The Straits Times, 20 February 1941

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 270 1 MIEN CHONG TAILORING A*»IUM* K.H l*«ct*« *\IN -HIMIS hi AMI Rl< \N vIMRKSKIM III T«rt—» r»l«T» >« < «ir«w si S'pm rw«f» mic SINGAPORE, 140 CECIL ST (PHONE S471). ffS c Moment You Uu JOF P ress *he Trigger fSm YOU START SAVING /JF MONEY With The i^jy Ingersoll-Rand IMPACT
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    • 179 1 FINAL EDTN. ELSIE MARY Battery Ror<' Dtv for All Oe< '.V KUALA LUMPUR. 25 JAVA ST CPHONl 36S3) CARDIGANS SUITABLE FOR YOUR VACATION AT THE HILLS With long sleeves. In self colours, White, Brown, Navy, Saxe, Grey, Green, Pink. With long V neck or high neck. Also similar ?i/ls: with
      179 words

    • 95 2 News has bern received of the d ath or. l«th Feto IMI at Vaddukoddai. Ceylon, of Ut. Vbvaltngam Kandiah «78>. the father of Dr. K. Cooniaraswamy of General HrapWal, Johore Bahru. and father-in-law of P- an, Dy Medical Officer. Brgamat. Johore P.M. B. and Pinang papers please copy. Mrs.
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    • 126 2 ACKNOW LEDGMENTS Th* family <>f thf lav Mr Donald Morgan Thomrsz wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all friends who attended as veil a* U. 7-rcath.", telegrams and letters of condolenc? Mrs Uimsden Milnr thanks all who attended her husbands funeral, who had mastf.s Mid. who aent wrtath.«. ciblnjBms
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 210 2 (Bit Straits xmtz SMALL APST Minimum charge $1. tar a4vt mm e»<«««t«g 4 la» Mot tkaa tear Maw 25 cents per line (Six words) Cox No. 25 cents extra. BOHBSTIC OCCVRREMCTjA Mil MV NAJUUAGKS. DEATHS, H I lIIIIIIIIIIMII ANNOUNCE MEKTS A rrc CARDS art rharge* 81 aark par lairriln per
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    • 537 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED IMMEDIATELY Lady teach -r MtotaMßi qaattfleatlan. •cttool certifleate with I Oral EnflUh Apply Principal Stamford Hlch I School. A SOL'ND OrrOKTX r NITT arise* for a tummii equipment MUesman with a Bnn of International repute. Apply Box No M 4. atratta TkMS. wtvni' »\pfki»n<-h» CLERK. Chtne'e preferred.
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    • 775 2 PIANOS PIANO WANTED. State make and lowest cash price Box No. 718. StralU Times. PHOTOGRAPHY TOUR PHOTOS painted by qualified artist In LUywhite Studio. 79. North Bridge Road Singapore Telephone 6601. SITUATIONS WANTED IXPf.ItIINCED (ASF (li RK rx Htci Court Certificated Chinese Interpreter, sp-aks 5 Chinese dialects A Malay open
      775 words
    • 743 2 BOARD RESIDENCE MORMNGSIDE 323 River Valley Rom). A few vacancies now. BAST ANGL1A. 6 Oxley Rise, cool and qul«t Terms moderate. Tele. 4390 BELLEVILLE. 10 Bcotts Road. Pbmt «2?4 large ft airy room PrHr Verandah -nod ««n "STOIRCL1FF 1 (3 Tanglin Hill) Vacant rery large pleaaant room, (M.S.) Tel. 3478.
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    • 623 2 PUBLIC NOTICES FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. The Railway Administration regrets that it was necessary recently to cancel certain passenger train services and also to reduce severely the accommodation on several of the remaining trains, in order to meet Military requirements. Normal train services have, however, now been resumed. NOTICE. DEFENCE
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  • 199 3 a.m 1.20 RB.C. SI.SS m. 19.8! m. 5.50 Manila KZKMi 31.35 tn. 605 8.8.C. 25.53 m, 6.51 Manila (K7.18) 31.58 m. 7.2* B.aC. 31.32 and 9.27 Kan coon 49 91 m. i».4f Melbourne 25.35 tn. (except Sunday) 10 to It.lhi 31.3* m. p.m. 1 .'.50 Hongkong
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 323 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. Incorvaraira **€***> peninsular htm omkntai. b n co AMBHOOt AND CAROO SERVICE The best possible services are being maintained by the P O S N Coy from he Straits to their usual porU of call in China. India. Ceylon and the
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    • 211 3 < incorcwrtted to -I«p*b Ql m RAI PASSENGER AGENTS FOR (INARD WHITE STAR TO FA'ROPE VIA A MM IT, A Through t*t*% North America to urope vl» America and Round Tours in the Pacific quoted in I)A t on application. To California from the Orient via Honolulu lea Manila It*.
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    • 590 3 For A Holiday Embodying the Maximum of Enjoyment and comfort visit ALBANY WESTERN AUSTRALIA Average Temperature: 74 Dejjs. Albany's reputation as a health and pleasure resort Is an enduring one^ endorsed by thousands of Visitor* annually. The port also serves a rich and oroducilve Hinterland producing export lambs Primary Products
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1083 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE MIL iS.M m«/» < «4 "M /IIPI 9H rnei (SIM m.) Zl»r3 MS m*'» (41.M «o '/III /HII 5 pm. Cantonese Musict: 5.40 pjn. New* in Canton; se; 6.55 p.m. Hokkien Music*, 6.05 p.m. Newt In Hokkien; 6.20 p.m. Tho News. Relayed from London; 6.35 am Jac<
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    • 776 3 EMPIRE STATION USB !#5I me (J1.5S m.i; OSC (3132 m i. OSU IW5 mv 1 (25.53 m 1 11.86 me t 252» ml; GSI- 15 l« lit- (19.83 •».>; CSO 17.79 net < m. '•>•• 2147 mci il3.»7 mi; GSI 15.2k ait 19.6« m.». GSJ tl.53 me 1 13.93 mi.
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  • 284 4 The fouowint are to- I^SoS '«L TuoUUmw. Snares art of O denomination unless otherwise stated: COO. Loan 1*44-44... 10t 3 16 rundu* uOta 4% lMO-« 1UV4 War Loan Wril Own Union Aasce (Units) tl% Prudential \mo* "A".. l«Vt Roysj Msee ju .*•*< *m-*n axr ord s«', OansdJan
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  • 60 4 THE following crops of rubber, tea, 1 coffee and palm oil were harvested iby the respective estates in Netheri lands India in January: 1 Rubber. kgAnkola 8.039 Estates Bajoe Kldoel Co. 129.824 Djaslnga 81.853 TJikasintoe 31.230 Langen 56,207 Donowarie 30,000 Tea. hk Ankola 86,583 Pasir Madang 40.226 Coffee.
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    • 420 4 (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Feb. 20 ALTHOUGH all sections of the share market ysterd.iy were quiet there was a slight Improvement in that there was less pressure to sell. Buyers, however, remained hesitant and the total volume of business handled was, In consequence,
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    • 143 4 Hardships During Embodiment Period (From Our Own Correspondent) Penong, Feb. 12. •f THINK all realize the gravity of the 1 situation and it is up to every board, company or officials to do the best they can. We know there is going to be inconvenience, hardships
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    • 185 4 Inter-Church Concert In Aid Of War Charities jyjt'SlC lovers were given an unusual treat at the Singapore Chinese inter-churcA concert held at the Victoria Memorial Han yesterday in aid of the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Relic' Pund and the China Relief (Red Cross) Pund. The
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    • 83 4 Middle East Commander Praised In Indies (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavla. Feb. 12. capture of Benghazi has evoked great enthusiasm in the Indies and the Press is lavish in its praise of the British achievement. One writer declares: Magician Wavell ha« once more flourished his wand, and—hey presto!—
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    • 164 4 WHEN asked tn the House of Commons what action had been taken since the publication of the report 01 the Economic Advisory Council committee on nutrition In the Colonial Empire, whether the Colonial Governments had considered the application pi the many Ideas recommended In the
      British Wireless  -  164 words
    • 36 4 jyjR. Esmond Nlsslm. auditor, formerly with Messrs. Lcwe, Bingham and Matthews. Chartered Accountants. Shanghai was successful In the Intermediate Examination of toe Association of Certified and Corpora^ Accoui.tant* held in Singapore In June test
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    • 24 4 The Rev. Mother of penjtonnat Notre Dame, Cameron Highlands, will be staying < in the Convent, Penang from February 19 1 to March 4. jj
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    • 107 4 ouiitapure, r Buyers Gambler Hamburg Cube Java Cube Coprm Mixed $2.25 Sun Dried $2 50 feovei WMte Muntok White Black Sooc Plata No I Uncga $5.50 Fair $5.50 Sarawak $430 Tantoco Small Flake Pair Flake Medium-Flake Small Pearl MMMt Palembang Banja Sarawak Mm Slam Rice (Special) Per
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    • 92 4 Thur«Uy, Feb. it. neon. doyen Seller* Prices Price No. DC 8.8.5. (Spot teaae) 35 l 3C No. IX B.S.S. fob. in rases Feb. -Mar. (Sellers option) 35', 36', G.F.A.Q. 8.8.5. fab In Dales Feb.-Mar. (Sellers option) 35% 35% F.A.Q. B.S.S fob in bales Ft* Max.
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    • 84 4 New York, Feb. 19. •THE Iron Age reports the steel pro- duction at 96 per cent, of capacity. The Washington Bureau has taken further steps to tighten the control of the industry and the formal fixation of ceiling prices for secondhand machinetools foreshadows similar
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 102 4 AT the annual meeting held recently tie following members were elected officebearers of the Singapore branch of the K.P.M Asiatic Staffs Paketvaartbond. Patrons, Messrs. Lim Heng Chow, Wong Vee Kuan and Tan Ah Wan; president Mr. Lee Yew Meng, vice presidents Messrs. Tan B on Poh
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    • 40 4 Liverpool, Feb. 19. COTTON opened steady but disappointing in response to New York because tradecalling is insufficient to meet further long liquidation and a little Indian selling An early decision is expected about Government taking over stocks and unfilled contracts.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
  • 453 4 FREIGHT POSITION IS STILL ACUTE WEEKLY REPORTS ON MARKET IN a weekly report 0 i MM rubber market, issued this .norning, Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd. write: Unfortunately we have not the figures available, but In the last war prices in London at one time went to
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  • 52 4 Lcndon, Feb. 19. rN opened strong. The turnover was 275 tons Three months touched £269 on good general buying but later there was profit taking, with Amrfican demand less insistent After official hours the market continued to be react'onary and a further I 1 tons were
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 70 4 London, Feb 19. FREIGHT fixtures include Salt, Port Suici to Calcut.a, at 42 5 shillings and further more active inquiry from Port Said, and West India to Calcutta: coal, Wales to Alexandria ar..1 o Port Said, at 70'-. Some Calcutta coaJ Qxtures are believed to be immi.eiit. I'here
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 183 4 rbf following are che »v: 4 ann». nut tnli> mcrning according o U dailt circular mu»: bv the Hongkong %n3 Shanghai Banking Oorooratlon: wmumm LtiuaoD r.l 1/4 |/i j Lordon demarxi 1/4 1 '1# Switzerland (T.T. ouly) 202.48 New York demnnd 47.10 Montreal demand 51 85 Batavia demanj 88.71
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  • 38 4 London, Feb. 19 rls officially ccnflrmcd that the Government Ls seeking other countries' co-operation for the international rostriction of sisal produoti n Meanwhile production fa British countries is being restricted, but ample United Kingdom supplies are assure. Reut-er.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 466 4 AUCTION NOTICES THE SINGAPOtE AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE Of Modem f win potlshea TEAK ft RAT TAN HOC BEHOLD FVKHTTVIU. ngrawd hraw trays on stand*, brassware. Bui awe Art* Crafla On* O.E.C. radio receiver ETC ETC. (The property of Mr. A 8 MStrfccU) To be hetd at No. IXO. Arthar Road.
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    • 369 4 REMINDER FmiDAT. Utt FEBSI ART. IMI, AT I* AM M O«r Sale Ilia, Na 1A EaAVm Place AUCTION SALE OF t ONTRABAND SEIZLRfS Oomprlslng -large QuanUUes of Expen *wt Modara Spectacle Fraiss; Lena* Test ID* MeUrs: Raw Crystal; ZEBSB-IKOM Mov* Cmtmm* KM; Large Studio Camera mm Photographic Accessories: Pyroascter; Ex.
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  • 118 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prosa Our Own Our rasp units*) London Fwk, It. COMMODtTT and Ewrnia— wiriHi esses* sfes* IM llVkd I3**d IM Mar IM fSStf I3\d IM> Apr J*» IM 113 1M (HIM 1143 ■apt 134 HWI (H 134) Hew York: Not raoarvM*. COTTOH: I Mtf I SOd White Mltntok SS.d
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  • 142 5 Thr Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held It* 1526 th auction yesterday and there were catalogued IJUSO3 lb .—S4O St tons: oCered 1 601.54S ft* 714 M tans: sold SOl 362 357.75 Ism. London Spot 13 13 IM New Yrr* Spot II 11 1* rt». ■Undard
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  • 68 5 Dundee. Peb 18. |UTE stocks are reoort?d to be sufllJ cient tc maintain the present reduced production rate until the end of April Further cargoes are afloat and the Trade hopes that the authowill allocate more freight for raw jute Numerous buyers of Jute -;oxU
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 95 5 50 Per Cent Closure Likely Manchester. Feb 18. *|*HE cotton industry curtailment may reach 50 per cent. Borne home trade producers probably must quit business for the duration of the war. receiving compensation from the remainder of the industry by a levy on turnover, as
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 102 5 London Feb. 18. THE Food Ministry has contracted to buy 48.000.000 lb. of Netherlands Indies Tea in 1941. compared with 40.000.000 lb in 1940. The qualities remain unchanged except for the exclislon of leaf teas. Shipments are beginning as soon as pcssiVe. The price
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 166 5 U*ii* ctoae At the General Port CMk* at fOllOVS TO-DAY Australia air 4p.m. Java alrta.m. and 4p.m. Mew Zealand air 4p.m. Ill MORROW Aden air 4p.m. Atrn i air 4 p.m. Burma air 4pm Canada surface 4 p m air 4p.m. China i except Yunnan it
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  • 1337 5 WCWCSOAT. FKB. It. 1941: 4 PJL WNIMO M>m iwmmn AmjMt Tin (to) 3s 3d J» 7ftd Austral Am*]. (to) ti b M c.i Austral Malay <O 35s 36s c.d. Ayer Hltam <Ss. 20s 21s Ayer Weng <|D .70 .75 Bacgrin Tin IS* 6d 14s 60
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  • 241 5 Issued by the Malayan Sh tare Association. Singapore. Feb. 19. Sooki Ootnoan? OtrtdnM* Cloat fO» Austral Malay 9d 9d. bonus Mar. 4 Austral Amil. 3d lHd. boous Hong Fait 14% final Mar. 1 Hong patt 10% int. Mar. 1 tlongkaag Ttn 23H% flnal lea* tax Kllllnghall
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  • 71 5 London, Feb. 18. /"VIl, companies greatly welcome the Vnews that the Mexican President has informed labour leaders that the oil dispute must be settled and that the 1938 Expropriation Law would be modified in accordance with Justice and equity to enable Mexico to benefit
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 139 5 To-day H.W 4.23 am. 1.3 ft; 6.14 p.m. 7 ft. L.W. 11.13 a.m. 2.5 ft; 11.09 p.ra 5 ft. To-morrow H.W. 5.35 am. 8 if, 8.08 p.m 7.3 ft UW. 1.09 p.m. 2.4 ft. Saturday. Peb. 29 H.W. 7.12 am. 8 ft; 9.23 p.m. 7.7 ft. L.W.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 136 5 tonight 6 p. 30 THEATRE ROYAL S D Subbulakshmi. Baby SAROJA etc.. in "THYAGA BHOOMI" The Biggest TAMIL Picture in the News j~Screening BRAND MEW COPY~~) OPENING TO-NIGHT Siwltmott screening SUN TALKIE EMPIRE (AT 7 30 9.30 PJI) (AT 7 9 P.M.) OPENING FIRST 7 CHAPTERS of COLUMBIA'S THRILL-PACKED SERIAL
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    • 710 5 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that Mr. Joseph De Sousa has ceased as from to-day to be 1 in the employment of Messrs. The Builders Supply Company of 2 D and E Raffles Place. Singapore and that he is no longer authorised to act for and on behalf
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    • 151 5 NOMINAL CAPITAL, $40,060,000 ISSUED ft PAIO UP CAPITAL: $10,000,000 BRANCHES throughout Malaya, Burma, South China and Netherlands East Indies. AGENTS CORRESPONDENTS in all principal cities of the World BAKING TRANSACTIONS of every description undertaken. M<uters. Manofsctarlnc Optleiaas CROOKES OPTICAL CO., tit. South Bridge Rd.. Singapore. Optician T. S LEE. TeL
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 315 6 HILARY NAPIER Tli« alaatlc Waaty hrr arm M?r. mrnts la pnsrntio( her venalilr Bratraauac of loUrprcUUrr daarrs of the anakrn whooL m undoubted It mm Uir Rant prrforra»nm erer acca here. (The China Press Shanghai) HILARY NAPIER S»m* had the good fortune U aec the brillUnt dancer at the UaarnaalMaJiUe
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    • 184 6 THE WOMEN'S" GOT A GRAND COMPANION PICTURE NOW rvsial Allen' will ffttt you something to talk about and think alwut. again TO-DAY at 3 15 6 .i5the CAPITOL 9.15 imi mmm mm win* wm mni aidihott wirii a lnort to Ml •I wkila k*r bvsbaad j Wu«t iom k«r for
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  • 533 7 Picked Men Were Ready Long Time Before Action In South Italy London. Feb. IP. THE British parachutists who landed in Italy belong to a body of men who are being trained for invasion of enemy territory, writes Reuter's air correspondent. "Hitherto their existence has
    Reuter  -  533 words
  • 37 7 London. Feb. 20. sai.'a.saajras-iss.s tb Mr "ESflrey It M Mander (lib.. WoUerthat had accounts partly for the delay Mr Eden, he added, had already said the neg*£ Uoru were proceeding satisfactorily.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 151 7 New York, Keb. 1» A NAZI broadcast Invitation to Americans to send 'receiver to pay" telegram* to Berlin atattng the kind o( programme* they would like from Germany hM naa TCwuSand* of people swamped tbe telegraph ofllces. where extra sUOi were needed
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  • 39 7 London, Feb. 19. REPORTS reaching London from Zurich state that the Inhabitants or Genoa are still forbidden by a police order from entering port districts or surroundings following the British bombardment. —Renter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 195 7 Commons Questions On Attack On Convoy London. Feb. 19. RECENT German claims to have in- flicted heavy losses v a British convoy were dealt with ill the House cf Commons to-day, arising from a members invitation to make a statement on the reported loss of 13
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 353 7 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-mOHT DINNER DANCE (informal) N p.m. to midnight at^mt'on THE ASTOR DUO SSRS Dinner $ZM. Non-Diner* $1.00 SUNDAY EVENING IN THE PALM^COUHT SINGAPORE'S MOST POPULAR SOCIAL RENDEZVOUS MILITARY BAND CONCERT -8 30 to 10 30 pin. By the b».. of THE GORDON HIGHLANDERS kind prrmiaston of Lt.-Coloiiet W
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  • 1146 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. FEB. 20, 1941. (536th Day Of The War.) Those Warnings Many reasons have been suggested for the grim warnings that were issued in Australia and the United States last week regarding the dangers of an extension of the war to the Pacific. The explanations have
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  • 943 8 LONDON LETTER By CABLE JAPAN UNLIKELY TO LAUNCH ATTACK ON SINGAPORE New Demands Made On Netherlands India (By Our Own Correspondent) London, Feb. 18. TN spite of the persistent scare headlines which have characterized the less responsible morning newspapers during the past week, few well-informed people here believe that a
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 307 8 A Hospital Urgently Required To the Editor of the Straits Times Sj.—A week or so ago, there was a letter published on this page discussing the fact that there is no hospital in Cameron Highlands. I, like many others, have been wondering if anyIhing will be done about
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    • 195 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—l write to support the letter of Parent" with regard to the need of a hospital at Cameron Highlands There is no reason in the world why the Federated Malay States Government should not review the whole question
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    • 157 8 Meeting A Need In Singapore To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Evidently Student of Penang is ignorant ot the fact that the V.M.C.A. School of Commerce, Pitman's College and Rajah's College in Singapore are turning out many successes in L. C. C. Examinations. Office workers, who
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    • 334 8 Is Academic System Suitable? To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—Mr. S .C. Leng's letter In the Straits Times of Feb. 11 raises an important question of vocational education. Diverting the young after the early stages of general education into parallel paths of practical training is one of
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    • 265 8 "This Is No Time For Pessimism" To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Thank you for your brave leader of yesterday, The Needs of the Moment." At this juncture, with the Eastern situation like a powder magazine ready to blow up any minute, your heartening article
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    • 26 8 'io the Editor of the Straits Time. Sir.— Chap-Jee-kee seems to be booming in the vicinity of Geylang Serai.— Yours, etc., ZIGOMA Singapore, Feb. 19.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 354 8 r t in Malaya NUMONT FUL-VUE T» <• r. •)«:!.< i,( «ii'J HM— q I im M NN a W otyttnc li f t kfttut M ft gl&nc? Hcrt to trulj tHMW i>iiim W*tb d mi Immri Mtow to w added imm for mttt unc Numoet Pul-mi for tout uva
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    • 36 8 UK WHAT TO!/ Wilt Far rriaunc Tkat PULLS t all at KIATS- ar Bis* ap MM Mr taneataaM, etc. G. II KIAT CO.. LTD., C m 1. aithnia Kaad Stocapare. THE RAILWAYS ARE YOUR OWN PROPERTY
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  • 203 9 Acting Premier On "If War Comes" DOMINION IS PREPARED FOR SUDDEN EMERGENCY Mr. Fadden's Tribute To >rw Forces In Malaya 1'HK Australian (iovernment has taken added prt-autions against a sudden emergency, after reviewing Australia's defence system, said the tutinr Trime Miniver. Mr. A. W. Fadden,
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 286 9 Cause Hif> S>ung In I .S. Opinion WahiagtM, I>' It. ARGBLI da to 1 1 1 L Malaya, it i« held, tf llt'pit.-icntatives, in the <!• ;md 1.4-nd Bill. One vMeran poli.iral <ibser\er said ft* eMay th«t the tune "short of w»r" ha* been chained to "war
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  • 45 9 Tokio Peace Parley Breakdown Denied Toklo. Feb 20 JAPANESE .legorica ly deny :in Ann t that tl peace eonfetvnee here betw.. and Indo-China de'« g. suspended by the French in prote against alleged violations of 1 1 *4mi- official Japai These quarters the coi i
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  • 80 9 i.ouaun. r«o. zu. "THE peoplr ol Smd Province in India 1 have sent the Minister of Aircraft Production. Lord Beaverbrook. a further contribution of £5,000 toward purchasing of a Spitfire to be vailed c Kind No 7." The total now received f r .m
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  • 369 9 U.S. Navy Chief On Pacific Bases Washington, Feb. 19. 'pit House of Representatives to- day passed the measure authorizing: the expenditure of 5242.000.000 on the development of naval bases. The measure now goes to the Senate. The bases include Guam and Samoa, in the Pacific, and the Atlantic
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 55 9 Washington, Feb. 19. THE question of food (or unoccupied France was discussed by M. Henry Haye, French Ambassador to America, and Mr. Sumner Welles, Under-Secre-Ury of state. It Is understood that M. Haye is seeking large supplies of grain, including wheat and maize, as
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 27 9 British [Nnntn ot a Western Deserl field arlillery nnlt carry shells to their runs from a dump in the palms.
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  • 48 9 Washington, Feb. 19. AMERICAN manufacturers dcliv- ered I,M« aircraft In January, including 957 for the Hunting forces in the United States and Great Britain, according to a statement by Mr. William S. Knudsen. United States Defence Production chief.— Reuter. i
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 398 9 Defence Action Not Affected By Pact London, Feb. 20. rwwE Ankara radio last night broadcast an explanation of the Turco-Bulgarian agreement which, it says, "does not limit Turkish action in respect of defence, and will, not prejudice agreements with other countries." The Bulgarian Prime Minister,
    Reuter  -  398 words
  • 42 9 Washington, Feb. 19. THE new United States 30,000-ton battleship Washington will be commissioned on May 15, six months 1 ahead of schedule, the Naw Depart1 ment announced to-day. The Washington's main arma.-nent consists of nine 16-lnch guns. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 121 9 London. Feb. 20. ■T«H£ Lyons radio last night announced that Adm. Darlan, Vichy VicePremier and Foreign Minister. Is expected to return to Vichy from Paris to-day. He had further talks yesterday with Lav it. dismiaeed Vichy Vice-Premier who recently refused an offer to rejoin tbe
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 221 9 Challenged By R.A.F. Night Fighters London, Feb. 20. SOUTH WALES appeared to be the main objective of the German air raids last night. British night fighters went up to challenge them as they arrived at intervals in a steady stream some time after dark. High explosives
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 305 9 Fighting Reported In Italian Message London, Feb. 20. DISCUSSING the military situation. commentators express some sur1 prise at the Italian communique statement that "attacks have been repuls- ed" in the Olarabub area and point out that, although it is not possible to deny attacks have been made
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 122 9 London, Feb. 20. In response to Britain's request for additional produce. New Zealand farmers have produced an additional 16,000 tons of cheese for the United Kingdom and an extra 10,000 tons of bacon, the New Zealand Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, Mr. W.
    British Wireless  -  122 words
  • 320 9 New Move In Hitler's 'Nerve War*: Athens' Attitude Unchanged Belgrade, Feb. 20. DKM ABLE reports that German planes made reconnais- sance flights over Greece on Tuesday are taken here to indicate that Hitler is going forward with his "nerve war" in an attempt to
    Reuter  -  320 words
  • 164 9 Armed Bands Active In Bromberg Area London, Feb. 20. ARMED Polish bands are still resisting the Germans. Information received by Polish sources In London disclose that there has been serious fighting in the Bromberg region, in north-west Poland. In a town in central Poland, tn* German
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 38 9 London, Feb. 30. rE Archo.^i.op ot Canterbury And Vat* has issued an appeal for help in meeting the cost of repairs to yj~-dairiag» d church**. and 'or d^x^'iocs m, ;h=altie£ in netd.Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 611 10 Kuantan Sends $870 To Help Towards $5,000,000 SPECIAL FILM SHOW TO BE HELD AT THE CAPITOL I ESS than £16.000 is now required to carry The War Fund 1 to the figure at which a reader has promised to provide the five-millionth dollar. Contributions acknowledged
    611 words
  • 162 10 KUMl- MOTfcl Dinner A Dam o rf »m»l. o m to KUdni;nt CAKKK K TIIM1KI l,l\liv. Plmt lovr ]>u>. B( My I>*ttnr at 7 44 p m IHMI WORLIt Cabaret j t m ui Midnighc Olobf Mv Kvouril^ Wtfp Sky MUSK- In My Hr«rt HArPT TIIEATICt .Happ« HwMi !WUu
    162 words
  • 275 10 "SUSAN GOD" AT THE CAPITOL THEATRE At The Cinema <** (J«m Cr»wf«r«. LI* OJt AN old theme, of how *n estranged couple come together in the end. U approached in a novel way in thU remarkable fllm of a social butterfly who develops Into a nysterical faddist and antagonises her
    275 words
  • 60 10 yHE American President Line's second new luxury !iner. the 9,300-ton President Monroe arrived in Singapore yesterday in the course of her maiden voyage round the world. She carried a complement of 84 passengers en arrival: 38 disembarked here The captain of the vessel is ComS
    60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 10 V™i- and BB I tan AheTne in scsne /rom "Hired Wi/c Wcw Km Za f c f» Co ?L' dl i^ w 'i! c shown at h <! Capitol Theatre in aid of the "Buy-A-Bomber" Fund on March 11 at 9 IS p m
    43 words
  • 712 10 THE following are the latest donans to the Malaya Patriotic Fund Previously acknowledged $2,361,112 S3; Mata«c» branch: Labour force staff or Teoolang Estate $29: Collected by Penghuiu •■Wei Bahru U'.u and IXmang of Durlan Tunggal $«4 20; Post Office box $2
    712 words
  • 318 10 Bus Problems In The F.M.S. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 19. •J*HK view that further progress in traffic development in the F.M.S. cannot be expected until the main trunk road and the more important roads are free from the local restrictions, is expressed by the
    318 words
  • 86 10 IN the civil action brought by C. M. Houghtoti. a boxing promoter against F W. Brewer and Cheong Hock Chye, president and honorary secretary respectively of the Singapore Boxing Board of Control, in respect of a sum of $1,937, Mr. Justice aBeckett Terrell gave Judgment
    86 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 10 Sir Shenton Thomas, the Governor, and Major Gen. H Gordon Bennett officer commanding the A.IF. in Malaya, before the mic^ephonea 'the Singapore radio station last night. Sir Shenton extended a radio welcome to the Australians, and Gen. Gordon Bennett replied on their behalf Straits Times picture.
    46 words
  • 687 10 Volunteers' Intensive Weapon Training Course In Camp NOWADAYS an infantryman is supposed to have a sound knowledge of a wide range of weapons. The day of the Specially selected" man who is put through a course of training in any weapon other than the
    687 words
  • 470 10 Former Servant In General Hospital A FORMER servant at the General Hospital, described as being "one of the most Important Communist agents in Singapore," a fellow-servant, and an "amnh" who admitted being the secretary of the European Household Domestic Servants' Mutual Help Association, were all sentenced
    470 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 90 10 TtU lotion lie* per gallon AND ARE DESIGNED FOR HEAVY DUTY WORK WITH ALL EQUIPMENT SUITED TO THE SEVEREST CONDITIONS. FEATURES: Powerful 27 H.P. overhead valve engine, designed for maximum power at low engine speeds. Lockheed Hydraulic Brakes, giving maximum safety. Heavy duty 4-speed transmission incorporating Borg WK]^J^/>Sm an< Beck
      90 words

  • 603 11 No Cause For Anxiety On Part Of Malaya's Neighbours AUSTRALIANS ARE WELCOMED IN BROADCAST BY GOVERNOR INK arrival in Malaya of the Australian Imperial force iced cause no anxiety to any of our neighbours, with whom we are on the most friendly terms," declared
    603 words
  • 236 11 Muslim Move For Public Holiday AT the annual meeting of the Muslim Improvement Club last week it was decided that the hon. secretary of the club should approach the All- Malaya Muslim Missionary So.iety to make representations to Government to have the birthday of Holy Prophet Mohammed
    236 words
  • 22 11 Picture taken during disembarkation of A.I.F. in Singapore on Tuesday. Men are seen helping to haul in a boat.
    22 words
  • 330 11 Powerful Reinforcements For Air Force In Far East FOLLOWING immediately on the arrival in Singapore of thousands of Australian troops came the announcement last night of powerful reinforcements for the British air forces in the Far East. A communique from G.H.Q., Far East, in Singapore,
    330 words
  • 316 11 Transport Board's Emergency Plans IF ever war comes to Malaya, the F.MJS. Transport Board will be In a position to institute at short notice I i emergency measures 'or the provision I of transport and all components ot I transport if the need arises. During
    316 words
  • 84 11 DAIL of $10,000 was allowed 31-year- old Lim Koon Wan after a charge that he had falsified certain accounts was explained to him in the Singapore secend court yest3rdry It was -alleged that L:m altered a material particular and certain figures in the account books of
    84 words
  • 59 11 THE Chinese Christian Association will celebrate its 51st anniversary on Saturday, Peb. 22 at 8.15 p.m. in the V.M C.A. ball, Orchard Road. There will b? an attractive programme, and a special collection will be taken for The War Fund. Admission will be by ticket only, obtainable
    59 words
  • 86 11 the third list, of contributions to the 1 Malaya Patriotic Fund collected by the >:lone*p Association of Malacca is as follows: Mr. J. A. Vanniaslngham $10. Mr. R. -■atnn i-.ain *15. Mr. IT. Duraiappah $5 Mr. P. O. Pamadasa $20, Mr. P. g. Mahindasa
    86 words
  • 26 11 A research development specialist rith the Bahrein Petroleum Company, Mr. George W indie, arrived here by the President Monroe yesterday en I route to Bharein Island.
    26 words
  • 878 11 "Your War Is Our War" Says Major-Gen. Gordon Bennett "AUSTRALIANS regard Singapore .-s an outpost of n Australia; we feel that in helping to defend this country we are defending Australia,*' said Major-Gen H. Gordon Bennett, commandihg officer of the Australian troops wno have arrived
    878 words
  • 52 11 ONG Chui Tocl:, aged 21, trial in tb» third KWt yesterday to a charge of stealing $100 in cash In m Ong Han at Trmpines Road btween 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Sundry The case wps nostnoned a week for mention, and bail of $200
    52 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 91 11 When you choo&e your menu for the day. do /J you consider the oil to be used for cooksig Or J'v O" do you Just leave this important ingredient to ■I I t W* Hostesses, lamou-i tor tl eir fine food, know i^i^_. if^-' r tnat when **AZOLA is used
      91 words
    • 104 11 AEETEX SPORTS WEAR A delightfully cool and v£r comfortable sporto-sh A^ with buttoned neck. /?Si?ys&/ i~ I" plain -colours oi Rose, 'I W H I Yellow. Blue. Red, I'm rAfcfiJ^"^-*JxA quoise. Green ami Mil j I 1 O O Oil A^ T v***' An entirely new design in Aertex sports-wear,
      104 words

  • 568 12 Finance Will Be Deciding Factor "MOT on the battlefield, but rather 11 on the financial front will the I war between China and Japan be settled, declared Mr. P. T. Chen, economic research director of the Central Bank of China, and editor-in-chief of the China Quarterly,
    568 words
  • 725 12 Views Of Rotarians On Ways Of Remedying Situation AN announcement that he had been asked by the Commu- nity Service Committee and the directors of the Club to prepare a pamphlet designed to provide school children with social hygiene education was made by Dr.
    725 words
  • 59 12 THE d€aili iKi\neu a> Urn General Hospital. Singapore, on Tuesday, of Mr. Morgan Thomasz. at the age of 46. The funeral took place at Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Father Garuthler officiated. Besides the family and relatives there were many friends present. Floral tributes were
    59 words
  • 26 12 Mr. J. E. Jacobs, the new American Consul-General at Cairo. arriv3d in Singapore yesterday en route to Egypt via Bombay. He is accompanied by his wife.
    26 words
  • 343 12 Had Only Acted As 'Good Satnaritan' (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 19. "WHAT I am trying tc do I I Jestroy pi?ce by piece the impressionist picture that the ap- pellant blazed in his car along Batu Road and took the bend with two wheels
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 322 12 0 Whisky fHIGH BALL SOLE AGENTS KHTm^ M M >^H BOVRIL makes the WEARY CHEERY i .AJ_^^^rLi.s_ T_a.i L^^bh I n C^Oflbl? KoOCTI SIS D?f Clß* bb j^K^^^^_^L^^^^^2 Single Room with b«th 111 per d»< I B^^^^F^bl Slofle Room without batb S 9 per d»> I >^B N« <•»«» allowed
      322 words

  • 190 13 2,000 BRITONS AMERICANS MAY LEAVE HONG KONG SOON Japanese Story Of Exodus From Firms And Hospitals Shanghai, Feb. 19. JAPANESE reports state that 2,000 British and American nationals, mostly connected with commercial firms and hospitals, will evacuate Hong Kong next moth. These same reports state that American women and children,
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 96 13 London, Feb. 19. THE general cost of living figures on Pet> 1 showed an increase of one point over the level of Jan. 1. This rise, s-ates *he Ministry of Labour, is due to an increase In clothing prices, which are largely attributable to the
    British Wireless  -  96 words
  • 83 13 London, Feb. 19. PRBC ACT lONS against further destruction in the Temple precincts wer? taken yesterday when Sir Patrick Hastings. X.C.. Treasurer of the Middle Temple, presided at a meeting of Middle and Inner Temples held to discuss an extension of the fire guard
    83 words
  • 114 13 Belgrade, Feb. 19. (\FFICIAL circles in Belgrade express complete approval of the '-'Turkish-Bulgarian declaration of non-aggression, particularly because of its trend towards peace in the Balkans and co-operaUon between the Balkan peoples. In Yugoslav political circles it is considered that the agreement
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 629 13 "Vigilance Must Be The Order Of The Day In Pacific" London, Feb. 11). THE new Balkan pact between Turkey and Bulgaria is regarded by both The Times and the Daily Telegraph as part of Hitler's war of nvrves. The Times
    629 words
  • 64 13 Tokio Possible P.I. "Menace" Toklo, Feb. 19. JAPAN'S Interest In th« Philippines la cne which may be displayed towards "t member of our neighbourly circle". Mr. Chuichi Ohashi, Foreign i Vice-Minister, said in the Diet yester- j day. "We hope that they will not b?com* a threat to Japan, and
    64 words
  • 157 13 Chungking, Feb. It. UR Lau?hlln Currle and other mem'jers M the Vnited States economic mission, who wrr* scheduled to leave yesterday morning by air for Chengtu. failed to leave .aa the aeroplane was held up by bad weather. They are likely to leave to-day
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 56 13 London. Feb. 19. A BIG trial of officer* who have Joined Gen. de Gaulle's movement to to begin len Feb 26 at Oannat. ten miles west of Vichy, stales a Vichy dispatch to the official German news agency. The proceedings will not
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 252 13 EMQl "01 MATRICULATION and SENIOR CAMBRIDGE Itl mi EvtMtg iwMm For MaUVui»lif» KTWAITB Vt mm of the trm OottafW oflertaf ft* toarat of atotfy prtalto and on etooao* a* aukjecte nunoNi mm KOLSTER BRANDES KB-RADSO SPECIAL OVEHSIA KD model* TROPICAL CONSTRUCTION. OCTAL-BASE VALVES. REGIONAL TUNING SCALES. EXCELLENT SHORT-WAVE PERFORMANCE. volt
      252 words
    • 252 13 •lUfl PATRIOTIC mm^m k**** j j 1 p e/portswear SPORTS SHIRTS IN GREAT VARIETY BK/77S// MANUFACTURE-WELL TAILORE&-ATTRACT1VELY PRICED M£ATS AERTEX SPORTS SHIRTS All sizes Soft tropical weight in Plain colours, Polo Collar, 34 TO 4 Short Sleeves. Cream, Grey, Navy, Saxe, White, Fawn. $4.50 0 MEN'S AERTEX SPORTS SHIRTS All
      252 words

  • 339 14 Dangila Captured From Italians After Continued Pressure Khartoum, Feb. 19. THE capture of Dangila, 40 miles south-west of Lake Tana, the fall of which was briefly reported yesterday, is the Abyssinian patriot army's most important success so far. Strategically, Dangila controls the whole of
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 346 14 British Airmen Play Important Part Cairo, Feb 19. PERCE activity by the RAF., the South African Air Force, and the Royal Australian Air Fcrce feature to-day's Middle East communique, which states that aerodromes on the Dodecanese Islands were raided by RAF. bombers on the night
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 66 14 London, Feb. 19. NATIVES of the Tanganyika areas of Waikizi and Ngrumbi are determined to play their part along with the other citizens of the Empire in helping London men and women rendered homeless through the "blitz." They have donated, respectively, 90 and 125 head
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 117 14 Nazis Use Latvian Ship As Raider Washington Feb. 19 ONE of the German raiders preying on British shipping in the Pacific is the former Latvian ship HersogjaJcoj, of 9,000 tons, and capable of a speed uf 18 knots, according to an authoritative source here. It Is stated that the Germans
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 93 14 London, Feb. 19. APPRECIATION 01 the Government's action in submitting a token vote "for the purchase of a site in connection with the building of a mosque and Islamic cultural tentre in London" was expressed in the House of Commons by members of the Conservative,
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 93 14 London, Feb. It. TN view of the lmport&^ce ol mainia |n|r| E x as far as possibls the itandards of university education and the essential contributions the universities are making In a variety of wt.ys towards the national effort, the Oov rnmont has decided to
    93 words
  • 39 14 London, Feb. 19. A GOVERNMENTAL bill had its first reading in the House of Commons regularizing the position of parliamentarians retaining seats while performing emergency wai-tlme duties elsewhere. These include Mr. Malcolm MacDonald as well as several others.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 277 14 Italian Losses Mounting Eneniv Now Fighting For Life In Albania London. Feb. 19. •pHB Greets maintained attacks along the whole front yesterday despite heavy rain, cables Reuters special correspondent on the Albanian-Yugoslav frontier. The Italians, however, are stated to have brought up reinforcements. In the Devoll-Moskopolye sector the Greeks continue
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 38 14 Shanghai. Feb. 19. THB United States 10.000-ton transpor 1 chaumont. arriving here to-day will disembark about 100 American marines to replace a similar number whose time has expired and are going home— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 202 14 Now Cycles 28 Miles A Day This man of 31 was premature' 1 by backache. Here he tells h >w Kruschen Salts gave tiim back his health I was in hospital with backache. When discharged I felt like an old man, although only 31
    202 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 327 14 NEW STRENGTH WITH WATERBURY'S When the vigour and vitality of youth begins t^^\ to fade, take Waterbury's Compound. For f^ >M years this fine old tonic has proven its value J i ia stimulating the appetite renewing fail* j(& V^ ing strength building stamina and glow* >& N ing health.
      327 words
    • 241 14 MOTION, SMITH SON, LTD. at your service for REPAIRS to SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS WATCHES CLOCKS ETC., ETC. CONSULTING OPTICIANS 15, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. for pictures at WEDDINGS DANCES RE-UNIONS CHRISTENINGS DINNERS MEETINGS conmh the STRAITS TIMES _Phone_or_wrW*_the Prodtttoa Manage? 8 N^Wv*'" k" Ml| w#/M '4 with superlative SSSP TROPIC /(////< short-wave
      241 words

  • 845 15 189 Horses Ponies Entered For Three-Day Season (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 19. <;OO1) entry of 189 horses and ponies, comprising 36 hones in rlass one. 73 horses in class three, 55 horses in class four and 25 ponies in class two,
    845 words
  • 160 15 Si in I ions fu r to-day* races at lAipmg are: STRAITS TIMES Rare 1 I a<l< let. East I.ynne. Race I: SHtngJr 11. Beacon Rare 3. Pat.en. c Poor Bill. Race 4: Ktenella. Dans? dv Ventre Race 5: Rarkaroc k. M tr<> Race fc. Roy (ullen.
    160 words
  • 199 15 'From Our Own Correspondent) Taiplng, Feb. 20. piNAL gillops for to-day's races were gone throi-Kh on the race course this morning. The going is likely to be gotd, unless there is rain during the day Boy Ctfn ni vary bapreuive «ben given fast work c-rrr two
    199 words
  • 118 15 Y. M. C. A. Tennis Results Further Ties VsVrERDAYS ties In the YJU.C.A. tennis championships resulted: OMi singles: Robert Chia beat G Hirldas ft— l, ft— l. Know Its Cup: Lim Hee Chin beat 8. A Da wood ft— 3. 6—2;6 2; Yadl wo. Thomas Hickey Jnr Saturday's Ties Saturday's
    118 words
  • 122 15 r£ folluwiiiK have been selected to represent the Merry Union BP. against Heptarchlans Badminton Party In a friendly match, comprising of five single* and two doubles, at the Clerical Union Hall at 7 30 Dm. to-day: trd Tan Henry Ooi, The TJiong Ann, Gan Poh Yew. Salleh
    122 words
  • 116 15 «T«O MORROW at the Royal S.ngapore Yacht Club, there will be the usual races for all classes, starting at 5 23 p m for "A" ilaas, and at 5 25 p m 1 r the other classes On Sund.-.y the "C" .lass Will <ail the
    116 words
  • 30 15 IN a friendly table .ennis match played 1 last Saturday, the Bramtoco Sports Club beat the Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association (Pitman's) by the' odd game In seven.
    30 words
  • 299 15 PLAYING at Still Road, KaUng. last i Sunday, the Makepeace Ba<jmn- ton Party suffered their first defeat in j thre? years when they went down to i the Syke^ Badminton Party by the odd game in seven Syies Paity fully deserved their Victory, for thr>y
    299 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 15 The Travction Company beat the C»ia Storage bjr seven goals to one in a Business Houses' Learve football match at Anson Road stadium on Tuesday. This picture shows the rams in progress. Straits Times picture.
    35 words
  • 724 15 First Day Of Professional Race Meeting THE full card of events at Taiping to-day, the first day 1 of the Taiping Turf Club's February professional meeting, is given below. The double tote will be on races four and six, and the big sweep will
    724 words
  • 19 15 SOCCER: 8.H.L.: Uniteers vs. Oversea Chinese Bank, stadium: Bramtoco vs. Rrinkmanns, Clerical Union. TENNIS: V.M.C.A. tournament.
    19 words
  • 72 15 Guthries- 10. Chartered Bank t /"VNE-SIDED football was seen on the Fraser and Neave ground yesterday when Guthrles beat the Chartered Bank by ten goals to nil in a Business Houses' League fixture. The Bankers provided poor opposition, but It cannot oe said their defeat was
    72 words
  • 426 15 G.E.C. Beaten By Seven Goals To Nil Ford S. C. 7; G.E.C. 8. C. I. FRESH from their fourteen-goals-to-nil victory over the Chartered Bank Sports Club on Saturday. Fords scored another bit victory in the Business Houses' League competition at Anson Road stadium yesterday, beating
    426 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 490 15 Rheumatism and Backache Gone in 1 Week ■task KMney* WK* Cyitex and Ye«'H Feel Fin* Cystex the prescript Inn of a fame— do<w nd* all troubles due to faulty kldr.ey 'tion In double quick time, so, If you puffer from Rheumatism. Sciatica. Neurit. i. Lum. bago. Backache, Nervousness, Leg Paine,
      490 words

  • 539 16 OFFICIAL MEDIATION OFFER TO GREAT BRITAIN "Complete Victory First" Is First Reaction In London To Proposal A NEW Axis peace offensive is seen in the action of the Japanese Government in communicating with the British Government, expressing Japan's readiness to mediate in any war
    Reuter  -  539 words
  • 273 16 U. S. Concern Over TOKIO ACTION IN MONTH SEEN AS POSSIBILITY I'll I. arrival of "thousands of Australian troops" in Singapore ha*> heightened American interest in the lar Bail -i'uili.M. reports Reuter from New York. Xv ishington opin'.on. according to a writer in ..'l-Tnbune, thinks that Japan will against re
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 114 16 Nazis Lured ExDutch Premier Jonkheer De Geer Now In Prison London, Feb. 19. "THE ex-Prime Minister of Holland. 1 Jonkheer de Geer, has been lured by the Nazis into returning from London to occupied Holland by reports that his w'fe was ill. according to Information reaching the Netherlands
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 27 16 Rome, Feb. If. re general Improvement In the condition of ex-King Alfonso continues and he passed a quiet night, stated the official Italian new* agency to-day. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 72 16 New Delhi. Feb. 20. THE Far Eastern crisis is being closely watched throughout India. The arrival of Australian reinforcements in Singapore has been greeted with general satisfaction. It is recalled that large numbers of Indian troops have been drafted to Malaya and the vigorous training they
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 55 16 Bangkok, Feb. 19. IT is officially announced in Bangkok that three Japanese destroyers are taking on supplies at the mouth of the Bangkok River 15 miles Irom the Thai capital. The nnouncement says that the Japanese naval aitache In Bangkok sought permission from the Thai Government
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 176 16 London, Feb. 19. MO further progress in the Anglo- Soviet negotiations could be reported by the Government spokesman when questbned in the Hcuse of Commons to-day. Mr. R. A. Butler, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, said that since his last answer some
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 258 16 No Dispute To Be Permitted Toklo, Feb. 19. JAPAN'S leadership in establishing the new order in East Asia signifies that Japan will assume responsibility for assuring that no dis. uta will arise between the various races in this part of the world, so that their
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 95 16 Bucharest. Fob. 20. THE Important MaJaxa railway aiiw arm.i- merit works have been completely taken over by the State under a decree Lssui d yesterday providing that the remaining 50 per ccn 1 of the company's shares should become state property, the other hall
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 91 16 WJmmw^MammUSJiS^mTmm B&7 ->^^Si > JK Mm r m -^^^■^jf .A^^BfeL? F HH f- mB mm "w ~V <m mm 1 lJ flfl I .m^m^mw s iiL '^^M m^mW U k^B mmr B mw am± WSxBBk wmVm \SfcA flip 4iMOQt KO&4 \\Jf ft *MV Mm Um^ JMr %9%0^ m v JL*
      91 words
      12 words

  • in A Malayan Bungalow
      18 words
    • Article, Illustration
      121 1 TAKE this illustration to your shoemaker and ask him to make you a pair of shoes with the unmistakable appearance of Lcndon or New York. A wcoden-soled sandal, with upturned toe Uop left). The 3'^-inch-thick sole which is such a boon to the short woman. This version buckles
      121 words
    • 243 1 MIX together one 4 level tablespoon sugar, level teaspoon paprika or pepper, V 2 level teaspoon salt. \'z level teaspoon dry mustard, and >z cup evaporated milk. Beat In with a whisk 2 tablespoons vinegar and gradually beat in 1 cup olive oil. Chill well, and if
      243 words
    • 2764 1 Taking A Look Around London j By Straits Times London Woman Correspondent London, Nov. 12. "LJAVE a good look round and tell us what London is like now," friends say, writing from the country. Most of them have not been to Town since the German air attack began. Looking round
      2,764 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 207 1 COME AND SEE f A GOLD mk SILVER tf EVENING W BAGS A^L. DARMANANDS 42. HIGH STREET I h BUT I FEEL I THESE SIGNS SAY "ALKALIZE" Upstt Stomach Fl»tul«nc« Indijestion Biltousnms 1 H«»nburfi Constipation «C I Tha TaMaU v* mtmt fa.wwd. Hm*r ,1m of M tar m««Mag twwlnl I
        207 words
      • 124 1 JUST UNPACKED "FERGUSON" DRESS MATERIALS IN LATEST DESIGNS S. A. MAJEED 00. 70. HIGH STREET. I w I II There is no other Lavender with the charm and quality of the Yardley Lavender. It is typically English and the beauty V«r<n« rn t K*u»mdm o f its wistful simple fragrance
        124 words
    • 3197 2  -  Nurse Elizabeth By Ml RSE Elizabeth has had expert training in the care of infants and young children. If you have any problems connected with babies or young children and would like her help write to Nurse Elizabeth, c o Women's Supplement, Straits Times,
      3,197 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 135 2 i "..V." CARPETS CARPETS I YOU have to LIVE with them therefore ensure "fc your own satisfaction from the start 3 WE HAVE 3 GOOD CARPETS THAT WILL RENDER YOU A LIFELONG SERVICE 4 1-43. HIGH ST j3s§£s *KEPL E R f \V^*Ns COD LIVER OIL with MALT EXTRACT Children
        135 words
      • 345 2 TAKING CHANCES j^t^^^. Why take chmires by fyS^r V col "8 to unqualified <V hairdressers whoee only wßf *J| attractions arr cheap Ac-Id burns and m| BY etectrlc shocks are a t^^Bßi*to(9 rule rather than ex--^"J reptlons. r«m 5 KAYES and be pro■mm $6. $I*. and |1!.5«. KAYES BEAUTY PARLOUR
        345 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1208 4 Bungo And Susan Have An Exciting Day At The Circus Winkleday Adventures I AST Thursday I told you how Eliza the elephant and Bungo and I went to seek our fortune, and how we joined a circus and went to bed that Winkleday dreaming of the famous people we should
      1,208 words
    • Article, Illustration
      49 4 A I ojiiuJuN, severely tailored in black feu. designed by Carole Lombard for her personal wardrobe. The small brim ls edged with narrow grosgraJn ribbon, which ties In a bow at the back. Also knotted at the back is the fine mesh veil which reaches her shoulders.
      49 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 249 4 9fcJS*m~** N/G#rCBEP£* j 48-50. HIGH ST..S'POBE. wL /|f has just received a specially selected consignment of DINNER AFTERNOON GOWNS. i(l. 4974 Maynard Bldgs. aßr iv e yourself new vJ glamour with this IKvim] most thrilling of all l/L perfumes. ■0S Evening In Paris adds charm and mystery, subtly J^^^^^J-p»lß_p_^S^-JoH I
        249 words
        271 words
    • 225 5 American Version Of The Popular Turban *THK turban ha? come to sUy. Fashion experts prophesied appearance »»ut it i« still with us. Here Is the newest version from America. Make It on >UI You will need four yards (single width) of wool or cotton fishnet Cut it into lengths of
      225 words
    • 536 5 Salads To Tempt The Most Jaded Palate j la are n -»f limp U'tleaf to|>iK-<l l>\ a intinite variety in salads, and these redpei ill t<'mj)t :h«' most jaded pal dine Tomato Salad Yardint s. 1 endive, if you can obtain J» 1 hard-boiled eg*. 2 or 3 tomatoes, a
      536 words
    • 113 5 HAVE you tried making a pudding mostly of carrots? This is a sweet dish, not a savoury, and is well worth an experiment. About halfa pound of carrots are the proportion to use. Boil them in salt water, then pass through a hair sieve Cream together 2 lb.
      113 words
    • 277 5  - Friendship On Wings Feeding The Birds That Come To Your Garden Jane Parry By TT has been proved time and again that many types of birds are necessary to the welfare of our gardens, so it is our duty as well as our pleasure to help as many as possible
      277 words
    • Article, Illustration
      111 5 YOU'RE a practical damsel. You know what dust does to clothes. To preserve your budget from the cleaners you wear black, navy and brown But even the practical wardrobe has its luxury side evening f,o"yns, "little dinner" hats, lounging robes. Slip a little white Into it. if white is your
      111 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 116 5 e%^/° y^ with helena rubinstein SKIN CLEARING CREAM lAr a brisk, invigorating canter in ihe early morning, Skin Oaring Cream (Beautifying Skinfood) refreshes, revive* your •km. Ju»t Icjvr it on while you bath. In 10 minutes it banishes mllowmm, rWoloration* and a weatherbeaten look. Ideal for left-over tan, it bring*
        116 words
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    • 570 6  - "These Are Not Angles, But Angels" Mabel Tyrrell By UISTORY relates that when 11 the children of the Britons stood in the slave market at Rome waiting to be bought, the great Gregory passed by and saw them. He stopped, looked in amazement at their innocent faces, and exclaimed These
      570 words
    • 92 6 3 rusks (hollowed out) 3 tablespoons butter Vt cup sliced mushrooms 1 teaspoon minced onions 2 tablespoons minced celery 4 tablespoons flour 2/3 cup small oysters 2 cups milk 1 egg, beaten 1/3 teaspoon salt teaspoon paprika Butter insides of rusks and bake until lightly browned. Melt butter
      92 words
    • 38 6 117 HEN making ice cream at home. whip the cream only until it holds its shape. If whipped too much, the texture of the ice cream will be buttery, not fine and smooth as desired.
      38 words
    • 588 6 Vegetable Gardening In Malaya V BY permission of the Department I of Agriculture, S.S. and FM.S. I we publish below the fifth of a series of excerpts from a book en- titled "Vegetable Gardening in Malaya," by J. N. Mtlsum and D. H. Grist, to be published
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 87 6 fjLjL<AAr V the Original and I If^ H Genuine AvH B^B fl V Worcestershire v\SBB+-D/'l A is *mo»t economical. Lea Perrins v /£j^^^»^^™^figg«? (J highly concentrated, a few drops added to J Ms^ each dish are all that are nece^ry to O give a flavour that will whet the edge
        87 words
    • 1233 7 A Letter From The Red Cross Organization For The Middle East Notes From Central Depot, yiomen^ Section* Malaya Patriotic Fund IN view of the splendid news we have been receiving from the war zone of the Middle East a recent letter to hand from the headquarters of the Wat Organisation
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    • Article, Illustration
      88 7 Mr. ..1 I.aecU I_x--r«o. ddi.t na Mr. ami H.v UJctul Uutm. «f M»tef. BirrM I* Mita Mary JeMißic BWrtcaw. tUarhtcr Mr. G. M. Kodrirur ..f tUaMf, U the Churh «f Oar l«4r •< Liwiw. Vr. Steven liuh. Mn cl J t „h Kai> l«wit Sou. Klaax. married U Mias
      88 words
    • 100 7 I*HESE arc days when extravagant presents are bad form. But there are occasions which demand something which is more than a gesture for a man in the fighting Services. The answer may be signet ring. There are few articles of Jewellery he ca.i wear. But the signet ring
      100 words
    • 83 7 riOSE with the lane to spare t decorate household linen ar finding cross-stltching the best of all kinds of embroidery, because they can do just as little, or as much a. they fancy. A border line of six o eight rows worked in Ray colours, i a
      83 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 150 7 few E£^J« WRI6HTS at TarV R. VICK a CO. LTD M>»(m limit > »<>•> tTo J If tm in iMklnr far Ik* iMtm* DckIkvs la printed crepe-de chire prihteT satih Call iattect a wiier raag« VISHNU'S 46, North Bridge Rd. Ladies' Drtu Makers. HALEX TOOTH BRUSHES WITH "NYLON" Instead of
        150 words
      • 255 7 OME G A J vl aWaWaT ''X CX 695 Tl7. STAYBRITE STEEL $60.00 Manufactured by the same craftsmen who made and regulated the World's most ACCURATE WATCH. Omega the World's most accurate watch. '■IMBRPDIH IPPH Pt'NPNI Let the STRAITS TIMES take your photographs The Straits Times photographic service is no
        255 words
    • 1011 8  - Mrs. Mild Has Sound Ideas en The Training Of Children Victoria Chappelle By "WHY on earth," said the woman next to me at the 'but stop, "Why on earth doesn't every town start play centres for children not only the evacuees, but their own We wore in a small provincial
      1,011 words
    • 78 8 I AIAK for umiiig is the keynote of this unusual dinner dress in Paulette Goddard's personal wardrobe. The long-sleeved dress has a low V-neck, sunburst gathers at the hipline and fastens all the way up the front with tiny self -covered buttons of the same chartreuse and
      78 words
    • 370 8 NOW that real silk and wool 11 are not so readily obtainable, we shall probably rely more and more on artificial silk for both under and outer garments. Many of these artificial silk fabrics, whether they are mixed with other threads, or woven entirely of rayon yarn, wash
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 113 8 NEW FABRICS Call at GIAN SINGH'S 4 Battery Road. Singapore, and sare your valuable time and money. For here you will always find a wide range of Tootal Wemco Ferguson American Printed Materials >iat,iblc for till occasions at ifutithxSALT pkcttemS Aetved No more gnvy-cuking worries riaii Bisto came on the
        113 words
      • 246 8 ■aW v .^Ba ■i— aaW f g >Jhz (Bab. tke finest butter if ok can put on your table j Nourishing goodness, line *W 'S k creamy flavour and rich golden nu,^ I colour, these are the qualities CPea*. t< you will find in every Pat ot S.C.S. Creamery. Butt
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