The Straits Times, 2 May 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 176 1 MIEN CHONG TAILORING Available Suit Length* WAIN SHIILJ S In 811k .i.d Wool AIM AMERICAN SHARKSKIN In Tartan* cokwrs I* Caltnua St.. S pore. Phone Ml* SINGAPORE. I*o CECIL ST. (PHONS S47U THE BORNEO COMPANY LTu. Incorporated in England' SINGAPORE PENANG IPOH KUALA LUMPUR MALACCA. i— M. ICarmi ;5.4 B
      176 words
    • 63 1 JftJ*'. 1 y^- "VI V Beautiful new collection of w^ft*l i wedding veils and bridal ■<$tpj i~* Keaddresses, sprays in orange blossom exquisite designs Veils prices from $6.50 $25.00 Oranfce Blossom $1.25 7.95 ROBINSON'S 5~ SINGAPORE EIBB^E«EBBB«=dIHE>«IEfIBaEH J5 1 1 -47 J action ot tne of the n k ano
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    • 83 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. ft Morning Afternoon Evening Dresses. KUALA vVMPVR 25 JAVA ST (PHONE 3683) Ar ith this Distemper rooms can be made bright and cheerful. It is supplied in paste form and requires thinning with water only to the consistency of cream to be ready for use. Its
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    • 97 2 IDURNFORD.—At The Bungsar HosplUl, Kuula Lumpur, on Ist May, 1941, A. C. Dumford. Funeral at the Cherts Road Cemetery at 4.30 p.m. on May 1. CHOO—Mrs. Choo Chwee Hock, nee Kang Oheoni; Neo, passed away at 52. Upper Weld K'lao. on April 28 at 11 p.m. at age of
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    • 29 2 MX. Mrs. Loke Wan Vat tender the!--grateful thanks to thflr relatives and friends for their messages of condolence it their bereavement. TALKIES TO-NIGHT "THE CHARGE OF THE LIGH
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 379 2 ®he Straits Uine% SMALL APS. Minimum charge $1. far advt a«t exceeding 4 Hne* ■tore thaa four Iteea 25 cents per line (She words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BTRTHS. MARRIAGES DEATHS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS a rrc CARDS are charged •3 each aer Insertion per teen Over I inch
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    • 561 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED: Electrician with F.M.S. Ist Grade certificate to Uke charge of a A.C. Installation In an Army Camp. Only an unmarried man will be considered. Reply stating qualifications and salary required to Electrical Engineer. Kelantan. ASIATIC MASTER REQUIRED for Naval Tug. Wages $90!- per month plus Government cost
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    • 869 2 SITU ATIO NSW ANTED BRITISH WOMAN seeks post hill station or cooler climate; can make self generally useful: experienced stenographer; excellent references. Box No. 320, StraiU Times. PLANTER, English, 36, experienced modern methods, free July, seeks management or senior a&slstanu Job with prospects, up-country preferred. Temporary appointments not considered. Please
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    • 790 2 BOARD ft RESIDENCE HOLLAND HUIB. 304 Orchard Rd. Ore large double room available. Cuisine under personal supervision. Sundays Javanese Unstable. Mod. San. Tel. 2463. HILLTOP (7 Institution Hill) near town possessing all the advantages and elevated position offers airy room, private bathroom. garages. Tel. *****. SEA-ntONT— Local leave and Board-Res
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    • 658 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY.! faar ocular ailmeau ex- «*BMJ^a^ pertly diaxnosed and gteaatf J^^^^^^few ■reaeribed by a licensed «ne /^^^n^ registered practitioner with I y^-jij legal qualification.. If fta» I W es are not needed none sill \'f be recommended. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BUILDING R. A. THOMPSON. D.O.Se.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 332 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incorporated In England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. Co. MAIL. PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE The best possible services are being maintained by the P. O. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India. Ceylon and
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    • 273 3 fin corpora ted In .Jaoao> GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA Hi rough fares to North America to Europe via America and Round Tours In the Parlric quoted in VS. t on application. To California from the Orient via Honolulu lea Manila lea. H*kong
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    • 452 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Frcmantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £26)
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    • 170 3 li-anT Bsbbß Blbb^bW^K»s>l PIS, psi *^^^^^H IssUnsß^^*"* ,st'"t Jsttsssnnnsw-. S ssß^ns^^^^s^- i^^^»"(lßs^nnsßnT^^H PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICE SINGAPORE TO NBW YORK AND BOSTON VIA PENANG. COLOMBO, BOMBAY AND CAPE OF GOOD HOPfc Arrive S*por« Sail Sport Arrl»e N T II PRESIDENT HAVES M»v 11 Mit 13 June 31 sj. PRESIDENT TYIJOt Mar
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 195 3 Radio Programmes TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL 1.S3J ke/t itti m.) ZHF1 9 69 mc/i I30.M a.) IZHPZ 6,175 me/i 48.58 m.t ZHF3 7.25 n(/i (414* m.l ZHU ZHR A ZHR 5 p.m. pelplng dramast; 5.35 p.m. News In Cantonese; 5. DO p.m. Hokklen muslct. 6 p.m. News In Hokklen; 6.15 p.m.
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    • 188 3 p m. J.H. Squire Celeste Octet. (Cont'd)t; 7.30 p.m. Annajoum Gambos OrchesUa. 'From the Studio); 8 p.m. Warning to Mariners. News In Malay; 8. IS p.m. Newt commentary in Malay, or music; 8.20 p.m. Annajoum Gambos Orchestra, (Cont'3>; 8.35 p.m. News lu Arabic; 8 55 p.m. European music t; 9.
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    • 789 3 I the British Forces In the East." Relayed from London 7 20 p.m. Full results of the Kuala Lumpur .tares; 7 2> p.m. •■diiijjj.pore Music Hall"t; 8.20 p.m. The News. Relayed from London: 8j) p.m. Bear's V.;um oi Youth" Suite Nos. 1 2*: 9.10 p.m. Torch at the Organ*: 8.33
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    • 655 3 EMPIRE STATION fcASTfcK> TKANSMISSION wll. ar rjdmiM I* Malaya on GS»- l»»2 metre* (15.15 a/esi ana U»U I6.M metre* <l7.7t m en rraa (.1? p.m U i.56 a-a G>B 315] metre* is.ii a/ni im d9U il.53 metre* ill 75 o*i from •.m II M om NORTB AMERICAN rKA.NSMlMMO.N a-a to
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  • 355 4 (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, May 2. T*HE share market was inclined to ease yesterday and a fair number of tin shares came on offer, mostly in the dollar section. Petallng offered at $9.80 and Batu Selangor had sellers at
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  • 160 4 Gulhrie's Weekly Report Good Demand At Auction IN a weekly report on the rubber market, issued yesterday, Guthrie and Co.. Ltd. write The local market has befn quiet but steady, london remains more or less quiet but firm. New York Appears to have be-on active
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  • 57 4 rE following particulars of tin-ore production refer to April: Hours Yardage Plculs ore Hon? Fatt 2,800 Nawng Pet 210 Katu Tin 629 135,000 230 Renon* Consol. 600 224.500 719 Ratmt Basin 439 60.000 335 The estimated cost of the output of Katu Tin was $21,500: of Renong
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  • 371 4 London, May 1. rpHE Stock Exchange to-day was cheerful and dominated by gilt-edged which advanced mefully on sustained reinvestment demand in which Indian loans participated. Home rails also Improved on fair support but apart from tome buying in steel shares other •rctlons mere auiet. Iraq t% per
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  • 478 4 TTHE following donation* to The War 1 Fund are recorded to-day: From Madam Tan Peng- Neo In loving memory of her beloved daughter, Rosalind Tan Hoe Neo 200 Asiatic Staff and Labourers of I Muar River Estate, monthly 140.45 Tamil labour force $89 45. C.
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  • 1295 4 Mincing Lane Denies Price Rise Due To Speculation "SHIPPING POSITION IS THE CRUX OF THE MATTER" (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Mar. 27. I ONDON rubber producing and dealing interests are seriously alarmed lest the present rocketing of prices may tempt the Government to take
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  • 93 4 F rfcUy. M»T t. >•••. Bmm Kcllc > i* -cm inrc i N« IX fi.8.8 hwi 4«~. 41S N« IX E.S.R t»». to vmam *»T 411. 41* GiAQ. RS.B Lak. n Mica >■»? MS I fA Q E.S.& L»*. n> mm* *»r f\ FUTt'U: OUOTATIO.N-.
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  • 80 4 New York, Apr. 30. i UNITED STATES exports of copper In March amounted to 4.013 tons.' as against the February to'al of 9.753 tons, including to Britain 3.175 tons, as against 2.185 tons. There were no shipments to Japan following the embargo and
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 88 4 London. May 1. I P EIGHTS were nominal. President j Roosevelt's call for 2,000.000 tons of i shipping should relieve the general shipping situation but it indicates almost complete government control of worldwide shipping, thus further constricting the open market, which retains only Panamanian and
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 63 4 London, May 1. Tin opened steady. The turnover was j 100 tons. The Ministry's cash seliing limit is £270. 15s. The market was firmer in sympathy with the East and America but business was desultory, awaiting international developments. The market undersold the Ministry's cash selling limit.
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 25 4 New York, May 1. The British Treasury's agent an- ncunces that a further 19 stock and five bond issues were completely i liquidated during: April.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 554 4 "Heaven Help Hitler If We Get Him" London, May 2. THE soft-spoken west country men and women of Plymouth are Just plu:rb mad with Hitler, write* Reuter's special correspondent. Many have lost their homes, their businesses and relatives, but this i» not the overriding consideration. They
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  • 69 4 British Consulate Hit In Japanese Raid l<uuni..ij. May t. CIR Arrh.buii OlMfei X Bnt:sh Ambas- sador tj China, anlved, at I'Jnm::*, capital of Yunnan Province, yesterday by the Burma road. He is on way back to Chtmgkii.,?, after visiting Shanghai and Singapore, and >« continuing his journey to-day. It is
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  • 113 4 Valetta. May 2. MALTA had Its third successive bliU during Wednesday night when heavy damage was caused to civilian property and there were some civilian casualties. A Junkers 88 was shot d'/wn by gunfire. According to an official co;n.nun.qu<, 'lie .•nen-.y came over in
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  • 77 4 i-ondon. May 2. ALTHOUGH he has never before handled a tommy gun the K\i\* during a visit to the Southern command yesterday fc und the "heart" of an entmy soldier silhou«ttc target with the nrst four shots fired from the .shoulder position Lowering the
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  • 151 4 Order Of Running Non-Acceptors Selangor Races rE order of running and nonacceptors at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, the final day of the SPlangor Turf Club's spring meeting, are Race I: Ponies, class 1, div. 1 6 furs Warphan, Hilarity. Race Z: Horses, class 3. div. 2, 0 furs rockets, Deepdene. Jubilee
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 131 4 DO YOU WANT TO HELP THE BRITISH WAR EFFORT? The SIMPLEST and SPEEDrEST way YOU can help WIN THE WAR is to hiw regular DONATIONS to THE WAR FUND during the Current Year Can You Afford $1 per month? Can You Afford $10 per month Can You Afford $100 per
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  • 1374 5 THURSDAY. MAY I, 1941: 4 P.M. MINING B»yer» Sellers Amp-it Tin (41) 3s 3s 6d Austral Amal. (5s) Ca 4Hd 63 9d Austral Malay 33a 6d 34s 6d Ayer Hitam (5s) 17s 4fcd 18s lVd Ayer Weng ($1) .75 .80 Banerln Tin (C) 12s 6d
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  • 129 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prom Our O.vr. Correspondent) London, May 1. /*OMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows with previous quotations In parenthesis KUBBLR: Steady. Spot. 14 116d 14 116d U4d 14';dl June 14 1 16d 14 3 m (14d 14V4d) JulyScpt. 14 U16d 14 3|16d (14d 14%d) Oct.Dec. 14 I|l6d 14
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  • 178 5 MhOi eioat at tiic Genera! Po«; Office as r. lli. TO-DAY Aden air 4 p.m. Sirica aa air 4 p.m. Burma air 4 p.m. Ceylon air 4 p.m. Egjp: air 4 p.m. Great Britain etc air 4 p.m. ""'■a all 4 p.m. Mauritius air 4 p.m.
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  • 228 5 k|JU«C. >I \f I Booki Company UrtOrnt Clow TIM DM* Payable Data IOM1 fat aaandal yeai to daU Batu Selangor 5% May l Kuchai 10% Int. Mar 14 Larut 3d. NO. 23 Apr. 28 LJngui 5% Int. May 16 Pahanir consold. 10% lets tax Apr. IS
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 574 5 PUBLIC NOTICES OVERSLA-CHINK.SE BANKING CORPORATION LTD. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements) HOTICE is hereby (jiven that the Ninth Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company will be held at ltj: Registered Office, China BuikiiiiK, Chulia HI not. Singapore, on Saturday, the 17th day of May. 1941. at 12.00
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    • 274 5 TENDERS TENDER. JOHORE GOVERNMENT. TENI>ERB are invited for tiie tuppiy ana delivery to the site of 9 Nos. Dover Stoves. Alternative prices are to be submitted roc types with boiler attached and without. Biqulrles regarding thii tender are to be directed to the offices of the undersigned Architect*. Tenders are
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    • 760 5 Save fuurscK (roan toroMnt! InitMoa Flit co kill I motquime*. Substitute* are I A often worthless tune- Mitt timrj eren daogerous -"jB and frequently waste your vJSb momey. Flit is solJ ooly in the sealed yellow tin wiih the soldier jod buck 'i jtul. Flit spra/ will not maul *^^^P
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 262 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES 7u-<i»y. H.W. I 20 urn. 8.4 ft.; 2.12 p.m. 7 3 (c. I L.W. 7.54 am. 0.8 ft.; 7. SO p.m. 3.8 ft. To-«norrow H.W. lit am. 8.1 ft.; 3.24 p.m. 6 0 ft. L W. 835 a.m. 1.2 ft.: 8.35 p.m. 4 ft. Sunday. &l» 4
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 202 6 TO-NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT (at 12,10) ALHAMBRA CHINESE REVIEW OF THE '2nd EUROPEAN WAR' Vivid pictures of the European War from 1939 to 1941 TO-DAY Al UAMRRA I 3.15, 6.15 9.15 PKM MEN WITHOUT FEAR... WOMEN WITHOUT SOULS! I *&£k Wi^tP 3f GEORGE BRENT'S finest lAO iv^^^^K ro l e to
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    • 241 6 PAVILION TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 AN OUTSTANDING FRENCH FILM WITH FULL ENGLISH TITLES "MAYERLING" THE GREATEST LOVE-STORY OF ALL TIME with Two Great Stars of the Screen CHARLES BOYER AND DANIELLE DARRIEUX Prices of Admission 3.15 Daily Matinees at 11 a.m. Sunday Moraine DOWNSTAIRS UPSTAIRS SOrts Mete Inc. Tax $1.20
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    • 276 6 HOW loud do you laugh? DO tears roll down your cheeks iT I DO you shake all over k/y'i *J§ TEST yourself V^_>^ f THE funniest picture in 10 years J RE-UNITES Bill Powell and Myma I.ny J^ IT WILL BE THE TALK orTOWN FOB WEEKS At the Cool, Comfortable
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  • 910 7 Many Flights By British Planes To Cover Final B.E.F. Convoys London, May 1. NUMEROUS flights have l*M:n carried out by R.A.F. fijfhters protecting final convoys in the evacuation of British troops from Greece, says a communique issued at the CH.Q., Middle East Command,
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  • 300 7 l."!idtm. May 1. XHF most wirfpxnr<»firf <u»ntimpnt iniL most wiaespieaa sentimem must be relief mingled with wonder that the embarkation from Greece ahouh! have been achieved under such heavy handicaps and in jface of the enemy's avowed intention to destroy
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 174 7 Bangkok, May 1. "I IX) not not know anything about j Thailand recognizing Japan's leadership in the so-called 'new order in Greater East Asia,' declared Mr. Viias Osatanada, Thai Minis- ter without Portfolio and DirectorGeneral of the Thai Publicity Bureau,
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 315 7 1 RAFFLES HOTEL 1 To-night DINNER DANCE (informal) S p.m to midnight Cah-et— THE ASTOR DUO Acrobatic Dancers Dinner $3.00 iNon-diners 51.00 s,t ur a.y Tiff in T.m.-LUNCH IN THE BALLROOM GRILL SPAC1OI 5 COOI. l'.ijsturel served from 12.38 to !.3O p.m. SPECIAL ORCHESTRAL DRCERT by RAFFLES ORCHESTRA Saturday Night
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    • 338 7 Straits Times z 1/4/41 reviewing Midnight Premiere "The genius of John Ford, the director, was never more apparent than in this picture" CATHAY 3is TO e? s AT IS PHONE 3400 A great human story of the t «r»i aha heroism of the British |H 6 LONG Merchant crews who
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  • 1022 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. MAY 2, 1941 (607th Day Of The War.) SOME SURPRISES FOR MR. MATSUOKA Tokio's persistence in putting out "feelers" as to the reception which would await Mr. Matsuoka if he decided to visit Washington may be j taken as evidence of considerable perplexity in the
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 869 8 Points Which Perplex The Civilian f To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir. —Your correspondent. "Volunteer", seems to be "working off steam" against someone* or something, t His tirade is of too vehement a nature and he exhorts us too often to learn how to kill.
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    • 125 8 Cheers For Nirom, Howls For Singapore To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—l made the remark before the I! Prime Minister's speech that we should hear the first relay from Nirom. as before. And sure enough we did! Nirom lias a much more intricate programme than Singapore, and
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    • 386 8 Problem Could Be Solved By Law To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—l refer to the speech on indebtedness made by Mr A W W. Ker at the last meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners It is in the faint hope that Mr K< r' nppeal will r.ct
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    • 316 8 Cases Where Higher Charge Is Justified To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—Kindly permit me to comment < on the report headed Dog Licence Fee Not to be Increased." Mr. T. W. Ong's contention that the i increase would hit the poor who keep 1 dogs out
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    • 209 8 "We Want To Do Our Bit—But How?" To the Editor ot the Straits Times j t Sir,—I have read your leader of yes-: terday with great interest. It is re- s gretted that you should confine yourself only to European Volunteers, for the remarks contained in your leader apply
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    • 891 8 Some Lines Of Thought For The Despondent To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—The publication of enemy claims together with the Brit sh official announcements is a peculiar leature of our daily newspapers. The system is a fair and Just attcmnt on the part of the authorities to
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    • 79 8 To the Editor of the Straits limes Sir,—The scrap week "Dump It Here" i lanners are very compelling. I would J Ike to suggest that the Anson Road I lump should be swelled by the uddi- 1 ion cf the old sun which must weigh 1 0
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    • 356 8 i A Merchant On Felling Methods To the Editor of the Straits Times I Sir, Afler reading the le;ter by Mr. I Theodore Hubback on wasteful met thods of felling Umber, «nd criticizing the Forcit Deparlnunt. I feel a reply j is called for. Mr. Hubback may or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 203 8 The New 1941 FISK RADIO ■■Miaw**? 2£ft«Mk^^^Bß* HK I SBk I «3L BBw ■HHMta^ri^Bl Table Model 702 for AC operation Quality, Power Performance combined with Simplified Band spread makes this an ideal radio. Price Slio.oo (or cash or 13 payments of $18 ('misult our Shoicroom EMERSON'S 29, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE
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    • 60 8 GULBERTSOVS CONTRACT BRIDGE FOR AUCTION PLAYERS by Ely Culbertson. The standard book on bridge for all Players Beginners, and Advanced. Every point in modern and up-to-date Contract fully tt simply explained with a handy detachable Pocket Outline. Price only $3.00. POST FREE. G. 11. KIAT A CO., LTD.. 6 8,
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  • 526 9 New Minister For Plane Production BEAVERBROOK HANDS OVER TO MOORE-BRABAZON Transport And Shipping Ministries Merged IMPORTANT changes in the British Cabinet were officially announced last night. The changes involve the appointment of a new Minister for Aircraft Production and of a High Commissioner to the Commonwealth
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  • 156 9 New Thrust From Soll um Soon? Cairo, May 2. IN the Sollum area inside the Enyp.ian Frontier, enemy forces appear to be keyed up for an advance Only small forces are concentrated there, however, and they are being constantly subjected to harassing moves by British units. Similarity to the Italian
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  • 36 9 Washington, May 1. THE "two-ocean" Navy bill passed the Senate to-day. The bill, which now only awaits President Roosevelt's signature to become law. provides for a naval expenditure of $3,415,521,750.-
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  • 76 9 New York, May 1. tfTfIEKE is no sentiment (or peace among the English people," said Major-Gen. Henry Arnold, chief of the United States Army Air Corps, on his return to New York to-day by clipper from England, where he has been on a visit
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 342 9 London, May 2. LJITLER'S next moves, writes Gen. Sir Hubert Gough, Reuter's military commentator, are likely to be: Firstly, a drive to capture the Suez by reinforcing, if possible, his troops in Libya, and at the same time a heavy concentrated attack on
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  • 150 9 iirORK is progressing on the estabW lishment of air bases in the Greek i archipelago, states the Rome corres- pondent of the Stockholm Journal Svenska Dagbladot. Italy, he adds, 1 will prohablv allow the Germans to use seme of the Dodecanese islands as they have
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  • 311 9 London, May 2. ALL ships, including American warships, are liable to German attack within Germany's proclaimed war zones, according to an official German declaration, reports the Berlin correspondent of the Stockholm newspaper Dagens Nyheter. This applies, continues the declaration, irrespective of whether
    Reuter  -  311 words
  • 1046 9 London, May 2. THE British Empire forces in Greece were snatched to safev ty at the last minute from the very wheels of the German j juggernaut, cables Reuter's special correspondent evacuated with the British forces from Greece. Superhuman efforts by
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  • 5207 9 "The Battle Of Britain" WHEN 185 NAZIS WERE SHOT DOWN ON "GREATEST DAY" AFTER Goering's Luftwaffe had failed to destroy th> British fighter aerodromes and squadrons in the grea. air battles of August and September, the German squadrons were switched to attacks on London.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 9 9 OTHER CABLES in pages 4, 7, 10 and 16
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    • 129 9 B pardon us for plowing our awn Trumpet hut 5 C 5 SAUSAGES are good Everything is done to make S.C.S. Sausages Ww -a^J^x^H the finest, tastiest. V jt mo6t tempting Sausages Wm W you can buy. Only -y delicious tender meat Is W used expertly -l *£!»>-^«c^SS<lf ML blended
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  • 630 10 Monthly Contributions Are Feature Of To-day's List SERANGOON TAXI-DRIVERS' GIFT FOR "WAR PURPOSES" CONTRIBUTIONS to The War Fund are again numerous to-day and the total is carried to $5,355,219. Monthly contributions are a feature of the latest list of acknowledgments, and there are also
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  • 151 10 Cinema Show To Aid War Fu nd ARRANGEMENTS have now been I roniplet< d for the special War Fund performance of the film I This Thing Called Love "at the Pivilion Theatre Tuesday. M. y 13. and the lime Ml p.m. 'i In- Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas
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  • 53 10 YUGOSLAV SHI PS TO GO TO BRITISH OR U.S. PORTS tendon u»> i i^naon. Hay i. THE,,f^cwl?« mt!r« e "<*" Usued a Britisn AJmlralty anrK,uncemr,nt •shlpTare to a!I instructions emanatinj from Vojaslavia. All Yugoslav ships are under the orders of the Government which direct* Ukw a: n to British ot
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 27 10 MATSI OKA INDISPOSED R yj(mi[e jianie >or4n iOT Mtnlater. *as slight^ Indisposed yeitcrday. Mid cons«iufntly a conference between Mie cabinet and defence chiefs had to be postponed.—P.euter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 161 10 THE first air line connection between Jiie United States and Singapore will be inurirated to-day when a Pan-American Airways Clipper leaves San Francisco and links up with the new extension from Manila, says Renter* San Francisco corespondent. A Civil Aeronautics Authority order signed by President
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  • 132 10 Progress Made With Big Scheme Hyderabad (Deccan), May 2. THE Nizam Government's technical training centre at Kachiguda (one of the nine selected by thi Raj to turn out 2,000 mechanics yearly for the Indian Air Force) has shown excellent results, Reuter's special correspondent. The b'hemc biM been
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 134 10 At The Cinema "The Lone 07,13 c Hwne" I Joan I Wayne. Thonuu Mitchell) I'nitrd \rtteu. I At the Cathay Theatre JOHN WAYNE as Ole Oken. a strapping I young Swede and Thomas Mitchell a* Driscoll. big bluff Irishman. Qgure pramlii1 ently In
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  • 75 10 Not a prize -giving, but a collection of tome of the more valuable articles contributed to the Singapore drive jor salvage and scrap. Silver trays, beer mugs and even a sports cup Jound their way to the Central Collecting Depot. There are also a pair of binoculars,
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  • 234 10 Latest Cables Cairo Spokesman On Withdrawal SPLENDID SPIRIT OF TROOPS Cairo, May 2. T*HE British and Imperial Army which withdrew against ovet whelming forces in Greece was practically :ntact, in spite of really hard fighting up to the time a reached Termopylae Pass, according to
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 80 10 the Dutch -Unn<-n who. he aaid. dnce uut June had ocen pUtjins part tn th- c«u«ciei.i »»<**» '^h Uie Coital Cominao.l ke«P' "ouniJ BriUnh coat-U and shipping for whlch they w rr we" fltt/<1 by t! 'c';' pe~*toi> tritataf among the Dutch Wand-. "Thpy h»»e rmder^J
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  • 269 10 London, May 1. HESPATCHES which hare just been received from the u Kritrean front pay a high tribute to the bravery of the Indian troops in the capture of the fortress of Keren, the natural defensive position set among soaring hills. Along a road
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  • 345 11 Men Of 41 To 55 Years Will Be Required To Register MAY BE CALLED UPON TO SERVE IN CIVIL DEFENCE SERVICES TO recruit men for the Passive Defence Services in the Colony, the Government has given effect to a scheme by which every male Briton
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  • 21 11 MR M. H. Blacker has been appointed Director cf Passive D?fence Services for the district of Kuala Pilah.
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  • 222 11 Soldier A Naval Officer's Car A STORY of how an Australian soldier is alleged to have commltt- cd a traffic offence while driving a car belonging to a Naval officer, was told in the Singapore traffic court yesterday. The soldier, J. Spencer, 29. w^s not present in
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  • 202 11 Japanese Fined In Singapore Court A 20-YEAR-OLD Japanese, Shigeru Ohtake, pleaded guilty In the Singapore third court yesterday to a charge of offering $2 to T. Savari Ra], a clerk attached to the Registration of Aliens Office in Singapore, on Apr. 24. Outlining the case for
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  • 102 11 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 1. j I*. OKUBO, a Japanese employed as anti-malarial inspector by the i Kuala Selangor Sanitary Board, was j found hanging in his house yesterday evening. He was about 33 years of age and had 15 years service. He
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  • 75 11 MR. Herbert Morris Lancaster, director of productions of The March Bl Time film company In London, has arrived in Singapore en route to India I to film India's war preparedness. Mr. Lancaster will stay here two cr thre? weeks ond may also take films lof
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  • 45 11 rE Accoontant-General, S.S. Mr. W. C. Hodees, announces that a further ram of $730,523-43 has been paid to tbe Imperial Treasury Chest Officer, Singapore, being proceeds of war taxation for the prosecution of the war collected last November and December.
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  • 221 11 "First Case Of Its Kind" At Assizes QLNTENCE of four months' rigorous imprisonment was passed at the Singapore Assizes yesterday on H. F. Stalley, 60-year-old European civil and mechanical engineer convicted on a charge of abetting the offence of incest by a young Sinhalese boy and
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  • 571 11 Malayan Force To Make Gift "As Sign Of Admiration" AS a sign of their admiration for the courage displayed by the London "Bobbies" in the Battle of Britain, Malayan policemen— both officers and rank and file are subscribing for a fully equipped mobile canteen to
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  • 122 11 New York. May 1. PRINCESS JULIANA broadcasting In Dutch on her 32nd birthday, expressed thank* for the good wishes received from all part* of the world. She said: "The Netherlands tricolour stin files just as before on all the world seas despite treacherous attacks from sea
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 95 11 AN increase in the number of deaths from tuberculosis, the principal cause of mortality in Singapore, is shown in the figures for the week ending Apr. 26 over those of the previous week. While 36 persons died from this disease in the previous week. 39 died frcm
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  • 43 11 ALICE CARRARD. pianist of great European reputation, will broadcast from Singapore to-night from 8.35 to 9 p.m. Her programme will consist of Danse Macabre (Saint Saens—Liszt), Rhapsody in C major iDohnanyi) and Chopin's famous Berceuse, op. 57.
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  • 42 11 A CHINESE lorry driver was killed and two Indian gunners of th?' Royal Artillery were injured in a triple i collision between a lorry, a military j truck and a taxi at Bukit Timah Road yesterday.
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  • 25 11 SGT. J. F. Draper, D.5.0., M.C., M M., has been appointed Second Lieutenant in th; Local Defence Corps of Selangor
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  • 320 11 'Moulded Buckets' Prove A Success ANOTHER "new use" for rubber, and a fresh avenue of employ- merit for local labour —that is the official verdict on rubber buckets for conservancy purposes, after full test by F.M.S. Sanitary Boarc s. The first experiments were rried I out
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  • 82 11 .CAMERA AN APPLICATION that the case oe heard in camera was made by the poiice in the Singapore thj'd court yesterday before Mr. L. C. lioh, when a youthful Chinese. Chins Kee Joe. ?p.pcared on a charee of having in his possession at the Naval
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 112 11 I I T* a h B LmM During the reign of Jf msT Louis XIV, bands of Hugenols left France Bfl V^t&^sJ C ill and settled at the Cape, F ]j^^ CWj HJK&rJ^r *-^B South Africa. fl They drought with l hem the knowledge of Wh^Lg&jßKjßjßp^^'Jß wne planting and wine
      112 words
    • 81 11 NEW SMART NEW SPORTSWKAK <£"- r """^^fißfek Model ***** jf&^ *jf* *qt f// V The beauty of pure wool 'IL anil angora has that quality [< of permanence which is an Bfek\fe r < absolute necessity. Delightr« j ful sweaters, jerkins and Vl UPt** cardigans tailored in smooth tojfcfcjfe.,. *m
      81 words

  • 1330 12 Lawyers Testify Regarding Presents For Deepavali l£ KANAGASABAI, 48-year-old Tamil interpreter attached to the civil district court, a position which he stated he had held for 15 of his 29 years in Government service, was acquitted yesterday by Mr. J. L. Mc'/all, criminal district judp;e.
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  • 831 12 Warden's Story Of Missing Van Involved In 'Bro wn-out' Mishap A LLEGED to have been the driver of a van which crashed into the back of a motor-cycle and then into an oncoming car on Kallang Bridge during a "brown-out" period on the night of Jan. 23, Lav Peck Jin.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 339 12 YOU cm be health/ and grace- -KJk- -Jj^| I fullf slim ffithout starvation |k> '<£§H B diet or violent exercises if you _H A follow the golden rule of taking two Bile Beans regularly every BB 1 Bile Beans make you feel better B^ in yourself the following day. I
      339 words
    • 254 12 c s lies"'I Mm Wfm'' w bbb\ jCL^ lt£^ aBB^ fa j Baala>kM^aVJ v B^r T 1 make all the difference \^Jr BJ 1 find u»: is you do. uut Oina 'A' I The}- xc 1 reallr Bala%*Bj wok! Cdlaalliai wraanad PACKETS ai |Q And h»« you nocccd th: O.«n
      254 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 257 13 •'CHNABEL THE LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Concerto in C Maj. (K477) (Mozart) DB8355 58. TOKOWSKI THILADELTHIA ORCHESTRA Symphony No. 5 in E Min. (New World) (Dvorak) DB7911 15. ?;in>hony No. 5 in E Min. Op. C4 (Tchaikovsky) DB79«5/1«. >.ymi»hony No. 8 in B Min. (Unfinished) (Schubert) D7375/77. UA( nMANINOFF (piano) KREISLER
      257 words
    • 389 13 yW /correct clothes by winter are \fi m not an expensive luxury VM m but a luxurious economy. m I H.B.WINTER (I In 2O» BATTERY ROAD .SINGAPORE |O VAv Makers of fine clothes The results of taking 'Phyllosan' are: "a sensation of general well-being, disappearance of mental depression and fatigue,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 266 14 G U IVB S .EED?... FORHAN'S can save them! Weak, flabby gums invite pyorrhoea that dread disease that often At Ar Only For ban \s causes even sound teeth to loosen M original ■ndfallout. Atthefirstsignof bleed- m dentifrice con- ing gums, play safe! Give them. tains a special regular massage
      266 words
    • 620 14 Why U she .so romantic so ai>rartiv* so different? From the first dance to the last encore she remains her cool, captivating self. She has a Crcme Simon complexion. But why envy her— when you can so easily ma':e yours different too CREME SIMON, the different skinfood used a different
      620 words

  • 1384 15 Final Day Of Selangor Turf Club's Spring Meeting T ORD Worlington and Shoot Up should be the best bets at Kuala Lumpur to-morrow, the final day of the Selangor Turf Club's Spring meeting. Both ran good seconds on the first day of the
    1,384 words
  • 39 15 Soccer: BA.F.A. league, first divi-i in, SRC vs. Police, s.adium; sc-ond division (a), R.E. (Malays) vs. R.A.S.C, Chan;i; second division (b), S.C.F.A. vs. Indian Association 5.H.8.; Airport vs. J.C.S.A., J.C.S.A. Tennis: SC.C, V.M.C.A. and S.C.R.C. tournaments.
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  • 739 15 Seletar Team's Fine Fighting Spirit R.A.F. 3; Malays 2. TIIK first division game at Ansor 1 Road stadium yesterday botweer 1 th Royal Air Force and the Malay! was a dud all the way through between a team of hard, determined i R.A.F. players and eleven
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  • 34 15 DLAYINQ on the Clerical Union ground yesterday, the Customs beat the Fort Conning by two goals to nil Id a fast and interesting »econd division (b), league soccer match.
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  • 268 15 Colours 5; Whites 1. i J>HK Urst of a series of trial matches arranged for the purpose of selecting a combined Businrjs Homes' loa^ue team to meet a first dhision league team in a MM match in aid of The War Fund was
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  • 41 15 London, May Z. •T"IIE new One Thousand Guineas, run yesterday, resulted 1(4/8 Dancing Time (Perrrman) 1 7/1 Beau Site (H. Wrassi 2 11/ l Keystone (Gordon Richards) 3 Thirteen ran. Won by length, two lengths.
    41 words
  • 130 15 R.E. (Palaa B»ni) 7; PablUhcn 1. "JHIE K.E. (PaUa Brani) mw«I a convincing victory tvtr the Publishers fcjr beating them by snra (mil- to one in a second division (a) leacue torcrr Hzlore on the T .M.C.A. groaiMI yeaterd As the score suggests, the Sappers were
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  • 146 15 TTHE following are thia week-end* 1 events at the Royal Singaporf Yacht Club: To-day there will be the u-ual afternoon races for all classes, starting at 5.23 p.m. for "A" class and 5 25 p m for other classes. To-mcrrow "B" class will sail
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  • 230 15 RESULTS of ties played yesterday in the Y.M.C.A open, the S.C.C Spring and the S.CJl.C. spring lawn tennis tournaments are givon b^low AT THE Y.M.t.A. Results of ties played at the Y.M.C.A. are: Open an'i doaMea: Yadi and Kamls beat I. A. Ateagoff and M. I. Rrshty,
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  • 281 15 Alexandra Cricket •pHE Singapore Fortress Signals scored aa easy victory over the Coast R ttiment, R A. In a cricket match played at Alexandra yesterday. This was the Signals' fourth consecutive victory. The Const Regiment, who baited first were <llsmL--<d for 89. The Signals passe-1 this total
    281 words
  • 148 15 rIE following ties la the Ql Badminton championships will bo played th:> week-end at the Clerical Union hu'J. TO-MORROW. ,»T ■>:-, Llm Jlak Kim <A AU> vs. Hye iA.A.U.); Goh Kong; Lim 'AA.U > vs. B<b Guek AAV.': Tan Sim Wan (Devonshire i vs. C.
    148 words
  • 37 15 pr \YINO in the srmi-flnal at th? Navy Cup, I I. Toulthard. R.A O.C hoi d ou', «ne at the second hole, a distance of ISO yards, «t ihe GwriaoQ OoU Club last Saturday.
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  • 1230 15 Singapore Sides Will Take Heart From 1927 Feat THREE cricket matches of major importance will be 1 played in Malaya thi.s week-end. Singapore will be the venue of one of these, perhaps the most important for its very novelty, that between the Australian Imperial
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 83 15 MOTION, SMITH SON, LTD. for Theodolites Levels Prismatic Compasses Clinometers Planimeters Drawing Instruments and Materials Nautical Instruments Watch Clock Instrument repairs 15. BATTERY ROAD Always tru .t the name of "GOLD LEAF." The rood looks ot the 'OOLD LEAF" packet in more than a surface finish. It is the outward
      83 words
    • 23 15 ORDER OF RUNNING •yHE order of running' and non- acceptors for to-morrow's races will he found in PAGE FOIK if rueivcd in time.
      23 words
    • 153 15 HYDRAULIC AUTOMOBILE LIFTS FOR CARS TRUCKS. Free Wheeling t MODEL Mil lift capacity 8.000 lbs. Ptliar diameter 10 Vi" single Pillar operating air '*^S5 i pressure 150 lb. Rail length 16 feet, rail beam t O»*^J 6' x SI." platform J feet 4<i" Price SIM L, fet MODEL MM Ult
      153 words

  • 318 16 ENEMY IN LIBYA POUNDED BY R.A.F. NAVY AXIS FORCES PIERCE OUTER DEFENCES OF TOBRUK Many Tanks Support Infantry In Nightlong Attack On Fortress Cairo, May 1 TJEAVY casualties were inflicted on enemy troops ami severe <!ainagc caused to motor transport in CyrenaJca yesterday, slates to-day's R.A.F. Middle East conmiiiniuuc. A
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • 121 16 Stockholm, May 1. THE prediction that the main attack by the Axis forces against Egypt will come from inland po nts is made to-dav by Col. Brat, Swedish military expert. thSTg &rff ag&ffSS'lAg; operations around Sollum represent resumplion of their offensive. They are more likely intended to
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  • 81 16 Stockholm, May 1. "CWEDEN has no sec et political agreement with any country or Government" declared the Prime Minister, M. Uansson, speaking at a Stockholm May Day demonstration. M. Hansson added that Sweden was free from any alliances. Swedish foreign policy, he
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  • 271 16 More Forces Landed At Basra London. May 1. pOLLOWING the landing of British forces at Basra for the purpose of opening up communications in that country, in accordance with the terms of the Anglo-Iraq treay, certain concentrations on the part
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  • 64 16 Gibraltar Evacuation To Continue 1 Gibraltar. May 1. THK Governor intends to con1 tinae the evacuation schem« when necessary and only civilian* vital to def*n-e of the fortress will remain, si. a Government notice I issued hire yesterday. This is purely a precautionary measure, it is emphasised. Applications for voluntary
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  • 172 16 Enemy Tentacles Now Reaching Out To Syria London, May 1. I T*HE defensive dispositions of the 1 Turks have been greatly modified by German occupation of certain Aegean islands, cables the Istanbul correspondent of the Independent French agency. Turkish attention is now concentrated on the Smyrna
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  • 46 16 (Straits Times Special Cable) Sydney, May 1. REPLYING to criticism regarding export of lead to Japan. Mr. E. J. Harrison, Minister for Customs, said that export was authorhsd of a certain ciuantity not required by Australia and the Empire.
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  • 194 16 G London, May 1. REAT BRITAIN has *nade strong representations to the German Government against reprisals taken against British war prisoners in Germany although this is forbidden by the Prisoners of War Convention. An official announcement to-day states that news has reached the
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  • 261 16 Berlin Queries Moscow About Big Concentration Of Planes New York, May 1. DUSSIA is reported to be taking extensive steps to stiffen the already strong Soviet forces in the Ukraine, Poland and Estonia, according to a Berne toles^ra 1 to the New York
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  • 119 16 Finnish Statement On German Troops Moves v London. May 1. HE Finnish legation in London to- day Issued an offlclal statement which confirms the arrival ol German i troops in Finland but says that the reported number of 12.000 is grossly exaggerated. They are, says the Finnish state- ment. merely
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  • 68 16 QUISLING ACT MAY CAUSE STRIKE IN NORWAY rr-OT q I -in. „.u,~Hti M L °i'if iO N™^J hi». T/HK Q Ui .sung authorities In Norway have appointed at least one unqual Aed person as superintendent of a hospitaU accord- Ing to the Norwegian telegraph agency This has resulted In the
    68 words
  • 105 16 Te rrific Power Of New R.A.F. Bombs THE "fantastic" destructive power of the R.A.F.'s new bombs are shown by reports from £mden, ■ays an Air Ministry news service. One bomb dropped recently near an Kmden post office turned the whole of that part of the town into a heap of
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  • 341 16 8,000 Prisoners Taken At Dessie. Large Stocks Of A THIS C 7 Supplies Abandoned Dessie, May 1. nP<rnn>.r J ITALIAN prisoners taken at IM capture Of Dess'.f, SO far COUntCC "ft 1 B;°2w\ Enemy dead numberert at least 400. The capture of tne town was achiev- -_»ir _i_ hv q,-,,,*},
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  • 90 16 London, May 1. F1S German navnl nase of Ku I m the main target of k.A.F. bomtK-ra last night, states the British Air Jilr.Lstry. It adds that targets at Berlin, Hamburg and Emden vere also attacked. The raid on Kiel was accomplished without loss, announces
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  • 102 16 London, May 1. RUMOURS of intended British intervention in Spain and Portugal ara devoid of foundation, declared Mr. R. A. Butler, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in the House of Commons to-day They were put out by Qermaa propaganda agencies with the object of stirring
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 81 16 5» »S«la^ <iiirHtf^tr^M naiif fit 1» r-- i innr^iirJ S>u/imminq /^^i vCLtn A SNOWCRETE finish for the face of a swimming bath or pool is economical in cost and maintains an appearance of cleanliness. The finish can be either in the form of a smooth rendering, cast in-situ at the
      81 words