The Straits Times, 13 July 1941

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FlNAL**** No. 499 Sunday, July 13, 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya Ho. 499 Sunday, July 13, 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 737 1 Negotiations For Armistice On Allied Terms DISCUSSIONS NOW PROCEEDING IN PALESTINE TOWN TT has been confirmed from Cairo that fighting in Syria has temporarily ceased, Gen. Dentz, the Vichy French commander-in-chief, having agreed to negotiate for an armistice on Allied terms. A British United Press correspondent
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  • 118 1 Glasgow. Saturday. THE Scottish summer cup soccer final at Hampden Park was won by the Hibernians who beat Glasgow Ranters by three coals to 'two. The Rangers, who won the league, cup and charity cup during the season, seemed set for a fourth trophy when
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 186 1 "V" Signs Cover Europe London. Saturday. *THE "V for Victory" campaign Is gaining Immense impetus in occupied territories of Europe. An Army officer broadcasting in the European service of the 8. 8.C. yesterday said that last week he made a suggestion that people living in occupied countries should celebrate July
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  • 97 1 Poll Shows U. S. Wants Russia To Win New York, Saturday. CE VENT i -TWO per cent, of Americans want Russia to win against Germany, according to the latest Gallup Poll. Only four per cent, of people questioned wanted Germany to win. Seven per cent, were undecided, and 17 percent,
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 59 1 New York. Saturday. AMERICAN observers for the office of civilinn defence are leaving for London ry Clipper to-day. The party Includes Dr. Hvntlngtor. Williams, Health Commissioner for Baltimore, and Capt. DonaLi Leonard of the Mlch.gan police, who will tour various ppulated areas of Britain
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 138 1 *I*HE German offensive has been "completely halted, and at many places the Russian armies have begun counter-attacks," Marshal Timoshenko, newly- appointed Commander-in-Chief of the western (central) sector of the front, said In r radio broadcast reviewing the military situation in Russia, reports United Press. M. Lozovskv, Vice-Foreign Commissar, commenting
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  • 35 1 London, Saturday. Fls ofnc'ally announced in London that a Netherlands submarine cooperating with th^ If itish Navy in the Mediterranean sank a heavily laden enemy tanker of about 8,000 tons Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 952 1 Germany And Occupied Europe Givers Worst Pounding Of The War By British Bombers London, Saturday. DAILWAY and canal com- munications near St. Omer, beyond Calais, were attacked by R.A.F. heavy bombers on Saturday morning. Five German fighters were destroyed by the escorting British fighters. Two British planes are missing. The
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  • 492 1 drive are impossible to foresee, but might be most serious, it Is stated in London. If the Germans make geographic headway corresponding to the first days of the war, they should go far toward piercing the Soviet Union's armour, it is believed. Informed quarters In
    Reuter  -  492 words
  • 133 1 Helsinki. Saturday. A NUMBER of Russian parachutists landed in the neighbourhood of Helsinki to-day, according to reliable quarters here. Several were .-.aid to have been captured, most of them being unarnic I and claiming to have Jumped from distressed planes. Official sources say that on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 TAI HEN 6 CO. Jailor* Coleman St., Singapore. face. 3375. Mw
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    • 115 1 BE SURE TO GET THE BEST and LATEST ALWAYS AT CHOTIRMUL'S LEADING fcM MP.CHAHTSJ pSN^^^SI II G■ P 0 R E \£f/ li* PREF E R S M^n, <. jag I 1 jj|jm 1 W ICelrikaiot REFRI6ERRTION u<AiNIS forK b.Kjsa^es, a iccai prouu unexcelled quality, are preserved by KELVINATOR Reirigeration.
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  • 70 2 P.I. S. AMERICA SAID MENACED BY THE AXIS POWERS London, Saturday. •T*HE recent request of Gen. George Marshall, Chief of Naval Operations, that men now serving in the army under the military service law should be held in the army even after their normal terra ends is now ascribed to
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 114 2 Chungking, Saturday. 'THE vanguard of American tech- nical advisers arrived in Changking by plane this morning front Hong Kong. These Included three transportation and highway experts, Mr. Donald Arnsteln, former head of the Yellow Cab Company, Mr. Marco Heilman, ana Mr. Harold Davis, who will act
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  • 211 2 Silicon, Saturday. AMOVE to broaden the basis of government tc Rive the native peoples more say in Indo-Chinese affairs is announced to-day with the publication of an order-in-council signed by the GovernorGeneral setting up a new IndoChinese Federal Council of 25 members. The
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 137 2 July 14 To Be Day Of Mourning In France This Year London, Saturday. JULY 14, the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille which to pre-war France meant a bank holiday with an imposing military review in the morning and all fun of the fair in the evening, is to
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 65 2 Hankow, Saturday rIE Japanese Navy spokesman here said to-day the Japanese may blockade the French concession of Hankow unless the French unconditionally release Japanese civilians whom the French arrested alter a shooting affray between six Japanese and ttveral French Annamlte pcllccncn lnr.lde a notel wa'hroom
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  • 70 2 London, Saturday. HOW landncen's gifts saved the lives of seamen many mile* away at sea Is shown In a message from the Admiralty to the 81ouKh b'oofl transfusion centre, supplies of blood from which, the message state*, were used with much success at sea
    British Wireless  -  70 words
  • 148 2 Stockholm, Saturday. "THE American challenge will eventually be met by tns? only manner Germany can meet such steps, namely, by action," writes the Berlin correspondent of the Demokraten, discussing the dispatch of American troops to Iceland. "The initiated think that Germany will first
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 179 2 Washington. Saturday. THE suggestion that British troops should leave Iceland lest their presence should tempt a German attack and thus involve the American troops now there was made at a secret meeting of the Senate Naval Committee, according to reports described as reliable.
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  • 268 2 FIRST LORD ON SUCCESSES AGAINST U-BOATS London, Saturday. jyiK. A. V. ALEXANDER, First Lord of the Admir iliv. revealed in a speech to-day that during the past few weeks the British I -boat campaign has been having what he called a particularly successful time in destroying German submarines. I know
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 96 2 Vichy, Saturday. GEN. CATROUX, Free French leader In the Middle East, and many other well-known Frenchmen, have been deprived of their French nationality and denied the right to wear the Legion of Honour or any other French decorations according to a decree In to-day's Official journal.
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 61 2 London. Saturday. A DAT, and night watch to ensure that Britain's harvest will not be destroyed bj incendiary bombs was urged by a Ministry '■>•' Rome Security official yesterday. Every Tillage, he said, should consider arrangements for f.ghtlng hres anio~g Children, he suggested, could
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  • 135 2 Tokio, Saturday. VERNACULAR newspapers 'ere to-day featured Hanoi dispatches retarding alleged recent antiJapancs; actions by French Indochina authorities. The newspapers criticized the French for th fcl'.owlng alleged counts. 1. Their failure to live up to the spirit of the Franco-Japanese trade agreement by attempting to restrict
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  • 192 2 Washington, Saturday, I *PHE Secretary of the Navy, Col. Frank j. Knox, told a secret session of the Sanata Naval Affairs Committee yes- terday that a United States naval Atlantic patrol vessel droposd depthcharges some time ago to "warn" an approaching submarine,
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  • 136 2 Boy Rescues Woman Her Child During Southampton Raid London, Saturday. GEORGE Medals have been awarded to four men who drove through a rain of fire bombs to a broken gas main according to the latest list of awards. Ignited gas from the main roae in columns or flame and the
    British Wireless  -  136 words
  • 74 2 Chungking. Saturday. rpHX British Military Attache. Major General L. E. Dennys, and the British Air Attache, Major Warburton, and Mrs. Dernys, arrived by plane from Rangoon last n.f:.t. The same plane brought Lieut-Com-mander John Proud, of the British Ministry of Information's Far Eastern bureau in
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  • 91 2 Landau. Saturday. JLfR. C. R. Attlec. liOTd Privy Srml. Then ITI visiting factories it. Wales to-day, uid that from the humblest worker to the Prime Minister "we all have a )O>i to do m ihji war." He added: "We have rot two thing? the Germans have
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 100 2 Washington, Friday. TTHE United States seized 16 Axis ships to-day which had previously been taken into custody on the grounds their owners forfeited their rights by permitting sabotage aboard them. The seizure was ordered by the Treasury Department under the authority of the Espionage Act
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 2 In defiance of the Gestapo, the citizens of Bergen, Nortoay, have continued to honour a fallen British pilot by adorning the grave of the Unknown British Pilot with wreaths and masses of flowers.
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  • 86 2 Melbourne, Saturday. 'THE war cabinet has decided to em- ploy war prisoners at present on camp maintenance and are asking tht Labour Department to formulate other work not connected with the war effort, announced Mr. Percy C. Soender, Australian Minister f~r the Army, adding that
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 65 2 Tokio, Saturday. A BUMPER rice crop of 11.100 000.000 kiloirrr. I nes is forecast for the Japau-ue Em nlre in 1941 by the Ministry of Agricul.ire un-1 Forestry. The normal crop Is 13.030.0D0.000 kilogrammes. Favourable weather during the plan tin r season Is Riven
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  • 261 2 ALL-TIME HIGH FOR U.S. PLANE PRODUCTION Los Angeles, Saturday. THE production of war planes nt Southern California nis reach* ed an all-time hi»h, with planes rolling off the assembly lines equal or superior t«. any in the European war. according to statement issued through the War Department on the Southern
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  • 77 2 Tokio, Saturday. "THE Information Board, anno :i. ing to-day the appointment of Japan's five members and five assistant members from the Foreign, War and Navy Minis ries, of the mixed Indo-Ciiina-Thailand border delimitation cemmiss'on, said they would leave for Saigon shortly to meet similarly
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  • 74 2 Toklo, S?. urday. AIMING at «elf-sufliciency in hops, the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry has decided to subfldi-.e hop-growers t j Increase production. Prior to the Furrpan war. Japan impr t d 70 per cent, of her domestic consumption, chiefly from Germany. In 1P39. imports to
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  • 65 2 Simla. Saturday. A PRESS confeience his been called for Monday aft?moon at the Simla Set- etariat when an important poli'lral announcement Is e::pecled. Gen. Sir Archibald Waveil. new C-in-C. India, arrived at Simla on Friday n Rht a*)J was received at the S:.-'!a Sta'ion by the Indian
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 674 2 LEARN SHORTHAND BY POST AND IE CERTAIN OF A JOB For over 70 years Pitman's have taught shorthand successfully. Tens of thousands have gained good posts through its ma&tcry. Now, In your own home. you can acquire the ability to take letters or speeches If you seek employment as a
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    • 106 2 t v^bHF* XJvt^^^ m m m M t k \^/J^ra^ Boots' Compound Glycerin of Thymol y»^3fl&' Pastilles are a safe and effective remedy for sore throat, having the V&j^cß* value of a prolonged antiseptic gargle. Kartbcßv The Pastilles have a refreshing jJigjjP flavour and will be found entirely f pleasant
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  • 758 3 The Allies Have Already Destroyed Over 7,500 Planes 18,750 Airmen London, Saturday. THE reduction of German air activity over Britain recently has been so apparent that it has aroused speculation about the decree to which the Luftwaffe will be able
    Reuter  -  758 words
  • 221 3 Australian News YOUNG MEN NOW INELIGIBLE FOR CIVILIAN JOBS Melbourne, Saturday. »pHE new R.A.A.F. age limits now preclude young men doing non-combatant taeut.-Col. N. P. Wellington, of the Victorian Pioneers, and formerly Town Clerk of Bwendon. has been wounded. The United Btates oU experts invited by the Federal Government to
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  • 68 3 rK Ktns on Krlflay watched British fighter pilots ta! ing oil from an RAF. fighter asattcii to protect bombers engaged in the sernr. 1 of the day's two raitls on German tar-rets In northern Fiance. >yed in the operations room while tha fighters co' r ied
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 54 3 Naval Air Attack On Tripoli An imaginative drawing of a bombardment of the Libyan port of Tripoli by British battleships when over 1.000 tons of high explosive shells crashed into Tripoli, starting great fires and crushing enemy striktng bases, while hundreds of heavy high explosive bombs dropped by RAJ", pilots
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  • 493 3 British Forces Tanks Pouring Into Egypt As Germans Build Forts London, Saturday. THE Libyan lull may be a prelude to prolonged trench war--1 fare separated by a no-man's-land visited nightly by patrols on both sides, minor skirmishes, patrols and scouting parties and occasional artillery strafing, cables Reuter's special correspondent in
    Reuter  -  493 words
  • 70 3 Simla, Saturday. DBBTRICTIONS on payments and other transactions by persons resident in the sterling area with persons outside it are Imposed under a new Defence of India rule to-day. The restrictions are subject to exemption* which may be granted by the Reserve Bank I of
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 487 3 1 Mm I 1 I CYDER Al For a clean, healthy, and refresh- /^H ing drink, Whiteway's Cyd r tak<.« gk a lot of beaung. MRtti C El We can offer you a fine select ion Ar' r ~mBU Kjj^ ''-^f of Whiteways Sparkling Cyd^o S*H '^w* i see list
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 46 3 BLUEY AND CLRLEY 1 w.4»t MiTlE8 VA« V^ j MEt> PQOBABLt »C O.OWT $AY AM>TtHI»»& A&OuT /V^^C^ >«ALK^<, ABOUND OVEQ V4t-a.^{. A BiOOm.m' 1 6MOoT .w& H'M tnROU<iK ThE. J (f _>. tHtttt w Hii ni&mT SmtfT BullET PUoof vliT f ,ue<T n,n I r—~^ C J
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 177 4 Exposing The Jungle's most blood-chilling Secret daringly filmed by Dr. Paul L. Hoefler, who "Shot" the memorable "AFRICA SPEAKS" TO-DAY 4 PERFORMANCES THEY PLUNG^f ROM TREES TO KILL! OARINGJ.Y FILMED Br wSIJr f Ml DR. PAUL L HOEFLM R*_T3fifc^J "xre/G* speaks" SmmmmmViml Presented with a new and interesting issue of
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    • 202 4 ***** People have already flocked to see it! Owing To Tremendous SUCCESS SPECIAL SCREENING Of EDGAR WALLACE'S Great Adventure Story Icapitoll t D A Y PCSITIVELY LAST SCREENING 41/2 hours! 2500 feet usual prices JUST THE IDEAL SHOW FOR YOUR WEEK-END ENJOYMENT! W£W? A WORTHY SUCCESSOR 4**) To M.-G.-M.'s Famous
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  • 406 5 Wife Mate Merry At Party In Honour Of "The Other Woman" ARRIVING uninvited at a house where her husband was living with another woman, a Sydney woman, instead of indulging in recriminations, presented her rival with a bottle ot perfume, and joined in the party, which was being held in
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  • 707 5 Middlemen Send Up Cost Of Foodstuffs: Speculation Exposed (SPECULATION in foodstuffs was exposed at Nottingham recently by Sir Douglas McCraith, chairman of the Food Price Investigation Committee, which has been studying complaints in the North Midland Region. Sir Douglas stated that he had not the slightest hesitation in stating that
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  • 53 5 AN illustra.ion of a modern army's mobility was provided by an Australian Divisional Headquarters In Greece. It moved its position seve 1 times and covered 1,000 miles in 21 days. Two senior General Btaff officers on whom the burden of administration fell, had only 20 hours sleep
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  • 108 5 G.B.S. On Hitler And New War London, "EITHER Hkler is a greater fool than I took him for, or he has gone completely mad," declared i he famous Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw, recently. "Why people seemed to think that Hitler would beat Russia I caanot i«iajtine. The news of
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  • 240 5 N. I. Exports Bauxite To Australia DAUXTTE is now being imported into Australia from th? Netherlands j Indies, so that there shall b* no j interruption to the production of aluminium in Australia. In his last answer as Minister for i Supply, Senator P. A. Mcßride told Mr. Lazzarini (Lab.,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 HIPKIN On July 11th IHI at Omtni Hospital. Singapore, to Dereaa (nee Bey) wife of Major J. W. at Hlpkin. Royal Artillery, a son. LOST Australian Terrier ***** 5 months old. vicinity KUliney Rd, answ«r» name Suzt*. Ftaxkor Telephone Huward, Windsor Hotel 7576. Reward
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    • 239 5 Over 30 EXQUISITE FLORAL PERFUMES a Oil y(\TH I Wear Flora Pertun>«*— *eJ«c Uiom t^' 1 which best suit your personality. A 1 LUy ot tbe Valter English Bluebells PltßPQ*^ Roman Hyacinth M*urc Lilac 1 All is Honeysuckto J R""* 1 White Ro«e 1 llin\y\f)UA**' And 36 other delightful Perfumes
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  • 1506 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By DEING a letter from N. Gubbins to his stomach. Mil dear Stomach. In vi< w of thi- tact that a heavier tax on spirits was expected, but not Imposed, in the la.' t Bud^T'i, jour views on this malttr would be appreciated by
    1,506 words
    • 192 6 The Call of the Soil. By Harold Bindton. Miss Nobody. By W. II- Lane Craufovd. Ward Lock's Colonial Library. LIKE most of Ills later novels. Harold Blndloss' latest story deals with Yorkshire country folk, farming, and the clash of strongly developed characters. The LiddeUs. of Manorholm. are
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    • 138 6 The Heart E. Horsemen. By Arcn'.e Jocelyn. Riders Up. By Cladwell Richardson. The Border Eagle. Bj John Winalowe. Potluck Rides With the Law. By Ney N. Geer. Ward Lock's Western Novels is. each. «T«HEY ride and they shoot, they have A hair-raising adventures, and the golden-haired cowboy always marries
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    • 117 6 The Midnight Sleep. By Frank King. Robert Hale. 7s. 6d. IF the reader has no objection to a plot lacking in any degree of probability, or even possibility, Prank King's thriller "The Midnight Sleep" is full of excitement. All the usual ingredients are there lonely moors, disappearing corpses, dangerous
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    • 528 6 Ideas And Inventions That Have Helped Humanity The British Contribution By Donrld Cowie. Allen and Unwin. ss. (Reviewed by D. G. Osborne-Jones.) •PHE work above-mentioned is more clearly described by its sub-title viz: "Some Ideas and Inventions that have Helped Humanity." Appearing at a time like the present, It cannct
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 897 6 Eaten Up with RHEUMATISM Backache headache l/|2l^ b bb* a pi CIRCLES •Si\ 1 1 i/ sv Now Fit as a Fiddle, uNOEREVES^^^y Thanks to Cystex r Ykfflbf NURSE AT LAST FINDS A MEDICINE NERVOUSMESSJ Jjfl%C TO END HER CHRONIC RHEUMATISM CAS frßUATltt j^|p%fcg^*y Ff wp» ople ha»»> thf advantages
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 432 6 CONTRACT BRIDGE COUTH admits he took a chance In bidding t«III' p/-\IlD A PCC six spades," writes a reader, "but thinks |}y lot, fUUK /\v>r-O he was rather unlucky In not making it. I think he commltteed a crime and peiUaos lutely criminal lor SouUi to play the nine you
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  • 1024 7 By The Onlooker AN eloquent tribute to the late Mr. Noel Fteher, one of Malaya's bestknown planters, was paid by Major H. F. Browell. chairman, at the annual meeting of the Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber Company, Ltd. "We have ail learned with the deepest regret of the death
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 154 7 r^'T^^^ar^[^^^^<^isaßß»fc^ A rrssONS PRODUCT For keeping k^Jaafaw mr^ /^af baby's Skin aaarV f Powder has no .daaßßßßM^ar-^ aWLwIT/av/l/ /aai .^bbbbbl bbbbbbVy 4 V m ml .bbbbbbTsT WM I J aa! Baby will suffer *^w^ff Stn^^bbT x» from chafing "^aaaßß^r *M "Oi throughout the jy day whenever jZfcaa^^B Wf baby is
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  • 155 8 "Even Removed Chimney Tops" lnspector I JNDER the pretext of being a roof h? removed lead slates and other lead parts of the re of a, even to the extent of taking off chimney tops and replacing them with cardboard," said Chief Inspector Poulain in the Singapore Third Court yesterday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 8 Every week a contingent of Australian troops stationed up-country visits Singapore on leave. Here pictured are four happy Diggers in the Lion City (left to right): Cpl. H. Flower, Pte. W. Watson, Pie. C. C. S. Smith, Cpl. J. R. Hughes.
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  • 178 8 A VERDICT of misadventure was returned by the Singapore Coroner. Mr. W. O. Porter, at the conclusion of an Inquiry into the death of a Chinese pig rearer, Hor Sin. whose body was found in the Lim Chu Kang River on June 25. Giving his
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  • 150 8 J^EMARKING that there was no evidence to show the Identity of the motor vehicle or its driver. Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore coroner, recorded an open verdict yesterday at the conclusion of an inquiry into the death of nine-year-old Teo Pong Ter, who
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  • 80 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Saturday. CHE Mohamed Yunus bin Mohamed Hussein. assistant auditor of the Audit Department. Kuala Lumpur, has been appointed Accountant, Kinta Sanitary Board, ln place of Mr. Chew Kirn Swee who has gone on retirement. An old boy of the Anderson School,
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  • 73 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Saturday. FVE HUNDRED Penang Municipal workmen went on strike thl> morning following their letter of petition, which was sent in a few days ago signed by five people, asking for an Increase of wages. The Penang Municipal officials, it is understood,
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  • 69 8 rE Singapore Musical Society la presenting its second concert this year on Sunday. July 27. ln the Victoria Memorial Hall at 0.15 p.m. The concert will be mainly orchestral, under the direction of Robert Waddle, and the vocalist will be Hilda Wltte. Slmone de la Rocque will
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  • 55 8 At The Cinema THE ALHAMBRA TliKliE are plenty of thrills ln "The Wagons Roll At Night," a Warner Bros. film, which was given a midnight showing at the Alhambra cinema Cleverly directed by Ray Ennght. the picture provides exciting entertainment and has a strong cast Including Humphrey Bogart. Joan Leslie.
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  • 36 8 Sentence of four weeks rigorous imprisonment was passed on Liow San when he was convicted in the Singapore second court yesterday of theft of lead worth $12 from a bout* in Hamilton Road on July 4.
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  • 149 8 Malayan Chinese Dies In Action In China (From Our Own Correspondent) Penanr, Saturday. AW E L L-K NOWN Malayan Chinese sportsman has laid down his life for his motherland in China. Lieut. Shu Chi-Phang. better known to Malayan sporting circles as Khoo Khay Pan, died, riddled with Japanese bullets, on
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  • 341 8 Malayan Weddings Molina Ong n/IR. Domingo Molina married Miss; Josephine Ong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ong of Pampanga, Philippine Islands, at St. Theresas Church, Singapore, yesterday mornIng. Mr. Molina is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oregorio Molina, of Romolon, Philippines. The wedding was fully choral and the
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  • 56 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. BatU) rE next monthly meeting of the Mflacca Municipal Commissioners will be held on Wednesday. Important items of business to be discussed are the Municipal fire brigade and Municipal flaughter-house fees, whll* two items, allowances to Municipal officers for Government duties, and electricity,
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  • 698 8 Colonial Labour Adviser Talks Of His Mission In Malaya •"TRADE unionism, the remedy 1 for strikes, an examination of the Indian Government ban on the emigration of Indian labour to Malaya, nutrition and the economics of labour these, in brief, are some of the problems which will be investigated by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 961 8 uDo you recommend Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste?" ■JW* "Tooth Powder Eucryl Tooth Powder, m X&fT^ ri^Jsfm because it has ioo per cent cleansing power, ■^^V3---~-^-^*>^bt and contains every ingredient that the ¥r'Jr-ft Dental Profession considers essential to the **< ffkw perfect dentifrice. w^^ I'sc it night and morning, brushing
      961 words
    • 94 8 HE L PENGLAND'S NEW HOMELE 1 ■BbW*lu v/ 9b9b^' i^svdßHflflßß^^^Mw^i-^ si bHHBI? isf^pfin* kW^lhfcS^ B^i Bl £4h^V^s^b^bV Jb^b^b^bl 3 V" E .-Jtl W RShl «S B <LJmm\ B^^*WB LV^B b^V fit^""*' |r% i LKak *JH WmjmWwmTm P■» t»9 Epyi Baft Ay iB k^^ > -Jjf Tat A——U R ■",^r*- V*
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  • 1051 9 R.A.F. Trainees' Big Part In Crushing Rebels P/O FRANK WOOLLEY ON HIS D.F.C. AWARD I SUPPOSE you have heard that I have been awarded the D.F.C. They will no doubt have to post me now so that I can earn it Such was
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 9 Svibedar -Major Bakhtauar Singh, who was awarded the M.8.E., in the recent King's birthday honours list, comes from one 0/ the old Jat military families of the Hissar District in the Eastern Punjab. He served in Bth Cavalry and 3rd Cavalry, Indian At my, and as a Subedar
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  • 147 9 Thai Military Mission LeaveTo See Defences HERE to gain an impression of Malaya's defences are two Thai officers. They are Lieut. -Col. Luang Sura Narong (right) and Flight-Lieut. Dawee Chulldrupya, a fighter pilot from Don Muang. Their mission begins to-morrow with official visits. The Thai officers had talks last night
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  • 320 9 Singapore Volunteer Corps, Programme of Drills up to and for week ending July 20. Monday, July 14. 1715 lirs> Headquarters S.R.A. (v) A.A.L.A., A.Tk. and First Aid; 1715 hrs Headquarters S.S.L. Bty R.A. (v) Manning and D.E.L. Training; 1720 hrs Headquarters S.B.D. Sec R.E. (V) B.D. Training;
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  • 55 9 AT an installation dinner held here, the following were installed officebearers for the new Rotary year President, Tan Eng Chye; vice-presid-ent, G. E. Turner, hon. secretary, K. T. Joseph, hon. treasurer, Chua Poh Slang; Board of Directors: Chan Choo Tiong. H. P. Lansdale-Ruthven, Ngim Wee Cheow, B.
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  • 69 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. A MOST successful concert was held at the rt French Convent on Thursday, the proceeds from the sale of tickets amounting to $600. This sum together with $900 from the fair and sale of work held at the Convent the previous week
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  • 198 9 rE appeal of Krishnasamy, a labourer formerly employed by the Singapore Municipality, against sentence of death passed on him at the Assizes after his conviction on charges of murderins: a woman named P nnukannu and her daughter Muthania in a lorong off Telok Kurau Road
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  • 172 9 Move For Commandeering Empty Houses For Refugees In Emergency (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. TTWO important steps to be taken shortly by the Perak Chinese War Relief Committee will be the commandeering: of empty houses in the Ipoh and Menglembu dist- t f r up as depots for lost
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  • 74 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. MEMBERS of St. Francis Association are 1 girtns; a tea next Saturday In honour of (our old boys ot St. Prancb Institution who were among those who received Birthday Honours this year. Thry are Mr. C. F. Domes and Capt. Mohd.
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  • 249 9 A LORRY cleaner, Tan Seng, who took his employer's two-ton lorry without permission from his em- ployer and was later involved in a collision with a ricksha, was fined a total of $185 in the Singapore traffic court yesterday, when he appeared on four charges.
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  • 64 9 A CHINESE was alleged. In a charge preferred against him In the Singapore fifth court yesterday, to have stolen water from a public itandpipe by fixing a rubber hose through which water flowed to a nearby Icecream factory. The man was Tan Ban Seng, a 32-year-old Hokklen, who claimed trial.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 423 9 MM [THIS COLDL I BETTER 1 II I SEEMS TO BE LOOSEN IT M Jk ON UP WITH f=» |Jj^)r'- -nrT| sloans A L B Don't Neglect that tightness which warn* you of a chest conK gestion. Get busy and apply Sloan's Liniment to the throat, cheat B and back,
      423 words

  • 707 10 The Sunday Times Opinion EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Oecil Street. Singapore. SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1941. Import Muddle THE wrath of importers which has been piling up at the delays that are being experienced in dealing with the office of the Controller of Restricted Imports was not lessened last week
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  • 1214 10 How London's Buses Dodge Bombs But when the raids started last winter, everybody wanted to be home at about 5 p.m. They wanted to get a meal before they went into their Qld Soldier Drivers Keep The Home Wheels Turning |MAGINE a pitch dark night on a street hemmed in
    1,214 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 504 10 THE NEW WORLD CABARET TO-OAY TIFFIN DANCE 130 to 4.30 p.m. Admission FREE. TO-NIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT Admission 25 cts. PIANO TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS- HIRE E. CHARLES. PW 2902—50 Orchtrd Rd. STEAMER SAILINGS. 1 For the Duration cannot be announced nor can schedules be published, but as a clearing bouse
      504 words
    • 121 10 Mr* Can't: "How I envy your hearty appetite 1 Mr, Can: "What you should envy is my morning Eno!" A h«arty appetite is the pre- ENO is Altt rog.t.v. or healthy people. I b #C auf nt Take Eno's regularly. Eno'f IMM th«k your systtm is «r««? a *iM> c
      121 words

  • 179 11 Had To Learn To Fly When Pilot Was Shot: Incident Over Desert WHEN a British pilot was shot dead in an air fight over the Western Desert, another member of the air crew learned to fly in one lesson and brought the plane safely to its base. Meariwhile the air
    179 words
  • 201 11 Clothes "SecondHand" If Shown By A Mannequin nTHE Board of Trade has ended a racket which began as soon as Britain's clothe.' rationing scheme iv as announced m June 1. Second-hand <oods were exempt from, and some establishments began sel'int; "mannequin-worn' and "shop-si>lleo rt clothes to wealthy buyers in
    201 words
  • 115 11 BRAIN specialists arc reported to have made remarkable progress recently in the treatment of head wounds. Ninety per cent, of patients treated for serious head injuries in one London County Council emergency hospital have been cured. The News-Chronicle slates that a neuro-surgeon at this hospital has treated
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  • 86 11 r pHE US. Census Bureau has issued a pamphlet "of interest to single girls in search of adventure, travel, and husbands," says a Washington report. The pamphlet advises lonely American girls that: There are only SMS white women in the Panama Canal Zone and
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  • 178 11 Pilot Escapes In Plane He Built Secretly SX)RPORAL Maurice Haina dv Fretay had no intention of remaining in France so long as his country was overrun by the Nazis. But the method of escape he had planned was desperate. Hidden away deep in a wood near a small village, 20-year-old
    178 words
  • 75 11 AT least 1,000,000 people in the United States are suffering from alcoholism, ihe president of the American Coi'ege of Neuro-Psychla-trists, Dr. Thomas Meyers, said in New York. "This group is increasing at the rate of 60,000 a year," Dr. Meyers added. "Alcoholism
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  • 92 11 "WAR correspondents must be treat- ed as valued colleagues, with a very important mission to discharge "They must be fully trusted, and treated with complete frankness." These instructions are in regulations drawn up for the guidance of Canadian units by the Commander-in-chief of
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  • 103 11 IRVING BERLIN. American writer ol 1 song hits for the past 30 years, has dedicated a new song to President Roosevelt. The song has words which refer to "the Importance of the man behind the gun," the 8.8.C. reports. Irving Berlin has given this song to
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  • 68 11 MAJOR William Patrick Scott, of the Pioneer Corps, who commanded the escort aboard the transport Dunera when she carried internees to Australia last September, was found guilty by a London court martial of charges alleging that he had improperly addressed troops on parade, and
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  • 37 11 ROBERT Montgomery the film actor, has volunteered for service In the United States Navy. Montgomery drove a.i ambulance during the Battle of France He holds the rank of a lieutenant in the Naval Reserve.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 472 11 k |^*4 4t| BAA m^ >#* #X Al% ft I#% jipki P% |sn >\ jftrm m m»> ok* 1 Brylcrkm S BRYLCREEM'S natural oUs keep the hair in place A^eßß all day long, smartly and naturally without being &j^^*M| P^BPH gummed or plastered. Brylcreem's tonic ingre> w dients penetrate right
      472 words

  • The Week's Markets
    • 1092 12 SHARES ACTIVE CLOSE ON STEADY UNDERTONE BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. MALAYANS last week were treaied to another little homily on wartime economy issued under the guise of "By a Special Correspondent" from the Department of Publicity. This special story repeated what has been said by our
      1,092 words
    • 52 12 'pHE foUowirjc alterations to shares quotations published tn tbe StraiU Tones were tnade yesterday TINS Ayer BUam (9a) 17a i«s Berjuntal (Sa) ioa iv cA Honir Kong Tin (s*) lfe Sd 17« 6d c.d! Thabawlett (f) 33s 34« BVBBCKB Kluang ($1) .S3V4 .17% INDUSTRIALS A. Brickworks 7*4% 2.05
      52 words
    • 94 12 Uinjrapore. Saturday. Suskt* aeueri Oambtef s TJO Hamburg Cube lisas 'ara Cube 113^00 Copra Mt«<» M» Sun Dried fjJO Pepper Whit* Muntofc »15»5 WWtf $14.75 Bl 172? Sago Flour Vn Lingua $4.30 $4.30 F 1 MO5 $4.05 Sarawak Ta:noca Small Flake $800 Pair Flake $7^50 Medium-Pearl $950
      94 words
    • 79 12 Sift— Mr l«. MM B«yer» Selten Prices PrtoM N*. IX R.B.S. <Spe<°leMe) U'.fc 35% No IX sUS.S f e-b in rase* July 38% 39 Or AQ. B.SA lob In baie> J*>7 3*% 3>H r.A-«. ILSS Ub m bale J«lj SIH 37H rVTVJKC QUOTATIONS N*. IX
      79 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 891 12 AT Q ?Cfll I K I %f*^ m/ M*¥ -3" w *Z** *****0>^ +f- B aVSrafl tiMft^m W iff :y M M/*^M F Of course that rule comes first For fl Inner Cleanliness is the very beginning fl of health And to make absolutely certain fl that deep-down I nncr
      891 words
    • 637 12 Here's real shaving news These A new Thin Gillette blades are specially designeJ for tender skins. JS3R W Golden in colour, honed to the /^R^bf^l famous Gillette edge. Thin Gillette 7^ -r^iß blades mean maximum shaving com- W fort at minimum cost Try one THIN GILLETTE BLADES FIT EVERY TYPE
      637 words

  • 31 13 Pat Dinnage, aged 3, of Cookford Street, Tootinjr, h&prily at play in the Whitley Community Centre, Whitlej, near Reading, wher; she ban been evacuated with her mother.
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  • 207 13 "Nurse Cavells" In Belgium Hide British Troops A N organization in Belgium for concealing British soldiers something like the one organized by Nurse Cavell is revealed in an announcement by the Free Belgian Agency that sentence has been passed on a number of Belgian men and women. Thirteen of them
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  • 104 13 Digger's Letter Posted In 1916 Delivered Now Adelaide. A LETTER posted by a Digger in Egypt in 1916, has just been delivered to Mrs. M. Wark, of North ArfHaide. The letter was written by Mrs. Wark's nephew, Ralph Kelly, while serving as a lieutenant in the Australian Lrght Horse. Kelly
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  • 302 13 CWIMMING 300 yards through crocodile infested waters for help, two soldiers saved 11 of their mates, trapped by the rising tide in a mangrove swamp near Darwin. The two were Privates L. E. Richardson, of Ballarat, Victoria, and D. J. Shram, also of Victoria, and
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  • 249 13 Hospital Is Safest During Air Blitzes HOSPITALS, targets of Nazi bombs though th»y have been, are safer than most places in a blitz according to Mr. Ernest Brown, Minister of "I believe that because of the very elaborate precautions taken to m«et the conditions of heavy raiding, the risk is
    249 words
  • 476 13 *pHE decision has been taken by the Ministry of Shipping after consultations with the registration societies to reduce somewhat the freeboard of open shelter-deck vessels, subject to safeguards, which include the closing of the shelter deck, in order to allow additional cargo to
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 25 13 I J L A^ i^P^JXll WITH iBBBBI >. > 111 IMC &OL& Jz '4f?44 i/uu4 ficuA cuuw maJk x-> *f/(i()Q? H^ lyuuuavtUicX AirU «f BoratT la««tilui Ud.
      25 words
    • 333 13 nMNTY GARMENTS fW KrM W jßßß^i*^^^^ r*" How easy it is for the nicest girl to offend! Mi ph* |9k JiiPt a hint of perspiration odour a nu-re A j > suggestion of garments that have lost their j Bft freshness and away goes charm $M It's so easy to
      333 words

  • Max Factor's Advice
    • 485 14 H7HEN a woman wears a hat which is so startling or stupendous that those who look at her immediately see the hat, and never get around to really looking at her face, her figure, or the rest of her costume, she is to
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    • 67 14 TO-DAY'S buttons are very decora- tive. A well-cut and finished dress or suit made, perhaps, by yourself, can look twice as smart if you fasten it thus: Make five or seven tiny strands of varied lengths of silk, eacn consisting of three threads plaited together and having
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 318 14 Headquarters for BEAUTY The w-vrld over, the Elizabeth Anipp riirnt is invariably th<- w ..i> is looked at twice Rb^_\ exceptioi. H U Maynard'j KUxabetli Artlci. alon sJie finds splendid fae? I j Qf 1 ti-eatpieiitr. flattering nialce-upE. *r\ exoulsite perfumes. T_^^. Sht- cotnes to Maynards too, t<- *aY check
      318 words
    • 536 14 *tsr \v SKIN HEALTH fliitfP J> and BEAUTY I W^ ir IH^ 2PURPOSE SOAP SB£HBP HrW 7 lit itta f r©«#* A yMHk I* I l HPVrV V Amtit0 He i m I 3fi^MP \cUmuimm y V J ttf^tefc Nothing so quickly "marks" and "ages" I^^Brvßvle. woman as dull, faded
      536 words

  • 219 15 "Eyec And The Man By R. A. THOMPSON, D.O.Sc, Dr. of Oculat Science, THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. Your health account is overdrawn. The mirror says oveiwork. You know' It does, but the keener the brain the more unwilling it is to admit physical weakness. And yet you cannot escape the grim
    219 words
  • 1783 15  -  R. H. Naylor By r[E Sunday Tunes leaiure What The Stars Foretell," by R. H. Naylor, is received irregularly in this office in these present days. As the feature is received so it will be published, and here given are the birthday forecasts for June 29
    1,783 words
  • 547 15  -  Mabel Tyrrell By U/E have a Polish family in our village. It would take too long to tell how they got here, but, once here, they began to establish their own country in our midst by observing their national customs and feast days. They
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 130 15 Useful and Decorative PEKING CARPETS RUGS IN AN EXCLUSIVE SELKCTION— QUALITY GUARANTEED— Also a large stock or Pewter A Copper Wares Cunos. Jewellery A etc The Old Capital 31. STAMI ORO ROAD. SINGAPORE. waves and curls FOR LOVELY GIRLS To give yourself attractive waves and curb quickly and tatily get
      130 words
    • 311 15 Lavendeb i^^^^l it Ymrdley English Lavender 1» crystal bottles Lavender Soap. Bath Salts. fJP^WK)t^i!C 1 Talcum. Brilliantine, *tc. Als9 *^^fc '3 illustrated an the famous Bond Street J^a^^^B^v Powder. English Complexion Cream f*n^^^ and Lipstick, some of the essentials of J Uu Ymiley Way to Beauty. J*^ Yardley Lavender has
      311 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 197 16 Appetites gladly respond to the invigorating tonic properties of CHIVERS MARMALADE CNIViM a SON! LTD.. fWi ■jliHA»n". 'O»T, HUTOHCAHMIOGI tat* I Try aUo Ckiters' Otde English Marmalade, Canned Fruits and VcxcUibUaM \gfnt»: V. R. VICK 6k CO., HONG KONG BANK CHAMBERS, I SINGAPORE SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., PENANG. i i a
      197 words
    • 779 16 WHATEVER rour featmna, aodHaa cauao much for loot* aa a dear rnipla»ina a«d aa evtr-yowhM akin. And Narorc meam yowenas plaooAtoponeHawlpraacrre the ajamoor aaa~ aSure of aa erer-yauthruJ t»-n Beneath the outer lararof wac» wit cuuete liai a loTrlv troh Ujn Nature uNead«d«beau**r tayar ta tali away laapwceptiblT aa «v
      779 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 2309 16 Wireless Programmes TO-DAY EMPIRE STATION MROM SINGAPORE KABTB«w sbbvicb ii^^iv'i^^'rtiif JL 3 ;"t?» ZHL I.3SS Ke/S (22ft m 6.1* p.m.— 11.5* p.m. on GSV— I7.BI no m. tt.2« me/*' «29.t« sa.i XOB ».W sae/t* ill 4 aaaaW >C» Djc/s (M.M M.) IC.R4 metres. GSF— IS.4 m/es; aetn* w UD
      2,309 words

  • 496 17 Singapore Badminton Notes fßy Our Badminton Correspondent.) k CHANGE for the better in the standard of p'.ay Is definitely assured when the men and women competitors face each other in the Singapore open badminton championship events which have now been fixed to start next Saturday at the Clerical Union Ball.
    496 words
  • 175 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Jnhore Bahru, Saturday Y^HAT was expected to be the most interesting fixture in the Johore Bahru badminton tournament y<-sterday was brought to an abrupt end by th retirement of Sheikh Ahmad bin Hfcssan. the State Malay champion, on art jam of knee trouble.
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  • 179 17 DLAYING at Telok. KWM last Sunday, the Red Rose B.P. beut the Merry Union B.P. by five games to Uir;e. Results: Red Rose first) Syed Saliirt ui'.t to George Tan, 16—11, 13—15. 7—15; M A. Lange beat Wee Hong Loo, 13—13 (5— 4). 15 4; C.
    179 words
  • 177 17 (From Our Own Correspondent' Muar, Saturday. A TEAM of the Gordon Highlanders lost to the Muar Cricket CluD I' or key team by the odd goal in tnree. Both teams were equally matched and the game was nea* and fast. In the middle of the first half Syed
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  • 142 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pa hat. LIM Thiam Hoe, the well-known local tennis player, goes on transfer to I Johore Bahru to-day (Sunday). Parti nering Koe Ewe Teik in the doubles Irom 1936, the pair were runners-up to i Teo Pak Hoe and Low Ah
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  • 1442 17  -  "Doc By TTHE week's catches In the premier 1 division of the 6 A. FA. league look quite interesting. The Sappers have a stiff hurdle In the strong S.C.F.A. team at the Stadium on Monday; this match will have a great deal of bearing on the final
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  • 530 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. 'THERE was an exciting finish to the return cricket match between the Segamat Teachers and the Government English School played on the school padang, the game ending In a one run win for the boys. The teachers were winners of
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  • 225 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. ra cricket match played at the Hospital ground, the Muar Cricket Club drew with a team of fie Gord-ns. Moar Cricket Club (First Innings) Lav Hock Chye not out 32; Tan Zul Kiang c Woodall b Dobbins 0: Henry
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  • 130 17 nnHE Morning 8.P., of Kuala Kangsar, proved too good for starlight 8.P.. of Talplng. when they won by six games to two In a frlendly-badmlntor fixture at Kuala Kangsar. Re-ults 'Morning first): Chen Chuan Chor lost to Narayanan 3 15, 3 15: Chm Hoi Thlan lose
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  • 114 17 DLAYINO at Still Road last Sunday, the 1 Sykes B.P. "B" team beat the Flight B.P. "B" team oy five games to two: ReFUlts (Sykes first): Oeorg* Hoeden beat Bong Soo, 15—10, IS— 11: Francis Hoeden lost to Sula rran, 15—7. B—ls.8 15. 5 15: H.W. Desker
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 187 17 ACCOUNTS NOW {fflL-i MEETING >r/a HAVf 70 BF> PeSTPOMDWL \fef V Simd/v m//<t d/j/j WMUmVmr An^\ V\ BFCAiiSF your accounts arc :=z I myself rooETHEß.jr'sy^ mw£ J t s?&9mA in U NOT R£APY. THIS IS A7OST II W TRUE IAM NOT RUfiNISC\ Wm/U VWBmW V£ /J UHSATISFACTORY. :S THE WORK
      187 words
    • 628 17 AT HOME 20 WEEKS WITH RHEUMATISM Tried Kruschen— Now Fit When her husband had been at home 20 weeks with rheumatism in his back, this woman began to think he would never work again. Here is her letter "My husband suffered terribly with rheumatism in his back. I had him
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  • 2506 18 Kai Tere And Derby Set Up New Records TIE first day's racing in the Singapore Turf Club July meeting at Bukit Timah yesterday saw two course records smashed. In the first, Kai Tere took onelifth of a second off the seven furlong record in the fourth
    2,506 words
  • 186 18 Anti-Aircraft Gunners Win Easily PNE opportunism by White erabln'J the R.A. <A.A.> to beat the SRC. by six goals to tvo in a first divis on league soccer match played at Anson Read stadium yesterday. White, whose good play was a receeming feature of a dull game, netted five goals
    186 words
  • 371 18 (From Our Own Corresrondcnt.> Batu Pahat. A LARGE number of eru.i.-s item both Junior and senior players was received lor the uistrict lawn tennis iournament. The game enjoys great popularity here and players from ail I >rts clubs have sent in representatives. One new event, the mixed
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  • 200 18 THE Coast Regiment beat the Association in a cricket match at Balest er yester.lav. INDIAN ASSOCIATION Hussein Shah b Fields 15; D. Samy b Maltby 0; Choor Slrjrh b Fields 2: A. Lewis c Barber b Fields 11: R. Sithamparam b Field. 0: Waatr Singh
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  • 220 18 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. A TEAM icprestnting a company of the A. IF. beat the English College at cricket at the college ground on Thursday. English College S. Kanagasabal lbw White 5, R. fcahll c White b Telfor 0. Aiun \i
    220 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 832 18 ONLY HALF ALIVE Does the heat make you listless? Does the day sera Ions and work sometimes too much to bear? No need to get worried about it wise old Dam? Nature provided a remedy for your state of body long ago! All your tiredness and 'fed-up' feeling can be
      832 words
    • 116 18 Take 10 drops v m <aw- v *t«H^^aa/\. wnen you feel exhausted There no fmci tooic in an emergency than Phoitenne It gives you strength to carry on, even when you feel almost the end of your tether. Phosfcrine put» back what you have taken out of yourself strength, ensrgy
      116 words

  • 438 19 Singapore Beat The Negri (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. SINGAPORE beat Negri Serabilan by three goal* to one in an H.M.S. Malaya Cup soccer match yesterday but had to fight every inch of the way for victory. There was no scoring until the last 12 minutes of play when
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  • 81 19 Newbury, Saturday. RIDDEN by 17-year-old apprentice Burrows. Lord Portal's six-year-old Longrigpan '9.4 carrying 81b. px.rai won the Newbury Summer Cup by a length from Miss Dorothy Pagers Anarchist (B.l l>, with Mrs. Bencla's Pearl Rock (7.12) cne and a half lengths away third. Pearl Ro*k, carry
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 134 19 THE third annual athletic meeting of The Boys' Brigade Singapore Battalion, was held at Monk's Hill School ground yesterday afternoon. Compe.ition was on the team basis, seven companies taking part. The champion company was the 7th Singapore Company (Saint Andrews School) who scored 36 poin:s to win
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  • 99 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) M?lacca, Saturday. PLAYING in the final of the mixed doubles in the Malacca lawn tennis rhamnionsh'.cs yesterday. CDonnell and Mrs. Che-rin^ton beat Chornn':ton and Mrs. Todmsn, 3—B. 6 2, B—3.8 3. Cherrington find M.-s. Todman started in erand st7'.e winning the
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  • 25 19 The Naval Base Indians and the Customs drew one goal all in a second division (b) league soccer fixture played at the Naval Base yesterday.
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  • 62 19 TTie Panlr Paniang Rovers aoccer team to meet Brtnkmann's Sports Club at Parrar Park on Tuesday will be chosen from: Webber, Ong Eng Hoe, A. Kadlr, Chens Chee Fang, 11. M. Rablm, Ong Senß Hu. A.-iL« Wong I'ong Senff, Itsan. Tan V^ce Eng, Tan Tal Chuan, Teddy Tan (captain). On?
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  • 663 19 Eight Records At Y.M.C.A. Sports EIGHT new records were established yesterday at the sixth annual sports held by the YIi.C.A. schools at Jalan B?sar Stadium. Champion athlete In the open class was Low Huck Yang while House D was champion house. Mrs. Lim Han Hoe distributed the prizes. Potting the
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  • 236 19 CEYLONESE II LOSE TO S.CC. II EXCELLENT bowling by K. L Ward i who captured seven wickets for 24 runs and equally good batting by L>. R. I Gulland helped the S.CC. to beat the j Ceylon Sports Club by one wicket in a second teams game on the padang
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  • 104 19 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. IN the main 10-round boxing contest held at the Jubilee Park atadium last nt?ht Johnny Mortell (8.05) gained a points decision over Kid Arenas (8.07) of Kuala Lumpur. Mortell had Arenas down for a count of eight early in the first round
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  • 23 19 The cricket match which was to have been played yesterday at Hong Lim Green tKtwesn the S.CJI.C. and the Singapore Celts was cancelled.
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  • 67 19 Melbourne. Saturday. NATIONAL Debt, an aged mare owned in partnership by C. A. Watts and F. I)nu«a!l, won the Australian Grand Nat onil Steeplechase over a course of three miles and one furlong at Free town. National Debt beat J. Abraham's nri"hti!lo by two lrn-rths with Sachem
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 58 19 IN a two-day game of cricket conclud- ed yesterday the SingaDcre Fortress S.gnals beat the Loyals by three wickets, to win the Gillman area flnai of the Army large units compe'iticn. The Loyals scored 173 in t^i first innings and 205 in the second. Thf Fortress
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  • 181 19 •pHE V.MC.A. beat the R.A.F (Tengah) In a cricket match played on the V.M.C.A. ground yrsterday. YJH.C.A. V. N. Pillay b Wright 15 Cheong Thlam Slew retired 52 V. R. Sabapathy b Gloster 9 E. P. Wltchell c Evans b Glo;ter 2 K. Muthukumaru retired
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  • 209 19 THE SRC. bent Air Headquarters in a cricket match played on tlic former's ground yesterday S.K.C. R. de Souza Ibw B.own 13 S. Hope b Shea l E. Le Mercler c Marsh b She l 2 Y. Choppard c Giles b Brown 45 P. D'Almelda b
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  • 220 19 A BRILLIANT innings of 105 by J. W. Enchant enabled the St. Andrew's School to beat the Dandelions by I seven wtelrets !n a cr'cltet match playei at Wonds-ille r^terdny. Anchant made 132 asalnst Victoria School last week-end. DANDELIONS Mewa Slnch b B. Hope Ci; J. Phanf?
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  • 114 19 IN the last game of the first half of the Singapore Baseball Leapue season, the St. Joseph's Institution me?t the Japanese Seconds in a minor league clash at St. Joseph's ground at 3.30 pm. to-day. Although the Nippons are generally favoured to take the verdict, It should be
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  • 377 19 Raffles Well Ahead In Inter-College Cricket TJAFFLES College compiled a total of *x 292 runs in their two innings yesterday at the annual lntcr-college cricket match with the College of Mdidne which began on Friday at the coMege ground. The Medical College's first innings cl;s d with 88 runs and
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  • 205 19 St. Joseph's Declare And Lose To Raffles RAFFLES Institution b^ai St. Joseph's Institution in a first eleven encket game yesferiay. ST. JOSEPH'S IN ST. Koon Poh c Murugecon b Mcnon 69; R. Dclikr-n c Albert b Menon 0; O. :'j:-;r Ibr. Bearblo^k 16; G. Welb b Thalinfatn 0: P de
    205 words
  • 214 19 IN a cricket match played on Raffles Insitution ground yesterday St. Jos nh's Institution second team beat RafPes Institution second team by 62 runs. ST. JOSEPH'S INSTITUTION L. D'Souza Ibw Segram 13; K. Luzaroo b Pennefather 26; E. Stewart run out 2; R. Perry b
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  • 110 19 Denver. Colorado, Friday. GENE Sarazcn. former holder of the British and American open golf championships, is making another bid to win the American Professional Golfers' Association championship which he first won In 1922 and last won In 1933. Sarazen reached the semi-final by beating Donsmore Ghute 1
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 189 19 EYE EXAMINATIONS, EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY frjCjMP/ON NQPTICAI C 2 AKCADE BLDG., PHONE 300? R A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. Still a GRIFFIN but already a hot favourite with every consumer of "Mapro's" wellknown canned Malayan table delicacies. This is ATAM PANGANG Roast Chicken canned by
      189 words
    • 303 19 ULCERS, SORES SKIN TROUBLES AT OHCE! Milton is the great healer it is unrivalled for skin troubles. Running ulcers and open sores clear up with amazing speed from the very first dressing. Pus dissolved- germs destroyed growing tissues gently stimulated. No other antiseptic is so safe, so thorough, so scientifically
      303 words

  • 53 20 Aircraft of the British R.AF. Bomber Command are steadily intensifying their attacks against German shipping and harbours. This photograph was taken during an attack on the German Frisian Island of Norderney and shows the smoke from fires caused by direct hits on three armed Getman
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  • 112 20 FIVE strip-tease dancers were sentenced to 59 days' imprisonment In the First Special D strict Court, at Shanghai charged with giving immoral performances in a hotel, the corner of Klukiang and Hupeh Roads. The five girls were arrested by the Louza police, but their leader,
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  • 206 20 11/ HEN a sergeant-instructor had Just got his recruits working wjII a: a complicated drill formation on a West Country sea front a pretty young woman rushed into the lines of men, flung her arms round one of them, and kissed him.
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  • 39 20 THE birthplace of Charlie Chaplin was damaged whan a heavy bomb fell within 20 yards of the house during a recent raid on London. The bomb killed a number of wardens and three messenger boys.
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  • 95 20 ADM. ROBERT, who Is administering the Vichy-ruled islands in the Caribbean, has gone violently insane At least, that seems to be the impression in Guadeloupe, according to the San Juan correspondent of the New York Post. Adm. Robert, it appears, now spends a considerable part of
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  • 183 20 'De Gaulle Is No. 1 Man Of France' WOT only Diggers of the 1914-18 "scrap" lie in hospital to-day, a quarter of a century after, and read of the unhappy fate of occupied France, where they fought and suffered. In St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, Is a French heroine, one of
    183 words
  • 203 20 rE first Australian-built twinengine Bristol Beaufort bomber lowered the Melbourne-Sydney flying record on its nrst long-distance High:, recently. The previous record fli-r' 4 was 1 houi and 57 minutes, held by Captain P. L Taylor, A> r .A.'s chief pilot. The bember, which has been assembled
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  • 165 20 Petrol Ration Hits Sydney Bridge Traffic PETROL restrictions have reduced Sydney Harbour Bridge motor traffic to such an extent that the bridge is no longer paying for itself. A report is being prepared by the Department of Main Roads for Mr. O'Sulllvan. State Minister for Transport, so that the Cabinet
    165 words
  • 94 20 No. 1 Glamour Girl Weds A Footballer AMERICA'S No. 1 glamour girl, the multi-millionairess Brend i Frazicr. married a professional ex-footballer John Kelly, in New York recently. The ceremony was a quiet afalr anri was solemnized before an improvised altar at the apartment of the bride mother by Father Flannelly.
    94 words
  • 150 20 New York. AMERICA has created two powerful weapons for British use against the Luftwaffe the largest bomber in the world and an anti-aircraft gun firing 120 shells a minute. The bomber is an 82-ton Douglas, which can carry 28 tors of bombs, or 125
    150 words
  • 263 20 JAPANESE reports of Sino-Burm-ese defence co-operation have been denied in Chungking, the seat of the Chinese Government. A responsible Chinese official said to Hong Kong correspondent of the Daily Telegraph "One of Japans greatest fears Is that there should appear In the field a Chinese
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 267 20 KdY BRANDT^ 1 10yed.rsoldY4 M I 1 Equipped for alt J rUfL_ repairs and shipbuilding f\ OUR FACILITIES INCLUDE THE FOUOWII6:— f ffifl Two Gravlnj Docks Dimensions:— I v N». 1 Dock No Deck. Jriul jW _^^mf A mk l-enfth overall. 318 feet 37« feel ft J^^^^ //I\V\. WWth Entr
      267 words
    • 299 20 2 0"a BARGAIN is only up to the 15th COME IN TO-DAY— •nay be to-morrow w'tl be t-~>o tato; BOOKS ON CHESS" MODFRN CHESS PRIMER by Cunninston $j{.s« CHESS by L. Hoffer A BREVIARY OP CHESS by Tartakover 4.5 a FROM MY GAME by Dr M. Euwe 6.3* MIDDLE GANtE
      299 words