The Straits Times, 5 July 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 186 1 ~S,<e M fi E N CHONG f^ SMART TAILORING (4 lolrman St.. S pure. J'honr 4X16 AvalUDIr Sail Irnjlhs '■Kockville' Suitingl J> A WA!N SIIIH I 'S In Silk and Wool Alo AMERICAN SHARK. SKIN. In various coloun L-jb llli I* 1 AUSTRALIA'S FINEST LAGER Brewed by Carlton United Breweries,
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    • 6 1 SINGAPORE. 140 CECIL ST. (PHONE 647J;
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    • 109 1 ROBINSON'S GOWN DEPT M Offers y0u.... The snappiest The cutest 3 y^T The most original TKe most beautifully Man-Tailoral 7 f^^^\ Coats —in their newly arriveu M XL: rj/ PRICES RANGE FROM Mm fajtefa. $35/- TO $135/J£. ROBINSON'S SINGAPORE RUSTIKDL 100% BRITISH ARTISTIC WOOD PRESERVATIVE AND WHITE ANT DESTROYER. ■I
      109 words
    • 100 1 FINAL EDTN. ELSIE M^RY Battery Road. Morning Afternoon Evening Dresses. KUALA LUMPUR 26 JAVA ST. CPHONL J6S3>. OV/ILTINE helps the nervous child/ t "T* wer make home-made delicious, I a/#ays fresh cool meals If you nave not tnea one oi our V cA famous S.CS. Pies you've missed a X.V
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    • 54 2 PEREIRA:— On 4th July. 1941. at the General Hospital, Singapore, May WUfr:da Pereira, 44 years, widow of the late Ur. Justin J. Percira. The funeral cortjjc wUI leave No. 43 Kovan Road at 4.15 p n. to-day for the Cathedral of the Good Bhepherd and thence to Bloadari CcmeUry
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1357 2 SITUATIONS VACANT STOREKEEPER BOX 737, Straits Times. Position has been filled. Applicants an thanked. WANTED LEDGER CLERK preferably Eurasian. Must have previous office experience. Apply Box 749. Straits Times. RkQI'IRED IMMEDIATELY for temporary work experienced and capable lady stenographer. Reply Box No. 723A, B.T. SINGLE CHINESE YOUNG MAN shoithand typist
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    • 854 2 DOGS FOR SALE Pedigree Bull Terrier Pups Beautiful .Itter Sire Primus of the Outpost* Tel. *****. after 5. 1S p.m. WANTED: Dogs, Doberman Plncher *****. Puppy not nwrssnrlly Pedigree Parker. Carey Island, P. Svettenham. BOARD ft RESIDENCE EABT ANGLIA. Oxley RIM. cool ml quiet Term* modeiate Tele. 43*0 BCOMB FLATLETS
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    • 749 2 PHOTOGRAPHY GOLDEN HOUSE STUDIO >«7 fcrrth Bridge Road, Singapore. 20 met cent tl'.<count specially offered to «11 rank* of Uis Majesty's Force*. EDUCATIONAL Openlnc Thanday, lttk July, IMI MONTESSORI Kin4ergar4eii 3—4 yean Jntor School 1» yean tU S. Craaborne bU, K>loa r Feo» fit Montkly. Faaailin Kctate FBrtJler |»rtMulan: K»y
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    • 383 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETq JOIN THE GREEN CIRCLE LENDING LIBRARY Ist FLOOR l«-r KdIHU RD. P.O. BOX M SINGAPORE Moderate terms: Sperlal rate* OuloUtioS) Members tlob. snd Messes Oprn Dally. t.3( AM lo PM. 8al»ra«y»: If VM f I p.M EUGENE renMaeal Wavisjt A EUCENE hNWR«R« MAISON PERM furOMß* L*dl*t Harrdrettrrt
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  • 607 3 TIE sudden and, to many people, un- accountable shtflhr.g of the appointments to the Mediterranean command Inevitably gives to thoughts as to the means and methods by which appointments to high places are made. The first reflection Is undoubtedly on the Immense responsibility of
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  • 1396 3 CHURCH OF ENGLAND BT. AM-i "■'S <"\T^HRU,.— Snnd«v I 6.M am. Holy Communion: 7.30 a.m. < Matins; 8 a.m. Che al EucharL- 1 13. IS a. m Children's service; 5 30 p m. Erer'ong an-J sermon. Preachc: The Archdeacon. ST. PAULS CHUKCH Sunr;a> 8 a.m.
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  • 97 3 AUSTRALIA ENDS YEAR WITH CASH BALANCE Canberra. July 4. AUSTRALIA finishes the financial year with a cash balance of f10.000,000. This wns announced by Mr. A. W. Fadden. Finance Minister, in the House of Representatives today. Expediture on the war during the yrar 1941-2 was not liicly to be less
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 68 3 London. July 4. UK. Arthur Henry Hall, chief superintend dent of the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough, retires to-day, says tha Ministry of Aircraft Production. The technical superiority ot British aircraft over the Oermin Is largely due to Mr. Hall'i ■MB, He was due to
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 580 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated in England! PIMNMMK \.M> .lIUrMM S N CO MAII PASSENOFR *Nl> CARCO SKPVK E The oest poaMblr service* «rt Ming main lalncd o» (h» P O S N Co froir tht MraMs to thelt usual port» ot call in China
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    • 513 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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  • 290 4 Action That Averted Big Petrol Blaze London. July 5. THE first recipient or a bar to the George Medal Is George Samuel Sewell who, according to a,n official account, is a Petroleum Board engineer at one of the installations at wh ch reserves of petroleum
    British Wireless  -  290 words
  • 90 4 Manila, July 6. TTHTE United States neutrality patrol has detained the Japanese freighter Nozima Maru In order to assure themselves the vessel la unloading chrome ore In its hoid, to prevent the vessel from carrying United Statesbound Philippine exports to Japan. The Nozima Maru was
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  • 58 4 British Internees Escape In Eire London. July 5. KTINK British internees recently escaped from Curragh camp, E re. Three have since b?en recaptured and the search is continuing An official Inquiry into the circum stances of the escape is being held, rta.ed th; Elreann Government In- rmation Bureau on behalf
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 255 4 DONATIONS TO THE WAR FUND I<H£ following donations to The Wai I Fund are recorded to-dar: Singapore St. Andrew's Society (further contribution) I,o*o Transferred from Feaanx. beinr 220 th instalment of contributions made through the Pinanc Gazette and Straits Echo 5M.25 King's School (Tanglin), Sinrapore s*o Receipts from the .wo
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  • 1671 4  -  Robert MacKay fßy~ Mobilization Of Economic And Industrial Resources QS Mar. 4 the President of the Beard of Trade announced in the House of Commons that production in Great Britain is to be concentrated in fewer factories which will work fulJ-time in a number of important
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  • 131 4 THE Di.e:tor-Generai of PD-ts and Telegr-phi. Malaya, advises thit mails containing correspondency as detailed bslow have been lost thrrugh enemy action Mails from Malaya: L;tt?rs, printed papers, etc., posted in Kedah, Kelantan, Penang and Province W^llesloy app-cximately betwren Dec 5 and 7, 1940, prepaid at
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  • 472 4 TIN SHARES IRREGULARr HONG FATT EASIER RUBBER QUIET AND UNCHANGED (By Our Financial Correspondent > Singapore, -uly 5. *Y*HE tin share market was rather Irregular yesterdry with a good few Issues wanted and several offered without attracting buyers. Hin% Patt registered a Jurthor decline and after considerable
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  • 74 4 FrMay. Mtj 4. dm Buyer* StUtn r*i fteci rVfte^B N*. IX L£ S. <«p*t bat) UH 35% N*. IX E.R.S. f.a.k. hi rase* Jaly »«4 M O.P-AQ. 8.8.5. tn bales Jaly HU u% F.A.Q. ■.8.8. i.« ta safe Jwly «S 57% FVTDKC QUOTATIONS d« IX
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  • 189 4 rte foUowuii an J\t -xmi»n«. ralei Mi Turning according vo uu. dam circular ixuwii Of tikt Honcknra car ibinrtu.' Bunking OorporaUon ■■MM umaon 1.1 2/4 1.19 London demand 7/4 3/32 Switzerland IT 1 only) 202 4« New Yart demaao 47 IP MonueaJ demand M It Batarta demand SS 71
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  • 40 4 Ljnd «i. July 5. AN agreement has be?n reached between the British General S.aft end the Yugoslav headquarters that the Yugoslav forces 'n th- MW« •»*t will be organized into mo torts ?d U rmations and aviation un.ts. United Press.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 265 4 "HAWAIIAN RHYTHM KING'S" (Undoubtedly the best Hawaiian Band in Malaya) PROUDLY PRESENTS mj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MOUTH ORGAN By MISS M^ft I Imitation of the also B^AJLJB I Hot Dance Numbers vlv* DURING SUNDAY "TIFFIN DANCE*' at 2.30 P.M. ap\\\\\yv\v^^9 TMit T TO-MY 6,tt It r*s^;5 JJ V.yj?.SaBUnS ENTBIES CALLEII FOR SINGAPORE NOVICES
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  • 422 5 Gilt-Edged Show Little Change London. July 4. rpHE Stock Exchange .o-day was qule:ly steady vith a firmer tenocticy in indu"trlals and Kaffirs at the cose. cllt-edged. Ind!: n loaiu and Home -alls were about un- chanced on the dny. Anrniis inciustrials. stori', Morris Motors anil Patooa were
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  • 138 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prom Our Own Correspondent i London, July 4. COMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows with previous quotations in parenthesis: RUBBER: Quiet. Spot 13% d 13 9'l6d (lS%d 13 9 16 d) Augt. 13 7 16d 13 9 IGd U 7 16d 13 9,16:11 Sept. 13 7tl6d 13
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  • 153 5 ARRIVALS Mails from Australia (air) general delivery 3 30 p.m. Monday. Mails from Java (air) general delivery 3.15 a.m. Tuesday. PAN-AMERICAN CLIPPER The Pan-American Clipper from San Francisco is expected to arrive in Singapore next Tuesday and to depart on Wednesday. The latest tima for posting
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  • 60 5 •yRAFFIC receipts of the Singapore Traction Co. Ltd. in Jun? were 8272,000, compared with $277,000 in May and wen J***** mere than in June last year. The total receipts for thj first nine menth:. of th? company's fln^nial year were $2.378,C00. is $296,000 mere thrn
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  • 1346 5 FRIDAY, JULY 4. 1MI 4 P.M. MINING M7*» Sdler* Amptt (5s) 3s 3s 6d cd. Austral Amal (5s) k 3d 7s 6J Aurtrai Mola; <I) 13* 6a 14* 6a Ayer Hitnm (5s) 17s 18s cd. Ayer Wcng f*l> .71 .76 Rangnr. lir C< I3f So
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 IH^ t^^^Sfl y. I *i^Bk B^B^*^^^B^B\ f v 'news, views, pictures j
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    • 591 5 0 PUBLIC NOTICE MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF SINGAPORE Aaanment for the yrar 1MI. B»U-« da* for the In* hatt-jtmt IM1. Owners of property ar..- reminded that rate* for the 2nd half-year 1941 are due and payable In advance without demand at the Municipal Office In the monm of
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    • 111 5 "Cough, please" **I can't doctor, I've just had an Allenburys Pastille Mb Agents: BARLOW CO., LTD. (incorporated in the F.M.S.) Singapore, Kuala Lumpur «f Ipoh. 6 APB 25 <FolSemdi/ufskl Nothing ran outshine Silver cleaned with SiJ »o.' Quickly mad easily it imparts a glittering polish which shows up the full
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 99 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES ro-aay H.W. 7. 25 a.m. 7.5 ft.: 7.21 p.m. 8 4 ft. L.W. 00 50 a.m. 2.9 ft.; 12.55 noon 4.3 ft. To- morrow H.W. 1.51 a.m. 7.8 ft.; (.33 p.m. 8.7 ft. L.w. 2 14 a.m. 2.3 ft.: 2. it p.m. 4.4 ft. Monday. July 7
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 290 6 Tin- f unions Stars of "The Sea Hawk 4 in the funniest Comedythriller yet made TO-DAY TO-MORROW 11 a.m., 3.15., 6.15., and 9. 15. ALHAMBRA jail TtMfi«MFiyiM*fftMi«r4tr J me^m atfvwihM* NmT k«i afl Mi« RALPH BELLAMY ALAN HALE ICI >ATt,C« AUIN JINKINJ lUCILI WATSOH A WARNER BROS. h--. m^ »w-
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    • 170 6 B|BMIIIIMB«MB1IIIH— iiii— Hlli—|| THE TOWN IS LAUGHING! THEY GOT THAT WAY BY SEEING I GEORGE I I J/gik FORMBY I I C^9 "SPARE A ill I! MB COPPER" I J PUT THIS ON YOUR LIST TO SEE ||j 4 SHOWS I Vavw crn ii i Matinees To-morrow 11 .a.m. 3.15
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    • 177 6 MAKE THE BEST OF THE WEEK END. and ENJOY A GRAND HEARTY LAUGH CAPITOL 3.15 6.15 9.15 4 SHOWS TO-MORROW mg^f^^^k fe^B|Mma H A M.-H5-6 15-9.15 R*§W^ irs splend:3! Hf^ JB IT S PREKRASNIA!" Jflfl IN FACT IN ANY Wk B fM LANG I AGE HEDY LAMARR »CLARK GABLE in
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  • 218 7 American Journal Urges Nation To Take Over Atlantic Convoying "TONVOY now and win the war" is the huge type headline on a front page editorial of the newspaper P.M., in which Ralph Ingersoll writes With Germany immobilized on land and
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 163 7 TUJRING recent months many aerodromes have been prepared and are ready to receive additional squadrons which may be brought here from Malaya or India to augment the air forces which are stationed in Burma," said MajorGen. D. K. McLeod, General Officer Commanding the Army in
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  • 72 7 Chungking. July 4. A DETKKMXNKD effort is being made lo speed up transport of vital supplier to China via the Burma road. A> a step towards UiU end. as from next T.rek all highway administration and engicefring bureau. Throughout China wnich hitherto have been
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 63 7 Montreal, July 4. I*lllXOB are getting too hot for the Nazi* "at the other end of our present convoy bridge to Britain. stated Vice-Admiral Sheridan to-day. He did not elaborate the reference to the "convoy bridge" but added the fact that the Rismarrk was so
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 264 7 Bangkok, July 4. REGARDING the Japanese report that Thailand's gold reserve* in America might be transferred elsewhere, the official viewpoint here is: "Why should we think of w thdrawing deposits from America unless, for instance, America herself threaten* the safety of those reserves.? "In these day* of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 422 7 B ro adcQshnq TO-DAY SINGAPORE 7111, 1.323 ke |Mi m., fcili'l 'Jo9 mc/i (3«.9« n») (ZHFZ S.I7S nr/i 4I.M m.) (ZHP3 7.15 nr/i I41.M a.) /Ill /IIP 1 AND /Ml 5.00 p.m. M.mdarii. dance music by the. Chin se dance oaiul dir.t u d by Jcmts Ow I !aj Wen«.
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    • 299 7 "Boofcn and People" A Talk from London: 10. Jj p m. A selection of recorded darter tunes of the day; 10.45 p.m. Close down. ZHT.J. 5.00 Gentle Kronchoac Party, Proa* thr itudio:: S.&O p.m. Hindustani music. 'Records); 0.05 p.m. News In Hindustani; 6.20 p.m. Tur.iU music; (.40 p.m. News in
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  • 1024 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JULY 5,1941. (672nd Day Of The War.) The Axis And Islam In their attitude toward Islam, the Axis Powers have been Just as inconsistent and treacherous as in their dealings with States. Notwithstanding the reaction of the Islamic world which was a mixture of derision,
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  • 71 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— l wonder whether the Church authorities are aware of the fact that > the lawn surrounding St. Andrews Cathedral is being used by an ever increasing number of children as an extension of the Padang. There are days when more
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  • 1180 8 Britain's New Army— 2 But Half Invaders May Land And March To Annihilation *THIS is the second of a series of articles written by the Straits Times London Correspondent who has spent some days with the troons in East Anglia. The first article
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  • 218 8 Shop-Keepers' Difficulty In Making Returns To the Editor of th« Straits lines Sir— I shall be very R'.ad if you will be kind enough as to print this In j your pap*r. Recent'y in Malacca several shop- keepers have been jumn-.',ned for not keeping minimum stocks of rice.
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  • 180 8  -  Michael Barsley) (By I (With apologies x> trie Author of I "Alice Through the looking Glass 'Ttoas Danzig, and tne Swastikoves Did heil and hittle in the reich. All nazi were the Undengroves, And the neüraths jewstrtich. "Beware the Grabbe~wor.K, my son, The plans that spawn, the plot* that
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  • Correspondence
    • 1331 8 Official Procedure In F.M.S. And U.M.S. To the Kditor of the Straits Times 81r— The burning question in t,h» F.M 8. for some years has been: "Wh» or what constitutes the Government?" By the treaties signed between Their Highnesses the Malay Rulers and the British Government, we are Informed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 209 8 H t-f soLTAN Or SILANOOR j^«s--^7y Y.H.. at WkH. U /Wr^^L' w nail Mm. 1 /i^^^V^ r wHd colour** SEC OUI f, ««iih. 4 WINDOWS J P. H. HEN DRY Jeweller Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang. A Six Valve receiver for AC mains includintr Seven wave bands with SIMPLIFIED BANDSPREAD, has
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    • 86 8 DEAN'S SCHOOL far European eL.!:treii N.-*t Term Commence* 14th JULY 1941 SENIOR SCHOOL (It— 1« Tears) JUNIOR SCHOOL (7— lt Yean) KINDERGARTEN (5 —7 Years) NL'RSERY SCHOOL (2 5 Yean) Pupils accepted dtHii; term at pro rata fees Phone 7323 IH,U! Orchard Road NUMONT FUL-VUE ia LOXIT (SerewleM) Contraction. Fashion's
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  • 171 9 Reds Fall Back In Two Sectors PUSH ON MOSCOW 'DEVELOPS UNFAVOURABLY FOR NAZIS' Encircling Moves Held To Have Been Evaded THE German drive towards Moscow has not only not been making any spectacular progress lately but has rather developed unfavourably for the Nazis, according to
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  • 297 9 Moscow, July 5. FOLLOWING is the text of the! latest communique issued by Soviet Inforrmuion Bureau, issued at 1 a.m. to-day: "Throughout yesterday fierce fight- j ing too* place in tlie directions of < Dvinsk Bcrissov, Bobruisk and Tamo- pol. In the
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 306 9 HEAVY fighting is reported along the length of the Russo-German war front lrom Finland to the Blsck Sea yesterday, t^e bloodiest be'njr in the i sector east of Minsk and the Bereslna River, *ays United Press. j Each side make contrasting claims the
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 204 9 Ankara, July 5. I HfIILITARY quarters are speculating! ~n hew mu-h forces the Russians, wili b? able to withdr?w from destruct.on m,o the interior an! whether they have s.zeable forces in ressrve. as the Russians here claim, east of Moscw Military observers belteve the
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  • 161 9 Moscow, July 5. AS eariy a* the eighth day of the nshting wi.h the Riusiant, the! Nazi High Commind was forced tt t tran.i.'er plants urgently trom Frsncs to the eastern front Th.s. stated livestia's corespondent at the .'rent.! was r.-vcal;d by
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 39 9 Vichy, July 5. GEN. Munoz Grande Governor of Algcciras, has been appo.nted to command the Spanish expeditionary force against Russia and Is leaving immediately, says a, Madrid dispatch to the Vichy news agency. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 830 9 Roosevelt Utters Fresh Warning Hyde Park (New York), July 4. PRESIDENT Roosevelt. In his In- dependence Day speech to the American people, said the United States could "never survive as a happy, prosperous oasis of liberty in the midst of a desert of dictatorship" and asked
    Reuter  -  830 words
  • 93 9 London, July 5. LARGE-SCALE sabotage behind the Vichy lines in Syria wax indicated yesterday by a reliable report that a train from Beirut to Rayak was wrecked by a land mine placed on the line. Two wagons of ammunition were blown an. It was also reported
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 171 9 Berlin, July 5. THET German Radio announced yesterday that the Soviets attempted to break the German encirclement of he M'nsk area by a counter- utiack. The attempt was ''weak," however, the Germans claimed, and failed, says United Press. The German High Command cla riled lnst
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  • 81 9 London, July 4. HITLER intends to elevate Prince Louis Ferdinand to the throne of Russia, according to news reaching the embassy or a Oovernment having friendly rela.Ions with Germany ana which Is often in possession or reliable intormat on from Berlin. Ferdinand, 'he r-rnin
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  • 149 9 1 ftWE German newspaper «ys the Russian u losses muit total at least 500.000. German land forces advancing along the Baltic coast destroy d or capture^ 6J1 lank*. 1M h.-avy and l'«ht inns and 40 planes up to July 1, It Is officially claimed.
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  • 114 9 London, July 5. *Y*HE impres3icn Is growing here that Japan intends to depart frcm non-'nvolv-ment in the European war to the extent of resuming her southward drive, says Unit-d Press. The extension of Japanese occupation of Ind --China Is mentioned as a possibility, ani
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 257 9 London. July 5. The Stockholm Tidningen points out that the Swedish Government's concession of >he passage of one German division was a ges.ure to Finland and not to Germany. "The fact that we were prepared to do this does not mean
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 328 9 Possibility Of Early Armistice In Syria Raised In Ankara ITALIAN resistance throughout Mussolini's East African Empire is virtually at an end with the surrender of the Italian forces at Galla Sidamo, in Abyssinia, it is officially stated in Cairo. Meanwhile, with practically the
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 199 9 Overseas Forces Doubled New York, July i. fEN. George Marshal!, Chief of th« i* United States Army Staff, an. I nounced to-day that the United States' overseas garrisons have b» v 'more than doubled as part of th'- ur. 'gent effort to keep American jdefenoes in
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 33 9 3 DEATHS DAMAGE IN ARGENTINA QUAKE Buenos Aires, July 4. AN earthquake shock which rocked the province of Mcndoza In Western Argentina yesterday resulted ln three deaths and 50 houses were wrecked. Reuter.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 111 9 SAL VITAL H— m m EALTH /^SIPWSik SALTS <^P^%^i^!sk IEMOM fiwoured \^sSs^l "^s^2?^B I A ie»>oconiu ol l"jnon lin.uiio .-x.i jB I 45$$^" X n ■i£sl^M* vllal ln K'*** cod water make? HRf I -iC"^"^: P J^^i2-~ A^/^Bi d'WUu' drink tnat is unequalled O ~*S s y^^^Bl j or cooling
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  • 584 10 St. Andrew's Society Makes Further Gift Of $1,000 FURTHER SUBSTANTIAL HELP FROM SINGAPORE SCHOOL WITH the addition of more than $3,000 to-day, the total of The War Fund is now $5,662,956. The Singapore St. Andrew s Society has sent a further donation of
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 10 The Emperor Haila S-classie, hoisting the royal standard at his palace in Addis Ababa, following his return to the .apita: aftir five years of exile
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  • 277 10 Turkey Future Of Balkans Sa\ dam Pays Tribute To British Nation Ankara. July 5. HEAVY jamming, (specially during a j reference to Mr. Winston Churchill j and Turkish relations with Britain' interfered with the speech which Dr Reflk Saydam. the Turkish Prime j Minister, broadcast yesterday from the National Assembly
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 142 10 SINGAPORE KAH 1.1 > HOTEL Dinner Dance (Formal) 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. GBEAT WORLD Cabaret: 7.30 to 9 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Globe: Mv.steiv Sea Raider. Sky: French Without Tears. HAITI Mi Vlith (Il.;ppy World) DO, George. Seaside: Union Pacific. NEW WOKI raUcita, Theatres and Cinemas -Side
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  • 111 10 AMONG the large variety of munitions being produced in India •..owadays, anti-tank gun* can now be included. It It officially stated that the first ..a;- of making India seU-sufflcient in the manufacture '«f high explosives U being carried out. Basic steel Is now beii-.g manufactured in
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  • 426 10 y^K are prepared to fight. We are not compromising with anybody. We will defend our country," declared the Chief of the General Staff of the Royal Netherlands Indies Army (Major-General H. ter Poorten) speaking in Sydney. We have tanks,
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  • 186 10 Harbour Board Club Effort To-day THE helmet of an Italian naval officer captured at Tobruk will be auctioned at the Singapore Harbour Board Club's War Fund fair which opens at the Club at 4 p.m. to-day. It was presented by an Australian nival officer
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  • 171 10 London, July 5. AMERICAN Independence Day was marked by speeches in Australia and Canada. Broadcasting to America, Mr. R. O. Menzles. the Australian Prim; Minister said that in matters that count Americans and Australians stand on common ground. Australians are daily becoming Increasingly sure that
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 64 10 Asuncion, July 4. THE Army headquarters here an- nounced to-day that an attempted revolt started by three high rank offlcers stationed at V. del Pllar, li. miles soutn of Asuncion on the Paraguay River, was queiled quickly. The communique added that the Army at other
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  • 66 10 SKIPPER GUARD SAVED FROM PIRATES Shanghai, July 5. CAPT. R. E. Holden and a Russian guard from one of Jardine and Matheson's ciastal st.amers, the Fausang, were yesterday transferred from a Japanese naval vessel to a British staamer going to Hong Kong. The Japanese navy rescued the two m.'n after
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  • 47 10 Malta, July 5. BRITISH fighters intercepted and drove off a large formation of aircraft which attempted to raid Malta yesterday morning, it is officially stated. One enemy fighter was shot down and another probably destroyed, but our planes suffered no loss—Reuter.
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  • 175 10 Ex-Malayan As Commissioner MR. R. L. Hastie, the Australian Comforts' Fund Commissioner, is to spend two months in Malaya while on his way to Canada. He is expected here shortly. Mr. Hastie is well-known in thU country, having spent 16 years in Singapore prior to his
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  • 119 10 TTHE death occurred on Thursday at the Bungsar Hr-srital, Ku*la Lumpur, of Mr. Graham Sim Mottram. Inspector of Mines. FM.S, wtic imt'.l nbo'nt six months ago was stationed In Kuala Kubu. Mr. Mottram had been HI for some .me and of late had
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  • 65 10 London, July 5. BEFORE he cabled President Roosevelt his greetings for Independence Day "from the sorely tried Yugoslav people" Ktn<» PeVr had received the news that Hitler had expelled 15,000 Slovenes from the Maribor district to Serbia south of the Danube The Oermans compelled
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  • 76 10 London. July 5. AM MAISKY, the Russian Ambas- sador in London, is recelvin3 hundreds </, letters from Whit" Russians in Great Britain. oTering their services in the war against Germany, many enclosing their life savings to assist the Russian cause. The money
    76 words
  • 385 10 "Daily Reminder Of Spirit Of Friendship," Says Premier THE £2,500,000 Netherlands liner Oranje, now converted into a hospital ship, has been handed over to the Australian and New Zealand Governments by the Netherlands Indies. The presentation was made by Major-Gen. H. ter Poorten, chief of
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  • 324 10 Japan May Hold Up U.S. Supplies Washington, July 4. THE disclosure in Tokio that Japan is considering the creation of a "safety zone" in the north-western Pacific has caused the impression in diplomatic circles here that Japan is contemplating a practical blockad*: against the commercial shipping of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 VII IS ItMIR' K ifll > *40^M BOWRAN'S BOWRAJNITE A solution that solves the problem of RUST PREVENTION. BOWRANITE PAINTS ARC MORE THAN PROTECTIVE. Stocked in six colours and black, they enhance the appearance oi visible structures. Sole Ag«nt. A Stockist* fjUTHWE^vJ |Jf (Incorporate* SA) 4Si Wnrfni UtA mmimmmm^
      48 words

  • 249 11 Theory That Blind Man Fell In A VERDICT of death by mls- adventure was recorded by Mr. W. G. Porter, tre Singapore Coroner, yesterday at an inquiry Into the death of Peow Ah San, a 43 -year-old Chinese whose body was found In the Stamford Road
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  • 33 11 Mr. O. A. R. Arun&chalam Chettlar, editor of the Tamil Kodi. Malacca, will give a talk In Tamil on the "Indian Community" at the Indian Youth League premises at 7 o'clock .ii.s evening.
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  • 3421 11 Witness Urges Legislation "To Rationalize The Industry" ALLEGING apathy by the Government in not encouraging the building industry, a witness at yesterday's sitting of the Commission inquiring into the system of giving out contracts by the public services and the War Department, Admiralty and Air
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  • 91 11 Fhas been decided to change the title of the Straits Set lenients Volunteer Air Force to 'he Malayan Volunteer Air Force. A Bill to effect this change Is already in draft and will be brought before the nex: meeting of Legislative Council. All the Governments of
    91 words
  • 142 11 European Denies Theft Charge UENRY SHERIFF, a European chargeman of fitters at the Naval B'se. was sentenced to one day's simple lmpr.soninsnt ani fined $150. or three months' rigorous imprironment. In the Sinjjp^re feccnd co"rt yesterday when h? was convicted on a charge of stealing two
    142 words
  • 114 11 BUS DRIVER FINED AND LICE NCE SUSPENDED LOW TEC X C -iOON, 52, a lorry driver «v fined $100 and had his driving licence suspended for thre« months for negiigent in Uoper Trnms-n Read on May 2. by Mr. C. H. Whitton. th? TraTl; :ud<; It was st-ted that
    114 words
  • 357 11 Unessential Commodities To Be Prohibited TN order to save shipping space, facilitate the despatch of vessels from Great Britain for oversea* ports, increase the amount of foreign exchange available to Britain, and increase her productive capacity, it has been decided to place wartime prohibitions and
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  • 339 11 Alleged Corrupt Acceptance Of $50 CAUL MENAHAM, a young clerk In the Restricted Imports Department, Singapore, stood trial in the Third Court yesterday on a charge of corruptly accepting $50 from Lav Kwock Yen for undertaking the approval and importation of paper subject to restriction. Menaham also
    339 words
  • 107 11 JLfR W. O. Porter, the Singapore coroner, yesterday recorded a verdict of desth by misadventure at an inquiry into the dea'.rt of G h Bcng Kuay, a tO-: e^r-Dld woman who fell i off a ricksha at the Juncti n of couth Brldg; Road and
    107 words
  • 533 11 TAN AH GOO. English-speaking assistant In the department store of Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co., Ltd., was sentenced to one; day's simple Imprisonment and fined $250. or three months' rigorous lm- prisonment, in the Singapore Fifth i Court yesterday on a charge
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 785 12 Defendants' Manager Denies Fahmy's Allegations f 1 S. SEE, manager of the Happy World Ltd., made a complete denial in the Singapore High Court yesterday before Sir Percy McElwaine, the Chief Justice, of allegations by Mohamed Fahmy, an Egyptian boxer, that the Happy World had
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 428 12 Quick Way to clear up toot j&or Start this Slmpla Trmatmemt l«~aifhtf The reason why that tormenting trouble known ss "Foot Rot" is often so difficult to clear up, is simply this. "Foot Rot" is caused by a minute fungus organism that lodges undtr tht surface of tht skin, where
      428 words
    • 297 12 SLEEPY AFTER MEALS? Do you loci your eves weighted witH lead and your head nodding alter meals f Do you sutler from a feeling of heaviness or stomach pressure The chances are that excess acidity which irritates the delicate stomach lining and causes food fermentation is to blame. A little
      297 words

  • 327 13 16 Enemy Fighters Destroyed In Renewed Blitz Over N. France London, July 5. SWEEPING low over rooftops, R.A.F. bombers which attacked Bremen in daylight yesterday morning, discharged their loads on several important targets, saates the Air Ministry news service. High explosive bombs were
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 57 13 Washington, Ju'y 3. I rE United States is to supply up- wards of 600,000 bales of cotton to Bri am under the Lease and Lend Act, aeccrrUnp to authoritative quarters in Washington. The Brit sh plan to take at least 20 000 bales a
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 42 13 London, July 4. FIELD-MAKSIIAL LORD MILNE'S only son. Major George rKvic'cs Milne, Is repo-ted to be a prisoner of war. He was iervins In the Ml iUe East and wan previously reported missing —Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 117 13 Simla, July 5. IT U now disclosed that the King's own Royal Refiment was Bown from Karachi to Iraq when Rashid Ali's reb Is heavily invested the R.A.F. station at Habbaniyah where. v,iih the pprmiysion of the rebel Government, women and children had taken
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 139 13 Moscow, July 4. MOSCOW radio, reporting the arr.val of the Soviet Ambassador in Teheran, a;;<iii> refuted emphatically the German reports, of Bri.ish and Soviet designs on Iran, scjs Reut r. The stnVli*" of Soviet-Iranian i -ndship and the good relations exIst'ng between Brita n and
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  • 63 13 Buenos Aires. July 4. A COMMUNIQUE issued by the deputies committee investigating Nail activities In Argentina announces that It has been proved that Nail delegate* have compelled commercial firms to aid there activities by •contributions" retained from the salaries of their employee*. It has also been
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 569 13 Another Keren Hero Receives M. C. London, July 4 WITH his right foot blown ofl and suffering from other wounds, an Indian officer, Subadar Richpal Ram, continued to urge his men to attack an Italian position in East Africa. For his heroIsm, determination and devotion to
    Reuter  -  569 words
  • 691 13 Indians Occupy Syrian Airport Cairo, July 4. IT Is officially announced that Indian troops have occupied Deir ez Zor, one of the big airports In Syria. This, almost simultaneously with the capture of Palmyra, enormously strengthens the Allied positions in Eastern Syria slnee these towns represented
    Reuter  -  691 words
  • 53 13 Washington, Ju'y 3. r£ State Department has rotined the German Embassy and German ccrsuls in the United States that their families may dfpnrt on July 15, Instead of July 10, the original date upon which their departure was ordered, according to reliable
    53 words
  • 57 13 London. July 4. "THE Air Ministry announces: There are no reports at «ny German aetlrlty o»«r this country during last nljht." This Is the second nllfht in succession thai there has been no Oer^iai rMdi on BrUaln. No bomb has been dropped anywhere In Britain
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 33 13 London. July 4. GRAM Swing, the American radio commentator, has arrived In London at ttae Invitation of the 8.8.C. *> make a ierie* of broadcast*, the flm at which will be tiren to-night RditT,
    33 words
  • 22 13 ChmKjfcin*,, JuJy 4. rDE Oblnece Foreign Office has notified the German Trans- Ocean newt a«n<-y of the cancellation of Its Press privileges.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • 1981 14 PLANTING MATERIAL -CLONAL SEEDS OR BUDDINGS? Scientists And Planters Still Undecided What To Use EVIDENCE ACCUMULATING TO FAVOUR SEEDLING TREES By Our Planting Correspondent IN the April issue of the Planter there is an interesting review from the pen of Mr. Herbert Ashplant of Messrs Jenkins' and Chittenden's booklet entitled
    1,981 words
  • 214 14 seddllngs as opposed to budgrafts. and the directors consider It sale to follow a policy of planting 50/50 In August 1929. the directors planted 13 acres of our Tanjcng Siakop? division with TJikado and Pran; ii< j.vr selected seeds Irom which a rate of yield cf 1.250 pounds
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 238 14 You can save petrol and reduce your transport costs very considerably "ay using a D. C. L. Trailer. It is a well designed, locally built vehicle incorporating Ford wheel and spring equipment. Its safety is assured by automatically operating brakes. Can be hooked to follow a tractor or J^ 1€
      238 words
    • 73 14 PUMPS ANO 1 PIMPII6 MACHINERY FOR EVERY PURPOSE MANUFACTURED BY JOSEPH EVANS SONS (WOLVERHAMPTON) LTD. CULWELL WORKS. ffOLVERIM"?TOn ENGLAND. OBTAINABLE FROM All First Class Machinery De&ljrs. DIFFERENCE K~ IT MAKES i &'"W' A\ i^B^B iv. lift I m l^S^l vAbl] lU^^^^P^ tested before sale and each PD \\jr^^^^^^ unconditionally guaranteed
      73 words

  • 146 15 SELECTIONS for to-day's r <i at Taiping are: STRAITS TIMES Race 1: Lady Zenta, The Cntter. Race 2: I)-ator, New Olio. Race 3: Pat Burke, Sheila H. Race 4: Stenelta, Kit Race 5: Velocity, Invention. Race 6: Tin P"<k t. M onlirht sonata. Race 7: Prude, Authentic.
    146 words
  • 496 15 THE follow in; are the weights for Saturday, July 12, the first day of the Singapore Turf Club's July meetinc at Bnkit Timah Hones, CUss 1, DIt. 1, 6 fan. National 9.10 Budge Lew 8 01 j Fasfxtcp 8 10 last Chance 7.12 lJrrby 8.09 Puma 7.09
    496 words
  • 168 15 rriHE following are S.C.C. cricket tcamr lor j I week-end games: Again I the l' r>t b .no 4 II a.m to ■orrow H. L. Ward (capt i, Aifcjoi D. V. Hill, I Dr J A P Omb ma, v J. a. Brenn, R. A. Hoooer. J.
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  • 41 15 Glasgow, July 4. IN the BdUiab Summer Cup foe tball io in, round rr-clay Hibernians by Clyde by two goals to one They I now most Dumbar.nn in the saml-fln^l I to-morrow, when Hearts oppose Ran- j ■an.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 61 15 'I'IUS foUiiwlng will ruprirtiit the Folic? j a-ja.Kst the S.C.C. in a cricket match' to be played at Thomson Road at 1 1 a.m. to- i morr w: O. Denison-Bmi;h (capt), P. J. Wilson, I Wool K<-an Tat, Cluah Kirn Swce, Eu Chcow Eaiiß Barbajan Si-uh, w<
    61 words
  • 161 15 FCHE Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman baa r-on the Hajl Amboo Sooloh Cup of trie Royal Johore International Club, be^Unff Dr. T. E. Cheah three and two. The results are: Ist round: Dr. T. E. Cheah beat B. W. Hide wo George Lowe beat J.
    161 words
  • 622 15 Final Day Of July Meeting DELOW is given the full card of events at Taiping to-day, the final day of the Taiping Turf Club's July professional meeting. The double totes will be on races three and four, and six and seven. The big sweep
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  • 316 15 r£ table tennis match In aid of The War Fund between the Combined business Houses' team of nine players and the nine leading players of Singa- p^re wi'l be played at the Happy World covered stadium to-day, st?rtlng at 7.30 p.m. sharp.
    316 words
  • 37 15 OPLE.sUID gj&lkecpinc by Kordy enabled the Publishers to beat the Singapore Harbour Board by three coals to nil in a second division U) lrajnie soccer match ptayed at the S.H B. (round yesterday.
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  • 148 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, July 4. YON bin Mian won the men's tingles title In the Joh-re State lawn tennis champl-n'hlps tc-day. beating iWcng Thlan Teck, ths holder, ;6-0. I Ym took the first game but Thian ITeci tsok the next four
    148 words
  • 66 15 ONE of India's leading Jockeys, R Wat on, a member of the Crylcn and Bombay Turf Clubs, w'.io rede at th^ Sincaper? Gold- Cup meeting in 1935. U now In Singapore en his way hick to India after a holiday in Brls- ane. Interviewed by a reporter
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  • 55 15 THE following will represent the Singapore Ro-.cntlon Club against Rattles College in a crlrkct match to be played at the S.R C. to-morrow, starting at 11 a.m.: J. Anchant; R. H. Bain: Dr. L. S. Da Sllva; L. de Souza; P. D'Aimeids; D. la Brcxv, E. le
    55 words
  • 217 15 TO-DAT SOCCER: Malaya Cop. Singapore vs. Malacca, Anson Road Stadium; S-lanfor vs. Prnanc Ipeb; B.A.F.A. leaTtw, second divhlon (b). H.MS. Sultan ML Stamford 8.C., Naval Raw; R.A.S.C. vs R.A.P. (SeleUr), Alexandra; Naval Base Corinthians vs. Wanderers, Naval Base. CRICKET: Perak vs. Sdangar. Ipeb; lA. t». X.A (BM.),
    217 words
  • 390 15 Malays Win 2-1 Against A. -A. Gunners Malays 2; R.A. (AJ%.) 1. MEVFR able to settle d yin to the r lever short-parsing play expect' ed of them, the Malays, down by s v nl when the rime was hardly a nvnntr old. m^Tn-ed to torn the tables en the
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  • 246 15 TWO Malaya Cup soccer mit^hca, one at Anson Read stadam where Singapore will meet Malacca, and the ether at Ipo where Selan;or will be opposed to Pen~ng, will come up for dTi-ion O-day. S.ngap re will start firm 'avjurites.j la the gam- at Anson Road,
    246 words
  • 476 15 THERE was a full complement of interesting gallops at A Bukit Timah this morning when horses and ponies entered for the Singapore Turf Club's July meeting wen? given fast work on the second track of the race course. Th<; going was good. The best
    476 words
  • 379 15 I mm the f»T[ In the Singapar* Amatcar Athletic AaawJadan's seventh rhampiaaabip aaeetrng- saw one record This «as In the three miles final. th« record of 16 mm. I*2 sec., established three years ago. being- broken by Hay. Kah an, Singh, who covered the course In 15
    379 words
  • 98 15 (From Our Own Cor-c'.pon<ient> Ti'.ping. July S. DAT Burke shewed tm>M l.«b:e form in a I fast gallop over two fLilon^s h-re thh morning when a few of U. day's runoen were exerd*ed. TTie Cutter was lmpre slvp In slow vork. while Prude aho looked a piciu-e of
    98 words
  • 57 15 The following have been selected to represent the Flight B P. "B" team In a friendly I badminton match with the Sykes B.P. ~B team oonsistinc of three tingles and four doubles, to be played In the Sykes court at I p.m. to-day: Samad. Bone Bro, SulaJman. Joon Siong. ■'assM.
    57 words
  • 37 15 TwE following were the three best score* 1 returned In the Kepp»l How* Spoon for June. Mrs. J. A. But 41-43-45 42-IXI. Mrs R E E»ne 44-41-41— 1T7-J4-103; Mrs. P S^ATT 45-47-47— 33- lPfl
    37 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 56 15 WANTED!!! CSSS OR ..V PKI.nM ...NOCTTlaks. BEST CASH mO| AT B ZNRIMO OPTICAL CO. O..LY Milii.i US. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. KEEPING COOL AND COMFORTABLE ON WARM EVENINGS at meetings or social where much sitting is uor.e depends on how your suit is tailored. We have made a study of such
      56 words

  • Article, Illustration
    38 16 The Soviet can mobilise It.tMOM more men If necessary, it was officially stated in Moscow this week. An idea of Russia's vast manpower is shown in this picture of endless columns inarching through the Red Square in Moscow.
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  • 213 16 Present R.A.F. Offensive Believed To Be Paving Way For New Blow London, July 4. A BRITISH invasion of German-occupied France before the end of July is hinted at in to-day's issue of The Aeroplane. Declaring that the Germans believe no
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  • 207 16 Grave Decisions Ahead— Grew Tokio, July 4. THE United States with the res; of the world is passing tnrough a time of storm and stress, a time callLr.:» for gave decisions and resolute action based on those decisions. Thus declared .he United States Ambassador, Mr. Joseph Grew, addressing the American
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  • 54 16 Sydney July 4. A PUBLIC meeting last night un,ca the Federal Government to examinv the prospects of effective diplomatic j economic and military co-operation With the Soviet Union. Th° meeting, held at the Town Hall, j was attended by a crowd exceeding 5,000. The
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 72 16 Moscow, July 4. "yilE newspaper Pravda to-day again insists that the best German troops and material have b?en severely mauled. "Fascist propagandists boasted .o the world of the invincibility of the German army, but in 11 days of the war Germany has lost her best divisions
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  • 625 16 Stars Stripes Fly In London Britons Join In U.S. Celebrations London, July 4. AS Londoners came to work to- day loudspeakers at the main line arrival stations were playing famous marching songs of Lincoln's Day and side by side with the Union Jack: the Stars and Stripe.s were flying from
    Reuter  -  625 words
  • 38 16 Bombay, July 4. IT Is announced thr-t the 8.-itish Treasury lias approved of revenue cha'gt of roußh'y £183.530 to cover the cost of training several thousand technicians for Indian ordnance factories. Renter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 13 16 Italian prisoners of war numbering 1.345 Including officers, arrived In Bombay yesterday.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 294 16 Tokio, July 4. JAPAN is considering the estab- lishment of territorial waters or a safety zone, it was disclosed by the Information Board's official spokesman, Mr. Koh Ishll, to-day, reports United Press. The spokesman said the Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. Y. MaUuoka, on July 2
    Reuter  -  294 words
  • 329 16 Berlin, July 4. "THHE Soviet forces plied up along the frontier nave been scatter :d and penetrated." says the official German news agency to-day. "Soviet troops, equipment and planes have suffered so severely that their losses cannot be made up." At the same
    Reuter  -  329 words
  • 557 16 REDS MASS ALONG STALIN LINE FOR -NEW BATTLE German Losses In Men Material Described As Tremendous" London, July 4. VyiTII the Soviet troops falling hack on the 1988 Soviet frontier, arroniin<» I.) the GcHMi radio an, l to the German iwks aju'iirv, B;>r!in fipcf
    557 words
  • 495 16 Berlin. July 4. A SECTION of the German Press to-day warns that the Russian people will starve if Stalin's orders to destroy wheat and foodstuffs will be carried ont. "It is absolutely certain that Germany in a fl?h; for her existence wi'.l not dispose to
    Reuter  -  495 words
  • 114 16 Bombay, July 4. A CONSPIRACY to commit murder and rioting and to stab persons of a rival community Is claimed to have been unearthed by the police, who connect the recent rommunal disturbances la Bombay with this plot. The police have arrested 20 persons who
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 62 16 your 9mi I tailored by «zp«ru who havt «ma coapUt* Mtu/ar tion to tilt if cliwiU. Entrwat tkmm BEE CHOW CO. at Ck«iia St. n«i«roM. Tol. ||||i wh*** tailoring it ml it* 4vif wssrs. o«»eter*co.. Singapore. Dear Sirs, 1 satisfaction. at er. watertiKjr roO f. perspiration P fully yours
      62 words