The Straits Times, 4 July 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 Try MIEN CHONG TAILORING S4 Colrmmn St.. Spore Phone «l« Available Suit Lengths "BockTlUe" Suttlnj*— U.S.A. WAIN SHIELL'S. la Silk and Wool Ahe AMERICAN SHARKSKIN. In rmrtoui rolours SINOAPOR3, 140 CECIL ST. t'PHONS $471*. Jl Miriimax M\ Fire protection it now universally recognized v mm j Jift—WSr^ forming »n eivniial
      149 words
    • 107 1 Bteßtfc^J^^ *j M sunny ours in ROBINS ON r siN A STO N ES BRONZES AND/WHITE Stone's TONUM Metals are tne result of orer a century's experience in the production of Bronzes. White Metals and other non-ferrous alloys for all engineering demands. There are m TONUM Brand alloys to meet
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    • 90 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. n ylorninj^ Aftemewri Evening Dresses. KOALA LUMPUR. 16 JAVA ST. CPHON* 36SJ). <^ ith this Distemper rooms can be made bright and cheerful. It is supplied in paste form and requires thinning with water only to the consistency of cream to be ready for use. Its
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    • 99 2 The engagement of Miss Valli&mmai. elder daughter of the late Dr. A. S. Muthu. and Mrs. Muthu ol Seremban to Dr. T. Ambalavajiar of Malacca to announced, and the Marriage will take place at House No. 2TOB. Temlang Road. Seremban (bride's residence) on Sunday, the 6th July. 1941. at
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    • 39 2 Mrs. Slvaguru and famUy of Kuan tan »*g to thank all who paid visits and sent wreatiis, tdcerams. and letters of condolence In the sad bereavement they had recently. <The deceased was ARUNASALAM SIVAOURIT, Planter, Merchant, and Contractor).
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 383 2 ©v? Straits Wim 8 SMALL ADS? Minimum charge $1. («r advt m« oiM«ta| How. Mm than tvu mm 25 cents per line (She words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BTRTHS. MAK&IAGEB. DEATHS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ANNODNCBMENTS A PTC CABAS *n charfei »J Met pet UMerUon per lack. Over I inch
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    • 516 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED, First clasa head boy for restaurant. Good knowledge of English essential. Apply Secretary Tanglln Club. KbQUIBED IMMEDIATELY for temporary work experienced and capable lady stenographer. Reply Box No. 723, S.T. TWO CHINESE CLEBKS required immediately by British Importer*. Must be quick and accurate at figures. In one
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    • 747 2 HOUSES FLATS. TO LET SMALL HOUSE TO LET Katong. furnish, ed or unfurnished. No -nod. san. moderate rental, entry now. Apply Box N». 715, ST. TO LET, furnished bungalow. Katong district for 3 month*, possibly longer, pripldalre. Wireless and telephone. Apply Box No. 718. Strait* Times. TO LET. Seaside Brick
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    • 838 2 _DOGS FOR SALE Pedigree Bull Terrier Pups, Beautiful litter Sire Primus of the Outpost*. Tel. *****. after 5.15 p.m. WANTED: Dogs, Doberman Plncher *****. Puppy not necessarily Pedigree. Parker, Carey bland, P. Swettenham. PEDIGREED SMOOTH fox terrier puppies 10 week* old. male and female, nrr, dollars each. Apply i67A Surin
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    • 473 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY tTIjbMP/ON XJPTICAL C 2 4, AKC'AOE BLOC- PHONE 3«*2 R A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. TENDERS are Invited for the supply of Heavy Pipes and Cast Iron Specials for tht period 1.10.41 to 30.9 «3. Tender Porm
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    • 65 2 BUSINESS CARDS Etcu "REAVELLAIR COMPRESSORS. EXHAUSTERS. PORTABLE DIESEL COMPRESSOR BETS ETC ALLIANCE ENGINEERING CO.. LTD. SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPTJB. rOR A PERMANENT *^yi t^o^^*^ PERMANENT WAVING Clear vision Is Important to your work, pleasure and personal safety. Have your eye* examined at regular Intervals. CONSULT: Qnailn«d Ophthalmic Optician*, The Only
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  • 323 3 Buenos Aires, July 3. AFTER interrogation of a number of Nazis arrested while they were allegedly plotting and planning in a German suburban bar, the Argentine Committee investigating subversive activities last night issued a Press statement saying that examination of documents seized and interrogation
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 298 3 Co-operation Between All Republics Washington, July 3. 'THE United States has urged American Republics to accept the policy of "reconstructlre and practical co-operation" In defence of the safety of the Americas. A proposal that such a policy should be adopted had been made by the Government
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 97 3 Washington, July 3. rfE Administration will soon ask Congress for a supplemental appropriation of about $5,000 000 to proyi-le for critical armiments to e<iulp an eventual army of 3,000,000 men, according to informed quarters here today. These quarter* said the profcrammf has already been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 535 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated In England) PENINSULAR ANU ORIENTAL S. N CO. MAI I PASSENGER AND CARCO SERVICE. The best possible services are acini maintained »i tht P. O S N Co.. rrom thr Straits to their osual ports el call In Chin». India
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 881 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY EMPIRE STATION SINGAPORE i^«w£L££r f JSJE 7 JSTISS -m 'V^-JT o SD l fIM/tt Zi-iJ UKI/n ZHL. ZHF.I. 4ND ZHr.i Mwt 4mncu tn—m SOO p.m. Pelping dranu (Records); 5.35 CSD: OSC ill win »a««. O«» p.m. Nrws In Owtonese: 5 W p.m. Hokkten (31.»S music. (Records) 6 p.m.
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  • 172 4 Final Dividend Up (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 6. A 8 your Correspondent has already cabled to you. the Rubber Plantations Investment Trust Is recommending a final dividend for 1940 of 7 per cent less tax at 9s. lid. This compares with 6 per cent, a
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  • 118 4 Guthrie's Report On Pas* Week's Activities IN a weekly report on the rubber market. Issued yrsterday, Guthrie and Co, Ltd. write Since our lact report the market has come to a standstill, with practically no ih'w business passing. What business has been transacted has been
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  • 80 4 New York, July 3. THE following were the prlcei for Straits tin and rubber in cents per pound on the Commodity Exchange to-day and yesterday July 2 July 3 IN Spot July August September October I IIBKR Spot Julv September October December Sales:— 5?
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  • 24 4 THE following outputs of tin-ore are reported for June Pic uls ore Malayan Tin 1.966 Southern Malayan 6,847 Malaysia**] Tin 285
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  • 79 4 London. July 3. rH opened firm. The turnover was 20C u>m>. The absence of orTt rings and general buylnr is ascribed to the possibility •of tin shipments to Russia. It Is rumoured that British interests arc al- irady negotiating for tin ex-Straits where prices rose
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 91 4 U.S. MOTOR- CAR INDUSTRY AND DEFENCE WORK Wasiiington. July 3 ft«R. Knociara ind.cates that the auto- 1»1 mc^il■• industry miv re<ju r 'o treble Its present participation in the d-fen'e prosramme. The industry at present has 52.000.000 000 wort.n of de- fence orders on hand Mr Knu*s n sated that
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 191 4 It* fotlcvuit art ttu f«miiu< ntn tM- > morninr •crorctnc ■<- u.t dailj circular unu«. ov th» Hontnont «nc 3baoihaj B*nk». Corporttipn:— StLLINC Loodoc I.T J/4 J/J2 U>ndO£ c<mand 2 1 3 32 |Swltteti»nc '1 T. onlyt 202.46 New Ycru otmund 47 IP Montreal ctn.tno gs Bauvif. u.m?no 8f
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  • 231 4 "PHE following donations to The Wai Fund »re recorded to-day:— lmper! 2 1 Chemical Indust-ies (Malaya) Ltd., pay received b> ruious members of their staff durhifc the recent period of embodiment 269.01 Pupils of Victoria School, Singapore, amount saved on priict and by other economics
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  • 535 4 Profit-Taking In Tins But Shares Readily Absorbed By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, July 4. •T*HE dollar tlr share market yester- day was subject to a little proflttaklng In one or two stocks which was I readily absorbed with very little change i In prices. I Hone Fatt
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  • 409 4 Two R.A.F. Sweeps Over N. France Yesterday London, July 4. I 'TWO offensive sveeps ever Northern France havj been carried out by squadrons of RAF. fighters yesterday, states an Air Ministry communique. Eleven enemy fighters were shot down and six British fighters are nv~s:ng. Bombers,
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  • 62 4 Dow Jones Averages New York. July 3. rE followinc were the Dew Jinc.-. Avernses when the New York Stock Exchange closed to-day and yectcrdajt,: Juiy 1 July i 30 Industrials 123.58 124.0* i 20 Rails 2845 23.50 16 Utilities 18 C 4 18 04 40 Bonds 91 10
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  • 79 4 I Friday. July 4, noon. Buyers Seller* Price* Pri*r» No. IX R.S S (Spot kwae) W, 3<H No. IX R.S.S. r«.k. in r»«r* July —38*. 39 GF.AQ. R S.S. 100 in bales July 3X". 38H F.A.Q. R.S S f.o in bales Jsily IM| 17*4 Fl'Tl'RE
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  • 91 4 DOMESTIC rubber exports In June are estimated ct 48.400 tons, states the < Controller of Rubber. This compares with a proportionate monthly export- able allowance, at 100 per cent, of bashquotas, o' 54.000, and is a deficit of 5,600 tons The cumulative deficit, compared with
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  • 68 4 THE following rubber crops were harvested in June: tt>. Alor Pongsu 134 190 Bedong Rubber 61,735 T\?m;rloh Rubber 40.724 DufT Development 339.930 Penang Rubber 30o\C00 Sabrang Rubber 105,000 Straits Rubber 297 .U00 Rubana Rubber !23,50U Bagan Serai Rubber 78 500 Tali Ayer Rubber 147.500 Batak Rabit Rubber
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  • 64 4 Washington. July 3. •"pHE contemplated price ceilings for rubber tyres and other finished rubber products will be deferred tr> give the industry time voluntarily to work out Its own problems. Price Coordinator Leon Henderson announced here to-day. United Press London, July 3. HENCEFORTH imports of sole crepe to the United
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 383 4 Racing THE following are the weights for Saturday. July 12. the first dar of the S'nganore Turf Club's Jul.meeting at Bokft Timah Hones, Cla«.i 1. Div. I. t> furs. •National 9.10 Bridge Law 8.01 I Pasutep a. 10 last Chance 7.12 1 Derby g
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  • 133 4 THE ordrr of running and D a* acceptors at Taiping to-morr >w, the final day ol the Taiping Turf Club's July prolessional meeting are Race Horses, clars 3. about 6 furlon, Tilled Lady. Topla. Santa Anita. Race Z: Hcrses. class 4. dlv. 2, about furlongs —Highland Beacon Race
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 361 4 PUBLIC NOTICE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. AUktat op and dralninc M*rroUouth Road, Iron Lot »0 to Stevens Road. Owners are notified that the plan, specification, estimate and provisional apportionment In connection with Notices served undei Section 103, Municipal Ordinance (Chapter 133), for making up and draining tbc above-mentioned road within Its exiting
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  • 385 5 War Loan Rises Sharply London, July 3. •THE Stock Exchange to-day was Irre1 gular with gilt-edged firm, especially War Loan which rase to 105 on the expectation of an early announcement of a n :w loan at a low rate of inWrst On the c thcr hand,
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  • 133 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES 1 From Our Own Correspondent 1 London, July 3. fOMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows with previous quotations in parenthesis RUBBER: Quiet. Spot 13Hd 13 9 16d (13 7'l6d 13ftd) Augt. 13 7 16d 13 9 16d (U7|l6d 13 9;l6di Sept. 13 7116 d 13 9lli}d (13
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  • 127 5 Malls close at the General Post Office as follows: TO-BAY Australia air 4 p.m. Java ..air 4 p.m. New Zealand air 4 p.m. TO-MORROW Australia T air 12.30 p.m. Java air 12.30 p.m. New Zealand air 12.30 p.m. Medan air 12.30 p.m. Palembang air 12JO p.m.
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  • 1355 5 THtKSDAY, JULY J. 1M1: P M. ■M TOjen Sellers Ampat (5s) 3i J-iSdeU Austral aim] (5«> 7iU1i 7Hd Aostrn Mail) itl S3s tkl 34* Sd Aver Hitam 17s 18s c.d. Ayer Weng (81) .Tl .78 Bangrlr. Tin tl 12c «d 14s Batu Selangor (fl) 1.48
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  • 55 5 COREION imports of tln-c.-e into the Straits Settlements in Jane were 4 °.29 trns, compared with 5,216 tons in May and were the lowest since January. Total Imports for the first hah" of this year were 32,332 tDns. compared 'Ith 28,478 tons in th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 313 5 epiCIAL MESSAGE k jMUI a H who are K4 WEAK f AILINC.THIN f 1 \«j RUNDOWN.DEPRESSED/ WORLD'S RICHEST SOURCE of vital MINERAL SALTS gives you NEW Jk HEALTH. FRESH ENERGY and RUGGED STRENGTH f\ y tw 'W >m T°« f**' R"»d«w«, Weak, Dtprtiwd— when r«> >-■ \CD bbbbb^^ nto lo
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    • 210 5 An Adhesive I Compound I^s I Ready for ES immediate Use I No Heat INo Soldering Jf J§ I Required a^^B o^l iw 4 I FOR MENOING T aa^^ AND FIXING |HHP~^9 WOOD, IRON, WWBI^M Wp I mARB L F, IF LEATHER, 'J$ AUTO PARTS, TARZAN'S TANKS, FURNII^W TIRE, RAOlA\i^^[
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 142 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES ro-aaj i lI. W. 5.46 a.m. 7.5 ft.; G. 16 p.m. 5.2 ft. L.W. 11.39 a.m. 3.7 ft. To- morrow H.W. 7.25 a.m. 7.5 ft.; 7.21 p.m. 8.4 ft. L.W. 00 50 a.m. 2.S ft.; 12.55 noon 4.3 It. Sunday. July 6 H.W. 8 5i a.m. 7.S
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 271 6 THE LAUGH HIT OF THE WEEK Read What The Press Say: "Footsteps In The Dark" is a slick, fast-moving comedythriller which ranks as the best film of its type seen in Singapore for several months" Straits Times "One of the most enjoyable comedies seen in Singapore for a lon£ time"
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    • 261 6 The Year's BIG Battle of the SEXES C\W^ iKSL HEDY GIVES CLARK JS&L /f^^^ TWO LOVELY "OCHY CHORNYA" A'^\' —Besides a good kick L-*^-^* V st' in the Pants! TO-DAY CAPITOL 3.1S 6.15 9.15 The Whole Towns Roarins: at J. /K%s%ste? CLARK GABLE^^i/W^ HEDY LAMARR /'(j. \^y\ in M.G.M.'s greatest
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  • 1826 7 "REICH'S BEST FORCES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED"— STALIN Enemy's Advance Into West Ukraine White Russia Is Admitted London, July 3. CTALIN, broadcasting to the Russian people this morning over a nationwide hook-up, declared that despite the heroic resistance of the Russian army and destruction of the enemy's best forces he continued
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  • 73 7 Moscow, July 3. THE German* will nerer tee Moscow except as prisoners," declared M. Loxorsky. Vice-Com-missar for Foreign Affairs, to the foreign press here. He asserted that Russia can mobilise 1 •,000.000 more men If necessary. "That is why we are so calm,** M. LnsoTsky declared. He
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 203 7 The most amazing female in the most amazing comedy- romance ever filmed! to-day CATHAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 phone 3aoo Paramount Presents HENRY JT k BARdAKA H STANWYCK I W J "THE i^lSl (f^fifc LADY ▼^J^ CLi Mid ALSO BY ARRANGEMENT WITH MINISTRY OF INFORMATION "XMAS UNDER FIRE" («Mm Reynolds) MIDNIGHT PREMIERE TO-MORROW
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  • 1254 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, JULY 4. 1941. (671st Day Of The War.) Warming Up We have often urged that in any attempt to survey the war situation, care should be taken to avoid being misled by concentrating attention on one particular front. Admittedly with such a vast area Involved,
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  • 1941 8 German Pillage In Occupied Lands In Europe BELGIUM has never produced enough food for home consumption, but Germany did not hesitate to plunder the reserves of that country which has more people to the square mile than any other European country, and notably more than Germany. Belgium
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 716 8 SEX TEACHING Not A Subject For The Class-Room To the Editor of the Straits Times fslr. The decision of the education authorities on teaching of sex in our schools Is wise. I protest when modern educators propose to introduce sex education into the curriculum of schoo's. The entire movement seems
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  • 185 8 Only Way To Freedom Prosperity To the Rdito r of the Strait* Time* Sir.— Japan Is now between the devil and the deep blue sea. At this critical moment she cannot believe either of I the parties with whom she has contractural obligations. She has seen Hitler the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 300 8 10 numeral T^^JJlB^X keys make .^B I figuring simple. Sm Portable electric and I manual models in various I capacities available from I stock. V, D'Almeida Street off Hafllrt Place. BUY TO-DAY at GI A N SINGH'S Special Cash Stocktaking SALE WHAT THE STARS FORETELL for 1941. What the stars
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    • 40 8 Wherever You Are Hill Can supply you with All your needs in BOOKS— MAGAZINES— STATIONERY PRINTING Etc., Etc.. G. H. KIAT CO., LTD., At. Robinson Road— Singapore. General Office 6506. Printing Dept. 6505. JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Optician. 21. BATTERY ROAD.
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  • 176 9 Superiority Of Tanks Fighters Claimed GERMANS CROSS DVINA AND CONTINUE ONSLAUGHT Fresh Offensive Across Pruth River Reported FURTHER considerable losses were inflicted on the German forces in heavy fighting- in the orthern and central sectors of the front yesteray, says the latest Soviet war communique,
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  • 499 9 DEVASTAT I NG ATTACKS ON ENEMY MECHANIZED UNITS Moscow, July 4. HE Soviet Russian communique, issued early thLs morning, bens: "Throughout yesterday Soviet oops waged fierce battles In the MCttoni of Dvlnsk, Minsk and lrnopol against large mechanized lemy units. The enemy is everylere meeting with the stubborn ststance of
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  • 423 9 AD weather conditions and i "snow-storms around Lwow" c hampering the Nazi troops opating in south-east Poland, ac- 1 rding to a statement issued by the ftcial German news agency, last ght. The statement emphasizes M obstinate resistance" of the j iviet
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  • 151 9 t/indon, July 3. HE German forces on the Russo-KumanLui frontier of 19 infantry dlvLsicrt Ms cavalry divisions and a considerable mber of mechanized units, according to orma'li.n niching London, writes Reuter's jloni&tic correspondent. The Russian ccc there tctai 25 divisions. I"h s»- reports d«
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  • 176 9 Importance Of India In New War Development Jerusalem, July 4. DALESTTNE may be among* the countries which may benefit by the Innovation, says the Palestine Post, commenting on the advantages of having a member of the War Cabinet (Capt. Oliver Lyttelton) in the Middle East with authority
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  • 124 9 Rome, July 4. m«US6OLINI yesterday Inspected an- other motorized division which will depart for Russia immediately. The ceremony was held at the Paridi barracks. Rome. By agreement with the Rumanian and German authorities In Vichy, all Rumanian males of military age in both cones
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  • 102 9 London. July 4. ACCORWNO to reliable Information from Lwow (Leraberg), the Ruutini have mobilised Pclbh reserves between the a«ra of 30 and 40. TOese have been Incorporated In Soviet unlt« »lnce the beginning of June. Before the Or-rman Invasion of Riiala began, the Sovlrt authorities
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  • 30 9 New York. July 3. AN earthquake shoclr of moderate lntensltv, estimated to be centred 5.000 miles from New Yurk was registered by a selsmoirraoh at the Forham University to-day.— Reuter.
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  • 80 9 London. July 4. AN immediate repercussion to the changes In the Minstry of In. formation announred in the House of Commons yesterday was the news that the Director-General, Sir Walter M'>nrkt'»n, may reairn. His comment was, "If the p>wrs-that-be want to attack tinks with pitchforks
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  • 108 9 Panama Canal Closed To Japanese Shipping? r'ew York, July 3. MR. HENRY STIMSON, Untied States War Secretary, declined to comment at his press conference to-day on reports that the Panama (anal might be closed to Japanese ship*. Officials of the New York office of the Nippon Yuaen Kaliha stated to-day
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  • 261 9 Washington. July 3. Mil. SUMNER WELLES. Under-Secre-tary of State, said at his press conference to-day that the United States Government naturally hoped the attitude taken by the Japanes: Government in the war would be of such a character as to make for maintenance of peace
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  • 164 9 London. July 4. DR. Wellington Koo, the new Chinese Ambassador in London, in an Interview with Mr. O. M. Oreen, former editor <*f the North China Dally News, commented on the vaeue sta'-ement of Mi Y. Matsuoka, the Jananesc Foreign Minister, on Japan's attitude to
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  • 139 9 London, July 4. 'I'tiE fin* "P^'«' announcement regkrdlnf the resumption of Amerirvn exports to French North Africa was made by Vichy lam night All assurances have b en given by the i French authorities that American product* thus shipped will not be re-exported to Fruic*. nayt
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  • 52 9 London. July 4 CPHK Vichy Oovemment has protested t* Britain against the bombing ot B-lrut. According to the Vichy news agency, a iiotr has been handed to the BriUxh Am ha— dor In Madrid. Sir Ramuel Hove hy the Ftcneh Ambassador to Spain, M.
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  • 470 9 "U.S. TO TAKE OVER ICELAND PATROL OCEAN TO BRITAIN" Washington, July 3. CENATOR Burton K. Wheeler, leader of the Isolationists, told Pressmen to-day while refusing Ito disclose the source of his infor- i I mation that the United States would soon ;.erd army and navy i forces to Iceland, reports
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  • 681 9 PALMYRA FALLS AFTER 13 DAYS' SIEGE BOMBING Capture Puts Allied Forces In Vital Strategic Position I/Midon, July 4. THE Allied forces have captured Palmyra, the important oasis city astride the French oil pipe line in Central Syria after 13 days' siege. Palmyra about 150 miles north-east of Damascus was used
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 630 10 Another Contribution By Boys Of Singapore School DONATION FROM DUTCH CIVIL SERVANT THE War Fund has advanced by more than $1,300 since yesterday to $5,659,547. Imperial Chemical Industries (Malaya) Ltd., have sent a cheque for $269.01, representing pay received by various members of
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  • 58 10 New York. July 3. •yHE Federal Court to-day began hearing a suit brought by the Kingdom of Sweden and Kungl Flygoer Waltnlngen against the Vultee Aircraft Corporation for non-delivery to Sweden of 144 Vultee model pursuit planes. The plaintiffs claimed $11,445,517 plus the return
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  • 56 10 THE German radio announced last night that the Danish Government has requested the United States Government to close down all American eoruulatas in Denmark by July 15. The reason given Is that the United States has made it impossible for Danish consular officials to carry
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  • 144 10 BAFFLES HOTEL Dinner 4c Dance (Informal) 8 p.m. to midnight GJU-AT WORLD Cabaret: 7.30 to 9& 9 p.m. to Midnight. Globe: Mystery Sea Raider. Sky: French Without Tears. HAPPY THEATRE (Happy World) Come on, George. Seaside: Union Pacific. NXV? WORLD Talkies. Theatres and Cinemas, Side Show. Cabaret. Dancing. QI'EKNS.
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  • 99 10 ""pi IE King has approved of the posthumous award of the Victoria Cross to Suhadar Richpal Ram of the Raiputana Rifles for oustanding gallantry in action during fighting in the Middle Cast, it is officially announced. This is tbe second award of a Victoria Cross to
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  • 201 10 Air-Conditioned Store Scheme 1* H E air-conditioned Government store in Singapore for Atta flour has already begun to operate as a Pool, and regular importers of white wheat flour will shortly be advised by the Food Controller, Malaya, when the white wheat flour pool will be
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  • 135 10 LIM SENG CHOW, proprietor of stall In Wayang Street, was fined 575 in the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday on a charge of being In possession, for sale, of six bottles of brilllantine to which the false trademark "Erasmlc' and "Himalaya Bouquet" had been applied. Lim's appearance
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  • 33 10 A Birthday Honcurs award to an Army officer at present serving in Malaya, not hitherto announced Is a Companionship of the Order of the Indian Empire to Major-Gen. A. E. Bars tow, M.C.
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  • 50 10 This is one of the new type* of British, tanks which have been playing an important part m the recent Western Desert operations against Qerman and Italian armoured forces. This type scored qreai successes against the Italians in the initial drive into Cyrenaica.
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  • 240 10 Sequel To Johore Accident (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. July 3. D. SARABHAYA, a Thai, who described himself as a Journalist living In East Coast Road, Singapore, was found guilty by Mr. J. Bernard Weiss, First Magistrate, to-day, on a charge of negligent driving
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  • 249 10 (Fiom Our Own Correspondent) I JohDre Bahru, July 3. i U/EE Ji Joon, a Chinese, wsls conTict- ed by Tuan Haji Nassir, the Second Magistrate, to-day, en two charges of being in possession of seditious documents and being a member of an unlawful society
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  • 75 10 "pHE American community In Slnga- "pore are to-day celebrating Independence Day with an informal party at the Swiss Club at 5 p.m. Games such as badminton, tennis and swimming and other sports will be leatures of the party. The US. Consul-General, Mr. Kenneth S. Patton
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  • 188 10 Johore Plan For Regulating Borrowing To Be Watched A GOVERNMENT circular to departmental staffs on the subject of indebtedness is expected to be issued next week. Discussions which have been proceeding between the Colony and the F.M.S. Governments have ended, and the policy to be
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  • 23 10 'T'AKINO no chance n view of the present uncertain situation, three-day air raid exercises art being staged throughout Manchukuo Ueuter.
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  • 161 10 Chungking, July 1. rxiPLOMATIC quarters here, including Axis diplomats, very strongly discount the prevailing idea in Chungking that the Axis recognised Wang Chlng-wei'i Nanking regime in order to persuade Japan to attack Soviet Russia. Unimpeachable quarters reveal the Axis recognition of Nanking was promised and I
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  • 318 10 "WHICH course Is Japan going to choose: to help the Axis or remain neutral?" That Is one of the principal conjectures raised In comments in Chinese newspapers in Singapore on the German Invasion of Russia. The main objects ot this attack— to
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  • 155 10 More Comment In United States FORTRESS RAW MATERIALS BASE rE vital importance ot Singapore U the United States was stressed b] all speakers at yes-urdays debate bi the Institute of Pacific Affairs a CharlottesYille, says United Press. The Australian, Singapore and Indian Ocemn lines of communlcition are almost
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  • 117 10 PR obtaining a driving licence when h« had been disqualified frcm doing so for 12 months, W. H. Putscn, of the RAF Seletar. was fined $100 by Mr C H Whitton, the Traffic Judge yesterday. Outling the case. Court Inspector A. H. Frew said that 01.
    117 words
  • 94 10 New York. July 2. 'TWERE is no factual basis for any report 1 circulated abroad to the effect thai the 1 Netherlands Indies, Australia and Malaya have reached an agreement for the Joint I use of naval and air bases In the event of lan emergency,
    94 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 85 10 ill W&Smmy!&&]H ATTC C in R ELIABLE overseas reception Is more important than W S £Jk "•k c ever to-day. To obtain this: great sensitivity, low FOR CASH background noise and simplicity of tuning are essential. in DBVMI7IJTC f"Mt* tf O*7 t\f\ These are only three of the many outstanding
      85 words

  • 854 11 Alleges Many Boxers Are Stranded In Singapore "FORCED TO WORK IN CAFES FOR FEW CENTS A DAY" SAYS FAHMY IWAS stranded and I looked everywhere for help, but everyone refused to help me. I had come 4,000 miles from Egypt to earn money and I
    854 words
  • 28 11 fOLONEL C. F. Burton is to c»*e a 1 broadcast talk on 'The Royal Army Medical Corpr" from the Singapore station to-day at 7.15 p.m.
    28 words
  • 381 11 New Prohibitions Restrictions PROHIBITIONS. restrictions and licensing regulations relating to the importation of posted parcels into the United Kingdom are set out in an official communique Issued yesterday. In the present exceptional circumstances, many articles not normally subject to restriction upon importation into the United Kingdom
    381 words
  • 301 11 Last Seen Alive When He Visited Coffee Shop TTHE discovery or the body or a Chinese in the Lim Chu Kang River on June 25 was inquired Into by Mr. W. O. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, yesterday. Tan Pau. a labourer, stated that while
    301 words
  • 430 11 Chance Arrival Of Police On Scene A YOUNG Chinese shop assistant, Ong Chew Lan, alleged in the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday that in attempting to escape from a crowd of men, one of whom held a knife, he plunged into a river, and that when
    430 words
  • 151 11 APPEARING on two charges invoking possession of housebreakir g I implements In Onan Read and escaping from lawful custody at the Jur.cI tion of Kallang Road and Lavenoar Street, Paw Kirn Chuan received a total lof three months' rigorous lmprisonjment In the Singapore Second
    151 words
  • 57 11 A CHARGE of abetting the offence of to a police offirer lorged $10 nctes was explained to a 45-year-old Japanese. Mitso Hirata, in the Singapore Third Ccurt yesterday Hirata is alleged to hare known that the notes were forged by a Chinese at an heel in Singapore.
    57 words
  • 45 11 HEADLINE News and Views at present broadcast by the BBC and relayed by Singapore dally at 8.05 am will go on the air at 8.20 a.m. as from Sunday. A Paderewski programme will be broadcast from the S.ngapore station at 9.35 pm. to-day.
    45 words
  • 441 11 fHE funeral ;>f Mr. Vaclav Paul Rojt 1 which took piace at Bldadari Cemjt.ry yesterday evening was preceded by a lull choral service at the Cathedral of the Good Snepherd. The Rev. Father N. Maury officiated. At the conclusion of the
    441 words
  • 169 11 Valuable Malayan Deposits Of Base For Aluminium A MALAYAN production of bauxite, which is used as a source of aluminium, has been stimulated in the last year or so as a consequence of the war. The latest figures show that May exports amounted to
    169 words
  • 59 11 *rHE rubber industry of Sarawak has given a total of $150,000 to the Imperial Government for the prosecution of the war. Just a year ago the industry made a gift of $10Q,CJ0 Now it has contributed a further $50,000, which has been remitted to
    59 words
  • 56 11 A PETITION for the dissolution cf th2ir marriage on the ground of adultery brought by Mrs. Mary Hoafling against her hurband, Isaac Hunter Hoahlng, was adjournrd from a date t3 be fixed by the Reslstnr. when It was mentioned before the Chief Jurtire, Sir Percy McElwaine. yesterday. Mr.
    56 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 136 11 > i MACARONI Wl^^^ SPAGHETTI TRAVERS PERFECTION |_^Sa»_ ship Ihhihf' BRAND CEREALS M osj^hTXa YEV E R 5 sonj£ MV 6 Sydney is oniy 2' 2 u< j-j nays travel iil.ii. iinfcapore l.> ana 21 days of pleasant cruising by sea, while Perth is oniy 11 days by sea Modern
      136 words
    • 174 11 W^Z S&HH FINEST STAiNLESS kJlijtlerv BRITISH ,1 SILVER FOX Finest Stainless Steel Tableware. These Spoons Forks are made of the highest grade Stainless Steel known to modern science by skilled j Sheffield cutlers and are excellent value. TABLE SPOONS 10. 95 doz. DESSER T SPOONS 8. SO doz. TABLE FORKS
      174 words

  • 844 12 German Claim Soviet Forces Now Falling Back Along Whole Front London, July 3. ALTHOUGH the Germans have advanced in several areas in the Russian theatre of war, it is obvious that, owing to the tenacious nature of Russian resistance and the fierce
    Reuter  -  844 words
  • 388 12 London, July 2. i BRITAIN 'L decision to help the j Russian aircraft industry to develop its own resources In the j light of Britain's experience of the war in the air may be seen as the Arst step in direct air aid
    Reuter  -  388 words
  • 164 12 Madrid, July 3. "CPAIN'S position as a result of the Russo -German war cannot be other than that of the most resolute moral belligerency at the side of her friends against the most h* *ed of all Spain's enemies," stated Senor Suner, Spanish Foreign Minister, in
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 178 12 London Impressed By Stalin's Realism London, July 3. DEALISM was the keynote of Stalin's broadcast to the people of Russia to-day, writes Renter's diplomatic correspondent. There was no attempt to mince matters nor shrink from the truth. Indeed, it savours somewhat of Mr. Churchill's famous "blood, sweat and sacrifice" speech.
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 161 12 I TENOVA SOCKS Ply '-''W n m THE SOCK THAT STAYS UP! jj I Jrj The ultimate stage of sock evolution, Tenova Y( \J socks are sock and suspender all in one piece. .'J 5 They need no adjustment, no attention. The .)l J/\ band at the top containing Lastex
      161 words
    • 223 12 I lre«bne«« ever _^J W. XL 1 n^H t 1 W Jn AM n^Jbte iluV 7M ■^■k The more T" *pp rrc Jgftßtißq i tl> nor ,M«» f n|l|l "i DELICIOL'S CI'RRT TIFFIN OAILT, PopuUr Jl.»0 Dinner no »iid»T A Satuntaj evenlncs. """^Til^ I Chlrkrn pics. Carry Purls A French
      223 words

  • 228 13 Reprisal Against U.S. Embargoes Or War Move Aimed At Soviet? New York, July 3. REPORTS that the Japanese Government has ordered all Japanese ships to return to home ports lack confirmation in Washington, says Reuter, adding it is strongly rumoured in Manila
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  • 179 13 Tokio, July 3. r[E Yomiuri Shimbun to-day estimated that 150 Russians have decided to return to Russia because of the intensification of the Russo-German war situation. The newspaper said the wives and children of members of the Russian Embassy here and other women and children, totalling
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 483 13 London, July 3. THE Times in an editorial entitled Japan Waits says the long-ex-pected declaration of Japanese policy was issued yesterday by Mr. Y. Matsuoka, Japanese Foreign Minister, as the oulcome of a series of meetings and proves a model of caution.
    Reuter  -  483 words
  • 237 13 Tokio, July 3. IAPAN'S announced determination to respect both the TripwUt* and Soviet neutrality pacts will, it was reported here to-day, result In a Japanese-German agreement under which Japan will continue her efforts' to prevent the United States from participating in the European war in return for
    237 words
  • 61 13 Shanghai, Juiy 3. SERIOUS complications are threatened in the International Settlement as the result of recognition of Nanking by the Axis-dominated countries, all ot whom, excepting Italy, do not possess extrallty rights. It is believed that th»lr nationals now will to submit to the Jurisdiction of
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 137 13 4,200 Prisoners At Debra Tabor Cairo, July 3. ■■pO-DAY's Cairo communique reports another important stage In the final reduction of Italian resistance In Abyssinia. The Italian cmimander at Debra Tabor has agreed to surrender on the same terms as those imposed on the Duke of Acsta at
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 42 13 Tokio. July 3. TnfE Privy Council to-day approved the Jjpan-Indo-China trade treaty n.icluded on May 6. as well as a protocol stipulating the readjustment of the Thalland-todo-Chlna border dispute wM had been concluded on May 9. United Press.
    42 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 157 13 j MMM^^^^ MMMM MM .^^j^^^^^ M^^^^^Kaßi^i^n^^'T-va^MiS<iilKiSMMnyjn^SaMß3BMgsM gsssU PUC JiSS gSB^gSBBBBBBBBBBBBsl^nWfl^B? I aJ- *m\%J^* -lljO r '.fey. W M "i w*^ Mil Mm *^^m j jVj He mil W KfliJm m P^ M >'S fe/ 1 ES^^^^ H fl-Tfl i is^gsH v> 4* gsHK^gwTi fc t .s^gsß KgsM a^Hwl J* S.
      157 words
    • 190 13 HUNDREDS ALREADY SOLD! DRESS LENGTH BARGAINS BEST and BEAUTIFUL AT 40-50% REDUCED PRICES MODERN'S 34-Kigh Street Phone 4663 KREMENTZ GUFF LINKS Krementz Cuff Links offer a selection of neat, dignified designs. Made of 14 X L rolled gold plate, they are all guaranteed to wear in-dt-finitly even in the mo-t
      190 words

  • 980 14 "Substantial Improvement" Is Anticipated From New System London, July 3. THE British Government's news and publicity policy was discussed in the House of Commons to-day on the Ministry of Information and the Foreign Office votes. The Lord President of the Coun- ell. Sir John Anderson, at
    980 words
  • 205 14 London, July 3. "THE "menace to the safety of Britain' due to German agents' ability to cross the border from Ulster to Eire and dispatch information to Oermany In sealed diplomatic bags was pointed out at question time in the Hous: of Commons by Sir
    205 words
  • 69 14 IN reply to questions in the House of 1 Commons yesterday about the British military mission to Russia. Mr. L S. Amery. Secretary of State for India, said that there was no necessity for separate Indian mission and there was no reason to suppose that the Govern ment of India
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 186 14 TAILORING of DISTINCTION |A^M Individuality l^f* 1 Phono 2066 b Singapore. 2 APB 4 When you buy an H M.V. Sil«nt Crculater Refrig* ♦ratoAfor your home or business you buy something more than the product you see much as appearance atone may have influenced your decision. You have th« satisfaction
      186 words
    • 254 14 |BiH^^Btt^M*ft^B^B^^^^^fca^Bi^Bl^a*Mw l .*^r^b a tt_. JattaMttß^ flfi|jgapfaß| Germs can enter slightest u1..,1i> cub— disinfect with DETTOL 1 ZV Take care ot cuti and wound* Sharp things like I kaives, ternary tin opener*, can cause poisonous I "^-—Z>^^2 wounds to you and your children Bathe cuts and I to* o*Atit fXs~
      254 words

  • 247 15 Weights Selections For To-morrow TTHK following are the weights and selections, subject to scratching, for to-morrow, the tinai day of the Taiping Turf Club's July professional meetinr Horses; Class 3, »bout 6 furlongs: Lady Zenta 9.04 Tupla 8.00 Stonechat 8.03 The Cutter 7.13 i Titled
    247 words
  • 158 15 TMEftE was very little activity en the 1 tracks at Bukit Timah this morning, only a very few hor.-es being exercised in preparation for the Singapore July race meeting, which starts on Saturday, July 12. The firs* out were Last Chance and Royal Desue.
    158 words
  • 39 15 Soccer: S.A.F A. league, first division, Malays vs. R.A. (A.A.)., stadium; second division (a), Publishers vs. 5.H.8., S H. 8.; second division (b), Air Headquarters vs. Post Office, Post Office. Athletics: Singapore amateur championships, S.C.C. padang.
    39 words
  • 322 15 Fort Canning 9: J.C.S.A. 0. PLAYING with rood understanding Fort Canning scored an overwhelming victory hy nine »oals to nil over the J.C.S A. n a second division (b) league soccer match played at the J.C.S.A. ground yesterday. Johnston. Fort Canning's centre forward, was the outstanding
    322 words
  • 94 15 TIE men's Junior doubles event In the Singapore Badminton championI ships was brought to its final stage when both seml-flnal ties were played at the Clerical Union Hall last night. The results were Goh Tlan Chye and Lim Yew Hock iMayfain beat R. Ragunathan and Hoo Chun
    94 words
  • 74 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 2. THE Negri Sembilan Amateur Athletic Association will hold a championship meeting on July 26 at Seremban. This year's meeting will be confined to a single day. There is expected to be keen competition as A.I.F. athletes will probably participate. There will
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  • 64 15 rE sixth annual athletic sports of the V.M.C.A. School will be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Saturday, July 12, starting at 2.30 p.m. The following events will be run for old boys and entries will be accepted at the post: 100 yards handicap at 3.30
    64 words
  • 58 15 New 'iork, July 3. CRITZIE ZIVIC, the wond welter- weight champion, defeated Al Davis of Brooklyn by a technical knockout in the tenth round of a scheduled twelve-round hout at the Polo grounds here on Wednesday ni;ht. Zlvic weighed in at Id st. 9 lb.
    58 words
  • 1162 15 Tin Pocket Surprises In The Fifth Race (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 3. TIN Pocket, paying $74 in the fifth race, was the only horse to spring a big surprise here to-day, the opening day of the Taiping Turf Club's July professional meeting. The
    1,162 words
  • 178 15 AN Antl-Alrcralt Battery cricket side beat the Officer Cadets Training Onit by 12 runs In a cricket match played at Changl I yesterday: I A.A. BATTERY Scully b Sanderson 0 Hunt c Comforth b Beer 0 Labrooy c Cornforth b Sande:soa 2 Lt. Hunt
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  • 382 15 THERE are 148 competitors in the seventh championship meeting of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association which began on the padang yesterday, continues to-day and ends to-morrrow. Two finals were decided yesterday. Fer.ner won the throwing of the discus event with a throw of 110
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  • 78 15 Selangor Penang To Meet At Ipoh (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 3. OWING, it U understy.d, to the refusal of the rtadlum (round by the Malaya Agri-HDrticultural Association's authorities for the piaying of the Malaya Cup soccer match between Selangor and Penang this Saturday, the
    78 words
  • 20 15 TTOE Mora via- V.M C.A. league soccer match, which was arranged to have been played yesterday, was postponed.
    20 words
  • 176 15 THE order of running and n^nar"eptors for to-morrow's races will be found in Page Four if received in time. P. lire fallowing the hv ident during the match between South China and Selangor iast week when a large ssction of the crowd entered the field and attempted
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  • 103 15 •T^HE following are Straits Chinese 1 Recreation Club cricket teams for week-end gomes Arainst the Royal Navy at the S.C.R.C. at 2 pjn. to-morrow Chua Bx>n Unn, Fong Kirn Wah, Ong Swee Keng, Fung Guan Chye, Swe? Lim Swang, Un Hon Wing, Tan Hak Wan. Ong Teck
    103 words
  • 67 15 r'S following have been selected to represent the Sinhalese Association in a cricket fixture against the R.A.M.C. on the R.A M.C. ground at 2 p.m. on Sunday: J. N. Fernando (capt.), S. Gunawardene. C. Senevlratne, K. MorJ>nda. H. H. Samson. G. Ranatunga, S. A. Williams, Fred van Rooyen.
    67 words
  • 30 15 •yHE annual general meeting of the Singapore Table Tennis Association will be held at the Straits Chinese Recreation Club, New Bridge Road at 2.15 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 53 15 »THE following will represent the 1 Y.W.CA. at cricket against the V.MC.A. at Anson Road at 2.30 p.m. to-mrrrow: Phyllis Eber (capt.h H. E. Archdale, Miss Finch. Betty Ferguson. Araxy Edgar, Eileen Frugtneit, S. Q. Singh. Constance Struys, Patricia Elliott. Jean La Brcoy, Violet Bates. Reserves: Sylvia Armstrong
    53 words
  • 68 15 TWE following have been selected to I play cricket for Catholic Youns Men's Association against the Pitman's College (.-i the C.V.M.A. ground at St. George's Road, on Sunday D. 8. Femandes (capt.), A. Lewis, C. Cruz, J. R. D'Souza. A. Ferrao, J. C. D'Souza, Anandan, B. Snare*. M
    68 words
  • 41 15 TTHE Singapore Swimming Club beat the V.M. C.A. by three goals to one in a water-polo match played at the Singapore Swimming Club yesterday. The S.B.C. will meet the O.C.T.U. at the S.S.C. at 10.45 a.m. on Sunday.
    41 words
  • 99 15 Teams For Saturday 's Cup Soccer THE Singapore team to meet Malacca In a Malaya Cup mat-h at Anaoa R">ad stadium tomorrow will be selected from th* foil i wing: Webber. Wai Mun. Abdul Rahman, Soon Sun, Chooi 001. Seng Quee, Axis, Ho r Khoon, Chuan, Taib, Tee Slang,
    99 words
  • 49 15 Los Angeles, July I. RICHIE Lemis, the Mexican bcxer reildent In Los Angeles, won the world featherweight championship, as recognised by the National Boxing Association of America, by knocking out Pete Scalzo in the fifth round Bc also held the title for 13 menths.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 63 15 •yHE following U the result of the 1 women's foursome, competition, in aid of The War Fund, played over 12 holes at the Garrison Golf Club on Monday: 1 Mrs. J. J O'Dwyer and Mr*. R. H. H. Stewart 5«— 9 =47 (0.G.C.) 2: Mrs. Ross and
    63 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 347 15 mS^sV^^^sssssssssssSß \s \N \^7~ X. T \^y European Lady w^~" J^^asst^--^ 7 I *VV Bombay. "1 h*ve much pleasure ly\/^'*^* Sl "•'^•'^i-' n sstanKt nXn X that since I have taken Okasa, my health has improved 111 lUAuru ai 1 ftir.c. Jtreatly. For the last two ALL WOMEN Need OKASA
      347 words