The Straits Times, 15 January 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 185 1 Fo> Up to- da to TAILORING M 2 E N CHONG Av»H»Mr Salt LrB(lh« W4IM >HI»II > In SHk mn4 Hml Ate* \M»RI< %M SHARKSKIN lit Tmr<»ai f »I»t» M CtlUMta St.. S p*re ffeM* Ml« IllElULCliJllliL LCLLLCLirj J Liv JLb t;^3S^J maximum usable area. rtl/jT'^s automatlc lighting and, W
      185 words
    • 7 1 SINGAPORE, 140 CECIL ST. f 'PHONE 5471)
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    • 63 1 FURNISHING FABRICS rr^CjT LOOSE COVERS CURTAINS* CUSHIONS*UPHOLSI£RIES UU" [ig| ENDLESS VARIETY! EXCLUSIVE J[l"^ P| DESIGNS! YET SO INEXPENSIVE In fact a material for every furnishing use. r,_~ No matter what type of cover or curtain L.\_ tuV you want it can be perfectly made by r~~~ Ssiifei Robinsons I 7~
      63 words
    • 37 1 FINAL EDTN. ELSIE MARY Battery Road. Dresses for all occasions KUALA LVMPUR, 25 JAVA ST. ('PHONE 3683 X PAVILION RESTAURANT AIR-CONDITIONED Arrange your parties now Enjoy excellent food good service Private parties catered for. v*»— 698 i
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    • 22 2 BARSTOW On active »ervice Brigadier J A. BarsWw. I<mietly ot the Blac* Watch, affr a seriou* operation in England. (By C«bl^.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 564 2 WTIAS-I.ANSJSLL.—I** -n»agemei»t is announced brtweeti Reginald Alexander v) Wills eldc- roii of the late Mr and Mrs. P.J.M. Wills of Jerey, Channel Hands, and Constantinople and Miss Marie Owendoiyn laiukU, re:ond daughter ot Col. the Hun O. V. Larwll C M 0.. M I. C, and Mrs. LanseU nf victoria,
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    • 545 2 WANTED WANTED, good second-hand Motors DC. >60 volts 1 or l'v H.P.; 2 or 2\i U.P.; and 5 H.P. with starters. Please give prices ior raeh. State R P.M. Box No. 547. Straits Times. PIANOS riANO WANTED. State make and lowest cash price Box No. 551, Straits Times. EASTERN PIANO
      545 words
    • 548 2 LOST SIAMESE CAT lost In Oxley Him. Reward. Please phone 4390. SIAMESE TOM CAT one year bushy tall, near Capitol Flat Phone *****. BOARD RESIDENCE EAST AN G LI A. 4 Oxtey Rise, cool and quiet Terms moderate. Tele. 4390. BELLEVILLE, IB Scott* Road. Phone 4374 large ft airy room*
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    • 903 2 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE One practically new l»40 "Model T3." M.G. sporte two seater. Done 4.000 mUes with eomprehenslTe insurance tc June 1941. Price $3,300 nett. Show Rcotr Condition can be aeen at Messrs Fong and Mansor. 315 Orchard Road. Tele. 3077. MAGNIFICENT 1937 25 HP. WOLSELEY super six saloon,
      903 words
    • 602 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY. Personalised Service b* ,i dul* qualified licensee and registered practi- j^B^v9 with legal jual. I yjfir Bcations X.'v'^ THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4 ARCADK BLDG- (COLLYF.R QUAY) R. A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. BUSINESS CARDS ETC. EUGENE Permanent Wavng fc
      602 words
    • 146 2 -UstD CAR BARGAINS V& B|H| AUSTIN GOODWOOD SALOOt 1937 MODEL PRICE $1350.First class order throughout good tyros and very attractive duco. A most economical car, any trial. 1936 AUSTIN 14 SALOON PRICE $750.A very roomy car yet inexpensive to run. It is in sound mechanical order and fitted with good
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  • 197 3 a-ra 1.20 5.50 6.»5 6.55 8.29 9.27 9.4« RBi 25.53 m. 19.82 m. Manila (KZRMl 31.35 m. B.B.C. 31.55 dbl ManiU (KZIB) 31.58 m B.B.C. 31.5S :n Mid 49.59 m. Rancooa 49.94 m. Melbourne 25JS5 m. (except Sunday) 1940 nun. 1' .0 1.3S 1.35 2.M 3.26
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 688 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS (Incorporated Id Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO SAN FRANCISCO none Koag. Kobe- Yokohama. Honotmte. Saa Praactaeo **4 Vm Angeles Lea»e Leare i Manila Hkono .8. YAW ATA MARU Jan. 25 Jan. 28 n^. ASAMA MARU Feb 8 Peb U 1 n.s. TATUTA MARU
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    • 426 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed all cargo bookings subject to Conference War clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT TH€ CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 185 3 Broadcasting TODAY SINGAPORE ZIIL 13.33 mc/» C2S m.) 7HPJ t M me t (St.M m.) ZHF3 1*5 mci (41.38 m.> (ZHL 7.HP1) 5 00 pjn. Pelplng Dramast; 5.40 pjn. Newi In Cantonese; 5.55 p.m. Teochew Muslct; 6.05 pm. News In HokJclen; 6.20 pjn. News in English. Relayed from London; 6.35
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    • 186 3 Ffclk Songst: 5.50 pjn. Hindustani Musict; 6 05 p.m. News In Hindustani 6.20 pm. Tamil Music': 6.40 p.m. News In Tamil; 7. p.m. Light Songs by Blng Crosby and The Andrews Sisterst; 7.10 p.m. News in French: 7.20 p.m. Light Songs by Big Crosby and the Andrews Sisters, (contd.)t; 7.30
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    • 334 3 EMPIRE STATION GSB 9 51 mci (SI. 55 m.|; GSC 9.M me/i (31.32 m.1; GSD 11.75 mci (55.53 m. I <"Sfe 11.86 mr/i (85 29 m.i; GSP 15-14 met (19.81 m GSG 11.79 nc'i (14.86 m.); GSB 2147 mc/i (1S.9T m.»; GSI 15.26 me <19.«« m.); GSJ 21.53 me/» (13.93
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  • 376 4 Not Due To Faulty Packing Cases London, Jan. 14. IN connection with the recent report that large quantities of barter deliveries of rubber to America had been rejected owing to damaged packing, allegedly due to the Inferior Quality of the Malayan and Japanese wood now being used
    Reuter  -  376 words
  • 142 4 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 14. COMMODITY and Exchange markets closed I as follows vltn previous auot&Uons in parenthesis:— It I BBER: Quiet. Spot 12 7 16d 12 9 16d 1 12 7 16d 12 9'l6d) >eb. 12 7 16d 12 9:16 d U2 7 16d 12
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  • 38 4 rr T t HE export of rubber from Malaya, Brunei and Labuan In Decemoer was 50.165 tons, states the Controller of Rubber. This compares with an estimate furnished earlier in the month of 50,200 tons.
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  • 39 4 THE following particulars of tin-ore produc- tlon refer to December: Hours Cubic Plculs yards ore j Pahang Consol. 5,239 Ipoh Tin (Puchong) 521 102,300 577 i Sungei Kinta 661 133,600 517 Temob Tin 679 83,800 634
    39 words
  • 82 4 i "THE Hongkong and Shanghai Bank- ing Corporation announce that the final dividend for 1940 will probably be £2 10s. a share* subject to deduction of income tax. An interim dividend of £2 10s. was paid on Aug. 12. There has been written-ofT bank premises account, $1,000,000
    82 words
  • 63 4 UNITED TEMIANG RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. earned a net profit of £35,523 in the year ended July last, compared with £8,246 in the preceding year. The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent, and have transferred £22.000 to various reserves. The amount to be carried forward to
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  • 39 4 London, Jan. It TIN opened quiet The turnover was 25 tons. Hopes are entertained of some Excess profits Tax concession for tin mines in the next United Kingdom Budget, After official hours a further ten tons were traded. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 1842 4 Revenue Rises: Increased Number Of Units Sold (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 21. 1 CABLED you to-day a brief ac- count of Mr. George Balfour's address to shareholders at the annual meeting of Perak River HydroElectric Power Co. Ltd. which was held yesterday, but in
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  • 431 4 TINS EASE: RUBBERS VERY DULL INDUSTRIALS QUIET BUT STEADY By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, Jan. 15. CONDITIONS in the local share market continue to rule quiet and yesterday most of the small activity wai confined to the tin share section. Hong Fa>,t changed hands in small quantities
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  • 94 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. r.<di>— <u>. Jan. is. noon. Buyers s lief Prices Mea No. IX R.S S. (Spot loose) U7 1 37 No. IX R.S.S. fob. in HMM Jaa.-Feb. (Sellers option) 37 C..F.A.Q. K.S S. f.ob. in bales Jan. -Feb. (Sellers option) 37 F.A.Q. R.S S fob. in
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  • 187 4 rue following are the exchange rate* 'Jiw morning according to the dally clm.lai Imu»J by the Kongicon* md Shanghai Banking Corporation: SKLJ.IMQ LJOUQUD 11 1/4 1/16 Lor don demand a/4 1/19 Switzerland demand »TT only) 202 1* New York demand 47 3/32 Montreal Ifiiiand 5127/33 Batavia .ci land 88%
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  • 39 4 IN the last quarter of 1940 Sunn- Tin Ltd. produced 70 ton.s of t'n concentrates. The mine cost was £6,500 and the estimated mine profit on 61 tons of concentrates sold during the quarter was 16,000.
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  • 24 4 KUALA Reman Rubber Estates Ltd. harvested 198,000 Ib. of rubber in December and Bruseh Rubber Estate* Ltd. harvested 56.000 lb in the same month.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 604 4 LEGAL NOTICE is 1 III MATTER OF THE CHINESE LAWN TENNIS CUB OR THE M \l (A < I1INESE LAWN HVMM UK BUILDING FUND. NOTICE it hereby given that all creditor* •rid, other persons having any claims or deri ands upon or atraiittt the Chinese Lawn "rnnls Club or The
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  • 361 5 Better Inquiry And Prices Move Upward London. Jan. 14. fts the Slock Exchange to-day, the upv ward tread of prices with broadening toquiry Rare cause for general satisfaction. t -edged were again favoured while •evrral Brazilian bonds continued their advance. On the other nan*. Japanese PHnii i
    361 words
  • 317 5 THE tollowing donation* to lie Wat Fund are recorded to-day Transferred from Penan*, beinjr 147ih instalment of contributions made through the Pinane Gaxettr and Straits rlrhn 1.935 82 Mrs. Lee C'hoon Guan (fourth contribution) i,o«« Capt and Mm. H J. Abbey (second contribution) I.OM Saunders
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  • 1337 5 TtF.SOAT, JAN. 14, 1941: 4 P.M. ■MM aayen Jtileifi Ampat Tin (se) 3s 3d 3s 7% Austral Amal (Sa) 6s 9d 7s c.d. Austral Malay (C) 35s 36a cd. Ayer Hltam (Ss> Sis 22e 6d Ayer Went ($1) .80 M Bangrln Tin (t) 15c
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  • 64 5 Mails close at the General Post Office as follows: TO-MORROW Aden surface 1 p.m. Egypt surface l p.m. India surface 1 p.m. Java air 9 a.m. Palcmbang air 9 a.m. ARRIVALS Mails from Indo-China (air) general delivery 1.40 p.m. to-day. Malls from Java and Sumatra (air)
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  • 128 5 ro-daj H. W. 00.08 a.m. 9.2 ft.; 11.28 a.m. 103 ft L. W. 5.28 am. 4.2 It.; 6.05 p.m. 0.6 ft To-morrow H. W. 00.40 a.m. 9.3 ft.; 13.06 noon 10.4 ft. li. W. 6.05 a.m. 3 8 ft.; 6.40 a.m. 0.6 ft. Friday, Jan. 17 H.
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  • 260 5 Issued by the Malayan Shi Books Company DtrVtena Clom TIN Austral Malay 9d. 9d. xrnus Austral Amal. 3d. l%d. bonus Idrls Hyd. 2%% Int. less tax Ipoh Tin 21- Int. less tax Jan. 7 Kampong Lanjut 2s. No. IS Jan. 20 K. Kamuntlng 3d. 113 bonus
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 563 5 rht zur pooley nnd blades- then PLATFORM WEIGHING there's the MACHINES. o^Cijffi^ T* 16 Cheapest Machines are W those that give the best and V W -tfP^KO^-l longest Service V^^^Jl^ Pooley Machines give that service THE BEST OF ALL Ag ntttf On sale everywhere Sole Agents: CmTiTIME?{9O GRAFTON LABORATORIES LTD.
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    • 275 5 WHAT STOMACH SUFFERERS CAN EAT| You can't lay up a sick stomach) Your bod. must \be nourished V even though solid food and most liquid foods cause pain and vomiting The problem has always been to And a food that soothes the nnamed stomach walls and provides all the 'nourishment
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 LAST DAY ATHAIIIinA at 3i5 p.m. only ****x**+m.nnA r riMMII THOMAS JOHN LITCL DmlN k* W«wm Clmmw WMMI MOt Pit t»r« FKB POSITIVELY LAST DAT! LAST 2 SHOWS AL'pIAWiKA Kalin^ Studios present MGORDON i'^^^^v^ HARKER OKfi|! SALOON BAR' rm|B with ELIZABETH ALLAN PL— jH S£ ALSO A SPECIAL DOCUMENTARY FILM
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    • 336 6 The CAPITOL'S GREAT ATTRACTION FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR X< Gable I XTrlcy I Xj Colbert lloMt^ A with rBANK MORGAN l| M.G.M.s Mammoth ALL-STAR Masterpiece Opening SATURDAY Jan. 25th Make Your Reservations Early. SUN TALKIE TO-NI6HT 7.30 9.30 P. M. 4ft BEWARE! THE SATAN OF HORROR PROWLS AGAIN! Can a
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    • 116 6 Hello Folks.... Just a Call /^fei^H^S t0 rer n d 3 r u to /#7^ 'CHOOSE YOUR I S Ik. s.^^fr Show I Ifc^rtf LANA TU^ N£R J p GEORGE MURPHY i^inßl Opening at the •^HH^^^B[ CAPITOL'S I, MIDNIGHT SHOW .SATURDAY, NIGHT Yours, 'til then JOAN BLONPELL General Screening Starts
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  • 257 7 Only Four Vessels Were Sunk In Week Ending January 5. London, Jan. 14. DRITISH mercantile shipping losses during the week ended midnight of Jan. 5 were four vessels totalling 14,687 tons, the lowest for eight months, says an Admiralty announcement. There were no
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 150 7 I London, Jan. 14. WERY considerable Italian losses In the Western Desert and praise for the skill and power behind the British advance were expressed by the Rome radio speaker in a 1 broadcast in English to North America, heard in Britain. "We shall
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 148 7 R. A. F. Planes Again Batter U-boat Base London, Jan. 14. rxESPITE bad weather, another suc1 cessful attack was made on the already much-battered German submarine base at Lorient by a small R.A.F. force last night. Heavy bombs were seen to burst on naval ordnance vjrks
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 92 7 London. Jan. 14. A MEMORIAL service for Amy Johnson, famous airwoman who lost her life In the recent air crash In the Thames Estuary, was held at the Church of St. Martins-ln-I the Fields, Trafalgar Square to-day. It was arranged by the Women's Engineering
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 82 7 "Victory Will Not Long Be Delayed" Menzies London. Jan. 15. AM more than erer convinced 1 that the victory of our just cause will not be long delayed," says the Australian Prime Minister, Mr. R. G. Menzies, replying to a telegram from Gen. de Gaulle, leader of the Free French
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 174 7 London, Jan. 14. PLYMOUTH was the main target of enemy attacks last night. This is not the first occasion on which Plymouth has been the object of German attacks during the hundreds of years of British history in which the town of Plymouth and British naval
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 114 7 Washington, Jan. 14. EXAMINATION of President Roosevelt's Lease and Lend Bill by the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee has been postponed until to-morrow. Senator Robert Taft, a leading member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, advocates outright scrapping of the bill and will
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 158 7 Minesweeping Flotilia Joins British Units London, Jan. 14. COUTH AFRICAN warships are co-operating with the British Navy outside South African waters for the first time in history. This was officially announced today when it was stated that a flotilla of South African minesweepers a unit of
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 71 7 Montevideo. Jan. 15. THE French steamer Mendoza (8.000 tons), which took refuge in Uruguayan waters after being Intercepted by the British auxiliary cruiser Asturia, left again for an unknown destination yesterday morning. The Mendoza spent the night at the entrance to the Montevideo harbour channel.
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 86 7 Nairobi, Jan. IS. fHE Governors of Kenya, Uganda, 1 Tanganyika. Northern Rhodesia and Nya.saland and the acting Resident of Zanzibar met In conference here yesterday An official statement issued at the conclusion of the meeting stated that they had agreed on the formation of an
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 1104 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13, 1941. (500th Day Of The War.) Turning Points Successes in the Western Desert have been so spectacular that there has been a tendency to underestimate the far-reaching effects of the earlier blow against Italian land forces. We rejoiced greatly when Greece defied Mussolini
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 455 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —Have you capitulated, or what From your recent leaders on the above subject, you appear to have decided to discuss the Incidence of the tax itself as set forth in the proposed legislation, instead of keeping
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    • 221 8 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—Whilst many agree with th; principle of an equitable income tax foi i either war purposes or general taxation, few, if any, can accept the income tax proposal of the Commission as an equitable form of war
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    • 645 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—You are quite right in saying that: "There is provision whereby an appeal from a decision of the Commissioners presided over by a Judge may come before a single Judge sitting >in Chambers. Is there to be
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    • 470 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—Now that the draft Ordinance has at last been pubiisned, some 16 months after the outbreak of war, and Is likely to become law, will not everyone be satisfied? Will the law not stan.i as a monument to our
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  • 73 8 The Straits Times receives many more letters than can be published in the space available. Accordingly brief concise letters stand a better chance of selection and prompt publication than long ones. Letters exceeding 250 words are unlikely to be published at the present time. When letters are typed, double-spacing will
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  • 964 8 Financial Assistance To Great Britain To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— The heading "Still at It." used by you on a rrecent leader well and aptly describes the wav In which those responsible for local government have dallied over the question of the financial assistance which this
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 "MARCONI" RADIOS JUSTARRIVEDfroa ENGLAND NEW 1941 MODELS (CASN OR EASY PAYMENTS) THE Robinson Piano Co. (s.s.) Ltd. Opposite Clifford Pier Swgapore. Call on us for any of the following requirements •Silks 'Indies' Pyjamas 'Hosiery *H;imi Ba»js 'Tapestries 'Cotton Blankets -Golf Bafts. 'Twisted Mats. We always carry a larger, wider and
      225 words
    • 54 8 THE KINGS ENGLISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Prepared by over 40 experts, learned societies nrt invtltutlons; it contains over 20,000 subJscU with a wealth of Illustrations. Bound In TWO Handsome Volumes. Price only Jl9 5«. POST FREE. G. H. Xl AT A CO., LTD.. CAS. RobinsMi R«l4— Singapore. JOHN DUKE I Man ufacturing
      54 words
    • 91 8 COME THEN LET US TO THE TASK TO THE BATTLE THE TOI L Each to Our Part, Each to Our Station, Fill the Armies, Rule the Air, Pour out the Munitions, Strangle the U-boats, Sweep the Mines, Plough the Land, Build the Ships, Guard the Streets, Succour the Wounded, Uplift
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  • 703 9 Havoc Caused At Sicilian A ir field GERMAN ATTACK ON CONVOY FOR GREECE FOILED Illustrious Damaged: Italian Warship Sunk i"\NE of two probable Mediterranean u nests from which the German air force is aiding Italy to attack the British fleet was punished in
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  • 46 9 U. S. ENVOY TO BRITAIN ALREADY SELECTED Washington, Jan. 14. THE successor to Mr. Joseph P Kennedy as United States ambasMidor to Britain has been chosen. .dent Roosevelt announced this at is Press conlerence to-day, but declined to reveal the name of the envoy M wlccted.—RcuUrr.
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  • 184 9 Attacks On Outer Defences Begin London, Jan. 15. DRITISH reconnaissance parties are now actively engaged in probing the outer defences of Tobruk, Italy's sea port base some 80 miles from the Egyptian frontier, cables Reuter's special correspondent in the Western Desert battle area. Their task is
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 476 9 'Most Untruthful Statement' Washington, Jan. 14. DRESIDENT Roosevelt made an impassioned outburst at his Press conference to-day against an opponent, whom he did not name, of legislation authorizing the President to carry out his policy of total aid to the democracies. The President said he had read in
    Reuter  -  476 words
  • 667 9 London, Jan. 15. I'M: remarkable growth of pro- British sentiment in France today was the text broadcast by Mr. Alfred Duff Cooper, Minister of Information, last evening. He spoke of evidence from sources of "absolute accuracy" that in France despair had given place to hope,
    British Wireless  -  667 words
  • 104 9 German Admits Luftwaffe Is Powerless Against Navy Zurich, Jan. 15. air force is powerless against Great Britain's naval might, according to captain von Waldeyerhartz, German naval expert commenting on the German propaganda thesis that the Luftwaffe can destroy the British fleet. Captain von Waldeyerhartz says, 1 fully adhere to the
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 263 9 "No Nazi Troops In Country" London, Jan. 15. I*HE presence of German troops in Bulgaria or any diplomatic steps in this connection is officially denied in a statement issued in Sofia last night. The Bulgarian telegraph agency says it is authorized to declare that no foreign
    Reuter  -  263 words
  • 207 9 London, Jan. 15. THE growing experience of British night-fighter pilots is beginning to show results. More raiding bombers are being intercepted and those that do get through are being attacked with some success, says the Air Ministry news service. The number of our night
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 125 9 Italian CounterAttacks Fail Greeks Repulse Enemy, Take More Prisoners Athens, Jan. IS. ITALIAN counter-attacks on a small scale were beaten off yesterday with heavy losses to the enemy, according to the official Greek spokesman, who added that prisoners taken by the Greeks included two officers. Three of four Italian tanks
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 74 9 New York, Jr i 14. AFIRE swept the Brooklyn waterfront to-day, threatening warehouses and municipal buildings. The fire was brought under control after several hours. Five people were burned to death and ten injured. The fire spread so quickly that most of the 30
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 48 9 Rome, Jan. 14. ABOUT 12,000 air raid shelters are to be rt built In Hungary. Work will begin Immediately, says a Budapest message to the Stefan! agency today. Underground passages will be built between the buildings to assure that an alternath' exists. Keuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 81 9 Khartoum, Jan. 14. TAKING advantage of brilliant moonlight, British troops supported by artillery last night carried out a strong night raid on prepared Italian positions in the Gallabat sector of the Sudan-Abyssinia front. After fierce hand-to-hand fighting, the British gained their objectives. It is estimated
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 372 9 NEW SUPPLY COUNCIL Increased Flow Of U.S. Supplies London, Jan. L5. IN view of the jrreat increase in the volume of British supplies from North America and of the desirability of maintaining close harmony between American industrial and business organizations and Britain, a, committee has beta established called the Hritish
    Reuter  -  372 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 9 9 OTHER CABLES in page* 7, 13, 14 and 16
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    • 95 9 'S^^mm Devon- jj|§ CYDER l^m I* ror a clean. neaJttiy, and rrfresn/^M H B IS', ing drink, Whaewaj > Cyder ta/M fjm HP"HJ Hi a lot of beating. SHhA We ran offer you fc flne se lectl <>n v"' •Bt\ of Whiteway's Sparkling Cydera J OfcVMf »'< <see llst below)
      95 words

  • 689 10 Art Exhibition And Tennis Tournament To Aid Cause ESTATE STAFF MAKES ITS NINTH CONTRIBUTION 11/ A It Fund news is much brighter to-day. There are several substantial shifts acknowledged in the latest list, including two individual donations of $1,000 each. One of
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  • 133 10 SINGAPORE ■AFKI IS HOTEL Dinner it Dane* (Informal; 8 p.m. to Midnight. GARKKK THEATRE, GEYLANG The Heroine Marriageable i Chinese Talkies from 7.45. GREAT WORLD Cabaret: 7.30 to 9 6c 9 p.m. to ;ht. Globe: City In Darkness. Sky: Stolen Life. HAFTY THEATRE (Happy World) 6.45 9.15 Prahalada. Seaside:
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  • 78 10 •yilK fund which is being raised locally to assist the Cardiff Air Raid Relief Fund is still open, and readers are invited to send subscriptions direct to the Chartered Rank, Singapore, before Saturday, next. The whole of the money thus collected will be forwarded to the main fund
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 10 One of the oil paintings which toill figure in the exhibition which is being held by Mrs. E. F. Watkins at Raffles Hotel from Jan. 23 to Jan. 29. This painting, entiV.vd 'The Piper," is 24 inches by 18 inches and is priced at $100. The proceeds of
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  • 62 10 Jan. *>3 to 29. Exhibition of paintings and drawings of China and .Malaya, by Mrs. E. F. Watkins. Proceeds of sales to The War Fund. Raffles Hotel. 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Jan. 34 to 28. Open Singapore Malays' Lawn Tennis
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  • 228 10 Questions For Council IMPORTANT questions on housing, labour and the terms of employment of teachers will be asked at Monday's meeting of the Legislative Council. It is expected that there will be several speeches on the War Tax Bill, which proposes income tax for the Colony. Mr.
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  • 53 10 Toklo, Jan. 14. IAPAfTK readiness to reciprocate friendly sentiments voiced by the Australian Minister of the Army, Mr. Percy Spender, in a broadcast from Singapore, was expressed by the Foreign Office spokesman, Mr. Ishll, at the Press conference. He declared: "We are prepared to reciprocate
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 72 10 WHEN the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas return to Singapore from their up-country tour to-morrow, they will move directly into Government House, which has already been re-occupied by members of the household staff. All the renovations of Government House, which had been proceeding since
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  • 100 10 OINCE the recent formal opening of the Passive Defence Services Club at Farrtr Park, members of the Corps of Air Raid Wardens, the St. John Ambulance Brigade, the Auxiliary Fire Service, the Volunteer Police Reserve and the Local' Defence Corps have been steadily enrolling and the
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  • 82 10 'Terry and the Pirates." (William Tracy, Graarille Owen, Victor de Camp, and Joyce Bryant.) Colombia. At the Capitol. THE longest film to be seen in Singapore, 1 "Terry and the Pirates," which w*i screened yesterday at the Capitol, is a picture based on the
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  • 24 10 "TTHK Hunchback of Notre Dame," starring Charles Laughton. Sir Cedric Hardwlcke, and Maureen O'Hara, began a return season at the Pavilion yesterday.
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  • 584 10 THE arrest and conviction of Mamoru Shinozaki were, in the opinion of the Defence Security Officer, Malaya, of vital importance i to the security of Singapore, it was disclosed this morning at the con- j elusion of the General Court Martial of
    584 words
  • 45 10 This was the dartboard at a party held in Batavia in aid of the Netherlands Indies Spitfire Fund. Hitler is depicted as being ready to cross the Channel, complete with bathing suit, last minute advice from Goebels and, of course, the "secret weapon."
    45 words
  • 127 10 THERE has been a great response A to Lady Thomas' appeal to children in Malaya for toys to be sent to England for children whose homes have been bombed, or who have been sent out from the danger areas. Among the several packages of toys received
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  • 595 10 Protection Of All Important Civic Buildings THE Singapore Municipality has for some time been con- sidering the extent of air raid precautions which must i»e undertaken in the city to protect essential services, and has agreed to all necessary expenditure within reason." Plans for protesting
    595 words
  • 95 10 INDIAN labourers are showing definite and unmistakable signs of a desire to better their standard of living. This statement Is made in the annual report of the Central Indian Association of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, just released. "lii some Instances," slates the report, "labourers are known to
    95 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 123 10 AIXVBXLITISH fACXOKir BUILT Only in factory-built in- In every case the entlrestruments can you obtain the instrument, including cabinet ff^^^usae^sa^wfis ——d <*-*« *> eciai form such prominent features designed and constructed for of the SAC "Overseas" use in the tropics and, of series of auto-radiograms course, carries the full 12
      123 words

  • 671 11 Penam* Chamber Of Commerce Holds Special Meeting ACCEPTANCE ONLY IF ADOPTED IN F.M.S. FOR "DURATION" (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 14. **VfY chief objection to income tax in this country is the 1V1 impossibility of obtaining from Government a pledge that the measure will
    671 words
  • 137 11 IJENJAAON* Baptist pleaded guilty in the third court yesterday to theft of a pair of gold rmrrin^s valued tit $30 from a bouse in Serangoon Road on Jan. 10. It v:*s stated that whm a woman named Elachec, to whom the earrings belonged, returned to her
    137 words
  • 72 11 AS a further contribution to the war effort from the State and people of Kelantan, $100,000 has been set aside for local defence measures the cost of which might otherwise have fallen on Imperial funds. This $100,000 is part of the proreeds of special war taxation in
    72 words
  • 242 11 YESTERDA Y'S WEDDING Dr. L. W. Jayesuria Miss J. Laßrooy AJIISS Joyce Laßrooy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Laßrooy, of Ipoh, was married to Dr. L. W. Jayesuria, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Jayesuria, of Taiping, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore, yesterday. The Rev.
    242 words
  • 285 11 Mr. A. M. Pountney Dies At Age Of 67 THE death occurred in Britain on 1 Nov. 14, of Mr. Arthur Meek Pountney, former Financial Adviser to the Governments of the S S and F.M.S., who retired from Malaya in 1926. Mr. Pountney, who
    285 words
  • 190 11 To Collect Foil Silver Paper SCHOOLBOYS and girts in Malaya have begun their first term this year well by responding to an appeal in aid of the British Red Cross Fund. The appeal was made by the Girl Guides' Association in Singapore through the Education Department,
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  • 208 11 French Consui-General Issues Statement AN official statement addressed to Frenchmen in Malaya regarding reports of fighting on the Indo-China-Thailand frontier was issued in Singapore yesterday by M. J. Pingaud, French Consul-General: The Consulate-General for France." the statement says, "warns French residents against rumours presently circulating regarding the
    208 words
  • 82 11 CHARGES that he had in his possession an Instrument and materials for making counterfeit coins, and at the same time, was also in possession of 500 counterfeit Straits Settlements 20-cent coins and 600 counterfeit 50-cent coins, were explained to 29-year-old Urn Yit Leong In the third I court
    82 words
  • 98 11 A MESSAGE has been received by the battalion of the Loyal Regiment now in Singapore from Brig-Gen. J. B. Wells, Hon. Colonel of the Regiment, which says: "His Majesty the King, in response to the respectful greetings of the Regiment and allied regiments, on
    98 words
  • 317 11 '"THIS is a subsequent offence and 1 I feel it my duty to ask the court to inflict a heavy sentence," said Mr. Chia Yong Hoe, Assistant Food Control Officer, in the Singapore fifth court yesterday when the manager and an employee of
    317 words
  • 447 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 14 fAPT. G. A. Bentinck, pilot of the ill-fated plane VR-RAJ belonging to the Perak Flying Club which crashed at the Ipoh aerodrome on Aug. 20, last year, pleaded guilty to a summons charging him with contravening certain
    447 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 41 11 atsutidowst^; Make your party welcome Do not forget that little extra which has now become n popular favourite. >l PEEK FREAN S OBTAIN ABI E A £s&sjf^L PBpfftjHW ALL DEALERS. IStiL 8up»l»< d by of Pamoui Biscuiti. r T", Mg l
      41 words
    • 103 11 1Jr *v 77^^ STILL and SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE BURGUNDY HOCK, MUSCAT CHABLIS CLARET SHERRY (brown) THE PICK OF THE VINEYARDS 7 IT TftTT p »ff lUmTT^ Toensure the best reception, I•/ 1 11 ll y ll U1 Ll 4 111 11 W■ yj fi t t he best battery. Crfap ife
      103 words

  • 693 12 Had No Intention Of Giving Away Information "I NEVER went to Shinozaki with the intention of giving him information," declared Gunner Frank Gardner, Royal Artillery, in a statement he made in hw defence yesterday before the General Court Martial in Singapore, at which he is on
    693 words
  • 469 12 Japanese Faces Secrets Charge COJI SAITO, young Japanese sea- man, was committed in the second court yesterday to stand trial before the High Court on the charge that, on New Year's Day, he "made a drawing of a prohibited area the region surrounding the islands of
    469 words
  • 264 12 Rural Child Welfare Clinic's Application A LARGER; house for Uie riinif in. East Coast Read is needed for rural child welfare work, said Dr. W. L. Blakemore to the Rent Assessment Board yesterday. A. T. Edwards and 00. were applyuu; through their manager, Mr. M. J.
    264 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 324 12 SINCAPOPE NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA SINGAPORE From £124 X P M LINE (Incorp. in the JV. I.) Tel 5451. I f C&* fir* 1 Yes! Inner Cleanliness should be the ||gSgg===^^a:';*: '1 first rule Fur until the system is purified If|!|§3jnf=§^f33v. regularly there can be no true physical s^^-^^^^^| \f fitness.
      324 words
    • 429 12 HEALTH MAGIC for all in Crookes 9 Vitamins B&iry GJ9p Of CrfMa I >m9^l Hal&mt Oil ctmtaim to I <309 B limu men frofctm Vita- I im'i A and 30 luu mart Irv,, vvifiaJtiHa^ imMm Vitamin D ikmm WUtUlu. vvV^ll I good Cod liver oil, j'^ The modern miracle
      429 words

  • 312 13 Australian IViiur Minister To Confer With Mr. Churchill Melbourne, Jan. 14. THF Australian Prime Minister, Mr. R. G. Menzies, announces that he will shortly visit England for discussions with Mr. Churchill and other Ministers. He added that he knew his visit would he
    312 words
  • 80 13 Unrest Growing In Austria London, Jan. 14. A CONFERENCE of all Naii chiefs in Austria took place at Salxburf last week to consider the situation arising oat of growing unrest in Austria ami numerous workers' demonstrations, according to the Istanbul correspondent of the Free French Agency. The conference was attended
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 109 13 Threat Of Revenge Made 'Nothing Will Be Forgiven Or Forgotten' London, Jan. 14. THE Swedish Press is violently attacked by the Berlin news- paper Boersen Zeitung to-day, and particular offence is taken at a report from the London correspondent of the Aftonbladet saying that
    109 words
  • 198 13 Reference To "Futile Political Stunts' Lahore, Jan. 14. •THE great achievement in the West1 crn Desert is largely due to the fact I that all members of the greac family of the British Common weal eh of I Nations have got common Ideals, a common
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 150 13 London, Jan. 14. I THE Nazis have introduced compul- sory labour service for all 19-year old Dutch youths, Reuter learns in Dutch circles in London. The men will be compelled to spend six months in camp. I Their German-appointed leader stated on I the wireless that
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 71 13 Berlin, Jan 14. GOLD coins worth 1.000.U00 francs have been confiscated by the Paris police. The German official news agency states that 20-franc pieces which have not been circulating since tV>e outbreak of war wer? being sold at prices varying between 550 anci 600
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 348 13 Ankara, Jan. 14. lEUT.-GEN. James Marshall-Corn- v~A\ ar.d Air Vice-Marshal T. W. representing the Middle East j ;io arrived here yesterday j I t-ilks with the Turkish Com- weft later received by Marshal Tchakmak, chief of the Turkish General Staff, and Gen. Gundus, deputy chief of the
    348 words
  • 67 13 West Palm Beach i Florida, Jan. 14. •TWO HUNDRED passenger* from Uie liner ■I Manhattan, which Is aground on a sand i bar near Forth Worth. Florida, have been ta!c»n off by coastguards and brought ashore Althonrh all the passengers have been taken off, the crew of
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 47 13 What happens when the alert sounds at an R.A.F. fighter station in the Western Itesert. Pilots hurriedly don parachutes and helmets from a kit rack while an airman chalks up on a board what pilots are about to take the air.
    47 words
  • 280 13 London, Jan. 14. THERE have been many demands 1 that the Government should state its war aims but the term preferred in high quarters is "peace aims." War aims are simple to define they are to win the war but peace aims present
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 430 13 WSLr TWO YiABS f°"' R ti«XM6s to I 25 Upper Cross Street, Singapore, 2nd Dec. 1939. Dear Sirs, If this letter is of any use to you, use it by all means. Both my husband and self use 'ASPRO and if we feel a Cold coming on or feel off
      430 words
    • 355 13 COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS ENROL NOW Enrolments are now oeing made for the commencement of classes, during the 1941 year of training. In the following subjects: All London Chamber of Commrrct 1941 examination subjects. London Matriculation June 1941 and January 194t. School Certificate i:x»minatio». December. 1041. All Pitman Commercial Ortiftrato Buhje«'ts. Particulars
      355 words

  • 361 14 Visit To "Mercy Ship Of The Western Desert" RHODES1ANS AMONG WOUNDED IN FIGHTING ARO UND TOBRUK London, Jan. 14. T HAVE just had an opportunity of spending a short time 1 aboard a hospital ship prior to her sailing, cables Reuter's special correspondent in the W estem Desert battle area.
    361 words
  • 291 14 Obstacles To His Balkan Plans London, Jan. 14. TWO important official pronounce- merits, one Russian and the other Bulgarian, during the past 24 hours have helped to clarify the immediate outlook in the Balkans, writes Reuter's diplomatic correspondent. They <llspose of Nazi-inspired rumours that Germany and Soviet
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 69 14 London, Jan. 14. PETTROL shortage in Eire is so severe that the Government is restricting its use. Petrol licences w:ll only be given for purposes vital to national security. In an effort to overcome the shortage of wheat and cattle, 1,000,000 extra acres will be put
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 35 14 Athens. Jan. 14. "LIMITED action" In Albania was reported in last night's communique from the Greek army general headquarters. The communique adds that some prisoners were taken. Including two officers, and four tanks. —Reuter. I
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 151 14 Manpower Production To Be Discussed London. Jan. 14. DISCUSSION on new proposals to accelerate the war effort is being intensified in political circles. Politicians have now had a week to consider them, but even now it cannot be said that there is general approval
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 45 14 London, Jan. 14. 'THERE has been a flood of applica- tions for admission under the new air training scheme for boys. The Air Ministry information bureau has had to be enlarged. Some squadrons under the new scheme have already been formed. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 99 14 .London, Jan. 14. IT is learned the British Government is giving its consideration to the perilous position of Italian women and children in Italian East Africa and is prepared to grant facilities and safe conduct for all women and children
    99 words
  • 515 14 m London, Jan. 14. •pHE great damage done to dockyards and petroleum works at Porto Marghera, near Venice, is described in an Air Ministry news bulletin dealing with the widespread R.A.F. raids on Sunday night. The first British bomber arrived at Porto Marghera
    British Wireless  -  515 words
  • 116 14 Ankara. Jan. 14. TTHE speech by Prof. B. FilofT, Bul- garian Premier, in which he reaffirmed his country's policy of neutrality, has been received in Greece with lively satisfaction. The newspaper Estia says the Greek people are keen enough in a political sense to comprehend
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 55 14 British Plane Down In Unoccupied France London, Jan. 14. A BRITISH Wellington bomber is reported in a Virhy message to the German official news agency, to have made an emergency landing near Lyons during Saturday night. The machine is stated to have been destroyed, but the crew was saved and
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 282 14 A City Of Gloom And Want Acute Food Shortage In French Capital London, Jan. 14. pIXJOMY accounts of life in Paris are ap» pearlng in the French press. Le Temps says the struggle for existence I* the chief pre-occupatlon of Parisians and outweighs all other Interests. All that Parisians think
    British Wireless  -  282 words
  • 96 14 London, Jan. 14. IUpSSOLTNI'S personal interest .0 "■the defence of Bardia. which was captured recently by the Australian forces, has Just been revealed by the discovery of a messsga which he sont to Marshal Grazlani. The me^saee read-: "I am anxious f.o let you know,
    96 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 164 14 Mf I When a growing child needs extra nourishment SCOTT'S Emulsion is yM the ideal body-builder. Its specially selected cod liver oil builds up the issues and enriches the blood. Its JM {>owerful vitamins promote growth Im and maintain health. Its bone- .MW forming hypophosphites feed the /mW j^y nerves
      164 words

  • 765 15 Sports Notes From The Federal Capital T Performance Against Army Was Full Of Merit (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. Q\ thoir display against the Army last Saturday, Selangor can justifiably lay claim to possessing the strongest rug§m *ide in Malaya
    765 words
  • 61 15 ""Till (••Mowing will represent the Singapore Recreation Club a; nnst the Singapore Cricket 4 luh in a first team hockey maU-h o'i the Singapore Cricket Club pa-lane to-day < Aeria. R. 11. Rarth, P. F. do P. Neuhronner. L. S. Rentenv Clarke; G. HaKhes,
    61 words
  • 248 15 Dancing Foam Constant Light Impress il-ruii Our Own < orrespondent) Ipoh, Jan. 15. A I Illi.l (.11 slow work was the irr of the duy, several intcr^tmg workouts came under no«i.c this morning when randidatr* entered for the "Spitfire" me. hue were exercised. I>ancinc I u.iin. Shipley. Scofflaw. Constant I
    248 words
  • 114 15 (XX FRIDAY at the Rjyal Singapore v/ Yacht Club, there will be the usual racf-s for all class, startin? ut 523 p.m. for the A class, and sit 5.25 pm. !or the otlier classes. Sunday the "C" class uill sail the ■c !dr the
    114 words
  • 46 15 Philadelphia, Jan. H. LOU SALJCA Bl BfOOklyn retained his world bantamweight dtlj, outp<intiiiK Tommy K>rt. the local youngster, in a nttern-round contest.! Salica, whose left eye closed in the sixth round, fought a savage finish to narrowly to gain the verdic—Reuter.
    46 words
  • 23 15 S.S.C WATER-POLO TPHE Singapore Swimming Club will j play a water-polo versus the Loyal Regiment at the Swimming Club at' 530 pm to-morrow.
    23 words
  • 42 15 HOCKEY S.C.C. vs. S.R.C, S.C.C; Indian Assn. ts. S.C.R.C, S.C.R.C: <:.S.C. vs. R.A.F. (SeieUr), Ralestier. RUGGER S C.C. ts. Highland Brigade, S.C.C. Meetings: S.A.F.A. annual general meeting, Anson Road Stadium, 5.30 p.m.; S.R.C. Sports reneral meeting, SH.C^ 6.3# p.m.
    42 words
  • 307 15 AUSTRALIANS ARE A STRONG SIDE T^HE R A.A.F.'s newly formed base- ball team will cross bats With th<t Canadians in a practice encounter at Sc. Joseph's ground on Sunday. The Australians displayed unexpected .strength last Sunday when they beat a mixed team 13—0. With a little
    307 words
  • 213 15 TTHE Royal Singapore Golf Club's Women's Medal competition bogey) was played at Buki: Timah on Monday and resulted in a win for Mrs. R. Wakeford in "A" division with a score of three dewn, in a win in "B" .division for Mrs. W. A. Young
    213 words
  • 246 15 "THE results of the Chinese Swimming Club's championship, held at the Club pool on Sunday, are: 100 Metres Back Stroke: 1, Kee Soon Bee. 2, William Leow 3, Lim Thye Hock. 100 Metres Free Style: 1, Henry Yeo 2, Sim Soo Cheng 3. Soh Hood
    246 words
  • 350 15 Thirty Teams To Participate This Year ALTOGETHER 30 teams will participate in the Singa- pore Cricket Club's Seven- A-Side rugger tournament this year. This figure is the highest for some time ami, with several new teams competing, the tournament should be more interesting than ever before. The
    350 words
  • 146 15 Municipal Services vs. C. C A. A. A SOCCER between the Municipal Services and the Chinese Companion Athletic Association has ?een arranged to be played at Jalar Besar stadium on Sunday. Gate admission will be 50 cents and 10 cents and the gross proceeds will
    146 words
  • 52 15 Cleveland, Jan. 14. rE 23-year -oM Greek, Antoine Christofordls, became the world lightheavy- eight champion, outpointing Melio Bcttina if New York, the former champion, 'n a afteen round fight for the title declared racant by the National Boxing Association. [he Greek well earned an unanimoui
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 3 15 IJl^lU O WAKEFIELDja
      3 words
    • 275 15 BOH TEA A CAMERON HIGHLANDS PRODUCT REASONS FOR BUYING THIS EXCELLENT TEA ONo price increase since commencement of hostilities »t Is still $0.75 per lh Compare this price with Imported teas to->'. An All-Maiayan pnxiuot Uio elimination of overseas freight and charges allows thta pure quality tea to be retailed
      275 words

  • 691 16 Garrison Awaiting Its Fate Resignedly 11l X Italians at Tobruk sc resignedly, according to t reconnaissance pilots vho ar whole of Cyrenaira, writes (ior correspondent at an air has "To-day I flew westvar saw no sitrn of any mover pilot related.
    Reuter  -  691 words
  • 100 16 Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 14. riVE members of a Brazilian fron- tier mission are beleaguered near the Venezuela border by 100 j Indians armed with poisoned ar- rows. A message wirelessed to Belem says that all the members of the mission are wounded slightly
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 71 16 Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 14. rREE HUNDRKD Jews on board ?fc« Japanese vessel Montevideo Maru have been refused permission to disembark here after a 76-day voyage from Japan. The majority are Polish. Czech and Oerman Jews who escaped from Poland to Japui through Russia.
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 207 16 Italians Again Forced Back Grim Struggle In Rain For Tepelini London, Jan. 14. THE Greeks in Albania are press- ing the Italians hard on all fronts. In the north the Italians are fighting a defensive action, being forced to yield their positions one by one. An American observer, broadcasting an
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 113 16 Lor.don, Jan. IS. THE Right Hon. James Gray Stuart has 1 tx»en appointed Chief Whip In place of Captain H. D. Margesson, Minister of War. Mr. Stuart Is the brother of Lord Moray, and his wife. Lady Rachel Stuart, is the daughter of the late
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 302 16 War Minister To Confer With Ten Retired Generals To-da) Tokio, Jan. 14. AN unexpected and unusual step has been taken by the* Japanese War Minister, Gen. Tojo, who has called in a dozen retired Japanese generals for a round-table conference to be held
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 159 16 Story Of A Request To Land At Saigon Bangkok, Jan. 11. ACCORDING to thf Thai High Command. two French planes bombed NftkhoD- panom on Sundoy. causlne casualties amoni; civilians. The Thai air force, in retaliation, raided Suvannkahet with satisfactory results. All the bombers returned. Reports
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 195 16 MWA BEAUTY V SECRET ''Jn^ or w ves Palmolive Sojp OEAUTY no longer ends at the shoulders. D Today, women want all-over loveliness beauty oils-brings you "all over from head to toe: That is why they follow loveliness. t h e advice of 20,173 leading beauty specialists, who recommend the
      195 words
    • 32 16 j* I v m g BM tow i 1 .flHt I jMUßMtfttf a [111 J^^Ky^ttt-i v m JoHBoWg a M^^h.'' vi 1 1 M^mv. sk^ 11 j*****8« WILLIAM JACKS CO., (Malaya) LTD.
      32 words