The Straits Times, 26 July 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 372 1 Sm MIEN CHONG for SMART TAILORING M Cowman St.. s mtc 4811 AraiUble— Salt LcntrUit "Rockrillf- S.Hlnt*— O.S.A WAINSHIKLI'K 1b Silk and Wrai Afcw AMFRICAN SHARKSKIN In Tartom rnlo»r» SINGAPORS 140 CKCtL ST. (PHOni M7l> L«t voui ears and eyes i^fl decide. Inspect the variety w££sE= a= ol important
      372 words
    • 177 1 KUALiI LUMPUR (PHONk 36tS>. SMART dtotoi FOOTWEAR No. 3 An Oxford Model m Dark Brown Calf Medium Round Toe. Light Punched Cap. Small Eyelet Holes. Leather Lined Heel Grip. Fitted with DOMCO' Rubber Studded Soles and Heels. A Broad Fitting Comfortable Model STRONG All SERVICEABLE PRICE $9.75 X* "I* II
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    • 9 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. m Morning Afternoon Evening Dresses.
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    • 67 2 KAM—Mr. Kam Swee Slew, late Manager of Messrs. chlng Keng Lee 4c Co., Ltd. passed away peacefully at his residence No. 435 Havelock Road on Thur-day. 24th Instant, aged 61 years. He leaves behind his two wives, four sons, one son-in-law, two daughters, two daughters-in-law, and nve grand-children to
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    • 34 2 Mr John Tay Ah Choon and family thank all relatives and friends who sent caskets, wreaths, letters and telegrams of condolence and attended the funeral of the late Mr. Peter Tay Jee Lre.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 504 2 SBie Straits Mhmu SMALL ADS? Minimum charge $1. for advt. not exceeding 4 lines. More than four lines 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. DEATHS, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS P.P C. CARDS are charged 13 each per insertion per Inch. Over 1 uMsh
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    • 663 2 EDUCATIONAL LESSONS m French and German by exI prrirnced lady-teacher. New quick system. Please apply Box No. BS6. Straits Tunes. AUSTRALIAN SCHOOLS The Ivanhoe Grammar School. A Leading Church of England Public School Boys are prepared for the University and Commercial careers The fees are £A 130/- per .-£96/StR).
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    • 582 2 PROFESSIONAL LESSONS In Building Construction. Reinforced Concrete etc. by experienced architect Apply .Box No. 893, Straits Times. BOARD KESIDENCE EAST ANGI lA, 6 Oxley Rise, cool ana aulet Terms model ate Tele. 4390. ROOMS FLATLETS at "Lloyd House' 2. LJovd Rd Own bathrooms Board or meal* CHATHAM COI'RT, St. Thomas'
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    • 621 2 _j FOR^ HlRfc REFRIGERATOR— New or Used. Phone 3333 MOTORING LESSONS i.t.AUN driving on my au a nun i A lady write* "Tour courtesy and oatlenc? truly inspire confidence and I thovougnu enjoyed the delightful driving lessons Trl *****. PRACTICAL !>!'.! t ING LESSONS taught by "Chamblon." My car or
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    • 515 2 TENDERS GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. RHNM will be received at the Office of the Director of Public Works, 8.8. Singapore, up to noon of the 19th day of August, 1941, for the following works:— Supplying and laying of 6" and 4" Reticulation Mains, complete with Specials, Valves. Valve Chambers, Anchor blocks, etc.,
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    • 252 2 BUSINESS CARDS Etc. JOIN THE GREEN CIRCLE LENDING LIBRARY Ist FLOOR I* I- HATTKRt Kl> P.O. BOX 34. SINGAPORE. M«trr*U terms: Special ratet OoUUlton Members Clubs and Mrsaaa Oaea Dalrv: >.M A.M. v P.M. 1 «at«rd«y»: H3« AM to I P.M EUGENE Pcraaacit Warng EUGENE Hair-reeMJUioaiof. MAISON PERM Suropean Ladiet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 522 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS (Incorporated la Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO SAN FRANCISCO Manila lions Kong Kokc Yokohaaaa. Honolulo San Franctaro aad Los Ancle* sjs NTTTA MARO from idanUa July 15 from H'kong July M ms. KAMAKURA MARU from Manila Aug. f from H'kong Aug. 13 s.s.
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    • 506 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailing* to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clause*. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 255 3 I ■T A few Rupen bririf a kottl* of PAN'MEI.m.-s ilotoilei a anil e«»endllure but the lain Wt true mar the Wtrmmi RRk heaHk kayrana and raw fad better and katter Al lmt cantime to take R. there are caaaa on record tlut h/*a permanently bcnefltted by Ha uae. VA^
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1114 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE MIL I ill «e/» ft»* m.» Z1IPI 969 me (te.M ml <ZHPt ««75 me a. I ZHF1 7.21 nr i < if sa.) zru zHP.i, znr.t 8.00 p.m. Msndsrtn daiice mtulc by the Chinese Dance Band, directed by James Ow Lai Weng; 5 35 p.m. Nrrws In
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  • 378 4 THE following donations to I*he Wai Fund are recorded to-day: Sino-British Engineering Corporation < Malaya) Ltd. durther contribution) 540 "Sheltie" 250 The Trading; Company Holland Ltd. proceeds of the sale of 14 Churchill masks 80 Contribution by boys of the Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore, m lieu
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  • 425 4 AT the half-yearly meeting of the Incorporated Society of Planters In Kuala Lumpur yesterday, Mr. T. B. Upton, chairman of the finance committfe, said: The Income from subscriptions »t the end of half year was $17,290.43 leaving a balance of $3,108.07 still to be collected.
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  • 232 4 London, July 25. THE question of a special allowance for tropical kit made to British officers posted to the East and Near East is being cons' dered by the War i Office following the recent raising of this point m Parliament. A military spokesman
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 193 4 I Washington. July 25. ANXIETY over the latest flare-up between Peru end Ecuador mounted taut night with report* that Interne lighting was In -repress along Ik* frontier at /.crumlller River and other points, says United Press. Informed quarters said the Under-Secre-tary of State, Mr.
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 436 4 Hesitant At Opening But No Selling Pressure By Oar Financial Correspondent Singapore, July 26. rpHE market this morning Is rather 1 hesitant and operators are not so sure that their Interpretation of the Far East moves yesterday Is now correct m vtew of the developments within the
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  • 149 4 New York. July 25. rtE following were the Dow June; Averages wh?n the Nrw Yor's Stock Exchange and CrmrmdLy Exchange closed to-day and yesterday: July 24 July 25 30 Industrial* 128 59 12T06 20 Rails 3035 29.92 16 Utilities 1867 18.52 40 Bonds 9160 91
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  • 105 4 Singapore. July 25. OamMcr ITM Hamburc Cuba 112 25 Java Cuba IIIOC Copra Mixed $2.40 Sun Dried $2 63 Pepper White Muntok 115 75 White $15.25 Black $7.75 Sago Flour Llngga MJC Fair $I.'2H $4.42'» Sarawak $4.25 Tame en Small Flake $7.75 Fair Flake $7.25 Medium-Pearl $9.50
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  • 47 4 London, July 25. TIN opened firm. The turnover was 100 tons. Stronger United States advices, together with the Far Eastern situation, were again responsible for the nrmne s. The rLse attracted some forward realizing against earlier purchases. After official hours a further 25 tens were traded Reuter,
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 577 4 U.S. LOAN BILL ENACTED STATEMENT BY CHANCELLOR London, ~.u\j K. THE Financial Powers 'United S.ategj Securl'ies) Pill which proposes authorisation of t^e pledging of all re» maining Brtlistl :-ive>rtmenis In th» Xi:i(ed fates against c !oan of $425,000,000 to the British Treasury passed all stages m the House of C
    Reuter  -  577 words
  • 90 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. RUBBER ASSN. Slagafjarc, Friday U. M*a. ■■yen fteaVn Prleea Priest N*. IX iss <H*M I«K) U\ 3»% M*. IX R.S.S fab. m rise* Jaly-Aac. Seller aytiosi) JtH O.».A(> R SS o m kales J«ly •Seller's optton> MW »H r.A.O KS S I a b i. tales Jmlj-Anr.
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  • 75 4 New York, July 25. IN the advance report to stockholders or the second ouartT's operations Mr Sloan, Chairman of General Motors said that the rcrnoration has backlog defence orders aggregating $1,200,C00,C00 m contracts already signed or m negotiation. The report added, however, that the peak
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  • 195 4 Tb* fnlaiaiin an die raenan«c rmtm am naming according to iLt dally circular i*»u*' tn the Hones one ano »^-"g«»M gt rising Corporation ■■ix mo London T.T 2/4 3 »2 l-ondon demand 3/4 1/33 Switzerland <T.T. only) 202 46 New York demand 47.19 Montreal demand 61 IS Batavta demand
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 253 4 1941'S BIG COMEDY SUKPRISE NEXT WEEK plans open ALHAMBRA b n°o o w FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT! SB I FINDS HOTTEST STORY RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE! f WarFlathlKittyFoyU'. Bk^^ s^Bi^ la frien< retreating 3jT before Strawberry kw r^ **W mHft Blonde; advancing on ■sT > r '"^a Merle Oberool 1 'CEO. TOfIIAS
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    • 338 4 TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. TENDERS ar« Invited lor supplTln* all MMM? labour and material. maktn and dellvn-lnc to the victor* Memorial BaU 102 Icapor timber rases of varrlnc sires bTerlfloatlon. Porm of Tender, etc. may be "brained at the Municipal Architect and Building Surveyor's Office on production of fc,,*"^!"?* 1 Tr
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 55 4 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES To- any H.W. 12.24 noon 9 ft: 11 54 pm 10 2 ft L.W. 5. 51 a.m. 1 ft: 6. 48 p.m. 3 8 ft fo- morrow R.W. 12. M noon 8.1 ft. L.W. 6.25 a.m. 0.9 ft: 0.26 p.m. 3 5 ft July Sunrise Sunset M
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  • 392 5 Idle But Prices Maintained London, July 25. 'pHE Stock Exchange to-day < as Idle but prices were generally maintained. OUt edged were about unchanged, Indian loans were slightly ,ower and Home rails were steady and not affected by unchanged interim dividends. Occasional small losses in industrials were
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  • 1363 5 reiDAT, JULY IS, 1MI: 4 P.M. ■M Bayen SeOcn Ampat (58) Si Ss 3d Austral Amal (sa) 7s lHd 7s 4ttd c.d. Austral Malay 33s 6d 34s 6d c.d. Ayer Hltam (Ss> 17s Its Ayer Weng ($1) .78 .82 Bangnc Tin <£> 12* 6a 14s
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  • 124 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Our Own Cot respondent London, July SS. COMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as folk>wa wltb previous quotation* B Mrenthests-— KCBBSB: Steady. Spot 13 7|l6d 13<Kd (13 7'l6d 13Kd) UWt. 13 7|lSd 13Kd (13 716 d 13Sd) )tpt. 13' id USd (13 id 13% d) 3ec. 13% d
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  • 84 5 New York:, July 25. T*HK following were the prices of 1 Straits tin and rubber m cents pel xjund on che Commodity Exchange tolay and yesterday:— [IN July 24 July 25 Spot 53 343 4 55 >4 July 53.90 55 00 August 53.85 54.75
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  • 142 5 Malls close at the General Post Onto s follows: TO- DAT d afa-12.30 p.m. Jric air 12.30 p.m. W™" airl2.3op.m. te y'» air 12.30 p.m. ItYPt air 12.30 p.m. Ireat BriUin etc air 12 30 p m Ddla air 12.30 p.m. alrl2Jo p.m. ledan air 12.30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 284 5 i ENDckS GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE WAJEDIF ESTATE, 4TTI MILE TEBRAt' ROAD, JOHORE BAnHU. TENDERS are invited for the lease ol the tapping rights of the above estate (or the period Ist September. 1941 to 31st Dec-m-bCT. 1941. The planted area of the estate Is 825 Acres cf which 770 acres
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    • 500 5 THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK LTD., M I JA II"Ji| llli (,lnc«rpw«ie* m BrtUak India) JML THE ACKNOWLEDGED FAMILY. PARK WITH ALL THE AMI si rIM W-T FOR THE NIGHT-OrT Entrust YOUR WJrfJrUJ SAVINGS TO-NIGHT w i{], Ta» Duntant from 7.M pm. After-dinnrr Dance fram 9.36 TIE lIDIAI OVERSEAS extension t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 219 6 A PICTURE ALL CHINESE SHOULD SEE TO-DAY AT S.IS P.M. And TO-NIGHT at MIDNIGHT ALHAMBRA "patriotic career" ¥^a£»m featuring LI CHUNG Directed by CHAI CHU SENG Star Director of "DEVIL'S PARADISE" respectively FJI!Mu I LAST DAY HSgfff#?Wßlfil 6.15 9.15 GORDON J^ HARKER -4^* JOHN LODGE f Cy SALLY GRAY jJr
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    • 223 6 YOU, TOO, WILL FEEL LIKE APPLAUDING THIS GRAND M.-G.-M. PICTURE I f^ADITAI 4 SHOWS TO-DAY I W#^ri Ul- I and TO-MCRROW 11 A.M.— 3.1.5— 6.1.5— 9.15 lutcioot Lana at iht Hnh-^S^^k ,n. bfij* of < W> a w»k clrrk ■J ww L»m alfltl io win lh« world., and down \H
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  • 443 7 ONE of the points frequently stressed against the Nazis Is that, In planning a village or town, they allow m site fcr a Church, the Inference being that it is intended to do without such a building, since there is no desire to
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  • 992 7 CHURCH OF ENGLAND ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL..— Sunday. 8.50 a.m. Holy Communion; 7. J0 a.m. Matins; C a.m. Choral Eucharist; SJO p.m. Evensong and sennoo. Preacher: Rev. I. C. E. Hajler. ST. PAULS CHURCH.— Sunda>, a.m. Holy Communion; 5 JO p.m. Bvenaonc and Sermon. ST. HILDAS
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  • 90 7 Hyde Park, N.Y., July 25. pRESIDENI Roosevelt to-day said the Isolationist leader, Senator Burton K. Wheeler, had gone too far "on dangerous ground" m opposing the Administration's International policies The President said he supported the War Secretary, Mr. H. Stimson, who asserted that Senator Wheeler was
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  • 110 7 Washington. July 25. THB Office fur Production Management assured the motor-car Industry yesterday that they would not have to cut their 1942 model production by SO per cent, beginning Aug. 1 us tentatively scheduled by the Price Administrator. Mr. Leon Henderson. Officials said the assurances
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  • 60 7 San Jose, Costa Rica, July 25. A NUMBER of Congressmen formed a Oosta Rlcan national anU-Naal front at a meeting on Wednesday. The movement is Intended to embrace all sympathisers with the cause of democracy and national defence irrespective of sex or political creed and
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 1114 8 Paul Josef Goebbels, Ph.D., Germany's "Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda," j is the most hated of all the Nazi leaders. He is even hated m his own country. He is a revolting little, man,
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  • 68 8 Bar Francisco, July 25. PORTY-FTVE America-bound Japanr ese ships which are reported to have suddenly hove to off the Pacific coast following Mr. Sumner Welles' statement denouncing Japan as aggressor are refusing to answer all radio messages. Meanwhile the sailings of two Japanese freighters
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 1979 8 IN the following extracts from j letters to Malayans from re- Isidents m Great Britain a woman I tells of her experiences m a blitz I on Liverpool; a Dorking corres- i Ipondent gives his impressions of j a visit to London and a Malay
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  • 73 8 The Straits Times receives many more letters than can be published m the space available. Accordingly brief concise tetters ttand a better chance o/ selection and prompt publication than long ones. Letters exceeding 250 words are unlikely to be published at the present time. When letters are typed, double-spacing iciU
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  • Correspondence
    • 485 8 Broadcasting Corporation Still Under Fire To the Editor of the Straits Times Blr. The heading: "Singapore Luxury Imports Banned" Dppear^d m the Press only a few days ago. If wmt there was a cr;se wheze it should be put Into immedlat? effect, it is the pnposed import of
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    • 209 8 Bankruptcy Procedure At Fault To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— l have followed the correspondence on Indebtedness m your columns with much interest. Based on a somewhat wide and lengthy experience of both bankruptcy affairs and more Important still, of human nature, I am confident that it
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    • 170 8 More Material For A Racial Riot To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— ln these days of stress and strife, one is constantly reading, ana hearing, of the gallantry, courage, ana sagacity of Enßland. and the English. Only to-day a cartoon appeared m a contemporary, m
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 200 8 lIP •■LANOON fn *u*h >,«f2*\ W.ddlf.9 »Ikt» 111 s^S&>-*S*i T«llo« oc Whit* U toU?bl.*"s«» all (ySjj^P y (J»* •wT" eol.wt'd SM OOi 9*"». WINDOWI J P. H. HEN DRY Jeweller Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang. THE TRUE TO-LIFE RADIO Table Model 352 An AC-DC Receiver giving: world wide reception. Guaranteed for
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    • 91 8 New Shipment! Pine quality I'.P.N S. ware made In Sheffield England. AUrvtive designs put up In fancy gift boxes. Priirs from $1.95 to $2.35 Box of 0 teaspoons. $2.75 Box of 6 spoons Si I Tong. Pottage Extra. G. H. MAT CO., LTD., 6 A 8, Robinson Road Singapore. NUMONT
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  • 628 9 First Reprisal For Indo-China Action ALL VESSELS KOW IN U.S. MAY ALSO BE IMPOUNDED Action By Britain Is Momentarily Expected freezing of Japanese assets m the United States from to-day was announced m Washington late last night, reports Reuter. This follows President Roosevelt's announcement yesterday
    Reuter  -  628 words
  • 48 9 Moscow, July 25. ri Government spokesman, M. Lozovsky, denied to-day that the Soviet Government plans to remove Lenin's body from Red Square. "Lenin is alive to us," he said. "Wherever we are Lenin is with us. We are defending Moscow and everything dear to us." United Press. I
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  • 386 9 Chinese Military Co-operation Request From Britain Awaited In Chungking Chungking, July 26. ASKED whether the Chinese forces would defend the Burma road m the event of Japan m vac' ng Thailand and Burma, cutting on the Burma road and attacking Singapore m the rear, the Chinese mi'itary spokesman declared. "If
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • 127 9 Toklo. July 28. *tT' E United States' Interests can best be served at present by maintenance of i the Pacific," contends the Nlchi Hlehl Shlmbun. .r, It warns Its readers that there Is ro way of predicting what measures President Roosevelt will talc
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 458 9 London, July 26. REPORTS circulating m various countries that Dr. Joseoh Goebbels, German Minister for National Enlightenment and Propaganda, is among the Nazi leaders at present m disfavour, have not yet been m any way confirmed, but if his record as a
    Reuter  -  458 words
  • 61 9 The Soviet Ambassador to Britain, M. Ivan Maisky (left) and Major Gen. Golikov (tainting) witn members of the Soviet Military Mission who are m Britain consulting with British leaders. Throngs of people warmly greeted the Russians. The picture was cabled to the United State* from
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  • 158 9 Nanking Puppets' View Of U.S. Reprisals Shanghai. July 26. THE freezing of Japanese credits plus the imposition of a complete embargo by the United States would force the Japanese to seize the Netherlands c:mpelling the United States to abandon the Indies or fight
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  • 83 9 French Ships Cannot Leave Indo-China Vlchi, July 26. THE German-controlled Paris morn- ing newspaper Cri dv Peuple carries a report from Sii?on saying that Japanese warships "double the number of Brit'sh warships m Asiatic waters" have alr?ady arrived m IndoChinese waters. The same source cites Japanese reports stating that Frcn?h
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  • 83 9 Ankara, July 26. pRESH reports of Bulgarian military activity plus indications that there i may be a stalemate on the SovietGormen front hive led military cbservers here to theorize on a possible Bulgarian-German attempt to pass through Turkey and attack the Russian Caucasian frontier to
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  • 464 9 Flying Fortress Raid On Brest London, July 26. AMERICAN "flying fortresses" made the highest ever R.A.F. operational flight when they pounded the German battleship Gnelsenau docked at Brest In daylight on Thursday. The Air Ministry news service gives this Information to-night m making known further details
    Reuter  -  464 words
  • 126 9 Lisbon, July 20. INHABITANTS of Berlin are anticipating and "furiously preparing" for heavy R A.F. raids next winter when ths nights get longer, according to a well informed neutral personality who has Just arrived from the German capital. He told Reuter that on leaving Berlin
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 95 9 Serbian Patriots Organize Revolt London, July 28. WHERE is further news about the revolt m A Yugoslavia against the Italians and Germans. According to a message from Ankara, 50,000 Serbian patriots are now m revolt and the Axis have been compelled to strengthen the garrison throughout the entire country. Ten
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 475 9 Germans Admit Soviet CounterAttacks In Smolensk Sector I^ondon. July 26. CASUALTIES m the first five weeks of the Sovict-derman conflict total some 3,000,000, according to M. Averin, Soviet political commentator, broadcasting from Moscow last night. This, M. Averin declared, was part of the
    Reuter  -  475 words
  • 97 9 San Joses (Costa Rica), July 25. A DIPLOMATIC note from Spain advises the Costa Rica Government that 80,000 Spanish soldiers are on their way; to Germany to assist the Nazis against Russia, and that more will be sent if necessary. The note has
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  • 107 9 Russian Military Mission For U.S.? London. July 25. IT has been revealed that a Russian military mission is expected to be sent to Washington shortly headed by Lieut. -On. Frlip Goliko who is head of the Mission at m London Presumably the Mission will divru*. plan* t* halt Japanese expansion
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 606 10 Further Substantial Gift From Engineering Company fONTRIBUTIONS to The War Fund are both plentiful and varied to-day, and the gross total has advanced by more than $1,300 to $5,703,911. There is a substantial gift from a local engineering company, a further donation representing
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  • 139 10 Simla, July 25. ris authoritatively stated that Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai. who is shortly goin; to the United .States as Agent General for India, will be on the staff of the British Embassy m Washington. For the purpose of precedence he will have
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  • 199 10 STOLE LORRY TYRES CAR Accused Arrested T n Malacca A CHI .;t was alleged m the n in^apore Fifth Police Court iy to have stolen a motorcar and also the tyres and wheel rim. Oil a motor-lorry parked m Hay .c! r?oad. Elont Chan, a 26-year-old Hokkien, faced tv/o charges:
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  • 77 10 A 1 .TC' IJ.V ;•> disapprove the pro- poaal 10 license rickshaw pulltrs was confirmed at yesterday's meeting Of tin- Singapore Municipal Commissioner.-: ComiiKiiti:!,; on thU decision, Mr. Tan Chin Tuan said he agreed to its confirmation since a majority of the pullers who should
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  • 54 10 hat. Mabel nee Tay Kh*ng Gian, age 36, wife of Lim Seow En«, pa.iced away peacefully on the l!3rd July. J941 at 16. Pernhill Road off Stevens Road, leaving 2 sons and 3 dau"hters. Funeral _>n Sundav ;ith July. 1941, at 10 a.m. Deeply regretted. (P. M.S.
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  • 145 10 SINGArORF BAFFLKS HOTEL Dinner Dance 'Formal) 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. OBKAT WORLD Cabaret: 8.30 p.m. to 1 ».m. Globe: The Mark of Zorro. Skj-: Alanr; Alang. BAPPV lIIKMIth |tunp> World Invisible Woman. Seaside: Mortal Storm. mm world i-ilki rhc&cres ana Cinemas. Cidc Shew Cabaret. Danclns QUKENS. GEVL.v.e. Kanscrs
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  • 72 10 ARRESTED by the poUM on Iluusday A for an oflence allegeiliy .ommitted almost six years at;o, Teh Hey Thoh, p. i 28-year-old Hokkien, appeared be fore IMr. L.C. Goh m the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday. i Teh was alleged ;n a etaatfi tc h.ive enticed away a manind
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  • 119 10 A NOTICE to Mariners issud at Sii^upcre :lh Uv? authority of the Rear Admiral. Malay.t, states that no vessel is to pass to tne northward of a line joining a Dew light buoy uou No. 6 Beacon unless she Is flying the ipcial signal given by the Examination
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  • 429 10 Breach Of Trust Of $2 Alleged I nnHE evidence of T. McLachlan, acting 1 secretary ot the Singapore Cold Storage, was heard m a case m the Singapore Second Court yesterday In which Tan Kirn Wha, a clerk, was charged with criminal breach of trust m respect
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  • 134 10 SIR Maurice Hallett, Governor of the United Provinces, has received the i following reply to a telegram of congratulations sent by him to the Com- j mar.rim? Offlrer of the 18th Royal Oarhwal R'fles on the award of decor- j ations to officers and men
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  • 45 10 JNVTTED bf Mr. M. V. Pili-ii to express Mi views on dress reform, the President of the Municipal Commissioners at yesterday's meeting o! the i Commission said he would pre'er to' see a drfhiite motion before stating his views.
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  • 71 10 ELLERY QUEEN" At Thu Cinema "Kllery Queen, Master Detective." (Ralph Bellamy, Margaret Lindsay, Charley Grapewia. Columbia Pit tare At the Pavilion. THIS is the first of the well-known Eliery Queen detective sj-ories to come to the screen, and a welcome addition it is too. Interest is sustained throughout m this
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  • 381 10 Indies Calm Well Prepared For Any Emergency Far East News In Brief THE Netherlands Indies is maintaining an attitude of complete calm regarding Japanese moves m Indo-China, states United Press. "There is noJiin? we can do except continue getting ready for all emergencies," Dutch puarters said, "and there is no
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  • 34 10 The A.r O/J:cer Commanding-in-Ciii f. Middle East R.AT. Air Marshal A. W. Tedder chatting to fighter pilots m the Western Desert. Air Marshal Tedder vxu formerly stationed m Singapore.
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  • 233 10 'THE value of an auxiliary fire service is emphasised by the Municipal President, Mr. L. Knyman. m his report for 1940. "The expt lit itce to .vhich Lou- don, Coventry and other lan»p i cities have been subjected, leav<- little doubt as to the
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  • 55 10 FIVE MORE N.I. PILOTS FOR THE R.A.F. BfcUvla, July 22. i A FURTHER group of Netherlands India* i A pilot* to be sent to Britain ha* now been Recced. There are flvt of them, two MtpM and Ibrcc (ergeanis. They are very proud of bein« cbuvn to Join tite R.A.F.
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  • 112 10 Extensions Near Completion IF nothing untoward happens, the programme of extensions to Singapore's water supply system will be completed thi* year. Writing on this, th; Municipal President, Mr. L. Rjyman. states m his repcrt for 1940 that m spite of abnormal conditions m 1940 progress with the
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  • 62 10 I :.rr;.uids ladies Navy IHoartmcnt has received a report from Britain statin* that the whotr crew of an aircraft of th* l)nih Naval Air Ann m Britain has been decorated with the IM*iin-ui«hrd Frying Crow. The romniander of this aircraft has already been decorated
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  • 156 10 Seven Stationed In The East VESSELS WHICH AID BRITAIN W.i.-hinKloii, :u rTPHE Federal Maritime i to-day disclosed that -i shipping experts have been Mnt t." the Far Kast and Africa to oxpedite the movement of American vessels carrying British aid cargoes on their outward bound voyages attM
    156 words
  • 105 10 i. Mica, July 26. THE ma&nifkont work of troops m Syria is revealed m a dispatch from Reuter's special corrppondent whi mentions the treat i dash, gallantry and endurance of two battalirns, MM of th?m a Punjab unit, and the o k her
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 121 10 A foiled Prm flash from London states that it is undrrst •> il that a British order freezing Japanese funds, parallel U action MM by the Initrd States, will be annonnved at 11. 3* a.m. (Viainvan tim-). A United Press message from Vichy states that the French Foreign
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 145 10 111*^ a o .m. m f f mwrA J A J I F^i} mm tt H^ai Chatwoou protection aßuinst tire, ■Ml fall and thief is made available ia f. I the Chatwood "Duplex" Safe at a ma pnre which h;is been associated M^M :fIHJ Wf safes of light construction. The
      145 words

  • 446 11 Call For Eurasian 6? Asiatic Doctors Specialists A CALL to Eurasian and Asiatic doctors to serve m the Royal Army Medical Corps is beinp; made by the Army authorities m Malaya, and it is looked upon as a great opportunity to help the war effort and
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  • 41 11 Off-duty life of Canadian loggers, who, at a camp In Scotland, are engaged m felling timber. They build their own cabins and live on the site of their work. Picture shows a sing- song m the bunk house.
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  • 61 11 Municipality Indebtedness TH) investigate the problem of indebtedness among Singapore Municipal employees and to make rr. urn menda ions to remedy it, a special committee has been formed by the Municipal Commissioners. Mr. A. W. W. Ker is chairman of the special committee, and the ot.'ier members arc Messrs. S.
    61 words
  • 270 11 Bankrupt Had Only $2 For Himself A BANKRUPT, A. F. ten Hoope, who attributed his Insolvency to bad management on the part of his parti t in a restaurant business, applied for a discharge m the Singapore High Court yesterday be- j fore the Chief Justice, Sir Percy
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  • 23 11 TT Is notified that the Governor has pro- vislonally re'Ofm!z?d Mr. Walter MonteI negro as Consul of Bolivia at Singapore.
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  • 114 11 A TRIBUTE to the services of the late Mr. Ong Boon Tat, one-time Municipal Commissioner, was paid at yesterday's meeting of the Commissioners. The President, Mr. L. Rayman, .sa!rt Mr. Ong Boon Ta: was appointed to the Commission as a nominee of
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  • 74 11 (Prom Our Own Correspond^;) Johore Bahru. July 24. rpHE death occurred last night of Indie 1 Hassan, eldest son of the late Dato Abdullah bin Ja'afar. a former Prime Minister of Jobore. The fuMnJ took place In the afternoon. Inche Hassan retired two years
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  • 24 11 The Singapore Rotary Club dinner meeting arranged (or Wednesday has been pj«tpoivd to Aug. 27. The usual tiffin niretlng will be it-id on Wednesday
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  • 478 11 FINES totalling $2f- were iinpused on a European, Johann Janien, of Corona flower Shop, Orchard Road, by Mr. K. M. Byrne, Singapore Fourth Magistrate, yesterday for allegedly using abusive iai.guage to and criminal lorce against a Chinese woman, Clara Yuen Mo Van, on May
    478 words
  • 199 11 COMMISSIONERS TAX ON RED CROSS CAR Question Whether Relevant By-Law Permits Exemption A DECISION disapproving an application for exemption from tax payable on a truck and a saloon car for the joint use of the British and Australian Red Cross m Malaya was referred back at yesterday's meeting of the
    199 words
  • 98 11 WITH effect from A us. 1. ihe existing regulations (ovrrninc the lanfuacrs and codes m which tttognnm can be transmitted will he applied to "inland" m well as vo "/oreijn" teltgranu In Malaya. From that date, therefore, inland telegrams will only be accei>i»d at Malayan post
    98 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 Children love GUIDE WheP BRAND IVI I L l\ r^VrrF^t^^^V from pedigree Cows. ALIKE SOLE AGENTS. Jo£jephsTß AYE R S Sonsw <Ma^ MaM[>M B mimm it Slignbly dearer but infinitely more Satisfying 555 CIGARETTES ARDATH TOBACCO CO.. LTD LONDON.
      39 words
    • 17 11 S^"S^,.' Jiwk^yl *O FfNfR WH/SKY GOfS ii^'i*' yikg*jJr tMTO AffY Borne SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 127 11 OH! WHAT MRS. GREEN SAjD ABOUT YOU! \l jaHHyV SHI SAID IT TOM fAOlt THAT I iA JS,SU It IS r iS u!o A"« SHOW THAT, OUT Of .oi fiT Hl »«'">•?' SS A? T>.ro»"« 'V*" "•»■•*•> "MATH. ■r If THI DJNIIST TOIO YOU WHAT TO I J!L T J!°°
      127 words

  • 324 12 Any Japanese Action Should Be Met By A Deadly Blow To Her Trade New York, July 25. THE Press here to-day, m editorials, warned Japan of United States- concern over the latest Japanese moves m Indo-China, says United Press. The New York Times
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 62 12 Kearny (NJ.). July 25. With tbe launching bere to-day of two new American destroyers Hristol and Kllyson a new record for rapid construe. ion of modern destroyers was established by the Federal Shipbu Iding and Dry Dock Company. The vessels ran down the slipways only
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 181 12 33 Nazi Planes Brought Down R.A.F. Continues Its Offensive In Reich London, July 25. "THE attack on enemy ports and 1 naval bases continued last night," says to-day's Ah- Ministry communique, "when the RAF. went m force to north-west Oermany. "The weather was good and heavy loads of bombs were
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 137 12 Washington. July 14. rE Department of Commerce to day released informa'ion on economic significance of Indo-China, wnirh caused the impression among obwrvers that Japan's impending occupation of the French colony was p*rtly for critical economic reasons. The release, which war. Issued tonight, was entirely factual,
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  • 63 12 Wartime Control Of Drugs In India London, July 26. rE Government of India has issued an order which comes into force immediately on the import, manufacture and sale of essent al drugs The manufacturer, importer or seller of such drugs must submit monthly returns of quantity m his possession or
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 48 12 Restriction On Use Of Iron Steel In India Simla, July 26. THE Government of India has issued an order effective from Aug. 1 to ensure that iron and steel r induced m India is used only for defence and war supply purposes and really essential civil needs— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 53 12 London, July 26. THE Prime Minister of New Zealand, 1 Mr. Peter Fraser, said that British workers were pulling their weight m the war effort and showing Impatience to get on with the Job. He was impressed by the spirit of British workers wherever
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 130 12 London, July 25. "MA VAX, operations connected >vith the passage of a convoy through the Mediterranean have been taking place," says an Admiralty communique. "During these operations our forces were subjected to a series of heavy air raids by day— during which a number of enemy
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 63 12 Simla, July 35. ANEW broadcast service for Indian soldiers m the Far East bas been inaugurated by the Delhi station of the AllIndia radio. It will be broadcast m all the wavelengths used by the Delhi station from 6.20 p.m. to 1. 50
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 91 12 Sydney, July 25. A USTRALIA'S seas are to be patrolled by an auxiliary naval patrol following the Naval Board's decision to sponsor its formation, ai nounces the Navy Minuter, Mr. H. M Hughes. For such dutlss as troopship escort and harbcur patrols, all owners of
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 33 12 London, July 25. "ENEMY activity last night was very slight." says this morning's Air Ministry communique. "A few bombs were dropped which caused neither damage nor casualttes."— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 93 12 Cairo, July 25. A NUMBER of flghtlni parols from Tobruk penetrated enemy positions during Wednesday night, says to-day Middle East communique. "One of these patrols advanced to a depth of over three miles Into an enemy strong point with hand grenades, inflicting
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 245 12 FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE }A WmH M W^ OF NATURE! IfiCfl The same vegetable elements, to T^f D which big strong animals m Nature :^¥W MT owe I heir vigour and endurance, give Kffl U wf health and energy to you too. flj H V^B V The most easily digestible vegetable
      245 words
    • 301 12 LAST DAY GIAN SINGH'S Special Grand Stocktaking SALE Gentlemen Here are tosse bargaias for you Tru-Val and Lincoln Shirts. Colours Orey, Fawn. Blue. White. Size* 14" to 17" Oroadale Checks and Striped Shirts Assorted Colours. Sixes 14" to ISV Morleys Sports Shirts Weamet > Colours Fawn. Grey. Blue. White. Sixes
      301 words

  • 533 13 Fierce fighting In Three Sectors: Smolensk Still Held By Soviet Moscow, July 25. riERCE fighting continued yesterday m the directions of Smolensk, Zhitomir and Porkhov, according to the latest Soviet communique read by the Moscow Radio to-day, says United Press. In the
    Reuter  -  533 words
  • 101 13 Cairo, July 25. BRITISH fighter attacked an E-boat approaching a convoy m the Mediterranean and left it sinking, a Royal Air Force communique stated to-day. fwo Junkers 87s were also attacked and destroyed, the communique said. R.A.F. planes attacked enemy shipplug at Trapani, Sicily,
    101 words
  • 155 13 Shanghai, July 25. A warning that the coal crisis may become acute i>ga'n In the nar futur. was uttered by Mr P. 8 Hopkins. American president of the Shanghai Power Company, to-day. He said Shanghai m the past four months has been "very fortunate"
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 80 13 London, July 25. J IK Ministry of Home Security has placed another two highly qualified technical officers at the (•overnment. They are Prof. W. N. Thomas, who la Professor of Engineer ing at the University of Wales, attached to the Department of Research and Experiment at
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 401 13 No Early Capture Of Moscow Germans Said To Have Abandoned Hope Moscow, July 25. THE systematic and successive night attacks on Moscow have shown no sensational results, writes Reuters special correspondent m Moscow. Indications new print to Uie fact lhat the Germans have new abandoned hope of the early capture
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  • 314 13 Japanese-Soviet Relations "No Assurances From Moscow" Spokesman Toklo, July 25. JAPANESE relations with the United States, the Soviet Union and Indo-China were referred to by an official Japanese spokesman at a Press conference to-day. Questioned whether there was roam for a talk be. ween the United States and Japan, th>
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 66 13 London, July SS. fFHE Chinesp Ambassador In London, Dr Wellington Koo, visited the Foreign Orti <r this morning and conferred for some time with the Foreign Minister. Mr. Eden, before the latter went to the House of Commons. Aferwards Dr Koo taw the Labour Minister, Mr. E.
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 288 13 Instructions To Troops Admitted London, July 23. THE Germans admitted to-day that plans for gas warfare have been issued to German commanders on the Eastern Front. A statement issued by the official German news agency says these rules are studied by German military leaders "merely as a
    288 words
  • 105 13 San Francisco, July 25. j THE Japanese liner Tatsuta Maru. which waa due to doci m Ban i Francisco yesterday, has been reported making Icr a Mexican port m order to discharge her pafs^ngers, refuel and then return to Japan. The liner has a
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 34 13 Toklo, July 25. THE Japanese Premier, Prince Kcnoye. to-day appointed the Supreme Courts Procurator-General, Mr Michiyo Iwamura. Minister of Justice. to fli; the post held concurrently by the Premier —United Press.
    34 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 372 13 HUNGHYvet AFRAID TO EAT! To dread mealtimes because of the heartburn, flatulence and other forms oi digestive discomfort that will follow is a self imposed ordeal through which thousands of people pass dairy. Self imposed because irritating excess acidity, the most common cause oi indigestion, can be neutralized instantly by
      372 words
    • 309 13 [SORE THROAT] nip A XmmmmW* .^fl 1 MMmmMm^MMmlMM^^SmT ss^sk. Get Relief m 10 Minutes -this new, easy way Now you can relieve that Sure Throat within IO minutes, and often cktr it ur> comnletrty ia a very few hours Simply gargle frequently with T.C.K th« new, sale antiseptic, that Doctors
      309 words

  • 2892 14 SOME LESSONS TO BE LEARNED FROM LANCHANG ESTATE Clearing, Planting Weeding And Cultivation Methods By Our Planting Correspondent Planting Topics I AST week I discussed matters relating to yields and general behaviour of budgrafts on Lanchang Estate and I now propose relating discussions I had with Mr. R. A. Rainnie,
    2,892 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 264 14 A.E.P. Equipment of proved eOelency U essential i \\fl ~TC to the a»fet7 of your property. It U your C vM M duty to be prepare i to deal with any sudden i ff t:nergeney wit" i-quipment approved by the a.R.P. Authorities -SAND BINS, *BIVEB SAND, FIBE BUCKETS I L~^
      264 words
    • 39 14 FERTILISERS FOR YOUNG RUBBER o During the present difficulties m maintaining supplies of R.R.I. type mixtures, due to the shortage of Potash and other ingredients, we can still give prompt delivery of STERAMEAL YOUNG RUBBER MIXTURES MALAYAN FERTILISERS LTD.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 15 N. W. Sabine beats Muthu to the ball m Thursday's first division league soccer match on the padang m which the Singapore Cricket Club and the Police drew two-all. Straits Times picture.
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  • 119 15 "THE Malayan Polo Association is ho'dins Its second series of polo tournaments In Singapore during tne first week, of August. The games will be played at the Polo grovnd, Balestler Road, starting at 5 o'clock each evenIng. The Sultan of Pahang Is bringing his team to
    119 words
  • 80 15 London, July 25. IFHE Football League to-day issued a warn- Ing to London clubs sayLis; that th' y must fulfil the fixtures as originally agreed or else a case will be brought under the articles ox association. A. league meeting followed the decision of London
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 89 15 DESULTS of ties played yesterday m the S.R.C. lawn tennis tournament were: Championship doubles: L. de Souza and F. Moreira beat F. S. Martens and L. S. Reutens, 6—3,6 3, 6—3.6 3. Handicap tingles: H. d'RoEarlo f— 3) beat J. Ferguson 3), 6—2, 6—l; R. H. Barth <—
    89 words
  • 640 15 Draw Will Suffice To Put Singapore In Final DOTH Singapore and the Army are all set for to-day's important Malaya Cup soccer fixture at Anson Road stadium. Singapore are much more happily placed than the Army for all they need is one point to
    640 words
  • 201 15 TO-DAY SOCCER: Malaya Csst, Siagaasrc vs. Arsoy. Ansoa slsad stadiam; S A.»".A leagse, secsad dlvWs« (a), KF. (Malays) vs. Mara via, dunti; items' divUion (a), N.B. Corinthians vm C'Bstams, Naval Base; Fast Office vs. N. Indians. Fast Office. CRICKET: S.C.C vs. R.A.F. (Tengah). S.C.C.; S.R.C. vs. Y.W.C.A
    201 words
  • 421 15 Athletic Had The Better Team CUsmm Athletic t; Falie* 1 THE Chinese Athletic won by the odd goal la three when they met the P«Uc< m a reserve divMon league soeoer flitnrr at Amor Road Stadium jester- •ay. The winners were by s shade the better
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 15
    0 words
  • 155 15 •pHE following have accepted to play cricket I for the S.C.C. vs. the RAP. (Tengahj at the B.C.C. at 3 p.m. to-day: H. L. Ward. D. R. UuUand. D. Br:nnan X. H. CintrelL J. H. Whecer. Lt. P. B. Leckie. U. W. 8. Waites, R. A. Hooper,
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  • 20 15 rZ Singapore Traction Company Sports Club's second anrual sports meeting will be held on the S.T.C. ground to-day.
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  • 829 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 25. AN entry of 122 horses and ponies has been received rt for the Penang Turf Club's Summer meeting, which will be held on Saturday, Aug. 2. Monday, Aug. 4, and Saturday, Aug. 9, and there will be
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  • 92 15 Seabright, New Jersey, June Zi. DON McNeil], America's tennis champion, lost bis sjuartcrflnal tie In the invitation tournament, Fred Schroeder, a promising younrster, winning 6—3. 7—5.7 5. Bobby, the Wimbledon champion and former American title-holder, Gardner Mulloy and Wayne Sabin are the other semifinalists, Mullay beating
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 367 15 X.A.X. (KaUaag) 1; Pert Caantnc 2 LEAMEBB m Mauri divisioa (ft) of ttM B.A.F.A. league comprtllton the R.A.F. (Kansas) had to fiffkt hard U beat the Fort Canning fey an odd goal is live at the S.H.B. ground yesterday. The exchanges were
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  • 354 15 Traditional Rivals In War Fund Game TRADITIONAL baseball rivals for the past eight years —the Japanese and the Americans —clash tomorrow at Jalan Besar In a War Fund game. The first pi scheduled lor 4 p.m. There seems to be very little to choose between the
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  • 91 15 A SINGAPORE Recreal^n Club ujra wiU A mtl Rafles Colicee tn a cricket match on the padang to-morrow, beginning at 11 a.m. The following are the Wains S.B-C: J Anchant, R. H. Bain. CU C^u.-:-. Douglas La Brtioy, L. de Souza, E. Le Mercier, L.
    91 words
  • 76 15 rpHE annual cricket match between th.- eld 1 boys and pre *ent boys of RaSes Inrti'utlcn win be played on the school ground to--.«TTOw, bnrlnning at 11 am. Th^ old Viv t-am will or C. O. Rlcharjt reapt.). L. IHst Alex Tsn. A. Watts. A
    76 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 116 15 DENTALLY INSURED with the, Tek "SHORT-HEAD"POLICY Be rara your children grow up with healthy strong teeth, clean not only t m th« front but at th* back, m all _^^^pC\V[\ thoso nooks and crannies, where Jr rVVvJ'I food-remains lodge, and causo T »X^V A^r/*^*^r d«eay. Tek "Short-Head" toothbrushes, designed by
      116 words
    • 48 15 TO SIT WITH EASE Your suit must be tailored not only to fit you but must be roomy enough so as not to make you feel a tightness m your clothing anywhere, when you move about m a chair; such as SUITS TAILORED BY US WING LOONG Z2Z
      48 words

  • 506 16 ROOSEVELT ON REPRISALS FOR LATEST AGGRESSION Great Britain Backing America; Talks Going On With Chungking Hyde Park (New York), July 25. ••Till". United States will retaliate with specific action to-morrow' against Japan's occupation of bases m Indo-China," President Roosevelt disclosed at his Press
    Reuter  -  506 words
  • 382 16 London, July 25. JTARI.Y Japanese moves m French Indo-China were foreshadowed by Mr. Anthony Eden. British Foreign Secretary, m the House of Commons to-day. Describing the latest Japanese move as a potential threat to British territories and interests m the Far
    382 words
  • 254 16 Blockade Fears In Japan TokJo, July 25 rK stock market weakened today following receipt of reports that Singapore has ordered the arming of all merchantmen and that Washington is considering banning I'nit'd States exports to Japan and freezing Japanese funds. The Chugai Shogyo, leading financial newspaper, declares m an editorial
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 158 16 Nazi Hint To Vichy To Ask For 'Protection In Dakar Washington, July 25. A FLAT denial that the United States has any intention to occupy the Republic of Liberia, In West Africa, was given to the press to-day by Mr. Stunner Welles, acting Secretary ot State. Questioned regarding reports In
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 152 16 Washington, July 25. i A SENIOR Senator and member Of I the Foreign Relations Commit- tee told the United Press that the United States Is unlikely to use < force against Japan except m Checking a thrust against the Netherlands Indies
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 33 16 A Smmrtly Dr,,,,d! M ttk r a•« i 4 duappoialmw nmi all Toaf HFWB Suim i> lb. cor. al akillul tailor* S*» jBEr BEE CHOW GO. fl Si Ckalli staot»M. im. tMft I
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      33 words