The Straits Times, 11 July 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 Try MIEN CHONG TAILORING 14 rolrman St. Sport I'hon* 816 Ar.iUblr— Suit Lencths '■RnrkvUlr' Sultln L'.S.A WAIN SIIIH 1 s la Silk and Wool Also AMKUK AN SHARKSKIN In various rolouri SINGAPORE 140 CECIL ST. CPHONE 5471 i A U STRALIA'S FINEST LAGER Brewed by Carlton United Breweries, Ltd. Now
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    • 206 1 FOR THE mmK^ m .sTv* If -^til KA S? Jfl Jf ff „s7* Beautiful new collection of *J wedding veils and bridal headdresses, sprays in oran&e faiaV^s A\\ I blossom exquisite designs t l^v A*/ 1 Veils prices from $6.50 $25.00 Orange Blossom $1.25 7.95 ROBINSON'S RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE •^^^B^^^^^m^mt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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    • 67 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Morning Afternoon Evening Dres«e». KUALA LUMPVR 25 JAVA ST CPHONI 3683) keep your ijj^Sjpome y\eautiful PHiotß are specially MHHHBHHHLH£££m prepared for use in Tropical Countries to withstand the severest climatic conditions. They are extremely economical in use owing to their large covering capacity and will neither
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    • 112 2 LEE.—Mrs. I«e Tan Seong, aged 45, passed away peacefully on Wednesday night, at her residence 131-D Haig Road, leaving behind her beloved husband, two sons. LUn Fong. Mul Fong, five daughters Mrs. Kiang At Kirn, Peck Heng. Peck Har. Peck Luen, Peck Ngoh, and one son-in-law Klang AI Kirn.
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    • 98 2 ONO.—Mr. Ong Boon Tat. J.P. passed away peacefully at the General Hospital, Singapore, at 11.30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sth July. 1941, aged 54. He left two widows, four sons {Tiang Wee, Tlang Ouan, Tiang Chooi; and Tiang Hln) three daughters (Llm Nco. Kwal Kheng and Knal Yong) His brother Mr.
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    • 29 2 l*e family of the lute Mrs. Podrora wish to thank all those who attended the funeral and alro those who sent letters and rreathi to their recent bereavement.
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    • 57 2 Messrs. Llm Seek Hone. Llnj Seek Chocn and family thank friends and relatives for sending wreaths, condoif-nces, and for attending the funeral ot their late mother, MRdam Teo Cheng Sie*v. They also wi'h to express their heartfelt thanks to the President and members of The Budahut Union, Geyluiff, for their
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 ®!m? Straits ®mes SMALL ADS? Minimum charge $1. far a«*t Ml excmdtaf 4 Him. Mat* than raw Mm 25 cents per line (She words) Box Ko. 25 cents extra. UOMKil <: OCCCUKNCM SIRTB8 MAH&IACB8. DEATHS. ACKNOWI fcDGMENTS. ANNOCNCCHENTS m:. CARDS chmrccd wk per dnartloB per taek. Ot«j I tack UtkfBltai
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    • 569 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED, First class iirad boy for restauant. Good knowledge of English essential Apply secretary Tanglln Clpb EUROPEAN NURSE-COMPANION required for lady convalescent Tanglln district light duties. Box No. 779. Straits Time*. WANTED. European Lady Confidential Secretary for prominent Evropean firm m Penang. Permanent position offered to suitable applicant!.
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    • 488 2 FOR SALE 8HKLVAUOR Refrigerator. Photw MM. "HEALA" INFRA BED BAT Apparatus;! We have Just received a few outfits from Fngland eminently suitable lor Home Treatment. Purther particulars apply The Scientific mstnunent Co. Ltd P.O. Box 02, Singapore. FOR HIRE BEFBIOEBATOB— New or Used. Phone 3333 PERSONAL NORFOLK AND SI 1
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    • 762 2 LOST j LOST Afternoon 10th Inst., vicinity P.O. or Raffles Place BUNCH KEYS. Reward. Reply Box MS, 0.P.0. I LADY'S ROUND GOLD wristlet watch with blue and gold metal strap lost in town district yesterday. Reward $20. Communicate 47, Calrnhill Road. LOST. AUSTRALIAN TERRIER ***** 5 months old, vicinity Kllliney
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    • 409 2 EYE EXAMIN ATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY tTH^MP/ON NOPTICAL 0? 4, AKCAUE IW.Dt... I'UO.NE 3M2 R A. Thompson. Dr of Ocular Srtenr* SS rears' European CHnieml experience. PUBLIC NOTICES W/Cdr. G. Farnhill. Any person having any claim again W/Cdr. O. Pfcrr.hiil (Musing) must communicate with the Presl.l°n; of the Committee of Adjustment.
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    • 185 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETq "CLENSOL" Stale Seawviac coMPOsrrioNe for boilers. ENGINE lACKIT.& PIPE LINXB ETC ALLIANCE ENGINEERING CO.. LTD. SINGAPORE tND KUALA LDMPUB. Stop that frown look £etet. pleasant; live plea- /^S/vß^Bi santly; save energy; *^wb>J*Jk^L. be sure your sight is 1 right. Have It ror- -Z^ffl^^ rected when nessi -A
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 563 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated In England) PKNINSIIAK ANI> ORIENTAL S. JN CO MAII PASSKNOER AND CARGO SERVICE. The oesi possible services are being aulnlalned by the P. O. 8- N. Ca., Straits t. their osual ports of call In Calna India TeTlon and the
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    • 456 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1220 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE i 7111 1.333 ae/» MM m., /.IIP! 9«S me t HIM ml (ZHR MIS wi m.) ZHP1 7.2S me ««1.»« n n ZHX, ZHP.I. Z1IP? 5 00 p.m. Peiplng Iramjs (Record*,; 5 35 f p.m. News In Cantonese- 5 50 p.m. Hok- P kli-n music; 6.00 p.m.
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    • 983 3 EMPIRE STATION E\>ThflN SfcfUKl kl* pm.— 11 p m. <>n OSV 11X1 m r*\ It 81 nrtm GS»— My| m cs: 11 '1 mnr<« (ISO 11*5 m rv !5.5] nmie«. NORTH \MKRI<\\> SIKVIII OSII 125 metre »•■>*> jnd «1RV ill t« metres: s« me M (.10 p m. London cuIUi.k;
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  • 147 4 Guthrie's Report On Past Week IK a weekly report on the rubber market, issued yesterday, Guthrie and Co. Ltd. write With business at a standstill In the maricet the trade ls considering ways and means of alleviating the lmp&sse In which both rrokers and dealers
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  • 75 4 New York, July 10. THE following were the prices of 1 Straits tin and rubber In cents per pound on the Commodity Exchange todav and yesterday: TIN contrac'8 contracts —United Press. Spot July August September October UBBEIt Spot July September October December CnAt 53
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  • 99 4 Singapore July II. •lee aiwtcd per »«ya»— M atesla. Ottaet oammodltles ■noted aer p*rnl execs! where atherwisc slated. O^nbliT Hamburn Cube >»•» Mvt Cub« •U°° Copra Mixed .iiiimmitt iUS Bud Dried M-»0 Pepvrr White Muntok »15« Whit* •"•'5 Blank M-*5 Sato Flour Hr Llngga MJO Fair »4.10
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  • 1076 4 High Price Assured For Whole Of This Year (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 14. I ONDON representatives of the Malayan tin-mining industry have been rather pleased to hear that the U.S. Metals Reserve Corporation now expects to obtain only 36 000 tons of tin by the
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  • 49 4 Lond >n July 10. THE Rubber Controller has invited offer* of unspecified amounts of rubber of th? usual grades for July delivery at Bingapore, Malacca, Port Swettenham pnd Penang at which places the Crntrollsr will provide srace of which the availability exceeds original expectations.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 78 4 FrfcUr. Jmly II. M*n. Bajen Seller* rricc* rrtcn N*. IX K.S S. Op** Ioomv MH MH N*. IX R.S.S. f«.k >■ rasca Jaly U% S* G.F.AO. E 8.S. I b ta tain Jaly U% MS FJi.4. tSS. fc tm kale* irty »7H »7H FimjBB QDOTATION8
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  • 184 4 Slnffaporr. Thursday rte raitowmt are tut *xcnaaft\ au» j\i morning according v> tbt dairy elrecjai lani». W the Hontinoc %n« """f^f Brinrini Oorporatioa ISUOK) London I. T 1/4 I 12 I London demand 1/4 J/3J Switzerland IT.T. onlj) 202. 4« New York demand 47. 1P Montreal demand tI.SS Bauvta
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  • 52 4 Melbourne. July 10. DXV. P. W Holland, headmaster of Oeeloog College, addressing the Melbourne University Union, advocated absolute AngloAmerican union, even U It meant sacrifice ut principles now held essential. Short of a great religious revival, this was the only thine to build a different world after
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  • 39 4 Melbourne, July 11. LIEUT -Commander A. W R. McNlcoU, R.A.N.. »on of BrlMdl-fr-General. Sir Walter McNlcoll, administrate! of the Mandated Territory of New Guinea, ha» bevn awarded the George Medal for gallantry and undaunted dtvotton dntj
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  • 38 4 London. July 10. •PIN opened steady. The turnover was 1 150 tons. The market is featureless and the improvement is considered to be a natural reaction. After official hours prices were unchanged and no business was reported.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 434 4 SHARES GENERALLY FIRM: SMALL TURNOVER RUBBER STAGNANT BUT UNCHANGED (By Our Fin»n-ial Correspondent Singapore, July 11. »I*HE share markets were generally firm yesterday and they open flrrn this morning. Activity yesterday, however, was not on a large scale, partly due to the difficulty in petting scrip and
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  • 62 4 Berlin, July 10. *T"HE loss in action over the Channel of the German air ace, Capt. Balpharar, of the Ri:htofen squadron, ls announced in a German communique, which says that Balpharar, who had been repeatedly decorated and won 40 victories in air battles,
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 41 4 San Francisco, July 10. nrHK British Consul here fc-day assured the Ge.isan Consul, H«rr Wldtmann, and his staff safe paxsage J th"y rail as planned on the Japanese liner Vawata Mam on Saturday. United Press
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  • 33 4 London. July 10. ITALIAN casualties fur June announced in Rome to-day were 10.286. This brings the Italian casualty list to 255,360 since Musso'ini time into the war Hruter.
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  • 65 4 rpHB following outputs of Un-orr are 1 reported for June: The estimated cost tl t>-.e output ol i\M\i Till was $21,000: of Rrnnnii Con-'-ilklaUd, $23,000 and of Ratrut Barm, $24,000. I Katu Tin Renong Oansol. Ratrut Basin Patt«nl»Tln HydraulicJnr Kamra Tin 630 637 568 COS 627 V.v.
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  • 210 4 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokeru* Assoriation Bktc*P° re > July io, BoukM m An put Ml June M Hongkong Tin 10% »nt less Ui Kunponc Lanjut u No l« July 14 KiUlnghall 15% Jit le« tax Klang River 7\»% July K. L. Tin 1» Kucna» it*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 386 5 Demand Finds Stock Short I > ii Jon, July 10. r pHK Stock Exchange to-Cay was generallycheerful and the ieinan.J found stock progressively shorter but this may develop I reactlonally to-morrow. Oit were outstanding, especially AngloIranian which advanred another 3a. Industrials generally were firm with Imperial Tobacco
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  • 113 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prom Our Own Correspondent) London, July 10. COMMODITY and Exchange markets clewed as follows with previous quotations in parenthesis RI'BBF.R: Dull. Dec. I3Hd 13'4d (13%d Uttd) New York: Not received. COTTON Closed for duration of war. PIPPEKWhite Muntok: HHd (HVid) Lampong black In bond: t\« <«H<H TIN: Firmer.
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  • 56 5 Dow Jones Averages New York, 10. THE following were the Dow Jones Averages when the New York Stock Exchange and Commodity Exchange closed to-day and yesterday. 30 Industrials 127.63 127.78 20 Rails 29.32 29.18 16 Utilities 18.40 18.61 40 Bonds 91.50 91.52 Commodity index 73.55 73.52 Stock SaYs
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  • 140 5 Mails close at the General Po*t Office as follows: TO-MORBOH America: Canada. Newfoundland. USA.. Central and South America and Wnst Indies air 12 30 p.m. Australia air 12 30 p.m. I Eorope: All destinations with which postal communications are maintained air 12.30 p.m. Java air 12.30
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  • 1381 5 TIH-RSIUV. Jl I.Y It, 1*41: 4 P M. MINING Ampat (5s) 2s 104d U 4H c.d Austnl Am»l (5ii 7j 4V4d 7* Tn Au^trai Malay <£• i> no i*j do Ayer Hitam (Si) 15a 16s Ayer Weng (II) .75 .SO Bangrui Tin £> 135 6a
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  • 38 5 THE price of rubber for purpose ot assessment of export duty in the F.MS. for the period July 11 to July 17, inclusive, has been determined at 37% cents a pound, states a Gazette notification.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 'Jtaßk.^' I C 1 I I tV^^BLaT j^MBHBH^HBHBLaaai tS^sf r Jiaaal ■fe. wm, Mtaaaaaß Laaar^V M' ft iaaaSxAaak_ "81 a *fa> 1 1 ji >jßfc» T W aaaaT^^^ o^^ B*"*>^^H BnA '*Mlr!ll Vl>'^BrV 1> '^Br *^1 II /.aaa^* > >^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaP^^iaaaak^ V jK^^l wm^^^^\. I j^b Jiaaaaaaaali -fr Laav^^ak^H aLam k.
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    • 654 5 AUCTION NOTICES THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE Of essentially modern Eunpean. made-to-order. high-Trade TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Twin bedsteads »itl- SIMMONS' springs, beautiful paintings, curios, almoat new O.E.C. twin-jpeaker. IC-valve radioreceiver (guaranteed In ptrfect working order) WESTINOHOUSE eitctrlc refrigerator, beautiful Jade-green genuine TIENTSIN it English centre carpet., (almoat new) 1940
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    • 219 5 PRICKLY HEAT!! for PREVENTION and CVMI USI A GNESIA A NTISEPTIC I) US TING PO WDER Obtainable at all Chemists and Stores BUT INSIST on the ORIGINAL and ONLY A GNESIA Product of 6RAFTON LABORATORIES LTD. Singapore K. Lumpur Penang /rudge^K BICYCLtyI V'tfe* *V> \7hupt ro^v s'BOat PUBUC^NOTICES NOTK We
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 381 6 HERE WE'VE GOT SOMETHING! TREMENDOUSLY TOPICAL COLUMBIA'S The Na/i Crerd to llestroy pat Brieli S F i n ds that Dan?er makes I Answers the Naii Challener ln r 'the cZ iJSST Ro.e. the Strangest Bedfellows I Escapes to Cory. Never since the outbreak of tear has there been
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    • 94 6 A K-oTpr R M.G.M. BRITISH HIT FOLLOWING UP THE SUCCESS OF jPP; "YANK at OXFORD" "GOODBYE £fiyi| J? Mr. CHIPS and "CITADEL" CAPITOL TO DAY *ltf^lF~l j| t"^ VMrl I Wl"i 3.15-6.15 9.15 t puts you in the RIGHT "SPIRIT"..* ROBERT MONTGOMERY... as "Lrf>rd Peter Wimsey" solving a murder mystery
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    • 130 6 WHO OWNS THESE -^JB BEAUTIFUL /fS^ MARLENE DIEIKiCH And You'll See An Eyeful of Her PERFECT UNDERSTANDING In New Universal's Action-filled Story Of Sumatra And The South Seas 'SEyEN_SJNNERS_' With MISCHA AUER— JOHN WAYNE BRODERICK CRAWFORD— BILLY GILBERT Marlene Plays the Role of "BIJOU" Toast of the Tropics HER SILKEN
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  • 90 7 U. S. STATE DEPARTMENT WARNS GERMANY ITALY Immediate Release Of Americans Held As 'Retaliation Hostages' Urged Washington, July 10. THE State Department has implicitly warned Germany 1 and Italy, it is learned authoritatively, that unless the Americans held as "retaliation hostages" are now granted exit permits no Germans or Italians,
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 101 7 Belfast, July 10. I HAVE no hesitation in stating that if the British and I'nited States Governments came to the conclusion that this would be helpful towards winning the battle of the Atlantic, the Ulster Government would readily agree to do everything possible
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  • 188 7 Anglo-American Total Exceeds Nazi Output Washington, July 10. A GOVERNMENT announcement that the United States had produced nearly 1,500 aircraft In June has created widespread satisfaction in reliable private sources here to-day. These sources said the combined United States and British production "without doubt" now
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  • 160 7 Blackout Affects Over 600,000 Residents Manila, July IU. "THE first wartime rehearsal in Manila's history began here tonight at 11 o'clock, Manila time, when sirens announced the arrival of "enemy" planes and simultaneously the city's lights went out. The blackout affected 623,262 residents of Manila's suburbs
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  • 134 7 Berlin, July 10. fJERMAN authorized quarters to-day again commented on the United States occupation of Iceland stating the United States and Britain together "are evidently building up an aggressive offensive tactical position there, instead of merely exchanging forces for defensive purposes. 'The only conclusion one can
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  • 181 7 London. July 10. \V* owe Tour Oorrrnmcnt and nation our tribute and admiration and what's more gratitude." said Jfr. rtilllp Graves, for many yean forrifn editor of The Times, at a ricptlon at the Chinese Emba^y on the I nccaslon of the arrival of Dr.
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  • 62 7 London, July 10. WIOLENT street fighting in Oslo la reported in Stockholm Press dispatches reaching London. The origin ot the dispute L> stated to be the assembly of a large crowd to pay homage at Abraham Lincoln's statue. Quisling guards tried to disperse the gathering,
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  • 147 7 Honolulu, July 10. COUR numbers of the Japanese Diet arrived here aboard the Helyo Maru to-day en route to South America to make a "surrey." "American.*." Uiey said, "should improve their attitude toward Japan." A war between Japan and the United State* to not
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  • 57 7 London, July 10. •yilK Foreign Under-Secretary, Mr. K. A. Butler, in reply to a iiurstion in the House of Commons to-day, said that the Spanish Government had apologized for the recent attack on the British embassy in Madrid, stared by the Nails, and that the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 220 7 CARMEN MIRANDA ALICE FAY M^"' DON AMECHE N |s IN NIGHT i ■n RIQ" j THE MUSICAL SHOW A^^k ()F YOUR DREAMS jF Jfc% IN TECHNICOIiOUR flfl| BgL TO-MORROW %n MIDNIGHT JEflllwP^ CATHAY All Tickets Now Obtainahle At CATHAY S2M,— sl.Ho,— fl^O— 60cts. (Including Tax) Supported By 8.M.1. Documentary THIS
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  • 1241 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941. (678th Day OF The War.) New Orders New Orders" are very popular at the moment. Japan has one which she would like to impose upon large j slices of Asia; Germany has already j Imposed some parte of her pet j scheme
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  • 2274 8  -  G. R. TONKIN By The Straits Times London Correspondent, Volunteers Who Will Smash Nazi Communications Somewhere in Eastern England, May. CPRINGTIME dusk amidst the broad fields of East Anglia blackbirds singing liquidly an amorous evensong' in the hedgerows, .the baa-ing of week-old lambs
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  • 182 8 Quick, Simple And Cheap Treatment To the Editor of th« Straits TinwSir, -With reference to the comment* made by a Segamat friend regarding my advice on treatment of eye diseases in poultry. I would advise your readers that the methods of the Seg -»m.i« friend will surely be
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  • 194 8 Consequences Of Lack Of Expert Knowledge To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— Your London Correspondent'! weekly cabled letter contains a striking phrase this week: "The less the muddle-headed servants have to do with the war (I.e. wartime regulations) the quicker we shall Win." You. sir.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 197 8 Money SAVING Opportunity No. 5 Gents' Tailoring White American Drill Suits of best quality 6 suits.... USUAL PRICE S 63.00 SALE PRICE 551.50 Ym Savt $11.50 It is advisable to Book now to avoid disappointment. Prices of roods are roing up daily GIAN SINGH'S Special Cash Stocktaking SALE where suit*
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    • 60 8 EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY. TWO MODERN MASTERS. ANATOLE FRANCE. Two full-length novel*, are brought together In this Vol.— "At A Sign of The Rfine Pedauque" and "The Revolt of The Anrcla. J. M. BYNOB. "Plays Poems Prose" All tn One Vol. Price fI.M *aeh. Po»t«ce Extra. O. H. KIAT CO.. LTD., HI,
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  • 929 9 Envoy To U.S. Has 'Good News' Of War NAZIS STILL MAKING CLAIMS OF MAJOR SUCCESSES Berlin Admits Slowing Down Of Advance FOLLOWING a talk with President Roosevelt 1 yesterday, the Soviet Ambassador, M. Oumansky, told the Press that he had given the President "good
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  • 365 9 "THE greatest battle erf all time has I seen concluded with the double j battle of Blalystok and Minsk," de- ciares a special war communique issued iin Berlin last evening, reports United Press. It c:aims that 323.898 Russians have f bfen made
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  • 117 9 London., July 11. i MEWS from Moscow received here! ytates that the aid Russia desires I from Britain, above all, Is the creation i of a second active front against Germany. It is reported that Stalin conveyed this news to Britain in no ambiguous
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  • 35 9 Berlin, July 11. nr<HE Voelkescher Beooarhter to-day publishes the death notice of Major-General Otto Lancelie, commander of an Infantry division at whose head he was killed in Ru.«Fla.— United Press.
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  • 52 9 Lisbon. July 11. 'pIIKRE has only been about 1.000 Dutch volunteers to flght atralnst Soviet Russia, complains Musiort. the Dutch Quisling, according to news reaching here. He also'declared that Germany nnd attacked Russia because "the Russian cornfields must be opened to the whole of
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  • 93 9 THE Red air fleet appear to have taken the initiative yesterday, battering German troops trying to cross the Dvina River. They are also said to have bombed German airports. A commentator in London says that Russian troops and pilots have proved themselves
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  • 99 9 $3,486,000,000 For Army Ordnance Washington, July 10. PRESIDENT Roosevelt to-day asked Congress for an appropriation of $4,770,000 000 for the United States War Department "in crder ti further strengthen national licence. The request, made in a letter to the Speaker of the Hovse of
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  • 206 9 "AM Problems" Including Aid Said Discussed Washington. July 10. LEAVING the White House to-day after his first conference witlj President Roosevelt for two years, M Oumansky. the Soviet Ambassador, told reporters that all problems arising from the Russo-German conflict, including United States aid for the
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  • 609 9 Allies Close In On Beirut Jerusalem, July 11. j THERE was still no reply last night from Gen. Dentz, the Vichy High Commissioner, to Gen. Sir H. Maitland Wilson's broadcast urging him to evacuate Beirut. The Imperial troops which are now pressing forward after their
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  • 311 9 Washington, July 10. "T HEARD weeks ago on reliable authority that the United States is constructing a naval and air base for Britain In Northern Ireland," Senator Taft told the Senate today. Adding that since he made the first draft of his speech
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  • 246 9 British Carry Out Surprise Night Air Attack On Port Of Naples IN one of the most successful daylight raids yet carried out over enemy territory, in northern France, British bombers and fighters early yesterday afternoon destroyed six enemy ships at Le Havre
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  • 51 9 DEATH SENTENCE FOR FREE FRENCH LEADER London, July 11. GEN. de Larminat, commanding the j Free Frenca troops l n Syria, has i been, condemned to dea h by the Vichy Oovernmer* and all his property, has I been confiscated, says a Vichy report broadcast by the Oerman-controiled Parts radio—
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  • 39 9 London, July 11. (JEN- Charles de daulle has arrived tn Brazzaville, fYench Con^o, according to the Brazzaville radio. The Free French leader ls broadcasting tr. Franc* to-day at I p.m. <O.M.T.>— Reuter.
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  • 21 9 London, July n. i GEM. M. Wey«and, the Vichy ccm-mander-!n-chief in North Africa, has arrived in Vichy —Reuter.
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  • 52 9 U.S. Navy In Action Against Nazis Washington. July Hi TIIE Senate Naval Committee lo day voted a resohillon summoning Col. (rank Knnx, I'nited«» Navy Secretary, and Adm. SUrk, Chief of Naval Operations, to testify to-morrow on reports (hat the L'niU-d States navy has engaged in actual combat with (iennan
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  • 191 9 Nazis Our Enemy, Says N.Y. Post New York, July 10. THE New York Post in an editorial calls on the I'nited States to declare war immediately :t;iins» Germany. •1 he United States U in fact in the war already we are in the w*r because
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 OTHER CABLES in pages 7, 10, 13, 14 and 16
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    • 112 9 lutfrlJs R |R Australia wine-making hn reached i »try |^^^~J M(n degree of excelkncr With 105 yean experience behind them /T-| Penfoldi Wlnet Ltd now cover tht cnttrt rang* /I •f tht Industry from the growing of the grapci f^M In their own vineyards to th< crushing. Mend-) Hig. bottling
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  • 591 10 Principal Contribution In To-day's War Fund List ANOTHER SINGAPORE SCHOOL DONATES MONEY MORE than $3,000 was raised by the women's section of the Singapore Harbour Board Club at the Fair which was run in aid of The War Fund on Saturday last. The
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  • 68 10 Tokio, July 19. WHII.K the Netherlands Indies appreciated the idea of mutual economic co-operation "they could not grasp the idea oi co-prosperity for East Asia," declared Mr. Kenkichi Yoshixawa, head of the Japanese delegation to the Indies, who arrived here to-day. He was met at the
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  • 326 10 At The Cinema "Haunted Honeymoon" t Robert Montgomery, Constance Cuinmincs. Sir Seymour Hicks, Leslie Banks, Robert Newton). MOM. At the Capitol DOROTHY Sayers' well-kniwn story, J •Busman's Honeymorn."' has been j filmed with great success. Chronologically this ftory omes just slter "Gaudy Night." at the end of
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  • 84 10 Batavia, July 11. JAVA sugar ffi great quantities h:.. been sold to Japan through the intermediary of two Japanese exporters, according to the newspaper .NYimvsbald. One hundred thousand tons, at a reasonable but undisclosed price, will be delivered between July and October. Declaring that Japan
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 225 10 Washington, July It. Pit. United States Navy Department announces that mines have been laid in the approaches, to San Francisco Kay. Reuter. Moscow, July 11. The Soviet air force is superior both in quantity and quality to the Luftwaffe, declares the Izvestia in a reTlew of the preliminary
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  • 50 10 London, July 11. I»HE death irf Carl PYtedrlch von Siemens, 1 chief of Siemens works, at the age ot 68, Is announced by the official German news a«ency from Berlin. He was the youngest sod ol the founder of the firm. Werner von Siemens —Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 210 10 Now Able To Send More Money Home RELAXATION Ll REGULATIONS A SUBSTANTIAL increase in the amount of Canadian dollars able to be remitted by Canadians in Malaya to wives and families in Canada came into effect on July 1. The new regulations permit the remittance of sums
    210 words
  • 93 10 Washington. July 10. REPLYING to questions based upon a broadcast lrom Tokio, Mr. Sumn^r Welles, Under-Secretary of State, told the Press tc-day that the United States U not attempting to obtain military or naval bases in Portugal or her possessions or in Siberia.
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 103 10 A NASTY surprise for the Japa■^nese was the Moscow radio announcer's comment on Germany's latest propaganda effort to illustrate Nazi fighting against tho Red Army The film purports to depict "atroaties" of the Soviet Air Force against "defenceless populations" But the Moscow radio
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 68 10 Shanghai. July 11. A BRITISH steamer going to Singapore with a mixed cargo. Including machinery, the consignors of which are a well-known local British firm. was stopped and detained yesterday afternoon by the outside Shanghai, according to Chinese Press reports. It Is understood that the ship,
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 55 10 GERMAN EVACUEES FROM INDIES NOW IN CHINA CARRYING 675 German women and' children evacuees from Batavia the Japanese sUamer Asama Man arrived at Shanghai yesterday afteinoon. One hundred and twenty evacuees who landed in Shanghai will be taken care of by German families in this city as well as those
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 39 10 London, July 11. A FURTHER drop of £7,000 is shown in the unemployment return* Issued yesterday. The total unemployed on June 16 was 301.000, compared with 368.000 on May I 12. and 766.000 on June 17 last year— ReuUr.
    39 words
  • 207 10 Chungking, July 11. "THE fates of China, the United 1 States. Britain and Soviet Russia are interlocked. The wisest course the anti-aggression bloc can take to defeat the aggressors is to destroy their plan of attacking one eremy after another we should
    207 words
  • 102 10 Tokio, July 11. SUGGESTIONS that an otraordlnary acs- sion of the Diet should be called were. It Is thought, the reason for a series of conferences held yesterday afternoon by the Prime Minister. Prince Konoye, with high Government leaders. After adjournment of tne regular
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 37 10 When the Duchess ot Kent recently visited the London headquarters of the Indian Comforts Fund, she uxu greeted by Risaldar Major Mohammed Ashraf Khan, of the Royal Indian Army Service Corps.
    37 words
  • 266 10 Army Officers' Bulletin On Pacific Situation (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, July 10. ALTHOUGH rumours about an Allied Pacific front are already influencing the situation, the Netherlands Indies have to remain on the alert, and defence measures must be unceasingly increased and improved," points
    266 words
  • 47 10 Melbourne, July 10. r[E new first member of the Naval Board, Vice-Admiral Sir Guy Royle, i en arrival In Sydney, said that the convoy problem In the Atlantic was' rapidly being solved. Britain soon would have as many escorts as she wanted.
    47 words
  • 194 10 F.M.S. REVENUE FIGURES GOOD Over $10,000,000 In January LOW EXPENDITURE IN FIRST MONTH THE F.M.S. Government revenue in 1 the first month of this year was nearly double the expenditure and exceeded the proportionate share of the year's revenue by ;ibout $3,000,000 Revenue lor the montii wa* $10,274,355: expenditure $5,279,668
    194 words
  • 99 10 RAFFLES HOTEL Dinner A Dane*" Informal! S p.m to Midnisht GREAT WORLD Cabaret: 7 30 to 9 9 p.m. to Mttlnieht Olobc: Captain Caution Sky: I»le of Destiny. HAIPV THEATRE cllippv World Hirnl Wife. Swine: North Wrat Paaagc. V>.W WORLO Talkies Theatres ana Cinema.Side Show. Cabaret. Dancin* QUEENS. GETI.ANn
    99 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 56 10 w^* Ji?iSS2HJS k O S iD t. m V- A^aaeT* «iOs «O» T nt© X au\ol** «f»\^* \«vr"l t»« tt c v ..nil* 1 vVN" A» v J lot VHSscg m^V Ho u** tt g\*e J N oc I (Advertisement of Tht General Electric GC Ltd.: of England "Matnet
      56 words

  • Article, Illustration
    37 11 This flight lieutenant was formerly the Metropolitan. Police heavyweight boxing champion, and now flies in a Consolidated Catalina flying-boat, the fine new type now operating with the R.A F. in Britain and the Far East.
    37 words
  • 123 11 No Licence For Revolver 1 DUTCH engineer, Arie Vellersma, 26, was arrested by Singapore police in the Pavilion Restaurant in Orchard Road on Wednesday night ana wa. found to be In possession of a revolver loaded with four rour.ds. As a .sequel, Vellersma appeared before Mr.
    123 words
  • 80 11 AN outburst from the dock that he was a "Christian and would not abscond" was made by Yue Chong Yin in the Singapore Third Court yesterday when the prosecution opposed ball on the grounds that ho was a "dangerous character." Yue was charged with having "control" of
    80 words
  • 1442 11 Application By Disciplinary Committee In High Court AN application for an unnamed advocale and solicitor who was described as having "27 years seniority at the Bar," to show cause why he should not be suspended, or struck off the rolls, or censured, was made
    1,442 words
  • 34 11 Afen of India are placing a vital part in the work of defending Tobruk, fighting alongside British and Australian troops. This digging party is undismayed by enemy air attacks.
    34 words
  • 349 11 Test Of Traffic Control In Geylang, Joo Chiat Changi AN extensive exercise in the evacuation of the civil nopulation from coastal areas will be held on Sunday in the Geylang, Joo Chiat and Changi districts of Singapore, to test the traffic control system. Barriers will
    349 words
  • 34 11 THE Singapore Rural Board estimates for 1942 make provision for two health clinics at lampines Koad and Thomson Road. At the Board meeting yesterday the estimates were approved by the members
    34 words
  • 46 11 To make final provision for the pub- lie services of 3elangor In 1940. a Final Supply Bill will be Introduced into the Selangor State Council involving a 1 total sum of $273 all. Of this sum, $149,107 Is for emergency mejsuies, |and $88,712 for miscellaneous services.
    46 words
  • 389 11 "ALTOGETHER co-operation in rural areas has come well out of its first year under war conditions; the progress has been steady and unsensatlonal," is the official conclusion in Malaya. "When the events of 1940 In other parts of the world are recalled, this
    389 words
  • 255 11 Court Dismisses Indian's Appeal DAISINO his arms several times to friends in l'i<f public gallery In a salutation of farewell. Syed Fateh All Shah was led away from tho dock by a prison officer after the Court of Appeal, consisting of Sir Percy McElwaine, the Chief Justice,
    255 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 79 11 L^Lf >^wl£iavAitt£*** a ''^^^LaHw Here in the largest cellar in the fX| world KEY Brandy Is matured PrT^ with infinite care to produce the A [P^^kt-v outstanding quality which Is now trr^* V^S^^ world famous. o^! k-^^^ "Guaranteed 10 years old" is Vja- exclusive to KEY 5 Star, which -^jv.^^V
      79 words
    • 279 11 ?&*s& LATEST I i TITLES Just Received POPULAR PENGUINS FICTION SPECIALS Old Junk H. M. Tomlinson English Miss ...R.H. Mottram Fh ht W*"» Walker Uncle Silas S. Le Fanu Penguin Hansard No. 1 Three Hunting Morns Fitt jy o# 2 Case of the late m pig Allingham New W Lehman
      279 words

  • 375 12 Soldier's Evidence In Coroner's Court MERVYN SMITH, 20, of the loyal Army Service Corps, told the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday how while he was riding an army motor-cycle along Upper Serangoon Road on July 1, he collided with a Chinese on a bicycle at the sth mile.
    375 words
  • 210 12 Ipoh, July 10. 'Kn-in Our Own Correspondent) ARRESTED in Singapore, O. A. Savarimuttu. a former bookkeeper employed by McAlister Co.. Ltd.. in Ipo'.i, was sentenced two months' simple imprisonment by ,he Ipoh First Magistrate on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect
    210 words
  • 472 12 Police Officer Gives History Of Unlawful Society POUND guilty of being a member of an unlawful society "whose activities throughout its career disclose gunfights, extortions, bullying, robbery and other similar deeds rather common among these gangs," Kweh Kirn In was yesterday sentenced to six
    472 words
  • 118 12 "Not Cared For By Parents" PLEADING guilty to three aiaiges of housebreaking and theft of money, three small Malay boys standing waisthigh next to the Singapore Second Court interpreter, were yesterday ordered to be sent to the Salvation Army Home lor six months and in addition
    118 words
  • 191 12 A CHINESE unloading logs Irom a lorry into the Umber yards of Siong Lim SawmiU at Maude Road on July 3 was fatally Injured when a log fell out of the lorry and rolled over him. This fatality was described In the Singapore Coroner's
    191 words
  • 126 12 r[E accused is alleged to bt mentally weak, and although he was sent to the General Hospital and discharged as fit for work. I think he should be sent for mental observation," said Chief Inspector H. Poulaln in the Singapore Third Court yesterday when
    126 words
  • 129 12 TIE Singapore Rural Board is to approach the Municipal Commissioners on the subject of the rental lor fire hydrants in the rural areas with a view to securing a reduction on the charge. This rental stands at $100 each a year and the Board has
    129 words
  • 125 12 RAISING for the tnird time in succession the question of the insanitary practice of drying sawdust on rural roads Mr. J. M Jansen received an assurance from Dr. W L. Blakemore. Health Officer, Rural, at the Singapore Rural Board meeting yesterday that
    125 words
  • 80 12 (From Our Own Correspond-nl Ipoh, July 10. rE Ipoh fire-fighting service haa been considerably strengthened by the arrival of two new tire en pines —which are the first of their kind In this country. Carrying their own water supply, they are fitted with
    80 words
  • 45 12 The requisitioning Df live goats in Selangor Is provided for by an order published In the ?.M.S. Oazette. The Veterinary Ofllcer. Selansor, or any officer of the Veterinary Department is authorized to carry out the requisitioning at any place within the State at his discretion.
    45 words
  • 208 12 THE toiiowmg donations to rtie Wai i Fund are recorded to-day.— S Singapore Harbour Board Club, proceeds from the Fair held on Saturday last July sth organised by the Ladies Section of the Singapore Harbour Board Club 3,***** Boys of Telok Kurau
    208 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 286 12 Clothes make the man JN the making of fine cioihes. only skilled cutting, perfect fitting and expert tailoring of the best materials available can produce sarioriai porfociion. Absorbine Jr. For your Hcaitf Arteries Blood Your vitality and v.gour, your capacity for work and the full enjoyment of life, depend largely
      286 words
    • 166 12 Cra»«" A r *£'„<,? tmoothfm\ «»itn ir*»" j the*' ll —^^TMCafrerM^*: SAVE YOUR TEETH WITH FORHAN S KEfcP your teeth longer.' Pre vent bleeding gums that warn J Only P<nb**'i of dread pyorrhoea. It'ieasy! Just M brand ■yriginsl dtntipttt tan- massage your gums with Forlian s, taim m tftfM the
      166 words

  • 331 13 Town Heavily Scarred By Three Days Of Non-Stop Fighting London, July 10. FVAMOUR is heavily scarred by three days of non-stop fighting put up by the Australian force, Royal Air Force and the Navy in the face of ivy stubborn resistance,
    Reuter  -  331 words
  • 71 13 Two Thai Officers Visiting Singapore Bangkok. July 10. r ]pWO officers belonging to the Thai 1 services. Lieut -Col. Luang Sura Narong and Flight Lieut. Dawee Chulldrupya, proceeded to Singapore this afternoon by train on a visit of Inspection In Malaya by Invitation of the Command?r-ln-Chief. Far East. They were
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 100 13 Washington. July 9 MR. JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES. the noted British economist, after obtaining details from Mr. Henry Morgonthau. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, of the recently announced new tax prepayment plan stated that he would urge Its adoption in England at a supplement
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 123 13 Washington. July 10 rE Office for Production Management announces that the National Academy of Sciences re commends the use of silver as a substitute for tin in solder in the present emergency. The office for Production Man ujrement says the academy ha* suggested rilver aa
    123 words
  • 171 13 Expected To Return To War Cabinet London. July 10 *I*HE most important diplomatic post la the world— British Ambassador in Washington- may shortly be vacant, writes a diplomatic correspondent In to-day's New-. Chronicle. The writer suggests that Lord Rallfax. who Is shortly expected
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 50 13 Brandon < Manitoba), July 10. I*HAT there Is a strong prc-iiabillty 1 that Mr. W. L Mackenaic King Prime Minister for Canadu, ma; fly t<> England in the near future to" attend a conference of Emoire statesmen is the opinion expressed by persons close to the Prime Minister.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 212 13 Germans Surprised By Soviet Tanks Vichy, July 10. MILITARY analysts here believe that the RuiKian Commander-in-Chtef has succeeded in collecting twe bl< groups of reserves north and south behind the Stalin Line, while the mobilization of millions of Russian reservists is continuing normally. They declare
    212 words
  • 183 13 London. July 1<V MEMBERS of the 8tvlet Mission her* say they are not concerned with. and will not farther about, the rubber and tin supplies already promised to Russia from Malaya. They point out thai machine tools for armament production are most uritcn ly needed,
    183 words
  • 109 13 London, julv 10. TPHK drath Is announced to-day of 8ub-Licut. Penrose Tennyson, of the Royal Naval Voluntepr Resnrve He was Britain's youngest film dlrertor and husband of Nova Pllbeam, British film star. A great-grandson of the poet, Alfred Tennyson, he was 28 and had.
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 93 13 New York. July 10. DRISONER8 tn European ramp* a-» fatetter off to-day than were prl*nnr.s of the last war. jci.-dfij to Mr. Tra~y 8tratig. general secretary ol .he Y.M.C.A. 'xnmltUe for wax pri-noe-V a 1 He baa Jurt arrived n the Ur.tii-d states
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 73 13 Manila. July 10. PONOTABULARY Intelligence acenu vrrr reported questioning an unidentified Japanese to-day who was arrested n*ar the United State* Air Corps 1 Nlchote Field with maps and sketches ihowlnc the roada and thoroughfare* of the rtelnity In hit possession. The constabulary declined U> comment on
    73 words
  • 53 13 Chungking. July !0 A GIANT granite boulder weighing at least 40 tons killed 125 person- on Tuesday aft-rnaon wr#n It rolled dewn to the Chi i lint? River from a height of 100 metres and land-d at Chungking's city wall, behind the American Methodist
    53 words
  • 49 13 Paris, July 10. rIE formation of a French Volunteer unit to fight with the Germans aealrut Russia might be the beginning of military co-operation with Germany," declared an official French spokesman to United Press. He said the volunteer Legion Is daily receiving recruits.— United Press.
    49 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 371 13 No party is complete without him now I i^\ K-tf MUST YOU [NOTHtNC, «B^ M ALWAYS BE ONLy NO ONE II MISERABLE/ SEEMS TO l-fPlfl i^ *^H H WHAT'S THE WA/V7 ME j^ H V^ MATTER AROUNO-NOT^m M EVEN Jill NOWjl GO AND M H AR y °U HAVE A
      371 words
    • 119 13 mV I\ I afl KREMENTZ GUFF LINKS Krruwntz ('ufT Linkn olTit ii solcction of n rat, dignified dcffigiiA. Made of 1 t XI. rolled gold plate, they arc all guaranteed to wear indefinitly even in the mo»t humid weather. You cannot thuy better ruff link-. An excellent gift for Miiir
      119 words

  • 194 14 Unwillingness Of Nazi Airmen To Engage British When Outnumbered London, July 11. "THE Luftwaffe is as good as beaten," says the prominent aviation journal, The Aeroplane, adding that the evidence of unwillingness of German airmen to engage the British when
    194 words
  • 231 14 London, July 10. AIRCRAFT of the Bomber Command i j did great damage to Aachen last night, states the Air Ministry news service This town on the frontier between Belgium and Germany, better known as Alx-la-Chapelle, was cleared for modern industry and development by the huge
    231 words
  • 319 14 Cairo, July 10. RAF. aircraft attacked Italian Fiat planes, probably Cant 05 on the water at Syracuse yesterday, according to to-day's RAF. Middle Eest communique. Thiee Fiat planes were burnt out and several others badly damaged, numerous casualties bein? caused among crews on the slipway
    Reuter  -  319 words
  • 446 14 R. A. F. Planning Monster Raids On Berlin Soon London, July 10 "I CAN as»ure you It will not be 1 many months before raids like the biggest ones on London will be child's play with the raids we will be able to make on Berlin." declared Lieut. -Col. J.
    Reuter  -  446 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 328 14 l%s Ouajit^ -> /I\7j3[ Economy r I y Stylish r~rmJ iffl Appearance |l Occasions *Phon« 2066 Singapore. APB 1 kH LCO j v^ j IS NEW DIFFERENT SENSATIONAL II QUIET AMAZING EFFICKMT. H i You mrt have 3 kinds of cold for best V |[H 'iIS bW food protection. F7IZZINO
      328 words
    • 289 14 '*T| I \I f\ ft l I f SISSSSSBwP f*"*^ I I 1 H MLIHLwfILwHLwfILwIisBwH^LwHMLwHLwiLwHLw^^LwIiHHII^LQ L^"^^ H saw^sawH isawMH VCsasT W* 1* v j* X 9 pH w^^ZftouS LY m& KRmDIPp ill Warint 9 i^hhb H£iil' Unlfll is a new building material that nas amaslnc h"at \^W^ /V and sound
      289 words

  • 1758 15 Order Of Running, Scratchings And Selections rVERYTHING points to a Rood day for Major T. L. Fox L at Bukit Timah to-morrow, the first day of the Singapore Turf Club's July meeting;, when a card of eight events will come up for dec is
    1,758 words
  • 56 15 "■PHE Sepoy Lines Golf Club's women's monthly medal competition for Juiy resulted in a win for Miss M. Ackers. The following cr.rdr were returned: lata M ...i:ers -13 31 Miss S. Lucas 43—6=37; Miss E. M. Hill 49-14 30; Miss J. IVanklln 48—15=33: Mrs
    56 words
  • 39 15 rE annual athletic sports ot the City High Scl.oo' will take place at the Jalan Brsar st?.dlum on Ratur- day. July l<* r>?nts <or old boys will be 220 yards and 880 yards races.
    39 words
  • 180 15 THE araaal cricket Batch betmea I Baffle* CoOtft and the Medical Ooilece will lUrt on the Medical College ground at 4it p.m. to-day, and will be continued to-morrow and on Sunday, at II a.m. on ca<h day. TtaJa year 1 Match la the twelfth In the
    180 words
  • 396 15 Home Racing New St. Leger On September 6 London, July 10. ADDITIONAL racing wire announced to-, ay, giving 19 more days of flat racing. Thi? per.rd rovers fr^m Sent 6 to Nov. 6, and includes five two-day meetIng*, at Newmarket. On f"»ur days racing will be
    396 words
  • 29 15 "T-HE R.E. (Malays) beat the Mala, Regiment oy two goals to one in second division (a) league scree. match played at Alexandra yesterday.
    29 words
  • 30 15 r'X Air Headquarters be?t the J.C.B.A. Dy seven goals to two in -i second division (b) league soccer -.itch played at the J C.S A. ground
    30 words
  • 28 15 ""PHE Police beat the Royal Engineers by one goal to nil in a reserve aivKion leasu? soccer fixture played at Changi yesterday.
    28 words
  • 32 15 7IELDINQ only ten men, the YM.CJI. scored a ♦.wo-nll victory over the Sin"r>pore Harbour Board in a second division (a> league soccr fixture played on t>T> S.H.B. ground yesterday.
    32 words
  • 66 15 "THE following have been selected to play cricket for C.V.M.A. against the Ceylon Sports Club on CSC ground at 2 p.m. on Sunday: D. 8. Fernandes 'Capt.), A. Lewi C Cruz, S. V. Ferrer. D. M Prabhu. John Pane, J C. D'Souza, A. Ferrao, B Saures, Jran Pierre
    66 words
  • 26 15 SOCCER: Malaya Cup, Army vs. R.A.F., Anson Road stadium, SIS p.m. < KICKFT: Medical College vs. RafTles Collect. Sepwy lanes, 1.30 p.m. (first day).
    26 words
  • 490 15 Four-Nil Margin Of Victory In Robust Game Royal Air Force 4; S.C.F.A ....0. DLAYING fine soccer, the Royal Air Force reserves scored a convincing four-nil victory over the S.C.F.A. reserves in a reserve division league soccer match played at Geylang Stadium yesterday. The game produced
    490 words
  • 263 15 Army R.A.F. Meet In Cup To-day T*WO of Mr.laya's strongest soccer teams, the Royal Air Force and the Army, clash to-day at the Anson Road Stadium in a southern srctlon fixture of the Malaya Cup competition. That some fine soccer will be seen Is almost certain but the result will
    263 words
  • 270 15 To-day's Track Work At Bukit Timah FAST gallops by a few of Hobbs and Sleigh's horses running at the Singapore races were the most not ible workouts at this momine'* training on the second track at Bukit Timah. The going is very good. Kal Tere
    270 words
  • 731 15 Prospects In Senior Events Badminton WITH the conclusion last week *ff the junior and veterans' events in the Singapore badminton <i..»mpinnahips, the senior event* will start very soon, probably next weekend, and flr*t eta-M bailmlnlnn will l.c provided at the (leriral I'nlnn Halt by the cream of the Colony's ex*
    731 words
  • 27 15 THE 100 metres free style o^n handicap lor th- fJulllemard Cup Will be swum at the SinrajKire WwimIming Club at 10.45 a.m. DC Sunday.
    27 words
  • 266 15 R.AJM.C. 2; Moravia 1. 'T'lIE R.A.M.C. played forceful soccer to beat the Moravians by the odd goal in three in a second division (a) league match played at the Y.M.C-A. ground yesterday Although the R.A.M.C. just deserved their victory, the Moravians were very unlucky
    266 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 68 15 Isssi. BK J& Jl 3 w^r riawley >a^ ssßaliH I vnirnov The air-conditioned hat "HAWLKY TROppbr* nm and ratn hat Is waterproof— alr-lnsula'cd— feather light— adjustable sired— 9s degrees coolor than foing hatlersl Smartly styled Hawley Is axcellent for sports, dreas and outdoor wear New shipment Just unpacked doth covered
      68 words

  • 410 16 SECOND MOTORIZED UNIT IS SERIOUSLY DEFEATED German Advance Slowed Down By Rains, Says Italian Report London, July 10. THE destruction of a German motorized division in the Lepel sector and the serious defeat of another in the Horisov sector are claimed in the latest
    Reuter  -  410 words
  • 97 16 London, July 10. RUSSIAN parachutist] have been dropped in the outskirts of Helsinki, according to the Rome radio. Meanwhile in fulfilment of Stalin's sror-rtc.l earth poiiey, Russians in the Ukraine have set out to destroy as much as possible and have succeeded, an-ording to the
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 73 16 A MESSAGE from Ankara states that four French warships have arrived Alexandretta from Beirut. The Turkish Government has authorized them to remain there for 24 hours in accord ance with international .law. Meanwhile, it is announced in Ankara that the death-roll of
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 172 16 Hundredfold Rise In Trainees London, July 10. THE British Commonwealth air training plan, which is six months ahead of schedule with 85 per cent, of its units going full blast, has uncorked the bottleneck In the struggle for air supremacy by supplying an ever-in-creasing flow of intrepid
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 42 16 Chungking, July 10. FE Chinese National Government has severed its relations with Rumania as a result of Rumania's recognition of the Japanese-controlled government at Nankins. The Chungking Government recalled its Minister from Rumania on Tuesday. United Press.
    42 words
  • 133 16 German Losses Highest Ever Moscow's Warning To Nazi Gangsters Ankara, July 10. "COR the first time the Oerman army Is meeting another force which Is its equal In numbers and equipment," says the Berlin correspondent of the Turkish news agency, according to the Ankara wireless. "Moreover," he adds, "the Soviet
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 130 16 London, July 10. MANY stories are reaching London of the effective work behind the Oerman lines by Russian irregular forces. Reports have been received of water supplies being interfered with and telegraph wires cut whenever the chance offered itself. An American commentator, broadcasting from Moscow,
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 91 16 London. July 10. DELKASE of Polish prisoners In Russia to fight against Germany wa~ suggested In a written question In the House of (Xnunons to-day by Capt. A. C. Omham (Corn, who stat d that 220.000 traders, officers and men Involved had requested the
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 90 16 London, July 10. INHERE is no further news of Japan's attitude to the Oerman-Russo war, but the Tokio radio to-day broadcast the experience of a Japanese skipper who has returned from a trip to the fishing grounds of Otosk, on the Russian Pacific coast.
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 84 16 Moscow, July 10. r[E British Ambassador to the Soviet Union. Sir Stafford Cripps, was received to-day by Stalin, states the official Soviet news agency. The Foreign Commissar, M. Molotov, was present at the Interview, which lasted over an hour. The United States Ambassador,
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 50 16 London, July 10. MEMBERS of the Russian military mission to-day visited the Admiralty and were received by the First Lord, Mr. A. V. Alexander. Later the mission called at the Air Ministry, where they were met by the Air Minister, Sir Archibald Sinclair.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 538 16 Call To General Dentz To Declare Syrian Capital An Open City London, July 10. CINCE up to no^n to-day no reply had been received from Gen. D?ntz, Vichy High Commissioner in Syria, to the broadcast of Gen. Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, Commander-in-Chief
    538 words
  • 383 16 Believed To Be "Very Lenient" Ankara, July 10. •T"HE news that the Vichy High Commissioner in Syria, Gen. Dentz, has asked for armistice terms is welcomed here. It Is understood that the terms consist of the following ten points: (1> Britain has no t-rritorial designs on
    Reuter  -  383 words
  • 396 16 Melbourne, July 10. THE Australian Prime Minister, Mr. R. G. Menzies, commenting on the Vichy request for an armistice in Syria, said: "The conclusion of hostilities should enable the British to consolidate in the Middle Ejyst, prepare to repel the new enemy threat and take
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 62 16 V (S/^S IMPENETRABLE THE PAINT THAT STANDS UP GAY'S "IMPENETRABLE D. Q. D." is an ideal synthetic base enamel produced under the most exacting factory conditions to stand up to extremes of climate. Manufactured byi R. GAY CO. associated with R. INGHAM CLARK CO., makers of paiats. varnishes, distempers, of
      62 words
    • 14 16 I OUR QUALIFIED DCCULIST ■M^VMVHaMM W7 1O W7 ft I* ■■PimjTTn^bniii— 11:1 i.u-i.i fnH
      14 words