The Straits Times, 11 June 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 110 1 MIEN CHONG /or SMART TAILORING II Coleman St.. S'pnrc Phon» 4818 A»»ilnblr Suit Lengths •Kockiillf- Suitings— U.S.A. WAIN 5111F.1.1/S. In Silk and Wool Mm AMERICAN SHARKSKIN. In v.rioui eotoart W^r^ 'f'iit&^mmwi- MsSßa Aaa I aaV. Jb^bbbT aal bbbbT S KF '.k aaaal Hi k^. jHW A^^^V f iBB^BBBaaBBBafIBBaaB t.^Tv /A
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    • 8 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Morning Afternoon Evening Dresses.
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  • 21 2 C.MDWELL. ROBERT. R.A.P Kilted In action in France. June lltn. 1940. In loving memory. Mother and Father.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 602 2 %\\e Straits Want* SMALL APS. Minimum charge $1. far tdvt oat exeeediai 4 Mass. More than f oar line* 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIKTIIS MAUkIAGES DEATHS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ANNOUNCEMKNTS a rrc. CARDS arc charged S3 arh per insertion acr Ineb Over I
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    • 750 2 FORSALE FOB SALE, Complete Modern household teakwood furniture, a O.E. R^frip a or, H.M.V. Radiogram, a Keller Organ. Everything almost new. For Inspection betwr 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. No. 53 Kampong Jara Road, Singapore. FOB SALE, numerous building sites of about l acre each with about 2 chains of
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    • 722 2 FOR HIRE REFRIGERATOR— New or Used Pnone 3J.'» PIANOS PIANO WANTED. State make and lowest price No. 307 Stralu Time* EDUCATIONAL CRAIGBEAD DIOCESAN SCHOOL, Tlmaru, New Zealand Boarding school for girls run or English lines. Pull charge taken. Including holidays. Temperate climate. English headmistress. For prospectus apply to the headmistress.
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    • 684 2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUYING AGENTS Sydney firm with many yean experience in buying requirements on account of Pacific Island merchants is prepared to act in similar capacity for Malaya merchants. Wellknown to manufacturers and suppliers. Further particulars, credentials, bank references, etc. on request from Manager," Box 3373, G.P.0., Sydney. PUBLIC NOTICES
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    • 442 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS, EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY iM3mp/on Xjptical c* 4. ARCADE BLDG., PHONE 3002. R A. Thompson, Dr. wf Ornlar Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. BUSINESS CARDS ETC LEUN WAH CO. MANUFACTURERS OF AR.P. EQUIPMENTS NO. 02, HORNE ROAD PRONE NO. SMI PLEASE NOTE. Our BUrrup Pump has been tested by
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    • 125 2 BARGAM MORRIS 12 H.P. SALOOI $1150 An excellent car, good tyres and duco and mechanically \try sound. Call and inspect any trial. MARY OTHERS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE MORRIS 8 SALOON VAUXHALL 20 SALOOH TERRAPLANE SALOOH STAHDARD 9 SALOOH TRIUMPH SPORTS TOORER Have you a car to tell SEE US
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 325 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated in Emrlnndl Pi:.NINSI I.AK 4.NU ORIENTAL 8. N CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARO.O SERVICE. The oesl possible serrlces arc Being main tained by the P. A O. 8- N. Co.. from the btralU lo thrtr nsual part* of call In
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    • 253 3 (incorporated to Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA Through fares to North America to Europe via America and Round Tours in the raclflc quoted In U.S. S on application. To California from the Orient via Honolulu lea Manila le« H'koag ss. YAWATA MARD
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    • 417 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo booking* subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARC Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 388 3 TO TESTATORS. Administration of estates by a corporation formed and highly qualified to act as Trustees and Executors is everywhere admitted to offer greater security than is obtainable fr o m personal Trustees. This does not mean changing your Bankers. Solicitors 01 others who have handled your business. If you
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 184 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL 1.3J3 «e/s (t>S i 2HP1 9.6» mc/i (3I.M sa.) (ZHP2 8,175 mc/i MJ« ZHP3 7.25 ote/f <«1-M B.) kbl. ran ran. I p.m. Teoehew mualct; 5.35 p.m. Nrws In Cantonese; $.50 p.m. Hokklen munlct; 6 p.m. News In Hokklen; t.lS p.m. Warning to Mariners; 8.30 p.m.
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    • 198 3 Hawaiian Islanders t; 10.45 pm. Warn tog to Mariners. Close Down. IZHP3) I p.m. LafU Melayut; 8.50 p.m. Hindustani muslct; fl. 05 p.m. News in Hln. dustanl; 6 20 p.m. Tamil muslct: I.M pm. New* In Tamil: 7 p.m. Debroy Bomeri Bandt; 7.10 p.m. News in French: 7.30 p.m. "listener:'
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    • 513 3 EMPIRE STATION Bcvlacv Munii S«k«4atoi EuUn Trman&lwtaa f IS ML U IIS8 GSY-17J1 ■s/S; IU4 Metro. IN GSI 19.61 —s Itsa. Fr*a S.M P" tl-M p-m. a>d OSD— 11.11 tsevs: tut aHm North America TnunlMH C9D; GSC (II naetre ttadi aP* OBI (Uil m— t.M 6 IS p m.
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  • 103 4 (From Oar Own correspondent) London, Jane 16. rE United States Government is to acquire a farther IM.tOA tons of rubber under an agreement with the International Rubber Regulation Committee. It is announced f-day that the Rubber Reserve Co., United States Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the
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  • 275 4 Prices Remarkably Steady rr a weekly report on the rubber market, Issued this morning, Stanton Nelson and Co. Ltd. were: The stormy international outlook seems to be exercising no effect whatever on the market, which has. throughout 'he week, remained persistency dull but remarkably steady. Highly important
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  • 76 4 WohMday, lane 11. n*ea Prieci Pri. r No IX K-SS sp.i lowi 3»* 3»l, so IX R.S.S. I* b i Jane US. S*K ■i.t A.Q. K S.S !.•■> <M> Jao* 3»H *.AQ LS.S tab oi Ju»« 39>i US I'l 1X-KE QUOTATIONS ■ft IX K.S.S. an
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  • 231 4 Results For Last Year I THE accounts for fire tin companies. which form toe Austral Malay group, for 1940 are in the hands of shareholders thl? morninir. All of i tl-.r show greatly increased profits and distributions or. those for the prei ceding year. The following
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  • 420 4 Shares Quietly Firm And Rubber Steady (By Oar Financial Correspondent) Singapore, June 11. THE share markets were quietly firm yesterday and there was a fair turnover in the dollar tin section. Hong Fatt had business at SI .25 and Batu Selangor at 51. 41. Sungei Luas changed
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  • 104 4 Singapore. June 1!. Gambler i 7 so Hambw-K Cube §12 25 Java Cube (12M jorra traa 8un DrtnJ »j so White liuntok (15 00 Wbi»f $H.5O b»~* nu Ungga t*M ZZ. M.82H M.6J>» Sarawak $4 50 '"•toaB Plak* l7 .S0 Pair nakr 1700 Medtam-Plake tfl 25 Small
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  • 175 4 rt.e foitowint arc Mt -icn*rm. rmtw tfek morning accordrng the dally elrcclat issue-. b* Che Honcfcnm »•«< Shamnat Bankini Oort>or»'lor>UUWO Lonoorj 1.1 j/« j/ja London demand 2/4 9/S3 Switzerland (T T. only) 202. 4« New York demand 47.10 Montreal demand SI.SS Bauvla demand (8 71 Samarang demand M 58
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  • 278 4 U.S. Ship Sunk 950 Miles From Brazil Coast Washington, June 10. THE Maritime Commission to-day 1 confirmed that "11 survivors of the American freighter Robin Moor were disemberked at Pernambuco" after their vessel had been sunk by a German submarine, in the South Atlantic. lhe spokesman for the owner ot
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  • 75 4 Shanghai, June 11. /JERMAN firms are buying tea and oilseeds on a large sca'e, accordIng to the local Japanese journal Talrlko Shimpo, which adds that no less and 1 000 tons of rapeseed and 200 tons of cottonseed were purchased here during the past
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 100 4 W New i" or k, Jane 10. ALL Street is growinß more and more bullish on the S:ock Market in the belief ; it has already discounted anything that can happen. The ability of the list to move higher in the face of the socalled
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  • 69 4 New York, June 10. >pHE following were the prlcei for straits till and rubber on the commodity Btrhui(e to-day: Tin Junr 9 June It Spot 53 14 52 7'8 June 53.00 S2 90 July S2.95 S2.8S August 52.95 S2 SO September 52.95 ,2.75 Rubber
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  • 1053 4 •THE following d-matfcjna to The War 1 Fund axe recorded to-day: f Heap Eiig Moh Steamship Co., I td. (further contribution) l.OOfl S. W. Younge 700 Olrh Sayang Musical Party Sv per cent, of tickets sold for tbe concert h'ld en May 29 and 30
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  • 23 4 A great number of naval wireless operators trained in the Netherlands India's wi'l soon go tD England to loin the Nefhet'ands naval fo«-r*s.—Renter.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 383 5 Gilt-Edged Again Advance London, June 10. fHE Stock Exchange to-dajr maintained cheerful sentiment with further advances in gilt-edged. Kaffirs, non-producers, also advanced, notably West Rand group on continued demand from the Cape. Indian loans were less prominent. Industrials and oils were quietly firm but Cable ana Wireless
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  • 59 5 Dow Jones Averages T i.owing were Dow Jones aver1 when the New York Stock Exchange closed yesterday and on Saturday: .Monday's figures hav3not be?n received". June 7 June in 30 Indu i-riai* 118.89 121.8ft 20 Rails 27,39 28.20 15 Utilities 17.32 17.55 40 Bonds 90.93 90.17 Commodity hide*
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  • 100 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Our Own Dorrcspcndent) London, June 10. rOMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows with previous quotations id parenthesis:— RUBBER. Quiet. New York: Not received. COTTON: Closed for duration of war. PEPPER: White Muntofc: 12Vid. (12Vid.). Lampong black in bond: 7%d. (7Hd.) TIN: Weak. Spot: £266% (£268%) Forward:
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  • 100 5 Mails clone at the General Post Office as follows: TO-MORROW Australia air 4 p.m. Java air 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. New Zealand air 4 p.m. i Palembang air S a.m. ARRIVALS Malls from Indo-CMna (air) general delivery 1.40 p.m. to-day. Mails from Java and Sumatra
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  • 256 5 OmtiMil Dlvl!rru» Clow Burma Malay 6d. No. 27 June 24 Hitam 10% int. June 16 Kamuntlng Tin 5% Int. less tax June 11 Katu 6d. No. 28 June 13 Kramat Pulal 2M% int. leas tax Pangnga Rl7er 4% int. less tax June 11 Raub 3d. in.
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  • 1318 5 TUESDAY, JUNK 16, 1941: 4 P.M. MINDiO Ampit (5s) X 3d 3s M Austral Amal. 7f IVid 7s 6d Austral Malay 33s 6a 34c 6d tija Hltam (6s > 17a Iti Ayer Weng (»1> .67 .71 nangrl i Tin 12a 6d 14a Batu Selangor ($t»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 539 5 TENDERS ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, TRENGGANU. TENDERS are invited for the wirir.g of Government Quarters and Buildings in the town of Kuala Trengganu. Tender forms, specifications and schedule of points may be obtained from the Office of the BUte Engineer. Trengganu. Further details *nay alsc be obtained from the Office of the
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    • 60 5 AN ACCREDITED FACT SKETOLENE mj^ 1 I PREVENTS 75 cents and $1.25 Stocked by all Chemists and Stores Sole Distributors GRAFTOH LABORATORIES Ltd. .Singapore, Kuala jimpar and Frnanc. Use of PAX \<.OI with »r without phenolphthalein is highly recommended in treatment *f chronic constipation, piles, Assures, inflammatory conditions of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 852 7 "Island Might Have Been Saved If Allies Had 100 Extra Fighters" London. June 10. WHEN the House of Commons debated the situation in the Middle i^ast to-day, members very warmly praised the achievements of Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, Middle East C.-in-C, and criticism
    Reuter  -  852 words
  • 424 7 Future Attitude Decided Upon Tofcio. June 10. «\7ERY unsatisfactory" was the de- scription given by the Japanerr spokesman at a Press conrerenc to-day to the Netherlands Indie reply to the Japanese proposals submitted at the Batavia economic con- iorenee, says Reuter. The spokesman added that
    Reuter  -  424 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 299 7 last t snows 6.n 9.13 ■r^P*|M^^VV a niors.iM) TiMrs mori: 7 J^ s^k mk excitino in n:u tlchnk okx:: j KfIHBSniRIBRRRRRRRi Tlie Advrnlure Of ROBIN HOOD Warnrr Itro\: M«tt SpcrUraiar Pl.iurr! with Errol FLYNN. Olivia De HAVILLAND BASH- RATimONF. OUOH BAINS, To-morrow— HOLIDAY'S GRANO MYSTEnV— SIM IHRII.I.rR CONTRABAND r-ritiili \aU«nal
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  • 1184 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1941. (648th Day Of The War.) Too Much Gloom Mr. Claude da Silva's speech at Monday's meeting of the LegislaItive Council was described by His Excellency the Governor as unlike any other speech he had yet heard in the Colony irom an Unofficial
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 777 8 Do We Want U.S. To Declare War? To the Editor of the Straits Times 81r,— WKh further reference to the question raised by your correspondent A. W. Wallich. In to-dAj's Straits Times, as to whether or no*, the United S;ates should declare war now, Instead of later on,
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    • 155 8 Imports Which Could Have Been Avoided To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— I have seen in the Press that at present eggs, and probably poultry, are imported from America and no doubt the Question of foreign exchange must be affected. Had the authorities followed the advice
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    • 504 8 Some Suggestions For The Local Station To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,--May I be allowed some space to comment on the MB.C? Now that the corporation is in its last stages of development Into a first-class broadcasting organization, let us hope that its programmes will be commensurate
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    • 144 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— We do not want Singapore to relay us the 7.20 a.m. news. Penans does it very well, thank you. Singapore could not do it when it was at 8.20 am —all their people were hard at
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    • 271 8 A Call To The Local Community To the Editor of the Strait Times Sir,— Though small parties had been giVMI quietly by humbler individuals. the community must thank Mr. Goho for entertaining over a hundred Indian Sepoys a few days back. Will other prominent members or j the
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    • 727 8 Where We Should Move Next To tiie Editor of the Strait* Timn r. The news that the British have entered Syria has electrified and thrilled the world. It will be a novel experience for us to be called "inva'lers. 1 I "bandits" "occupiers by force. -1 Never
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    • 227 8 TEACHERS CLERKS Criticism Of Speech liy Captain Httshim To the Edi.or Ifca ;.r.>ts Vines Sir,— I trust you will pcrmi: me some space in your valuable paper, in order to correct Capt. Hashim's comparison of the General Clerical Service and the teachers It is a pity he did not menton
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 203 8 Stainless steel watch bands from S4.Rolled gold watch bands from 7.We fix them to your watch while you wait. RAPID CALCULATIONS by A. 11. Koswll. "The Mathe-Magiclan". CAN YOU Multiply ***** by 24C9 In 20 seconds? YOU CAN after studying this book. Price only *2.00 Postage E\lr». G. 11. KIAT
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    • 81 8 TANGUN CLUB (Members only) W. 11—7.30 p.m.— l 2 CONCERT Ie DANCE Th. 12— 12.3* p.m— 3 CONCERT Fr. 13— 7.09 p.m.— 9 COCKTAIL DANCE Sat 14 8 30 p.m.— 2 ».m. CONCERT DANCE San. IS 12 30 p.m.— 3 p-ra. CONCERT Mon. 16 7.M p m.— 9 p.m. CONCERT
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  • 696 9 Advance Forces At Gates Of Damascus NAVAL LANDINGS R.A.F. RAIDS ON NAZI BASES Mechanized Column From Iraq Bound For Aleppo A LTHOUGH diplomatic quarters in Ankara state that the Allied forces in Syria have captured Damascus and their entry into Beirut, the capital of
    Reuter  -  696 words
  • 98 9 "We Shall Not Fire First" De Gaulle Cairo. June 11. "THE Free French are making 'way," declares Gen de Gaulle in a statement to the Cairo correspondent of the Free French news agency, referring to the entr> of Free Kreivh forces into Syria and Lebanon. Gen. de Gaulle said it
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 134 9 Ankara. June 11. "11/E are not worrying about Syria. Egypt is our objective," state the Germans here. Nevertheless rhe Axis stand to lose plenty should the Allies quickly occupy Syria, and Axis business m?n arc frankly worried about stocks already held there, including
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 355 9 London, June 11. /COMMENTING on rhe Syrian opera- i tions. Mr. Churchill in the course Of his statement in the House of Com- j mons yesterday repeated that we have i no territorial designs in Syria or any- se in French territory. We seek
    Reuter  -  355 words
  • 220 9 VICHY PEACE TREATY Darlau On Talks With Germans Vichy. June 10. THE Vichy Government is prepar1 ing a separate peace with Germany in the hope of creating a favourable atmosphere without awaiting the end of the war, the Vice-Premier, Admiral Francois Darlan announced in a broadcast to the nation to-day,
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 143 9 Seizure Of Additional Plants Likely Washington. Juno 10. iTHE United States Army units will evacuate the Nirth American Aviation plant whenever th^ labour dispute is settled, declared the Assistant Secretary for War. Mr. Robert Pat'eron t•. tifying beftre the Military Affairs Committee of the
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  • 135 9 Sequel To Roosevelt Reference To Islands Washington, June 10. THE Secretary of State. Mr. Cordell Hull to-day sen; a note to the Portuguese Minister, Dr. J. A. de Bianchi. saying he viewed with increasing anxiety the constantly expanding acts of aggression on the part
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  • 102 9 "AXIS DOOMED TO FAILURE" STIMSON West Point, June 10. r~E Secretary of War, Mr. Henry L. Stimson. told graduates of the United States Military Academy tonight that the world was too small to contain both the Democratic and Axis systems. There cannot be a compromise over issue between them. The
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  • 55 9 Manila, June 10. MR. C. K. McClelland, the 46-year-old sales manager of the StandardVacuum Oil Company's branch here, died to-day. Mr McClelland has been connected with the Standard Oil Company for 20 years, serving in the Netherlands Indies. Australia, and Singapore before coming to Manila
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  • 37 9 The band of a Transvaal BmttUk regiment is sren entering Addis Ababa, the capita! of Abyttimu The Imperial forces advanced IJOO miles m less than 60 days to take the capital
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  • 1214 9 "Many Things For Which To Be Thankful"— Mr. Churchill London. June 11. DURING the course of his statement on the war in the House of Commons yesterday, the Prime Minister. Mr. Churchill, referring to "the remarkable achievements of our country and its armed forces," declared, "There are many thing* fci
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  • 53 9 GEN Chprios ric Oaullr. spe.< fhp radio ypstr' wants to bf deliverer) Wp i' fulfil Dip will of I Ttm Allird ftmjvp into Syria he sa d. had been maflp necesst>ry because the i Vichy Oovernmcru had allowed the Qcnnanj to hmh foo ing in the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 128 9 OTIIKK CABLES in paces 7, 13, 11 and li pardon us for blowing our own Trumpet but 5 C 5 SAUSAGES are good Everything is done to J-^* make S.C.S. Sausages Jr Vm the finest, tastiest. jr J most tempting Sausages Kf f 1 you can buy. Only 1 I
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  • 791 10 $1,000 Gift From Chinese Shipping Company MALACCA RICE POOL MEN SEND CONTRIBUTION TO-DAY'S additions to The War Fund are again fairly sub- stantial and the total is now very near to the five million, six hundred thousand dollar mark. To-day's total is 55,589,680,
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  • 51 10 London, June 10. THE Victoria Cross has been awarded to Second-Lieutenant Karini Singh Bagat of the Corps of Indian Engineers for very ronspicuous service in the Middle East. This is the first V.C. to be awarded to an officer of the Indian Army during this war.
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  • 99 10 Bangkok. June 10. MAJOK VU;n Osthknanda. Minister of State, returned lrom Singapore this af'-einoan thoroughly bucked up by the success ol hU mission. He said he was most optimLsI tic about the future of An?k>-Thai relations. He said he took every opportunity to clear
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 65 10 The Commander-tn-Chie/. China Station, Vice-Admiral Sir Geoffrey Layton, it seen leaving a toarthip at the Singapore Naval Base after carrying out an inspectkn.. Sir Geoffrey, in a broadcast talk last night which is published on Page 11 to-day referred to recently increased
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  • 38 10 This is Ihe wreckage •< the M>. 110 io whir* RatMf Hess, Hitler's Depwty. aaa4e hi* dranmattr flight from Germany to Scotland, photographed after it had been rc*ja*ve4 to an RJI.K Dep»l ia
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  • 1790 10 Crete Battle Losses Compared Forces Which Took Part London, June 11. "ONE point of some difficulty which presents itself to me n henever I am asked to make a j statement to the House is whether i I ought to encourage good hopes of successful outcomes of particular! operations or
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  • 106 10 Far East C.-in-C/s Recent Tour Rangoon, June 10 CONCLUDING a four-day in.spectlon of Burma units. Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke -Pophani, Commander-in-Chief. Far East, expressed satisfaction at the army's expansion in all directions since his last visit. A continuous supply oi the most modern equipment, he
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 159 10 KitiT Forle." (WHh Gtntrr Roren. Densn Mortan. Jinm Craig. Gladys Cooper) K.K.O. Ras>t<i stietarr. At thr AThaaabrs. AN adaptation of Chi istoplier Morley'.t story of the life of a "white-collar-girl, (his pictare bears all the hallmark.- nr outstanding film fare, an interesting thftv. clever
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  • 101 10 BAFFLES HOT! I Ncm-Stop Dane? i CaKmrr. Ext en(ion 2 a.m. UMl WORLD Cabaret: 7 33 to 9 9 p.m. t« 1 a.m. Globe Lillian Ruttell Our Town HArrT THEATRE (Hap*? WarMi Chu Chin Chow. SeatMk: Wlum of O nw wokii TaUiei. Tfaeatrm and Cinpmu SW* Show. Cabaret. Daneint
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 107 10 L^Lm "B^s^s^sWKSlt^s>w^» y 'm r^ sf^sr m *fc sMfc A *Vs JL FOR AC. MAINS FOR DC/AC MAINS These are three of the main points to look for in a radio. These are jum three of the chief reason* why the GEC seven and ei&ht valve series oi receivers .are
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  • 339 11 Tentative Charge Against Eurasian AFTER a quarrel with his sister, Alice, over a boy-friend of whom he disapproved, 26-year-old Arthur Jansen drew out a knife and stabbed her, it was alleged in the Singapore second court yesterday. Jansen faced a tentative charge in a preliminary Inquiry
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  • 2609 11 Can Service Largest Fleet Ever Likely To Be Needed NAVAL C-in-C. ON POSSIBILITY OF USE BY ALLIED WARSHIPS THE Singapore Naval Base is ready now to carry out its functions even if the largest fleet for which it is ever likely to
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  • 314 11 CLAIMING that Government's recent action in lowering the rates of duty on estates valued at upwards of $3,000,000 will affect but a mere handful of estates, a number of pro* perty owners in the Straits Settlements have sent a petition to the Governor, Sir
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  • 792 11 IMPORTANT recommendations have been made to control the wartime consumption of paper and paper board in Malaya. Made by the special joint committee appointed lor the purpose, the recommendations are under consideration by the various Malayan administrations. Restriction on the issue of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 157 11 '*TT^^T\vtv'*'' i f iff An assor '•merit O f sweet y^K^^-~-^-i~^jL and sightly sweet bis- /£/*>■ -i"' Yy^'^l^^nm ■*C-\ cults, including Cream 1/ *iKh\Q rir ''/fy-Y.'*E>J Sandwiches packed in m'» ;"K; "K \C\'jl£\. t i fi.\l Airtight Cartons, AttracRJ *pk Y-;'>/#Srrii\\Y J f tive Special Tin s and V* V
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    • 162 11 EXQUISITE TRAYS AND SHADES BESWAY CiittO AiO irtAYS. In soft and pleasing colours. Rim and Handles finished In Chromium Colours: Green, Blue. Black and Cream. Sizes: 18, 18. 20, 22 inches H SIO.SO SH-M) SI I.A.IP Mi Modern floor Standard Lamp Shanes, limed Buckrum sprayed in attractive pastel colours Green,
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  • 399 12 FOUR YEARS' PRISON 24 STROKES OF ROTAN "Cannot Show Leniency" Judge Tells Blackmailer "yHE court cannot have any leniency on you; you 1 1 aye shown no leniency at all on your victim." t L J£ ese wordsi Mr Justice Manning sentenced Lim John Chye at the Assizes yesterday to
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  • 221 12 Lists Will Be Open On Monday I ISTS for the new $10,000,000 Straits Settlements War Loan will open on Monday and will rlose on a date to be notified in the Gov-er-ment Gazette, which will not be later than July 1. The Singapore branch of the
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  • 25 12 MR. O. H. KIAT will speak on "Cleriral Indebtedness—What is the Remedy?" at the stag dinner meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club to-night.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 753 12 METAL PAINT /IMERROL "fl B Hie Anti-Corrosive Metal Paint, ■> designed especially for tropical v| Hr conditions, with an estimated uselul lifetime of anything up to twice many other so-called AnttCorrosive Paints." FERROL enjoys a high reputation amongst Rubber Estate Managers. Dredge Masters and Engineers throughout Malaya. Restore Youthful Vigour
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    • 307 12 k \AUOAY? The sum-pores ot your feet should b« constantly eliminating acid impurities. When your feet iting all day. when they ache and awrell. It is becaoß* those pores have become choked. and acid Is piling up inside them. Then you suffer foot a*ony. Corns and callouses betfin r.o form
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  • 3879 13 'PLANES ARMS FOR MIDDLE EAST IN CEASELESS STREAM' Prime Minister Tells Why It Was Decided To Defend Crete London, June 10. "CINCE the Battle of Britain was won by our fighters last Autumn, we have been ceaselessly sending aircraft and armaments as fast as possible to the Middle East by
    Reuter  -  3,879 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 412 13 GIVE YOUR CHILD A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS CAREER Parents, spare your y -sH V"W child the uncertainty y^ of the untrained. Im.l I. JaoaA./ Tne Singapore rTlTjri''^ J* Branch of pitman's \SB/' jL^BaF O.llcge of London W»>_-VooP ran traln your cnll< i •E. WHj a Stenographer, /fWr^"" Bookkeeper. Secretury or a
      412 words
    • 303 13 i 1 |l| mm superlative iBI FniJitll W0* THE ONE BEST RADIO I 41-7MT— t T«be AC Superheterodyne. Tuned R.F. 8U(C. 3 Toning Bands, Vernier Tuning. Varlahto V"V* I' mt)\ Tone CootroL 1*1*1*1.! R- i4 41-7M— AC/DC 8 Valve Hl-13* V. 4 41-745T— 7 Valve, < Volt Battery Model. 41-722T—
      303 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 537 14 Safeguard f^\ VITAMIN DRINK they'll love HALIBUT OIL AND ORANGE JUICE IN DELICIOUS FORM Grow children mix ban plenty of noona became I that are neoesury to build their health acd energy. The /?~~*£**i Mtfnoil Vi unuiu ire met plentiful 10 halibut ml Bat <V^TT_A muiy children art onaMe to
      537 words
    • 381 14 European residents in Eastern countries art in increasing numbers sending their children to Australia's splendid ooardtng schools. The adrantages are obvious lnvtgTatlnj climate, exceptionally favourable exchange, the W^ \^H Brl Uh environment, the quick access, and safety. Kr* A Write for booklet featuring Australia's school*. I] and also m holiday
      381 words

  • 503 15 Sappers Beat A.-A. Gunners After Early Reverse Royal Engineers 3 Royal Artillery (A.- A.) 1. THREE brilliant jroals by Martin enabled the Royal Engineers to snatch a three-one victory over the R.A. (A.-A.) in a first division league soccer fixture at Changi yesterday.
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  • 97 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jane 10. THE South China Athletic Association soccer team beat a Perak Selected XI by three coals to nil in the last came of their tour here to-day. The match *is played in mid of The War Fund and the
    97 words
  • 268 15 Manchesters Hold The Gordons Manchester? 1. Cordons 1. POINTS were shared at Tanflin yesterday when the Maru'hesters and the Gordons drew one-all in the first division of the league. Both goals were eeored in the first half. ;he Dons, starting snappiV. opened the •raring within Sv
    268 words
  • 112 15 AT an examination held at the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool yesterday the following Victoi;a School boys were successful In gaining awards in the Foyal Life Saving Society's tests, intermediate certificate and bronze medallion. One boy qualified for a bar to the bronze medallion. The names of these who
    112 words
  • 55 15 THE following have been selected to reoresent the i->'ihalcse Association fit cricket against the Post Office Clirb at 2 pm. to-morrow: J priori fmntnln*. y. jM'^aV^dv, C B neviratne, K. Morando, R. Fernanda, C. Fernando, J. Jayakody. L. I iritnana. H. H. Samson, Fred van H'~'iyen, S. Goonawardene.
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  • 61 15 Tl.:s to. tiuj- in the V.M.C.A. open tennis I'MIIIISiIISHI are as follows: Handicap m^n's rtrublrs final: J O Houst n Mid R A. W. Hi'ls vs. Ahmad Shah a~d A a B. Ptkir Hanfleca Bussi d. uhlrs final: Mr. and V Ward vs. Mr. anrl M"Ti. Bvpn
    61 words
  • 173 15 LA. 3; Custom* 1. STRIKING good form in tho second half, the Indian Association scored three goals In quick succession to beat the Customs by three goals to one In a acconr' division (b) league soccer match played at the Clerical Union ground yesterday. Early in
    173 words
  • 75 15 THE following are chosen to represent the East Coast Badminton Party "A" team against the Flight Uadminton Party "A" team In a friendly match, consisting of four singles and three doubles, to be played at the Happy World covered stadium at 7.3G p.m. on Friday: Ong Kwee
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  • 52 15 THE following will represent the Indian Association at cricket against the S.R.C. on the I.A. ground at 11 a.m. on Sunday: Lall Singh fcapt.), Wazir Singh, Choor Rinsh, B. S. Varma, Hussein Shah, Heera Singh, Kuldip Singh, D. Inharmfirai, P. K. Baskaran, N. Abbasbhoy, R. S. Slthamraram. Reserve:
    52 words
  • 45 15 SOCCER: Reserve Division, Gordons vs. Malaya, 5.H3.; second division <•), X ,11 M) v«. Royal Navy, Kl.ikan Mati: RE. (P. 8.) vs. R.A.I- <T), Pnlau Brani; R.A F. Hq vs. S.C.F.A., Geytang TENNIS: Singapore championship* B.C.C. and T M C.A. courts 43*
    45 words
  • 617 15 Yesterday's Results To-day's Ties IINDOVATEDLY the finest came played in the Singapore lawn tennis championship tournament at the S.C.C. courts yesterday was the mixed doubles event between Yonc Loon thong and Mrs. L. M. Pennefather and Lieut. P. Rodrers and Miss Duff Loon Chong's steadiness was the
    617 words
  • 116 15 THE following is the week-end's pro- gramme at the Yacht Club: On Friday, there will be the usual afternoon races for all classes, startin* at 5 23 pjn. for "A" class and 5.25 p m. for the other classes. On Sunday, "C" class will
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  • 62 15 ■the following have accepted to play soccer for the S.C.C. versus the Chartered Bank at the S.C.C. to-day. F/Lt R. P. S. WyTill; N. F. L, McNeil!, W. N. Rothery, H. G. Riches. R. N. Elliot (Capt.), F. W. Stephens; B. H. Lee, S. O Donaldson, R.
    62 words
  • 854 15 Entries For 3-Day Meeting (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jane It. ALTOGETHER 1U hones and ponies have been entered for the Selangor Turf Club's Summer meeting this year which is being run an Sa'urday, Jane 21, Wednesday, June 25, and Saturday. June 38. The entries
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  • 45 15 THE following will represent the Y.M.CA. against R.I. at B«u«ket-ball on the YMCA. ground at 4.30 pm to-morrow: Loh Swee Kee (raptalnV Urn Nglt Siong, Looi Kens Lum, Lol Peng Kong, Goh Chin Chye. Lim Kah Teng, Lee Joh Ming, Teo Seng Chew.
    45 words
  • 26 15 r-E RJV.M.C. beat the RAF. (Seletar) by three goals to one in a second division (a) league soccer match played at Seletar yesterday.
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  • 27 15 BRINKMANNS were awarded a walk-over by the O.E.C. In a Business Houses' League soccer match which was to have been played at thr JCSA. ground yesterday-
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  • 328 15 Singapore Badminton Ties For The Week-End •x«HE following are this week-end's 1 ties in the Singapore Badminton Association's Junior and veteran championships at the Clerical Union Hall: Saturday At 2.15 p.m. Men 'a Singles: Cheow Hock Leng (Eclipse) vs. Quek Song Quee (J.C.S.A.). Women's Singles: Miss Lav Yin Chlng (Mcrridale)
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 3 15 ill f'- hti
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    • 227 15 Health /s it. BUILDS THE STAMINA TO OFFSET FATIGUEAVOID SICKNESS-RUN DOWN CONDITION Don't wait for sickness to strike yon down— protect your health while you have it. Take Waterbary's Compound regularly every day. Waterbury's fortifies the system adds strength and stamina. Its pure liver and malt extracts enrich the blood.
      227 words

  • 626 16 Fighting Outside Beirut: Little Resistance Met Elsewhere TV/114. Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, announced in the House of Commons yesterday that the Allied advance into Syria is progressing favourably and is meeting with very little opposition, says Reuter. This is confirmed by
    Reuter  -  626 words
  • 269 16 17th Anniversary Of Death Revives Issue Cairo, June 10. r i-DAY Is the seventeenth anniversary of the death of the great Italian Liberal deputy, Ciacomono Mateotti. T^-day, too, the free lt.alian dally newspaper Corners dl Italia, which is published in Cairo, printed an alleged fascimile of a
    269 words
  • 88 16 Loudon, June It. K/IR- Churchill again refused to iTI be drawn on the subject of Rudolf Hess, former deputy Fuehrer who escaped to Britain some weeks a?o, when questioned in the House of Commons to-day. In reply to a question whether Hess had brought
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 121 16 London, June 10. REUTER was informed authoritatively to-day that there Is no confirmation whatever of the report being circulated through enemy-controlled wireless channels that Cyprus has been subjected to German and Italian air attacks during the last 48 hours. It was stated in London
    121 words
  • 164 16 London, June 10. SPEAKING in Home to-day on the first anniversary of Italy's entry the War. Mussolini revealed that the German Government has agreed to allow Italy to occupy the whole of Greece, including Athens. Mussolini declared that Italy had settled
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 131 16 London, June 10. TN the debate In the House of Commons to-day, the Conservative, Lieut. -Col J. L. J. MacNamara, predicted that Hitler would make a peace drive which would fall and he would try to liquidate the second front in the
    131 words
  • 195 16 THE German occupation authorities in France have made an outright offer to Vichy for immediate execution of the peace treaty, according to the Terne correspondent of the New York Times quoting diplomatic quarters at Berne. The treaty, he snid, would define
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements