The Straits Times, 1 February 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 211 1 r Up-to-date TAILORING MIEN CHONG A >»■!»»» MH l^nc m« W«IN sHIM I v »HIIH *N KH%RK -KIN li..>rlf|.r<lwi 3« f iif %pun. r%mm» lII* I j s LOVELY but LONELY ...UNTIL HER DENTIST £jg^ TOLD HER WHY! Ip/^- y I DON'T KNOW WHY I fVEM <V gk CAME, MADGE!
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    • 6 1 SINGAPORE, 140 CECIL ST. (PHONE $471.
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    • 168 1 Mil AEROLAX Blinds look mu^h neater I' than rattan chicks and will last I very much longer. The cost ot I upkeep ot Aerulax blinds is neg- v I llglblc as they are made ot I materials which will not rot or H corrode. They can be cut to aiSJ
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    • 191 1 KUALA LUMPUR 2b JAVA ST. PHONE 3683). LOO X AMERICA'S GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT! -m«? The newest garment for wmrfaf a.>out the house. /gZ^i*^ l down You have a L{< yMv\ beautifully cut housecoat! Zip!> tXgJfrjjyy il up!! The sna PP»«*t. i>H in <»!ie -«r^l /^^^W^mT'^r Pyjama Suit. So neat, so cool,
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    • 15 1 FINAL EP7.V. ELSIE MARY Battery Roc 4 Cash Sale FR I DAY JAN: 3 1st
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    • 79 2 for ihiinterment her lorillg I iy at Buit't -el ted I .v^xr'. aw a> Sh« left behind 0 MM, Messrs. Tan Swan Khiong, Smm Ch -<■ Suan Chew. Buan Chuan. S"aii Kok ar.d Suan Puh and Phay C ions J5 crsnd- .r.nny r»lativts to mour i k»- al will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 ©ic Straits uftmes SMALL APST Minimum charge $1. tmr atfvt «e4 mnilug Haea. 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents r IK>MI I RKENCCS BIRTHS. MAJUUAGEfc, DFATHS. 4( KMIMI I IH.MI NTS. ANNOI S€X- MINTS 4 PP( Uins ar* rhutH •1 nrh prt IwnUn prr imcb Over
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    • 701 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED nrst class aU round Motor lanie. Good proapecu for tight man rYielish ipwlrtng Indian preferred. App.y v Kurntan Motors, Kuantan. enckxing ceptec of recent tesUmanlali suting salary required. WANTED Field Conductor for healthy Estate In Perak. must have experience nf modern replanting. Good salary offered, also war
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    • 888 2 PERSONAL Metna It might have been, but your Father was adamant In the years to come 1 I shall look back an all you have meant t i me. When you and I are old and prey and Nescafe is our only solace, should we rot b> thankful that, although
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    • 939 2 LOST i r LOST during 'hopping at Whiteaways |C 30-1-41 Gold ai>d Enamel RFC. Brooch Re- ward. Bishop, AdWphi Hotel. dj DOGS iII\NGI I AKAI BOARDING KEN.NH Importers of all breeds of Australian dog. j by sea and air. Place your orders. Satis. ion assured. Phone *****. nORF.RMANN PINStIIER B;
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    • 595 2 AUCTION NOTICE RUBKR ESTATE To Be Sold by Public Auction At The SaleRoom Of Chini; Lt« 4c Company I trntrr I No. 9-A <lrt; Floon D'Almeida Street I On Mond.iv. 3rd: Tebniary. 1941 at 2.3* pm \UCTION SALE Lot l. 11l Acres 0 Rood and 07 Poles Rubber F-state
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    • 339 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETC. JOIN THE GREEN CIRCLE" LENDING LIBRARY IM FLOOK 18 r KATIKin KL>. P.O KOX 3». NNGAPOetI Moderate terms: Special rales OutsUtion Mrmbers Clubs and Mmn Open Daily: ft.3o AM. to ti PM S*l»rdays: 30 A M. U I I' M EUGENE Permanent Waring ft EUGENE llair-reconditiftninff. MAISON
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 604 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS "oroorated a laoani CTMWIAI IVXSSKNGER AGFNTS i ok a NAM) wimt star LM TO WOU VIA AMKKICA rhrouch f»rc» to North Amerua t* Kuropf ria Anteriia and Koand Inars In the faciHe uuoted in VS. f on plication To (,'aliiornia from the Ortent vU ■MMi lea Manila lea.
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    • 603 3 send a call to FIRE ACCIDENT MOTOR i-N.vFRSAL radio HOU*iL FIDELITY GUARANTEE- MARINE 205 OrTharT Roaa Vhone 4W WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION When You Neea Mtnde Service 01 Snare Parts i"H* london assuranci HONO KONG tint INSCE CO LTD (Mende Servk-inx Specialists). PHOENIX ASSURANCI CO LTD WESTERN ASSURANCI CO -j CAOLt STAR
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 2106 3 Broadcasting TODAY SINGAPORE /.111 13.33 met I Xi mi /HIM •Monet (30 90 m.) 1 ZHVi I.ti met »41.58 m.» 17.111 A /.IPl> 500 p.m. Modern Mandarin musict; 5.40 pjn. N> ws In Cantonese, 5.55 p.m. Hokklc:> musict 6.05 pm. News in Hokkien; 6.20 pm News in English. Relayed from
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  • 252 4 ffirs And Home Rails Advance Uotxkm. Jan. 91 AN Uw sum* Kxihmnt* to-toy. KtOn ««tp ■OH vw i^iurv viivr^v« f nivkiiv •n kjt»l mmj »>oUi Atrtran buying. Home rmlte »IM f«» to ?vw <rf Iht »<ipn»ch)iw OUmt «^iom ««n> ■Mini? dull apart from l^^fcu*— |_|_j »L» L
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  • 59 4 NEW TIN AND RUBBER DUTIES NOT ONEROUS THL thsit tht lmpoMtun of a :urvher 2' per cent, ad valorem dv y on exports of tin and ru(» under presen. U in on than cou: by the benflits of ixemntion fusions of the propos 'd I a <r tax or
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  • 472 4 Tins And Rubbers Offer But Readily Absorbed (B; o«r tinaiKial Correspondent) Singapore. Feb 1. "put un and rubber -bare wctlons ol th«* loc_ m trket were more active j yostarday Early in the day sellers of tin* appeared and their offerings wen well absorbed. PrtrcH later, in
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  • 184 4 INDUSTRIAL BOOM IN INDIA Very Little labour Trouble In Factories m A Special Correspondent New Delhi, Jan. 30. HPHE industrial situation in India Is exceedingly satisfactory. The large expansion of Indian industries ing from India-, war effort has had a tonic effect in all industrial areas This is shown partly
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  • 30 4 The Fighter Fund organized by the Incorporated Society cf Planar th« object of purchasing a rißhter or 'he R A.F from Malayan planters now stands at a total of *****7
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  • 80 4 Frtd*T. Jan. 31, oo*n. Bayers Sellei Fricca Prtc. No. IX S.BS. No. IX R.K.S. fob. la »M frebruary 37*. 31% G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. fob. in bales Frfcruary 36*J J7 F.A.Q. K.S.S fob. la tales Febraary 3*^ 3<». Fl TUttE QUOTATIONS No. IX B.S-S. on Kecfetrred (coder
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  • 133 4 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Fran Our Own Correspondent) bondon. Jan. 31 COMMODITY and Exchange markets clute. v m follow* witb previous quotations lr Mxtnthesta:— Rl'ltßKß: Steady. Spot 13»,16d *****64 12»16d 12 llllCd > Peb 12»16d ***** M <***** d 12 11 1- d Apr.June 12 ltd 13 11 l«d H2»l6d 12Vd> July.
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  • 133 4 Good Demand At Auction Yesterday IN a weekly report on the rubber market. Issued yesterday, Guthrie and Co. Ltd. write The local market has been dull sines our last report, owing, to a certain extent, to the Chinese New Year holidays on Jan 27 and Jan.
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  • 176 4 Tbe following are ohe excnance rmtes tfik morning according to the dally drujax issu«t. by the Uonckonv and 3hai;gha) Banlrint Corporation:— J3IXQOD II J/4 1/16 demand t/t l/W Switzerland demand (T.T. only) 202^ Mew York demand 47 3/32 Montreal demand 51 37/32 Batavia demand 88% Bsmaranj* demand UH Calcutta.
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  • 65 4 London, Feb. 1. IN view of the programme of naval and mercantile construction and repair, the Admiralty has requested the Minister of Supply, S:r Andrew Duncan, to release from ofncb.l du.ies, Mr. Alexander MacLelland, Director-General of ammunition production. Sir Andrew has agreed to the request
    British Wireless  -  65 words
  • 453 4 Three British Heroines Coolness \n<l Courage In Face Of Danger London. I't'o. l. THE announcement of the M.B.E. award to Miss E. Margaret Smith, organizing secretary of the Women's Land Army is accompanied by a statement saying that the "splendid record of the land girls working in the dangerous arras
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  • 104 4 Athens, Jan. 31. GEN METAXAS, late Greek Prime Minister, buried this afternoon wi.hin sight of the Acropolis King George of Greece and the new Prime Minister were present at the funeral as were the Briiish Minister and Commanding Officer of the R.A.P'. and British
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  • 125 4 |N order to stop Dutch citizens walking out 1 of cafes immediately when German odicors appear, the Nazis have imposed an order foi bidding anyone to leave a cafe until 13 minutes after the officers had entered ana sat down at the tables, according to the Vrij
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 606 4 I ATEST gazetted maximum retail prices fixed by the Food Control Officer and covering any market in the Settlement of Singapore are given below: The Food Controller points out that prices of foodstuffs are controlled for one reason only— to protect
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  • 184 4 ITALIAN TANK ATTACK FAILS Greeks Take New Enemy Positions Athens, Feb 1 phe capture of important enemy positions by the Qrtek. and the repulse of Italian tank attacks are reported in hurt night's Greek communique. The communique tts fur army carried out successful at acks in mountainous di.s r captured
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  • 98 4 'Strategic,' Is New Rome Story THE Rome radio i.s t'ivinn out that the evacuation of Derna was a strategic plan of the Italian High Command. "The result of thi: move will be seen clearly in the near luture," the announcer .stated last night. Another broadcast from Home praises Marshal Qraslanl
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  • 94 4 50 Homes Ruined In Cyprus Earthquake London, Feb. 1. DETAILS given by the Governor of Cyprus of damage caused by a recent earthquake in the island than that in a village about eight miles south of Famogusta. out oJ a total ol 500 houses some 50 •*•< -r» di-.sfioyed *nd
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  • 105 4 London, Jan SI. THE success ol t\u- new air tr.tii.m scheme for youths pr.'limin Joining the Royal Air Force is Indicated by an announcement by Air Commodore J. A. Chamier, commandant of the air training corps, that by to-morrow, when the scheme formally comes
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 78 4 London, Jan II 'THE internationally known tuotni.- losLs specialist, Sir Pcndrlll VarrlerJones. h.t-s dii d lollowiriT teari a tack. Sir Pendril! earned the grati of thousands for his su< ful method of treating consumpt without segregation, namely the foundation of a s< lf-rontained
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 114 4 London, Jan. 31 SIR CYRIL NEWAIX, Air Marshal ol Mm RAP., paid a tribute to R.A.I and Dominion rtytrs during a Press interview in Ottawa yesterday. He is on his way to New Z>a';.n<l to sn. Lord Gal way as Gov< rnor-Ocneral. H<- Md t)i>- Canadian
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  • 99 4 1 1 union. Jan. 31. A RAILWAY snow plough which had been sent to clear north of Aberdeen became snowed up itself during the recent winter weather, it was rcvealrd to-day. On a single day the I/ondon Midland and Scottish Kail way had 250
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 376 4 TENDERS P. \V. D. TE^a)ER NOTICE. Tenders will be receive at the office of the State Ensfoew, Negri Sembllan. up to 12 Noon of the 7th February. 1941. for th? Construction of Water Purification Plant and Two Sen- ice Reservoirs at Man tin Camp. Plans and specifications may be seen
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  • 1022 5 TIN SHARES— THE BEST SPECULA TION F<t 'tors To Be Considered hi Making, aluat'um I 1 1 h w months. I I t ■•ul<l ha\^ d out But some And surely the most out- level of In thi 'in ->h. compared with 65 0 at the end of June. is
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  • 166 5 rded to -da la\lor i. ..ns made b> I in. trial Officer, s s i\,i,,. JO imsi monlhu ontrn,uti..MN noni M ■■"•>< i■ i >:!., i |«l p..a... J«Je* Inspectors. Sinw* wiatlr pmp tm m m y, mi Itaav HarriMHit, Itirkn And v lld tHtlcr
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  • 15 5 U.S. Government To Make Synthetic Rubber Pla have u> OuUd sum* In .such ,übsi- Finance
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  • 19 5 I aa aur I f*l-|' 11. 1 i n i •ONDAI v 4 n 4
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  • 1332 5 ikikw »\v II 1941 i P.M MININC. -.u>"> SrlJcr* \n\pai Tin (sti 3s 3d 3s 7'i \ustral Amil. (ss. 6s 6d 7s c.d. Austral Malay 35s 3fis rd. Ayer Hitam (Ba> Sl* 22s 6d Ayer Weng ($t .86 .90 Bangrw Vu l^. ife Batu Sclangor
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  • 156 5 r pHE Singapore Chamber ol Commerce Rubber Association held it* 1.523 rd auction, yesterday and resulted: ratalogued 2.231,832 lb.. 996.35 tons; offered 1.945.587 lb.. 868 57 ton*: sold 1.394.887 lb.. 622.72 ton*. London-Spot 12 9 16d. New York -Spot 19 cts r»n,E.a &a*feißKl* Ribbed Smoked Sheet CenU
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  • 168 5 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association Ootnmnj OirMrar diom m Austral Malay 9d. Bd xmiu. Austral Amal. 3d. Hid. bonus Berjuntal Is. No. 3 Ipoh Tin 21- Int. less tax K KamuiHing 3d. No. 68 1 3 bonus rvtallng 25% int. Pungah 9d No 21 213
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 To Private Trustees. Carrying out the wisluw of dead friends is often difficult, laborious and thankless work, encroaching seriously upon time needed for your own affaire Your burden CM Ik- nre:itl\ ensod it you s(vun llu- ml of a BQgpwIJUH s|Hvi;ill\ Conned and qualified to undertake such duties. hhiim-K The
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 193 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TART.ES H. W. 1.40 a.m. 9.3 ft*; 1.32 p.m. 9.4 ft. L- W. 7.25 a.m. 3.3 ft.; 7.4 a p.m. 2.2 ft. To-tioito* H. W. 2.0 C a.m. 8.2 ft.; 2.10 p.m. 8.9 ft L. W. 8 a.m. 3.3 ft.: 8.11 p.m. 2.7 ft. Monday, Feb. 3 H.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 nin IV» \i "''>!' tmd without IIM r.iijht P.KITISiI NAVAL POWER] SEE ENGLAND'S GREAT HERO 'THE SEA HAWK' *s\\|t> THK NAVY FOR KNGLAM)! ■"75 BOX-OFFICE DAILY at 11 a.m., I.H. ?..M, «.!•> and 9.15 p.m. RESERVATIONS MUST BE TAKEN UP BEFORE 6.15 9.15 P. M. RESPECTIVELY irrol 43t /^niK.- FLYNN
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  • 458 7 WGod? How many people there are on whose lips is the marred Name who have never troubled to sit down and try to think out the answer to this question! Six hundred years ago this very thing was asked lof his instructors by a
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  • 1197 7 CHVRCH OF ENGLAND ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL.— Sunday, 6 50 a.m. Holy Communion; 7.30 am. Matins; Bam Choral Eucharist; 10.15 a.m. Children's service; 5.30 p.m. Evensong and sermon. Preacher: The Rev. W. B. Eales. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Sunda.. 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 5.30 p.m. Evensong and sermon.
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  • 211 7 Bulgaro-Soviet "No War" Pact? i Sofia, Jan. 31 CIFTEEN prominent Bulgarian depu- ties who wan; Bulgaria's foreign policy and position in the international crisis clarified have drawn up a comprehensive questionnaire which they hope to have tabled shortly in the Sobranje (Parliament). The signatories comprise the wellknown democrat, M. Steinoft.
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 61 7 London, Jan. 31. TPWO more Italian cabinet ministers have applied to be given .ommunds at the Iront, according to the official German news agency to-day, "juotlns Rome political circles. They are Host Venturi, Minister c>f Transprrt. and R. Riccardi, Minister of Foreign Trade. They are
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 215 7 AAVIJ II \f B" 1 SHOWS DAILY UAIH A V 5 2'2 4.15 p.m. 6.30 p. 7i. Where Everybody Goes PHONE 3400 9309 30 I Starrinij n^^n^i^j^j^^^^^^^j sabu ftJJ^^^B^kLjL^HHl I CONRAD HIHH ■■VV^WKS^WtanMS Nl NT ALSO y^ SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SCREENING TO-NIGHT (SHOW STARTS 12.15 O'CLOCK SHARP) to cope with the
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  • 1349 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1941. (517th Day Of The War.) Assurances It is seldom that a Government in this country has received such i drubbing as that administered in' Federal Council on Thursday by Messrs. Yang Shook Lin, E. D. Shearn. and W. G. C. Blunn. Much
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  • Letters To The EditOR
    • 268 8 What Are They Writing To Us About This For? To HM Editor of the Straits '•'•iMrs Sir, I hftVt read with much est tlv letterr. published In able eohmni al."a 1 pcsiti<' One pnu'.iariLy <>f dom in choosing ihe pouiion ol it* preposition. In Urn r.irii'tlie laiv ia^c th<
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    • 1764 8 Stale "Morality" Argument In The Council To the Editor of the Straits Time* Sir,— Over the radio comes the n»>\*> that, the tabled motion for State lotteries has been lost in an efnuvi* of high morality. Well. I have no objection to morality, but I prefer it fresh.
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    • 33 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— M.J E.s letter seems to me to be unduly derogatory from persons like mys?lf who have no feeling for language. Yours, etc.. ZEAL.
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    • 239 8 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir.- ADropos the controversy in th>Straits Times, the enclosed mlgh'. Interest your correspondents- Yours. \BDUL RAHMAN. Singapore, Jan. 28. 1 from (to Different < against 'than (with Different than us a survival of a use originated by Digby, who nourished In 1644. Shakespeare
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    • 293 8 Constructive Suggestion Welcomed To the Ktiiior of the Straits I ir:i. Sir. I have r< :ni witli gnat inU the letters from various readeri pcaring in your columns on I ject of "the sj«-i;il evil." Of all the letter* that haw n far appeared. I think that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 148 8 COLUMBIA PORTABLE A Distinctive Gramophone Prices from $27/" upwards TIE ROBINSON PIANO CO.. <S. S.) LTD. Oppo«it« N«» PwjPt Singapore. tab** l—.o. v. r e>>m Ail M SIJH« ■La* wttiM ip« I m' 1- Nn Pattern* 6, 4 M MtScwn WOt»H.* f^f tfco fc**«t tCttcr P. H. HEN DRY Jeweller
      148 words
    • 53 8 THE MODCBN IMYUtSITI With ?U paces containing the meaning, pro- nunriatton 4k ftvmolocy of over 50.000 words— complete vocabulary of the living language. 00 Illustrations and a nmplet? Atlas of I The World d.nir Trice MII 7 $2.N or 13 M Past Irrr. t. II kid .<. <(> LTD., i
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  • 332 9 Fuehrer Must Act Soon Ha lifax WITHIN <>o DAYS, PREDICTS TRE \Sim REPRESENTATIVE Eire (iocs Ahead With Defence! Measures ARNINGS of an ippreacfcsßf GcnuM attempt to invade Great Kritain. uttered yesterday by <ol Prank Kn<»\ SeCKtaiy of the United States \;i\>. and Mr. A.
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  • 171 9 U .S. Reaction To Nazi Threats "Lease Vml \aiu\ BUT l> Being Expedited Washington, Jan. 31. THE speeches of Hitler and Grand Adm. Raeder. Commander-in-Chief 1 of the German Navy, are expected to i expedite the "Lease and Lend" Bill through Congress. The Bill may be i further expedited by
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 31 9 A patrol of an Indian in anlrj i<> ht.iair.j; :m i-.u.u.'i.t-J m»| Lr.trean fron ier is hire seen setting out through the wiods into enemy territory.
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  • 61 9 Nazi Air Defences Are Inadequate i on 1 1 jnd France expe.' Many art so deeply ier i Sinci British by German than German '•'ur:i from it there were "i£ht. ricf» by the night fightfflcult of all. Gen Milch lid only be id been located by I rk was being
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  • 245 9 'BRITAIN ENCOURAGED BY U.S. ASSISTANCE'— MR. CHURCHILL London, Jan. 31. MR Winston Churchill with Mrs. Churchill to-day toured the bombed areas of Portsmouth, met members of the City Council and congratulated them on the way they are standing up to enemy attacks. He said that the spirit of Britain glowed
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  • 38 9 ........<... aav .■.■:•.< v. ...>..■ ■...■■^..».< <*. <M f <■ M I -"jen w/io arc taking part in the R.A.F. operations against the enemy in the Western Desert are szen here enjoying a rest beside their bomber.
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  • 79 9 Each Manufacturer To Supply Quota London, Feb. 1. •"|*HE large-scale transfer of women workers from peace-time industry in Britain has begun. Leicester women hosiery operatives. '•icrks nnd wart house staffs are to be released almost immediately for worx in the armaments industry elsewhere. A census
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 66 9 Berlin, Jan. 31. AN ITALIAN freighter bound from! Italy to Albania was torpedoed by j an unknown submarine yes.erday afternoon, says an official German news agency messape from Belgrade. Trie ship took refuge in a south Dalmatian port. The German news agency alleges tha; two torpedoes were
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 45 9 Bucharest, Feb. 1. THE Iron Guards have been found to be in possession of a broadcasting station in full working order. The house-to-house hunt for arras and looted property is still being carried out in parts of Bucharest. Reuter. I
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 249 9 French In Africa Urged To Strike London, Feb. 1. A STIRRING appeal to the French army in Africa to re-enter the war and help complete the conquest of Italian Libya was delivered by Gen. de Gaulle, leader of the Free French forces, in a broadcast last night.
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 52 9 London, Jan. 31 f EN. WEYGAND, French delegate-general In North Africa, has arrived at Bone, in Algeria, where he was enthusiastically received by the populace, according to a Havae i.nssagc. Reuter. Oen. Weygnnd Is to broadcast to French AJrica from Radio Alters to-morrow t-v
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 98 9 inboL. Feb i. GLN. J:ini( Marshall-Cornwall and Air Vice-Marshal T. W. Elmhirst. of the British military mission representing the Middle East Command, arrived here yesterday from Ankara following their talt?s with the TurkiM, G neral StafT. En route to Istanbul, they visited B-itish-bu:lt iron and steel
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 91 9 London, FS b. 1. rZ death is announced of Dr. B. P. Haigh. Professor of Applied Mechanics in MM Royal Navy Academy at Greenwich. At the funeral service In the rollrg? chapel the archdeacon for the Navy in his tribute mentioned that Dr. Hugh
    British Wireless  -  91 words
  • 50 9 London, Feb. 1. I*HE Lcrd Mayor's National Air Raid Disress Fund rose yesterday to €2064,000. With a gift, of £12,500, the Mayor of Sydney cabled, "Undiminished admiration for the steadfastness of your people." Bri:ish residents In the Middle East sen: another £1,000- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  50 words
  • 301 9 Scheme For 24-Hour Attacks Is Likely To He Adopted London, Keb. 1. THE Orman air force was emgd again yoston!a.\ M armed reconnaissance over llritain as a prelude to the Luftwaffe's I?>U daylight air offensive, v. riles Renter's a'r correspondent. Qualified observer."; expect
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  • 144 9 S'aiciiHiii l»\ Mr. Matsuoka A Article 3 of tho Axis Japs i Pact might come about, should thr situation in the PadOc »:ik- .t turn for tho MM in view of the passing oi thr I>\js- ii A .|KI BUI by the U.S. OongreM
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  • 37 9 Roosevelt's Message To President Inonu Istanbul, Fet.. 1. fH)L. WiUi&m Donovan, President Koosevelt's special representative, has arrived here from Salonika. He is reported to be bringing a message from Mr. Roosevelt to President Inonu of Turkey. Renter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 55 9 New Yorl Jan Jl <*piDICULOUS" was the description applied by Mr. A. B. Purvis, head of the British Supply Council Ui American P. .-s repor.s that the new British bat... ship George V would r>f traded for 20 Un ted st.ites d strove ri a Dow
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 9 9 OTHER CABLES in pages 4, 7, 13 and 16
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    • 107 9 SAL VITAL Ei sF% n I <m^ik salts Jp^^i^l^lEMON FLAVOURED 1 '-^—/jfi^m-^ l delightful dr jik th«i Is V*a ~^o zz j%£^Ht< Us cooling and thirst- -iuc.-nr.hing fiS Y» <$$; ~S3<Z> Mr^mti Qualities. Sal Vital stimulates l*""^^ 'x^^^F'"**' lrr cools the Blood, purifies the M •n3|R?^H _f§a| J^^^-V- ii System,
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  • 542 10 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB MAKES NEW DONATION $86,000 For War Fund To Buy Tornado Fighter TOTAL NOW CARRIED NEAR S5 MILLION MARK AMHHKK maumncnt i^ift b] ,rri«d \\w War Fund total > SMMNMNNI mark. This donation «>f th< pibCf .June last, aas vo' ng, .in* i Ukei the I thU Fund
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  • 256 10 p 3D Cases Heard 18 Exemptions •wn Correspondent! Malacca. Jan. 31» were on the n\M for exemption :he < omposed of man*. Mr. O. unrlllor* and the for hearing •ted ■:n- and whose expired. was for Kirn Klat. imat and P I ■xemption 1 or). <
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  • 95 10 ADOPTING the procedure Introduced last year, the Straits Settlements 'Singapore* Association has decided to cain Its annual dinner whirh would normally be held on Feb. 5, arniversarv ol the founding of Slni In order to mark the occasion, memto contribute what would haw
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  • 91 10 sIXiArOBE KAMI t S lIOIKI Dinner Dance Informal i S pjn. ■lit. CAKKII X TIIEATKE. GEYLANG Mutiny On The Blackhawfc <Sc My Lucky Star ct 7 45 p.m. CB» M WORLD Cabarvi 7!0to>& 9pm to Midnight. Globe: Northwest Passa*r Sicv Iroplc Fury. HAM 1111 l \TKI <lU»P7 M«rid) Kamon-.i.:
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  • 130 10 FIVE hundred Indian soldiers had an enjoyable time at a variety entertainment given by the musical and dramatic section j of the Indian Association. Singapore, last night at the Victoria Theatre. Admission was tree to yesterday's show which was given exclusively for the bene- i At
    130 words
  • 56 10 I v. j j ,v/ the Just time since hi, m In Malaya, the ci.i>.<-., L-. General L V. Bond, appeared on horseback at a military ceremony, when he took the salute yesterday at the Trooping the Colour ceremony of the Loyal Regiment which commemmorated their
    56 words
  • 53 10 A DETACHMENT of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force is now established at Fiji, it was recently announced in Wellington. When the soldiers left New Zealand some months ago, the Gover-nor-General (Lord Galway). in a farewell speech, told them they were 'coinß overseas in defence
    53 words
  • 172 10 Local-Born Men Join L. D. C. FIFTY local-born young men are shortly to be taken into the Selangor Local Defence Corps. These new recruits are young men who have had some training in arms in their school cadet corps but have not been able to find vacancies
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  • 188 10 Co-operation With Local Defence Authorities A SUGGESTION that the Ex-Services As- sociation of Malaya should do something to help In educating the public In air raid precautions was made by a member at the annual meeting of the Singapore branch of the E.S.A.M. at the S.C.C.
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  • 30 10 MRS CHUA GUAN HOCK, wlie Of Mr Chua Ouan Hock, of the Strait* Times Pttm Ltd died at the General Hospital yesterday after a short illness.
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  • 224 10 Tobacco Impost Also Increased INCREASED duties on intoxicat- injr liquors and tobacco are an- nounced in a Government Gazette published to-day and will come up for confirmation at Monday's meetinjr of the Legislative Council. The new duties represent approximately 25 per cent, increase. The j duties
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  • 135 10 Food Controller And Today's Increases NEW price lists of refrigerated foodstuffs have been issued by the Singapore Cold Storage Co., John Little Co.. Ltd., and Pritchard Co.. Ltd.. which are effective from to-day. Prices were submitted to the Food Controller for examination and they have been
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  • 100 10 rOUR bundles of paper, with a 25-cent note r at either end of each bundle, were exhibits In a case in the third court yesterday in which Sim Tal Meng. 38, Khoh Quey Goh, 34, and Ti Xl Suan. 31. were charged with attempting to cheat Ng
    100 words
  • 478 10 "I ASK your worship to treat this as a serious offence. If people ntart cutting submarine cables there is going to be endless trouble." decleared Mr. H. B. Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent of Police, in the Sincn^ore fifth court yesterday. Mr. Armstrong made this
    478 words
  • 753 10 Ceremonial Commemoration Of 200 th Anniversary Soon after the Commanding Officer had taken over tho parade from the Adjutant, Capt. T. R. Brook, the O.OC cantorod to Ihe saluting base. The Colour officer, S<cond-Lii-ut T al<\ received the C.i:->Mr from Regimental SerjeantMajor, E. H.
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  • 100 10 Malay's Tribute To British Rule AMALAk croup teachrr in Pahanc, asked if he had heard any unfavourable rumours or falsr reports concerning British rule in Malaya, replied that he had no.. "On the other hand," he wrote, "what I have always heard i.s none other than appreciation of the justice
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  • 189 10 Proposal To Rescind Dog Tax Increase QN a question of procedure. Mr. T W On» agreed at the Municipal Commissioners' meeting yesterday to defer a motion pr< by him to the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Ong's motion was "that the decision of the Commissioners
    189 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 75 10 ARE YOU PLEASED WITH YOUR APPEARANCE? 'tiffSSSm Clothes tailored by Winjfr WtL V Loon& always have a \^fc YjmL: marked' difference in cut, 1 style, comfort appearance ij •i- Si m'% Experience and careful study of individual shane jB I X has enabled us not only to satisfy, but to
      75 words

  • 157 11 TRAINING OF VOLUNTEERS 1 wo Months Camp Starts To-d: be- I it lay. camped to- I arfare In the J rets. baa been a considerable in- numbers of Volunteers, :<mJc of war. due pnnCVnnpul*>ry Bervice rough t into the ral hrridred more men. months wiU see Volunt;*>t Recruit* (men •npulsory
    157 words
  • 22 11 VS rrom registration und« th .ye boon e.f t Rjngaporr "Thr SUI Prorldeni Punu .>f th^ Rtnßßpnrr Traction npaporr Air-
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  • 600 11 Jury's Unanimous Verdict At Singapore Assize Trial "ABUSED TRUST CONFIDENCE OF EMPLOYERS" SAYS JUDGE OENTENCE of three years' rigorous imprisonment was v passed by Mr. Justice Cordon Smith at the Assizes' Msterday on Victor Philip Haker, until recently assistant cashier in John Little and Co.,
    600 words
  • 186 11 Due To Disease Now Being Notifiable ALTHOUGH the number ol tuborr^ culoiis rases reported in Singapore rose from 146 in November to 347 in December last year, an assurance that there was no epidemic of the disease was given by the Municipal president, Mr. L. Rayman, at
    186 words
  • 103 11 THE committee of appeal, appointed under the Cinematograph Films Ordinance fo1941 consists of the following: Government Officials. The In: aectcr-Gcr. •val of Police, the Secretary for Chines^ Affairs. The Principal. Raffles Girls' School. the extra Assistant Controller of labour. Non-Government Officiate: Mr^sr.* R e Prentis. N. R.
    103 words
  • 315 11 CTAFF Captain Richard Bernard Gilbert Wooliatt described in he Singapore third court yesterday iow a fireman, George O'Connor. mployed in a ship lying at the :>1 Base, threatened to strike ;m and adopted a pugnacious attiudc on Monday afternoon. He Rave evidence in a
    315 words
  • 262 11 Suggestion Of Local Newspaper ■"pllE suggestion that a Chinese Mili- t. t Corps s'nculd be formed to help in the defencr of Malaya is made j by the Singapore Chinese newspaper thr> Union Times. Pointing out thot the "southward' i.» a Japanese national policy, preparations to
    262 words
  • 140 11 A personal contribution by Sin?ipore i j Municipal Commissioners to the Malaya Patriotic Fund of 54,350 was mer.Uo!... i ov the president, Mr. L. P-aynu-.n, at the Commissioners' meeting yesterday. This contribution followed the donation > $100,000 made by the Comm! officially to the
    140 words
  • 56 11 TWENTY-TWO-year-old George fispecker- man was sentenced to six weeks' rigorou I imprisonment by the third magistrate. Mr. J. i G. Rappoport. yesterday, when he was con- victed on a rharsrc of being a reputed thief found loitering in Kampon? Kspor Road on Jan. 23 between sunset and sunrise.
    56 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 11 Mr. and Mrs. Cheonq Eng Han after their wedding at the Singapore Registry on Thursday. Mrs. Cheong was formerly Miss Nonnie Soh, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Soh Bcng Llm of Singapore, and Mr. Cheong in the son of Dr. and Mrs. Cheong Chee Hai also of Singapore.
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  • 980 11 Alleged Acceptance Of Money Without C onsideration (From Oiir Own Correspondent) Batu (iaiah, Jan. 31. H A. TROWELL, Chief Inspector of Machinery, [poh, J claimed trial before Mr. V. F. V. Raddi'TV, Hatii Gajah magistrate, to-day on three summons chargea oi pting money from three
    980 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 r _tfc_ w ii m^> i^2_B J|______i__^ >* m _<^_r^_rw'x^_r^P'_F__P l^____ c M___-___i___iSf__/_. Eii^____^M%_i 1^ _L_^J| 'T^HE fint »«ite of theit purely Canadian _____^__T_ I Soup* will convince you of their fin* HBMB*^_! 1 quality and de'iciout natural favour. i—W-E^P-B AVLMES Soups arc prepared from fresh Si_^ i Canadian vegetables
      126 words
    • 123 11 I /mVL rilr\ Wv7 M t I SUPER GRADE CHION T[i A charming mmnti alone /jm\ M never made the perfect II IfSS/fl fl hostess together witS a tense of discrimination aid choice— /cs 1 jB The perfect hostess always uses and serves Acrawau* \^M Pure Ceylon Tea. the Tea
      123 words

  • 907 12 A DEMOCRATIC UNION FOR BRITAIN THE U.S.? Old Idea Is Re-Examined By Writer In New York Ti m ii Deadl \ahw \\w Aaglo-Amriem !i«.t outsidi" th< reas tnableness of history the sinuN' L'rci' mp( "f mankind to ration through combined internatiothe only Other practical altormiofl of the worlds two irreat
    907 words
  • 33 12 Polish troops co-operating with the British forces have shared the fighting and victories in the Western Desert. Picture shows a Polish column, with its mule-drawn anti-tank guns.
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  • 508 12 Journalist Tells Of Experiences 11)11) not fully realize how Hitter the Greek-Italian war is until 1 walked across the Klisura battlefield to take these messages to the nearest telegraph office across the Greek frontier, writes a correspondent of the Sydney Dailj Telegraph. Italian dead were sprawled
    508 words
  • 123 12 Tilt following constitute the Penang Mohaiii1 medan Advisory Board for 1941: Mr J. Falconer, M C.S., chairman. Dr. Kamil Md. ArlfT. J.P vice-chairman, Syed Sallen bin Syed Hashlm Al agofl M.8.E.. J.P.. Syed Mohdar Idid bin Syed Hassan Idid. Hajl Abdul Hamid dim Ilaji
    123 words
  • 37 12 UK. JOHN Samuel Stott has been appointed a Commissioner and Assistant Commandant, and Messrs. Philip Francis Kinsey. Thomas William Saunders and Joha'han David Joseph to be assistant Comn- 1 tn th< Volunteer Police Reserve.
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  • 55 12 |L|K H F. Hammond has been apiwinted io be a member of the committee to administer the Slngupore Mercantile Marine Kunil and a member of the Pilot Botr i. Sin gaporr. vice Mr. R. V. Harris. Mr. Hammond has uLso been appointed j.i unofficial member of
    55 words
  • 54 12 A PPOIKTMENTS ana promotion vi the Singapore Local Defence Corps have been announced as follows: Mr B. A. R. Oatcr to be major. Mr W H Ward to be lieutenant. Mr. E. Gregory Jones. M.C., to be lieutenant. Mr. J. Bennett to be lieutenant and Lieut O. O
    54 words
  • 113 12 Melbourne. TWO deal mute* were married here at tjueen -street Registry Office. The couple. Mr. John O'Grady. of Myitleford. and Miss Ethel Leher, of Richmond, took the marriage oaths in sign language and Up articulation. The caution under the marriage act was similar!) administered,
    113 words
  • 520 12 In Good Health In Spite Of Rigours Alexandria, Jan. 17. DESPITE hard campaigning in the desert for four months, without a break, the men of the Australian Infantry Forces armoured division are in astonishing I* good health. For months on end the men have been
    520 words
  • 172 12 Extension of the South VtaflMfl tmnuial of Pan- American Alr«a>u from Auckland to the east coast of Australia is expected noon in well-lnfoirnrd aviation circles In Sydney. Such a development would bring tt c opposite sides of the nuMh within four days and a half
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  • 26 12 COMMISSIONS as acting sub-lieutenant and as Paymaster sub-lieutenant. S.S.R.N.V.R.. have been granted to Mr. Frederick Roy Mai shall and Mr. Michael William Cole r«pecUrely.
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  • 29 12 MR. Vincent Hetreed Brunt has been gi anted a commission as major in the S3. Volunteer Fbrce, it Is announced. Seniority will daU fom Jan. 7. 1939.
    29 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      58 words
    • 407 12 WANTED! 1 In- Public of Mnl.i\.. that Mnstn. ELLISON S J/tKIII 101 BKNRIMO I/IMI I .md MOM XI I UI lallOOM J/l Kll 1 popular Optometrists of ma professional standing aiui form I a well known local firm of Opti. have now all arrived Ivre after a long business and
      407 words

  • 391 13 Full Settlement Expected To Be Krarlinl In Tokio "his Month >lianghai. Jan. IL KIIANCO THAI r« aKrwment was signed ihijj morninjr in Sa ettfi nn to semi-official Japanese •orts in Shanghai 'ie agreement is *ai<l lapancse warship tied np a( ompkte agreement between 80l
    391 words
  • 147 13 National Security Kill For Japan Tokio, Jan. 31. ACTING to perfect the nations defence against espionage and saboa Icage of state secret*, the Government this afternoon introduced In the Hcuse of Representatives a national security bill providing heavy penalties for acts held to undermine the countrjs welfare, besides declaring It
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 156 13 Nairobi, Jan. 31. troops operating in the ;4'; 4 coastal sector or Kenya have pene. rated iruo Italian Scmaliland and destroyed the village of Kiamboni. j near Dirk's Head. Not a single enemy I Midler was encountered. KiambDni was an advance post held iby B.irdas (naiive
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 56 13 Honolulu, Jan 31. •T*WO United States destroyers will meet the N.Y.K. liner Kamakura Maru in which Adm. Kichisaburo Nomura, new'y-appointed Japanese Ambassador to Washington, is travelhng. outside the harbour to-day to the vessel to Honolulu. This was announced by Adm. James Richardson, Commander-in-Chief of the
    56 words
  • 164 13 Hinimler In Action As Quisling FaiU London, Jan. 31. AN agency message from Stockholm to-day states that the avowtd object of the visit to Norway of Himmler. the Gestapo Chief, i* the creation of troops in Norway similar to the German Storm Trtopers Himmler is accompanied
    164 words
  • 25 13 Cheerful men of the Royal Australian Air Fore* who are playing an important part in the BatUe ot th« Libyan Desert.
    25 words
  • 211 13 Mr. Matsuoka Tells Diet Group It May Be Repeated I Tokio, Jan. 31. THL Japanese Government hopes the occasion will present itself when the Chungking regime may be invited to join the Nanking regime following the former's "reconsideration," Mr. Yosuke Matsuoka, the Japanese Foreign
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 69 13 Tokio. Jan. 31. i N extraordinary military budget of Yen covering China expense-, in February and March has been pasted n the Diet without amendment wl'iiin a week of its introduction. The present indications prevailing in both Houses show that the basic budget of Yen 6.800.000.00')
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 678 13 New York, Jan. 31. LJITLERS speech yesterday, in which **h- threatened the United States, was heavily headlined in all the New rork mornn™ newspapers, and attracted comment from several prominent Sonaiors in Washington today. Democrat Tjin Connally of Texas declared: "We shall not
    Reuter  -  678 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 81 13 llllllilllillllllllllllllllllllllll^ V^UJDRKS UIDHDEBS m A little Oilit goes a long way and does lot of work. 'Oilit' cleans and polishes furniture, %^J hardwood, parquet, golf clubs, enamel sur- fuces and windows. Oilit preserves m leather, nickel, chromium plate, razor blades Get a tin for the Horn* To-day tnd strops. Jv
      81 words
    • 352 13 •Let ut eater a.7 pour requirement*. You will find that you will br Ml served here at prices that will tnaka you all thp more to purchase at I ur store. We always stock the following:— Mrn'i shlru Tin HaU Storkinfi SinjrlrU ryjamaa A iwt *f olhrr Mrai Wrar. GlAht
      352 words

  • 1589 14 Effect On Growth And Bark Renewal If Tapped Too Early By Our Planting Correspondent HPHE conclusion is therefore reached that after taking economic factors, such as the exportable quota and the price of the commodity into consideration, young budded clearings should see the knife as early
    1,589 words
  • 282 14 ence already gained on extensive commercially tapped areas in Malaya. Mr. Murray also touched on bark consumption, height of opening cut, slope of cut. change over, renewal etc. on which subjects Malayan planters are already well informed. One of his statements relat'ng f> renewed bark which will be
    282 words
  • 461 14 i From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 17. nTHE usual ChPctnias-week quietness prevails In the City and dealings In stocks and shares have been at a minimum for several r<avs nast. Rubbers, tins and British Industrial securities have been particularly idle. Fortunately, news of the
    461 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 204 14 I II I I I) I .4 .V 7 AGES OF KLIN G E R SEATLESS ft PISTON VALVES 'yi's can be summarised *H^ "X as f°H° ws: I HiW_ 1 Thrv ran be kept permanently _^^^1 tl«am- tight without trouble k^lMrJp^l 3. They withstand the highest pKMX.. Jh ures
      204 words
    • 267 14 PUWIPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY FOR EVERY PURPOSE MANUFACTURED BY JOSEPH EVANS SONS (WOLVERHAMPTON) LTD. CULWELL WORKS. WOLVERHAMPTON ENGLAND. OBTAINABLE FROM All First Class Machinery Dtaler*. LOX 1 T E Batteries arc produced In Australia within a few miles of the largest Lead Smeltvrs in Ikl Southern H mispherc. if LOXITB
      267 words

  • 62 15 rl Wl|i>iii JW*W h<Hkc< «Mc •o bmK WiHic«f at RaaU (mint, oa Fete. mn4 Necri MesaMlaa at Kerewbaa *n the f. |lo«•nr oat wi> be aa follows Cbenk Wak: R. H Rartfc. P. F. o> Sn«ca: I. Hk. Rhapalan. Sft. CTour VrvUn* H»% Manickarti I I
    62 words
  • 167 15 Training Notes From Bukit Timah lUt"** "i hnraf* rurnxd on the first two **y% of traminc w«r *c«» out on the third track of ihr racr rwiry aram this morninc <nd medium pared rallops were 4<m* mi a *»lx tra. i Some of the most impnulve workmjU were done b?
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  • 161 15 S. C. F. A. Event To Start On Feb. 8 T"» uese Football 1 \> uh.iin < hallenre <up 'inrvi- iti'in for |<*41 will be liuruli'd a fin-t roand mat li •■II U.r < l.inrs* Companion Mini, Assotiation and the <dv Musical Association on tatariay, g
    161 words
  • 114 15 ANNUAL MEETING OF PERAK CRICKET ASSN. 'Fr<;m Our O*m Correspondent > Ipoh, Jan. 28. AT the animal meating of the Perak Cricket Association held at the Ipoh Club yesterday, it was decided tc su p. nd the Perak knock-out competition for ihe duration of the war Mr H R Rix
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  • 78 15 THE aiuiu&l inter-axlege tennis 1 match :or the Medical Prac>ers' Cup will be continued at Raffles College to-day, commencing at 3 p.m. Should it rain the Ues will be played off to-morrow, commencing at 9 am The singles were played last Saturday. The Medical College team li leading
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  • 447 15 Money For Purchase Of A Tornado Aeroplane A PROPOSAL that $86,000 be donated to the Imperial C.overnment through The War Fund for the purchase of a Tornado aeroplane was made by Mr. K. Williamson at the annual general meeting of the Singapore Turf Club yesterday.
    447 words
  • 63 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Jan 30. MALACCA'S team for the interITI state hockey time between Malacca and Ntpri, to be played at the Malacca Club padang on Sunday, will by Wee Tiam Hong; I) fltndroff. Tarn Chee IJm; H. Kodrirues, R. Leon. E. W. Reeve;
    63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 15 The European nockey team which was beaten three-nil by The Res: in the annual match on the padang on Thursday Straits Times picture.
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  • 472 15 Spirited Game At Woodsville I 0.8 A. >2 pts. Rest S SO sDiritedly and enthusiastically contested was the annual rugby iratch between the St Andrews Old Boys and the Rest «the present boys and the start) at Woodsville yesterday. that an extra 15 minutes were
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  • 951 15 Navy Air Force Outplayed In Final M. R. U. Game Nngapore 6c Johore 9; it.N.-R.A.F.-R.A.A.F. 0 A HARD, keen and interesting: game rang down the curtain on the last of the season's Rugby matches arranged by the Malayan Rugby Union in aid of war charities,
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  • 676 15 Ipoh Sports Notes LAURISTON PLAYED SUPERBLY TO WIN (Fr«ni Our Own rr. spotiiient > Tlp«l\ lan .11 UK sporU c\ent on which i.nwt interest was focussed duringthe Chinese New Year was the north Malayan amatear «olf championship which resntiai. in a victory for R B l.uiri-fm
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  • 182 15 in uur Own Coriv&pond Ipoh, Jan 30. pONSIM-KABLt: tatataM is bring i-entred in the fori-hconung Klnt* .^.mming Club's Chi.p Goh Meh gala i- ti^ld here on Feb 9 In Nnl Patriotic Fund and i?: Fund M.lgO Cl who will declare i.s been pr
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 233 16 Sensational Statement By I .S. Nay) Secretarj \i;m GREAT CRISIS 1 WITHIN 60 TO <>0 I>\YS IS LIKELY Washington, Jan. SL pOLi IKANk KNOX, Secretary of the Navy, dedarcd to-day that the Inited States Uo\crnmcnl had information that the Nazis are now w 1
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  • 162 16 Mr. Willkie Impressed By Powerful Defences London. Jan. 31. <* I AM impressed with the prccau- t <>ns being taken ngainst the pOMlbUlty of invasion." said Mr Wendrll Willkie. debated Republican Candida fir the United States presidency, on his return to London tonight from a
    162 words
  • 638 16 Cairo, Jan. 31. fHE K.A.F. arc aijain blast in ir the way for the advance of Britain*! Imperial Army of the Nilo. The bombing of Barce, mid-way between Derna and Benghazi, and /he destruction of a hantrar and other buildings there, ;«re reported
    Reuter  -  638 words
  • 183 16 BRITAIN'S GREATEST ORDEAL APPROACHING— FIRST LORD Mr. Alexander Warns Nation Oi Danger lsul Sees Victory Ahead London. Jan. 31. 'W/HAT we have accomplished has given us our chance to win. Now we have to take that chance to g-o on to victory," said M. A. V. Alexander, the First Lord
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  • 410 16 Three Hospitals Hit By Bombs London, Jan. :»1. TAKING advantage of low-h clouds, German planas to-day subjected the London area to a number of nuisance raids. The German pilot for the most part remained at a good height and apparently drorpci their loads without worrying about
    Reuter  -  410 words
  • 158 16 Enemy Giving Up Tepelini London. Jan. 31. 'I 'HI 1 latest Greek communique re- ports further steady progress in the fi^hJng in Albania, and announces the seizure of more enemy posts and the capture of 200 prisoners, includin i ■even officers. An official statement Issued in Athens ia>t r.'.Kht sates
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 50 16 New York, Jan. 31. CEVFNTY-NIM: per cent, of the people in the United States .ire opposed to a ..etrotirUed peace with Germany, according to the latest poll taken by the Gallup Institute of Public Opinion, previous polls of which have proved to be remarkably accurate. Kenter.
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  • 79 16 Newton 'New Jersey). Jan. 31. WILHEIM KENZE. the national leader of the German-American Bund, a Nazi organization, was to-day sentenced with eUht Bund associates to a year to 14 months' Imprisonment for violating New Jersey's "race hatred" ta Two of those sentenced were also fined $2,000
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 33 16 London, Jan. 31. l/ERY heavy floods In Syria, resulting in a number of deaths by drowning, are reported by the French wireless. Several bridges have been carried away— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 27 16 AuMr.iu.iii tatcw ■•■m -.ipiit-rt ..t :i iMoluresqiie disused mill in the \U-t-era Deser; that v crumbling iv the course of the centuries.
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  • 128 16 Trawlers' Surprise For Nazi Bomber I -ndon. Jan •T'llE fcttempled b'imbiig of two B Uth truw. rs- the Ch.irmou h nnd Ratiray— caused an unpleasant surprise for G >r:nan airmen recently A German aeroplan the 'ruwicrj at s<-a eatUfl d the cr:-'t w.-re Qshing and th n tacked. The Gorman
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  • Page 16 Advertisements