • 553 2 SITUATIONS VACANT SEXTANTS REQUIRED for war purposes Apply Box No. 999, Straits Times. WANTED, Reinforced Concrete Deslgner for occasional spare time work. Apply Box No. 12. Straits Times. lady TYPIST required. Applications m writing only to Nestles Milk Co., Cantonment Road. State salary. SITUATIONS WANTED GENERAL EMPLOxTIENT AGENCY. 100 Emerald
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    • 826 2 FOR SALE ONE AMPLIFIER (electric gramophone i twj .'.how-cases, two novelty-machine*. Apply No. 46. Tras Street, Singapore. LAND AT JIRONG ROAD, 12th mile. Statutory Grant 23 acres, splendid opportunity; cocoanut. rubber and fruit trees, level ground, big frontage in road, suitable for pig and poultry-breeding. Going cheap for quck sale.
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    • 596 2 LOST BROWN 3lTCH— haf Pomeranian. Lost vicinity Orchard Road Market Sat. Reward, if returned to 26. Ozley Road, Singapore Phone 7669. PUBLIC NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. TENDERS are Invited for the erection of an Electric Substation and Store at Newton Tender Form etc.. obtainable from Office ol Muni. Architect A Building
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    • 578 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY iTH^MP/ON \JPTICAL C 2 4, ARCADE Bl DO.. PHONE 3002 It. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience <■ mmm^mmmmm^m\ I CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY APPEAL, 1941-TO-DAY "The Chiidren'i Own Show" at Melrose, 29, Tomlimon Rd. 6.15 On Aug. 16th Take your iriends
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated in England) pf.ninshlar and okikntal s. n co. mail passencir and cargo service: The oesl possible services are oeint maintained ti> th* P. O S N C. tram »h» Straits to their usual ports of call In China India Orion
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    • 421 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Oat«M arc not guaranteed, all cargo booking* subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class oassenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 104 3 fljrniture "TUBECKAFT" Table*. Chalrm, Stools. Bedsteads. Cola. Revolving Once (hairs Shop and Hospital Kruipmrnl arc made in eithri Chromium «r Stove Enamel finish Special designa made lo order far •uffirlrnt mantrtk-. •tJOl.ll LEAF" Tea Is a balanced blend of the rboicst tenner shoots of high elevation Tea Gardens of Ceylon.
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    • 143 3 KOLSTER BRAJiDES §Eafß CRITISK MAOE |\D RADIO SPECIAL OVERSEA F.1051L8 KB 'Drake 8-valve mains superliet f wave-bands 11 to 545 metres tropical construction international octal valves 8-watts push-pull output cathode-ray tuning indicator full-vision illuminated glass tuning; scale visual wave band indicator bass response control AC and DC-AC models. SOLE AGENTS
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 177 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY EMPIRE STATION KeTtar* ri«n»«it> gefcetalai FmIw TnaanlKlM •.II 9-m. to 11)1 M OST-17J1 n»«/«: 1(44 Metna. GS» I LI I DM 'II 1IJ1 BMtrM. ttmrn Mi WJm. 11 H p m >a4 G3D— ll.« me/i: IS.5J metrea Nartk >— Ifll Tri— Q8D: O8C <St »«lr* taMi O«T (JUS
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    • 208 3 WHOM TDB IMl me/* (1161 a.): fDC l».l» Mk (1I.M rLT 114* act (*7J» a. II f»> UJM a«/t <*«.*« ail rDB »M a«/i tll.4 ■41 TUD 6.64 ae/t (O.61 a). 10.50 a.m. Sextette In E Major Op. 20; 11.30 a.m. Songs; 11 50 a.m. Lunch tarlety; 1.10 p.m.
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    • 398 3 SINGAPORE zm. i.uj cc/t mm <■ > 7.HP1 9 6* <»«"• (16 m% IZHR C.47S ZHP3 7.15 ac/t («l.i» m.t ZBL. ZnPl ZHPt ZBM 10.00 a.m. Malay variety; 11.00 a.m. Twill music on gramophone records; 11.30 a.m. Recorded Hindustani music: 11 45 a.m. Cantonese music, (records). (On ZHr 3 only):
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  • 2242 4 Importance Of Retaining And Improving Fertility QN Wednesday night Mr. H J Page, director of the Robber Research Institute of Malaya, gave the third of a series of broadcast talks on rubber growing. He discussed soil problems, parti- cularly the retention or improvement of
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  • 86 4 Ringaper*. Friday Aag. I. sera. Bayers Sellers Prteae Prfcw Me. DC 8.8.5. (Spot loese) S*H UK Na. IX K.B.S. f ».b. H> rases July -Aag. (Seller's epttoai SSH *»>» U.F.A.Q. 8.5.8. f o.b. In kales Jaly-Aac (Seller's option) MVi MM r.A.Q. R.S S co b
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  • 37 4 rpHE price of rubber for purpose of assess 1 m -nt of export duty for the period Aug to Aug. 14. Inclusive, has been determined at 31 cents a pound. aUUa aa TMA QMtttc
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  • 508 4 Reports On Past Week's Business Pa weekly report on the rubber market. Issued yesterday, Stanton Nelson and Co. Ltd. write:--The four working days comprised in the past week have not been remarkable for any Improvement In the volume of trading, or for news regard ng the attitude
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  • 80 4 London, Aug. T. -pHE Govrrnment Is discontinuing the lssn- ance of 24 per «ent. National War Bonds. 1946-48. of which som<" £400,<KH).000 is outstanding. Sir Klngsley Wood. Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced In the Home of Commons to-day. Tr» fo»enun«it will relT In the future on the tingle l«sw of
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  • 393 4 BUYERS HESITANT AT OPENING By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, Aug. 8 XHE chare market was hesitant at the opening this nvrn n<* and buyers were Inclined to hold-off. It is not. however, expected that any particular easing of prices will oc~ur to -day. Yesterday the tin share
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  • 33 4 London. Aug 6. Twelve Finnish ships, detained in j British Empire ports following the i severance of diplomatic relations, will 'doubtless be available to the Allies after the Prize Court's adjudication.— i Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 597 4 AUCTION NOTICES A UNIQUE SALE OF CURIOS. AUCTION SALE Of well-kept latest deafen cro* grata pat- FOUR DAYS' AUCTION SALE tern wax polished teak household furniture Including One 13-Valve Ehierson Radio let Of Carved teak-wood furniture. Camphorln perfect working order, Chinese carpets wood lined chests, antique jewelled screens, and rugs.
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    • 323 4 PUBLIC NOTICES ROAD NOTICE. Road Work* ire In progress on the Main Trunk Road at double bend under Railwaybridge at 2<i mile South of Seremban. All traffic should proceed with rreat caution as the carriageway Is temporarily restrict*-. 1 to one line of Traffic. Senior Executive Engineer. Serembaa Seremban. 25th
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    • 103 4 V The Greater The Crowos irho are seen here, the greater V see signs of ALL'S WELL soon. TO-MGftiT Tea Uansant from 7.30 Late Dance from 9.30 Extension To-morrow to 1 a.rci. GLOBE THEATRE 7.15 TO-NIGHT 9.30 Warner Bros' MIGHTY "SANTA FE TRAIL" WITH K.KKOI. FLYNN. GRAND DOI'BLE FEATURE MATINEE!
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  • 365 5 London, Aug. 7. fpn5 Stock Exchange to-day continued quietly firm with industrials, especially breweries, making further good progress. OUt-cdged, after early firmness, reacted following the government's loan announcement. Kaffirs moved Irregularly, diamonds receded on profit-taking. Home rails were easier but oils and shippings tended higher also South
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  • 123 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prom Our Own Correspondent > London, Aug. 7. rOMMODITY and Exchange markets closed v as follows with previous quotations id in rent heels: New York: Not received. COTTON Closed fat duration of war. PEPKKWhite Muntok: I6>id. (16Hd.* Iampong black In bond: M. (»*d TIN: Easier. Spot: £254% (1256
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  • 60 5 New York, Aug. 7. THE following were the Dow Jones Averages when the New York StocE Exchange and Commodity Exchange closed and Aug. 6 Aur 7 10 Industrial* 128.10 128 09 !0 Rails 30.18 30.18 6 Utilities 18 74 18.72 Bonds 91.32 91.23 ?ommoi.Vy Index
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  • 79 5 New York, Aug. 7. •fHE following were the prices of Straits tin and rubber In cents per pound on tne Commodity Exchange to-day and yesterday. Aaf. S, Aiv 7. ■Hi Spot August September October November tU'BBER: Spa September October December January Sales: 52 H
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  • 1342 5 Borer* geOcrt Ampat (5s) 2a 7Hd 3a Austral Ami! (5s) Ss 9d 7s l'.id c.d. Austral Malay 33s 6d 34s 6d cd. Ayer HKam (5s> 17s 18» Ayer Weng (fl) .75 .80 BangriD Tin (f) 12* 6o 14* Batu Selangor ($1) 1.3S 1.40 cd. Berjuntal
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 177 5 BWm m Ir TTmnr- till l^Oi^tßSm mS 2fl T^ TVVV M l l^ TROPIC 8 PHiLnn Bs ii ?Y ■i bmmmm U mmcl 42-712 H WITH BAND SPREAD I Advanced, because of its marked superiority and perfect reception, compared with other radios, the Philco 42/762 seven valve battery set operates
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    • 181 5 An Adhesive I Compound Ready for tJH W immediate Ist El ra^jj-NoHeat... I No Soldering Uy Fl I Required v^| IP^I m 41 I FOR MENDING l^r\ AND fI XING 4KU jM WOOD, IRON, B^ I M A R R L E, LEATHER, Bf AUTO PARTS, TARZAN'S tanks, furniT~^ TURE,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 196 6 -V JACK LONDON'S greatest story of terror afloat.... Greater than ever on the screen TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 AiHAWSKA PHONE 6909 EXCITING As its three great stars, this surging Sea-drama from the thrill-packed pen of JACK LONDON SIB**-.* 1 UIPIHO K GARFIELD With ALEXANDER KNOX GENE LOCKNART BARRY FITZGERALD ftnctM
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    • 292 6 JANE AUSTEN'S Great Story of FIVE (V) Virtuous, ivacious, TO-DAY IBRATING, n.15-6.15-9.15 AIN, VIRILE, CAPITOL ICTORIAN VICTIMS! I Wfc M.G.MS BRILLIANT 12-STAR TRIUMPH! ETTj f<i/«,/MR. CHIPS' WIFE Jiu T^' IS IN LOVE WITH wamt ■La REBECCA'S HUSBAND! TO r Scandaloas? Yes. but delightful! Greer jfl 9^ and her sister* have
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  • 873 7 Appeal To President Roosevelt To Avert World Disaster Recalled Calcutta, Au?. 7. nii. Rabindranath Tagore, the Indian poet-dramatist and author, who has been described as "the Indian Shakespeare" and 'the Indian Shelley," died here to-day aged 80, reports Router. He underwent
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  • 206 7 Rich Germans Are Leaving Country London, Aug. 7. /"•OERINQ'S sister-in-law has etIv- ed in Switzerland from Bohemia, where her husband. Alfred Goering, has been manager of the Skoda works in the last two years, it Is learned in Czech clTCles in London. She was allowed to
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 90 7 London, Aug. 7. THE United States office of produc- tlon management disclosed tojday that the production of two--engined bombers during the first isix months of this year has increas'ed by 92 per cent. The production of single-englned planes increased by 150 per cent, and
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 32 7 Jerusalem, Aue. 7. CAPT. Oliver Lytteit n. Minister of State, accompanied by his wife, stayed last night at Government House as guests of the High Commissioner on his way to Syria. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 121 7 R.A.F. Continues Non-stop Raids London, Aug. 7. BRITAIN'S non-stop air attack in the west was continued this morning. Large formations of planes once again swept out over the sou^h coast and crossed the Channel. They appeared to be flying In wave.i toward Calais, Dunkirk and Ostend. During the hours of
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 67 7 New York, Aug. 7. "|T l» impossible to exaggerate British 1 morale. Air raids make no vital difference to production and workers do not take shelter diirlns raids unlc.s warned by roofspotter.-,. Somi' factories have been hit but the daniHKe is small," said Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 1207 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUG. 8, 1941. (706th. Day Of The War.) TIME FOR PLAIN SPEAKING Japan's campaign of intimidation against Indo-China has been worked up much more quickly than was generally expected. When Vichy capitulated to the demand for Japanese occupation of a number of strategic bases In
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 740 8 All-Malayan Organization Suggested To the Editor of the Straite Times Sir, The present grievances of the clerical classes In Malaya can easily be met If a General Malayan Clerical Union, with head offices in Singapore, be inaugurated. As Chinese predominate In the majority of firms, both In
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    • 75 8 To the Editor of the Strait* Times Sir, May I put forward a view on Indebtedness among Eurasian clerks and artisans? i A large amount of this indebtedness Is no doubt due to ignorance of or refusal to practice birth-control methods. Underpaid people produce more and more offspring, and
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    • 651 8 Only Treatment Japan Understands To the Editor of th« Straits Times Sir. The spirit moves me to write to you to congratulate you on your leader headed: "Bargaining." It iu really excellent. To use an Americanism "yon said a mouthful." and what you said was to the point.
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    • 308 8 To the Editor of the Strait* Tfcneat OBSCENE:—Planter's bungalow upcountry. Planter anxiously awaiting News Bulletin from Singapore. TIME:— 1-29 p.m. Aug. 5. M.B.C. ANNOUNCER:— "You have Just been listening to Records. nrmbers The time is Just past half past one and the next part of our programme will follow
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  • 935 8 Nazi Menace Vividly Portrayed THE famous American war cop. respondent, Mr. H. R. Knickerbocker, delivered a striking speech on the war situation at a recent (fathering in Philadelpl'ia. He first gave his answer to the question: Can Britain Stand and said that he had a lot
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  • 49 8 London, Aug. 8. IT is learned a serious nre and explosion occurred on Tuesday at the premises of a firm engaged in the manufacture of oil products on Thame* tide. Seven casualties were reported. Trie cans? of the fire U being Investigated. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 We s tock the biggest range of Chinese Bed-sheets. The quality is the finest we have ever imported. In various Colours and in Various sizes at Low Prices. ALSO PILLOW CASES TO MATCH guaranteed Fast (uiours. GIAN SINGH CO. 4, Battery Rd Singapore These machines are now also available with
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    • 63 8 2nd shipment Just arrWed! GONE WITH THE WIND by Margaret Mitchell. It Is an enthralling story of the American Civil War, It's packed with Incident and character, and throughout 1U length the excitement is sustained. 1037 pagrs. Cheap cinema edition Price only $3.00. Postage 30 cents. O. H. KIAT A
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  • 707 9 Conflict In Pacific Soon A Possibility MENACE TO GIBRALTAR AND TURKEY STILL EXISTS We Must Be Ready To Act In All Directions Gough BY GEN. SIR HUBERT GOUGH (Reuters Military Commentator) THOUGH the centre of interest is still in Russia, 1 there are
    Reuter  -  707 words
  • 163 9 London, Aug. T. JNURING the past 18 months, said Mr. Dinr.le Foot, Parliamentary to the Ministry of Economic Warfare, Sn the House of Commons to-day, Germany Imported from the Scvbt substantial quantises of essential war mat rials, including cereals, oil, timber, m-n« r
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  • 357 9 British Regain Initiative Heavy Axis Losses In Western Desert London, Aug. 8. /THE initiative in the Western Desert j has now passed intc British hands completely, it is stated In authoritative quarters in London. The Axis Powers, instead of threatening an attack on Egypt, are talking nervously of the possihlity
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 103 9 Hitler's Best Soldiers Technicians Killed London, Aug. 8. QERMANY'S total available manpower for military purposes is estimated at 7,000.000 in an analysis of German reserves published yesterday by the newspaper Izvestia. says the Moscow radio. This includes all men up to the age of 50. Available men between 18 and
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  • 281 9 THE latest news of the fighting on Germany's Eastern Front is given in last night's Russian communique which says that yesterday Russian troops were stubbornly fighting the enemy in the directions of Smolensk, Kexholm, Kohlm which lies half-way between Leningrad and Smolensk, and Byclaya-Tserkov. The
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  • 158 9 Bangkok, Aug. 8. A SOURCE close to Luang Pibu] Songgram, the Thai Prime Minister, said yesterday that the Thai Government has no intention to yield bases in Thailand, if requests for them came from either the Japanese or British authorities, says Reuter. He added that
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 683 9 Rome, Aug. 8. A INMOST 25,000.000 people to-day are making the greatest known mass migration in history as a result of the war between the Axis and the Soviet, according to dispatches in the Italian Press. Telegrams from the Russian front Angara and Istanbul
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  • 167 9 London, Aug. 8. SIR Archibald Sinclair, the Secretary for Air, gave an analysis, showing the total number of British, German and Italian aircraft lost or destroyed I on all fronts, excluding the Rusrlan. dur.n? the months rl May. June and July when questioned
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 236 9 London, Auk. 8 "/JREAT Britain must not burn" is the theme of a new decision by the Government regarding fire-fight-ing in residential ereas. In the opinion of Mr. Herbert Morrison Minister for Home Security, the people's fire-bomb army must have both adequate numbers and the espr.t de
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 132 9 Toklo, Aug. 8. IAPAN has no designs on Thailand she Is on very gcod terms with tnat state," declares the Japan Times, organ of the Japanese Foreign Office. The newspaper accuse* Britain of "raising the Japanese bogey to camouflage her own aggressive
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  • 567 9 U.S. Services Chiefs Said To Have Attended Rumoured Parleys Washington, Aug. 7. AS far as Washington is concerned, Roosevelt-Churchill affair has practically ceased to be a mystery. It is nov£ widely taken for granted that they must be together. It is argued that Mr. Churchill
    Reuter  -  567 words
  • 272 9 Washing u>n. Aug. 7. MR. HAROLD ICKES, the United States Defence Petroleum Administrator, announced that four American tankers are being transferred to Russia to transport aviation petrol and more Is being shipped In drums aboard a Soviet merchant ship. Petrol will also be shipped to
    British Wireless  -  272 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 9 f Witts I ffl la Australia wlne-maklng has reached > very high degree of excellence With 105 years experience behind them Penfolds Wines Ltd. now cover the entire rang* I of the Industry from the growing of th< grapes In their own vineyards to the crushing, blending, bottling and
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  • 645 10 Several Large Individual Items Acknowledged To-day ADDITIONS to The War Fund amount to more than $2,000 to-day and carry the gross total to $5,735,179. There arc a number of substantial individual items in the latest of acknowledgments, in addition to a further transfer of
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  • 153 10 Osaka, Auk. 7. ONK of the largest Japanese shipping lines, the Osaka Shiisen Kaisha, to-day announced its decision to close its branch offices at Singapore. Calcutta, Bombay, New York Manila, Sydney, Momliasa, Cap? Town and Los Angeles in view of the practical severance of economic
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  • 171 10 Large Supplies Sent Overseas Simla, Aug. 8. TKN million bidis (country made cigarettes* are among the gifts sent to Indian troops overseas by the "Amenities for Troops Fund" since January. Five thousand books, 1,690 gramophone records. 189 wireless sets, much sports and amateur theatrical equipment and
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 190 10 Ankara. Mmg, 8. A NOTE from tbe German Goferament to tbe Iranian Goteminent stating that it will be forced to break off diplomatic relations, if some 2,500 German subjects in Iran are expelled as a result of Anglo-Russian representations, has just been delivered to the Iranian Prime Minister
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 101 10 *akh.i:s iiorn. Dinner Drncp (Informal) 8 to Midnight. m WOSLD Cabaret: Nlghl Dance 9.30 to Mid- Santa Fe Trail. fflgr: Sightly Honourable. BAI'I'V THEATHE {Happy World) 40.000 Horsemen. 8eaeide: LUe m Colli-ge. NEW WORLD Talkl'j. Tlipa'res and Cinemas. Show Cabaret. Danrln*. TOKENS, QKTLAMa Bri'iham Young with Tyrone
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  • 44 10 MR. N R. Jarrett, Food Controller, Malaya, since the outbreak of war, will be leaving Singapore soon to become British R?sident, Selangor, In the place of Major G. M Kidd. Mr. L. A. Allen will succeed him as Food Controller.
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  • 391 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 7. CIVE Australian soldiers, John Victor O'Brien, Arthur Neal Barry Geary, John Anton, Walter William Stoneman and Ernest Joseph William Walker, appeared before Mr. Justice Home to-day at a special session of the Negri Sembila.ii
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  • 255 10 Prison Terfii For Chinese Motorist UOLD1NO that at the time of the n accident the accused was entering the bend in Grove Road, near the Junction of Fort Road, Mr. C. H. Whitton, the Traffic District Judge, yesterday sentenced Tan Yee Soo to eight months' simple
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  • 153 10 Order Of Running Non-Acceptors Penang Races The order of running and noo -acceptor* In Fenang to-morrow, the final day of the Pcnang Turf Club'* Summer meeting, are: Race 1: Ponies, class 2, dhr. 1. 8 furs --NIL lU-e 2: Horses, clan J. dlv. 2. 8V» fun Swelter. Race 3: Hursts,
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  • 100 10 A RRANQEMENTS for the services at St. Andrew's Cathedral in connection with the enthronement of the Right Rev. J. L. Wilson, the new Bishop of Singapore, are now complete. The actual enthronement ceremony will take place on Wednesday, at 5.30 p.m. There will also be
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  • 464 10 Can Cover Whole Malay Archipelago, Says Batavia (From Our Batavia Correspondent) AN important statement on the defence of the Netherlands Indies was made in the Volksraad this week by the N.I. Government's Deputy for General Affairs, Dr. H. I. Levelt, during the debate on
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  • 61 10 Toklo, Aug. 8. THE Finance Ministry announced yesterday that the Netherlands Indies have made certain concessions in the freezing order, such as the acquisition and disposition of movable and immovable properties, investments in business, foreign currencies and securities. It Is understood that this is reciprocal exemption
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  • 343 10 White Paper On Economic Policy GREATER EFFORTS ARE URGED [INSTRUCTIONS to Colonial Governments on the proper use of economic resources in war-time are published as a White Paper. The Secretary of State for the Colonies, Lord Moyne, in a despatch, recommends reduced spending on non-essentials, the
    British Wireless  -  343 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 ■;??■<'■**■ r--'%'^<^^^^ WtMk^m^kwW t^ St vfgrf %lif EBB HHHr 881 ■■■I XkP B^^^^HH HHB^HB^miP^S^f^ Sbb ,71r^r B^^. BY A^B^k ▼JB' r -^m^l^i BSt B^^^^^^k^ B» }Jl i HBv B^BB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B SS~SJ (Advertisement of Tlie General Electric Co., Ltd.. of England "Magnet f louse" Singapore. —^i— —i— ill V'ar*ni |M 4
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  • 61 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taipinz, Aug. rF High Commiss'oner. Sir Ehenton Thomas, In the course of his tour of North Malaya, will be In Taiping on Tuesday and will present the Malayan Certificate of Honour to Dato Perdana Indra at 9.45 a.m. outside the
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  • 90 11 WITH a view to facilitating military movements ill Singapore, Kafli s Quiv. from ;>s Junction with Japan Street to IU junction with Pohinsnn, is closed to all traffic except vehicles of the Services. This action has been lak. n by the Chief Police
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  • 35 11 npHE concert patty of ihc Gordon Highlanders is to give a hal-hour radio programme from the Singapore station from 7.30 p.m. to-day The party will broadcast again next Friday.
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  • 28 11 THE Governor-in-Council has declared t>; Malayan Free French r"orccs Fund to be a war fund for the purposes of the War Funds Ordinance.
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  • 33 11 AIR raid wardens of the Tanjong Pagar Division are giving a dinner at the Great World restaurant tomorrow in honour of Mr. H. U Hosklng, who recently retired as divisional warden.
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  • 22 11 MR. G. H ADDISON will broadcast a furtr er talk on Gardening from the Singapore station at 7.15 p.m. today.
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  • 339 11 Chance For Non-Europeans To Serve Ashore CINGAPORE Malays, several hundred' of whom joined the Royal Army Service Corps recently, in addition to other units of the Army and the Royal Navy, may now also serve in the newly created Royal Naval Auxiliary Fire Service. Hundreds
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  • 198 11 Failed To Appear In Court AN order for the arrest of Li You, a foreman employed by the Standard Vacuum Oil Company, who failed to make an appearance In the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday, when his trial on three charges under the Prevention of Corruption Ordinance
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  • 459 11 Total Has Now Exceeded $2,800,000 Mark rIE Chartered Bank of India, Australia ard China at honorary treasurers of the Malaya Patriotic Fund announce receipt of the folio* t-tir additional donattarn It th« Fund, ma: m a total of t?. 803.673 13 received up i last Wednesday.
    459 words
  • 628 11 "INHERE has been a miscarriage of 1 Justice, but I am not pressing for an exemplary sentence," said Mr. E. N. Griffith- Jones, Deputy Public Prosecutor, before Mr. Justice Aitken In the High Court yesterday. He was arguing an appeal by the Crown against
    628 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 306 11 *>. wy mm wPtfawmm During the reign of V&l'.mmzrf V M ■^^B Louis XIV, bands of H W^fl StA^K Hugenots left France Wmmmm^ mU and settled at the Cape, m ffßmmmmwf^f& m^A^^tJ South Africa. Vfi W^mmV^^mim^ J^^ y mmm) They brought with SZ^E^BUuTm them the knowledge of «B JfiMß^t^S W
      306 words
    • 240 11 Wl^W 1^ ft* CHARACTER •It is very WL jjp^yy\ important JHj f hat a man 's AM I\ dress clothes. L V dmm\ to possess *H character, *fl H/ and to be correct and X j\. impressive, X so tnat he S may wear fo them with PQI mL ease,
      240 words

  • 367 12 Sixty New Medical Dental Students 120 At Raffles IN a few days, students all over Malaya who have 1 been waiting for months to pain admission to the College of Medicine and Raffles College, will be embarking on their new studies. Both colleges have completed
    367 words
  • 684 12 rvISCUSSING the lack of response to appeals for more recruits to the Volunteer Forces in Malaya, the General Officer Commanding, Malaya. Lieut -Gen A E Percival, in his general Press Interview said, "There are reasons which have been given me by people
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 152 12 The manufacturers of STREAMLINE FILTERS now introduce a unit which can be fitted to truck engines, enabling them to run on clean oil at all times, without even draining the sump, for the STREAMLINE FILTER removes all damaging collodial carbon and sludge." By the removal of these harmful bodies, the
      152 words
    • 279 12 _--> yOU buy y« Ji them, you can aiw^ one jt Ajg g«^ T« on Craven m coo and m la contittent'y pacw t C3nu29 always I |l,lw» cool ana Regain youthful Looks and Vitality If your mirror shows you that you are looking tired, careworn, and older than your
      279 words

  • 98 13 Demand For French Military Bases At Dakar And Casablanca m^m i* London, Aug. 7. rERMANY lias presented an ultimatum to the Vichy Government, expiring on Sunday, demanding military bases at Casablanca and Dakar, the Ta?3 news agency reports in a dispatch from Berne,
    98 words
  • 270 13 ACCORDING to the Free French n newspaper France published In London, Gen. Weygand, Vichy Dele-gate-General In French North Africa, will, in future, receive orders of the French Government directly from Adm. Darlan, Vichy Vice-Premier. The Journal states that a decree was published yesterday In Vichy
    Reuter  -  270 words
  • 102 13 Washington. Aug T «j|R. CordeU Hull, Sicrttory o! s:att, told his press conference to-day that the note from JYan^e was substantially along lines reported in Press dispatches from Vichy. Asied wh ther the new assurances were jatirfarfory he said he sUH wished to know morr about what
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 44 13 Cairo, Aug. 8. THIHTY pccrle were killed and 35 injured and some damage done to property by an air raid on Wedn-"day night in the Suez Canal area says a Ministry or Interior cemmuniau- ReuU?r.
    44 words
  • 165 13 WE HAVE FORCES EQUAL TO TASK New York, Aug. 7. |«HE prospect of a British invasion of the Continent is beginning to be put forward in the American Pre»« as being not outside the realms of possibility. An expedition somewhere to the north, possibly with Russian collaboration,
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 46 13 New r«rk, Aur 7. LNCONFIRMKD reports carried by the National Broadcasting Corporation from Ankara state that Hitler has offered Great Britain peace proposals involving withdrawal of the Orman araves from western Europe but maintaining his positicn in the Balkans. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 228 13 London, Aug. 7. THE Daily Express naval correspondent writes to-day: "Heavily shrouded with camouflage netting, the German b»ttle-c rul s c r Scharnhorst. Adm. ,Raeders chronic invalid ship, Is back at Brest after an uncomfortable time at La Pallice. 240 miles further south "Battered by the
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 304 13 QNE THOUSAND British soldiers who failed JZ^ ft£ C«te r«-». month ag are 8ti Putting nn ifuerilla resistance against the They are living in raves with the Islanders and making sorties and ambushes whenever their superior knowledge of the country enables t^ni
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 196 13 Cause Of Accident Is Still A Mystery London, Aug. 7. DKUNO MUSSOLINI, n Duces younger son, was killed In an air crash near Pis a this morning, It is officially announced in Rome. The accident occurred while testing a new machine. no J'^ 8
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 61 13 BE WELL DRESSED The man whose clothes are of obvious quality, and bear the hallmark of the skilful tailor, is equipped to take his place anywhere with anybody. li^i YaA \aJa youx <^J*jLjrf the, fcoin the ongeI -weaxmg th ould. Cute k longe fav ourit««'- Rlot J Uu xel.TuUp. Ccd»rwooa.(>meo.Ko
      61 words
    • 127 13 "^—^S^^^V^^?^^ Ttl^BaUaUsaM ALL WOMEN ma? coiot admiration. Lipt that ippeaJ a tkm alluring, petal•mootb perfect colour blmdmg beauty re«lmica!ly natural in its appeal. LIPSTICKS in six lovely thadea. more iodriible nrm-nnootb with > tparldt and intensity of colour. The new ROUGE SOLIDE blends with all skins, in three eiquisiw shaifca.
      127 words
    • 160 13 I I As f timtvxjf snd wttkncsi Kt*4 \mmttttt aH correction Whil* iH* f »r« present ih« M"| •< cxpoMO 1 to the 4a«(*r of mort wrioui i». and ,s, u u b« ••Io»«d lmmtdlat«l r Brandt Eiwnc* of CHlckcn provide! tntrtf and itiiMSM and prometet «a U i« ipp«tlt«.
      160 words

  • 1731 14 Planting Topics Suggestions For Making Troops Feel At Home By Our Planting Correspondent I7ROM tinw to time it is a salutary exercise for any planter to ask himself three questions; what has been the extent to date of my war effort?; is it enough?; and where
    1,731 words
  • 383 14 RAMBUTAN RUBBER DIRECTORS' FEES Chairman £300; Others £200 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. July 10. fHE basis of remuneration of the directon of Rambutan Rubber Estates. Ltd Is to be revised. Hitherto, they h»ve shared 5 per cent of each year's net profit. Now it h prooavd to pay the
    383 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 189 14 W JJ5 1 .^jH KH| \o A MANAGER WRITES "One cooly can e^Uj m»n««« to push a full load, even on wet road*, and In dry weather the Cart c«n be taken Into the field. we understand from the Superintendent using the Cart, that he l.nds it Invaluable, c perially
      189 words
    • 153 14 KREMENTZ STUDS Krementz Sluda, like all Krementz jewellery, are guaranteed for a lifetime. They are expertly made in 11 kt rolled gold plate to vrear indefinitly even in the most humid weather. Alwayi insist upon Kre%mentz quality. Look for the name Krrmenlx stamprd on the bottom of every ttuU KREMENTZ
      153 words

  • 100 15 Tarleton Colour Ban In Boxing Liverpool, Aujr. 7. rE colour ban which prevents certain boxers from competing for British titles, though able to contest Empire championships Tommy Martin in the heavyw^ght division is at preseni appealing for the raising of the ban cimes to mind with the statement of Nel
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 242 15 A r cylls 3: Police 1. MEETING comparatively mild opposition, the ArcrvIK hnd little difficulty in healing the Police by three coals to one in a first division league soccer match played at Anson Itoad stadium yesterday. After even exchanges In the first five minutes, the Police
    242 words
  • 47 15 CHARACTERIZED by dull play and poor finishing, the second division (b> S.A.F.A. league match between the Airport Sports Club and the StamforJ Sports Club at Clerical Union ground yesterday ended in a win for th? former by one goal to nil.
    47 words
  • 63 15 THE following have accepted to play soccer for the S.C.C. asalnst the R.A. (A. A), in the first division oi the S.A.F.A. league at Anson Road stadium to-day: Capt E A. de L. Young; M. Rob:rts, E. W. Sabine; R J. Fcrbes, F. E. Hutchinson, J H. Abbott;
    63 words
  • 1642 15 Review Selections For Final Day Of Penang Races CAN Remember Me win in his present company in Penang to-morrow, the final day of the Penang Turf Club's Summer meeting This is a question most racing men will ask themselves in sorting out the
    1,642 words
  • 23 15 THE order ninninz and ron- acreptOTi for to-morrow's rsret will be found elsewhere in thfo issue if recerred in time.
    23 words
  • 96 15 London, Auc. 7. FOLLOWING a meeting of the 1 nslisli, Scottish and Services Football Associations called to facilitate fixture making and to prevent overlapping, dates have been arranged for a number of representative matches for the coming season. There is possibility of two big games a month
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 164 15 (From Oar Own Correspondent) Penan*;. Aug. I. PAT Burke (Mint*) Itifcet vary At in half pace work when a few of thr honea and ponies running here to-morro* wero given light eserciaea. Aerial Post (Woods) moved freely In tlow work, while Liut Chance (Daniels) looked
    164 words
  • 30 15 r[E Indian Association beat the Wanderers by the odd ~oal In thre« in a srcond division <b> league soccer match played at the J CSJI. ground yesterday.
    30 words
  • 763 15 MEMBERS of the Australian fighting forces stole all the honours in Ihe thirty-9eventh annual cricM malch between the Colony and Malay States, which was played over the last week-end in Penang and ended in a comfortable victory- by ten wickets for the Colony, to mark
    763 words
  • 43 15 six CKR: S.A.F.A. lea«ue, first division, R.A. (A.A.). vs. S.( Anson Road Stadium; reserve division. Fortress K.K. vs. Argyll*. hanri: second dlvis:on (a>, R.A.S.C. vs. R.A. (P. 8.), Alrxandra: SienaU vs. V.M.C.A.. V.M.C.A.: second division (a). S.C.F.A. vs. Kranji. CM.
    43 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 35 15 FOR HEAVY DUTY ALL RUBBER BOOTS c£"T Of) %< SIZES: iJa 6. 7.5.9. 10. 1 1. i.2. .i 'S STRONGLY REINFORCED B at all points of strain. fjML HMmmM^B Building 119 North Bridge Road. Phone 3158.
      35 words
    • 458 15 The wav back to new H EALTH glorious STRENGTH and I {radiant VITALITY/ i AMAZING NEWLY-DISCOVERED SEA PLANT jr*~2J& r^ builds WEAK, WORN OUT, RUNDOWN X people into STRONG, HEALTHY.^j^j HL FULL-BLOODED men and women %T^# i^^B^ Wlwn you g« Rundown, feel Worn out, lox w«igni or AWR Ixgia to
      458 words

  • 714 16 BRITISH PREPARATIONS ARE NOW COMPLETE "War May Come At Any Moment," Says Tokio Radio Announcer "SINGAPORE declared to-day that preparations are ready both in Burma and South China to smash any Japanese attempt to cut the Burma Road," the 8.8.C. announcer said
    Reuter  -  714 words
  • 388 16 London, Aug. 7. DANNER headlines in London evening newspapers carry the news learned in authoritative London quarters to-day that Thailand is undoubtedly in a position of danger." I The Even'ng Standard headlines its I report, "Japan threatens Thailand and Vladivostok. On» m
    Reuter  -  388 words
  • 140 16 London, Aug. 7. "THE British Air Force In the Far East Is superior In quality to 1 anything the Japanese could bring," declared an informed commentator in London to-day, discussing the Far Eastern situation. After stressing that all our dispositions in the Far
    British Wireless  -  140 words
  • 94 16 Moscow Denies New Border Fighting London, Ai'g. 7. AN official denial that any dishes between Soviet and Japanese troops have taken place near the Amur river or any other place Is made by the Moscow radio to-day. The Moscow radio says several i foreign newspapers have carried a 1 report
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 40 16 Tokio, Aug. 7. •THE Soviet Ambassador, M. consta-itln Smetanln, this afternoon conferred with Vice-Admiral Seiso fs'tonjl, Minister of Commerce and Industry, at the Minister's official residence. The topic of conversation was not disclosed. —United Press.
    40 words
  • 68 16 Ottawa, Aug. 7. NEW orders for 1,000 Hurricane and Harvard fighters are being placed with Canadian factories, according f an announcement by the Canadian Minister of Munitions, Mr. C. 1). Howe, yesterday. It Is reported, though hitherto without confirmation, that the United States
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 188 16 Washington. Aug 7. rli reported that Oermanys heavy casualties in the invasion of Russia are causing widespread repercussions within the Reich. Meanwhile rerorU from both fronts i indicate that the Nazi offensive U making Lttle or no prcgres* at the moment. There Is also a growing
    188 words
  • 599 16 Germans Held Up At Smolensk, But Advance On Ukraine Front London, Aui*. 7. THE routing of the famous Nazi Death's Head division is reported in a supplementary Russian communique issued this morning, according to the Moscow radio, which states A German lance-corporal
    Reuter  -  599 words
  • 39 16 Mo* ow, Ail j 7 ASI'BMARINK of the Soviet northern fleet ?cii?tr)tted Nazi harbour and ul«-w up a 6.000ton transport with *o lorperfurs and relumed saMy, the offlrUl Ta-M avney reported to-i!ay l'nitrri PriKnc.
    39 words
  • 70 16 Moscow, Aug. 7. A DISPATCH from the Baltic Fle«t to-day reports! the 3o- let capture of two Islands near the Hen^oe oase. which Is still Riusinn despite reported Finn-Germsn assaults. The Russians were mid to ba-e Landed marines from patrol boats and attacked the
    70 words
  • 140 16 London. Aug. 7. fJNE of t« great mysteries of history he v burial place of Attlla the Hun. the "scourge of God may be nearlng sotattom. According to the Budapest radio, archaeologists have been MreettßS! the neighbourhood of Vomalz village, some miles to the north
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 316 16 Saigon, Aug. 7. ALTHOUGH the British Consulate has not given specific orders, a large proportion of the small British community In Saigon Is evacuating next Monday to Singapore. The party consists chiefly of women and children. The Anglo-Saxon community is likely to be
    Reuter  -  316 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements