The Straits Times, 27 June 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 47 2 Waller Martin Beins died at Bangalore t7U» June 1910, "We shall slnfj on that btautiful hore The melodious songs of the blest And our spirits fhall sorrow no more Not a sigh for the blessing of Rest" to Etnrt dßellnd Bellni lPnrietta IrCnt Dv CI
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    • 39 2 The family of the late Mr. Tan Boon Chuan v.J h t» thank all relatives, friends and aA3orljitions who paid night visits' and attended the funeral, as well as those who eondo?- wrcaths caskcU and letterg of i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1100 2 PHOTOGRAPHY PIANOS WANTED TO BUY secondhand pun _____for^^sale]^ SHEtVADOH Refr*erator Phon* 3333 R-C.A. VICTOR RADIO g valves IM tu^ n s e A x^ n s^^ d 'r^ r 7?? Box No^figg, Straits Times. 5SS5, %fflgj& 5T 1 LEICA CAMERA, mfvlel ur f3 I 5 C m KfcrWf*.fc. No. TO^trait^S
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    • 350 2 PUBLIC^NOTICES r«?i»« NGAPOKE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION MmZJ"^!. 1 ne 7by Blven the Rubbe< ...arket will be clewed officially on Monday I 30th June, mi being a nank l( Ma By Order of the Commltt--OATTEY BATEMAN. Secretaries. SUNGEI LUAS TIN DREDGING^ LIMITED. (Incorporated to the F.M.8. Notice is
      350 words
    • 624 2 EYE EXAMiN ATION S EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY (TH^MP/ON YSPTICAL C 2 *Urn 81.DG.. lIIOM. «r?. Dr of Ornlar Srienrr i 35 years European Clinical Experience __AUCTiON NOTICES THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE Of modern European polished TEAK i crmnepr balK m ultia-rrf«'r-n KELT ER S pedal organ, crockery, glassware I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 563 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS (incorporated in latwiD 1 GCNKRAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARH WHITE STAR LINE. TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA Through Ures to North America to Europe via America and Round lours in the Pacific quoted In t.S S on application To California from the Orient rim Honolulu mi ASAMA MARO omltttn*
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    • 418 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FU2INEL LINE. Frequent Sailing, to United Kingdom. Date* are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clause*. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 199 3 Radio Programmes TO-DAY SINGAPORE 7.IIL 1.33J *c 1 (2ZS m-> 4HP1 ».69 mt/t III.M [/Mfi S.11J BK/t 48.48 "»•> ZHP3 7.M DK/> HM» ZHU 4HP1 AND ZHP.J 5 n m. Puiping diamait; 5.35 pi. News in Cantonese" 5.50 p.m. Hokkien musict 6 p.m. News in Hokklor.t; 6^15 p.m. Warning to
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    • 205 3 Royal Marlnest; 10. 45 p.m. Warning to I Maxinrrs. Close down. ZHP.3. 5 d m. ReclUtlon of the Koran followed by a R. ligious Talk in Malay; 5.50 p.m. Hindustani music; 6.05 p.m. News In Hii.dust*nl; 8. 20 p.m. Tamil musict. 6 40 p.m. News ii Tamil; 7 p.m. Nelson
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    • 670 3 ITamme summary and Peipen? dramas 12 .5. >.m. Mid-day Market Price*. In Hokkir". p.m. European programme summary, anjouncements and mid-day Market ratm\ I 05 p m. Alfredo Campoli ind his Salop >chestrat; 1.30 p.m. Warnin* to MarlneM «ew»; 1.45 p m. Interval. ZHL. ZHP1 AND l»T.i 5 p m Mandarin
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    • 915 3 EMPIRE STATION Krvisrd irequenej SfB'»«" r.attrrn rr»niml»»Hii> «I5 W Ml* GSV-IUI met; lb.»4 Metre* From «.H II 1 pm G»»>— met: 45.53 metre* G8D- GSt 31 tnnrr oiiHli «n« OK* ltl.t» n> 6 IS p.m. London CalUng; P m. ws 6.3.. p.m. Qu.-stioiLs ol tl..- Hour. 50 p m. Choral
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  • 403 4 Demand Broader: Market Firm London, June 26. rLK Stock Kxrhange enjoyed an encouraging day with the demand broader anc markets generally firm. The contra* to i year ago when Me markets touched bmtoir on the fall of Prance 1* most marktd. Gilt-edged were strong and active, ok
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  • 76 4 Wash'ngton, June 26. JHE poaslblllty of introduction of ••semivoluntary" savings m the United States m c :r to check innationary tendencies was foreshadowed by Mr. Leon Henderson. American Price Control Administrator m testimony before the House Appropriations sub-committee made public to-day Mr. Henderson also
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  • 345 4 Tin Shares Buoyant And Prices Generally Firm By Our Financial Correspondent done and buyers were in?;incc to raU; Singapore June 27. tnelr bids at the close. TIE share markeU wn* very firm 11 1 Amalgamated were unall round yesterday «nH nn I ch an 8 d wlt
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  • 137 4 THE F.M.S. Government revenue last year was the highest for many years. The accounts which were gazetted yesterday show that revenue for the year was S98 5I1942 and expenditure $78,568 312, giving a surplus for the year of $19,943 630. The expenditure includes a gift
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  • 173 4 Guthrie's Weekly Report JN a weekly report on trre rubber market, issued yesterday, Guthrie and Cc. Ltd., writ?: The Am-rican Government has d»- reed that all rubber imported Into the U.S.A. wlil be for account o! the Rubber Reserve Co. and that the price will be controlled
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  • 108 4 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES i Prom Our Own Correspondent i London, June 26. QOMMODITY and exchange martets closed as follows with previous Quotations m parenthesis: RIRBEB: Quiet. Spot und 3^d O34d 13\d> Augt-Sept. 13Hd 13Hd (13\»d 13Sd) Oct-Dec. 13Hd 13Sd ()3v»d 13Sd> Hew York: 32 cU. COTTON: Closed for duraUoo of war.
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  • 55 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 2G MINCINQ LANE does not believe the rumour that the British and American Governments are negot:atirg another rubber for cotton barter agree ment and they point out that this 1> unnecessary as cotton is now bein? sent to Britain under
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  • 190 4 The following arc the txcnange rates Oilmorning according to it*, daily ctrciUai isnu*bv the Hongkong too o»»nghfn aanklm CDrtxjratloo r MXUNQ London T.T j/4 s/32 London demand 1/4 j/39 Switzerland (T.T. only) 202 44 New York demand 47 l" Montreal demand 5l' 85 Batavia demand 8871 Uamarang demand u'u
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  • 47 4 London. June 16. *TTN opened easier. The turnover was 250 tons. Dealings were mainly professional apart from further prominent smelter selling which found inadequate absorption. Cash tin continues to reflect the export embargo. After official hours prices were harder and a further 20 tons were traded Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 81 4 New York. June M. THE following were the p:Je?s for Straits tin and rubber in c?nts per pnund op the Commodity Exchange to-day and yesterday TIN June »o June 26 Spot 53 52 June 52.90 Unq. July 52.50 52.40 August 52.40 52.30 September 52.30
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  • 54 4 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES Singapore. June 27. OMWff 7J0 Hambur* Cube $12 2S Cub. 300 Copra MllM MM Dried u SO Pepper White Muntok v !•''•> Wnl* |U50 Bl»r* %12i Sago Flour No Ltare» $4.50 Fair t440 Sarawak *4.42'i $4.42 V Taptcca Small !»lak« n jo PWr Flake $7 25 Medium-Klake
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  • 70 4 Washington. June 26. A PRICE ceiling lor rubber tyres and tub»*s at the wholesale levels existing on June 17 will be established early next week, It was announced here today. Retailers must post price lists so that buyers can be sure they are not
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  • 152 4 Better Than Sale Of Securities GNew York. Junp 26 REAT BRITAIN would do better at the preront tim- ti se-urp lan on her holdings m the United States i'istead of selling them, deel.,jhenry Mcrgenthau. Secretary to the Treasury, at a Press conference to-day according to a
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 63 4 Dow Jones Averages w YorU June 26 THE Mevtag were the Dow Jonos 1 Averages when the Ner York Stock Exchange closed to-day and yesterday Jane 25 Junr 2« 30 Industrials 23.51 123 U6 fO RajL\ 28.50 2364 15 Utllt:es 17.73 17 95 40 Bonds 91 14 91
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  • 76 4 Friday, lame n -on Bayer* Srlleri PrJ*e» Prtees tu. a e-s s. (Spot towel m*. W N»- IX B.S.S. f ».b. m cases lvt f zr', j» G.F.A.Q. ESS. fob: In bale. luiy W>N ISV F.A.Q. E.S S. f.o b tn bales J ny itk
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  • 61 4 London. June 26. AS the rcsuJt of discussions with Britain, cooperative arrangements have been made to deal with surplus Australian and New Zealand produce for the period of the war. The agreement Is part of the work of a committee under Mr. Arthur Greenwood's chairmanship,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 876 4 PUBLIC NOTICES SOUTHERN TRONOH TIN DREDGING, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England) DIVIDEND NO. 27 The Board nas declared an Interim Dividend less Income Tax iv 10 In the payable In London on 10th July to all shareholders on the Registei on the l«ih lnst. which will be paid out locally on
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    • 330 4 PUBLIC NOTICES BOARD OF MANAGEMENT of the WAR RISKS (GOODS) INSURANCE FUND. NOTICE. COMMON (MALAYAN) POLICIES The Board of Management accepts liabiUtv as insurers under the War Risks (Goods) Insurance Scheme under the law of seven Administrations— the Straits Settlements the Federated Malay States and the Unfederatei Malay States of
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    • 288 4 PUBLIC NOTICE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT of the WAR RISKS (GOODS) INSURANCE FUND. N( PICK. ADJUSTABLE POUllES. During the Insurance quarter April Us June. 1941. adjustable policies on a dr l:. ration basis were permitted only In respect of rubber wtth a minimum value of $200,000'With effect from the rext quarter
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  • 1043 5 Gopeng Chairman Discusses Excess Profits Tax Relief j (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 30. ALREADY worried by America's decision to erect a great Bmelter at Texas City, London representatives of the British tin smelting industry received a further shock this week with
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  • 1331 5 Tin RSOAT, JUNE Z6, 1941: 4 P.M. MINING Harm SelUM Ampat (5a) 3j 3«6d Austral Amal. (Js> 1l lWd 7s 6d Austral Malay <Ci S3a 6d 3U «d Ayer Hltam i5s) 17a 18i c.d. Ayer Weng ($1) .69 .74 Bangnn Tin <Ci U« 9o 14a
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  • 139 5 Malls close at the Oeneral Post Office a* follow*: TO-DAT America:— Canada, Newfoundland, U.S. A.. Central and South America and West Indies air 4 p.m. Australia air 4 p.m. huropr: All destinations with which postal communications are maintained air 4 p.m. Java air 4 p.m. Pacific
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 106 5 (Dg GQ.S.SL ~?kM\ \>*^CT There are several features La^atopi'*^"* oi thls ulllt and cabiliet Wh* '&j^~\'^ ik"S IB '''if bear> you would lnter \j£^ H ested m the Tem P erature Wff Jsr 1 jJ^JmSt^^^ control, Super Freezer, «^P>F _,y- hi',. '^fcfc.Bl Finish, Shelves ensuring i maximum usable area, SfcJr
      106 words
    • 208 5 DONT LET ADVANCING YEARS AND TROUBLED TIMES GET YOU "DOWN" TORCH BRAND MALT AND COD LIVER OIL Is am excellent tonic for iil ages containing concentrated Vitamins and D repairs shattered nerve*, builds n*w strength, and restores good health. Prevent War Strain, take -TORCH" MALT AND COD LIVER OIL reirulaily.
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    • 28 5 DON'T SUFFER PRICKLYHEATH AGNESIA ANTISEPTIC OUSTING POWDER The Unfailing Remedy. Ask for it You can buy it anywhere. Product at GRftFTOD LABORATORIES LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur A Penang.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 THE LATEST AND BEST OF THE SAINT SERIES :.°.r: i" I alhambra jrißK^ Bodyguard for a /ij^^"B W #***** max ttJB 'iclion'i (r#»-!»nc« sleuth :<^PMP^ '> BB^^^ 4ol»*i a n*w on». **tei*^ Jt WENDY BARRIE- Paul Guilfoyle '%3 Reieosedi Jonathan Hale Linda Hayes 1 «KO RADIO Pictur. Il^^L^.rc^,"^ 010 D
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    • 33 6 GARR I C X Last Nl«ht 7.00 A 9.30 •IF I HAD MY WAY" To-Morrow NJjht: •STREET SINGKR" A "DEyDAS" J^_ ([Hindustani Talkies) Sat A Sun. Morninr Shows: "ANDY HARDY GKTS SPRING FEVEB
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    • 204 6 TO-DAY *>jjs ¥We "*^\Zf Ti^B^BPJbI Ka ifTJ I \\>li fI^K^BBEM }^Jr...huntingr ...hunting her 4ff«fl I flj little niche j K^H J omid Broodwoy'j lights! I JBlßfftfr r^ I A boy who think i KeS JfflHg^i f|H tough. ..but isrr'f' A ploy- i, 3S |Jaß wrlghr trying to play God! Wat
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    • 222 6 FLASH! REX HARRISON "MISSING TEN DAYS" with KAREN VERNE and JOAN MARION Can /^p^BP'* s|9JH J^2» >C *4<M You T^S i Hlame f B^aW^^l I s Bflfl Him 7 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^■^■^■'^■^***** BB J See this exciting new BRITISH Spy Adventure A Columbia Production T O-D A V IiinSTAI m-m-ait «tt« IfArITOL
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  • 211 7 Syrian Campaign Progresses: Gains West Of Damascus Cairo, June 26. DUITISH troops have a ain made a further position m this sector. In Syria British troops m the face of increased resistance have made s-bsunttal gains west of Damascus. In the Merj Ayoum
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  • 57 7 Freeing Ally'** Troops For New Big Push? Shanghai. June 37. SIGNIFICANCE U attached to an announcement by of the Japanes- cxpedi tio ™rytcrun In Central China that the troops 01 ssjartss- was and paMlblr in Anhwf! Profile*. d?«rM »nd }oln«J th. f *™L rt ,,,M
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  • 99 7 loaAao, Jun" 2T C D* MMl, Yufoslwr Prime MiniM«r; 4 U M su» account on the country a iun- new ltelit <m the ool*p«e ot Uie Yufonuj' Sees to an InUrvlrw with Ch""*" 1 noon Orn Stmovitch h»d j'J-it reached U 7 d^ HHd^KSd Mr CburchUl
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  • 111 7 London, June 36. AN official denial wm given in authoritative circles in London U>-<l»v vc a report sent out by the Bucharest r*d»o alleg.ns that Russia U «eekin» to obtain the cession by TuxKey ot certain bases in the Dardanelles area The Bucharest wireless stated
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 32 7 Uohow. Juac 20 PSABAWTS of the MoWTton Bep^c J "3S>£SS i aa other extremity frontier re«ton. n*"^ 2ss sr h Mi MLrsi.' r a coUected.— Reutw.
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  • 79 7 Cmatanra, June 26. 4NNOONCING the enianfement at hte j A cwnet. the Au*rali.n Prtoe l^lrter Mr r o Menale*. *t»ted that >eP>nt« ministers had been appointed tor wpply Vmiplnnment »nd munltloni and new mini*££ry I 2nd war or«anJ»ttoß. and home "The^aew appototmentt are: Senator O
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  • 48 7 ■ymim June 27. IT a «auu»d th.l the America. l—»e and i>^id Act cotvu^n* provisions, under which md? cA £ie purchase, from Am.rlea and the Purchasing Commission led by Sir Tk. ar-nautam Chrtty. Cochin. wIU endeMOur to utUlse «ha« t*e best jidTantage— Heuter.
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  • 104 7 PAYMENT TERMS FOR U.S. AID Washington. June 28. ttu/ORK has started on agreements I "to fix terms and conditions" under which BriUin. Chin* and J other nations receiving Lease and Lend aid will repay the United States. It was announced last hl by the MsUUnt executive of the,! Lease and
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 36 7 London. June 26 THE Minister cf <V«riculture told the 1 House of Common* to-day that 3.000 Italian prisoners shortly arriving in Fritain will be aTailable IU land work— Renter.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 186 7 LONDON'S ACE DETECTIVES CHALLENGED BY A GRIPPING. STRANGE MYSTERY! mamammm T0 MY IJT^^^^^^H 6 "i 5 '£m 19.15 I Extr« I A .harming f #n»lemon .^V^H I b«nkr»Wb*r »t«ol» a mitt- A* jB IT« Mtrrow I ing banker* foe* and find< I k^^ M» /*BJ« I himself In pet»«tt>*r« •<
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  • 1225 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 27 1941. (664th Day Of The War.) Winter Wanted So much depends on the strength of the Soviet forces and their fighting qualities that almost every conversation one has heard during the past few days has veered round to speculation on these points. "Speculation"
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 424 8 "ANGLO-MALAYANS' A Delicate Problem Of Classification To the Editor of the Straits Tirof* 8ir,— I have read with interest the recent correspondence In your Journal on the subject of "Anglo-Malayans" and after reflection and further observation I have come to the following conclusions: An entirely different line must be taken
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    • 482 8 Why The Clerk Is The Chief Victim To the Editor of Uw Straits Time* Sir,— Several letters to you lately have concerned themselves with the question of indebtedness among clerks It seems strange that we should refer to this problem as "clerical" indebtedness. There is no talk of "teachers
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    • 748 8 VENTILATION Conditions In Certain Parts Of Singapore To the Editor of the Straits Times 81r,— I have read the article In the Straits Times of June 14, In which Is expressed the belief that the number of cases of tuberculosis In Singapore would decrease If rooms of proposed houses were
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    • 94 8 io :ne Mltor of the Straits limes Sir,— Two dear old ladies, living in the country, decided to take in an evacuee from London, and in due course a bright youth of eight years of age was delivered to them After lunch, the ladies were rather at loss
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    • 90 8 To the Editor of the Straito Times Sir,— l seek the hospitality of your columns to express my appreciation of the programmes of the Penang Wireless Society. This little station is doing splendid work. The London relays are very much appreciated The relay of the BBC Weekly Tamil Newsletter
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    • 473 8 A Few More That May Be Broken To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— To expect onythlng good from Hitler Is like counting on blessings from Hades. The time has come to realize that treaties with Hitler are really death warrants for the other contracting parties. The latest
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    • 450 8 War Clouds Lifted But Not Dispersed To the Editor of the Strait* Times Sir,— Now that Adolf Hitler has oik-;; again infringed his pledged word, by his wanton attack on the Soviet Union, the entire world is trying to conjecture the attitude of Japan. Fo.the moment it appears
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 232 8 Sec us first SPORTS 6OCDS S We carry a large and ffm comprehensive range at JV competitive prices. AH Special Terms to Schools n Clubs Associations. rUM Restringing Rackets ha? /nS been our specialized Job fff Tropicai Guts are alwnys /fly used to ensure satlsi'action. ta GIAN SiNGH and Company.
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    • 41 8 LITTLE GARDENS Some Hlnte for Making and Keeping them Boautiful by Gladys Williams With 16 Illuftrations by George Soper. Price only 12.1J PmU*e Extra. C 11. KIAT A CO., LTD., 8 Robinson Road ginrapore. JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Optician. 21, BATTERY ROAD.
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  • 236 9 Rumanians Forced To Change Capital NAZIS SAID TO BE IN RIGA FIGHTING NEAR MINSK Germans Cross Sweden; Spain To Send Help THE latest Moscow communique states that in the Luck sector, in Poland, large-scale activities between tank Units continued throughout yesterday, and this it
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 247 9 U*m, June I GERMAN Panzer spearheads, aceoniins to all reports reaching Berlin yesterday, have continued to penetrate deep into the heart of Red Army, reports United Press. Despito the expecUtloo oflered by. the ru homed Gcrmcn spjkrsman That details of the
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  • 590 9 Moscow. June 27. A RED ARMY communique issued by the Soviet Information Bc.rcl la<-.- night states that fierce tant battles in the Minsk and Bug river sectors are continuing. "In the direction o! Cernauti (on th I mthern front) our troops sucf.ssfullv
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  • 338 9 No Declaration Of War Made London, June 27. "AV E sha11 iisht for the freedom of our country and for the creed of our fathers," declared Dr. Ryti the Finnish President, in a broadcast to the Finnish nation last night and picked up in New York, reports
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  • 222 9 London. June 27. GERMAN mechanized forces crossi'i; ttM 1939 frontier of the Soviet Union from Soviet-occupied Polar.1 are thrusting towards Minsk, capita. of White Russia. This Is Indicated in the official Moscow communique issued late last night stating "Our troops are engaged in fierce fighting with
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 35 9 Berlin, June 27. pEHMAN and Rumanian bombers reU peatedly attacked Important Soviet ports" on the north coast or the Blank Sea. it is announced here. The date of the attacks was not eiven.— United Press.
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  • 63 9 London, June 27. THE German radio reports the first Russian air raids on Hungary which caused a 10-minute alert m BmUp^t, the capital and "fairly heavy damage" at twi point* m the oountry. Another raid is reported by the Swiss radio to have caused 'V""!derable
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 136 9 R.A.F. Blitz In N. France Goes On London, June 27. rE d<wtru:tlon. of nine German fighters over n rthern Franc- y»-t"-av brings German KMMi >" tne Jst six da"s of the RAF. otlmMve i«e-p up to 108. British losses in the .s*nfpo?iod have be-n 19 n
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  • 74 9 London. June 27. IRAN hu Informed Russia of her intention to remain neutral in the latest phase of the European war, say* the Moscow Radio A verbal communication to this erTrct was made yesterday by the Iranian Ambassador in Moscow. The same source say* Soviet papers
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  • 35 9 i Ankara, June 26 (Delayed. June 25 I TWO thousand Russian parachutist 1 landed in the PloeiU oilfields in Rumania on Tuesday, according to unconfirmed Axis reports lr. Ankara.— United Press.
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  • 84 9 Mos.-ow, June 27. •THE Soviet's present position is I summed up in a Pravda leading article Estimation of war communiques It states, already show the effectiveness of Soviet artillery, trust the r pilots and the tough qualities of their "The challenge has beon accepted 1
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  • 79 9 Pope Broadcasts Oi Persecution London, June 27. THE Pope broadcast an addrcw In English last night to the United States National EucharisUc Congress at St. Paul, Minnesota. Ho said. "You tiust not lorget you belong to the Church whose Founder and Head was sacrificed and His body m Uie
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  • 829 9 BRITISH BOMBARD BEIRUT, CAUSING HEAVY DAMAGE Vichy Supplies Dwindling But More Planes Sent From France Vichy, June 27. ALLIED forces increased their pressure on all fronts in A Svria vestcrday before the French could reinforce or *nA more materials to the Vichy forces, which are fast dwindling. For thTfirst time
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  • 62 9 Alexandria, June 27 iTTIE sinking of the Turkish s earner Rifha by an unknown submarine wm confirmed yesterday by authoritative naval circles here. It is officially stated that no British or Allied submarines were In the vicinity of the attack. It is understood the survivors
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  • 259 9 Hartford (Connecticut), June 27.^s ?5X£?£Z ttg-sstt preoccupied m Russia because sucn a gomen oppuniuuij pected to come again.". "The American people must now make the supreme choice. We have been living too lcr\g on borrowed time. We mu.«t decide now whether we
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 OTHER CABLES m pages 7, 10, 13, 14 and 16
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    • 85 9 fZbIISH AUSTRALIAN i COHTIHENI^%, F Jp i* M^i 1 WF^l f jSL »h* > >^ W4l l^l IS. our fine selection Every bird has been carefully /T^« selected from the finest English >. Australian and Continental breeds I A and represents the best value I .\j j I m poultry
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  • 410 10 Monthly Contribution From Asiatic Police Inspectors TABLE TENNIS PLAYERS ARE STAGING TOURNAMENT AN anonymous donation of $650 is mainly responsible for carrying to-day's War Fund advance into four figures. SfyEKJ has mcreased s'nce yesterday from $5,645,370 In addition to this substantial anonymous
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  • 80 10 unberra. June :a. ~Tlll. mechanization of the Australian Imperial Force is being urgently pressed forward. Mr. Percy Spender, the Army Minister stated to-day. Many thousands ol motorvehicles have already been sent abroad to the Australian Imperial Forces and several thousand more will be sent. Mr Spender
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 410 10 Improved System Advocated SUGGESTION that there should bo a proper system of selecting invitations to tender for contracts and of grading contractors was made by Mr. H. W. T. Fogden at the first meeting of the Commission of Inquiry to hear evidence in public TK' meeting bejan this
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  • 71 10 DuuMi U Jj»nc* (Informal) 8 n m to Midnight GBCAI H'OKLU M to J 4 9 n to aCooo «>v.r ssa— r*rsun NKV\ WOI Cinenat SI VII I DANd V uiglitiy m A SuU Chanuliv hurte*.es bar A grill BAVOY THKATTIE Phnn. 18 June 16 U; 28 n*'"' 'Bl
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  • 424 10 Capt. Gamman Hard Fight (From Our Own Correspontfeuu London, June 6 has always been fortunate m her unofficial" representatives In the House of Commons, particularly In having her interests watched by such able men as Sir George Penny (now Lord March wood), Sir Edward Campbell (now
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  • 78 10 THE second talk la the «erl« of mouth:? broadcast talks on robber gtwta? which have been arranged by the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya, will be given on Wednesday at 920 p.m. from 81n)5»pcrr by Mr. W. S. Davey, head of the Chrmk«i Division of the R.R.1.,
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  • 755 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 2. CURPRISING ideas regarding |J labour conditions in Malaya were revealed in the House of Commons this week, when many questions were asked concerning the recent labour troubles on certain Selangor rubber estates. Labour Members
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  • 208 10 Cannot Use TransSiberian Route THE German machinery for pur- chasing raw materials In the Far 1 East has been completely disorganized by the German attack on Russia. Reports reaching Singapore sUU that very large quantities of Urvore and rubber, as well as other raw materials, are
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  • 362 10 Community Urged To Curtail Practice As War-Time Saving A A S J? 0NG recommendation has been made by the Chinese rarnS 1^ k f^ i^ ex sive Propaganda should be carried out by the eadmg Chinese association? and huay kuan (community guilds) to discourage the
    362 words
  • 65 10 inberra, Junp iri. "T*nr establishment of an «'vt<-n-sive system of radio iMatlMI l«» forewarn Australia of enrmv airraids was announced to-day by Mr ■cBMB, the ImMm \ir >!inis. ter. A Mhool U heinj opened itnmrdiatrlr t» train prnonnrl I" operate the recently discovered srrret device which
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 144 10 Tremors Lasted Four Hours FARLY •.his morning, London was -1111 without details of th» earthquake, described by Mr J. J. Shaw, the West Bromwich so legist, as "enormous" and the biggeot ho had reccrd^d since 192'J says Reuter. An Ofawa report states that an
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 83 10 nJIU gff^rwttifflfiiiyillyBwBEBBIl Vl k r^^MriBTlfiBK^28»V*V/J'ilw4lM^I O LESS 1 0 °>o R^^ABLE oversew reception Is more Important than <tJP ifa TT FOR CASH CVer tO day- To obtoIn thU: B«*t aerultivity. low 1 O 1> Jl VMPMVP priori background noise and simplicity of tuning are II L X*AXjyibNTS OF $27.00 ■">•••««
      83 words

  • 495 11 Good Work In Four Recently Created Appointments INVESTIGATION OF CONDITIONS OF LOCAL CHINESE LABOUR BUILDING up complete statistical information about Chinese labour and their conditions of 1 in Singapore, Negri Sembilan, Selangor and Pcrak, Itaffles College graduates are beginning to prove successful in ww posts
    495 words
  • 227 11 At The Cinema "Mittin* Ten Days" K»ren Verne a»d a "_.Jf* ri^' Columbia Picture*. At the CapMfj". THO3E who like spy -hrllltr* will find thus mm exactly to their taste, wttto Ka^^ tads himself under strange circumstance Sxed up in ft spy case. beU.j mtetekeB
    227 words
  • 98 11 Hiffh Court Decision In Case Of Capt Marr SETTING aside the order of acquittal S^Ta magistrate In the police courts Mr Justice Worley, delivering judgment with committing an. act o grow indecency on a Malay named Sudta. The case, the Judge said. Is to be
    98 words
  • 60 11 A FURTHER talk In the series on '•Veseteble Growing" wUI he bioadrast from the Singapore station at 7?5 pmTc-day by Mr. G. H. Addlson. The religious broadcast from thlsin^pVre station this Sunday wW be relayed from Bethesda Hall iasteaa ot from Salvation Army headquarters as orleinally arranged.
    60 words
  • 430 11 Alleged Result Of Midnight Collision On Elgin Bridge IT was alleged in the Singapore Traffic Court y^tenky that 1 as a result of a collision between a motor-jar and a ricksha on Elgin Bridge, the puller was flung over the parapet of the bridge*
    430 words
  • 122 11 I»HE British Overseas Airways Corporation air mail sf r- ice to East and South Africa, and to the United Kingdom via Durban is again m operation as far as l»urban. There Hi now, therefore. direct air mail service operating onre weekly m each direction to
    122 words
  • 179 11 MIDDLE-AGED Chinese who a sSSS?tt.^b. r&Era i« was a "reincarnation of Christ ana is srtfSK B&fc ww? attempting to give presentsj to mag*S^TM^ taVV S|gsa« ffl n«5 e£l e?rSSASr^S bThe Ce Rev edPeTr e chin. u^t to F-^her^«her^ parish priest of
    179 words
  • 89 11 /\NE of the Lykes Shipping Line's newest and most modern passenger-cargo vessels afloat, iha Thompson Lykes has arrived m Singapore m the MM her maiden voyage to the East. Skippered by 54-year-old Capt. Henry iHrnrirh> Johnaon, .1 Commander m Ihe Dnlted BUtef Naval Pcscrve the ThOMMI Lykrs
    89 words
  • 149 11 Order Of Running N on- Acceptors Selangor Races i Tin order of running I n |at Kuala iAimpur to-m<>rr n ttM final day o' the Felanjcnr firf -I'lh MMM meet- Ing. are: Race 1: Pnnte:-. IIM I j nnpresn. silver ljtce. vju'« I rcn tUr, Hnrses, rlaM 2. «'i» 1
    149 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 152 11 to Kch Brattdjj^j I This label is your guarantee that m^L every bottle has bi-en matured under ifcfe.^ the supervision and control of the South African (Jovernmont for at least ten years. A Government certificate to this effect accompanies every J jh shipment. flll I Sole Agents:— M N KM/
      152 words
    • 108 11 fin flQUdSCUTUm gj g[ fegl p^inco^Ts AQUASCUTUM RAINCOATS For Gentlemen are the result of over 85 years of practical experience in every quarter of the globe. £BL Practical, comfort- \Jt^ a^ e an< d^Pt*"^* 1^ 0 f M Br >"^ -J^V yarn dyed and proofed. Available in a large variety
      108 words

  • 1232 12 Alleged Criminal Breach Of Trust Of Three Sums A GOVERNMENT servant with 27 years' service, Naganather Murugasu, who from February 1940 to last February was secretary to the Principal of the College of Medicine, appeared in the criminal district court yesterday on three charges of
    1,232 words
  • 111 12 U7HTLE tapping rubber In an estate off Maephersun ltoa.1. on the evening of June 19, Haji Yusope bin Mat Rassol, a Javanese, saw a Chinese woman hanging from a tree. "I ran away, and, taking a bicycle from my house. I informed the police
    111 words
  • 29 12 Mr J D C Wrigat. Secretary of the Rubber Regulation Department, Johore Banru, has been appointed to perform the duties of Deputy Director of Air Raid Precautions in Johore.
    29 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 89 12 s^ i J* WE SPECIRLISE IN (ladie* Cosf w«w«^3v< GOOD CUTTING IS t^L I i ESSENTIAL IF SMARTNESS W\J) OF APPEARANCE IS TO kj CA BE MAINTAINED, V J Consult mm i \ttl Phone 2066 Singapore. 1 APB 5 your inquiries RAHAMIN PENHAS Chemical Pharmaceutical Dept Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penan?.
      89 words
    • 249 12 tjierTlft j ierT1f you can always oep /^^^^"'^s^S« «P on Craven coo an d smooth. ft vaC TINS *""'-»'M patent TRU-V AC B TcraveH hwC»rrfr»»« J> 1 y*^ I I'rttXyENA a' e always I ii i/f«* f and I titv cnoiv^f j AMAZING NEWLY-OISCOVEREO/ ifc SEA-PLANT builds WEAK. A^ WORN^MJT
      249 words

  • 124 13 U.S. BUILDING 17 BATTLESHIPS 57 DESTROYERS FOR NAVY Programme Reported Well Ahead Of Schedule In All Classes London, June 26. CURVEYING the amazing American shipbuilding programme, Dan Rogers, in the New York World Telegram, savs Now under construction in naval yards is the stagcerine total of 14 battleships, 24 submarines,
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 68 13 Washington, June 26. rE United States Navy has ordered 2 831 vessels to cost $7,234,000 000 since 'the beginning of last year, stated the Secretary of the Navy, Col. FranK Knox, to-day. So far 775 ships have been completed comprising 337 combat
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 170 13 Realistic Manoeuvres Now Being Conducted Belfast, June 25. MORTHERN Ireland is alert to the possibilities of attack, acutely mindful of the fact that next to the invasion of the British mainland there is no enemy operation that could bring a closer threat to the "island
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 151 13 Jerusalem. June <:»>. yesterday morning. has ]ust I' I a British eyewttr.tss has Ju« described the scenes to i™-^* 5 I Reuters correspondent m Jerusalem ¥r»ere were absolutely no military ob- Tec ives m thTvicinity unless a hew anfth? h'stoilf tomb of Saladin
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 48 13 Large tires siancu At Kiel And Bremen London, June 26. r^s morning nine enemy "Bhters i 1 were destroyed during an often-, announced m London to-day. Tnm RAF fighters are missing. during the night. I mmm mmm, SSLr^fS V» ahort tor effective
    48 words
  • 17 13 Teheran. June 2« Em- have Ukcn house, la vicinity— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 138 13 Dutch Submarine's Bag Of Two Enemy Ships Lontlcn, June 26. rE loss of the German auxilUrv cruiser Pingu.n m the Indian Ocean m a flsht with the BrltUh cruiser Cornwall Is admitted ln to-day s German High Command cornmunlqie. The communique claims that trie German pocket-battleship
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 99 13 Londoti. June 26. THE 9.000-ton Ocrmrnn liner Eb«. which 1 hms been tunk by mircraft ln the Atlantic, was undoubtedly one ol the German bmttle«hlp BUmarck'i «upply ships. It is learned m London to-day. The Kbe was Included In eight enemy supply
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 67 13 TROOPS FROM CRETE GREECE RE-EQUIPPED Canberra, June 26. MOST of the Au.trnllaiw evacuated from Crete and Oreece are enjoying ft rest ln Palestinr. Mr. Percy Spender. Australian MlnUter for the Army, stated to-day. A cable frrin Gen Sir Thcmas Blßmey Australian Commander-ln-OttJef nnd Deputy C In C Midile East, said
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 305 13 Kill them I|S with FLIT f Protect your valuable books, silks, curtains, aad starched goods X Uom destructive silver- Jish. Insist on FliL Sub- I siitutes are of ten worth- t <; S sometimes even/ imgttom and frc- quentlywasteyourimm- ,y. 1 lit i< sold <.nly m Ihe sea led I
      305 words
    • 248 13 WAR or PEACE M I H.B.WINTER 1 M (n B MM Co. coJ jlV H3 2O-BATTERY ROAD -SINGAPORE k\| W Makers of clothes flfj BEWARE OF PYORRHOEA Save them with FORHAN S II you have irriuted or bleeding gums, don"t neglect thetn for a single day! It may be the
      248 words

  • 242 14 Newspaper Questions Value Of Axis Pact Under New Conditions R, „w Tokio, June 26. fc PORTS of a coming Japanese Cabinet reshuffle were denied here to-day by the official spokesman. One of the forecasts now denied was that the Foreign Minister, Mr. Y.
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 108 14 Many Nazi Experts Officials Stranded M»v,v Tokio. June 26. ANY Germans have been strand 3d In Japan as a result of being unable to use the trans-Siberian railway route to return home since the outbreak of hostilitie3 between Oermany and Russia. Apart frcm the usual residents. 150 Germans of the
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 78 14 Toklo. June 2«. THE police authorities have decided to strictly punish "Irresponsible goastp. mongers" relaUre to Japan 1 movement* regarding the International situation following the Russo-German war "V" f trcutoUon oC false reports aiming to disturb the people's mind" will be punishmentV.TtSrflne nYe m >
    78 words
  • 413 14 Zurich. June 26. A CONTROVERSY over the proportion of occupation costs payable by Prance to Germany m gold instead of notes is the chief stumbling block to completion of FrancoGerman collaboration plans, according to the correspondent at Vichy of the Gazette de
    Reuter  -  413 words
  • 299 14 Full Satisfaction For Incident Promised London, June 26 DEUTER learns in London that the Spanish Government has undertaken to give Britain full satisfaction regarding the anti-British Nazi-managed demonstration which took place on Tuesday outside the Brifish embassy in Madrid. It 1* also learned that the
    299 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 511 14 Take this brake off your heart To allow your heart to be subjected to the resistance of hardening arteries is like driving a car with the brakes on! Healthy, resilient arteries assist the heart to circulate the blood, but thickening, hardening arteries tend taj resist the flow of the blood
      511 words
    • 197 14 jy X C)U can still have ample li^ht for meals and J^^ reading and yet conform to I regulations. Our special type /fife^^X^ Blackout Lampshade dims the /mm|»V light, gives an even soft blue m ml spread— the filter screen pro'J'~/~' I 1 n nc aperture. \^>L Dont let the
      197 words

  • 653 15 WAETERE THANKSALOT TO SCORE DOUBLES? Final Day Of Selangor Turf Club's Summer Meeting WAETERE and Thanksalot, who have been takei fco complete doubles for the meeting, should als?> make khe bed bets at Kuala Lumpur to-morrow, the final day of the Beianjror Turf Club's Summer meet m Bath ffutm and
    653 words
  • 89 15 Kuala kHfV, SLOW work was th* »r1«»r ->f the day at thin morning* train'.n't hy eandi<*at«»* -iinnirt* on the final rf th<^ S^l^n~'>r m«»tln? tor..>r7f»w Th« mine i« v«ry *<™- n ah taofcrt mwh c.) .itt-rVix m half w 0 ould •^•■nrf tio'ibU- to-morrow lf
    89 words
  • 299 15 Soccer Liame (From Our Own Corrr%p«ndrnn hii -U 1 innpin. J»»' ONK. of the m««t dUsrar*f«» m eMciltl in foollmll w^<wllnrnrd t« the to-day tn th* hrlwrn Hi- (nminE Soulh (lilnu tr»m «u.l -ipl;intor whrn. 1T> minutes from Xhr M-hrdiilrd md M pUv. :i
    299 words
  • 142 15 Recreation Club Go Down 9 0 R. T I MtMMI I; Ml I ?Nf. »Hh liHIr ..pp.Kili'in, Ifea I I "i nil.— ronvin me nvrrwhelm «1 lh* SR< ,.'l r, f (,<tnr- n lyi am ifc i I i they had i >d half, they uttort
    142 words
  • 64 15 ifrnm ffir Own C>rre«tx»i»d«nt) .(ohore Bahrn, M M JOH'»RF'S t<>am »Tain«t th« Army m a Malaya f ny U» h« played at the Tra-Ie <rho«1 r"»'»« > vvil) he oh^en fr -.m .lohd V-%or ANdnl PaKim Hancack, Burk Henr Ahmid l^min. 1
    64 words
  • 151 15 Yadi Miss Ghia To Meet Smith And Miss Stokes In Final nn finest icnis the Singapore lawn ItMrfl ••M:nnn»'n<.liin« I have M f:«r vicMrd wa^ wllawwd <u Uir Wnfnporo <•,;, nfiof Ihnw vplondifih .-on««-<.«l Mts. iH-nM'n.n I. Si M~ H C. Cwter I I ,rmi
    151 words
  • 111 15 Starling I mios And 1 he Draw W Q M.« FJd«>i "IP i -V M>« .....I Mi< ..1 Mr. M.« B"ll ,t, «.,.i Mr« il* M.. 1141 m<c. I ranklln cJOi n Ml» !*<»» |l"<ol'»M I" R'»IC>r« H < Man »nd Mr. ind 1 i
    111 words
  • 8 15 r 1
    8 words
  • 42 15 r\r. toll »re 81nf«por« R I ri (r«rr,M 4 ..M Tart f»P»l«e <«• j <^. marrow r a I. AJvta, E k ind L B II <n ->n --•>«<< .t f A DAimflda. A. f in, w m h»rsr "r-rt r <'r.'--rKvnTi
    42 words
  • 37 15 FOR CRICKET TEAMS FOR WEEK-END 7 p.„ .ni ii r.. r e~a* r p. r c •I f"t ••> I 7 > I C I*, ft I II r it -»rr P r ■>• OHM r U R L. Da»l««.
    37 words
  • 7 15 •pif p«7«i f."7 tea
    7 words
  • 20 15 Six < i i Hi.. n ««n p«-«.i lad an m, r i n i- .<*• «■•••> I ,i i
    20 words
  • 22 15 M.A. rirvr i Cm ni iih m •••< tlw I I ii. i ins Maieltw ii i i B
    22 words
  • 13 15 I I AC .VII th^. P < I t|| n
    13 words
  • 130 15 Vfilav« 2- RAF 1 i PT.AYrNO *<arnst A set of nippy Malay forward*, who often noncln^ed them with their clever Lmc, th.R: A.F were^^, the odd itoal m three m a rei^rve division l^axue soccer ma-teh playni at the «tj»din'n ye^t-erday. parses and worked
    130 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 23 15 ORDER OF RUNNING 'Hie orJor <-f running and n -nt«rs f"r to-warraw'i ra<ri will be fourH in PM2B if re^eiv d tn t:m-.
      23 words
    • 29 15 Hot* auuif <asriß. was ffce ar*» r» I»4 bt Tropper HL. air-ronditlnned hit ■HAWT I Sol* Agents: C<Ht»Wi Agency sin^ap< %sSeIJ ATTACKS ***> &FLYMPWI V jf ahitish .hum >iQM' f
      29 words

  • 898 16 POSITION OF FINLAND AND SWEDEN STUDIED IN LONDON Explanations Given By Soviet And Swedish G overnments Ttip am. London, June 26. HL statement by the Finnish Government stating that the /5 1 e V°Y J defendin themselves against the Russians and the official
    Reuter  -  898 words
  • 134 16 j Expeditionary Force Inspected By Duce London, June 26. ITALY Is sending an expeditionary I force to Russia, according to an j official announcement here to-day, says United Press. The official announcement states that the expeditionary force which is I proceeding to Hu&sia includes motorized
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 1140 16 Russians Weather Onslaught And Drive Wedge Into South Poland London. June 26. A STATEMENT foaiied in Derlin to-day admitted that almost the entire German war machine has now been thrown againat the Ru*»ian force* in order to achieve the vital object
    Reuter  -  1,140 words
  • 85 16 R Canberra. June 26. EPORTS of Gen. Blarney, Deputy C.-in-C. Middle East, retarding the British carruon at Tobruk indicate that there Is no need for any anxiety, said the Army Minuter, Mr. P. C. Spender, today. Mr. Spender waa replying to questions raised by Labour
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 61 16 A*Jf "L 1 1.1" 111 11 are low that Brit ain might win the war without ti«H? Va n ing E r °P e J l) y bombing Germany's vital spot "-her synthetic oil plants and transportation lines -stated Mr. Robert E Wilson petroleum consultant
    61 words
  • 408 16 Moscow, June 26. i DIG Soviet air attacks have been made on the German tank thrust towards the White Russian border of the Soviet Uniou in the' northern sector of the Russo- 1 German war front, says Reuter. The Germans made twin-attacks in
    Reuter  -  408 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements