The Straits Times, 9 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 340 1 For Up-to-date TAILORING MIEN CHONG 11 c airman St., Spore. Phon* 481 C Available— Suit Lengths ■KorkTillr" Suiting*— U.S.A. WAIN SHIKM S. In Silk and Wool Also AMERICAN SHARKSKIN In Tarioai colours HI H(H M QPfcCIFY STAR type it-^ifefill {^HH Pumps lor heads up to i^fi 9^^msp3l A^ 60 feet
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    • 126 1 FINAL EDTN. FURNISHING FABRICS SfflllW^K Nothing will so enrich the beauty of blTlnlJ 1 H <^k"'« tlwW your rooms and &ive them such appeal ißaftlrt T ■wMHM as attractive FURNISHING FABRICS OvAMt Thanks to the enterprise of British (^B^mwtm '^L Manufacturers we are able to offer you '^JiJMiSI Si 3
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    • 8 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Morning Afternoon Evening Dresses.
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    • 80 2 Cln-TW MR. CHEW AH KAK passed away peacefully on Saturday. 7-G-41, at his residence, No. 158 Mackenzie Road, Singapore at the age of 75 years, leaving behind to mourn his loss 2 sons (Chew Slew Boon and Chew Bah Kah), 1 daughter. 1 son-in-law. 3 daughters-in-law, many grant: children
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 728 2 The engagement is announced between Mr. Tan Sin Yew, eldest son of Mr. Tan Joon Ann and the late Mrs. Tan Joon Ann, and Miss Tan Chwee Neo. vniinre^t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tan Tlan Seng. SONO-SOH.— The engagement Is announced between Song Thlan Soen, second son of Mr.
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    • 632 2 SITUATIONS WANTED COOK. TWO iiorsKBOVs recommended. Box 559. Straits Times. COMPETENT SENIOR CONDUCTOR Complete knowledge all Branches Estate lines. Labour control can take charge Division, married. Please apply No. 514, Strait* Time*. YOUNG MAN with more than eight yean' experience of writing business and collection letters, seeks contact with any
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    • 812 2 PIANOS riANO WANTED, state make and lowest price. No. 307 Straits Times BOARD RESIDENCE EAST ANGL1A, 6 Oxley Rise, cool and quiet Terms moderate Tele. 4390. MORNINGSIDF.. 323. River Valley Rd. A few vacancies occur now. Tele. 7004. NICELY FURNISHED 2OOM. Mod Ban. Board optional Box No. S74. Straits Times
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    • 746 2 PUBLIC NOTICES WOTICE Owing to the death of Mrs. M. Ezekiel, the firm of M. Ezettel Sons will be closed from June 9 to June 14 inclusive. THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING CO., LTD (Incorporated in Queensland) NOTICE is hereby given that the Share Registers of the Company will be
      746 words
    • 389 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY. trUj dUjnow) an* |Uiw ■reacrltwd by a IkrmH in< /'C^s^^^Sl rjnl/rfd •rwilliuw wlU I«T«I dWllflcStloBl. If (IW I J^X a an not nrr4rd BMM «IU WTy* bf wommf ndrd THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4. ARCADE BUILDING R A. THOMPSON li u sr (Doctor of OcnUr Science), 35
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    • 192 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETCi FOR A 0 MANICURE «£g2^ MANICURE SPECIALIST MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs. HARU and Mis* HANA. 60. WATERLOO STREET. Telephone 7467. CLONAL SEED. Tj 1 arlfed or tram ij S«- ed from Jalaac Tincfi bUtf. Nanfri Mput. Pcrak. Area aUaled 1931 ««1 but year TteMrd ■ta.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 322 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated In England) PKNINSI I.AR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best poMiMe «errlce« b*l y»d by the P. O. 8. N. Co.. Straits to their usual porti ol call China, India Orion and the United
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    • 251 3 (Incorporated in Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA Through fares to North America to Europe via America mad Round Tours in Ihe Pacific quoted in VS. OB application. T* CaUfornia from the Orient ri» llonotala lea MaaHa lea Hfcong »jl YAWATA MARU June
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    • 496 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Frentantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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  • 393 4 PRICES FIRMER IN ALL SECTIONS By Oar Financial Correspondent Singapore, June 9. *T*HE share markets opened quietly steady this morning with ren3wed Inquiry for most of the l?ading issues in the industrial section, and some smpll inquiry for Straits War Loan at 101%. On Saturday the market
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  • 1345 4 SATURDAY, JUNE 1941: 12.3« P.M. MDHNO Ampat (5s) 3s 3d 3« 9d Austral Ami). (5s) la l', 2 d It 4ftd Austral Mala* (1) 33» 6d 34a 6d Ayer HiUm (isi 11* Its Ayer Weng ($1) .65 .70 Bangnc Tin ti 13* 6o 14s Batu
    1,345 words
  • 71 4 Mfiiy. jew f. m.. Baycts BeOan rr«e«» rn.r a ays <Sf«t koso) J»". «8H W* IX BU*.«. lab 11. .aa«s 19% 38% CtXQ. R.B.S. laM in M»» ■»■>» 39H S9H TJk.Q. BIAS f.ak ib 39', 38% HTUU QUOTATIONS Mm. a BL&S. *b Rccinrr'd leader *"»e
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  • 153 4 Kails -Mru at Mv Oeueral Post Offl c as follows: FO-OAT •*n ut.Np.K. I Burma jrr 4.00 o Egypt ah-4.00 p.m. Ceylon air 4.00 p.m. India air 4 (10 p m Thailand air 4.08 p.m. TO-MORROW America air 4.00 p.m. Europe «|r 4.00 p.*m. Indo China
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  • 173 4 He following are the :xcn*c«v rates tbl> morning according to itt dally circular Mv». bf Chi BontTi-iw aao Banklnt Corporation:— •KLLWO London T.T 3/4 3/32 London demand 3/4 3/32 Switzerland IT.I. only) 302.46 New York demand 47.10 Montreal demand 61.86 Batavia demand 88.71 Samarang demand 88.68 Calcutta Bombay ana
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  • 38 4 rpHE following outputs of tin-ore are re- ported for May: Hours Yardage Plculs ore HI tarn Tin 91 Kamra Tin 437 98,000 446 Pattanl Tin 569 228.000 677 HydraullclTig 81 Sione Tin 008 110,900 446
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  • 247 4 r£ following donations to The Wai Fund are recorded to-day:— S A. J. le Maye«r de Mer»r*». half of the firoe««ds «f hb Expositions 5.J50 Transferred from Penang, being 21Kh instalment et contributions made through the Pinang Gasette and Straits Echo -603 94 The Staff
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  • 76 4 The following rubber crops were harvest id in May: n>. Amalgamated Bruas 101.853 Perak: River Vailey 54.122 United Patani 251.954 Malakoir Rubber 232.7C0 Talpioc Rubber 123.572 Sungei Bitu Rubber 6r6 r 000 Windaor Rubber 37 085 Foothills Rubber 30.500 Kuala Muda Rubber 218 395 Val dOr Rubber
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 578 4 UGLY HIT GONE Trained Nurse loses 5^ lbs a week <* t lim Prtliet I whi'J" itnko Ton look and fcj v^»»* low >irl fan.bit, auKI you >n a f~f arfuluonabk clothe*, and <• lTrl^C*»-^tf 'tS'™ 1 nd mxrment, whm th«n I/?JC £VlHi l<vl«T hishly •c-endfc I I y\ r,
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    • 378 4 PUBLIC NOTICES GAMMON (MALAYA) LIMITED. (Incorporated in the StrarU Settlements) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fourteenth Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the abovenamed Com pa:. > will be held at the Registered Office of the Company. 63. Geylang Road. Singapore, en Saturday, the 21st June. 1841. at
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    • 707 4 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be closed on:— 12th June Tlr. Id aitetltutloo for Kin; s Birthday tPublta Holiday). NOTICE. This Is to notify Oan Hock Son:: h no longer as Bill Collector and he tut no a ithorlty whataoerrr to act for ui as from May 31tt.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 229 5 The smash best-seller called the most daring novel ever written by a man about a woman now an even more sensational picture. next Ml.Mi'iHrTl change rasafssaaiSi RKO-RADIO present F~ i-^MMfc^ GINGER MnraJj, ROGERS 'fjPiWMI in her first hACADEMY AWARD JJfel j&N* WINNING ROLE BK^ foyle" fm^Jiß Christopher Mtfcy'a mTi" white
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    • 284 5 Packed out during the week-end A PICTURE THAT SHOULD BE SEEN" BY THOSE WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST IN SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT TO-DAY 3.15, II 111 Unni 6.15 9.15 p.m. HLilMlflDnll SOMERSET MAUGHAM'S Well known Story of MALAYA! NOW'/ Jfcy r fW. KMUSIIT MAUOHAM > «.l«lll »l» l >~m HERBERT MARSHALL JAMES
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    • 206 5 LAST 2 SCREENINGS! 3.15 and 6.15 TO-DAY No 9.15 show owing to WAR FUND PREMIERE of "40,000 HORSEMEN" CAPITOL j f jkL o^] Don't miss seeing: jfl JK» MYRNA LOY Jfr^teJk and melvyn douglas m£jjmmm in the M.G.M. comedy 'THIRD FINGER, LEFT HAND' THK SFECTACULAIt DRAMA OF THP. outlaw whose
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  • 1092 6 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1941. (646th Day Of The War.) "WE CAN FINISH IN STYLE" We who are remote spectators of the war may be likened to an audience in a theatre sitting through a j drama of which we have not been I able to obtain
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  • 229 6 Thoughts On The Simple Things Of Life To the Editor of the Straits Times I Sir,- -The other day I was reading a I little book of well-known poems and I came across one which struck me las being very significant, not only of our war aims
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  • 1205 6 London Letter By Cable British Public Now Realize Total Effort Is Needed (By Our Own Correspondent) London, June 6. BRITAIN CAN Lose the War "—Publication of this salutary warning, with the word CAN in capital letters, at the beginning of an editorial in the Daily
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 186 6 "Clogging" In The Grading Scheme To the Editor of the Strait* Times Sir,— Much has been written in your columns of the wages of teachers. estate clerks and conductors. The Malayan governments have Introduced the following scheme as a living waee for dressers, based on qualifications Probationer, $50
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    • 143 6 To the Editor of the Strait* Times Sir,— l am quite sure that everyone who has anyone connected with the Merchant Service will be very pleased to s<e "Master Mariner's" letter, in to-day's issue ot the Strait* Times It Is a complaint that badly needs airing, and has done
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  • 927 6 Britain Has Big Forces Ready i DECENT reports that Britain Is building up a large force in Freetown, Sierra Leone, are an indication of the importance of West Africa in the strategy of the oceans, writes Hanson W. Boldwin. military correspondent ol the New York Times.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 MALAYAN PEWTER Travelling alarm clocks with Swiss 8 day lever movement fitted in solid Malayan Pewter cases. $36.- Bl D I C C t-*TC variety I D L t O ,t«cked by OF AL L 1 t» U CHURCH HOOK-SHOP II [1 C* Closr to SIR NEVIF.E HENDERSON'S FINAL EXPOSURE
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    • 46 6 RAPID CALCULATIONS by A. H. Russell, "The Mathe-Magiclan". CAN YOU Multiply ***** by 2469 in 30 seconds? YOU CAN after studying this book. Price only $2.00 PocUre Extra. G. H. KIAT it CO., LTD.. < A 8, Robinson Road— Singapore. JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Optician. 21. BATTERY ROAD.
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  • 1174 7 Naval Landing Near Beirut Reported ALLIED FORCES ADVANCE FROM THREE DIRECTIONS Troops Are Given Full Support By R.A.F. THE British and Free French invasion of Syria and Leba- non is developing into a large-scale, three-sided attack from the British-controlled territories of Palestine, Transjordan
    Reuter  -  1,174 words
  • 63 7 5,000 Nazi Troops 200 Planes In Syria i i Ankara, June 9. At present there are between 5,000 and 6,000 German troops in Syria, supported by 200 planes, according to reliable sources in Ankara. This force, it is hoped, will be suffl- cient to retard the British-Free French j advance
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  • 79 7 Calcutta, June 9. SOME 5,000 people were reported drowned in a cyclonic storm which struck a large number of villages in the district of Barisal. I on one of the leading: channels of the Ganges delta. Besides heavy casualties severe property loss as well as
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 415 7 ALLIES ARE PUSHING ON Gough On Allied Objectives London, June 9. CREE French forces under the r direction of Gen. Jean Catroux, supported by British troops, the whole under command of Oen. Sir Henry Maitland Wilson; General Officer Commanding the British forces in Palestine and Trans] ordan, advanced early morning
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 339 7 Denies Presence Of Nazis In Syria London, June 8. MARSHAL Petain in a message to Frenchmen in Syria calls on them to fight in a Just cause and for the integrity of the territory entrusted to France by history," says a Vichy report. Petain 's message,
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 302 7 ARRANGEMENTS have now rk been made for the Straits Times, the Singapore Free Press and The Sunday Times to publish regularly the full news service of the United Press, in addition Ut the full Reuter service. There will be no curtailment of the latter service, the contract for
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  • 415 7 Zurich, June 9. f>RE entry of British and Free French troops into Syria caused "consternation and indignation" in political circles in Vichy, telegraphs the correspondent of the Neve Zuercher Zeltung. The correspondent adds that Vicny considers the situation extremely tense
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 97 7 These Men Are Conducting N.I.- Japan Trade Talks Dr. H. J. van Mook. the head of the Netherlands Indies Economic Department, is seen with Mr. Kenkichi Yoshizawa, the leader of the Japanese trade delegation, shortly after Dr. van Mook handed over on Friday the reply of the Netherlands Indies Government
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  • 30 7 Rangoon, June 9. ANEW daily Thai radio programme was inaugurated from Rangoon yesterday afternoon by an exchange of greetings, emphasizing cultural, racial and religious associations of the two countries.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 386 7 Opportune Time Being Awaited? Washington, June 8. THE postponement or avoidance of 1 a show-down between Japan and the Netherlands Indies is regarded in Washington as an indication that Japan is not seeking a crisis with the United States, at least now, writes Mr. William Philip S.mms,
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  • 66 7 Basle, June AN enormous number of casual- ties, including several hundred dead, as a result of the explosion of huge munitions stores at the Danube fortress of Smedcrevo. Yugoslavia, which was j— tpletely demolished, says a Budapest report. Thr explosion which occurred last Friday, also
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 OTHER CABLES in pages 10 and 12 I seven savourn I I suggestions that I I mil kelp to prevent I I menu monotonn- I There Is no need to let j^*^T^^| jJ_lliAJ**^* your menus get mono- UW"^^^^ tonous take advan- v% «1 xJ Uge of the selection of good
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  • 753 8 Belgian Artist's Generous Gift Is Main Feature TRINITY COLLEGE GRADUATES SEND CONTRIBUTION THE War Fund has enjoyed a pleasant Meek-end The total has advanced by approximately $7,500 to $5,580,835. This is due largely to receipt of a cheque for $5,250 representing half of
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  • 804 8 TIIK Colonial Secretary, Mr. S. W. Jones, this morninjr paid a Warm ami tribute to Lieut-Gen. L. V. Bond, who recently retired from the post of General Ofiicer Commanding, Malaya, in order to take up a hijrh appointment in Britain.
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  • 155 8 •THE strength of our defence* 1 to-day are directly doe to l.irut.-<;»n. Bond's efforts and be has left us with the knowledge that to-day Malaya can, and will, put up a good fight whatever sfce may have to face," declared the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, adding
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  • 106 8 "Kitty Fayle." (G inter lUcrri. Destnis Morgan. Junn raig. tuardo I Uonrji Ernest CoM»rt). KK..O- Radio. MMnirht premiere at the Mhambra. i /CHRISTOPHER Morley-s book of the j "natural history of a woman." Is faith- fully brought to the screen In a nim which I
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  • 262 8 -Victory Frederic March. Betty FieM. I «ir Ce4rl« Hardwicke). Panama* Heturf. At the Calhay. PARAMOUNT does full Justice to Joseph Conrad's absorbing story of tangled lives with a lonely Sumatran Island setting for I i background. Romance, suspense and action! I all go toward making tills
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  • 58 8 A programme, specially recorded in Australia for the Singapore station and brought here by air. will be broad- 1 cast to-night at 8.45 o'clock in the pro- I eramme lor the Australian Imperial Forces. It contains a talk by Mr. R. O.: Menzies. the
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  • 247 8 Half Hospital Rates Urged TOUCHING on the Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Bill in the Legislative Council today, Mr. Claude H. da Silva, the Eurasian member, said that "A.R.P. Wardens would appreciate it if they could be allowed the same amenities of half hospital rates as
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  • 231 8 Council Queries By Capt. Hashim jAN assurance from Government that a new salary scheme for teachers was being prepared for introducti*i at an appropriate time was sought by Capt. N. M Hashim at the Legislative Council 'meeting thii momlnß. Does Government recognise the exI isting anomalies within
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  • 27 8 The Postal Department notifies that no mails from the United Kingdom are being conveyed by the eastbound British Overseas Airways Corporation flyingboat due in Singapore this afternoon.
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  • 167 8 Decision Of Indian Assn. President |^|R. V. Pakinsamy has forwarded tj IW the honorary general secretary of i the Indian Association, Singapore, a letter in which he tend^rs his resig- nation from the post of President of i the Association and also his membership of the Association. Mr
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  • 593 8 Bill Passed Through All Stages At This Morning's Meeting TO authorize the Colony Government to float a further $10,000,000 war loan, a Bill was taken through all stages on a certificate of urgency at this morning's meeting of the Legislative Council. The proceeds of
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  • 101 8 SfNGAPOHE KAFFUS HOTEL Dinner Dane? Informal S p.m. to Midnight. GBCAT WORLD Cabaret: 7.30 to 9 Sc 9 p.m to MldrU«ht. Olobe forty Little Mothen. Sky: I Want A Divorce. HArrT THEATKF. <Ha»p T WarW) The Sea Hawk Seailde: Stablematai NKW WOULD Talkies. Theatres and Cin«-m».v Side Show. Cabaret.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 76 8 V *^Btfl 1111 l i3I<XL J LIIVA/JC tx IUUCt jOiiU I //jr\-*t i *-v^fia>i. I UlClil L»oC LUX X OllcL OOap, JL f/lvy o o Madeleine Carroll, tablet Let the wise n£>£^<&&s IVJttr Wonget Mar, tay,: film StarS guide yOU .^^Spj^Clr^^^ •'lu~L»* Toilet Soap. Its Qn way tQ jg^£^^ U&
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  • 554 9 LEGAL ADVISER COURT OF APPEAL JUDGMENT Mr. Adrian Clark Issues Statement THE Legal Adviser, F.M.S., Mr. Adrian Clark, has issued the following communique to the Press in connection with a judgment delivered in Kuala Lumpur last week by the F.M.S. Court of Appeal. The attention of the Legal Adviser has
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  • 232 9 Magistrate Tells Malay Gamblers (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June 8. U YOU have not only broken the law, but I sinned agftinst your religion," raid Tuan Hajl Nasslr, second magistrate, yester- day, when a number of Malays pleaded guilty to a charge of gaming in
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  • 373 9 Special Foreword On A.l.F's. Role THE obligations of the Austrian Imperial Forces In Malaya are reviewed In a special foreword written by Lieut. -Col. W. D. Jeater, commander of an A.I.F. battalion, In the first Issue of Thumbs Up, a lively magazine of the Forces. "We are in
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  • 296 9 Great Services To F.M.S. Volunteers (From Our Own Correspondent' Kuala Lumpur. June 8. MILITARY honours were accorded to Major Eric Herwald Beauchamp Nobbs at his funeral in Cheras Road Cemetery yesterday evening. There was a larsre pathennp. Including several of the rank and file of the
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  • 70 9 iFraaa Oar On rom-tpondrat) Keranban. June 8. DILOT Officer John Jell, who In reported miwdnc wa» > rtry popular Negn Srmbuin iporUman before he joined ih« R A_P He played rasby tor the Ne«rl and cricket for the Sunrrt njonr Club whra he was attached to the local
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  • 241 9 Further Effort By Delegation To Reach Agreement ALTHOUGH the Netherlands Indies counter-proposals (o Japan are considered unsatisfactory, the Japanese dele« nation will make final attempt to reach an agreement through further negotiations, according to authoritative Japanese reports in New York, says United Press. It
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 40 9 Mr. J. L. Mutter, the Canadian Oovernment Trade Commissi-iner In Singapore left on Saturday pay an official visit to Java in the I ests of Canadian trade with the N norlands Indies. He Is expected to return early In July
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  • 31 9 Mr. Prlthvl Chand. honorary secretary of the Indian Troops Entertainment Committee. •xho has been away for a few months, ha? returned to Singapore and resumed du-le. as honorary secretary the committee.
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  • 163 9 Salvage Workers Turn It Into Van AN old motor-car, presented to the Salvage Depot by an Indian living in Upper Berangoon Road, was being renovated over the week-end by the Salvage staff. With the engine In good running order and the chassis sound, the only
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  • 95 9 rE band and drums of a battalion of tha Manchester Regiment will beat Retreat or the pfl«"fr Singapore, at 6 p.m. Vjday The programme will be: Retreat. Sounded by the Massed Buglers; Risings and March. "Jenny Jones." Fife and Drums; March, "Back to the Camp."
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 192 9 duro-cool H IMITATION LEATHER SOLE J^ FUNG KECKG RUBBER MANUFACTORY (MALAYA) LTD Head Offn-r A WorLs, I Showroom, 'Fane" Building, Ist Mile. X..par Rd., (S. Hlrh Street, Rlanr. SKLANiiOS. Kuala Lumpur. Ml 153 ft 151. Trl. 1970 3<H>7. It It lactic acid produced by mouth bacteria, working en food particles
      192 words
    • 125 9 SPECIAL OFFER.... SM AUSTIN R E E D r W V DRESS SHIRTS A\ WAISTCOATS l^^^^k $7.50 $8.50 Dress Shirts and Waistcoats are tailored by Austin Reed's to fit you comfortably and perfectly. The shirts are made in stiff fronts in either Plain or Marceila, with a choice of sleeve
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 279 9 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE EHL I.S33 «c,» iM XHPI t.69 OK/t <I*.M ■■> tZm"2 (i.liS met «S.S8 ml Klin 7.15 BC/> (413* UM ZDL. ZHP1 *H It S p.m. Canioneae musict; 5.35 p.m. N«wi in Contonse; 5.50 p.m. Hokkien music; C p.m News In Hokklen; «.15 p.m. Warning to Mariners; 6.20
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    • 586 9 News In Hindustani. R layed from London: 9.45 p.m. Hindustani music'; 10 p.m. Chinese Programme In Cantonese; 10. M p.«n Close down. i,rin»w«< latrft EMPIRE STATION lUvtw* t-raqaeacV Seaetfalc: Eastern TraasmtetsB Hi ■> U II M »m so CSV— 17.11 j OM/t: IM4 Mette* •■4 O8f 15.14 sac t: IS
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  • 546 10 "The People OtThis Land Mean To Conquer Or Die In This Battle" London, June 8. BRITAIN'S invasion hour is approaching, declared Lord v Beaverbrook, Minister of State, in a recorded message radioed to Canada for broadcast in Canada this evening. He said he did
    Reuter  -  546 words
  • 158 10 London, June 8. ;jHE next German attacks will be 1 thrust a* the vitals of the Empire, declares Mr. J. L. Garvln, editor of the Observer, commenting ;on the aftermath of Crete. "It might not avail us next time to be wise after the
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 289 10 Last Weaknesses Have Been Removed Vichy, June 8. THE BritUh aircraft-carriers Ark 1 Royal and Furious, the battlecruiser Renown and the cruiser Sheffield, with flotillas of torpedo-boats ond submarines, left Gibraltar for the Mediterranean at dawn this morning, says a dispatch from La Lines. It
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 135 10 London, June 8. "T*HE Germans are planning to convert Trondheim a Urge naval port and are installing yards for building submarines, according to the Norwegian telegraph agency Iha whole of the harbour are* east of Bakke Bridge has been scheduled for clearance and factories,
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 125 10 London. June 8. DREST, where the German battlea cruisers Gneisenau and Scharnhors: have been so severely battered, was again attacked last night by R.A.F. bombers. During the night, other aircraft also attacked the docks and shipping at Bergen, in Norway. The oommuniquj als^. reports more bombing
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  • 153 10 MARTINIQUE GUADELOUPE UNDER CLOSE U.S. WATCH Washington, June 8. MARTINIQUE and Guadeloupe are patrolled daily by lfl United States planes and boats and navy observers are at present stationed at Fort de France to check the patrols' observance, says Reuter. This takes place by "arrangement" with the French Government according
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  • 96 10 Hoboken (New Jersey), June 8. THE United States must tight now if I she expects to re Jain her freedom and Democracy, asserted RearAdm. Harry Yarnell, former Com-mander-ln-Chlef of the United States Pacific Fleet, in a speech here yesterday. He said no expeditionary force
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 178 10 OUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE f\UR Navy has been a bulwark for peace and protection down through history.' Today it is our First Line of Defence against Nazi aggression.... it is protecting you personally, so why not do your share by subscribing to the F.M.S. War Loan proceeds of which
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    • 236 10 EMILIE i I of haunting I i <4PK&ifl m k>veiine I gallant loyalty I am ..the under* I S^l I AWL landing h*art I I HESTER of th# smolder* ]H Rp? ing the crushing ■Jw |"C>^ WUfr lip* the ding ing arms I /W^ j ''dJp^* mi \Wt I INGRIO
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  • 215 11 TWO of the strongest local cricket sides met on the padang yesterday when the Singapore Recreation Club just managed to beat the Royal Australian Air Force by cix runs. The scores were: S.«.C. O. Clarke b Harding 32 R. H. Bain lbw. Bowley
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  • 57 11 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. leigae, first division. S.C.F.A. vs. SRC, Stadium; S.A. (A. A.) vs. Fortress H r. Changi: reserve division., B.A.F. vii P.lxr, Depot; second division (a), K.A.O.C. va. V.M.C.A., T.M.C.A.; lt.E. (Malays) vs. 5.H.8.. Farrer Park; second division (b), J.C.S.A. va. Airport, If S A. TENNIS: Singapore
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  • 209 11 ■»N the most lopsided giune of the season to Ihe American Association btat tht X A A P. 30 to two in a Major League basebull fixture at Jalan Bosar yesterday. Net WOf Will went to The War Fund. eadtng hitter o! the day was
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  • 68 11 GOOD bowling and batting by Ourdlal Singh enabled a Police side to beat the Raton? Casuals by 52 runs to a cricket match played at tho Depot yesterday. Th» scores In brief were: Katong Casuals: 86 (Gurdlal Singh four for 29, Le Oaln four
    68 words
  • 120 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June I. WATCHED by the Merest crowd to attend a soccer match here fat recent yean, the Sooth China Athletic A woe iatlon's aoccer team beat a Malayan Chenc Wah tram by three coala U nil. AU the scoring waa
    120 words
  • 377 11 rE Singapore Cricket Club drew with the Ceylon Sports Club la a twoday cricket match played at Bale»tler ob Saturday and yesterday. Batting first, the B.C.C. piled up 203 runs in their flrst Innings on Saturday aftsrnoon. Hamp was their most impressive batsman with 51 runs,
    377 words
  • 235 11 A Singapore Cricket Club cevra acored a good victory by two wicket* over the Loyals In a cricket match played on the padang yesterday. The scores were: Loyals: Major Cole b Qay 15; Lieut. Turner c Wilson b Gay 2: Sgt. Freeman c Hooper b
    235 words
  • 218 11 rIANKS to the splendid batting of the Medical side, particularly that of Kuldrp Singh who was not out with <5, the Medical College I'non beat the RAF. (H.Q.) by able wickets at cricket oa the college rronnd yesterday. The scores were: R.AF. (H.Q) F'O.
    218 words
  • 286 11 London, June 7. vrrALES >oa« two to three to England at soccer after leading by two gnala to one at the Interval before Z«,»M spectators to-day. Woodward and James scored tor Wales j i >re England's forwards got going and hen Hagan
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • 1151 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 7. TN spilo of rain during: the night, the going was very 1 good here to-day, the final day of the Perak Turf Club's June meeting, and two course records were broken and one equalled, while dividends were
    1,151 words
  • 30 11 The draw on the big sweep, value $121,456. resulted as follows First ***** Second: *****2 Third *****8 Starters *****. *****. *****. *****5 *****, *****4, *****. *****. *****.
    30 words
  • 24 11 The first double tote paid $147 on each of 13 winning tickets: the second paid $337 on each of five winning tickets.
    24 words
  • 76 11 (From Oa- Own Correspondent) Scrrmban. June 8. SaXANGOR "A~ defeated Negrt Sem•Uan "A" by four goals to two vi a State soccer friendly played here to-day la aid of The War Fund. Selaagor kd two-one at haHUmc. Suleiman and Jantan tor Bdangor and
    76 words
  • 195 11 rpHE long-awaited tie between Ismail bin j Marjan (Devonshire), -he hard-hitting! Johore player, and Koh Keng Huat (Playfalri m the men's jun.'or singles to the Singapore badminton was played yesterday afternoon and ended in Marjan winning by the best of three sets. Full results were
    195 words
  • 67 11 THK first team of tue Singapore Swimming Club beat the RAF, Seletar three-two, at water-polo at the Singapore Swimming Club yesterday morning. The Club's goals were scored by Henrlchsen. Yetton and Klelnman. while those of the RAF were scored by Johnson. The second teams
    67 words
  • 61 11 Texas, June T. ■N the second round of the American open golf championship, Heafner, with 7a, making a total of 144. and Shut*. 75, also totalling 144, so far lead the field. Next come Runyan >T2) 145; Snead (70) 146: Johnny Bulla (71) 148; MacBpaden <7J)
    61 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 249 11 AID FOR THE AGEING. To the no-longer-young life at times is i liable to present a dark outlook. Yet so lcr.g as you have a plentiful supply "I pure red blood coursing through your veins there is co n ed for despondency, and such blood is easily obtainable by means
      249 words
      226 words
    • 447 11 <WHY OO THOUGHTFUL t\*m± PAREM7S send THEIR SONS ANO J<^3S: DAUGHTERS TO PITMAN'S? It Is because the College's system of rapid specialised iratntnt nas been extraordinarily successful vi assisting rouni) oeoplr to well-paid ano progressive DOKtc m all OranenW of Commerrlal and Secretarial work and Accountancy Such rralnlnt rour^eii lrKTpemlve
      447 words

  • 803 12 DE GAULLE SUPPORTED BY R.A.F. IMPERIAL FORCES Vichy Reports Outbreak Of Fierce Fighting Along Border London, June G. THE die has been cast in Syria. At two o'clock this morning Free French troops, supported by Imperial forces, crossed the frontier of Syria and
    Reuter  -  803 words
  • 488 12 GEN. CATROUX'S MESSAGE TO PEOPLE OF SYRIA LEBANON Territories Proclaimed Free And Independent London, June 8. "INHABITANTS of Syria and Lebanon^the hour in your history has sounded for you. France declares you independent by the voice of her sons who are fighting for her life and for the liberty of
    488 words
  • 224 12 Ankara, June 8. I"URKISH circles here believe that the Germans are now concen- trating 1,000,000 men and heavy tarts in Libya for an attack. Meanwhile, authoritative quarters here are convinced that the reported Orman concentrations in the south of the
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 306 12 London, June 8. THE move by the British and Free French to prevent the Germans assuming control of Syria and turning it into a battleground was made in the nick of time, as evidence was accumulating of growing German infiltration. It
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 119 12 Ankara, June 8. TTURKISH a.ili-aircraft batteries yesterday shot down a Dornler flyingboat near the Dardanelles. I Reuter says that Orrman planes are rum1 cured to have been seen flying very high over Hatai, In south- wastern Turkey, at night on th'ir wsy towards Aleppo, in Syria.
    119 words
  • 99 12 Nicosia, June i. AXIS planes at present nying over Cyprus do so only if forced acrots from what la apparently the regular route between Greece and Syria via the Dodecanese and then they fly high over the Island to avoid trouble. It is officially reported
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 81 12 London. June I. GEN. Weygand, commander-ln-chlef of the Vichy forces In North Africa, returned to North Africa by air yesterday following his visit to Vichy, according to a Vichy dispatch quoted by the official German news agency. The German -controlled Paris radio also reports that
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 291 12 pEN. Sir Henry Maltland Wilson, who Is In charge of operations in Syria, was In command of the Allied forces in Greece. Regarded by many as the raa.«t«r tactician of the British Army, he was in command of the Libyan army In the
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 34 12 DARLAN GOING TO PARIS AGAIN Vichy, June 8. i VICE-PREMIER Admiral Darl"n will go to Paris again next week for nrw collaboration conversations with j German representatives, 't was learned I !>ere to-day—United Press.
    34 words
  • 265 12 London, June 8. A STATEMENT issued by the Foreign Office in London on the Invasion of Syria fays: "In Its declaration of July 1, 1940, His Majesty's Government stated that it would not allow Syria and Lebanon to be occupied by any hostile power
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements