The Straits Times, 12 June 1941

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 For Up-to-date TAILORING MIEN CHONG Sl rolrman St., S pore. riion* ***** it Avmllablr— Suit Lrnctbs ■•RorkTille" Saltln«>— U.S.A. WAIN SHIKLI S. In snk and Wool AIM AMKRirAN SHARKSKIN. In various colour* "^___i i ~ij >^ (mtUf^* SMALL ATOMIC DIESEL ENGINES J* M Jrjß 6 and 10 B. H. P.
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    • 6 1 SINGAPORE, 140 CECIL ST. ('PHONE 5471).
      6 words
    • 41 1 HERCULES CYuLES The belt that money can but OUARANTBBD far M TEAKS. alto Stockist tnr Raltiah Bicvcl**. EASTERN CYCLE CO., ~/j .if i IT MAKES /^Srfl .AIRPORT HOTEL <«™> Famous for its FRESH STRAWBERRIES by K. L. M. AIR LINERS. PHONE 3356
      41 words
    • 184 1 KUALA LVMPVR. 2« JAVA ST. ('PHONE 3U3). and guaranteed for wear. The excellent collection of design* includes Chintz Modern pattern* in the latest furnishing shades. ROBINSON'S SOFT FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE I*s-41 «91 ~mm^^—^~ I iBHWm IL (hatwnod protection against lire, I Vf'i Hi thief is mB< e available
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    • 12 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. VMorning Afternoon L v c tv n Dresses.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 149 2 &Stmifo©m^ SMALL ADS. Minimum charge $1. far advt. at exceeding Uaesv Mare than foar Unea 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIRTHS. MARKIAGER DEATHS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS aPPC CARDS arc charged M each per Insertion acr dwh Over I toeh JS eta per Una
      149 words
    • 247 2 ■nSSShSSPJi Mvn Valley Road St. i°""*«_ Walk /Orange Road, one black and fStt. Enone^fo 4 PIANOS_ TO EXCHANGE, buy or sen. of Piano* 0 reasonable rates please go to The Bagi,. a^r^go^d"* »^^y WANTED ANT n D cce6SOrles 'or Polhot eollaprlbl_FOß SALT^ SHEtVADOB Refrigempr^Phot* «iT~ r.r^* M> T ANSAD Luxt
      247 words
    • 440 2 BOARD ft RESIDENCE L f""* 18 FLATLETS at "Lloyd Howe" i. Lloyd Rd Own bathrooms. Board orISSSs BJLLEVIiIE. 15 Scott. Road. Phone 4274 large airy rooms Priv. Verandah, mod san ''CMNIE-HOUsr' Furnished n«t racant All conveniences. Teleph. 6794 or 698 C) Mn Lancaster, 33a River Valley Road. ik£,E l 8I
      440 words
    • 507 2 BUSINESS CARDS Etc WESTKKW AOCTKALIA 8l£?po£ ZTfti IZS.**™* a^V* ielkh l amSL. h-B- 1 Werterß For paruciiius regarding Bunts. i»«*pli CharlM. r.R.E.L. f.C 1 V. W«l AMtralian Chamber*/ «t ncwfr't Terrace. rut 1 11 W.A V t, Bonham Balldtnra. BIWGAPOBE Ltal ReprwfUtlf. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES buyinTTg7ljTs" Sydney firm with many yean
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    • 267 2 WANTED LUBRICATING OILS OF THE FOLLOWIN* AVERAGE SPECIFICATIONS:- M# fWIW Fire «f J^:**9 -rfo4£o O"" 10 DARK GRW.N ft 21 OO 2 4 Not Olive Green Prefer r Green i HisAiHißnHi TI« VICTOR OIL COMPANY LTD, 11, Cllve Street. Calcutta. (India). THE FOURTH DRAWING FOR PRINCIPAL REPAYMENT OF THE 27th
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 530 3 Shipping announcements (Incorporated in Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated tn gnfrland) PKNINSILAR AND SS I CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best tawMt «er*iee. we htb ifj^. lalned b, the P. O.* N. Co.. fro*tfct salllnrs are
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    • 519 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Date* ere not guaranteed, all cargo booking* subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 261 3 b^AJ of PAK-IaaXITUS flo*iwl*> T^^L (mall rKpendnurc but the gain AT kut in*, am Urn dutrraini irmpttxm <Mppe.r ami your ■L baaiUi leaprevaa *nd you te*l a*tur and betwr Aa >ou conuamt to take K. inert art casra AT oa nmrt I*l »a»« permanntlty kcneHttm or lt» >"•■ X Mcauat
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 751 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE am. i 4« (2-» ZHM IZHP* M» mtr»UM m.t Zttn 1M mr/t (41.1t an. ran I Cantonese music by the Poh c p m. News In Hokklen; ».M pm- Warning to Mariner.: P ">• New S^TiJi!^ from Londoo; 8.3S pm. H .K.. 8. B. A^ Centenary Proeramire;
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    • 239 3 EMPIRE STATION luuri Trill lit »-g'.«^ IIJI Ftw «M rm IMS a«« OBD— IU» ac/i: till i— IS D.m London C*lllDf: «•*> P npaWtai of the Hour. Atr OomLnuiy br OUr« B»ewmrt; 6. 50 p.m. «n*» OraneM Half Hour— J»ck Leon »nd hia Lid hi. olreto«tr»: p.m. New and new.
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  • 367 4 Prices Firm And Sentiment Cheerful London, June 11. T>HE stock Exchange to-day tv generally w, t lm nt eonUnutof cheerful on Mr. Churchill's speech and the Droerns in Syria. tv Moderate business wu recorded In giltedged and leading Industrials while demand from the Cape continued for Kaffirs
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  • 25 4 MALAKA PINDA RUBBER Estates IT harvested 67.000 lb. of robber In May bringing the ciop for nine months of the financial year to 730,120 lb.
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  • 308 4 Slightly Easier Tendency In Tins And Rubbers (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, June 12. THE share markets yesterday were quiet and, if anything, there was a generally easier tendency In both tin and rubber shares. In the dollar tin section most of the business done was confined
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  • 73 4 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES 'Prosn Oir Own OorresDondent COMMODITY and m*j£?ZJg£ e£rt parerthe^TT BreTio Rl'Bbek; Eaeler. g. sS wwx swr bh 7^^ 91 COTTON: Closed for duration of war. White Muntok: 12Hd. (HHd) n^s2ay bta to b d: w* «wwj Forward: C 67% (C268T4) GOLD YOrk: CU (M «*••> silver im umb>
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  • 53 4 Dow Jones Averages THE following were Dow Jones Aver- ages when the New York Stock Exchange closed ye.-.terday and the preceding day 30 Industrials 121*89 SmS* 20 Rails 28 20 28 26 15 Utilities 17^5 1760 40 Bonds 80.17 »121 |Commod:ty index 7106 71.27 Stock sales 830,000 shares
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  • 149 4 The Slngmpore Chamber o/ Oommerce Rubber Association held Its 1.542 nd auction ISTIh'- nd there were catalogued «3l.M tons; oQered 1.852.558 ID 827.05 tons; nM I 498 829 lb •M.03 tons. London Spot 13 9 l«d l*!w York Spot niICES »rai.iT F p Standard Quality st% to
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  • 69 4 W«4«ea*ay. j m 11. mm B*y«rt Beaten rrtea, Prtrr I** IX I.D (S»*t low. j,^ JfH IX B.S.S. f.b m ..m» hat t$H J9K G.»A.Q. 18.8 t.«k ...i» »H 3tH r-A.Q. k.s.B f.b w tmm lmnt t>K 3»% FUTCKB QUOTATION s Mm IX B. 8.&
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  • 75 4 I"HE following were the prices of Straits tin and rubber on the commodity exchange to-day and the preceding day:— TIN June 10 June 11 Spat 52 V a 53 June 52.90 53 00 July 52 85 52.05 Auxust 52.80 52 95 September 52.75 5290
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  • 71 4 T Washington, June 11. HE United States Treasury to-day announced the removal of trading restrictions between the United States banks and various branch offices In the Netherlands Indies and also South America. However, licences hereafter issued by the Treasury will not permit operations through the
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  • 143 4 IN a w;ekly report on the rubber i"A rk tl;..t 1 Usued y«^er«l*y. Onthrie and Co. Ltd. write:— Beth the local market and London Quln rtnce ou r last "Port, whiM New York has experienced a fair factory demand. The United States Rubber Reserve Co. has
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  • 82 4 CTOCKS of rubber In the Colony rosi*-* by 1.552 tons in May, the total at the end of the month being 49 399 tons 1 compared with 47.847 tons at' the end j of April. 1 Stocks In the hands of dealers In 1 Singapore were
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  • 158 4 Singapore. Wediiead&y. morning accordtaf to Uit dally circular imu» Ston^tto^™ 1 f I IMP London I. X J/4 I London demand a/I JXX MontreauJemand Ji ii Batavta demand aunarant demand M 5 Calcutta Bombay and Ranroon demand H»% Madras and CoJombo demand lit% Hoot Kong demand 633% Shanghai demand
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  • 304 4 THE following donations to The W« 1 Fund are recorded to-day:— Private Residents of the State «f Brunei, Brunei 1 May Contribution (tenth) 4«9 21 t BE. Pencilley $200 00. K. H Bryant fino 00 A. B. Patcrson $*****. Staff and labour foi.< of BrunrJ
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  • 78 4 sir.gmp.irp. Ju •mm OaraMcr Hamburg Cute Java Cub* :oera me n. 3enera 7 SO S12 25 na.oo Mixed MM •un Drtad USO Vn VhL Muntok White Bi*ek Km rium No Line** MM Pair $46J'» 8*r«w«k S4.5O n/oco Small Plate Pah- Plake Mcdlum-FIakc Small Pearl tis.oo «7 26
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  • 107 4 London, June 11. A BILL was issued to-day empowering the Board of Trade to fix by order the maximum prices to be charged at any stage of production or distribution for goods specified by the order. The Bill Is known as the Uoods Services
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  • 70 4 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) London. June 10. r ONDON metal brokers have decided not to answer the Ministry of Supply's questionnaire regarding stocks of tin until they know the reason prompting it. The questionnaire asks inter alia what stocks of tin are held
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  • 314 4 issued by the Malayan Sharebrokcre' Association Sliigaporr. June 11. rn OKname ox* SET* Matay M NO Jun 10% Int. June 16 Kamuntlng Tto 5% Int. less Ux June il K" l u M. No 2* June is Knjmat Putai j H int. k» m.. ""Li! Malayan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 312 4 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be dosed on:— 12th June Thursdcy 1« i substitution for King's Birthday (Public HoJJafty j SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN DREDGING, LIMITED. Incorporated in England Cabled advice has to-day been received that 0 1 of E"™* 10 haa declared an Interim Dividend of JH" f
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  • 935 5 Four G51,250,000 Plants Now Authorized fProm Our Own Correspondent) London, May 23. LONDON'S anxious debate as to whether the U.S. Government would or would not consider subsidization of synthetic "rubber" manufacture worthwhile has been peremptorily settled by the announcement that Mr. Jesse Jones, chairman of
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  • 1131 5 WEDNKftDAY, JUNE 11, 1M1: 4 P.M MININO Boyert B<fl*n Ampit (5») 3» Sd 3s M Austral Amal. (5») 7» IVid Austral Malay (£> 8S» 6d S4» «d Ajrer Hlt*m (Ss) 17« 1* Ayw weng (*l> £1 Ban<?rln Tin <t) IJ 1 .U Batu Selangor (ID
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  • 79 5 Malls close at the General Pott Office v follows; TO-DAY Australia air 4 p.m. Java air 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. New Zealand air 4 p.m. TO-MORROW Medan air 11 a.m. ARKIVALS Malls from Sumatra (air) General delivery 8.15 a.m. to-morrow. Malls from Australia (air) general
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 190 5 HJI.DING THKHOOD \K.\tllA.\ BUNDS ro« vk«andah a wlwdows o» ant 1 1 KATTAN AND BUTIM CTUC«» Itertaa ctdcta. Caavaa and Sprint Bllada. T»rpa«lln». Tcuts. Canvas SJT Trnnb Mm Drtß Screw Vrawttaa Caavaa tl—4 Blted*. iSSTII.tU- C* readers G«*>« Cnbnlii, fl»f« »a« Wool Itontlaf*. Ct^ nmA JapaacM White Caava. HiX-m Ba««
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    • 98 5 iibie r»* »n individual U provide for hw valued possessions the safety that is afforded by our vaults where we have «afe boxes of various staes for hire at moderate rates. HIRERS themselves hold the KKYS and ONLY THEY can have access to these safe boxes s* that SAFETY and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 72 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES To-aay H.W. 1.11 pm 8.7 ft. L.W. 6.29 a.m. 0.3 ft.: 6. 50 p.m. S.I It. To-morrow H.W 00.26 a.m. 9.6 ft.; 1.55 p.m. 8.5 ft. L.W. 1.11 a.m. 0.1 ft.: 7.11 p.m. 3.9 ft. Saturday, June 14 H.W. 1.11 a.m 9.3 ft.: 3.39 p.m. 8.3 ft.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 225 6 THE BIGGEST DOUBLE ATTRACTION PROGRAMME EVER OFFERED ON THE SCREEN TO-PAY 4 HOLIDAY SHOWS Mi'F V M'J 1 AT ll AM pwpniMmmMM 3.15, 6.15 ■iViVWlWiffPh'Wn'F'fl 9.15 P.M. GINGER ROGERS ißk^ L —o* Americo't White-Collar Wk Girl, in Christopher Morieyt f^^^^^Wf GINGER 4&&*7^77^^±^l fc^7 in f W fUZUf. T^tSL -A her
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    • 55 6 GARRICK To-nJ*fcl «.<5 and 9-M l<t Kirn Malay Talkie Matinee T»-d»r mt'r'i!^! "BUCK ROGEKS" (Whole serial) J.s <»..... 'SMOW WHITE ANU THE SEVKN DWUKS <NEW COPY) CHANGE-^"—— h^h t skk>:mit:r-s nAiioirrr*. NANG HENG £o /or pictures at WEDDINGS DANCES RE UNIONS CHRISTENINGS DINNERS MEETINGS comuli the STRAITS TIMES Pfcon* or
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    • 148 6 IN CON/ORMITY WITH THE WISHFS 0F "rß^lffl^VfflS^T!^ Jldjwi Hid Four Sons S/i^^j^Sjfy^ WE ARE ># w2^/^'C Vt HAPPY TO HAND OUT TO '94 ts rjtieJi GLdtujd TO-DAY'S INCOMPARABLE ATTRACTION 4 HOLIDAY SHOWS TO-DAY it .....3.15, 6." i5?^ INGRII) KERGMAX-SUSAN HAYWARD Uarner Baxter—A Columbia Picture UNSUITABLE FOR NON ADULT AUDIENCES. A
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    • 205 6 BETTY BRYANT HAS CAPTURED AFX HE\RTS SEE HER IN THIS THRILLING ADVENTURE EPIC. THE TALK OF THE TOWN IT'S THE BIG HOLIDAY SHOW! 4 SHOWS TO-DAY AT THE CAP.THI 11 A.M.-: 3.15-<US-9.15 VH>TI I UL Universal Pictures present Charles Chauvel's stirrinepic of the Australian Light Horse in the Palestine campaign
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  • 435 7 Action To Be taken Against Reds, Navy Secretary Announces Washington, June 11. THE Secretary of the Navy, Col. Frank Knox, stated to1 day that subversive Communistic elements are using labour union activity as a cloak to attack American freedom." From now
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  • 97 7 London, June 10. FROM the Labrjur benchea in the House of Commons came a pressing request to-da/ to the Government not to allow any g°p°s to pass into Preneh North Africa which Mr. B. SfcinwelL Labour, said wms in fact enemy "TTv^Mlnister
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  • 74 7 Moscow. June 12. MR John Scott, American -born correspondent of the News Chronicle In Moscow, who was ordered by the Soviet authorities to leave the country owing to some articles he wrote for that newspaper, left for Vladivostok last night on his way
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  • 50 7 Washington. June 11. THE Diiv-ctor of CommuntciXlns has j directed the Southern Pacific Company to deliver its entire fleet of ten cargo boats "for national defence purposes" in con- nection with President Roosevelt's shipping 1 pool for aid to the Alllm —Rfuter
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  • 31 7 Washington. June 11. Mr Roosevelt has asked Congress Ito appropriate $100,075,000 to buy 2« additions auxiliary ships for the navy and acoelerate shipbuilders' output— FUmIT.
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  • 69 7 BulTalo. (New York), Junr II <t\l/ELL over I,W Tomahawk fichltt planes have been sent to Britain, stated olflciab o( the Curtiss-Wrl«ht <'<"", pany. Since the output of ten planes per day announced nine months aeo. production has been substantially Increased and by next
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  • 127 7 Ottawa, June 11. CANADA »3 allowing the export of Canadian wheat to Japan because of pressure applied by the Oorernment in Toklo, according U) the ConsenratiTe leader. Mr. R. J. Manion. In the House of Commons to-day Mr E M. Pertey »'d three nonCanadian flrms handled
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  • 157 7 London. Jime 11 Cm Uaicota Robertson. Member of Parba- ment and former BtitUh Ajnba«»daM to the Arifi'lne. has been appointed chairman of the British Council. wlu»e alms inchKle the oromotlon of mutual Interchange of knowledge and ideas with other nations Sir Malcolm succeeds the
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  • 171 7 London, June 11. AUADINO British Industrialist. Sir Kenneth I/ee. has been appointed representative of the British Industrial and Exnort Oouncil in the United Statw. The Board of Trade President. Mr. Oliver Lyttleton. stated the appointment was made after consultation with the Brltinh Ambassador at Washington
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  • 130 7 Rome, June 11. MUSSOLINI announced to-day that IVI ij,502 Italian troops were killed in 1 ThhTtotal. he said. Included 1528 BUckshirts. He said 38.7«8 Italian roops were wounded in the ngniing. including 3.292 Blaikshlrt*. j Greece II Duce asserted, forms part of Italy's Mediterranean
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  • 102 7 New York. June 11. rE Duke of Aosta, who recently surrendered to the BrMsh forces in Abyssinia, b in Rome, according to a report of the New York Times from Rome. It is stated that the British authorities granted him eight days on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 239 7 SMILESTONES GALORE IN THE 'ROAD to ZAMZIBAR! 1 4 SHOWS DAILY 11 AM 3.15-6.15- 9.15 BING CROSBY-808 HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR 4HfH n r* ir r 1 1 vV r 4 li\l I "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" itijfc* "ROAD to 3/B& ZANZIBAR" JJ 152 More Lauuhs Than jM ROAD TO SINGAPORE" 1
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  • 1140 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. JUNE 12, 1941. (649 th Day Of The War.) Invasion Pew writers who set out to depict, -in what is known as the popular Press, the background of some great national holiday such as Derby Day or Bank Holiday on Hampstead Heath can resist the
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  • 117 8 New York, June 11. IP the United States "does not take I some action definitely and immediately, we may find ourselves surrounded on all sides by forces which eventually will crush this freedom we hold so precious." declared Mr. Wendell Wlllkie, Republican candidate in the
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  • 873 8 London Letter By Cable But Total Efforts Of A United Nation Required London, June 10. "DRITAIN'S ability to win, provided she puts forward her utmost endeavour as a united nation, remains established beyond a shadow of doubt," declares the Daily Herald, supplementing its recent
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 220 8 How They Have Helped The War Effort To the EditJr of the Straits Times Sir,— A writer has criticized the rscent broadcast talk on Dogs given I over the local station. The talk was indeed both interesting and useful, although, coming from j an authority on dogs,
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    • 135 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Can something be done about car parking at De Souza Street? Between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 9.15 am. one will find cars littered everywhere in De Souza Street. I was given to understand that according to the
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    • 140 8 General Gamelin's Famous Injunction To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— l notice that General Gamelins famous injunction "Conquer or Die" j Is fast becoming a war slogan, so much so that even Lord Beaverbrook in his recent radio message to Canada adopted it. In my humble
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    • 133 8 Lord Chatfield's Explanation Disappoints To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Admiral Lord Chatneld's explanations in The Times on the subject of the loss of the Hood did not constitute even a good example of the art of evading the question. Whilst we have good reasons for
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 498 8 Would We Feel Happ In Her Position? To the Editor of the Strait* Time Sir,—l have read with interest y( editorials dealing with defeatists a rumour-monger;. In Malaya. Th< people evidently take the view ti because Germany has conquered a occupied the greater part of Euro and won
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    • 324 8 How To Save Paper, Time And Temper! To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— Please allow me a little space In your paper to voice what I imagine must be occupying many people's thoughts to-day relative to the control of Imports into Malaya. When the war began,
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    • 84 8 To the Editor of the Straits Tune* Sir,— l note In your issue of even elate that a first class licence has been granted to a lessee of the house known as the 'Coconu* Grove" in the Pasir Panjang Road. The new building of the Tiger Swimming Pool and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 235 8 Fir t in Malaya NUMONT FUL-VUE The rennemem and symmetry ol Numont Vul-vue styling to evident at (lance. Hen truly nandsome eyewear Each of in* features rwlow Is an added reason for selecting Numont Pul-vue for tout own glasses. X. Endpieees n*t attached U lenses. rul-vue construction eliminates two
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    • 43 8 POULTRY— KEEPING TO-DAY by Walter Brett. An amazing Illustrated book on all kinds of Poultry. T6O explanatory Photographs containing 256 Pages. Price $3.75 or $».M Pact Free. O. 11. KIAT CO., LTD., Robinoon Roxl— Singapore. F. M. S. R. KEEP THE WAGONS MOVING.
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  • 833 9 Roosevelt Reports On Aid Programme EVER-INCREASING HELP FOR DEMOCRACIES COMING "To Be Used To Weaken Defeat Aggressors" VUE are immediately making available to Britain 2,000,000 gross tons of cargo ships and oil tankers," President Roosevelt declares in a letter to Congress presenting the
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  • 88 9 Washington, June 11. •"you will be producing all the planes we want by next autumn," Mr W Knudsen, co-ordlnator for the Office of Production Management, told a group of 200 aircraft manufacturers to-day, when he announced that their production was 50 per "ent. ahead of
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  • 78 9 London, June 12. MR. AVERELL HARRIMAN. special representative of President Roosevelt on the subject of supply of material to Britain Is en route to the Middle East for a short visit in connection wi'h arrangements for receipt of American equipment being shipped there from
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  • 84 9 Boston, June 11. i NAZI surface raiders and at least one Nazi submarine have been very active In the south Atlantic area where the American freighter Robin Moor was reported torpedoed, state members of the crew of the United States' freighter Illinois which docked here
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  • 54 9 Air Commodore Patrick Huskinson, bomb designer in the ini *try of Aircraft Production, who was blinded by a German bomb, has noto returned to work after partially regaining his sight. There is good hope of Ms sight being fully restored. Picture shows Mm being lea from
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  • 22 9 The first German officer captured In the Western Desert is seen being interrogated by a British officer.
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  • 98 9 Madrid, June 12. REPORTS received here Indicate that Franco-German relations are being "embarrassed" by the evident unwillingness of the Syrian French to implement Vichy's promises to Berlin. The diplomatic editor of the journal A.B C. writes, "The tlieme in Berlin is that the Syrian struggle is
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  • 269 9 Britain Is Ready For Heavier Raids London, June 11. WE have every reason to expect, increased bomber attacks, but we are prepared for them with increased end improved defence," stated the former Minister for Aircraft Production, Lord Beaverbrook, speaking today for the first time in the
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  • 163 9 Scotsmen's Remarkable Exploit In Syria London, June IX. FIVE troops of the British Undine r party on the Syrian coast wiped out an entire battery of Vichy artillery, reports a correspondent with the landing party, which Is advancing on Beirut. Most of the landing party
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  • 236 9 London. June 12. THE Allied column pushing north- ward along the coastal fringe of Syria despite "considerable opposition," is reliably reported to be nearing Siden, while two other columns from the east were closing in on Damascus. Damascus and Beirut are the nerve centres of Syria and
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  • 72 9 Ottawa, June 11. PERMITS for two wheat shipment' to North China have been issued The Prime Minister. Mr. Mackenzie King, announced that this was in accordance with the wishes of the British Government and in the interests of all parts of the British
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  • 53 9 London, June 12. SEVEN direct hits were scored by British bombers in an attack not lasting more than one minute on a 5.000ton German tanker in the Dover Straits late yesterday afternoon. The tanker was left on fire with her decks awash and
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  • 81 9 Washington, June 11. THE chairman of the Maritime Cora*- mission, Mr. Emory Land, told the Press he had discussed with President, Roosevelt in a general manner to-day the transfer of some foreign ships to Britain. Mr. Land believed that Danish vessels will probably be the first
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  • 567 9 British Now Within Artillery Range Of Syrian Capital A FRENCH cruiser and a destroyer bombarded British positions in Syria from a range of 500 yards on Tuesday, according to reports from Jerusalem, reports United Press. British artillery, which had been preparing
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 24 9 One of two 20,000 kW. 3,000 r.p.m. Metro Tick Two-Cylinder Turbo- Alternator SeU installed at the Shanghai Power Station. METROPOLITAN-VICKERS ELECTRICAL EXPORT CO., LTD.
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  • 387 10 Tenth Contribution Makes Their Total $15,000 STEADY SUPPORT CONTINUES FROM ESTATE STAFFS PKlibfP K Iibfo T L r?r ?h de r t3 in ft stite f ttnuKi r«ix»<-olr«ix»<-ol L^'^ging^froT^to't 5'5 C ntribUtiOn iS made "V Since yesterday the Fund has adv?"" d
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  • 76 10 OIK ANDKFW CALDECOTT, former member of the Malayan ivil Service, who is now Governor of < eylon. ha,s rereiverl the KniclU «"u d Cross of the Or*««- SI. Mirhael and St. C.-oT Ke m the Iwrthday honours. Sir Andrew, dm ing his service in >'alaya,
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  • 173 10 Police Petitioned By Husbands '•UUS3ANDS and mothers have been sending petitions to the pol:ce complaining of the squandering of household money on the pan of their wives and children by gambling it away," said Inspector T. C. Cheah, of the Gambling Suppression Branch, in the Singapore Third
    173 words
  • 193 10 \At The Cinema /n^rirf Bergman's Fine Acting "Adam Had F. or Rons." (Warner Baxter, Ingrid Bernnan and Snaan Hayward). Crt-mbU At the ■Tin on THERE has been an abundance of r»™? "J 3 recenU r «tories have revolved round a marriaee theme that llghthearted a manner as the
    193 words
  • 850 10 CLERICAL INDEBTEDNESS: NEED FOR FULL SYMPATHETIC INQUIRY 1^ you expect eiliciency and services, for the sake of recency and the self-respect of those in the clerical service, I appeal to you with all sincerity and through you to your friends and associates to see that those you employ do
    850 words
  • 69 10 l>inner Dane* i Informal) 8 pxn Cabaret: 7.30 to 9 A 9 p m to Midnight Clou, I illi:w KuvsclJ Sky Ou Tuwii HAFJ-V TIU.ATKI- (Happr V\ or Id chu Clllj Wuatd OI O7 M».H WOBtK cinema* WLhIN. Cabaret rh J ll 9.30 Cantrabi M lEW ROTKJ •F...V
    69 words
  • 47 10 .Lb Aires. June 11. A DEMAND that the Government make a full statement on Nazi activities in Argentina was approved by 08 votes to 18 in the ChamSei of d7puties. June 18 was Axed as the date lor receiving the statement.- ReuterT
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 125 10 Pletara. At Ik* CaOuv. THHUt are laughs aplenty In this roiUektnc story of two American*, a circus "fcra»» man .Bob Hope) and a barker ruing r>3S) wfto. after barnstorming thrtr^Ty^SS. j«rlc», eventual* rate enou*, n^, Blng Is fooled Into buying a noo -erl*u*u filing It
    125 words
  • 182 10 AN award of $1,937 granted to a former boring promoter. C. M Houghton, by Mr. Justice a'Beckett xerrell recenUy. was the subject of an appeal which began before the Chief Justice. Sir Percy McElwaine Mr. Justice Manning and Mr. Justice Aitken in the
    182 words
  • 328 10 Celebration In Singapore To-day MESSAGE FROM HIS MAJESTY I A MESSAGE from the King w M read to all ranks of the Hone Kongr-Singapore Royal Artillery stationed in Singapore when parades celebrating their centenary to-day were held at cantonments. Addressed to the GO.
    328 words
  • 112 10 J>HE lateat teue o. th Extern Graphic v,. Ulustrat«d local forinit-htly publication J*U»J^ and liogorly sought In otherTount*lc" M w n Pl»«-«l on sale ;e;tcnkr full* outaet. both in pictures and re»dln*™ ttJ'lt. 0"^0 3 num er f""*"" Picture cf Ote majniflcent »a- efort brin, mad,
    112 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 66 10 The power for a certain start, sustained I *Jh >J T^jHJ brilliant lighting and ample current for |L^jLLJ|J aH electrical accessories is assured with [fT Exide Batteries Next time fit faAfplfJUmMlJ Exide- there is a type for your car. £^j^^K A nll B R E0 MOTORS LTD. rr ,t, t
      66 words

  • 1078 11 FEDERATED MALAY STATES Knighthoods Fo r Kedah Regent Chief Justice Of F.M.S. M.B.E. FOR MALACCA CHINESE WOMAN PHILANTHROPIST SEVEN Malayans receive Birthday Honours to-day, on the occasion of the official celebration of the Kind's birthday. Recipients of the highest honours include a European, Chinese and
    1,078 words
  • 188 11 A LORRY -DRIVER, Llm Hye Teng, who overtook another lorry at a lend in Thomson Road and forced an I oncoming motor-car containing ViceAdmiral Sir Geoffrey Layton, Com- mander-in-Chlef, China Station, and Sub-Lieut. G. R. B. Don-Fox, aide-de-camp to the Governor, to run
    188 words
  • 349 11 Presentation Of New Year Awards AT an investiture at Government House yesterday evening, in the presence of close relations and friends. ?he Governor. Sir Shenton Ttomas presented decorations tc .Volunteer and Police officers of the Colony. These decorations were among this year's New Year Honours awards. The
    349 words
  • 172 11 Appointments Made By Sir Shenton Thomas AN official communique issued yes- terday which states that it is i the intention of the Straits Settlements Government, with the ap- proval of the British Government, to establish in the Straits Settle- ments a Broadcasting Corporation. Pending the
    172 words
  • 232 11 IHAVE warned bus-drivers using Bukit Tlmah Road time and time again and I am not going to waste my breath again 1 declared Mr C. H. Whlttor*. Singapore Traflic Judge ax.d Magistrate, yesterday, imposing a fine <f tIOO. or three months' simple imprisonment, on Ng
    232 words
  • 179 11 A TOTAL ol 12 months' rigorous Imprisonment was passed In the Singapore third court yesterday on 25-year-old Chew Kng Lam who for the past seven months has been alleged 1 obtaining funds for a nonexistent public school, was finally trappedand arrested wnen he approached Dr.
    179 words
  • 92 11 THE Department of Education has received Information that in the 1940 Royal Empire SotieVs Essay Competition open to i;irls and ho>* throughout ihc Empire, the e«say« of two Singapore rlrls were specially commended.--Angele Maschokeff. «f Raffles Girls' School, for an ess.iy on "The inherent strength
    92 words
  • 58 11 BETTY BYRANT If to sine for the troop* from the Singapore broadcastinf station at 745 pm. to-morrow. The poular star of the Australian fllm 'Forty Thousand Horiemen" has brought special songs from Australia for this programme. cluilng I "Make Love with a
    58 words
  • 36 11 I THE Oovemor, Sir Shenton Thomas, will broadcast from Singapore at 745 p m to-day on the occasion of the official obaerv. ance of the birthday anniversary of the Klnv
    36 words
  • 292 11 Forty-eight Hour Exercise To Be Held Next Week ON Wednesday and Thursday, June 18 and 19, there will he A.R.P. practices, with hrown-out and black-out conditions, throughout Malaya. In Singapore the Passive Defence Services will be on duty after oflire hours until abou;, midnight on
    292 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 69 11 No RECIPE BOOK /7/ HIV& THjy) \ff ffffffy SALADS When you use MAZOLA, its clear golden j^oouness. provides the base of mayonnaise, and French dressings, that make salads temptingly delicious and satisfylngly nutritious. For It's not a salad until you add MAZOLA." -^-ZZrr-^^^^ In the kitchen MAZOLA Is the finest
      69 words
    • 315 11 FOLDING PRAMS MODEL NO. 141 A popular favourite. In great demand as an Ideal general purpose Folder, with a deep fW—^ roomy body, having a twott^^kV J\ petition drop foot. •^^■PHMtfAX B**t Leather cloth. 30 In. bed. ■■b^gryX complete »ith leather lined T|. i apron and storm flap. k^H ItX
      315 words

  • 919 12 Thirteen People Are Made Justices Of The Peace TIGHT Malayans have been awarded Certificates of Honour 1-1 in recognition of their loyal and valuable services to the country, on the occasion of the official celebration of the King's birthday to-day, while thirteen others are made Justices
    919 words
  • 377 12 "I WAS very rude and I was drunk 1 at the time; that a why my brother stabbed me," said 24-year-old Alice Jansen in the Singapore second court yesterday, when she gave evidence during a preliminary inquiry into an allegation that her
    377 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 187 12 Ragular automatic stropping ka«p> 'Vala** bladei •n parfact condition for waafcs on end far longer than K^CJI ordinary blade*. A Valet «aior will last for yeart. Valat it more tKan just a razor; I! Is a raior and atropplng machine combined In one. It Is simple to use, simple to
      187 words
    • 135 12 SUMMIT ->CHLustre gb Poplin n» Feels like silk to the skin— delightfully cool for tropical wear. You can make your choice from a splendid array of patterns made from the finest Egyptian Cotton arriving from Austin Reeds of Regent Street each month. AUSTIN REED! i OF REGKVI SiHLtl sou. AGENTS
      135 words

  • 792 13 Awards To Military Will Be Published Separately London, June 11. FOUR new Lords are added to Britain's peerage in the Birthday Honours list published to-day, while two Cabinet Ministers, Sir Archibald Sinclair (Air Minister) and Mr. A. V. Alexander (First Lord of
    Reuter  -  792 words
  • 658 13 Army Of Nile Heavily Reinforced By Troops From East Africa London, June 11. WITH troop? and masses of transport and supplies freed from Abyssinia to reinforce Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, Middle East' C.-in-C, the question now arises who is to be the
    658 words
  • 106 13 Washington, June 11. MR. William Knudsen announced today that the United States Office of Production Management has formally approved of the St. Lawrence waterway project, Including bolh the waterway and electrical power portions as "an all out defence effort." The agreement to start
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 44 13 London, June 11. THE Egyptian Minister to Washington ha* handed to Mr. Stunner Wells, A^istant Secretary of State a note of protest against th bombing of open towns by Italian warplanes. It Is stated that the note refer* particularly to Alexandria. Reut:r.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 130 13 Lcndon, ,"un2 11. WOMEN have stormsd another male citadel in the British pubUc service. Mr. Anthony Eden, Foreign Secretary, told the rlouse of Commons i to-day that *.he Government has decided to introduce a series of reform* in the foreign service which will result 1
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 57 13 Washington, May 13. THE United States never requested the use of Eireann air and sea bases for delivery of supplies to Ilri am, declared Mr. Sfcmner Well s. Under- Secretary of State. He was commenting on reports quoting Irish sources that the
    57 words
  • 90 13 Single Raider At Haifa Shot Down Haifa, June 21. A SINGLE hostile plane which caused an air raid alert here on Tues- day night was promptly shot down by I the ground defences in few minutes. It was the third enemy plane to meet thU fate since Monday night's blitz.
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 52 13 London, June 11. TT was stated to-day in authoritative circles 1 in London that there had been further I air raids on Tobruk. Patrol activity on the Egyptian frontier has been fairly widespread and activity in the Halfaya Pass are* has been greater than
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 68 13 Cairo, June 11. THE American Red Cross has done much to relieve suffering among air raid victims in Alexandria. Large quantities of Red Cross materials, including food, have been handed over to the Egyptian Red Crescent for distribution among the homeless. In Saturday's
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 54 13 London, June 11SIR Stafford Cripps, British Ambassador to Soviet Russia, arrived in England to-day. He has returned for consultation. It was earlier announced that Sir Stafford was coming to London at Mr. Anthony Eden's request and that after a few days in London he
    54 words
  • 30 13 New York, June 11. TIE death Ls announced o: Mr. Daniel Beard, author, artist and national romnundT of the Boy Scouts in Am?rica.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 121 13 New York, June 11 ANEW York Times report that the Duke of Aostj, who recently surrendered to the British forces In Abyssinia, Is In Rome on parole is denied by the British authorities in London, who state that the Duke is still in
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  • 107 13 McEWEN ON "HEAVY REINFORCEMENTS" Melbourne, June 11. A L4KGE number of cruiser tanks of considerable fighting power have been ordered from America by the Australian Government, said the Army Minister, Mr. Percy Spender, to-day. Meanwhile Australia is pressing on with her own production, he added. The
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 299 13 THERE ARE MORE JOBS FOR WOMEN. In times of War there are more opportunities for women to get first class Jobs. Be prepared to fill ons of these better positions by registering now with Pitmans Colbge. You will socn have the qualifications tD fill a well-paid Job previously held by
      299 words
    • 360 13 MADAM HOUSEWIFE! TAKE YOUR CHOICE... m X^^ m, S l^ iSm Vl/ _^^Sw jfl sW^BBBBBBBi S abbbbbObbl .sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb* fIBHsMBaSMa--OF COURSE YOU'LL VOTf FOU LOVELY HANDS! LoWIFAUYSOAfCOMUToI [AIRY CO AP YOU m THE NEW NANOt I W9% U !II^Q*I!a ll alt the housetvork soap TOUSC !<^_ that's made with olive oil
      360 words

  • 305 14 Some Shot In Cold Blood By Nazis For Not Moving Quickly Enough tmttattc t n London, June 11. QLTAILS m to how the Germans bombed a British hospital m Crete and forced the wounded New Zealand soldiers to act as a screen
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 55 14 Blitzed Man's Reply To An American L London, June 11. ADY Astor recalled in the Home of Commons to-day that recently a man at blitzed Bristol was asked by an American visitor: "How lon« do you think you can take it" 1 uJJ mMn looke«> «»P and repliedOne week longer
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 139 14 D»r»™-- Wellington. June 12. KPINITK figure. ot New Zeilind'i W N«rf CUnC Prtnle Minister. Mr I The New Zealcr.dcrs unaccounted for In Crete toUlled 2.450. met of *h« .^p^ j b«bly prisoners. Mr. N»sh stated »^?'^lf re S Or^ tho Ilck ">ere £> !*>T>t "O"""^.
    139 words
  • 110 14 &rvurc London, June 11. MEW& of a German plane crash with "the crew of five killed in v\r* I and the forced landing of an RAX i n s^ < ce n d ln hv i fH C 0? talned ln by
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 310 14 Prinz Eugen One Of Targets? Lond;n, June 11. A GERMAN Hipper class n believed to be the Prinz partner of the sunken Nazi batilesnip Bismarck, is taking refuge in Brest, which was attacked in force by the RAF. last night. A large weight of
    310 words
  • 184 14 Dared Death Repeatedly To Clear Minefields THE story Sftt'.^ l^ SOld^r .n iC tt h ria CTOSS an Indi «n to h« S War is told In London npf,fj; 7 h l reci P ie nt. SecondLieutenant Prcmlndra Singh Bhagat. of the Corps of mffi
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 59 14 OQMMn war AIL. t\ han nation is expected to be announced I k'" 1!. Mlnbt 'r- M* R Q Menzies, who will broadcast next Tuesday In a nationwide Australian hook-up. The speech vwil be broadcast from 12S stations and on short wave. Recordings for Nc'w
    59 words
  • 47 14 Dublin, June n. MR. Andrew O'Connor, lamous IrishAmerican sculptor, has died her.- it th« IHs great monumental sculptures are found In FVance. Spain »nd Ireland. One of his outstanding works is the statue of Columbu* which stands facing America at Huelv*. Bpaln. Beuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 14 14 JHK French Ambasß^^to^TuK?-* 11 Jute Henry, died here to-<Uy.--Renter,
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 141 14 rjsw^sV^BMr^swl sw^swMk^^^ .^sw^si iswH r '1 fy w^swH^sw^sw^sf^swlsw^sw^swH sw^^ KS sw^^HL^kO^swQ^E^Jswta^^wWC' aßsfl^ff^^^U IWF^ 9 tllAl st swaJsP^lw^^sM JHk j I a DSBs^si^w*4r^^\ s(wK^^^^ L^aT m BSBBV^^^BSftSsV wl^^jßSßßßsi wl V BnLS^^ Js^ssflsiHsiiV vL Bisifl V A jJsW flr a^Mn D° N T com Pl«cent about this. Great Eslwl sw^ \OX t&
      141 words

  • 553 15 Kee Onn And Choon Leong Taken To Three Sets GOOD progress was made in the Singapore lawn tennis championships yesterday when nine further ties were played on the Singapore Cricket Cluh's courts. Of the nine matches played, seven were won in straight sets. A match which
    553 words
  • 619 15 Tolley Cup Boxing Fruits Of Instruction And Training NO bt.-r example of haw the Malay ymth of t"-day b t iktatg his place" right in the lime'.iil.t of Vi-I. >an sport can b; furn.s i?d than the exhibition of tne Police b»xing team which batUred v way
    619 words
  • 100 15 fHE following are B.C.R.C. cricket teams tor we?k-cnd games: hgainft St. Andrew's Old Boys at the C.B C. at 3 p.m. on Saturday: p-upg Guan Chye. Tan Hue* Wan, Alex l Won?. Ch ong Thlam Sirw, Swee Th i Bwaaft, Ouk P^ec Keng. Onjf Trik Bin, n
    100 words
  • 235 15 Entries Close On June 23 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. June 10. THE open champion*., .j WOtlrjl oi the I I Malacca Lawn Tennji Aasocialion will I ,ttrt on June 28 at the MaUccClub court^ This years tournament should provide a ijnuSberof interesting contest, with >M£ Falk
    235 words
  • 53 15 •T-HE following is the Singapore ReI creation Club cricket team to m3et the Indian Association at Balestl?r at II a.m. on Sunday: L Alvis R. Bain, E. Barker, G. Clarke. P. D'Almelda, D. La Brooy, R. Jansen, R Marshall, L. Outsr-hoorn, R. Thoy, I A. Watts. Scorer,
    53 words
  • 28 15 SIX goals were .shared by the RE. iB.M.) and the Royal Navy In a se- cond division <a> league isoccer match played at Blakan Mati yesterday.
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  • 168 15 rZ Mtowtaf are the teaau fw the annul cricket nuUeh between the Singapore Cricket Club and the SelanK or Club at the S.C.C. on Saturday and Sunday: S.C.C.: IL L. Ward (eapt). A. C. Growder. Dr, J. A. P. Camer»n. J. T. Rea. Major J.
    168 words
  • 369 15 Singapore Johore Meet To-morrow THKEK Malaya Cup soccer rn»U-h-es will be played this week-end At Anson Road stadium to-morrow Singapore will meet Johore, white on Saturday Perak will meet Se- langor at Ipota, and tbe Army nil! play Malacca :it MaUfci. t To-morrow's game will mark
    369 words
  • 201 15 AN Antl-Alrcraft Regiment net Air BaAquariorm in a diawn cricket match a yesterday c Brown b White 0. S*t. Coleby niD out -6. U JE. Pelrce b Brown Our. L* Bn« b Brown 47; Bdr. Belt b White 36; L 3.! i IcuUr
    201 words
  • 145 15 •THE Royal Singapore Yacht Clubs women's. June Medal competition was played at Buklt Tlmah on Monday afternoon and resulted In a win for Mrs. J. B. Ross in A division with a net score of 38>«. In a win fee Mrs. H. Gild in
    145 words
  • 229 15 Bright Batting By Rowlett And Y ogarajah BRIGHT contributions by Rowlett and Ycgarajah were fixtures of *be R.A.F. (S letar)— Y.M.CA. cricket match at Prince Edward Road yesterday, which ended In a draw, time intervening. The scores were: i: M smiuii Foster c R. Loh b Doralsamy 8 Ford lbw
    229 words
  • 380 15 Malays Beaten Six-One Gordons Malays PLAYING forceful and vigorous soccer, the Cordons scored an easy victory by six goals to one over the Malays in a reserve division league match played at the Singapore Harbour Board ground yesterday. There wa» an unfortunate incident
    380 words
  • 161 15 rO closely contested doubles games were teen at the Clerical Union last nlgla v.hen further tie* in the Blngapo:e Junior bac'niinton championships were played. In the f.r^t game, Ong Kwee Wah and Tan Kirn Swee (United Chinese Amateur- 1 were unlucky not to hive won after leadinK
    161 words
  • 32 15 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. leajfue. first division, Poli.e v*. SJt.C stadium, terond division (b). For* C*nninK ts Naval Bas- Corinthians, Naval Base- Customs vs. Stamford, J.CSiA. TENNIS: Singapore championships, S.C.C. cou:U^^
    32 words
  • 95 15 The Latett Callover L nd-n, June 11. LAMBERT Simneil retained his position as iavourite for the Derby, b-lng quoted at four to one in the third callover to-day. ihe i- t 4—l Lamo't. BimiuU; 6-1 Moroforo, Sun Cast! 10—1 Chateau La Rose ollered: 100—8 Devonian
    95 words
  • 117 15 London. June 11. DURING next beason football trofi wul again be awarded. The manajtera at cotnmiwa.-e of the PoottiaJl A- <xi*ijon has deeded to resore such award* and they will ri»e tr pblea fur the winner* i ol Ihe North and Boutli regional riiampintwhlixt, white a new cup
    117 words
  • 81 15 l^r.dan, June 11. JOHN MJldoon it pron^-tiiii bl» tu»»W toumßir.ent to-d»T when the main bout will be between Krnie Roderick, Britain's mrvrveljlit ehairnion, and fl-iv.r.? Jat< lt "iHok^f" to «n Air Fo-ce «u-craf-sman and only ipeeial leave of 48 hour* will «ilow lUm to waich %ht ptocreHrts.— Rwrtsr.
    81 words
  • 187 15 I»st His Nerve After 12 Months' Agony. Suffering from acute rheumatism in his knee Joints— he was afriad tj cross a street Read what he says: "For 12 months I suffered wiUi acute rheumatism in both my knees. I was aJraid to cross
    187 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 164 15 r ggl «hr MM M I nstare rver lnv«at<d Arena BELL'S ASBKSTON ENCiINEERIN<i iS.S LTD. f-rt--. qtrrrL <fn*~ I .r». fi.-nr.n. •>•.' -r. CROCKES OPTICAL CO.. 19%. S«oth Bndte Rd Sint.jjrt 1 Owtlrtan T s LEE. TH Kye-«lfbl teste* |U«» supplied lr»m aywmr^a W«rm— fcrp ynnaUf*: WHETHER YOUS CAR IS
      164 words

  • 658 16 BRITISH WARSHIPS OPEN FIRE AS FRENCH RESIST Landing Force Joins Imperial Troops In Drive On Beirut i.iNTPAiiAv London, June 11. AUSTRALIAN troops^ driving towards Beirut from Ty re have engaged French troops in savage hand-to-hand t C h7 F en^'t Jriti h warshi P*
    Reuter  -  658 words
  • 11 16 Hsinklng (Manchukuo), June 11 ES£Ss3Ss3=
    11 words
  • 178 16 New Tokio Stand Toward N. I. Toklo, June 11. AFTER a conference lasting four hours, the Government decidea to-day to withdraw the Japanese delegation to the Batavla economic parleys and Mr. Kenkichi Yoshizawa. head of the delegation, will be instructed accordingly says United Press. Any further stay bf Mr. Yoshlsawa
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 153 16 Would Welcome Meeting of Dominions Premiers Londen, June 11. TKE deslrabllltr of holding an Imperial conference and a meeting of Dominions Prime Ministers in London was acknowledged in the House of Commons by Mr. Churchill, Prime Minister, to-day. The Prime Minister said he would warmly welcome
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 186 16 Cairo, June 11 JHE use of loudspeakers— which were employed so successfully In the East African campaign— U proving a most valuable weapon In winning French troops In SvtU over to the Allle*. Special motor vans complete with speaker records and amplifying apparatus often precede
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 112 16 London, June 11. jJRITAIN stands in line with the recent declaration of Mr. Cordell Hull, United States Secretary of State, in favour of abolishing extra-territorl-ali.y In China. When asked in the Hoiwe of Comt mona to-day whether Britain supported a similar policy the Undersecretary for
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 84 16 Nicosia (Cyprus), June II DOOR women and children unabk r» ndJ TT C !lh t t the Cl lUntl7 now Protided »!th a free scheme jointly br tha munlrlpalitle. and tovemmem It to ejected that 3 000 will be leaving Nicosia Subsutenre Is also paid There was
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 225 16 Flying Fortresses May Also Be Supplied Under Lease Act Tn n Honolulu, June 11. THh Chinese consul-general here, Mr. Kin- Chau-mni, to-day said he had received word from Washin R (m that 100 new American pursuit planes have arrived in
    225 words
  • 150 16 Zurich, June 11. ACCORDING to the Vichy corres- i ponclent of the Neve Zuercher' Zeitung the speech of Adm. Darlan, I Vichy Vice-Premier, yesterday and newspapers in the unoccupied zone! •nirror of general dejection over tht Syrian nuaent U confrontMarrassing dilemma that with Britain t risk*
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • in A Malayan Bungalow
      17 words
    • 3439 1 Cotton Frocks For American Market Women And The War By 1 Straits Times London Woman Correspondent ALL women and most men like to look at babies' and little girls' pretty frocks. It was, therefore, a clever move on the part of the Cotton Board to have materials made up into
      3,439 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 203 1 16 Heavenly Colours IN 7th HEAVEN AT PARMANAND Q 42, HIGH STREET O THESE SIGNS SAY "ALKAUZE" I IB Q Upset Stomach JB Indigestion I Heartburn N^J^SP'l Q Flatulence l^k I I Biliousness ■JtK^Kil Constipation l^^^^ 1 --i^Ws^^^Bi^BMLi_^^^^^( EXCESS ACIDS MAY BE THE CAUSE Thousands of people are going through
        203 words
      • 144 1 JUST RECEIVED FROM U. S. A. "MOIRE TAFFETAS' LATEST DESIGNS SUITABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS ON DISPLAY AT S.A. MAJEEO& CO. 70, HIGH STREET. Wincarnis is suitabte alike for the robust, the invalid and the convalescent. It, braces the whole system, imparts health .and vigour, and preserves C the abundant energy
        144 words
    • 2654 2  -  Nurse Elizabeth By MIJRSE Elizabeth has had expert training in the care of infants and young children. If you have any problems connected with babies or young children and would like her help write to Nurse Elizabeth, co Women's Supplement, Straits Times, Cecil Street,
      2,654 words
    • 71 2 |N a room out of use, or a room In mr? al VV n cry expQSed P art the house curtain rings and pins may becom too rusty for smooth running But y t Ca B re J uv n atfd. One way 5 to *>» them
      71 words
    • 76 2 v is well to remember that mint lias a great many more uses than flavouring peas and potatoes If you are preparing a salad, a snipping of a s<- nd "P of mint, or mint mixrd with the dressing instead of parsley will give you a reputation
      76 words
    • 61 2 LJAND-SIZED towels are being used «rv. mor -S *eneraUy these days. White Turkish towels with pastel borders are easy to wash, and thoroughly absorbent. Other hand towels are all-colouied, and have wavy patterns either end. and square border-lines are also seen on smallsized towels, their blues,
      61 words
    • 72 2 IT may be amusing, but it is ctr- tainly very useful to know that a child's cricket bat. sotfly padded, n.akes a very useful sleeve board for ironing. First the bat is padded wlch strips of material, then covered with a thick fold of olanket, sllpstltched In
      72 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 361 2 INVITATION >^s. Miss Yun INVITES j/& I /O THE LADIES-OF-FASHION /*y^& to try her dexterity in j$V DRESS-MAKING WC GUARANTEE SATISFACTION "'HAZELINE' SNOW"| if. 'j* j 'w3P^n For the dainty woman m Jfj^Lk^^j/B S^J on stan i care of the com- ftm Em iML demand. Ifazcline Snoiv" 103 y*«^^ 2-
        361 words
      • 328 2 THURSDAY. MJUK t2. 19A\ WE ARE NOT MAGICIANS €We cannot puJl a barber's pole out of c boys mouth. But w» V can give your hair r. perlert perm that will De the envy of four Iricnds. Rates IK. 112.J*. KAYES BEAUTY PARLOUR BpecialMK la Permanent Waiiag. IM-A. Rim Seng
        328 words
    • 49 3 An officer of the Royal lank Regime; watching a wojjjmp *£ker at a tank factory in the Midlands. He was In a party of officer* back from the LlnTa.7camp.ign and they told the workers of the e*c*U«* re*.*. achieved with the ianks made by them.
      49 words
    • 10 3 someof the potato dtehe, which have been prepared.
      10 words
    • 11 3 h"t^«E«rst^n,eU Gam with knttWd sock, ltom
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 77 3 ONLY At Maison "VOGUE" THERE *S A MAIDEN FORM BRASSIERE FCi* £VE£Y TYPE OF FIGURE VOGUE'S US TRULY -MAIDKN-FORM- HEADQUARTERS: "VOQUB*" and Nowtan El« i" Town will you find such Iwj""^ Ih. MdU--F« kwkN Mode to Meet Every I «urc F.cry Need. Maison "VOGUE" HIGH STRKKT. SINOAPOM. /V QUEEN QUALITY
        77 words
      • 288 3 Same Ooor little mite:, have *ucti fM that no matter how \W I 12 i Vl frequcnt 0C int'e i rv a U *v« a %bs(^^^ S effect of d«npn«s f M| lad keep* happy and comfort- I ...jffl'liVl able, able to enjoy long hour, of fMjjJggTJI undisturbed
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    • 1033 4  - Sausage-Dog's Surprise Visit To Bungo Castle Barbara Murray Winkleday Adventures Special Feature For Children By "T WISH something would 1 happen said Bungo, staring gloomily out of the window. It was pouring with rain, and a great Sumatra was hurling coconuts down from the trees round about Bungo Castle. Bungo
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 156 4 <J^S?"^X MEW SHIPMENT OF y LADIES HANDBAGS AT YOU DOULATRAMS 48-50. HIGH STREET, THEM. SINGAPORE. TEL. 7846. j^%. Every sore throat milhS a an 9 er *pot... fiP^H t* V^^T ll.iik of ill ibe serious illnwsCT which smrt B^^BRJfl jHjPf _r^S^i^- sl"?hi sore throat. The cause may be HttHN Ai3
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    • Dress Notes From London
      • 44 5 The skyscraper silhouette is featured in this jaunty beret, with matching scarf, worn by Anne Gwynne. featured in Universal^ thrilling mystery, "The Black Cat.' Black and whit* striped tie r-ilk fashions its tri-comered styling, featuring a rolled back band and siie bow.
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      • 373 5 IDEAS are welcome these days f>r renovating partly worn out clothes. Jmd for brin**'"" uo-to- too good to throw away. With economy uppermost in our minds .%11 the time it is worth looking tiirmigh your \vardrol>e carefully and sorting out the dresses you feel are unwearable. then
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      • 496 5 THERE are few novelties in materials just now, but a slight pattern-variation is a tonic, especially something as new as a sort of camouflaged material, made of cotton showing a design of dots, broken so that magenta dots appear on white,
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      • 290 5 BESIDES bcJaff extraordinarily youthful looking to wear. Pinafore dresses of any description are very easy to make, and can be converted from ol 1 arena* which have begun to "jro." or which, have a date-tlving necklit* Here are three suggestions for pinafore-minded ensembles n*^VZ^£ we]l fQr
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 142 5 W %S%O- s^v-ss r f S "5»»-£ I SUCH A SWEET NAME v*** W IT IS 32 mantic >YEL y looking SHADES AND AT COOL WKAR 23,<fyh& fy*e/yd>3B49 LET THE STRAITS TIMES TAKE YOUR WEDDING PICTURES We are now fully equipped for the onnltHtioo of first-claM commercial worh of all
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    • Article, Illustration
      555 6 I VERY attractive jumper is designed to be knitted in 3ply wool, or in artificial silk and wool mixture. It takes about 5 ounces, and is done on a pair each of No. 10 and No. 8 needles. Start at the lower edge of the front, casting 104
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    • 94 6 IyHEN you are hanging pictures rh™ n, S i lou j d b* remembered that they will be damaged if they are to rest against a damp wall. In order to protect them, a cork should be sliced" crosswise, and a little piece tacked on each corner of
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    • 67 6 fIRED and aching feet can be a most painful complaint. The latest remedy is to rub balm into ones feet at night after bathing You can now get a three-lold treatment consistent of balm, lotion lor first thing in the morning, and dusting powder. In applying these
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    • 51 6 I^NIFE handles sometimes show I ■> stains that will not come off I with ordinary soap and water. But peroxide of hydrogen, used diluted will usually remove the stains i Should the stains still prove obstinate, then apply the peroxide undiluted. Afterwards, wash the knl- yes in warm
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    • 351 6 WOMEN in England, who pride themselves on the youthful freshness of their complexions were the first to benefit from the arrival on the market of an entirewi^5 w i ype of Preparation. With the general speed-up in the tempo of life and the necessity for adjusting
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    • 97 6 •pABLE linen is fated, in the course i»u lts exist ence, to be stained with many liquids. Of these stains tc ta J° as fruit juice' If this should happen to one or your cloths remember, before washing it to make a solution of powdered borax and warm
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    • 102 6 A CAKE which does not contain a *<I. i gral,n of susar. but which is yet deliriously sweet, is made by siftinij six ounces of self-raising flour with a pinch of salt, and the grated rind of a lemon or orange. Then warm and cream together, four
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    • 66 6 AN excellent way to prepare table salt is to crush ordinary cooking salt finely in a mortar, or use a rolling pm, and put it through a fine sieve. Then mix half-a-pound of finely ground rice to each pound of crurhrd salt, and put in air-right tins. Kept
      66 words
    • 312 6 LJERE-S a temptinj and attractive main dish thafi jujt a "«kiD through the dew to prepare AsP£ra?us with cheese sauce served on crisp buttered toast, is a perfect I suggestion for hurry-up meals for it can be put together quickly and simply from staples at hand.
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    • 86 6 COME of the smartest accessories ol the moment are distinctly reminiscent of farming and food— which is quite right and proper Just now Miniature models of farm animals are made into buttons. So too are such things realistically coloured tomatoes and eggs. Farm implements form the the me
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    • 96 6 QNLY a few days after a shampoo .some hair has a nasty habit of becoming tainted with perspiration. In order to keep it fresh until the next shampoo, spread a very thin layer of cotton wool on a stiff bristled brush, shake over a drop or two
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    • 79 6 "PHE mincer is a great aid to variety into your cooking. As a rule "!f Ie are three cutters to the mincer Where nuts and crusts are included in a recipe, you use the finest cutter of the mincer, as well as for coffee cheejo and
      79 words
    • 44 6 pi trying to unscrew lids from Jars which will not "give." you might see what you can do by wrapping a ber band •"»«<1 the lid Tim gives you a good grip, and wJli probably move the Ud quire successfully and easily
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 212 6 OMEGA j4mE^9M^MMM^/^(b .^MMm Mmlt ''sr' X^ CX 695 Tl7. 0 STAYBRITE STEEL $60.00 Manufactured by the same craftsmen who made and regulated the World's most ACCURATE WATCH. Omega the World's most accurate watch. SOU ICCMTB /O fob Maura broesilvh SINGqPORg IP'PH pewTNT" Color Movies! Make them inexpensively, a^ <asu y
        212 words
      • 192 6 AM. tOMtN „„.> L:p» lhai appeal— t ikm alluring, peal•mooth perfect colour blending beauty realistically natural in its appeal. LIPSTICKS n lii loTelt *hadev mon indelible— latin-smooth vttb > sparkb and intensity of colour. The new ROUGE SOLIDE blend* with all jkns In thrc. eiquisite (hades. CREAM ROC'GK, Nanire'i own
        192 words
    • 775 7 Some Recipes For Cakes Which Should Please Everyone Small Butter Cakes With Varied Icing CREAM 4 oz. butter well, gradually add 5 oz. castor sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Add I large or 2 small eggs and beat well. Sift 5 oz. plain flour with 1 level teaspoon
      775 words
    • 110 7 Mr uJ Mr*. Ua S»ee JUU. ll ir marrUc* «hlth took pl« H"* rrttuUy. Mr Sow Jt«»« weUknown mri h»» niniMiitKl Uw State of «o*c«r. n, Mi« Fob K»w hMH d»«fhter of Mr. and Mr*. J. 4- Ilic NMN of Mi. «>ns «ivan *«>r \li» Koo lay Hn
      110 words
    • 66 7 li; n haven't much time to spend upon intricate en.broidery stitches on p?rsonal oelongings, but the quiltt*. collar and cuff sets are quickly achieved. Use a soft bit of fabric for the interlining iwashable, if you want to be able u> launder your collar and cuffs) and cotton,
      66 words
    • 86 7 IN th?se days, we do not consign old towels to the rag-bag. We cut off the good parts, usually the borders, and use them for bath mats, concocting attractive patterns this way. The mac can be lined with more pieces so that it is heavy and lies
      86 words
    • 61 7 SPOOLS of elastic thread have many uses other than that of shirring. If you blanket-stitch, in wool, ail round the tops of your silk stockings, and then crochet several rows of the elastic thread ovrr the blanket stitching, you will be able to fasten your suspenders on
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 201 7 Vhile Visiting Singapore rUBILEE'S (Shop with blue front) 12. KORTH BRIDGE RD. For latest rang* of 1 American Jersey Printed and Striped Crepe in Latest Shades I American Printed Lamb Skin in 100 different Shades to Select 3 Wemco Jersey Linen the most attractive twelve beautiful Shades. I- V I-.
        201 words
      • 208 7 >^ for c skin to p Regular users of Sunlight g^^^"^^l^B can be sure that even £r j^^^^v after years of wear their P^-* clothes will still b€ bcauti- \n%±jL -^s^^?~ fully white and as $ood f? Wipii: as nevv. That's because i—^— Sunlight is made from the SUNLIGHT SOAP
        208 words
    • 749 8  - "There's A War On!"— Excuse Of The Incompetent Victoria Chappelle By WATCHED our visitor 1 walk down the path. What a well meaning woman she is," said my 'flustricken sister, snuggling cosily into her pillows as the gate slammed, and yet she is everything I dislike." "I know, don't tell
      749 words
    • 618 8 THE SINGAPORE MARKET PRICES HERE GIVEN 1 HAVE BEEN SUPPLIED TO THE STRAITS TIMES BY THE FOOD CONTROL OFFICE. Maximum Retail Prices In Singapore Markets «i II iOl %i.i > SLAUGHTERED Taikoo Granulated Sugar, per psrlb. perkatt? ln >- roH 10 cents. Beef Steak °ll WHITE WHEAT
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 189 8 Visit GIAN SINGH'S 4. BATTERY RD. SPORE for Latest Range of AMERICAN SILKS in plain and printed SEVENTH HEAVEN in most attractive shades PRINTED LAMB SKINS in a big range to enable your ".election east. Choice ol Duke of Windsor Snowcool Sharkskin $2.50 a yard Kay«er Mirokleer American stockings in
        189 words
      • 416 8 try A and ijoull agree there is no finer Sherry pi Royal Reserve Sherry is a fine, oia I wine dry rich and golden. It is t made in Pan folds' own Wineries m from •own grown" prize grade P grapes blended w'th pure grape m '^ftß spiri: and ma'urcd
        416 words