The Straits Times, 1 July 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 158 1 i ■^BV^LkRvCV x^QbVs wKm bI I 1 1 b| ifl ill b^Lb L^L^bV v vi v^^r nBJ 11 1 Iks^b^bl L^bhb^b^bbbhb^b^hhb^LV B^B^bW^^B^B^bWv\^^^B^BH B^B^k^^^^^v^"^ -rr J& iW/ /rf/ J V^^^?ffoPPß vS&7*Jtf JO <J^ "B^ li HbVBDHK^ x '^/JtWO^bl TrTr* V i]?^ 0"* */4 B^\ V^vS L^L^L. jf^' ig* 9 o^a^ tAb^LV
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    • 8 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Mormnft Afternoon Evening Dresses.
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    • 118 2 MADAM TAN SIOK HAY. alias Biblk Kelantan (the late Mr. Koh Seng Boon's mother) aged 75 years eld. passed away peacefully on Sunday the 29th June at her residence No. 93 Koon Seng Road, S'poie leaving one son Mr. Koh Seng Lye ten rrandsons Messrs. Koh Hood Poh. Koh
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 872 2 %\w Straits Wmts SMALL ADS, i Minimum charge SI. i far advt oat exceeding 4 Km i Man than fear IbMi 25 cent* per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cent* extra. i DOMESTIC OCCCKKSMCn BIRTHS. MAKatIAGEM. DEATHS. i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ANNOUNCE Mr NTS PPC CABDS arc charged SI each sat
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    • 813 2 HOUSES FLATS, TO LET~ d TO LET. seaside Katong. "Beach Hou»T Tin* Parade). Apply_Meyer Brothel TO LET; Residential Flat X. b 7 Thomas Walk, 3 large, 2 aman rooms spacious hall, verandahs, baths, earaxes 5 water, electricity. gaa^^Appiy within. 1 TO LET, Seaside Brick bunealow ww a Ma* lican Rd
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    • 765 2 PUBLIC NOTICES THE LAHAT MINES, LIMITED (Incorporated tn Et.gtaod Advice ha* been recetreri t» cable that, at the Annual General «leettaj to be held on 11th proximo, the Directors wilj recommend the payment at a final dividend of \2*~' c (tea Income Tax) In rwptct of the mar «-ded 3
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    • 461 2 TEN D E RS TENDERS TENDERS are Invited by the undersigned i, OI ",Ji pproved E""""^ ContractorsTfor site Formation on Lota Nos 4. 7 and 7A at Queen Astrld Park, Coronal .on Road Tender Forms may be obte:ned and Plans and specification lntp-rted at our offices Nunes Building, Malacca Street.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 573 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS (Incorporated B> Janam GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO SAN FBANCIBCO Manila. Hong Kong. Kobe, Yokohama llonolulo San Francisco aad Lea Angles mi ASAMA MARO omitting H X Manila from S'hal July 10 mi. TATUTA MARU omitting H FC, Manila from S'hal July 3 s.a.
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    • 445 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 32 3 ca^e{ite THE Wtin.. a»s^r^xw»aal 188% CANE FIBBK INSULATING BOARD Sole Ag«nt*T (Incorporated m SS ■■■MiaMi 541 Wannt lts annaann [f^^J /fIUDGE^K BICYCLE/f TEL 4566 OyV/ V^HUQTRO^V \2l 124 OPCHfIBU M.^S V VBOBr
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 198 3 Radio Programmes TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHI-, 1.333 kc l (225 a.) KHPI 969 DC/I (UM m) (ZHPZ (.175 bc/i 48.SS m.) (ZHP3 7.25 OK/I (41 38 m.) A> from to-day, (here win be ehaiifca in the tlmlnf of our Krencb and Dutch Programmes which will be a* follows:— FRENCH (Dally). 6
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    • 246 3 Relayed from London: 8.S5 p.m. "Questions of the Hour". R layed from London; 6.50 p.m. Children's Programme: Play 'The Hare and the rorwise"; 7.15 p.m. Talk: en "Spices*" by Esther Falrb»lrn; 7.80 p.m. Trio In D. Minor, OP. 32, By Arensky. on Gramophone Records: 7.35 p.m. Selections from musical comedl'S
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    • 977 3 EMPIRE STATION Kertsew krea»eac» "»ebe#alei tasters Tr»o»ml»»ter •.15 o.m I* II M ».*•*> OST-I7J1 I m/«; 1(44 Mrtr« CiSf IS.14 mr IS SI metrr» From 1 *i am 111* a.m <■>• <iSl*— 5 me Mil metre* p Worth AmertcuB ttiwnlil P GSD- OSC III tnelr» o«nd> as* G«l C
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    • 477 3 RBN9I fDB IS.31 me t M9.SI a. >; TIH. IS. IS llt.M am.); TLt II.M net ifiJtt a-i; fMN m iMlM a ii tlM II. 4 ■LI. VHII <I4 art itt.Vt a.i 4. SO p.m. Programme preview. Tea concert; 5.50 p.m. Malayan Language Course; 6.20 p.m. Prlnro Scala'i Arc.rdeon Band;
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  • 254 4 Cheerful Tone And Gilt-Edged Firm Ceo Loao i% 1B44-44... 107 Puatllag Loan 4% i«60-*C n< «'u Lou l\i% K4* Car. Union Aasce (Delta) 6% Prudential Aiaoe "A".. lf% Royal Awcc 7% Oreat Wotmi Bly. Qro. (7 Canadian Pacific <£25| 8 9 1* Chartered Bast 'tb bU f'K
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  • 78 4 New York, June 30. •T'HE following were the prices tot Straits tin and rubber In crnts r« pjund on the Cammoclity F^rrmngg to-day and Friday TIN new contracts —United Press Spot July August September October in nun; Spot July P^ptwi s we r October
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  • 448 4 Moderate Turnover: Prices Firm: Rubber Quiet By Oar Financial Correspondent Singapore, July l. ALTHOUGH the share markets were 1 opened fox only half a day yester- day there was fair business done and prices m all sections remained firm Several isolated deals m counters j which hare
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  • 92 4 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES < From Our Own Oorresocndeiu i London June 30 COMMODITY and «-"h-Tf mmrweu ctamd KUBBER: steady. for .urauo. m White Muntok- 13»»<! (134 l«mponK black in bond; 7*d (7%d) FIN: Easier 8pot £2i6', (C3STH) Porward: £280 (M60K) New York: 52 "4 cU. <n"i cti.> BOLD: To-day, idt iihi,.
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  • 131 4 London, June JO. THE Rubbrr Controller has asked the i Trade to ose July frd«ht allocations only for contracts opened before May 6 after which rubber iv controlled. The Controller retjulred particulars of all shipping space available after fulfilment of these pre-rero contracts. In
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 87 4 '"♦■■■r"s^ Stcgapore, J«lr 1. tHmHer iim Hamburg Cube (12.25 ■h»r« Cube tlUM Copra •nx«tf mis ■ua Driad ttJO Pepprr White Muntok $1525 While $14.75 Blsrk $72f Sago Flour Nr Unm $445 $4.45 Fmlr $4.30 Sarawak $4.52^ $432'Tapicca Small Plate t7.«0 Pair Flake $7 35 Uedlum-Flike $g.5Q Small
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  • 190 4 TCe foUowtng art th* mctum«r rstet UiL morning according u.t dally etrcclai ism» ay thr Hongkong aoo n ghw Banfclui OonmraUoa:— ■Mi L««lcm T.T 2/4 I/J2 London demand J/4 3/32 Switzerland <T.T. only) 203. 4« New York demand 47.10 Montreal demand tI.M Batavia demand 18.71 Samwang demand 88 58
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  • 90 4 TIN QUIET FEWER BUYERS London. June 30. TTIN opened quiet. The turnover was 200 toni. Buyers were apathetic but the turnover was smaller as sellers were less pressing, perhaps becaos* cash tin has now fallen to £256 at which level the Ministry had previously pegged the price. After official hours
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 66 4 New York. June 30. THE following were the Dow Jones! Averages when the New York stock Exchange closed to-day and Saturday:— June 28 Jane 3« JO Industrials 123 40 123 14 M Rails 28 49 28 "1 15 Utilities 17.86 17 80 H> Bond* JUS
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  • 85 4 Bmyrn Stllrrs n. ,x MA (Spat loose) jt^, Mst Wa. IX EJ!.«. f»h t. cw i •Inly Sf', 39 G.F.AQ. X S.S. f• b In talc, JUI J wu u\ J«it nn jj^ FUTX'BE QUOTATIONS No. IX B.S.S. on Rcfistprrd Irndrr July-Sept fU j.,1; Oct-Djtc.
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  • 260 4 Mass Execution By Rumanian Army Budapest, June 30. ACCORDING to official renorts rrach- ing here, the Rumanian Ocvernment has Issued a communique stating that 500 Jewish Communists were shoe m Jassy to-day They were said to have established contact with Russian para< hut xti who
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 243 4 Seven Suspects Plead Guilty At Brooklyn New York, June 30. OEVEN of the 29 persons arrested on charges ol espionage, pleaded guilty when they were arraigned m the Feoeral Court at Brooklyn. They face a maximum sentence of 20 years' Imprisonment. The/ pleaded guilty to charges
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 155 4 "Urgency In Everything Is Our Watchword" Ottawa, June 30. URGENCY In everything to our watch, word." said Lord Beaverbrook. new Minister ol Supply, conversing by transatlantic telephone with Mr. Gladstone Murray. General Manager ol the Canadian Broadcartln* Corporation. "Speed m proluction is vow a supreme war necessity." he idded "I
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 79 4 London. July 1. MOSCOW radio announcer, harking bark "1 to the history of the war against Napoleon, referred to the present struggle ai "fatherland war." The announcer commented on the extra* ordinary enthusiasm marLlng military motailiaiUon. The war spirit has spread to schoolboys who have flocked
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 171 4 Ootnpaay Dtrtdend CIom TW Ampat S% June i» Ayer Hitam 74 lee, tax Klang River 71^% July 34 K. L. Tin If Kuchal ioc, |nt. July is lingul S c- O mt it July 21 Rantau 12-i% July 11 Sthn. Trcnoh l\k% ess ttx Ju-e If
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 191 4 MtAS f "ATLAS A" is the most powerful wood preservative extant and the cheapest. Supplied concentrated and diluted, a sgallon drum will make up as much as 20 to 50 gallons of ready-to-use solution, according to requirements. BE AS ACTIVE AS YOUR ENEMY THE ANTS write at once for full
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 96 4 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES To-day H.W. 3. 18 a.m. 8.9 It.; 3.25 p.m. 8 3 ft L.W. 8. 45 a.m. 1.6 ft.: t.02 p.m. 3.7 It. ro- morrow H.W. 3.14 am. 8.4 ft.; 4.15 p.m. 8.2 ft L.W. t 34 a.m. 2.4 ft.; 10.05 p.m. 3.6 ft. "nmrsday, July 3 H.W.
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  • 944 5 Profit Earned $353,491: $12,000 To F.M.S. War Fund PROPOSING the adoption of the re- port and accounts for the year ended March last at the annual meeting of Rlvervlew Rubber Estates Ltd In Ipoh on Saturday, Mr. J. D. Mead, thp chairman, said: The
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  • 109 5 London. June 30. The following are to-day's bid" qu nations [or Fixed Trust*:— I. a. British Empire "A" not avauabrt British Empire "B" not fallible British Empire Cumulative not available British Empire C'prebenslve not a'alKbM British General -A" 14 9 British General "B" 13 6 British General "C"
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  • 1332 5 Bajen Seller* Ampat (5») 3i 3)McA Austral Amal. (5a) 7s l'.id 7s Cd Austrai Mala; Hi S3.« to Ur «a Ayer Hltam (Ss) 17s 185 cd. Ayer Weng (tl> .70 .71 Rangnn Tin if 12» So 14* Batu Selangor (II) 1.44 1.4* Berjuntal (5s) 9s
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  • 37 5 is follows: TO-MOBBOW air deUan air r'alembang air AKSIVALS 0 a.m. 11 a.m. 9 a.m. Malls Java and Sumatra (air) lellrery 1 40 p.m. to-day. Malls from Indo-China (air) Utflrerjr 1.40 pjn. to-morrow.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 49 5 So easy-so quick-with jifIWMJ Brasso Mm |C\ BROOKE BOND TEA I cutopanl N '40ES3i WeW c P atent sealed container pvpaffflir m which you receive Brooke t Bond Tea is the outward sign r inward freshness, and freshness means flavour. Cfor Jauy uf J Sole Agents: F.A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ, LTD.
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    • 355 5 PUBLIC NOTICES LINGUI TIN, LIMITED, (Incorporated In the BtralU Settlement*) DIVIDEND NO. J». NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVZN that a Third Interim Dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, has been declared on account of the year ending 31st August. 1941. and will be paid to Shareholders on the Register
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    • 710 5 RUBBER GROWERS' ASSOCIATION The Ordinary General Meeting of the Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated) was held on Monday, 28th April at the offices of the Association, 19, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. Mr. T. Taylor (the chairman), m the course of his speech, said: At our Annual Meeting a year ago my
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    • 431 5 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED. Guaranteed ana Controlled b? rilK MERCANTILE MM Or MM! MMITFI) The Company wnich is incorporated :n the 83 and registered as a Trust Comoany. undertakes the following duties: EXECUTOR «r OH TRUSTEE Of A WILL ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTAIt OF DECEASED PERSON TRUSTEE OF
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 113 6 GARRICK La«t Nicht 7.M A ».i 5 A antoncw- Talkie "BLOOD ITEKO" To-Morraw Nijht at 7.15 BcU Lucosl la "THE PHANTOM C RSEPB" (Complete SerUl) ■10-NIGHT A TO.MOEJIOV. 7 fM. A 9 p hi ANN SHEKIOAN IN "IT AIX CAME TBVB" Next ChMMf.— -I WANT A WTOKCT" ■hw^nks all eye
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    • 125 6 UNPRECEDENTED SCENES YESTERDAY AS HUNDREDS STORMED OUR BOX-OFFICES! EDGAR WALLACE'S great adventure BREAKS RECORDS AT EVERY SHOW!! CAPITOL TODAY 10.30 A.M. -3.15- 8.30 \Q f&\ 4l/ 2 HOURS OF THRILLS.... t\J^fc») Unequalled m any previous screen cfferinjr S2^lr~ 'fc^^^n Vi AT USUAL PRICES! Bußmi Wm^GStß^jmKr edgar Wallace's *5 million-sale story—
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  • 1165 7 Great Statesman Pianist Dies In New York At Age Of n 0 New York, June 30. CIR IGNACE JEAN PADEREWSKI, statesman and pianist *^of international repute, died here from pneumonia yesterday, after a week's illness, aged 80, says Reuter. His sister, Antonina Wllkonska, his
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  • 132 7 Tokio, June 30. rEMENDOUS destruction has been caused m western Japan, including Kyushu, by the heaviest rainfall m 12 years. It began three days ago, and ended to-day. The main railway lines south of j Kyoto are beginning to resume service on a cautious scale
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 91 7 Canberra, June 30. riRTHER cull ou Imports from noostcrlbif countries to tbe value ot £1.250.000 were announced to-lay by Mr. E. J. Harrison, Australian Minister far Otatoms. The restrictions come Into operation to-morrow. The principal items are 25 per cent, cut In artificial silk plecegoods and
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 48 7 London, June 30. rIK British authorities are sending 400 tons of food daily to Damascus. They have done this since they entered the city. Thi* information :s glren authoritatively m London In contradiction of Axis-Inspired reports that the BilUli are allowing the population of Damascus to starve.— Reuter.
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    • 237 7 ESTELLE COWAN Announces With Pleasure The OPENING of COCONUT GROVE TO-NIGHT Extension Until 1 AJ*. DINE DANCE BY THE SEA TABLE d'Hote Dinner A La Carte CHINESE CHOW Entertainment by Kleiny and Boys and COWAN BAILEY ***** For Reservations ***** SHE'S A hit with «W| —-~^=M OUR PATRONS' mfl| Wss
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  • 1202 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1941. (668 th Day Of The War.) HOW HITLER WAS TEMPTED Since the outbreak of the war between Germany and Russia, cabled news services have quoted many views on the reasons which prompted Hitler to undertake his! latest gamble. Strangely enough, not one
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 482 8 "Deceived, Bewildered And Despondent" To the Editor of the Straits Times Mr.— Pleass permit me to comment an your leader "Kid Glove*. You are absolutely right m urging that tne Allies adept a realist policy m tlis war, but I suggest that we were wt«e to retrain from
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    • 208 8 Money To Continue Fight Against Invader To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— The Sino-Japanese war started on July 7. 1937, at the famous Marco Polo Bridge. We Chinese have played our part to raise money for distress In the land of our forefathers, China, the
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    • 144 8 Hitler Offers Britain His Word To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Your recent leading article "Too Much Gloom" bade us. very rightly, laugh now and then, at certain lighter issues of the war. So we laughed at Mus&clini, Ciano, and Co., voting them the world's best clowns.
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    • 678 8 "Nothing Succeeds Like Success" To the Editor of the Straits Tiroes Sir.— l was very glad to read your leader to-day. I have myself nevci feared this Hitler, for he Is not so yen? clever after all! But I have felt very much afraid for the nations and
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    • 283 8 Advice On Treatment Of Eye Troubles To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir— During this season, I understand, there is an epidemic of eye disease among poultry, and I have received some inquiries as to methods or treatment. I would advise the following treatment which, m my
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    • 520 8 Remarkable Career Of Harry Barton To the Editor of the Straits Times SJr.— The death In England of Harry Barton, an Anglo-Indian trades union leader. might recall to many AngloIndians settled In Malaya the end of a remarkable career. The Eurasians »n India have produced some remarkable
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    • 378 8 Adding To The Dangers Of The Road To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— One sees all too frequently on the roads around Singapore, rars am lorries with tyres so badly worn that the canvas inner linings are exposed and m direct contact with t.h, surface. For
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 ".'oil Didn't Warn Us" Tills is the usual remark one hears after a burglary has occurred when unreliable locks are used. SAFEGUARD yourself by installing Master hasp- locks No. 4SOB to all your doors and your worries are over. Sole Agents for Malaya: CHIN HO CO., SINGAPORE. THE ARMY! THE
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    • 100 8 Don't Neglect Your Vision! Have your ryes scientifically examined and defect! of Vision properly corrected by a qualified specialist, a S. CHONG, Dr. of Optometry Everbright Optical Co. 19. ChuUa Street Phone 4435. CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE F. M. S. RAILWAYS. KEEP WAGONS MOVING WITH MAXIMUM LOADS TOU can help the
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  • 824 9 6 NowIs Time To Strike At German Menace AMERICA HAS "GOD-GIVEN CHANCE" TO ACT FIRMLY Vital Raw Materials Must Reach Britain Safely "HTHE time to use our navy to clear the At- lantic of the German menace is at hand row is
    Reuter  -  824 words
  • 68 9 Tokio, July 1. piFTY aircraft, quantities of steel, lead, copper, explosives, trucks and other war materials for the Chungking forces have been landed from American steamers at Rangoon, according to the Japanese Domei News Agency. It is also reported that the United States will send
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 223 9 Ship Torpedoed In Atlantic American Marines Nurses Picked Up Washington, June 30. THE Navy Department confirmed that 1 a foreign flag steamer, unofficially reported to be the Maarden, a former Dutch vessel now m the service of the British mercantile marine, American marines and nurses to London has been
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 28 9 London. July 1. TWO Italian planes were shot down 1 into the sea off Malta yesterday morning by British fighters, and a I third one was damaged. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 579 9 Berlin, July 1. THE German High Command is again employing encircling tactics tor eventual "strangulation of Soviet, troops m three separate areas," according to the latest reports reaching I here last night, says Unltod Press. Encirclement movements are reportied at Bialystok
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  • 86 9 Washington, June 30. CENATOR Burton K. Wheeler to-day asked for an investigation into reports published by Joseph Alson and Pearson and Allen, who are responsible for the Washington Merry-Go-Round syndicated column. The column has reported that American naval vessels have
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  • 721 9  - "Position Is Favourable To Soviet Gen. Gough HUBERT GOUGH BY GEN. SIR (Renter's Military Commentator) London, July 1. THE general outline of positions on the Russo-German front do not seem to have materially altered during the last few days, but this fact itself Is of great importance and is highly
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  • 523 9 No Confirmation Of Minsk 's Capture German Losses Steadily Mounting, Aver Russians London, July 1. THE latest Soviet High Command communique from Mos- cow received this morning says nothing to confirm the German claim to have captured Minsk, capital of White Russia, nor does it admit that the Germans have
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 550 10 Large Contribution To-day From Swimming Club Lottery SARAWAK PLANS TO RAISE BIG SUM WITH REGATTA A DDITIONS to The War Fund, totalling a little over $1,000, carry the gross total to $5,651,448. The largest item m to-day's list of acknowledgments is a further
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  • 91 10 Shanghcl, June 30. THE Japanese military spokesman called on the Municipal Police Commissioner. Mr. Kenn th M. Bourne, to-day and filed a protest against an article and pictures published In the American- owned and edited China Weekly Review regarding Col. Kingoni Hashimoto, who was d<scrux-d as
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  • 140 10 Guide To Shows Transport TO help solve the difficulties which face men of the fighting forces In Singapore m finding their way about or finding places of recreation and restaurants, the Services Entertainment Committee Is publishing a guide book for tbe special use of tbe troops. Entitled
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  • 98 10 I»HE names of officials who will be m charje of the operation of tbe trades union legislation In Singapore will be grazetted shortly '•-nw It is understood that these officials will be mostly from the department of the Registrar of Societies. The law takes effect
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  • 111 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) M n Ipoh, June 30. R. Charles Bradbery. well-known Perak planter, left It>oh to-day on retirement, accompanied by his wife Mr. Bradbery was manager of Chumor estate and of Bikam Rubber Estates Limited, and has been m this country i
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  • 30 10 M London. June 30. Raoul Dandurand. Minister without Portfolio In the Dominion of Canada, has been appointed a member of the Privy Council, according to an official announcement to-nlcht Reuter.
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  • 29 10 Johore 's Great New Building A victu ZL °L ihe entrmnce to the new Johore Governr^LrJLV'^ 6 Ck ,°l bHima **> rapidly ncaring comflßtum, dominates Johore Bahru Strait Timet picture
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  • 436 10 PROPOSED REDUCTION OF SIZE OF CHINESE GRAV ES IN a memorandum to the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on the question of Chinese burial plots, with special reference to their size, Mr. Richard Chuan Hoe Lim, a Commissioner, declares that he cannot agree with either of the two main reasons for advocating
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  • 1129 10 The Air War Week By Week Special Cable to The Straits Times From Wing Cdr. L. V. Fraser London, June 29. •J"HE Luftwaffe has grot to fight on two fronts just as the j R.A.F. is entering on its period of
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  • 142 10 SINGAPORE BAFFLES HOTEL Dinner 4c Duce (Inform&l) 8 pjn. to midnight GKEAT WORLD Cabaret: 6.30 p.m. to Midnight. aiobe: The Housekeeper's Daughter, sky: Kit Carson. IIAITY THKATKE (Happy World) Road to Slnvmporf. Seasldf: Fast and Furious HEW WOULD Tmlkles, Theatre* and Cinemas qokms^etSSTg C *b *m Dancln 't: Hanchor
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  • 281 10 Two Local C.B.s. In Services List MAJOR-GEN. DEWING DECORATED THE General Officer Commanciin* Malaya lieut. Gen. Arthur B rcrciTal, has been created a Com* panion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. This was announced m a list of fm vices Honours published hi London
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  • 44 10 Tokio. June 30. THE Information Board announces 1 that Japan, respending to a request has decided tj extend a 300,000.000 yen loan to the Nanking regim*. the execution of which the Yokohama Specie Banic will handle -Unite! Press
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 827 11 Protest Against Legislation To Control Borrowing PETITION PRESENTED TO COUNCIL OF STATE TWO hundred Sikh ai.d other Indian moneylenders m Johore have addressed a petition to the Johore Government protesting against the introduction of legislation to regulate and control borrowing among Government servants. The
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  • 55 11 'Eyes Of The Army In Action The Royal Canadian Air Force Army Co-operation Squadron acts as the Eyes of the Army." The camera to the chief weapon of the Lyaander of the) Squadron to photograph enemy movements and ground defences. An observer of a Lysander aircraft menaces attacking aircraft with
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  • 287 11 Commissioner In Singapore JITTER vacationing m Australia for the past three months, Sir John Rowland, Chief Commissioner of Railways m Burma, Is returning to that country to push forward the construction of a line linking Burma with Yunnan Province m China. Sir John, who arrived m Singapore by
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  • 181 11 GOOD BOY UNTIL HE GOT INTO BAD COMPANY" I*HE stepfather of a 16-year-old Chinese youth named Lav FooJt Seng pleaded m the Singapore third court yesterday that Lav be treated as a first offender and not be sentenced to serve a term m prison as it would probably spoil his
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  • 98 11 COR stealing a bicycle from outside a local 1 cinema on May 25, Majid bin Dams, a 21 -year -old Malay was sentenced to five months' rigorous Imprisonment to be followed by two years police supervision, m the Singapore criminal district court yesterday.
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  • 58 11 CHEONG LENG. a 85-year-old woman, appeared m the Singapore third court yesterday on a charge of causing hurt te a Sikh policeman With a knife at People 'j! Park on Sunday. Pleading provocation, she claimed J trial. The case was postponed a
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  • 27 11 The Rotary Club of Singapore will i hold an installation -"inner at the Adelphi Hotel Roof Garden at 8 p.m. I to-morrow. Women guests may be invited.
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  • 233 11 Woman's Alleged Fall In Street gEAH Teow Eng, an air raid warden described m the Singapore coroner's court yesterday how while on duty during the "black-out exercises" on June 18, he found a Chinese woman lying on the rcadside at the Junction of South Bridge Rjad and
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  • 176 11 LORRY DRIVER FINED 350 LICENCE ENDORSED ANG KHEE, a lorry driver was fined $50 and had his driving license' endorsed by Mr C H. Whltton. the traffic Judge, yeterday. for falling to slow down his lorry when turning toe Junction of Balestier Road and Thomson Road on May IT. Outlining
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  • 90 11 r[E discovery ol the body of an unknown Chinese floating In the sea off Connaught Drive by lan Choo Eng, a Chinese physician, m the early hours of June 23. was inquired into by Mr. W. O. Porter, the Singapore coroner, yesterday. Tan stated that he
    90 words
  • 165 11 New Gift Of $175,000 To Mark Birthday Of Raja IN celebration of the Raja's birthday, the Government of the small Malay State of Perlis has made a further gift to the Imperial Government, the amount this time being $175,000. This is Perlis's fifth gift m
    165 words
  • 58 11 AN hoar -and- a-qsjarter >s aitdrii to the first transmtaion of the Singapore Broadcasting station as from to-day. The programme now opens at G3O instead of 7.15 am and includes m this period relay of the news m French from London. Also, instead of closing at
    58 words
  • 114 11 AMONG allocations totalling £30.000 recently mad? from the Malaya Patrioti* Fund was one of £10,000 to the Lerd Mayor Of London s Air Raid Distress Fund 'which new serves the whole of Great Britain!. In a cable of thanks for this contribution the
    114 words
  • 108 11 FATHER SON CHARGED IN COURT FIFTY-FIVE-YEAR-OLD Kala Khan and his 19-year-old son. Sekander. appeared m the Singapore third court yesterday or. a cnarge of disorderly behaviour by fighting with each other m public at Dhoby Ghaut. £k kinder pleod.-d guilty. The father claimed trial on the charge saying that Sekander
    108 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 239 11 REVISED PRICES. The HARDING shirt will /AW *J9|\ outlast many ordinary shirts. |O& It is fitted with "VAN HEUSEN" B Ak unshrinkable neck band and semi-stiff aH^\^^JH» cuffs made from "VAN HEUSEN" collar material. It ensures comfort, smartness and durability. Ask your outfitter, judge for yourself. Made from fully n
      239 words
    • 143 11 rSAXONE-^n THEY WEAR— THEY FIT—THEY KEEP THEIR SHAPE Now that many Shoe factories are engaged on war work m Great Britain it is even more than ever necessary now to see yoar Shoes are good ....they mast last longer Saxone have always been supreme as Britain's Best Shoes they are
      143 words

  • 41 12 Jtfoc/iinist <n a Canadian unir plant o« loorfc on a Bofors anti-aircraft gun casting at a lathe. Bofors guns which fire with machine gun rapidity, from part of the equipment of anti-aircraft unit* m Malaya to-day.
    41 words
  • 259 12 Man Was "Specially Selected For High Position Of Trust" NTAGANATHAR Murugasu, former secretary to the Principal of the College of Medicine who had been 27 years m Government service, was sentenced to a total of two years' rigorous imprisonment m the Singapore Criminal District
    259 words
  • 358 12 Coroner Inquires Into Drowning Coroner Inquires Into Drowning A CHINESE wading across a stream near the Chuan Seng pineapple factory ofT the 14th mile Kranjl Roed on the evening of June 22, got out or his depth and was drowned, stated eight-year-old Ong Ah Hock at an
    358 words
  • 175 12 Prom Our Own Correspondent) Taiplng, June 30. DEPORTS have been received here that n Dara Singh, who left Taiplng with the first batch of volunteer truck drivers three years ago to serve the Chinese National Oovemment on the Burma road, and who later attained
    175 words
  • 341 12 THE death occurred at the General Hospital, 1 Singapore, on Sunday alter a short Illness of Mr. P. A. Ahin at the age of 65 years. He Is survived by a widow, four sons and I one daughter. A member of the
    341 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 501 12 men, direct *rom the I SD«Ud '//giiffiwlKi^'i'^^ M AUSTIN REED OF REGENT STREET SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLE OX LTD For The Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart «|0» *^JWfc^^ riM*9**fl**W **K^*V^^**i^XS*fifiBßY^*j^*i*»ls*nß*****>>l And Stop Limping Doj 1 irt Leg 1 rouble* enppta you. Tak* Eiasto, the Creat New Biomadical Remedy that turf
      501 words
    • 333 12 4 i iVMtttv .^^ap^* ZglmmTr^ aiwS ■V. j> ft _i^H****!*aP^^ iiib*******^^ aiuliar^^S****! N **^"'^^^^'^*S'*w^^^**bl ...THAT MUST BE GLAXO PROGRESS: Great news m the nursery! Baby's weight is steadily and surely increasing. Thanks to Glaxo, with ics sound and scientific formula, containing m the correct proportion all the essential nutrUive elements
      333 words

  • 869 13 "NAZIS OFFENSIVE SPIRIT UNDERMINED" —MOSCOW Invaders Being Exhausted By Soviet Army's Severe Blows Moscow, June 30. v THE result of the first eight days of war permits the folA lowing conclusions," says a Soviet Information Board communique issued m Moscow last night The lightning victory which the German High Command
    869 words
  • 20 13 Tirana, June 30. It has been officially announced that Albania has declared war against Kussl* United Press
    20 words
  • 47 13 New York, June 30. •T'WKNTV-NINE persons were arrested 1 charged with conspiracy to engag<? in espionage in the biggest round-up of spy suspects since the passage ol the Espionage Act. Twenty -two of thuae arrested were born in Germany.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 61 13 Rorm June 30. FIVE Frenchmen aged between IS and 30 have been sentenced by a military court at Casablanca (French Morocco* to terms of imprisonment ranging from five y -mrs to six months on a charge of t»g«"f In actl- vttles on behalf of Qen de
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 56 13 New York, June 30. A DEAL with Ruwla giving American plane* ase »f Soviet air bases m Siberia opposite Alaska uno>r an arrangement similar to the deal wtth Britain is beta* advocated by a number «f influential defence strategists, says a Washington dispatch to
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 147 13 Stockholm, June 30 •TPHE Swedish decision to a'ldw a division of Oerman troops through Bweden did not mean that Sweden had taken up a position m the conflict between the European po-wrs, declared the Prime Minister, Mr. P. A. Hansson. m a speech last night. "There
    147 words
  • 210 13 London. June M. Tax important changea m the BriUata Cabinet appointment vie with the news of the Rosao-Oennan war. Oa ail aides the appointment of Lord Beaverbrook as Minister of Supply Is apI proved and his work as Minister of Ak-rraf l l iPruductlon is again
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 243 13 Syrian Campaign Intensified More Reinforcements For Allies Reported Cairo, June 30. ITALIAN evacuation of Ghimbi, In Abyssinia and the encirclement of Palmyra, m Syria, arc mentioned m the British Middle East communiqoe to-day, says Reuter. The communique states LIBYA: No change. ABYSSINIA: Italian forces hare evacuated Ohlmbi. Gen. Bertello, late
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 116 13 Moscow, Jane SO. U A. MIKO* AN. Commjfat of Foreign Trade, rrertved the British Ambe- Sir Stafford Cr^pns. and members, of the economic section of the B'.tish mission to Russia last evening. This followed earner meetings yesterday anc! other conferences on Saturday between Sit Stafford
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 426 13 London, June 30. ULfITHOUT u> predict the course of the Russo-Uerman war. the leading national newspapers treat the German High Command communique on the successes of Reich forces m the east as another piece of typical
    426 words
  • 167 13 R. A. F. BLOWS IN LIBYA SYRIA Cairo, June 30. |>ETAUJ3 of British bombing operations m the Middle East yesterday are given m an R.A F. Middle East communique to-day, the text of which is as follows: Syria: Barrack.* and store buildings at Palmyra were heavily raided by R.A.F. bombers
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 118 13 KREMENTZ STUDS Krementz Studs, like all Krementz jewellery, are guaranteed for a lifetime. They are expertly made m 14 Kt. rolled gold plate to wear indefinitly even m the most humid weather. Always insist upon Kre* %mentz quality.' Look for the name Krementx stamped on the bottom of every stud
      118 words
    • 198 13 n^nP Grey Eyes? Every dsy your eyes ire invaded by invisible germs of every kind. They become covered with just ruch film of dust snd smoke and soot as your face and hands. And they art far more sensitive No wonder people* eyes betray their age No wonder they suffer
      198 words

  • 987 14 Awards Shared Among Home And Overseas Defence Forces London, July 1. MEN m all three Services prominent m building up Great Britain's home defences share with those on active service abroad m the awards announced m the Services section of the King's birthday
    Reuter  -  987 words
  • 118 14 Chicago, June 30. PLEADING for continued peace ln the United States, Mr. Herbert Hoover, former U.S. President, ln a broadcast advocated continued aid to Britain and China without putting the United States troops into the war zones. He urged the arming of the Western hemisphere
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 112 14 NY/ York, June 30. Ftix United States aid to the Soviet, Britain and all who fight against Hitljr U advocated by the national committee of the Communist Party ln a statement Issued here. At the same time the statement urges that the democratic liberties and
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 115 14 London, June 30. IN answer to a Catholic member of 1 Parliament Cardinal Hins'.ey has written as follows: "The two encvolicals of Pope Plus XI. 'Dlvini Redemt/orls' against atheistic Communism, and 'Mlt Brennender Sorge" against Nazism, stated clearly Catholic condemnation of both these movements
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 76 14 Toklo, June 30. A LARGE number or accidents are taking place in factories owing to the employment of Inexperienced workers since r .he outbreak of war with China, states tthc Japanese news agency. Statistics show that in 8,000 factories employing 2,200,000 people, las* ?ar"s casualties
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 69 14 Chungking. June 30. DR. QUO TAI-CHI. former Chinese Ambassador to London, was sworn ln as Foreign Minister to-day. He replaces Dr. Wang Chlng-hul. Dr. Quo Tai-chl later Issued a statement saying that China's foreign policy would not be changed as a result of his taking
    69 words
  • 24 14 Melbourne, June 30. THE Australian Trades Union Council Is considering at the earliest opportur. %y the proposal to send a delegation to Britain. Heuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 271 14 fa (X Jfe^> ww y^ ijj Kjf -ilan^^ou LO.OK I W *".S? ■aa%iß|M| fix. «i s >l~,s v HI KU I C DCCT WITH DDTADY Eb—m w &**<*» H SCALE TUNMG <5m s^ d) 1^* m A*«t«: Taiping. Perak Distributors: Alor Star, Kedah. RADIO GENERAL ASENCY. Kunla Lumpur. CHOP HUP
      271 words
    • 362 14 is your safeguard against imitations BS^^jflgL Every genuine bottle i»f \londC^JjßWk^^ ward's Gripe Water you buy Iwais ■kjjEfj-4'VJI tne famous "Baby" ir;nle-n ark. |s^^ ~^lna Genuine Woodward"? G'ipe Water "^~^^fl^B ha» been rt-c<»minen«led by doctor* _j4tK an *l nursef for eighty y«rar». So, j^/^ mother, don't be put oil wuli
      362 words

  • 498 15 Better Finishing Triumphs Over Forceful Play Malays 3; R.E 2. AVENGFNG a first ronnd defeat, the Malays beat the Royal Engineers by three froals to two before a large crowd at Anson Road yesterday. It was a game m which better finishing by the
    498 words
  • 85 15 r\E following Is the latent classWcatlon list of horses and ponies issued by the Straits Rasing Association yesterday Horses Transfers are From Class t« Class S:— Circuit Court. Strßthmor?. From Claw 4 t« Class 3:— Anton Fogue, The Emperor Time Tells. New ClassWratians an
    85 words
  • 181 15 •I ■lIIIK np-rmattrj tour completed, the 1 Booth rhlna footballers are n«w IB Sincapore and win make Aluon Road rtadlrm the venue of their last match hi Malaya this seaion w^nl they meet the Combined Services to-morrow. Hie match win undoubtedly prove a tremendous
    181 words
  • 88 15 DRmKMAI* Sports Club's first t«am beat Mr P. O. Pminsdasa"! Malacca soccer team by five goals to nil In a friendly match plsyrd st Bands HIMr Park on Saturday. Brtnkmann'i forwarh were uruettled In the flrst half when they scored only one foal through Bon
    88 words
  • 59 15 THE following were the two beat scores returned In the Keppel Golf Clube women's June foursomes' Mrs. J. J. Robertson and Mrs. A. M Low 43— 11 32. Mrs. J. Kean and Mrs. C 8mlth 52—15—37. The June mixed foursome competition resulted In a win for Mr.
    59 words
  • 50 15 •THE Fortress Bignals beat the R A S.C. by three foals to nil In a second division (a) league soccer match played at Alexandra yesterday. ETON High School beat the Railway Juniors by six goals to nil In a friendly soccer match played on the Railway ground.
    50 words
  • 761 15 Champion's Experience And Courtcraft Prevail ALTHOUGH he played much below form yesterday, m the men's singles final of the Singapore tennis championships held on the S.C.C. courts, Chin Kee Onn's experience and courtcraft came to his rescue and he just managed, m
    761 words
  • 46 15 Soccer: S.A.F.A. league, first dirislon, Ch'nese Athletic vs. Loyal Regiment, stadium; reserve division, Gordons vs. RJLF., Self tar: second dlrision (b). Castors* ts. Kranji. SHE.; S.C.F A. ts. Wanderers J.C.S.A; Stamford Ss.rxl Base Corinthian!). Clerk jI Union. Tennis: Shiganore rharnpinn ships, S.C.C. courts.
    46 words
  • 503 15 Publisher* 2: Malay Rrgiment 1 TWO goals scored by Dollah. who duplicated his feat against the R.A.O.C. last week, enabled the Publishers to beat the Malay Regiment by j the odd goal In three In a second dlvi- i sion 'a) league snecer match played on
    503 words
  • 272 15 •THE Singapore Amateur Athletic Association's 1941 championships will this year be held on the Singapore Cricket Club padang on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. All proceeds from the meet will be donated to The War Fund and certificates, Instead of the usual trophies,
    272 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 113 15 x JWisssssssW*iK3i GUARANTEED BBBBBBBBB^BBBbF BSSkSßßßsissfl J^^^^ BFjJ Jk sssfiklX sssslsssfili^NeClV'^ BBBP^^sl 4^J^ 3l^Jea^^B^^ sssmS^r^V! J? -^^ssssstß llbbbsbsl^^^^sk^^^bbl^bsbH 'H '^SpW^^IBB BSV^BSSI^^BB^ m BJB£Dr| I "VS^SMB^BS^|^H Try Turf to-day Tb« first Tin may o» dUMr**^ may not. b* an eflective basis lor II sfll9P^^ comparison but the third or lourth vill B?^^^
      113 words
    • 238 15 ■W <^^^ £MERGENCTFS chills or accidents "^^■^"^^^y won't waic! n^^S* When you wane |Bh '^to brandy, you wane it quiik' Keep a *^^f^^> botile of Emu Au»tralian Brandy always io the house, loo, pure, made from the pick i>< the ■rapes of South Australia's famous vineyards. Emu is "Three Star
      238 words

  • 725 16 REDS SMASH LANDING BID IN THE VIBORG SECTOR Germans Claim Capture Of Lwow Talk Of Surrounded Red Armies London, June 30. THE crucial battle on the Ion? (Jerman-Kussian front has been joined in the air around Minsk, capital of White Russia. Although
    Reuter  -  725 words
  • 337 16 Targets In Bremen Kiel And Shipping Attacked London, June 30. TWO daylight raids were carried out by the R.A.F. over 1 north-west Germany to-day, on Bremen and Kiel, while a fresh sweep was carried out this evening over northern France, it is
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 67 16 Cairo. June 30. r[E Egyptian Prime Minister, Hussein j Sirry Pasha, stated to-day that sine* u.iee Egyptian protests to Italy and Germany against air raids on Egyptian territory had remained unanswered Egypt would not I protest In future. She would officially re- cord
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 114 16 Moscow, 'one 30. A CONFIDENT note is struck by the newspaper Pravda m commenting on the military situation this morning. It writes: "Hitter's cut -throats expected to take Kiev and Smolensk within a week hut this did not come off. The powerful Red Army has given
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 102 16 Anglo-Soviet Collaboration London, June 30. A SPECIAL message from the British Government to the Soviet Government was taken by the British Ambassador, Sir Stafford Crlpps After the Introduction to M. Molotov, Soviet Foreign Commissar, of the members of the British military and economic mission. Sir Stafford aeclared to M. Molotov
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 46 16 London. June 30. ONLY a very small number of Oerman planes flew over Britain last night. A few bombs were dropped In eastern England but no damage Is so far reported. It U learned In London that one enemy raider was destroyed during the night Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 194 16 Charges Made Against Diplomatic Agents London, June 30. IHCHY has broken oil diplomatic relations wttn the Soviet Union, .says an official statement issued In Vichy, reports Reuter. The Vichy Government alleges as its reason that Soviet diplomatic agents were engaging 'n action constituting an attempt on
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  • 67 16 London, June 30. MAJOR neonre Dooglaas Kline, boo and heir of Field -Marshal Lord Milne. Is officially reported missing. He m In the Royal Artillery and was serving last April "somewhere In Greece." Lord Milne, who commanded the BrtOsS* forces In Salonika and the
    67 words
  • 179 16 Government And Defence Chiefs To Hold Special Meeting To-day Tokio, June 30. TOMPLETING a week's intense deliberations, an extraordinary conference of members of the Cabinet and High Command will to-morrow finally formulate the Japanese Government's basic policy towards the international situation arising: from
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 198 16 Foreign Embassies In Bombed Area Chungking, June 30. pOLLOWING yesterday's raid on Chungking, in which British Embassy buildings were wrecked, Japanese planes again bombed the city to-day. Many bombs fell In the hills directly above the residence of the United States Ambasyador. The south bank
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 86 16 Tokio, June 30. 'T'HE British Amb?.ssador to Japan. 1 Sir Robert Cnugie, called on Mr. Ohashi, Vice-Mlnister for boreign Affairs, to-day. The nature of their talk is not divulged says Reuter. i About the same time the Italian ambassador was having an Interview with
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 284 16 Cairo, June 30. THE expansion of the Air Force in the Middle East has recently been given a big impetus by large arrivals of aircraft both from Britain and America, and there is now a formidable number of American aircraft in use. Glen-Martin
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 106 16 I. el your §uils b la Horn I b? •spertt who h»ve firm compUti utMfactioa to thatr clients. BEE CHOW CC, I Cbullt St. ««MPM. T»l. 1^ tch»rm tatlnnng it mt ff* fetl /(Hjgfi^A I L i %gr H~^""'T NQ I"*"*! E^s^tf'^s^sW.^^ vA-AH ,W II s^l^^Tr i" L n J
      106 words
    • 28 16 I'll wrfiiiwßnfiTfr w [our qualified occulist I IS AT YOUR SERVICE l^^^^^^^^^ TC lOt 1C 1 m 1 I I^^^^^^^™ JT^ n. id ICt puj-j'i i TTjf^K^-^" wiwrni
      28 words