The Straits Times, 24 July 1941

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 222 1 For Up-to-date TAILORING MIEN CHONG S4 t'oleman St. Spore. Phone «816 Arailable— Suit Lenrth* •Rockville 1 SulllnßS— ISA WAIN SIIIK.I.IS. In Silk and Wool Also AMVHUAN SHARKSKIN I' varlou colouri No other manufacturer can M, Qs. P^ offer a wider choice of jfljffj b» electric motor*, with iMgS^^ 11 i
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    • 6 1 SINGAPORE 140 CECIL ST. (PHONE »471>
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    • 226 1 RADIOGRAM IMOo E I IO 3 2 I A C. MAINS SSi^^^B lm Posi»H design o f rl -i~— stra '«>«-firained lid and I darker b^ d sid with a r I COVered b "ire m lOUftspeaker «r,H 1 I anti wue bronze. me fbisiled witfa I BK^S9^^l^na^^ IJ j^\
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    • 133 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Morning Afternoon E.vemnji Dresses. KVALA LOMPVR 2b JAY* SI (PHONt 3W SISSDHS "(QfaobeM SPEED ENAMEL y LQO% BRITISH) THE SPEED ENAMEL OF THE CENTURY for Interior and exterior use •BRUSELLO" ia a ayitiatie •■bodying all the advaatages aw warn at tba diaadvaatagaa at tba aid type
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    • 102 2 TAY—PETER TAY JEE LYE. aged 88, passed away peacefully at his residence No. 710. Upper Scran^oon Road (74 milestone) at noon on Wednesday, 23rd July, 1941. He leaves behind to mourn his loss, a wldcw, one son, Mr. John Tay Ah Choon. a director of Messrs. Watts Co., Ltd.,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1442 2 f LOST LOST GOLD CIGARETTE CASE at Adelphi Hottl Roof Garden, R.A.F. dance on Saturday night, July 19th. Inscription and dale "25-12-38" Inside. Finder will be REWARDEC and no questions asked. Burgess, Napier House, Tanglln Tel. *****. FOR SALE WALL 1111 RMOMKTKRS iI.7S Spectaklcer Eye Glass Polish $1.00. M. Ezcklel
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    • 977 2 AUCTION NOTICES THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of wonderful dclfrn, the iast word In Dutch craftsmanship, high grad- polished Tt Sitting and dining room suites also modern Furf-peon handsomely-ducoed teak bedroom set by The Art Furniture Depot Ltd. (to be sold m complete «et i colourful English centre carpets.
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    • 490 2 PROFESSIONAL LESSONS In Building Construction, Reinforced Concrete etc. by experienced architect. Apply Box No. 892. Btralt< Times. FINANCIAL ADVERTISER par?a M nold mortgages ot. suitable property and v*t loans on secu- rlty of merchandise etc a< low Inter- t Warehouses for storage M goods available High valuation given >n security
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    • 263 2 1906 M. (>. MODEL PB Colour Black $1,25«/IKS 6' /2 MTRE BENTLEY TOURER, fine condition 1939 4-SF.ATEK SUNBEAM TALBOT SPORTS, mileage ander 6,000 $2,950/1938 NASH SALOON 250/Others HI LITRE S.S. JAGCAR 2 i LITRE S.S. JAGUAR MORRIS SALOON 4-UOOR 193* FORD V-8 22 H.P. IM« ROVKR 12 H.P. 194« FORn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 277 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. f lncorporatea m England) PKNINM I.AX AMI ORIENTAL 8. N CO MAII PASSFNfiKR AND CARC<> SERVICE. The Dest possible aenlces are being maintained by the P O 8- N Co. tram »h» KtraiU to theti usual ports ol call In China
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    • 283 3 < Incorporated In Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO SAN FRANCISCO Manila, llaog Kong, Kea* Yakahaaaa, Honolalo San Fraadae* ana Las Angeles sa. NTTTA MARO f-om Manila July 2ft from H'kong July 28 nu. KAMAKURA MARU from Manila Aug. 9 from H'kong Aug. IS ML YAMATA
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    • 520 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Oates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 314 3 WHY SUFFER? PILES Afonjr banished in 1 minut* with fat-tf Rec-Sol. Its reey teuefc I* romtmrilng Ne malt** low ehreale er < emellcateal jreur ttu, use this fat-free treatment. Kac-ltvl. taat ixotbn the wars* pain, often In m aalante. The framt secret af H« V>l'i amailaf efBrary I* the fal-fraa
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1006 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL 1.133 «e/t im ml ZHPI 9.69 OK/* (MM m (ZHR 6.475 met Hit m» ZHPI 7.15 sae/s Ml. 3* m.) ZHL. ZHPI. 7.IIP.2 5.00 p.m. Recorded Cantonese music; 5 35 p.m. News In Cantonese: 5.H p m. Recorded Hokkten music: 8 01 p.m. News m Hokkien;
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  • 461 4 Reports On Past Week's Business JN weekly report on the rubber market, issued this morning, Lewis and Peat 'Singapore' Ltd. write: London has now fallen Into line with New York m the announcement made by the Rubber Controller for July' September purchases fob. the East. Prices now
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  • 102 4 New York. July 23. i i'THE Commodity Exchange to-day .-irp;rded trading In copper futur a<-sertlp( the Government programme und?r vhl^h the metal is rationed, has ni.vls deliveries virtually impossible. Trading ceased yesterday and ther? was no transaction on the exchan*". All futures clo-ed at 11'-j cent*, a pound bid. The
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  • 287 4 THE following donations to The Wai Puna are recorded to-day: "P.S." (farther contribution) 100 Lse Chim Huk and Lee (him Tuan m memory of Mr. One B>on Tat St Local staff of "Siemens Broa. and Co. Ltd." and the "Angler./ 1 (eleventh contribution) 40 Collections
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  • 153 4 Mails cloae at the General Post Office as follows: TO-DAT Aden air 4 p.m Africa air 4 p.m. Ceylon air 4p.m. Fgypt air 4 p.m. Great Britain etc eir 4 p.m. India air 4 p.m. Thailand air 4 p.m. TO-MORROW I Australia air 4 p.m. -*»v*
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  • 1470 4 London Chairmen On Rubber Industry's Primary Duty (From Our Own Correspondent). London, June 28. I ONDON directors of Malayan i rubber producing companies are at this critical time divided into two camps those who still fight bitterly ajranst 100 per cent. Excess Profits Tax. and
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  • 472 4 QUIET STEADY OPENING DESPITE POLITICAL NEWS MODERATE ACTIVITY, YESTERFKY (By Oar Financial urrespondrnt) I Singapore. Ju y 24. ikjEITHER the share market nor the rubber market is affected ov the news of poli'.ical and warlike developments m the Far East, this nunvnff. The r-hare market opened steady
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  • 89 4 London. July 23. TIN opened quiet. The turnover wjs 100 tons. Ihe market eased m spite of the absence of smelter selling. After offlc al hours prices were har.ler and a further five tons were traded. There is a s rone rumour that a
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 109 4 Dow Jones Averages N.'w York. July 23 THE folk wing w?rc the Dow J no? I Averages wVn the N-w Tori Sti Ex-hr'me md C~mm?di-.y Exchangs clo3ed to-day and yestrrd July 2: July 30 Indu r'9.58 129 16 20 I? is 30 ?<J 30 30 II l"t 18
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  • 87 4 Singapore. Thur--I» .1 noon. Ik Win l-'.r- Prtre* No. IX BJ I (Spot liwe) —J No l\ KJH I I■> li July-.Vj-:. IScQer'i opirn t.A i; v July-Au*. (ScVer's opti. ii) JS 1, t <> t< s s i n n Juljr-Aur i SrTcr's
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  • 33 4 The output of tin-ore by Tuiam Mines for the ouarter ended June las* was 1.645 piculs. 9 London, July 23. Peipor wns s!l»titly re < t nan d« lowing ihe recent breathless advan.e. —Reuter.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 528 4 PUBLIC NOTICES PETROL CONTROL ORDER 1941. The public Is Informed that Petrol Coupons for A"gust will be available from the 25th of July onwards. WILLIAM ROSE. Petroi Rationing Officer. Singapore. "HAMLEYS" Mr. S. J. Vincent. 144. Robinson Road Is appointed accredited accountant t > "Hamleys" Rodney House. Sir^apore v,th authority
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  • 374 5 Undertone Remains Steady London, July 23. QN the Stock Exchange to-day the undertone remained steady but various sections moved Irregularly. Gilt-edged were neglected but Industrials provided some good features. Home rails Improved and In diamonds De Beers rose from 140s. to 1455. on good Inquiry. Oils displayed
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  • 146 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prom Our Own OorrMDondent) London, July 23. rOMMODITY and Exchange market* cioeed as follows with prevloua Quotation* id parenthesis:— RUBBER: Stead;. Spot 13\d 13 9 16(1 (13% d 13 9 1M) Augt. 13 7,16 d 13 916 d 12 7 16d 13»18dt Sept. 13 7116 d 13 9
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  • 150 5 i The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held 1U 1,548th auction yraterday and there were catalogued 1.858.490 lb— 829.68 tons; ottered 1.757.537 lb 784.81 tons; sold 1,322,113 lb.— 590.23 tons. London Spot 13 *d. New York Spot 22 cents. PRICES REALIZED i Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cento
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  • 1386 5 WEDNESDAYS JULY 23, 1941: 4 PM. ■MM Barer? SeOert Ampat (sa) 3s 3s 3d Austral Amal (ta> 7s 3d 7s 6d Austral Main <f| $3* 6d 34f 6d Ayer Hltam (s*) 17s lee Ayer Weng (tl) .79 .83 Bangrto Tin tt> 12s So 14* Batu
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 82 5 NOMINAL CAPITAL: $40,000,000 ISSUED PAIO UP CAPITAL: $10,000,000 BRANCHES throughout Ms.iyi. Burma, South Chin aid Netherlands Eatt tidift. A6ENTS CORRESPONBEITS w all prmcifti eitttt «f the World. BANKING rRAMMCTIONS of even dneriptiN mdertakM Now Open a most up-to-date and convenient Gold and Diamond shop at 40, NORTH BRIDGE RD. (M«xt
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 96 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES ro-aay H.W. 11.21 a.m. 8.4 ft: 10.36 pjn. 9.6 ft. L.W. 4.46 a.m. 1.4 ft: 4. 36 pjn 4.4 ft. To-morrow I H.W 11.53 »Jn. 8 8 ft: 11.15 pm 10 ft. !L.W. 5.19 am. I.I ft: s.ll p-m. 4.2 ft. Saturday. July 26 H.W. 12 24
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 196 6 GARR I C X To-nijht :00 9.30 Anna May Wong m "CHU CHIN CHOW" Sat. A Sun. Morning Shows; Laurel A Hardy In "BONNIE SCOTLAND" t^a alHyjWiliiJSSSa— aL-J 111-Ml.iil LAM NIGHT 7*9 P.M. "LUAN SEE KIA ,MH" TO MOB BOW— ICJOMK_OX_GEORGF^_ TONIGHT 7 p.m. 9.30 P.M. REPUBUC'S GREATEST ACTIONPACKED SERIAL
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    • 214 6 You too, will want to APPLAUD this picture.... Just as the FILM CRITICS did! jlftl TO DAY at PAPITni 3.15 6.15 9.15 Wff I I UL JL They'll ualk right into your heart... wk the new screen team, I3M UNA TURNER -JOHN SHELTON f^HHp m this inspiring story that will
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  • 492 7 Main Lessons Of Crete Brought Home To Participating Troops London, July 23. THE first major test of aerodrome defence m Britain since the evacuation of Crete was carried out during large scale exercises m southern England just concluded, writes Reuter's war reporter with
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  • 292 7 American Nurses On 'Harrowing Experience' Norfolk, Virginia, July 22. POUR American nurses here to-day described as a "harrowing experience" their 12 days spent adrift in the North Atlantic after two torpedoes blew their ship from the sea one foggy June morning. The nurses arrived
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  • 107 7 Zurich. June 23. Fwas disclosed to-day that over 100 so-called "frontier" men have recently been arrested m Switzerland They include a few "foreigners. It is understood the arrests were made on specific charges involving activities endangering Swiss neutrality. ThU dscl:sure was made by the Federal Councillor,
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  • 47 7 Canberra, July 23. "T*HE establishment of a permanent Australian secretariat In Washington to handle negotiations for trade arising out of the operation of the Lease and Lend Act is probable. Five officials are leaving this week and many others are tr follow.— Reuter.
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  • 229 7 London, July 23. TIE position m the Middle East has besn transformed as if by a miracle," said the Nawab of Rampur m a statement issued to-day and quoted by the Madras Radio. "Following the suppression of the Iraq revolt, the Nazi domination of the Vichy
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  • 501 7 London, July 23. i THE Times, m a leader on the expan- slon ot the Viceroy's Executive Council and the formation of a National Defence Council, says that "while no constitutional change Is involved and the enlarged Executive Council will not be responsible
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 1127 8 There is much m the resentr esent behaviour of Japan that reminds one irresistibly of the small urchin whose addiction to the more lurid type of cinema serial or the pulp magazine
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  • 43 8 Moscow, July 24. STALIN has added another vicecommissar of defence to the group which he has gathered around him bringing the total up six. The new commissar is M. Peresipkin who was formerly Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs— Reuter.
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 552 8 li Less Work Per Labourer Per Day" To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir— lt Is of:en said, and doubtless believed by many because it Is so often said, that putting forward the clock makes no diilerence to agriculturists because they start work by solar time. This
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    • 202 8 To Mark War's Second Anniversary To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— To commemorate the second anniversary cf the war. may I make the folk wing suggestions: (1) September 3 to be observed as a Flag Day throughout Malaya. Let every man, woman and rhiid buy and
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    • 94 8 Difficulties Of Those Who Would Give Friendship I To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— l am mveh interested In the letters of Ex-Serviceman," and I "Active Service." The hand of friend- ship is there, but it Is difficult to extend it, without an introduction. One cannot
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    • 663 8 Casting Pearls Before The Singaporean To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— "The laughter of fools is as ttM crackling of thorns under a pot." I refer, sir, to the bursu of unseemly laughter with which so many of my fellow citizens, reading their newspapers yesterday over their
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    • 244 8 Stop Arguing And Get On With The Job! To the Editor of the Strai.s Times Sir— As a Chinese Volunteer, may I be allowed ta add my comment: on the question of Volunteer pay? We da not care what pay we Rtt as long as we get equal
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    • 466 8 Reaction To A Priest's Address To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— May I take this opportunity 10 say how glad I was to read your reiDort of the special "rvice attended by "D" company. Lst B^tt.. S.S.V.F., yesterday? I was deeply moved by the words
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    • 191 8 County Associations Might Help To the Kditor of the Straits Times Sr— With reference to the letters you have received from "Bewildered Yorkshire Tyke" and others regarding alleged innospitality of Singapore residents to our soldiers on service here, nvght I suggest that the various "County" Societies, which
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    • 227 8 Interest Is More Than 3 Per Cent. Simple With reference to John Bullfrog's" letter entitled "War Ellort" which was printed on July 21, the I statement that the interest on War Savings Certificates is at simple rate is not correct. The interest earned is 'almost exactly throe per
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 268 8 First m Malaya NUMONT FUL-VUE The rennemrnt and symmetry ot Numont Pul-vue styling li> evident at glance. Here Is truly nandsome eyewear Each of MM features nelow Is an added reason for sele:< ting Numont Pul-vue for your own s!a«i 1. Endpieces not attached lo lenses. Numont Pul-vue construction eliminates
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    • 64 8 New Shipmrat! Fine quality E.P.N.S. ware made m Sheffield England. Attractive designs put up m fancy gift boxes. Price* from $1.95 to $2.35 Box of 6 teaspoons. $3.75 Box of S spoons tc I Tong. Postage Extra. G. B. KIAT CO., LTD., 6 A 8, Robinson Road Singapore. The RAILWAYS
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  • 614 9 Indo-China Bases For Tokio Forces Am.: 1 < r. corresp ndents aiked Um Vichy spokesman what has become cf France s pl3dge to defend her Empire without foreign aid, continue* United Press. cnts in Syria hare oo.iged us to maiC'' an exespti n in that
    Reuter  -  614 words
  • 334 9 Nazis Complain That Russians Attack Defend At Same Time 23. THE Soviet communique issued to-nipht by the Soviet Information Bureau umouacM that "during to-day stubborn battles against th em-my wen waged in the Polotsk-Nevel, Smolensk and Z Itomir directions and on the
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  • 188 9 Troop Moves Reported In North Manchiikuo THE Japanese are carrying out military mobilization on a scale never seen before, according to reports reaching Shanghai. Reports received la Chungking say that three classes of reservists have already been mobilized m Japan, while motor vehicles are being
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 151 9 Washington, July 23. MR. EUMNER WELLES, Under-Secre-tary of State, to-night received I Adm. Nomura, the Japanese Ambas- sador. The meeting lasted 30 minutes. After the meeting Adm. Nomura told j Pressmen that he hoped the feeling between our two countries will become better and better." J'
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  • 160 9 Chungking, July 24. npHE Japanese demands to Vichy include the use of Can Ranh B;-.y as a naval base, the use of Saigon as an air base and the garrisoning of troops In Southern Indo-China," according to the Chinese Governtnent spokesman, who said he was
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  • 85 9 London, July 24. THE Dominions Office officially an- nounced last evening that with the King's approval, the Duke of Ken. will shortly be proceeding to Canada for a brief visit. Ths Duke is greatly Interested In the Commcnwealth air training plan and is desirous
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  • 452 9 London, July 24. "AS an excuse for this latest piece of banditry Japan is resorting once again to the threadbare axis tactics of pretending that it is necessary to forestall alleged British designs," says the Daily Telegraph leader on Indo-China. "It should
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  • 189 9 Warning By U.S. Navy Chief Washington, July 23. ~l THINK there is no doubt that. ii the Japanese proceed according to their present plans which they have in mind, there will be some action. Whether it will be in the north or the south I do not
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  • 264 9 London, July 24. Router's military correspondent Gen. Sir Hubert Cough writes: "It seems the Japanese will occupy Indo-China, m which case It is probable, m my opinion, Britain and America will declare war. "They are fully prepared to meet that event. Entry of America as a full and
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  • 83 9 Maaeow, Juij 24. *T*EN enemy ships, it is now learn- ed, were sunk when Soviet bomncrs attacked an enemy conW... -I news attno Five of the ship« were sunk l>y S<>\ >t dest.over,. The convoy «a« apparently interrepted m the Baltic, when it was proceeding
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  • 136 9 German Advance Slowed Down v 24. rHE German advance an Leningrad been siowtil dov.n as >f the Russians barling huge numbers M men in'o the bat I ■<• Gernaii.s are attcmptta* to break through jetween the Luga P_ver and Lake Mrr.en, :t is ;\dmi"rd by informed Gernan sources I On
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  • 43 9 The Royal Air Force has been tvaging a ceaseless offensive against Italian shipping In the Mediterranean. Here is an Italian ship, which was loaded with supplies for Libyu. going to the bottom after bombing by British aircraft.
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  • 286 9 Economic Reprisals By Britain America Washington, July 23. I JNCONFIRMED reports suggest that joint Anglo-American v economic measures have already been planned against any Japanese aggressive move. Three moves considered likely among well-in lornied commentators are: Stoppage of United States jjold purchases; freezing of Japanese assets, and a complete —Wrg«
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 771 10 Many Donations In Memory Of Mr. Ong Boon Tat TO-DAY'S list of contributors to The War Fund is note1 worthy for the larcre number of gifts sent m memory of the late Mr. Ong Roon Tat whose funeral took place this morning. The total
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  • 3 10
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  • 170 10 ASSAULT ON INSPECTOR Aged Chinese Fined In Johore (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, July 23. **Y OU are an old man. Otherwise, I would have sent you to prison. It is very serious to assault a public servant while doing his duty," said Tuan Haji Nassir, the second magistrate,
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  • 83 10 TJIE air. raft that was reposed 1 missing by the Singapore radio station last nijrht his now been found and all the occupants are safe. An appeal for public assistance m a search fo r the plane was broadcast yesterday and anyone with information was ?sked
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  • 139 10 SINGAPORE RAFFLES HOTEL Dinner it Dance (Informal) 8 p.m. to Midnight. GREAT WORLD Cabaret: 8.30 p.m. to Midnight. Globe: The Mark of Zorro. Sky: Springtime m the Rockies. BAFPV TIIKATKt: llUppj World' Invisible Woman. Seaside: Hotel Imperial. NEW WORLD Talkies. Theatres and Cinemas. Bide Show. Cabaret. Dancing. QUEENS, i.l-
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  • 383 10 Traffic Judge's View Of Case "Y ou were unlucky to have been faced with the situation m which you found yourself," said Mr. C. H. Whitton, Singapore Traffic District Judge, yesterday, addressing Gunner James Thomas Jessop, driver of a military bus which was involved m a collision
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  • 129 10 PAN-AMERICAN Airways will have set up a new record when the basket of Malayan orchids carried by yesterday's Anzac Clipper reaches Miss Irene Dunne at the Columbia Studio* m Hollywood. Through the generosity of a loca* fan of the film star, rare specimens
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  • 69 10 A BRITISH resident m the Federated Malay States who last year gave m interest-free loan of $25.00u (Straits) to the Imperial Exchequer has asked that the loan be converted Into a gift and has at the same time given a further $25,000 for
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  • 64 10 BOUND into ten volume*, each 14 Inches square and four inches thick, tbe signatures of 205,000 Chinese In Malaya, pledging full support for Chungking, will soon be forwarded to Gen. Chiang Kai-shek. The pledge was made on July 7. The 10 volumes will be on
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  • 260 10 COUR days after her sister Mar- gery hart been married at the Tanglln Garrison Church, Miss Aileen Dorothy Black was yesterday married to Mr. Gordon Goto Waller at the Missions to Seamen's Chapel. The parents of both bride and brldegrocm spent some years In Japan. Miss Aileen
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  • 89 10 Mr. Subimal Dutt, Agent of the Government of India, speaking at the opening of the Singapore branch of the Indian Bank yesterday. On his left are Mr R. Jumabhoy and Mr. C. W.Heydan. Sup-visor cf the Eastern branches of the National City Bank of
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  • 466 10 Labour Adviser Addresses Kuala Lumpur Rotariam (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 23. I ATEST to pay his tribute to the magnificent spirit of Londoners under Blitz conditions is Major G. St. J. Orde-Browne, Labour Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies,
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  • 370 10 Passive Defence Committee's Work EVACUEE FEEDING PROBLEMS PNG AGING the attention of the Passive Defence Advisory Committee are probloms likely to arise from a state of emergency m Singapore. Among them is the qu?stion of supplying rice to people forced out of their homes, especially those who,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 MALAYA'S NATURAL WEALTH SPRINGS FROM ITS SOIL SINGAWATIiIwI at the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore^V \lk /If 'lf'/ ■Wit I 'H! Has just the right alkaline character O\» if 111 fl I Bv^llflP I AU 1/ to neutralise after-dinner acidity -.SL^' vlj> \ln \mo\ fffwlCW tynSi FRASER NEAVE, LTD^^§§fe|«f^^^^
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  • 1499 11 Mersing To Singapore In Eight-Day Trek WITH their pipes jauntily skirling the regimental march, "Highland I-addie." against the roll of drums, the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders marched into their barracks m Singapore soon after five o'clock yesterday afternoon with a measured tread that could not readily
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  • 150 11 Mining Company' s War Tax Appeal AN appeal by Petal! Tin Mines agains. assessment of War Tax which was to have been heard m the Singapore Hieh Court yesterday before a Board of Commissioners was postponed pending the decision of the F.M.S. Government on the question as to whether or
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  • 250 11 CIX months' simple imprisonment und suspension of his driving licence for two years was the sentence passed on an English-speaking Singapore businessman, Tay Leong Chek. when he was convicted In the Traffic Court yesterday of causing the death of a ricksha puller on Elgin Bridge (South Bridge
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  • 142 11 r[E defence of Tay Cher Lang, a middle aged Teochow woman, on a charge of fraudulent possession of a quantity of rice m a house In Boat Quay on Apr. 19, began In the Singapore Third Court yesterday. Mr. D. O. Osborne- Jones appeared for
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  • 424 11 Extension Beyond Half Hour Not Favoured By Majority DUTTING the dock one hour ahead m M:iln>:i wmM create difficulties for a large number of trvridvft people who would have to pret up m the dark, WMI Hip viewexpressed by several speakers at the lUtarj CM trday,
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  • 260 11 LEADS TO CHARGE Sender's Attempt To Evade Censor MAURICE LENORMAND a 41-year-old Frenchman, who last week pleaded guilty to a charge of. attempting to evade the Colony's Non-postal Communications Regulations, was yesterday fined $200, or one month's simple imprisonment, by Mr. W. D. Carew It was stated by Inspr s>r
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  • 59 11 REMARKING that there was no evidence to show how the man met his death, Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, recorded a verdict cf "found drowned" at an inquiry yesterday Into the death of an unknown Indian whose body was found floating
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  • 47 11 'From Our Own Correspondent' Penang, July 22. MR. L. Forbes. Chairman of th« Singapore Rural Board and m addition Acting Commissioner of Lands. S£., will succeed Mr A .Vf. Goodman as Resident Councillor of Penang when the latter goes on retirement shortly, it is understood.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 No RECIPE BOOK f~)/7/2& s^-f ni&C> '"SryofGOM SALADS When you use MAZOLA, 1U dear golden goodness, provides the base of mayonnaise, and French dressings, that make salads temptingly delicious and satisfylngiy nutritious. For It's not a salad ujkll you add MAZOLA." In the kitchen MAZOLA ii the finest oil for
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    • 124 11 ;< *Bi- w He v E&*' H A "YOU CAN'T TEACH ME" I was sick to death of cheap cigarettes before T left school. Now, at the mature age of twenty-one, I'm a connoisseur. I've smoked everything from brown paper to Balkan Sobranie m my time but now-a-days it's Balkan
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  • 162 12 SHIPS PLANES FOR BRITAIN Work Progressing In United States New York, July 23. THE first of thirty 10,000-ton cargo ships being: built for Oreat Britain at the Todd shipyards m California Is expected to be launched on Aug. 15. four months to the day after the keel was laid. Three
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 255 12 GIRL WHO SURVIVED SUICIDE PACT Recommended To Mercy At Singapore Assizes A "SUICIDE PACT" between two young Chinese girls had a sequel at the Assizes yesterday when one of the girls was charged -vith abetment of suicide. The accused. Yeo Cheng Leong. whose age was given as "about 17 years,"
    255 words
  • 132 12 A LABOURER, Wong Klan, aged 52 years, squatting on the roof of a house m Jalan Besar and fixing gutters to the eaves of the house, fell to the ground and received fatal injuries, stated a fellow labourer, Lin Ah Kok. at an inquiry
    132 words
  • 50 12 ALLEGED to have committed murder by stabbing Saka Maran to death with a knife :n Woodlands Road on Tuesday night. P. Phaskaran Pillay a 22-year-old Indian, appeared In the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday The charge was explained to Pillay, who was remanded In police custody for 24 hours.
    50 words
  • 37 12 Sir Shanmukham Chetty, who Is passing through Singapore on his way to America as head of the Indian Purchasing Mission to be estiblished there paid a visit to the Indian Overseas Pank's branch m Singapore on Tuesday.
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  • 705 12 Effects Of Drain Caused By China "Incident" London, July 23. THE Times Tokio correspondent, m an article published yesterday and written before the formation of the new Konoye ministry, m which Mr. Matsuoka was superseded by Adm. Toyoda as Foreign Minister, says: "Recent events and
    Reuter  -  705 words
  • 482 12 NEW INDIAN BANK OPENS Mr. S. Dutt Refers To Trade Volume AN appeal to hu countrymen to lend their support to Indian banking business m Malaya was made by Mr. I Srbimal Dutt, Agent of the Govern- j ment of India, at a reception given at the Victoria Memorial Hall
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  • 106 12 FEEL very glad to open the All1 Malaya Tamils' Association, with the hope that it will work for the uplift of the Tamils forming the major population of the Indian community and develop their culture In Malaya." said Sir Shanmukham Chetty when he declared open the association
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  • 92 12 (From Our Own Correspondent' Ipoh, July 23. TWO young Ipoh Chinese will shortly 1 leave for Singapore, where they will undergo intensive training with a view to taking a commission m the Royal Army Service Corps. They are Lee Ah Loke and Wong Kck Sang,
    92 words
  • 228 12 Indian Who Allegedly Took Notice Board If. N. M. MANIKAM CHETTIAR, a 50-year-old land owner and moneylender, was fined $30 m the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday when he was convicted on a charge of stealing a "landing place" notice board belonging to the Fisheries Department which
    228 words
  • 94 12 Zurich, July 23. "■pHF fate of Greece forms th« chief subject of Italo-BuU garian conversations which are now taking place m Rome, according to the Rome correspondent of the Tribuna de Geneve. The correspondent says, Italy, which Is finding the occupation of Greece purely a
    94 words
  • 214 12 NAZI MINISTER QUITS BOLIVIA Insolent Note On Decoration La Paz, July 23. *¥*HE German Minister to Bolivia, Ernst Wendler. who has been declared personal non grata by the Bolivian Government, has left La Pas with his wife for Antofagasta (Chile. Troops escorted him to the st^'inn and prevented the public
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 146 12 London. July 24. ACCORDING to information received m Czecho-Slovak quarters m London, the German authorities m the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia have issued orders forbidding Czechs to travel from one town to another without reporting to the police and obtaining a special permit,
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 100 12 London, July 24. AN invitation has been sent by telegram to United States Congressmen and Senators to s?nd a representative body to England as guests of the British group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the British Council to obtain a first-hand impression of British
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 47 12 London. July Zi. MR. Ernest Bevin. the Minister of Labour. proposes to res'ster women from 25 years of age up to 31 at intervals during the next five morths beginning Aug. 2. Age groups beyond may have to register later.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 290 12 London, July 24. FE invasion of Russia has greatly increased Germany's labour difficulties, according to a statement by the Ministry of Economic Warfare m London last night. Since the beginning of the year. Nazis have been faced by a growing shortage of workers
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 267 12 These Brushes 4 are really wfaSm \i excellent value ft% and are made ■•;•< tf Oj I QB «3| |9 of durable Wf materials. LOW PRICED. Purchase now H while stocks are here! M* VTENDERSONS mJ H YGEX „j 'J JLAair brushes Js I ARE BRITISH MADE Henderson Brushes are
      267 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 458 13 Fmm^M4cmfs^F/(rHrmMF/^ SbbbßWNbl^B IZ^^i 3BM>»g-ff<mJr?ißW*g «MbbM bb^bsA2?*^lbbbbbb» ii .^^bbbbbH&bbbbbP^^\3QbbbbbbP^\l9Qbbbbl PsV»I bV^<S bB» BBBk^k^^BV From the plante of the affiliated Ford Companies throuxttoat the British ||j^^^^^ J. "V Empire comes a never-endinc flow faster, faster every day m greater niim- fj^ £g\ MjWw BBSH^QbO^ -A""A ever >' —°f the mechanized units required
      458 words

  • 767 14 Nazi Drive Toward Moscow Has Been Brought To Complete Halt Moscow, July 23. CMOLENSK, key city on the Soviet central front, is and always has been m Soviet hands, Reuter'g special correspondent learns on good authority despite German propaganda claims later supported
    Reuter  -  767 words
  • 345 14 Little Damage Done In Second German Air Ra id On Moscow Moscow, July 23. A TOTAL of 37 German planes were shct down m two air raids on! Moscow w.thln the last 24 hcurs. it was announced here to-day, says United Press. Sixteen were shot down m a new raid
    Reuter  -  345 words
  • 334 14 London, July 23. THE scope of British air operations is increasing both by 1 day and night. This was disclosed by Sir Archibald Sinclair, Secretary for Air, m the House of Commons to-day. "Our night bombing is on a heavy scale and
    334 words
  • 90 14 Vichy, July 23. KfEGOTTATIONS are under way be- tween London and Mosrcw for the immedta c liberation of aoOuOO Polish prisoners of war captured by the Russians a yeor a*o, who will be handed over to 'he British for transfer to the British Near
    90 words
  • 178 14 OFFICIAL SOVIET ALLEGATION Moscow, July S3. f\OCUMENTS giving Instructions with regard to the large-scale use of poison gas were captured m fighting near Zapadnaia Psychna. east of Pskov, on July 15, according to a supplementary announcement to to-day's Soviet communique. It states that Soviet troops
    178 words
  • 118 14 London, July 23. j "WE must wish every success o I the valiant Russian armies and people m their struggle and be ready v) give them every possible assistance." writes the Archbishop of Canterbury m the Canterbury t Diocesan Gazette. I "It may seem strange
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 51 14 Cairo. July 23. TO-DAY'S Middle East communique I states: Tohruk: Continuing their offensive action one of our patrols penetrated to a considerable depth on Monday night. There was no serious clash with the enemy but a few casualties were inflicted at small loss to ourselves. Other fronts:— Nothing to repoit
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 198 14 After Suffering For Years Rheumatism attacked this old iidr and gradually spread from her arms t > all parts of her body. Then she started Krusrhen. and now she writes "I have suffered from rheuma ism for years. At first. I lelt acute pain m
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 184 14 Tnicotal THE SMOKER'S TOOTH PASTE m The antiseptic and germicidal properties M of this dentifrice make it an excellent M family tooth paste. It is capable m of removing film and tobacco m stains and contains g nothing harmful to m delicate or m[^^^ sensitive _^^ti SOLE AGENTS:— THE FEDERAL
      184 words
    • 798 14 BENRIMO OPTICAL GO. QUALIFIED OITICIANS. 16S, North Briilne Road. Phone 83W3 vain 25 Lbs. New Cinema Way rh«*r« is no .onger any exouM for men and women to remain Thin. Nervoui. Underweight, Run-iv>wn, and Fri«-ndleas In Hollywood the rtn»ma Stars are under a severe strain nlrht and day and requira
      798 words

  • 705 15 Three Teams Still In Running In The Southern Section Pi 1 the Army defeat Singapore in Saturday's all-important Malaya Cup soccer match at Anson Road stadium, there may have to be at least two replays in the southern section of the competition before it
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  • 62 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penan:, July 23. rE dosing date for entries for the Penane Turf Club's Summer meeting, which will be held en Sa urday. Aug. 2, Monday, Aug. 4, and Saturday, Aug. 9, has been postponed until Friday owing to insufficient entries being received to-day.
    62 words
  • 554 15 Entries For Amateur Meeting <From Our Own Correspondent^ Scremban. July 23. SEVERAL competitors trim the A.I.F. and other military units will compe.e in the Negri 8emt>ten Amateur Athletic Association's sports meeting on July 26 at Seremban. Heatf in the 220 yds. half-mile races and .580 yards relay
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  • 71 15 Seabright, (N.J.), July 23. AMERICA U tennis champion. Don 111, i.^ among the .md round winners of «he Invitation tour nament, -Aliile Booby >ii,!xs, former American and Wimbledon champion, and Frank Parker, the Davis Cup play;r a'so survived. The bciiien players included the American stars. Frank Shields, who
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 114 15 <pHE following arc this week-end's events at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club. To-morrow there will be the usual afternoon races for all classes, starting at 5.23 p.m. for "A" class and 5.25 p.m. fcr oth^r classes. On Sunday "C Class will sail the first
    114 words
  • 36 15 OT. Andrew's Old Boys' Association will *5 hold a lawn tennl* tournament from the mid He of August. The events will be: open singles championship and open doubles championship. Entries close on Aug. S.
    36 words
  • 34 15 SOCCER. S.A.F.A. league, first division. S PC. ts PoUce, S.C.C.; second division (a), RAF. (Sel:tar) ts. V.M.C.A.; YM.C.A.; second division (b). Kranji ts. Indian Association, Clerical Union; J.C.S.A. tm. S.C.F.A.. J.C.SJL
    34 words
  • 233 15 rpHE following are the starting times i ana teams for the golf match between the American Association and Sepoy Lints Go!: Club, to be played at Sepoy Lines on Sunday, Sepoy players first: B.SO :i.m. F. M.arp (6) and G. A. T. Shaw <10>
    233 words
  • 450 15 Thrilling Game Expected As Yankees Face Nippons WITH the crucial Major League baseball fame between the Japanese and the American Association at Jalan Besar stadium on Sunday, all interest is focussed on the probable outcome. On paper, the Japanese appear to have a slight advantage,
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  • 35 15 Be ttina Beats Burman New York, July 23. UEUO BmiNA, fanner world lifbtheavyueicbt champion. outpointed Clarrnce Btirman, protege of Jack Dempsey, over ten rounds. A crowd of 10,000 spectators saw Bet Una win comfortably. Keuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 227 15 rE following are the weights for the Kedah Gymkhana Club's annual amateur race meeting, which is being held at Alor Star on Saturday. X I 1. Ilaadirap. romirs. It! and Inder 5 fan. Mananuit 12.07 Devon King 10. M Stenella 11 n Sime FILt 10.00 Coilten
    227 words
  • 86 15 Draw For First Round T"HE following it t*u draw for th first round of the Royal Singapore Golf Clubs Duffer Cup competiticr. t be played not later thai. Sunday, Auc 3: C. T. Owen vs P. C. Sands; F Woolley ts. R Johnson; C. A.
    86 words
  • 64 15 London, July 23. LONDON Football League clubs who have been unable to accept the Football League fixture list which necessitates tong distance travelling, ha.c decided to form a London War Football League. The Football Association will be asked to sanction the formation of th* London League, m which
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 133 15 TpHE following an the results ot tie;: played m the S R.C. tennis tournament yesterday: Handicap Singles: A. Watts (—15.3. bea; O. Palmer (—l5) w.0.. 11. M. dc Souza <scr. beat R. Bowerman (+3) 6—2. 6—o; Dr. L. da Sllva -15) beat C. de
    133 words
  • 86 15 r PHE members of Chinese Ouuipankm Athletic Association entertained the members of the post Office Club to friendly bill.aid. match on Sunday at the Association's premises at 247 C New Bridge Road. The following were the results. CCA.A. mentioned first: THRLF. BALLS Tan Thian Sang (I»7> vs. Albuquerque'
    86 words
  • 428 15 Bank Holiday Attraction For Singapore A STRONG side has boon selected to represen 1 the Colony m their annual cricket fixture against the Malay States, which will this year be played during the August Bank Holiday:, on Saturday, Aug. 2, Sunday, Aug. 3,
    428 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 169 15 CAN I A> UAUs ruK MftlM natlM, KATTAN AND BERT AM (HICKS Maker and Repairer »f Kalian and sVrtsaa rkleka, Canvaa sad Sprint ICinda, TarnaaUaa, Teats, Sails, Casnras Bail, Trnab Bine Drill Screen*. fWtam Panels, Foldinc TeskwMd Vrnrtiaa Bllnd» Caavaa Hood Blind*. Kmuml Kattea Coir Fendara. Cardea I'mbrella*. Fiati and
      169 words

  • 670 16 24-HOUR ULTIMATUM SAID TO HAVE BEEN PRESENTED Marshal Petain Says French May Have To Fight To Defend Colony Washington, July 23. JAPAN has presented a 24-hour ultimatum to French Indo-Lhina demanding complete occupation of the country hy Japanese troops, French authorities here state they have
    670 words
  • 191 16 I'faimjKiiMr Juiy 23. ADM. Yang Hsuan-cheng, Chief of the Intelligence Bureau of the War Operations Board, told the Press to-day that seven heavy Japanese warships, three aircraft-carriers and 55 destroyers steamed south past Kyushu yesterday. He said that 30 Japanese transports and three
    191 words
  • 77 16 THAILAND: "STRICT NEUTRALITY Bangkok, July 23. IN view of the present tension m the Far East, when Japanese intentions regarding Indo-China md Thailand are the subject of keen, worldwide speculation, special Importance attaches to the latest pronouncement of the Thai Premier, Luang Plbul Songgram. Bidding farewell to the Thai official
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 67 16 Tokio. July 23. MOVING to meet the shortage of shipping, the Japanese Oovernmsnt will place all privately owned .'lup; under state control, it was learned here tc-day. At present s ate control over shipping is exercised only on allotments of bottoms to specified routes. Meanwhile,
    67 words
  • 49 16 Havana, July 23. THE Government has prohibited Japanese fishermen from sailing m Cubin crastal waters, according to relkib'.c sourcei here to-day. The i rdcr wa isued to halt alleged suspi.-ious Japanese coastal activities, It was reported. It is understood 500 Japanese llshcrmen are affected.— Unitei Press.
    49 words
  • 216 16 'U.S. Prepared If Japan Moves Against French Washington, July 23. TT seems certain that the United States will take some action In connection with the latest Japanese move m Indo-China, observers state. A high State Department official m private conversation is reported to have said recently that America was "prepared"
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 87 16 Hong Kong. July 23. QBSERVERS here believe whatever <»rection Japans next move may be, nor-hward or southward. It wl'l mean »h» beginning of Japan's national suicide In Tlew Tne^Wl^rtnat^e o^couVi^or^e^w Japanese Cabinet to follow will be to keep the "itetW viri:' If Japan goes
    87 words
  • 222 16 BRITAIN'S "HANDS OFF" WARNING TO JAPAN Statement Of Policy To Indo-China Thailand rrr*ros inaiuna, our policy is governed by our treaty of*Ktns%ion with that country. "It is not designed to obtain exclusive advantages and it is not directed against any third party, except insofar as such third parties may
    222 words
  • 35 16 Washington, July 2~. "THE bill for $244,000,000 for additional naval shore facilities has been passed by the House of Representatives and has been sent to the Senate. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • in A Malayan Bungalow
      17 words
    • 3097 1 Maternal Pride Overcomes Maternal Solicitude For An Only Son Women And The War By Straits Times London Woman Correspondent London, Apr, 22. AUR two lift attendants are nice youths, bright and cheery, for ever whistling "Roll out the barrel" or some other favourite, for ever out of tune. We like
      3,097 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 167 1 Just Unpacked "Crepe Glory" m 15 Glorious Colours Parmanand'S 42, High Street KEEP BABY ft Jfl up Ai THY P W nbnL I fl I MILK OF MAGNESIA THESE SIGNS SAY SA»Y NEEDS PHILLIPS' f W^^fJ^mV^ Upset Stomach Flatulence Indigestion Biliousness Heartburn Constipation A baby's delicate system is so easily
        167 words
        79 words
    • 3522 2  -  Nurse Elizabeth By MURSE Elizabeth has had expert training m the care of infants and young children. If you have any problems connected with babies or young children and would like her help write to Noise Elizabeth, co Women's Supplement, Straits Times, Cecil Street, Singapore. Attach this
      3,522 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 174 2 CREPE CHARMIESE THE ALL, OCCASION WEAR LATEST AMERICAN NOVELTY AVAILABLE IN CHARMING SHADES AT:— /C*&SftLove/y to look at U17 Jl Because she keep* herself £y/^2C P^\ immaculately groomed: ■pjf I "'Hazeline' Snow" is her *^j m choice of toilet preparation for day %HL V W use. For '"Hazeline' Snow" ~~~lft--
        174 words
      • 152 2 IK £SX L E WAVE -«t your next perm be a riLmTM 3 safest and most satlsfacRJL tory. The heat Is Mt Blk sudden '-ut gradual. It V| WF lakes so little time that gjf you will hardly bellcv* «y^^^ that lt is all over. Raias: M *lt. aaa KAYES
        152 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 64 3 I ARC AMAMICIJILS 4/ JH UfTZL' wondcriul luxury vet to inexrtrnmtt\ live. After an Amami Shampoo fta^l ao*k c htr* r reth an.l i lean your v tip hnw MnttOMl «a«v H M 10 v-^^k Kt Nowomler milJinns of lovely mrU Y^3^^ tin mi Sl Blondn, AmamiNo.3 AMAMI T-t ak.
        64 words
        461 words
    • 1041 4 Winkleday Adventures DUNGO and I were sitting under a tree talking to Eliza Elephant and Sadie Snake. I wish," said Sadie, that I was a film star Why asked Eliza, cutting the top off an orange and sucking it noisily
      1,041 words
    • Article, Illustration
      33 4 Irene Dunne, co-star with Cary Grant In Penny Serenade coming to I the Pavilion cinema, pins a white accent on her simple black Areas In thia case a bif pwy of white violrU.
      33 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 280 4 THE FAME of LAMB SKIN SHEER IN LOVELY PRINTS CHEERS YOU ALL IN THE LATEST FASHION AT DOULATRAMS 48-50 HIGH STREET TELE. 7846 M four Urdct fo« u« abl* to cn>ov tout VldEB trrourlu nrteoc* tt «dt time of cb* \m S?«W imm rnofs #t* frown lr> CT\i *^t> f
        280 words
      • 73 4 &a£ TarV R. VtCK A CO. LTD. MStM SOW ITO i L _f heautital poiw. i 1 New Cut« «c-. U vountes»reOld Roie NEW POROUS POLISH fUJ C/% the fishy taste of the oil. Liver Oil helps you to build up resistance 11^^ felj^ H^vV •gainst all ills; whilst
        73 words
    • 723 5  -  By Mabel Tyrrell "MONEYS round, and it soon rolls away," said Mrs. Bugbird, the chairmaker's wife, "so if you've got a shilling never spend more than ninepence. Make it a habit. Habit's a useful cord, binding you to itself, and I always says that
      723 words
    • 124 5 A BLISTERED heel must be treated carefully or much harm may result. The blister should be pricked with a needle dipped m peroxide of hydPiKen. Drain away the fluid by pressing gently with a piece of sterll1. '.i lint, and then cover the place with another piece
      124 words
    • 819 5  - British Women Keep The Wheels Of Transport Turning By John Hind DRITISH womenfolk are doing a great deal more than spring cleaning m England to-day. Many thousands are serving full time m uniform with the Forces, the Civil Defence Services and the Auxiliary Services, such as fire fighting, spotting and
      819 words
    • 122 5 GOOD linen has to last a long time nowadays. So if you are storing it away for an Indefinite period, It is an excellent plan to wash It (to remove any traces of starch or chemicals^ rinse m three lots of clear water, dry and air and
      122 words
    • 52 5 MANY people wash chintzes at home and some of them find that the cold water starch, which gives such a good gloss, is apt to cause the fabric to stick to the Iron. This, however, can be prevented If a few drops of turpentine are added to
      52 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
        203 words
    • Article, Illustration
      67 6 The marriare took place at Sermfcan of Dr. T. impaUvanar. of Malacca, and Ml» Vailiaraai. thr daughter of the late Dr. A. S. Motho and cf Mrm. Mulhu. of Seremban. The ceremonies were performed according to Hindu rites. The briderreom, who is la private practice m Malacca, Is a
      67 words
    • 350 6  -  By Ellen Ainsworthy COOKING vegetables successfully sounds a very simple accomplishment, yet it is an amazingly rare one. Generally, vegetables are overcooked and squashed and therefore practically tasteless. So, if you are one of the offenders, try cooking them this way instead Pour
      350 words
    • 78 6 EVEN m these busy days you can quite well keep brass ornaments bright and shiny without a lot of vigorous cleaning. Just rub on some soft cloth; anJ where there are crevices In the pattern, brush the brass liquid polish, dry, and rub with a lightly To
      78 words
    • 71 6 •pRAVEUJNO rugs are a great comfort wh> you are sleeping or Just rest. and the neatest rug is that which slips around the waist and remains m place. There are other rugs which wrap around the waist, and tie m the style of an apron, and new
      71 words
    • 86 6 SEWING machines were never so precious. When troubles occur j even minor ones don't forget that j you should have, with the machine, i an instruction book to help you. It will describe, with diagrams, just how i the machine works, and will give de- tails of the
      86 words
    • 47 6 IF you and it necessary to wash your hair yourself between professional sets," do try a soapluss shampoo. There are several on the market and they help so much towards easy rinsing— never a simple matter when you are doing your own ha*-
      47 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 327 6 Keep\bur Skin Free m*_ from 'aFiTf riiaf inci or USS Irritation|[ (o pm I JLViany women think that discomfort Lc_ljs fc*' from chafing and a hot prickly skin U y «navoi.lable. To-day thousands are di»covering the wonderful comfort to be JHBMpm> obuined from using Cuticur* Talcum. UUu|ffiMmU|U Here is a
        327 words
      • 255 6 "This is so convenient and marvelous milk!" TMAGINE pure, fr«h mitk W* j triat keeps without re- Jr frigeration until you use /mnM Klim is that kind of milk— U|B^^B Vise, fresh milk from healthy, V well-fed regularly-inspected mJwM cows, powdered by removing the water and nothing else i It
        255 words
    • 893 7  - Problems In Billeting The Children By Victoria Chappelle F WAS m a friend's house one day when the billeting authorities called. How many children can yon take asked the woman officer, poising her pencil. My friend looked surprised. "None, I'm afraid," she answered. You see, this is only a three-roomed
      893 words
    • 435 7  -  By Susan AYEA YE you seen them Of course you have. Aren't they sweet Such a riot of colour, so cheermaking m these grim old war days, and what is really important, a smart way to economy. My own tailor, who I naturally consider the most exclusive
      435 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 397 7 THE WEIHAIWEI EMBROIDERY CO. 106. HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. We have the largest and finest ttock of goods for your selections. •Linen Table Cloth Luncheon Sets 'Handkerchiefs, etc. •Teak and Camphorwood Cheats •Tables etc Silk Underwear Kiatouos Nightgown*, etc Jade Trees Ivory Porcelain •Vases •Carved Lacruer 'Various Embroideries i.nd i r.ticy
        397 words
      • 133 7 OMEGA v ±£r 090 tl/. STAYBRITE STEEL $60 00 Manufactured by the same craftsmen who made and regulated the World's most ACCURATE WATCH. Omega the WorUT*, most accurate watch. FOR MlLffl BiuTsilVß a /j'rtit»cL 1 lIWBP'O'I IPOH PINBWS iaiawP^sZa>l~a3Sa§§l .^^k JgJ 3^ Jr^a^avaakl 4ar r^ aw^K#/ wvHaUr^^awVUala^ 1 AND ITb
        133 words
    • 1284 8  - Tea In A Malayan Bungalow Garden By A Working Woman THE car turns into the drive and I remark v/ith pleasure the white-covered table under the trees. The heat and cares of the day seem on the point of slipping away and I turn with sympathy to my husband who
      1,284 words
    • 794 8 THE Singapore market prices here given have been supplied to the Straits Times by the Food Control Office. Maximum Retail Prices In Markets MEAT, LOCALLY SLAUGHTERED LIVE POULTRY per katty cts. Capons '5 Non- laying hens and cockerel* 65 Old cocks and old hens SO
      794 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 257 8 For the Household Buy all your requirements at the low prices whilst the Sale is on COTTON WHITE BEDSHF.ETS. 54" x »0" $1.10 each. 72" x 90" $1.65 each. ftO" x 100" $2.10 each. SO" x 1C8" $2.65 each. WHITK COTTON SHEETING. 54" $3 85 per yard. IV 51.00 per
        257 words
      • 156 8 i ii if on like something j jj tasty, as I do. if on II f*\^F*^"^ i"iT^ Many new and Ustj dl«hes cmn w&^^^^*^&t^^^ be made with th« suggestions r^ given here. They will prove welcome and delicious addi- '^ittf^So^^^^^r!^A tinns to your weekly menus |3^^T!<<^(fPC3a5 J^^ that everyone will
        156 words