The Straits Times, 4 June 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 368 1 3m MIEN CHON6 for SMART TAILORING 34 Colrman St.. Spore. rhonc 4816 Avallahlr Suit Len«thi 'Korkvillr" Snitlnt*— U.S.A. WAIN SHIELL'S. In Silk and Wool Aim AMERICAN SHARKSKIN. In various colours FOR X H E J& I ol T «*P«rienced craftsmen and efficient supervision, it is fiST^S Js impossible to satisfactorily
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    • 34 2 Tli<- family of the late Mr. Ng Kah Ghee t'^ink all friends, relatives, associations and others who sent Joss-papers, Scrolls. Wreath*, Telegrams. Letters of Condolence, lrnt Cars, paid night visits and attended funeral
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 396 2 SMALL APST Minimum charge $1. far adrt ac 4 esceeatag 4 Haas. More than four lines 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIRTHS. MAKRIAGES. DEATHS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS A PFC CARDS are charged 13 aaeb per mserUoa per laeh. Over I lack ti eU
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    • 581 2 SITUATIONS VACANT BRITISH IMPOST FIRM requires experienced stenographer typist, one with bookkeeping knowledge and able to take charge of office pref< iet. State ouaMucatlons, experience and salary required to Box No. 531. Straits Times. STENOGRAPHER, Grade I, European, Male or Ferrule. Speeds shorthand 100 w.p.m typing 40 w.p.m. Commencing salary
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    • 551 2 FOR SALE_ M-G. 1 litre black sports. First registered 1939. 81.900. Refrigerator. 2 cubic feet: 230 volts D.C. 3150. Royal portable typewriter $90. Atherton. D ft 1.. Malacca. FOB SALE, numerous building sites Oi about 1 acre each with about 2 chaius of excellent sea frontage. locality 88 1 mile
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    • 811 2 BOARD RESIDENCE ON THE SEA. "The Orove," 103 and 109 Meyer Road. Katong. near Swimming Club large airy rorms. tennis, gardens, garages, attractive position Mod terms Phone ***** PAVILION TO LET. 3 small rooms, blc verandah, private bath m.s., h. ft c. water, built m a larg* garden. Suitable for
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    • 607 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS EYEGLASSES EXCLUSIVELY. loot orulai aUBMBIa ef peril; diagnosed and glaaw B^BWtt)^ oreatrloed by s llreated »n. registered ■raelltionet witr laß^V.^d7 legal •naiiocatloaa If rta** I _jfe>^» es an bmX needed aofie «tr> t < THOMIPSON OPTICAL CO. 4. ARCADE BUILDING R. A. THOMPSON. D.O.Se. (Doctor of (K-nUr Science).
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    • 376 2 USED CAR BARGAM AUSTIN 18-0 bMLOaN PRICE $1350 An nee Dent car very weil kept and In first class conUit.on. Duco Btae. MANY OTHERS FROM WHICH! TO CHOOSE VAUXHALL 20 SALOON MORRIS 8 SALOON SINGER 9 SALOON TERRAPLANE SALOON AUSTIN 7 SALOON Have you a car to sell SEE US
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 518 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA mnymnrra AND APCAR LINE. lilMfflßTlUi (Incorporated m England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO pQR CUNARD WHITE STAR Sr.KVIC^E. The bat possible services are being main- LINE. tallied br the P. O. S. N. C*.. from the
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    • 417 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Frcmantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 413 3 TO FAMILY MEN You toil all your live* to bequeath a sound estate to your heirs. How often are these intentions destroyed by weak or dishonest executors, and your families reduced to poverty! Guard against such evib by entrusting your estate to the administration of a skilled and independent organisation
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 187 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZBL 1.333 ke/i (125 7.HP1 9.69 ac/i (J6.M m.) (ZHR 6,175 ne/i 4TM a.> ZIIP3 7.25 mc/f («1JS m.) ZHL. ZBPI ZHR. p.m. 'luchtw music; 6.35 p.m. Newt In Cantonese; 5.50 p.m. Hofcklen music; 6 p.m. News in Hofcklen; 6.15 p.m. Warning to Mariners; 6.20 p.m. News.
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    • 187 3 "British Soamon at War Freedom Ferry" (4) Relayed from London; 9.50 K .m. Music ot Dellus: 10.20 p.m' London Letter: Sir Frederick Wtayte. Relayed from London; 10.35 p.m. Dance music by Harry Roy and his Orchestra; 10.45 p.m. Close down. (ZHPJl 6 p.m. Lagu Melayu; 5.50 p.m. Hindustani music; 6.06
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    • 585 3 EMPIRE STATION Bcvtoctf rreqaety 8ch«#«Je! rsstcrn Tn-fllwln CIS B.B. la ll-Se pjk, mm OST— 17.51 me/s: l«-»4 Metro. aa4 GSf 1314 m«/»: 1IJ1 «na Free» Its pjb. 11.M as* CSD— 11.11 mc/«: 15.JJ adrm North Americas) TniumMMi OSO: GSC (SI actr* b**d\ uat ORT (31.ZS a ».M ac/n 6. IS
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  • 347 4 Dividend 7 Per Cent. On Preferred A NET profit of $57,089 was earned by Thornycroft (Singapore) Ltd. m the year ended Jan. 31 last. This compares with $27,949 m the preceding year. As already announced In the Straits Times, the directors recommend a dividend of seven per
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  • 52 4 Dow Jones Averages Yesterday ■pHE following were the Dow Jones averages 1 at the close of the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: 30 Industrials ***** 20 Rails 27 74 15 Utilities 16.M 40 Bonds 91.14 Commodity Ir.dt r 69.47 The turnover on the Stock Exchange was 430,000 shares—
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  • 117 4 «Protn our own Correiponoent) London June 3 The following are to-day's 'bid" quotation; for FWed Trust*:— t. d. Briton Empire 'A" not avalMbrt > British Empire "B" not available British Empire Cumulative not arailabM British Empire C'prehensive not available British General "A" 14 7!ixd BriUsh Gen ral "B"
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  • 91 4 Singapore. June 4. Gambler 17 50 Hamburg Cube 112.25 Java Cub* 112.00 Mixed I2U Sun Dried 13 iO White Muntok $15 00 White ***** Black »7J$ laoc nom No > LtafTKa ms |4(5 fair 14S0 14 80 Sarawak 14.90 aooco SmalJ Plate «7 jo Pair Plake 17
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  • 179 4 Tr.e following arc th* «*<-»» rater Oil morning according to U4 dally circular issue-. 0? the Hongkong g»»»-f ganiim Corporation:— London T.T 2/4 J/JS London demand 3/4 3 32 Switzerland «T.T. only) 282.48 New York demand 47.10 Montreal demand 51. (5 Batavla demand M.71 camarans demand M 53
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  • 105 4 ■T^HE following outputs of tin-oie are reported for May PlcuH ore Hong Fatt 2,100 Malayan Tin 2,080 Southern Malayan 8,656 Malaysiam Tin 302 Manchester June 3. fLOTH export business is somewhat freer now tha*. shippers have been informed of their quotas to various markets and now that
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 23 4 OCEAN shipments of nobe." from Malayan ports In May totalled 74.647 tons, compared with t'7J2j tons m ApriK
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  • 89 4 London, .Tv-ie. T v-ie 'i. *¥TN opened steady. The turnover A was 12S tons. nearly all beui'j; three-months where moderate including some from smelters, coun-ter-balanced the Improved i^manci. The latter, and sellers' reluctaiice. strengthened cash Un which /as also influenced by the steady contraction m the
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 72 4 WiliMttT, Jue 4, bmb. Toße of market:— SteaJirr I an I London: 13 7 1(4. New York: 11*4 eta. rrtoo frier W» IX K.S 8 Sp«* t—m) My, MH N« IX B.S.S. t«k to '■bc M 4#S C.F J1.Q. B S.S n. i»M» J5". M
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  • 77 4 Labour M.P. On Serious Shipping Situation London, June 4. tiTHE shipping situation is very si'ri1 ous." Mr. E Shinwell. M P., told the Labour party conference yesterday; r.nd unless we can speedily repair our vessels damaged by enemy action and replace those lost as a result of our own eltorts
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 74 4 Cairo. June 4. ANOTHER attaak was made on military objectives at Benghazi by bomber aircraft of the R.A.F. during Sunday nigiu and a number of explosions were caused m the harbour area, states last night's RAJ 1 Middle East communique. Two Junkers 88s. were
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 51 4 Washington, June 3 :NTTED STATES merchantmen are to take over all Bri'ish shlpiung services fr-jm Canada and toe United States to Australia nnd New Zealand. Announcing this arrangement, the Maritime Commission state*. 'I'iiH will release IS British resaels tor Britain'! own wax efforts,"
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 460 4 Small Business But Prices Unchanged: Rubber Steady By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, June 4. DUSINESS m the share market yes- terday waa very sldw and on.y a small volume of business was transacted m all sections. In the dollar tin share ssction business was almost entirely confined
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  • 118 4 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June i. COMMODITY and Exchange market* closed as f'-'iows with previous quotations m parent n< KIHKIK: steady. Spot 13 7 18dl3\d <13 7 Itdl3*d> August 1371«d135d (13fcd 13H4i Oct.-Dec. 13Sd 134 d (13>»d l3'A«) New York: Not received. COTTON: Closed for duration or
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  • 776 4 $4,500 Given To War Funds PROPOSING the adoption of the report and accounts at Urn annual meeting of Allenby Rubber i Co. Ltd. m Kualu Lumour recently, Mr. Jack Murray, the clia rmaujr said I The result of thr "ars working^ a pront of 835.806
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  • 93 4 London, June 4. PIE Air Minister, Mr. John McEwen. said yesterday tha: the withdrawal from Crete has com t v ly proved the fact that Britain rould not possibly »m the war without f.r.u obtaining air superiority No doubt, nc said, the war will
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 84 4 Washington. Juno 3. ■yHE United States War Department bill authorizing the Government to take over private property useful for defence is designed to assure deliveries of defence articles. President Roosevelt told his Press conferenM to-day. The bill was a result of the problem arising lrom
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 148 4 London, Juno 4. THK United States Navy Department la Washington has announced that the assistant Naval Attache at the UaMed States Embassy In Londjn has c<aMnitted suicide. #le death of the assistant Nuval At j.iif. UjMt. Com Walter Raymond Jones, waa Wraed here late last
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 380 5 Rubbers And Tins Occasionally Higher London, June 3. *Tta H*.ock Exchange to-day was generally quietly steady, with moderate business In e!lt-cdged at unchanged levels. Industrials were rather leas active and •U>r<>» were dull under the Influence of the clothes rationing scheme. Irons, steels and motors were ilrmly
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  • 198 5 THE following donations to The Wai Fund are recorded to-day:— S Balance of the proceeds .if the sale of a litter of Golden Cocker Spaniel puppies no "S.C.C. War Fund Lottery No. 48" 104.50 11. G. Baxter (monthly) IM "L.C." km) Asiatic Staff Labourer, of
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  • 119 5 MaiU close at the Oenerai Post OOce as follows: TO-MORROW Australia air 4pm Java air 9 am. 4 p m. New Zealand air 4 p.m. Palembang air 9 am ARRIVALS MalLs from Indo-Chlna (air) general dellvery 1.40 p.m. to-day. Malls from Java and Sumatra (air) general
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  • 169 5 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokerg' Association. Singapore. June t. Oompaof owkko* Clan Hi Hong Fatt 8% Int. June 1 Raub 3d. Int. Jun» 30 SOBRKh 3assrtt 3V4% flnal June 9 Batu Llntanc S% int. June Bent* 5% jnt. M»y It Bra«a 9% June 9 Klumg 5%
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  • 1314 5 TUESDAY. JUNE 3. 19*1: 4 P.BL I DEBENTVBBU AND LOANS 5% Maynard and Co. 110.000 Int. Apr. 30 Oct. 31 90.00 100.00 noni SINGAFOBB MONICITAI. 6% 1901 red. 30.9.50 1400.900 Int. liar. 31. Sept. 30 110% 113% ooa ci 4%% ICO7 red. ?0.6.47 81.600.000 Int.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 243 5 LYSOFORM ANTISEPTIC GERMICIDE DEODORANT for Feminine Hygiene and General Use. LYSOFORM is a fundamentally new product which has been designed to combine m an absolutely neutral compound (pH 7) the various functions required m a perfect antiseptic. It is non-alkali and non-poisonous. Price $1.50 per bottle Obtainable at all Che
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 133 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES To-day H.W. 4.42 a.m. 7.4 ft.; 6.04 p.m 7.4 ft. i L.W. 11.09 a.m.**. 5 ft. 11.54 3.6 ft. To-morrow H.W. 6 12 a.m. 7.2 ft 7.05 p.m. 7.6 ft. L.W. 13.21 noon 2.9 ft. Friday, June 6 H.W. 7.40 a.m 7.4 ft.; 8 p.m. g
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 270 6 MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT JUST DOESN'T COME ANY FINER THAN THIS ONE! Bette Davis excels her previous performances m The Letter FREE LIST SUSPENDED FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 6909 WARNER BROS. PRESENT SOMERSET MAUGHAM'S well-known story of the East v m. wal bW HF m ■^BM BMBH Bl^B^BH HF^H i^»S w <^rJ
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    • 237 6 LAUGH and the world laughs with you Eat ONIONS and you weep alone! Says MYRNA LOY MYRNA'S GOT A NEW BOY-FRIEND NOW MELVYN DOUGLAS The Man who 'stayed for Breakfast.' IT'S A SCREAM! TO-DAY (3.15-6.15-9.15) CAPITOL No Girl is half dressed while her left hand is naked! and so MELVYN
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  • 260 7 U.S. Secretary Of Navy Requests "Miracle" Of Warship Building New York, June 3. "CVERY available source that we have hitherto found accurate srives evidence that half the present output of American aircraft factories combined with Great Britain's present production exceeds the German
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 296 7 Pilot Killed As .Plane Controls Jam San Diego, June 3. A FOUR-MOTORED Consolidated bomber crashed m the San Diego Bay to-day and the company announced there was "Rood evidence" of sabotage. The ship's controls Jammed at a low altitude. The plane carried the Royal Air
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  • 164 7 Heavy Attack On Berlin I Large Fires Started By R.A.F. Bombers London. June 3 ARGE fires were started m; Berlin when a small force of n.A.F. bombers attacked the j German capital last night, says an i j Air Ministry communique, describing the night's raids m Germany. "A small force
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 53 7 DtllM (Texas), June 3. nrrlTH thumbs up 50 Britons comprismc the initial ctus of the RAF. training programme In the United States haTP arrived here from England via Canada After three months they will be ready to -~mplete the course entitling them to wear
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 101 7 London. June 3. IT has been decided to entrust the direction of the existing British information services m the United States to Sir Gerald Campbell, novi serving as British Minister m Wash- ington, m response to the increasing Cemand m the United Sates for fuller
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 104 7 Washington, June 3. THE Eire Government has accepted President Roosevelt's offer to permit the purchase of two freighters m addition to a gift of $500,000 worth of supplies for refugees from the American Red Cross. The Eire Minister here. Mr. R. Brennan said that his
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 95 7 London, June 3 TNEMY activity over this country last night was on a small scale," states an Air Ministry communique. "Bombs were dropped at points In north and north-ea^t England and In west Midlands. Some damage was done and at two places there were a number
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 164 7 RAFFLES HOTEL To-night DINNER DANCE (informal)B p.m. to midnight BUSTER MAGGIE DINNER $3.00 NON-DINERS $1.00 Saturday LUNCH IN THE BALLROOM GRILL j SPECIAL ORCHESTRAL CONCERT by RAFFLES ORCHESTRA Saturday Night— The 2nd ()f The "3 Great Causes" Cnder the Distinguished Patron^e ot SIR SIIGNTON LADY THOMAS ST. ANDREW'S MISSION HOSPITAL
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    • 283 7 B HOSPITAL WEEK MAY 31 ST oJUNIo JUNl J™ FAY HAMILTON PRESENTS "DANCING ROUND THE WORLD" A Display of Dancing by the pupils of the Fay Hamilton School of Dancing. ADELPHI ROOF GARDEN THURSDAY JUNE sth 5.30 P.M. GOOD FOOD PROMPT COURTEOUS ATTENTION are the reasons for its INCREASING POP
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  • 1185 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1941. (641st. Day Of The War.) Apres La Guerre Mr. Anthony Eden's recent speech on plans for post-war reconstruction has been hailed with enthusiasm on both sides of the Atlantic. It has been accepted as denning Great Britain's war aims, although on the
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  • 59 8 Toklo, June 3. THE German and Italian Ambas sailors, Gen. Eugen Ott and Signor Indelll, called at the Japanese" Fpreign Office to-day. On had an hour's talk with Mr. Y. Matsuoka, the Japanese Foreign Minister, this afternoon while Indelh had a talk of similar
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 143 8 How The War Fund Might Be Helped To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— As a Chinese. I would like to express pleasure m reading the letter sent to you with the donation from the Chinese Association by its president. It struck the right note, and it
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  • 109 8 Shanghai, June 4. THE Japanese forces c.aim a damaging victory over the cream of the Chungking Government's Central army m Shansi province, said a Japanese army spokesman here. He asserted that the Chinese strength m Shansi had been approximately 18 I divisions totalling 150,000 men. He
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 95 8 London, June 4. NIGHT assaults on Germans m Paris are becoming so frequent that a special tribunal has been set up m the city to deal with all such cases, stated the German-controlled Paris wireless. It will be recalled, acicicd .he announcer, that
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 1214 8 Great Britain Stronger Than Before The War DV the destruction of the shortlived German battleship Bismarck, the Royal Navy has not only taken quick vengeance for the sinking of H.M.S. Hood, but has also more than redressed the balance m respect of capital ships which
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  • 25 8 (V X London Correspondent's cabled letter whk-li should have appeared m this pape to day has Vcn delayed and will appear to-morrow.
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 288 8 Stumbling Blocks That Still Exist To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— l would like to make one or two comments on your leader of yesterday, if I may. In it you refer to certain principles of German mentality. In the course of the articlp you say:
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    • 166 8 Methods Of Detecting Sick Birds To the Editor of tlic Straits I Sir,- The Moving points v my personal expe-ience ir iv b~ j. come help to poultry real It is essential to inspoi m the morning at th° time ol out from the run. By tl sick
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    • 105 8 Makings Of A Racial Riot! To the Editor of the Straits limes Sir.— l notice that the Malaya Broadcasting Corporation is advertising tor an assistant announcer, v.ho must b? English." Considering that the best apv the English language come from North of Tweed land the next best from
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    • 83 8 To the Kii;tor of the Strails Times Sir,— The fi Giaci.: 1 who hare fallen n i liberty ol I Attest m many a cija'hlcx.s While k-nys, m ('ysty darkncis hid, Hai-e left a nanu'ess pyramid. Thy heroes, though the perurtu doc Hath stvept the column from 'heir
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    • 101 8 To the Editor of law NU.i.K I i. jes Sir,— All Tamil- speaking people of Malaya will be Int retted to kn 'a regular news st>r»i.-e m Tamil ii broadcast from thj BBC, London, every Saturday at 8.5U p.m. Time> m the 19-metre b:\nd. Spoken m excellent Tamil,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 384 8 EXTRA SPECIAL NEWS! We have just ffrapec an opp >rtunltv whicii was too Rood to miss an opportunity to offer you Pour Famous Hits by "DICK BENTLEY," known as the "Australia's Favourite Funny Man" Here they arc— en two Regal Records: G-***** "Oil: WHAT A SURPRISE FOR TIIK DUCE." One
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    • 91 8 TANGLIN CLUB (Members only) XV. 4th: 7.30 pjn. to 12.00 CONCERT AND DANCE Th. sth: 7.00 to 9.00 CONCERT F. Cth: 7.00 to 9.00 COCKTAIL DANCE 7.M SWEEPSTAkE DRAW. Sa. 7th: 8.30 pm. to 2.00 A.M. CONCERT AND DANCE Sun. gth: 12.30 to 3.00 CONCERT M. 9th 7.00 to 9.00
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  • 454 9 VICHY SENDS PLANES TO SYRIA TUNISIA Permission Granted By The Germans FRENCH MAY ASK NAZIS TO LEND EXPEDITIONARY UNIT Paris Radio's Hint About Alliance With Reich IT is learned m Vichy that units of the French air force have been secretly shifted to Syria and Tunisia, says an agency report
    Reuter  -  454 words
  • 275 9 Little Opposition lo Invader Expected London. June 4. THE more I talk with those recently 1 arrived from Syria, the stronger is my impression that whoever gets to Syria first, whether British or Germans, will meet with very little opposition, cables Reuter's Ankara correspondent. Everybody
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  • 168 9 Vichy, June 4. rO compfa te sessions of the Vichy Cabinet were sandwiched between technical talks which Marshal Petain and Adm. Darlan had with Gen. Maxime Weygand, Commander-in-Chk'f of the Frrnch forces In North Africa, yesterday, stressing the importance of the decision? taken. It was expected
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  • 73 9 Ankara, June 4. THE Turks continue to be highly concerned over Syria. Deputy Sadak, writing m the Akram, which is close to the Turkish Foreign Office states: "from the political and military points of view it is imperative that Britain should take over
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  • 111 9 Rome, June 4. i 11,1 USSOUNTS mouthpiece, Signor Virginio Gayda, writing m *b* Giornale dltalla, urgos the A:: 1 to start, a new offensive immediate v This is the mon.ent for action, he I ■an. "During their lon<t Hitler and Mussolini undoubtedly examined the
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  • 107 9 Smuts On Troops' Task In The North Pretoria, June 4. FIELD-MARSHAL Jan Smuts, Prime Minister of South Africa, broad- i casting on the anniversary of the departure of South African troops for East Africa, said the Italian menace there had been eliminated and an-| other
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  • 129 9 Three Companies To Make Same Type Of Plane Washington, June 3. TWO huge new orders estimated to provide about 800 giant bombers have been placed by the War Department. One of these orders, placed with the Consolidated Aircraft Company of San Diego, is valued
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  • 334 9 Alexandria; June 3. 'THE evacuation of British troops from Crete by the British Navy was completed to-day after the most prolonged and most intensive battle of air power against seapower. Berinning ten days ago with the battle of Klthera Channel, which the United
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  • 81 9 Acting Premier Tells Of Crete Casualties Wellington, June 4. A TOTAL of 2,800 New Zealand rt soldiers axe unaccounted for follow ing the evacuation of Crete, according to information at present m possession o: the Government. This was announced last night by the act
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  • 104 9 These pictures are the last ever taken of H.M.S. Raj- < putana, armed merchant cruiser, famous In the Far East i as one of the best known ships i of the P. O. line and m which many thousands of Malayans have travelled. The pictures
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  • 228 9 Incident In Air Sweep Over North France London, June 4. A COLUMN of enemy troops and an armed trawler were attack- i ed by RAF. fighters operating over northern France and the English Channel yesterday. One Spitfire pilot had the satisfaction of seeing two German staff
    British Wireless  -  228 words
  • 102 9 German Reprisal For Extensive Sabotage London, June 4. A TOTAL of 82,000 officials have been dismissed by the German authorities m the so-called Protectorate of Moravia and Bohemia, according j tD advices received by Czech authorities m London. The dismissed officials include civil servants m the
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 42 9 Malta June 4. BRITISH fighters shot down into the sea one Junkers 52 troop carrier yesterday afternoon. Announcing this, a communique states that all British machines returned safely. This incident occurred during an air raid alarm.- Reuter.
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  • 65 9 Washingtcn, June 3. PRESIDENT Roosevelt conferred for one hour to-day with Mr. J. G. Winant, United States Ambassador to Britain. Mr. Winant was carrying a bulpinp; brief case when he entered i the White House. He remained tor luncheon, at which Mr Harry Hopkins,
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  • 134 9 New York. June 3. A GALLUP survey on the questicn should the United States navy be used to guard ships carrying war materials to Great Britain shows that 52 per cent, are in favour, 40 per cent, are opposed, and 8 per cent, arc uncle
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  • 39 9 London, June 4. BELGIAN pilots are now co-opcrattn? with the RAF. m the Middle East according to the free Belgian news service. They took part m the operations over Crete— Rcu:er.
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  • 288 9 Possible Decision At Brenner Pass Washington, June 3. A HIGH ranking military source m the Un/.ed States has pxpressed the belief that Hitler and Mussolini may have decided at the Brenner Pass to take the initiative against the United States force America into war before
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  • 75 9 Chungking. CASUALTIES m Mcnday"s »ir raid on Chungking were rrobably Met* I th. n m any previoui raid this year. S.^ were killed and many Injured m a m which many took rrf :s<\ th h !t r.^s conitmcted for trucks. Many boatmen who
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  • 56 9 New Yotlc. Jui.- 3 fHE American Export Lines announc d to1 day the United States Navy h? lioned two of it-> nrw vrssels. trw ard the Exporter. rfTectiv.- immrdi&t^K. The Executor returned from India thl v.i. and Is unloading cargo here Th is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 OTHER CABLES m pages 7, 13, 14 and 1G prime quality t^^ m sx£X s j^^ no finer obtainable IYPS anywhere V\^ S) Because it aas the superior flavour BHBCBfIHfi IC^ and quality only found In Imported j pork. All our Australian Pork Is mW^T^E^^m obtained from selected milk and
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  • 533 10 Feature Of To-day's List Of Acknowledgments £1,000 RAISED BY FILM PREMIERE PROGRAMME MONTHLY contributions account for practically the whole of to-day's additions to The War Fund. They amount to a little over $1 000 and carry the gross total to $5,567,940. The Chartered Bank
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  • 62 10 Hatavia, June 4. TTIH. S> the r lands Indie* kaa received export licence* for purchases of war materials In the Unite* States, valued at SST.—O.MO flurin- April, says the Nev York Times. Thh shows a striking increase j since the beginning of the year,
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 75 10 Shanghai. June 4 A PROPOSAL to raise contribution from Chinese m the South Seas to buy 2.000 pursuit places for the Chinese air force has been approved by GenerBllttim" Chianß Kai-shek, according to the local Chinese Press quoting Mr. Cheng Ching-yung, the Vice-Minister of
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 47 10 KEECHOT bin Ibrahim, one of the Malay f.remen of the Singapore Harbour DjirJ Fire Brigade who were injured when a S.H.B. lorry m which they were travelling j m MimrTFaulted In Keppel Road on Tuesday afternoon, died m the General Hospital early this morning.
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  • 64 10 Men of the South African forces, who have played a leading part m the conquest of Abyssinia, are seen marching through the gate of an Italian fort shortly after the fall of Dessie, one of the principal centres of Italian resistance m Ethiopia. The
    64 words
  • 120 10 At The Cinema M Th» Letter" (Bette Davis. HeiW.l Marshall. Gale Sonoergaardl Warner Br«a. At the Alnanbra Theatre. f>HIS screen Torsion of Somerset Waugham 1 novel with a Malayan setting Is food entertainment, even though Malayans »iii note certain deficiencies m tiie "local colour.' Bctte Davis
    120 words
  • 124 10 •Third Finger. Lrft Hind." (Mrri.j. I.oy. Mrlvin ItoofUs. Lee Bowman and BaniU GranTiile.). An M.G.M. frodu. lion. At the Capitol. REMINDING one of the sevcial other nne comedies m which he has appeared v. Singapore recently. Melvyn Douglas Is teamed with Myrna Loy <n
    124 words
  • 273 10 Manila, June i: THE report that Mr. Frank Murphy might return to the position of High Commissioner of the Philippines has been received with a mixed reaction. The Press and official quarters have made no comment although one prominent Filipino said, Mr. Murphy's
    273 words
  • 280 10 U.S. To Plug Leak In Blockade STATEMENT BY MR. CORDELL HULL Washington, June 3. MR Cordell Hull, the U.S. Secrcj*™* tary of State to-day said the United States is working on the curtailment of shipments of raw war materials from South Anrrican nations to Germany
    280 words
  • 73 10 Tokio, June 4 WITH a \iew to accelerating the develonment of resources on Hainan lyland. the Japan Sugar Manufacturing Company ha.s decided to crests i 1 Hainan Island Enterprises Department i According to plans a director will b'permanently stationed on the Hani while offices of
    73 words
  • 1299 10 ?The Air War Week By Week Special Cable to The Straits Times From Wing; Commander L. V, Fraser. London, June 3. AIRCRAFT of the Coastal Command have escorted over 5,000 ronvoys since the war began. As the Battle of
    1,299 words
  • 136 10 SINGAPORE \l PUS HOTEL Mmr nauee (Informal) 8 rm «> Midnight. IK I H HOKLU Cabaret: 7.30 to 9 it v p.m. to Micininht. Globe: The Thief of BacMiul. Sky: Spawn of the North. lIAI'I'Y THEATRE (Happy World) rifihtlng Devil l-)or. s Pla Diavolo. NtH Talkies. Theatres and
    136 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 107 10 I asS^^n^sssS^^Sfc3^*js i^^^flllllini Til sssssw ss^sscV^sssxV^'srn^l 1 1 a VH il**^^i 1 c -^f^ssssmSHrrfnS B^ls^l^nßD BBPfSlMiAlWnffM' 1 1 1 1 ssssu. J XT' /^fft jj V■■ gt\ k^^^L^CH l^ss*^^^^ T $4^ 4f*S*. jm LESS 10° b jOJiLIABLE overseas reception is more llHWliilll thaa fell TTf^MJ rixnu eYcr to-day. To obtain
      107 words

  • 479 11 Interchange Of Ministers With N.I. Visualized (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, May 27. M A USTRALIA proved her value to the British Empire by her brilliant efforts m the period between 1914-1918 at the present time she is of further service on the battlefield as
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  • 57 11 THE Accountant-General, S.S., Mr. U. C. Hodges, advises that further sum of S2.290.980 has been paid by tflfe Government of the Colony to the Imperial Treasury Chesl Officer, Malaya Command, Singapore. This sum represents the proceeds from the sale of War Savings Certificates for the
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  • 28 11 DUPIL£ from the Methodist Girls' School will sing and recite m the children's programme of the Singapore broadcasting station to-night at 6.50 o'clock.
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  • 457 11 Coroner Inquires Into Fatality WILLIAM Edward Quirke, a sublieutenant attached to the R.N.V.R. relat3d m the Singapore coroner's court yesterday the story of how a Chinese m coming down an incline at Fort Canning Read lost control of his tricycle and collided with the rear humper
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  • 195 11 Nine Firemen Injured In Keppel Road Accident ALLEGED to have driven an SUB. lorry so negligently that it overturned and nine of the ten firemen m It were injured. 40-year-old Tigin bin Mansor appeared on nine traffic charges m the district traffic court yesterday. He
    195 words
  • 97 11 "Conversed On Foreigrn Affairs" For One Hour Bangkok, June 4. IT ia offlciallj announced that the Thai Premier, Luang Plbul Songgram yesterday morning cordially received the British Minister, Sir Josian Crosby and conversed on foreign affairs for an hour, says Reuter. United Press says that
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 29 11 Ur. Winston Churchill is seen inspecting bomb damage on Merseyside during a two-day visit to Manchester m which he u-as enthusiastically received by huge crowds.
    29 words
  • 352 11 Alleged Offer Of A Bribe I ALLEGED to have given a European $50 and to have promised him /b per cent, of the profits on contracts, two Sikhs. Bakhtawa Singh and Bucktarn Singh, were on trial at the Assizes yesterday before Mr. Justice Worley and
    352 words
  • 67 11 SAID to have stolen an alarm clock worth $3.50 while being employed as a servant by James Allen MacTavish, Foo Hee Fon£, a 40-year-old Hainanese. claimed trial when charged In the Singapore fifth court yesterday. The offence was alleged to have been committed on May
    67 words
  • 48 11 Taihoku (Formosa). June 3. PRINCE Varavarn accompanied by members of his suite arrived In Keelung from Japan this morning aboard the Fuji Mam After staying m Taihoku for two days, the party is leaving by a Japan Airways plane en route to BangkokEastern News.
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  • 39 11 A TALK on "What and Whom to Believe" will be given by the vice-president ot the Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society at I 8.30 p.m. to-morrow at 8, Calrnhlll Road I The meeting is open to the public.
    39 words
  • 527 11 A SINGAPORE firm has the only yard m the East m which small, high-speed craft, greatly m demand by the Services and especially the Navy, are built according to a statement made by Mr. R. Edwardes-Ker before the Rent Assessment Board yesterday. Rear -Admiral
    527 words
  • 185 11 New Action By Government 1 ALL departments of the Munfef- paHty have been a.<ked to prepare reports on thr ■object of indebtedness among their stafr These reports will r/ cr.nsitlf r rt hr the Commissioners w fi a taking whatever r..t on Ul v I li.i wil!
    185 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 131 11 i rnnif J^ RVS oN IJu[LL][IIIEMteRIIIN Mafce your party a success and provide Peek Frean's appetising uV 111 Biscuits which loofc good and ji^AV, ihffiy taste deHghtful. rO^i^4lifc Made by; PEEK FREAN 6c CO., LTD. London, England. P.K. 55 It is so near— Residents m the East will find the
      131 words
    • 597 11 s "L^ mm I ,X^\j™ \M.\\-SMHV .1II)-H1T1H jtfSK^k gtyic j. sises: M-M l\ This smart skirtlc-r. tiur.k m Uu ksg^M m new mid-waist fltttn; Ls m.i 9kJfm soft and bciitweictit V«ivaVv'Sj Wwtn fabric. Dc luxe worsted \*J^lk x I and rayon belt, ntt d with yCBBW^^ hammered "D" rinc buckle
      597 words

  • 657 12 Police Story Of Armed Mob (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 3. I ONG parangs, sickle^, scythe blades, stick.-, and changkols were among the exhibits In the First Magistrate's Court to-day when 122 Tamil labourers were charged before Mr. G. L. Howe with being members of
    657 words
  • 217 12 One Rider Died Six Days Later In Hospital THE circumstances Into the death of a cyclist six days after he had come into collision with another cyclist In Connaught Drive In the early hours of May IT. was Inquired Into by Mr. W. O. Porter,
    217 words
  • 118 12 IT Is 12 monUis to-day since the last ship 1 left the beaches of Dunkirk with the evacuated forces, and to-night some of those who took part m the historic adventure will broadcast from Singapore their experiences on that occasion. The programme commences at
    118 words
  • 55 12 UONO Hoi and Clioue Check claimed trial In the Singapore .second court yesterday to a charge of theft of six tins of flint stoo« for petrol lighters valued at (1.200. from a ship at the 5.H.3. wharves. The case was postponed a week tor mention
    55 words
  • 664 12 Fined $25 For Driving Car In "Other Than Careful Manner" LIENRY Harley Clarke, secretary of the Singapore Swimming Club, .vas acquitted m the Singapore second court yesterday on two charges of causing hurt by driving his car negligently, and on a third charge of failing
    664 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 521 12 HEALTH MAGIC for all m Crookes 9 Vitamins N^H 'itiry drop of CfMoWtf* I «Jfl H "tin A ana jo rufui mmt \j,. v^dßnVJ 1 i-vtmm Vtimtm D ikom m^Jjji^ ocJawfl I I NB_^W m1 r d <'"'"' < Illhil'ntMlliillfllllltaMlßa^ 4K The modern miracle of vitamins saves thousands from disease
      521 words
    • 178 12 BOH TEA A CAMERON HIGHLANDS fRO• V C T REASONS FOR BUYING THIS EXCELLENT TEA 0 it l> tod') mi aY Osaspars thfa price with Imported teas tu-dajr. s An All-Malayan rrodnct th« elimination of overseas freight and charges allows this pura quality tea to be retailed at a low
      178 words

  • 1175 13 Overwhelming Vote Against Compromise Or Peace Talks London, June 3. THE Labour Parly conference m Ixmdon to-day adopted the memorandum of "no compromise with Hitler and Mussolini by 2.430,000 votes to 19,000. On the second day's session of the annual conference
    1,175 words
  • 86 13 Vatican City. June S. THE VaUan State yesterday cele- bratcd thr PnntlfT's fea.'t day of St. EutTfri" B«igrn» wps the n?imKivrn to the Pope before thr name Pius was chosen when he was el?ctecJ m 193P All shops and oftl<#> v.vre riocetf In Ui- VMcan
    86 words
  • 109 13 Sydney. June 3 A RECORD number of air rrew reservist* n will be atnnrbed ln»o the R.A A P Initial trailing vhool* this menth Sir Donald Camera, rhairman of the R.A A r rerrulting drlTe New South Wale? rommlllee. said that the ftnpJre ah- nrherrif
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 61 13 SOVIET LOSS OF GREEK SOVEREIGNTY Moscow, June 3. 1 THF fVivirt Union withdrew Its rvMMMka of the Oreefc CJovevnment to-d«v The Foreign Office communicated with the Oreek I nation here i>ayrns: the Soviet no lrnjrsT consider* diplomatic relation* valid In vh-w of thr Oreelc "I{«s of soverHer'v and that the
    61 words
  • 671 13 Cairo. June 3. i "But the most tragic MM;" added th« RFPORTS rpnvhinir nffirißl flrp' was to see the 1. civilians who tr<JKlh rcacmng omci&l Ure^K surviTKj this slaughter move out from the! quarters m Cairo indicate the non-»rw*nt capital
    671 words
  • 79 13 London, June 3. |TinT m now disrkv=el that two of ti. 1 that took part In the evacuation <'■ more than 15.000 BrlU'h and Imperial troop: from Crete were the Orion and Perth. The Perth jj a oriUaer of the Royal Australian Nary which has
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 29 13 Wellington. June 3 I A SECRET session of the New Zealand Parliament, to dlscuna the war will be held nest Tuesday night,—*—'—
    29 words
  • 76 13 L'Air*. Jane 3. MVOC «mM hardly rer«»nr«e 1 Crete to-day. It I* either a heap of dust and rabble In the villages or covered with corpse* over the valleys, hills »nrl field* a yoanr British officer told United Frew. Tanea wm wiped off the map daring
    76 words
  • 261 13 Thrilling Story Of Zamzam 116 U.S. Citizens In Lisbon After Sinking I.inbon, June 3. IN a quirt picturesque hotel not far from Ltabon, 114 American* men. women and children —are recupf rating from onr> of the most dramatic < xperlences of the war. Tliey are the survivors of thr Egyptian
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 440 13 COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS ENROL NOW enrolments are now ocmg made for the commencement ot classes during the 1941 year ot training. m the following subjects: All Lwndoii t hamlK r of Commerce 1341 examination subjects. London Matrirolation Jane 1941 an« 2 January 134 i. School t'erlilifate Ksari'lnatlon. December. 1041. All Pitman
      440 words
    • 360 13 I ssaL\. vi Ww^l^W sflV I Ba^aa^a^ltaHsatsaV9^C I '-^^^5 l*k lak M aa™»™"^ I cts QucJlitiA I I >«♦>•» te no -luck" m th« lastiwi? properties aint 11 is entirely a question of rv>al.ty and v*** workmanship oti ajn I ial*nn. IBM ap r roxiMatel> two-thirds of (he ongt painting
      360 words

  • 182 14 Show-down In Japan-N.I. Talks At Batavia Phis Week Forecast Washington, June 3. THE Washington Star to-day says that during the last few A days "the Far Eastern situation has become distinctly more tense." Both Japan and the United States," the newspaper declares,
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  • 140 14 Stern Measures Urged By Tokio Journal Toklo, June 3. PXPRESSINQ impatience with the "hostility" of the Netherlands Indies authorities during the economic negotiations at Batavia. the Japanese newspapers Mlyako Shimbun and Hochi Shimbun urge Japan to drop her "policy of Indecision" and begin stern measures against
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 56 14 Saijpn, June 1. rpHX British Consulate here hu denied a 1 Japanese report that the Consulate had Issued evacuation instructions to British citizens m Indo-China. Prominent Britons here said they had not received any evacuation order. It was recalled that a similar report was
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  • 109 14 Tokio, June 3. THE Asahl Shimbun's correspondent at Bangkok says that Janan must closely watch indications of Thailand's shift to a friendly attitude towards Britain and the United States "if not against Japan" m the various phases of her activities. This, the correspondent says. Is on
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  • 170 14 BIG QUANTITIES SENT f ROM EAST Shanghai, June 3. YNFORMATION gathered from trustworthy foreign sources In China and Japan has revealed that Germany has developed an efficient purchasing and forwarding agency which is at present sending 1,500 tons daily of vital raw materials from the Far
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  • 166 14 Carve-up Of The Balkans Soon? London, June 3. Is believed that the carve-up m 1 the Balkans and how the spoils should be divided was among the subjects discussed by Hitler and Mussolini at the Brenner Pass yesterday. There have already been reports of differences between the Bulgarians and Italians
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 279 14 Baghdad, June 3. JANIL MIDFAI, who has arrived i n Baghdad with the Regent, has accepted the Regents invitation to form a new government. Midfai, who has a big popular following, has held high office frequently before and has a long record friendly
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 60 14 I LEARN that the Commander-in- Chief of the German air force m the Balkans was, according to a report hitherto not positively confirmed, shot down by Hri.ish fighter planes while m an aeroplane near Baghdad, cables Reuter's special correspondent with the British forces m
    60 words
  • 38 14 London, June 3. THE remainder of the 16th. Italian colonial battalion m the Soddu area of Abbyssinia. amounting to 650 men has been rounded up, it is learned m London to-day. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 595 14 i A drop or two of MURINB la each eye will do wtmdm towards making them feel comfortable. Use MURINB recularlr every night and morning and to relieve eyes that hare become reddened, inflamed, or irritated from reflected son glare, driviag.or overwork. MURINB ii laft, t—lkmg, •nd rrfrtibiug. iSiw\A the
      595 words
    • 270 14 f —I k Jh^unytfTi BAS WAT E R <Vith an ASOOT Muiu-t^uui iikuOied m roar i' me you hare a fully automatic, unfailing ■<• > water supply to Bath. Baata and Sink. MM 07 turning ant hot water tap thla ASOOT A 'Wbu itsell. flying tnttant hot mater— whlcb V
      270 words

  • 774 15 Shoot Up And Char Best Bets MAJOR Fox's ponies. Shoot Up and Char, apnear t-i be the best bets lit Ipoh to-day, the thirl day of the l-erak Turf Club's Jun; meeting. Seven raws will r«mc up for decision, and there >rr uld be some good tin-irt, with one class
    774 words
  • 227 15 ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL cricket team sc ired a clear-rut victory over the H.AOC m a game played at Woodsvllle on Msoday Beplying to the visitors' knock of 56 >uns, tb* School scored 105 for five wickets and Shared. The scores were: R.A.O.C. Bsrch st
    227 words
  • 141 15 SELECTIONS for to-days races at Ipoh are: STRAITS TIMES Race 1: Kit. Marnell. Rare 2: Shoot Up, Uanse dv Vcntre. Race 3: BTu Mari, Courting-. Race 4: Char, Inventory. Ki-e 5: Safariland, East;r Parade. Rarf 6: Honlirhan, Freedom. Race 7: Ransrmhe. Lined In. BEST BE1S: Shoot Ip,
    141 words
  • 871 15 DELOW is given the full card of events at Ipoh to-day, D the third day of the Perak Turf Club's June meeting. The double totes will be on races one and three and five and seven, and the big sweep will be drawn on
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  • 227 15 rIE following are this week-end's ties m the Singapore badminton championships at the Clerical Union Hall: SATURDAY AT 8.15 PJL Womrm Singles: Miss Pansy Theirest (Sphinx) vs. Miss Dora Tan (Merrldale): Miss Violet Ang (Mayfair) vs. Miss T Oshima (Diehard). Men's Singles: Urn Yew
    227 words
  • 79 15 rf a loosely-played baatball game at Seletar yesterday, the RA.iP. Seconds beat the R.A. P., IS 14 m a Minor League contest. The large scores were mostly accounted for by errors, and the game went eight innings after a 13-13 tie at the end of the seventh. Batteries
    79 words
  • 30 15 THE Airport Sports Club beat the Indian Awocintion by six gosls to two In second division league <bi soccer match P'r.ycd at the Clerical Union ground yesterday.
    30 words
  • 345 15 Four Goals Shared In First Division Soccer Match R.A.F 2; S.R.C 2. COUR goals were shared by the Royal Air Force and 1 the Singapore Recreation Club m a first division league soccer match played at the stadium yesterday. Although all the four
    345 words
  • 44 15 SOCCER: S.A.FA. lea.-ie first division. fhln«« VMMi< vs. R.A. (A.A.t, ttadiam; S.C.C. r^. Malays, S.C.C. Pol ire vs. Fortress R.E., Depot, second division (a) R.VM.r. vs. Pnlan Braiii. illm m Barrack*: second division (b), Wanderers vs. Kran.ii. Selarinr. Tennis: Y.M.CA. tournament.
    44 words
  • 171 15 New T«rk, June Z. fOU Gehrir, veteran hiwbiH n;-»ver. d>i*d at his Pr 'nx h mr at 18.10 p.m. on Monday night alter a lingering Hints i diagnosed as a form •f infantile panlysis. Private funeral services will b» held at 10 am. Wedne-day conducted by Reverand
    171 words
  • 377 15 Smith Miss Stokes In Mixed Final rtmF. w»« me One tennis mi at Ik* V.M.C.A. COTrta yesterday wberc Ike Y.M.f A «men trrnit t— ■sent 1» rapidly drawing to a rtoir. Undoubtedly the keenest contest o( the evening was that between Roy Smith and Miss Margaret Stokes
    377 words
  • 270 15 nl Coast Regiment drew with the Royal _Mf tn a cricket match played at Chanel on Stinday Hie scores were: COAST EEGTMENT Lt. Treadfold c Larby b Smethurst 44; 8ft Ryan b Bmethurst 12; S>rt. Bowley t Watti b Palrbrother 6; Capt Barber run
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  • 136 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Banru. June S. |TB> PoUce first team beat the Rangers by two goals to one at league football at the depot ground. The game was so keenly fought that the Issue was m doubt until the finish. Though the
    136 words
  • 231 15 To-day Training Notes (Prom Ovr Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 4. *ntAINFR van Brenkelen should have another rood day at this afternoon'* rares. judging; by the form shown hy some of rharces at *low work this morning. The cnlnr will moist probahlv he verr good.
    231 words
  • 114 15 Glasgow To Meet Preston In Charity Game O.asgow, Juno 4. THE soccer match between the win- ners of the Scottish Cup and the English War Cup may take p. ace m Glasgow. Glasgow Rangers, the SjcuU'i winners, and Prest'-n North End. the English winners, have be?n invited
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 124 15 MRS. ROSS PATERSON WIN NAVY CUP THK Navy Challmcr Cup competition was played at Bukit Timah on Monday a.'tfrrjyon and rr->ult«l In a win for Mrs. J. B. Ross and M M Paterron. representing the Rorsl s.ngapore Golf Club with a •core of 81. The fMlcwlng cards were returned Mrs.
    124 words
  • 54 15 THE following will r~pre?ent the S.C.C. against the Malays In a first dlvkion 1"B7U? scccer match on the partarg to-day: Capt de L. Young M. R-bcrs. a. C. V.'eb ter. J. W. Prccott. J. H. Abbott, F. E. Hutrhtowm; H. Bu'nr. C. Mft'on. H. '•n, A. J.
    54 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 43 15 sn^snP y W Bn^^^^ M M JL _S I r^»l J 4 M 8 FILMS! AVAILABLE ON RENTAL AND OUTRIGHT PURCHASE Bmm Films 16 m m Silent Films 16 m m Sound-on-Films Full particulars from SINGAPORE PH ;TO CO. 37-39 HIGH ST. SINGAPORE.
      43 words

  • 506 16 BRITISH GERMANS MASS FOR COMING STRUGGLE Allies Now In Position To Strike From Iraq And Palestine London, June 3. ATEST reports point to Syria being the scene '■'of the next trial of strength between the British and German forces, says United Press.
    Reuter  -  506 words
  • 36 16 Balavia. June 3. I lEUT-COL. Paul Slanson, United States Maty, who lias been asti'ined p-s shippißf aciv: er to the Arr.e- ican consulal? here, arrived from Eaurabaya to-day. United Press.
    36 words
  • 74 16 'U.S. Should Intervene Aga inst Vichy Washington. June 3. SENATOR Tom onallj, m a speech In the National Radio Forum last night, said: "If France gives any military or naval aid to Germany the United States should seize Martinique, French Guiana and other French territories m the Western Hemisphere." The
    74 words
  • 419 16 London. June 3. ALTHOUGH the loss of Crete is unpleasant and adds to the difficulties facing the Royal Navy, Britain remains master of the Mediterranean, writes Oen. Sir Hubert Gough. Reuter's military commentator. Effective air support Is a necessary adjunct to naval
    419 words
  • 361 16 When Was It Known That Fight Had To Be Conducted Without R.A.F.? London, June 3. THE whole British Press is virtually unanimous m demand1 ing that the lessons of events m Crete should be thoroughly learned. The Times writes. It appears from the
    361 words
  • 192 16 Evidence In Nairobi Murder Trial Nairobi. June 3. AT the resumed hearing of the trial of Major Sir Delves Brougriton. who Is accused of the murder of Lord Erroll, evidence was given by Second Lieutenant H. T. Dlckenson. an intimate friend of the accused. Witness said
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 180 16 -^W je^i VV 4 <«*? And efficiency m any business means PROFITS! {H| SfirariH H %m'"- '*t £flHf/i9JH Belts lhat provide transmission or transport at mT7 «k J|g sJ^'lll ||!i SB V '^^11^ thC hi hest P 088 0^ percentage of power with Vj /^m P^^^^W|P l>*lt& iw^y^ i||£ IWH^
      180 words