The Straits Times, 25 February 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 205 1 k iONG S^ART TAILORING Ntft mi «V*»i ||m ir >«i«»— fi«-%r« Mavaa BL < riMM a\« U 'el PJbbbvj lirfil Si Iw lv r^H bbi ivo» '^^g VjJ BjjHHHHajBBJBJBBDJ^B^B^H^Bk fJH H irt\l* 1 Qf jt ay^ bbW^L. I kotcmwmim<* \>r& 1 avßaW. J 1 cv.»v»o" lA^ *"*I^BB 5 B^B^. THE
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    • 102 1 ■f^la^Ba**^^^^^ MALAYA m~^ a^^*^^"fSSaa**^B*r >^**^*^V ROBINSON CO., LTD. "ii""i i i*^ SINGAPORE 253 -41-47* I No ROOM is so dark or enclo««d that H can't be made cheerful and bright a room in which to rest peacefully. Hall's Distemper is the ideal wall finish for the modern home. Made In
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    • 78 1 ELSIE MARY Cattery Road. Dressei for All Occasion For Health and Vigour always Delicious OV/ILTINE CYDER /AVJ Ml ?t>r a clean, tifi.Ujy, i*uo rcl;e«*>-/-■J n\ int drtnJt. Whliewmrs Crif tkkM /^l a lot oc bekttng. "4\ We can ofler yo« •> Una tetwUni °< WWUw»y'» atwUlnc Crd«n -.-SV '"i-Sfck** ><■*
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    • 36 2 ANNOUN CEMENT Ovtnc to Um forthcoming Passlw DtfnM* Eurctae*. thr w.-ddtne of Mm Own Ortfflth-Jaon and Mr. John PiCr-.rrlnc will inkr plur at 5 p m. on Tuesday. March nstcftd of March 7th. a* prniouftl) arrancrd.
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    • 99 2 Mr. and Mn. Gouilay sincerely thank all these kind friends who sympathj—d with th**ni In their recent bereavement Mr. Tta Perk Jim and family gratefully thank friends and relative* for their tel'^rsms. h-tter?. wreaths, scrolls and valuable assistance. The family of the laU> Mr Low Chla Henp of Chop
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 544 2 She Straits (limes SMALL APS? Minimum charge $1. far advt aat eaeaailac 4 aaav 25 cent* per line (Six words) i Boy, No. 25 cents e<tra. DOMESTIC OCCtmSEMCEfI BIBTHS. MUUUAGE*. DEATHS. M KNOWLKDCMBNTb. ANNOUNCE* MUWTS 89 FFC CARDS are charged S3 «mb par Imi Uim par laeh Over 1 ask
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    • 900 2 DOGS PUB tar mrt dogs 840, Miches 83* Oan ship toStngapert Middle ar end March. A*e Ms or seven wetfcs. Apply waH poadhle Wiwiaauiii. Christsaas Maod. FOR SALE TO* SALS. $1 MO. No. 3 Jalaa Pasir. 7\ miles Bast Coast Boad. Newly bwllt house. t bedrooms 4k usual offices, electric
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    • 741 2 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET OFFICES at 1 and «-A Prince 8t and t= Raffles Place. Apply Koo Chew Kee, 139 KUUney Road. TO LET. Ground Floor at 2nd Floor ot No 4. D Ahnejda Street Apply 8. Manaswr Co. No 4-A. DAlmeida Street. TO UT SPACIOUS UIGn AND AlKl OtTrCES.
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    • 904 2 PUBLIC NOTICE N. V. BOEDOEK-SERANTAK MLJNBOUW MAATSCHAPPLJ. t Boedoek-Seranta* Mmmc Coy. Ltd SINGKAWANG. NOTICE is hereby given that on: Tataiay 15th April 1941 at It A.M. the annual general meeting of shareholders will be held at the company's Office, Pasar Babi No. 1. Singkawang, Dutch West Borneo. Agenda: Submission for
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    • 502 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETC. MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs. HARU and Miss KANA. 60. WATERLOO STREET. Telephone 7467. "Musings of J.5.M.8." A aaiall unsold stork of "Maateffa J.S.M.R. (Mostly Malayan >' by J.S.M. Reanie, one of the oldest Earopran resident* of Malaya, with a foreword b? HA. the ..ullan of
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    • 147 2 USED CARS READY FOR GOOD SERVICE A used rar is only as dependable) as the dealer who sells It. 1937 Wolseley *25' Saloon $1,404 1936 Ford V-8 Saloon 51.000 1938 Fora '8' Saloon (As Is) $1,300 1935 Chevrolet Saloon Fitted with New Suspension I' nit* 825 193ti Ford f Saloon
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  • 32 3 Happy London MUM mothers as v 11 us < '.ii.dr.-n in an Essex village hold a party, parts of whkh were br-v-denst in the 8.8.C. 's short wave overseas s»rv'.ce.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 371 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 P. ft 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. I lftcorDoratro ir> teclaiid i ■IUWJLAM ANU ORIENTAL 8 N Co MAIL. PAMSMOm AND CAROO SERVICE The b«st possible services are being maintained by the P O S N Coy from he Straits to their usual ports of call
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    • 199 3 incorDoraied la Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGKNTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA Through fairs lo North America to Europe via America and Round lours in the Pacific quoted in I S. on application. To California from the Orient via Honolulu lea Manila lea. R lcons tJ ITTTTA
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    • 596 3 For A Holiday Embodying the Maximum of Enjoyment and comfort visit ALBANY WESTERN AUSTRALIA Average Temperature: 74 Degs. Albany's reputation as a health and pleasure resort Is an enduring one, endorsed by thousands of Visitors annually. The port also serves a rich and productive Hinterland producing export Lambs. Primary Products
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 843 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE /ill 13.33 me/* I C2S n.i ZHP1 0M me (30.M m.) ZHP3 1.25 mc/t (41.3S en.) (ZHL /.HPli 5 p.m. Modern Mandarin Musict; 5.40 pjn. News In Cantonese; 5 55 p.m. Hokkien Musict; 6.05 p.m. News In Hokkien; 6.2'J p.m. News In English. Relayed from London; 6.35
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    • 866 3 EMPIRE STATION EASTERN TRANSMISSION will be radiated to Malaya on: GSF— 19.82 metres (15.15 m/cs) and GiiQ 16.K6 metres (17.79 m/ca) from CIS p.m. to R.50 p.m. GSB— 31.53 metre* 19.51 m/cs) and GSO 34.53 metres (11.75 rc, on) from 9.03 i»jn. to 11.50 p.m. NORTH AMKBKW TRANSMISSION 95.4« am.
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  • 362 4 London. Feb. 24. IJNCKRTAINTIK8 r««ardtn« the tltuaUoo L-. LH# itelkas^Ba Twm&rlrt+A Mtt^rrwi^* jui the stock Bantn—i to-day and onesntonslly prices *ltpped »w»y bat the ■ndertoae m •ound Industrials dtapluii some lrrefulartty •Mi Home rail*, after meet** early buyfew. reacted ob pcnflt-Uktof oUa occasionaUy weakened. Asaonc Fardtn Bonds,
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  • 26 4 London, Feb. 24 THE condition of ex-King Alfonso, who is in a critical state from heart trouble, is uncharged, according to a Rome report.
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  • 179 4 THE following are tt. Quarterly operating results of Un producing romnanies under the mana^nmic of London Tin Corpc ration Ltd. for the laat quarter of 1940: Output Including The estimated mine profit Is from permit, ted quota sales before providing depreciation and overhead charges. umrrjover
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  • 64 4 Aden. Feb. 24. THE aerodrome and buildings at Addis Ababa, capital of Abyssinia, w;re extensively damaged by RAJ". in a ra d, according to an R.A.F. communique. Transport in the Alomata area was bombed and machine-gunned, and I lcrries were damaged and casualties; to
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 272 4 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. M Oav.vny DtrMend C!om D»t» TIN Payable Austral Malay M. 9d. bonus Mar. 4 Mar. 14 Austral Amal. 3d. IVid. bonus Hong Fatt 14% final Mar. 1 Mar. 10 Hong Fatt 10% int. Mar. 1 Mar. 10 Hongkong Tin 22
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  • 105 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Feb. 24. PRESIDING at the annual general meeting of Southern Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd. in London yesterday. Mr. C. V. Stephens, the chairman, urged a reduction in the 100 per cent. Excess Profits Tax, comb'ned with the compulsory loan cf
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  • 126 4 London, Feb. 24. rAT It would be at least September before we found American production effective from the British point of Ylew was the opinion expressed by Sir Walter Citrine, general secretary of the Trades Union Congress, who has returned to London after a three
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 174 4 rbe following tn the vteaum* ntea Oik morning according co the dally circular isme-. by the Hongkon* and Shanghai »"inii OoTDoraUoo:— ■MM ujjioon r.t. a/« i/ie Lordon demand a/4 1/10 SwlUerland (T.T. only) 202.46 New York demand 47.10 Montreal demand 61.85 Batavia demand 88.71 Samarang demand 88 58 Calcutta
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  • 567 4 Better Tendency In Tin And Rubber Shares (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Feb. 25. TTHE share markets yesterday exper- ienced a broadening inquiry for tin and rubber shares and the turnover was greater than for several days past. Sellers were more reserved and in the tin section
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  • 56 4 IT is believed here that the International Rubber Refutation Committee at its meeting: in London to-day, will continue the exportable allowance at 100 per cent.' for the second quarter in order to meet as quickly as possible the emergency requirements of Great Britain and the
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  • 107 4 Rice quoted per koyan 46 pieuls. Other commoditK-* quoted per picul except where otherwise stated. Singapore, Feb. 25. Buyers :Jejwi Gambler 7.50 Hamburg Cube $12.50 Java Cube 112.00 Mixed $2.25 Sun Dried $2.50 Pepv« White Muntok $13.75 White $13.25 Black $6.75 S«ct Flour No 1 Llnrea $5.00
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  • 60 4 To-day H.W. 10.20 a.m. 9.3 ft.: 11.25 p.m. 8 8 ft. L.W. 4.35 a.m. 3.8 ft; 5.03 p.m. 08 ft. To-met row H.W. 10.01 a.m. 8.6 ft; 11.52 p.m. 9 ft. L.W. 5.09 a.m. 3.4 ft: 5.36 p.m. 0.9 ft. Thursday Feb. 2*7 H.W. 11.38 ajn. ».5
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  • 124 4 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prom Our Own Corrcsponaenn ■11. Feb. 24. pOMMODITY and Exchange Mftafcj nosed v a* rouowa with previous quotations in naren thesis-— KIKHKK: Firm. Spot 13d 13% d (1115 1M 13 MM) 'April 13 I 16d 133'1M (12 15 16u 13 1 Kid) JulySept. 13 1 lild 13 3
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  • 103 4 London, Feb r)-DAY'S tin prcflt-taking account ed for relatively little of the bull account. It is believed that most holders are still awaiting higher pbut might hurriedly liquidate if the Far Eastern tension subsided It is rumoured that the butter pool might release some
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 91 4 Tuesday, Feb. SS, noon. dayers Seller* Prices ITice» No IX K.S S (Spot loose) m% 3«X No IX R.S.S. fob in cases Feb.-Mar. (Sellers opti I 3C B i G.FA.Q. R.S.S f.o b. bi Bale* Feb.. Mar. (Sellers option) S6\ 3<J', F.A.Q R.S.S fob. to
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  • 112 4 rom Our Own Correspondent) London, Fob. u* The following are to-day's "bid" quotation* for Fixed Tru&ts: s. d. BriUsh Empire "A" not available British Empire "B" not available British Empire Cumulative not available British Empire C'prehenslve not aval'ablo British General "A" 14 o British Oeoerml "B" 11 6xd
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  • 147 4 TIN IN ALASKA From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 4. MALAYAN tin mining shareholders have long accustomed themselves to greet with equanimity claims that reach them of tin-bearing areas likely to constitute serious rivals to Malaya having been found In this or that remote area of the world. Few, if
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  • 41 4 Washington, Feb. 24. SENATOR Wheeler, Isolationist, tolc pressmen tc-day that if the "Leas« and Lend" ET were passed Its opponents would conduct a coast-to-coast campaign in an effort to keep the United States out of war— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 315 4 STRONG denunciation of the dictators is voiced by Presi nt Roose velt In a newsreel now on at the Capitol Theatre. "Never before since James Town and Plymouth Rock has our American civilization j been In such danger as now," Mr. Roosevelt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 99 4 I I I (ff Hat just the right alkaline character to iH'utralior afteril inn r r acidity >( k W ATI Mineral *alff from the tat H<.t Spring, Nujaporr PI //> by frmtrA Neave, limited ■nsMTfffCBB British architects, engineers and contractors overseas specify British Portland Oment not only because every
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  • 810 5 AVER HIT AM CHAIRMAN ON MALAYA'S PROBLEMS V| ■niih annual general I Kitnm Tin B 1 wa* hold in I ur. sided In the abs< Bl V 'lomit (chairman of the Hosnpany and read his prepared stated, inter alia The H
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  • 1332 5 homjii. no. z«. ini: SJIWINO ny»rr- -.rllrr* Ampat Tin <Sa) 3a 3d 3s 7Hd Austral Ami]. (5a) 6s 6a 6d c.d. Austral Malay SM 36a c.d. Ayer Hltam (Sat 20c 21s Ayer Weng <tl> 10 -W Bangrtn Tin t/> ISa 6d 14s 6d Batu
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  • 60 5 Mails clow at the General Pest Office a* follows: TO-MORROW Jara air 10.30 a.m. Medan air 11a.m. Palembang surface 9 a.m. air 10.30 a.m. ARRIVALS Mails from Java and Sumatra (air) general delivery 1.40 p.m. to-day. Malls from Great Britain &c. (surface) general delivery 8.15 a.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 The EASTERN GRAPHIC No. 2. is SOLD OUT No. 3 out on MARCH 5 ORDER NOW
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    • 231 5 I IV^ production for which they are ansurp*»«* Awr.tsI1I 1 HOE BOOM LEONG J SINGAPORE Distributors- RADIO ft GENERAL AGENCY. I Kuala Lumpur. TIE RADIO ft SOUND SERVICE, I Tatping, Pcrak. I' Penan*. Province Wellealey tf Alor Star. Kedah. LCIOP lIF SOON AIR Kuala Dungun. Irenggnm Allenburysi SByiriii Qtnara A
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    • 135 5 IUE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED. Guaranteed and Controlled Of TUf. MERCINTHE BANK Or INDIA LIMITED I The Company wtilch is incorporated Jn the S.S and registered as a Trust ComIpanv. undertakes the following duties; EXECUTOR OR TRUSTEE OF A WILL ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSON TRUSTEE OF
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 397 6 i MJflvt* This w k is Warn Bros -^yffT "THIS MAN REUTER" OPENING TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. WHY ,IS WB^^^m most •'■■■I EIbU astounding TALKING ABOUT: 1 f reuterYJ BESSrS^ news v Jtt^S *V ■^^y» STORY -am m flag itfa H^^T^^ v REVEALED! One o/ America's Great Stan HMBHPBMIHBf
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    • 73 6 A. STROK HILARY NAPiER Brilliant English dancor in 2 Recitals only At the Piano by Kind Consent Mmc M. Bonenfant Booking at Littles Prices $3< 2 1. ncwiffi of ENTERTAINMENT TAX VICTORIA THEATRE Fab. 28 27 at 9.30 pm. OPEHINC TO-MORROW The New Wonder Serial SUN TALKIE First 6 Chapters
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    • 300 6 POSITIVELY LAST DAY! "One of the finest conn n in Sil lonj? time" Singapore 1 rco Pnm Mt H 1!M1. IrHPITOLi toVday vHrl I 3.15-6.15-9.15 FRANK MORGAN at hia fannied v ban henpecked Husband who unexpectedly returns from a "Whisky and Watery" grave to find himself livi under false pretei
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  • 718 7 Mr. Amery On India's Part In Thr Defence Of Empire's Gateways London, Feb. 24. THE safety of Singapore and the continual need of the two gateways to the Indian Ocean, one of which is the narrow straits dominated by Singapore,
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  • 81 7 Batavia, Feb. M DANES in Java have sent *he following: cable to Col. Charles A. Lindbergh in the United States: 'Scandinavians used to have a (rood name, hut you of Scandinavian blood have spoiled it by open and egoistical sympathy with the Nazi gangster*. Therefore,
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 142 7 Alterations Made To Exemptions London, Feb. 24. THOUSANDS of able-bodied men in Britain between 30 and 40 years of age who, by virtue of their occupations thought themselves safe from service with the fighting forces for the duration of the war, will probably bs called
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 164 7 Hinsley Lauds Failh Of The British London, Feb. 24. IN contrast with the emblems of the pagan world, the Crucifix stood aloit all as the symbol of every Ideal that could save mankind from disorder, states Cardinal Arthur Hias.L-y in his Lenten ->asloral letter to his Archdiocese of Westminster. He
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 28 7 MEMBERS of the British Institute in Sofia left for Istanbul yesterday, according to a Sofia dispatch to the official Italian news agency.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 273 7 SUPPORT THE WAR FUND by attending THE WAR CHARITIES DANCE COMMITTEE DANCE AT THE ADELPHI HOTEL roof garden on FRIDAY, 28th February, 1941 from 9 P.M. till 2 A.M. Tickets $2/- Obtainable from VYNER GOMES SCHOOL OF DANCING Phone 7007. HONORARY SECRETARY *****. and at the ENTRANCE. Ladies and Members
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  • SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEB. 25, 1941. (541 st Day Of The War.)
    • 1163 8 With very full apologies for introducing into this subject anything oven remotely resembling the personal element, let it be recorded that to-day is something of a gala day in one corner of the Straits Tinvs j office. The reason for the Jubilation I Is that The War Fund
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 459 8 No Part In "The Second Imperialist War" To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Please allow me to reply to "Rationalist" whose letter appeared in your paper on Feb. 19. There is M doubt that it is the duty of every Chinese here to do his bit
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    • 322 8 More Objections To The Term "Eurasian" To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— l read witn considerable interest the lette- in your Journal from Mr. Noel Hay. It provides the complete answer to the Eurasian problem and I sincerely hope that the matter will be followed up. I
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    • 94 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Having tried in vain to find out which is actually the cheaper, charcoal or gas, as a fuel for ccoking purposes, I found that no definite answer was obtainable from the sources applied to. As this is a somewhat
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    • 613 8 Ugly Side Of Popular Government To the Editor of the Stra'tr Times Sir,— l listened with great interest Ui references to democratic responsibilities and party politics with their "ugly side" in a recent broadcast address by Dr. Purcell. Few who have worked in general elections or who know how
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    • 128 8 Parents Who Bring Sons To Malaya To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, The writer is mystified. The Empire is ringing with the news of the thousands of young Australians who have left their own country to come to Malaya, ready to de-fend us if necessary. South Africa,
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    • 113 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, It is all very well and good for the Municipality to instruct householders to provide dust-bins of an approved type or be penalized under the bye-laws, but it has often been noticed that these receptacles are treated with scant respect by
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    • 717 8 SELF-GO VERNMENT "War Does Not Stop The World's Progress" To the Kditor of the Straits Time* t Sir Theorists, when cammn th.- superficial perfec t; n of ;i bui cratie State, should iui blind 'ha citizens to more subtle p> results For it is by the results an the citizens
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    • 115 8 Chance For Orator With Sense Of Humour! To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— One gets very tired of this ■oela evil business. If it dots matter and ar educational campaign is advisable well, as a beginning, a few peop* working amongst those who need en.
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    • 30 8 H.A.8., Tanjong Tualang: "Ancillary" was not a misprint for "auxiliary" Dictionary definitions: "ancillary"— subservient, subordinate; "auxiliary one who is helpful to, foreign or allied troops in a nation's service."
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 afftrt TOO MUCH PROTECTION! Matters' South Afiican representative reports that when firemen ftnd a door to a burning building tccuu-d with a MASTER Secret Service Padlock, they utualy break down the door. Experience hat taught them that it takes much too long to force a MASTER, even with the excellent
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    • 44 8 Don 't Neglect Your Vision Have yo<ii rjrea ariraUflVaU; rumiiiH d^ferl. -roprrly r*rr*rt«4 by a «mHM «P«-r4aJtat. C S. CHONG. Dr. mt Optmmttn Everbright Optical Co. 19. Cfcaflß Strr»t Phone 4435. CHAKGES STRKTLY MODERATE. IT PAYS THE PUBLIC TO MAKE THE PUBLIC RAILWAYS PAY.
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  • 649 9 Enemy Forces Now In Jeopardy FURTHER W ITIIDRAWALS ARE FORECAST IN LONDON (riillanlry Of Imperial And Free French Units THK <\|Mvtation that the Italians would soon be forced to evacuate a section of the hank of the river Juba, in Italian Nomaliland. as
    Reuter  -  649 words
  • 77 9 London, Feb. 25. MUSSOLINI'S admission that Gen Sir Archibald Wavell's offensive, vhich resulted in the conquest ot .ica. ant'cip.ited by five or ten M which Marshal Grazianl haa r. aimed azalnrt Egypt, is one of the a-imagins confessions made In <-eh on Sunday which must reaa
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  • 122 9 Italian Bomber Is Forced Down London, Feb. 25. AN Italian bomber driven over the Yugoslav frontier by British and Greek fighters was forced down on Sunday by the Yugoslavs, says a message from Reuters special correspondent on the Yugoslav frontier. The bomber was forced down
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 49 9 Washington, Feb. 24. THE German claim to have sunk a 1 British steamer called Canadian Cruiser is being investigated, Mr Sumner Welles, Dnder-Secretary of State, announced to-day. The steamer was said to have been flying the United States flag and carrying United States markings. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 28 9 Chungking. Feb. 25. Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, the Ambassador to China, is leaving Chungking to-day by aeroplane for Hong Kong— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 648 9 Nazi Invasioin Menace Still Grave The Times HESPITE the constant damaging attacks on the invasion U bases, Germany doubtless still possesses sufficient seaworthy ships and barges to carry an invading force between the Continent and Britain, according to the aeronautical correspondent of The Times. He emphasizes that Mr. Churchill and
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  • 478 9 Dive-Bombers Are More Cautious London, Feb. 25. U/HFLE some units of British Mediterranean Fleet continue to maintain communications along the Libyan coast, the main battle fleet in a four-day operation in the central Mediterranean beat off German dive-bombers and successfully covered the passage of convoys, cables Reuter's
    Reuter  -  478 words
  • 240 9 R. A. F. Active Over j North Albanian Sector London, Feb. 25. BRITISH aircraft continuously bombed I::;lian positions in the area of the Skumbi Valley, Elbasan, Lin and Pogradec from 3 a.m. yesterday, cables Reuter's special correspondent on the Albanian frontier. Italian troops in this
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  • 152 9 Discoverer Of Insulin i One Of Three Victims Ottawa, Feb. 24. I*HE Canadian defence headquarters announces that Sir Frederick Bantinp, discoverer of Insulin, was killed in a plane accident with two others. Insulin Is a drug used In the 1 treatment of diabetes. Mr. C.
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 86 9 Washington, Feb. 24. PRESIDENT Roosevelt is asking for over $381,200,000 for the army's emergency defence needs. Mr. Sam JRayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives, announced to-day that the President had sent a special letter for presentation to the House requesting that Congress should
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 110 9 London, Feb. 25. MARSHAL Petain has reformed his cabinet, according to a Berne dispatch to the official Italian news agency. It now consists, of five ministers and seven under-secretarlee. Adm. Darlan is Vice-Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior. Gen. Huntzeiger is Minister for
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 316 9 Army Leave Cancelled: Far Eastern Fleet In Gulf Ot Thailand liOiulon, Feb. 25. THE military authorities in French Indo-China have cancelled all army leave, according to the Paris radio. The French Far Eastern fleet is reported to be cruising in the Gulf of Thailand,
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  • 152 9 Soviet Unlikely To Intervene SOVIET quurtors in London siatrs that Russia certainly would not oppose Japans possible southward Mpanslon, provided it d'd not men. ice the interests of th? Soviet, says ;i r: port to the Sydney Daily Tcl< They were ommentlns on tho heightening tensi n in the Pacllic
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  • 81 9 Wasliin^ton, Feb. 24. TIE United States Government placed alum.nium and machine tcol producers on a mandatory prioritj basis under the defence programme Under this order, which expires on May 30, defence orders must be nivt n priority, and In consequence supplier of such artc>s
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 474 10 Motorists B ighter Badges Provide Further $10,000 FREE FRENCH SHIPS CREW SEND ANOTHER DONATION riVK million dollars and more! Helped very largely by another cheque for $10,000 from the Automobile Association of Hahjra, The War Fund made a sharp spurt yesterday vhich took it well
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  • 85 10 Awlomabiie Association of >ya. proceeds of sale of M i»an Motorists' Firhter I uM-J badges, second contribution 10.044 Mr. Mrs II. Klph ck 1.444 Free Frenchmen of a merchant vfsNfl. third contribution 3(M) Br ad»vi> Theatre, Johore, cross t >tal takings of I'niversal'k film The Under I'un shorn
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  • 51 10 MAMM Mnce i Informal) p.m. I,H1A1S(. ciino Lay. Tbe Lost IMH Talkies) at 7.45 tut 1 1 OH D 9 p m. to Midnight. rMoa Spy. Sky: Star ■Am *■*!>*> MarMi M W :\i_r~ aiia Ctr.emat. »r*rrt Dancm« Qlfl T 9 30 pm. i »t(ti Pat ■H Si C»0hM
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  • 114 10 PETROL rationing will h? inlrodined into Malaya within the next few days, the Straits Times understands. It is purely a war-lime measure, and has not arisen from any possible shortage of net-fleum < oiinons Mill be issued to motorists on the basis of their average monthly
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  • 63 10 r THX directors of Hong Fitt (Sunget Besi' Ltd. propose, for the approval of shareholder*, a donation of $25,000 to the P.M.S War Fund. A few months ago the dlrectorr denated 55.000 from the company's funds. The accounts for the year 1940 wer. issued
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  • 201 10 IN var-time it is necessary, for obvious rea- sons to maintain great secrecy about the movements of shipping. This means that the particulars of mail dispatches and deliveries cannot be published by the Post Office to the extent that they were In pe*<*tt«ne. Rumours about shipping
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  • 101 10 Bangkok. Feb. 25. •T'HE American Minister, Mr. Edwin L. 1 Neville, has advised American women and children, and also men whose presence in Tha-land is not h ghiy essential, to consider returning to the United States. It adds the advice is not meant to cause
    101 words
  • 46 10 O.jj of mc Australian nurses serving in Malaya icith the A.IT. 2 lie biA-jy uL..yu.y,- tuu been smuggled into Ma'aya as th? mascot ol <m A.I.F. -imerit. uttralian troop* "somewhere in Milaya" march off the parade ground.
    46 words
  • 87 10 At The Cinema CHARLIE CHAN THRILLER AT THE CATHAY "Charlie Cbaa's Murder Crabe." < With .Sidney Voler. Marjorie Weaver, Lionel A twill. Sen Tang). 20th Century fox. At the Cathay. CHARLIE CHAN fans will nod another intriguing series ol murders uncovered in the most clever and matter-of-fact way by the
    87 words
  • 108 10 MR. ROLAND BRADDELL ON TREE OF LIBERTY IN the advertising columns will be found a facsimile of a cable received In Singapore from Mr. Roland BraddeU, who is now on a short visit to Australia. Mr. BraddeU attended a special screening of the Columbia picture "The Tree of Liberty"' based
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  • 53 10 THE funeral of Mr. 14m Leong Hal whose body was transported from Singapore to No. 125. Heeren Street, Malacca, on Thurs- day last, took place on Monday. He was proprietor of Llm Sam Leong Co.. Beach Road, Singapore, and Llm Sam Leong A Co
    53 words
  • 71 10 AT recent meeting of the Stralta Settlements (Singapore) Association. It w*i decided to Instruct sub-committee 'o examine the wording of the War Tax bill. Imposing Income tax. and submit reports to the committee. A Chinese was reported to have broken his leu this morning, when ft bas
    71 words
  • 602 10 First A. I.F. Club In K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 24. THE Kuala Lumpur Anzac Clvb first club to be formed in Malaya for the Australian troops in this country has been organized. How the club came into being is described by Mr. W. F. N. Bridges
    602 words
  • 120 10 RECORDS of motcr accidents durlnu UN past six months at the junctions of Hill Str ct and Stamford Road, and Middle R*rf><l and Bencoclen Street are being sought or the Straits Set tinner, ts (Singapore) Association. The association was Informed riCLtiUy oy the Truflic Advisory Committee
    120 words
  • 71 10 TPHE Straits Settlements (Singapore i Association has suggested to Government that. in order to avcld the- error of erecting »xprnsive buildings which may not prove satisfactory and may later require extensive and expensive alterations, the views of the senior hospital staff should be
    71 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 44 10 STOP PRESS it rum Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 21. NEW York report* say that influential Americans favour plans for the I'.S Navy to take over Ihe naval uc«riue of Singapore in vidcr to re!e;xfce British f i Ice *n the VV<"st. f*r-.-wA .1.1.
      44 words
    • 59 10 A L^bsssbbsV'S^^9 ssiifc J^sujim Hsl I^Su] mtt^Ty' P*^^ "Aj^bsO ssG K l^LB^Hsssn' Jssa TiJKal L^KTi^^ 1-. ~^~~~^^^^^aj^Fg^^^r^y^^^^Bssss! HVS7 •V J I^Vj^- J. **^^^CT^S^^^c3^£iSj^^^ ißi^L^BSsi B^BSSsl W^^A Lbbbbbbbb^Lbb! LbbbbbbbV^l JB^BSBBBBB^BZBmva^B^Ls^jEvr HMMBaBra m^^^m HH Bm I^^B^B F^*'^V BBsW. B^^^^*~"^^BBBBBBW BBHbBB^BSS* (Advertisement of The General Electric Co.. Ltd^ of Enghnd. "Magnet House." StngaponJ
      59 words

  • 422 11 Relieving Mothers Of Anxiety While Away On Duty YOUNG WILL BE LOOKED AFTER DURING EMERGENCY PERIODS ARRANGEMENTS for the care off children of members r Uh newly-formed Medical Auxiliary Service and thf St. John Ambulance Hritrade. in the event of an nry, have been
    422 words
  • 178 11 LOST SAVINGS TEMPER Prison Term For Chinese Painter A CHINESE paint. c with 14 years' Petroleum aded guilty in the criminal <rday to inflicting a wound on a woman which tund her skull and che?k.-b"ne, her .id. lie- aged Tan Ah Seng, and he n lm11. who i ire he
    178 words
  • 304 11 Indian Fourteen Years Old Wife SEPARATING after two months of married life, an unemployed Indian named S. 8. Nathan petitioned for a divorce from his wife, Antonlammal. in the Hi«h Court before Sir Percy McElwaine, the Chief Justice, yesterday. The petition was brought on the ground
    304 words
  • 135 11 REMARKING that he would be failing In his duty if he Imposed a fine, Mr C. H. WhiUon. sitting in the traffic court yesterday sentenced a lorry driver named Kupputo two months' simple imprisonment. Kuppu&amy had pleaded guilty to a charge of driving
    135 words
  • 319 11 Archdeacon Discusses Divorce Social Evil Problems REFERENCE to the social evil, and the "Western slackening of the marriage bond" was made by Archdeacon Graham White in his address t/> the members at the annual parochial meeting of St. Andrew's Cathedral at Chapter House yesterday. Beginning with marriage. Archdeacon Graham White
    319 words
  • 430 11 Wilful Trespass In Ship's Bar PjAMti Kuvi'ii .Jones and Henry Holt, members of the crew of a ship lying at the Naval Base, wen fined and sentenced to varying terms nprlsonment in the Singapore third court yesterday. On Saturday. Jones and Holt pleaded guilty I arses
    430 words
  • 324 11 Pondicherry Men Arrive Here FE problem of educat on in Frrnch India is difficult a.s the settlements are c catter?d all over the country, ac- cording to M. V. Deltmsr, French Director of Edu nun in P^nd cherry, who. with M. J Vcrdoni, Inspector of Income
    324 words
  • 179 11 CABARET HOSTESSES PATRIOTIC FUND Chinese Girls Arranging Concert In Singapore ARRANGEMENTS are well in hand for the concert to be held by Singapore Chinese cabaret hostesses in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. The concert will be held at the Victoria Theatre on Mar. 2 and 3. The sale of
    179 words
  • 48 11 I 'TEMPORARY nurses are wanted for the Indian Military Nursing Service in Malaya. Applicants should be British subjects of European, Anglo-Indian or Indian parent■ft Further details, giving the qualification* required and terms of service, will be found In an official notUe published In Page 2 to■da».
    48 words
  • 650 11 Belgian Envoy On Effect Of Malaya's Strong Defences fHE hope that the strong defence measures taken in Malaya, including the presence hen of the Australian Imperial Force, will "contribute towards regaining stability in the Far Bast," was expimed bj M. Henri Sepaert, Belgian I&voy
    650 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 58 11 HBf^H GUARANTEED S^H fc^B 100 PURE 5h TT¥TP 17 H^^H and keeps them. 100-" e Virginia W^S^Bv :^0^Ktf^ tobacco, selected and blended by WT^ •xp*rts to give you constant enjoymeut =SB^^^^5JL^^^ Cool smooth and nukL.. y.t d^ply coaK TIppED KHD pLAIH •atulyiag Try a tin to-day Cellophane wrapped in packets
      58 words
    • 179 11 "The time has come-^ J0 to buy a new pipe JWjm SPLENDID ASSORTMENT J^W in our W^m i{OVA |.||.|.;s. TORACCO RAR itfr^M A p°P ul r p l^' °y a IKJDSWs^KJ D*\K MMfW well-known London W-Ii 97 maker. Sound briars ■*r f rjii vulcanite mouth JjM^F pieces. Many popular JW/aHff
      179 words

  • 248 12 Accident At Tiong Bahru Flats 11/ HILt winding up the water hose from the fourth floor of a new Singapore Improve ment Trust flat at Tionjc Bahru on r>b 16. Sin Ah Kow, 29. a painter, wu hurled to the grcund when the scaffolding he was
    248 words
  • 76 12 •PHE following were elect?d offlce- bearers for the ensuing year at the annual parochial meeting of St. Andrews Cathedral held at Chapter Hou?e yesterday Ch-.olaln's warden: Mr. K. 8 W. Iyonard; People's warden. Mr. H. M. Perreau; Nominee of the Colonial 3ccretary: Mr. H. C.
    76 words
  • 39 12 Three London cinema usherettes refresh themselves after an ordeal following the bombing of their theatre which was plunged in darkness. They tore up some of their clothing for use as bandages for mounded patrons.
    39 words
  • 515 12 Allegedly Took "Tea Money" Without Consideration (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Feb. 24. ALLEGATIONS that he had received monetary presents from the Tong Vow Kongsi, Papan, when he went to inspect machinery at the mine were made against H. Lawson, Inspector of Machinery, when he
    515 words
  • 169 12 Retrial Ordered By High Court Judge A CHINESE, Tan Kee Slang, who had been sentenced in the police courts on a charge of tknowingly permitting prosti- tutes to meet and/or remain on the premises." and sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment la to be re-tried on an amended
    169 words
  • 113 12 IN spite of toe war. the 1941 edition of tho- Buku Mi rah" i* as complete and informaUve as ever with the exception that information regarding the Services .las necessarily had to be drastically curtailed. i'lie information given about professional aud commercial firms and
    113 words
  • 331 12 Denounces Nazis In Newsreel AN inspiring speech by President Roosevelt is included in the Metrotone newsreel with the present programme at the Capitol Theatre, Singapore. "Never h»efore since Jamestown and Plymouth Rock," says Mr. Roosevelt, "ha* our American civilization been in such danger as now. Frankly
    331 words
  • 61 12 AN address of congratulation was read oy Moulana M. I. Gowhary Kathl, Imam of the Singapore Queer Street mosque, on behalf of the kathis of Singapore when they bid farewell to the Chief Kathl Imam Hajee Abbas bin Hajee Md. Taha on the occasion of
    61 words
  • 669 12 Failed To Comply With Ordinance AN observation that "the Japanese community in Singapore as a whole was most punctilious In carrying out its obligations under the Aliens' Ordinance." was made In the Singapore third court yesterday. This remark was made by Mr. U. Hunter Oray, the Aliens'
    669 words
  • 128 12 •T*HE thirty -sixtn anniversary of the foundation of Rotary International l.<= being celebrated this week, as circumstances may permit, by about 250.000 Rotarlans in some 5.000 communities throughout the world. In Singapore, the occasion will be marked by an informal dinner-meeting at the Adelphl Hotel to-morrow evening,
    128 words
  • 358 12 A COMMISSION of Inquiry, set up by the Government of New Zealand to investigate alleged leakages of information of shipping movements, and the circumstances surrounding the loss of the steamers Holmwood, Rangitane, Vinni, and Komata, through raider action, held sittings in Wellington in
    358 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 280 12 1 IS L^ -^^al .AS l£ I»AI/O -HI MIMI-Mt v<^Bfc »üM Smo flnt L*fjJ |^f drerfint suitable H for rut*, bruises ft w^H A ~^3L, JM and wounds; ac»L celerates th« neal*^^fe3^^s^^ lnc proceK. VvJayVM Octal-table from i^ik. v ft™* ciaaa dls- > j£A r penaartea in sisec varying in
      280 words
    • 430 12 THE GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. Manufacturing Optician* 275. South Bridire Rd Tfl. ?IM. FstaMhhed in l<*tt. Optician V h\\ ysl \S^ Quality superior. £M StY WorkmaJiah ■> iui Mm R^ ran:. MA H^tHfiV 1 hax^i-* moderate. AfiWw^^^Bmm Testing free. WsMKjfl| KOOKKS <,l \SSKS mm from 5i rrwAßns IF YOUR BREATH
      430 words

  • 135 13 Japanese Envoy In London Said To Have Removed 'Misunderstandings' London, Feb. 24. THERE have been various contacts between the Japanese Ambassador in London, Mr. M. Shigemitsu, and the Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, and the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, and in Tokio between
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 309 13 Mr. Matsuoka His Peace Offer Nothing To Do With The Reich Government Tokio, Feb. 24. KMR. YO6UKE MATSUOKA. the 1»1 Japanese Foreign Minister, made a statement before the House of Hepresentatives committee to-day on the position relating to the offer of mediation in the European war atI tributod to him.
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 34 13 London. Peb. 24. LIEUT -OEN. HQUSHI O6HIMA. Japanese Ambassador to Germany, left here on Saturday night for Salzburg to meet the Ger- j Pureisn Minister, Rlbbentrop. Eastern News.
    34 words
  • 54 13 Batavia, Feb. 24. DESPITE rrporti of growing crisis is the southern Pacific area, observers here say that the talks now under way between the Japanese Consul-General. Mr. Yutaka Ishlzama and the Director of Commercial Affairs Bureau of the Netherlands rndwa I Government. Jonkheer van HoogstraUro are
    54 words
  • 41 13 Chungking, Peb. 34 MR. L*u«blin Currte and Mr. Bnile Despr s. members of the United States economic mission to China, are expected ta j lrave here by air on Thumday on their return journey to Washington. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 86 13 Sydn-y, Feb. 24. TWO Japanese vessels wbkh hare been anchored at Noumea, New Caledonia, for the past nine days have b?en refused permission to take on cargoes of iron ore, according to the Noumea correspondent of the Sydney Sun. The reason given is that
    86 words
  • 175 13 TOKIO OUTBURST AGAINST SINGAPORE AND GUAM Powers' Defence Moves Attacked Tokio, Feb. 24. ATTACKING British and American moves to strengthen their defences in the Pacific as an "unwarrantable challenge against Japan," an outspoken editorial in the Nichi Nichi to-day warns that Singapore and Guam would be "brushed aside" by Japan
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 273 13 Menzies Confers With Churchill Press Hails Message From Australia London, Feb. 24. r' is cZlcially announced that the Australian Prime Mm ster, Mr. R. G. i Menzies. will attend meetings of the i War Cabinet during his visit to England. Mr. Menzies saw Mr. Winston Churchill at the weeit-end and
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 300 13 Tokio, Peb. 24. FT IS officially announced here to-daj that the armistice agreement between I Prance and Thailand In connectVor with the Indo-China border dispute hai been prolonged for another ten dayi until Mar. 7. An official statement said that the Japanese mediators had been
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 163 13 Tokio, Feb. 24. rPHE Japanese navy has already -i- worked out a plan which takes into full consideration American developments in the Pacific, the Japanese Navy Vice-Minister, Vice-Adm Toyado, informed the Diet to-day. Moreover, he pointed out, the American programme called only for expenditure
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 59 13 London, Feb. 24. TWO more bombers have been pre- sented to the Royal Dutch Navy by the Prince Bernhard Fund which acts as a worldwide Dutch war weapons committee. Altogether 84 Spitfires and 23 bombers have now been presented to the Dutch and British forces
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 62 13 Sydney, Feb. 24. *THE Australian Minister of Supply In a speech to-day said that Australia had actually entered the export field and was sending: elementary trainer craft to India and Burma. She had produced a record number of "Gipsy Major*' engines and added that Wirraway planes
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 76 13 BRITISH AID TO CHINA PAYS A DIVIDEND London, Feb. 24. CORWARDING £64 to the Lord Mayor's air raid distress fund from members of their Chinese staff in China, a London business firm wrote: "We feel that this proof of sympathy with the British cause Is viewed at the other end
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 49 13 CUPPORTING Greek operations, the ■3 RAF. successfully bombed Dukmj, north-west of Tepelenl, during Sunday, states a communique from RAF. heaquarters jin Greece Buildings were hit as well as enemy positions to the south-west, while bombs were seen to burst on anti-aircraft batteries Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 39 13 London, Feb. 24. QhV. WEYQAND. Vichy delegate- genial I in French North Africa, lias arrived a: Dakar after an extensive tour of Inspection (of French possessions In Africa, according to a Morocco wireless announcement to-day Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 319 13 Quick Way to clear up TOOT Ror flit SUa Sta^mtm Tij^m mmt I m^wm^ m aaaaaj dsaaaaaa^sv rWPVVsn W^evVHOT J The reason »hv thai tormenting trouble kanwa as "Fas* Rot" is often so difficult 4mn i. M Mi •Jhm k<,,- Issjaw ~*Z'*^™* vu m w **K sCaVfJa^sVJaT fSJMrk at st&kat
      319 words
    • 568 13 Glaxo gfves baby satisfying nourish- ment, easily digested. The scientific formula of the modern Glaxo builds up his bone, nerve and muscle. No wonder he is so lively when awake. No wonder that sleep so sweet awaits him after each Glaxo &zfz±^' <T feed. !i^^^3 ZfJZSZ THE AHGLO-THAI CORPORATION, LTD.
      568 words

  • 913 14 ImnuMliate Intensification Of L-boat Warfare Threatened London, Feb. 24. TN an hour and a half tirade broadcast from the Munich beer cellar to-day. Hitler forecast that a trial of strength with Itritain would come in the spring. He was celebrating the twenty-first anniversary of
    913 words
  • 237 14 Iceland Is British Stronghold Reykjavik, Feb. 24. TN nine months since British troops occupied this remote island, no time has been wasted in converting it 'nto a fortress of the far north, says Reuter's soecial corresoondent. Per- manent camps have been laid out. I roads built and defences constructed. Britain
    237 words
  • 96 14 London, Feb. 24. HITLER'S claim in his speech to-t>ay that the Germans had sunk over 200 000 tons of shipping in two days was characterized in authoritative quarters here as "fanatic and as far removed from the truth as such German announcement have
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 444 14 London, Feb. 24. *TT looks as if, in spite of the Balkans, the main German air preparation are on the Channel front," said Oliver Stewart, forecasting in a talk over the BBC. last night increased air activity over the English Channel
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  • 651 14 NEW SUCCESSES SCORED IN ERITREA, ABYSSINIA ITALIAN SOMALILAND Cairo, Feb. 24. TN operations in Italy's East African possessions the British continue to advance on all fronts. Italian troops holding positions about Cubcub, io Eritrea, have been dispersed by British forces advancing from
    Reuter  -  651 words
  • 146 14 London, Feb. 24. AMONG various undated sinkings of merchant shipping mentioned in today* German High Command communique Is the reported sinking of a 10,000-ton vessel In the Mediterranean to the north of Derna, but r>o authoritative comment Is available on this in London. The
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 90 14 T- ft I I S SauAapeA aha muck hide toifi/ iciad with thick, BISTO FOR PERFECT GRAVY Resident Agents BoM<tra<i Sf Cn. Ltd., Singafwre Replace with a DELCO Battery Sote Distribvtort. DNITED MOTOR WORKS LTD. ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. i. Al- 1 FOR GREY HAIR i U .•NIGPtiS COMB" (Patented) immediate,
      90 words
    • 190 14 Blue Eyes Grey Eyes? Every day your eyes are invaded by invisible germs of every kind. They become covered with just such a film of dust and smoke and soot as your face and hands. And they are far more sensitive No wonder people's eyes betray their age No wonder
      190 words

  • 406 15 Eelgrass And Snowy Owl Do Impressive Work (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 25. THIS morning's training: in preparation for the Selangor Turf Club's (told Cup meeting, which starts on Saturday, <onv|gfed mainly of gallops and cant Straight Flight worked well Individoally at
    406 words
  • 33 15 *<>. < li; it II I A.A.F.I. v. AIM 'tadiurn < old Storage vs. Hongkong and Shanghai Rank, vH U lord spirts (Lib y*. Harper <;ilfillan. < lericml I nion I>NM* M< V toarnamenu
    33 words
  • 374 15 Doubles Title Retained For Third Year BATU PAHAT TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS <ir Own Correspondent) Ratu rahat. Feb. 22. 1*I(i I.ik Hoe and Low Ah Peng 1 «un the doubles title for the third year in «.iuiflau in the Ratu rahat tiiMmt tennis < hampionships »rstrrd»v when they beat Haji Abdul Majid
    374 words
  • 150 15 P: a fritadly badminton match of four s and seven doubles, the Bluebell BP beat the .Stardust BP. by n games to four. Results, Blued first, were: medios lost to M. NonLj B—ls. I Kermndez beat J. Cru-ah s. 15—12: Miss Hazel Bachelor beat Miss Dor*en Klon?
    150 words
  • 48 15 r.ras match play.c premises cvf the Great fiub on Saturday, rthand Writers' beat the Great j by three games A. players m«*nt .a Ah Kam 3 I Chan Khek Wflh beat Chua Scan Kirn Kow last n 3—l; Geoffrey Tan T— o.
    48 words
  • 143 15 Tic In "A" Division *I*HE Island Golf Club's February Bcsey competition resulted in a tie in "A" division between Dr. S. I. M. Ibrahim and Lim Siew Jin scores of one up. and a win in "B" division lor T. Ohuchi with a return
    143 words
  • 53 15 TiE following scores were returned in the February mixed foursomes competition at the Keppel GoK Club: Mrs. J. Guy and G. E Kerr 42—10=32: Miss D. Hirst and M. O. Harvey 43— 6V 2 -ZCV 2 Mrs. H. E. Pike r.nd F. H. Bradley
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  • 46 15 DLAYLNG their first game of soccer this season, Victoria School beat St. Andrew's School by seven goals to nil on the Victoria School ground yesterday. The scorers lor the winners were SharifT Giman (4), Bah Chee (2) and Ibrahim (1).
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  • 278 15 Oversea Bank Beat Press Team 4—0 WINNERS SUPERIOR IN ALL DEPARTMENTS utJi s.i v. •T*HE Oversea-Chinese Bank further strengthened their position as the leaders in the Business Houses' League when they gained full points at the expense of the Straits Times Sports Club, winning by four goals to nil in
    278 words
  • 251 15 Easy Victory Against Bramtoco Spore Traction Co. 7: Bramtoco 3 DISPLAYING all-round superiority, the Singapore Traction Company beat Bramtoco Sports Club by seven goals to three in a Business Houses' I League soccer match played at the Fraser and Neave ground yesterday. The Traction Company
    251 words
  • 64 15 Y.M.C.A. TENNIS RESULTS FURTHER TIES ViiSTERDAYS result in the Y.M.CA tennis championships were: Kamis beat I. Reshty, B—l, 6—3; P. K. Tan beat Koh Eng Yam 6—o. 6—2; Dr. Loh Poon Lip beat Lauw Pek TJin 6—o, 6—2. TO-MORROW'S TIES Knowies Cap: Yap Ah Hian vs. Chin Kee Onn. Doubles:
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  • 18 15 CRICKET practices at the Ceylon Sports Club will start to-morrow, when the nets will be up.
    18 words
  • 244 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 24. WEIGHTS for four further races at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, j Mar. 5. the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's Gold Cup meeting, are: llama, CUm 4, Mile and Furlong Time Telte 9.07 Blue
    244 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 15 Tne Hongkong and Shanghai Bank f«>>tball team, one of the siJes in the Business House*' League this season. Straits Times picture.
    21 words
  • 555 15 Listless Display Of Soccer At Clerical Union Ground Wearnes 2; Uniteers 1. I AST year's champions of the Business Houses' League. Uniteers were beaten for the second time this season, when they lost by the odd jjoal in three to Wearnes at the Clerical
    555 words
  • 39 15 HPHE Field Company Sappers and 1 Miners beat the Punjab Regiment by two goals to one in the semi-final round of the Army hockey championship yesterday. The winners will meet the Mountain Battery in the final.
    39 words
  • 339 15 Opening Games In First Division T'-lIK opening games in the first division of the Singapore Amateur Football iMW iition's leaeu* compe'ition will be played on Satur<U> when the Inyals will nifct th* Argylls at i.illman, the Gordons play the Heavy Regiment. K.Aat Selaranc and the Police oppoM
    339 words
  • 178 15 ANNUAL MEETING OF SIONG BOO A.A. Election Of Office- Bearers TfQS Siong 800 Athletic Association held its annunl nncral mooting on Saturday and elected the foll-.wlng offlce-bearprs for the year: President. Lim Hock Seng; vicepresidPnts. Dr. Choo Te<k Guan, Chan Koon Yeen. Ho Quee Phiau, Leo Kirn Choo; hon. sen.
    178 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 100 15 C/F A/ J7J 7 i//ie/>e/fd/ /t& Pftierf /vodost for AMERICAR 6-P*su*gtr OtLttxt Ttitrimg SnUm The new AMERICAS, comes as an in- fine appointments and great durability, vigorating tonic to a motor car market Costing less than other full-sized cars it which may have looked as though it had also saves
      100 words

  • 432 16 CROSSING OF DANUBE WAS BEG1 N. THEN STOPPED Preparations For Drive On Greece Have Now Been Completed I/oiuion, Feb. 24. All inriira lions are that this will be a fatal week for Bulgaria, states The Times* Sofia correspondent. (German Inxips began crossing: the
    432 words
  • 107 16 Belgrade, Feb. 25. I ARGE reinforcements of the Luftwaffe have left Austria for Rumania and Italy in the past few days, according to reliable reports received in Belgrade. Units of the ground staff have also been going to Italy. The police emptied a
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 87 16 London, Feb. 24. I£ING GEORGE, while making a tour cf inspection of RAF. aerodrcmrs -:cently, visited several Polish squadrons. His Majesty subfequently expressed his appreciation of the smartness and enthus:?sm of the PclLrh it. *n. Gen. Sikorskl, the Polish Command r-in-Chief in reply, assured His
    87 words
  • 98 16 London, Feb. 24. lEWS will not be allowed in future to study at any Dutch university, according to decrees issued by SeissInquart, the Nazi commissioner for the N'e herlands, Reuter learns from wellin :ormed Dutch quarters in London. Leydcn and Deaft universities are still closed
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 369 16 London, Feb. 24. ITNREST In Italy brought forth Mussolini's Sunday broadcast, in the general opinion of London newspaper editorials this morning, which add that the speech could have done little to calm or encourage the Italian people. Mussolini
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 177 16 London, Feb. 24. 'THE Swiss newspaper 'Weiiwocne suites or. 1 Friday that the British have the right to be proud aud satisfied with the achieve- tnents of thalr daughter nations. The development has surpassed the proI pheta who believed the Motherland's pre- dicament would
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 233 16 Turkish And Greek Envoys Call On Mr. Winston Churchill London. Feb. 21. THE statement by M. Sarajoglu, the Turkish Foreign Minister, that Turkey could not remain indifferent to foreign activities in her zone of security and would offer armed resistance to total aggression against
    233 words
  • 48 16 L..naon, Feb. 24. GERMAN air activity over Britain during the daylight to-day haa been vory slight, the only bombs re* ported being at a place in north Sen, land. Announcing this, the Air Mini.stry states the bombs caused neither damage nor casualties.— Rputer.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 141 16 A MESSAGE FROM AUSTRALIA TO MALAYA Sent by THE HON'BLE DATO ROLAND St. JOHN BRADDELL, D.P.M.J., M. A., (Oxon). Borrister-at-Law. of Singapore. now on a flying visit to Sydney. CABLE AND WIRELESS LIMITED. /-^s |f ***** 0 DOP23/L. SYSUB 43 12 1620 jj Wjd W NLT ORCHARDRD SGPR W fwf
      141 words
      12 words