The Straits Times, 6 July 1941

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL No. 498 Sunday, July 6, 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 498 Sunday, July 6. 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 814 1 Russia's Resistance And Tactics Surprise Nazis GUERILLA WARFARE IN REAR OF ADVANCE UNITS London, Saturday. WE LL-in formed quarters in London believe that the rate of progress of the Germans against Russia has slackened on account of several reasons. These include guerilla warfare by the Russian
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  • 37 1 iv o.uus exercises arc luting carried out by the troops to P.I them for an offensive at the appropriate time. Picture Mftows men of the anti-tanK regiment hauling their gvn up a ciiffside.
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  • 82 1 STALIN'S announcement that a gra\. situation is facing the countr> appears to have rallied the nation round the Central Defence Committee which has mobilized all State an private resources and energy towar«. the single goal of repelling the invader This is reacting Immediately nn thousands
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  • 66 1 Taihoku. Saturday. VETIIERLANDS Indies autho. itici are i,;i.c*.rely desirous of Improving relations w)»h Japan, declared Mr. Kenklchl Yoshi- cawa. head of the Japanese delation I Batavia. This statement was made K Mr. Yoshizaw ou his arrival at Keelung yesterday aboax: "lie Nissho Mam from
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  • 80 1 Tokio. Saturday. T*HK Inforn-atlon Board to-day announce-? the ratifications of the Franco-Thai pear? treaty and also a protocol covering UK j guarantee and political underrtandlng br- lween Jppan and In'!<->-' *h < "a aid Jnpm ar-! J Th.- nd. li» announcement also said an exchange- I of ratifications
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  • 179 1 With German tanks renewing the r thrust towards Moscow a great new "Battle of the River*" was begun in White Russia. The (jermans claim to have reached the river Dnieper some 99 milrs from Smolensk. If this claim n confirmed German troops are now about M 0 miles
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  • 84 1 A BITTER critic of Fascism and one of America's best-known foreign language newspaner editor*?. J-hn A'-ena, publisher of La Tribuna, was ki.ied one night by three gunmen, who flr.'d nine bullets into him as he left a Chicago cinema. Tne police have expressed the belief that
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  • 658 1 London, Saturday. "TPHREE rait'ers were destroyed over Great Britain last night when there was more enemy activity than for some time past. Tbe attack was concentrated on the Midlands, and bombs were also dropped at a number of points in south-west
    Reuter  -  658 words
  • 66 1 Sox agreement with other newspapers published in Singapore, and in order to conserve stocks of newsprint. The Sunday Times Saturday night sporting edition will not be published after this week-end. In future the Singapore edition of The Sunday Times will not be on sale
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  • 188 1 Jerusalem, Saturday. A DIRECT threat to Aleppo from three directions emerges as a result of the latest Allied operations. The threat comes from tne south where the Allies are consolidating their position at Nebek prior to a fresh thrust, from the southeast from Deir Es
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 52 1 Cairo, Saturday. •AIT. Oliver Lyttelton, recently appouni' 1 a member of the Cabinet, has arrived In Cairo accompanied by his feife and two member* of hu staff. Capt. Lyttelton Is to act ln the Nerr East on behaif of the War Cabinet in all matters other -ai.
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 111 1 BY Feb. 1, me RA.i. more thon 1.500 raids on Germany. The char; snows how these raids were divided amongst dilierent types of objectives in the German war machine. A total of 436 raids were made on transport, which includes railwayjunctions, goods yards, canals
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  • 31 1 Berlin, Saturday. T*HE exchange of ratification artlc'. s of tba Turko-Oerman friendship pact occurred the Foreign Office at noon to-^iv. a m offlflally announced here. United Preas.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 TAI HENG HO. lat t o rr. Umm St., Wr Singapore, j] ffcoM. 3375. JJr
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    • 81 1 HEREAFTER OUH SHOP WILL REMAIN CLOSED From: 1 to 2.30 p.C. CHOTIRMALL'S \m WBBmSm I i s^^H»£3iliraBit^9H Earth movlnt, mining, logguig. jungle clearing, rubber clearing, agricultural work, haulage, road making and maintenance whatever your power problem, Caterpillar Diesel equipment Is the most economical and efficient method of doing the Job.
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  • 252 2 'As The Scope Of War Expands, U.S. Aid Grows' London, Saturday. AMERICAN Independence Day and President Roosevelt's broadcast yes'.erday form the subject of editorials In the leading London and provincial newspapers, which emphasize that the cause of American freedom and wond freedom are alike threatened by Naziism. The Daily Telegraph
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 38 2 Sydney, Saturday THE Australian destroyer Waterhen A < 1,100 tons) has been sun* in the Mediterranean af er be'ng badly damaged by enemy aircraft. It is officially announced here. No casualty is reported.—United Press.
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  • 15 2 A view of buildings near St. Pauls Cathedral in London
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  • 185 2 Japan Says Her China War Dead Total 109,250 I Tokio. Saturday. THE total Japanese dead in lour 1 years' fighting against China and including the Russo-Japanese fighting on the Manchukuo Dordei In 1938 is 109,250. according to the Japanese Imperial Headquarters. Monday is the fourth anniversary of the outbreak of
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  • 250 2 Manila. Saturcay. MR. Danlzo Koyama, Japanese Parliamentarian and farmer VlceMmisier of Foreign Affairs, %ho came to Manila to "see ihe country," said to-day the withdrawal by the Japanese Government of ships from the Philipp nes-Un ted Sta es service was the result or one
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  • 149 2 Rangoon, Saiurtlay. A TEN-DAY. 1000-mile tour during the monsoon was car.i.d out by the Governor of burnu, .sir Reginald Dorcncn-Smith, covering the area of Tcanasserim, the easternmost division of Burma. Hi lieito no governor has to reach these areas by road.
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 26 2 pi the first quarter of this year, Chungking exported 23.3LJ quinta's of wood oil, 3,324 quintals of black bristles and 110 quintals of white
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  • 314 2 London Newspapers Stress Danger Of Japanese Drive To The South London, Saturday. TTHE dancers of a Japanese drive southwards and the need for Great Britain to watch developments there are emphasized by the diplomatic correspondents of both The Times and the Daily Telegraph, "News reach'ng London in the past few
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 64 2 New York. Saturday 'TWENTY thousand baled of cotton at least Is expected to be 'aien b> Britain every month, according to a notification reacnmi; the Department of Agriculture The Department was pleasantly surprised since pressure that, unless seized forel)?n sUJp^ were used for this purpose.
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 65 2 Washington. Saturday %fF. Mllo j. Warner, Nat.-onal Commander of the Amer!-an Lesion. In a sojerh nere to -day said Amer'c-n veteran i of the laft war were ready to right again if n?ed he. He mid the I*gi'>n corttn-'es to oppose Con-iniunU«n but the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 TOOHEYS Pilsener— ls AUfrfftMa's toast 0^ '-"i,fi* f throughout this country. An>l no wonder! rr Tjrt| «^T«t X It's brewed to please the paltu and is a fL\L beer suited to this climate. Available at /*v' tCVr BINGAPOXE, KUALA LUMPUR. PEN- tS'^S' l L.V A\r ipoh rELoa tNso.N ri'MPAT I
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    • 640 2 Lose A Pound A Day This New Easy Way [i&^r^ )/^Banish That UqhjN mPj^^^T^y Useless Fat. A New discovery from Hollgwood, Calif. Used by J I Cinema Stan. Makes V\ You L6ok and Fbbl VJD Years Younger^ K '.••}j£l B^r day and you get these results: 1. Wmk melts away
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  • 635 3 Cairo, Saturday. WHAT the outcome of the Russo-German war will be and its ultimate effect upon the Middle East it is impossible to say at present, stated Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell in a farewell interview yesterday with war correspondents accredited to
    Reuter  -  635 words
  • 165 3 fHE confession that the Germans arc already using their reserves of raw material is made in an authoritative article by Josef Wlnschuh in the Berlin Deutsche Algemeine Zeitung. "We must see to it that they are replaced and enlarged," he says Everything must
    British Wireless  -  165 words
  • 74 3 Shanghai. Saturday. ALL Frenchmen employed in Municipal, police or other administrative services of French Concessions in China, namely Shanghai, Canton. Hankow and Tientsin, must swear loyalty to Marshal Petain and abstain from any activities or propaganda incompatible with French unity, according to an order
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 67 3 U.S f GUARDSMEN READY TO SERVE EXTRA YEAR Washington, Saturday. MAOJR-GEN. John F. Williams, chef of the National Guard Bureau, has issued a statement following a tour of three or the lour Army divisions. He raid that 287,700 c Steers and men ot the National Guard have "expressed their loyal
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  • 103 3 Edmonton (Alberta), Saturday. HITLER was thwarted in a military move against North America through the sinking of the Bismarck, declared Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. W. P. Mackenzie King, in a speech here. lie said the Bismarck's mission was the rapture of
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  • 92 3 London, Saturday. MANY of the 16 enemy fighters destroyed yesterday over northern France were victims of Allied airmen ssrving with the RAP. fighter Command, says the Air Ministry news service. The British lost three plane*/ A Norwegian pilot shot down one Messerschm tt
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 49 3 Bangkok. SatrrUsy. IT U disclosed that an official commute* is 1 scheduled to take over the ceded territories from Indo-Chfria. Thai police forres a-e expected to enter the territory on July 37 And military occupation will take place on Aug. I.— United Presa.
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  • 51 3 Simla. Saturday. JLMR M N. ROY, the Indian Labour leader, referring to Germany's invasion of Russia, have advised Indian Nationalists and Congress Party leaders to support the British Government in the fight against Fascism. Mr. Roy asserted that India would never enjoy self-determination in a world trampled on by triumphant
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  • 46 3 During her inspection of an A.TS. unit in the Southern Command, the Queen received a posy 0/ primroses from a small girl who picked them from a neighbouring garden. Her Majesty carried them with her for the rest of the tour.
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  • 159 3 Folkestone, Saturday. THE Luf.watTe attacked shipping in the mconllt Channel late last night. The vessels steamed through the .traits of Dover with their gun: blazing, fla hing a pyrotechnic dispiav among the roaring en:my bombers. Although the United Press correspondent was
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  • 145 3 Melbourne, Saturday. THE War Cabinet has decided to extend to the A.I.F. in Australia the deterred pay and taxation concessions lormeriy enjoyed only by men after embarkation ior overseas. The Minister for the Army, Mr. Percy Spender, said that the cond.tions applied to all A.IF
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  • 48 3 Lucknow, Saturday. I*HE United Provinces Government Is considering a scheme, based on that adopted in the last war. to provide for dependants of soldiers killed or wounded en active service. Educational facilities for the dependants of such soldiers will be one of the primary objects of the scheme
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 400 3 ZZ3 for perfect I fff tMd Hd cooking use- BEEF DRIPPING the most economical fat for all cooking purposes PHONE 5378 FIVE LUES C.S. 246 A Advt. 0/ Singapore Cold Storage Co., LUk PROSTRATE M\ for a whole day with \p GASTRIC PAINS For over 20 long years. Miss B.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 269 4 YOU WILL DIE LAUGHING AT THE WAY ERROL FLYNN follows a more dangerous trail than he did in "SANTA FE TRAIL" in "FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK" TO-DAY 11 a.m. 3.15, 6.15 9.15 kT"^r i ßBnT*R?*"*ei™^T"^^^^r'oj^B box-office JftU F l l iil N "/1 1 'PHONE 6909 K^^OJ m\JA rrßjKrrl Rw
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    • 290 4 SEASON EXTENDED! PACKED OUT SINCE WEDNESDAY! PAPITni 4 SHOWS TO-I3AY Ulin I UL ii A.M.— 3.15— 6.15-9.15 j "You're SWELL, Hedy!" HEDY:... and You re "PREKRASNIA" Clark! \fjL\\ rrrrMWi^H C"* R^^VrG RRV X'- RT^^^^BrH RRH^ft.^Ra rw^B rP^ Ec rr^ I I^R» MA 1^ f; A v W i n **^^r^rrrl
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  • 659 5 Thrilling Story Of 'Back Room Boy' Who Designed "Sabre" NON-FLYING people well know such names as Fokker, De Havilland. J tolls and Royce, Messerschmitt, and Hawker, the men !>ehind the aeroplanes. But few outside aero engineering know of Halford yet he may go down as the greatest of them all.
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  • 56 5 A larre-icale exercise between two divisions took place recently in the Southern Command. Picture shows the arrival of hot rations for the troops during the exercise. Great strides have been made in the supply of hot food and drink for the troops sin cc the
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  • 427 5 EX-WAITER OF SOHO Paratroop Hero Executed pOX 20 yean before the war Fortunato Plechi was one of the hundreds of Italian waiters in Soho. Lots of people knew him. for he was efficient, and he had that type of smile which makes you take an instinctive liking to a man.
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  • 103 5 War Of Wits On Board The Normandie Washington. »T*HE French have withdrawn their specialist engineers from the giant liner Normandie (83.423 tons), says the New York Dally News, as they believe American engineers "x>uld never learn how to run the vessel if the VS. decided to seize her. On the
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  • 178 5 Generals Ask For Darts And Bridge Book THE British generals captured by the Axis forces in Llbva are now living In the comfortable vilia Orslnl. Sulmona. 75 miles east of Rome, it Is stated there, says British United Press. Air-Marshal O. T. Boyd. taken by the Italians when his plane
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  • 269 5 Girl Engaged To Prisoner Of War CENSORS ALLOW LOVE LETTERS IUINETEEN-YEAR-OLD Joan Pog- son. pretty daughter of a wealthy Yorkshire yarn spinner, has become engaged to a prisoner of war in Germany by permission of the British and German censors. Her (censored) romance has been carried on by post, and
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  • 116 5 THREE trappers attached to the firm of Messrs. Gough. of South Cerney. •Cirencester, Glos, claim that in 147 nights between August 19 and December 21 they caught 14,168 rabbits. Thousands more have been caught since that date. H. N. Gough caught 215 rabbits in
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  • 40 5 MASCARA— GIRLS WARNED London Girls who use mascara for their eyelashes were warned recently. In gas-mash tests many women have found that condensation caused the black or brown variety to run into tvc.. which made them smart fit ">^ e time
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 245 5 Something J^" "\fij in airtight Cigarette and Cigar Boxes ..^,^..i Airtight .I ffrjftp «A**C 4W"' BHhEH Cigarette ISEi ~spH I and --35^^^^M 3sP*&«fe££- ii^ Cigar .-^ffiffi^, .XJ&jjL;. Boxes These novel and artistic boxes are absolutely airtight will keep your cigars and cigarettes in perfect condition. Write cr call for special
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  • 736 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By AN Italian sailor, rescued from the battle rk ol Matapan, when asked what the Italian people thought of the loss of their African colonies, replied that It had not meant much to them, as they were Indifferent about the empire. So on the
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    • 647 6 Distant Horizons. JBy Carl Shreve. Jenkins' Colonial Library. A OED 2f, Carl Shreve, who could draw a little and write a little secured a contract from a kind-heart-ed editor guaranteeing reasonable expenses for a three months' tour of the Far East. By travelling and living as and
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    • 199 6 Surfeit of Lampreys. By Nralo Martin. The Crime Club. (Collins.) Bs. Cd. MGAIO Marsh* "Surfeit of Lampreys" 1 Is a Joyous effort and has the double distinction of being a Crime Club novel and a Book Society recommendation. Its brilliant characterization and lively presentation of the Lamprey family
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    • 56 6 "M R BEVIN'S call to xeomen threatens f revolutionise out domestic system 'In blocks of service flats women residents have been very rporting about looking after their orcn rooms.' a housekeeper said. 'They have not had to cook their oun meals to far, but it
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    • 322 6 UY husband says Hitler's next move wlu be to get the Italians in on our sidr "Margaret's father spent a whole evening going round the restaurants Je ring at Italian waiters." "Brenda's feeling sorry for Mussolini already." "Brcnda always liked him for some reason or other." "Perhaps
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    • 448 6 Mv dear ion. YOU are approaching the age of adolescence, when you will meet the First Girl Friend. To most young cats this is a very trying; time. You will be self-conscious and shy In the oresence of she-cats. Your approach will be awkward
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 202 6 TOOTAL Crease-resisting and washable In W Popular Quality 'tmdudmi, _g=?^ Standard Quality .»w*dmc*»»ir. i^SßSßSb^z^* Special Quality Name label on etvry tit j| Kir'''" -^j^g^jj^^^^^t aßßllfiMaßSTai Ss^W §H r i%&- tai^^^BHr^y Men's initials WBJSS^l^^Wa^a^s^al Jl^ 3 WF Men's white centres with mfflMafmrfffwH Brafmff Jffflfflly^ coloured borders and coloured iAW"" jffßPjfc^fljfnjr grounds
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 396 6 CONTRACT BRIDGE PLEASE comment on thb hand." write, a g THE pQrjp ArF o reader. -I wa« the North pUyer In the Dy l nCd A^t/b enclosed deal and meekly wrote down 1.500 but the point Is that ne still thinks he's above the line for the opponents without straighten
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  • 1029 7 By The Onlooker CEGAMAT has lost the services of a keen scouter by the departure on leave of Mr. R. E. Ince, the headmaster of the Sejramat English School. Mr. Ince has long been one of the keennest followers of the Scout movement in the country and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 /^^jgA Wincarnis is an invaluable restorf*L\\£>*^ ty ative during convalescence after U IJi^^SSSt x malaria and other fevers, whilst it i$ unsurpassed as a general tonic. Ikf^kjMTm XT./ lc li strongly recommended by Iwfjry^ W^^ th Medkal Faculty throughout im the world as being both nutritious L I and stimulating.
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    • 717 7 Arthritis, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago Vanish Like Magi Pains Stop in <^sp& 30 Minutes j&Zi Thanks to th« recent discovery ot an rjdHo^J^Hb amazinx medicine called Rumend. it is no lir^r gHHP^ r ml lonper necessary for you to suffer from the W J^^r^^ >■ pain and crippling action of Uheumatiam.
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  • 148 8 Air Marshal Babington 's Promotion A IR Vlce-Marlhal J. T. Babington. former Air Officer Commanding the R.A.F., Far East, has been appointed Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Technical Training Command, and is given the acting rank of Air Marshal. Air Marshal Babington's appointment, says Reuter,
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  • 85 8 J. L. H. VAN HOLK, a European who K>ve his address as a yacht in the Singapore Harbour," was fined $20 for driving hs motor-car without due care on Mar. 19 by Mr. C. 11. Whitlon, the Traffic Judge, yesterday. The prosecution alleged that
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  • 106 8 CHINESE KILLED WHEN HOUSE COLLAPSES ONE Chinese was kil'.ed and six others injured when a pirtly construftod sea-r»"vil»on at Pulau 1) Latit, an inland off Tanjong Klin?, 10 miles west of Singapore town, collated yesterday. T^e nome oT the man who was killed is given as Lnw Kirn Swee.
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  • 234 8 (Prom Our Own Ccric:i,cndent4 Seremban. a hearing lasting two days, the case in which a well-known lecal Ceylonese. N. Krlshnan, was rummotied before Uie Seremban Magistrate on trsfflc charges of causing the death of a Chines- girl by doing a rash act and driving his motor-car in
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  • 77 8 £)R. LIM BOON KENG is to broadcast s message to Chungking Item the Singspore Nation at 9.25 p m to-day, on behilf of Overseas Chinese in Msiaya. This will form part of the "Doublt -Seventh" programme, marking the Tourtn anniversary of the outbreak of
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  • 76 8 HPHE Stamford Club (Raffles College graduates' association) held a general and social meeting at St. Andrew's School hall yesterday. when a revised constitution for the club wa adopted, and Miss Quahe Quee Tin was elected a vice-president. Tea was served and Mr. Tan Soo Cliye. of Raffles Museum.
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  • 55 8 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Parit Buntar. TN honour of Mr. Kee Hue Hor and Mr. Abdul Rahman bin ■vld Byed, who were recently appointed Justices of the Peace for the Settlement of Penan;, the headmaster and staff of the Ang'.o-Chinese School at N!binq Tebal held a dinner a
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  • 174 8 THERE was all the fun of the fail, with proceeds going to Tne War Fund, at the S ngapore Harbour Board Club ye^Lerday. A big crowd arrived I to pa ronise the stalls, side shows and novelties offered for their entertainment by the organis ng committee.
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  • 179 8 'From Our Own Correspondent) I Malacca, Saturday. THE sum of $850 was realised at the fair held ys'erday In the grounds ;of the French Convent and organized by the Rsv. Mt^ier and her staff, the proceeds of which are be ink shared equally by the War Fund
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  • 110 8 At the fourth annual D>eetlng of Uie South Indian Chamber of Commerce. Singapore, the following officers- bearers were elected: President. Haji A. Mohamed Hus:atr vice-presidents. O. Ramasamy Nadar A. P. N. Abdul Jabbar; hon. secretaries, B. Mohamed Ibrahim tmd S. Bbanmugam Pillav; hon. treasurer, Haji O. A.
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  • 25 8 A European youth was injured slightly and taken to hospital by ambulance after an accident involving a mnfn'-car outside the Singapore Cold Storage yesterday afternoon.
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  • 149 8 JAMES Newton Low, 16-year-old pupil of the Singapore F.nclih School, and Kloo Eng Chuan. a fisherman, were yesterday commended by Mr W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, f<>.- their action at the Mar!ne Parade on June 28, when they vainly attempted to save the life
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  • 176 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. Saturday. MORE than 100 Rotarians and their •?ues s w?re present at the installation dinner of the Malacca Rotary Cub held at the Malay Vo'untrcr Headquarters on Thursday, when ?he new president. Mr. Tan Eng Chye, received Ms bad'je of office from
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  • 219 8 THE death occurred at the General Hosn'tal, Sin^aoore on FrWiv. of Mrs. M. W. Pereira, widow of Mr. Justm J. Pereira, at the age of 44 years. The funeral, which took place yesterday, was preceded by a full rhoral service at th* Cathed r al of t*e
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  • 109 8 A CHINESE who was stated to have been in Government rvice for 24 years was sentenced to a term of lmprlsonmert in the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday when he admitted a charge of theft. Me was Ooh Cheng Kok. S3. an employee of the Opium
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  • 86 8 CENES totalling $105 vere Imposed on Choo Ah Seng, who was found K uuty of driving a lorry without a •Icenc* and driving whilst not being covered ov an insurance policy, by Mr. C. H. WMuon, the Traffic Judge, yesterday. Choo *»s also disqualified from
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  • 48 8 At The Cinema "'"THE" ALHAMBRA |\ARINOLY filmed, by Dr. Paul L. Iloefler v who also Aimed Africa Bpcaks." the latest African adventure film to reach Simaporr, Leopard men of Africa," bad a midlilght snowing at the Alhambra cinema. The nlm is packed with thrills and is exciting entertainment.
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  • 59 8 pAULETTE GODDARD is Fred Ajstaire's new partner in the entertaining musical. Second Chorus," wnich was shown at midnight at the Cathay cinema. It is a film which is fully up to the high lev.-* of al Astalre's other musicals and there is a leavening of good humoui which
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  • 54 8 The Buddhist unton will observe the full moon on Wednesday at the Union's premises, 731, Oeylang, under the patronage of Mr. Urn Klan Tat. Tan Hong Kee and Pang Cnoon Jin. The .chanting of suttas wJI begin at 8 p to be t>y uuotuial UOu en Buddhism
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  • 519 8 Wife's Accusation Of Husband Five Men FIVE Sikhs who were altered to have committed rape on a Sikh woman, and the woman's husband who was a'lejred to have abetted the commission of the offence, were discharged in the Singapore fifth court yesterday. The five Sikhs who were alleged to have
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  • 236 8 Canteen For Troops Of The Empire (From Oar Own Correspondent) Ip«h, Saturday •"TWE Club helps to maintain the •highest standard «f discipline and morale among the troop*. We are ftg/htinr together to win the same war against the same enemy and the more oppor. unities there ar? to b-ing us
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 427 8 A «D©Bs*t Blßy anything to-day! Buy Everything TO-MORROW GIAN SINGH'S Spec i a 1 Ca s h £gi A JT Wjt Stocktaking 9AAJ Ed where opportunity to buy goods at lower prices knocks at the right time. ROMANCE OF r3BK«ffT' OTTO DILBAHAR Re 8 d EIM It was a memorable
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    • 221 8 )IKuA WATER l?i J r MINERAL WATER from the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink vith excellent corrective properties Hearing Restored Slop Head Hoisss Deafneaa anJ Head Moisea need not k* dreaded any longer sine* the discovery of >a American fhysiclan. Now it la poaaibl* for tomt of the
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  • 191 9 RANK LIKE R.A.F. Chevrons And "Bars" On Their Uniforms OFFICERS of the Corps of Air Raid Wardens and the Medical Auxiliary Service in Singatwre are to be distinguished in future by ranks worn on sleeves and shoulderstraps. "Commissioned officers" will wear bars on their
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  • 123 9 THE Singapore Free Pre« will publish a China Supplement on Monday to mark the fourth anniversary of the -China Incident. The Supplement will contain messages from several Chinese traders and articles on various aspects »f Chinese resistance and reconstruction under the »e*a er shio of Generalissimo Chiang
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  • 188 9 Students In Australia MALAYANS FORM NEW LEAGUE Prom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. A MALAYAN Students League has been formed in Australia on the lines of the Victoria League, which has looked after the interests of students in England. A Penang scholar Is the president of the League. He is
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  • 111 9 NCi Ah Mai, a taxi-driver of Mersing, who was alleged to have fallen asleep while his taxi which was being tewed by a lorry, was fined $60 for negligent driving by Mr. C. H. Whitton, Singapore Traffic Judge, yesterday. It was stated that Ngs
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  • 186 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. APPEARING on a charge it outraging the modesty of a marrted woman at Kampong Bantang, Bekok. 'fan Beng. was acquitted and discharged by Inche Haroun bin Ahmad, the Segamat Magistrate, today. Mr. Mclntyre appeared for the defence. It wan alleged tliat accused
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  • 103 9 (Prom Our Own Coireiponuciii > Segamat, Saturday. INCHE Musa has arrived here as Chlei Overseer. P.W.D.. in place of Mr. de Silva who has left on transfer to Johorc Bahru Dr. C Coomarasamy. of Johore Bahiu. has succeeded Dr. C. Chclllah as Deputy Medical Officer. Segamat. Dr. Chelllah
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 9 Major T. A. Kendall handing over to Mr. K. P. Binpham, chairman of the Malacca Salvajrr Committee, brass shell cases souvenirs of the Great War— for "Salvage Week," which bejrins in Malacca on July 7 and arrangements for which are almost complete.
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  • 164 9 MR. C. H. WHTTTON, Singapore Traffic Judge, yesterday lined Lim Boon Chye, an English -speaking Chinese. $100 and bad his driving licence endorsed, for negligent driving. Lim had pleaded guilty to an alternative charge of negligent driving In Telok Blangah Road on the afternoon of
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  • 290 9 Programme of Drills up to and for week ending July IS. Monday, July 7. 1715 hn, Headquarters S.R.A. (v) Training Films; 1730 hrs Headquarters S V. Sig. Coy. Specialist Training; 1715 hrs Headquarters S.B.D. Sec. R.T-. (v) Lectures and M.C. Instruction; 1715 hrs Headquarters S.P.C.R.K. (v) D.B.L.
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  • 65 9 ACTING on medical aovlce Lleut.-Col. H. A. LOTd of the Salvation Army will leave Singapore towards the end of July together with Mrs. Lord for a holiday of some months' duration in New Zealand. During Colonei Lord's absence frctr Singapore, Major Chas. P. Davld3on will be
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  • 144 9 ADDRESSING the V's Men's Club at the Capitol Restaurant yesterday. Mr. Walter Hanming Chen, editor and publisher of the Far Eastern Journal of Hong Kong and honorary secretary of tne South China Athletic Association, said that Chinese propaganda had been too apparent and not clouded
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  • 402 9 Dress Reform In London Ceylon But Malaya Is Still Hesitating GOVERNMENT officers in Sinrapore generally doubt that Malaya will follow the example of the Ceylon Government in decreeing that the accepted office wear of that service, from the Governor down, will be op-n-neck shirts with either shorts or lons trousers.
    402 words
  • 118 9 rpHE Police Band will play at Botanic Oardens at 8.30 p.m. to-day: March, "Cavalry of the Clouds," Kenneth J. Alfford; Spanish Suite, "In Malaga." Frederic Curzon; Comet Solos, (a) "None But The TV^r i T -w p Tschaikowsky; b) "The Rosary" Whelbrrt Nevln: Suite de Ballet, "The Devil's
    118 words
  • 229 9 (From Oar Own Correspondent) Seremban. "I*O many in Malaya." said Mr. E. J. Strugnell. State Forest Offleer. Kegrl Sembllan. in an address to the Seremban Rotary Club, "the Forest Department is a department whose forest reserves rover large areas of land wbic'a could be mire
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  • 46 9 Appearing in the Singapore Second Court yesterday on two charges of offering a bribe of 30 cents to a constable In Ophlr Rnad on Friday, and using abu«ive language, Tim Haw Tmg had the case a?r»ln«t ht»n postponed until July IB yesterday when he claimed trial.
    46 words
  • 468 9 Leaving for her moneymoon. which Is being spent at the Cameron Highlands, Mrs. Balrd wore a patou pink printed sheer suit with m-hlte accessories. NATHAN DEVARAJA MR Edward L. Nathan was married to Miss m Kulandoi Retnammal Devarala. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W Deva-nja of Singae,
    468 words
  • 75 9 AMBALAVAIfAR— MUTHU (PRn Our Own Correspond* nt > Seremban. Saturday. rK welding take* place to-morrow looming at Seremban of UUi Valliamlal. elder «tatight*» of the late Dr. A. S Muthu of Seremban and Mrs. Muthu. and Dr. T. Ambalavanar of Malacca. Tne marrtace win be conducted at Uie bride's raaktooc*
    75 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 931 9 I \AJI\ ITP W FQQ I sV l^r Wril I LiNLoo I mm XA MUCH ■T of* rCKuIL now EVEN BETTER... IxESULTS I Dazzling, superb I That is what the new, even better Persil offers you. The famous Persil whiteness now reaches new heights. And that's not all. A new
      931 words

  • 676 10 The Straits Times Opinion EDITORIAL. .MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street. Singapore. SUNDAY, JULY 6. 1941. Without Prejudice which tends to raise the standard of ethics of the police and to enhance public confidence in this arm of the law is deserving of every encouragement. Last week saw one such
    676 words
  • 1697 10 A JOURNEY THROUGH THE REICH Home Benefits From Plunder Abroad T*o travel m Germany to-day is a real undertaking. On lines where several expresses used to run daily you will perhaps find only one slow train. If you are at the station 20 minutes before the scheduled time you are
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 679 10 tTHE NEW WORLD CABARET TO-DAY TIFFIN DANCE 1.30 to 4.30 run Admission FREE. TO-NIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT Admission 25 cU. r PIANO We have a vide TI ININCi REPAIRS range of suit l Jl^ l^« tVCf AIKO len otht REMOVALS- HIRE "Rockville" iVHiiviVJ V I *ninE< suiting*— U.S.A. y>#i_r»ir-r« WAIN
      679 words
    • 375 10 X.P.M. LINE REGULAR SERVICES TO THE NETHERLANDS INDIES CHINA AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AFRICA N.V. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ K. P. M. LINE (Incorporated in the Netherlands Indies) Tel. 5451 Coughing, Strangling Asthma, Bronchitis Curbed in 3 Minutes Do you have attacks of Aathma or Bron- Canada, had lost 40 lb*., suffered coughehltla
      375 words

  • 27 11 Unique vantage point in the hollow of a sawn-off tree trunk discovered by a British sniper during divisional exercises of the Home Command.
    27 words
  • 289 11 First "Luftwaffe" Separation Suit ComesßeforeCourts MRS. F. HUGH TREHERNE-THOMAS, evacuated to Canada with her two children fro.n their home near Swansea last summer, provided the New York Supreme Court with its first "Luftwaffe separation case," says the Daily Express. She has rejected the plea of her husband to return to
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  • 40 11 Mr. "I re h erne-Thomas's lawyers asking for dismissal of the suit, argued that letters could not cruelty. They alleged that, when the husband consented to hi 3 wile and children going abroad, the agreement was that
    40 words
  • 29 11 Major the Hon. Sir Thomas WUliam Asshcton Frankland was granted a decree nisi in the Divorce Court* Lady (Edna Maud) Frankland on Ui€ ground of deserton.
    29 words
  • 85 11 \§RS. Brigid Hitltr ufio claims M to be the former vtfe of Hitl*r'» brother Alois, walked »»ro the British Relief Fund office ir New York recently and announced she wanted to do something ior Britain, because she disliked Adot* Hitler. "Hanging or shootzng would be too
    85 words
  • 316 11 U-S. Catholics Revise New Testament A FTER five years of research, re- vision and consultation, leading Catholic scholars in America have > issued a modern edition of the New Tr^ ament. This is the first official alteration in the text of the Bible by the Catho.ic Church since Bishop Chahoncr's
    316 words
  • 640 11 Bequests For Pets One For David "When He Returns To Earth" DEQUEATHED Is. a week in the will of a Park Street v dentist, Ming Chang, a Pekingese dog in Sydney recently joined a select circle of privileged pets. He has become a dog of independent means." The late John
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  • 54 11 WiILE conducting early morning communion service at -'-t. Martin's Church, Stamford, the Rev. John Horace News ham Taylor collapsed at the altar and died. Mr. Taylor, who was 58. went to Stamford from London in 1549. He was lecturer la classics ant) ancient h.story at
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 136 11 Mr. Can't: "What I suffer from is lack of energy!" Mr* Can: "What you suffer from is lack of Eno! M A I ENo "7/ Energy ror work and play it k known only to those in perfect C v fitness. Take Eno'» regularly. *N O fc/ Eno'f ensures that
      136 words
    • 608 11 Check that fatal loss Mff of weight/ fjfc (t ma y be tn< advar cc ATYPICAL mm£T *'S n °f a d rea <l disease! SPECIMEN M 1% mm zzSoo Put on pounds of m in 30 days! gg S&- ou aK w oruv T well > whnr »har steady
      608 words

  • 948 12 Shares Steady: Moderate Turnover In All Sections BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore. Saturday. lUDGING by the chuckles around the Arcade last Monday morning the efforts made to lighten this column last week appear to have been well received, so it is proposed to dole
    948 words
  • 1368 12 SATUKDAT, JULY 5, 1941: K.j# PJJ. MINING Myers s«O«rt Ampat (5a) 3* Sa 6d Cjl Austral Amal (S» 7i 3d 7s 6d Auatrai Malay <C) I3» tki J4» 6d Ayer Hit am (5s) 17a 18s cA. Ayer Weng ($1) .71 7a Bangnr. Dn f) 12a
    1,368 words
  • 76 12 S*tcrtUy, Jaly 5. oooe Buyer* SeUsa* Pries* Mesa No. IX E.S.S. (Se*t leeee) MX U% No. IX E.S.S. fo-h. ta casce Mr JB% M G.F.AQ. R.SJ. fo» la bates ■Inly 38 U 35% F.A.Q. E.S.S. fo k ta bales J»iy 37H 37% FUTURE QUOTATIONS No.
    76 words
  • 58 12 Singapore, July "VQWv tfefMM OusWer 6 759 Hamburg Cub* SlS.3f -tavm Cube 613.04) Copra Mixed »2.36 Son Dried U 50 Pepper White Muntok 115.25 White $14.75 biao« 67JS Sago Flour Lingg* (4.10 $4 10 Pair Sarawak Taptcca Small Flake *8.00 Fair Flake $7.50 Medium-Pearl $9.00 Small Pearl
    58 words
  • 183 12 Singapore, Saturday. me following are uxt rxcaaaitc -mi«* ait*. morning according to the dslly drcultu usu*! 09 che Hongitona \nr> 3h*nctuu Bsuiklac Ouroof fctHm LonaoD 1.1 I/4 3/D London demand 3/4 3/39 Switzerland (T.T. only) 303.44 New York demand 47.10 Montreal demand 51.83 Batavia demand M.71 Samaxang demand U
    183 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 946 12 Bl II P MM' gillette^ blades" mw mm w^B wmw mm fmw W THI SECMT OF PIKFBCTi LJ^^^^' M shaving I Blue Gillettes are the Bmj ff^^'fj m finest blades ever made for Bm F? JI mm cleaner, smoother shaving for fflNy V^.^r Ima greater efficiency and economy ff/^&^^^^L/^a And
      946 words
    • 193 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH are jew and simple jsUiiiJ x 1 L-- Andmws gives you complete Inner Cleanliness. Andrews b far more than a laxative. It cleans the system through and through, makes you feel alive and alert, invigorated from top to toe. The purifying action of Andrews Liver Salt
      193 words

  • 181 13 Goebbels' Man A Prisoner In Britain ONE of Goebbels young men, a member of the Nazi Propaganda C rps. Is a prisoner in Britain. Before his capture he was attached to the German troops in Northern Europe as a "military Journalist." He kept a diary. Ore entry referred to the
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  • 35 13 The King recently paid a visit of in spection to various units of the Southern Command. Picture shows the King: leaving a camouflaged R.A.M.C. field ambulance station which he inspected.
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  • 166 13 FAMOUS WAR HORSE DEAD Hero Of Many Battles LORD Mottistone's famous war horse. Warrior, which escaped unsca hed from many battles of the last war and j lived to hear the roar of German planes over his country stable hi the Isle of I W has died at the age
    166 words
  • 81 13 WfHEN a machine xx>l manufactured in America was delivered at a British arms firm recently a book of operating instructions wa* sent with It. The employee who opened the book saw these words penciled on the flyleaf: "If ever a man nas prayed to Ood for
    81 words
  • 290 13 Tommy Makes PenFriend Of Sydney Munitions Girl A PAGE of the Sydney Sunday Sun drifting about in a Libyan sandstorm has formed a link between an English soldier and a pretty young Sydney munition worker. He Is Trooper R. Curry, 21; she Is Thelma Boland. who has just celebrated her
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  • 53 13 Perth. AIR Board equipment provided for Women's Auxiliary Air Force Includes two susnender belt*, two bras sieres, jackets, skirts, overcoats, bloomers, blue bloomers, and drab shorts. The uniform will match from the skin outwards, no matter what accident may v appcn. Officers, in addition to bloomers, are
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  • 139 13 MOUSTACHES are spreading in Britain with the rapidity of a prickly pear plague, reports the Sydney Sunday Sun's London correspondent. The shorts ge of razor blades and a threat of reduction in shaving soap arc partly responsible, but the fashion has certainly been r*'-r>ulated by the
    139 words
  • 107 13 Tlnsley (Sussex). 11/lEN of Surrey and Sussex have played marb'es on Tlnsley Green for more than 300 Good Fridays. For the first time In all those years their .skill at this ancient game was challenged recently. Troops stationed In the south-east provided the "foreign" opposition, but the
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  • 54 13 A MILLION francs (£5.700) fine has been Imposed by the German authorities on the Channel coast town of Dieppe because a cinema audience there cried out "Down with Hitler! Down with Mussolini!" The shouts greeted a propaganda film showing the work of the German
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 413 13 lUHILP BRITAIN?? 1 iWIN THE WAR gTS > JJ M fit I Buy Direct from fcnglano I 2/ Al WhoiMai* Pncu and Say* SO iHfe"* Sena (or FREE Wholesale Catalogued ftotunng rootwcOf, fefiMlE^^l^n^P'J Clothing Raincoats. Hati. Wotchti SJmWM.Cn S» 1H leothtt ond TrovW K^S t»3jy^K Coodl, Hp*t .House- I [f«M^n»ZV
      413 words
    • 1037 13 Pimples, Eczema, Foot Itch and Skin Troubles Ended in 3 Days Hospital Discovery Ends Itch W/fffL s~^7* in 10 Minutes— Starts Healing mJ^SL^. -r^ in 24 Hours Ww,W!%^otili Thanks to a physician's hospital discovery, it is no longer necessary B^lo 111 If? to suff er from Pimples, Eczema, Foot Itch
      1,037 words
    • 179 13 A GOOD DIGESTION If you cannot enjoy a good not curry without suifering from heartburn or flatulence or tossing and turning halt the night, then all is not well with your digestion. Excess acidity which forms in the stomach and inflames the delicate mocosa is the principal cause of indigestion
      179 words

  • Max Factor's Advice
    • 759 14 P\o you follow new fashions blindly— or with your eyes wide open Too many women follow them blindly, with the result that while details of their appearances may be entirely fashionable, the general effect is still not an entirely attractive, perfect, or glamorous one. Every
      759 words
    • 76 14 T\KY hair Is coarse and unmanagel^able hair, and If. through neglect, or too tight caps, your hair has lost much of its natural oil, rub a little brilliantine over the ii airbrush, before brushing. And, instead of curling up your hair tightly at night arrange it in
      76 words
    • 65 14 'THOSE who Know all about keeping complexions clear, advise one to drink water generously. Water will replace, to some extent, oxygen lost through worry and lack of sleep. Also, cabbage Juice the water In which cabbage has been boiled— is a wonderful purifier and beautifier. Tea, coffee
      65 words
    • 50 14 IDENTIFICATION discs are now more decorative than one ever imagined they could be. There are discs made in the form of fobs, and an old-fashioned locket might be used this way. Or have the locket set on a pin, and fasten It to the lapel of your coat.
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    • 37 14 (In Pan) 2 rib chops 2 tablespoons fat 1 tablespoon water Vt teaspoon salt Vfc teaspoon pepper Heat fat in a frying pan and add the chops Broil six inches below a glowing broiler.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 313 14 Keep YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUt I Way I m TROPICAL heat over stimulates your pores, duat fills" them with impurities consequently your skin geta tired and dull. li/.abeth Arden fortunately, has a treatment that works like a charm when you feel hot and weary. First moisten a little cotton wool pad
      313 words
    • 252 14 jjjZ* like Hollywood's famous screen stars, you, too, will ***L*Jm® m be delighted with the '"^m^j? l^Nr lovely, natural beauty im- Jfl Hfcw I parted by this life-like JU Rouge, created by MAX jfll Wfc»»». FACTOR HoUywood.ll jBL lano I It i^^Hß"^V UM Ma factor AVAHASIf AT AU jhta^H^^K ««clui/y«l/l^
      252 words

  • 284 15 By n. A. THOMPSON, D.0.5. l>r. of Ocular Science. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO Many are the dangers that confront the eyes of a child. Yet no matter how much care is exercised by watchful parent or nurse, anything can happen. I recently talked to a man who to-day
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  • 2530 15  -  R. H. Naylor By THE Sunday Times feature 1 "What The Stars Foretell," by R. H. Naylor, is received irregularly in this office in these present days. As the feature is received so it will be published, and here given are the birthday forecasts for June
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  • 356 15 By Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent A NEW suit has to be some- thing in the nature of an investment in these days. We want it to look smart from now to some indefinite date in the" future. Classic lines and unobtrushc fabrics are a wise
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 220 15 Do you know :art many will agree that "MAPRO'S CANNED MANGOSTEENS RAMBUTANS and PAPAYAS 11 actually taste better than the fresh fru)t Canning in syrup imparts extra mellowm and, lusclousncss and, above all, extra convenience that must be experienced to be appreciated. Get a few tins to-day and see if
      220 words
    • 310 15 US'' «C^fl BM I r T*HE crowning touch of beauty Nature mram I A to be jrouri all your life. She gave you a I freah new akin growing all the while brio* ih* outer lurface, and me meant the old drird-up cuticle unpercepubly to fall away. lea'uif the new
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 677 16 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? "What do you think?" "British to the teeth" ~(^2£jLil3^ Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours^^*-^ Glands Fortified jSfcw Discovery ■^.•■fe: Do you feel old before your time? Are you tired, run- I f JBJBJBfI\ Men""* down, worn out, and unable to Keep up with
      677 words
    • 458 16 DOCTOR CONQUERS HIS OWN GASTRITIS Can Now Eat Anything: When a busy doctor sits down and writes to thank the makers of a remedy which cured his own stomach trouble, you can be sure he has found something worth writing about! Read his letter: "I was rery much overworked and
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 2154 16 Wireless Programmes TO-DAT WHOM EMPIRE STATION run ii.3i me/a utia «.>, tuc kfcM am eastkun sebvice SINGAPORE <»•*• FLP lI JH mets (17.27 m.): IMS pm.-i1.50 p.m. Un GSV— l7.fl mn. ZHL. W S ?DD ShS.' SSfSr" OBT-15.4 n.c; IMt »etr- _T«1- „«M 5-50 ».m. Reoorded music; 6.5fi a.m.
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  • 985 17 Singapore Badminton Notes (By Our Badminton Correspondent) LOCAL badminton enthusiasts who hay? been keenly looking forward to the m?n and women's senior championship games will no doubt be p.eajed to learn that with lue crrpvlon of tne women's open doubles, which has attracted on.y four entries, all the o.her events
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  • 1531 17  -  "Doc." By f"PH£ display of the Omblr.ed Services A football team aealnst South China was. to say the least, very disappointing Several factors were re.pom.ible. L'nfoi tunateiy vie published team did not materialise and there were several last-minute change* whica must have made an appreciable difference to
    1,531 words
  • 592 17 Nellie Chia And Marjan Become Singles Winners MISS Nellie Chia (Eclipse 8.P.) was in irresistible form when she decisively lowered the colours of the Mavilower's representat've, M'ss Amy Chan, at the Clerical Union Hall to become the women's Junior singles bidm'nton champion of Sinsaoore. Much was expected
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  • 119 17 r!E Chinese Companion Ath'etic Association, conqueror of the Canadians, will face the Americans in a major league baseball game to-day at Jalm Besa'r stadium beginning at 4 p.m. Johnson Wu, stellar mourdsman for the Chinese, will again get the ass gnment, while the nominee for the job on
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  • 228 17 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Jjhore Bahru, Saturday. THE Johore Bahru badminton tournament which was begun last week was continued at the Ayer Molek Malay school courts yesterday when five more first round fixtures were competed. Results: Men's Junior Singles Abdul Rahim bin Hail Ja'afar (Education) be^t Kr
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  • 150 17 A GOOD gathering of mrur.bers and wellwishers of the Mayflower B.P. attended 110. Carpmael Road, for the opening of tne Party's new court. In rormally declarirg ir»e court open, the presiJtm, Mr. Lav Pau Borg. I ctat-d that thr« Irtro^'-C/'on of this court marked yet another mile-ten* in
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 535 17 BHaMBHagaMB v aHHEat££«a£*4ti._nßS££-.&4> k ttt^vmm^mtJ^Ti-^i'tnvttA VUCTPDHAV beacons signalled IL\JI L Ui l/il I the news from hill tabs arafmrTaW^^J^afifcaM 'ftV v*u T^JTf^^^ ""tf^i r^^ -4 Jb^bKV^^^^^Bbbbs^^^^^^bsbsbbbbb^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbk f^Vs^BBBBBB^^^-* I^^^B^^^T V^sT I BsssF W Jbs^^BbbsbbssVlbv^ J^bsb^T W t V ilß^Bßr_^~* P^B**^BBI^^^?"«BBBbVbBBBBBBBBBK •7^BBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV bI^BSBBBbKB JJS/****'' /a '~U I JsW [Rii» m.^ll *-^s"P^^*^P jJrTB
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  • 1060 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) 'laipin?, Saturday. TRAINER toagill saddled five A winners ami Harper rode three winners to-day, the final day of the Taiping Turf Club's July professional meeting. The going; -vas good. Race 1 Horses. Class 3. about 6 furl. Messrs.
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  • 476 18 THE Mercantile listituLion held their athletic meeting at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday and champion house I was Costa de Nonis. Mrs. N. A. Worloy distributed the prizes. 75 yards, class few: 1, Sambu; 2. Bene- diet Perera. Time, 12 sec. IN yards, elaaa three: 1. Yeo
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  • 227 18 BRILLIANT bowling by Lall Singh, who took six wickets for 35 runs j enabled the Indian Association to I the R A iB M.) by 70 runs in a cricket match played at Balestier yes- i terday INDIAN ASSOCIATION H. S. Bull c Simpson
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  • 135 18 Playing at the Happy World covered stadium the Playfalr B. P. be«t the Mayfair B. P. by five games to three Results (Play fair first): S. A. Dural tost to Low Poh Hye 15—11. I—lB, 14—14 (3—0); Cyril Wee oeat Ooh Tlan Chye 15— t. I*— Low Seah
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  • 48 18 The following will represent the Naval Base Youngsters at soccer agaln^ the Municipal Services to-day at 5-15 p.m. on the Naval Base canteen g.ound: Balakrishnan. Ah Bah, Peter Then. Neechee, K. Blngh. Ah Seng. Moideen, Ibrahim. Manlam Andrew Then, Ahamed. Reserve*: Hfinrnn. 8. Balan. Yahya.
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  • 205 18 MAKCHESTERS CE YLONESE DRAW THE Ceylon Sports Club and the Manchester Regiment drew in a crlf ket match played at Tanglin yesterday. MANCHESTER REGIMENT \t. Isherwood c Rajah b W. Ponamnalam 40 Hake c Pathy b Sararianamuthu. 23 j Coogan b W. Poi;amnalam 2*5 Bethell lbw. Perelra 1 Curney b
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  • 161 18 •TTOE S.CRC beit the Royal -^..vy by 1 five wirkets at crL-ket at Hcnj Lim Green yc;terdr7. S C.R.C. Hon Wing run out 0 Fon? Kirn Wah b Watt 7 Cheong Th am Slew n-t -ut 49 Chua Boon Unn c Whi.e b Sral-s 11
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  • 240 18 IN a cricnet match played at Woodsville yesterday St. Andrew's School beat Victoria School by nine .wickets and continuing to bat compiled 20l runs for the loss of five wickets. VICTORIA SCHOOL Tong Seng lbw B Hope Chlng Thye lbw. Buranaslrl Boon Leong run out All Alsagofl b
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  • 437 18 Malacca Lose Cup Soccer To Singapore SINOAfOKJcI had little difficulty in disposing of Malacca yesterday. winning by six goals to nil in a Malaya Cup soccer matin played at Anson Road stadium. In view of the hard fight Malacca had given the Army, Singapore expected better opposition, but the visitors
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  • 224 18 From Our Own Corresnondo" t> Peremban, Frida<\ 4 TEAM cf A.IF. officers lost to a team ol sergeants from the same battalion to-d^y by 10 runs. SERGEANTS' XI Sgt. J. Clarke c Ibbot ft Fallow 0; L/Sgt. J. Oarvln st Ibbot b Keegan 18;
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  • 139 18 (From Our Own CorredoondenO Seremoan. PiE bowling by Frank Collins who tock six wickets for 24 runs and a food kno"k of 58 not out by Jark Pettit enabled the Nesrl SrrbUan Club of Seremhan to rWe:»t the T.P.C.A. of Kuala Lurnour by three
    139 words
  • 501 18 rirram Out o.n c rresnunderti Seieir.ban, Saturd |\J'JGRI Csmbilan cr cket ent'u:.s itfl have been disappointed with tne t>ict fiat Pernk Irs ret b"?n abl- to rrive the s'afp a future th's s^ w\ °re as that stat^ is playing i ■"'me ozalnst Selaiv-or at Ipoh.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 368 18 NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR SON TRAINED FOR THE FUTURE. No one can tell what the economic situation of the world will be like after the War. One thing is certain: there will oe many men to fill few lobs nnd only those with the highest qualifications will
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    • 137 18 1. Time marches on. If Methods of travel change. JJ Also medicines. Now we don't have to tax* nasty tasting oils, inconvenient hero*! brews and irtplnj purgatives Medical jcience Jives us LAXOBAC the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac ustes |ust like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet a stiall tablet w*IJ
      137 words

  • 239 19 "Test" Woman Cricketer's Century |7 Archdale, who captained an Eng- lish women's Test cricket team that toured Australia in 1937, scored 104 for the Y.W.C.A. against the V M.C.A. In a match played at Princs Edward Road yesterday. The women batted first and declared their innings closed at 184 for
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  • 447 19 SELANGOR MEET PERAK AT CRICKET (From Our Own Correspond er t) Ipoh, Saturday. IN srite of a shaky start, Selang?r collected a tntal of 181 runs against Pernk's 139 ct the rlose of t*io flnt innings in an inter-State cricket match at the Ipoh Club prdan? to-day. Winning the toss
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  • 159 19 (From Our Own Correspondent* Muar. A GOAL scored by Joe Long, the captain, and another by Hassan en--b'ci he Pr?s?nt Boys to beat ttv Old Boys by the odd goal in three in a soccer ma'ic^ n'ayed on the Govcrnm nt English School
    159 words
  • 64 19 ADELAIDE sportsmen say that Don Bradman may never play big cricket again. Bradman, who was a physical training instructor in the A.I F., has been officially re.ired from the Army because of ill-health. His retirement is believed to be due to an attack oZ fibrositis
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  • 263 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. IN one of the finest Malaya Cop games to be seen in the no. .hern section for years, Penang and Selangor drew in a match played here to-day, both sides scoring two goals. A large crowd watched
    263 words
  • 261 19 (From Our Own Correspondent > Segamat. Saturday. GOOD bowling by Barr Kumaralmlasinghe and steady batting by Vljiasingam and M. Singh were 'argely resnonsib'e for a six-wick"t victory for the Segamat Cricket Club over the Belia Club of Johore Bahru when the two teams met In
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  • 203 19 TTOE s.C.C. beat the J.C.S.A. in a cricket match played at the J.C.S.A. ground yesterday. S.CC. Lt. Hamp b Vythiiingam 25 J. B. H Leckie b Vythll«r»«am 11 J. T Rea c Kow Thye bA. Lim 18 Lt. Pierce b Vythilingam IS Lt. Roy c Kow Thye
    203 words
  • 226 19 VERY breezy batting was seen on the padans? yesterday when the S.R.C. and the RAF. Seletar met In a keen cricket match. The game ended in a draw, time Intervening. SRC Roy Bain lbw Kow.ett 5 L. de Souza lbw RowleU 14 L Out.'choorn c
    226 words
  • 145 19 A TEAM from the Siiijuporc Table Ttru:i.Association beat a team from the Corrbined Bu- iiier Houses by nine games to nil at table tennis at the Happy World coverec stadium last night. The matchs were In aid of The War FuuJ and the China Relief Fund, and
    145 words
  • 61 19 S.CC. SIGNALS DRAW THE Singapore Corps of Signals and th? S.C.C. drew in a cricket match played at Alexandra Barracks yesterday. The Slfrnals w>re all out for 193 nnd the S.C.C. had scored 159 for the locs of five wickets at the close of play. Gulland scored 74 not out
    61 words
  • 154 19 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Saturday. Muar United BP playing at Orisek In aid of the China Relief Fund and the War Fund, drew wi'h the Eagle BP. (Eagle first): Kadlr beat Sim Kwanc Hul 15— 11. lft— 10: Yusof bin Abdul Hamid beat Woon Chek Sung
    154 words
  • 379 19 Singapore Sports Finals TAI Chong Cneong, who won the 100 and 220 yards sprint was the Individual champion of the seventh Singapore Amateur Athletic Association meeting, the fina's of which were held on the padan? yesterday. M. K. Sundram was a close runner-up, being beaten only by one point. Na
    379 words
  • 643 19 The following tables show the positions of the teams In the S.A.F.A. League and the Business Houses league up to date: P W L D P A. Pts Chinese (S.C.FA.) 16 I 2 5 41 17 23 Fortress R.E. 18 9 3 4 55 23 22 Chinese Athletic
    643 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 672 19 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY iTH^MP/ON XJPTICAL C 2 ARCADE 81.DG.. PHONE 300"! R A. Thompson. Dr of O' u'ar Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. NURSE WHO BEGAN TO GET FAT [Worried Because It Spoiled Her Figure This nurse was proud of her figure, und when she began to put
      672 words
    • 390 19 FEET FEEL OIL t m The skin-pores of your m feat should bo conBtajtly eliminating acio Impurities. When your feet feel on fire, when they acne and swell, it is because those pores have become choked, and acid is piling 1 up inside them. Then you suffer foot e^ony. Coma
      390 words

  • 307 20 A YOUNG British officer has been shot dead in the noto- rious Nazi prison camp, Oflag VII. C.-H., while standing at the window of his cabin sketching a view about which he had written home. Edward Lough Dees, his name was.
    307 words
  • 205 20 Auckland. rrff/S (j :he story j; lena. a hen owned by a Hastingi resident. Lena flies through, the scullery window and alights on the sideboard. She lays an eqQ in an ornamental fruit bowl -always the same bowl and ahoays c n the sideboard.
    205 words
  • 35 20 Prince Bernhard of Pclland and Professor P. S. Gerbrandy, the Dutch Prime Minister, pho*ocraphed at a meeting of Free Dutchmen in Lon dan. The Prince is seen in R.A.F uniform.
    35 words
  • 181 20 Enough Food In Reich But Only For The Rich A REMARKABLE article in the Swiss newspaper De Tat. from its Berlin correspondent, reveals that Germnn workers often go hungry, although food stocks are plentiful and the Nazi upper-class is living in comparative luxury. The m>'-.l M the QtOBMI people rar.
    181 words
  • 126 20 Paratroops Collared The Motor-Cars BRITISH narachute troops are very good. A demons. ration was arranged recently in an isolated spot. Six staff officers, among thrm a Secretary of State and a member of the Royal Family, saw it. Thoy drove In four staff cars to appointed place, several hundred feet
    126 words
  • 213 20 ATTEMPTS by Government Depart- ments to minimize bad news about the war were referred to at the annual conference of the National Union of Journalists in Manchester. Mr Ernest Hunter, in his presidential address, crtlcized the Service departments of the Censorship Bureau. The foolish
    213 words
  • 28 20 Membert of a British destroyer's gun crew watch one of the ship's company having a bit of sparring practice with the medicine ball.
    28 words
  • 274 20 THE Bible has been published In Basic English a simplified form of English using a vocabulary of only 850 words. A thousand words, however, have been used in the new Bible. According to the New Oxford Dictionary there are 414.825 words In the
    274 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 333 20 JOyt&rs old k f Mill laiv SPtCIAI MESSAGE X i jgifk to all who are CP WEAK, AILINCTH IN, j \l|>/ RUNDOWN,DEPRESSED/ WORLD'S RICHEST SOURCE of vital ■m^ MINERAL SALTS gives you NEW 3|t''l HEALTH. FRESH ENERGY and .^i j|r RUGGED STRENGTH j\ *1 gfltre Wl»«i rou (til Rundown, Weak,
      333 words
    • 457 20 20% OFF ON THE WHOLE STOCK OF T.OVELY LINGERIE Staybrite stainless tropicproof, unbreakable $53 glass, adjustable ■><"■' BOOKS ON CHES^ MODFIiN CHESS PRIMER by Curuiington $2.5*) CHKSS by L. Hoffer A BREVIARY OF CHESS by T&rt&kower 4.5* FROM MY GAME by Dr. M. Euwe 6.3* MIDDLE GAME OF CHESS by
      457 words