The Straits Times, 13 June 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 254 1 Try MIEN CHONG TAILORING 34 Coleman St., Spore. Phone 816 Available Suit lengths ■Eorkvillr" Suitm e U.S.A. WAIN SHIELI.'S. In Silk and Wool Abo AMERICAN SHARKSKIN. In various colours SINGAPORE, 140 CECIL ST. ('PHONE 547 1 > W iJ Vi P* ll'v'*'/lH *s L^ompanuo^tniLted r J ifcor*jrmtt*-h,-entl*ndl SSINGAPORE PENAN G
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    • 101 1 KUALA LVMPUR 28 JAVA ST. ('PHONE 3683). ■r- HUMBERT THE ARISTOCRAT OF BICYCLES Combining ease of running with modern design and good looks, these sports models are amongst the most popular machines in the H umber range. =ROBINSON CO., LTD= BAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE 284-41 -^im^—m.^ kggP your BLUNDELL ''^L^^^T'f l
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    • 8 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Morning Afternoon Evening Dresses.
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    • 48 2 The family of the late Mrs. Cnua Hong Hln tender their heartfelt thanks to the many friends and relatives who paid night visits and attended the funeral, end also to those who sent wreaths and the members of the Singapore Buddhist Association for chanting the Buddhist Sutras
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1345 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED TELEPHONE OPERATOB for busy 4 line switchboard usual business hours. Apply Box No. 598, Straits Times. WANTED. Two expert ladies and gents dressmakers Salesman and Salesgirl for fabrics and piece goods shop. Box No. 599. Straits Times. WANTED. European Rubber E'tate Assistant for billet with excellent prospects.
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    • 812 2 AUCTION NOTICES THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS, AUCTION SALE Of modern European polished teak house 1 bold furniture, crockery, glassware, cookie utensils, etc., etc. (The Property of Mrs. C Krryi To be held at No. 11. Swanafje Roai (Grove Estate off Tanjong Katong Rd.) o: Saturday, June 14th. 1941 at 2.3« PM.
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    • 652 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS, EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY tTH^MP/ON HJPTICAL C 2 4. AKCADE BLOO.. PHONE 3M2. R A. Thompson, Dr of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. u PERSONAL "IS THESE A BABMA?" uM the baiH Mrtntnt looking for new talent. Soiuk would have it not a SoUum one", replied the corporal.
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    • 411 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETC: I SAVE MONEY FIT M \.l"0/, or Roller iRW.£^P( ENGINEERING ■I JMI n it ii A^ Slnsaporr and EUR 4 rERMANENT «l >* WAVF O ;!-ifc»S--tVjSi-*"^ rtKMANF.NT WAVING LEUN WAH CO. MANUFACTURERS OF A.R.P. EQUIPMENTS NO. 12. HORNE ROADPRONE NO. 3M3 PLF.A8K NOTE. Our Stirrup Pump has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 328 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated In England) PENINSULAR AM) ORIENTAL 8. N CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible serrlees are being maintained by the T. O. 8. N. Co.. from th» Straits to their usual ports of call In China. India Ceylon
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    • 258 3 m-yjMfjM i ra (Incorporated Io Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA Through fares to North America to Europe via America and Round Toura in the Pacific quoted In VS. on application. To California from the Orient via Honolulu lea Manila lea B'lcong s.s.
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    • 421 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Frcmantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 174 3 Radio Programmes TO-D-Y SINGAPORE Zlll LJH M/I ll ZHP1 9.89 me/i (30.96 m.) (ZHP2 b.US mc/i U.SS in.) ZHP3 7.2.1 mr/i («1 JH m.) zbl zari inn 5 p.m. Pelping dramast; S.55 p.m. Nr»s in Cantonese; 5.30 p.m. Hokklen mu&lcr; 6 p.m. News m HokJden; t.15 p.m. Warning to Mariners;
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    • 170 3 Relayed from London: 9.50 p.m. Cuticert Waiuest; 10.15 p.m. Headline news: 10.20 p.m. "World Affairs": Tali by H. Wlcunum Steed. ReUyed from London: 10.36 p.m. Guy Lombard« and his Hcyal Canadians'; 10.45 p.m. Warning to Mariners. Cloc down. iZHm p.m. Lagu Melayut; 5.50 p.m. Hindustani muslcr: 6.05 p.m. News In
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    • 649 3 EMPIRE STATION KrviwO rrrqnenrt Srbrdnlr Eastern Tn nimtwtar ••IS oa to 1150 p.m <n> CSV— I7J1 mt/t: 1«JI4 Mrtrn *M GS» IS 14 me 19 81 metre* From tt5 p m II.M P m and GSD— 11.71 me/*: tSJJ Mtrs North Americas) rruaWMt CSU- CiSC <31 metre MMi and GBT
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    • 598 3 NIROM TDB 15.31 ae/i (19.61 m.); TDC 15.15 mtf» (1»8« m.j: PLP U.M met (27.27 m.); PM.N mt (21.14 at >; VOB ».5S act iJ1.4j ■.I ri>O «.M mr t ia.fl m. 4.50 pjn. Programme ptrrlew. Tern concert; 5 50 pjn. Musette music; 6.05 p.m. Singing lessons for children;
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  • 170 4 Lewis And Peat's Weekly Report IN a weekly report on the rubber market Issued this morning Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd.. write: The market this week has been somewhat quieter and there has been a tendency for the demand for early dsLvery and shipment to slacken off
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  • 56 4 Dow Jones Averages THE following were Dow Jones Aver- ages when the New York Stock Exchange closed to-day and the preceding day: June 11 June 12 30 Industrials 122.18 122.98 20 Rails 28.26 28.40 15 Utilities 17.60 17.69 40 Bonds 91.21 9134 Commodity index 71.27 70 94 Stock
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  • 116 4 •THE trading profit of Raffles Hotel, S'ngapore. for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941. was $122,279.85. from which has been deducted depreciation of $76,380, interest of $26.*****. and reserve for S S. wart** of $8,000, leaving a net profit of $11,028.32. To this latter
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  • 80 4 1 FrMajr, Jaae IS. aoao. Baren Sevan film Frtrp IX LSI (Spwt Ink) »X Na IX 8.8.g. t.»b ir am Jmlr i» t*\ G.F.A.Q. S S.B »o b m July i»K M r.AQ. K-S.S f.e* m ->•.■*• '■ir SBV4 S*« FVTVBS QUOTATIONS Na. IX B.S.S.
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  • 74 4 New York. June 12. THE following were prices for Straits tin and rubber on the commodity exchange to-day:— J IN June 11 Jane 12 Spot 53 v 4v 4 53 June 53.00 52 95 Ju'y 52.95 52.75 August 52 95 52 75 B?ptember 52.90
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  • 21 4 Washington, June 12. Effective from July 1 the defence authorities have ordered full priority control of aluminium, scrap and zinc. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 1676 4 30 To 5 Per Cent. Addition To Standard Profit (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 16. MALAYAN tin-mining companies m which have their registered offices in the United Kingdom will certainly qualify or the Chancellor of the Exchequer's promised concession on the 100 per
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  • 384 4 LITTLE BUSINESS BUT PRICES MAINTAINED RUBBER LOWER BUT SELLERS UNWILLING By Our Financ:al Correspondent Singapore, Jun; 13. rIE xhaie markets epen.-<i very quietly this morning aft;r the holiday and in view of the arproach of the week-end very little busin?ss .s expected to be dene to-day. Prices,
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  • 97 4 Singapore. June 13. ClMlMw 7.S0 Hamburg Cube »12 23 J«*B Cub* (13.00 UllM t3.23 I «un Drtad S3 K White Muutok $15 00 $M M ««oc rioter Wo LttBW MM 'W >•••• M«H «4«2H Sarawnc m 50 Itn.cco Small P)ak« tl bO rtUr Flax* MOO Medtuu-nalM M35
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  • 183 4 rt« folio* ins art tne adliucr rata aw mcmlnt according to ifcc daUj drctl«i Htu»: o» the Honikaaa «no -Ihantha) Prinking -2orDon£Sdn r ttUWO London I. T 1/4 1/D London demand 3/4 I /U Switzerland iT.T. oolj) 292.46 New York demand 47.10 Montreal demand 61. 85 Batavia demand M.71
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  • 38 4 THE price of rubber for purpose of assessment of export duty in the F.MS. for the period June 13 to June 19,, has been determined at 394 cenis a pound, states a Gazette notification.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 96 4 Ceraldo Ilk Orchestra PI7W Our love affair— F.T. And so do I— B. P.T. PIMO When the Black Bird Bay "Bye Bye"— P.T. I'll always tove you— Walts FlBOl Ridin- nigh— Q.S. Only Forever P.T. PlBlO Moon for Sale— F.T. Ob Buddy, I'm in love— P.T. FlS©« Looking for Yesterday—
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  • 362 5 Prices Maintained And Most Sections Firm London. June 12. 'pHE Stock Exchange to-day generally maintained its recent brtter tendency, most M-ctlona ruling tlitn. though gilt-edged and Home rails were inclined to lose their early Improvements. Indus' rials trnded higher and diamond* wero again prominent. Kaffirs were mainly
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  • 125 5 .1 close ai the Genera! Post Office TO-MOKROV. Australia air 12.30 p.m. Java air 12.30 p.m. New Zealand air 12.30 p.m. Medan air 12.30 p.m. i'!g air 12.30 p.m. ARRIVALS Malta from Australia (air> generai delivery 3.30 p.m. to-day. Malls from Java lair) general delivery 8
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  • 127 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prom Our Own Correspondent) London, June 12. COMMODITY and Exchange markeu closed as follows with previous quotations in parenthesis: RIRRIR: Quiet Spot 13 7|lBd 13 11ll6d (13 7|l6d 13 ll|l6d> Augt. 13 7116 d 13 9|l«d (13 7!16d 13 11 16 d) OctDec. 13 7|l6d 13 9U6d (13
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  • 97 5 New York. June 12. SO far this year there has not been single million share day on the New York stock market. That is a record dating back to 1914 when a similar situation existed. In only two other years of this century 1600 and
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  • 311 5 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Singapore, June 11. Bouka i"t*j Cat Oamomay OMOma Oom Oat* ate On. aoaocuu rmt Burma Mala? Cd No. 27 June 24 June 30 June 25 254% Hltam 10% Int. June 16 June 21 June IT Kamunt'ng Tin 5% Int. lest
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  • 1337 5 WEDNESDAY, JVNI 11, 1M1: 4 P.M. MININO Barer* Sellen Amptt (Si) 3s 3d 3s 9d Austral Ami). 7* 14d 7s 6d Austral Malay (I) 33s 6d 34s fld Ayer riitam (S«> 17s 18i Ayer wan* (tl> .17 .71 Bangnn Tin 12s Cd 14a Batu Selangor
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 A home i s as modern as its bathroom and both V£k modernity and good taste are exemplified by using J|— mm mommm shanks Sanitary Appliances. Tlie name Shanks has b been associated with all developments in sanitary appliIB^^^^^,*^** 1"^1 ances since the middle of the nineteenth century, until It
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    • 618 5 PUBLIC NOTICES SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN DREDGING, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England I Cabled advice ha* to-day been received that the Board of Directors has declared an Interim Dividend of 2V>%. lea* Income Tax at 10/ln th* l payable In London on 19th June. 1941. A. J. KELMAN General Manager. t-6-41. MALAYAN
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    • 105 5 DON'T SUFFER From PRICKLY HEAT!! USE AGNESIA ANTISEPTIC DUSTING POWDER The Unfailing Remedy. Ask for it You can buy it anywhere. GRAFTOM LAMiATOMB LTf. Singapore Kuala Lumpur A Penan* jVt% V l l l l ee^^ c? V Save yourielf from torment Insist oa Flit to kill I I mosquitoes.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 140 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES BMW H.W. 00.36 i.m. 9 6 ft.; 1.S5 p.m. 8 5 A. L.W. 7.11 a.m. 0.1 ft.: 7.11 p.m. 3» ft. To-morrow H.W. 1.11 a.m 8.3 ft.; 2.39 p.m. S.I ft. L.W. 7.54 a.m. 0 6 ft.; 7.M p.m. 4 ft. Sunday. June 15. H.W. 1 59
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 275 6 Again the Picture of the Week! SEE GINGER in the best Performance of her career which won her the ACADEMY AWARD for the best actress of 1940 IM I B M^ I-I'J l^ daily at 315 SftffßffSySJJffßffiß^ 1 6.15 9.15 PM. Whd Did Kitty FoyU A TRUTHFUL CONFESSION H<r»e Thai
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    • 193 6 BETTY BRYANT HAS CAPTURED ALL lIFARTS SEE HER IN THIS THRILLING ADVENTURE EPIC. THE TALK OF THE TOWN ITS THE BIG HOLIDAY SHOW! ~3 SHOWS TO-DAY AT TH E AAPBTAP 3.15-6.15-9.15 UArIIUL Universal Pictures present Charles Chauvel's stirrin? epic of (he Australian Light Horse in the Palestine campaign iS/Mr *^T
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  • 554 7 Hitler Forcing A Crisis In Bid To Get New Concessions From Stalin? London, June 12. WITH 80 to 100 divisions of Nazi troops massed along the Soviet frontier from the Baltic to the Black Sea, Germany appears ready to invade Russia within
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  • 125 7 No Secret Negotiations Going On With Nazis London; June 12. THE Soviet Ambassador in London. M. Maisky. in a recent talk with the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden. Rave assurances that the Soviet Union is not at present conducting economic, political, military, |or any other kind
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  • 366 7 Indian Troops Capture Second Eritrean Port AOSTA IN KENYA TWO GENERALS AMONG HUNDREDS OF ITALIANS TAKEN PRISONER Aden, June 12. ASSAB second port of Eritrea was captured yesterday morning by a combined daylight operation by navy, army and air force units, it is officially announced. Several hundred prisoners were I
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  • 92 7 Santiago de Chile. Jun» IS. THE partial crisis latent for several weeks owing to differences between the Government and the Radical Party has been settled by the withdrawal of the Radical Ministers. The new OoTernraeot held a rabtnet meeting to-day and decided on rapid examination
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 242 7 London, June 12. THE King gave two Victoria Crosses and two George Crosses to relatives of four dead heroes at an investiture at Buckingham Palace this week. Miss Feren received a V.C. conferred on her brother. Captain Fegen, who wen, down
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 1201 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1941. (650th Day Of The War.) GOOD WINE NEEDS NO BUSH Because the complete solidarity of the British Empire was the one thing which the German leaders did not anticipate, and Is the one thing which must bring about their ultimate defeat, there
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  • 2110 8 Our London Letter SERVICES PROGRAMME— FROM THE OTHER END How Messages To Malayan Servicemen Are Radioed (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 17. I JT is nearly 1.30 on Saturday afternoon. Down in this little underground room I can hear the subdued murmur of Piccadilly Circus traffic speeding fast overhead.
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  • 547 8 Letters To The Editor Inspiring Verses By A. P. Herbert To tbe Editor of the Straits Tim** Sir, After reading your leading article of June 11 entitled "Too Muc»i Gloom," the enclosed extracts from Mr. A. P. Herbert's broadcast "Let us be Gay," appear to me
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  • 173 8 Mosquito Nets For Estate Labourers To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, As rubber is a vital industry that hems the war effort, and as there is a shortage of labour In the industry, I suggest that alJ estates should persuade their labourers to sleep under mosquito nets
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 299 8 See us first for SPORTS m GOODS m We carry a large and comprehensive range at Jfl very competitive Drice3 Special Terms to School-, jfl Clubs A Associations. Restrlnglng Rackets na, I been our specialized job jUm Tropical Outs are always Jm used to ensure satisfaction. Hjj GIAN SINGH and
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    • 45 8 POULTRY— KEEPING TO-SAY by Walter Brett. An amazlnr Illustrated book on all kinds o! Foultry. 7uo explanaloiy Photographs, containing 256 Pages. Price $3.75 or $4.00 Pact Free. Q. H. KIAT A CO., LTD., 6 S, Robinson Road— Singapore. JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Optician, 21. BATTERY ROAD.
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  • 126 9 BRITISH EMPIRE ALLIED LEADERS CONFER Unanimous Will To Continue To Victory MR. CHURCHILL'S FIGHTING AND CONFIDENT SPEECH "Hitler Will Find No Peace, No Rest, No Parley" THE first meeting of all British Empire and Allied 1 Governments engaged in the war against Germany was held at St. James' Palace in
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  • 541 9 Following is the text of Mr. Chur- 1 chill's speech at the meeting of the, Allied Governments:— "In the twenty-second month of the war against Nazi-ism we meet here in this old palace of St. James, itself not unscarred by the flre of the enemy,
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  • 999 9 "Such is the flight of a once (tori- ous Europe and such are the atrocities against which we »re in arms.] "Your Excellencies, my Lords and Gentlemen, it is upon this foundation that Hitler with his tattered lackey
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  • 579 9 Solid Backing For Churchill London. June 13. FLLOWING Mr. Churchill's speech, the conference of the Allied Governments at St. James* Palace yesterday was addressed by Gen Sikorski, the Polish Prime Minister: M. Lie. the Norwegian Foreign Minister; Dr. P. S. Gerbrandy Dutch Prime Minister; M. H
    Reuter  -  579 words
  • 96 9 Valetta, Jane 13. 1%K enemy aircraft were shot 1 down <w«r Malta yesterday, another Is unlikely to have reached it* base, and others w*re probably damaged. An official statement describe* how yesterday mornlnt a irtron* enemy force wu broken op by accurate anti-aircraft fire and
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 221 9 Judge Rejects Plea Of No Case To Answer Nairobi. June 13. IWANT you to tell the Judge and jury whether you had anything to do directly or indirectly, with the death of Lord ErroU." said the counsel when Major Sir Delves Broughton 53-year-old baronet who
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  • 163 9 New Defence Steps To Meet Nazi Threat London, June 13. •THE Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden to-day conferred with Sir SUfford Cripps. British Ambassador to Russia, as reports were received I stating that a German military threat I to the Soviet Union is impending It is
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  • 208 9 London, June 13. THE text of the resolution passed at the conference of the Allied Governments at St. James' Palace In London yesterday is:— The Governments of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia. New Zealand, South Africi, the Government of iBelgium, the Provisional Czecho-Slovak Govivr:i..ent.
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  • 79 9 London. June 13. "AIRCRAFT of the Bcmber Command eseorred by fighters yesterday afternoon made a successful attack tn enemy shipping in the Channel." says an Air Ministry communique. "Direct hits were claimed on a ship of about 1.400 tons which was left sinking. One
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 36 9 New York, June 12. •TEN fast new vessels totalling 80.000 gross tons were completed In American shipbuilding yards during May, when production reached the highest level since the Great War.
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  • 431 9 Vichy Reports Of Severe Fighting May Be Prelude To Surrender London, June 13. CPORADIC resistance w being gradually smothered by th« Australian forces marching towards Beirut and after Tuesday's bfitz over the Leontes river, where a stiff encounter ended in an Australian
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  • 231 9 TyOndon, Jane 13 rIE French Syrian authorities have left Damascus and Beirut and «one **> Alepno, aeeordJng t« the D«Hv Mali 1 Cairo correspondent—United PreM. have not b*«n able yet to overcome the French resistance. according to a Vichy new* aeenry miwap yesterday afternoon. If state*
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 475 10 Contribution From Cold Storage Creameries Staff SUBSTANTIAL GIFT FROM JOHORE BAHRU HOSPITAL THE daily advance in The War Fund total is again well over $1,000, and the gross total is now $5,592,114 The largest individual item acknowledged to-day is a cheque for $461 representing
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  • 93 10 A MALAY woaama wmi iilled and five- others were injured, three ?eri us- ly. when a coconut tree crashed into a hot in an esta:? eft* 83/,8 3/ miles. Bftti C.-.ast Read, yest°rday ev?ning. There wore rltogether ten Malay w. men in tho hut
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  • 79 10 (P.-om Our Ov,n Correspondent t Muar. Jun:' 11. OEALERS have In one way solved the local •J«t? of one-cent coins by offering customers pos'ng? stamps in place of small charge. Mr. P J. Bryant, the doy; n of the Perak Bar. who luis just been appointed a
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  • 137 10 ■nwiar— KAIFLCS KOT' Dinner A; Dance In."orji»:i 3 p m to Mlrtrtsht. GK£AT WORLD Cabaret- 7.30 to 9 ft 9 p.m. to Ml(lni-:hr c;l.*e: Ulltan Rusßell. S-y: Union Pacific. HAPPY THEATMK (Uapp? Wertdl Kpr)n« Paia.!e. Srutdr: Wlxard of Oz. N»W WOfT* Talkies. Theatres and Cinemas. Show Cabaret. Dancing QUEENS.
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  • 71 10 "THE Battle for Britain," the Air 1 Ministry's best-seller SUry of the Nazi\' futile attempts to conquer Britain by daylight raids, has arrived in Singapore and is ripWly selling out Bookshops which stock copies report bit demands. More consignments are expected soon. Another best-seller is
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  • 98 10 New Controller At Ministry London, June 13. CIR Charles Craven has become Conw troller at the Ministry of Aircraft Production, according to a Ministry of I L r CI ft Pr^uction announcement which states that at the request of! the Prime Minister. Mr. ChurchlU. and Minister of Aircraft
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  • 27 10 Mr. S. C. Goho has been elected president of the Indian Associat'on .Mnpapore. in place of Mr. V. Pakiri- samy, who has resigned
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  • 47 10 §WTTZERL.\N-D will be the subject of a tray.l talk by Mrs. Arbenz at Urn Y.W.CA. premises at CoUyer Quay on Monday at 9 48 am Tlic talk Is being held under the MfPfc" of the Y.W.CA. FortnJghtry Club \ll members and rtsltors are welconi-
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  • 530 10 J-J^ H S. Terror, former Base ship at Singapore, has been lost as a result of enemy action during operations off the Libyan coast, cables Reuter. Another loss announced in the Admiralty communique is that of the British gun-boat Ladybird, formerly well-known
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  • 59 10 Men of a battery of the Hong Kong-Singapore Royal Artillery which \nt r V n Celebr 2 U i ,'i* seen giving three Juer* for the King at a parade held at a Singapore cantonment yesterday BelowA 80/ort light anti-aircraft gun makes an impressive foreground
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  • 219 10 Sydney, June 12. rJHE Air Minister, Mr. McEwen. announced that protective squad- rons of fighters and Army co- operation aircraft, manned by Australians. heavily reinforcing the A. IF. in the Middle East. Ihe Army Minister, Mr. Spender has announced that hundreds o; American tanks will
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  • 364 10 Amendments Follow Series Of Tests Reports By R.A.F. MEW lighting regulations for brown-outs and black-outs which will be uniform throughout Malaya, will come into operation for the forthcoming Malaya-wide passive defence exercises on Wednesday and Thursday. Lighting on motor-cars (luring brown-outs is simplified, for
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  • 148 10 Eden's Message To South America London. June 13. "COONER or later aU men will b- forced to decide whether the 7 will support the Allies or the Axis declared Mr. Anthony Eden. Britain s Foreign Secretary. In a radio broadcast to Latin America to-day.
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  • 86 10 f*HE plans have been passed of the 'T" ed SWeW Institute for th* c 'orce* in Singapore and work is being started on the buildln immediately. To be established in Queen Stre-c between Middle Road ar.d Bras Ba^ah Road the Institute will have facilities
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  • 26 10 •*f H. C. Seawell. manager of the Asiat^? Division of Sharp and Dh me. PhlladelphiH T* i" 1"*1 1 ln Sipgapor-j from Shanghai b» Prrsldent Monroe.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 25 10 A product made in B^^MniißlflMPMMff wr \r\t\ mk\E± 1 1 ii Mom PM5a f Advertisement of The Central EUcfric Co. LkL. England. "Magnet House" Singapore.)
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  • 278 11 Postage Rates May Be Reduced (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 16. |T is possible that there may be a reduction in postage on parcels consigned from Britain or Australia to soldiers, sailors or airmen serving in Malaya. An indication to this effect was given by Mr.
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  • 25 11 Mr. A. Y. Mitchell, engineer of thr standard Oil Company, has returned to Singapore by the President Monroe after a Holiday In the United state".
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  • 1257 11 GIFTS LOANS TOTAL OVER $142,000,000 Governor Sums Up Malaya's War Effort To Date 30,000 CIVILIANS IN PASSIVE DEFENCE ARMED FORCES THE strength of Malaya's passive defences and the economic contribution to the war effort that this country is making were summed up for the first time by the Governor, Sir
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  • 93 11 Mr. Duncan William Macintosh, who received the Colonial Police Medal for meritorious service at the investiture at Government House on Wednesday. Mr. Macintosh, who served with the Royal Irish Constabulary (1920-22) and the Alrdrie Burgh Police (1924-20) Joined he Malayan Police Force in May, 19^9. and was awarded
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  • 197 11 Ex-Perak Planter Placed In Charge (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 15. MALAYANS who remember Mr. David Macdonald as a planter in Perak who became a Hollywood film director, will be interested to hear that he has now been given charge of the War Office's films
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  • 121 11 DKO Radio Pictures are now producing a scries of short subjects In South America dealing with a comparison between Nad and North American influence. The first of these subjects entitled "Eyes on Brazil" reveals that the whole populous, prosperous i Southern district of Brazil,
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  • 68 11 H.K.S.R.A. A HAPPY FAMILY •"■pHE corps cf the Hong Kon? Sin- gapore Royal Artillery is more than a military force: it is a family. and a very happy family," declarc-3 Brigadier A. W. G. Wlldey, M.C., in the course of a broadcast talk from tne Slngaoore station last night, tracing
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  • 272 11 Legislation To Provide For Definition Of Subjects IN order to define what persons are Johore subjects and to provide for the naturalization of aliens, a Johore Nationality Bill will shortly be introduced in the Johore Council of State. "In the Constitution of Johore and elsewhere In
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  • 65 11 Simla, June i. Fit mdcrxtood that Sir Olrja Staanka: Bajpai, Education, Health And L*nd Department M mber. la to laad ft Oorprnment ot Indl* dek«»tlon to Rangon u, negotiate an agreement on Immigration I I tlie Burma Gor«rrtnent. It U »xprct>'d th: t hr r«-w( it!on
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  • 186 11 Mrs. Tan Chay Yan's Gifts To Education Charity ITHE only woman recipient In 1 Malaya of King's Birthday Honours this year, Mrs. Tan Chay Van. who has been made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (Civil Division), comes of one of the oldest families in Malacca the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 176 11 v f Uu uIA. jß^b^b^b^b^M <r*j*BW'xw4alßK*Vr *j*BW'xw4alBK*V A^ikV m l aW V^i^aiSlain A bKb3» rsKmW§am%s-J*-*M in .my vmeyaiJ U» your table comes t his already world famous product <-^ of Empire. Infinite care goes into every x£s stage of its maturation, carried out __^^O o^^»»-^ under close Government supervision and
      176 words
    • 445 11 True Blue stays True/ SO DO REDS, GREENS, YELLOWS! ALL GAY PRINTS KEEP THEIR TRUE NEW BRIGHTNESS WASHED THIS NEW EASY OXYDOL WAY ufiP </^ bT T Jib A «tr* mmt i' 09at*j£M Bkk "tmJ* **fr *£m in I *7* s^?^\S^ Wash after wash r smart summer prints keep their
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  • 330 12 "Ideal Solution" To Problem Of Subnutrition On Estates COMMUNAL feeding for whole estate populations is suggested by Dr. Paul Fasal, of the Institute of Medical Research, F.M.S., as the ideal solution to the problem of .subnutrition on estates. Writing in the I.M.R. bulletin oh a
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  • 31 12 T Simla. June t. HE Supply Department o« the Government of India has received &n order from the Middle Eact for thousand toos of dried potatoes.
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  • 181 12 With Compliments Of Singapore fl/HEN new Australian reinforceTT m*nts arrived In Singapore early this week, they inundated Salvation Army officers who had come to replenish their stocks of cigarettes, sweets and magazines before they entrained for other points In Malaya with cables for transmission home at special
    181 words
  • 60 12 pARLY booking is advised for the special showing of Paramount'* production "Lady Ev;.' 1 starring Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Frnda. at the Cathay Theatre on Monday at 9 p.m. This film is an outstanding comedy and the entire proceeds from Monday night's show
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  • 503 12 DOFX>RS anU-aircraft guns, which have claimed many victims among Nazi bombers over Britain, formed a striking background at a cantonment in Singapore yesterday when one of the regiments of the Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery paraded for their centenary celebrations. The H.K.S.R A. is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 476 12 J I \[f />OWCi clOvioe* by niier are H W. not en expt ye luxury n )fy but a ruriOUj economy. rk t H.B.WINTER j im! lrtß.v<iMTn» Co. uraj NY. \U 2O» BATTERY ROAD SINGAPORE Af Ij7 Makers of fine clothes W FORHAN'S CAN SAVE THEM! Don't pay tribute to
      476 words
    • 95 12 li ~ak j& HP 1 Ja^a^aFfcfcalafc^^^-Ma^^^a^a^aff I make all tht difference I ftnd ius< v f ou do, that Craven 'A' H cort-uppc4 ncrcf affect ut throw. iThfr arc a really satufrwc unoa*. CaMapllnu wrtfpai PACKETS «f 10 BSS.TS? TZ£S£IIX2 LONDON MADE BY CAMERAS LTD. HELP E NGLAND'S NEW HOMELESS
      95 words

  • 160 13 Shipping At Syrian Naval Base Heavily Attacked From Air London, June 12. DISPATCHES received in Vichy, to-day from the French High Commissioner in Syria, Gen Dentz, reports United Press, show clearly that the main British effort m Syria is along the coast towards
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  • 666 13 Beirut was raided four times last night, according to unofficial reports from there, and anti-aircraft guns were in action almost continuously between 9.30 p.m. and 2.30 a.m. To-dpy's RAF Middle East communique states: "In Syria aircraft gave full support to our advancing troops both by
    Reuter  -  666 words
  • 103 13 Second Protest Made To Great Britain London, June 12. A SECOND communication from the Vichy Government regarding the entry of British forces Into Syria has been received In Londen. says Reuters diplomatic correspondjnt. The communication was telegraphed to Londen by British Ambassador in Madr.d, Sir Samuel Hoare,
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  • 42 13 Ankara, Jane 12. THE Italian and Gerw*n ikwma- ment commimton has arrived In Aleppo from BeJmt, .«ccor<Wnr reliable information in Alexandretta. It Is added 'hat the commission is leaving Syria, If it has not already left.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 153 13 R.A.F. Continuing Its Blitz On Libya London, June 12 AN R-A.F. Middle East communique reports the continuation of attacks on enemy concentrations in North Africa on Wednesday. Considerable damage was lnflic-ec on motor transport and troops in tn^ Gazala, Capuzzo and El Adem regions in
    153 words
  • 134 13 London, June 13. AN ejrpresslon of gratltuua u> vie oui.ed Suites !c* help In providing training taciiities for R.A.I-. plloU was made in tht House of Commons to-day by the Au Minister, Sir Archibald Sinclair. He made It clear that the training dan*
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 120 13 Baghdad. June IS. WITH an Impressive ceremonial parade, the Union Jack was again holited over the British Embassy to-day for the flirt time since May 3. During Rashld All's rebellion which began then, the flag was not flown over the Embassy. A guard of
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 75 13 Ankara, June 11 AUTHORITATIVE Free French sources here revealed to-day that it is planned to make Beirut the capital of the Free French movement Immediately after the Allied occupation of Syria. United Pre s. CONSUL JOINS DE GAULLE Ankara, June 12 ANOTHER prominent Frenchman
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 719 13 9 M m rl (9 JE HP**- i md WT 4s j snowflake... Marvellously soft and delicate are these two exquisite powders— POUDRE SIMON »nd LA NOUVELLE POUDRE SIMON, the former a miracle of lightness and fineness: the latter as skilfully blended, but a trifle heavier. In many basic shades
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  • 222 14 Chungking's Army Of 4,000,000 Now Holding 2,000-Mile Front New York, June 12. THE editor of the magazine Time and director of United 1 China Relief, Mr. Henry R. Luce, just back from an extended inspection trip throughout Free China, in a radio broadcast
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  • 114 14 Bangkok Statement On British Troop Moves Bangkok, June 12. /COMMENTING on persls t c n t Japanese Press reports that the strengthening of the Malayan and Burmese border defences m'-nn^s the security of Thailand, a highlyplaced Thai official to-day declared that Thailand was not In
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  • 152 14 Shanghai. June 12. PANDEMONIUM reigns in Poochow, treaty port on the Fukrien coast, which was recently captured by the Japanese, following the Chinese advance to the ou'skirts of the city, according to the local pro-Chungking Chinese newspaper Sin Wa Pao quoting a Chungking dispatch, says Reuter.
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 66 14 Wellington, June 12. MR Peter Fraser, Prime Minister of m New Zealand, while in London, will discuss such matters as holding an Imperial conference. This was announced by the acting Prime Minister, Mr. W Nash, In reply to a question to-day. Mr. Nash added
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 163 14 Wellington, June 12. THE New Zealand Parliament to-day passed a resolution moved by the acting Prime Minister, Mr. W. Nash, expressing admiration for the courage, tenacity and determination of the New Zealanders in Oreece and Crete and confidence in Gen. B. C. Freyberg, who
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  • 105 14 Nazis On Their Losses In Balkans Crete Berlin. June 12. npHE High Command, in 4 special com- munique suiveying the Balkan ond Cretan campaigns, rnnornrc? that 1! SI officers and men of the German Army a^icl Air Force were killed in both campaigns together. The commu'iiq'ie says 3.169 Genrar. troops
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  • 108 14 Tokio, June IS. THE Japanese Emperor this morning cabled a message of congratulation to King Qeorge VI on the occasion of the official celebration of the King's birthday, saya United Press. At the same time the Emperor sent Viscount Yoshitaml Matsudaira. Grand Master of Ceremonies, to
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  • 65 14 L/nyton, June 12. COME details of last months disoidc.i in Bombay were given In the House ol Commons to-day by the Secretary lor India, Mr. I, 8. Amcry. He said they were purely communal, and altogether 42 people were killed and 230 injured. Most of the casualties were
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 295 14 ml***?**? 1 r bit DACK up the Empire's Fighting Forces by subscribing to the F.M.S. War Loan. It is a Gilt Edged Investment Registered Stock for Additional Security and you will get back every cent, plus interest at 3% per annum tax free Proceeds of the War Loan are to
      295 words
    • 331 14 r Quality--- i //•v3l Economy f-M* •JVJ Stylish LI i m Appearance WjJ For All 1 l^jf Occasions f Consult--' 'Phono 206G Singapore. APB 1 1^^^^^^^^^^^^"" Never neglect a scratch however imalL Q l The moment the «lun m broken pmth j> foe germs u opened. B SUrGlVa Use lDetto1
      331 words

  • 585 15 Paul Clerc In Best Individual Performance Yesterday THE Singapore lawn tennis championships have yielded. ever since they bejran on Monday, a hieh standard of tennis, and yesterday was no exception to the rule. Most of the events, which weie clayed at the S.CC. courts, were
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  • 81 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, June 11. SIX changes have been made in the Malacca side, which drew one-all with Jo >re at Malacca last Friday, tor the Malaya Cup soccer match against the Army to be played at the Bandar flilir Park on Saturday. The
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  • 304 15 GW. S. Waites, Singapore and Colony cricketer, scored his thousand runs for the current season yesterday wh:n, playing for the Singapore Cricket Club a*iin«t the johre Cri-ket Club at Johore Bahru, he made 46. Batting first, Johore scored 127. the SCC. replying with 174, passing their
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  • 197 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. June 13. OFFICIAL training for the Selan;or Turf Club's forthcoming Summer meeting began this morning when only Hobbs' and Duval's charges were exercised. The training consisted of slow work, which wa* done on the inside track. The going was good. The
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  • 55 15 There will te a 220 yards race for old boys of Victoria School at the school's annual inter-house sports which will be held on the school field on Saturday, June 21, at 3 pjn. The old boys' event will take place at 5.20 p.m. Lady
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  • 51 15 THE fifteenth annual sports meeting of the Anirlo-Chlnese Continuation School will be held at the Jalan Besar stadium on Saturday. Juue 21 at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Chen Su Lan'will distribute the prii- certificates. There will be two events for old boys: 220 yards race and 440 yards relay
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  • 254 15 Singapore vs. Johore At The Stadium r-DAY Anson Road stadium wiil be the venue of Singapore's first match in tha Malaya Cup soccer ccrepetition. Johore will provide the opposition and, with two first-class European players in Prentice and Parham i In th^. side, the ftate is
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  • 220 15 GOOD bowling by Toledo, who perfcrmed a hat-trick and took five ■wickets for 14 runs, enabled the Post Offlec Sports Clul> to beat the Sinhalese Association by one wtcket in a cricket match played at the Post Office ground yesterday. The scores were. SINHALESE ASSOCIATION Seneviratne
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  • 216 15 PASSING their opponents' total with eight wickets in hand thanks to H Boudewyn, 30. and Wool Kean Tat, !l9 the Police scored an easy victory over the Royal Signals in a cricket match played at the Depot yesterday. The scores were: EOVAI. SIGNALS Turner c
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  • 172 15 noZKNS »f l.ilui, d l. a IV ..1 clay at the Singapore ST/immin; Club yesterday morning when novelty rp.-cs were held. A large crowd had no lea an amusing time J'i watching the events and some of the children's m nses of dtrKtiOB In tr'e
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  • 214 15 THE Railway Juniors beat St. Andrew's School by six runs In a cricket match nlayed on the Rail-wny ground yes.erday. The scores were: RAIWAY JUNIORS S. Kulasinsam b Ross 28 S. Yogarajah c Chew Bee b B. Hope 1« S. Chelliah b Parada A. Vljiaretnam
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  • 196 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Jane 10. DISPLAYING good form tb« Cu»toms defeated the Police "B" by i four goals o one in a league woccer match at the depot ground to-day. After a tame start the game became lively. The Polk* were the
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  • 160 15 THE following is the amended schedule of racing for the Selangor Turf Club's Summer meeting: First day, Saturday, June 21: Horses, class two, divisions one, two and three, five-and-a-half furlongs; horses, class four, divisions one, two, three and four, six furlongs; horses, class four,
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  • 529 15 Five-Two Reverse In The First Round Avenged Singapore Recreation Club 6 Police 1 1V/IEETING with little opposition, the Singapore Recreation Club scored an easy victory over the Police, avenging a five-two defeat in the first round, when they beat them by six goals to
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  • 34 15 SOCCEK: Malaya Cup competition, Singapore vs. Johore, Anson Road stadium: S.A.F.A. league, second division (a), Moravia vs. Malay K. fimrnt, SIIK R.A.S.C. vs. YJW.C.A.. V M.C.A. Tennis: Singapore championships, SCC. courts.
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  • 289 15 Customs I: Stamford J COMBINING surprisingly uell, the Custom* score J .in o-erw helming victory by eight goals to one over the Stamford Sports Club in a second division (b) league soccer match played on the J.C.S.A. ground yesterday. The game was a one-sided afTalr throughout,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 187 15 LADIES. Singapore's grocery stores again have stocks of NESCAFE MOTION, SMITH SON, LTD. for THERMOMETERS HYDROMETERS HYGROMETERS THERMOGRAPHS BAROGRAPHS HYGROGRAPHS RAIN GAUGES ETC.. ETC. 15, BATTERY ROAD. Absorbine Jr. I- 1 I Hi?- S^rwa -<m^Z u"~u £*>£•' Jr^H Nothing tt rftiWi kg oil dinJun; a v.oOD TEA. Learn to know
      187 words

  • 626 16 ROBIN MOOR SUNK BY U-BOAT— OFFICIAL GRAVE REPERCUSSIONS IN UNITED STATES EXPECTED Stage Set For "Big Developments:" Belief In Washington Washington, June 12. THE American steamer Robin Moor, which sank on May 21. was undoubtedly torpedoed by a German submarine, said the State Department to-day, reports Reuter. This announcement is
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  • 138 16 New York June 12. TESi cargo ships comprising the fleet of the Southern Pacific Company, which were ordered by the Maritime Commission to be delivered for "national defence purposes" in connection with President Roosevelt's shipping pool for aid to the Allies
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  • 137 16 Duncan On Success Of Eastern Group A London, June 13. PROGRAMME of development which w.ll provide "substantial assistance not only to the United Kingdom but to countries in the Eastern Group was mentioned in the House of Commons by the Minister of Supply. Sir Andrew Duncan. He
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 76 16 Madrid. June 13. TPHE Communist. Dolores Ibarru: Gomez. whose impassioned speeches during the Civil War made her known throughout the world as La Pasionarla, has been condemned to a 25,000 000 peso One. which la equlva1 lent to the loss of all her possessions and
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  • 214 16 Melbourne, June 12. I TNTTS of the A.IF. moving on Damascus hare been encountering opposition in the Merj Ayoum area from defences prepared by the Vichy forces in houses, crops and orchards cable an Australian official war cor:espondent French and Algerian troops are gettinn mopped up
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  • 149 16 Washington, June 12. j DETROL restrictions for the Eastern Stats of the United States appear to be inevitable, the Secretary of the Interior, Mr. H. L Ickes. told the Press I to-day. He hoped to have a plan for I civilian conservation of oil ready
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  • 93 16 Washington, June 12. PRESIDENT Roosevelt has nominat- ed Mr. Harlan F. Stone, of New York, to succeed Mr. Charles Evan Hughes as Chief Justice of the United S.ates Supreme Court. The nomination was confirmed by the Senate in 11 minutes to-day. Mr. Stone's place as
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  • 64 16 Jerusalem, June 12. IT U now revealed that on the TransJordan frontier, an Arab unit organized by "Lawrence of Arabia's" disciple, Major J B. Olubb, Is supporting the Allies advancing In Syria by parolllng the advance flank In the Yarmuk region. of the Allied
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  • 56 16 Shanghai. June 13, A LEADING French cl.izen and wellknown lawyer, M. Auxion de Ruffe was shot dead this morning by two Chinese gunmen who Invaded his flat in the French Concesson and fired four shots three of which hit him In theneck. The motive Is
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 409 16 Japan's "Final Decision" Taken By Government And Army Leaders Tokio, June 12. THE Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. Yosuke Matsuoka, called at the Imperial Palace to-day and reported fu'ly to the Emperor on the Government's policy towards the Netherlands Indies following the
    Reuter  -  409 words
  • 149 16 "We Shall Not Forget" London, June 13. |N a mersage to the King cf the Hellenes thanking the Greek people one and all, each individually" fcr their heroic stand In Greece and Crct ■> King George VI, while saying the loss of Crete is "a
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  • 187 16 ADMINISTRATION U.S. STRIKES President Is Voted Further Powers Washington. June 12. TTHE Senate by 4« votes to 25 approved legislation authorizing Presiaenc Roosevelt to seize defence plants iu lease of existing or threatened fallu: of production and where the main. ment, or labour fails to utilize exis..i:-. I mediation agencies.
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  • 105 16 Moscow, June 12. TWO trade agreements between th« 1 Soviet and Japan were Initialled yesterday, according to the Tass agency, which says that since Feb 17 negotiations have been proceeding between the Soviet Commissar o. Foreign Trad-?, M. Mikoyan, and the apr.nese Ambassador, Lieut-Gen 'oshitsugu Tatekawa,
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  • 79 16 Jerusalem, June 13. [T Is officially stated that en Wednesday night there were air raids on Kaifa and Tel-Aviv when bombs wers 1 ropped. Neither t^wn suffered material lamage but at Tel-Aviv eight persons »ere killed and 25 injured, mainly the ■esult of damage
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 216 16 A London, June 12 SHARP attack on the invasion port of Calais was delivered early to-day by a steady procession of R A F bombers which droned across the Straits of Dover shortly before lam British summer time as the moon was rising
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  • Page 16 Advertisements