The Straits Times, 5 February 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 ©ir Straits I SMALL APS. Minimum cha r g $1. M«r* than tmtr IHm* 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. OOttl I BUENOS* miiiis mMmtmm, ,\O| N( I MEKTS rPC CABPS «r» rharfM U f»ch 9*t prr frh Oyrr I tock ti rta pn line
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    • 402 2 SITUATIONS VACANT lOK ri^T> A Til I GRAPHS •HI-'. 1. KiTfrienced fitter for Installation tnd 1 malnlrr.anre of 750 X W. Dtescl-Oenerator piant. Mutt possess Ist Grade Ktogtne brtwrs Ontflrate of ProtVlenry. Wages M to $5 per day depending on experience. 2 OenfTal fitter «lth 2nd Grade Engine I
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    • 466 2 FOR SALE 14 CINE KODAK 8 mm. films lor $3.5t j ea (sJ»op price $4 85) Bought for trip now cancelled. Perfect, unopened. Apply Bryan, The Mansion. Oriey Wat. VISIT Benrl-M Optical Cc,. OphthalmU' Optician*. 165 Capitol Building. North Brtdtre Road, for the latest superior outstanding quality prismatic Binoculars, Pieldglassas
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    • 760 2 HOUSES ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED SMAI 801 II or Hat. Two bedrooms, dining room and loung* Appb Box No. COO. Strait' Times. WWTI.D, I ugalcw or fl*t uiitabl* fc-r bachelor, fuiriocd or unfurnishe-J No. 707, StraUs Time*. BUSINESS PREMISES WANTED WANTED GODOWN with ground space of 2 500 sq. ft. or
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    • 692 2 rHOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BUH.niNG Spocializinp; Ocular Muscle Anonmli* R, Crossed Eyes. Intricate Visual j^jgg-^P^ Problems. \y*^ Glasses if needed. K. A. Thompson Dr. M Ooular Science. J5 yearV European Clinical Experience Thone 3002. BUSINESS CARDS ETC EUGENE Permanent Waving EUGENE Hair-reconditionmg. MAISON PERM European Ladies Hairdressers. •.9, Stamford
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    • 121 2 CHEVROLET MASTER SALOON 1939 MODeL PRICE $1700 n_i car ho.s only done a small mUeaft* md is In first class condition. Jt >* very attractively ducoed black wit' ied trim. CHEVROLET MASTtR SALOON 1938 MODEL PRICE $1400 Ducoed black witn solid leather upholstery this is a really excellent car. lyres
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 620 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA MAWJHItI-J AND APCAR LINE. I^WllHl'lltH tin iri>c>r ti< ii Err l»iiil «lnpon>orat«J Jaoant rnmn GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS 'v.w •»<"vu-.o ..<: por CUNARD WHITE STAR Tho best possible services I INE. arm being maintained by the V O S. N Coy from the Ta S
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    • 435 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 199 3 Radio Programmes TO-DAY SINGAPORE /111 13.33 m/i t MJ m 7IIIM roe (MM m.> ZIIPI 7 IS or (41.U by) (ZHL /H m 5.00 pm Pelping dramast; 540 p.m. News m Cantoiie* 555 p.m. Hokklcn music*. CO5 pm. New* In Hokkien: 6.20 pm. Now* In English. Relayed [md London: 6.35
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    • 206 3 French: 7.20 pm Al BolUnglon at the orpin, (rontd.)t; 1.«0 pm. "listeners" Favourites 't. (Malay): 8 00 p.m. Warning to mariners. News In Malay; 815 p.m. News commentary m Malay, or music: 820 p.m. Arabic music; 8.35 pm. News In Arabic: 8.55 p.m. News commentary In Dutch: 9.05 p.m. News
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    • 380 3 EMPIRE STATION GSB 951 mri (31.55 m. GSC 938 fflfi (31.32 m. I; USD 1175 me y.(25.53 m»; "SI U.B« oici (25 29 m. >; GSP 1J.14 nr i (19.83 TV); GSG 1779 me 16.8 b m. t USB 2147 met 113 97 m.»; GSI 15.2* met 119.M m.t; GSJ
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    • 297 3 lIIROM run n.31 me < m.): *nc m/i (19 80 ml PI P 11.00* mr s IJI tJ mi. PMM 10.28 mr (29.24 m i; IHR 955 mo m.|. Vl»l> me (49.57 mi 4.50 p.m. Programme preview. Tea cor 5.35 p.m. Qytnnastlcs; 5.50 p.m. Ilmadca* orchestra: 6.35
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  • 154 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Feb. 4. DELIVERIES of Un in the United States jumped to a new high record In January when they are estimated tr have been 12,760 tons, according to figures compiled by W. H. Gartsen, metal dealers in London. This
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  • 103 4 Singapore. l"eb 5. noon. Buyer* Seller* Gambler $7.50 Hamburg Cube 512.50 Java Cube *»2°° Copra Mixed »219 Sun Dried M4O White Muntolt White *'3.50 Black »7-00 Soot flour NO I Lingga $4-50 Fair M.50 Sarawak $4 30 Tamoco Small Flake *?-<X> Fair Flake 50 Medium-Flake *8.00 Small
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  • 388 4 AROUND THE MARKETS Tin Shares Continue To Ease: Rubbers Dull (By Oar Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Feb. 5. FE general easier tendency in the tin share market continued yes- terday and most prices were marked slightly lower on '.he day. Fairly large offerings were nvAde from Australia and these were nc-t
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  • 37 4 •"r*HE output of fine gold by Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd. in the four weeks ended Feb. 1 was 1.509 ounces. The compares with 1,560 ounces in the preceding four weeks.
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  • 66 4 THE secretaries of Austral New Zealand Mining Ltd. advise the following results for the four-weekly periods of the current financial year beginning Oct. I, 1940: Prriod ending Hours Yards Ounces 1940 Nov. 2 4«3 319.000 1432 Nov. 30 414 2G9.000 1.097 Dec. 28 441 279.000
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  • 36 4 THE fellow Ing particulars of tin-ore production refer to January:— Hours Cubic Picul* yards ore Kinta y. 573 117.100 44? Malaysiam Tin 350 Nawng Pet 382 Malayan Tin 1.674 Southern Malayan 6 581
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  • 300 4 Thrilling Stories Of Gallant Rescues London. Feb. 5. ■yHRILLING stories of heroism and endurance for days in open boats I by officers and men of the merchant navy after their ships had been tor- pedoed and bombed by enemy aircraft lor attacked by mercantile raiders are
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 118 4 Tokio, Feb. 4. JAPAN is about to resume oomu mercial negotiations with the Soviet, which very likely will include an arrangement for the transit of Japanese goods to Germany. This was stated by the Foreign Office spokesman to-day. The Soviet has expressed its readiness to discuss
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  • 51 4 Washington, Feb. 4. PRESIDENT Roosevelt to-day added oil well and oil refining machine ry radium, uranium, calf skins and kip skins to items under the U.S. export licensing sys:em, in connection with the national defence programme. The new measure is effective next Monday.
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  • 93 4 Wednesday. |"rb. noon. rtuyert Seller Prices Price No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loom 3CS Mff No. IX R.S.S. r.o t>. in rase-. lcb.-Mar. I Sellers option) 3G I H% O.F.A.Q. R.S.S. fob. in Dales Feb.-Mar. (Sellers option) Z6' n ?,6\ K.A.Q. R.S.S. lo b. in bale*
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  • 195 4 Tue toiicwing are :he -xcnanne rates Uni morning according *.o the Cally ctrcUai issue. by the Hongltonfi %r.a Shanghai Bani;ln> CorcoraMrn SbLLLNC J LAUCIOD 1.1 i' 4 1/16 iLordoD deniar.o i' 4 I'lf 1 Switzerland drmano (XT only) 202>* New Yore demand 47 3/32 Montreal demand SI 27/32 Batavia
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  • 58 4 THE following rubber crop^ were lianested In January: Lb. Broome 224,300 Penang Rubber Estates 3G4.000 Sabrang Rubber Estate 111.003 Straits Rubber Co 361.000 Rubana RrbbT Estates 150.0^0 Bagan Serai Rubber 98.500 Tall Ayer Rubber 187.000 Batak Rabit Rubber «,000 Merchiston Rubber 55.000 Mountjoy Rubber 141,000 Badenoch Rubber
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  • 163 4 EXCLUDING war taxation, other than that on liquors and tobacco, the Federated Malay States Government revenue in September last exceeded expenditure by $2,150,992. revenue being $7,578,016 and expenditure $5,427,054. Revenue for the nine months ended September was 173*591,448 and expenditure »n the same period
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  • 453 4 THL tallowing donations to Hie War Fund are recorded to-day t i iir«d trom Tenant, being 157 th instalment <»f contributions made- thiough Pinanic (ia»rttc and Straits X.ho vontt Mrs. Eleanor F. Walking—proceeds of the Exhibition of her pictur.s I-" 1 H5 Sir Percy McElwain.-
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  • 45 4 JAVA-BORNEO AIR SERVICE EXTENDED Our O*n Correspondent i Batavia. Feb 3. T-HE X N I 1..M. air service between J;.*a and Borneo lias b*en extended and there are now three niphts each week. TIMN has be;n a bis Increase of p.-i "ood^ ok this line.
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  • 40 4 i From Our Own Correspond :ii i Batavia, Feb. 3. rt Netherlands Indies Women D»lm»' Corps is now available In the event of an emergency. New divisions are bfli.j established m several N.I. towns.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 247 5 London Stock Exchange Gilt-Edged Improve On GOod Buying M Ibii*" <*d an knnbMM dmand bvt Industrial tm larcrlr brarr mder ttat bUtaence iw mil tatar* taxation. ..i. i „r.» i Im 9mmm I—Hi fiwd to rocovfr. i*y «KMtnt middle Sbarct «r. or «i dtnoataatloa unk. '.irtx-W II Oot. IM4-U I
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  • 74 5 Ml urf*c« 2 p.m. .-urf«kc» 2 p.m. i Out and South surfacr 4 p.m. surlac- 2 p.m. Efcyp. surface 3 p.m. BriUtn etc turface 3 p.m. Indi.. surlacv 3 p.m. laaloaji arfaif 4 p.m. B* r irfa I p.m. io MOIROW Ml part* i air 4
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  • 127 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Our Own Correapoodec* > London. Peb 4. COMMODITY and Exchange markets closed a* follow* wltD ototwui aMO—MIM I* oarentneaar— RtBBEK: Steady. Spot 12 91M 12 111« d 12Sd 12\d> Mar. 1191 M 12 U'lSd (12 »18d 12 11 16 C Apr June 1391 Cd 12 11 l«d
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  • 1324 5 TIE8D4T. FKB. 4. 1M1: 4 PJL ■imto Amptt Tin (5s> 3s 3s M Austral Amal. (5s> 6s «d 7s cd. Austrml Malay it) 35s 36s cd. Ayer Hltam (to> Sis 22s M Ayer Weng <$l > SO .85 Bangrin Tin 14s 6d 15s 6d Ratu
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  • 146 5 \<»ur<\ bf tke Masran Sharebrokers Association. Singapore, ]*eb. 4. aoota rotai fa Oamoaay Otwvamat Cloaa Oat* Bx Mi nnanrtai real rm Payable Data to dat* Austral Malay 9d. 9d mdus 7V4% Austral Amal. 3d. md. bonus 7V4% Berjuntal U. No. 3 Feb. 3 Feb 12 Feb.
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  • 30 5 F REIGN imports of tin-ore into the Colony In January were only 4,694 tons, compared with 7 392 ton* la December AUo at REXINA, RaJßes PUce
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 620 5 Y^ >^HI y TH^\ V or Rheumatism J^ j| \J |Jf| I p Gout, Lumbago, Skin Affections, Foot Troubles, BT TLJ Uric Acid A Xi- Disorders. Prepared to form an artificial J\ "I" mineral water impregnated ™J with mineral alkali and reproducing the essential 75 cents per packet. constituents found
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    • 290 5 TO TESTATORS. Administration of estates by a corporation formed and highly qualified to act as Trustees and Executors ia everywhere admitted to offer greater security than is obtainable from personal Trustees. This does not mean changing your Bankers. Solicitors or others who have handled your business. If you appoint as
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 330 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES H.W. ].j4 a.m. 8 5 ft; 4 40 pja. 7 ft 1. W 10 21 a.m. 3.6 ft: 1005 pm 4.6 ft To-morrow H.W. 4.46 a.m 83 ft; 6. 30 p.m. 6.5 ft. 1..W. 1134 am 3 6 ft: 11 06 pjn. 5.1 ft. Friday. Feb. 7
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 243 6 3 HAVE COME BACK TO SEX IT AGAIN ARE YOU GOING TO MISS IT? SEE !T TC-DAY! DAILY 4 SHOWS mS.» ALHAMBRA I Iventurc story with the tmm&m -tnr of "BOBIM HOOD' at his be<« WL i wfa^i 7^ lUcaptuMf X fIQ jbi IS/ thethrUll of Ihe ,m) -<- W^>ja
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  • 226 7 Italians Retreating Swiftly: Imperial Troops At Gonda I Cairo, Feb. 4. THE British forces in Eritrea are pursuing the Italians, evea 1 along muletracks running south-east of Barentu, and relentlessly harrying their rear, writes Reuter's correspondent. In the northern sector, along the only railway,
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  • 180 7 Britain's Aid To Haile Selassie London, Feb. 4. i DRITAINS alms in helping Haile v Selassie regain his throne were defined by Mr. Anthony Eden, Foreign I Secretary, in the House of I to-day. The Foreign Secretary said the British Governmen; would welcome the
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 226 7 London, Feb. 4. TTHE prepress the British forces have made 1 against the Italians In Eritrea and Abyssinia is describd in London to-day. In Abyssinia British troops with the assistance of Emperor Haile Selassie's patriot army, are fighting an extremely successful action and pushing back
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  • 100 7 Nairobi, Feb 4 E s L ruc LlOnL 1On of grounded Italian a'reraft by the South African Air Force" is described in an official statement here to-day. On Sunday two fighters destroyed a grounded Caproni bomber at El Madu. :n Italian Somaliland. Yesterday three
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  • 88 7 A London, Feb. 4. N allegation that military vehicles are frequently driven without regard to road rules and public safety found expression in a House of Commons (Question to-day. Capt. David Margwon. (Secretary for War in «"*ply. laid that In the last two months of
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 192 7 By Libyan Campaign Goes On Rapidly Cairo, Peb 4. D.AP. bomber and tighter aircra't MX continued to attack the enemy lines of communication- on all fron.s, slates a communique from the RAF headquarters In the Middle East. The j communique states that In Libya RAF bombers
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  • 35 7 London. Feb. 4. •pHE kites; bulletin about Lord Lloyd, 1 Secretary of State for the Colonies, states that his condition is unchanged and gives cause for grave anxiety.— Reuter.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 312 7 RAFFLES HOTEL tonight DINNER DANCE (informal) I p.m. to midnight Dinner $3.00 NO BALLROOM ADMISSION CHARGE -\nmm sriuM RAd dinner, dancr I I \r\Ki i in tmi moi: did Ai"i m r5 lr SUNDAY EVENING IN THE PALM COURT m«>ni rori imi sooiM MMPM MILITARY BAND CONCERT 830 to 1030
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    • 223 7 GREAT WORLD To-night T A IT'S SHOW A big attraction on "CHAP GO-MEH" Cabaret To-day Tea Night Dance 7.80 to 9 9 p.m. to Midnight Globe Theatre THE SHEIK STEPS OUT Sky Talkie:— KlNG OF LUMBERJACKS FRESH ROCK OYSTERS FRESH STRAWBERRIES STOCK ALWAYS FRESH. THE SINGAPORE PHo Nf 3 35
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  • 1108 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. FEB 5.1941 (521 st Day Of The War.) A Sinister Figure Hitler is running true to fora-. France. Having failed to secure I from the men of Vichy ail that requires m excess of the provisions of the armistice terms, he has now i used
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  • 75 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Having read the correspondence about prepositions, may I be allowed to summarize the position as follows: "That different from is different to different against, and that all three are different than different with, though leach of the five serves the same
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  • 168 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— l happened to go to Fullerton Building the other day and while waitIng for the lift, I was surprised to 1 see "J. A. Hunter, acting Colonial Secretary, SJ3." printed under a notice on the wall prohibiting people from I
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 352 8 l.E.'s Speech At Federal Council To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir- While I fully appreciate the leavy responsibilities of H.E. Sir Ihcnton Thomas in such times ot mergency as the present. I read irlth greater regret than I can express i hat he said at Thursdays
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    • 303 8 Folly Of Refusing To Trade To the Editor of the Straits Times i Sir,— l should be grateful if you would allow me some space in which Ito express an opinion about the business difficulties which we here are experiencing. Many firms are having the greatest difficulty in
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    • 181 8 A "Business Done" List Wanted To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— The war Is responsible for many changes and it Just about time that there was a change m the manner m which share quotations are presented m the local Press. We see Ulu Churls quoted
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    • 474 8 Home And Malayan Rates To the Editor of the Straits Timrs Sir.- As a European employee of a merchant firm, who will be subject to Income tax. I am most Interested in the rates which are to be applied. I estimate that I shall be in the $8,400
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    • 325 8 The Time To Encourage Poultry Farming To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Present complaints regarding the price ot eggs are almost justified. Will the Food Controller explain why, if poultry prices have increased to j nearly 90 per cent., eggs should not j be increased
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    • 101 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —Can any of your readers who dally in pre-war days used to wrestle with the odd sixteenths and thirtyseconds in the dollar rate of exchange tell me why it apparently takes a war to reduce this to a simple, straightforward
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    • 645 8 More Wnys In Which Bill Need* Amendment 1,, thr Kdil«>r of thr MmMi I Sir I MPPOM every have to appear 1 1 person when f she is railed upon to attend planatton before the Coll ral or Collector of War Tax when any dispute In the assessment I
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    • 136 8 Government And The Turf Clubs To the Editor of the straits Hmm Sir. Can any of your readers say why lotteries are supposed to be demoralizing and wrong, whilst betting and sweepstakes on horse racing chances are considered quite right proper? Why is horse-racing permitted m Malaya m wartime
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    • 77 8 To the Editor of the Straits Time* Sir, Once more the Food < Department has been beaten. The Department will have to «:raek Its brains to beat 'he retailers. Yesterday at the KuUmu lift! I was surprised to be told by retailers that fish could not b<> sold
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 246 8 COLUMBIA PORTABLE i A Distinctive Gramophone Prices from $27/- upwards TIE lOBINSON PIANO CO.. (S. S.) LTD. Oppo«it« New P««r. Singapore Jnr I%^Vl lr'f IO V mm o^^^^^^Mw^^^^._av. &ted*Ac Qbais i CMC. 10 Ul&l K9. 11 m £S« i 14 34- 1 Tl c Da> tH vpr, t «Ml.
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    • 34 8 S. P. C. K. CHl'*™ BOOC-SHOr tS. Rtm BtMh Rom!. Phot* 42SS < Close to Raißos IrvtltuUnn) stocks nißlKs Ot Ml KINDS FOR (iIFTS AM >ll 1)1 JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Opticia n 21, BATTERY ROAD.
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  • 265 9 British Capture Town West Of Derna \l>\ \\<:i; WTO ABYSSINIA AM) ERITREA CONTINUES Enem) Abandons Much Material In Retreat KHER impoi .aye been scored n the British four-front offensive against the i;m empire in Africa. D ivMg west along the coast from Derna, in
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  • 36 9 1/ondon. Feb. J>. O.i of Gen. Sir 11 Acting Brigadier A i 1 Marines, has been ion of the Order of of his distinguished m delendins British Somali li' u'<r
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  • 51 9 lorulun. Feb. b. -ytirUtUAVS bag" <-f (our Ofnntn *lriM bnr.cs the total number of encmj r» shot down m r«lds on Britain since th« t»vtnnin« of thU year to 90. Only one Brttlst: has been k»t. th mitiimit lou to the
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  • 28 9 London. Feb. 5. 'j I atnkinc of t»« u»»lrr» Retanzo < 245 234 tons) Is an1:1 an Admiralty ronunuiilqur. v j nc low of Me m
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  • 236 9 WILLKIE MEETS KING QUEEN It Hums To London After Trip To Eire London, Feb. 5. IMMEDIATELY after returning from hia Ugh'.ning trip to Ireland. Mr. Wendell L Willkie had tea with the King and Que?n yos.erday. Mr Willkie told pressmen he had had three-hour conversation with :non de Valera, during
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  • 57 9 Chungking, Feb. 5. THE Uniter! States Ambassador to China. Mr. Nelson Johnson, will b? transferred to Australia according to American reports here. The trans-f-r is made at Mr. Johnson's request as hts family cannot Join him in Chungking because of the evacuation of
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 195 9 DA RLAN SEES PETAIN May Return To Paris To-day 4 London, Feb. 5. ADM. Darlan, Vichy Navy Minister, reached Vichy from Paris last night and conferred immediately with Marshal Petain. It is believed in Vichy that he will return to Paris "shortly"— probably to-day or to-morrow "to inform the other
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  • 90 9 London, Feb. 5. AWARKING lo Prance not to place her hopes in British victory was broadcast In French by the German radio station at Stuttgart last night. The sp- aker said that such an attitude showed "uncxcu.'able frivolity bordering on liigh treason." and added, "unless
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  • 168 9 Havana, rcD. i. PRESIDENT BATISTA. Cuba's strong man." by swift, dramatic action countered last night's attempt to overthrow him. In sports clothes and accompany d by only two colonels, he drove to the Columbia camp and took command of the forces. He ordered a general
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  • 88 9 London, Feb. 5. A rTEH all his brother officer* had been I n killed or wounded, Capt. J. C. W. Lewis of the Welsh Guards held remnants of his company for 36 hours in the streets of Boulogne last May despite Intense enemy fire
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  • 609 9 Nairobi. Feb. 5. A CAMPAIGN of terrorism is being conducted in .«outhern Abyssinia, according to Abyssinian patriots who are coming to Kenya in Increasing numbers fcr fresh supplies of rifles and ammunition. These patriots say that Italian irretiular troops are given a free
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  • 139 9 Athens, Feb. 5. ITALIAN Alpine troops among prisoners taken hy the Greeks have disclosed that their commander had ordered all who retreated to be shot immediately, says the Athens radio. Meanwhile, the Greek action in Albania continues to meet with success despite very bad weather in
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  • 326 9 LONDON AGAIN HAS NIGHT RAIDS Li tile Damage Done In Brief Nazi Forays London, Feb. 4. CREEDOM from night air raids was broken for the second time in 15 nights last night, when Nazi aircraft flew over the outskirts of London. Incendiary bombs which were extinguished in a few minutes
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  • 155 9 Bucharest, Feb. 5. j THE Iron Guard leader, Horia Sima, Is the first named in the list of those blamed for deaths and material damage resulting frcm the recent rebellion, in a semi-official statement published yesterday. Others mentioned are the former Minister of the
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  • 106 9 Shanghai, Feb. 5. THE Japanese authorities have arrested two Japanese who are alleged to have attempted to set on fire matsheds erected in the International Settlement race course for a special meeting of ratepayers of the International Settlement. An announcement issued last night by
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  • 81 9 Basle. Feb. 5. MARTIN NIEMOELLEU. German Protestant pastor, who became 'famous for resisting the Nazi conception of the state in relation to religion and who is now in a concentration ramp, has become a Roman Catholic, according to the Berlin correspondent of the Basler Nachrichten. The
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  • 220 9 Plans For March On Sues Foiled: Pressing Spain To Enter ar Stm-kholm, Feb. B, THERE is no doubt that fluctuations have occurred in the (icrman schemes, writes the military correspondent of the Dagons Nyheter. It is not improhnhlc that an invasion
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  • 176 9 Large Area Near Rome Flooded London, Feb. 5. COLLOWING reports of Hooding and f wintry weather in Hungary, accounts are being received of heavy snowfalls in France and floods caused by the overflowirg of the river Tiber in Italy Traffic has been dislocated by snow In the Paris district, and
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  • 50 9 Belgrade, Feb. 5. A BOME exploded in a reading room one floor below the British consulate-ri-n-eral at Zagreb yesterday. A woman was reported to have been seriously injured. Tht bomb is thought to have been thrown through the window. Books and furiiiiun were destroyed Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 265 9 Special Committee Ii l-'nrmril 111 London London. Fib j. THE ex stenco of a free Ramaniai committee was divulged yestirda: in a statement by the former Rumanian Minister to London. M Viirc Tele a. 'Members <>f this committee." •'believe the rights of a nation cannot b obtained
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  • 59 9 AWARDS to o.Tirers and men o f mrj-lne Thunderbolt formerly I for courage, skill and seamanship a-f> an1 notnu-cil in th* London Cazettt 1 rrcent destruction of an Italian 1 b utenant. C. Crouch ts given the D 5.0.. i number of tn< ere* Bervica
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 62 9 SNMU f V ROCK OYSTERS We now receive these delicious fcF Sydney Rock Oysters twice a 1 A^ It i week by air. They really are good the flavour is fine and Kll they are in stralght-from- ™1 the-sea condition. Let us 7 *«T"*^fc^^^l reserve a dozen for you. PHONE
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  • 572 10 Mrs. E. F. Watkins' Exhibition Produces Nearly $1,300 MORE DONATIONS FROM CLUBS AND LOCAL STAFFS rllt: War Funrl has made another substantial advance to-day, i li«t of acknowledgments covers a sum of 62, and the total is now $1,962,663. •ntinues to give 1 generous
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  • 101 10 tMUSEMENTS m noii i Informal' 8 p.m. Hlf X I 111 \1 HI Gl 1 IJINC Si Chaille Chan tX rlo at T 45 p m. CKMI W OKI II i«i y Si 9 p.m. to The Sheik Step* f 1 mU-rjack. HAITI Minrw Happy M«rMl Krasidr- Terror of fc*
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  • 48 10 fHIS Diary is intended to call attention to functions which are being held in aid of The War Fund Orraniiers of such functions are invited to submit detail* for inclusion in this feature l>h ZZ Sinran'we Amateur fluxing Association show at Happy World. 9 p.m.
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  • 115 10 £10,000 FOR TWO TORNADO PLANES Mr. Alma Baker's Latest Gift To R.A.F. 'From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Feb. 4. ris understood that Mr. Charles Alma Baker, the well-known Perafc miner and planter, has. in addition to bit previous gifts to help the war effort, now sent €10.000 for the purchase
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  • 135 10 TPHE cirorts which are being made by Johore estates to grow their own ;odstufTs arf reflected m figures just ised by the Johore Planters' Asso.on. 1 he figures have been collected from 144 out of 200 members to whom questionnaires were sent. Replies to the questionnaires
    135 words
  • 100 10 I From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Feb. 4. STATING that he was In the habit of consuming chandu a Sikh. Dhana Singh, pleaded guilty before Tuan Haji Nasslr. Second M ig'strate. to-day, to a charge of importing nine chls and two noons of non-Government
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  • 283 10 Better Facilities Being Sought IMPROVED flying-boat facilities in Netherlands Indies are beiiv; sought for the Empire service by the Australian Civil Aviation Department, but the Dutch authorities are concentrating on land planes and are de- I \< loping landing fields. Tl c Australian Civil Aviation Department's
    283 words
  • 184 10 DEATH OF A CHIEF CLERK Chinese Who Had 23 Years' Service A MUNICIPAL employee, whose long and meritorious service earned him a prize appointment, died at the General Hospital on Monday. He was Mr. Tan Thean Seang wno until his death was one of the most popular chief clerks m
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  • 111 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Feb 4. CINDING that there was not the sl'ghtest evidence that the woman knew ;he actual owner of the land and that the case against her might be one of strong suspicion, Mr. Justice Manning at the Johore Assizes to-day
    111 words
  • 58 10 AN increase Is being made in the rates payable on clubbed packets for China to bring them into conformity with the recently revised foreign rates of postage. The ncicase, which is of three cents for every le.ter in a packet, will be introduced simultaneously into
    58 words
  • 37 10 MR. J. P. EDWARDS, Conservator of Forests. Johore, has been appointed hon. secretary of the Johore Civil Service Club In succession to Mr. T. P. Carey who has gone on transfer to Batu Pahat.
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  • 22 10 The breech oj one of Singapore's 3.7 in. anti-aircraft guns open ready to reload.— Straits Times picture.
    22 words
  • 372 10 The Great Dictator" (Charles Chaplin. Pauletle Goddard, Jack Oakie, Henry Daniell. Billy (iilbert) United Artists Picture at the Capitol Theatre. THE Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas, were present 1 with a large party from Government House to see Charlie Ch?plin tn "The
    372 words
  • 122 10 (Prom Our Own Correspondent; Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 5. THE death is reported of Mr. H. F. Stil1 well, of St. Leonards Estate, Port Dickson, as a result of a flying accident near Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Mr. St 11 well was a member of the Kuala
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  • 366 10 THE EASTERN GRAPHIC C.-in-C. Governor Send Messages CIX ShentOQ Thomas, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Hluuhlt Popham and Vuv-Admiral Sir Geoffrey Layton have sent messages to The KasK-tn Craphic, the new fortnightly magazine published to-day at 20 rts.. by the Strait Times Press. Sir Shenton Thomas writes: "The publishers and
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  • 151 10 From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Feb. 4. PRIVATE Ahmad bin Trawok, ot the Johcre Military Forces, was i p.uilty by Tuan Haji Nasslr. Second Mag.stiate, to-day on a charge 4 < hcatin* th/* Kathi, Johore Bahru. d a utenced to ths' rigorous imprisonment.
    151 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 164 10 jk-^^^ a NEW £Xk PBODTTPT OSIRA FLUORESCENT LAMPS (Colour Corrected Electric Discharge Lamps) 80 WATTS 125 WATTS 400 WATTS For Improved Street Lighting Fluorescent lamp is produced by the transformation of invisible and formerly unused ultr.i-violet rays into visible light by means of an Inside coating on the bulbs with
      164 words

  • 327 11 Machinery Being Got Ready For Immediate Operation MR. EDWIN TONGUE NAMED AS LIKELY COMMISSIONER yi time is beinjj lost by (Jovemment in preparing and jrcnerally getting ready for operation machinery for the collection of income tax in the Colony, now thai ih<- War Tax
    327 words
  • 193 11 MASKED MAN WHO ROBBED MILK VENDOR Found Guilty By Assize Court Jury iLLEOED to have been one of three' A masked men who roboed an Indian milk vendor ta a dark road at Changi on Nov. 18, a young Chlinse, Lee Tian Fer.ft. was convicted of arr.rd robhery by the
    193 words
  • 252 11 Photographs Of Far East Subjects PHOTOGRAPHS in the exhibition at j Rafflrs Hotel in the Amber Room, t cover the East very comprehensively. They have been taken In Burma, Cam- c bedia, India, Java and Malaya. The three exhibitors Mrs. D. M. N. Davidson, Mrs. C.
    252 words
  • 326 11 DEATH OF MR. TAN THEAN SENG Large Gathering At Funeral Yesterday THE funeral of Mr. Tan Thean Seang. late chief clerk, accounts division. Municipal Treasurer's Dept., who died at the age of 50. took place yesterday at the BiUadari Cemetery. Among those present at UM iwtmMi were: Mrs. Tan Thean
    326 words
  • 107 11 MR Alan Close, a well-known Penang resident until shortly before the outbreak of war, is now ;i lieutenant' in the Lcndon Scottish, The Gordon Highlanders, stationed somewhere In England. He will be glad to hear from other Malayans in H M. Forces in Britain,
    107 words
  • 270 11 Chinese Robber's Daring Exploit "IT is one of the most daring rob- beries In the country, taking place as it did in a very populated aica and in daylight." This was how Mr. T. Wallace, Crown Counsel, described a case at the Assizes yesterday. In the
    270 words
  • 208 11 Whipping Prison For Offender PR throwing acid at a trolley-bus j driver as he took the bus round the turn from Beach Road into Bras Basah Road. Oiam Geok Cheng was j sentenced to eight strokes of heavy rotan and six months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr.
    208 words
  • 105 11 AT the annual general meeting of the Chettia'-s' (Nattukkottal) Chamber of Commerce, held on Sunday at th c Chettlars' temple hall, the following office-bearers were elected for 1941: President: Mr. PR. N. N. Muthukaruppan Chettiar; vice-president: Mr. L.A.A.N.M. Meyappa Chettiar: secretary: Mr. SM.AR.N. Ver.katachalam Chettiar;
    105 words
  • 90 11 WAR Savings Certificates In Malaya are now bringing in money for the war at tho rate of more than i> a month. The latest total is $3,173,580, which shows an advance of $834,610 over the total of a mon 4 h ago. The rapid
    90 words
  • 42 11 MR. J. E. JEANS, the Director of Air Raid Precautions, will give a broadcast talk from the Singapore station this evening at 7.10 on "Incendiary bombs: How to deal with them." This Is the second talk In the series.
    42 words
  • 332 11 Japanese Who Made Sketch Of Entrance To Harbour A YOUNG Japanese, So.ii Saito, who had been caueht in the act of sketching the entrance to Sin/. harbour from a life-boat of a Japanese ship wan sentenced to nine in uiths' rigorou/i imprisonment
    332 words
  • 134 11 STUDY OF AGRICULT URAL IN THE UNITED STATES EGYPTIAN agriculture may benefit Immensely from a toiir of the UniU-iJ States made by three of her Oovernnn m officers who passed through Singapore yesterday on their way back to Cairo. The thr»« officials, connected with the Ministry of Education In Cairo,
    134 words
  • 294 11 AMENDMENTS to the War Taxation Enactment in the F.M S., which passed its first reading in the Federal Council on Thursday, are sought by the Chettiar:.' Chamber of Commerce In a memorandum which hat been submitted to the Legal Adviser, F.M.S. The
    294 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 /Ai^M 7^ STRENGTH /#h V |SFAGGED [ml a ->'>r^S^^^vvp__^ /^thenX *4^'\ f YOU NEED (x Do you feel weak, run-down? Do you lire easily? I ben tou r-.ecd Vi'aierbury'f O>mpuund to build P^ \l you vp to help rrttore normal health aod tigour. V v\. jttrhurx < ompound contains pure
      141 words
      117 words

  • 241 12 Representative Of De Gaulle Here \M CHARLES BARON, former Labour Superintendent of French India, who has been appointed Gen. de Gaulle's propaganda representative for the Free French forces in the Far East, has arrived in Singapore to take, up hla new post. Mr. Baron, who has been
    241 words
  • 445 12 To Be Screened Here This Week T«HE official Australian film of the capture 1 of Bardia, the Italian fortress on the C(*st of Libya, will be shown in Singapore Oils week. •A Historic Document" is how CapUin Krank Hurley, who is In charge of the Australian
    445 words
  • 97 12 A CHARGE of attempted murder was amended in the fifth court yesterday to one of murder when Mr. L. C. Goh, the magistrate, was informed that the victim had died at seven o'clock yesterday morning. The case was one in which a charge that he murdered
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  • 16 12 A British destroyer with guns manned steaming ut speed ready for action
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  • 769 12 WELLS URGES BOMBING OF VATICAN ROME "Do What Totalitarian Did To St. Paul's Cathedral" THE bombing of Vatican Cit> would tend to disunity in the Allied forces, many Australians and Canadians being Roman Catholics, argues Father Vincent McNabb, replying in the Sunday Dispatch to a demand that Home should be
    769 words
  • 104 12 PLANS for modern garages and syces' quarters at the Cathay flats have now been submitted to the Municipality for approval. Both garages and quarters are dei signed en modern lines, with ample turning places for cars. The site lies betwaen Wilkie Road I and Upper
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  • 41 12 A CHARGE of gross indecency, in which a Malay was also Involved, was explained to W. D. Lambert, a European, in the Singapore third court yesterday. The case was postponed a week for mention and police bail was extended.
    41 words
  • 423 12 VITAL FOODS FOR FRANCE Britain Relief Shipments INCREASING shipment* of vital 1 foods and medical supplies to unoccupied France are likely to be consented to by the British authorities, but pressure on both the American and British Governments to include occupied France within this relaxation will be resisted. This pressure
    423 words
  • 169 12 CHETTIARS WILL PRA Y FOR VICTORY Special Thaipusam Festival Plans PRAYERS for a BriL;.h v.ctory in the present war will bo i aid at the Chettiar tempi" as par: of the n celebrations taking place there during the Thaipusam festival on Motli A res)!utin n to this effect was uti
    169 words
  • 270 12 Care Of Women Children In London Air Raid Shelters f\SE of the most important lobs in the war has been undertaken by Mrs. Creswick Atkinson. Her Job Is to be the "Mother of London." Officially, her post is that of technical adviser to the Ministry of Health on social welfare
    270 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 441 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH are Jew and simple J^V I" n'T thing in the morning even before washing PrVi *fc S" —think of Inner Cleanliness. For a clear skin, bright eves and that inner sparkle which is the secret of loveunes!, Inner Cleanliness is far more effective than any outside
      441 words

  • 322 13 Encouraging Balkans To Show Firmer Front Towards Reich Istanbul, Feb. 4. GERMAN diplomatic circles are highly annoyed by the aridities of Col. William Donovan. President Koose\clt's special envoy to Europe, which they hold to be encouraging the Balkan states lo show a bo
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  • 55 13 London, Feb. 4. THE Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture, M- BagrianofT, who is known for his Naii sympathies resigned this morning, according to a Sofia telegram to the official German news agency. King Boris has accepted the resignation, and the post has been taken over by Prof.
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 214 13 Navy No Dictatorship. Says President Batista New York, Feb. 4. •THE chiefs of the Cuban army and navy staffs have been arrested and the arrest of the former head of police has been ordered for alleged seditious actions, according to a Havana dispatch to the
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 84 13 Willkie Makes Flying Vi sit To Eire London. Feb. 4. MR Wenu:i: WiUtle has found time after all to visit Eire Preparations were ir.ade hurriedly ! night and hf flew to Dublin thi« nv.rnlng. The Eire Minister for co-orcUnHtion ol and Mr Dtvid Gray. States Minister in Dublin, were amorg
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 32 13 INDONESIANS CHINESE JOIN N.I. AIR FORCE Our Own Correspondent! Batavia. Feb. 3 pOL'KTEEN li.<.oneiian and Jive Chinese b youths have been accepted by the Nfthe: lands Indies oiilltary air force as pilotcadete
    32 words
  • 151 13 London. Feb. 4. BRITAIN'S huge army is not being permitted to rust. Even if it lives in circumstances somewhat resembling peace-time, it is being got into fighting pitch by training under exacting conditions approaching warfare. This theory was seen in practice somewhere in England when
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 109 13 London, Feb. 4 PLANS lor expanding British trade in the United Spates were announced in the House of Commons to-day by the President o<" the Board of Trade. He said they included a scheme for the setting up of a permanent British marketing and
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 85 13 Lonuoc, Feb. 4. nnilK tt-xi is itnueU ic-uay ol two votes of 1 credit totalling £1.600.000.000 to meet expenditure arising out of the war. Th? first is a supplementary estimate oil the amount required for the year ending March 31 next for the navy,
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 226 13 FrMli Warning By The Shipping Minister London, Feb. 4 IT is inconceivable that we shall not •1 have to meet some gigantic effort on the part of the enemy to overcome the one tough obstacle that stands in the way of all his dreams the
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 55 13 London, Feb 4. BRITISH and Allied mercantile losses were again well below the average for the week ended Jan. 26-27. This is announced in an Admiralty communique which says seven British .ships were los., representing 23,54 tons, and two Allied merchantmen ol 10.090 tons. No
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 63 13 Budapest. Fib 4. FLOODS in Hungary are assuming alarming proportions. Streets in south-weft and north-east Budapest are flooded. An ice barrier has completely blocked th: mer in the Mohaes district, where members of the military forces, firemen and vo'i turned out for emergency work. Railway troops
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 104 13 Pretoria, Feb. 4. WIDE powers to deal with subversive or undesirable associations, unauthorized drilling or military exercises and interference with lawful meetings are among the provisions of the eagerly-awaited national security regulations gazetted to-day. The regulations, which come into force immediately, also deal with
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 196 13 COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS ENROL NOW iMWanu are now oeing made mmenc*mcm ot classes. 41 year ol training. 4ii I nt «ii>n t hkmbcr ol Commm* rtarmnalion %uh>< •>n June 1941 and J*i" <air lamination. rr nil \ii ritmjn DMMMTtW t rrt*H«Bt» I fees may Thr Ml 1 1 i i hum
      196 words
    • 453 13 .owe With your puhius pu|u;nH MVfWJ biscuit*. alw.ivs rt>rt(lv to wnrc, >lwayi appraciatlMb A^ PEEK FREAM'S Made by:— PEEK FREAN CO.. LTD. London, England Pimples and Bad Skin Fought in #51 0% 24 Hours W W BEFORE AFTER Since the discovery of Xlxoderm \>y an to work, cUaring nn'l
      453 words

  • 588 14 LAVAL LIKELY TO RETURN TO VICHY GOVERNMENT But Petain Is Expected To Stand Finn Against Nev/ Concessions London, Feb. 4. WHILE messages sent from Vichy to New York state that I^aval will probably be readmitted to the Vichy Cabinet to-day, news of Marshal Petain's refusal to collaborate with Germany beyond
    Reuter  -  588 words
  • 51 14 PAKIS POLICE CHIEF DISMISSED London, Feb. 4. jpOGER LANGERON, Prefect of the Ix Paris Police, has been dismissed I from his post and is neld under detenj tion, according to a report described as I coming from reliable quarters to the German official news agency. Langeron was appointed in 1934.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 45 14 Athens. Feb. 4. A GREEK O.BQ communiqde to-day states there was restricted activity by patrols and artillery. A Ministry of Public Security communique states that enemy aircraft dropped bombs on the coast of western Peloponnesus without i causing victims or damage.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 533 14 German-Vichy Crisis Nazi Eyes On French Fleet And Porls London, Feb. 4. A LTHOUGH only the scantiest in- formation, derived mainly from indirect sources, is available in London, little doubt is felt that the state of tension that exists between the Vichy Government and Hitler j has reached a critical
    British Wireless  -  533 words
  • 50 14 London, Peb. 4. £\ITSEN Wilhelmlna of the Netherlands to'Qf day entertained Mr. Harry Hopkins. p< uiial representative of President Roosevelt to luncheon. Among those present were Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the Prime Minister, and Vice-Adm. Puerotner. commanding the Netherlands naval forces Is European waters.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  50 words
  • 288 14 CONVOYS AMONG NAZI TARGETS London, Feb. 5. pONVOYS, aerodromes and towns L in south-east and east England wore the main objectives of th« German hit-and-run raids yesterday, during which four enemy I planes were destroyed. A Dornier 17 which bombed an East Anglian town in the
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  • 136 14 London, Feb. 4. A SMALL-SCALE attack was carried out last night by aircraft of the Coastal Command on Brest, it Is learned in London. A further attack on a small scale was made Just before dawn to-day. The raid, which is the 35th
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 124 14 London. Feb. 4. I DO not believe the air raid damage caused to buildings up to date would exceed or i even reach one years full building capacity This statement was made this mornins by the famous economist. Mr. J. M. Keynes. whr added- "I
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 110 14 London, Feb. 4. AN alert which broke London's night pence for the second time in 15 nights lasted only a few minutes and was one of 'h'shortest of the war. An Air Ministry and Ministry of Home Security communique issued this mormrs states that during last night a
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 42 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) BatavlA, Feb. V BATAVIA shipping statistics issued thu< week show that 1.818 Dutch vessel used Batavla port last voar. There wer* ;i 1 British, 67 Japanese, 29 American and 44 Norwegian ships.
    42 words
  • 157 14 Chungking. Feb. 4. THK Japanese offensive in Ilonan Province, in Central 'Jlnna. has been successfully repulsed by the Chinese, who have inflicted 20,000 casualties upon the Japanese and recaptured a number of important towns, according to Chinese field dispatches. These reporos state that when the
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 60 14 London, Feb. 4. HPWO Italian transport ships were sunk on Sunday by an unidentified submarine near the Yugoslav island of Vis in the central Adriatic, according to reports from the Albanian frontie:. One transport was definitely identified as the Vittario Veneto. about 5,000 tons. The other
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 346 14 I «2 H fr I it i-» ju t natural for children to be full of life brimful of health. But, it is not always easy to keep them so well and strong a- vi >v would wish unless you give them OTTS I mulsion. N (TIT'S Kmulsion makes them
      346 words
    • 480 14 GIAN SINGH'S DRESSMAKING Incorporate* the Latest Styles in Vogue with the most Fashionable Materials up •to the minute dresses See GIAN SINGH CO. 4 Battery Rd. t t Singapore. and save yoursclvis a lot of disappointment. (%> /FEET 4 S Un I UnL v V YOU? The skin-pores of your
      480 words

  • 62 15 Loyal s Score 6—l Water-Polo Win TUt L«?«l M««kBMBH fc-Mt th* Ro-ral Ata.«tralian Air Fore* by rii c«»afci to one in a fame of wat-r-p*m pUyed at t.illman yesterday. BJ*tt*r markinff «aye tbr LoyaJi the (imf. ihoMKh beaten the Australian* showed Ni «f aMUty it 4 cave the imprevion that
    62 words
  • 259 15 S.R.C. Indian Hospital Draw UK i It. dun General Hospital 2. rM not thr fault of thr pla>rr* rnaUh brtwern the v Recreation lull and ifidinn General Ho* .1 on the>,' >estrrda> and rr«iilirr| in a draw of two g-oals •11. did not yield flr-d -class horker. I i
    259 words
  • 60 15 phLOW v gi\en thr draw and .start round ol tht clubs wonur.'i <!ub rl be played on FYic! S N X Miss S 05. Mr-= W J Holohan vs M." j 10. Mrs. E A Bd«r Mr R 1 Nunn; 3 15, Lady n «ml will be
    60 words
  • 849 15 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB'S SPRING MEETING Weights For The First Day DELOW is given the li«*t of weights at Bukit Timah on Saturday, the first day of the Singapore Turf Club's Spring- meeting;, together with details of form, and owners* and trainers' names. HORSES— (lass I— Div. I—6 Furlong 9.04 Mr.
    849 words
  • 119 15 London. Peb 5. COOTBAIA, fixtures for Saturday are r LONDON CUP Alder .-hot vs. Qi^en's Park Rangers Brentford vs. Fulham Crystal Palace vb. Chi Arseral v? Clapton Orient Reading xt. MiUwall West ham vs. Tottenham FOOTBALL LEAGI'E SOL'TH Bournemouth vs Southend Portsmouth v.v Southampton Watford
    119 words
  • 212 15 •"ptLRILUNC badminton was witnessed at the Clerical Union Hall on Sunday when the Makepeace BP. scored a flve-one victory over the Fairwind BP Highlight of the afternoon was the mixed doubles encounter between M A. Lange and Miss Pansy Theseira 'Makepeace) and Teo Bah Chee
    212 words
  • 26 15 'THE final of the RAF. Rugby Cup competition between Tengah and Headquarters will be played at Jalan Besar stadium at 5 pm. to-day.
    26 words
  • 32 15 The hot-Key team of the Indian Gen.T.l Hospital, which drew i<\»-.iil with the SRC. in a came played on the S R.C. 'padang yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    32 words
  • 307 15 THE Selangor Turf Club's Gold Cup meeting will be held on 1 Saturday, Mar. 1, Wednesday, Mar. 5, and Saturday, Mar. 8, according; to the official programme issued by the Club. Entries will close at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Horses in classes one,
    307 words
  • 100 15 CHANGI (W.D.) CIVILI ANS SPORTS CLUB I*HE third annual generil meeting of the Changi (W.D.) Civilians Sports Club was held in the club Dremi.*es on Wednesday, Jan. ?9. and the following efflce-bsarers were elected for the current year: President, H J Silva <re-elected> vL-e-presidont. A. K. Mahadevanhon. gen secretary, X
    100 words
  • 225 15 Slow Work At Bukit Timah DOVER NO LIMIT IMPRESS DOM-K and No Limit wer- Terr impressive at thin mirninei training at Bukit Timah in prrpar;it*>n for (he Singainrt Turf Cluh* Spring meMing. which starts <n Saturday. The second track «ai used and the ROinjc was soft Dover was givrn ;wn
    225 words
  • 156 15 •THE third annual, cycling carnival for open track championships at Jalan Besar stpdium wll definitely be held on Feb. 10, commencing at 1 p.m. The event is being held in aid of The War Fund En.ries will to-day. The following m a list of entries
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 305 15 The Biggest Fight Of The Year Between 2 Rivals 0k FRIDAY, 7th FEB. at the NEW WORLD E2 DOORS OPEN R. ft. SHAW I IST FIGHT COMMENC'IT -J3E rM PRF.SKNTS I 8S P M iIIAHP X Jk E BIGGEST CARD FOR 1941. 12-3 MIN. RDS. SON PONG MILLING gra B
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  • 305 16 FRESH WARNING TO POWERS TO SIOP AIDING CHUNGKING Attitude To United States. India Netherlands Indies Outlined Tokio, Feb. 4. TIIT. Japant eminent is considering measures to 4 Mt fort in „--i>tan.~e beinp; piven to the regime I ay,' Kai-shek, :ho Chinese generalissimo. Bn\ was
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 178 16 London, Feb. 4. THERE Is no divergence between A British and Australian policy in relation to Japan. Doubts in the minds of members were allayed by I a Government spokesman In the j House of Commons at question time to-day. One member drew attention to the broadcast speech
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 57 16 Tokio, Feb. 4 T*HE Foreign Office spokesman to-day referred to the situation between Thailand and Indo-China. He declared that peace negotiations would begin in Tokio on Friday or Saturday. Prince Voravarn end ihree other Thai delegates left for Tokio by air this morning. Thirteen
    57 words
  • 38 16 London, Feb. 5. "VT. LASZRO BARDOSSY. Hungarian Minister In Bucharest Is to be appointed Foreign Minister in succession to the late Count Czaky. says a Budapest dispatch to the official German news agency —Reuter I
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 60 16 Ratavia, Feb. 4. nF.SPONDINU to the appeal by the Minister for Aircraft Production, Lord Reaverbrook, to "roll out bombers," the Netherlands Ind'es has decided to provide bombers for the Dutch fighting forces in Britain instead of Spitfires, as previously. The sura of v: '.:> 000
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 180 16 London, Feb. 4. HPHE Nazi Press Is a: last allowed to state that Americans do not like Nazi ways, slates ;he Daily Express in an editorial. How this dislike has grown up is not explained. Hitler said his U-boats are ready to! sink American
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 505 16 Tokio Blamed For Engineering Thailand Border Fighting THERE is whole-henrted pro ment's reply to Japan's si Indies should enter into int ship" with Japan, which is China's submission to Japan's The Washington Star calls the reply I "tantamount to Hat defiance of Mr
    Reuter  -  505 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 258 16 \m. ,1, Off 4' I Q| BEE CHOW CO. 1 .r i. ii-ii VS v \v V i V aa k# >iaV v^ am .f^Br^/r X^ Vw\\ fnlim f\ Xi y^L v* B iM WL WL /J& i law S -4^ H r^ iM HattW /> Jr i^K am* m
      258 words
    • 179 16 I^WyfT^^flß Safeguard f^\ their health X^ m ■Sit if- t* m I VITAMIN DRINK 'they'll love HALIBUT OIL AND ORANGE JUICE IN DELICIOUS FORM Growing children mutt luve plenty of vitamin* because these are necessary to build thar health and energy. Tha Jo~\[?*essential Vitamins arc mo»t plentiful in halibut oil
      179 words